Why Me?? free porn video

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This is a story of a young Jewish couple who went into hiding at the startof the war it is totally fictional and is in no way meant to cause any offenceif you believe this may offend you please do not continue to read as this portraysscenes of violence and erotica which may disturb some readers.

Why me?

It had been a long hard few weeks cooped up in the little attic space andthe food was running low. Coming close to winter the wind was blowing outsideand the chill of the air had begun to seep through all the cracks in the roofchilling me to my very bone.

My husband Joe was asleep at my side as I lay awake hoping and dreamingof what I would do as soon as this war was over, how I longed to ride my bikedown to the woods again and feel the wind in my long unusually red hair andthe goose bumps start to appear on my skin as the wind rushed over my arms.

I smiled to myself and lay back holding Joe tightly as I started to driftinto my dreams, these were the only places I was happy just lately when I wasasleep and had no worries.

Suddenly there was a loud thudding at the door that echoed around the tinylittle space "BANG" more defined this time I held Joe so tightly squeezinghis body close to mine as I heard the footsteps and the voices coming closerand closer, hunting down their prey torches broke the deathly darkness of theattic space and I squinted as a torch beam struck me directly in the eyes andmomentarily blinded me. I felt Joes arms circle to enclose my body trying toreassure me and I couldn't help but begin to sob as the young Nazi officershouted to his friends that we were here I felt a rush as tears welled up inmy eyes and the sweet start to pour off me at the thought of being round uplike sheep and taken away possible even being split up from my beloved Joseph..

"get up" the man shouted at me but my entire body froze I couldn't move,I felt his hand as he reached down and grabbed a handful of my red hair andpulled to me to my feet,

there I stood in front of god knows how many Nazi soldiers just regular armysoldiers there were no officers present I was so scared and frightened , wearingonly my bra and panties my skin wet with my own sweat, I felt utter humiliationas they stood there ogling my almost naked damp skin then to my sheer horrora gust of cool wind passed through and made my nipples stand firm and erect,this only served to erotically wind up the young soldiers who looked to beno more than 16 years old and I cringed as I saw the bulge in the first youngmans trousers grow to astounding lengths,

"lets have a little fun with this one before we take her in ,come on there'sno-one here to stop us and she is so sexy you have to admit I don't care ifthe Jews are supposed to be dirty and disease ridden" a man in the back groundsaid. I could feel his eyes wandering all over my cold half naked body. Joestood up and forced his way in front of me hiding my body and trying to dohis best to protect me , but this only served to wind the young soldiers upeven more, the first one came forward and grabbed Joe by the arm Joe foughtback viciously then the rest came forward to give the other young man a handthey took out their cuffs and cuffed Joes arms behind his back then his feet,then they used a third pair to chain them both together so he was seated withno where to go and could do nothing save struggle his capture to no avail.

The tall soldier came towards me and grabbed me holding me close to hisbody Joe started shouting protesting at the way I was being handled,

"Gag the idiot please he's putting me off" he said and immediately two otheryoung men- came forward and assisted in gagging Joe.

I could now make out about 6 men in the room altogether they all came forwardand one of the men grabbed hold of Joes head saying

"You are not going to want to miss this" with a deep chuckle.

I could see Joe trying to avoid the prison of the Mans hands but it wasuseless.

Joe had to watch as the other five young men came forward towards me

"Remove your clothing you dirty little slut" the first man demanded all Icould do was stare at him did he really expect me to answer his demand?

"if you do not do as I demand slut it will be much worse for your husband,as I will shoot him and say he tried to escape" he walked over to Joe tookout his hand gun and held it to his head "now do as I bid you dirty littlewhore" he demanded,

In total shock and horrified at the thought of loosing my beloved husbandI did as I was requested I reached behind and undid my bra letting it slipto the floor then down to my panties and slipped them off also as the men stoodthere watching me I could feel the blood rushing to my face as the sheer embarrassmentcrept over me.

The first of the officers came forward and moved in to kiss me but out ofnatural reaction I pulled back,

"I want you to look like you are enjoying this, I don't want you to speakor say anything disconcerting or anything that might put my men off, I wantto hear you begging for more and acting like the dirty little tramp, whoreslut you really are or I WILL kill him"

I looked deep into Joe's eyes as I leaned forward and kissed the young man,I could see the pain in his eyes as there was nothing he could do to save mefrom this torture all he could do was watch.

