Steamboat Willy Ch. 07 free porn video

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Hi! My name is Sally Murphy, my husband Richmond Murphy has been relating this story up to now. He says he doesn’t really understand a lot of what happened to us and thinks I can tell the story more clearly.

First I need to explain the relationship between myself and Rich, and our lover Doris. I met Rich by accident over a year ago. I instantly fell in love with the man. He was a bit older but in super condition. He was everything I ever dreamed of in a mate. He is strong, handsome, and gentle but tough as nails. I soon learned he was also a truly caring and sweet guy. It wasn’t long before I knew he was the only man I would ever love.

He helped me bring my father’s dream to life. We dated a few times and I was completely and totally in love with him. He was kind and considerate, a true gentleman. I also learned he was capable of protecting me with violence if the need arose.

I was worried to death about how he would feel about me when he learned that I had been a very high priced escort for many years. I had planned to quit for quite a while and was almost completely out when he found out about it. He didn’t handle it well at first then he told me he loved me and that the past would stay in the past. After we were married I learned he was super wealthy and owned and ran the second largest construction company in the country.

We were at the club one night and I ran into Tom Bernhard, a young man I had dated about ten years ago. He is the son of one of my long time clients. I danced with him and caught up on old times with him. I was afraid to tell Rich about him so I said nothing. That was wrong.

I had invited him to go on a test run on the PRINCESS the next day. Rich saw him and didn’t say a word, he just had the other boat that was with us pick him up and he went home. I figured out he was pissed. I really couldn’t blame him. I got him on the cell phone and told him I loved only him and that I would be home soon. I took Tom with me and we told Rich the whole story. He was OK with it because he had figured it was something like what it was.

We met Tom’s wife the next day. It turned out she was an old schoolmate of mine who I had liked a lot. Doris and I had even experimented with sex for a while as teens, now she was married with two kids. We quickly became fast friends again. The four of us became very close. I had sensed that all was not right in Dori’s marriage and they soon got divorced. In the mean time she fell heard over heels in love with Rich, my husband. She made no secret about it from me, but she never told Rich or made any move on him. We both loved and admired him and worked things out so she came to live with us.

Dori became our lover. Rich and I both love her very much and she and her two kids are now part of our family. We all know there is no way she can marry us so we just pledged ourselves to each other.

Dori and I go shopping together a lot. We each try to find things for the other. One day we were heading home from Ocala and decided to stop for a quick beer for Dori at a tavern along the way. Being pregnant I just had lemonade. Dori is absolutely gorgeous and I am ok, I wasn’t showing yet. Naturally some guys started to hit on us. We talked with two really big guys. We told them upfront we were married. They flirted with us outrageously and Dori and I laughed at them. We told them we were very, very happily married.

Somehow it came out that we both had the same husband. They insisted that it was not fair that one guy should have two of the most beautiful girls in the world. I said, ‘Hey! Who said life was fair?’

Rich was in Washington on business that day so I looked at Dori and said it was time for us to go. The guys said they wanted us to stay. I looked at both of them, ‘Listen, you are probably both very nice guys but we are both in love with our man and will never cheat on him. You really don’t want him mad at you so please back off.’

The biggest on laughed and said, ‘Shit, there are only about two or three guys in the whole world I am scared of. Moondog there is the same way. He doesn’t frighten us one bit.’

‘Then you don’t know Richmond Murphy.’

‘Rich Murphy?’ They looked at each other. Moondog said, ‘The Boss, oh shit.’

The big guy grinned at us. ‘You found the one guy we won’t mess with. We apologize if we embarrassed you ladies. We meant no harm. When you see Rich tell him Moondog and Targon said ‘Hello!’ We will be in and out of here for a few days if he wants us.’

I reached in my purse and found my phone. I pressed 1. Rich answered right away. I asked if he could talk. He said he could. I handed the phone to Targon.

‘Boss, this is Targon and Moondog is with me. We was lookin’ ta see if we could work for you. We are both out of the Navy now. Well, sir, we were in a bar and saw two beautiful girls and tried to hit on them. Yes Sir, that is the two.’ He grinned and listened. ‘Yes Sir.’ He handed the phone back to me.

