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There it was, in obscenely banal black and white: her grandfather’s will. He’d been dead for years, and she’d heard rumors about the disposition of his estate, but she’d certainly never expected to see the actual document, much less have it casually handed to her as if it were a grocery receipt and not a real person’s final words to his loved ones.

Her mother handed the red folder to her. ‘Will you look this over, honey? My mind’s just not what it used to be.’ She smiled in self-mockery when she said it, but her face was a confusing mixture of emotions–one part sadness, one part fierce pride, two parts satisfaction at having a plausible excuse not to bother herself with the fine print or the messy details.

Suzanne, called Suze by her family and close friends, took the proffered packet and sat down on a bar stool to read. Her mother’s house was full of fur from the three spoiled cats that called it their home, the thin but perpetual layer of Persian fuzz triggered Suze’s most severe allergy, and the wooden bar stools were just about the only place she could sit down without risking a potentially dangerous attack.


July 5, 3:52 a.m.

Slowly canvassing the cavernous casino floor, she lit the day’s 23rd cigarette and listened to the carpet’s relentless song. ‘You’re not tired, NOT tired, NOT tired,’ it intoned in an idiot garble. The ivy and flowers set against a minimal plaid with hothouse fury, making her brain bleed tiny points of ambivalence. If she kept looking at it, before long the call-and-response carpet would coax a twenty from her wallet and into the nearest Double Diamond slot machine. But if she couldn’t get her mind off its current track, she might let the carpet seduce her, just to have something else to focus her attention on, even a machine.

Saving her from this questionable future, a pair of midgets came around the corner from the elevator, holding hands and passing googly-eyed glances back and forth between them. Or maybe they were dwarves, Suze found she no longer knew what to call anyone, including herself. But here it didn’t matter–the little lovers were a sight she barely registered as her slightly unfocused eyes grazed over the sweep of the whole frenzied mess surrounding her. That was exactly why she loved Vegas, nobody fit. An insider’s club for outcasts. She was relieved to have stumbled upon an escape hatch out of her thoughts, and she starting cruising the casino floor aimlessly, slipping into observation of them, avoiding herself.

A tired and hard-looking hotel hooker let one open toed stiletto dangle from the end of her flexed toes, resting her feet while her eyes scanned the room for a customer–potential or previous, hard to say. In the end, it didn’t matter. The hooker was in no real hurry, though she’d often heard that time was money– and knew it was true, though only in a limited way. Time is love, and love is money, and that was closer to the whole truth.


‘You’re coming to Vegas with us, aren’t you, Suze?’ Her mother had an uncanny knack for starting a conversation once she’d given someone work to do, making it impossible to get anything done. Sometimes, Suzanne thought her mother came up with odd jobs just to have a captive audience for her litany of complaints about her own mother, the curiously proud recitation of bodily complaints and health concerns, and a case-by-case enumeration of friends’ faults and grievances. She stifled a sigh of exhaustion, the kind of fatigue only a bout of family time could create.

‘Yeah, Mom, I’m coming.’ She paused to look across the counter at her mother’s active but seated form. Suzanne had never known that someone could pace in a wheelchair. Hadn’t known it, that was, until her mother ended up in one and took to wheeling it mercilessly back and forth through the living room and kitchen, pacing an endless circle that scuffed the floors and made the chair squeak in protest at the constant tight turns. She gave a small, quiet sigh. ‘You know I wouldn’t miss your birthday, Mom. It’s a big deal. I’ll be there.’ Her mother beamed in satisfaction.

‘You’ve got a busy life, honey, I know that. If it’s too much trouble, it’s no big deal.’ Her voice trembled only slightly, betraying the familiar mixture of sincerity and disingenuous selflessness which resided just beneath the words themselves, an unwritten subtext.

Suzanne gave a small chuckle. ‘Woman, if you want me to read this, you gotta leave me alone for a few minutes.’ Sometimes, a tone of gaiety and goodwill would allow her mother to hear others, to give them the space to protest her smothering.


July 5, 3:57 a.m.

