Devlin's StoryChapter 47 free porn video

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"You wore a skirt today," Danny said as he knelt between Devlin's legs. "It's hot enough today I thought you'd wear shorts."

"I didn't want to wear shorts to class," Devlin replied. She grasped his cock and began rubbing it up and down her sex. "And it is 95° out there right now."

"With humidity to match. Tell me about it." He felt her position him at her entrance and pushed. He inhaled sharply as he slid into her depths. "Ah, that's good."

Devlin watched his face. She liked that fleeting moment of pleasure she saw on his face when he first entered her. She'd been looking forward to their get together all day, and she was wet enough he could sheath his length in her with his first thrust.

"Why a skirt and jeans?" he asked as he shifted his weight and braced himself on his hands.

"Because my jeans are in the wash."

"That makes sense?" He started moving, sliding his delicious hardness in and out of her while lifting slightly. It rubbed all of the sensitive nerves in the first couple of inches of her channel.

She closed her eyes, suddenly so aware of every touch down there. "Um, that's good," she murmured.

"Why a skirt and not shorts?"

"Huh? Oh... A skirt..." She swallowed. He'd stopped moving, waiting for her answer. She had to focus, remembering what the conversation was about. "Uh, air can get up between my legs in a skirt. That's not always the case with shorts." She began to push back against him. She could feel his balls rubbing against her bottom.

"Why not a dress?"

"Because a dress is more formal than a skirt, and I didn't feel like dressing up that much."

"You like things between your legs, don't you. Always have."

"Only some things, like what's there right now."

He said something else, but she wasn't listening. He'd started moving when she'd answered, and his last thrust had just brushed her cervix, jolting her. She lifted her legs so he could get deep enough to do it again.

"I thought you had a casual dress," he said after a few more thrusts.

"Uhhh. I... uh... skirts..." She paused as a wave of heat pushed out of her womb, filling her. It wasn't a climax, not quite, but it felt damned close.

"I do... uh... damn that's good... ah... but... ah, don't stop, keep doing that."




"You're talking too much."

He got the hint and applied himself. She kissed him, a hot, wild kiss that tried to go right through her, but was blocked from escaping by his cock.

He shifted, sending another jolt of feeling through her. She was close, so close, and it wasn't going to take much to send her over the top.

He began to make little noises, grunts of effort and sighs of pleasure. She matched him, her eyes closed, lost in the sheer pleasure of their joining. It was so much more fun when the guy sounded like he was enjoying himself.

He pulled out suddenly, breathing hard as he fought for control. Devlin smiled up at him, noting the beads of sweat along his hairline. She'd wanted him to continue, but it was nice he'd pulled out, too. That meant he wanted this to last longer.

His cock hovered over her tummy, dark red and covered with her wetness. The hole in the tip of his glans was dark with promise. She could almost picture his white jism spurting out of it.

He took himself in hand and plunged back into her, making her whole body quiver. Another thrust... he pulled all of the way out before going all of the way back in. Her body shook from the impact. Wave after wave of heat flashed through her as he kept doing this. Each one pushed her higher. Each one drew her out tighter and tighter. There was nothing now, except the raw energy rising up inside her, and his body stoking the flames.

She teetered on the edge, wanting it, not wanting it, trying to make it happen at the same time as she tried to fight it off. Danny was unrelenting, thrusting all of the way home, touching her cervix time after time, winding her up until it was too much and it all let loose in one incredible wave of pure feeling.

She soared, held in place by his arms and body, soared as every bit of energy flashed through her, soared as her whole body contracted around its welcome intruder.

She floated out, relaxing in his arms as the last of her urgency washed away. She was spent, drifting on the moment, totally relaxed.

Danny began to move faster, his body slapping against hers, his balls bouncing against her bottom, filling her, as he moved to his own peak. She felt him rise, stiffening, his cock incredibly hard as it levered her open with thrust after thrust. And then he was there, his whole body tense. She felt his tummy quake; as he stopped. She felt repeated feather light touches deep within her as his spurts filled her. He made a few little thrusts, more to keep the moment going than for anything else.

Finally he slumped, spent by his effort.

They nuzzled against each other, awash in the pleasures of the moment. They traded little kisses, minor touches as their hearts slowed in unison.

"That was just as good as always," Devlin murmured when she felt fully recovered. Oh, she knew she wasn't. He was still inside her, and she loved that feeling. There were times she playfully considered inserting her small dildo--it would fit entirely inside her--and walking around all day just for the pleasure of feeling it. She'd done that a few times with her Ben Wa balls; each time her panties got so soaked she'd gone to the store and bought new ones.

"I don't have time for another round," Danny said. He hadn't moved, which told her he was speaking the truth. He wanted to prolong their joining as much as he could.

"Sadly, neither do I. I'm picking Krissi and Steve up in a little while."

"Are you really going to drive all of the way to Des Moines? What about your Friday classes?"

"I've already cleared it with my professors and my project team." She grinned, running her hands over his shoulders and back. "The women instructors understood. I think the men did, too."

"And you'll be back on Tuesday?"

