Entjungfern indian porn

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FamilientraditionenUSABen hatte die Ranch erst vor einem ? Jahr erworben und gleich modernisieren lassen. Er wollte daraus ein Paradies machen. Ein Paradies, in dem er schalten und walten konnte, wie er wollte. Er wollte einflussreiche Personen mit gleichen Interessen hierher einladen. Personen aus Politik, Wirtschaft, Showbusiness und Sport. Woher sollte er wissen, dass dies viel schneller vonstatten ging als er es sich in seinen k?hnsten Tr?umen ausgemalt hatte. Noch vor wenigen Tagen war er J...

2 years ago
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Helen Teil 2

Helen – Teil 5Anmerkung des Autors: Den 5ten Teil der Geschichte habe ich aus der Sichtweise von Cristina geschrieben. Es ist auch durchaus m?glich, dass ich die Geschichte aus der Sichtweise einer bis dahin noch nicht vorgekommenen Person fortf?hre. Im Laufe des jeweiligen Teils wird der Zusammenhang mit zumindest einer Person aus der Borgers Familie ersichtlich. Je nachdem wie es die jeweilige Situation erfordert. Also bitte nicht wundern.(Cristina; Tims kleine Schwester und die Tochter von...

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FBMO Club For Black Men Only

(subbi42© gefunden bei literotica.com und leicht abgewandelt)So hatte ich mir mein Leben nicht vorgestellt, als ich von zu Hause in die Großstadt in eine eigene Wohnung wegzog und endlich frei sein wollte. Schnell waren meine Ersparnisse aufgebraucht und vielfach vergeblich hatte ich mich um einen Job bemüht. Jetzt stand mir das „Wasser bis zum Hals" und meine Lage war mehr als verzweifelt. Ein Job musste her, egal was auch immer. In dieser Stimmung sah ich in der U-Bahn als ich einstieg ein...

3 years ago
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Bernd und Ivonne Teil 2

Bernd und Ivonne Teil 2Es war ein Polizist, Ivonne ließ die Scheibe runter und fragte was den los sein und er wollte wissen ob sie sich im Klaren sei, dass das hier Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisse sei, und ob sie eine professionelle Hure sein, und das er ihre Papiere sehen wolle.Ivonne war wie vor den Kopf geschlagen, sie wurde gerade wie eine Nutte behandelt. Bernd stieg aus und erzählte dem Polizisten die Geschichte während der Ivonne´s Ausweis kontrollierte, am Ende ließ er es mit einer...

4 years ago
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Die Webcam5

Story nicht von W.„Willst du noch eine zweite Runde, Tobi? Wir könnten es mal gleichzeitig probieren. Schon was von Neunundsechzig gehört? Mach aber vorher den Computer aus. Das Gebläse nervt. Wenn geblasen wird, dann anders."Für das Angebot war Tobias natürlich sofort Feuer und Flamme. Er beeilte sich, den PC auszumachen und schaltete ihn einfach mit dem Netzschalter aus. Dabei übersah er das rote Blinken der Cam-LED, die anzeigte, dass sie auf Sendung waren und eine Zuschauerin gehabt...

2 years ago
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Mansurs Rache

Mansur’s Rache Synopsis (17. Jahrhundert, T?rkenkriege, ein Kloster im Donautal) Nach blutiger Schlacht im Angesicht des Klosters beschliesst der siegreiche Emir Mansur der Pr?chtige an den Bewohnern des Klosters grausame Rache zu nehmen. In der Arena des grossen Klosterhofes, vor rachedurstigen Kriegern, erdulden die Nonnen und Novizinnen subtile Varianten muselmanischer Folterkunst.Die Schlacht  In den fr?hen Morgenstunden des strahlenden Fr?hlingstages hatten die t?rkischen Truppen unter M...

4 years ago
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Tims Abenteuer

Hallo, mein Name ist Tim und ich möchte hier einige außergewöhnliche Ereignisse aus meiner Jugend berichten. Eigentlich hatte ich eine sehr normale und schöne Kindheit und Jugend, wie sie wahrscheinlich sehr viele andere auch hatten. Der einzige Punkt in dem ich mich wahrscheinlich von den allermeisten meiner Altersgenossen unterscheide ist mein Körperbau. Ich habe schon als Kind angefangen, recht intensiv Sport zu betreiben und im Laufe der Jahre habe ich wohl schon fast alle Sportarten...

2 years ago
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Die b ouml se Mutter

Für diejenigen, die lieber eine Geschichte mit grenzenlosem wilden Rumgevögele lesen möchten, ist diese Geschichte eher nicht geeignet. Die böse Mutter Ich heiße Julia, bin 42 Jahre alt und komme aus dem schönen Rheinland in der Nähe von Köln. Schneewittchen war seit jeher mein Lieblingsmärchen. Das lag in erster Linie daran, dass zwischen meiner Mutter und mir nie eine enge Bindung bestand. Ich war der festen Überzeugung, dass meine Mutter nicht meine richtige Mutter, sondern meine Stiefmutter...

3 years ago
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Sein dicker Schwanz

Ich bin 17 Jahre alt und blase gerne Schwänze. Bei mir in der Nähe gibt es einen Badesee und dort auch einen ziemlich dichtbewachsenen Bereich zum cruisen. Vor einem Jahr hatte ich dort das erste Mal einen Schwanz geblasen und es seitdem schon öfter dort gemacht, aber nie mehr als blasen. Ich knie mich hin vor dem Typ und blase ihm sein Teil bis er kommt und mir ins Gesicht spritzt.Einmal lief es aber anders. Ich ging dort wie immer durch das Gebüsch und erspähte schon bald einen jungen Kerl,...

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Der Einbruch

Teil 1: Das MädchenIch schleiche vorsichtig ums Haus, jede Deckung und jeden Schatten nutzend. Irgendwo muss sich doch eine Schwachstelle finden, die ich nutzen kann, um herein zu kommen. Tatsächlich: die Terrassentür ist nur angelehnt. Wie unvorsichtig von den Bewohnern. Aber wie einladend und vorteilhaft für mich. So wird es keine Spuren geben! Ich gehe hinein. Vorsichtig erkunde ich die Räume im Erdgeschoss. Kein Mensch zu sehen. Ich schleiche runter in den Keller. Aus einem Zimmer, dessen...

