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November 17, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written November 18-19]

We had a light practice, doing only the typical warmups, laps, and rondo. Coach had all of us adjourn to the locker room where we discussed the start of the state tournament tomorrow. We’ll be playing in the southeast regional, as will Petaluma, which got one of the two regional at-large entries. Fortunately, the draw does not have us in the same side of the bracket. The only way we could meet them would be to play them in the regional final on Sunday. The four regional winners will play for the state championship next weekend.

After dropping Brittany at her house, as per usual, Meka dropped the Go6 at the house, saying that she’ll be back shortly to join us for dinner. As we entered the kitchen, Mom said, “Civia, do you mind staying with Meka tonight ... wherever she decides to spend the night?”

“Of course not. I’m here, as we planned.”

“Thank you, Dear. We truly appreciate you helping with this task. We’ve been trying to call on you only sparingly, but the rest of the girls need a break.”

Civia’s face almost crumbled, but she got hold of herself and responded, “I understand. Completely. I know that it’s really hard to stay upbeat for her day after day. Do you think she’ll want the hot tub tonight?”

“Probably. She’s used it after every visit the past three or four. We parents will stay in our room after you all get home. If any of us do have to come out of the room, it won’t be Charlie, so don’t worry about being naked in the house on your way to or from the hot tub.”

“Okay. Thanks, Sandy. May I help with dinner?”

“We’ve got it.” Mom turned to me and said, “You two, join your sisters upstairs and just relax for the next half-hour. I can tell you need showers; that could help.”

Civia and I joined the rest of the gang in the bathroom after dropping our stuff in the BRH bedroom and stripping down there.

As I opened the shower door, I said to Civia, “I’ll do you first,” after which we proceeded to do the usual buddy-system wash.

The other duos had exited, and I was washing my belly while Civia was washing my back, when she suddenly stopped and threw her arms around my waist and hugged herself hard to my back. I could feel her crying against me, so I gently worked myself around within her arms so that I could wrap her in mine. I knew why she was crying, so just held her and tucked her head on my right shoulder, the warm water from our shower head sluicing down her back. After a couple minutes, she calmed and looked up at me, her eyes very puffy.

“How does she do it? How does she manage to go to school, play soccer, live ... something resembling a normal life? I doubt I could ever be that strong.”

I sighed quietly, then responded, “I don’t know. Perhaps I could find that sort of strength if it happened to me, but that seems hard to believe. It hurts so much as it is, and he’s not my father and I’ve known him for less than a month.”

She put her head back on my shoulder for a short bit, then picked it up again and said, “Okay. I think I’m okay.”

Dinner was enjoyable, with typical sparkling conversation, laughter, and good food. We seven girls left immediately thereafter. Jim seemed upbeat and asked us about the beginning of the tournament and what we thought of our chances. The Go6 spent about 20 minutes with Jim and Meka, after which we left Meka with her father and spent the rest of the time doing homework in the lobby. Meka said nary a word when she hit the lobby, simply indicating with a movement of her head that we were leaving. We six scrambled to stow homework in our packs and followed her to the Suburban.

Halfway home in total silence, Meka finally said, “I really hate this. I’m sorry for being so ... so...”

“No, Meka,” Gracey responded. “We understand and don’t blame you for being a bit ... moody. We all think you’re dealing with this better than any of us would.”

“No, Gracey. I know that bit, but you don’t understand, but there’s no reason you should. Last year, Dad was at the regional, and we lost the first game. A game that we shouldn’t have lost. He didn’t get to see me play in the tournament more than that one game, a game we lost partly because of me. This year, when the team is surprisingly better than last year’s and we could go deeper into the tournament, he’s ... stuck in that fucking place!”

We were all struck dumb as Meka spewed a series of expletives, pulled off onto the side of the road, brought the vehicle to a stop, then broke down. Liya unbuckled in the front passenger seat and contorted herself to wrap as much of her around Meka as she could manage. I reached around from behind Meka to touch her. After about ten minutes, with Meka calmed, although cried out, we continued the trip home.

Meka parked in the back and didn’t even enter the house, just stripped off between the driveway and the hot tub, leaving her clothes where they fell; moved the lid off the hot tub; and got into it. Civia looked to me, obviously not knowing what to do, so I pointed my chin at Meka in the tub. Civia nodded once; glanced around; then stripped off, herself; and entered the tub. She put an arm around our distraught friend and pulled her head onto her right shoulder, at which point Meka began softly sobbing. The rest of us picked up Meka’s and Civia’s clothes and Civia’s pack and entered the house.

Our parents were in the kitchen, so we quickly explained.

“Okay,” replied Sandy. “Why don’t you put your stuff away ... or somewhere and then join us in our bedroom. Meka might not be too concerned about coming into the house naked with Charlie here, but Civia would probably feel much different about that.”

We nodded, went upstairs to drop our stuff, then joined Dad and the Moms in their room; Carol closed the door as the last of us entered and said, “Light somewhere.”

We took seats – two on chairs, three on the floor. We fleshed out the explanation of what happened, particularly about Meka breaking down due to Jim’s inability to go to the regional.

“Ah,” Mom said. “We wondered about that. We devised a plan this week, that we completed only after you’d left to visit with Jim. We didn’t tell Meka about it, as we suspected strongly that it wouldn’t work out, and we didn’t want to get her hopes up for no reason. However, we solved the last hurdle this evening. We attempted to call Meka just a minute or so before you returned, but it went straight to voice mail.

“We’ve arranged for medical-assisted transport to the game tomorrow, with allowance for an overnight if you win the game. We need to tell Meka, so, perhaps Carol and I should join the two of them in the tub without the rest of you present.”

We girls were crying happy tears by the time Mom finished their explanation. After a scrum on the bed, Carol and Sandy stripped off and headed to the hot tub. The five of us went upstairs and finished our homework, leaving us free for the weekend. We had spent some time talking about Meka and the tournament and other stuff when Civia pattered up the stairs. She stuck her head around the jamb looking into the BRH room, then gave a brief and small smile and stepped in the room.

“That was ... weird.”

Heather asked, “What was weird?”

