To MoltChapter 5 free porn video

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The morning after Paula had called with the terrible news, I was hung over, sleep deprived and deeply depressed. The flight to Seattle and then to Eugene had to be the worst I ever experienced. Sandy stayed up with me the night before sharing drinks, listening to Vy's and other punk rock music and listening to my reminiscences until she passed out. At the time between steady girlfriends, even if I had one, it would have been Sandy I would choose to comfort me or share the burden of my pain. Not that she would be described as passionate or emotional. Sandy may be one of the toughest women I ever met, but she was and is my best friend, and she understands me better than anyone. Also her toughness tenderizes with compassion, and the interplay of those character traits suited her as company for my all night mourning. And she had met Vy a few times and suffered the loss, though of course not nearly to the extent I did.

I passed out as soon as the aircraft took off. I awoke with the uncomfortable and embarrassing need to puke. Not liking the idea of carrying my vomit in a barf bag, I quickly unlatched my seatbelt and rushed to the nearest toilet, thankfully unoccupied, and vomited up the bitter coffee and the buttered toast which had been my quick breakfast before rushing to the airport. Once everything threatening to come out of me came out, I washed my face in the tiny space of the toilet and walked back to my seat. It would have been easier to crawl, but that would have been just as embarrassing as using the barf bag if not more.

The stranger next to me, a pleasant if plain brunette woman in her early forties, asked if I was alright. Sweating the poisonous alcohol out of my pores must have been an unpleasant experience for anyone inches away from me to experience, so I felt sorry for her and apologized for my state. She told me not to worry. I explained my reason for flying and reeking of alcohol. A very pleasant lady and as compassionate as she could be, she listened to a stranger mourn the loss of another stranger. After our conversation, I drifted back to sleep.

I woke with a start. Luckily my neighbor had nodded off. A shooting pain cause the awakening, but not a physical pain. The thought struck me like a flash of light burning the inside of my eyes: guilt. Not unlike the pangs I felt from time to time when I thought of my childhood friend Micah and the haunted life I helped to create for him, and for George as well, though her strength pushed her through it, introducing Charlie into their lives, this guilt felt like all those pangs wrapped up in one giant burn.

Was it possible that bringing Mila to Eugene, Oregon had caused Vy's horrible fate? I decided to call Kenneth as soon as I stepped off the plane in Seattle to ask him if the untraceable phone he had created for Mila's computer could be traced. Could someone find a way through? No one knew of Mila's whereabouts except Sandy and me in Hawaii.

There had been few calls and a couple faxes, information provided by Mila against Kaoli that had been useful in setting him and his compatriots up for capture and prosecution. What she gave us turned out to be hearsay evidence and not viable in court, so thankfully she never needed to appear.

How could those bumbling thugs have had the wits to twist through the trail to find its source? Of course they had the money to buy an expert, but would they have the brains to hire such a person to do it? The doubt eased my mind, but I would end up calling Kenneth later anyway to reassure myself.

Then I thought about Mila and her loneliness. She had been estranged from her family for many years. Would she put herself in danger by trying to reestablish contact? Would she at least let her parents know she was alive? And if so, had she communicated through the safety of Kenneth's convoluted trail, or more directly via an unsafe phone or a letter with a return address?

She enclosed letters with Vy's occasionally, letting me know her improved state of mind, her new job, that she'd met a couple guys for brief relationships, that she missed me and other assorted things, but never included her phone number or address. I loved finding the two letters in one envelope, Vy's well written and clever; Mila's blunt and ragged but oddly disarming. If she wrote to me, which even surprised her because she thought she would be embarrassed by her dyslexic spelling even though before losing herself to Kaoli she had been a good student, why not write to her family? I didn't even know where Mila lived to ask her. It wouldn't be difficult to track her, but it would take time. The guilt became softened a bit by frustration, like pricking a finger tip to forget a sore back.

Kenneth tempted me to stay in Seattle for a night of carousing when I called. Perhaps it would distract me from my mourning for a few hours. But I politely declined. During the four hour wait for the puddle jumper to Eugene, Kenneth decided to join me.

Though completely different characters, I had come to enjoy Kenneth's company. His humor was as convoluted as his calling system, and it kept me on edge intellectually to get the joke, and at least half the time, even when he condescended to explain it, it remained over my head. When I asked him once why he enjoyed my company, at first he told me it was for the girls, but more seriously he said he liked the unique way I observed, piercing through obstacles to get at the truth. The less serious reason was as valid as the other, perhaps more, because along with Sandy, I had helped hook him up with a couple other friends at a couple parties. And then there was Mila.

They met when he came down to Eugene to set up the computer and the phone system. There were no sparks, but after a cold first encounter (Surprising for Kenneth the eternal horn dog because Mila was very pretty and her body was sexy, maybe not as obviously as Vy's, but more than Sandy's), the relationship thawed and warmed and became pretty hot. Unfortunately it was a goodbye kiss as Kenneth was heading out the door and back to Seattle that they realized the sexual connection. Breaking through the biases, the nerdy intellectual for Mila and the Pidgin spouting Teeta from the wrong side of the tracks for Kenneth took too long.

The reason for his joining me may have had some basis in our friendship, but the conversation being almost exclusively about Mila clued me in to what the main reason was. Whatever the reason, I was happy he had joined me. I figured he would be useful, and of course he was.

Why the two never made further contact after the surprisingly libidinous goodbye kiss I can only philosophize as being in the nature of man not to put effort into something that would make things better for themselves, especially when the effort has a shadow of uncertainty that darkens the longer it is put off until the purpose of that effort becomes as unclear as a distant object on a foggy night. My sudden appearance in Kenneth's life, landing in his town and heading to Mila's, blew away the mist and made his hope for another chance with her as clear as a full moon night; still dark, but the vision was tantalizing.