"Late Monday night, actually. They have a day game on Monday, and we'll be leaving after the game. We should be back in town by 11:00 p, m."

"And you want to get together on Tuesday?"

"You'll be ready for me, and, frankly, I'll probably want it just as much as you."

"You and Evan aren't going to sleep together?"

She shook her head. "I think I made a mistake that way with Jeff. Let's see how this goes with Evan."

"You want to, though, don't you."

She nodded. "Most of my relations with guys have been in bed. I'm not saying that's good or bad." She clenched her tummy muscles and saw the reaction in his eyes. "There have definitely been some positives to doing it."

"You just like cock."

"Guilty as charged. Most women do. We're supposed to deny it, of course, but that's because of social pressure." She grimaced. "My roommate has discovered some group here in town that practices mindless sex."

"Orgies? Like at Tim and Emma's?"

"Not quite. She doesn't know the names of the guys. That's not the case at Emma and Tim's. One is just animal sex, the other is a lifestyle."

"Some might not see the distinction, though there is one." He shifted slightly and his cock slid out of her. He rolled off of her, pulling her in close to snuggle.

She sighted happily as his arms went about her. There was nothing quite like snuggling after sex.

"She came back Sunday morning," Devlin said after a moment. "She wanted me to join her."

"You women are always seeking validation for whatever you do."

"What can I say, it's a girl thing. I didn't tell her what I'd been up to the night before."

"Was there a party at Tim and Emma's?"

"Yup. And I'd rather she didn't know, either. Sunday night I heard a couple of girls just slamming her. She wasn't present, of course, and I don't think they knew I was there, either. But they were cutting her to pieces. Everything, grooming, study habits, clothes--they took repeated digs at the inserts she uses now--but most of all her morals. Alley cat and slut were the two nicest things they said."

"Women can be so vicious with each other."

She shrugged. "It's the way we are. More teenage girls would have sex, except for what the other girls would say about them. That can be a bigger deterrent than parents."

"It didn't stop you."

"Because I successfully kept my private life private. With your help, mind you."

"And Mrs. Witherspoon. She finally gave up trying to catch us."

Devlin nodded. "I hated it at the time, but in retrospect she helped my reputation more than I could imagine. I think she's convinced that our relationship was all proper and respectable."

"Instead of hot and sweaty."

"Yeah, real hot and sweaty."

"Thank God for air conditioning." He thought a bit. "Could we make it early on Tuesday? I have meetings starting at 9:00, and they'll run all day. I may even end up on the golf course with these people."

"I didn't know you played golf."

He grimaced. "I don't, but I bought a set of clubs and got some instruction. Too many of these corporate people do business on the golf course."

She rolled over and reached down to cup his ass. "Poor Danny. And what would you rather be doing?"

He fondled her breast. "Guess."

Laughing, she slapped his hand away. "It's nice to know some things don't change.

He caressed her while his mouth descended on her breasts. Her nipples, still tight from earlier, responded by standing up straight.

"It's too bad we don't have time to finish this," he said, dropping a kiss on her lips. "It feels like you're primed and ready to go again."

She pushed him away, but reluctantly. "I am, but it can wait." She sat up and ran her fingers through her hair. "A year ago I'd have said 'damn the consequences'."

"And I would have agreed with you." He sighed and swung his feet off the bed. "We'd better get cleaned up."

"What time Tuesday?" she asked. "How early?"

"I can be in town a little before 7:00. Say... here? 7:00?"

"Let's plan on it. Now hurry up and get that shower started."

They showered quickly, little more than a rinse to get rid of the smell of sex. As Devlin dressed she thought back to what Danny had said a little earlier.

"Why are you obsessing about skirts again?"

"What? Oh, it's hot outside and I saw a lot of skirts out there today." He stopped in front of the mirror to put on his tie. "Anyway," he continued as she opened her mouth to say something, "I got flashed."


"There's a gal at the office who works in the Loan Department. She was sitting at a table in the cafeteria this morning reading the paper. When she turned to get up I could see why she wasn't showing any visible panty line: she wasn't wearing any."

"You're sure?"

"I could see all the way up her skirt. She has dark brown pubic hair. She has blonde hair and eyebrows, by the way."

"I've gone without panties a few times," Devlin said. She'd pinned up her hair for the shower so it wouldn't get wet. Now she let it down and brushed it out. "Sometimes you don't want to ruin the line of the clothes, and if you don't own a thong, going without is the only alternative. You just have to be a little more careful."

"Don't you feel more... undressed when you do that?"

She nodded. "That's part of the excitement. Clothes can be more than a covering. It's a statement about who you are, and how you view yourself, and most girls will push the limits for the right look."

"In a few years my girls will be making some of those choices." He picked up his jacket and briefcase. "I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

"You can't stop it."

"I know. Ready?"

"Just about." She caught his eye and lifted the hem of her skirt.

"It's not the same," he said, smiling. "I appreciate the view, but I've already seen them."

"And you've seen what they're covering."


"Anyway," she said as she dropped the hem, "it's the thought, something to look forward to next week."

"I will."

