When Married Women look for Extra Sex
- 2 years ago
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From Kelly's personal journal, September 2nd, 2002
Wow. I can't believe how long it's been since I've updated my journal! The last time I had a chance, the time to even look at it was before Todd was in jail! Thank God, Chuck was able to pull some strings and get him out before the picnic. I don't know if I could have handled it without him. He's not big on social events, but sometimes just having him there is enough for me. No, that's not right either. Todd's always been there for me. I know its different now, but this was our thing. Our way of saying thanks to those people who helped us get to where we are. It would have been nice if everybody could have been there for the party, but for some it was just too far and for others, well I guess we all sometimes have other commitments.
Thank God for Annie Prince. The event coordinator from Carowinds said we had close to 700 people at the picnic. While most of the kids took advantage of the amusement park and the food inside the park, Goldmeir's had only planned on 300 steaks and then they had their salmon. I don't know why the salmon didn't go over bigger than it did. As it stands now, we're set with enough smoked salmon to hold us till 2010. Of course Todd will want to give a lot of it away to our friends. God love his soul. Guess we were lucky that Annie knew someone who could smoke that much fresh fish in one shot. 200 pounds of salmon is a lot of smoking! But Annie, she had that whole damn pig and another 100 pounds of ribs on the go. Guess none of the grownups went hungry that day! Harry and Lew made a big deal out of seeing Annie dancing, but I thought she looked happy with her guy. Todd told me that he's the captain of the central station. He looked totally in love with her.
And Todd!!! Who would have thought that he would have spent so much time dancing??? I don't know what got into him, but he took Deanna out on the floor a few times as well as Anna, and then he turned around and danced with Vanetta. She said he doesn't dance too bad for a white boy! Of course, Laura and I think he dances just fine. Sally and Meg didn't seem to complain too much either.
I wonder if it's what Chuck said to Harry and Lew that got Todd up dancing more? It was cute to see Ami blushing when Todd hauled her up to dance. She's so much like Todd. More comfortable behind the scenes, behind a camera, and I thought I would die laughing when Cara cut in on them sending Todd back to the sidelines! Cara and Ami seemed quite at ease dancing together in public. I hope that they never feel the need to hide their feelings for each other from other people. I know how narrow minded some people can be. Of course I never had any problems nor did I give it any thought when Brenda and I got up to dance to a couple of slow songs.
I know that Harry and Lew think that Todd has his own little harem going with me and Laura, but since we're all happy, they don't say too much. Meg knows, and I think Sally does as well, but they don't talk about it. I wish they could all talk to Muriel. She understands...
Sheila was at the party, and even though I asked her to come, Muriel said she was too tired to go to any more parties. I worry about her. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember that she's 104. It's probably why I'm so happy that Todd found a father figure in Chuck. It's funny to see them together. They act just like father and son!
Anyway, I do wish people would stop trying to guess at our relationship. Okay, so it might not be a typical one, but the three of us are happy, and isn't that the whole idea? Todd is all the man I'll ever need. And he gets me. He understands that part of me that I've finally come to understand myself. Laura loves me. That was probably the hardest for me to deal with. I never really thought anybody could, and now I have both Todd and Laura. In just a few weeks, we'll be married. The three of us to each other. Laura and me, Todd and me, and Todd and Laura. We won't be able to take out a public announcement, but the people who matter to us will know, and they'll be happy for us.
God! How did I get so far off track? Guess I've got wedding and family on the brain. Speaking of which, G didn't come to the picnic either. I swear, as long as I've known her, I still don't really know her. Like when Todd was going to be arrested. She just handed him a fucking toothbrush!!! Just like she knew he wasn't going to be gone long. I don't know how she does it, but if Todd had been worried, she took the biggest impact out of it. She reminded us that Todd wasn't going to be far away and in her own way let us know we didn't have anything to worry about. Delton didn't come to the party either, but I don't think anybody expected him to. He's happiest in his greenhouse. I swear he talks more to his plants than he does to anybody.
Vanetta had a good time though. She was right in her element. After her introduction as the new president of TKO, she spent quite a bit of time at the greeting tent, and she seemed quite at ease talking to anybody and everybody. She's changed a bit since her trip to San Francisco. I feel good seeing her so in charge of things, but thank goodness she knows how to relax. She and Robert spent a lot of time on the dance floor even though they both stopped often to talk to others. She seems to have that perfect balance between courtesy and command.
