Don't ShoutChapter 4 free porn video

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Wilton yawned and stretched, basking in the sunlight that was only now managing to cut through the earlier fog and mist. It was lunch time and he was waiting next to the truck for Cole to make an appearance. Normally Cole finished first and was waiting for him in the common room but his lanky frame hadn't been there so Wilton decided to take advantage of the sun. He stood against the truck and strummed softly on his (stunning) guitar, nothing special just little bits and pieces. After a little while he saw Cole emerge from the main building and cross the car park to meet him. He held up a hand in greeting.

"Hey bud. God your brother is such an arse." Wilton slung his (amazing) guitar over his shoulder and brushed his hair out of his eyes, "Your dad really gave him what for y'know. Where've you been?"

"I'm taking a BSL course," Cole grinned, looking every inch the Western cowboy in the sunlight, the sun striking gold-blond from his hair and tan in his skin, "British Sign Language," he clarified, seeing Wilton's confusion. "How was music?"

"Awful, I spent the whole time trying to avoid Shelby. She kept on looking like she wanted to bite my head off." Wilton scuffed the ground, "Dude I still cannot believe that you're up and walking and talking. I'd be hanging all day if I'd drunk as much as you."

"Yeah well," Cole grinned wickedly, "We all know who the bigger man is don't we?"

"You're just freakishly tall. Can eat now, please?" Wilton place his (elegant) guitar reverentially back it its case and hung it over his shoulder. They turned towards the cafeteria. "So what did you learn this morning?"

Cole ran him through his sign lesson as they walked. There was the alphabet, and a bunch of greetings, questions and emotions. The pair were so distracted as they walked that Cole didn't notice another presence until someone touched his elbow. He turned to see Dina, Jared's deaf friend. She smiled up at them, her blond curls bouncing around her face. She signed something in the air and Cole shook his head. He waved the two fingered sign for 'again' and managed to put a hand to his chin for 'please.'

Dina repeated the signs, slower this time, and Jared caught 'you' and 'BSL' and assumed the bit in the middle he didn't know was probably 'learning'. He nodded and smiled. Dina gave him a double thumbs up. She gestured for his phone, which he handed over quickly.

Jared will be pleased. Come sit with us at lunch?

Wilton and Cole regarded the message and nodded quickly.

Jared had met up with his twin and they had reached an uneasy truce for the sake of their friends and lunch time. He sat with a coronation chicken baguette and a salad opposite his sister. Shelby said something, then tapped his arm and pointed.


Jared turned and smiled when he saw Dina before a look of shock passed over his face. Dina was grinning happily and was leading a boy in each hand, looking like a cat that got the cream. Following her and exchanging slightly unwilling glances were Cole and his musical friend. Jared turned back to his sister.

'Oh god, ' her signs were exasperated, 'What has Dina gone and done now?'

'What's the other guy's name?'

'Wilton. He plays guitar, we have music together.'

Dina plopped into the seat next to Shelby bringing Wilton with her. He looked confused and she looked excited.

'Look what I found! Cole is learning to sign.'

Jared turned in shock to Cole who slid carefully into the seat next to him.

'You're really learning to sign? Why? Do you like it?'

Cole's eyes flashed over his hands and then he shook his head. Shelby rolled her eyes and spoke as she signed.

"Jared he doesn't understand all that. He's probably only had one lesson."

'Sorry' Jared stopped the sign when Cole put his hand over the fist on his chest and shook his head. Cole started to sign, his movements were good, but slow and stilted.

'I'm – BSL – slowly.' It was obvious that he didn't know the sign for learning, but he smiled and spoke when he signed and Jared managed to get most of the sentence by lip reading, 'How are you?'

'I'm good," Jared smiled back, 'Hungry, ' he gestured to his lunch, 'How are you?'

Cole stopped, he looked confused, and Jared realised he probably didn't have complex signs enough to deal with answering that question in an honest way. Not really wanting his sister to act as translator he got his tablet computer out and put it on the table between them. Cole typed first.

I missed you. We need to talk about the other day.

After lunch?

Cole nodded. Wilton returned from the serving hatch with his and Cole's lunches and Jared watched in fascinated surprise as Cole tore into the rack of ribs like a starving wolf.

