There s Something in the WaterChapter 4
- 2 years ago
- 42
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Friday 18th October 1985
It was nine o’clock when there was a knock at the door. I was still in bed, finding no reason to get up. I had the day off and I was feeling not a little depressed.
“Yes?” More in resignation than annoyance.
It was Imogen. “You’ve got a visitor. In the library,” she said through the closed door.
“So early? Who?”
“Who d’you think?”
“Helen?” My spirits surged.
“Yes, who else? I’m off out to work now. I’m late. I got her a coffee.”
Another knock four minutes later. Was it Helen herself? Get it over with. “Come in!” I shouted, still in bed, my voice dripping with more resignation.
Kim, our unrepentant romantic sidled in. “David? You’re not up. Oh, yes of course, you’re not going into work today are you?”
“Anyway, Helen is in the library. I gave her some toast. David, we’ve all been through this soap opera with you for the last few weeks, and all that planning for yesterday...”
“All right, Kim; yes, I will go and see her. Can you tell her I need to get dressed first?”
“Will do.”
So, a little later, suitably showered, shaved and deodorised, but without tea or breakfast, and hence tetchy, I trekked down the stairs, and directly to the library. She was standing by the window, looking out at the rain. She turned as I entered.
Clearly she was not happy: there was a scowl on her face, but perhaps I detected worry as well.
“What’s up with you, David?” she growled. “You barge in on our dinner party, lay all that on me and then disappear, leaving us all in chaos. You think that’s clever? Moronic more like!”
“Well,” I retorted hotly, “you’d know all about disappearing wouldn’t you darling? You and your parents wouldn’t allow me even one word of explanation. So, I’m so sorry for disappearing. Now you have some idea how I felt all these months.”
I was being as sarcastic as possible, and hoped it showed. I sat down at the table: I wanted tea; I wanted breakfast.
I continued, “You left me a letter, no two: Remember the first one? You left it here for me to find after you ran away? ‘Dear Sir ... yours faithfully,’ and your full name as if I didn’t know you! You were writing to me, Helen! ‘Dear Sir‘? That was so cold, so abusive. What did I do wrong? Nothing! And you knew it.
“The second went something like ‘I am not interested in anything you have to say about us, and I will throw away unread any letter you send via my parents.’
“You would throw away unread any letter! So don’t you come here with recriminations at me, I’ve suffered for over a year!”
“You know why I cut you off!” she came back at me. “I couldn’t be near you after finding out we’d been incestuous for over a year. I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing you. Then you leave it until two days before the wedding to come out with all this stuff–”
“Don’t be so utterly stupid!” I confess to yelling at her. “How was I to get in touch? I’ve wanted to get in touch for a year! You were in hiding, and your parents would not listen to me: they put the phone down on me when I tried to tell them what I’d found out. Then your letter arrives telling me you wouldn’t read anything I wrote assuming I knew your address, which I don’t, then your parents effectively throwing away Peter’s letter which might, just possibly might, have made you think.
“So gracious of you to invite me to see you after a year! – hell, you never even broke off our engagement properly, did you? Leaving the ring on the table without a word? First opportunity I got to get past all those barriers, of course I bloody well took it! I had something very valid to tell you.
“And as for leaving – you’re fucking getting married tomorrow! You didn’t hang about finding someone to replace me in your bed did you? I bet you were fucking his cock a week after disappearing.”
“So?” she shouted defiantly. “After shagging my brother for a year, I needed some sanity, a proper boyfriend. And he’s been really good to me. He loves me David! What did you expect, after I’d seen that evidence from my parents?”
“What did I expect?” I bellowed back. “I’ll tell you what I fucking expected! I expected you’d come to me and talk about that evidence with me before saying goodbye; expected you to say good-bye to at least show you were sorry we had to part after what we had together, what we meant to each other.
“Not leave me hanging for a year. Anyone would think I’d been abusing you all that time we were together! As if you were so unwilling and I forced you! As if I didn’t deserve any consideration at all!