2 years ago
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Die Webcam8

„Hallo, Mama! Ich bin wieder da und habe Meike mitgebracht!" Tobias wusste auch noch nichts über die Gründe von Meikes Verspätung.„Hey, was war denn los, Süße!" begrüßte Sandra das Mädchen.„Große Scheiße. Wegen meinem Stiefbruder."„Was ist denn mit Kai?"„Der Arsch hat sich voll in die Scheiße geritten. Mit so einen blöden Schnepfe da unten."„Erzähl in Ruhe und von Anfang an.", forderte Sandra.„Der hat wieder mal den großen Aufreißer gespielt und am Strand jedes Mädchen angebaggert. Natürlich...

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Die Aequatortaufe Germann

Die Aequatortaufevon blumchen100PrologDie junge Frau in der schicken dunkelblauen Navyuniform kuesste ihren Begleiter beilaeufig auf die Wange. "Danke, Schatz, das war wirklich ein sehr netter Abend. Aber jetzt muss ich ins Bett. Morgen geht’s frueh los.? sagte sie mit gleichgueltigem Ton.?Aehh, ich dachte, wir koennten noch einen Drink in deinem Zimmer nehmen. Schliesslich bist du eine ganz Zeit lang weg und ich vermisse dich jetzt schon.? erwiderte der gut aussehende, dunkelhaarige junge Mann...

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Joe und die Neue Zeit German

Joe und die ?Neue Zeit?von blumchen100 1. Virginia?Bitte nicht, Sir, bitte nicht mehr schlagen, bitte, bitte nicht mehr. Ich verspreche, ich tue es nie mehr wieder, nie mehr! Ich werde gehorchen, gehorchen, ganz bestimmt! Ich verspreche es, ganz bestimmt!?Ein heftiger Schluchzer erschuetterte den wohlgeformten Oberkoerper der nackten Frau, wobei ihre melonengrossen festen Brueste aufregend zitterten. Sie kniete vor dem Mann und hatte ihre Haende in flehender Geste wie zum Gebet gefaltet. Dann...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Ab dem 7ten Lebensjahr wurde sie immer von ihrem Onkel, dem Bruder der Mutter, in San Diego, Kalifornien, in sein Hotel eingeladen worden, um dort die Sommerferien zu verbringen. Wundervolle 6 Wochen lang. Ihr Onkel wohnt in der obersten Etage des Hotels. Sie war riesig. Kim war jetzt schon so oft bei ihrem Onkel zu Besuch, aber alle Zimmer hatte sie noch immer nicht gesehen. Ein Teil der Etage war auch immer ganz verschlossen. Es war mit einem elektronischen Zahlenschloss vor...

2 years ago
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Sarah und Daniela auf dem Strich

Angefangen hat es vor ein m Monat. Ich lag mit meiner Freundin Sarah im Bett. Sie ist 1,60 m klein, mittellanges glattes braunes Haar, kleiner Hintern, kleine A-Tittchen, 20 Jahre alt, Brille, süßes Lächeln. Wir küssten uns wild. Ich wollte mit meiner Hand in ihre Hose gleiten, da schob sie meine Hand weh, unterbrach den Kuss, gucke mich an und sagte: „ich bin noch Jungfrau und ich möchte nicht von dir entjungferte werden!“ Bahm, das hat gesessen. „Was...wieso... wer soll dich den entjungfern?“...

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Die Eroberung

Amber sah Richard auf dem lokalen Treff der Teenys, da wo ihre Mama nicht wollte, dass sie dort verkehrte. Sie dachte, dass er entzückend aussehe. Sie musste kichern, als sie ihn erblickte. Sie flüsterte mit ihren Freundinnen und nickte ihm zu, um ihr Interesse zu zeigen. Ihre Freundinnen erzählten ihr, dass sie nichts mit ihm zu tun haben wollten, dass er Ärger bedeute. "Aber er ist so entzückend!" sagte sie. Die Freundinnen schüttelten nur den Kopf. Sie hatten Einiges über den gut aussehenden...

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Black Sparrows

Die "Black Sparrows" sind eine Organisation, eine Tradition, die tief zurück reicht, bis ins dunkelste Mittelalter, in welcher Mädchen von klein an lernen, Männern zu gehorchen. Diese Mädchen haben keinen Namen, keine Eltern, sie sind niemand. Sie werden von ihrer Geburt an in der Organisation großgezogen. Und wenn sie das richtige Alter erreicht haben und somit volljährig sind, nehmen sie an einer Zeremonie Teil, welche 9 Tage dauert. Während dieser Zeremonie werden sie in Gruppen von einer...

Group Sex
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White Hawks

Die "White Hawks" sind eine Organisation, eine Tradition, die tief zurück reicht, bis ins dunkelste Mittelalter, in welcher Männer von klein an lernen, dem weiblichen Geschlecht zu gehorchen. Diese Männer haben keinen Namen, keine Eltern, sie sind niemand. Sie werden von ihrer Geburt an in der Organisation großgezogen. Und wenn sie das richtige Alter erreicht haben und somit volljährig sind, nehmen sie an einer Zeremonie Teil, welche 9 Tage dauert. Während dieser Zeremonie werden sie in Gruppen...

Group Sex
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Das Lehrm dchen

Es klopfte leise. „Herein!“ rief ich und vertiefte mich wieder in die Faxmitteilungen, die in der Mittagspause reingekommen waren.. Ich sah auf…“Ach Sie. Dann setzen Sie sich mal, - ach was, bleiben Sie da stehen!“ Das junge Mädchen strich den Rock glatt und verharrte in ihrer Position. „Ich sollte zu Ihnen kommen.“ sagte sie...... ......„Richtig. Sie haben aber wohl noch die Tische abgedeckt, oder?“ „Ja, habe ich.“ erwiderte sie. Das sie das Mittagsgeschirr stehen lässt hätte ich ihr durchaus...

3 years ago
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Der Priester

Im Namen des Vaters !!!! Anno 1511 Andrea kniete vor dem Altar der kleinen Klosterkapelle. Die Nonne hatte ihre Hände gefaltet und stützte ihre Ellbogen auf einem hölzernen Podest ab, welches für gewöhnlich von älteren Schwestern beim Stundengebet genutzt wurde. Die junge Ordensschwester hielt in ihrer Hand eine weiße Kerze. Ihr Licht erleuchtete ihr zartes Antlitz und fiel auf den Schleier, den sie zu ihrem schwarzen Habit trug. Die Kerze war weiß wie ihr Schleier. Weiß, wie die Unschuld. Der...