Rich said, ‘Damn! Can’t I leave the two of you alone for a day with out you hanging out in raunchy bars? Please go home, I love you with all my heart, I miss you Sally, and I’ll be home in a few hours. Let me say ‘hello’ to Dori, I love you.’ I grinned and gave the phone to Dori. She smiled as he talked to her. She closed her eyes and grinned. ‘Yes, Dear, I love you too. Good bye.’

Dori and I hugged and kissed each other. We each shed a tear or two and looked in each other’s eyes. I said, ‘Honey I know just how you feel, I tingle at the sound of his voice too. Damn! I love that man.’ Targon looked at us, ‘Your man is one hell of a guy, we served with him in the Navy. His word is gold. If he told me the Battleship Missouri was coming up the creek outside I would grab my camera and run like hell to see it. I KNOW it would be there. He knows everybody. They tell a story about him in Rome Italy a few years ago. It seems an Italian tour guide was pointing out things on the Vatican when two men stepped out on a balcony and waved to the crowd. One of the tourists asked the guide who they were. The guide replied, ‘The guy on the right is Rich Murphy, I don’t know who the guy in the funny hat is.’ Dori and I laughed. We waved at the guys and walked out of the bar. We laughed again and giggled all the way home. Dori giggled, ‘The guide knew Rich but didn’t know the Pope? That is some story. Do you think it’s true?’

We had just finished feeding Tommy3 and Hilda when we heard the helicopter land. Rich was in the door a minute later. Rich picked me up and kissed me for a long time, and then he kissed Dori the same way. Then he kissed and hugged the kids. They both loved him very much.

Rich went in and changed then came out in a T-shirt and shorts. He fixed drinks and we sat and talked for a while. He wanted to know what we were doing in a bar in the middle of the day.

Dori said, ‘Our hubby was away so we went out to play. Nobody would play with us though. We do want to know if you were ever in Rome and met the Pope?’

Rich laughed, ‘Yeah! I met the Pope when we were doing some remodeling there at the Vatican. If Moondog and Targon were the best you could do, you guys must be really desperately horny and must not be getting enough at home.’

Then he got a serious look on his face. ‘Is that right? Am I able to keep both of you satisfied and happy?’

Both of us yelled, ‘Yes, you keep us happy as can be.’

He looked at each of us, ‘Sally are you content with the amount of loving you are getting? How about you, Dori? Are you getting enough?’

Dori stood and walked to him, she kissed him on the lips, ‘Sweetheart, I have never in my life been so happy and content with the loving I get from you, Rich. It is more than I ever got before, and probably more than I need to be happy, but I will never turn any of your loving down.’ I hurried to kiss him too, ‘Hey, I love our sex life, I couldn’t be happier or more content. I think our sex has gotten better s
ince Dori moved in with us. We promise to tell you if we need more, OK?’

‘Do you realize that Tom and I averaged about twice a week at the most after a year or two? With you Rich, it is more like eight or ten times a week. Right Sally?’

‘Yes, I have never had this much before. But I am not complaining. I love it.’

‘OH! I am not complaining either, I love it too!’ We looked at each other and grinned, and then we looked at Rich. ‘Let’s go to bed right now.’

That is how things went in our life, most of it was spent with Rich loving us. And with us loving Rich. It was the best.

The next evening Dori walked in before dinner crying. She said Tom had called and wanted to get back with her. He wanted to be a family again with the children. Rich held her in his arms and petted her head. ‘Please don’t cry Dori. Tell us what happened.’ She lifted her head and looked at him. ‘Tom and Frank had a fuss and Tom wants to come home and start over again. He says it will be the best thing for the kids.’ I want to stay where I am, the children are very happy, Maria loves it here, she has her vegetable garden out back and loves the house.’ She looked at me and then at Rich, ‘Please don’t make me go. I love it here. I am so happy here.’

Rich pulled Dori into his lap and held her. He said, ‘First, Tom and Frank may have just had a lover’s quarrel they may patch things up and get back together. Second, let some time pass, tell him you have a lot to think about. How do you know he won’t find another guy he wants to be with? Third, Were they cheating on each other? That opens up a big health problem for both you and the kids. Fourth, what about your feelings, what do you want to do? Do you want to go back with him? We want you to do what is best for you. I think Sally will agree that your happiness is the key to how happy your kids will be. If you are miserable living with their father they will sense it and be frightened. Dori, you know that Sally and I love you very, very much, and it will break our hearts if you leave us. But we can live with that if you will be happy. We just want you to be happy.’