I saw him close his eyes at just the mere thought of me kissing this man,I started wondering what was going through his head, was he wondering if Iwas really enjoying this or was he disgusted at the sight of it all. The youngsoldier holding his head looked and saw his eyes closed he let him go and cametowards me bent me over facing the opposite direction and took out a long batonfrom his trousers,

"if you close your eyes once more" and he beat me right across the backso I hit the floor with a thud in such pain from the immense blow "I will beather like this till she is dead do you understand" and he looked at Joe

Joe nodded his head after straining to come to me to no avail and noddedin submission.

My eyes had filled with tears and my back ached from the pound of the batonacross it so when the young man demanded I got to my feet it hurt so much andit was no mean task.

I hobbled to my feet again and the man approached me and said

"Get on your back slut"

I did as I was bid looking at Joe the whole time as the soldier undid histrousers and lay on top of me, he took my hand and placed it on his flaccidpenis I took this as a sign he wanted me to excite him and rub him till hewas hard this I did still looking at Joe and the look of horror on his faceas I rubbed this man off in front of him.

As I was doing this the other young men were removing their clothes tooand I watched as they stood there wanking themselves off getting themselvesready for their time with me.

When he was totally erect (which didn't take that long) he fumbled on topof me, inserted himself inside me and clumsily set about satisfying himself,fucking me hard and fast but in a way that was only to please him, he watchedmy face wrinkle at the disgusting thought of him inside of me and it made himlaugh as he grabbed my hair and thrust deeper inside me I could feel him startto pulsate inside me, as he reached orgasm and filled me full of his semen. As he pulled out I felt it dribble down the inside of my thigh and crack.

"I've had enough boys, she's not even that good a shag but you'll have tohurry up as the officers will be here soon so come on, she's all yours" andhe zipped himself up and walked over to the man holding Joe and took over sohe could also come and join in my torture.

They all looked at me sniggering and came slowly towards me, I was pulledup while one of them got beneath me and forced his cock up inside my ass holeit bought tears to me eyes and made me cry out in pain.

"Remember slut I want you begging for more not crying like a baby" the youngman said.

I clasped my mouth shut so no other untimely words popped out as anotherof the men came forward and inserted him self inside my sopping cum filledcunt and they both began to fuck me harder and harder rocking me on their cocksto make their own moments as little as possible then another of the young soldierscame forward and looked ready to burst as he forced my mouth open with hisfingers and pushed his large erect throbbing dick into my mouth, I claspedmy mouth tightly around his cock being careful to avoid touching it with myteeth so as not to cause him so hurt me or Joe and sucked slowly on his hetook the back of my head and forced my head down hard onto his cock until itwent right down my throat and made gag and choke, I tried to pull away butit was impossible he had me in a good grip and just forced it down deeper anddeeper till I was sick. He slapped my face hard then pushed his cock into mymouth again to continue his blowjob all I could think about was gagging andmy sore ass as the man beneath me pounded it hard with his cock, then occasionallyshoved one of his fingers in to the mere thought of it made me shiver throughout my body.

The smaller of the men was in the front precariously balanced so as to getgood access to my sopping pussy.

The other two stood in the background wanking slowly awaiting their turn.

I felt a wave of pain as my bowels cramped up as the man beneath me shothis load right into my arsehole. He pulled out quickly and I felt the warmcum drip from my arse onto the floor then as one of the other came up behindme and lifted me up I had the urge to release some of the wind the first hadtrapped up inside me, how embarrassing it was when it was loud and obnoxious,the man on top immediately slapped my face hard

"You dirty little slut how dare you" he said as he slapped me again.

My face redden at the thought of what I had done as the man beneath me pushedhis massive cock inside me, it was much bigger than the first mans and my arsewas already sore from the first pounding I could feel every vein as he insertedit deep inside my bowel and stretch my already painful hole.

My eyes turned to Joe and I could see the devastation on his face and Iwondered if he would ever be able to look at me in the same way after this.

I felt truly invaded and exhausted by the time the other one in front hadshot his thick long stream of cum into my cunt I wanted to cry to scream outat this injustice that was being done but my fear for my husband preventedme in doing so and I just watched as the last man climbed on top of me andstarted fucking my sore sticky pussy he was cruel and enjoyed slapping me everynow and again while the man beneath me fondled my breasts and moaned in ecstasyas he finally came to orgasm and once again filled my ass which made it stingas it had been stretched above its capacity which had made it split slightlyand bleed.

He roughly pulled out once he had cum and went to dress him self leavingme to the mercy of the last man who decided he wanted me to turn doggy styleand shifted my frame so as to please his whim.

