Devlin's StoryChapter 44 free porn video

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Steve pulled up to the curb just before 10:00.

"Did you call that one, or what?" Devlin asked Krissi as she hurried down the sidewalk. "One minute ahead of schedule."

"Only thanks to Steve," Krissi said as she got out of the car. She was wearing a dark blue, knee-length dress with a high neck and long sleeves. It had a bit of lace at the throat and matching lace at her wrists. "If he hadn't kicked my butt out of bed we probably wouldn't have gotten here until noon." She glanced at the apartment building. "How's your mother holding up?"

"I'll be glad when this is over," Devlin said. "I hope I'm not this bad when it comes to my wedding." She sighed. "We might as well go in."

Devlin's mother, wearing jeans and a tee-shirt, was pacing back and forth in the living room, chain smoking. "It's turned into an absolute disaster," she told Devlin. "While you were outside I made a few phone calls. The flowers are going to be delivered tomorrow, not today, the photographer's car broke down, the caterer is holding out for more money, and they can't find the punch bowl for the reception."

Devlin and Krissi looked at each other. "All right," Devlin said, drawing a deep breath, "let's see what we can do."

"Before we start," Krissi said, "how are you doing?"

"Oh, I'll live, I think. I may end up in jail, though, after shooting a few people."

"Good, that's the important thing. Did the dress arrive?"

"I picked it up yesterday."

"And you tried it on?"

"I did when it arrived. It's a bit looser that I thought, but--"

"Fine," Krissi said, cutting her off. "Where's the photographer?"

"He called from his cell phone. His car broke down on Route 251 about three miles north of town."

"I'll go pick him up," Steve said. "Where's the church?"

Devlin gave him the address and directions. He nodded as he wrote them down, then repeated them back to her. "I'll call your cell phone when I get to him," he added before he left.

"Flowers," Krissi said. "That's next."

"Why are the flowers going to be late?" Devlin asked. She shook her head. "Never mind, I'll deal with the flower people. What's with the catering people?"

"I don't know," her mother said savagely. "Fuck."

Devlin raised her eyebrows. "Mother, that's almost the first time I've heard you swear."

"When you're about to get married, Devlin, you'll understand."

"The caterer we can handle," Krissi said. She smiled softly. "That's not a problem. We'll need you to come along, though."

"That leaves the punch bowl."

"We'll handle that, as well," Krissi said. "Call one of the ladies at the Church; I'm sure one of them has a punch bowl she can loan you."

Devlin nodded. "Let's all get in my car," she said in as practical a tone as she could manage. She glanced at her mother. "And put out that cigarette, all right?"

Her mother ground out the butt and got in the front seat. "Let's go see the caterer, first," Krissi said as she got in back.

The caterer was right next to the dress shop. Krissi walked in with fire in her eyes. "So," she said in a loud voice, "someone's getting married today. You signed the contract, they paid for the food, and at the last second you're holding out for more money." The woman behind the counter shifted evasively. "I'm getting married next year, and I was thinking I'll just avoid using you. And, of course, I'll tell everyone at all of the bridal boutiques in the area what you did. You can imagine how fast that news will get around."

"Umm, well, there was a misunderstanding," the woman said hesitantly.

"Bullshit. You know, Sheryl," Krissi said to Devlin's mom, "I know a restaurant just outside of town that can put this whole thing together in just a couple of hours."

"How much will it cost?" Devlin's mom asked.

"It'll be my wedding present to you," Krissi said. "But first, let's go next door and start telling people about the catering service here." She spun on her heel and let the door bang shut behind her.

"I bet we could take out an ad in the paper," Devlin said. "Mom, do you know anyone who works for the local paper? They're always looking for something like this; trying to stiff a bride on her wedding day, oh, they'll love that."

"The money she paid me doesn't cover the cost of the food," the woman said as she came out the door.

"But that's what you signed the contract for," Krissi said, turning back to her, "and Sheryl paid you. But, don't worry, we'll let the lawyers work it out."

"Wait," the woman said. "I'm sure we can come to some sort of an arrangement."

"Sure," Krissi said. "That's easy. I'll be back here at 1:15 to watch you deliver the food to the reception." She smiled pleasantly. "See how easy that was to work out?" She opened the door to the bridal boutique. "Hi there! Have I got a story for you guys."

"Did you really tell them what happened?" Devlin asked when Krissi got back in the car.

"Of course. Devlin, never make a threat you won't carry out. If that food isn't being loaded at 1:15, I'll be back in the boutique here at 1:20, telling everyone about it. Oh, and in the meantime, we'll contact that restaurant just in case."

"I'd love to be here to see that," Devlin's mother said.

"No, you won't," Krissi said. "You'll be in your wedding dress by then with other things on your mind. The catering is handled. Now, what about the flowers?"

Devlin dialed the number her mother had given her. She got a garbled reply, shrugged, and hung up. "I think we'd better see what's going on."

The flower shop was only a few minutes away. When they turned the corner of the block they saw the fire trucks filling the street. The flower store was just a charred ruin.

"Okay," Krissi said, "this is a problem."

"There she is," Devlin's mother said. "Let's find out what happened."

"I came in this morning and the place was already burning," the owner said a couple of minutes later." She had a basket next to her and pulled a bouquet out of it. "I saved your bouquet, but that was all I could do."

"That's something. All right, what do we do?"

"I'll pay you back after the insurance is settled," the woman said. She turned and looked at the firemen moving through the charred timbers. "Fifteen years."

"You'll be back," Devlin said. "Is there someone you would recommend?"

The woman nodded. She pulled a card out of her jeans. "Here's Jody's number. If anyone can get some floral arrangements put together for your wedding, she's the one. When's the wedding?"

"Two o'clock," Devlin said.

"Ouch. Well, it'll be tight, but give her a call. Like I said, if anyone can pull off a miracle, it's her." She smiled. "She loves challenges."

"Well, take some time off and come to the reception," Devlin said. She waved her hand at the remains of the flower store. "I know this looks bad, but come to the reception. It'll get your mind off of this for a few minutes." She glanced at Krissi out of the corner of her eye. "And I think it'll be good press, too. People will want to know you're going to be back."


