Don't ShoutChapter 2 free porn video

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Wilton Morris worried about his friend. Cole was undeniably a real stand-up reliable guy, but the way in which he'd lost his cool so readily and shouted at Parker had him worried. Wilton had been plenty popular at school, so he hadn't banked much on needing new friends at college. His friendship with Cole had come a as a shock. They'd met on Cole's seventeenth birthday, the first day of college, bumped into each other and got to chatting. Then Wilton had discovered they had anthropology together, and the friendship had blossomed. Now Cole was his go to guy for everything, even though he had nothing in common.

Wilton had suspected that Cole was gay from about week two when Cole had failed to check out any single girl that had ever walked past them as they lounged in the common room, flicking their eyes up and down his strong frame, swooshing their hair and hips to get his attention. Cole wasn't mean to anybody, but it was really like girls didn't exist on his radar. So Wilton didn't go to him with girl trouble, and hadn't minded.

But he worried. Cole had no free time, Cole had no apparent love interests, Cole's hobbies relied on him being outdoors, and he could drink everyone else Wilton knew under the table, which was sort of scary. And now this. Cole must have been crushing on Jared Parker pretty bad to have such a strong reaction to the guy, and then he'd skipped out on college. It hadn't taken Wilton long to find out why.

Shelby Parker, Jared's sister, was in his Musical Performance and Structure class. They got on OK, chatted and stuff, but after lunch Shelby had walked in with a look that was meant to kill. Wilton practically felt the dagger digging into his back.

"You tell your stupid friend to leave my brother alone!"

"Huh?" Wilton had looked up from his (beautiful) guitar in utter confusion, and then he'd seen the acid in Shelby's eyes, "Shel, can we back up a sec?"

"Your friend. The tall bastard."

"That would be Cole," Wilton had an awful idea where this was going, "He was the one with the rugby ball the other week."

"Right," Shelby put a hand on her hip, attitude and anger seeping off her, "Him. Cole. Well you tell him to lay off Jared alright?"

"I don't get it," Wilton plucked at the strings of his (fabulous) guitar, running his fingers over the frets distractedly, "What did he do now?"

"He fucking apologised."

"What?" Wilton's brows drew low, further confused.

"Your stupid fucking friend tried to apologise. He even did it in sign."

"Shel, sorry, but why are you having a go at me about it?"

"Look," Shelby sighed and flicked her hair out of her face, "You're buddy is a well-meaning moron. I don't want me brother getting close to him just to get brushed aside when your friend gets bored." And with that she stalked off across the music room leaving Wilton feeling utterly confused. When Cole hadn't been there to meet him after college, Wilton went looking for Shelby again.

The Parker siblings were sitting on the low brick wall that ran between the college grounds and the nature reservation talking with their hands. Shelby whispered low, mouthing words as her fingers flicked, tracing lines and shapes in the air that were too fast for Wilton to follow. It had stopped raining so hard, the air full of a fine mist that made Wilton glad he had left his (gorgeous) guitar inside in its case. When Shelby saw Wilton she stopped talking, tapped her brother's shoulder and pointed.

Wilton smiled at Jared and gave a little wave, then felt stupid for that. He had no idea how to communicate with the deaf boy. For his part Jared gave Wilton a soft smile, his hand finding his sister's elbow. Jared seemed to hide behind his sister's stronger presence, and Wilton suddenly twigged that they must be twins, same age, same height, and so close. As an only child Wilton was touched with jealousy.

"What?" Shelby's voice was hard, and her fingers when she moved were sharp and quick.

"What did you say to Cole?" Wilton wasn't sure who he was directing his question at, and his gaze flicked between the twins as he spoke.

"Why do you care what I said to him?" Shelby spoke with venom, her hands flickered as she spoke. Wilton managed to catch the last sign. One hand rubbing down her chest, then out like a chubby pot-belly; then one finger pointing under the chin in a gesture that almost looked like shaving.