Dori looked at Rich with tears running from her eyes. ‘I want to be with Sally and you. That’s all I want.’

I said, ‘Doris, Girl, listen to me, your divorce is final, you have custody of the children. You are in the driver’s seat, now drive, girl. Go where you want to go.’

She looked at me, ‘You are right! I really need to think about this very hard.’

Rich kissed her gently, ‘Sweetie this is nothing that has to be rushed, take your time and think this through. Tom may very well solve this for you before you have to make a decision.’

At the last meeting of the Murphy and Thompson Steamboat Lines we all agreed to start construction on two more boats. One launch like WILLY and one the size of the PRINCESS. Rich was busy getting the projects started. Lots of groundwork had to be done. We had never started from scratch before. My father had everything laid out for us. Now we had to figure it all out. Rich worked it all out pretty fast and he had the layout for the launch completed. He helped erect the stem and the sternpost while his dad and his uncle got the keel timbers ready. Rich and I got busy with our axes and adzes and were making the wood chips fly. We could each do two or three ribs in a day.

Dori was a big help in that she took over running both the houses. She hired Jeb’s girlfriend, Helga to help on a full time basis. With two large mobile homes and four adults and two kids just laundry was a chore. Dori also found our Helga’s mother was a retired professional cook. She came to work for us too and cooked the evening meal for us during the week. It got to where we would much rather eat at home than go out. She was a very good cook.

Then one day Rich was in town getting materials and looking at an old steam engine someone had for sale. Dori and I were walking to our house from hers after putting the children down for their nap. We saw a pick up truck pull in our drive. Moondog and Targon got out and waved to us. The walked to them and told them Rich wouldn’t be home until that afternoon. They said they really wanted to see the steamboats. We told Maria that we were going down to the dock. They followed us in our Jeep to the dock. WILLY had just come in from a short run helping the crew clearing the river. The steam was still up so we asked if they would like to take short ride. Every thing went well until we were turning around to go back. There was a terrible noise from the stern and the wheel stopped turning. I ran back from the helm and looked around the paddle shroud and saw a piece of driftwood jammed in the wheel. It looked as if the wheel had jumped and broken out of its bearings.

I got the men to put out an anchor. We sat and looked at each other. ‘I said this is not good, our cell phones don’t work here. I looked at my phone, it said ‘No Service’. No one would be looking for us until Rich got home.

I wasn’t feeling well. I had had a bad bout with morning sickness that day. Usually I got off very light and just had a little nausea in the morning, that day I had vomited a lot. I was feeling queasy gain. The guys handed me a beer and I washed my mouth out with it. They had a cooler full of beer with them. I got sick on my stomach again. I think it was because I was frightened about how Rich would react to us being in the boat alone with the two guys.

It was late afternoon when we saw a boat coming. When it got closer I recognized it as my pontoon boat. Rich and Jeb were aboard. I was crying for joy to see them. Rich’s face looked very grim. He pulled in astern of the WILLY and walked to the bow to look at the paddle wheel. He climbed down on the wheel and kicked the driftwood away. He kicked at it for a while before it fell away.

He climbed back aboard the pontoon boat and dug around in a toolbox. He came up with a wrench and a crowbar. He disappeared back into the wheel. Because of the shroud covering the front half of the paddles we could not see him. He came out and asked Jeb to get him all the polypropylene rope he could find. Rich took the rope and disappeared again. It was nearly dark when he came up again.

Rich yelled at Moondog to get a tow role ready. They rigged a towrope between the two boats and Rich yelled for the guys to get the anchor in. Rich yelled that he wanted the towrope short so we could make the turns. He still had not said a word to Dori or I. I looked at Dori, she was sniffling and tears ran down her cheeks. I was getting more upset as time went on.

It was almost dark before we saw the dock. Rich had Jeb drop off the towline. He circled the pontoon boat around and came up along side us. He and Jeb rigged lines to lash the pontoon along side WILLY. He then eased us in along side the dock. Moondog and Targon jumped on the dock and secured WILLY. Rich and Jeb cast off the lines joining the two boats and they moved the pontoon boat ahead and secured it. Rich climbed up on the dock and walked to help Dori and I from the boat. I was not feeling well and just sat in my seat. Moondog said, ‘Miss Sally ain’t feelin’ well, she been sick all afternoon.’ Rich jumped down and picked me up. He carried me up the steps to the dock. He gently kissed my lips and I started balling. When I finally stopped crying he kissed me again. ‘Are you feeling better now?’ he asked. I nodded. He looked at Dori, ‘Are you OK?’