'Does he not eat the rest of the time?' Shelby asked. Wilton, eating a sandwich without much fuss, replied after he'd swallowed and faced Jared and Dina so they could lip read/

"You gotta kept the Sathie people fed or they go nuts. I'm kidding," he added at the look of horror on Dina's face, "He does a lot of work on the farm, so he eats a lot."

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," Cole swallowed, wiping his face with the back of his hand and dropped the bones he was holding, "I can hear you y'know."

'You live on an actual farm?' Jared asked. Shelby put her food down and settled into a role as translator for the rest of the session.

Cole smiled, and his leg touched Jared's under the table.

"Yup. Me and," he held up the sign for five, "All my siblings. And the horses and dogs."

Jared smiled, reached out and thumbed sticky rib glaze off Cole's cheek. It had been a calculated gesture, but he had not been prepared for the sudden stillness in Cole, the perceptible widening of his eyes and Jared own answering erection. Jared realised the conversation at the table had gone on without them as he sat staring at Cole's face.

He was surprised to find that he had never really looked at Cole before, not properly, but now Cole was still he tracked his eyes all over his face, his hand still resting on the taller boy's cheek. Cole's skin was tan three or four shades darker than his own and his messy blond hair fell across eyes a brighter blue than Jared's own. He had a slim nose, aquiline, and lips cracked from spending too much time in sun and wind and cold. The cheek under Jared's hand was totally smooth, the line of jaw sharp and clean cut. His eyes were set under thick straight brows and he had wide, high cheek bones. Jared's mental sweep took all of ten seconds, which was plenty of time for his cock to go from sitting up and taking notice to downright begging. Jared traced the shape of Cole's lips with one finger and was surprised when Cole pulled away.

Cole pointed to Jared, then to himself before making an unmistakable gesture towards the door. He got up and left with the tall blond man following on his heels. Cole didn't stop until they were outside the back of the building where he sat on the low brick wall, his back turned towards college, facing the nature reserve. Jared sat next to him and placed his bag by his feet, the tablet still held in his hand.

'What's wrong?' Jared stopped signing when he realised that Cole understood him, but wasn't responding. Jared got off the wall and hopped down onto the grass. He stood in front of Cole, finding himself about level with the taller boy's abdomen, looking up into his face. 'Talk.' He spelt it out then made a frustrated noise-vibration in his throat, 'T-A-L-K'

"I can't do it Jared," Cole made the sign for his name automatically, "I can just sit there all casual and have you touch me knowing that there's someone else in your life. Have you any idea what it does to me? It hurts. I feel," he made the hand shape for bad on each hand and waved them away from himself, "Awful."

It his pocket Jared's phone buzzed. Cole fastened his eyes on the device as Jared reached for it.

"Is that him?" Jared gaped as Cole snatched the phone. The message made him shake his head, a mixture of horror and shame and disgust. He handed the phone to Jared and walked off, away from school and into the underbrush of the nature reserve. Jared looked down at the phone.

Joel: bored. blow job?

Cole kept walking until he was sure that no one from the college could have shouted and he would have heard them and then slowed his pace as he came upon one of the little grass tracks that wound their way through the reserve. He followed it until he came to on open place with a little timber docking platform for children to stand and use rock-pool nets from and a stream. Cole collapsed on the decking and put his head in his hands.

Jared hadn't seemed surprised by the message, which probably meant that sex in the middle of the day was not an unheard of occurrence from him. Vivid images of how that love-bite had happened flashed in unholy amounts of detail in Cole's mind. He couldn't picture this Joel person, but in the vision the unknown man was smirking at him.

Cole knew that it was unreasonable to be jealous. He and Jared had barely even had four actual conversations and already he'd drank himself stupid because of the guy and stormed off into a field, it wasn't exactly mature behaviour. What is wrong with me? Cole spent another few minutes feeling sorry for himself before what his mother had said popped up in his skull. Fine, so Jared had some secret lover, Cole would win him over with charm. But who the hell did you charm someone in sign language? As he got up his phone beeped at him, vibrating against his leg.

Jared: cole, i'm sorry. i really need to talk to you. please.

