- 3 years ago
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Josephine did not go to the movies very often. Because of the nature of who she was, she did not usually go anywhere where she would have to sit in a confined space with many other people. Experience had taught her that she would often end up being overwhelmed by the smell of so many humans in one place while any males within twenty feet of her would end up paying more attention to her than the event they were supposed to be watching. There had even been occasions, back when she had still been new at the life she was now living, when guys had left their dates to come over and sit next to her.
For this reason, when Meghan called her up and asked her if she wanted to meet her at the movies for the eleven PM showing of The Grocer's Daughter, her first instinct was to say no. And, to give her a little credit, she really did try to turn Meghan down at first.
"You and Ken should be alone for a movie like that," she told Meghan. "I would just be intruding." The Grocer's Daughter was a film about a forbidden love affair between a British redcoat and an American peasant girl from Philadelphia during the American Revolutionary War. It was being haled by most of the critics and by general word of mouth as being one of the best and steamiest romance movies of the past thirty years — a shoe-in for multiple Oscars next year.
"Are you kidding?" Meghan asked. "I couldn't drag Ken to this flick with a tractor and a set of battleship chains. That's why I haven't seen it yet. He calls it the chick flick to end all chick flicks."
"He's staying home?" Jo asked, surprised.
"He picked up an overtime flight tonight," she said. "Apparently Charlie called in sick and all the reserve PICs are already covering vacations. That's why I'm calling you. It's the perfect opportunity to see it on the big screen. You simply must come with me."
That was when Jo started to waver. In the two months since first having dinner with Meghan and Ken, she had gotten in the habit of visiting their home at least once a week. Never, however, had she socialized with Meghan alone. "I don't know," she said. "I'm not real big on crowded theaters. All those people sometimes get to me."
"I don't think there's going to be much of a crowd," Meghan said. "It's Thursday night, after all, and it's the eleven o'clock showing. The movie has been out for almost two months now. It's almost at the end of its run before they release it for DVD. How many people could possibly be there?"
"You do have a point there," Jo had to admit.
"Of course I do," Meghan told her. "So you'll be there?"
"Yeah," Jo said, making an impulsive decision. "I'll be there."
At first Jo tried to tell herself she had agreed to go because she really wanted to see The Grocer's Daughter. In general, she did not care for modern films. It was her belief that ninety percent of what Hollywood put out these days was garbage, movies with simplistic and implausible plots that were held together by computer generated special effects. The Grocer's Daughter, however, seemed, at least by reputation, that it might be one of the rare gems. She had been planning to wait until it came out on DVD and see it then, but ... well ... there really was something about seeing a film on the big screen, wasn't there? And Meghan's points about the theater being mostly empty were valid ones, weren't they? She thought so. It was a good case of reasoning. It also wasn't the truth and Jo knew it.
The truth was she wanted to spend time with Meghan. She would have been equally happy to spend three hours of an evening alone with Ken. In the two months since she'd learned that the Pattersons were an actual mutually loving couple, Jo had been spending as much time as she could with them. She was enamored with them in a way she had never experienced before. She liked being around them, talking to them, watching them interact with each other. Their shared love gave her hope for the future of the sad species that were human beings and validated all that she had been taught to revere by her elders.
But even that was not the true reason. The simple truth of the matter was that she had come to love the Pattersons, both of them, individually and together, although if she had to choose one over the other, she would have chosen Meghan.
Jo had never defined herself as a lesbian, mostly because she had always had a strong attraction to certain types of men. She had never defined herself as straight because she had always had a primary desire toward the softer sex. With men, her tastes were picky and her desires almost always no more than sexual in nature. It was with women that she had always associated feelings of love, companionship, and relationship.
In Meghan and Ken she had found a couple in which each of them represented what she found most attractive in their respective gender. Ken was tall, boyishly handsome, soft-spoken yet authoritative and commanding when he had to be. Meghan was wholesomely beautiful, smart, self-assured, and had a sense of humor that was both playful and more than a little naughty at times. Neither of them seemed to have any idea how attractive they really were, which kept either from being arrogant or narcissistic about it. To find these traits in even one person was rare enough. To find them in a couple who actually loved each other was a rarity on the order of winning the Powerball lottery jackpot.
Jo wanted them, wanted both of them, individually, together, it didn't matter to her. She knew, however, that she couldn't have them, that she was involving herself in a relationship that would lead to nothing but frustration for her. Even without the moral and ethical taboos, there was the unshakable fact that she was different than they, quite literally a different species of human being. There could be no casual sex with them because of their mutual love for each other and there could be no lasting love between them because of their fundamental differences.
Maybe that's all the infatuation is anyway, she thought as she pulled her car into the parking lot of the theater. Maybe it's the forbidden fruit aspect that makes me want them so much. Maybe these feelings will start to fade soon.
This struck her as plausible, maybe even something that was true. Not being able to have something was a powerful enticement mechanism, after all. That was historically true for any human species. Wasn't that why thirty year old men lusted after teenage girls? Wasn't that why single women lusted after married men? Couldn't this be nothing more than a case of wanting the unobtainable?
This line of thinking lasted only until she stepped out of her car and saw Meghan standing near the box office. It was a warm night and Meghan was wearing a pair of white shorts that contrasted quite nicely with her long, tan legs. Her top was burgundy in color, sleeveless, and snug against the swell of her breasts. When she saw Jo she smiled and waved at her. This caused the bottom of her shirt to ride up and show her smooth belly and the silver ring in her navel.
She is so beautiful, Jo thought as she returned the smile and the wave. And I have absolutely no business torturing myself like this.