2 years ago
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Der Priester

Andrea kniete vor dem Altar der kleinen Klosterkapelle. Die Nonne hatte ihre Hände gefaltet und stützte ihre Ellbogen auf einem hölzernen Podest ab, welches für gewöhnlich von älteren Schwestern beim Stundengebet genutzt wurde. Die junge Ordensschwester hielt in ihrer Hand eine weiße Kerze. Ihr Licht erleuchtete ihr zartes Antlitz und fiel auf den Schleier, den sie zu ihrem schwarzen Habit trug. Die Kerze war weiß wie ihr Schleier. Weiß, wie die Unschuld. Der Gedanke daran, ließt Andrea...

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Das Mädchen stand nackt vor dem Spiegel. Sie hatte gezweifelt, ob ihre Unterwäsche nur aus einem weißen String bestehen sollte, oder ob sie einen BH tragen wollte. Ihre Brüste waren jung und fest, so daß sie eigentlich keine Unterstützung brauchten, das Mädchen hatte dann aber doch einen Push-Up angezogen, um ihre Oberweite etwas zu vergrößern. Das Mädchen hatte sich dafür entschieden möglichst viel von seinen schlanken, braungebrannten Beinen zu zeigen und einen schwarzen Minirock gewählt, der...

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Hijacked College Girl

(BITTE AUF DER TITELSEITE EINEN WEIBLICHEN VORNAMEN EINGEBEN!) William Parker Jr. ist mit sich und der Welt rundherum zufrieden. Er ist der beste Football-Spieler der gesamten College-Mannschaft, er hat von seinem stinkreichen Daddy einen superschicken brandneuen SUV zum Geburtstag geschenkt bekommen hat, und er hat das bei weitem hübscheste Mädchen des gesamten Colleges neben sich auf dem Beifahrersitz sitzen. Nur das Allerbeste ist gut genug für ihn, und nur die allerhübschesten Mädchen haben...

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Recherche Looking for Suche Busqueda

EnglishYou read it on my profile, I'm perverse and vicious, I like situations that are out of the ordinary, morale, and routine. Pleasure has no morals.I expose you the heart of my research, but if my profile interests you for something else, propose me.MY SEARCH: A YOUNG COUPLE PERVERS VICIOUS, JOUISSIF AND PLAYER, OF WHICH MAN IS CUCKOLD, BI WOULD BE MORE BUT NOT OBLIGED, FOR:1) During the period of fertility, we will both fuck the woman, to make her pregnant, our sperms will be mixed...

4 years ago
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Der Club

So langsam war absolute Ebbe in meiner Kasse. Keine Ahnung wie ich die nächste Miete zahlen sollte. Warum hatte ich auch nie sparen gelernt. Aber wozu auch. Meine Eltern schwammen im Geld. Dumm war nur, dass ich mich mit ihnen total zerstritten hatte, als ich an meinem 18. Geburtstag von zu Hause ausgezogen war um mit meinem Freund Bernd, der mein Vater hätte sein können, zusammen zu leben. Der Altersunterschied von 28 Jahren und die Tatsache, dass er noch verheiratet war, waren einfach zuviel...

2 years ago
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Meine Feundin Bruder und ich

Ich saß im Zimmer meines Bruders und schaute heimlich seine Pornosammlung am PC an. Ich darf eigentlich nicht an seinen Rechner, aber da seiner schneller ist als meiner, schleich ich mich manchmal in sein Zimmer um zu spielen. Vor ein paar Monaten hatte ich dabei seine Pornosammlung entdeckt. Ich bin 16, meiner Bruder Joey ist 23. Joey ist ein Mädchenschwarm, athletisch, hübsches Gesicht und ein ziemlicher Draufgänger. Es war spät am Freitag Abend und ich saß wichsend vor dem PC und sah zu wie...

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Das Wochenende mit den Schwiegereltern Teil XV

Anmerkung: Es ist wie immer besser die anderen Teile zu kennen. Richtig wichtig ist aber nur der Teil XIV, da dort die neuen Charaktere eingeführt werden, um die es hier zum Teil geht. Die Geschichte ist nicht ganz so versaut wie meine anderen, aber ich hatte eine Schreibpause und muss erstmal wieder warm werden ;-)... Hoffe sie gefällt euch trotzdem. Die Woche wollte nicht vergehen. Ich war so gespannt, was wohl an dem Wochenende alles passieren würde. Ich hoffte das Regine auch kommen würde...

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Nach geraumer Zeit habe ich mich entschlossen, doch wieder mal eine Story zu posten. Achtung, ziemlich hart, nicht für zarte Gemüter!Roman von MasostudRoman , © 1991 by Masostud bis -----------------------Menschenraub in ArabienGay, M/mm, S&M, Pony-Play, Slavery, breeding, interracialSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr...

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Zur Hure erzogen

?So gehst du mir nicht aus dem Haus!?, klingt mir die Stimme meiner Mutter noch in den Ohren. Dabei hatte ich doch ohnehin einen Rock an, der knapp ?ber dem Knie endete. Aber wenn man eine Hure sein soll, ist das nat?rlich viel zu lang. ?Sollen die Leute denken, dass du eine Nonne bist??, schimpfte meine Mutter. Sie w?re mit so einem langen Fetzen nie aus dem Haus gegangen. Als stadtbekannte Nutte wusste sie, was sie ihrem Ruf schuldig war. Und sie wollte nur das Beste f?r mich. Und das war, d...

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Zum Cuckold erpresst German

ZUM CUCKOLD ERPRESST    (Multi Fetisch)   ? 2012 by MasostudKapitel 1: Ein gro?er FehlerSeit Ende meines Studiums als Lehrer f?r Altgriechisch und Latein lebe ich, Matthias Steigleder, mit Gabriele, die ein Jahr j?nger als ich mit meinen 28 Jahren ist, zusammen und habe sie vor knapp drei Jahren geheiratet, nachdem sie ihr juristisches Staatsexamen bestanden und eine Anstellung in einer bekannten Anwaltskanzlei gefunden hatte.Wir leben in einem Haus mit Garten in einer gehobenen ...