Kneeling on the bare floor in the attic cut into my knees as I was poundedforward then back with every stroke of his body over and over again. He tookhis time and used his whole strength to move my body to please him and he rammedit inside me by far the most roughest of the six men and he made sure he wasgetting his times worth too for having to wait till last. The others stoodand watched him as he pounded me harder and harder grabbing me by my hair addingto my discomfort. My knees now cut and bleeding and my back still sore fromthe baton stroke that once he had finished I fell to the floor in absoluteagony and despair, tears rolling down my face as I curled up into a littleball and took a long look at Joes eyes. I noticed that tears were freely flowingfrom his eyes down his cheeks and he looked in pity upon me.

I needed not his pity but his arms around me this I knew was impossiblebut I knew he would if he could have.

Once the men where dressed they dragged us downstairs me still naked andcum dripping out of every hole of my body into the cold streets.

All the officers where there they had gathered in the streets and whereloading their catches onto the lorries it looked like they had done a fullsweep of the entire area looking for people looking for Jews. "The young soldierswho had done the dastardly deeds where shivering as the officers inspectedme and my husbands body's"

The men shouted at the top of their voices to awaken everybody in theirhomes and made them all come and look at us Joe cuffed hands and feet me completelynaked covered in their cum it was so humiliating and degrading. They all tooka good log stare some of them even spiting on us and throwing stones the officersenjoyed this treatment of us immensely and let it carry on for a while, mynipples hard and erect in the cold autumn wind of the night and the officeroccasionally coming round front and pinching them cruelly to inflict more painand humiliation onto me.

Finally when they had had their fun they bundled us both into the back oftheir truck and took off this was a relief for me as it was a little warmerand I could sit on the floor with Joe and we could hold each other to the bestof his ability being tied like he was, but it didn't stop me sobbing into hisarms and he into mine begging me to forgive him for him not being able to saveme and protect me from all that infliction of pain.

When the truck stopped and the door was opened he told only a few of usto get out he said we were a select few and my heart leaped into my mouth iwas so cold and totally naked surely they would give me a coat or a blanketbut no they did not then he told us that our presence was demanded in the bighall.

We were taken into a large hall where there were many officers there I wasstill naked and covered in cum which only heightened my humiliation, we weremarched through the centre of the room everyone laughing and staring at meand Joe. We came to a large door at the end of the room and were pushed insideit. It was a study of sorts with a man at the other end of it.

"You may sit on the floor why I finish my work" he said and he did it tookhim hours I was desperate for a piss and so was Joe by the look of it, I couldhold it no more so I stood and asked "may I use your lavatory please"

I could see Joes look he was so scared for me but I needed to pee I couldn'thold it any longer.

"now you are stood up you may come here and squat over the waste paper bin" hesaid evilly, I looked at him horrified and he saw the look on my face and itpleased him all the more.

" for that look missy you may pee in the bin out in the foyer where all mysoldiers are awaiting to see me I'm sure they are getting slightly bored bynow" he sneered at me.

I looked at him in horror he really did not expect me to do that did he?

"well come on then you wanted to pee didn't you" he laughed at me, "youdirty little Jewish whore you will learn to do as you are told" I couldsee the look on Josephs face, but the officer did look like he meant everyword and as he came forward I shivered as I saw a baton hanging down by theside of him and I remembered the one they had used on me in the attic and walkedover and picked the paper basket up and took it with me the officer leadingthe way. I could feel my face redden as I entered the room full of men againstill stark naked dirty and covered in cum which had now dried to a crust overmy body, my hair was bedraggled and stuck up with cum and my knees where astate covered in blood, the sheer embarrassment and humiliation of just beingthere like that.

He led me into the centre of the room took the basket off me and set iton the floor then he demanded everyone's attention I quivered in fear and humiliationas all eyes in the room turned on my pitiful dirty naked body and then theofficer announced "this is a new prisoner and she needs to pee" and then heturned and sat at a table and waited for me to start.

Very red and completely shy I looked at the bucket everyone staring at meI needed to pee so bad and I didn't want to do it on the floor so I approachedthe bucket and squatted over it all eyes looking at me I closed my eyes insheer embarrassment and just let the stream of piss flow out of me it was sucha relief the cramps stopped and I felt so good till I opened my eyes and sawthem all staring and laughing at me. I just wanted the ground to open up andswallow me.

I was ceased under the arms and dragged off to a cell where the door waslocked shut on me and I was left alone in complete darkness.

Hours must have past by all alone in the cell but I heard footsteps comingdown the hall and I was sure I could hear Joes voice and his heavy footstepsas they travelled down the hall, then the door opened.

I was so overjoyed to see Joe I flung my arms around him and we sat thereholding each other for hours. I saw the blood coming from his anus and he didn'tneed to tell me what had happened I knew he had been raped.

