Over The Hills And Faraway; Book 1 : IntroductionsChapter 14 free porn video

We got back to the UK in the early hours of 3rd August; once again there was a period to get over the travelling and the jet-lag.
I wasn't able to take any leave until the last week of August as I had been on leave in June. I did manage a couple of nights in Plaistow, the first just after our return and another about a week later.
Miriam and I continued from where we had left off before the deployment to Canada. She was loving, warm and eager, and I thought that I had finally cracked it. All it needed now was to arrange some accommodation and a job for her, and then she would be able join me in Aldershot. I had looked at flats for rent in the area, and chosen a couple of suitable ones for her to view. When I next had leave Miriam would arrange to take time off work as well, and then I intended taking her down to Aldershot to go flat hunting. I'd already had a word with the manager of the NAAFI shop in Aldershot, about a job for her.
"Always ready to take on a squaddie's wife in the store, especially a trained checkout girl. There will be no problem in getting her employment."
I took ten days leave, and decided to spend the first five days in Plaistow, and then the rest in Aldershot, looking at flats. I hadn't let Miriam know about the flat hunting as I thought it would be a nice surprise for her. In retrospect that was a bad decision.
The first four days of my leave were great. She was in a loving mood and we spent many happy hours in between the sheets, with our heads in between each other's thighs. Miriam was not a great one for sixty-nine, but she knew how much I enjoyed it and so indulged me, like a good wife does. We went up West, to shows and meals, watched the Hammer's first home game of the season, and I even trailed around with her shopping for clothes without complaint. – Why is it that when females ask, 'does my bum look big in this', and you say 'yes, just a bit', they take the hump?
It was when I told her that we would be going to Aldershot to look at flats, and that I'd got her a job in the NAAFI -- so that that she could fulfill her wifely duties on a more regular basis -- that it all went pear-shaped.
Miriam hit the ceiling. "Move to Aldershot and work in the NAAFI?" She sat up in bed and stared at me. "I've got a house, and a good job here, why should I want to move?"
Lone Elk had convinced me that all I had to do was make it clear to Miriam that it was her duty to obey me, and everything would be tickety boo. I realised, within a few moments after me laying down the law, how wrong I, and he, had been. It might work with Pikani squaws but not with British females brought up on Women's Lib.
"What bloody arrogance." Miriam was winding herself up to full fury. "My career is worth nothing compared to yours? I have to up sticks and follow when my master decides, and open my legs when he orders?" She was out of bed now and quivering with rage -- quite sexy to see a naked woman, with a pair of decent sized knockers, quivering -- it started doing things to John Thomas, but her next words stopped his growth in its tracks.
"You would be off on detachments all the time, leaving me alone in Aldershot; no friends, no family and a crappy job in the NAAFI -- forget it. I'm moving up in my career, and I'm going on a management training course. My family are here in Plaistow, and here I'm staying. As for my wifely duties? Well you can forget all about them. Bugger off back to Aldershot. You've probably got some tart there taking care of your shagging needs, like you had in Germany, so get her a bloody job in the NAAFI."

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