"What does that mean?" Wilton pointed to Shelby's hands, "What does that symbol mean?"

"Farm-boy," Shelby spoke as she repeated the symbol, "What?"

"Please, please tell me you didn't say that to him."

"That's what Jake calls him." Shelby shrugged, water off a duck's back.

Wilton pressed his fist into his forehead.

"Shit!" He stomped and scuffed his trainers on the wet tarmac, "He hates being called that. I know he was a bit of a prat but he tried to apologise." Wilton realised that Shelby was automatically translating him for her brother, "Jake hates Cole. He's only gone and driven off in a mood."

Jared tapped his twin and they had a fast heated flurry of words in the air.

"Fine, fine." Shelby muttered, "Pretend I'm him!" She threw up her hands in exasperation and then Wilton entered into the weirdest conversation of his life.

'Is he really upset?'


'What did I ever do to him anyways?'

"He's ... Cole can be really intense."

'Can I have his number?'

Wilton had been deeply unsure about handing over Cole's number to Jared, but Shelby had stepped aside, though she was obviously fuming as Wilton punched the digits into her brother's phone. Now he lay in bed and fretted. Cole might be pissed. But what was Jared going to do? Phone him up and yell at him, not likely.

Wilton scrabbled for his phone in the sheets.

Wilton: Jared asked for your number. I gave it to him.

It was done. Wilton dropped the phone, wrapped himself in blankets and went to sleep.

The hard buzz of the phones vibration half-woke Cole and he stared blearily at the screen.

2 new messages:



He opened the one from Wilton, read it and blinked hard several times to clear the fog of sleep from his brain. Wilton had spoken to Jared. Jared had his number. Jared Parker had his number. Shivers of trepidation made his fingers shake as Cole tapped the screen of the phone to show the other message.

Unknown: apology accepted

Cole gulped as he read and re-read the two glowing words. His breath came quick and short, and his heart slammed against his ribs as he began to type.

Cole: i should never have shouted at you. can we talk?

Jared: you might find that hard ;) we're talking now

Cole: sorry

Jared: stop apologising. they tell me your name is cole. like fire?

Cole: yeah. like fire.

Jared: see you around, like fire.

Cole dropped the phone on his bed with a groan. He was sure he had sounded like an idiot to Jared. Hell, he didn't 'sound' at all. And the knowledge that Jared had been awake, probably in bed, speaking to him, thinking of him, had him instantly hard. Cole ran his hands through his hair, flexing and arching his spine as arousal travelled over his body like a flash flood from groin to toes. His smooth abdomen was crusted and sticky with his earlier exertion. It would be unusual for him to go again so quickly, but not unheard of. Cole half rolled and scrabbled in his bedside cabinet for the lube he kept there.

Images came easily as Cole wrapped a hand around his cock, stroking the velvet soft skin over the head which already dripped in anticipation. His other hand flicked open the lid of the bottle and Cole's breath hitched as he raised his arse from the sheets and snaked a hand underneath himself. Jared was in his bed, touching him, his lips kissing up Cole's chest, teasing and nipping at his nipples. Cole's fingers, wet and cold, circled the entrance to his hole, and he had the presence of mind to exhale as he invaded himself. Jared's stubble grazing his neck, his hand curving under Cole's body to touch the hot wetness of him which grabbed around the digits. Cole groaned into the emptiness of his room as he touched himself, pushing his fingers into the spot which caused violent shivers to run down his spine. He knew he wouldn't last long when he was this wound up. Jared's hand wrapped around his cock, his lips kissing up the side of Cole's neck, licking and biting, and moaning his ear.

But Jared wouldn't moan would he? Cole's internal voice was enough to still his self-excitement with confusion. Cole blushed hotly to have to admit what he was doing to himself. Imagining a boy he had never spoken to, probably would never speak to, using both hands to bring himself off in the dark. Cole growled low at his inner voice. But Cole was teenage boy, and inner voices could be damned.