She smiled a little smile and nodded. ‘I’m fine now that we are home with you.’

Moondog and Targon were standing watching Rich very carefully. He glared at them and then looked At Dori. He looked down at me. ‘Shit! What the hell am I going to do with you two girls? You two just keep chasing Moondog and Targon all over the place. Lucky for you they are gentlemen. I guess both of you will have to be punished. That means spankings for both of you, with panties off too!’

I said, ‘Oh! No! Not that. Please not that!’ I looked at Dori and giggled.
‘I told you how mean he is when he punishes you.’

‘Yes you did, I guess begging won’t help will it?’

I laughed, ‘No, begging won’t work, he won’t punish you unless you are a very bad little girl.’

Targon looked puzzled. ‘Sir, Boss, it wasn’t their fault we broke down and they wasn’t chasing us. We was.. .. .. Ah, no body chased anybody. Sir!’

‘Well, you guys used to guard Ambassadors and other big wheels, do you think you could keep these girls out of trouble?’

‘Yes Sir, we could do that.’

‘Fine, call me in the morning.’

Rich carried me to the Jeep and Dori opened the door so he could slip me in the seat. Rich got in to drive and Dori got in back but leaned forward and put her hand on my brow. ‘Oh! You are hot, you have a fever.’ Rich reached over and felt me too.

Rich looked at Dori, ‘I’m heading for the hospital emergency room. We can’t mess around with her being pregnant. Wait!’

He pulled over and pulled out his satellite phone. He hit a speed dial number. ‘Is the Skipper aboard? Fine get him on the line. Hey, I have an emergency is the pilot aboard? Where is he? Great divert him to our house. Miss Sally is running a high fever and I am worried sick. Tell the pilot we will be heading for the hospital as soon as he gets here.’ Rich handed Dori the phone. ‘Get information and get the number for the hospital E-room, tell them we will be arriving by chopper. We will call them with an ETA when we have one, give them a briefing on Sally’s condition. Thanks Darling! If you have a chance call Maria and tell her what is going on.’

I fell asleep and woke up in the hospital. I looked and saw Dori crying in a chair. ‘Dori, please don’t cry. Where is Rich?’

‘Rich is talking with the doctor. He should be back soon, how do you feel?’

‘I feel a little better. What is wrong with me?’

‘Honey, we don’t know yet. Rich is finding out now. He was just out in the hallway, I’ll go look.’

I heard her say, ‘Sally is awake now. She is asking for you.’

Rich was there in a hurry, he kissed me hungrily. ‘Baby, I love you. How do you feel?’

‘I feel better. I don’t have a chill anymore. What is wrong with me?’

I saw tears run down Rich’s cheeks, ‘Sweetheart, you had a miscarriage, we lost the baby.’

I felt a hammer blow to my heart. I heard myself scream, ‘NO! OH NO! NOOOOOO! It’s my fault, I am a bad person, and God wouldn’t let a bad person like me have a baby. Oh! Rich! I am so sorry, it is all my fault.’

‘NO SALLY! That is not true. You are a good person, you have never hurt anyone, and you have never hurt a fly. I am the bad person, I have killed other men. If is the fault of one of us it is all my fault. God might punish me but he would never punish you. Never! The doctor said they could find nothing wrong with you to cause this. We can try again later. He said we could have good strong healthy babies. I have never been a religious man but I prayed with all my heart for you to be well. I didn’t pray for our baby, I was wrong, I guess it needed my prayers. I didn’t know. I couldn’t believe our baby needed my prayers. I told God I would give anything if you could be healthy. I guess our child was what he took. Forgive me Sally, I didn’t know, I would have gladly given my own life. I just didn’t know!’

‘I love you Rich, don’t blame yourself. It was God’s will and we cannot change that. We will keep trying. I believe we will make beautiful babies.’

Dori kissed me and hugged me. She said, ‘I know it doesn’t help but I had a miscarriage before I had Tommy3. My mother always said I was her fifth miscarriage. She called my little brother her first natural born child.’

I told Dori I didn’t know she had a brother that I thought she had a sister. She smiled, ‘I love Georgie with all my heart. He was born a boy but he now lives entirely as a female, and a damned beautiful one too!’