She knew she should walk away from this, right now, right this minute. It would be the best for all concerned. She should make an apology to Meghan, tell her that she wasn't feeling good, and then leave. Tomorrow she could bid on a different line that worked the other half of the week and be shut of the both of them. She should never talk to either one of the Pattersons again.
She didn't do this. She couldn't. Instead, she walked forward, the smile still on her face.
"Hey you," Meghan said brightly, holding out her arms for a hug.
Jo hugged her, feeling the push of Meghan's breasts against her own. She resisted the urge to maintain the embrace longer than propriety dictated. "Hey you back," she said. "Thank you for inviting me."
"I wouldn't see a chick flick with anyone else." She gave her a naughty look. "I even wore my extra thick panties ... just in case the movie really is as good as everyone says."
Jo laughed. Meghan might have been joking (or she might not have been) but Jo actually was wearing an extra-thick pair of panties beneath her jeans. It was a standard precaution when she went out in public and did not want to attract too much attention.
They paid for their tickets and went inside the building, finding their way to the theater where The Grocer's Daughter was playing. As they entered the semi-dark room Jo saw that Meghan's speculation had been correct. There were only six other people in the room; two male-female couples in their mid thirties who were all sitting together in the middle, and two individual females — one in her late forties, one in her late twenties — who sat on either end of the back rows.
"Where should we sit?" Meghan asked, looking around.
"How about over this way?" Jo said. She led Meghan to the right side seats along the aisle. It was a little bit off center but still enjoyed a good view of the screen. Jo figured that no one else would sit in this particular vicinity.
"Why here?" Meghan asked. "Shouldn't we go in the middle somewhere?"
"We can move if you want," Jo said. "I just like being on the aisle where no one else will be stepping over us to get in and out."
Meghan shrugged. "This is fine."
They took their seats, Jo on the aisle seat, Meghan directly to her right. They chatted about Ken's overtime flight and about a hostage situation that was going on just south of downtown that had delayed the final press time of the paper for almost an hour. As they talked, advertisements and trivia flashed on and off the screen and a few more people trickled in. A college age boy and girl came in and found seats in the very back row of the left side of the theater. Another two women came in together. They were in their thirties and looked like upper-middle class housewives (or stay at home moms, as they liked to call themselves). They sat near the back of the middle row, only about five rows behind Jo and Meghan, a little closer than Jo really would have preferred, but there was nothing she could do about it.
Finally, the lights dimmed down and, after fifteen minutes of coming attractions and advertisements, the movie began. It really was as good a story as everyone said. The background was reasonably accurate historically and the back-story of life during the early days of the American Revolutionary War was quite interesting. The romance was also well done, starting, as any decent romance should, with the two participants in an antagonistic relationship. Annie Swanson was a nineteen-year-old American girl struggling to keep the family grocers in Philadelphia running after her father died from typhus and her mother became locked into a hopeless depression. George Stevens was a twenty-four year old corporal in the British Army who came marching into Philadelphia in September of 1777 and remained as part of the occupation force. The two of them slowly warmed to each other as part of George's duties were to secure supplies for his garrison from the grocers. Gradually, they fall in love and begin a passionate though doomed relationship.
Jo was enraptured with the film until sixty-eight minutes into it. That was when George and Annie consummated their love for each other in a steamy, extremely well done love scene that lasted nearly three and half minutes. Jo lost all interest in the film as her sense of smell suddenly caught the sharp, exciting odor of sexual arousal erupting all around her.
Oh my god, she thought, half-alarmed, half-aroused, as her extremely acute olfactory sense identified the strong musky odor from eight different women and the weaker but sharper odor from three different men. Every woman in this room just got wet and every man just got hard. The two stay at home moms behind them were particularly turned on by the scene based on the sheer volume of scent they were collectively putting into the air.
But, by far, the most powerful and most exciting of the individual scents she detected was that coming from Meghan, who was sitting only eighteen inches from her. Thick panties or not, Meghan was juicing up quite nicely as George's pants dropped to the floor, as Annie's dress and petticoat were rucked up around her waist, as her bodice was torn open, as George took her quite un-gently on a storeroom table while suckling on her breast. It was a heavy smell, clean yet soft and very feminine. It hit Jo almost like a drug and she actually shuddered a little as she drank it in. She felt her own sex start to juice up and had to fight to keep herself from dropping her hand down onto Meghan's leg.
The scene went on. There was a shot of Annie's hands clasping George's bare buttocks, the nails raking into his flesh. It was followed by a close-up of the two of them kissing, of their tongues intertwining lustfully. Meghan squirmed in her seat a little, her legs rubbing together a few times. This caused a fresh gush of musk to come pouring out of her nether region. The smell was so powerful now that Jo could almost see it. It was slowly permeating out through the material of Meghan's shorts and rising into the air around them.
This started a chain reaction. Jo was powerfully turned-on by Meghan's smell, by the knowledge that the woman she wanted so badly was in a state of sexual arousal right next to her. This caused her own musk to start flowing and, despite all the precautions, some of her pheromones started leaking into the air around her. It wasn't much, certainly not enough to start affecting the men in the room, but it was enough to start affecting Meghan. Her breathing started to get faster. Her tongue came out and began to lick at her lips. Her hand came up and started to twirl her brunette hair. Jo saw that her nipples had become erect and were sticking out quite noticeably under her shirt.