A dulled roar of approval came from around an awkwardly angled blind corner of the game floor, a mass celebration as one gambler enchanted tumbling dots–‘Eight’s a Winner!’ The applause of the crowd cheered the man who had succeeded in beating the house for a moment, embracing and elevating him–ten-gallon hat, hillbilly twang and all. It was his Homecoming, and he reveled in it. He took the proffered chips and called out ‘push it up!’ in a voice full, for a time, of football-hero swagger and bravado, the hubris of the hometown heartthrob he’d once been.

The crowd thundered its approbation and was alive with lucky love for him.


The language was dense and convoluted, in that peculiarly affected combination of simplistic ideas and redundant sub-clauses unique to legal prose. Executor, trustees, the paying of debts, the burial clauses, all was par for the course, in the jargon of lawyers’ favorite sport. Suzanne found it a little strange that she found her own name listed as one of the trustees , but not more than passingly so, her uncle and mother were in poor health, and somebody had to be in line for the job if they died or were incapacitated, leaving the estate still unsettled.

‘Mom, you know that none of this matters unless Grandma passes away, right?’ She called out to her pacing mother, who was just then rounding the far bend into the kitchen and was blocked from her view. ‘I mean, it’s all set up so that it’s Grandma’s, all of it if she needs or wants it. Whatever’s left will get divided up when she dies. So this is all kind of a contingency plan.’

Her mother let loose with one of her patented long-suffering sighs, screeching her chair to a halt across from the stool Suzanne occupied for this twisted adult’s version of story hour. ‘Yeah, I know. Bitch’ll probably spend every dime, too, or let Brad nickel and dime her to death.’ The forbidden name was uttered casually–Suze’s mother venomously indicted her own brother Brad for greed without a hint of irony. Suzanne barely knew her uncle, but for some reason she’d always suspected he hated her all the same. Hated all of them really, the entire family, and Suzanne wasn’t at all sure why. For a family full of talkers, they could be strangely silent on subjects they didn’t wish to acknowledge.

There was, of course, no right answer to her mother’s remark. So Suzanne went back to reading, looking for the details of the disposition, the part she knew her mother was really interested in knowing about–as long as someone would explain it to her, that was. As long as it didn’t interfere in her carefully crafted illusion of incompetence.


July 5, 3:59 a.m.

With the cresting waves of enthusiasm encroaching on her placid shores, Holly-the-Whore rolled back her shoulders, adjusted the subtle strings and pulleys which suspended her wares in the storefront of her halter dress and stood, making her way toward the source of all the excitement. She hummed softly to herself in time to the piped-in pop music.

She still had another hour of time to sell, after all. And time is love.


Skimming over the legalese for the pertinent parts, Suzanne felt guilty somehow and indifferently queasy, as if she’d peeked into her grandparents’ bedroom and seen something vaguely perverse. It didn
‘t seem right to her, poring over the details of an estate which belonged by all rights to her grandmother, a woman still alive and kicking–sometimes fiercely–at 72. It felt illicit in the extreme, a feeling which was not mollified by her mother’s request that she perform the task. If anything, the insistent if intermittent stares from her mother only underscored her unease, as if she was in high school again, cheating in order to help out the hardworking but none-too-bright principal’s daughter. It felt like a hypocrisy, and one for which she alone would bear the judgement.

She read further, waiting in morbid fascination for the appearance of her own name in the list of recipients. She was none too proud of the part of her that wanted to know what she would get, what tokens her grandparents would leave her in recognition of her love for them. Suzanne had never loved them for their money, she knew that for certain. But she wouldn’t refuse the money they might leave to her either, and deep in her heart, she knew that she was counting on getting some portion of their significant holdings when the time came.

And she’d always been her grandfather’s favorite, everyone said it was true, even though she already knew it and had known since she was too young to assign that fact any meaning. So she waited, too, to see if that fact held weight in gold.

She came at last to the list of names and numbers that would decide, to some extent at least, the family’s destiny.


July 5, 4:04 a.m.