Rich said, ‘Wow! Is he a pre-op or a post –op Transsexual?’

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Another Night for the Libido Parts 1 and 2

Part 1 Ok, it was May 2018. I am 69 and need a shot to get an erection. I live hundreds of miles from the LA gay sex club. Needless to say, I don’t get there too often. I arrived before the 8 pm start time on a weeknight, so ended up being the first one (there was no line). I asked if there was a discount for the first customer, but got no response! The employee did ask me if I knew this was a gay sex club. I said, “Sure, do I look that straight?” He said his other employee told him to ask me...

3 years ago
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Vacation on RehomeChapter 69

"How do you mean?" Ebenezer was unsure what she meant. "Various social pressure groups use petitions with thousands of supporters, to put pressure on companies to rescind unfair practices. It is quite effective, I understand." "Phoebe, do you think you could start one, against all the seed merchants pushing up their prices together, and looking at a cartel? I wouldn't want to do it from me, as a distributor." "Sure, I can do that. It gives me something to contribute to your...

3 years ago
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Lovely Arabian Lady

it’s about my tour to Egypt for business. I had to take a flight from Cairo to Nairobi when I reached airport I had three Arabian women in burka, one old lady, and two young girls out of which one was damn beautiful n sexy.They were ahead me while doing screening. I was just staring at the beautiful burka clad women. My eyes not ready to leave her glimpse then proceeded to the counter behind them n came to know that Nairobi flight is cancelled on hearing this.I uas upset and that lady spoke to...

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The Seminar

Colleen Braddock sat alone at a table on the far end of the hotel’s veranda, nursing a drink and watching the setting sun drift below the horizon. The Twenty-six year old had been sitting there waiting for at least half an hour, but she resisted the temptation to check her watch to be sure. She knew that she had come down to the bar at least fifteen minutes early, but not to have done so would’ve left her with too much of a possibility of not coming at all. The cute redhead, draped in a simple...

1 year ago
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I Have A Craving For Meat

I have this incredible craving for meat. The craving is so intense, I can think of little else – how it looks and especially how it feels and tastes on my tongue and in my mouth. Just the thought of it makes me hot. Since I can’t have the meat I’m really after, I go downstairs, go to the freezer and remove a four ounce steak. I fill the sink about 1/3 full with hot water. I slip the steak into the water and go into the living room to pass the time while the steak thaws. I decide to watch an...

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Wank meet success story Alesha Dixon

The third instalment in my wank meet write up's with my wank buddy was when were decided to tribute Alesha "goddess" Dixon. For those who don't know Alesha found fame in RnB/Pop group Mis-teeq here in the UK in the early 00's, then winning Strictly Come Dancing and going on to being a presenter on various talentless shows etc. My wank buddy and I tributed her on our 3rd meet up together, deciding to put the FHM magazine of her he had to good use. Prior to deciding on Alesha as our next target,...

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Ezekiels VictoryChapter 8

The following day, the sun rose to reveal a clear blue sky. Samuel took Charity and Ezekiel back out to empty the traps. They had caught a single squirrel that morning. They worked together to dismantle the traps because they were hoping to move on later that day or early the following morning if the river had subsided enough. They returned to the house and ate breakfast together. After breakfast, Charity approached her father as he washed his face at the rain barrel. “Father? I was hoping...

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The Story About George Chapter Three Snorkel and Grass

When George got home from the party, he took a nice hot shower. He wore his Loretta Lynn wig, but had a Green Bay Packer football helmet on also. He didn't want to lose the curls. The top of his helmet was growing grass, like a chia pet. Also, it had Bullwinkle antlers. It's not everyday that one sees a person with a snorkel and helmet taking a shower. It was either grass or some good marijuana. When he came out he was red as a lobster and Pamela was naked, sitting on the toilet. She looked at...

2 years ago
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Explaining Victor about my absence from the club

I was there that night, in a darken alley outside the club, with my back pressed up against a humid cold wall, my legs spread open, my cotton panties down to my knees and a stranger who was jamming three thick and long fingers up my horny wet cunt…I held on to this man’s broad shoulders to keep from falling as with each hard stroke his fingers dug deeper. My legs were trembling and shaking and I thought that any minute his entire hand was going to slide into my well stretched vagina. The...