Laura's sisters, and Laura when she sang with them, they really touched my heart. Laura always does of course, but to hear the sisters sing together brought more than a few tears to a lot of eyes. And I'm so glad that I was able to get Rebel Heart for the night. What they added to the anthem was beyond outstanding! I swear that the combination of the Williams sisters and the two bands could outshine any opening for any sporting event!
Hmmm... It just dawned on me that I haven't listened much to Larry Gatlin lately. Maybe I'm just too happy these days to relate to broken heart songs?
The party started to slow down when the younger kids came back from the park and parents rounded up their little ones and headed home. Soon we'll have our own little one, but with all the aunts this baby will have, I don't see it changing our social life much. Not that we do a lot of socializing, but this baby is never going to want for love and affection!
When the families started to leave, Todd and I were pretty busy doing the handshake and hug routine. It had been a really good day. It was a pity that Chuck, Deanna and Brenda had to leave Saturday night. It would have been fun to spend Sunday with them, but that too is life. Sara couldn't make it at all because she was down in Florida testing for "Miami Blue." I hope that works out for her because I know how much fun she'll have flying those speedboats.
As I'm typing along here, the light keeps reflecting off my ring. Leave it to Todd to design our engagement rings. That man will never cease to amaze me! Laura and I have been real happy with Todd. He has no problem with the fact that Laura and I love each other as much as we love him. Lots of guys talk about having two women, but it's usually a fantasy with them in the middle. Real life isn't like that though, and Laura and I have a relationship separate from the one we have with Todd. Most of the time we all get together, but when we can't, there's absolutely no jealousy from any of us. Laura has her quality time with Todd as do I, and then Laura and I have our own time. Mostly we do the girl thing like the spa where we go at least once a week now. We usually have supper there leaving Todd to the mercy of Cara and Ami.
Cara's been a godsend to me. That girl's hands... Every night, except of course when I'm away with Laura at the spa, she makes sure that I am rubbed in with that special body lotion. My skin has never been so soft, even Mistress Helga commented on it. Cara made a big impression on her as well. I'm of a mixed mind on what Cara is going to do when she finishes college. If she decides to follow the sports physiotherapy route, then she and Ami will probably be on the road full time. I'm not sure how things would be without the two of them around. Ami will make out okay as by that time she will be one of the best photographers around. With Todd teaching her, and what she learns in school, hell, she'll be set for life and commanding top rates for her time. I suppose I'm being silly worrying about it now. There's still another three years to go before either of them are finished with school, but now that Todd has found a photographer to train in Ami, I'm not sure what he'll do when she's ready to leave the nest. Cara could work full time at the spa and get rich doing it of course, so I guess we'll just have to see how things go in the next three years. It's hard to imagine life without them right now, and yet, not so long ago, I lived in this house all by myself...
I'm back. Got a bit melancholy and had to step out for a cigarette break. It must be hormones raging through my body. This little person growing inside of me is a constant reminder that my life has changed and will continue to change. I know that Todd and Laura love me, and I'll never be alone again, but this little person... I'm going to be a mother! A baby is going to need me! Need me in a way that nobody has ever needed me before. I swear as God is my witness that I will never hurt this child! This baby is going to have so much love, is going to be loved like no other. Shit. Here come the tears again. I'll try to catch up tomorrow.
From Kelly's personal journal, September 3rd, 2002
So, where was I? Right. After the company picnic, life didn't settle down too much. Todd and Ami took more pictures of me, and I became a bit of a celebrity in town when the nude pictures of me started to pop up at the health food stores. Who would have thought that those pictures would have caused such a fuss? I mean, nothing is showing that shouldn't be. It was a cute marketing idea that Cara had. Me holding up two glasses of prune juice - "Prune Juice: It keeps you going!" The slogan is above my head and the offering hand has that delicious drink right in front. My nipple is covered from the angle that Todd shot the picture, and of course the glass I'm drinking from is covering my other nipple. The way my legs are crossed and bent totally hides my pubes, so unless people are really getting off on a small peak of cheek, or what little cleavage I have, this shot is really tame. It's not like this picture is running in the daily papers for God's sake! So far it's only appeared in health food stores, though I have to admit I do look good! I hear that it will be appearing in health magazines, but so far it's only up in large posters in stores where prune juice is sold. Vanetta did a great job selling this one picture as part of the package deal, but it was Cara's idea, and that one idea shows me that she's got great potential in marketing. Quite a creative mind indeed!