When we arrived in Eugene, I wasn't surprised by Paula's absence meeting us at the airport. Even though I'd given her my flight time, I knew she was busy and that she hated me. One of the reasons I had rejected Kenneth's offer to go carousing was the faint possibility of being greeted at the gate, but it was only one of a few. We grabbed a taxi into town and had the driver drop us off in front of an old hotel near Vy's apartment. We were able to get a couple of adjoining rooms, sharing a bathroom with the rest of the floor. It was clean and well kept and had a bed. As if drawn like a fly to flypaper, as soon as I had my bags in the room, I left the hotel and walked to Vy's, Kenneth following behind my rapid pace. My heart was in my throat during the three block journey and nearly popped out of my mouth when her lights were on. It had been over a month since she was killed, so it was likely there were new tenants. But I pressed the buzzer.

"Who is it?" asked a woman's voice crackling through the intercom.

"I was friends with the previous occupant," I said nervously.

"Joe?" crackled loudly through the metal, sounding familiar. We were buzzed in. As soon as we stepped onto the second floor landing, Vy's door flew open and Mila flew through it and into my quickly opened arms. She was wearing Vy's long black t-shirt and nothing else. I could tell because I was gripping her ass cheeks as she wrapped her legs around me and gave me a couple short and one long kiss. "Oh my god, I can't believe you're here." She said after the kiss, and slid from her perch to her bare feet. She noticed Kenneth. "Hi," she said shyly to him.

"Hi," said Kenneth shyly back.

"Come in," she said taking my hand and leading me inside. As soon as Kenneth had the door closed and locked, Mila lost her smile. She looked up at me and asked, "Why didn't you come to the funeral?"

"I didn't know," I said. "I just found out yesterday."

"I thought Paula would have called you."

"You don't know Paula then."

"I don't understand."

"She hates me."


"She has a thing against men."

"Not that I've seen. She's pretty businesslike, but she's sweet."

"Vy's men."

"Vy didn't have any men in her life except you."

"I know. That's why you didn't know how Paula could be."

"When you didn't show, I thought about calling, but I guess I'm still a little paranoid."

"You still have Kenneth's computer phone?"

"I do. I use the computer for my stories and drawings, but the phone; I guess it makes me paranoid just picking it up, like I realize I'm in hiding."

"So you haven't been in contact with anyone in Honolulu?"

"Not since the depositions, except I called my parents, but that was just after."

"You used the computer phone?"

"Of course."

"Did you tell them where you are?"

"I just told them I'm alright, that I'm doing well, and not to worry about me. Nothing else. Are you interrogating me?"

"I am."

"That's fucked up."

"I know. I had to be sure."

"Be sure. No one who shouldn't know I'm here knows I'm here. It would be nice to talk to my sisters. My parents have given up on me. I could tell they didn't believe I was happy and doing well. My sisters would know, but it's been a long time. I have new friends, a new life, a good life. Why are you asking?"

"Why do you think?"

"You don't want to say, do you? You think the ... there isn't a word bad enough for the thing that took our Vy away ... You think the creature might have had something to do with me?"

"I had to look at it, to put it aside as soon as possible."

"What about the phone, could someone track it?"

Kenneth shook his head. "No one could," he explained. "If someone did, I would know. I would get a signal."

Mila smiled at Kenneth. "My big bad genius thought of everything." She walked up in front of him, took his hands, pulled him down so his lips were near and kissed him gently. "I thought you might call me."

"I thought about it. I didn't know what to think. I used to be pathologically shy around girls. I'm not so much anymore, but I was about you. I used to think girls thought I was a nerd, a joke."

"I never ... well I guess I did at first, but..."

"I know. For some reason after I left I was afraid..."

"Of little ole me?"

"I don't know. It wasn't reasonable. It just was."

"You are a nerd, my nerd. My evil genius."

"So that kiss..."

"I used to fantasize about it."

"Me too."

They laughed.

"Kenneth, I really do like you. I wish you called."

"I'd love to take you on a date."

"A date? That would be really cool."


"I'm working tomorrow and Wednesday, but have Thursday off. Did you guys get a hotel room?" When we nodded, Mila said carefully, "I want you to know, Kenneth, that the idea of going out with you on a date is really awesome. But I haven't been with Joe for a really long time, and I miss him even if he makes me get all guilty and mad. Would you still go out with me on Thursday if Joe and I were alone here tonight?"

"Of course," said Kenneth without hesitation. "I understand your relationship, and I'm sort of a guest in it, so yeah, of course."

"Let's get you drunk first before I kick you out."

Grabbing a nearly full bottle of Stolichnaya from the freezer and some cranberry juice from the fridge, she poured the liquids into separate glasses I pulled from the cabinet and we began drinking.

"I've been here since we came here," explained Mila when I told her I was surprised at her presence in Vy's apartment. "It worked out well. I would watch the place when she was out on tour, and when she was in town, we enjoyed each other's company. It was hard for me to pay my way, but she was cool with that. I was looking forward to splitting the rent, because I got promoted to waitress at the bar/restaurant I been working at thanks to Vy. It turns out I enjoy the work, and am better at it than dishwashing and stocking the bar, though that got me in as good a shape as I've been. Vy never pushed her lifestyle on me. She didn't force me to be a vegetarian for instance, and I'm not except when I'm here and all we have is vegetarian. Her workouts were never forced on me either, and I would be mostly lazy, but I got to like developing muscles and now I'm just as dedicated as Vy. In a way, pumping iron and stretching is a way to honor her memory. The last letter she wrote..." Mila was talking out a stream of thoughts, somehow battling through her sadness, but the last sentence broke her. Frozen in her seat, tears streamed from her eyes as she sobbed. After a couple minutes she looked at me. I took her hand and she moved to my lap. "She had just gotten home from her Western States tour and had been writing a huge letter throughout the tour. You must have gotten it..."

"It was wonderful," I said. "Every detail of the craziness of the road was in it. The stinky van, the finicky audience, the shitty motels and the kindness of strange fans letting them take over their house. It was funny."

"You must have got it after..."