Cole woke late, for him, and had to wait for Caden to be finished with the bathroom. His middle brother was going through a rebellious phase, and even though his next job was to deal with the chickens and feed the ducks, he had swept his hair artfully over one eye. He sneered at Cole, dressed in pyjama trousers and an old t-shirt, and his older sibling wasted no time in clipping his brother round the ear before diving for the safety of the bathroom.

Cole was king at leaving in a hurry, and twenty minutes later he was washed, dried, dressed in work jeans, boots, hoodie and his leather three quarter coat, had eaten a flash breakfast of sausages and bacon snatched straight from the aga, shoved his school books in the ruck and was up at the stable to skip out and turn out the horses before leaving for the day. It had mercifully stopped raining, and Cole lead out the horses two by two into the paddocks that surrounded the stable yard. Dune whinnied and nickered at his human, left alone in the yard as Cole began to skip out the stables. Having completed it last night, they weren't too bad and Cole filled 3 wheel barrows full, scraped back the beds, gave the livery horses new shavings and emptied the wheel barrows onto the muck-cart. His father would drive it down the far end of the farm where the compost was and nature would take care of the rest.

Cole fitted Dune with his Dually halter, looped the rope into a rein-like arrangement and leapt up bare-back onto the rugged up horse. Dune obediently turned out of his stall and clopped along to the field next to where Cole had parked the truck. He left Dune in the field, threw the halter in the truck and drove along the long drive out to the rest of the world. Dune trotted alongside the truck until he reached the end of the field and Cole sighed to hear his horse neigh after him, head thrown up to the wind. Cole passed the Hilux through the gates which gave Black Rock its name. Either side of the driveway stood an obelisk of stone, black as thunder and taller than the truck. Cole plugged a CD into the stereo, stepped on the gas and high tailed it out to college on roads fresh from rain but blissfully empty of other traffic.

All his music was 'borrowed' from Wilton, which meant that he got an interesting mix of new bands, classic rock, unsigned local kids and really random metal from Japan. Cole hummed along vaguely to the guitar on the track and wondered what music Jared liked.

He can't hear it... Cole snarled at himself and his inner voice as the realisation spread through him that nice safe topics like music and bands were not available to him when he spoke to Jared. Jared probably didn't go to concerts or gigs, what would be the point? Did he watch films? Cole didn't watch TV, there was no time for it, and somehow he doubted that Jared drove quad bikes around muddy fields. What the hell was he going to talk to the boy about?

Cole pulled the truck up in his usual space, which was somehow always left empty for him and the great hulking shape of the Hilux. His phone buzzed against his leg and Cole pulled the device from his boot and stared at the message on the screen.

Jared: morning. coffee?

Cole got out of the truck as he hit the dial button, snatched his bag from the other side of the cab and shouldered the door shut before walking into the main college building. The phone rang, and rang, and rang. Finally it picked up, but before Cole could say anything the sharp tone of a dead line filled his ear. He shut off the phone's screen angrily.

Well how exactly did you think you were going to talk to him on the phone? Cole slung his bag over his shoulder and strode into the main common room. Why this boy? Of all the pretty things about his age in town, why had his mind been snagged on this one. His father always said people who stuck out where like nails, they snagged on everything that went near them. But Jared didn't stick out. Cole hadn't ever remembered seeing him the whole of last year. And why whenever he thought about Jared Parker did he find himself both thankful and cursing the thick material of his jeans and his heart trying to jump out of his throat? Surely he couldn't feel something that strong for a boy he'd barely met. He couldn't be in l- No. Do not think that. His inner voice chided him and clamped down on the thought as he saw his target.

Jared at a round table with his sister and the deaf girl from the other day. There was a suspiciously empty seat next to Jared, and a paperboard cup of something hot that smelt like caffeine. Shelby Parker was signing something to her brother, obviously annoyed, her brow furrowed almost comically.