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Menschenraub in Arabien GERMAN

Roman von MasostudRoman , ? 1991 by MasostudMenschenraub in ArabienSadomasochistisch-perverse Sklaverei im 20. JahrhundertPrivatdruckVorwort:Jedes Jahr verschwinden in Deutschland an die zehntausend Personen beiderlei Geschlechts; auf das Vereinte Europa gerechnet sind es mehr als f?nfzigtausend. Zwar tauchen knapp 90% der Vermissten ?ber kurz oder lang wieder auf, aber wo bleibt der Rest? Entweder werden sie tot aufgefunden, sind verungl?ckt oder durch Verbrechen zu Tode gekommen, ein Teil...

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Vom Regen in die Traufe German

Vom Regen in die TraufeDie Leiden eines Kriegsgefangenen Roman von ?Masostud?? 2011 by Masostud Erstes KapitelDie Ostfront des ?1000-j?hrigen Reiches? war im Winter 1943 auf 1944 de-facto am Zusammenbrechen. Immer mehr Bataillone l?sten sich entweder durch Fahnenflucht oder durch die K?lte und den Verpflegungsmangel oder schlicht und einfach durch Einwirkungen der russischen Armee auf. Ich ahnte den Zusammenbruch des 3. Reiches und wollte nicht zu den Verlierern geh?ren, daf?r war mir mein erst 20 j...

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Schloss Gr nwalde

Schloss Gr?nwaldeTeil 1 – Kapitel 1-13Synopse: Gr?fin Verena von Grunwald nimmt in ihrer Verzweiflung finanzielle Hilfe von Robert Geldern an und willigt gleichzeitig in die Ehe mit ihm ein. Die zwei T?chter der Gr?fin macht er sich ebenfalls Untertan. Bei der 16-j?hrigen Komtess Tabea hilft er mit einem speziellen Serum nach. Bei der 13-j?hrigen Komtess Tamara stellt er schnell fest, dass sie eine ausgepr?gte masochistische Ader hat.Kapitel 1Tabea von Grunwald griff mit zitternden Fingern zum Telefon.?...

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Die Beste Valerie

Zusammenfassung: Er ist ein erfolgreicher Bundesligaspieler und hat zudem ein seltenes Hobby. Er verf?hrt und unterwirft Frauen, um zu sehen, wie weit er ohne Zwang mit ihnen kommt. Als er die hochbegabte Valerie kennen lernt, wei? er genau: Die will er haben. Egal ob er bereits eine Sklavin hat. Als sein Versuch seine alte Sklavin loszuwerden nicht von Erfolg gekr?nt wird, beh?lt er beide. Eine scharfe Konkurrenzsituation entsteht, welche beide Sklavinnen zu unvorstellbaren Leistungen an...

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Hotelsklavinnen Hotel Slaves

                                                          Hotelsklavinnen Teil 1, Freitag Lass mich erst mich selber vorstellen, ich bin ein Mann in bester alter und Eigent?mer und Gesch?ftsf?hrer von einem gr??eren mittelst?ndischen Unternehmen mit Sitz in dem s?dlichen Teil von NRW.  Ich lebe im Moment alleine als ich mich vor guten 5 Jahren von meinen Frau getrennt habe, wir passten lange nicht mehr zusammen und am Ende wurden der Ehe nur zu einen Qual f?r uns beide.  Vor ein par Jahre war ich au...

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Harry Potter Kapitel 23

Harry Potter und das Zauberbuch der Wünsche - Kapitel 23 - Für diese Story sind alle Charakter über 18!Für ein besseres Verständnis der Geschichte empfehle ich die Vorriegen Kapitel zu lesen.Als Lavender Brown an diesem Samstagmorgen aufwachte, strahlt ihr ein warmer, heller Sonnenstrahl direkt ins Gesicht. Noch einmal umgedreht, wollte sie eigentlich noch ein bisschen weiter dösen, doch dann fiel ihr wieder der Termine ein, den sie auf keinen Fall verpassen konnte. So glitt sie mit den Beinen...

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Leiser Eindringling

Ich freute mich auf meinen achtzehnten Geburtstag mit ungefähr so großer Begeisterung wie man sich auf eine schlimme Grippe freuen kann. Ich hatte lausige drei Wochen hinter mir. Das heutige Familientreffen war ein Angebot meiner lieben alten Mutter und meines lieben Vaters, um meine Stimmung zu heben und gleichzeitig zu feiern, dass ich das „Erwachsenenalter“ erreicht hatte. Nicht, dass sie so darüber wirklich nachgedacht hätten, da bin ich mir ziemlich sicher. Ich habe mir das auch nicht so...

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Penny s Other Life CHAPTER 5

Every day, Phoebe popped in to see Penny in her office to remind her of their Tuesday evening date. Finally Penny gave in and assured the young girl that she would be there."Thank you, thank you, thank you, Miss Perkins! What are you going to wear?"Penny hadn't even thought of that, and she wondered if she should do the granny thing again to appear respectable for Phoebe, or put on her sexy lingerie that she and Mr. Brown enjoyed so much."What are you going to wear?" she countered."I usually go...

Straight Sex
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The Apartment

“ Mr Doe?” you hear a voice enquire and you are dragged from your reverie back into the real world. “ Oh, sorry!” you say. “ I was just looking at my….acquisition, I cant believe its mine, and please, call me John.” “ Yes.” responds the lawyer. “ I can believe it would be a shock to discover you’d just inherited an entire floor of an apartment building, a nice building too.” You both walk towards the building, the lawyer handing you a big bunch of keys and a few thick sheaths of paperwork. “...

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Country Club Lifestyle CH 3

I was standing at the large garage door entrance of the rental company waiting for Karen to arrive. She was running late and she didn't answer her cell. I really hoped she was coming because I had arranged a special warehouse tour. You see, my friend Tina owns this company and while she was out of town on business, I have been working from her office and managing her company.It's a small rental firm and being midweek, there were no scheduled employees, just me and a warehouse full of banquet...

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Maa Ka Gangbang Dosto Ke Saath

Hi, mera naam Mihir hai. Aur main 24 saal ka hu. Meri maa ka naam Ushma hai. Aur woh 45 saal ki chickni maal hai. Woh hamesha mohella waalo ka lund khada kar deti hai. Meri maa dekh ne mein ek dum chodaku hai. Saali ek dum item hai. Muh mein paani ajaye aisi hai. Hamesha saree pehenti hai. Maa ka figure hai 32D wale mote mote boobs. Moti si gand aur chubby sa figure. Ab shuru karte hai kahani Mere college mein 3 dost hai, Ravi, Ashok aur Mahesh.Sab ke sab bohut bure hai. Hamesha sex ki bate...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 74

I went to my study and turned on the computer. I didn't realize until my home page appeared that it was July Fourth, Independence Day. It made me think of the day I won the lottery; that was my independence day. So much had happened since that day. With it being a holiday, there wasn't any stock market activity. I checked my e-mails but there weren't any that needed answering. I shut the computer down and went back to join the women. Tamara and Susan were out on the patio drinking...