Fortunately, Meghan, like Ken, had been around Jo long enough now to have developed somewhat of a tolerance to the pheromones. Had that not been the case, had this been the first time that the two of them were sitting in this close of proximity to each other, Meghan would have all but attacked her by now. Even so, Jo instinctively knew that if she were to put her arm around Meghan and try to kiss her, Meghan would allow it. This knowledge, in and of itself, was making Jo flirt with temptation.
Do it, part of her brain whispered to her. Pull her into your arms right now! Kiss her! Put your tongue in her mouth! Put your hands on those boobs you've been drooling over ever since you first saw her! She could be yours tonight! She'll let you go down on her right here in this theater! You could taste what you're smelling right now right from the source!
She didn't do it. It was taboo. It was perhaps the greatest test of her self-control she had ever been faced with, but she didn't do it. She kept her hands in her lap and her upper arms pulled tight against her body to keep the pheromone release from her armpits as minimal as possible and she kept her eyes on the screen instead of on the appetizing points of Meghan's nipples.
The scene ended and the movie went on. The smell of arousal from the other women and men in the theater slowly dissipated and then disappeared entirely. But the smell from Meghan, though it faded a little as the minutes went by, remained. It remained even through the tragic and very sad ending of the movie, when George died of pneumonia in an American POW camp and Annie, ostracized and rejected by her family and friends, was forced to leave Philadelphia and start a new life in New York City.
It was one-thirty in the morning when they emerged from the theater building back out into the parking lot. The night was muggy and warm, a fairly typical Sacramento night during a summer heat wave. The air was scented strongly with smoke from yesterday's grass fires and automobile exhaust from the nearby freeway. Jo breathed it in deeply, trying to clear her head a little. After more than an hour of smelling Meghan she was about as horny as she had ever been in her life.
"What are you going to do now?" Meghan asked her. Even now, she was still exuding a powerful scent of arousal.
"I was just going to go home," Jo said. And once there, she planned to dildo herself with extreme prejudice and not stop until she had at least four orgasms.
"That's too bad," Meghan said. "I was thinking about having a few glasses of wine."
"Where at?" Jo asked. "Last call is in ten minutes."
"Not at my place it isn't," Meghan said. "And it's only a ten minute drive. Care to join me?"
Jo looked at Meghan's face, wondering exactly what was going on behind those green eyes. She knew Meghan's secret, after all. Meghan, like Jo herself, was bisexual. She had known this about her ever since that first dinner together. Only people who were attracted to women were affected by her pheromones. How much any given person was influenced depended on how strongly that attraction to females was. Five out of any ten given women would be completely unaffected by her at all, even if she stood naked, hungry, and dripping in sweat before them. Of the remaining five, three would only feel an effect if Jo was particularly hungry or turned-on, and only if she took no precautions to keep her pheromones dampened or masked — and even then, the effect was likely to be minimal. The remaining two out of ten women were those who reacted to her pretty much the same as men did. Most of these women were lesbians, women who, whether in the closet or out, whether they had even admitted it to themselves or not, were primarily attracted to other women. A small minority, however, were those like Meghan and Jo: true bisexuals who were attracted to both sexes.
Meghan obviously kept her bisexuality to herself. Jo was certain that not even Ken knew this about her. Meghan also had no reason to believe that Jo knew her secret and no reason to think that Jo herself was attracted to women as well. So what exactly was Meghan's motivation to inviting her over now? That was truly the question of the evening, wasn't it?
"A glass of wine would go down pretty nicely about now," she told Meghan.
Meghan smiled and clapped her hands together. "Yay!" she said. "I'll meet you there then."
"Sounds like a plan," Jo said.
Jo followed Meghan's car out of the parking lot, out onto Greenback Lane, and then onto eastbound Interstate 80 toward Roseville. Meghan drove at a steady seventy miles an hour, undoubtedly using her cruise control. About two miles before the Eureka Road exit, Meghan's car started to drift back and forth in her lane just a little. The drifts got worse until she actually drove halfway into the next lane for five or six seconds. Jo was alarmed enough that she almost took out her cell phone to give her a call and make sure everything was okay. Before she could, however, Meghan suddenly pulled the car back where it belonged and drove straight and level the rest of the way home.
She parked in her garage and Jo pulled into the driveway behind her. As soon as she got out of her car and walked within six feet of Meghan, she knew instantly what the swerving had been all about. The smell of Meghan's vaginal juices was much stronger now, coming off of her crotch in waves, so potent that even those without Jo's super olfactory sense probably would have been able to smell it. And that was not the only place the smell was coming from. Meghan's entire right hand, but particularly her index and middle fingers, were saturated with the odor as well.
Meghan, you naughty little girl, Jo thought salaciously. You were playing with yourself while you were driving! You came all over your fingers on Interstate 80, didn't you?
Meghan saw Jo looking at her and flushed a little. "Something wrong?" she asked.
"Not at all," Jo said. "I was just thinking how much fun it was for just us girls to go out."
"And the evening is not over yet," Meghan said.
"Nope," Jo agreed. "Not yet."
Ten minutes later, the two of them were sitting out on the back patio, the pool lights on and the fountain running, each with a glass of 2003 Merlot in their hands and the open bottle before them. Hannah had come down to greet them when they'd entered but after a perfunctory sniff and pet (she had seemed more than a little interested in both Meghan and Jo's crotches), she had gone back upstairs to finish her nightly slumber. Meghan had washed her hands upon entering the house but had not changed her clothes.
They talked about the movie, both agreeing it was one of the best romances they'd seen in quite some time. This, naturally, led them into a discussion of the sex scene.