There was only a single bed in the room with a bright light shining on usall the time there was chains on the walls with shackles on them for restrainingpeople I guessed the look of the solid cold steal shackles cut me deep insideI guessed I would have the pleasure of them but for now I felt safe in thearms of my beloved Joe.

Time passed so slowly in the cell and I never knew if it was day or nightwith the bright light shining continuously and there were no covers to hideyou eyes beneath so sleep was irregular and continually broken by the soundsof other people's screams and cries in the other rooms. We were fed well thoughand cleaned, looked after so too speak and we were together that was main thingI felt safe with Joe he was my strength and when I slept he held me so closeI would dream I was back at home in my bed.

I awoke with a start the door slamming open and three men entered the room,I looked at Joe, but to my horror he stood up and went and sat in the cornerof the room and didn't say a word while they dragged me to the wall kickingand screaming I was calling his name pleading him to help me begging him tocome and rescue me but he didn't move and the men pinned me to the wall andput the shackles on my wrists.

It did not matter how hard I struggled or how hard I fought they over poweredme I was still naked and now shackled to the wall helpless my legs pined mytheir strength I could do nothing to help my desperate situation and my pleasto Joe were of no use.

The men opened my legs wide and held me there why the other larger man pulledon a rubber glove and started by inserting a few fingers inside of me thenhe twisted them round and forced his entire hand up inside my cunt stretchingme wide open and almost tearing the skin as he thrust it as deep inside ashe could get it, then I felt his fingers turn upward and feel for my cervixthen I squinted in pain as he pushed two fingers inside my cervix opening meup the amazing ferocity of the pain and the cramps as he did this procedurewas almost unbearable I could feel my cervix throb with copious amounts ofpain.

The cramps in my stomach just worsened as he attempted to put his entirefist up through my cervix my whole body writhing with the excruciating ordeal.

Once this was done they unshackled me from the wall and left as abruptlyas when they entered.

I curled myself into a tight ball and got as far into the corner of my littlecell as I could, I could not look at Joe, why hadn't he helped me why had evennot tried.

Many times Joe tried to come and comfort me but it was no use to me he nevertried when I really need it. Thoughts galloped through my brain why had henot helped me had the rape of me in the attic been that despicable he couldnever bear the thought of it again the mere thought of my beloved Joe neverwanting me again tore me apart.

I must have dropped off and when I awoke Joe was wrapped around me sobbingI didn't say anything I held him tight I thought he had to get it out of hissystem.

That continuous light draws energy from you like fire does oxygen and Ialways felt exhausted although they treated us well for the most part had plentyof food and water and hygiene was a must a bath every day in the cell, butthe ritual was broken not long after I started getting into it by the doorslamming open again and in came three more men in their white suits. They camestraight towards me and again I looked at Joe for protection, only to see onceagain he had gone and seated himself in the far corner of the cell away fromit all, but watching keenly.

My heart leaped when they dragged me again by my hair to the wall and shackledme in tight this time they had leg spreaders though so there was no need topin me down.

They took their time with me this time round and opened me up to my fullestextent with a tool of sorts and then they began to insert these sticks of woodinside me right up my cunt into my cervix, this procedure took several hoursand they were placed very carefully inside me this procedure was extremelyuncomfortable as more and more were added the wider and more cramped my cervixbecame and the more the pain increased altogether there was about twenty sticksinside me stretching me a few centimetres wide but it was extremely uncomfortable.

The men got up and left me there tied to the wall with these uncomfortablesticks hanging out of me it felt like they were expanding and they were slowlybut surely widening me up these were special sea sticks which expanded whenthey got moist and they kept me moist ever half an hour popping back to wetme inside every time they left I begged with Joe to come and pull them fromme but he just sat in the corner watching me intently the pain was growingand growing as the cramps got worse and worse like my body was trying to squeezethem out like it would when in labour I was screaming at them to stop I wasscreaming at Joe to help me he just sat there and the men kept coming in anddampening me down widening me up the cramps where pure torture I was chainedso I could do nothing to relieve the pain or the constant aching of my backas the sticks grew larger and larger forcing me to slide further down intoan angled position so as not to drive them further deeper inside me. It wassuch immense torture I felt like I was going to die my whole body crampingup then releasing as the sticks grew and grew inside me, me powerless to stopthem and Joe ignoring my pleas.