"Morning." Cole stopped behind Jared and smiled, but the boy didn't turn. The girl sitting opposite him said something with her hands and pointed over Jared's shoulder and the brunette boy turned to look up at him. He didn't smile.

"Christ you are thick farm-boy," this was from Shelby, and Cole felt the muscles in his punching arm tighten automatically, ready to swing when he heard that nickname, "If you want to get a Deaf person's attention you stand where you can see them or touch them on the arm," she signed as she spoke, and Cole's brain struggled to follow the symbols, "Have you learnt nothing this past week?"

"I was busy."

Shelby stood, her slender frame tiny against Cole's towering height. Her friend got up and signed something to Jared as she gathered her bags. When Shelby spoke, she didn't move her hands, speaking just for him.

"You'd better get serious about this if you wanna get close to my brother. You hurt him and I'll kill you." She turned to her friend, speaking and signing simultaneously, "Come on Dina, let's leave the boys to it."

Cole watched her stalk away with a flick of her hair and then took the seat left for him by Jared. There was a tablet computer on the table beside him and he drank his own coffee as though it absorbed all his attention. Cole took a deep breath, running over the symbols he had rehearsed in the mirror.

"Hello," a little wave from the head, and Cole felt stupid, "My name is C-O-L-E." he counted off the symbols, making a C shape with his right hand, then touching his index finger to his third finger on his left hand, then the palm, then the other index finger. To his surprise, Jared grinned and sniggered, making an odd little sound that was half way between a cough and a snort.

His hands flashed in symbols that Cole barely had time to register. Jared shook his head, seeing his confusion, and his fingers flicked across the tablet on the table between them.

At least you spelt your name right.

Cole frowned and typed back.

What's so funny?

You fingered spelled your name, Jared repeated the four symbols that Cole knew to make up his name, But we don't call you that.

Cole frowned and shrugged,

"Huh?" apparently the expression was self-evident because Jared tapped quickly on the tablet.

We gave you a new sign nickname. Lots of people have them. Here. He touched Cole's bare forearm and Cole felt his heart thud so hard he thought he might die from the experience. Jared began to fingerspell his name, but stopped halfway through and made a gesture that obviously meant no, cutting off the word, then he smiled. He made the C shape with one hand, and then that same hand became a bundle of flickering flames. He repeated the sign and then pointed at Cole.

Cole repeated the sign back, but pointed at himself and was pleased when Jared nodded and turned to the tablet.

Pretty good.

C like fire?

So you're not as dumb as my sister makes out then? Cole looked up from the words to find Jared smiling at him. He smiled back, feeling like his heart was going to burst any minute.

Same as Don't Shout
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PureTaboo Ashley Adams Erica Lauren The Family Tradition

SCENE opens on a shot of Paula, an 18-year-old girl, as she stares at herself in the bathroom mirror. From the mirror’s POV, we watch her. Her face is perfectly made up and she is wearing expensive lingerie … But something about her seems sad. Her face is stone cold and vacant. A minute of silence passes before she snaps out of it and takes something from her cabinet. She unwraps and drops two antacid tablets into a glass of water on the counter. The water fizzes. Cut back to a shot...

1 year ago
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Wifes Wild AssChapter 11

Helen began licking the donkey's cockhead again, skillfully tonguing his massive prick back into a new hard-on. The prick stalk came up, vibrant and throbbing. She leaned back and gazed lustfully at his cock, imagining how well his prick would fill her cunt. The thought drove her wild. She was desperate to get fucked by her first burro. But she wasn't quite sure how. Harold, however, had already given that some thought. He had measured the height of the donkey's loins and had hammered...