A sharp-featured drink hustler in a tantalizingly short dress attempted to skirt the fringe of a different craps table’s chaos with an overloaded tray. Disconcerted by all the flashing lights and the speed and ease with which his pile of chips had unexpectedly grown, an oblivious vacationer backed into her, toppling a precarious beer bottle to the floor. Without thinking, she muttered a curse under her breath.

Embarrassed, certainly, but also fearing the quicksilver jinx which might befall him as a result of the barmaid’s muttered words, he blushed and stammered. Obeying his superstitious Lady, he kissed a five dollar chip and settled it onto the tray, placing it in the wet vacancy left by the bombardier bottle.

Appeased but also unsurprised, the false king’s sham concubine smiled brilliantly at the tipper.

Money is love, so love must be money.


Her own name came first, which surprised her although she couldn’t have said, even if asked, what she had been expecting. Next to her name was a dollar amount–$75,000 to be exact. She scanned down the page. Other grandchildren received less, she noted. She did not know how to feel about this, what to make of the way her grandparents would express their choosing of favorites, even from beyond the grave.

Next to her mother’s name was a percentage–50% of the remaining estate, after the settling of all previous claims. Next to Brad’s name was the same magic figure. An even split between the surviving children, which only complicated Suzanne’s feelings more. But, she’d do the duty she’d signed on for, she’d read it to her mother.


July 4, 11:54 p.m.

She answered groggily, snapped out of an apparently very deep sleep by the insectile buzz of the loud and impersonal ringing of the phone, a typically anonymous model situated on the nightstand only a foot from her head. Well, that explained the godawful racket, anyway. ”allo,’ she slurred into the receiver, her tongue lolling around her mouth uselessly, brain still mostly asleep.

‘Suze, my mom, she’s…well, I don’t think she’s breathing and I can’t see well enough to call anybody and I don’t know how long she’s been like this and…’ Her neurotic mother was all but useless in a crisis and the hysterical edge in her voice, that strange lilt which sounded like both laughter and tears, brought Suze up to full consciousness in five adrenaline-soaked seconds. ‘I’ll be right there,’ she snapped at her mother and dropped the phone back in its cradle.

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck,’ she swore as she stumbled to her suitcase to throw on some clothes. Less than two minutes from the first ring of the phone, she was already running down the hall. Seconds later, she was pounding on the door to the room occupied by the two combative older women–her mother had insisted, with a gleefully malicious note of self-pity, on sharing a room when the three learned the hotel had misfiled one of their reservations and accidentally over booked for the busy holiday weekend.


‘Mom, I found it.’ Her mother came to a rolling stop right behind her, forcing Suzanne to spin around on the stool if she wanted to see her mother’s face while she read the details to her. She read straight down the list, omitting nothing, not even the almost-forgotten relatives in the Midwest, the ones receiving four-digit remembrances and a variety of personal effects which amounted to little in her mother’s estimation. Her mother’s face was a mask of approval mixed with impatience. ‘So, she didn’t try to screw me out of it?’ The question was indecorous, but fitted her notoriously tactless personal style to a tee.

‘No, Mom, it looks like you and Brad will split everything right down the middle. She hasn’t made any substantial changes, at least it doesn’t look like it.’


July 4, 11:57 p.m.

Her mother flung open the door and stood aside as Suzanne rushed into the room and over to the bed where her grandmother lay still and silent. She could have been sleeping if it weren’t for the silence, fifty years of two packs a day had supplied her with a rattling and sonorous snore but there was only the mechanical hum of the air conditioner’s fan. Time seemed to slow and the bed suddenly looked improbably distant as she stretched a hand out toward her grandmother’s placid face. She didn’t hear so much as sense her mother shambling toward them, moving in awkward halting half-steps on malformed legs unaccustomed to carrying her. Suzanne’s fingertips registered what her brain could not even as they inched down toward the exposed neck to feel for a pulse, later she would remember that her grandmother’s cheek had been cool under her slightly trembling touch.

‘Is…is she…oh, shit…Mom…’ Suzanne’s mother had slipped into her usual crisis mode, and stood hovering over her mother and daughter, gibbering but doing nothing.