Then they came into the room with what looked like a rubber ball and a pumpfull of water quite a large ball and the pump was attached to make it easierto enlarge once it was were it wanted to be it didn't take me long to figureit out, They let the ball down as much as it would go which was still ratherlarge bigger than the average hand and then started to push it up inside metaking the sticks out one by one as they did this to I stayed open for as longas possible then they hitched the bar up in the air as high as they could whilethey forced the massive ball up inside my cervix before it closed I was screamingpleading for mercy but they didn't listen they didn't care they were thereto do one thing and Joe wasn't listening either.

The pumped ball was left inside me and the tube for expanding it was leftprotruding out of my cunt for easy access I guessed. This time there was norelief I was left tied to the wall the shackles cutting into my wrists themore I struggled and Joe in the corner cowering like the coward he was at thatmoment in time I hated him I wanted to kill him I wished they'd just get himout of here so I could suffer alone they never used him ,they never hurt him,only me and he had the privilege of watching it all. And I hated him for it.

Every morning after that I was bought food and a drink and bathed and thena man would come and pump up the ball just a little bit and every day Joe satthere in the corner staring at me without moving or saying anything just lookingat me, he never even spoke to the men that came in not a word.

Gradually over time my belly grew bigger and bigger it took a week or twothough I couldn't keep count as there was no day or night I am just roughlyguessing it felt like months until one day a group of men came in looked atthe pump did a gauge of the pressure then one of them lifted me up and gotbehind me lowering me onto his massive erect penis still tethered to the wallI could do nothing Joe never said anything, the man in front pulled the tabon the pressure gauge and it kicked in immediately the cramps in my sides thenround to my belly so sever and total that it was like the life was being crushedright out of you I screamed out as loud as I could staring at Joe to help meto no avail I knew it was useless begging him to help me by now then they tiedthe pump string end to a post in the ground where it was made for and it twistedslowly pulling the now heavily pumped up ball out of my cervix well tryingto.

I was tied up and being raped from behind hard and deep by a tall well endowedman who also reached forward occasionally to check the progress of the ball,my insides felt like I was going to be literally split into two, the crampsinside me grew worse and worse as my cervix tried to open wide enough to letthis huge ball pass through it must have been twice the size of a babies headby now and my insides were ripping open at every strain of the wheel and evermerger push I put in to help it along I just wanted it out of me at any cost,at that precise moment I time I just didn't care I wanted to die , in factI felt like I was, each extra strain I felt more of my pussy rip open insidethe blood was dripping out of me my anus straining as this mans penis was poundingat away at me this was also hindering the escape of the pump ball, my screamsmust have been heard over thirty miles away , but I was fast running out ofenergy the attempts of pushing it out myself had not helped in truth if itwasn't for the man with his penis inside me I think id have had a hernia allthe pushing I was doing and the straining at least a few huge piles.

My body almost totally drained of any energy, and my insides feeling likethey were trying to turn themselves inside out, I gave a plea out to die atthat moment in time the amount of sheer pain and exhaustion I was going throughmade me feel like death would be the only release I would be able to achieve.

I turned and saw tears rolling down Joes cheeks and then I was unteatheredand laid flat on the floor my feet were pined with bricks and my back lay flaton the ground, (the man had come from behind me) the pump was finally pushedfrom my body, I panted in relief not daring to look down at the mess my pussywas, in stretched beyond all repair, I collapsed and fainted.

When I awoke my whole body felt like it was twisted and I was in so muchpain, Joe was there holding me tightly and sobbing pitifully into my hair henever said a word but by now I had come to realise he was going to be of nohelp to me what so ever and I wondered why he always acted liked he cared eventhough most of the time he failed to show it.

For days I lay on the floor of the cell curled tightly into a little ballevery muscle was in agony, but I was well tended to again I was stitched andbathed every day and kept clean until I had healed but by now my pushing awayof Joe had finally worked and he kept his distance and always stayed in thecorner of the cell the furthest away from me, by now I was glad he had learnedto keep his distance from me because when ever he tried to come close to menow i pushed him away I didn't want to love this man, in fact I wished I neverhad to see him again, but this was impossible as we were trapped in a 9ftx9ftcell from which we were never allowed to leave the only person I had for companywas him and under any other circumstances I would have been so grateful tobe allowed to stay with him.

It was not long before then men returned I was quivering with fear at thethoughts of what new and sadistic forms of torture they had in store for me,I ran to the ran to the far edge of the edge of the cell and I put up goodfight kicking my legs and biting and scratching in sheer terror, but it wasjust not good enough, they dragged me kicking and screaming to the wall withthe shackles and started to chain me up, I looked Joe and for the first timesheer embarrassment flooded over me as he just sat there watching me i feltembarrassed that he was able to watch at they did these terrible things tome and why did they never do anything to him, why was it always me?.