“And another thing I’d expect you to do was to attempt to be some kind of a lawyer and verify the evidence, as I did. You know as well as I do that you never take evidence on trust or face value. You didn’t even try! Snivelling off to Mum and Dad, and believing all the crap they fed you!
“Well, guess what? I went to see them and they told me what ‘evidence’ they had. So I went away, and when I’d emerged somewhat from the deep depression of my bereavement – yes, bereavement Helen – it was as if you had died – I checked it.
“I told you, it only took me a day and a half to blow it out of the water. I’ve known it for so long and no chance to let you know, but by then of course you were merrily shagging someone else, you couldn’t wait to get his cock up you and didn’t care a damn about me! I was history!
“So that’s what I expected you to do – what I did! Check the evidence yourself! If you had any talent at all as a lawyer you’d have found what I found.
“I checked whether there was more than one David Evans born around that time. There was. In fact there were quite a number! Only one other in Shrewsbury though. I had my Birth Certificate, so I got his. I made the effort to actually read his birth certificate carefully.”
“Hell his date of birth was a give away! You even used his DOB to send that appallingly insulting birthday card on the sixteenth, rubbing it in what you’d done. For fuck’s sake, Helen, you’d given me a birthday card on the right date the year before!”
“I’d forgotten the date so I looked at what I thought was your birth certificate to get it right.”
“Yeah, shows how much you loved me, didn’t even remember my bloody birthday!”
Then she said, much more quietly, “David, I’ve been through hell as well, you know. Thinking I’d been committing incest all that time, I was trying to forget! I’d’ve thought you’d understand that. You used to be so understanding – not any more it seems!
“Can’t you see that I loved you so much I couldn’t bear to be with you and see your pain! I couldn’t face the pain myself of being in your presence. Can’t you see that? I didn’t stop loving you at all, and the pain and frustration nearly killed me!”
I heard what she said very clearly. ‘I loved you’. Loved, not love. ‘I didn’t stop loving you’, not ‘I haven’t stopped loving you’. So now she loved her fiancé, not me. My spirits dropped into an abyss of despair. We would never be together ever again.
“I think you’d better go now,” I said dully. “You’ve stamped your little foot, had your little paddy. You’ve got a wedding tomorrow, there’ll be preparations.”
“Pardon?” she looked puzzled. I wondered why.
“Your wedding?” I said. “Tomorrow? To the man you love now. You need to go. You’ve shouted at me enough to show me you no longer have any feelings for me, so you’d better go. I’ve got the message. Hopefully this’ll be the last time I have to see you and I can now try to get over you all over again, something I was managing to do quite well until last night.”
There was a silence. Then my name.
“David?” She was upset. I couldn’t understand why. There was an element of pleading in her voice. Hell, I was upset, and couldn’t take any more. This was torment.
“What?” I answered coldly as I stood up, looking out of the window, a clear enough sign the interview was over.
“Is that it? I thought...”
Now I was really confused and aggravated. “For God’s sake Helen, why are you dragging this out? You’ve vented your spleen on me, assured me you don’t love me, what more d’you want?”
“But you came ... You wanted ... I don’t understand, are we finished?” Now after all the anger there was a catch in her voice and I could feel her gazing at me, willing me to turn to her. What the hell was going on?
Now I was in real pain.
“You have a fiancé, a wedding,” I said starkly, still staring out at the autumn trees. “You’ve moved on. You love him now. So of course we’re finished. You’ve made that clear enough. How can we not be finished – you’re marrying someone else! Personally I don’t understand why you’ve come here at all.”
“David, he ... I don’t...”
Now I could tell she was really upset. I was completely mystified. What did the woman really want? Hadn’t she done enough?
“He what? You don’t what?” I said, turning to her aggressively. “Are you saying he isn’t your lover? Hasn’t been fucking you for months? Seems like it to me: you are getting married to him after all.”
Another silence as she stared into my eyes, and her lip was quivering! I gave up: I had lost the plot if indeed there was one!