2 years ago
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Morning Routine

  ??????????? ?Get up slave!???????????? Kali woke with a start. Realizing she had slept through her master?s alarm she began to panic. She jumped up out of bed before getting her bearings and was roughly pulled back down by the restraints around her neck and wrists to land hard on the fresh bruises that crisscrossed her back. She was completely sightless due to the black satin blindfold over her eyes. Her master laughed that wonderfully musical laugh that always brought a smile to her...

1 year ago
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A Rose By Any Other NameChapter 5

Unfortunately Heather and I weren't able to get together any more before Christmas break. I had made plans months before to visit my parents, who had moved from Nebraska to Illinois and since Heather was spending the holidays with her family in South Dakota there would be no opportunity to spend time together. My family has always been close although in recent years, most noticeably since I started college, our time together has been limited. After the long drive across Iowa on Interstate...

3 years ago
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Neend main bhabi ki chudai

Hello dosto , meri kahani tab ki hai jab main ba final me tha aur apni bhaya bhabi ke paas delhi main rehtha tha aur bhaiya noida main ek company main kaam karte the,bhabi dekhna main bahut hi sunder hai aur bhaiya se kafi pyaar bhi karthi hai aur main bhi unhe poori izzat deta hoo. Ek baar ki baat hai jab main,bhabi aur bhaiya hum sabi ek hi kamre main rehte the aur raat ko wo dono bed par aur main zameen par sota tha,kafi raat ke baad mujhe kuch halki-2 si chekhne ki aawaaz aaye par main kafi...

3 years ago
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Bunnie Tales Driving With the Top Down

She used her fingers to scoop the remnants of cum running down her chin. As she licked dripping cum from her fingers, she stared the blonde right in the eye. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” That’s when the light turned green and I quickly accelerated through the intersection, and headed back toward the barracks. ****************** It started earlier that day when Bunnie wanted to go for a ride. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in the Chesapeake Bay Area, so I grabbed the keys to the...

2 years ago
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Oral Devotion by loyalsock

Sherri and Gloria were a little early as they returned to school from lunch and a lot of k**s were still milling around the hall, just killing time until fifth period started. Sherri turned to Gloria and said, "Ya know, I'm still hungry, how about you?" Gloria looked at Sherri and saw that look in her eyes! "Now wait a minute Sherri, we gotta be in class in less then fifteen minutes, and we don't have time for that right now," Gloria pleaded! "There's always time for Jell-o babe," shot back...

4 years ago
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Kelly and I Seven Minutes of Heaven

If this story looks familiar, that’s because it was originally uploaded years ago, and I’m re-uploading a few of my stories with grammar corrections, less awkward wording, etc. Hope you enjoy! This is the third in a trilogy based on a character named Kelly. This isn’t chronologically related to the previous story, but instead, is an entirely different story about a first time with the character. A lot of the beginning of this is just character development, build-up, and so on, so if you're just...

1 year ago
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The end of our fist weekend

After waking in the morning I looked over at Charles sexy black body half cover with a sheet, I knew I wanted more. I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to pee. Sitting on the toilet I checked my hole that was surprisingly not sore but still well lubed and loose. I crawled back into bed after grabbing the tube of lube off the night stand and applied some to his cock. Charles cock already in a semi hard I started to stroke it. He let out of a soft moan and chuckled. You like this cock...

2 years ago
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Humpet is what she called me, however it isn’t my name. It’s more a term to describe me as a ... species, I guess. I’ve always been kind of lazy but I’ve only in the last year, come to realize it. I say, ‘kind of lazy’ because I often go to a lot of trouble and effort to take the easy way out and do the least actual work. It’s just who I am. I’ve been told a lot that it would be easier to just do things, than to put so much effort into avoiding doing things. We met a year ago. EI was at the...

1 year ago
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GotMylf Ivy Secret Lacy Black Lingerie Loving

High-class MILF hottie Ivy Secret is a force to be reckoned with. In lacy black lingerie, the brunette bombshell has it all. She stretches her long, sculpted legs and squeezes her pert, sensitive nipples. Then, she runs her fingers over her pink clit, rubbing sensually while she gets soaking wet. When our stud shows up, Ivy oils herself up and hops on his big cock, bouncing up and down while she begs for more. She can barely catch her breath as he slams her sweet snatch and stretches her pussy...