3 years ago
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Wonders of the US HighwaysChapter 4 Pudding

One of the issues we needed to work out as we traveled was what Angie would be doing while I was writing. I encouraged her to be independent in her explorations but, in the evening, she was often left with nothing to do. “Can I read what you’re writing?” she asked one evening. “I suppose so,” I said. “I have to warn you, though, that my second ex-wife read the first novel I wrote and laughed all the way through the first page. The operative word there is ‘ex’.” “You write...

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The Truth

Beth entered the room as quietly as she could, conscious that she was running late. These kind of things never start on time, she thought to herself as she slipped into the dimly lit meeting room. Apparently this one did as her eyes adapted to the dark. She saw a couple of free seats at the back and made her way to the round table to try and catch her breath and orientate herself to what was happening. Beth was in her late 30s, not slim, not fat, the kind of figure that she felt was comfortable...

3 years ago
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Only For One Night

He looked out of the front window of the car, watching the rain and lost in thought. "I still have love for you," he said. "I just can't say that I'm in love with you." She on the other hand watched him, oblivious to anything else in this world. She could not remember not loving him. In spite of herself, she still did. "What does that mean? Are you 'in' love with her?""Damn it Naomi," he exclaimed, frustrated, hitting the palm of his hand hard against the steering wheel. He was losing patience...

2 years ago
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"So which Bond girl would you most like to fuck?" Aaron Dwyer asked. "Now that, my friend, is one of the great imponderables," Brian Wolfe replied. Dwyer was the taller of the two men, but he still possessed some of the puppy fat of youth. In contrast Wolfe looked like he had been hewn from teak and draped in toughened leather. "I can't really say that I'd turn any of them down given the choice," Wolfe said. "Okay, maybe not the midget with the knives in her shoes." "That was...

3 years ago
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Truth Or Dare Chapter One

Corey, Fred, Gary, Lucy and Samantha are sitting in a circle on the floor in Corey’s lounge room. His parents are out for the weekend but had told Corey he was allowed a friend or two over to keep him company. Having turned 18 recently, his parents deemed him responsible enough to make good choices while they were gone. A few bottles of scotch sit in the middle of the circle with about five bottles of Coca-Cola. The members of the circle each have a cup in front of them, already looking a...

1 year ago
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Depression SoupChapter 3 Bad Medicine

Another kind of patent medicine peddler back in those days was the "snake oil salesman," as he was called among other things. The year I was born, 1919, the Volstead Act was passed, making it illegal to buy alcohol as a beverage. And like all other reform movements started by well meaning meddlers who have no true concept of human nature, the Act created more problems than it solved. Bootlegging and rum running became cottage industries. Whole boatloads of whiskey were smuggled into this...

3 years ago
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Meri Biwi Ki Chudai Or Barbadi

Ya kahani ha meri wife ki jis ka name ha rani,mera name raj ha is sy phly bi ma kai khani likh chukka hon to dosto time na zaya karty hovy story pr aty hain,pichli story ma ap ny phara ka kasy don hmra pet meri ni balkay hmri wife ki jam kar chudai karta ha…ab meri wife adi ho gai te don sy chudai karvany ki or kuch arsy bad don k oak bemari hoi or usi bemari ma us ki death ho gai or meri wife us ka jany ka bad bhot udas or off rahny lagi usy to ab lund chaita tha don jasa lamba mota rall...

2 years ago
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Office Discipline

"Come in Kelly Anne," Cathy said, not looking up from the page she was examining. "You wanted to see me?" Kelly Anne asked. "Yes, I just got a call from the San Francisco office, and they didn't receive the Jenkins file yet. Did you send it?" "Um, I think so," Kelly Anne replied. "Then why didn't they get it?" Cathy asked. "Go check to see if you sent it. If you did not, then send it and come back here." Kelly left the office, but was back a few minutes later. "I'm sorry,...

4 years ago
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My Slutty Weekend

About a week ago I discovered my boyfriend had cheated on me. To say we were done as a couple is an understatement. Let’s face it, if you don’t have trust you don’t have anything. There was a big camping trip scheduled for the coming weekend. Naturally I planned to go with my recently acquired ex, but that was no longer an option as far as I was concerned. But a bunch of friends still wanted me to go, but I knew he would be there and didn’t want to attend even though I do love camping. I was...