“I was so lonely without you,” she pleaded. “My whole life was empty without you – there was no possible way back to you, and he was kind, comforting.”
“So you slept with him in short order? Now you’re deeply in love. Fine for you!”
“No ... I mean...”
“You are or you’re not, which?”
“David, please!“
I was angry, resentful, and downright jealous. Why was she prolonging the agony? “For God’s sake Helen, can’t you answer a simple question? Why are you torturing me like this? Either you’re in love or you’re not. If you’re not, why the fuck are you marrying him?”
“Please, David, talk to me, don’t be like this. I’m in pieces now. I wish I’d done something ... I just didn’t have the energy I was so depressed...” She began to weep anguished sobs. Oh, hell!
We’d gone from the most acrimonious shouting match I’d ever had with a woman, or anyone come to that, to her weeping piteously. From my limited experience I knew I could not cope with a weeping woman, no matter how I felt about her, though I was not at all sure where we were going with this: she’d all but destroyed me, because now she was surely in love with Barry. It was blindingly obvious to me now: I still loved her with all my heart and it was completely hopeless. She was breaking me up all over again. She was marrying Barry.
“Come on, Helen,” I said gently, moving toward the door. “Time for you to go. You must have an awful lot to do ready for tomorrow.”
“David...” She was begging urgently now, the tears still running down her cheeks.
“Yes, my darling?” Whoops! That slipped out. I clearly shouldn’t have said that – her sobbing renewed its intensity.
“Helen, what the fuck’s the matter? You’re supposed to be happy about tomorrow.”
“David,” she began again, then sat down at the table and covered her face in her hands. “I can’t go through with the wedding. Not after last night.”
My spirits surged.
“Why not?” I asked. “You’ve just told me you don’t love me any more, you love him–”
“I didn’t! I never said that!” When did I say that?” She looked up in confusion, and her sobbing took on even more intensity.
“You said you loved me, past tense; then you said you didn’t stop loving me after you disappeared, again past tense. You didn’t say you haven’t stopped.”
“I didn’t mean that!” she cried. “I do still love you, I never stopped. That’s why I had to keep you away, I knew I wouldn’t have had the strength to leave you again if we’d met. I didn’t know then what you’d found out. I knew being incestuous would have destroyed us in the end. It would have been worse still.”
“So, the wedding’s off, then? You’ve told Barry and your parents?”
“Well, no, not yet. I wanted to see you first.”
“So the weddings not off.”
“No, I mean yes ... I mean...”
“What you mean is, you want to see if muggins here still wants you, before you cut your losses with Barry, is that it? If I don’t want to try again with you, you’ll go ahead with the wedding. Is that what you’re saying? Because if you are, you can leave now and go and marry him.”
The sobbing restarted. “David please! I love you, I can’t face things without you now I know. I’ve always loved you, but if you’re beyond me ... You don’t want me...”
“But you do love Barry,” I said.
“Yes, but not enough, now I know we are not related. You’re all that counts, always have been for me. If you don’t want me I suppose I’ll marry Barry and do my best to make him happy, but I’ll always know it’s second best. I’ll always miss you.”
Now my spirits soared, in spite of me. Then reason prevailed.
“Helen you’ve caused me a year’s worth of pain, so I’m not sure it’ll work out between us.”
“You mean you don’t want me?”
“All I mean is I’m far from sure about us. You’ve made quite a dent in my confidence in you. So no, I don’t know if we could make it together. I can’t commit to you until I’m sure, but you’ve got a wedding booked for tomorrow.
“You understand? I’m not saying I don’t want you, I will always want you in one sense, but I’m not certain whether it will work out for us. You’ll have to make your mind up about the wedding regardless of my feelings for you, which are far from settled at this moment.”
The sobbing stopped, and she gazed at me with that woebegone look.
“What will it take for you to come back to me David?”
“Nothing you can do, Helen. It’s in me and me alone. At some point I’ll know one way or another, could be any time: today, tomorrow or months away. At this moment I’m totally drained and completely confused.”