"Oh fuck, that's probably true. It made me forget something. I was on stakeout when this feeling, I don't know what, dread, panic, nausea, hit me like a truck. Sandy must have noticed, I must have gone completely pale, because she sent me home. It was the middle of the night, nearing sunrise really, of that terrible night. Fuck. It was her. I knew it was her, but it was not like any moment I had ever been with her, not even in Japan. It was pure terror. I didn't know what to make of it. I've heard of such things, of sensing the death of a loved one far away, but I couldn't believe ... except I did. It was too early to call. Somehow I slept. Maybe I just passed out. When I awoke there was the letter. All those words, those brilliant descriptions, the sexy interludes. You know she would orgasm on stage. She described in detail a show in Austin Texas when she nearly fell from the orgasm she had on stage and couldn't sing for a moment. She was so alive in those words."

"She asked me if I wanted to add my own letter like I sometimes do," said Mila sadly. "She let me read it. What could I add? I told her there would be no more room with all those pages of hers. I wanted to say it would be like adding a rotting mackerel to a box of fresh cut roses. I said it wouldn't fit, but not in the way I meant. She hated when I said bad things about myself.

"I didn't know what to think when you didn't show up to the funeral," Mila continued. "I thought you were too busy or something. And then a couple weeks ago your letter arrived. I should have called you. I couldn't understand it, why you would send her a letter, how you could not know she was dead."

"There was nothing in the local papers," I said. "There are fans at my radio station and my next door neighbor's kid is a big fan, but if there was an announcement on the radio, I missed it, and Todd, my next door neighbor's kid didn't say anything. He might not have known either, and I was pretty busy this past month."

"I should have called. I'm still so paranoid."

"It's good to be paranoid sometimes, especially when there's a reason," said Kenneth.

"Is that why it took you two weeks to write back, because you were busy?" asked Mila.

"Just like for you, the letter was a challenge. I wanted to write somewhere in the neighborhood of the quality of her letter. I must have started half a dozen times."

"So did she inspire a masterpiece?"

"Hardly. I wrote about a sexy moment like I usually do, but it was maybe an improvement over the usual. I substituted her for the woman and wrote how much better it was because of it. Not just the sex, but everything. I brought you into it just to make it better. So I take it you didn't open it."

"I couldn't. I'll get it."

When she ran off into the bedroom, Kenneth stood. "I should go," he said.

"Are you leaving?" said Mila when she returned.

"I should go," he repeated.

"It's great to see you, Kenneth." They hugged and then kissed. It was a long kiss. Their hands moved along each other's sides, never touching sexually provocative areas, but getting to know each other's bodies. When the kiss ended, Mila said, "Wow."

"Warming you up for Joe," explained Kenneth.

They separated and Mila grabbed a pen and a pad of paper, quickly jotting down the address of her restaurant. "Come by around nine. We'll make plans for Thursday."

Once Kenneth was out the door, Mila took my hand and pulled me into the bedroom.

"Kenneth's plan worked," I said.

"What? No, I was already plenty warm." She illustrated this by pulling off the t-shirt, standing naked in front of me, her nipples hard, and her scent of desire unmistakable. When she turned her back to me to throw the shirt onto the cot, I saw the finished tattoo there. It was amazing, a sort of circle of images with the sad dragon on the lower right edge, the caterpillar to the left, the flying, fire breathing dragon along the left flank of her back curving from tail to head, the head across her left shoulder blade facing at a sixty degree downward angle, the eyes looking at the butterfly filling her right shoulder blade, the flames just below the butterfly. My fingers took the circular journey. "You like?" she asked.

"I love," I said. The room was as I had left it several months before. The cot, tightly made, was still there. "So you slept here with Vy?"

"I did," said Mila. "Even when she was gone touring I slept in the cot, like the bed was her sanctuary or something. I didn't sleep in the bed until after the funeral. I could still smell her there. I cried myself to sleep. You're overdressed." She unbuttoned my shirt and once removed, undid my pants. I just watched. Just the smallest movement of her sensuous, lithe body turned me on. She had grown some muscle tone which amplified every movement. When my cock popped out, it was fully engorged. She took hold of it in her little hands and brought it to her mouth and kissed it. "I missed you," she said to the penis. Instead of suckling it to orgasm, which had been her usual way of beginning our lovemaking, she pushed me onto the bed so that I was sitting on the edge and climbed on to my lap, taking hold of my cock and guiding it in.

"What about protection?" I asked.

As her hot wet walls engulfed my cock head, we both sighed. "I've been tested and haven't had unprotected sex since Hawaii," said Mila. "If Vy trusted you, so can I." The head was just buried inside her pussy when she said that. As soon as she finished, she sank down slowly. Her passage had tightened since I had last encountered it, and it was squeezing against my cock as I made room in the tight space.

Once fully inside, her wet pussy lips pressing at the base, I moaned, "It's too good. I won't last." I looked at her ecstatic smile, her eyes wide and lusty. She circled her hands around the back of my neck. We didn't move while we stared into each other's eyes. I had never noticed how rich the color of her eyes was before, a kind of blue velvet. "You're lovely," I said.

"Don't hold back, Joe. Fill me with your hot cum," she said, moving her pelvis just enough to give friction to my embedded cock. I took hold of her ass cheeks, two handfuls of soft tight flesh and accentuated the movement. Our eyes kept their contact as my face contorted with intense pleasure when the orgasm seized me. I pressed her down hard as my balls rose and fell, the topmost edge of the scrotum pushed inside her.

When the retreating penis plopped out of her cum filled vagina, she got up, tossed all the pillows on the bed and told me to lean back on them. Grabbing the unopened letter, she tore away the envelope, letting the tattered paper float to the ground. Straddling my pelvis, she sat, her beautifully shaped and tattooed back, a sensual object if ever there was one was facing me. She read the letter aloud while stroking my slowly rising penis. It was weird having her voice be mine. Her strokes were almost like she was masturbating her own cock. Weird, but it turned me on. Her slow pace reading the letter with it being three pages in length, the sensuality of my words and her body and her expert pulling on my cock had me hard enough for her to impale herself half way through. The reading was much more strained when she slowly rode my cock, pausing to moan several times. My fingers twisting her nipples didn't help her progress, though it did intensify her groans. By the end of the letter, the text had Vy riding my cock while Mila was riding my mouth, the two women kissing each other and twisting nipples. After the three of us shared simultaneous orgasms, I wrote, "I miss you, Love Joe."