I remember one of my first successful magazine cover shoots. The director said, surround yourself with talented people and you shine. I think this family I have now makes me shine.
We didn't have a lot of time to relax after the company party. Harry and Meg moved into "Muriel's Place" the week after. Lew and Sally will be the first legal tenants, though I know that they're getting a preferred rate because Lew will be helping Harry out with the physical work. While we knew it was happening, we weren't much involved at this point. Todd and I have total faith in Harry and Meg. I think, based on apartment availability in Charlotte that we'll have full occupancy by the end of October. I like the idea that Sally will be living in the building as she is a registered nurse. I didn't want "Muriel's Place" to become an assisted living facility. We have enough of those. I just wanted to give some seniors a place to live with dignity. Too many of them are still mobile but want a clean, comfortable place to live where they can interact with others.
We were going to head to Chuck's on Friday, but the TNG band was booked to perform at Lakeview on Friday, and I wanted to be there and be sitting next to Muriel when she saw what she was part of creating. She did so enjoy herself. I know Sheila thought she had created a monster when she had asked for the William's sisters to do an encore performance of their Christmas show. To say it went over big time would be the ultimate understatement. Robert had done a great job preparing the band for this first public performance and with footage he obtained from UNCC of the group performing at the company party, he had gone to the press. He had run brochures off using pictures that Ami took of the group, and then he went and invited the press to come out and listen for themselves. Robert has really taken to this and has been running his butt off between school board meetings and press meetings. He even went so far as to invite families of the residents of Lakeview to be part of the audience for the band's first appearance at an assisted living facility. He dipped into his budget to provide refreshments for the evening and from the sound of the applause the group got I think it went over really well. I wouldn't have thought of inviting the press, but Robert already has one corporate sponsor willing to donate to Todd's dream, and the school board is gung ho on having students visit with seniors. I'm not sure if it's because of the experience the students will have or because of the prizes for the schools but it seems to be working, and when you stop and think about it, isn't that what really counts? I mean, no matter what the reason, Robert got results. Muriel was really happy, and to me that made the whole thing worthwhile. Then Todd said he was taking the boys along as well to Disney. Thank God they were a well behaved bunch. I didn't mind taking six kids with us to Florida, but I sure am glad that it wasn't me going on those wild rides! But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Saturday morning, way too early for me, the girls woke us up just in time to catch our planes. Cara and Ami were heading back to Laurel Canyon to spend the weekend with their families. It was hard on them having to pretend they were only friends and sleeping away from each other, but since they would only be returning home once a month or so, they figured it just wasn't worth the trouble to try and explain their new relationship. I mean... they've been in touch with their families on a regular basis since they got here. There's always the phone and both are whizzes with their email skills, but I can understand why they didn't want to bring their new found love for each other back home. They were different people when they were still gymnasts, and that was the only way their families really saw them. Now, they're finishing their high school mandatory hours with Robert and getting ready to enter college. Both have more money in the bank than they really can spend and they're under contract to TKO for the next year at least. Ami will probably stick with Todd even after she graduates. I don't know why, but I think the rapport the two of them have is going to just continue to build.
We kissed goodbye at the airport, and Ami and Cara were off. Chris flew us to Chuck's in the Cessna floatplane, but only after I made him promise he wasn't going to try a landing like he did with Laura the first time she flew. I really truly don't love flying, and it didn't take a lot of effort on my part to convince Chris that scaring the crap out of me would probably not be good for the baby!
Laura really is a sneaky devil you know. She told Todd that they should be talking to the baby on a regular basis so it would recognize the sound of their voices when it's born. So every night, before we get into the fun and games, they both kiss and caress my belly talking to the baby. I'd laugh but damn they can get me horny doing that!!! So much attention to that area and I start to get wet. I keep telling Todd that soon he's going to have to settle for blowjobs from me as I don't want him poking the baby in its head with his cock, but Laura said she'd be happy to take care of him if he really needed to sink his cock into something other than a willing mouth. Sometimes I feel just like the center of an Oreo cookie. Somebody's always licking the stuffing out of me!