She sat looking at me in silence for a long time, and I looked at her and saw ... an ordinary girl, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing special to look at, pretty enough, healthy. However, now I knew differently. After our year together I knew she was perfection for me.
And of course, immediately that feeling we had when we first met on the doorstep, that was back. The certainty that ‘we are made for each other regardless – regardless of Sod’s efforts’: that was back. Even so I was saying nothing. I needed to be sure of it, but I was holding my breath.
Then there was the semblance of a smile, then a proper smile. It was a knowing smile. Had she read something in my face? Or had she regained that feeling just as I had? She stood up.
“I’m cancelling the wedding,” she said with a certain amount of defiance, and I couldn’t help the sigh of relief, the release of breath. “No matter what the future holds, I know for certain that from now on, no one will take your place for me ever again. We are not related, so I’ll wait until we can become related!” and she laughed that lovely tinkling laugh. Then was serious. “Or I’ll stay single until I die.”
I opened my arms. It was supposed to be an empty handed shrug, but they opened rather wider than I consciously intended.
That did it! She crashed into my arms and hugged me so tightly that I couldn’t breathe. Then the face lifted to me was impossible not to kiss, and the kiss went on and on, and on and on, tasting salty. Silently. No moans of passion, no grunts of excitement, just the softest of soft kisses going on and on and the feeling of that body I knew so well pressed tightly against me.
After that hug, that embrace, that kiss, when we drew apart, her face clouded.
“You’re thinking about facing Barry, your parents and his, and the other guests, aren’t you?” I said. “But most of all you’re thinking about what you have to do to Barry.”
She sighed and her sad eyes shone with tears. “See? We’ve not lost anything, have we? We still think each other’s thoughts. You’re still in my head and heart and I’m still in yours. It’s true, isn’t it?”
What could I say? It was crystal clear that what she was saying was true. The resentment and dislocation we had both suffered had clouded that understanding, and in her case closed off our relationship as impossible. But now?
I was surprised, astounded that from an aggressive shouting match we were so swiftly at peace with each other. I knew I’d always wanted her through the separation, and now she knew the score, she wanted me as well.
There was no fighting it, we both knew there was no possible way we could ever part again, and I couldn’t think of any way Sod’s law could divide us now, short of a terrible physical and fatal accident. We would have to be very careful crossing the road!
I smiled at the thought, which she took to be affirmation of what she had said.
“I need to go back and tell them,” she said. “I don’t look forward to that at all. Imogen said you’ve taken the day off. Will you come with me? I need your support so much.”
There was no doubt in my mind. “Yes,” I said. “I’ll come, but I’ve got to grab some breakfast first.”
She moved without more ado to the kitchen and by the time I had followed her, she had taken two bowls and the muesli and put them on the table and was at the fridge, getting the milk.
We did not stay longer than the time it took to eat our small breakfast and drink one cup of tea, before driving in convoy back to York and the hotel. She phoned the hotel before we left, and spoke briefly to Barry who was staying there with his parents. She arranged to meet him in the bar.
Helen and I entered the lounge bar, which was empty before opening time, but in one corner, sitting alone, was Barry.
He already knew, that much was clear. He stood to shake my hand and he smiled sadly.
“Please, sit down,” he said. “I know what’s coming. I’ve known since last night. Your rather masterful deposition, clear as a bell, showed me that you always had her heart, and she certainly has yours.”
He glanced lovingly to Helen, who had sat at the table beside him and now had tears streaming down her face again.
He continued, “She talked about you, you know. I could see how deep her feelings ran, she talked about how close you were, how complete the rapport. Indeed it was that which prompted her parents to wonder if you were related. Every time the subject came up, I could see the suffering etched into her face.
“Then last night when you executed the coup de grace with the certificates her face was a picture. She was devastated, David, completely shaken. She kept on muttering ‘I got it wrong, I got it wrong.’
“David, I was nowhere then, I could see that. I knew there’d be no marriage. I’d lost her. After that revelation we would never have made it for more than a year or two. If you hadn’t turned up last night, we would have married and then one day, in the future, the truth would come out, and the marriage would crash and burn.”