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RemixChapter 2

The family meeting was called to order later by the Tribunal. Family meetings were supposed to be a calm, nonchalant affair, but what almost always occurred was James sitting in a chair on one side of the room, and his mother, his step-father, and his sister on the couch on the other. Over time, James had begun to think of this arrangement as The Tribunal. Seeing as how the other members of his family always seemed to agree on every subject, he had learned that the fastest way to get through...

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Studentenleben in der WG

Ich bin vor einigen Wochen in eine WG gezogen, da mehr waehrend meinem Studium nicht drinnen war und ich hatte Glueck. Die Mitbewohner waren allesamt sehr nett und ich verstand mich praechtig mit den anderen 3. Da waeren zum einen Julia, 22 Jaehrige BWL-Studentin und ein sehr heisses Geschoss. Blonde lange Haare, super Koerperbau mit prallen Titten und einem ´Knackarsch der sich sehen lassen konnte. Neben ihr war auch noch Thomas, 21 Jahre, Auszubildender Elektriker in Besitz eines Zimmers und...

2 years ago
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The After Seeding a Second Wave Book 2Chapter 6

John's head still hurt from the massive amount of knowledge that had been loaded into it. Mitch did all he could as did Helen with her healing doctorabilities, but nothing seemed to phase the pain at all."Mitch," John started, "I think the Piracarians spoke to me, they said I have been chosen to bring the great races and justice back to the universe. My god Mitch I'm nothing but a simple farmer trying to survive." Mitch looked at John a strange look not bad, just strange, "You are far...

4 years ago
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Doing things I shouldn t Two older ladies

This is the second part following the story "Doing things I shouldn't What should I call". The 'What should I call' is a typing error by the way. I was going to use a name that's too long. You can find it here. https://xhamster.com/stories/doing-things-i-shouldnt-what-should-i-call-931319 . The events I am telling about here are an adventure in their own right. You can read it as a standalone if you want, you're not missing too much...

2 years ago
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Sam and Amy Vegas BabyChapter 18

The phone rang and Amy picked up the receiver. Roxy was on the other end. Amy exchanged pleasantries with Roxy and could tell from her voice that something was wrong. "What's wrong Roxy. I can hear it in your voice. Something's not right. What is it?" Amy asked. Roxy was silent for a second before she said, "We could use your help down here." "I'm going to put you on speaker so Sam can hear too." Amy pressed a button and then set the phone down. "Now go ahead," she...

3 years ago
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My First Interview

BD: State your female name for the record.Alia: Alia Alize LevineBD: Who chose your female name?Alia: I chose my first name. I always wanted to have a drink as a middle name. One of my exes picked my middle name.BD: Do you like your full name?Alia: I would like to drop my last name.BD: Ok, so for the record you will be known is Alia Alize. Do you like that?Alia: Yes- yes I do.BD: Good! How tall are you? How much do you weigh? What are your figure measurements?Alia: I am 6’2”, 250...

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The Marine The Beauty Queen Ch 01

If you are looking for a story filled with sex, then you are probably in the wrong place. I don’t write sex stories. I (hopefully) write interesting stories that contain sex. It has been said that women need a reason to have sex, while men just need a place. I disagree with that. I think that men and women need to have a reason to have sex and that if they care for each other, then the sex will be even better. All the participants are at least 18. I have always heard there are three kinds of...

1 year ago
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Dream Lover

I sit in the chair by the bedside, watching you as you sleep. Your breath, slow and even and your body only half covered by the sheet and comforter. I see your dark nipples as they rise and fall in time with your breathing, your round and firm behind the exotic sleeping gown you bought for yourself in Asia last year. The sleeping tablet you had taken doing what it was prescribed for. I love to watch you as you sleep, your full lips slightly parted, the long lashes on your eyes as they flutter...

4 years ago
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The Taming of Secret

I saw you sleeping in our bed, You looked so sexy laying there with the sheet barely covering half your body. I watched you silently, watching you breathing softly, and a slight smile on your face. I wondered if you were dreaming about our lovemaking from last night, I'm sure you were. I decided I wanted you right then and now, and I was going to take you! No tender kissing and playing, this time I wanted you hard, fast, demandingly! I stroked my cock as I watched you, getting it hard. I then...

4 years ago
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Swinger lifestyle

Holiday in Cap d'Agde This is Dan. My wife Mandy and I spent a two-week holiday in Cap d'Agde in the south of France in September. We stayed in the naturist section, called Port Ambonne, which has a reputation as a place where couples come to have fun after the family holiday season has finished. We had such a wild time that we just had to write down our holiday experiences so that you can enjoy them too. Here's the result. The sun was hot as Mandy and I packed our luggage into the bright green...

2 years ago
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SisLovesMe Hannah Hawthorne Dick Ride And Seek

Hannah Hawthorne has been on a nostalgia kick recently, remembering how she and her stepbrother used to play hide and seek when they were younger. He does not seem interested in reliving those ancient memories, but when she says she will make it worth his while, his interest is piqued. Looks like a butt naked, sexy ass stepsister is more than enough incentive to get him to play along. But when she leaves him with blue balls, he needs to finish the job and get his rocks off. So, Hannah decides...

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Dynasty and Destiny Book 6 of Poacher s ProgressChapter 17 Aftermath

Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent was furious, but even in her fury she radiated a regalness to be admired. .”I have never been so humiliated in all my life,” she said, her bosom heaving with anger. “There will be no more Loyal Addresses. I refuse to be placed in such an embarrassing situation again.” Sir John began, “But your Royal High...” She quelled him with an icy glare, which she then turned on me. “I blame you, Sir Elijah, for placing me in the demeaning position of having to...

3 years ago
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My first Toilet Slave

The kid was barely 18...although he told me he was 22.  Dr. Marcus Sidney stared at him with disgust.  His two sleazy employees, famous for tracking down deadbeats and losers like this kid, was on either side of him, holding him up by the arms.     The kid had a swimmers body, young and tight.  Two nights ago Marcus was fucking him, balls deep in that cute little ass for over an hour.  The kid started out grunting and ended up crying and begging.  After that little adventure he took ff and was...