Chris landed us in one piece at Regan's and Brenda, Chuck, Deanna, and Anna were waiting on the dock for us. It seemed like a big old family reunion, but we all laughed when we realized it had only been a week, but at least it was just us this time. We could be ourselves. I think we were at the company party, ourselves I mean, but we didn't really let our hair down like we did at Chuck's with the people we love. And there was so much love. I've cut out most of my drinking except for an occasional beer or glass of wine. Angela, Dr. Marks, told me that it would be good for me to keep up my regular lifestyle till I got close to the seven-month mark. I've cut my smoking down to two a day now, but pretty soon I will cut those two out as well. I don't want to chance anything with this baby.
Chuck barbequed for us Saturday night, and Todd stood beside him helping. I think they were both two beers in when the steaks were ready and we all sat down to eat. Why people want to eat outdoors when the temperature is in the 90s is beyond me, especially when there's good air conditioning indoors, but nobody was complaining. We sat and talked for an hour after eating before Laura and Brenda got up and stretched and asked who was coming for a swim. Todd smiled and said he was. Todd's not shy, usually, but I was surprised when he took Deanna's hand and said that she should join them. Amanda raced them all down to the dock and was out of her clothes, not that she was wearing much to begin with, before Anna even had her shirt off. If I haven't said it before, Amanda is an exhibitionist that would put Ami to shame! That girl just needs a sneeze as an excuse to drop her britches. Now, I've never been shy, and because I rarely wear a bra, I can get undressed as fast as anybody, but Brenda and Laura had me beat, though I was faster than Todd and Deanna. I turned on my back in the water so I could feast my eyes on Todd as he stood naked in the sun. He's been working out regularly and there's not an ounce of fat on him. His body looks sculpted and his muscles ripple. There's a quiet strength about him that most people don't see. His muscles aren't oversized like those body builders on TV, but looking at him rolling his shoulders before he dove into the water showed the definition he has was well earned. I know he has no problem picking me up!
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"Mom, I'm home." I called out, hoping for an answer to come from somewhere. It never did. I realized no one was home and so I grabbed a glass and poured cold milk, drinking it before taking a shower. I took a cold shower, hoping it would help cool down my body. It worked, until I got out of the shower. As I entered my room looking for pajamas to put on, I realized that my Mom was at her friends home and Dad was staying over at Grandma's home for the night in another city. It was...
Hello my name is Tom.This is the story of how i had fucked my pakistani teacher. So here it goes I have this very hot Pakistani Teacher with frim tits and a firm ass. Her bra size if 34f. She just had came back from vacation. As i went to her house 2 hours early so we can "talk". Hopefully thinking that somehow we will have sex. As i went to her house it was unlocked and there was a sign saying come in. As I came in i hear her masturbating in her bathroom with a vibrator saying,"Oh Tom! Oh Yah...
Momma defined places to find men by how many men were available. A pond had a few good choices but you may have to wait a while to catch one. A lake had more 'fish' and generally the turn around was a lot better. Without a car we weren't able to visit a lot of lakes and had to settle on a lot of ponds in the area. Now we can visit more lakes, such as truck stops, rest stops, car parks, gas stations and stores, sometimes shopping malls. But our core business was still run out of the motel...
Oh journal I was awoken at 3am by the feeling of someone being inside my room. I slowly woke up and could hear their breathing. Scared I just stayed still feigning sleep as their footsteps slowly came over to the bed. Part of me hoped it was Gina but I didn’t think so. Have you ever been so scared you stayed absolutely still and yet so excited at the same time? So many times I had masturbated while thinking about being forced to have sex and every time I came so hard. No I didn’t mean hurt...
Becoming my ex-wife's housekeeper/maid was not something I was expecting when we got divorced two years ago. Our divorce was mostly due to the fact that her career had taken off, while my career fizzled in this bad economy. It made our marriage difficult as our roles got reversed. I stayed home and took care of the house, while she became the breadwinner. But our divorce was amicable as divorces go... Running into her at the grocery store was uncomfortable to say the least. She...
"I know something's goin' on, Mrs. Baylor," Mitzi said. "Something's goin' on and I want to know what it is." "Why Mitzi," Rita said. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Sit down and tell me what's bothering you." Mitzi dropped into a chair in the living room, then she sprang back up. "Goddammit!" she shouted. "Tommy's been giving me the cold shoulder. It isn't like him." "Tommy has good taste. Maybe he doesn't like you." "Don't give me any of that shit....