“I’ve never spent anytime naked with anybody but you guys, and the others last weekend, of course. I didn’t know how to react or what to do when the Moms joined us in the tub. Although I considered getting out, Meka gripped me even more tightly, so I stayed. The Moms then made her day. She began crying, she was so happy. She’s much better, now, so she said she wouldn’t need me to stay with her. I argued with her; a little, anyway. She’s going to stay at the Devlin place tonight, but she’ll be over early in the morning to catch a ride in the Sprinter. So, what are the sleeping arrangements?”

Liya picked up her phone and ran her spreadsheet, then said, “Civia, Liya, and Gracey. Hmmpf. Not different. Not that I’m at all objecting to spending the night with you, Civia. Do you want the middle?”

Civia reacted to the question a bit bashfully, then lifted her head, and replied, “I’d like that.”

Heather climbed off the bed and enveloped Civia, then leaned back a little with her hands on Civia’s shoulders.

“You’ve come a long way, Girl. Remember when you were nervous about sleeping naked with us? Now, you’re gladly taking the middle, ensuring that you’ll have at least some skin-to-skin contact all night.”

Civia pulled Heather in and hugged her very tightly, and Heather returned the favor.

Civia leaned back a little and responded, “I know. I could not have imagined how much you girls would change my life, and all for the better. I love being with you guys and I really like sleeping with you, too; even naked. I even miss that when I’m in my bed at home. I’ve woken up a number of times and found myself feeling around in the bed for whomever was sleeping with me, but there was no one there.”

That comment initiated a full six-girl scrum, with Civia on the inside. Then I noticed something and tapped her on the head.

“Hey, you’ve gotten taller. You’ve got to be pushing 5’4”!”

She turned within the five bodies to look at me and nodded.

“Yes. Just a tiny bit less than that. That’s four inches this year. Sandy and my mom wanted me to get more new clothes when we went shopping. However, I pointed out that I’m still growing and, in fact, am growing faster now than I was earlier in the year.”

“Getting back to a previous subject,” Heather said, “did it become less weird in the tub with the Moms? In other words, might you get used to being naked around the Moms?”

“I don’t know, but then, I was amazed at how quickly I got used to every other aspect of nudity with you girls. I guess the weird part was that I didn’t have my nudity-loving friends with me, supporting me. I would imagine that I could become used to being in the hot tub with the Moms naked. I don’t know about Charlie. That would be something very different.”

“Uh, yeah,” Rhee said with finality. “I think we don’t want to go there. Although, there are family-based nudist camps, so...”

“Really? That seems weird.” Civia cocked her head, obviously in thought, then added, “Although I said that about being in the hot tub with the Moms. I can’t imagine being naked with my dad, much less with ... your dad. Really? Naked families? Mom, Dad, the kids?” When Rhee nodded, Civia shrugged her shoulders, then replied, “I guess I could ... see that ... maybe. Although...”

Liya began to say something, but Civia held her hand up in the ‘stop’ sign. Liya recognized that Civia was thinking hard about the subject, so relented with a smile, and we waited for Civia to return from wherever her thoughts had taken her.

“No, I can see it. Learning to be naked with you girls was, for me, learning to face, rather overcome ... not fears, but concerns and learning how to be open to friends. Sleeping naked with you was more of the same, only more intense. It was the route I took to have this situation, where I not only have friends, but that I have five incredibly close friends; that I have friendships so strong that we can sleep naked with each other in the same bed without being concerned or ... squicked out.

“I can certainly see that having a b ... having male friends like that would be ... at least somewhat different. But is it really different? I know of and understand at least somewhat about boys with girls and all that, but could you have a ... friendship with a boy ... with a male ... that you could be naked with and not have it turn into ... you know ... sex?”

All of us were blown away, but Rhee recovered first.

“I don’t know. None of us do. However, some of those same aspects of openness and closeness with friends ought to come into play. It must be possible, but I gotta believe that it’s more difficult to keep sex out of a female-male friendship in which nudity was a part. It’s been only recently that I’ve had a male friend, much less one that was anywhere near close enough of a friend to go there.”

I felt a little guilty with the direction the discussion had taken. We’ve never once even suggested to Civia that the Go5 had a strong sexual component to the friendship and, of course, she doesn’t know about our ongoing sexual relationship with a male she knows. Thus, I was happy when Civia diverted the conversation to a different track, herself.

“Well, while I think I can see it, I cannot see it happening with me or us anytime in the near future. So, I’d like to change the subject to ... soccer camps, residential soccer camps. What do you know about them and how do they work?”

Since I had had this conversation with Dad and Mom, I told her ... and them what I knew about them, including how expensive they were. Of course, I also had to tell them how apparently important they were to professional women soccer players. That conversation lasted for nearly half an hour, but it wound down as we all realized that we had to get up early tomorrow. We conducted nightly ablutions, I wrote today’s diary entry, and Rhee, Heather, and I fell asleep together in our bed.

November 18, 2017

[Written November 19]

After the nearly two-hour drive to Mountain View, we arrived a bit before 8:30, which is when team registration started, the first set of two games were to start around 9:30, and we were playing in that first time slot. We were in the upper left of the bracket, playing Santa Lucia-Madison. The other left bracket combo began at the same time. The two right-bracket duos would start at 1:30.

We had just begun warming up when I saw Charlize and her mom arrive and begin a conversation with Coach. Charlize was wearing the premier-team jersey that Coach had given her in appreciation of her help at the premier-team state tournament. Leaving her mom with Coach, she came and joined in the warmups.

“I ... we were all hoping you could make it, and we’re happy to see you here.”

“It wouldn’t have worked out, except that Dad got called out of town for work this weekend, so we made a nearly last-second decision to come. It was too late last night to call you, but we’re here for the whole weekend if you win today. If not, we’ll head home after the game.” She looked around quickly, then more quietly said, “Please win. I’d like to be here ... with you guys all weekend. If you win, Mom said that if you’ll have me, I can stay with you guys while she stays with an old college friend in town.”

“Hmm. That would be fun. I’m unsure of the lodging plan tonight, but you’re more than welcome to stay with us.”

Once we’d completed stretching and warmups, Coach called the rally.