"It was hot," Meghan said wistfully. "They stayed just this side of what would have gotten them an NC-17 rating and they did it very well." She giggled a little, her mischievous laugh. "And it's a good thing I wore those extra-thick panties."
"Oh yeah?" Jo said.
"Yeah," Meghan said with a sigh. "Let's just say it had the effect on me the director intended. It's a shame that Ken isn't home. I would've jumped him the moment I came in the door."
"That might've been a bit awkward with me here," Jo said.
Meghan chuckled a little. "I'm sure he wouldn't have minded."
"I'm sure you're probably right," Jo agreed.
"And what about you?" Meghan asked.
"What about me?"
"Did the scene get you hot too?"
You have no idea, she thought. "Yes," she said with a nod, casting her eyes down, as if embarrassed. "It did."
"And who do you turn to when you need a little ... you know ... release? I know you don't have a steady boyfriend or anything, but do you have a booty call guy or anything like that?"
"Just my BOB," Jo told her.
"Battery Operated Boyfriend," she clarified.
Meghan laughed. "Ah yes, BOB," she said. "I have a few of those myself. Ken is gone a couple of nights a week, after all."
"Does he know about your toys?" Jo asked.
"Oh sure," she said. "He's even been known to watch me use them on occasion. Have you ever had a guy watch you masturbate?"
"Once or twice," Jo said carefully.
"It's very erotic, isn't it?"
"It is," she agreed. "In fact, I think one of the things any couple should do early in their sexual relationship is watch each other as they pleasure themselves. It can be very instructive as well as erotic."
"I guess that makes sense," Meghan said. "Do you do that with all your boyfriends?"
"Any that I care to keep around for more than a week or so," she said.
"I see," Meghan said, her eyes shining a bit.
The conversation turned away from battery powered phalluses and couples watching each other masturbate and onto more neutral things. They drank their wine and soon the entire bottle was gone. Jo was not affected by the alcohol — in order to feel even a slight buzz she had to drink a large amount very quickly — but she pretended she was. Meghan, on the other hand, was getting both giggly and, despite the lack of sexual talk, more aroused by the sip. It wasn't long before she got naughty again.
"Wow," she said suddenly, wiping a thin sheen of sweat from her brow. "It really is warm out here tonight, isn't it?"
"Yes," Jo agreed. "It's muggy and sticky."
"You know what would feel good about now?"
"What's that?"
"A dip in the pool."
A dip in the pool, huh? Jo could already see where this was going. Somebody wanted to see someone else naked. The question was, was that all Meghan wanted to do? She decided on the spur of the moment to follow this thread a little. "That would be kind of refreshing," she said.
"Let's do it then," Meghan said. "We paid forty-five grand for that damn pool. We might as well put it to use."
Jo's next line was just as easy. "I don't have a bathing suit with me," she said with feigned timidity.
Meghan gave her mischievous smile again. "Who needs a bathing suit?" she asked. "Ken and I hardly ever wear suits out here."
Jo was already looking forward to seeing Meghan in the buff but she knew she needed to put up some token resistance first. "Uh ... well..." she said coyly, "I don't know. Should we really do that? What if someone saw us?"
"Come on," Meghan chided. "It's just us girls. The neighbors can't see in here. Ken won't be home until at least eight o'clock. It'll be fun."
"Well ... it does sound kind of fun," Jo said.
Meghan decided that was agreement enough and seized the moment. "Well all right then," she said, standing up. "Last one in's a rotten egg." She pulled her top up and over her head, revealing her bra-clad breasts and that smooth expanse of stomach Jo had been catching glimpses of all night. She then reached behind her and unsnapped the bra, letting it drop as well. Jo couldn't help but stare at her breasts. They were, in a word, magnificent. About the size of softballs, they jiggled in a way that only natural breasts could jiggle. Her nipples were erect, sticking out proudly.
"You're gonna be a rotten egg in a minute," Meghan told her.
"Oh ... right," she said, forcibly pulling her eyeballs away from Meghan's chest (it was a struggle). She stood up and pulled her shirt over her head, dropping it onto her chair.
"That a girl!" Meghan said with a giggle. She then unbuttoned her shorts and pushed them and her panties down in a bunch, leaving her completely naked. Her pubic hair was dark brown, like the hair on her head, and trimmed into a neat strip. Her vaginal lips were swollen and wet. The smell of her hit Jo anew and she had to bite her lip to keep moaning out loud.
This is such a bad idea, Jo's brain informed her. You can't do anything with her!
I won't do anything, she vowed to herself as she pulled her bra off and reached for the button on her jeans. She just wants to be naughty, so I'll give her naughty. I won't do anything.
Soon, she stood naked on the deck. Meghan looked her up and down and Jo could smell that the sight of her nudity and the essence of her pheromones were making Meghan very excited. At least the pool would take the pheromones out of the equation.
"You have a nice bod, Jo," Meghan told her, her voice almost ravenous. "We oughtta get you some more revealing clothes so you can show it off."
"Oh, I attract more than enough attention the way I dress now," Jo said. "Come on. Let's get in the water."
"Right," Meghan said, giving her one last glance. She then turned around, showing Jo her rather impressive derriere and the tattoo on her lower back. It was a purple morning glory that stretched from the top of her buttocks all the way to her mid-back. She took three steps and dove head first into the water, her lithe form gliding beneath and resurfacing on the other side.
Hands, feet, and especially mouth to myself, Jo told herself. She then dove into the water as well.
The swim actually did feel good. The water was cool but not cold, just the perfect temperature to be refreshing. The two of them paddled back and forth a few times, going from the deep end to the shallow and then back. Meghan did not make any kind of move on Jo, confirming her suspicion that getting Jo naked in the pool with her had been Meghan's goal the entire time.