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T R E SChapter 39 Nicole

When my eyes opened, I scanned the room. Josh and Sandy were still asleep, but Darren was missing. I search for him and found him with his mother. They were making love. Wanda was asleep. My beloved father, too, but Jessie was awake - barely. After taking care of my morning duties, I slipped on a robe and left the room and the house. My scan had also told me Pierre and Grace were up and about. They were in the communal kitchen. Pierre had the makings for eggs benedict, Josh's favorite...

2 years ago
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You Only Live Once 8211 Part V

I slept but got up in the middle of night around 2:30 or so and when I felt a body close to me and I was about to shriek and it was babu and I started hitting him on his arms and before I could say anything I didn’t realized he was fully nude Even before I could regain myself, I felt his hands all over me cupping, fondling and caressing me intimately. I was surprise and shocked it was my servant lying beside me on my bed “Babu kay kar rahe ho pleaseeee”. I hissed, fighting to free myself from...

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Domination of The Hotwife and The Cuckold

A text ‘Hey’ came into my inbox from someone named Salman. He claimed to be a huge fan of the stories I wrote on ISS and wanted to know if they were real. I explained that some stories like were inspired by real-life events. Some details were added or removed to make them better. Listening to this, he was on cloud nine. At the time, I didn’t know why he was so excited, but later I learned he was a cuckold. He explained to me in great that for the past 4 years, their sex life has been dying...

4 years ago
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The Surprise Party

The Surprise PartyI hadn't expected to end up in this position, I had thought we were going to visit some friends, and then go out to dinner for my birthday.As we walked up to their door, my wife Katie, said she had a surprise,but said she would have to blind fold me.  I figured, just your basic surprise party, and let her do it. She took out a scarf, and tied itover my eyes. I could sort of see light and dark, but not enough detail to walk. She rang the doorbell, and I heard the door open,and...

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The Fuck Game

I had gone to a club where they had different fantasy nights. For a small fee you got to role play and get a good fucking too.It was hunters vs prey. The game was simple. The hunters were a gang of older men who wanted younger asses to fuck and the prey were young guys who had to try and out last them. The idea was to last as long as you could so as to limit the number of big guys you would get fucked by as the numbers where about 4 to 1 in favour of the hunters and once you were caught you...

4 years ago
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Satisfying An Unsatisfied Housewife

Hi, this is Choco(pen name), from Bangalore, this is a real one, with no toppings to this sex story, this writes up may not be long. If there are any mistakes in this sex story, please apologize and give your feedback in the below email id. Please don’t ask any personal details of anyone mentioned in this sex story. I will not give and will not share any information about me or the person involved. I am 38 and working in an MNC. I am not muscular or thin, I have an average body, with an average...

2 years ago
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Adam s AuntChapter 4

Christine and Angie laughed as Adam's car pulled up in the driveway. He'd obviously given little thought to speed limits, considering how quickly he'd arrived after Christine's phone call. Christine shooed her niece away with an insistent wave of her hand as Adam stepped out of the car. Angie giggled and hurried to hide in the bedroom as the two women had planned over breakfast. The doorbell rang, and Christine opened it without stepping in front of the door, because she was dressed...

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ShamedSluts Alex Blake Office Hoe Shamed

Paul wants to expose his former girlfriend and current low-key office mega-slut Alex Blake to everyone. All undercover stud Bruno has to do is fix her car and take her to lunch and she’s soon revealing her whore exploits and deep throating his cock. He hammers her tight wet pussy extremely hard and sexually dominates her like the nasty dumb slut she is then blasts a huge load of cum on her glasses and face. She’s basks in being treated like a bitch until he cruelly reveals that she’s on Shamed...

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my new life part 5

james laughed at my expresion. ' mistress kiki, bring in slut alexandra, if you will.'the door opened and a woman wereing a black lether bikini , with chains running down her sides , was pulling a thick rope. on the end of the rope was a metal circle incased in thick rope and a man with long hair was tangled in the middle like i was.'slut you must obey me just as much so as mistress kiki. she says do something,do it,or be brutally beaten.' then mistress kiki pulled on one of my ropes with...

3 years ago
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Cheating Is EasyChapter 6

That evening after the kids and Mary had all gone to bed; Mike sat there thinking about the doctor's advice. On impulse, he picked up his cell and called the number on his speed dial. Kelli came out of the shower to the ringing of her phone. Still damp and wrapped in a large towel, she answered the phone. "Hello?" "Kelli?" choked the male voice on the other end. "Mike, is that you? What is wrong darling? You sound absolutely awful!" "Kelli, I think I'm going to lose my mind. I'm so...

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My Sister And Me

This is 30th story penned under the name of Sultana Sinha (name changed). I am 36 yrs old male from Patna. If you like, the story please say, so on my mail or Hi I am Manish(nickname Munna) from Meerut studying in Fashion Designing at Delhi. My family consists of my mom who is a teacher and my sister who is married. The story which I am about to narrate happened few years ago. I had come to my place after delivery of my elder sister Tanya’s first baby. I had to stay back for few weeks to help...

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The Crossing part 19

The changes at Castle Rumstahl in the wake of the assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler had brought a new person into my orbit, someone who was going to shake things up, but were they friend or foe? THE CROSSING - part 19 by BobH (c) 2016 - 44 - My mind was reeling. The beautiful blonde standing before me was clearly female. She was also Alec Delon. How was such a thing even possible? "Ah, another woman! How delightful!" she said,...

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Sex With My Hot Russian Girlfriend

Hello friends, I am Kabir, 30 years old, athletic, fun loving guy from Delhi working in private company. I did my graduation from Russia six years ago. This is a story of my Russian girlfriend and me. As you all know, Russian girls are hot, sexy and like to enjoy their lives freely. This incident happened 8 year ago. After the completion of my first year, I wanted to make a Russian girlfriend. I was crazy about them as they were hot, sex bombs, perfect figured etc. I wanted to lose my virginity...

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Master Of His House

Pratik sighed as he kept the plates on the table. This is probably the worst 18th birthday ever, not that his other birthdays were something to write home to. His mother had died during his birth, and when he was 5 years old his father decided to remarry, and the nightmare that was his life started. His stepmom, Shilpa was as much beautiful as she was a bitch, making even the stepmoms of stories blush in shame. When she came to the family along came her 2 daughters from a previous marriage –...