“We’ll do the usual pre-game drills after a bit of talking. Civia, Charlize? Would you two be willing to scout the other game on our side of the bracket?” When she got two positive responses, she continued with, “As we discussed yesterday, SLM is a reasonably good team. Although they score a lot of goals, they also give up a lot. Their offense is overall good, although lacking a particularly big scorer. So, we’ll play our regular formation with no tweaks. They usually play a 3-4-3, and two of their better scorers are midfielders. I hope to get many of the backups into the game, but we’ll see how that goes. Shameka, please get them started on the usual.”

Shortly after we started, I heard Mom.

“Meka, we’re here with your dad.”

Meka looked at Katie, who pointed her chin at Sandy, and then replaced Meka at overseeing drills. Various of the team that knew Charlize wandered over and said “hi,” including Cera, Brittany, and Brett. Civia and Charlize took part in a bit of the drill time, but soon headed out to the other pitch. After about 20 minutes, Meka returned and came over to me, quite emotional.

“I’m so glad that you’re on the team and that your family has become, essentially, my family. I would not have thought it possible that Dad could be here, but had I, I would not have known how to make it happen. I’ve already thanked Sandy, but if you didn’t play soccer, and play it well, I might never have met you and would never have had another chance for Dad to see me win a state-tournament game.” She sniffled and wiped her eyes, then said, “Thank you, Beth,” then wrapped me in a hug.

Meka pulled herself together, shortly after which, she called us into a huddle as Brett, Cera, and Brittney gathered all the cones and balls from the pitch.

“Katie, Kim, Rachel, Gracey, we need to be on today. This is the third-highest scoring team in the state, and because they spread the wealth across most of the forwards and midfielders, they’re really hard on defenses. Since we can’t gang up on any particular attacker, we need all of us to be individually good and we need to communicate. We also need the O to get us some goals. Their back line is susceptible to speed, so we should look for some streaks. Rachel, you have a green light on runs up the side but pick your times wisely. Gracey, watch for her, and fill in behind her.”

She continued for a couple more minutes reminding us of what we’d discussed yesterday. We three captains went to the coin toss, which we won, giving Santa Lucia-Madison the first-half kickoff. They controlled the ball for more than two minutes after the kickoff but did not get a shot before losing the ball out the right sideline.

Both teams went up and down the pitch many times in the first 20 minutes. Their only shot went high over the goal from just outside the penalty box, while we got no shots at all. However, that changed suddenly and dramatically in the 22nd minute when Kim stripped their left wing of the ball. She made a couple dribbles as she looked up and saw Rhee, Heather, and Jules on the move, so booted up to an unmarked Jules. Jules trapped it on the run, took one dribble, then lofted it upfield toward Rhee. She was behind all the D except their right center back and goalie and had Heather on her right and a bit behind. Rhee made an excellent running control and pushed hard upfield right at their safety. While I was hauling upfield, I doubted that I’d have any part of this one, unless Rhee pulled it back for some reason.

One of the reasons that Rhee is so good is that she reads the D so well, so she was prepared for the moment that their right center back dug in her heels. Heather had begun crossing the pitch to the left, so Rhee took two more dribbles right at the fullback and then, right before she would practically have run into that girl, sent a firm backheel back to Heather who surprised me and everyone else by shooting from a couple yards outside the box.

Heather has never gotten to the point where she could consistently hammer a rocket, but she didn’t need it. Rhee had been charging almost toward the left post and with the fullback cheating to Rhee’s right a bit, the goalie was covering more to our field left. Heather reverse sliced a shot that went just past the fullback’s right side and kept curling away from the goalie as she frantically went to her left trying to get to it. The ball softly billowed out the right-side netting and we were up 1-0 on our first shot of the game, a score that we took into the locker room.

“Gather ‘round!” Once Coach had our attention, she said, “That was a great showing by the D. Shameka, you and your cohorts seem to have their number. Don’t let up. I’ll see what I can do about getting our O to get you more goals. After Heather’s gorgeous shot to open the scoring, our shooting has been something near abysmal. We’ve gotten only one other shot on goal, but something like six wide and three high. There’s no single culprit, but our usually-proficient shooters seem to have forgotten where the goal is.

“Yes, it’s unfortunate that we’ve had so many shots go off the mark... But ... we’ve gotten a lot of shots. Keep taking them; they almost have to start going in at some point. Don’t tighten up about shooting. If you’ve got a good op, take it. Overall, the team played quite well. The passing has been very good, and we’ve controlled the ball for well more than half the time. That’s our game, and I expect you to keep playing it.

“I’m going to slowly get breathers for most in the second half. We’ll probably have no more than three backups in at the same time, usually fewer, as I’ll be sending starters back in, particularly if we don’t get a larger lead.”

Just then, our scouts returned, causing Coach to beckon them to her and saying, “What’s the scoop?”

Civia looked at Charlize, who pointed her chin back at Civia, who cleared her throat and began, “Weldon is leading Chillicothe 2-1 at the half, although the game has not been that close. Weldon has controlled the ball for much of the game and has taken a huge number of shots. Charlize?”

Charlize stepped up, replying, “Weldon’s taken 15 shots, seven on goal. The Chillicothe goalie is really good and has made a couple brilliant saves. She’s the reason the game is as close as it is.”

Civia took back over, saying, “Coach, we can give a detailed summary whenever you want it. I assume that you want us to watch at least part of the second half.”

“Yes, please, if you’re willing.”

Civia and Charlize both nodded, so Coach told us to relax, but to stay loose, ending with, “Lucia, if all goes well, you’ll go in at the first chance after five minutes.”

“Hah,” snorted Meka. “That makes sense to make sure Lucia plays against Santa Lucia.”

Coach turned and grinned at her.

We pulled away in the second half, although SLM also broke through against us, scoring two goals. However, our three second-half goals gave us a 4-2 win.

“Gather ‘round!”

Coach did not have to resort to yelling “Settle,” as we happy girls calmed quickly.

“Good game! We had a bit of a breakdown on D in the middle of the half but considering how potent their offense is and given that we are the first to hold them to fewer than three goals, I’m quite satisfied with our showing. Civia hasn’t gotten to present the attagirls in a while and since she was serving us in a different capacity today, Brett will be filling her shoes. Have at it.”