"That's it baby...just like that...I'm gonna cum," Bobby said as he was getting his cock sucked in the living room.He then watched her licking the cum off his cock as she looked at him, smiling. It was an incredibly erotic moment for the college students, when all of a sudden, the front door was unlocked and the knob was being turned.It was his mother! Amanda's eyes widened and her jaw dropped at the sight of some college girl licking her son's cock on the sofa. But her face quickly morphed...
Hello all, hope you enjoy my first time writing here. This story and all stories to come will be entirely true, except for the names obviously. Please post your comments so I know how I did.Rude immature people need not bother!This was to be the last summer that my friend Steve and I were going to have. We grew up together just a couple houses apart. We lived out near the edge of town at the time and open fields and woods weren’t that far away, an easy bike ride. His dad was getting a job...
I would like to share another experience I had with my Mom. This experience happened a couple of months after the first time I fucked my Mom. I had a girlfriend at the time, but me and my mom were still active. My mom wanted to go on vacation and wanted me to go with her. I didn't refuse, she wanted to go to Florida and go to the beach. We was planning to go over spring break. It came time to leave for the airport, we had to be there by 6 am, sense my mom wanted me to drive, she said she...
s*******n Hours In MayHer heart was beating loudly as she was driving up the motorway A28 and getting closer to Neufchâtel-en-Bray. She had gone past Rouen. Unknown territory was ahead of her. He had texted her about 15 minutesago telling her he had arrived at the hotel. She would be there in 30 minutes. She was still wondering if theywere doing a mistake or not, which was useless at this point. Even if she could still renounce, she had drivenfor 4 hours, had planned it all with him, discussed...
My quarterly examination schedule was crazy. I'd drawn two exams on Friday while almost everyone I knew left early for their spring break. That left only Victor and me to have pizza and beer. We talked mainly about the architectural class we were in. I knew he was looking forward to staying in my apartment with Gladys for eight nights, and saw no need to ruin his spring break by telling him that another company had purchased the Omaha building. In some respects, I envied him. He would work...
A Simple Payback by Kristen Kitty Kyle shivered as he continued to wait for his school bus. The pre-winter breeze bit through his jacket cut to his skin, making it feel as if he were without any covering at all. He hated waiting for the school bus, it felt as though it would be hours before it finally arrived to take him to his next day of class at Kennison High. Suddenly, in the distance, he could see it. Two minutes later, Kyle was stepping up the steep sloped stairs into...
this story is completely fictional. i am robin, 19 years old guy with normal body physic. it was saturday morning when i was eating my breakfast, suddenly a phone call came, my mother cathy aged 41 years widowed two years ago, rushed quickly towards the phone and lifted the reciever, after few minutes of talking with some person at the other end, she came to the dining hall where i was eating my breakfast told me that " sunny today at evening 7 o'clock we are going to 'larsun motel and casino'...
IncestThe NFL’s work schedule often ignores traditional holidays. That was true of Labor Day. Coach Tolbert wanted the team to get into our normal weekly routine as we prepared for next Sunday’s game. That meant we reviewed last weeks’ game Monday mornings and went over the game plan for next Sunday’s game in the afternoon. Tuesdays were our one day off for the week. Wednesday through Saturday we would practice our game plan and prepare for Sunday’s contest. Dylan, Jay, Tyler and I spent a good...
That afternoon I was at my office when I received a phone call from Laura; one of my wife’s best girlfriends. She told me to hurry up to his home, because she was in the mood for enjoying a nice piece of dick as mine…I knew she was bisexual and sometimes this bitch had some encounters with my sweet Ana; but her request really surprised me. She had divorced recently; so I imagined she really was wanting to have a hard dick invading her curvaceous body. My wife would come home after seven that...
Hi Guys This is our first posting on IS4U and it may be last too. That’s why I want to share everything about us with you guys. You will know everything by the end of the story. I am not a story writer nor has this content been copied from anywhere else. This is our real post which happened within a very short period. This story may be a bit long therefore I will write it in two parts. We are Vishal-32 and Aditi-28 (name changed) belongs to nearby Dehradun. We led a life full of sex before...