"I miss her too," said Mila, tossing the letter aside and twisting around carefully on my cock so we were facing each other, tears streaming from her eyes. I kissed them away, and then kissed her lips, heated from her emotions. Our lips separated, and as we stared into each other's eyes she began riding me in the perfect way Vy used to, not bouncing but leaning forward as she fucked me, her breasts swinging chaotically.

I was overcome with love for Vy and for Mila. I told her.

"We love you too," she said. She shut her eyes, and I did the same, concentrating on our pleasure. My hands reached down to stroke her vaginal lips and press a finger into her anus. I opened my eyes long enough to capture a nipple, which I suckled. Her movement became faster and more intense until she froze. Collapsing her light body on me, I stroked her panting back, my eyes closing again to give all senses to the rippling of her pussy walls around my naked cock. When my eyes opened, she was staring up at me, her chin resting on my chest bone, her mouth and eyes smiling loosely. "You don't know how much I needed that, Joe. Thank you."

I smiled back at her and chuckled. "You're welcome lovely lady."

"Now be a good little boy and sleep. Rest up. You've had a long hard day. I need you ready to give me all the cums you owe me."

"How many is that?"

"At least twelve." I groaned and we laughed, though she said, "I'm not kidding." Our mouths joined in a toe curling kiss. When she began lifting off my cock, she looked down, amazed. "You're hard as a rock!"

"It's okay," I said, slurring my words, the alcohol and the exhaustion hitting me like a wrecking ball. "No other part of my body is up for the task of giving you the pleasure you deserve. I promise it will rise again when needed."

"I know it will you stud. But such a beautiful thing shouldn't be wasted." She pulled the pillows from under my head until a small one remained, then turned around and licked my cock clean of her juices and shoved it in her mouth. She resisted when I pulled her ass towards me, but eventually relented; straddling my head between her thighs and lowering her juicy pussy down until it was in striking distance of my tongue and lips. Despite promising to let me sleep, she teased me for nearly a half hour, coaxing me to the gate of orgasm but retreating before I was allowed through. When my mouth brought her through, there was an even longer pause, but I didn't mind. By the end of the half hour however my balls were almost painfully swollen, so I pleaded for release and she must have been a compassionate jailer, because she let my sperm escape. Like Vy, she pulled her mouth away just in time to send my seed flying, her hands milking me to dryness. It was one of the most intense orgasms of my life. My ass lifted a foot off the bed, lifting her with it. The throbbing of release spread out in waves from my cock and balls to the tips of my fingers and toes and the crown of my skull. It wasn't long afterward that I was asleep.

Awakening to the delightful smells of vanilla and fresh coffee, I was briefly disoriented being in Vy's bed, but recovered and was saddened. I slipped on my day old, overused underpants and walked into the living room. Mila was dressed for work in a long sleeved button down white shirt rolled up to her elbows, a white chemise underneath and black jeans. She was in the kitchen plating the last of four waffles. Her smile lifted my spirit instantly. "Good, you're awake," she said, bringing the waffles to the table. "I was about to toss cold water on you." I helped her by grabbing my mug of coffee and a plate of butter. She kissed me sweetly when we were standing in the kitchen together.

Once sitting at the table and enjoying the delicious breakfast I asked her about coming home late from work. "It's not far," she said. "And since Vy ... I always have company. A couple waitresses walk me home or the cook gives me a ride. They saw my grief. A few knew Vy. They even let me have a couple days off. There's silly little back stabbing and mean gossip like anywhere else, but the people are pretty awesome."

"Do you mind if I stay?" I asked. "I have some calls to make and your computer would be a great help in my investigation, especially with Kenneth here."

"Are you crazy? Oh, you thought I was going throw water on you to kick you out. Never. I just wanted to share breakfast before leaving."

"It's delicious."

"Thanks. I love that you're here, if not why. I'll get ... um ... the extra key. Just a second."

It was obviously Vy's key. When she handed it to me, I pulled her into my lap and kissed her. We traded tongues. Her ass wriggled on my reviving cock. "We have a little time," she said, getting down on her knees, removing my underwear and kissing my penis. "You could use a shower. Too bad I had mine."

I lifted her to her feet, undid her jeans and pulled them and her panties off. "Let me," I said. I laid her across the table face down and tongue fucked her sweet little pussy until she moaned, "Fuck me with that big dirty cock." I stood and pushed, pulling her against me until I was balls deep. Holding her steady by her hips, I rammed in and out with rapid strokes, thrusting through her first cum and joining her a couple minutes later during her second. A load of mixed juices dripped from her pussy when my penis became small and slipped out. I kissed the base of her spine, between caterpillar and dragon.

"Two this morning and one last night, that's nine more cums," she said, lifting herself onto her feet and pulling her panties and jeans back on.

"But who's counting?" I said with a smile.

"I am. I'm counting on you." She gave me a soft loving kiss. "Are you and Kenneth sharing a room?"

"We have our own."

"Get rid of yours. Bring your luggage here."

"What about Thursday?" When she looked at me perplexed, I reminded her. "The date with Kenneth."

"Oh shit. Don't tell him I forgot. I'm kind of full of you right now in my brain and other places. We'll see how it goes. If it goes well I'll kick you out and you can stay in his hotel room, okay?"

"Fair enough. Let me throw on my clothes and I'll walk you to work."

"Awesome. I'll introduce you to my comrades."

"I'm not exactly presentable. You said yourself..."

"You smell of me, Joe and you look well fucked, and when I introduce you the lesbian waitress who always seems to be bumping into me will finally get the message and the cute new dishwasher too 'cause the way I'll be looking at you will be pure love. You're my savior, Joe, and I'll always love you and I'm sure it will be obvious on my face."

"The cute dishwasher?"