Brett stepped up, cleared his throat, then began with, “The first attagirls go to the four that created our first goal. Kim got the first for her smooth steal of the ball and then quick look upfield and pass to Jules. Jules quickly recognized that our strikers were just passing the up-front portion of their back line, so booted it up to Rhee. Then Rhee executed a superb drop for Heather, and I don’t know how Heather got the ball into the net, but it was amazing!”

“Hear, hear,” Rhee exclaimed. “That was the sweetest reverse-slice I’ve seen you make, and you’ve made a bunch of good ones! That couldn’t have missed that fullback by much more than a foot ... on her right side, but you still managed to sneak it into our right side of their goal! That was crazy good!”

“I agree,” Coach stated. “That was incredibly pretty!” When there was a lot of jabber, Coach called, “Settle!” She looked around as we quieted, then said, “Brett.”

“Unfortunately, except for the excellent play of the D, there was little else of note in the first half. The second half was different, with both Hope and Shameka earning attagirls on the same play early in the half to stop a nearly certain goal. And then Lucia entered the game. Less than a minute later, she stole the ball from their right half and charged upfield, ran a give-and-go with Rhee, and deposited the ball past their goalie into the left side. Lucia, I know it was your first goal this year, but was that your first goal for the team?” When she nodded, he added, “Congratulations! And then you quickly garnered another attagirl for being on the other end of a give-and-go with Rachel for her goal. Rachel also gets a couple attagirls for that play, one for the timing of her run upfield when their D’s attention was concentrated on our right side midway in their side of the field with the ruckus that Heather, Jules, and Beth were causing. Beth gets an attagirl for seeing Rachel coming and making a superb cross-pitch pass to her that resulted in Lucia and her getting a two-on-one on their right back; Rachel gets her other attagirl for that sweet shot.”

“I want to say something about that,” Rachel interrupted. When everyone turned to her, she added, “At the beginning of tryouts, I was a bit skeptical about Coach’s praise of Beth’s field awareness and vision, but I’ve learned through the season that, if anything, she undersold it. I almost didn’t make the run, but remembered that Beth might see me, and nearly their whole D was on the other side of the pitch. And then she put it right on my foot. That was a superb pass, Beth!”

“Yes, it was,” Meka responded. “In fact, in a season of Beth’s pretty passes, that may well have been the prettiest.”

Of course, my face heated red-hot, but Liya was looking right at me, so I kept my head up. Rhee reached an arm out and pulled me into her with her left hand on my shoulder ... then gave me a noogie!

There was much laughing.

After we settled, Brett continued with, “When Coach finally let Jess back in the game to ... give Lucia a breather...”

There was much laughing.

Brett continued with, “Beth earned another attagirl for her pass to Jess breaking outside Makayla; she threaded the needle on that one. Jess got an attagirl for the run and another for the well-placed header and goal. Liya?”

Liya stepped forward as Brett stepped back, then began with, “After showers, the team members, and their parents-slash-drivers are free for the day. We’ll be gathering in the lobby of the hotel at 5:30 to have dinner in the restaurant there. It’s supposed to be quite good, so we should have a nice meal. We’ve got a private room and we’re all expected to wear something reasonably nice. Unfortunately, your pretty, but now stinky, uniform does not cut the mustard.”

There was much chuckling.

“After dinner, we’ll stay in the room to hear the report about Weldon, our next opponent, from Civia and Charlize. We’ll then tackle our plan for tomorrow, with the possibility of having to play two games. Coach, do you have anything to add?”

“Yes, I have a question. Is anyone planning on watching any right-side bracket games?”

No one responded, so I looked around, then said that I had a question; Coach called on me.

“Coach, who do you think will come out of the right-side bracket? Perhaps whoever wants should watch that game, although getting eyes on both games would be best.”

“I suspect that Petaluma will win their game, and we know them pretty well. I’d say the favorite on that side is Delta-North. They’re undefeated this year. They have two first-team all-staters – one of whom is an all-American – and one second-team. They also have the highest scoring offense in the state, as well as the sixth-best defense. I’d give them the inside track to winning the whole thing.” She looked around, then added, “Yes, we have the tenth-most productive O and the fifth-most stingy D...”

A bunch of gasps and other inhalations of surprise interrupted Coach, who looked around at us.

“Ah, many of you weren’t aware of those aspects of our play this year. How many were?”

I raised my hand, which joined Charlize’s and Meka’s in the air; there were no others.

Coach nodded and added, “I hope this doesn’t cause you not to play all-out tomorrow, but our average of those two numbers is the third-highest in the state tournament. Petaluma is right behind us, which is what got them their at-large entry. Does everyone see what that means?”

Before anyone else, Heather responded, “Three of the four strongest teams in the state, ranked by that statistic, are in our regional, which is annoyingly unfair ... for all three of those teams.”

“Yes. The teams that come out of the other three regionals will be coming out of potentially weaker competition. However, I remind you, that statistics like that in no way tell the whole story, as a team with an enough-better D, but a so-so O, can beat almost anyone on a given day ... or, at least, not lose. Once games getsto a shootout, it’s something of a crapshoot.”

Silence reigned for quite some time as we digested what Coach said.

“I’ll be watching Delta’s game. If anyone else wants to do so, you’re welcome to join me.” She looked around, then said, “Brett.”

Brett stepped forward, saying, “I forgot one other attagirl, which goes to Lucia for staying home at left half during the scramble on the right side of the pitch, thus being available to Rachel for the give-and-go she needed. In fact, given that and her excellent play in the 30 or so minutes she was on the field, which included a goal and an assist, the game ball goes to Lucia Jimenez!”

Pandemonium, and a heartily surprised Lucia.

When things quieted, Coach said, “Shameka wanted to say something.”

“Thanks, Coach. I hope this doesn’t cause the team not to play all out tomorrow, but we have now gotten further in the state tournament than any previous Central team; we lost a heartbreaker last year in this game. Congratulations to us all, although I’d really like to win at least two more games. I also wanted to thank every one of you for winning this game because, with some help from ... family, my dad finally got to see me win a state-tournament game.”