“Actually,” I said, “that was one of the reasons I had to tell her the truth one way or another. I knew that she’d find out – in a few months, in fact. When I phoned Peter’s parents, his father said Peter had already started tracing his family history. He already knew about his birth parents. He would have arrived eventually on your doorstep.”
“If we’d married,” Barry said, “you would never have told her yourself, would you? You’d have kept the truth to yourself, wouldn’t you?”
I nodded. “Yes. I don’t go round wrecking marriages. I’d have found someone else, and never come near her again, but it would never have been as perfect as we are together.”
“I’m so sorry, Barry, my darling,” she sobbed. “But there’s nothing I can do. I would have tried so hard to make you happy. I do love you, you know.”
“But not enough,” he said. “Not like you love David. Better this way, or it would have been worse later.”
I had to say it. I admired the man so much. “Barry, you are such a great man,” I said. “You would have made her very happy. Some woman is going to be so lucky.”
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“Have you ever been with another woman?” Miranda asked. Carly looked up from her homework. “I’m sorry?” “Have you ever been with another woman?” her friend repeated. Carly stared at her. “Um, no… Why do you ask?” Miranda shrugged, “Just wondering, really. I haven’t, but I’ve though about it. You know me, there isn’t much I haven’t done. Threesomes, foursomes, but usually no women involved.” She chewed her lip thoughtfully, “Carly, are you a virgin?” Carly looked at Miranda with surprise. “Why...
LesbianMy internal clock woke me and I checked the alarm next to the bed. It was six and time to get up and get going. The two girls had a little trouble coming out of their fog, but they did and dressed in workout clothes. The three of us did our half hour workout, then showered while I assisted the girls to make sure their fun parts were clean. They took a minute to make sure my pipes were also empty. Connie had to make an effort to get out of the warm bed, but Jules and Katie cajoled her into...
The lock clicks in the front door, letting in a whoosh of chilly air as you step inside and shut it behind you. You kick off your shoes and drop your duffel bag on the floor while your eyes sweep the house, looking for me. ‘Baby, I’m home!’ You shout. ‘What’s for dinner?’ You follow your nose into the kitchen, where I am bent over the oven, a panful of chicken in my gloved hand, and you resist the urge to swat my ass when you see a flash of red underneath my skirt. I straighten and smile at...
I came home from work after a successful morning meeting where we finalized a big project. I decided to celebrate by going out to buy a new dress. I changed out of my business suit and grabbed a quick shower to shave smooth. I put on my make-up, choosing to go with a conservative look for the day with a pink lipstick. I got dressed with black panties and bra, and pulled on the silky nylons and attached them to my black lacy garter belt. I then slipped into a long navy skirt with matching blazer...
CrossdressingAfter lunch, Carol and I returned to my office with the morning dockets to get them processed into the system. My ideas around docket management did need some further thought but that would wait until tomorrow as I had a meeting with HR to attend shortly. I also needed to think about what a data entry type person could and should be undertaking to improve the role and what to do about a supervisor. Carol was keen to tell me about the remainder of the evening. She’d been edged once by Scott...
I was living in a flat outside the city. Its a good locality with about 400+ flats. Mine was on ground floor, and the basement is parking, where hardly anyone goes as people are used to parking their cars on the roadside only. Since I was living alone and I used to be out for work from 9 to 4 pm, I hardly get time to clean my flat which has 2 rooms with attached bathroom, one kitchen and a dining room with a table. One day my neighbour came for giving my parcel, which she received while I was...
Time drifted on. The mist disappeared and the forcefield ceased to exist. Jeff sat up. His wives reached out a hand to touch him, all talking at the same time as they asked if he was all right. Their concerns brought a catch to his voice as he repeatedly told them he was fine. "How's Mayberry?" he asked, but as the women moved out of his way and he stepped from the healing Chamber, he saw that the pilot's Chamber was still closed. Diana grabbed his hand, then seeing that it was healed,...