"You know I'm..."

"I'm just teasing. He's too young and I don't mix that way with people I work with."

"That's probably wise."

"Not for you, you bad boy, thank god. But, like I said, they love to gossip. Hurry up and get dressed. I can't wait to see their faces. It'll be awesome."

After the embarrassing yet somehow enjoyable (they did seem like nice people) meeting of Mila's fellow workers, I headed back to my hotel. Since it was close to check out time, I gathered my bags and carried them into the hallway. It was nearing 1pm, so I figured Kenneth would be out. If he was, I'd go back into my room and dash off a quick note to call me at Mila's or just stop by. When I knocked, I heard his voice ask who it was. When I shouted it was me, the door opened and a pretty blonde, short and stacked, which Kenneth's button down shirt revealed by the shirt only being half buttoned and her breasts pressing tautly against it and her cleavage being deep and seductive greeted me. "Say hi to Lynn," said Kenneth from behind her, pulling on his pants. Catching a glance at his penis before he had completed his task, I could see even in a normal state it was still fairly lengthy. On the bed were the paper shells of take out from an Asian restaurant.

Same as To Molt
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Hi Main hu Rahul, Mai abhi 21saal ka hu, ye story 5saal pehle ki hai, jab mai 16saal kaa tha tab mai 10th ka exam ki tayari kar raha tha, Mera school shahar se dur ek Industrial Development zone main tha Aur ye zone ghar se 40km tha. To roz aana jana possible nahi tha , to wahi meri aunty ek company me job ko thi. Mujhe unke pas rehne ke liye bheja gaya. Wo bahut sexy thi , bilkul Madhuri Dixit ke jaisi . Bade ball, Tight gaand. madmast figure. Aur mujhe Madhuri bahut pasand thi. Mai roz din...

2 years ago
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First ChillChapter 3

A bed full of dancers made for an athletic, graceful, sweaty, exhausting and ecstatic orgy. Two wives, two angels, one overlapping in the wife column, a former lesbian couple also with an overlap, a redheaded Amazon who had joined us in Boston, a second male, a very handsome and strong Lakota warrior, with Lindy of course directing it all. Only the gay contingent, and the June/September couple amongst all the dancers were absent. Eva’s and Miwa’s dildos brought two more tools for deep...

4 years ago
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Trapped Belladonna [Author's Note: Partially inspired by a caption made for me by Deementia.] I smiled as I slowly brought the pantyhose up my smooth legs, delicately unrolling it with my well practiced ease. The smile was partly the result of the feeling of the hosiery, but another part of it came from knowing that everything was falling into place. I had finally reached a point where I was willing to expose my secret to someone I knew. There was nothing holding me back...

1 year ago
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Tempest of LiesChapter 1

Despite the trappings of opulence in the form of large tapestries that absorbed all stray sound, the chime rang clear and commanding in Amanda's ears. When her feet did not obey the summons but remained sunk into the plush carpet, a hand alighted on her shoulder. "Don't dawdle. Go." Amanda turned her head, but could see Larra only out of the corner of her eye. Larra nudged her, accompanied by a short outtake of breath, not so much admonishment as exasperation. Amanda knew what it meant:...

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The hermaphrodite 1

Nicole stood under the and let the needle like spray soothe her tired muscles! "What a day," she sighed while cupping her full breasts and stepping onto the bath mat to dry off! While toweling off she admired her trim athletic form in the full length mirror, smiling to herself when thinking about last night when Rick had taken her hard and fast on the kitchen table bringing on a series of orgasms that had left her limp as an old wash cloth!!! Her eyes moved from her full heavy chest and worked...

She Males
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Momrsquos pantyhose

It all started when I was younger, my mother always wore stockings or pantyhose, and I don’t remember a time when she didn’t. I used to sit on the floor watching T.V. & she sat on the sofa next to me, I would rest my head against her legs and occasionally rub my hands along her smooth and shiny calves, marvelling at the silky feeling. I believe this is where my lifelong fetish for hosiery and lingerie stems from.After a while she didn’t allow me to continue this activity even though she...

1 year ago
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Ghostly secret

I am jessica female age 30 . This is based on a true story. The evening was peaceful. Snow fell like heaven on the window as thunderstorm crackled in the distance. I grew sleepy, I fell in a slumber. The night shone . Moonlight shon. Sleeping, I felt a presence stroking me between my thighs. It was aunt Kim, I saw threw slumber eyes. Falling back to sleep. Her growl unmistakable. As I felt fingers slip between my thighs. And Twirl . Her finger slipped deep in my vagina. ‘ ah mystique ‘ she...

3 years ago
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Marys Furtive Flatulent Fetish Part 2

Mary was getting used to college and living in a dorm. Her roommate Amy was nice enough, but Mary was always too shy to hang out with her. Being shy, Mary usually stayed in her dorm room alone, while Amy went out and about. This gave Mary some free time to enjoy her secret fetish....Since a young age, Mary loved farting. Mary particularly liked hearing other girls fart, but she rarely got to enjoy that. The only times she ever heard another girl fart was by accident, and Mary had to act like...

2 years ago
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the doctor

The doctor stood back, holding the end of the stethoscope in her hand. Shereached forward and placed the instrument above my left breast. Listeningintently she moved it directly between my breasts in my cleavage; thenbelow my breasts on my ribs. Doctor Morgan seemed satisfied with herfindings so far. She hung the scope around her neck again and said:"Now I'm going to examine your breasts."My heart skipped a beat as she continued; "Remove your bra for me, please."I reached behind and my...

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Winter in Sweden Part 11

Chapter 24 – Friday“Today we have a very special program”, Masha begins at breakfast. “We will meet you at 7.00 pm at the Botanic Garden of your university. First, we’ll have a special meal. And later …”. I grin while Masha’s speaking. I can’t restrain.24.1 The special DinnerWe meet at 7.00 h at the Botanic Garden. Masha leads us to a restaurant with the following sign: You’re looking for something special Something you never did before Enjoy your meal only tasting and smelling Blind Dinner,...