"Trust me," Devlin said. "You'll need the break."

"We'll see," the woman said, and turned back to watching the firemen.

Devlin pulled around the corner and pulled out her cell phone. After a brief conversation with Jody, she smiled at her mother. "We'll have to see her, and she'll want some money up front."

"Of course."

"But she's willing to try."

Her mother sighed. "At least I've got my bouquet. Okay, let's go. What else is going to go wrong today?"

"We'll find out when it happens," Krissi said. "What about your wedding cake?"

"That, at least, is taken care of. I checked this morning, and it's already in the refrigerator at the reception hall. The bakery delivered it this morning."

"We'll check it anyway," Krissi said. She pointed dramatically down the street. "On to Jody's!"

Jody, a spare woman with dark hair and lively dark eyes, was almost rubbing her hands. "Ordinarily I'd say it'd take at least a day to get everything ready," she said, "but I heard about Sarah's fire earlier today. She called me and asked me if I could do something for you. We discussed what you'd chosen for flowers, and I have most of what you want in stock. I'd say let's do a minimalist approach at the wedding itself. That will give me more time to do the reception hall."

"How much?" Devlin's mother asked.

Jody gave her a price. "I know it sounds like a lot, but time is rather tight. I'm going to have to do call in some favors."

"Whatever," Devlin said. "The important thing is to get things in place. Is there anything we can take to the church?"

Devlin's mother passed over her credit card. "Here, let's just get going and figure it out afterwards."

Jody nodded as she copied down the numbers. "I have ribbon and mini-bouquets here. Why don't you take those? That'll leave me free to concentrate on the reception hall."

"Here's the address," Devlin said. "It's right around the corner from the church."

Jody nodded. "I should be there about 12:30," she said. "I'll see you then."

"I really appreciate this," Devlin's mother said. "I don't know how to thank you enough."

"Just tell people that I was there for you in a pinch," Jody said, smiling.

"Note," Krissi said as they pulled away. "Let's change the lede on the article: compare the caterer with the flower people."

Devlin could see the tight anger begin to fade slightly in her mother's eyes. "That's out of the way, then," she said. "All right, the photographer. Shouldn't Steve have called by now?"

"I'll call him," Krissi said. "Your job, Devlin, will be the punch bowl, and making sure your mother fits in her dress."

"Works for me," Devlin said as she turned back to her mother's apartment.

"When did you try the dress on?" Devlin asked her mother a few minutes later.

"Tuesday, why?"

"When did you eat last?"

"Oh, maybe Thursday, maybe Tuesday. I don't remember."

Devlin rolled her eyes. "You are not passing out in the middle of the ceremony from lack of food," she said firmly. She saw her mother's hip bones, and could easily count her ribs. "I'm not sure if Tom would appreciate marrying a scarecrow."

"I've been so nervous..." her mother began.

"The wedding's at 2:00, we should be at the church no later than 1:00, though earlier if we have a chance. It's almost 11:30, now. Let's see how the dress fits."

Obediently her mother got into the dress. Devlin called Krissi in, and together they walked around her mother, tugging, checking, finally looking at each other and nodding.

"It hangs a little loose on her," Krissi said. "But it's nothing we can't fix with a few pins."

"My thought exactly," Devlin said. "All right, mom, get back in your regular clothes, we're going to get some food in you."


"And then we'll go directly to the church and get you ready."

"Sounds like a good idea to me," Krissi said, nodding.

Reluctantly her mother changed back into her street clothes. With little ceremony Devlin hustled her out to the car and south to the restaurant in the small strip mall where Emma had her lingerie shop. By the time they finished eating, her mother was in a much better frame of mind.

"Now, if only I don't burp during the middle of the ceremony," she said, laughing.

"We'll risk it," Devlin laughed. "When we get back to the apartment, we'll have to get everything you need loaded in the car."

Her mother nodded. "I have things pretty much set. I packed nearly everything I knew I was going to need last night."

Devlin smiled when she saw her mother's suitcase with a large padlock on it. "Didn't trust people, did we?"

Her mother shrugged. "Not really."

They got the car loaded, and then Devlin made her mother recite everything she was going to need for the wedding. Krissi checked them off as they were mentioned.

"That's it, then," Devlin said. "It's 12:45, which gives us time to come back and get anything that you missed."

"I think so," Krissi said. She eyed the pile in the back seat. "But I think that's everything."

When they got to the church Devlin and Krissi made a bee line inside. Devlin saw one of the women she mentally tagged a 'church lady', and mentioned the punch bowl.

"We have a spare here," the woman replied. "It's amazing how many of those things go missing on a wedding day. I think gremlins steal them, or something." She glanced at the dressing room. "How's your mother?"

"Nervous as can be," Devlin said.

"Well, tell her we've got things handled. She needs to take care of herself."

Devlin checked on her mother: she was working on her make-up. Satisfied that things were at least temporarily under control, she returned to the nave.

Krissi had put the guest book at the front of the church, along with an arrangement of flowers. There were more flowers on the pews, but that was it. As Jody had said, this was a minimalist approach.

Devlin went next door to the reception hall. The tables were already covered in white linen. At the front of the room there was a table set aside for the cake. Beside it were plates and silverware framed by a spray of white roses.

"We'll move the roses to either side when the cake comes out," Jody said. "I've got flowers on each table, along with wedding favors."

There were two girls setting the tables. The punch bowl, or its replacement, was on a corner table surrounded by a circle of flowers. In the opposite corner there was another display of flowers, and an empty picture frame.

"I thought we could get one of the pictures from the wedding, print it off, and put it there," Jody said. She smiled. "Might as well try something different."

"I... that... that's a wonderful idea," Devlin said. "I never would have thought of that." She caught Krissi's eye. "Do you want to change before checking with the caterer?"

"I don't have time," Krissi said. "I'll change when I get back." She saw Steve standing at the front door with a middle-aged man festooned with cameras. "The photographer's here. Steve and I will go check on the caterer."

"How are you doing?" Devlin asked her mother when she returned to the dressing room. Her mother had finished her make-up and was just staring at the wedding dress, her hands shaking.