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Dating Danielle Part II

Introduction: The making of a young slut continues This is the second in a multi-part series about a young girl who discovers sex with an older male father-figure and the slut that dwells inside is born and of course the father-figure nurtures it along. For context you should go back and read Dating Danielle it was posted three times as I tried to get rid of the editor issues, and was finally successful. Look for Dating Danielle – repost fix (I hope). Without further ado, heres part II The...

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Different Love Part III

Introduction: How far can a girl go to show her love for someone? Hi, guys. First of all, sorry to the people who was waiting that long for another installment of my stories. Im passing through a very complicated moment of my life so I dont have enough time to write, specially write in english, as it consumes four times more than I spend while writing in portuguese. This is the last part, at least for now, as I dont know if Ill be able to continue writing or have inspiration to do another...

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True and EternalChapter 7

"I said get away. I can sit myself!" Man, this kid will not leave me alone! " I'm just trying to help." Ah no now here it comes, I thought. I've hurt his feelings. Damn. "Ty, I'm sorry. I'm just--" "Old and cranky. Dad, just let the kid sit you down and help. You said yourself that the kids today aren't respectful." "All of them except the ones from our family, Michael." I try to reach out and ruffle Tyrone's hair, but he pulls away too fast. Getting old sucks. "You got a...

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I ll tell Mom PT 2

I'll tell Mom PT 2I couldn't believe I slept until 11. Becky was still sleeping. I slipped out to get a coffee. On my way back I ran into my next door neighbor Carroll who was just coming back from a run. She had on a sports bra and of course running shorts. Of course I always checked Carroll out she's probably in her late twenties and has a nice tight body. Today I noticed her nipples poking out of her sports bra.Hi John, Morning Carroll. Morning? Carroll looked at her watch. Late night? I...

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Paula and Gitana

I crawled across the floor, moving toward Gitana. Her legs were propped up on both sides of the chair, and her hand was down inside her tights. I could see her fingers moving slowly around her clit. I crawled up between her legs, and she slowly took her hand out of her tights and held it out to me. She smiled seductively, her dark lips spreading wider in an almost evil line and she said, ‘Do you want to taste?’ I’m not sure if I surprised her when I said, ‘Yes.’ I took her hand in mine, and I...

1 year ago
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The New Recruit

"Are you ready?" Tammy asked Margaret. "Ms. Rubric is waiting to meet you." "I'm ready," Margaret replied. "I hope she likes me, I have to admit that I'm a little nervous." "Don't worry about a thing. She's already seen your resume and photo. So, as long as you don't drool all over yourself you should be all right." Tammy led the way to Ms. Rubric's office. "Ms. Rubric, I'd like you to meet Margaret, we just hired her today and hope that she meets with your approval." Eyeing the young girl with...

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Eviction Week 08

Week 8: Favorable Changes Celebration He was in utter disbelief. Just when he thought he would be seeing her, Gwen had done the impossible and manipulated and deceived everyone into staying another week. He knew she was smart and creative, but the skill level needed to pull this off had never been seen before in this game. He was proud of what she had done. Jessie had been uncomfortable all week. He thought he would be seeing her soon and was working through everything he was feeling,...

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The Girl in the Red Dress

She held her glass as if it would break at any moment, dangling at her side, swaying with her hips, her eyes staring at the gold champagne. Every time she sipped it her eyes flitted outward like a security camera. It was almost as if she were afraid someone would see her drink it. When she let the glass fall back, she rotated it so she could drink the next sip from an edge that had not been smudged by her lip gloss. She was always keeping to the edges of the room, tucking her knees together...

Straight Sex
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Mid Afternoon Text

Out of the blue my screen glowed with his text of a simple “hey” mid-day. As we chatted, I became aware of the growing moistness in my panties. I vaguely wondered if I could get this high-powered guy to leave his office midday and come to me. My mind raced through excuses or reasons that could allow him to leave his office midday for even just a few moments of shared passion… Perhaps, I thought, a shower or blowjob could lure him from his brightly lit office to join me on a gray day, a day that...

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The affair

The darn phone hadn’t stopped ringing all morning! Linda was in the middle of typing a pile of letters, when it rang for what seemed like the fiftieth time! Picking it up and answering, “Mortgage loan department, may I help you?” The party on the other end of the line spoke for about thirty second before Linda said another word. When she did finally speak, all she said was, “At 12:30 in back of the bank,” and then she hung up. At 12:25, Linda stuck her head into her boss’s office and told him...

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American DV Part 2

It was a few months since me, Tom, and Lauren had our first threesome, but was becoming a regular event. Nearly every weekend, I would pick her up from her parent’s house, and then drive her to the house that me and Tom now shared with a third room-mate. The house was a two bedroom, with a separate, semi-detached cottage where I lived. The other two men of the house occupied the two bedrooms of the main house. Once I’d get her in doors, there was very little foreplay or pretense- Tom and I...

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The Snare The seventh installment

46. Dressing for the weekend "I'm dreading this," Malcolm admitted to his wife. Cherry looked at him with a frown. "Are you sure about that?" "Of course I'm sure, why the hell would I want to spend the entire weekend with Thornbury?" he countered. "Now try and be honest with me Malcolm," she said to him from across their bedroom. He immediately looked straight at her, wondering why she would say such a thing. "Just remember, I thought I was doing you a favour by not...

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Mrs Vandermeers Rules 3a

A day went by, thentwo. Two became three, which in turn became four, then five. Days filled with longing while my nights were filled with dreams, dreams from which I’d wake up to find my pussy drenched and my nipples as hard as rocks. I’d lay there, face buried in my pillow, hands clenching the edges, desperate to finish the job that my dreams had started as I replayed the memory of me, laying naked on the floor, Mrs. Vandermeer looming over me as I let go a stream of golden liquid… Lick it...

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Sex On The Beach

Sex On The BeachTwice while on holiday I took my then girlfriend(now my wife) to the beach for sex.First time it was just the two of us who went.She and I were dressed just right for the occasion.she in a very short denim skirt ,vest top and flip flaps.I in shorts and T-Shirt.I know she was looking hot cos as she walked past a hotel earlier all the lads on the balconies were whistling and cheering.Under her skirt she wore a lacy white thong(same shown in my photo album.)We reached the beach...