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Kathy And Surprises part two

After Kathy and I had lived together for a whole school year we decided we would live together again the next year of community college. We had become an item. No one knew her secret except me and her family. Kathy had a cock. That's because she started as a guy and was in transition to becoming a woman. I loved sucking it while she sucked mine. But the semester was ending and she was going home for the summer. So was I. We decided to make our last night of the semester special. We had spent...

3 years ago
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Happy Friendsgiving Indeed

I retired to my room, shut the door, and replayed everything that had just happened. There was a lot of pausing and rewinding of Evie in my head. Those piercing eyes...soft body...sweet nectar...intoxicating scent...provocative words - they all made her an incredible fuck. Mmm, she had all my senses going.Then a sense of guilt set in. I’m supposed to be the responsible, upstanding, should-know-better party. If we were discovered, it would probably be a disaster.Where was this headed anyway?...

Straight Sex
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Forced to strip at the Adult Theater

I have dressed to some extent ever since I was around 11 and tried on a pair of my sister's panties. It was just lingerie for many years and my greatest fear was that I would slip up and someone would see me. This began to change around age 45 as I begun to want to dress fully female and even allow myself to be seen by others. By the time I reached 50 I had made my debut in an adult theater as Jennifer. This happened several years ago, maybe 6 months or so after I went to the theater the first...

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Maid8217s Virgin Glory Hole

Hello my dear ISS friend!!! It’s surely a long time since I shared something new. Well here I am again to tickle your brain and stimulate your obvious member ;). In this story I am going to share the incident which happened between me and my new maid. My pen-name is Rustychanged and I am from Ranchi (Dhoni’s hometown). I would like to thank all the readers specially who gave their feedbacks and appreciated my stories; Thanks to the Ladies out there who responded excitedly and also a big thanks...

1 year ago
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ButleredChapter 22

“I am about to ring the company, sir, to make such an arrangement.” “Right. Permission granted for her to go with you. She will be safe with you, but you might not be safe with her, Jeeves. You can take the car to the station, by the way, as she is with you.” “Thank you, sir. I am aware of all possibilities, and am prepared, sir.” “Finished, then?” “Indeed sir. Thank you for listening. I shall get back to my duties now.” As soon as I had the table cleared and everything put away, I...

2 years ago
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Because of an affair my late Mother had resulting in the birth of my younger brother Austin her sexual relations were poor as my late Father nevervreally forgave her and would rarely have sex and even then he forced himself on her. Eventually my Mom who at one time treated me badly had changed completely once she seduced me. I had been a virgin till then despite messing around with my best friend Burt, butbthen both at sixteen Burt and I had not had sexual relations with a female or so I...

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Double Your Pleasure

Matt was considered a medical wonder when he was born, with both dicks operating with one function each. He never got infections, and when he became sexually mature, his sperm was discovered to be perfectly healthy and normal. Matt grew up a funny life. While in elementary school he was laughed at and jeered when his two penises were discovered; in middle school, the topic seemed to make girls blush; and in high school he became extremely popular. Many girls had seen Matt’s two dicks by...

1 year ago
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Peeping Mom

"Come on, Kyle! Just let me see it." "Let me see yours first." "Same time. Okay?" "Okay. Ready?" "Yeah. On three, and don't chicken out this time!" "Me? Who chickened out last time, Jenny?" "On three ... One ... Two..." "Three!" the two fourteen-year-olds said together. The basement suddenly became very quiet, until I heard my daughter giggle nervously. "It looks really big," Jennifer whispered. "Does it hurt?" "No," my son replied. "You got a little hair now,...

3 years ago
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Destiny Interlude A Summer CruiseChapter 3

The stairs into the basement were narrow, and lit only by the light from the room above and a dim glow from the basement area. I moved down the creaking stairs, listing for any indication that there were more guys in the basement, other than the two I had already shot. Thankfully, there were no other armed men in the basement to deal with. I breathed a further sigh of relief, when I realized I had found what I had been looking for. Charlie was propped up against a wall, staring at the...

1 year ago
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ACup Angst Ch 04

Jamie Jacobs was sitting at the table and surfing university websites on his laptop. The cool ocean spray wafted to his nose through the open beach house windows. The cries of seagulls and the laughter of his girls could just be made out over the noise of the crashing waves. He forced himself to focus on the websites and find someplace to enroll the five of them. He had precious little time before they returned from their little frolic in the ocean and began to shower. For all his concern for...

3 years ago
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First time with my online master

...are you a good obedient boy?......yes... I replied...yes SIR... he typed...sorry sir, yes I am an obedient boy sir......then answer each of my following questions truthfully...I wondered what he was going to ask me - but guessed it wouldn't be too bad....what is your real name?...So here was my first decision. Was I going to play a role with steve, or wasI going to be honest? Well obedience was requested, so obedience andhonesty he would get....Jay......hello Jay...and where do you...

4 years ago
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DchasChapter 11

When Sarah, Sally, Terry, Jill, Janet and Rusty entered Joyce's room, they found Judy lying against Joyce's back with her arms around her. Joyce's hands were covering Judy's and both were smiling. Sarah said, "They look so comfortable laying there." "Yes," her five friends responded. Rusty and Sarah moved to lie down on each side of them. Terry and Sally then moved to lay behind Rusty and placed their hands on his side. Meanwhile Jill and Janet had moved to lay behind Sarah and...

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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 53 Another Meltdown

February 20, 1983, McKinley, Ohio Clarissa and I lay together for about fifteen minutes before I heard voices and a soft knock on the bedroom door. “I think the posse is here,” I chuckled. “Bummer,” she sighed. I reluctantly released her, and we sat up on the bed, leaning back against the wall. “Come in!” I called out. Sandy opened the door and I could see the rest of the gang was with her. “Anything interesting going on in here?” she smirked. “Just the lesbian girl talking to her...