Same as Beth
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Erotic Education 1 Erica1

Erica is ignorant in erotics, slender sexy sweet tender tiny tit tasty teen blonde beautyErica comes along for a walk and a private talk, surely she comes for the very first timeErica shows soon her mix of submissive curiousity for erotic education by sex in practiseErica is born to be my tasty teen sweet sex slave, I hope her siblings share her talents!Erica comes to sit next to me at a sunny bench in Westerpark half way an afternoon in MayErica starts to chat a bit and eagerly answers any...

2 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 31 The Dragonessrsquos Hung Son

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Azuliana – Azkobez Hold, The Otsal Mountains It had been a long, long time since I had been anything but a human woman. A busty one at that. Now I was a halfling...

2 years ago
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Cooking With Mom

This story happened when I was 17 and through my parents divorce and the shuffling of k**s I wound up living with my Mom, just her and me. Her boyfriend had moved out a few months before. And even though Mom went through a wild phase right after the divorce she didnt seem to date much now. Of course, I had the normal teen fantasies about her but never really acted on them, I had a long time buddy that lived downstairs in our apartment complex with his Dad, also divorced. His Dad, Bill,...

1 year ago
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How My Wife Went From Wife to Slut to Whore Part 2

My wife, Terri, and I were invited to a New Year’s Eve party at the home of a man from her work named Mr. Bartlett, an older guy probably in his 60s. He and his wife lived in a nice place on a lake outside of Shreveport and we had been to their house a couple of times. Mr. Bartlett had started working there years ago when the old man who owned the company started it and apparently made a lot of money. He still had an office at their headquarters but nobody really knew what his job was, mostly...

3 years ago
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Ticonderoga Episode 1 Adrift

Cast of Characters; *** Name: Phillip Irving Graves Rank: Captain - commanding officer Call Sign: Pig History: He was born on old earth in the area known as the Western Territories of North America. As a youth he was a trouble maker this, being virtually unheard of in his century, forced the military to deal with him. He was given a choice. Join the United Planets peace keeping and research force or be remanded for mental conditioning to fix his behavioral problems. His career...

2 years ago
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This is another story in the same continuum as The Shower Head. Phoenix By Wolverine Now, I know what you're thinking. This Phoenix cat has gotta be a bad guy. I mean, hey, he turned an innocent, young man into a complete idiot of a slut. But before you go passing any judgment on me, spend some time in my shoes. You see, I run a very, very, very successful inter-dimensional service. One that certain goody goods may not find too moral. But my ladies enjoy the job they do, and...

4 years ago
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The Secret Sex Life Of Bobbi Lim Chapter 2

The Secret Sex Life Of Bobbi Lim: The Petite Asian Lover "Dedicated to one of the sexiest and sweetest women I have ever met: a tiny Asian-American who launched a thousand obsessions and countless fantasies. Sometimes she is slut, but she is always, always a saint." Chapter Two: "Chip Off The Old Block" It was a sunny morning as Bobbi cruised down the 405 on her way to Laguna Niguel. It was ultra-early for Bobbi but she was actually looking forward to a quiet weekend at the ocean front mansion...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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I am a Cock Slave Love IT

My favorite time of day is when my MASTER walks thru the door . I'am there anxiously waiting on the floor in my slave toga & leather collar, on my knees, with my ass in the air , & my head on the ground laying upon my crossed arms . I start to speak , he ends over , & slaps my ass hard , which makes me moan, & whimper with delight .My MASTER then tells me, "No talk just do your duty , & pleasure me ! " & slaps my ass again sharply , mmmmmmmmm it's now making my cock hard...

1 year ago
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How I Became a Cock Sucking Mother Fucking Slut

Mom doesn’t drive so she relies on our neighbors to take her places. They are 3 older brothers, Jim, Robert and Paul. Their probably in their 50’s and each has his own car or truck and they all live together. She usually goes shopping two or three times a week and they are always glad to help. They live across the road from us near a lake where I go fishing. One Sunday, me and my best friend Terrance went fishing at the lake. When we got our lines in the water, Terrance pulled out a porn...

2 years ago
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House Girl XIConclusion

I felt a weariness overcoming me that I could not fight. The nanobots that I have come to rely on to control my world were no longer under my control. I had been infected with a virulent strain that had replaced the command structure of my inventions, leaving me to be manipulated by… me. I know it seems odd, but until just a few hours ago, I thought I was Dr. David, pioneer in the field of manipulating human behavior, inventor, weapon designer and professor. And then I met the real Dr....

2 years ago
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Greetings to all readers who now enjoy a good read to excite their moments, whether fantasy or real. I already knew from my experience earlier in the square and there you will find more precisely like me. All my experiences are real life and little by little I will share with you.This story occurred on January 1 10 years ago, I was at the time 24 years and worked at a movie rental store. The previous day was spent with my immediate family for the arrival of the new year. I was drinking whiskey...

4 years ago
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Crossing the Line

Following up from year later, she’s back. This time Saru is ready to up the game. While I have been surviving on the odd relationship, I had spent the odd weekend with Jeff and Kate though, I minimized this as Jeff was pushing the line.The beauty of 60+ women, no periods, ready to fuck any time. Straight from the airport, we were in bed. After a couple of hours of catch up sex, she says – I have a surprise for you, go look in my...

2 years ago
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Wandering Through Life A Look Back at the Ladies Ive Known 6

This is the "finish" with Susan and the family and then back in the service. .. Susan's Mom seemed to enjoy watching me eat her youngest daughter's pussy and walked into the room holding her fingers out for me..I took her hand and smelled her fingers and told her she smelled divine and started sucking each finger that had been in her pussy with delight. She stood there and started rocking her hips back and forth and said if if kept that up she would like to let me eat her until she had...

2 years ago
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A Seasonal Seduction

"Bah, humbug." Cindy Davis was most definitely not overflowing with holiday cheer. In fact, her happy yuletide tank had been empty all week. Now she was filling up with Jack Daniels, but it wasn't improving her mood.Sue Cangelosi turned away from the mini-refrigerator and walked over with two re-filled plastic glasses. "Girl, you are just no fun at Christmas parties. That's no way to bring in the holidays." Cindy grinned. The "party" was a two-girl drinking bout in their dorm room. She and Sue...