‘How long since she stopped breathing?’ There was no point trying to get more than a little basic information from her mother, Suzanne knew that was all the help she could expect while her mother was in this state. Once she stopped off the edge into the emotional abyss, there was little she could do but watch as events unfolded around her. It had been that way with the accident, too, she said later that she’d seen the weaving truck headed down the wrong side of the road and right for her. She’d seen it, but she’d frozen stiff in panic, not able to react in time to avoid the horror of a head-on collision, not able to save her legs from being crushed from the knee down as all the machinery under the hood tried to escape its fate by leaping into the relative safety of the cabin.

‘I…I don’t know.’ Her mother gulped in a big breath and exhaled it loudly through her mouth. The wasted seconds had Suze almost out of her skin with impatience, but in those few seconds her mother, uncharacteristically, seemed to pull herself together, a blessing for which she didn’t have time to be grateful. ‘I just came in and she was all quiet and I thought something must be wrong but I didn’t know what to do and I couldn’t read the little book with the hotel doctor’s extension so I called you.’ The words tumbled over each other on their way out, running together.

‘Where’s the booklet?’ Her mother handed her a brick red binder with ‘Bellagio Hotel Services’ embossed on the cover in pointlessly elaborate fake script. She tore it open and lifted the bedside phone’s receiver while she quickly found the e
mergency number, the extension to the hotel’s on-call medical staff. Punching the buttons hard enough her fingers would hurt the next day, she stole another quick glance at her grandmother’s sprawled and unnaturally still form.

She tossed the receiver in her mother’s direction and rolled her grandmother fully onto her back and prepared to start performing the CPR technique she’d had to learn one high school summer but had never used before. As she started the pattern of chest compressions, breaths into her grandmother’s mouth, and brief pauses while she listened for some kind of bodily response, she heard her mother stammer some information into the phone and then slam it down.

‘The doctor’s on her way, ambulance is coming.’ She hesitated as if trying to remember something. ‘I didn’t know you knew CPR.’ Suzanne found the non sequitur jarring and strange, but was pumped full of adrenaline and busy, she said nothing. Her mother moved in the direction of the door, a middle aged marionette on her stiffly twisted legs. Suzanne could hear her voice but not the words as she kept up a running monologue of some sort. Scared and busy, Suzanne didn’t have the time to truly listen just then, but heard just enough to dismiss the ramble, ascribing her mother’s disjointed commentary and oddly flat tone to barely-contained panic.

Perhaps five minutes later, there was a loud knock at the door, followed immediately by the sound of a hotel key-card in the lock and the entry of a tall Black woman Suze assumed was the hotel doctor.


‘Well, alright.’ Her mother sounded somewhat relieved but also irritated, even pissed off, for reasons Suzanne couldn’t begin to imagine. ‘Now all I need is for the old bitch to kick off sometime this century and it’ll finally work out.’

Suze had never been comfortable listening to her mother talk so rudely about her grandmother, much like she’d never enjoyed listening to her grandmother complain–as she did often and at length–about her mother. She shifted on her stool, ready to make a quick escape before her mom cycled herself up into a loud and lengthy fury over insults, both real and imagined, she had suffered at the hands of the woman she’d dubbed Blimpertha, despite the fact that the object of her ongoing outrage had also given birth to her, not to mention had arranged to leave her a very substantial sum of money when she died.


July 5, 3:04 a.m.

Emotionally exhausted and fighting an eye-throbbing skull crusher of a headache, Suzanne felt like she’d been awake for days–but she also knew that there was no sleep in her immediate future. She was overloaded with sensory input, confused and as yet unable to accept the blur of events that seemed to have flashed through her mind like the dim next-day memory of a nightmare. She couldn’t think straight under the fluorescent glare of the hospital’s hallways, and with her head pounding an aggressive staccato beat in time to both her heartbeat and her footfalls, it was all she could do to help her mother up from the hard plastic waiting-room chair and get them both in the taxi which would return them to the Bellagio.