3 years ago
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Horny Stepdaughter

So i started seeing this woman Lisa about six months ago. As we were dating she warned me one of her friends would be hitting on me and she would be watching me like a hawk. She did not trust this so called "friend" who tries to fuck all of her men and she cannot get rid of this person because of a personal connection. I was curious what connection she would have that was so deep it would cause her to not cut the cord?After a month, she finally admitted to me it was her 24 year old daughter...

2 years ago
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PathwaysChapter 4

Willow carefully hung up the phone and sat there thinking. She didn't stir until Kennedy's arms slipped around her. Even then she merely covered her girlfriend's hands with her own and continued to stare off into space. "That must have been some phone call." "It was." willow shook her head and began to recount what Nina had told her. When she was finished Kennedy summarized for her. "So we have a female that none of us has ever heard of before. She claims that Angel had never...

2 years ago
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Wearing nothing but a robe and tennis shoes, I sit on the couch starring out the picture window of our living room. It’s 1:00pm on a Saturday and I can’t relax, and for good reason. My wife and I are expecting visitors. What’s happening today started out as an idle fantasy, something that Heather and I had come up with over late night chats in the bedroom. We are admittedly a rather kinky couple. Case and point, we own one of the strongest shock collars on the market, but have never owned a...

3 years ago
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Flat Mates Chapter 4 Suzys Party

FLAT MATES Chapter 4: Suzy's Party I had thought that my purchase of a single dress for Suzy's party would complete our feminine business and that we would now head home and I could get back into sensible male clothes; but it was not to be! Whilst I had been preoccupied with Frankie and deciding which dress I was going to buy for Suzy's party, Gloria had become bored and had moved away to rummage through Frankie's sale rail. No sooner had I said I would take the black velvet dress...

1 year ago
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Cassies Burning Desire Part 2

The work day is finally over and I can’t wait to go home and take a nice long shower. It has been a long week and I am so glad it’s finally come to an end. I have not been able to think of anything but my night with Jacob. It has been 2 weeks since our last encounter. I replay that night over and over in my head making myself so wet just at the thought. Each night there has been a note taped to the inside of my private elevator door from Jacob telling me about all the things he wants us to do...

Straight Sex
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Unplanned Kinky Experience

Danny a tall good looking hunk of a man introduced his wife Judy, a beautiful trophy wife with perfect tits, ass and legs, to BD/SM sex shortly after their marriage twenty years earlier. They both worked at maintaining their individual looks over the years with diet and exercise. Both of them have always enjoyed and looked for different ways to make their kinky sex exciting. They thought of different ways to have sex most always involving bondage even though they still enjoyed occasional...

3 years ago
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Street Life 2 How I Became Me

Street Life 2: How I Became Me By Innocent Guilt Isn't it funny the simple little things we miss everyday in life as time goes on. That favorite little friend that gets forgotten. The innocent little smiles that are replaced by facts and knowledge of what the real world is. Everyday we go through life thinking these very things and never act upon them. We forge new friends whose only goal is to make money. The games we used to play are replaced with reports and credit card...

4 years ago
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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 11

We still hadn't appointed a leader for our group. Informally, it had been made clear that Emily and her father were voting members, and that the oldest of the two boys, Edward, would become a voting member of the group on attaining age 15. Sometime before he reached 15, I imagined, Edward might be thinking he ought to be entitled to more respect. But today, at only 12, he seemed quite satisfied just to have the group's protection and apparent good will. We hadn't encountered any internal...