Cole: who is joel?

Jared: don't ... he's just this guy from school, we used to be sort-of friends

Cole: used to be friends? he still thinks you are friends.

Jared: he's an idiot.

Cole sighed and stamped his boots on the dock, forcing the moorhen in the reeds to flap hastily away, screeching.

Cole: look can i just tell you something?

Jared: sure. you want to do it over the phone?

Cole: saves me from running away again. i know we don't know each other very well but i think I like you, but i know i can't just 'be your friend' or anything. so if you and joel are a thing just let me know now. save us both getting hurt.

Jared: no thing. i'm thing-less, it used to be but it's not now. please come out of the woods.

Cole grinned to himself as he read the message. His heart began to swell in his chest and he swore it was only the distance that kept the damn thing from exploding with emotion.

Cole: no. come find me. hide and seek

Cole dropped the phone back in his boot and grinned. Despite his height and obvious appearance, he'd gotten good at playing hide and seek with his sibling around the farm, hiding in plain sight in fields of young corn, creeping behind horses and sheep and hiding in trees. He'd once spent half an hour under the hood of their father's Chevy Blazer, waiting it out until he could jump on Clayton blindly searching for him. Now Cole knew he had an advantage. He stepped of the path and jogged through the grasslands until he reached the edge of the trees. There was the definite sound of snapping branches, rustling, and the odd half-sounds he had come to associate with Jared. The deaf boy had no idea how much noise he was making, and Cole didn't have to worry about moving silently himself. He scrambled up a thick trunked beech tree and hung there on the lowest of the big branches, waiting for Jared. The boy was signing his name with one hand, peering across the landscape as though Cole would just ride up out of the grass. Cole sniggered to himself, hooked his legs over the sturdy branch and let go. He swung down, ruffled Jared's wavy hair and swung back up out of sight, unless the boy looked directly up of course.

For the last week Cole had wanted to know what those curls would feel like under his hand, so he'd just reached out and ... they were like silk, smooth like water. Jared made a drawn out syllable like a growl and span around in circles. Cole stuck his fish in his mouth and sniggered. It was too funny. He curled back down as Jared turned and the boy exploded in frantic hand symbols that Cole didn't really understand. He smiled. Jared was staring at him and Cole realised to late that his shirt had obeyed gravity and was somewhere mid-chest exposing his stomach for all the world to see, and Jared. The boy typed something onto the tablet and held it up for Cole to see. Cole damn near fell out of the tree in shock.

You're beautiful.

Cole made a gesture to get Jared to back off, swung up and grabbed the branch, unhooked his legs and dropped down, landing in a crouch. He straightened up and pulled his ridden-up shirt straight again.

'How are you?' Jared's hand signals were slow and clear. Cole replied with something that he hoped could be interpreted as:


They walked along the grass path in the vague direction of town. Jared's shoes weren't really designed for walking in fields, so Cole tramped in the long grass, wetness streaking his jeans. They spoke by typing, and Cole burned to touch the other boy again, but he kept his hands to himself.

I'm sorry you had to see that, Jared sighed as he handed the tablet to Cole to read, I told him it was over. He obviously didn't get the message.

Not too bright huh?

My sister said the same thing about you.

Yeah, Cole thumbed his jaw which ached dully, about that...

I'll talk to Shelby. She's always been really protective of me. Guess when we were younger she needed to be.

Cole stopped the field and frowned at Jared.

And the reason you never told her about this 'Joel' guy is?

Jared's facial expression made up for him being unable to snarl.

I'm not exactly proud of it OK? No one was supposed to find out.

'Sorry.' Cole repeated his most familiar hand sign, he held out the tablet and when Jared took it, he made sure to touch the older boy's fingers. Cole's pupils went wide and dilated again and Jared smiled.

No more secret men?

'Please.' Cole signed as he spoke, "I think I'd have a heart attack."

So this thing...

I thought you were thingless... Cole smiled to show it was a joke.

Well, is this a thing? Jared gave him time to read the message before taking hold of Cole's hand, lacing his soft finger in with larger calloused ones. Cole thought his heart was going to jump right out of his mouth, but he managed to smile and keep walking, holding Jared's hand in his own.