"I think I may throw up," her mother said. her's hands began shaking even harder.

Devlin looked at the other two women in the room. "Suggestions?"

"All brides are nervous," one of them said. She dug into her purse and pulled out a paper bag. "Let's try this."

After a few minutes of sustained breathing in the paper bag, her mother's hands stopped shaking quite so much. Finally she waved it away. "All--all right," she said. "I'll be fine." She pulled off her tee-shirt and began peeling out of her jeans. Twenty minutes later she pulled on her lace gloves. By now her hands were rock steady.

"Have to touch up your make-up and hair," one of the women said as she picked up a brush.

Devlin took this cue to go out to the car and bring back her own dress. She'd searched for several days before finally choosing this one. It was a basic white sheath, knee-length, with a high neck and long sleeves. The dress flared slightly like she had on an underskirt. To complement it she wore white tights with white pumps her mother had bought her for the occasion. After some consideration she went with just earrings; no necklace, no bracelet. The idea was to be simple and effective without upstaging her mother. With her hair pinned and swept off to one side, Devlin decided she looked every inch the proper and demure young lady. The nods from the other women in the room just confirmed that impression.

While waiting, her mother reached for a pack of cigarettes. One of her friends from work gave her a pack of nicotine-less cigarettes, which her mother chain-smoked without seeing or tasting anything. Finally, a breath mint, a couple minutes more with the paper bag, a final check for the ring--Devlin slipped it into the pocket on her dress, and it was nearly time.

Krissi slipped into the room and began shedding clothes. Devlin helped her zip up. "Everything ready?"

"Everything," Krissi said. "But don't look for that caterer's work, either. She had 'difficulties' with the final preparation. So we have mini-burgers and so on from that restaurant." She sighed. "'She'll never work in dis bidness again!'"


"A quote from a Jimmy Buffett song. Never mind. How do I look?"

"Your hair is a mess, but other than that, presentable."

Krissi grabbed her hair brush out of her purse and attacked her hair. "Fortunately I've got a lot of experience with this."

"And your hair is naturally straight."

"That, too." She finished and checked herself in the mirror. "How do I look?"

"Marvelous. Now get out front, things are about to start."

Devlin preceded her mother down the aisle. Everything seemed so nice and proper, it was hard to believe how hectic the last few hours had been. She only hoped her own wedding, whenever it might be, would go a lot smoother.

When her mother stepped up next to Tom, Devlin could see the slightest trembling of the bouquet her mother was carrying. Devlin could feel her mother's trembling subside as the minister started through the vows. And, finally, it was over, Tom was lifting her veil and kissing her, and everyone was clapping.

The reception--Devlin cast a quick look around, checking everything--it looked like everything had been planned down to the last detail. Things went better than Devlin thought they would. There was the opening of the gifts, the toasts, the wedding cake, the food--people loved the mini-burgers--more toasts, and plenty of dancing. Her mother was happy, her eyes sparkling and her smile infectious. She danced as if her feet weren't touching the ground. The photographer had two cameras, and he took pictures from both of them. He also had a boy following him around with a polaroid camera. The boy would take a picture. The photographer would study it, and then take a picture from each camera.

Devlin danced with Tom, but politely turned down dances with some of the others. Krissi and Steve were constantly out on the dance floor, and when Steve took a bathroom break Krissi almost collapsed on a chair.

"Lordy, but he can dance. I'm half-past pooped, and it's only the middle of the afternoon."

"I just had another thought," Devlin said. "What about the limousine?"

"It's here," Krissi said. "I checked. It's waiting out front, and the driver is in the front seat reading a book."

"I guess the only thing left is the bouquet."

"Going to try to catch it?"

"Not on your life! What about you?"


In the end somebody else caught the bouquet. Tom and her mother ran down the front walk while being showered with rice. Amid cheers and wishes for good luck they sped off into the afternoon.

After waving, Devlin headed for her car. "I'll be back in an hour or so," she said, "maybe two. Will you be here?"

"Probably," Krissi said, laughing, "and still dancing, too."

Devlin met Tom and her mother at a restaurant at the hotel where they would be staying the night. After a quiet late afternoon dinner she gave her mother a hug. "I'll see you when you get back."

"Don't forget to water the plants."

"I won't. Have fun, and I'll see you next Sunday."

Devlin drove back to the reception, taking her time. In spite of everything, it had all come together. Her mother had organized this in less than a month. She decided to spend a little more time planning her own wedding.

Sue and Danny were standing on the sidewalk when Devlin pulled up. Devlin caught Sue's eye as she got out of the car, and motioned her over.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?"

Sue looked around. "I wanted to know if you wouldn't mind seeing Danny every week or so like you used to, at least as long as I'm pregnant."

"Sure, no problem." She thought of what Denise O'Connor had told her. "Tell him, though, that he'll have to make the arrangements. We may have someone following me again."

"I thought the police arrested those men."

"This is somebody new."

"I'll tell him. I'm sure he can come up with something." She pressed her hand on Devlin's arm. "I want to thank you for this. You don't know how much it means to me."

"I'm glad to help, but you'll let me know when things are over. There'll come a point where this has to be over."

"I will. I figure it'll be a couple months after the baby is born."

"That'll be, what, next February?"

Sue nodded. "Something like that." She gave Devlin a quick hug. "Thank you so much."

Devlin sighed. Had she just agreed to have sex with Danny for 11 more months? That was funny in a way. Wasn't sex and love supposed to be spontaneous? That was a laugh. Her sex life was as predictable as you could get: Tuesdays at Cindy's, every other weekend at Emma's, and now Danny once or twice a week. Well, she couldn't complain about not getting any. She was getting more than the rest of the girls on her floor put together. She snorted. She was probably getting more than half the girls in her dorm.

She remembered high school. This was sort of like that. In high school she'd had sex nearly every night with Danny, and every other weekend at Emma's. If anything, she'd finished growing up with sex every day. Probably only Amnita could claim something like that. She'd probably had more sex than the fantasies of the boys in her graduating class. That was worth a laugh or two.

Krissi was still inside. She was talking with a couple of the church ladies, and making a few notes on a napkin.