Hot Asian Saya Song finds out her asshole boyfriend has been cheating on her. To make it worse, he offers no apology and walks out. Saya is devastated and calls her girlfriends Luna Rival and Violet Monroe over console her. These gilrls arrive and find out about the situation, then they begin to comfort Saya, they know the fastest way to get over a man is fucking a woman. While they are in bed, begin to caress and kiss Saya’s small breasts, she returns favors kissing and caressing her...
xmoviesforyouToday, as I was sitting at my computer in my home office jerking off to live cams on xHamster, my stepdaughter walked around the corner and saw me in all my glory. She is 21 and is staying with us for a few days while she looks for a new apartment and in the morning walks around the house clad only in panties and a t shirt. She usually sleeps late so I thought I could get a few minutes of jerking off to xHamster. As I was saying, she saw with with my dick in my hand and as I stammered and tried...
Connie was excited as she sat astraddle my belly. I helped her slide back to let my cock plop down on my belly. She looked at my cock, then at me and smiled. “Raise up like Aunt Carol did and I’ll hold my cock up for you. You just let it go inside your pussy slow and easy so it won’t hurt too much. When it begins feeling good, you can fuck me like they’re fucking,” I told her. I rubbed the Angels together and they warmed to a feverish heat as Connie touched her pussy lips to my swollen...
Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I panted, my cock buried in Mrs. Reyes’s pussy. The pantyhose I’d torn through ripped a little farther across her right butt-cheek, exposing more of the golden-brown flesh beneath. It looked so hot peeking through. I grinned at that. She had a great ass. So perky and bubbly. She was perfect for my plans, but I wanted to have more fun with her. I shuddered and pulled my girl-dick out of her. My sixteen-year-old body quivered. It had...
Sitting on His Lap It was August. We spent the morning packing the car. Our son, Mike was leaving for college. It was morning but already it was 90 degrees outside. Mike and husband, and I were getting pretty sweaty loading up the car. The trunk was already full and the back seat wouldn’t fit much more. Mike went back in the house to get the last of his things. I heard him come out of the house. I turned around and saw him carrying his 42 inch flat screen TV. ‘Where are you going to put the...
Hey guys. I have read so many stories at ISS and jacked of to it. Today I am going to share my sex story with you this is my first narration so please don’t mint the mistakes. I am SR from Delhi, 22 yrs of age, avg built and a 6 inch dick. This story is about my first sex exp with my first gf and now my gf. Now my ex. it all started when I was in 11th STD. I was a friendly guy and used to talk to everybody. During the midterm exams I came to know that there was a girl in the class who likes me...
The Rapper and the Sportscaster: The Rapper and the Sportscaster – Down In the Dumps The Sportscaster in the Urban Jungle The Sportscaster in Psycho Hell The Sportscaster – BAD Girl Where you think you are going. I like the fire, it looks so nice. The light from the fire cast a yellow hue over the room. One of the Boys took a knife and set it in a corner of the flames. Karin could see the knife, glowing red. No NO, don’t. Karin felt a 4 x 4 pushed under shoulders. Hands...
You had only been in this city for a few weeks, and didn’t know anyone. Your new neighbour was a woman of about forty, and had spoken to you a couple of times. She was an attractive blonde with large firm boobs that she liked showing off in low cut dresses, and was always cheerful and friendly. But still there was something about her, something you couldn’t quite be sure of...You noticed the way she occasionally glanced at your tits while she was speaking to you. You suspected she might have...
Hi, dear brothers and hot ladies there. My name is Babu from Bhopal. Hot girls and ladies in around Bhopal and Hyderabad can get to me through No complications but the only thing I can promise is memorable sex. Back to the story. It has happened a year ago. It might be a long narrative but practically it’s not so easy to get in bed with other women. So, let me go through it and stick to reality. I have completed my studies and waiting for job sending resumes to all the companies I have heard...