"now don't struggle so its not going to be as bad as you think, thisis a simple and painless procedure hold still and I assure you I wont hurtyou" one of the men said I looked at him in they eye and for some strangereason I believed him, I knew it was useless struggling anyway and that whateverthey were going to do they were going to do anyway.

All I wished was that they could these things away from the prying eyesof Joe I was so embarrassed at the thought of him watching everything theydid to me.

I still struggled slightly as they put my feet into the dreaded leg spreaders,horrible thoughts ran through my mind of the last time I was placed in thishorrid contraption, the immense pain I felt the weeks of agony it took me toheal from it.

I watched as the men bought in a tray and what looked like another pumpi screamed in terror but as I was tied fast I could do nothing. Then the manin the white coat pulled on a rubber glove and took what looked like a hugetablet from the tray and began to roughly insert it into my rectum then hetook the pump and placed that in my arsehole too then turned it on my eyessquinted expecting to feel it enlarging inside me but instead it was pumpingcold water inside me I could feel it as it filled my entire bowel, then thecramps started inside my stomach and felt a need to poo that overwhelmed methe man then placed a bucket in from of me and extended my chain slightly soI would reach it but not far enough to reach the toilet in the corner.

Deep inside my bowels I could feel the suppository doing its work the stomachcrams getting worse, they removed the leg spreaders and then they got up andleft the room.

The sheer embarrassment of what was happening to me crept over my face andI could feel it redden in humiliation as Joes stare burned straight throughme, the men had left the room and I need to shit I just had to I tried to getup clenching my arse cheeks a I stood trying to prevent the invading liquidfrom leaking from my crevice so as not to cause further embarrassment I didn'twant to make things worse than they really were, slowly I fumbled my way tothe bucket taking small steps to as not to open my hole at all in the processand to my horror I discovered the chain was just that little bit short leavingthe bucket out of reach my face reddened again as I looked at Joe and askedhim as politely if he would mind passing the bucket over it cut me to the verycentre of my being to have to ask this of him but as I felt my face reddeningall the more to the point where it felt like it was going to burst but whatreally took the biscuit was when he just looked at me he never said a wordhe never reached over to help me.

Tears filled my eyes as the cramps got worse I lay on the floor to see ifI could manipulate the bucket closer to me using my legs, but no mater howhard I tried I could not reach the bucket I couldn't pull it towards me, thenthe inevitable happened I felt the build up and a huge cramp ran over my stomachas I felt the first drips of water escape my rectum I looked at Joe again andpleaded with him to hand it to me "please I need it its there just handit to me just kick it over I will do anything" I looked at his face andthe tears in his eyes started rolling down his cheeks "please" Ibegged I felt like I was getting through to him but he just sat there staringat me this funny look over his face I tried to stand up to manoeuvre myselfinto the corner, to hide as much of the view of what was going to happen fromhim as possible but as I stood up the inevitable happened and the mess spewedfrom my arse I bent over crippled from the pain, all I could do was hold ontomy tummy and pray as the gunk and shit spilled out of my arse like a waterfallI could feel lumps of it hitting the back of my thighs as it started dribblingdown my legs, I was stood in a puddle of my own faeces and it stunk I couldsee the disgusted look on Joes face as the stream of water slowed and the lastremaining lumps hit the floor. The stench was unbearable I went to the wallagain I cuddled myself up rocking myself the physical pain was over but theseer humiliation felt like it was never going to leave.

"I hope you got off on that you evil fucking bastard, I wish I hadnever married you in fact I wish I had never met you" I screamed at himwhen I had recovered tears streaming down my face, he just sat here arms hugginghis knees and never said a word just looked at me that strange vacant lookwhich seemed to have taken over his expressions since we were dragged here.

The men came back in and bought a hose pipe with them even though the coldwater was stinging on the skin it was a relief to be cleaned and the cell alsothat dreadful stench made me want to vomit.

We were again left in peace for a few days, me and Joe had grow so far apartI just hated him and we hadn't talked together since the day of the enema fiascoI just hated him and I wished that if they wanted to do these things it wouldn'tbe half as bad if they would just kick him out and put him in his own cell.

Inevitably the men came back dragging me to my feet this time they justpilled in the room and they never bothered to tie me to the wall they justpinned me down and took it turns to rape me and fuck me hard in every holemaking me gag ramming it deep inside i felt the skin on my pussy after thepump thing stretch and tear as the stitches we new and they had sewn me upto tight deliberately in order to cause me more pain and discomfort my arsewas sore and torn from the enema a few days before, and I couldn't fight Icould do nothing to aid my pitiful situation.