Now all you have to do, his inner voice said, is not screw it up. Good luck.

Wilton and Shelby were waiting by the truck when they got back. It still surprised Jared, who treated driving like something scary, that Cole could just start the thing up and be in control. The machine looked like it would eat anyone who came near it. Jared waved to his twin and signed with one hand, not willing to let go of Cole's hand just yet.

'You waiting up for me?'

'Yeah. Where have to been? And what are you doing?'


'Why then?' Shelby tapped her foot impatiently.

'I like him. Get used to it.'

"Dude," Wilton made sure to face them both when he spoke, "We are really really late for anthropology."

"I was ... busy," Cole spoke, but he signed too. Me, you. Jared smiled and finally let go of Cole's hand. Cole grinned.

Point at Jared, point from one side to the other, point to himself; internationally recognised symbol for drinking.

'Do you wanna go for a drink with me?'

Jared nodded enthusiastically. Cole gave him the thumbs up, grabbed Wilton's shoulder and took off running.

Shelby looked disappointed, but Jared didn't care. All he had to do now was get rid of Joel and it would be plain sailing from here on out.

During English Jared prepped a bunch of stuff on his tablet for him and Cole to use. He got out a new conversation page, a canvas drawing page with a bunch of coloured brush options, and some games. The idea of being able to talk to Cole with his hands excited him. Cole was taking BSL lessons so he could communicate easier. If Jared had needed any signs to show that the boy cared, it was done. Just as seminar let out his phone buzzed and he walked with Abi in silence down towards the library and Classics.

2 new messages



Joel: what gives dude? got bored of waiting for you. call me

Cole: i need to tell you something, i'm not sure how to say it. you might freak out

Jared considered both messages. Joel he could just ignore until he actually became an issue. For now Jared just re labelled his contact from 'Joel' to 'Do Not Answer.' He finished his message to Cole just as the lecture started and had to rush to get all his gear set up before pressing send.

Jared: tell me anything. i promise not to get weird

The lecture was excellent a guest speaker in to talk about Greek mythologies impact on art and architecture through the ages. Jared flicked between the images that she showed them and Abi's hand signals, trying to keep up, and didn't even notice his phone until just before they were finished. He packed away his notes and books, taking the hand out and turning off the voice-to-tape recorder and backing up the file onto his tablet. The phone's green notification light blinked at him.

Cole: i've never kissed anyone. or done anything else either. and I think I want to kiss you. forgive me for being such a loser?

Jared smiled to himself and saved the text message to his tablet. He wanted to make sure he kept it so he could tease Cole with it at some indeterminate point in the future.

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She lets out a shaky breath and considers her options. She’s too proud to run away, born and raised here as she was. And things have been just shaken enough with Robbie, her boyfriend, that she can’t seriously consider asking him to move in with her. But a solution is needed, fast, because the knot is closing in around her neck. Guess that’s what happens when a concerned citizen makes a – supposedly anonymous – call to the police about some gang members circling around the local bank. Five of...

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Male Escort With Corporate Employees In NCR 8211 Part 2

Hi all! This is Shankar again. Here I’m with next part with I told about last time. I thank all the people who gave feedback to me for my past experiences. It’s a great privilege to see such feedback. ISS is a great platform to deliver my experiences. Let me introduce my self again, this is Shankar from NCR; 23 years of old, hairy chest with average body, I live in indrapuram, Ghaziabad. I’m available to give the utmost pleasure to sexually unsatisfied ladies. Please leave your valuable...

2 years ago
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She Stoops to Conquer part 3

She Stoops to Conquer by Priscilla Part 3 Story so far. Peter and Jennie are a happily married couple. Jennie is a high flier in the 'City' while Peter is more laid back, and has untidy habits, which go ill with Jennie. So one night she lured him to bed with sexy clothes, and using her female wiles, got his agreement to changes in his lifestyle. Now read on. "So, agree or not?" Well, as I have said before, I am largely a normal male type of human being; I am...