2 years ago
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Four one fucking

I am lady killer here this is a story of my 4 female staff eating me wildely in mahableshwar. It all started when we had gone to mahableshwar for office trip with 10 females and 4 males including me.we reached mahableshwar at 12 in noon and checked in our bunglow. Females were in the next room to me and males were in the gr floor area as they were to dring an all masti whole nite. All the 4 females were a rdx bomb one above the another each breast size around 36 to 38. I use to fantasize them...

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Cooling Off

It was seventh of April, a sultry summer day and Anju Shenoy could not have forgotten this day for ever. Precisely seven years had passed since the dreadful afternoon when she had heard the tragic news of the accident which had shattered her life to pieces.It was on that fateful day that her husband Rajesh Shenoy while returning home from office had met with an accident which had resulted in his right arm and leg being totally paralyzed. Since then, to date she had toiled hard to see that her...

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Mrs Thompson

Mrs. Thompson It was a friday morning and beautifully sunny too without a cloud in the sky. I pulled into Mrs. Thompson's drive-way ready for what should of been half a days work flooring out a loft space. I parked up and rang the doorbell thinking about getting this job done quick so I could have the rest of the day off. A beautiful lady who I assumed was Mrs. Thompson because I had only spoke to her over the phone, answered the door. Now Mrs. Thompson was at a guess, early thirties and...

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SweetheartVideo Scarlett Sage Jessie Lee Peeping Wifey

Jessy (Scarlett Sage) is coming back home early. When she get home, her wife Zoe (Jessie Lee) is not there. She calls her on the phone and tries to find out when she’s coming home. She’s a few blocks away from home, so Jessy decides to pretend that she stuck in traffic and hides in the closet waiting for her wife to get home. The two women will talk on the phone and Jessy spies on her wife while she gets undress and eventually, she will watch her masturbating on the phone. Jessy...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 10 National Readiness

"My fellow Americans, we must come together to face the most grave challenge ever to confront our brave nation. Two years ago you elected me to serve you. You charged me to preserve the security and well-being of our great nation. I was humbled then by your trust, your faith, and your confidence in me. Today I seek to confirm your faith in me as your leader. America, we face a perilous juncture. One way leads to slavery and Godlessness. The other way ensures our freedom and God's...

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Bus Me Lode Ki Ghisai

Hi guys, I am back after a long break. My name is Manu. I am doing MBA age 24 height 5’10 color fair. Sometimes I like to fantasize about sucking cocks n turning into a slut. Today I am in same mood as I write about this incident sitting in my hostel room naked and my cock hard. I was at my home in delhi when I was doing my internship in janakpuri. I had read a lot about sexual adventures in bus happening with different people. That day it happened with me. I took a bus from janakpuri district...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Degrees of Attraction

There have been fantasies for hundreds of years about what can be done through hypnosis – especially erotic fantasies, especially of a man taking absolute control of the minds of dozens of young and nubile women. This is nonsense. And yet… The modern belief is that a person cannot be hypnotized into doing a thing which they would object to doing if not hypnotized. There are three problems with that, first is the possibility that someone could be gradually conditioned into doing a thing which...

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A new Friend

I had met a guy on xhamster who lived nearby and we chatted for a couple of days. He confided that he was really looking for a J.O. buddy and I was interested. We finally met at a bar for a few drinks and hit it off even though I am older than he is. Alcohol was working and during some sexy talk, he quickly slid his hand to my crotch. I was already hard and this was getting hotter by the minute! I got a chance to reach for his crotch and he suggested we go elsewhere. As we were leaving,...

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I Hate It When That HappensChapter 20

I left everyone else to settle things out and walked to the temporary horse pen. They didn't even seem to notice when I approached, since they were surely tired and somewhat sore. Probably they wanted a drink of water pretty badly too. I went back to camp for a good lead rope. I had one about twelve feet long for just this type of thing. Back at the pen I entered and went to the first one I'd caught, the big stallion. He snorted and tensed up a few times as I came close but he was too...

1 year ago
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Servitude begins Part 3 and 4

*** part 3 As Ade pushed forward he told me to " guide him in and suck my balls", This i did and heard Ruth groan and spread her legs further apart as the head disappeared between Ruths still tight cunt and watched as the lips spread allowing further access of this giant cock "Tongue my arse when i tell you but keep sucking my balls", i grunted "yes master". after a number of minutes , i realised that i couldnt hear Ruth, i had seen over 13" of thick black cock disappear deep up Ruths virgin...

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Saras Surrender Part 4 Mounted

I was thrilled with how our hike was going. With her absolute submission, I had pegged Sara on the ground, with her hands above her, and her feet spread wide, then proceeded to cut her clothes off of her, after which I shredded them. She was going to be naked, except for her slave collar, for a long time.Then I had edged her right to the point of cumming – and stopped. She was writhing on the grass, completely helpless, and desperate to cum. It was time to change channels.I turned to my pack,...

2 years ago
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Youve Got to Be Kidding More Action From Everett Mountain

✧ ✧ ✧ Special thanks to Jim7 for his expertise in editing and proofing. No Bunnies were harmed during this edit!! ✧ ✧ ✧ It had been a long hellish week. Thankfully, today was Friday. Even so, I was three hours late leaving the job site. A stupid boring machine decided to seize, thus making it a very shitty ending for a totally fucked up week. Murphy’s Law had found a seat on my shoulder all week, as breakdown after breakdown challenged my ability and sanity. ✧ ✧ ✧ My name is Ron Wreckler,...

1 year ago
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The Sea Change

Thanks to FrenziedMaiden for her help and friendship The Sea Change is based on a series of dreams I had when I was a teen-ager. Enjoy. Chapter One - a beginning, close to an end The doctor tried to mask his feelings with an objective look, but failed. The patient, alone in his private room, looked up from the bed as the doctor entered. The man in the bed was very well built and attractive with grey streaked black hair, but didn't look a day over 40. "I'm sorry Mr. Babcock, our tests do...