Straight Sex
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FaeophobiaQuickies Playing the Field

A single drop of morning dew dripped from the penis. Or so it would have appeared to their quarry. In fact the object dangling from the tree was a life-like, phallic replica, 8 inches long, hanging suspended from a silken cord to the pine tree. It had been painted a life-like color; that was important to the test subjects. Or so Professor Cummond had always insisted. The wiry and fit ecology professor hiked up the gentle slope to examine the penis-shaped container. His steely grey eyes...

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Awesome Week With Sruthi Aunty

My name is Harish, I’m 25 yrs old. This story happened 5 months back with my neighbour. Her name is Sruthi (name changed) I’m from Hyderabad, working in MNC. Talking about Sruthi, she is 35 years old and mother of 2 kids with a sexy figure (34-32-36) and a naughty smile on her face. Whenever I see her my chotu (dick) will become hyperactive. We greet each other whenever we see and during weekends we chat casually for a couple of minutes. Slowly we started talking more and it turned to personal...

1 year ago
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Park Lane Escorts

I was browsing the Park Lane Escorts menu all morning, ostensibly just so I could review their site for ThePornDude, but I’m not sure I can just sit on this information without doing anything. It’s kind of like finding out a local shop has a killer deal on that ice cream you like, but you actually get to bust a nut for a few bones instead of licking up some melted dairy product. I was supposed to take my grandma out to dinner tonight, but I think she’d totally understand. Sometimes things come...

Escort Sites
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LoveHerFeet Vina Sky He Loves My Oily Legs And Feet

Our parents have no idea that my stepbrother, Logan, and I occasionally hook up. One afternoon, I came home from seeing friends, wearing some tiny shorts that really showcased my sexy legs and feet. I got my nails done that day so my french pedicure looked very sexy in my high heels. Soon after, Logan came home and just couldn’t take his eyes off me. Knowing that our parents were away for the evening, he approached me and started complimenting me on how pretty I am and how my legs and...

2 years ago
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Controling Grace

   ? Graymangazer 2113                                                     CONTROLLING GRACE.                                                      BY GRAYMANGAZERA young wife decides to live out her submissive fantasies under the control of another couple, against her husband’s wishes.Like any writer I thrive on feedback so please leave comments, good or bad, but please, if bad tell me what you don’t like.I also welcome E-mails at [email protected] 1.I pulled the car to a stop in...

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Vaders Methods

"Turn off the device," a deep, ominous voice commanded. One of the two black-uniformed Death Star troopers who stood against the far wall of the detention cell raised a remote device from his belt and pressed a button, deactivating the IT-O droid's interrogation program routine. Slowly the small floating spherical unit retracted it's needle from Princess Leia Organa's arm and moved away from the young woman until it stopped between the two troopers by the door, hovering in place. Cold...

3 years ago
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Across The Street Part 2

Mike couldn't believe his luck. One night he discovered the girl across the street had a penchant for parading around her room in some of the sexiest clothing imaginable. Now she wasn't totally visible due to her blinds being lowered, so Mike employed his powerful telescope to spy on her. So through the partially open blinds, he managed to get a good look, and what he saw he liked.Now he might have gone on spying on her undetected if not for an accident. Mike's dad saw the door to his room was...

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Warrior WoesChapter 19

“Well we’re here,” said Glory, “They’ll be here, reluctantly on her part I’m sure, and likely his too, but they’ll show up of that I am certain,” I said. “You are a trusting soul,” said Glory. “Hmm, am I?” I said. “There they are.” She watched as the two strangers, to her, approached our waiting selves. “Have a seat,” I said. They did so. Seated, I glanced toward Penelope and introduced my new girlfriend. “Penelope Hardy this is Glory Harris, Grant, this is Glory,” I said. The two of...

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Only Thots! There is nothing that gets my cock off more than seeing exclusive content from the babes over on OnlyFans. And that is saying a lot since I review an assload of porn over on ThePornDude. It’s like saying I enjoy jerking off to every piece of ass that lives in Japan. OnlyFans is massive, and the amount of people earning a living showing their pussy on the platform is astronomical.Still, if exclusivity is what makes you cum your brains out, OnlyTHOTS has what you need. It’s a growing...