Her naiveté is so adorable, Jo thought as they finally settled in the shallow end of the pool. Meghan sat on the bottom step, which allowed just the tops of her breasts to stick out of the water. Jo sat next to her, though not close enough so their legs or hips would touch. That might have made things a little too volatile. Jo did sit one step higher than Meghan, however. This allowed her entire chest to be exposed to Meghan's gaze. And she did indeed gaze upon it. She no doubt thought she was being surreptitious, but, in truth, she was as obvious as a teenage boy would have been.
Jo did not let this go by. "I know," she said sadly. "They're kind of small, aren't they?"
Meghan blinked, her face flushing again. "Whu ... what's kind of small?"
"My boobs," Jo said. "I saw you glancing at them. It's okay. I know they're small."
Meghan became very flustered all of a sudden. "I wasn't, uh ... I mean, I didn't ... uh ... I mean ... I don't think they're small at all."
"No?" Jo said, deliberately thrusting them forward a little. She reached up and gave them a squeeze. "I always thought I could use a little more up here. But then ... maybe you're right. There are lots of girls that are smaller."
Meghan was now looking directly at her breasts. She was chewing on her bottom lip just a bit. "I think they're very nice boobies," she said.
"Really?" Jo asked.
Meghan nodded. "Oh yes," she said. "They're not huge, but you won't have to worry about them sagging when you get older, will you?"
Jo smiled. "I suppose that's a good way of looking at it."
"Uh ... wow," Meghan said, stammering again. "That didn't come out exactly the way I meant it to."
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It has been the few months on the job as a corrections officer at the county jail. My assignment is the overnight shift in the women’s block. Although it is technically against the rules for inmates to be sexually active with each other to keep lover quarrels at bay, it is rarely enforced.Two that were always sexually active in the middle of the night were inmates Cece and Kay. As I would make my rounds, I would stand slightly out of view and watch them through the low light. I could hear their...
Pia sat in silence, ashen faced and scared as her parents were hysterical. Their "guruji" sat cross-legged on the floor, muttering to himself. Her mother wailed, "How could this happen? We should've never left her alone with her friend." Her father tried to comfort her, but choking back tears, he asked the holy man, "Is there any hope? Can she be cured and rehabilitated?"Pia knew she was toast. Her mom had discovered the vibrator during a routine search of her room. She never understood why her...
Knowing only what I had read about BDSM, I was intrigued enough to join several websites dedicated to the subject. Not entirely sure what I was looking for, I created a profile online listing myself as a straight 'switch', but giving few other details. I enjoyed browsing the profiles of women online, but never plucked up enough courage to open a dialog with one.Suddenly, one day he received a notification that he had a message waiting. Clicking the link, he saw that young Domme from New York...
"Man, I still can't believe what a bitch my mom is. Jesus, I can drive. I can even almost buy a pack of cigarettes, but she still won't let me stay home by myself when she goes on vacation." "Relax, Bobby. So your mother likes to send her precious little baby to stay with his aunt while she goes on vacation. So what?" "Go to hell!" "Hey, don't yell at me. You're the one who has been on this topic for an hour, mama's boy." "This really isn't funny, Hank." "I don't know....
I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”, she...
I met Simone at work when she started as an intern during her final year of college. She was 20 at the time and I was 40. It took some time for us to start interacting since we were in different departments, but eventually after she was hired full time, we started to have some conversations and working together. I found her to be beautiful from the first time I saw her and thought there was no way she would ever be interested in a guy like me. She was young, long brown hair, around 5’4”; she...
Mature"So then, why are you wearing a bra?" "Because I am a sissy." "And why are you a sissy?" "Because you made me one." "What?" I asked unbelievingly. "I made you one?" My voice rising. "I'm sorry ma'am, that's not what I meant." The words just barely eked out as he realized his folly. "I meant that you have allowed me to realize the sissy that I am, of course," he said, blubbering, as he fell to his knees. "You know how grateful I am for that." He inched forward until his nose...
I became sexually aware at a young age and enjoyed sex with girls first and by the time I was a teenager I was dating boys and was willing to give blowjobs and as long as the guys wore rubbers I would allow them to fuck me. This sex story is totally FICTION! When I entered collage and got on campus there was a girl at the orientation meeting that I was attracted to. She was an attractive brunette with gray eyes and a knockout figure. I approached her and stuck out my hand, “Hi my...
David and Janet were getting on better and better despite, or maybe because of, the age difference. Tessa living with them was fine, and David got used to being spanked by the 18 year old on a quite regular basis. There was talk of marriage and Janet reckoned she should get to know her mother in law to be so David’s Mother, Rita, came to stay for a month. David said to Janet “it’s really nice of you to have Mum stay.” Janet smiled at her fiancé. She just hoped things would work out...
I thought it was my lucky night when she struck up a conversation with me. I had been cruising a few bars looking to pick up a woman for a one night stand as usual and Rachel, as she introduced herself, was certainly my type. Curvy and voluptuous with shoulder length fair hair and mischievous green eyes, I was taken with her instantly. Her curves had been poured into a tight black pencil skirt, complimented by an equally tight white blouse that accentuated her ample bosom. Her sheer tights and...
Trent Boyd hefted his small attache' case into the over head compartment and sat down in the aisle seat and waited for the 737 to take off. Leaving the bone chilling cold of Detroit to spend a long weekend in New Orleans was enough to bring a smile to the face of any seasoned traveler! One stop over in Memphis, and it would be good by Woodward Ave. and hello Bourbon Street! This would be Trent's sixth visit to the Crescent City and it was definitely his favorite destination, with all the food,...