"My feet are killing me," Devlin said as she sat down. She massaged her ankles. "Much better."

"You missed a great party," Krissi said. "It got a little wild after you guys left. How are your nerves?"

"A bit frazzled, but not too bad. It was harder on my mother."

"I've known gals to lay into the sauce right after a wedding," Krissi said. "Especially with so many things trying to go wrong at the same time."

"I can see why." Devlin shifted her legs so she could massage her other ankle. "She's relaxed, now. Tomorrow this will all be just a story, one she can laugh about."

"True. Steve took off about 30 minutes ago, so I'm at loose ends."

"Well, we could head back to campus."

Krissi tugged her to her feet and started toward the parking lot. "We could, but I was thinking of something else." She stopped and looked around the reception hall. "After we clean up, of course."

Devlin nodded. "Let's get busy. It shouldn't take too long." She shifted her weight back and forth, trying to find a way to stand so her feet didn't hurt. "I've got to get out of these shoes. Everything else can wait."

Krissi laughed. "I brought flip-flops just for this moment."

Devlin threw her shoes in the front seat of her car, and then, barefoot, helped clean up from the party. At the end of an hour the place looked like it had the night before.

"So," Krissi said as they walked out to Devlin's car. "What do you want to do? I'm not that keen on going back to campus. I see too much of the place as it is."

"My mother just got married," Devlin said as she got in her car. "She's pregnant. She's expecting a baby. I'm going to be a sister." She shook her head. "I've got this urge to get blind, stinking drunk. I won't, but it's a temptation. She's going to have sex tonight. That's a bit weird. I mean, your mother never has sex. Mothers are asexual creatures, aren't they? But tonight she's going to have sex with her new husband. Like I said, I have this urge to get wasted."

She sighed. "The proper thing to do is to head back to campus. You said your folks are coming down tomorrow; what time do they get in?"

"Their plane arrives in Chicago at 11:00," Krissi said. "It's about a 3-hour trip from Chicago, at least the way my Dad drives, so by the time they get to campus it'll be around 2:00."

"What did you have in mind?"

"It's after 8, now..."

"Yeah... ?"

"How about going to Emma's? I sort of promised her we might show up."

Devlin laughed. "Krissi, as much as I enjoy it, I'm not sure if I'm in the mood to get laid tonight."

"Why not? It's either that or get drunk. Technically speaking, you're too young to get drunk; you have to be 21 in this state to drink. You're not too young to get laid, though."

"I'm too young for a number of things I've done," Devlin said. "But that never stopped me."

"True. Okay, how about this? If you get drunk, you'll end up doing something foolish that you'll regret, and probably with a guy who won't be safe."

"How do you know I'll do that?"

"I remember how horny you got the last time you got drunk."

"Well, okay, you've got me there."

"And if you get drunk, you'll need a place to sleep it off because you're not driving."

"That's true, too."

"Where were you planning on spending the night? On campus?"

"Well, that idea crossed my mind. I do have a room there."

"C'mon, I want to go to Emma's. You can always go sit in the hot tub and relax. I feel the need to get downright raunchy."

"That must be because your mother's coming town."

"Probably," Krissi agreed. "Just the thought of her always seems to make me horny."

"From your stories I have a hard time believing you're her daughter."

Krissi laughed. "Put it this way: when I was younger, I couldn't picture her having sex. Now that I'm older, I still can't picture her having sex. It wouldn't be proper or something. Maybe she objects because really good sex can be messy."

"She's that much of a neat freak?"

"She has a maid service come in once a week. The day before they show up she cleans everything down to the last detail. Says she doesn't want them to think a slob lives there."

"Doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a maid service?"

"It's a status thing for her. My parents are too important and too busy to clean. I think that's because on a couple of the foreign posts we had servants."

Devlin shook her head. "Some people."

"C'mon, it'll be fun."

"Emma doesn't like people to show up too late," Devlin said. "By the time we get there, it'll be 9:00, or a little later."

"That's still plenty of time."

Devlin sighed. "You seem set on it," she said. "Sure. Why not?"

"You'll have fun," Krissi said. "You know it."

"I don't know. I'd feel rather conspicuous showing up in this dress."

"I wouldn't worry. You'll be out of it soon enough."

Devlin sat there reluctantly staring at her friend. Finally she sighed and started the car. "Sure," she said in an even voice. "Why not."

They drove past Emma's about 9:15. Cars were parked neatly up and down the street, and the parking lot of the Grange was full. "All right, smarty," Devlin said, looking for a place to park. "Now what?"

"I think there's one up ahead," Krissi said, pointing. They cruised past the spot slowly, staring at the fire hydrant. "I guess not."

Finally they found a parking spot nearly two blocks from Emma's. "I just realized I didn't pack anything for an extra night," Krissi said as they got out of the car.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Devlin said as she pulled out her overnight case. "You've never been keen on underwear."

"If we're late getting back to campus, or my folks show up early, my mother will notice, and I'll hear no end of it."

"It's not too late to back out."

Krissi shook her head. "Come on, we're here, we might as well do it. I'll just have to remember to buy something on the way back to campus."

"So how are we getting in?" Devlin asked. "Emma locks the door at 7:00."

"I called her earlier today," Krissi said. "I told her that we might be late. She was going to leave the gate to the backyard unlocked, but we have to lock it behind us."

The gate was hidden in the shadows between the house and the garage. Krissi tried the latch, opening the gate easily. She felt around, and found the latch that locked it, sliding that home behind them. They walked slowly to the back door, not wanting to interrupt anyone. Their caution was rewarded, they could hear soft grunting and rapid breathing coming from somewhere in the backyard. Krissi flashed Devlin a smile before opening the back door.

Once inside they could hear music and a strange buzzing coming from downstairs, and giggles coming from the living room. There were half a dozen people, all nude, in the kitchen. "Umm, clothed," one woman said. "Kinky."

"Anything to be different," Krissi said gaily to the others in the kitchen, and headed for the front of the house. Devlin gave the others a smile and followed.

One of the guys in the kitchen peeled off and followed them. He tapped Devlin on the shoulder. "Can I look up your dress?" he asked.