Remote Control By Ross Martin Reg had been busy in corporate meetings most of the day. He had had his obligatorygame of squash with one of his executives and the drink with his fellow squashplayers to follow. Now, at home in front of his computer, it was time to reallyunwind. After making sure he had his lock on the on position against encroaching spyware,he logged onto his favorite website and onto his favorite high-flyer there.She was known as Lady Scarlet and this was not because she was...
Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello Readers, I am Rahul, a bisexual Top, I like getting sucked especially by CD’s, the males and bottoms, This happened to me when I was visiting New Delhi on business. After work, I kind of got bored after coming back to my hotel room and decided to explore and see if I could get lucky, and boy did I get lucky. I went to a bar and was eyeing the crowd sipping my beer when my eye caught a beauty, she too was sitting alone and...
Gay Male"Good Neighbor Madge III" We stood at the doorway with waving goodbye to my parents as they backed out of the driveway leaving me with "aunt Madge" for the entire summer this time! I had survived the ten day stay with her before when my folks went on that convention meeting and true to her words she kept me dolled up like a little girl in lingerie and dresses and even high heels for nearly the entire time knowing full well that I didn't dare mention any of this to anyone for fear of...
Some women have now revealed what really scores with them between the sheets. Single comedian Shazia Mirza, 34, said that some of her friends revealed that during sex they are mentally writing a to-do list, remembering clothes they have to wash, what they've got to buy at Tesco's or those shoes they love in Selfridges. And some women even think of men they secretly fantasise of. "A friend of mine, who really loves her husband, told me that during sex she can't help thinking about all the men...
I had a girlfriend who was quite bossy. She expected me to do anything and everything just on command. I told her that we needed to break up. She was really damaged by this. She said no. That she'd do anything for me. I told her she wouldn't. She'd never do anything for me. She said she would. I asked her if she would submit. She said yes. I told her to strip and get down on her knees. I told her to open her mouth. She opened her mouth and I let my cock in. I let her suck for a while. She...
BDSMBack to the story, I was in the middle of my workout when suddenly I heard the phone ring. Rather than stop my workout I let the phone ring through until the answering machine picked up. Since the equipment was right near the answering machine set, I could hear the voice of my sexy neighbor, Mrs. Banks, Mrs. Banks is the definition of a milf. She has a 5'9", 150 frame with brown hair with blonde highlights. Her breast cup is a 38DD and her cleavage is like looking at heavens gates. She...
Black and white checkerd garment, what looked to be some kind of shirt, at a distance it was mistaken for a decent dress shirt for a lady, a pair of black leggings, a black pair of seven inch heels, as the lady gets closer and closer to you, you realize that it's a short mini shirt that she has on, her leggings are pulled up to show off her tattoos, you clearly seen one on her chest, She is arm and arm with a man, they are looking around, you found this to be suspicious, so u follow, not too...
It was an ordinary Thursday afternoon and I was alone in my room, fully engrossed in massacring my friends on my computer, when suddenly my bloody rampage was rudely interrupted by my younger sister barging into my bedroom. I looked up from my screen and was about to give her a lecture about disrespecting my privacy by entering my room without knocking, when I noticed a strange, glassy-eyed look on her face. Seemingly oblivious to my indignation and without saying a single word, Anna walked...
Ray loves going to resorts in Mexico and finding girls to film on his phone. Take today for example. He finds a wayward lamb away from the flock lounging out by the pools at the hotel. He walks up with his phone filming her as he finds it to be a quick way to break the ice. After all – every gen z loves being filmed. We are in a world of narcissism and self celebrity – just a million clicks away from going viral. Is anybody under 30 not a podcaster or influencer? Now when Ray starts...
xmoviesforyouDee Dee and I broke some of the news to Andrew tonight. We told him the short-term important stuff anyway. It was all he really needed to know to make a decision about us. Dee Dee and I have been debating about the rest. She hardly believes it herself and sees no reason to involve Andrew yet. But I believe it. And Andrew has to know sometime. But I'll respect her point of view and keep quiet for the present, I suppose. We dropped Dee Dee off at the Hyatt. She gave Andrew a deliciously...
The directions, which the Senator's staff provided, led us to a rough paved drive way entrance with a post and beam gate. I knew I was in the right place because there were armed guards, who looked like state police men at the gate. Fortunately there were no magnetometers for us to walk through. It would have been impossible of course, since the car I drove was metal. So was the 410 gauge stainless steel derringer inside my purse. Unfortunately, I would have to leave the pistol inside the...