EroticKissin cousins and moreMy mother comes from a big family a total of six , three boys and three girls and when they grew up and got married they s**ttered all across the country . My mother tried to keep in touch with all of them , but other than a phone call she hardly ever saw them . Just before I graduated from high school in 2016 my mother got a phone call from her sister telling my mom that an uncle had just died and a funeral would be held on Friday this week and asked my mother if she...
Girl Time: Becoming Jessica. By Maria Ski Can I let you in on a secret of mine? It's nothing major as far as I am concerned. But if my mother found out I don't think she'll like it. My secret is that I want to be a girl. I have wanted to be a girl for as long as I remember. And perhaps if you are reading this. You have that secret desire too. I don't know about you. But I found my final year exams at school very stressful. I couldn't sleep, I wasn't eating and my temper was...
Beth waited and listened. She heard the bedroom door close and then the front door shut. She waited a full five minutes, counting off the seconds, just in case he changed his mind and decided to come back and fuck her.To Beth's dismay he did not return.Beth tried to put the handcuff key in the lock but she dropped it onto the floor. With the blindfold on, Beth couldn't see to find the key. She got down on the floor and felt around for it.She was so horny from what the stranger had done to her,...
CheatingPhan ta sia Initiation Fiction created by A.Nonymous I went camping to a local state park, just to get away from life for a couple of days where if you’re lucky, you get to see the a****ls that belong there. It clears the head, the heart and the soul. I’m sitting in a portable fold out chair, enjoying the initial start of a fire, listening to some classic rock and setting the mood to mellow, when up drives a Black Range Rover into my camp site. It is her, the woman determined convert me to be...
June 1982, Milford, Ohio Melanie, Kara, and I headed over to the Kara’s house to talk to her mom. I explained what Don Joseph had said and gave her the piece of paper with the phone number. “How is this even possible, Steve?” Nancy Blanchard asked. “I’ve been working for him for about five years, and I dated Joyce, who’s his granddaughter, for several of those years before Kara and I got together. He likes me and wanted to help, just as he did with the suit and the dresses.” “And this is...
Yeh baat 2 saal pehle ki hai. Humare bathroom aur toilet ke nal kharab hue they. Isliye dad ke pehchaan wale plumber ko bulaya tha. Hum jo bhi time usko dete, uss time pe woh nahi aata tha. Jab hum ghar se nikal jaate they kucch der baad woh aa jata aur kaam reh jaata. Uss Sunday ko mujhe aur mere chhote bhai ko chhutti thi. Ghar wale Panvel mein ek shaadi ke liye gaye they. Tab humne uss plumber ko subah 11 baje bulaya tha. Woh aaya hi nahi. Bhai ruka raha 1 baje tak phir bhi nahi aaya. Uske...
Louise, already completely naked, lost another hand and had no articles of clothing left to give up. "What happens now?" I asked. "Is the game over?" "If you're ready to take pictures, it is," Don said. "Otherwise, if we're going to keep playing, Louise has to do a forfeit." "A forfeit?" "Sure. Louise will have to take orders from the person with the best hand. That would be you, Tad. You won the hand." "Hmmm," Tad said. "I have to tell her to do something?" "Right,"...
We got a call. A break in at the industrial office complex on Mainland and 3rd. We arrived on the scene and found that the back door was open so we entered and began inspecting the scene. We found the suspect in the back of the offices, he has two computer screens on his hands and he looked to be stealing them. We told him to freeze but the suspect ran into a back room and out some hallways. We gave chase and the suspect led us to the roof of the complex. We knew we had him cornered, so we...
xmoviesforyouHi this is Krishna again hope you liked my first story seduced and tasted by maid and here I’m goining to narrate a true incident happend just a few days ago. I have a friend named Mani he had an aunt named Kavitha she is women of 5 feet heigh with asses 32 28 36. her hip is like a coke botle her but are protuded a bit extra she is an appartment. My house near by her and whenever I go to my upstair I used to smile at her and she too after reading incest stories I madly want to fuck her and but...
Introduction: In chapter one, I related how I succumbed to the instructions of Mistress Sarah during a business trip to Chicago . At her direction, I ordered room service and answered the door wearing only a towel, which accidentally fell away exposing my nakedness to Denziel, the nineteen-year-old, black room service delivery boy. That evening I allowed Denziel to enter me, without protection and ejaculate inside me. I climaxed three times as this teenager pummeled my little pussy with his...
InterracialSince my uncles accident, She walks around wearing a bath robe and nothing else most of the time its not even tied. She says my uncle hasnt touched her since he lost his sight. Last week i was sitting around with blue balls from all my aunts pussy and ass shots and told them i was going out . I went up took a shower when i came down they must of thought i was gone my aunt kiki was blowing my uncle. my uncle was facing toward me, and kiki had removed her robe, ass up in the air thou id seen her...
“Cheri? Are you awake,” Susan said, knocking on the guest room door. “Yes, Mrs. Olsen, I’m awake,” Cheri said sitting up in bed. She was wearing a big t-shirt and panties. No bra. “Can I come in? Are you decent?” “Sure.” The door opened and Susan Olsen came in carrying a breakfast tray. “Good morning, Cheri. I thought you might like some breakfast, so I made you some scrambled eggs and toast. We have juice and coffee – do you take anything in your coffee?” “Thank you, Mrs. Olsen. That’s...