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Conventional wisdom would say that hedonistic entertainment is hard to come by living in a small town like where I reside in Georgia, but I have been blessed with unusual opportunities to enjoy a full and rich sexual life here. And since I live in a small town, I have changed many of the names for purposes of this story.My name is Mike, and I’m twenty-two years old and living with my sister, Spence, who is twenty-three years old. Spence is beautiful, five feet tall, and brunette with long,...

4 years ago
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sister in law catches me

My sister in law is 46 years old she is a size 14 to 16 with dyed mousy blonde hair cut in a bob to her shoulders and size 36b tits that droop slightly.I have always fancied her and imagined what she would look like naked does she shave her pubes? Does she let it all grow? Is she dirty in bed? What turns her on? And thankfully I now know. It all started a few months ago Jane was stopping at our house my wife went upto bed but Jane and me carried on...

2 years ago
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Trip Around the Med Chapter 01

Deanna woke with a start, shifting in the small yet luxurious seat/bed that was on the starboard side of the Gulfstream IV private jet. She rubbed her eyes gently, and looked up at the person who was gently shaking her shoulder. Smiling, she reached out and patted his hand then stretched, removing the kinks of the flight from her arms and shoulders as Peter went to sit back in his seat, across the aisle against the port side of her father’s jet. He had obviously already changed for their...

1 year ago
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Manya The Forbidden Lust IntensifiesChapter 12

If there was one person in the world who knew how to fuck Manya, it was Deen. Even though Deen had never fucked her, or any other woman for that matter, he knew perfectly well what his mother needed. Gone was the woman who loved romantic lovemaking. She was replaced by a perpetual bitch in heat. Gone was the woman who liked to have her body worshipped when being made love to. She was replaced by a whore who liked to be fucked hard and fast, treated like a ragdoll. Getting bolder by the...

3 years ago
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The Experiment

I took the boy one afternoon, it was the last day of school and he was that scrawny little boy that his family was not going to miss. He lived in those trailer park homes with his father and some brother that was constantly bullying him. A scrawny little boy with semi long blond hair and no meat on the bones. He fought like a bitch, screaming and kicking, biting me like a rabid dog until the chloroform acted and leave him asleep on the back of my van. I give his dad some money to...

1 year ago
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WatchingMyMomGoBlack Rayveness 11162021

Rayveness is in the envious position of having a husband who loves having her bring black men over to fuck her and send him the pictures. He also has a son that loves spying on his stepmom and jerking his tiny minute cock off to her whenever he gets the chance. Today though he gets caught watching step-mommy Rayveness with another one of her lovers and gets a front row seat unwillingly. Embarrassed and having his penis turtle out on him in front of the giant black snake hanging between...

2 years ago
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Kellys Favorite Kind of Charity

After a weekend of debauchery at Kelly's favorite gloryhole nightclub, she was looking forward to getting home and taking a bath (and possibly a Plan B for her unprotected pussy). The walk home from Megan's place was a couple miles but it was a warm late summer afternoon and Kelly figured a walk would be nice. After walking about a mile, Kelly realized she had not taken into account how sore her feet were from a weekend in heels. Spotting a nearby park, Kelly ventured over to a bench and sat...

1 year ago
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Summer Camp 2

Having been awaked in the middle of the night not by a bodily function of my own but of my bunk mates I eagerly awaited his return. All day a ran the nights events as best my memory would serve. Clearly the cabin was cold and shivering I feel asleep, exausted by the days activities. I only briefly remember the shy boy who slept across from me pleading to share body heat in the middle of the night with a promise of his extra blanket. I was only to happy when he climbed in to my small bunk and...

3 years ago
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A true love story

Over the following weeks Helen and Ashley became really good friends and spent every moment of recess together. Helen was the happiest she had ever been having finally found a true friend. One day the two of them were playing at the playground, Ashley was telling Helen all about her plans for the weekend but Helen was distracted, She wasn’t paying much attention to Ashley but found herself looking over at a boy playing with his friends in the sand box. Ashley could tell that Helen wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Blowjob from my Sister

It started one miserable evening in the late July of last year. I had been sick in bed for days, slipping in and out of sleep, so much that sometimes I could not tell what was real and what was in my head. The brutal heat only added to this factor, and my discomfort. At this point in my life, I had only ever slept with one girl before. She had been my girlfriend of three months when it started, and we’d fucked about half a dozen times before her family had to move for work reasons. I was in no...

1 year ago
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The private dancer for the party

Nobody at the company knew that the woman dancing and entertaining us for the past hour was my wife except my boss and I. The only reason I had asked Anita to fill in was due to a last minute cancellation in the strip dancer reserved for our year end celebration.All had gone quite well until Desmond, one of my strongest rivals in the company slid his hand under Ana’s miniskirt, past her tiny thong and inserted his dirty fingers right into her wet pussy.Everyone in the room could tell he hit...

4 years ago
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A View From Above

It was a hot day in July and I had just finished doing the yard work when my sister’s friend, Ariel came by. She was wearing a satin crop top which did little to conceal her nipples and those matching shorts looked as if they were painted on.“Hi Mason, a happy belated seventeenth birthday. Sorry I missed it, was out of town.”“Thanks Ariel, no problem. Sis had told me you weren’t able to be there.”“Is Connie home?”“No, she’s running some errands, but you’re welcome to wait.”We walked to the...

Quickie Sex
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Porn In Black declares itself “The Home of Free HD Ebony Homemade Porn” in big, bold letters out on the front page. After spending a few hours clicking around and shaking my dick at the screen, I actually feel like the description sells them a little bit short. There is some fantastic black DIY porn in there, for sure, but this ain’t another bullshit collection of low-res, shaky-ass, 12-second iPhone amateur clips starring ugly black chicks. Nah, this is a quality stash of quality ebony smut!So...