I didn't even try now I just let them do as they wanted I lay there andlet them use me and manipulate my body as they wanted it was pointless resistingseveral of the men used me as a toilet pissing over my body and into my mouthand as one had done another came into the room never more than five at a timebut they just kept coming in the door, there must have been at least thirty,each one waited his turn to do whatever his whim was with me, i was mercilesslyused anyway and everyway the men could think of, this felt like it went onfor weeks but in reality it was no more than a few days I was never allowedto eat or sleep my pussy and ass were so sore it felt like they had been filledwith acid the burning was immense my jaw ached and each time I had too peethey hit me and slapped me as it ran down my legs I could do nothing thoughand learned by now to accept it.

After the ordeal I never looked at Joes face I didn't care anymore I layin my corner sobbing pitifully clutching my knees the light burning my eyesI lowered my head in between my and I prayed that was all I could do pray andbeg for someone to release me from this hell.

As I prayed a siren sounded in the facility a noise I had never heard beforeand I could hear men running down the corridor feet in heavy boots poundingthe concrete I could hear shots being fired and men shouting, some thing likea explosion this carried on for quite a while until I heard someone turningthe key in the big steal door to my cell Joe went and sat in the corner whichI felt was just typical of that sick minded fucking coward, but it wasn't themen in white coat who came through the door it was men in camouflage gear withrifles my heart jumped into my throat as I saw the us markings on the mansshirt there was no need to run

"come on hurry everybody out" the man said and he hustled us outof the room and down the corridor we were both still naked but so where manyother people who were in front of us there were many army types rushing downthe corridors gun fire all around us as they were battling to free us theyhad the enemy on the run though and many where dead or dying on the floor aswe ran down out into the big courtyard.

I stood there completely naked but dancing around at the thought of my freedomI was free from the anguish from the pain and humiliation and from Joe.

One of the officers approached me and put a blanket around my naked scaredbody and also around Joe and all the others till we were covered up and wewere told to go home, I hung my head low as I started to make my way to thegates when I was grabbed my arm from behind it was Joe.

"Leaving without me darling" he said looking at me a pitiful lookon his face,

"Leave me alone, I want nothing more to do with you I wish I had nevermet you" I said with so much hatred in my voice it was unbelievable.

"I love you and never wanted to hurt you, I would have helped you ifI could" he said a meaning full look on his face I looked around and noticedthey were all couples the men trying to hold their women trying to talk tothem so I turned to Joe and said " come on then I'll hear you out butthen I am leaving"

" I do not blame you if you hate me, and remember that day you askedme if I got ff on it , or course I didn't I hated every second of it I wanedto help you I wanted to protect you so much" he looked at me with whatlooked like so much love in his eyes,

"Then why did you never even try, you could have at least tried" Isaid in anguish looking at him.

He hung his head in shame,

" I would have if I could have, you know I love you, you know I hateto see you in pain but before I was put into the cell I was taken to this man,he told me there where cameras with sound in the room and he would be watchingI wasn't allowed to tell you or to even try to help you or say anything ofthe sort he said he would kill you if I did he said he would torture you tillyou were dead if I even looked like I was going to attempt to help you" tearsflooded his eyes as he was telling me this.

"I would not blame you if you didn't believe me but it's the truth pleasedo not hate me I didn't want them to kill you I would have killed myself ifI had to watch you die"

I looked around and it hit me all the men where sobbing trying to explainto their wife's what had been happening then it dawned on me that this wasexactly the kind of thing that would turn those sick bastards on not only tohurt me and humiliate me but to make me blame my husband and fall out of lovewith him giving him no other choice but to watch what they were doing unableto help and then have to listen to their wife's pleading for help then turningon them when they couldn't, tears filled my eyes I fell into his arms and realisedhe had been through as much as me only on a different level, he held me sotightly as we walked through the gates and into our new found freedom.

I never doubted him again.



Same as Why Me?? Videos

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Lady Grace the Story of Ben and LaraChapter 4 The Betrayal

It was the morning after the fight in the Horny Bull and Lara ached. She had taken a few good hits in that brawl, especially near the end. She had an impressive black eye and there were a few other bruises and marks about her body. It was nothing new; Lara had spent more than a few mornings like this, nursing her wounds and exulting that she was still in one piece. She still had memories of her Natla adventure, injecting antibiotics with shaky fingers while dizzy with pain, or stitching up...