4 years ago
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Dark Water

A gasp broke the silence.Briny water crested and peaked at the struggle underneath. Greedy for air, needing to breathe, Venus filled her burning lungs and grabbed the edge of the glass tank, heart racing. Her white labcoat molded itself over her drenched form while her coffee sat neglected, sitting on a small metal table nailed to the floor underneath a digital timer.The big red numbers continued to count down, and Venus couldn’t help but think she’d just made the worst mistake of her entire...

Monster Sex
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My Specail TalentCh1

==================================================================================== It all started my 8th grade year. I had noticed ever dice the start of the school year, that there was something different about the way people acted. Not just the students, but the teachers too. The biggest change I noticed, was in the female students, and even some of the teachers. I had noticed the way some of them acted around me, it was strange because before, really no girl had paid THAT much...

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Sex is the ultimate bargaining chip

They say sex is the ultimate bargaining chip possessed by any woman. This is the story of my reluctant but thoroughly satisfying initiation into using my body for furthering my ambition in today’s world of cut-throat competition. My name is Barkha & I am a married woman of 36 living in Bangalore. My husband is a chartered accountant by profession & we have a son who is studying in the 3rd standard. I am 5’7″ & weigh 74 kilos. I work as a lecturer in a prominent IT college & like wearing...

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JourneyChapter 14

Tim smiled as Janice walked into the kitchen. She had on a white terry cloth robe and her hair was still wet from the shower. "Good afternoon sleepyhead," Tim said. Janice smiled back and walked over to kiss him. "Good afternoon lover." "Hungry?" Tim asked. "Starved." "Sit down and I'll have break... uh lunch finished in a second," Tim said. Janice sat at the table as Tim served her eggs, bacon, toast and hot coffee. He took a seat across from her and watched her eat. He had...

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First time with Zak

My boyfriend of three years was being an ass. The relationship was clearly going no where but we were stuck. We had three months left on a lease together and I was trying to make the best of it. It was a Friday night and he decided to have another boys night out when we had plans made plans to see a movie with another couple. I was angry when he left, but partially relieved. I knew I would have a better night without him anyway. I called Kate and told her that she and Tim would have to go to...

Erotic Fiction
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Dan and Bonnie

Note : This story is completely fictional! Never try to do it in real live! Dan stopped the lawnmower and wiped the sweat from his brow. If any of the girls from his school had seen him, they would have been impressed. Clad only in shorts, the 17 year old had a lean, tan body - well muscled in an athletic, non-bodybuilder way. His wavy, dark brown hair set off an open, handsome face. All in all, a package that you’d think would have the girls all over him. But, Dan was a quiet, studious type,...

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Analized Bella Reese Bubble Butt Anal Slut

Curvy beauty Bella Reese is a complete anal whore who loves to have both her frontdoor and backdoor destroyed by big cocks at the same time. This voluptuous slut always gets the cock and fucking that she wants. All she needs to do is flaunt her tight pussy and thick ass, and big dicks will come running her way. Bella is wearing nothing but a white tank top when the cocks she wanted to come near her. The horny slut is quick to give the lucky men a blowjob. She tries her best to alternately suck...

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La Porta dArgento

Ricordo ancora benissimo le ultime parole della mia, purtroppo ex ragazza ieri notte, mentre mi sferrava l'ennesimo schiaffo. Io e lei non stiamo più insieme da oltre un anno, da quando mi ha scaricato perché secondo lei, ero un codardo. Non avevo le palle, diceva sempre. Ma io la amo ancora, e da allora ho provato più e più volte a riconquistarla. E' finita sempre male, sempre con lei che mi augurava le peggio cose e mi prendeva a schiaffi. Anche ieri sera, quando mi ha urlato: "SEI VERAMENTE...

3 years ago
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JudgementsChapter 51

"No, look. All I'm saying is that the tunes can be played and sung without having to go flat-out, balls-to-the-wall full on, and still be valid." Marcus walked out of the kitchen, shaking his head at the ongoing debate behind him, and went to answer the front door. "But it'll always be a pale imitation of the original if it was written to be sung with energy. It'll never sound as good without it," Shawna countered. "Did you listen to that CD I leant you?" Hope asked, as Marcus...