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The Damme meets the Stallion2nd part

For the origin of the family 'dynamic' of the 5 sisters and their attitudes toward men, we need only go back in the 1930's and 40's to an isolated farm. Almost all the able bodied men have left, women have taken the man's place in the farms and factories. Women are also training to ferry planes to both coasts as production ramps up. The radio broadcasts and newspapers are mostly stories of war and stock market crashes. No strangers to depression and scarcity then, war rationing is back like a...

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TimeLine chapter 2

When did the first, unfortunate fork in the timeline take place? Each attempt to divert the timeline back onto its true, fateful path has resulted in failure. Time is growing short, and an altered fate nearer. Each manipulation has resulted in this fate's end time grower slightly nearer or farther, but no significant change has occurred. Given that recursion is the problem, perhaps it is also the solution. Perhaps. The two share a weakness -- each knows on some level what needs to...

1 year ago
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Say Hello to Georgette

My name is George. I'm 15 years old. My parents are divorced. I live with my mother and younger sister. I was painfully shy growing up and I didn't really have any pals to hang out with so, out of desperation, I started tagging along with my sister Fiona who was two years younger than me but much more outgoing. Fiona didn't mind because that meant she could stay out later being escorted by her big brother. Fiona liked to meet up with her girlfriends at one of their homes or at the shopping...

2 years ago
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remember msn

Dave watched as Jerome jerked his massive black cock. He met Jerome in a chatroom and had always loved interracial porn. He loved to watch white girls fucked by massive black tools. Jerome asked if Dave had a girlfriend. He replied no but he had split up with a girl a month ago. They had been together for six months. Jerome asked if he had a photo. Dave had some photos of Meg naked and one sucking his 7 inch cock. He thought she would never find out so sent one of the pics to Jerome. Megan was...

3 years ago
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I set her up reposted

My wife and are in our 40s. She has always been submissive but shy to try something new so normally we just do it and if she isn't happy she tells me later. Up to a couple of weeks ago we had only acted out things together and in private the only act outside of this was that I had a number of photos of Jill naked which I showed around to different guys from time to time without her knowing.However over the passed couple of weeks I had become friendly with a couple of guys at work and they were...

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Spanked after our date

I walked up to him dressed in a white mini skirt with a lacy pink shirt, wearing my hair up in a ponytail, I was wearing my favorite pair of shoes, we were going shopping and I wanted to look nice and presentable for my lover.   It was always very important that I look good, and underneath my skirt was white panties with pink lace, he loved white on me, it showed off my tanned skin.  He was taking forever to get ready as usual, so I went into the bathroom to help him get ready faster well one...

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For Friends and Family Part 15 A Fairy Tale of New York

For Friends and Family Part 15 - Fairy Tale of New York I make no apologies for using this title at this time of year, it just seemed so right! I finished brushing my hair, I was totally naked, really enjoying the sight of my breasts gently jiggling as I brushed my tresses, after the talk with mum I was far more settled in my mind. After the 100 strokes, my hair was shining; I put on a peach silk nightdress with spaghetti straps and climbed into bed. I woke around eight the next...

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The Tutor

"I hate this. I just hate it." Vicky's outburst was nothing new to Scott Tanner, and he waited for her to calm down before trying again. "I know you hate math, Vicky, but you have to do this. Your mom is spending a lot of money to pay me to teach you how to understand this stuff." "She has lots and lots of money, after being Miss Golddigger with my daddy." "That's not nice, Vicky, and we're not going to get off track by getting into an argument about why your parents are...

4 years ago
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When The Truth Hurts Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Megan stood dumbfounded as she stared at him. There were so many questions on her mind but she could not speak yet. She could not figure out what Nathan was doing here. They stared at each other, as if hesitating to say a word. Finally it was Nathan who broke the ice. “Megan, where have you been?” he asked as he stared at her. He motioned for her to come inside. Megan hesitated before following him. She had so many questions now and her instincts made her very suspicious. He let...

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Screaming and Other Poems

NOT HALF THE GIRL I USED TO BE Nameless, faceless, Put down and sealed Inside caskets Of mahogany and bronze, We butterflies Bleed rainbows In the decadence Of our ultimate Corruption, missing, Sometimes, our fingers And our toes. Above ground, When we were still Packages wrapped In flesh, we could astound, But, now, we are hard Pressed to stir except With the aid of worms. At one time, breasts Were all in all for me, Accessories to wear With my newfound...

4 years ago
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The Ex Comes to Visit

I should have known better. I should have known that it was a stupid thing to do, but I did it anyway and now I get to pay the price. It all started the day my wife came to me and said, "Honey, I need a favor." "What do you want?" "Don't go through the roof on me when I ask, okay?" "Spill it Francine, what do you want?" Carl is going to be in town for a week and he needs a place to stay. Can we put him up in the spare bedroom?" "Are you out of your fucking mind? Why in God's...

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AshaChapter 2

By then they had reached the school. Asha went to her classroom and Mr. Manish to his office. In class Asha kept thinking of Kunwar and her Headmaster and what they had done with her. She had enjoyed being sexually stimulated by them. Two orgasms already for the day! She blushed. When she went home she found that her mother's parents had already arrived. Her grand-mother was a heavy lady but her grand-father was still in good shape. He was built big and was muscular. To Asha he was...

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Emilys Ass Goes English

“You want me to do what?” my husband, Jack, asked me. “Fuck me in the ass,” I whispered. “You serious? That’s what fags do. Why the hell do you want me to do that?” “Because I like it.” He hauled himself up onto one elbow and looked down at me accusingly. “You like it? You’ve done it before?” I was unsure of how much to admit to him but decided honesty was the best policy. “Before I married you,” I explained, “When I was going out with Tom. If he forgot to get condoms he’d screw my ass so I...

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"Are you getting out of here on time?" I looked up to see my boss Barry Masters looking into my office. He wore the same cheesy grin he always wore on the nights that he would be coming to my house for dinner. He enjoyed rubbing it in that he was going to fuck my wife. I guess I should start at the beginning. My name is Bill Jaczwenski, pronounced Jacks-win-ski. Most people know me as Billy Jack, or just Jacko. I am a 35 year old account executive for a small time piss ant advertising...

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