The car was uncomfortably quiet, Suzanne’s mother wasn’t nearly as prone to bouts of silence as she was to bursts of profanity. Feeling duty-bound to break the awkward spell of their lapsed dialogue, Suze seized upon something that might give her mother a chance to gripe and thus fill the rest of the ride, taking the pressure to provide distraction or comfort off of her daughter. ‘Hey, Mom, I wanted to ask you earlier but I forgot. What happened to your arm?’

Her mother glanced down at her gouged right forearm and then looked up at Suzanne, rolling her eyes. ‘Oh, you know, playin’ rough with the kitties again. Damn Casper took a chunk out of me, and you know how slow I heal. I’m gonna have to get the little shit de-clawed after all, I think.’ That was all she said, the events of the evening seemed to have quashed her usual enjoyment of such stories. The taxi became quiet again, and this time Suzanne accepted it.

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First time blues

I, satyam and suri are like minded batch mates at engineering college… despite busy with well paid jobs we maintained constant contact…continued to do so even after getting married … to implement our student day pact…met periodically to review progress …decided that nothing can be done till each of us became parents of two kids…and waited…a year later, i am blessed with twins …satyam and suri had a kid each … ‘…fellows…i am more ready than you…‘i often teased them…two years passed by… a week...

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Even Cowgyrls Get The Blues

                 Even Cowgyrls Get the Blues!                   Gay interr trans morph                           TJ Ryder            year 2054Place    New South African republic of Obeah.*****************************************************************pic 1    The lightning and heavy rain lit up the grim brickbuilding of the orphanange, its placque the only bitof ornamentation on its street-facing side exceptfor long, high narrow windows    Ojobango Banto...

1 year ago
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Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get The Blues

Chapter 1. Life’s a Beach(Even Ponygirls Sometimes Get the Blues, Aurelius c. 2002)It was a fine evening for a walk along the beach. On Rabbit Island every evening was a fine evening for a walk alongthe beach! The scenery, the tropical climate and the idyllic locationmade it so.Kate and Jessica ambled bare-foot across the soft wet sand at thewater’s edge, both captivated by the radiance of the pumpkin redsun sinking rapidly on the maritime horizon. They marvelled how muchquicker the...

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Boot Camp Blues

Boot Camp Blues By Deputy Duffy In northern Vermont there's an old school building that was used once asthe State Police Training Facility. Some vandals had trashed the place recently,and Deputy Johns and I were sent up there to play janitor. And I certainlywasn't happy about it. But then, in the debris of some vandalized wooden lockers,I found these papers -- letters from a girl to her sister. It was kind of strange at first to read them, but it was also kind of titillating,too. It took some...

1 year ago
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Miniskirt Blues

Miniskirt blues: Something inside Sarah must have snapped. She no longer wore a slip or a neglig?e to bed. She now wore one of those tee shirt style pyjamas and something like boxer shorts. Increasingly she was becoming disinterested in sex with me and I was finding it hard to maintain an erection. Sarah would still cook and wash up but she was starting some sort of internet fitness business which was taking up increasing amounts of her time. Sarah would also do the shopping. S...

3 years ago
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Work blues

Work bluesPart 1 – staff training Another Melody Mitchell story‘I'm sorry" Melody got in first "but Tracy's only twenty-one and she needs the extra coaching if she's going to be able to cover for me next month when we go away to Italy. The only chance I have is if she comes here on Saturdays and we go through the work in the evening. She’s as bright as a button so she should catch on quite quickly if we can get down to it one on one"Melody knew that Steve disliked her bringing work home, but...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 23 Birthday Bliss or Blues

Chapter 23: Birthday Bliss or Blues Repercussions from the swim debacle followed, the school principal wasn’t happy that I had been pulled out from detention by Bill. But after a meeting where my Mom came in to discuss what happened, he understood what had happened, the coach was meant to be at the meeting also, but had abstained, saying he had more important things to do than deal with a whining student. He had given the principal his reasons for his decision in a previous conversation...