2 years ago
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The Au PairChapter 14

But Ken wasn't out of the woods yet. There was one more person he had to tell. "Tim, we have to talk." "Okay ... out here?" Tim led Kathy out to the back patio and closed the door behind them. Muffled sounds of the party came through the glass. Most of the guests were around the TV watching a video of the recital. Ken grabbed both of Tim's hands and took a deep breath. "Okay, here goes..." he said. "Wait!" Tim trotted over to the bushes, fiddled with something, and suddenly...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Ryan Conner Super Bubble Butt Gets Probed By Dredds Big Black Cock

Booty Queen Ryan Conner and her HUGE ass are back for some hardcore ass fucking with our new cocksman Dredd! Ryan’s looking better than ever as she shows off all her curves in a hypnotizing black and white bodysuit and black stiletto’s. This blonde MILF’s got one of the biggest and thickest asses I’ve ever seen, pair that with her giant tits and her ever talented mouth and you’ve got a seasoned fuck machine that’s ready to please! Ryan’s always been a...

1 year ago
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Free HD Interracial Porn

FreeHDInterracialPorn! We all know huge black cocks and tight white cunts are a match made in heaven. For many reasons, the interracial niche keeps on growing. I guess all of you serial masturbators can't get enough of pale, white chicks in awe of the black meat rods coming their way. And then hear them squeal as their tight holes are penetrated by some of the thickest dongs you'll ever see on the internet. Fuck it; I know some of you jealously admire the dongs these black dudes are rocking...

Black Porn Sites
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Maa Bani Dusro Ke Rakhal Part 8211 4

Hello frinds mai saif fir se aap ka samne ma bani duaro ke rakhal ka part 4 le k aaya hu jaisa ke aap log janta hai ke mera maa ko nude(nanghi)rahana aur chudwana  kitna pasand hai mera phela story me meri maa k bara me pata chala ke maa ka nature kaisa hai dusra me maa ne chudvaya theatre me fir main maa chudvai politician se uske bad maa mera samne b nanghi hone lagi .. Ab balcony ne nanghi hone k bad ke story batata hu maa ke checkne chut ekdam cham rahi the ekdam clean saved tha fir maa...

2 years ago
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What the Night WhispersChapter 2

I woke convinced I'd dreamed the events from the night. I knew how hard the previous day had hit me emotionally, and though I still had no answers about my son and daughter's 'games, ' I utterly dismissed the words which had penetrated my consciousness as the disconnected ramblings of my overactive imagination set free during a time of stress and anxiety. My son had called and left a message that he was staying with his friend that day and wouldn't be home until Sunday. I was somewhat...

2 years ago
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Blank Sex Murder Chapter 4

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Okay, I get it. I was coming off a buzz. I was tired, I was dehydrated, and I was distracted by a memory about a similar sharp and pointy thing which was now pressing against the soft flesh between a couple of my ribs. And I still had my dick in my hand. God, I felt stupid. I was also still scared enough to not let my hand release my dick for even one second. “You’ve got your cock,” Candy said,...

1 year ago
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Spending Time With Aunt Darla Pt 3

Introduction: Sometimes when you bang one sexy MILF, you gotta bang the other. THE NEXT MORNING….. For the first time in a long time, I was able to sleep great through the night without having to wake up, thats because Darla & I cuddled up after our love making & ass pounding. But that was nothing compared to what & who I woke up to the following morning. Although I was still asleep, my mom & dad mustve paid us a Saturday morning visit. As I was still sleeping, I felt a nudge on my leg. As I...

4 years ago
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The Online Affair Goes Live

Her husband left for work, and shortly after, she woke. Feeling alone, and cold.She rose and showered. Preparing herself for the day. Putting makeup on, which wasn't part of her normal routine. She needed to feel pretty today. She left the house, stopped for gas on her way to the hotel where her lover was waiting. She'd never done anything like this before, and her heart raced, her palms were sweaty, her stomach fluttered. This other man, the man who wasn't her husband, was waiting. They had...

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More than a LodgerPart 5

It was the end of a lazy Sunday morning, and Laura was just about to leave and visit Jenny for some real fucking. Laura usually saw Jenny about once a month and it was generally on a Sunday. It just happened to have been so soon after the wonderful orgy that had happened last night.Jerry was out playing golf and Amanda had to catch the train back to London where she lived and worked. Laura offered to take Amanda to the train station on her way to Jenny’s. As they left, Laura looked back at Tom...

4 years ago
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My secretary needs to have a better salary

That Tuesday morning I noticed that my sweet secretary Sheila was not dressed in her usual scrubs; but she was clad in a sexy black skirt and a tight fitting white top. I commented that she looked quite sexy. But then she surprised me; as she bent over and showed me her black string with barely covered her dark tight rosebud.After the ordinary Tuesday’s meeting, Sheila asked me if she could have a quick word with me. She walked into the ladies room and pointed me to enter there.As soon as the...

3 years ago
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My Niece and IChapter 3

Okay first you remember my wife’s niece, the one who I had two meeting with, well her daughter is now in that class. Her and her husband showed up for a weekend visit unexpectedly, no problem, we have plenty of room. The live out of town and she was here to take care of her father who had just had surgery. Now a little about her, she is 32 years old, 46 breasts, blond hair, 5’5” about 140 lbs and built like a brick shit house. Every thing about her is just like her mother was when we had out...

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A Little Irish MagicEpilogue

On the day after Lindsey's graduation, her mother received a letter telling her that: A) the method that Caroline tried to raise her with was seriously screwed up, B) for that reason Lindsey did not care to see her mother again, and C) Since Lindsey was 18, there wasn't a damn thing Caroline could do about it. Well, Caroline was sure there was indeed something that she could do about it, but the police informed her that since her daughter was 18, there was nothing they could do. She did...

4 years ago
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At the Summit Ch 01

Contributed by Richard Williams for the enjoyment of Literotica’s readers. This fictional story is copyrighted and may only be used for your personal pleasure. It may not be sold, distributed, or posted on another website without the author’s permission. by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) 1997 – the Clinton Era Sophia stretched out on the rumpled sheets, enjoying the feel of my eyes gliding over her cooling curves. Not long before, the sheets which didn’t cover...