“Why did you take it?” Mike asked, “All you had to do was ask.” And that was the problem really. I was pretty sure if I had asked to borrow the money he would have let me but instead I just took it. Anything I said from here would just sound like an excuse. I was just so disgusted with myself. Mike was in his late sixties and vulnerable and I had robbed him “I’m sorry Mike, “ I said “Really. I am. I can only say that I panicked when the bank threatened to take my house off me. It’s been hard...
Hi friends , first part of this sex story was published in Feb 2013. Thereafter I forgot to write subsequent part . Let’s have recap – I am Alka, having a grown up son Mohit. People say I am beautiful and owner of a very lovely & sexy figure. That fateful day my son dropped me at a mutton shop and moved away. There I got impressed by butcher Raffique’s monster cock and got fucked by him there itself in presence of his youngest daughter Ruby. Thereafter Ruby’s would be husband fucked me in...
"T.C. Be reasonable." Cor said into the phone. "We aren't going to be able to come home for Christmas, so we want Mom and Dad to come spend Thanksgiving with us. We're talking just five days. You will have them all to yourselves for Christmas." "We'll all get together on New Year's Eve, how about that? We're planning on going to the big Obsidian Technologies party in London. Would you guys like to go with us?" "... Okay, yes email me the details later and I'll call when I know...
I am 39 and my one and only daughter is 18. She has been darling of my soul ever since she was born. She is a very cute girl. Day by day she became close to me. I love her a lot as my daughter and she love me too – more than she does her mother. Of late, I have been noticing she is fascinating male population. She has grown physically (and of course, intellectually) very fast. At 18 she looks like hot Already, she has developed all the curves looking like a sensuous sculpture. What attracts...
IncestHi guys and girls.I am Kamran and I am back with another story.I am happy that I receive good comments.If you like this story please comment on my email Meri pehli story aap sab ne pari jis me muje raj,vikas aur varun ne mil ke choda.Us ke bad muje gaand marwane me boht maja aata tha.Us ke bad me me 1 aur dost se bhi gaand chidwaya jiska nam rahul hai. Rahul mera dost hai.Wo raj ki tarah bodybuilder to nei hai.Lekin wo bhi bohat smat body hai rahul ki bhi.5’11 height aur sakht body hai...
Gay MaleHai friends, Suhasini here. Life is so beautiful after marriage with Sri. After our first mate, we continued that night there on the floor in the hall for four times. We got sleep and were sleeping on the floor only. In the early morning sri waked me up and we went into bed room. Then I understand the use of a big bed. We both covered under a same blanket naked. He is hugging me. All my body is aching with pain. But again I want sri to come inside me. You all might think how this lady got so...
Some weeks later it was the Diplomatic Advisor, Ghada Baroud, who had the ticklish job of informing the Emir of the communication from the British Ambassador. "Master," he began, "There has been a communication from Her Britannic Majesty, Elizabeth, by the Grace of God Queen of England..." "Yes, yes. What does the British Government want now?" "Master, it is not from the Government. It is a personal request from Her Majesty conveyed via her Ambassador. That was made very clear to...
Nicole is a mother to six children, each and every one of them, she had to take care of her entire life. That takes a lot out of her, to make matters worse, her husband got a new job and wasn't home that often when he was, he wasn't paying much attention to her, normally and sexually. It's been years since he's fucked her, Nicole was horny as shit. She couldn't do anything about it but suppress her sexual desires. When her sons, brought their friends over to the house, Nicole found it...
Well, it's the arctic circle so it's cold. Really cold. During the winter it can drop below negative 40 degrees farenheit... and that's before the wind chill factor. The summers are nice, around 65 degrees usually. You really hope for the wind to come or the mosquitoes will eat you alive for the three months that the summer lasts. It's completely dry up there, and I mean that in a couple ways, there is no alcohol and you better bring some chapstick. Also, when you're up there, you're up...
With their expanded brainpower, both Doug and Megan understood what was happening when they awoke the next morning. "'Morning, sweetheart," Doug said from somewhere on the other side of the king-sized hotel bed. "Morning, dad," Megan said sleepily, streching out her arm. "Wow. No wonder they don't want teenagers to learn about sex. I could do that all day, every day. In fact, I think I will -- as soon as you get off my chest." "What do mean?" Doug asked, as he noticed something...
"Where is it, where is it," Tammy mumbled as she rummaged through the closet in the Anderson sisters room on the second floor. The room looked like a tornado had hit since Tammy had already rummaged through just about every corner of it. "Tammy what are you looking for;" someone said angrily behind her, "look at this room, it'll take Mary forever to clean it up; meaning it'll take forever for her to get back to me and give me my next helping of Mary juice!" Tammy stuck her head...
You gods know everything, I thought. “Scientists!” I said. Yeah yeah yeah. Like a certain candy bar there’s a sneer in every Yeah. “What’s the matter with scientists?” asked the girl at the next table. I turned ... wow ... cute, “They think they know everything,” I said. “We do not,” she said. For some damned reason, that pissed me off. We were at Tokashiki Island in the Sound Beach Cafe and bar. We were at the bar because...
It took me all of my years in middle and high school to finally learn to just shut the fuck up until you know what is going on. Usually that gave me around a fifty-fifty chance of not getting the crap beaten out of me. There were so many suits, Air Force SPs and some GA State Troopers that I was sure a number of beatings were in my future, just to be sure I was not lying to any of them. I have heard how the rights go out the window for anyone suspected of even thinking about looking too...