2 years ago
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Babysitting Blues

The fact that my gym was in the same building that I lived and worked was a plus. The incentive program my boss set up didn’t hurt either. The gym was state of the art and he could see my workout history any time he wanted to and he actually paid me for it. He insisted I stay in shape “for the business” he would say. I was perfectly ok with that as long as it resulted in money in my pocket and a tight body. The money was special. I didn’t tell anyone but the fact that a secretary, excuse...

3 years ago
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Jakes Saga Ch 08 School Day Blues

He pulled into the school parking lot, and strolled into the school, wearing a loose fitting pair of athletic shorts, with nothing underneath, and a comfortable t-shirt. Jake found his English classroom, and was not surprised to find it unlocked, with Ms. Dyers seated at her desk. She rose as Jake walked over to her, she wore a black knee high business skirt, with a light blue button down shirt, which gave her a very business womanly appearance. Ms. Dyers directed him to remove his shorts,...

4 years ago
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Cure For The Blues

It had been a long, hard day, and I was, quite frankly, deep in the dumps as I drove home that Thursday night. I knew the price of success was days like this, but I was on the verge of tears, from exhaustion and loneliness. Let me back up a second, and tell you a little about myself and my situation. My name is Anne and I just turned 45 a couple of months ago. Physically, I am about as average as can be. I’m 5-6 and slender, thanks to a regular exercise routine at a local health club. My...

4 years ago
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My Third Story by blueslipman

I know you're waiting for me. Even as I come through the door, I can feel you. I don't make you wait. I'm as excited as you are. So I drop the stuff I am carrying in the living room, quickly undress down to my underwear and hurry up to the bedroom, pausing only to remove a scrap of material from the pocket of my pants.Once I cross the threshold, I pause. You're sitting on the edge of bed. You've closed the blinds and you're waiting, waiting for me. And I smile, knowing that you planned this. I...

2 years ago
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My Second Story by blueslipman

As I mentioned in my last story, I have a nylon fetish. I love panties, slips, nightgowns and other items made from that wonderfully soft and sensuous fabric. I use them to masturbate because of how the fabric feels sliding up and down my penis, it is very intense. Sometimes when I am going at it I will put on a nightgown, slip, panties or some combination of these silky items for added stimulation. However, I am not a cross-dresser I just enjoy these items for sexual pleasure not for some need...

2 years ago
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Breakup Blues

Brandon sat in bed and admired the view he had of Annie in the bathroom. She was standing at the sink, bent over ever so slightly. The old t-shirt of his that Annie had on was riding up, so much so that Brandon could see where her legs met the curve of her cheeks. He smiled, still wrapping his head around the fact that Annie was his girlfriend.Brandon and Annie, short for Annabelle, had only been dating for two months. They met at a party thrown by a mutual friend. Brandon had just come off a...

Oral Sex
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Stepmother Blues

Jason woke up on the sofa at his father's house, and the first thing he realized was that he was desperately horny. He had been dreaming about sex again, and his eighteen year old cock was painfully erect. Idly, he listened for sounds in the house as he reached beneath the blanket covering him to stroke his bulge. The house was quiet, though Jason could tell it was already late in the morning. If he had been home, his mother would have dragged him out of bed already, whether it was Sunday or...

3 years ago
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The Hot Tub Blues

Jodie wondered how things had ended up like they had. She was at once surprised, horrified, elated and ... yes ... horny. She had just taken a shower and was sitting on the john drying her hair, wondering what to do next. She stared between her legs. Yes, there was definitely sperm oozing out of her pussy. She knew it was there, of course, and hadn't washed it out in the shower. But now, she wondered whether she should have done so. She thought back to the beginning of the night - the most...

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Nursing Home Blues

© 2003 Ronda was a babe. Blue eyes, Curly blond hair. She stood 5'4 inches tall, nice 34c breast and the tightest little 34 inch ass you every put yours eyes on. Ronda always had a bright smile for every one at work, Riverside Nursing Home. She had been a Nurse Aide for 3 years now. She married young, to a guy name Bill. A drunk, bum, He hadn't worked in 3 years. Ronda put up with him for her daughter. They got married in high school, he had been her first and only man. Which now she...