1 year ago
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E124 Emma at the Institute

The Tuesday after their wonderful reunion with Sasha, Emma is worried and in a state of excitement at the same time.  Tonight is going to be so special and revealing; her nerves are on end.  She wasn’t in such a state when Donald took her to be displayed at the club as her final pearl, but this is so different.  And so important.During the months Emma and Donald have been together, she has never been to the Institute where he works.  The ISE, Institute for Sexual Exploration, where Donald...

Love Stories
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Escape from BuggeryChapter 10

Sharon eventually got to sleep after tossing and turning in the dark fetid heat, crammed between Sweetness' and Tracey's own hot bodies, and long after the moaning and gasping ceased from the mattress where Buttercup was sleeping with Joy. When she awoke it was on a lumpy mattress sodden with sweat and the strange sensations of a slobbery tactile probing in her vagina. As she blinked in the dark, her legs were wide open and she was enjoying the sensation despite herself. What was the...

3 years ago
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Lizzie CameChapter 8

The young man heard the doorbell ring, got up and went to the door. He looked through the glass to see who was outside, then opened the door with a puzzled expression on his face. "Hi, Vince," Janice said. "Uh... ," Vince began to reply, "uh, hey." "Do you know who I am?" "Uh, yeah, sure. You're Alexa's mom." "That's right. You can call me Mrs. S. Vince, can I talk to you for a few minutes?" "Oh, uh, O.K. Is ... is anything wrong?" "Nothing drastic. I just want to...

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Tre Lloyd Adventures Ch 12

As it turned out, I was the better part of a week recovering. The extent of my injuries was such that it took me that long before I could start to get up and around beyond walking to the bathroom and back without getting tired. Daily I would walk around more to build up my stamina. Soon I was able to make my way down to the library to read and study in my spare time. That week was also filled with more dreams of the goddess. Each of the dreams left me with more knowledge of magic as she...

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The Opening Door

There was a jangling of the bell as they walked into the bookshop. Godfrey gallantly stood back to allow Eugenia through the doorway as he took off his hat. He then followed her to greet the shopkeeper who was seated at his desk. The white-haired, portly, bespectacled Mr Johnson rose to shake Godfrey’s hand warmly and gave a slightly more muted, old-fashioned bow towards Eugenia, as was proper towards the wife of a favoured customer. As Godfrey settled into the comfortable chair opposite Mr...

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SelfFulfilling Son

Michelle struggled to walk in the snow, stumbling from dead, frozen tree to dead, frozen tree. The full moon, huge, pale-blue amongst a starry night sky lit her way. Light reflected off the snow with an equally pale-blue hue. The air was so cold and still, almost like a vacuum; she could hear no sound. She paused at a black, frozen tree, her hand resting on the side. The tree was hard like cold concrete to the touch - as if it were petrified, frozen in time. Michelle exhaled. Her...

1 year ago
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Am I becoming a Cuckold

I am a 29 year old guy and I'm engaged to my 27 year old fiance with whom I have a two year old child. She is all I could have wished for five foot eight with long blonde hair blue eyes and a slim figure. She has small breasts that suit her figure and a cute curvy firm little ass with shapely legs. Before we dated she worked in a lap dancing club and was a bit of a girl shall we say always out wearing very little. It was this that attracted me to her the fact she was a little naughty as I like...

Cheating Wifes
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Mommys Chastity Boy Part 9

(all characters are age 18+ ; not sweet or sentimental) My girlfriend Christina has been staying with me for the past several months. I thought my gimp son's transformation was complete, but Christina has had other ideas... When she first moved in, she immediately took him on as a pet project. I haven't minded a bit -I've been busy at work and am glad someone is looking after him while I'm gone. It's been fun to watch her experiment on him these past months. I always enjoy coming...

4 years ago
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Sensitive great lover

One day I had some important work with my HO which is in a foreign city. So that night, I found myself on the late-night Air India flight. I took my favorite seat, in the last row of the J-Class section, thanking my stars that I was not bumped off the over-booked flight like some of the other unlucky souls. Just before the stewardess closed the doors, a tall figure entered the cabin. He was wearing one of those cheap checked slacks one gets on Mumbai streets and a T-shirt. Immediately a hush...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Mom Humiliates Pussy Licking Son

Mom Humiliates Pussy Licking Son 1The author wishes it to be known she does not condone incestuous relationships in real life, but recognises it is a common fantasy and one shared by many.  This series of stories are based on real events. I’m Alex, 31 and a sales job that usually takes me places.  Normally, I’d be out on the road, but promotion meant I was mostly office bound now.  What’s more, I was recently divorced, my ex kicked me out and I had to go down on bended knees to my mom for a...

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Pappys WetPussied Granddaughter

Part 1: Morning Mischief Normally a very heavy sleeper in the mornings, Bethany awakened to the sound of a familiar voice speaking. While the voice had a tone of familiarity, the words which were spoken did not. As a matter of fact, she had never heard her grandparents speak so intimately before. "Quit it, Sam!" Bethany heard Grammy exclaim from the bedroom across the hall. "You're a randy old goat who just wants some early morning pussy!" Not to be put off so easily, Pappy reached for...

1 year ago
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Adventures Of The Modern Sexual Housewife 11

November 20, 2004... The young, sexy 22 year old, named Jenny, just recieved her college certificate. Her husband, also graduating that day, was going to take her home in his car. "Hey" he yelled to her "Hey babe" she yelled back, running up to him and hugging him. "Let's go home," she said, giddily, and walked, hand in hand with him, to the car. "Todays's been great," he said, as they both were in the car, "there's just one thing i need..." he nuzzled up to her face. "Oh, fine. When we get...

3 years ago
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Royal Incest of Karlova

Frame story and character Introduction You are the Prince of the Ancient Kingdom of Karlova, Karlova is a small kingdom that lies somewhere between Rome and Greece and surrounded by similar small kingdoms. you live in the Royal Palace which is in the Capital city called Lechberga, along with other family members. Characters: You - CASSIUS: The prince of Karlova, Charming and not so muscular but strong. Brought up with good Education as you are the legal heir of the Kingdom, tried your hands in...