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AlifChapter 6

Ana was gradually becoming accustomed to her new life in the big city. It no longer seemed the overpoweringly threatening place as it did on her first arrival. The city of Blad was still a great mystery on the whole but she felt fairly confident of the geography of the Jadid Quarter where she had been provided with a flat, and she knew all she needed to get to work in the city centre. The bus stop was only yards from the main entrance to the block of flats and benefited from a shelter which,...

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Bowling for HeartsChapter 46

Tom and I arrived before Tamara and the girls. I felt a little lost without my cell phone but I was pretty sure they were okay. Tom said there might be some ramifications due to the killing. "I expect the newspapers and television stations will be hot on your trail tomorrow. I suggest you do not give any interviews until the Grand Jury completes its inquiry and reaches a decision." I agreed to that. Tom continued, "I'll follow up with the Santa Fe Police to find out all I can about the...

3 years ago
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Wasps 2 the Local Galactic ArmChapter 10

The experience with the Nolyn caused a complete rethinking of the communication system used aboard the battle carriers. A hand-held FTLR was developed for use, and everything using conventional radio was scrapped. The radar systems for close-in navigation were kept, but the frequency was high enough that the Nolyn were not bothered. The Nolyn's star did put out EMR in the dangerous range, but their planet was far enough away from the star to cause the radiation to be too weak to be harmful,...

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First Meet

I will not start from the beginning. Perhaps it is because I want to capture and write it down as it happens, so that I can have something to look back on and reminisce, when things fade, as they usually do. So what strikes me particularly now, was when we first agreed to meet. Finally, he would say. But for me, it was a struggle and a risk. Would he like how I looked? If he didn't, then it would mean giving up our friendship and everything that I have come to enjoy with having an online buddy....

1 year ago
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Tara 6 CrossroadsChapter 19

This new cavern was surprisingly warm. Micky was amazed by the pits full of just damp, sand. Paths of various widths, and made of volcanic rock separated the ten sandpits. They were, in fact, all different shapes but roughly 3m square in area. The pits had thin spirals of slow rising steam coming from them. “How full is the new nursery, Fleur?” Ricky asked as looking at the innocent-looking plots of steaming sand. He had built the new nursery after he had learnt that Fleur had left...

2 years ago
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My Little Tryst With A New Boy At Office

Hello Guys, I am Natasha, and I have been reading ISS stories for a while. Mostly, this site being a male dominated area, where men are the contributors, I thought having a female contributor would spice up the site bit more. Anyway, the story I would write here are based on my life and I have been quite liberal when it comes to experimenting with carnal desires. I am at 30s, height 5.5 and stats 36 -30 -38. My cup size is 36D, and complexion medium to fair. I live in Kolkata and yes, I am a...

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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 29

We still posted lookouts that night, but only two. None of us believed the enemy assault team would be back. Two burned-out tanks and a charred Humvee decorated the open area in front of our building. Scattered bodies littered the grounds. The area was secure, and the enemy bodies could have been recovered, but none of us was in a hurry to pick them up. One of the peculiar results of the coming of the Virus was that random dead bodies didn't have quite the emotional impact that they once...

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VINYL VANITY PART 7 By TamarainRubber Forty minutes later, Suzy pushed my rubber-clad body gently through the front door of our house, giving my bum a playful slap. As soon as we were inside, she told me to strip off all my clothes, except for the black wig and lavender rubber bloomers. "Sit on the couch and wait for me. Better still, why don't you mix us a couple of pitchers of those excellent martinis you make." Suzy watched intently as I took off my clothes, her eyes...

2 years ago
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Getting Out Of The Rut Chapter 12

 Carol finding her wayWe held hands all the way back from the Chinese restaurant, walking in step leaning on each other now and then. These were back streets in a dirty city but somehow the light seemed softer, less frightening, like we were in a world of our own. Any other day I’d have been looking for trouble, I mean you never know, do you. In the back of my mind, I’m sure I’d have been wide awake if some mugger had come at us, but they didn’t.It felt like the night belonged to us; as if we...


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