4 years ago
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Dog Lovers DiaryChapter 5 Wedding Night Blues

June 9, 1971 Dear Diary: Do I ever have some hot news to write about!! No longer am I Miss Polly Oliver! It's Mrs. Harold Himmler from now on, or at least for the time being. And, even bigger news, Wally Baxter called from Los Angeles and said he may have something for me!!! Well, first things first. How'd I ever get hitched up with old Weird Harold? It wasn't easy, really. As you probably gathered, he and I had a pretty strange relationship. But that was only because I couldn't stand...

3 years ago
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Even Vampires Get The Blues

The Vampire Lord Flashman arose from the brass handled, walnut box and, tossing his long hair over his shoulders, raised his face to taste the night's air. He could smell moths, musk and moonlight but also something else. Something sweet, yet tangy, like... Like a peach. The Lord Of The Dark growled. The San Fransisco night air was a plethora of aromas, some pleasant, some rank. Her's was both and neither, but he recognized it still.It was the Contessa Santangelo's essence. How long had it...

2 years ago
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Third Wheel Blues

Snow crunched under the tyres of the four by four as Tim pulled up onto the driveway outside the chalet. “Here we go,” he said. He leaned over to Fiona in the passenger seat and kissed her on the cheek before they both giggled and flung the doors open. In the back seat Lilly pulled her shawl closer around her shoulders. Why had she even bothered to come? She was selfish, that’s what it was. The boot flew open, letting in a gust of crisp, alpine air and she gasped. “Come on Lil,” Fiona said,...

Love Stories
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Learning the Smugglers Blues

“So. Just what am I supposed to do with you, Sergeant?” I stood rigidly at attention and didn’t even really consider responding. It was clearly a rhetorical question. Nobody had actually wanted to hear what I had to say anyway. I was pretty certain some Colonel who I’d never even seen before didn’t want to hear it. I was also almost convinced I’d been sent over to him because every other Field Grade officer in the Division had worn themselves out berating me. The grim, bald Colonel looked up...

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Marine Blues

It was 1983, I had just finished basic training and advanced infantry training, and was stationed at Camp Lejuene NC. After in processing, and arriving at my first duty station, I met the other members of my platoon. As it turns out one of the guys was from my hometown area, he grew up about 60 miles from me. Dave and I became friends quickly and he asked the first payday there, if I wanted to go out with him and his girlfriend. I didn't like being the third wheel and told him so, but, he said...

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The Tomboy Blues

Megan was my next door neighbor, and that was both good and bad. I watched her grow up, and she was a delightful girl, though until she was fourteen you could hardly tell she was a girl at all. She was the quintessential tomboy. She was an only child of parents killed in a car crash, when she was about six or seven, and it was then she’d come to live with Alice, next door. Alice was her grandmother and she tried hard to take care of Megan, but was alone in the world herself. As a result, Megan...

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The Tutors Blues

If you were to ask me who my favorite teacher was I’d have to say it was Mrs. Hargraves. That’s because she was the one who asked me to tutor Lori Hutchinson in Algebra. I was a senior and a geek. I wasn’t a jock, nor was I popular. I wasn’t particularly good looking and I hadn’t dated more than once or twice my whole high school career. That’s because those dates were nightmares. I didn’t know what to say, or where to go or what to do. One girl actually told me she was bored and wanted to go...

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Wedding Dress Blues

The ceremony had been beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful Mrs. Carol Oberwise had ever seen. With the entire wedding party in their perfect sharp tuxedos and their lace and silken gowns. The evening had turned out perfectly, warm and tranquil despite the light shower early that morning, nearly cloudless sky with a slight breeze coming in off the water as the afternoon started its slow change into evening, the air ripe with the delicate scent of jasmine. The sky was a brilliant blue with the...

2 years ago
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Birthday Bitch Blues

Sally was forty four today; married for twenty years and she was more than a little annoyed her useless fucking husband; Roger; had forgotten her birthday. She was five foot eight tall medium build with 42 EE tits, her long blonde hair covering her shoulders and her pear shaped arse always looked great; because she exercised regularly. She had got up at her usual time of 7 am; hot and sweaty she headed for the bathroom. Her desire for a good fucking beginning to build; in the shower she reached...