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ll never forget the day it all began. It was a Saturday and I was catching up on my housework as I'd worked all week long. My son, Alexei was over at his friend, Vasily's house playing computer games or something. Alexei and I lived alone in our little flat. Alexei's good-for-nothing father had left us a long time ago. My poor Alexei had been a frail, sickly c***d and it had been a struggle at times living on the salary I brought home from my job as a secretary for a small travel company, but...

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The Yankee Belle

The Yankee Belle By Anon Allsop I was captured last week near the city of Beaver Falls, Tennessee. It almost seemed that the whole damned Reb army had wheeled on themselves and swarmed our unit from both sides. We gave them hell for awhile, but those Confederates were on us so fast that most of us only got off one shot. By the time the smoke had cleared, 156 of our unit had been killed and 16 of us captured. The first thing they did was to take our rifles and shoes, passing them...

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Girl next door part 3

Went up my apartment wife had called. Her and her Mom to her Aunts house. Called my buddy Ed see what he was up too! Asked him if he wanted to come hang out! Told him the wife was out of town! Time to Party!Kathy ask "Is your buddy going to come over?" "Yeah " asked her how she wanted to do this? Kathy said " I'm excited but scared.." Assured her if she didn't want to do this she could back out. Kathy reply" I'm wet just thinking about this!" She said she would go down to her apartment and give...

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godess sarita 13 daughter of godess arrived

its been a long time goddess sarita kept me as her slave forcefully she was now sure even if she lets me go it will b hard for me to manage outside.. with 2 years of some workouts I had a toned body workouts were done at home goddess instructed everything.. I had a toned body curvy waist and a lot of legs workout I have a bubblo shaped ass my lower chest is bigger den upper chest its more like man boobs.. I hav a waxed body long sholder length hair no facial hairs .. it looks like a girl and...

3 years ago
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Unexpected Visitor in th

Six thirty in the morning is a lonely time on a college campus. I was at the student recreation center, going for my morning run around the track. Good thing we could get in with our student IDs early in the morning, since it’s the only time I have when I can get to the gym regularly. As I ran around the track, trying to keep track of my laps and time, I pushed myself. I had already done my lifting this morning, and running felt good, stretching my muscles, pushing myself. I loved coming...

Straight Sex
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Punishment for the Naughty Professor

Rick, the head of campus security, pops his head through the open doorway as I finish gathering my things from the now empty classroom. “Yes, Rick, I’m ready to go.” I smile as I walk towards him. His eyes sweep my figure, as he does most evenings. I’m wearing a black A-line skirt over sheer stockings and my chiffon top hugs my curves. Knowing that Rick would walk me across campus to my car, as he does every Wednesday, I surreptitiously unbuttoned the top three buttons of my blouse while...

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The Victory Lap Audition

It was about 48 hours after my first experience in the porn industry and I was back at work at hooking. I was trying to pick up a customer at the bar but there were no takers. I walked out and found Gary beside my car. I had met him briefly at the studio where I had made my first movie. He was the perfect specimen of a Midwestern hood. Mid-20’s, tall, thin, and wirey with black jeans and jean jacket over a plain white shirt. His hair that looked like it was held in place with salad oil. More...

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Planetary Agents 2 Double Your Pleasure

Planetary Agents 2: Double Your Pleasure By Babs Yerunkle ************************************************* SUMMARY: Welcome to the future of galactic super-science. In a previous episode, our loser male hero encounters an implausible plot device which transformed him into a petite stunningly beautiful young girl. He also got super strength and immunity to nearly everything (except bad writing). This episode, he (I mean, she) has lots of sex and eventually gets into trouble with...

2 years ago
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Vixen Sydney Cole Kimmy Granger Teen Babysitter Caught With Her Friend

Stunning Kimmy has been babysitting to earn a little money for a while now. Her boss is so hot, and she’d love to get her hands on him. He is always flirting with her, toying with her emotions. On one of her babysitting days, she invites her best friend Sydney over for some much needed pool time. After a few glasses of wine, things get naughty between the two girls and one thing leads to another. Her boss get back from work to see Kimmy and Sydney making out in the pool and it really turns him...

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Mr Clean s cock

It was Sunday afternoon almost dark out. I was sitting in a Starbucks enjoying a coffee and thinking about what to do that night. I had not sucked a cock in a while and had a need for seed. I pulled out my iphone and opened my Craigslist app. I had had some luck looking through the personals before maybe this time something would come up.I saw an ad for someone wanting a full body massage. He said he was 27,single and living alone up in the nearby mountain area. I responded back I would give...

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Maa Ki Chut Ki Pyaas

Hello friends, mera nam rahul he, maen jamsedpur men raheta hun, aj jo story men ap ko sunane ja rahaun bo ek sachi kahani he, kuch sal pahela ki bat he ham log jamsdpur me rahete the, hamare paribar me tin log the, men pitaji aur maa, pitaji ek bahat bade mnc men job karte the, aur jada tar ghar se bahar rahate the. Pitaji ko daibitise tha to bo maa kabhi time nahen de pate the.Now come to my mom.Meri ma ek aam house wife then, men to kbhi soch bhi nahen sakta tha ki bo bhi kbhi esa kar...

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One Incredible Day

I have been having an open relationship with a guy named Nick. He’s 21, stunning, 6’5”, very muscular, brown hair and eyes. He graduated from university a few years early and currently works for his dad’s business empire. Nick lives in this lavish apartment in Central London overlooking Hyde Park and I spend most of my time there. When I’m there I usually cook, clean, train and study. Three or four times a week I spend the night at his and one morning I awoke to the sound of his alarm and...

Straight Sex
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The Nurse with the Tempting Backside

My visit to the doctor’s office was such an unexpected and pleasurable day that I had made an appointment as I left, but it wasn’t for three more weeks. As luck would have it, Dr. Hills called me within three days to tell me that the results from my tests came back and she invited me to come in so she could go over them in detail. I readily accepted. It took very little time to review the results of my tests and everything was normal. Consequently I boldly questioned why she did not mail or...

Office Sex
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Times In Tehran

Times In Tehran This took place many years ago when I was assigned to duty on a clandestine mission in Tehran, Iran and Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi sat on the Peacock Throne as ruler of his country. I traveled with a diplomatic passport, and was publicly supposedly attached to the US Embassy. Several other airmen and I lived in building called the Staff House which was in a compound with twelve foot high walls surrounding it. On the main floor we had our own kitchen complete with a staff of...

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