Black Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Two Worlds Collide part 2

The girls turned onto Amber's street, still hand in hand, side by side. Amber led Hanna through the doors of a two story apartment building, and up the stairs to the second floor. They walked to the left, coming to a halt in front of apartment 2B. Hanna started to let go of Amber's hand."It's okay, my Dad doesn't care. He's most likely drunk anyway." Amber said as she grabbed Hanna's hand, holding it again, tighter than she had been holding it.Hanna didn't know what to say. Amber unlocked the...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Pleasing the Ghost Hunter

I lick my fingers and bring them down to my longing pussy. In circular motions I rub my clit as my head tilts back and I moan. Where I was only some what wet before I started, now I’m soaked and not just from the sensations I’m giving myself, but by fantasizing of my ghost hunting partner, Trevor. I had met him years back and while I had started talking to him because of my attraction to him, I learned that he, like me, was very interested in the paranormal. A few months later, we joined...

1 year ago
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An American Incest Story Chapter Six

Thursday, November 7th, 1985I was fucking Kathy Kramer in the last stall in the men’s room on the second floor of my high school. As my cock slid in and out of her wet cunt I started realizing that she was no longer doing anything for me. Don’t get me wrong I loved sticking my dick into her petite 34B-25-34 bod, but compared to the women in the incest support group she seemed so basic.Unlike Jane, Grace, and my mom, she wouldn’t let me fuck her ass. She’d let me tease it with tongue and penis,...

3 years ago
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Gaining a fuck buddy

Another few weeks past, I’d messaged both him and her a few times about trivial things, just normal life stuff.Sitting at work again one day she messaged me and said would I like to meet for a coffee in the morning to which I instantly replied yes, and she replied great, I need to talk about some things, to which I responded ‘Sure not a problem’.The next morning we met up at a coffee shop and greeted with the usual hug and kiss on the cheek.Being the first time I’d seen her since I had my cock...

2 years ago
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Day two with my Uncle

I woke up the next morning after having sex yesterday with my Uncle Dave and I was happy that I did it but I felt like I needed to be pleasured again.As I walk out of my room I notice the time 10am in the morning that means my parents and brother are at work, which means I get Uncle Dave to myself again.I want to his room where he was still asleep and I could see his morning wood, so I made my way onto his bed and placed his cock in my mouth and began to suck.It did take long for him to start...

2 years ago
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Walking the Dog

Yet another day in this socially distancing world: wear a mask, stay six-feet apart, and stay home. Since February, I've cheated twice and that’s because I’m a mess and swingers parties don't exist. Now, my favorite parts of a day are working in the garden or walking my dog. More often than normal, usually late at night, I’m frequenting websites looking for hookups. There are tons of men, women, and couples out there but I ignore most of them because I'm picky and, of course, it’s hard to...

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Do I Have The Job

Lydia was becoming desperate for a job. She had rent to pay, along with bills. She was going to be completely out of money next month if she did not find work soon. It was a new concept to her, being broke. She looked online after hours of hounding businesses and found a local construction company that was hiring. The position of a construction worker was open and would pay twenty dollars an hour. Lydia was happy beyond words. She had always been more of a tomboy, loving the feel of dirt on...

1 year ago
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Thanks Dr Joe

Meeting for drinks after work seemed innocent enough but I should have known it wouldn't work out that way with her. When I walked in and I saw her at the table with three empty shot glasses in front of her I knew she was in the mood. I sat down and I must say, the top half of her looked like she just came from a nightclub and not from work. She was wearing a red dress that had a generous portion of cleavage showing. I ordered and we small talked for a minute or two but I could not wait, I...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 396

Say thanks to Kilocyclejoe for this one. Two men waiting at the Pearly Gates strike up a conversation. “How’d you die?” the first man asks the second. “I froze to death,” says the second. “That’s awful,” says the first man. “How does it feel to freeze to death?” “It’s very uncomfortable at first”, says the second man. “You get the shakes, and you get pains in all your fingers and toes. But eventually, it’s a very calm way to go. You get numb and you kind of drift off, as if you’re...

2 years ago
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Mami or bhanji ki choot phadi 2

Hi dis sami khan frm lhr again ap logo ka remarkr mile us ka lia thanx sirf lhr ki aunties or lurkian jo sex ka maza hur tarhan uthana chahey contact me on my email ub tim zaya kia bina story pur ata hn jub main ayesha ki chat pur koda to woh daur kur mere sina sa lipat gai lun to usey daikhte hi thatey marney lag para tha laikin us ka gale lagne sa to us main or ziada tanao agia tha main pagalo ki tarha us ka hasen honto ka rus pe raha tha or eik hath sa us ka mamo ko bh sehlaraha tha us ka...

4 years ago
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Sex Tale With A Hot Stranger Bhabhi

Hello friends and fans of this wonderful site. This is gautam from jaipur , india. I am 23 yrs, 5ft 11 inches male with a good physique, with some really hot looks & a very strong sex drive &  I  have a 8 inches rock hard cock to please & satisfy any female craving for sex. I’m very good in massage and women find it erotic when someone who can satisfy them in bed as we as make their body dip with oil. You can mail me at . I’ve posted many of my real incidents here you can check buy clicking on...

2 years ago
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White Stucco Walls

© 2003 She stared at the mark on the wall as she listened to his voice on the 'phone. She really should do something to cover it. Paint the wall, hang a picture there, move the sofa, something. It wasn't so bad when they still had the leather sofa, the one that made the mark originally, but last month they had refurbished and redecorated. Upscaled. A fainting couch instead of a sofa, a footstool instead of an ottoman. They were entertaining business associates more often now, and it...

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Willow Book III Master CarlChapter 9

There is something tranquil about early mornings in the mountains. The cool air seems to preserve the very best of the night and color it with morning light. Lord Blackmon loved greeting the dawn chill with a cup of good coffee, seeing a doe in the distance and watching the first birds of the day take flight. So he was surprised to see Master Carl already sitting outside nursing his own cup. “Good morning.” Master Carl still wore his suit and tie. He also wore a worried look on his face....

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Chapter 1 – The CrimeChapter 2 – The Revenge Anita was busy in her room, the door was slightly shut, and she was busy in her regular chores when her roommate rushed in with a start. She was breathing uncontrollably clutching the chair. Anita quickly fetched her glass of water and asked her to calm down. She refused the water and in a very dizzy voice asked Anita to run away, Anita unable to understand anything asked her once again to calm down. Nita snatched the water this time and gulped it in...