1 year ago
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Looking Through the LensChapter 8 Travelling Riverside Blues

I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied - J.M. It’s funny how the smallest thing can make such a big difference in your outlook on life. When you least expect it, in a most unlikely way, and in the oddest of places, something appears that turns your view of the world inside out. Sometimes it can show you what really is important, dragging things out from some subconscious cave where they had retreated to hide,...

4 years ago
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Shagged Out With The Covid19 Blues

Oh god, here she comes again. I don’t think I can take much more of this.I used to be a treat… a naughty little 'get her in the mood' thing. Maybe once or twice a week, she’d open the dressing table drawer and run her fingers gently along my length. She’d hold me in one hand and lie on the bed, flicking my switch and as I buzzed into life, she’d slowly slide me along her slit. My tip would trace her folds and slowly begin to circle her clit.Sometimes, she’d push my head inside her, feeling...

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Working Mans Blues

** Originally written as Darkeyeddemon, when I lived on the east coast of Florida. In the wake of hurricane Katrina this story takes on new life and meaning for me. I donated blood and gave what money I could, but I still feel this sense of loss and vertigo as if there’s something else I can do that I haven’t thought of yet. If you know someone who was affected by this tragedy, don’t just give them money or food. If you can, give them some of your time. Thanks for reading. ** In the aftermath...

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The Kindergarden Blues

By Lubrican Buddy was a very unhappy young man. He had gotten caught driving with an open bottle and the judge hadn't been very understanding. He sentenced Buddy to community service - six months of community service. And Buddy was on his way to the court clerk's office to find out how he was going to have to spend those six months. The clerk was a dried up older woman whose name tag said "Fran". She wasn't impressed with Buddy and made no attempt to convince him...

2 years ago
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The Chaperone Blues

========================== Chapter One Claire Richardson was excited as she boarded the school bus. She didn't take the time to examine that feeling, even though she was thirty-three years old and was on her way to a high school football tournament. She just enjoyed the thrills that were coursing through her body as she bounced up the steps and entered a tiny world of controlled chaos. The noise hit her like a falling wall as she turned the corner to face fifty-some-odd...

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Mia Matsumiya Her Rapists BabyPt 2 Wedding Bell Blues

Against her better judgement, Mia allowed Stan to come back to her apartment, since he already knew where she lived, and had been secretly stashing monthly child support payments in her mailbox, out of some twisted desire to prove himself as a good father. Once there, he forced himself upon Mia once more in spite of her protests, spooning with her on the bed and gently fucking her in the ass. However to her own surprise, Mia found herself more receptive to him this time, and not only...

1 year ago
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Moving Blues

Ellen was an attractive professional businesswoman in her mid-40's, divorced, and worked during the day which meant that since I work nights, I could sleep in on my days off without worrying about being woken up. We agreed upon rent and living arrangements, which gave me full access to the house so I was happy. It wasn't long thereafter that I began to move my belongings into the place. It took a couple weeks to get everything set the way I wanted it and get accustomed to my new residence,...

2 years ago
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Reunion Blues

PART ONE – NEW YORK CITY I wake before dawn, alone in my bed. I reach over, old habits die hard, but there is no tousled head on the pillow beside me. Not even a slight indentation in the useless fucking thing. I get out of bed and the memories wash over me. We’d made love, then fought. She’d packed her bag and left. Now the loft seems much bigger than it had seemed before, with her things gone. I’d wanted her gone, so what the hell is the matter with me. Lonely. Yeah, lonely. She’d been...

1 year ago
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Baby Blues

As usual, based on real events in my life. As I placed my infant daughter in her crib, I could hear the sound of water rushing through the plumbing. I smiled. Celia, my wife, was finally getting that shower she’d needed, wanted, for three days. Caring for a small baby was time-consuming, of that there was no doubt. She was suffering a little post-partum depression, a good hot bath should ease some of that tension, I hoped. Soon enough, the water stopped running. I waited a couple more...

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