1 year ago
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Hitching a Ride to Slavery

Hitching a Ride to SlaveryPart 1BydidmakerCharlie put the large truck in park and turned of the ignition. It sure was good to be home again after a few weeks on the road. The house and yard looked pretty much the same as when he left since he lived alone. I climbed out of the cabin and onto the driveway. He paused and wondered if he should wake his passenger  and let her know they had arrived, but decided against it since she could probably use the rest while he sorted out the mail and other...

2 years ago
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All Things Come Ch 06

January Christmas had come and gone. We’d been merry, eaten and drunk to excess, faithfully done our lessons, gone out in the days and done simple touristy things. I didn’t know Vienna well and Uli had delighted in showing me her city. We’d held hands as we walked, kissed each other goodnight, and I’d gone back to my habit of not wearing clothes unless I was cold or in company, but we hadn’t had any further sexual contact. On the other hand we had talked a hell of a lot. Her curiosity about...

2 years ago
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My ExWife Part Three

Over the next few days both my time and Jan’s was taken up with other responsibilities and we had no time to catch up. As always the last fuck played out permanently in my mind and I couldn’t wait to coerce her into new situations. Towards the end of the week I texted Jan saying I wanted to fuck her tomorrow, Friday evening. She replied saying that unfortunately she was seeing her partner tomorrow. I asked if he was staying over and when she said no I told her I would call her. The phone...

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My mother inlaw introduces me to leather 2

Continued from part 1.....As I looked at my mother inlaw (Sarah) her leather clad body still straddling my cock... my mind was in overdrive.. I couldn't believe what has just happened.. Have I really just had the most erotic filthy sex with my gf's mother and blew my load inside her 48 year old pussy. As I composed myself and realised that I wasn't dreaming.. it really has just happened. At this point although I was still in heaven and was as horny as ever the guilt started to set in and I was...

3 years ago
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Josh and RJ Chapter 3

R.J. lay on top of Josh for several minutes, slowly grinding his hips. His hard cock was buried deep in his old friend but new lover's ass. He pushed his lean upper body upward and looking down thrilled to see his entire length was inside. R.J. slowly withdrew his now 8" cock until he saw the rim of his pulsing head. He paused for a moment, he loved the sight of his cock in this tight asshole. Josh was on fire writhing and moaning in extreme pleasure. R.J. began to pump his hips slowly forward...

Gay Male
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Mums Perfume

I adored my mother. She had taken care of me by herself ever since my dad had left nine years ago. Mum went out and found work as a shop assistant. All I know is I never went hungry or barefoot a day since 'dear old dad' left thanks to my mum. She worked hard and did a great job of raising me without a man around making sure I made it off to school before she'd race for her own bus and somehow managing to get home in the afternoon in time put together a meal for two. Nothing fancy, often just...

1 year ago
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MomWantsToBreed Christy Love My Stepson Helps Me With My New Years Resolution

Christy Love really wants a baby, but she’s having trouble conceiving with her husband. When she realizes that her stepson, Jay Romero, looks just like his dad, she gets the idea that she can get Jay to knock her up and no one will ever know the difference. She proposes the idea to Jay and he tentatively agrees, which finds them chatting baby names at the table. Thinking about names makes it all too real and Jay tells Christy he’s backing out of the deal. Later, Christy goes to the...

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Rough Sex On New Year Night

It was 31st of December 2017 evening. I and my well-groomed friend Rakesh hopped onto a pub for our New Year’s Eve party. We were waiting at the bar counter for a couple of other friends to join us at around 9 PM. Thus, we sat upon two adjacent stools and ordered two rounds of Johnnie Walker. After a few minutes, two businesswomen sat beside us judging by their office attire, the laptop bag, and their conversation: Woman1: I did not expect the deal to go this way. It’s horrendous. What the fuck...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Violet Rain After Party Poonani

Violet Rains younger step brother is one of her best friends, so she is super excited that he is coming to visit her at college. She goes out to a party while he lays down in her dorm, and when she gets back, she is feeling a little tingly down below. She wants a taste of his hard dick, so she sneaks up to the top bunk and rubs his back while he rests. He is a little surprised, but when she explains how hot she is for him, he rolls with it. She lets him lick her perfect little nipples and then...

3 years ago
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BBC always Win Blacken

Pam and John Robinson are a happily married couple in the mid to late 40s. Pam is a teacher and John is the local fire chief. John was away for a few days at a fire convention. It was a Friday and sitting in on Pam's lessons was a 20 year old black intern called Roger. She remembered him from when she taught him from about the age of 13. He was always fairly well behaved in school and was always going to get good grades, so it was no surprise when after graduating he decided he wanted to teach...

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