2 years ago
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In the soup

In the soup You ever do something without thinking it through, and find yourself in deep trouble? Well I sure did. It started with me finding a book on astral projection. I really didn't believe it, but I thought I'd give it a try anyway. It worked. I found myself floating above my body, and I "flew" out the window into the city. I wasn't looking for anything in particular, but when I saw a wedding celebration going on not far away, I couldn't resist a closer look. I...

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Never MarryChapter 4 Other peoplersquos dreams

Al took her regular visit to Deb’s on New Year’s Eve. The library was closed, but she took the books. Anne would have to be satisfied with Milne. “Aunt Al, do you like Cray?” Anne asked in a break from the poetry. “His name is ‘Craig.’ Can you say ‘CraiG’?” “Do you like Craig?” “I like him very much,” Al said, “and I think you do to. I know that he likes you.” “Then why didn’t he come with you?” “He’s very far away. Remember he told you that he was going to take a trip? He told you how...

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A Naughty Student Bangs a Stranger in the Library

Caroline, a university student, decided to take a part-time job at her school’s local library. It was an easy way to make extra cash. All she had to do was put back books, make sure the space was clean, and help others with questions. Most of the time, Caroline found that she was left alone to wander the halls of books. After working there for a few weeks Caroline began to recognize familiar faces. One man, to whom she was never formally introduced, started to flirt with her whenever he saw...

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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 7

'Wow, I have Hank in the palm of my hand, I just don't know how far I should take it before I can get Ted to be with me. I gotta be close, Ralph did accuse Hank of being in love with me, so Ted has got to get the message at some point. Well, after being together for a couple months, he might be getting it by now. At least Ralph never said anything to my mom,' I thought, strolling down the hallway and smiling. As I passed the bathroom, suddenly a hand came out, grabbed my arm and yanked me in...

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DRAGONHEARTINTRODUCTIONBY IKEMANUnlike many of my stories, this is a stand-alone, single, long chapter story. This is a fantasy story with sex but has large portions that is story-telling. I would appreciate not having it rated negatively simply because of the amount of sex having given this warning ahead of the story. I do hope you will enjoy it as a story, though.This story takes place in a mythical time and place. Mankind is the same as mankind seems to have always been. Mythology, beliefs,...

2 years ago
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Sex At Sonia Home 8211 Part II

Well dosto apni story ko pura krte hua main aage ki story likh raha hu.. umid hai aap mein se kaiyo ne meri story padhi hogi.. n kaiyo ko achi ya bkvas lagi hogai.. maine to jo us din hua use words mein likhne ki koshish ki hai.. baki man na ya na man na to aap sabhi pr depend krta hai hna. So, my name is rajan from patiala, punjab,, handsome n good looking boy.. with a dick 6″ 2.5″. n my darling hot n sexy Sonia uski kya tarif kru words kam pad jaenge uski tariff mein. Sonia jo k bhot he sexy...

4 years ago
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Kayla Ch 01

Ch. 1–Realization It has been three brief months since I have left sunny California for Houston, TX, and all it seems to be doing is raining. My new friends say it isn’t always like this, but they aren’t lying to me. They don’t think it will let up soon. It apparently has been raining all summer. I am so homesick, I could puke. I miss the ocean. I miss the blue sky that never seemed to end. I miss the sun. My tan is beginning to fade. I gave up on staying outside after two weeks of constant...

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Friends With Benefits 3

Mitch left for class the next morning and as did I. Still excited and feeling great from the fantastic blow job I had just given my best friend the day seemed to drag on. His wonderful, thick cock in my wet, warm mouth was still on my mind. I constantly replayed the moment he came in my mouth over and over as I sat in my desk and pretended to listen to my professor. I hadn't felt this good in months and the feeling seemed to be mutual. We texted back and forth in class trying to act like last...

Straight Sex
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Miss Callahan ch 14

Chapter 14It’s dark by the time I get to Lauren’s apartment and it’s hard to see much detail other than that the building seems fairly new or it was at least recently renovated. It’s not the luxury high rise I expected her to live in and the building’s lobby is actually kind of quaint. It has a historical hotel feel to it, even though everything is clearly new.As I’m waiting for the elevator to take me to Lauren’s apartment on the 10th floor, I feel my phone buzz."Just come in when you're here....