I know a truly gorgeous girl. Her name is JoAnne G. She has long, silky, light brown hair; it’s virtually blonde, you see. She has such gorgeous deep brown eyes and the sweetest ever face. Hers is a smile that’ll melt your heart and warm up any place. Her breasts are small. She’s slight and slim; but her bum sure gets some looks. She wears the nicest, tightest jeans, every day she works. Yes… JoAnne is a working girl; a full-time prostitute. She’s almost famous in our town. Her mouth’s an...
Erotic PoetryGod, I hated the draft. I loved coaching baseball – showing young men how to play the game, watching as they grasped the concepts, and seeing the joy on their faces as the incomprehensible becomes known. Watching boys transition to young men, both in terms of baseball and life brought indescribable joy to this lowly coach. Each year, these young men became MY boys if only for the summer. But for the summer they were mine as surely as if I had sired each and every one of them. But before we...
After what happened Saturday morning with Em on our couch, I was worried about how things would be between us going forward. After I came I went to shower and Em cleaned the kitchen and did laundry. When I got done she was in her room. I knocked to check on her from the bathroom door. “Em, you ok?” I asked. “Are WE ok?” “Yes” she responded “I just need some time to process everything is that ok?” “Of course it is. I’m going to watch TV come down when you’re ready.” About an hour later our Mom...
This is a story about how I took my daughter's boyfriend away from her. Now you are probably saying to yourself "How could you do such a thing to your own daughter?" or something similar. But before you rush to judgment on my parenting skills, let me tell you a little something about my sweet, loving daughter.Stacy is a seventeen-year-old, hateful, spoiled rotten little bitch. The only child of a failed marriage, she plays upon her circumstances to get what she wants. Her father and I had...
MatureWhile they finished preparation for the upcoming winter Roger and his various teams of what passed for experts began working on technological improvements. They began the crude smelting of zinc, copper, tin, and iron using the materials on hand. The high quality steel available from the vehicles was a godsend. Roger saved the electronics, engines and other peripheral equipment to use later or to use as an example when they tried to manufacture a similar item. The items in those vehicles were...
I sat in the car outside the address and to say I was nervous is a understatement. This was the first time I had ever done anything like this and I was half thinking of just driving away.I had got messaging to Sara a month ago after liking the pictures they had posted. I was really in to clothed sex and the pictures showing Sara in a selection of boots whether they be leather or pvc, knee high or thigh high I didn't care as long as they have a stiletto heel l love them. As for clothes I get...
Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility. Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water Mut - Queen of the goddesses and lady of heaven Isis - Goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom (wife of Ra) Ra...
It all started about 2 weeks ago. My friend Tara and I were babysitting, a normal activity for us on Sundays, seeing as both of her parents worked nights and she had two younger siblings. It was somewhat late, around midnight, but we were both sitting on the couch, just kinda shooting the shit, waiting for her parents to get home. Normal stuff, like which teacher we hated the most, how we think we did on the biology test. Normal, 16 year old bullshit. The conversation started to get a bit...
That evening Kirim and I boarded a lift and headed off to Amantil’s dining room, somewhere in one of the Imperial estates on Vreekoos. As ever we arrived first, though that was a security measure on the part of the guardian AIs to scan us and ensure we weren’t carrying weapons and could not surprise the Empress. It wasn’t personal; everyone was treated the same as Amantil bordered on paranoia with her personal security ... for damned good reasons. “Dave, Kirim, it’s good to see you,” Amantil...
To make a long story short, we did form the company to package Laughing Hog barbecue pork and barbecue sauce under that brand name for sale through retail stores. Once that was going, we added sausage and bacon. Judy made a very good suggestion that we market the pork and the sauce in two versions: very spicy with a red label and a mild version with a green label. That way, customers could tailor their barbecue to their tastes by purchasing both versions and mixing them. That became very...
We start this week’s show with an establishing shot of St Mary’s Stadium, home of Southampton Football Club ... Then spinning around to look over the River Solent, zooming in on a large, gray-green structure with little round windows ... Then we cut to that building – on a dusty industrial estate - with the river and St Mary’s Stadium in the background. A sign on the front of the building reads “MAIN AGGREGATES”. Our host steps into frame from the side, immediately making the scene better to...