So I thought I was a true Cock Worshipper, but my friend told me that there are many interpretations as to what Cock worship was. When he said he belonged to a Worshippers Church, he meant just that. The group he belonged to was devoted to the worship of Cock, Priapus being the God of Cock and Cum being the sacrament.....the seed of life....that all things come from. There were rules when at church that must be followed and all members must present themselves once a month to a church service,...
By Milik the Red Kari was overjoyed at her reunion with Kelly and relished the time they spent together that afternoon. As evening approached though, Kelly told her that she had been unable to clear her schedule for the night and had to be at a photo shoot for a few hours. Kari knew her sister was a successful model, and excitedly hoped she might be able to go along with her and watch Kelly be photographed. It all sounded so very glamorous to her, so when Kelly explained that it wouldn’t be...
"Honey my sister is visiting us for the holidays", I told my wife. She winked and replied, "that sounds great....I hope she won't find out about our secret". It brought a smile on both of ours face and I felt my heart beating fast and cock getting hard. I said, "shhhhhhhh....that is out secret" and she replied and "daddy's too". She passionately looked me in my eyes and started kissing me. She paused for a moment and said "honey, daddy is visiting us during the same time...........I cant wait...
April Dunlough was accustomed to rising early and arriving at the TV studio before dawn for early shoots, so it wasn’t unusual for her to have several warm layers under her comfortable pink dayglo sweats and out enjoying the cool brisk breeze coming off the dark grey sea. It was chilly and damp but she got up a respectable speed with her training shoes springing off the firm wet sand left by the retreating tide and the effort soon warmed up her slight petite body. Although it was still dark,...
"Ich werde es nehmen." Martis Augen öffneten sich weit und sie schüttelte den Kopf. "Nicht! Was, wenn du erwischt wirst?" Es war eng in der Umkleidekabine. Marti seufzte. "Erzähl mir nochmal, warum ich mit dir befreundet bin." Karen lachte. "Weil ich Spaß habe. Außerdem denke ich, dass die Verkäuferin mit uns zur Schule geht. Sie würde uns wahrscheinlich zulassen, dass wir sie nehmen." Sie betrachtete sich selbst im Spiegel. Karens langes blondes Haar war nach hinten gestrafft. Ihre blauen...
InterracialStanley Long is just finishing up with helping GoGo FukMe bring in the last of her things from storage. As GoGo leans over to start unpacking her new apartment, her juicy booty stuck up in the air, Stanley can’t help but to stare. Sure, she may be his stepmother’s sibling, but how can ANY man ignore an ass like THAT?? He accidentally starts to give away his inner secrets as he compliments how much GoGo and his stepmother look alike. The air only becomes more charged as GoGo shares...
xmoviesforyou"Ding.""Dong."Opening the door, Nikki is standing there wearing a coat that reaches just above the knee. The buttons are undone down to the waist. I notice that Nikki is not wearing anything other than the coat. Upon entering, she lifts the coat part way up and I see her bare ass. I close the door and turn to face her. Before I could speak, Nikki grabs me by my shirt. Placing her finger on my lips, she says, "Carl, you will not speak or make a sound tonight. If you do there will be...
Office Sex----- "Hannah, can I see you in my office?" Katherine calls from her office. Her secretary, Hannah, walks into her office to meet the powerful blonde. Katherine gives her a sultry smile. "Have you done what I asked, Hannah?" The brunette secretary gives her a smile and bites her lip, closing the door behind her. Knowing exactly what was going to happen in the next few minutes. "What would that be, boss?" Hannah asks, feigning confusion. Katherine narrows her eyes...
Sincerely, OuttLaw. I woke up of a sweat, dreaming of last night were I was caught up in a shooting outside of town involving a '6er' gang member. He has tried to rape a young women when I turned the corner. I pulled out my Glock 22 and told him to get up, instead he reached for his gun so I shot. I had shot him in the head, then ran off not worrying about the girl or anything else. Let me describe my self, I'm Corbin "Duece" James, my nickname is Duece due to my choice of pistol, a...
Tom was 37 and was looking for a place to live. His wife had kicked him out of the house because of his porn addiction. She caught him several times on web sites reading stories looking at pictures and once she had caught him masturbating with a water melon on the kitchen table. Tom tried to explain he had read a story online about using a watermelon that was sun warm. His wife decided enough was enough. She did not think sex was that necessary or desirable. She divorced him and basically...
Dear Friends This is Hemanth from Mumbai and this is my first story into the world of incest. Any girls, aunties and grand mas in need of sex or pleasure can contact me on We are a family of four, father working as an officer in a government office, mother a home maker, sister and myself. Ours was a small home and whenever my parents have sex I used to hear heavy moans and shouts. At first, I used to think they were fighting and only later I got to know it was the fight of pleasure. In our...
IncestPoor little Nate. Just look at him. He’s heartbroken…and for good reason. He caught his girlfriend with a black dude. At first, mommy tried to console him, but it’s been a whole week and Nate still doesn’t get it. “Why would she cheat on me, mom? I’m a smart guy and I’m in college!” So mommy is going to show a little “tough love” and teach Nate the ways of the world. She’s enlisted her naughty step-daughter, Liza, to drive the...
xmoviesforyouAdam slowly opens his eyes to the dim light of a gray rainy morning casting a glow into the room. He senses the heat of the naked body lying next to him and turns to absorb it. Eve is lying face down on the bed, curly black hair covering her face and neck. Her arms curled above her head exposing the soft curve of her breast. The covers are pulled down to just above her waist, the shadows hiding the delight he knows is there. He is immediately aroused. In his eyes she is perfection. Her toned...