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How I became the whore I am today part 11

I was known in my little run down area as a bit of a cock tease, I'd let guys look and even change in front of them. But truth was I'd never even touched a dick. Coming past my 14 though, I was starting to get feelings regularly. I found myself often running to the toilet at school to stroke myself to an orgasm but one day I figured it wasn't enough. It was a hot summers day and I was laying on the sofa in my living room in just a pair of demi shorts and a flowery black bra, I'd just...

3 years ago
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Weekend at the Spa

I always wanted to go to one of the spas a lot of men went to, to have sex and play, but never had the chance until the Summer. I always found it hard to hook up with men, and tell if they were gay or bi, let alone top/bottom/vers, so going to the spa would make so much easier. After chatting with someone for a while, they finally asked me if I wanted to go to a spa with them. He was an older man, 42 years old and large, and we both turned each other on to no end, so I said yes. I asked though...

1 year ago
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Heroes and Mutants Chapters 1 and 2

Heroes and mutants a Whateley academy story by Souffle Girl Chapter 1: October 2011, somewhere in the suburbs of Washington, DC "Still reading those comics?" Alex looked up from the latest issue of The Avengers, waving the other person to sit next to him. Ellen straightened her short black hair and accepted the invitation. "You'll never find a woman if you keep wasting time on the stuff you know?" she said, placing her tray on the table of the cafeteria. Alex put the comic...

2 years ago
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The ElectricianChapter 21

Arthur and Adam’s father sat in the front pew at Pastor Franklin’s church while Adam paced in front of it. “Getting cold feet?” his dad asked. “No. Not at all. I just hate the hurry-up-and-wait. I do think it was genius to have Mom act as bridesmaid for both brides, and you as best man. I think it’ll make it just enough of a church wedding to satisfy Kara’s mom.” “This place is important to her,” Arthur remarked. “Yeah,” Adam replied, “it did give her comfort while you were away. I know...

3 years ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 19

Katie lay very still as consciousness came upon her. Early morning sunlight wasn’t penetrating her eyelids yet, so it was probably still early. Then she felt the nudge of an erection against her arse; that must have been what had woken her. It took her a moment to remember that it should be Charlie’s. His arms were wrapped around her possessively, and she was sweaty where her back rested against his hairy chest. Her back, arse, and legs were sore and somewhat stiff. She took a deep...

4 years ago
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Victorias Story

The Story of Victoria and Her New LifeOnce upon a time, there was a beautiful girl whom by her own accounting was an angelic picture of innocence and sheer delight.  In fairness, by some accords she was just that bringing smirks and bouts of laughter by her antics when spending those rare moments in public.  However, a few knew truly the real girl hiding deep inside the veils that hide her true tapestry that entwined the fabrics of her internal landscape.It is upon one of those rare moments...

1 year ago
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Forbidden in Salinas Pt 2

Continuation of “Forbidden in Salinas – Pt.1” Chapter 7: The morning after. The beam of sunlight through the bedroom window made Rachel stirred. Drowsily, she placed her arms across her face to block out the irritating glare. As she moved her other arm to her side, she touched something. Grudgingly, her senses began to focus and she forced her eyes to open. The image of a naked man lying in her bed almost made her jump in shock. Looking at him, she realized that it was Daniel. ...

2 years ago
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Valley of Angels

A wind, cold and bitter blows from the north west that breaks upon the oaken forest, below in the Valley of Angels, the grass and reeds dance with the broken breeze, bowing and worshipping the waters of the silent river that cuts through the valley’s heart, it has no name. To the south east a ring of hills hides well a tended valley, in it’s flat lands the ancient rice fields lay, watched by an even older home, whose caretaker is young, but wary. He keeps a sword with him, it’s name is...

1 year ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 26

Selena was happy that Joe's homecoming Friday was a forgetful day at Polytech. One class had been canceled altogether and another was cut short when a professor was called out by the birth of a grandchild. Classes had reached a review and study phase anyway so Selena went through the day on an auto-pilot of sorts, her little notes of the where and how to meet Joe at the airport etched in her mind. Joe was coming in on a government charter and not going through the public terminal. She was...

1 year ago
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Tim The Teenage MCPart XXI 2 Revealing Truth with Every Brushstroke

I hadn't been to the mall since I stopped going there looking for another Her that fall. With it being the week before Christmas, the mall was like a totally different place than it had been. I couldn't believe how... uncomfortable I was being around so many people again. I think I would have freaked out and left if I hadn't been there with Joey. But I couldn't show that kind of weakness in front of him like that. My biggest problem was what to do with my eyes while we were walking....

2 years ago
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The Softening of Jessie Part 8

Jessie returned home just in time for dinner. Mom and Grandma were putting their finishing touches on the meal. Ahhh, he loved the smell of his mom's meat balls and spaghetti! 'Just in time,' he thought. "Hey all. Smells good!" Jessie exclaimed. "Oh hi dear. Have a're just in time," Amanda said as she placed a bowl of aromatic spaghetti in front of her sweet child. "We need to talk Jessie. It's about school." "Oh yeah, I promise I haven't started any more trouble mom,"...

2 years ago
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Fucking Hot Aunty Comes True8230

Hi, everyone! I am 24-year-old and I am doing my engineering. I am a guy with a huge sexual drive. Here I am writing about my first experience of sex and that too with my aunt. The lady I am talking about is 4 years elder to me and her name is Shiny. For all those females reading this sex story right now who want to have fun or sex chat with me mail me at , your privacy will be maintained. She is a sexy lady with sculpted breasts and a hot and burning ass. She just flew back from Kerala a few...

1 year ago
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TRUE TALES OF A SALESMAN #2 To my readers: If you’ve read #1, then you’ll know this took place before I bought my motor home. Lisa and CandyI had reluctantly agreed to pick up both women and take them to the restaurant where all of us were gathering after the trade show. Both Lisa and Candy owned and operated a small women’s apparel store in a suburb of a big city. They were both very good looking. Their looks probably were a significant factor in their success. Lisa, the single one, was a...

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