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Notes on a Sandal

Notes On A Sandal Jay, of this site, was the lucky man who got to tell me what to do onSaturday. He suggested I go out, shopping/whatever with no knickers on. It's not unheard of, but I usually do wear a nice snug 9 string, not least because, well I don't want to do a Pairs Hilton getting out of my sports car, and partly because, well this is quite embarrassing, I get rather wet down there, quite often and I would hate to dribble! I figured the best way to get into danger, as it were, would...

3 years ago
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my hot neighbor pt1

I rubbed on my hard nipples as i walked to my room. Its been a while since i have done anything with someone but wasn't really focused on it. I reached my room and dug into my bottom drawer for a toy. Going thru my collection, i decided to go with something thicker than my usual. I turned it on to make sure the batteries we're still good. Feeling the big dick vibrating in my hands, made my pussy tremble even more. I smiled a bit and tossed my toy on the bed as it still vibrated. I took my...

2 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 23

I find that I must have drifted off to sleep. It feels like it is darker in the room. I have no idea what time it is. The clock in the living room should chime out the time soon. I lay there listening waiting to hear my hero the clock chime out the time. I wait and wait. I hear nothing. I listen in the room and I swear that I hear someone breathing and close to me. I listen and stop breathing so I can hear. I finally have to take a breath. I can feel warm air close to my ear. But nothing, I...

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Call GirlsChapter 9

When they returned to the room late in the afternoon, Jan went to her room. She took a shower, washed her hair and then lay down on her bed. She was amazed to find her cunt was sore and her legs ached. In spite of being a professional, it had never, ever been like it had been that day with Pete. She was staring at the ceiling reflecting on the events of the day when she heard a soft knock at the door. "Come in," she called, and Jill entered the room with two drinks. Jan pulled herself up to...

1 year ago
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My Hentai Porn

MyHentaiPorn! Sometimes you need to pay for quality content. Oh, don’t get all pissed off. You shill out money each month to your favorite titty streamers, so it only makes sense that you’d have to pony up some dosh for a quality hentai experience. A lot of work goes into that shit. Realistic titty physics and fuck scenes don’t just draw themselves. So, if you’ve got some cash burning a hole in your pocket and want to get the best, uncensored hentai porn experience that you can then you should...

Premium Hentai Sites
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"Why I Am A Size Queen" By Janet MasonThis post has been copy and pasted from Janet Masons own blog. It explains why shes a size queen that loves huge Black cocks and cuckolding her husband. In a lot of her porn movies with BBC its quite clear she isn't just acting and here she tells it in her own words.Steve and I spent last night sitting by the fireplace with a bottle of excellent Pinot Noir and had a great discussion about the role of the 'lifestyle' in our relationship...especially the...

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Sherrys Test Ch 20

This is a continuation of the Sherry’s Test Series. It will make more sense if it is read in order but each chapter stands on it’s own. This chapter contains light spanking and humiliation in a family environment. It does not contain any sex. It is mainly about submissive females and dominant males. This story is meant as a completely fictional, unrealistic fantasy and the characters bear no resemblance any real person. Feedback, votes and comments greatly appreciated. I put a lot of effort...

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Sylvias birthday

That was the easiest question in the world."Do you know who Denise's grandmother was?"No""Norma Shearer, that's who, a huge star in the 1930s. Huge huge house in Brentwood.Denise lives in a little part of it, but the rest of this place is empty most of the time...her grandma was kinky, there is lots of cool rooms and cool stuff...""Judy, I'm getting horny now...there was a game we played where I was the cheap hooker who would do anything? I want to do that again...Okay, we had some kind of sex...

3 years ago
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Handson Tutoring

Marisol rattled the knob, slammed the door behind her, and stomped across the bedroom. Archie’s snores remained undisturbed. Opening the blinds did make him grunt at the morning light, which could only be qualified as 'morning' for another hour. “Come on, Archie. It’s late, and we have a lot to catch up.” More and more each day. Archie made the mating call of a dying sloth before turning over in his bed. “For god’s sake...” Marisol made sure Archie heard the zipper of her coat as she took...

1 year ago
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Our Daddys BakeryChapter 2

Edith and Josh were tickled to see me. This should have made me happy, but instead I almost cried. Paul could see I was upset so when we had a chance to get a minute free he led me into his office. "What's up brother?" I sat down and told him all about it. He sat there shaking his head at what Mary had done. "What are you going to do?" "Get a divorce right after Christmas. I'm not going to shake the kids up now. You will be my lawyer won't you?" "Yes of course. I never thought I...

3 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 50 New Homes

The Emir had been very specific. He had wanted his new property delivered without any "preparation" as he called it. "I know you have a very good Centre, Larry my friend, but I was always told a Kushtian teaches their own, so I'll do it that way if you don't mind." Well, of course we didn't mind. It was a whole lot less effort for us that way, all we had to do was to pack and ship. Harry and I took the van up to the Emir's new home. We were keen to see whether he wanted to take...

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Charlotte In Stitches

Charlotte In Stitches Introduction: Now, that their lives were finally free of his work and all their family entanglements, Belle and Charles were free to explore the wonders of BDSM slavery within their Master's Heinleinien Line-Poly-Marriage; grandiosely titled: "The Leather Freehold". Within the Freehold Belle was finally willing to let her husband Charles pursue his life long dream of living 24/7/365 as a Woman, and, more importantly; as her sister slave, and hopefully sister...

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Crossdressed In Best Friendrsquos Momrsquos Clothes 7

I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. And as I did that, I saw a note on the kitchen table...Good Morning, Darling. Mommy had to go early this morning. I wanted to let you know that you don't need to take those drops anymore, for now. And your father called. He asked if he could talk to you. But you were asleep. Please call him back. Cya soon. Kisses from mom.I picked up the phone and rang him up, and sat down with my coffee.“Hello, this is Steve!”“Hi Steve, it’s...

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One Foolish Mistake By The Headmistress

Miss Hargreaves realised it had been one of her silliest decisions ever. She was forty-five-years-old and the headmistress at the local sixth form college for girls where discipline was strict, and she regularly had to cane the students. She saw caning girls, both for earning double detentions and for individual acts of misbehaviour, as very much part of her responsibility, and knew that the regime led to the girls being better behaved than in other colleges where the cane was not...