I had always had a thing for my wife's sister. Ever since I met her 20 odd years ago, I'd had a crush on Rachel, but as I was in love with her older sister, I just resigned myself to admiring her from afar. I think that perhaps Rachel knew or at least suspected that I was interested in her, and it seemed that the interest was mutual but as I was engaged to and then married to her sister, nothing happened other than our ongoing flirting and joking about sex. Rachel had just split up with her...
IncestWhen she thought about it, afterwards, Alicia decided that attending the party that Rona gave for her guests and for her own entertainment, too, was one of her nicest experiences ever. The party lasted for most of the night and she was able to be with Rona and Nick and learn many new tricks. Rona told her about the parties when they had dinner together. "I'm sure you know, dear," Rona said, "that different acts or activities give different people the very ultimate in sexual pleasures....
“I have to ask, what have you done to my son?”“You don’t like?”“No, don’t get me wrong. I haven’t seen Mike for five years. He was a … I don’t even have the words for what he was! I know that it might be hard to hear from a mother, but I raised five kids, mostly alone. Mike was the best educated, had the brightest prospects, but somewhere along the line, he fell in with some crappy friends and he turned into a real …. I never did understand it, and believe me, I tried!”Nicole started laughing....
MatureIntroduction: It continues the next day The next thing I know we are waking up the next morning. Someone is sucking my cock. I just lay there enjoying the mouth going up and down on my cock. I am pretty sure it is Cindy. I open my eyes, and look down. Sure enough it is. Her little mouth is open as wide as she can get it. She is holding her teeth off of me, but her lips are pressed tightly around my shaft. Every now and then, I get a flash of silver as she moves up and down. I know its her...
It had been some time since Ken and Louie had had sex together. At least five or six years. Ken had gotten a new girlfriend and she liked the Honky Tonks, so he had quit fucking Louie and had Ruth move into the house with him. We had moved back into our trailer house and moved into a trailer park. I bought a lot in the area and we had moved a new mobile home on it. We had three kids by then, a girl and two boys, so were just a regular family. Ken still stopped by once in awhile and we still did...
Wife LoversI met her at the bar across town. She was wearing all black leather from head to toe. Her name was Alisha, she was 5'8 with long shoulder length black hair, with big brown hypnotic eyes i could get lost in for hours. When i first laid my eyes upon her i knew i had to have her and i would do ANYTHING to make it happen. I walked to the barand introduced myself "Hi my name is james. How are you this evening?" She looked me up and down smiled and laughed then said "Hi i'm Alisha, i'm doing well...
It was several days after Tony had paid his last visit to see Maggie that he called again and I answered the phone. He told me what a great time he had with Maggie and how pleased he was, with me allowing her to have friends like himself. He told me that he had a huge favor, he'd like me to do for him. "I have a cousin, who's never had sex with a white woman and it's one of his favorite fantasy. He would so love to fuck a white woman and I know that Maggie would just be the most wonderful woman...
InterracialReturning home gave me a feeling of great comfort. I turned the key to the front door knowing Liz would be alone again and I could give her a hug that I needed so much. I desperately needed to hold her. I wanted to sort of claim her back, following her evening of passion with her lover Daniel. Dropping Daniel off at his home was the first step in ensuring I had claimed my wife back, seeing her and holding her would be the next most important step. My mind was racing, mainly as I was desperate...
CuckoldWhen Elsa Jean goes to the spa for cellulite treatment, masseuse Chloe Couture doesn’t understand why Elsa is so insecure. Her client has a perfect body. Since Chloe can’t remove cellulite that isn’t there, at least she can try to change Elsa’s negative body image. Chloe takes a few photos of Elsa’s body before the treatment for comparison. The tiny blonde is painfully shy when she peels off her black lingerie. She lies down on her tummy and Chloe applies an...