Free OnlyFans Leak Sites
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Club X

I have never tried it but I think that I would be really good at sucking cock. Let me know what you think of my little story, people. I hope it makes the boys hard and the ladies wet and open. Club X is like no other bar I have ever known. It is nothing less than a monument to the nude male form, a self indulgent hedonistic extravaganza. From the outside, it looks like nothing at all but surface appearances can be deceptive. Tonight will be my third visit in as many weeks and each has proved...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 50

Kat spent a restless night in the dark basement. Fortunately there was a little bit of heat coming in, so she wasn’t freezing, but there was no place to sleep except on the hard floor. Even when she did manage to drift off, her sleep was not restful, but populated by a series of dreams that were highly erotic but also dark and strange.In one she was tied to a hospital bed, naked and spread-eagled, as doctors and nurses came and went. In another, she, Kelly Ann, and their mothers were performing...

4 years ago
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——————————————————— While I had always been a good looking guy (people said I looked like Michael B. Jordan) girls never paid me much attention. That changed my junior year. I spent my first two years of high school working out. I wasn’t big, more of a lean/cut body build. I finally hit a growth spurt and grew from 5’6 to 6’ even, weighing in at 175 pounds. I combined my skills with my new height to lead the basketball team. I guess being the new star of the subpar team had its perks. Girls...

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Humiliation At Home Again

Dale and Mary, both grannies and with Dale turning sixty-seven-years-old today, they were both being walked along the road with their upper arms clasped tightly by two eighteen-year-old girls who lived in their apartment block. Neither granny was wearing knickers as they had been told to remove them and knew if they tripped at all then the very short hems of their sleeveless dresses would rise up and their bare bottoms and hair mounds would be seen by those walking close by. The day had started...

3 years ago
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Mai Lund Ki Pyasi Hu

Hi ISS ke pathak dosto aur pyari sahelio mera naam Anil hai aur meri umr 34 sal h maine IT BHU se Engineering karney key bad Kanpur mein apney parivaar ke sath rah raha hu.Mujhe pichle week hi ISS ke bare me pata challa tab se stories padne k alawa koi ark am nahi kia.mai apni pahli story likh raha hu.Ye story ak real story h bas name me change kie h. you can mail me at .Yadi kanpur,orai, jhansi, lucknow ya aas-pas ki koi larki ya ladies(Bhabi,anti) phone sex chat ya mujhe call karna chahti...

1 year ago
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A wedding anniversary gift

1. Alice Reynolds received a phone call in the middle of her presentation. She was having an interactive discourse on a new pharmaceutical product. It was her husband, Mac. She excused herself in front of the marketing panel and got out from the air-conditioned conference room. “Mac?” “Mrs Reynolds?” The voice at the other end of the phone was light and joking; Alice could imagine Mac with his teasing smile. “Mac! I’m in the middle of a presentation on the Herbal Skin Toning. Can we talk...

Love Stories
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Mala The Village Lady 5

Jai was moved to Mumbai as he got promotion, he bought a flat there in cheap locality due to cost difference. His son (Gopi was the biological father), who almost the same age of Rahul, I met 4-5 times with him, I not remember his real name but his nick name was Gogo (GO for Gori and another GO for Gopi). Now Jai was here to help Rahul for an emergency purpose.My field was not given me enough earnings but I got good then others. The main source of my income was “Kinky Savvy.” On my free...

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The Holiday2

The Holiday BEEP....BEEP....BEEP....2.30a.m. Vikki rolled out of bed and slammed the alarm clock. It was too early but it would all be worth it when she arrived in Turkey for her last holiday before uni. Vikki looked at herself in the mirror, her blonde hair was a little scruffy having just woken up after 4 hours sleep but it did not detract from her obvious beauty. At 5’7, slim and 30CC she was many teenage boys dream but that hadn’t stopped her now ex-boyfriend sleeping with the school...

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Brother and Sister Home Alone

Hello dear readers, my name is Young, and, i want to share a secret that i have kept from my parents for a year now. I'm 22 year old and my sister is 19 years of age. We both live with our parents, which helps out alot in this economy. The following story is what happened in December of 2010, while me and my sister where home alone for two weeks before Christmas. Our parents run a business oversea, and they are barely home at all. Just to start, i wanna say, i have always loved my...

3 years ago
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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 17

Sari came up and plopped in my lap. “I always thought that Daddy was homophobic, the way he acted around my gay friends.” “Well, when fathers have a pretty girl as their daughter, and she tells him about some ‘gay’ friends, he might just think that they’re pretending to be gay, just so they can be in a room alone with their daughter. If we have a little girl, I plan to be very protective of her.” We started a nice kiss as the door opened, and Mom walked in, carrying some brown bags....

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