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Purple HeartChapter 3 In the Line of Duty

Moralez opened his eyes, they were blurry, unfocused. He saw a white blob above him, shifting and warping as he blinked, trying to clear his vision. Was he dead? Was this what being dead was like? No, it was a light fixture on a ceiling, also white. As his eyes came into focus, he tried to raise his head to look around him, but his neck was sore and stiff. Now that he was more aware, his whole body was sore and aching, his extremities were numb. What had happened? Where was he? He heard...

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 88 Not Again

They were on the ice at the University of Wisconsin, in their first practice with Kathy Sleighter, their new coach there. She had met them over a cup of coffee, chatted a bit, and then asked them to do their programs from last year, so she could see them run through a couple of completed programs from close-up. "I wasn't at Nationals the last two years--I took a break from coaching to have a kid--so I've only seen you two on TV." They ran through last year's original dance and free...

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WildOnCam Naudi Nala Naudi Nala Is Being Naughty LIVE

Welcome naughty hottie Naudi Nala to WildOnCam. This girl is horny and loves twerking her sexy ass for you and running her hands all up and down her body. How do you like how her legs look in her wet and tight black stockings? Do you want her to take them off so you can see her toes or would you rather she open those legs up so you can admire her trimmed pussy? Maybe a little bit of both but definitely more leg spreads. Naudi is eager to cum and wants to see how many times she can using her...

1 year ago
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My sistermy brothermy momone day of heaven

Note : This story is completely fictional! Just another day at my house, I woke up with a hard on, jerked off, and then listened to my sister in the room next door, moan herself to an orgasm, then I jerked off again. I got out of bed about an hour later and went to the bathroom, I splashed some water on my face, only to realize I left my boxers in my bed and was completely naked, with a hard on. So there I was, 18 years old, with the biggest erection of my life, and my sister walks in. Now Im...

3 years ago
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Revenge of the NerdChapter 42

We didn't have a plan. We knew whatever we did would amount to an attack on my Father's image, his ego. We had no idea how long it would take. He was a very stubborn man, used to getting his way. School was starting a little over a month after Jeff's birthday so if I didn't broach the subject soon, it wouldn't happen until Thanksgiving. I got the chance eight days after the birthday celebration. Dad set up a family dinner to discuss whether June in Europe had been relaxing enough or...

2 years ago
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Shoot it on her Prego Tummy An Adult Story

Introduction: He asked me to help his wife, while he was gone for two weeks… I had only lived in my small apartment for about two weeks. I was done unpacking and getting settled in. The last box I opened was my BBQ grill. It was small but did the job. I reached into my fridge to pull out a steak and a cold beer. I dumped some charcoal in the grill just outside my sliding glass door. I then tossed the steak on the grill. I put some tin foil on two ears of corn and a bake potato. I tossed them on...

2 years ago
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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 1 Brother Takes My Cherry

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother Takes My Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! James Wilson I heaved a sigh of relieve when Ms. Samuels's class ended. I wasn't a fan of history, even with the delight at looking at the busty Ms. Samuels, her breasts almost falling out of her low-cut top and bouncing as she moved around. She dressed like such a wanton woman, like she wanted every nineteen-year-old boy in her class...

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An Arrangement of Sorts Ch 02

**I’ve used this sort of chapter ending before elsewhere and a while ago, but not here. Whoa… Deja vu, writer’s style. O_o ————— Because he wanted to do a little grocery shopping, he loaded Honey into his truck on their third day together and took her to town to run in the park. Honey was an instant hit with the morning jogger crowd as she drew smiles and comments from just about anyone they met. Moreth was amazed. He was on one knee, muttering to her that he hoped that her effort was at...

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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT3

I awoke the next morning with Jerome next to me. I put on a robe and went to make coffee. When I went outside to get the paper I saw Jerome's car in the driveway, I got nervous.I went back inside. I started to get excited all over again when I felt Jerome's semen leaking down my thighs.Jerome woke up while I was pouring my first cup of coffee. He walked out to the kitchen naked. "Oh my god! does that ever go down?" I said to him."Not since I met you," He walked up behind me giving me a...

1 year ago
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Interview With the Tentacle DemonChapter 16 Finale

Claire sank down into the majestic reef. Beautiful tropical fish swam among the colorful coral. She kicked her flippered feet and swam forward, taking in the view. The warm sun shone down through the clear water, feeling wonderful against her skin, clad only in scuba gear and the tiniest bikini she could find and still qualify for swimming areas that weren't nude beaches. A friendly dolphin swam up and chattered a greeting. She reached out and pet its snout. A giant sea turtle swam past and...

2 years ago
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Dawn on the Third Day

Day One, Morning Dawn broke. More precisely, it shattered. The sun tried to climb above the horizon and there were a few reddish rays. Then the scattered clouds moved in, pummeling them to pieces. Occasionally a shaft of light escaped, but eventually the grey won, ensuring the overcast weather so confidently predicted by forecasters the night before. Dave sipped his coffee on the porch, silently watching. He was rarely up this early, but it felt good. He'd soon return to the slumbering...

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Beautiful, relaxing choral music is playing You are naked except for high heels, a crotchless g-string and your favourite perfume I am kneeling behind you I have my hands on your hips I am kissing and licking your arse cheeks Your high heels and g-string accentuate your bum cheeks I alternate from one side to the other I find that very exciting Years ago when I first met you I was attracted by your gorgeous bum. I made a pact to myself that I would kiss it after I had you for the...

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Nikis Family LifeChapter 11 Niki Was not the Only One

“See, April told us about her and there she is, naked and sucking that girl!” Abby leaned into her friend Jendra’s face and whispered her excitement, her eyes not leaving the nasty tableau before them. Turning, she could see another girl, Rachel she thought, eating out Cyndi as the blonde girl sat on the toilet with her legs spread wide and her skirt raised up to her breasts. Nancy continued to hold her legs apart for Niki’s eager tongue, continuing to cajole her. “God, you are such a cunt...

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