4 years ago
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How my wife got her swinger cherry popped

It started innocently enough. After a few glasses wine, my wife, Amber, became predictable horny, and on this warm summer night, unusually adventurous, and suggested that we have sex outside on our deck! Given how conventional our sex life was at the time, this mini "walk on the wild side" was a new and much welcome surprise! Amber was already dressed for bed, which meant that she was wearing a short, cotton gown, with nothing on but panties underneath. Now, as bland as this sounds, it is...

1 year ago
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One black cock lovers tale

Introduction: A bref look at my life . With interest Ill share more The first thing you need to understand is that I think most of these stories are pieces of shit. I mean its OK if most of the men reading this want to be committed to someone and then be treated like crap. And just because I love black dick doesnt I will be treated like a slut anytime except when Im getting fucked. My husband is all man. If he decides to eat the cum out of my pussy he will, whether its his or someone else,...

2 years ago
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A story about a little friendly swinging and lots of cumming and bodily fluids being exchanged

As I walked in the door, coming home from the office, I saw my wife Carole standing by the cabinet preparing dinner. Carole has a body built like a brick shit house with all the fixtures in the right place. Today she looked especially good wearing a skimpy halter top with a pair of low cut shorts that fit snugly around her ass with the outline of her bikini panties showing through. Crossing the room and walking up behind her I reached around and cupped one of her tits with my hand...

2 years ago
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Broadmoors Haughty Headmistress

As always, story characters are eighteen years of age or older. * * * * Michael Sadkins noticed the perplexed look that flashed across Laurie Reynolds’ pretty face when she handed him his term paper. A glance at it showed why, there was not a mark on it. Michael looked left and right. His classmates’ papers were covered in Professor Havel’s tiny, elegant, and always legible handwriting. Eighty year old Professor Havel, an immigrant from the Czechoslovakia, was old school. In fact, he was...

1 year ago
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Women are like bowling balls. They have three holes, and each is equally important. Yes, some men only use two, so they can throw those super curveballs, but do you know what we call those guys? Fags. They are the type of dudes to base their personalities on the fact they wear shorts all winter. A real man makes use of all three holes. To waste any god’s creation is the greatest sin against the sex gods, and therefore, the porn gods. They have a very tight relationship.Each hole has its...

Anal Porn Sites
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Journey into Cuckoldry After Eight

But first a reminder… After the longest ejaculation I had ever imagined, Mitch’s thrusts finally slowed to a halt and he knelt panting, his cock still embedded in my wife’s vagina, his hands still gripping her hips, trying to catch his breath. Alice’s head was flat on the couch’s cushion, her face bright pink with the intensity of her orgasms, her arms hanging limp, her back heaving with laboured breaths. I had never seen her so thoroughly fucked, even by Steve and certainly not by me. After...

3 years ago
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The definition of living your life

Note: This is my 4th story and although English is not my fist language, I chose it anyway to reach a broader audience. I hope it works out in the end and the grammatical and spelling errors don?t distract too much. I?m not telling this because I want to be corrected via the reviews, but warn people who get distracted by these things so much that they can?t appreciate the storyline itself. Once again I write down a personal fantasy to get it out of my head. If you only interested...

2 years ago
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Close Teacher part 2

  I have a secret.   My secret is that I’m a teacher that has had sex with one of his students, a beautiful and intelligent blonde cheerleader named Tiffany.   If Tiffany keeps this secret between us, then I wouldn’t worry about my job or my reputation, not to mention jail time, and I trust that Tiffany will.   Unfortunately, I’m paranoid that a third person will find out about my secret … that is if a third person hasn’t already found out.   You see, the door wasn’t closed when I...

4 years ago
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Run and HideChapter 3

They didn't even give me a chance to put on my shoes. As soon as they told me to go, I ran. Immediately my feet hurt like crazy from running unprotected, hitting against the hard, uneven field. I could feel small rocks gouging into the arches of my feet. I knew I needed to find a place to hide quickly. I could hear them howling behind me. I glanced back and they were already running! I knew it hadn't been 30 seconds. I don't think it had even been 15, those dirty bastards! Before too long...

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