They rode down the elevator in silence. Devlin got out on the second floor. Danny would be going the rest of the way to the basement. He had some door he went out down there that let out into a parking garage that required a key card to enter.

She dropped a couple of things off in her cubicle before braving the heat. It felt like opening an oven, and she headed for the shade as fast as she could as the heat washed around her. This was one of the things about living in the Midwest that she didn't like. She'd looked up the temperature in Key West earlier in the day: expected high of 82°. She could get used to that.

She saw one of the girls from her economics class, and fell in step with her. Cheryl took a sniff. "What are you wearing, Devlin. It smells like you just took a shower."

"It's this body wash my mother found," Devlin said. She saw the car from the other night parked at the curb; there was a dark-haired woman sitting at the wheel reading a newspaper. "It keeps you smelling like you're fresh from a shower all day. I'll bring some to class."

"It smells great, and these days I'd love to smell like something other than grungy sweat."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Devlin plucked at her blouse. "My clothes go splat when I drop them on the floor."

"I wonder what the cost benefit ratio between electricity for air conditioning and water usage from having to constantly wash your clothes is?" Cheryl asked.

"That sounds like one of those things that would take years to research fully," Devlin said. "Coal-fired power plants vs. water from rivers or lakes. And electricity for the washers and dryers."

"And don't forget pollution and legal costs," Cheryl said. "I was looking for a solo project. This might be it."

"Good luck," Devlin said, laughing. "I don't know how you're going to measure comfort levels."

"I don't either. Hmm, fresh clothes or dry skin. Now that's one of those choices I don't think anyone has the math to describe."

"Keep it simple," Devlin said. "I chose to wear a blouse today because it's looser than something like the tank you're wearing. How do you factor in that?"

"Market forces," Cheryl replied. "I've seen more tanks than blouses. A lot more people made the decision my way than your way, though your blouse does look cooler."

"Part of it is my figure," Devlin said. "A tank top emphasizes my bust, and a blouse doesn't."

"Okay," Cheryl said, nodding, "that would be hard to factor. I'd have to get average bust size from you..."

"36B," Devlin said. "It used to be 34B, but there's been an increase in size in the last 20 years. I haven't heard any complaints from guys about this, either."

"Nor would you." She whistled. "How did you arrive at this number?"

"Those are the sizes that sell," Devlin said. "We based this on the average bra for day-to-day wear, not the really fancy ones."

"The kind a woman wears for comfort," Cheryl said, "gotcha."

"We have a sales and licensing agreement with a company in Japan, and they've noticed the same thing. They attribute it to better nutrition. They say women's sizes have increased in the last 50 years, but it's not fat, it's all in proportion."

"I can see that. I may be hitting you up for some references."

"I'll see what I have. If nothing else I can give you our annual report on sales by sizes."

Cheryl smiled. "That must make interesting reading. The fashion industry probably ignores it."

"I think they ignore anything larger than 32AAA. They certainly do their best to ignore girls my size."

"And mine." She waved. "See you later."

They parted at the entrance to the dorm. Cheryl, Devlin knew, had a German class. She had to pick up her overnight bag.

Krissi opened the door at the first knock. She was already packed and had her sweater in hand. She was wearing her light blue floral 'granny dress', though she was also carrying a dress bag. After a quick hug she held Devlin at arm's length.

"I smell Danny on you."

"Really? I thought I cleaned up enough."

"I know you too well. How are we doing on time? I told Steve we'd pick him up about 10 minutes from now."

"Then what are we doing just standing here?"

Steve was waiting on the front porch of his apartment building. He tossed his stuff in the back and hopped in. As they were accelerating up the on-ramp of the freeway Devlin glanced behind her in the rearview mirror. That car that had been parked at the curb earlier that morning was behind them. She smiled and made an aggressive lane change.

"Whoa, girl, what's gotten into you?" Krissi asked as she grabbed at the door handle.

"Just making life difficult for someone who's following us," Devlin said. She didn't expect to lose that car, at least not right away. She wondered how much gas the woman had. Was she prepared for a trip to Des Moines? It was 300 miles, and she'd probably have to stop and gas up.

The car trailing them disappeared before they got to the Quad Cities. Devlin smiled. It felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Now she could just enjoy the day and the coming weekend.

Steve read, Krissi marked up a manuscript, and Devlin put her mind on automatic and just minded the traffic. They made much better time than anyone expected, and it was a little past 4:30 when they got to Des Moines. Steve had reserved their rooms at the Marriott--"it's where the teams stay"--and Devlin stopped just inside the door. The lobby was blessedly cool, and she was standing under a vent.

"Come on," Krissi said, tugging her toward the front desk. "You'll feel even better after a shower and a change."

"Where are you guys off to?" Devlin asked after they'd checked in.

"We'll be at the ballgame tonight," Steve said. "Krissi has something, though."

"I'm doing two book signings tomorrow," Krissi said, "and I have another one on Sunday afternoon. I'm going to visit the bookstores before the game tonight. It never hurts to do some pressing of the flesh. It may get my books placed better in the store."

Devlin nodded. "Evan said he'd leave three tickets at Will Call. I'm going over there as soon as the gates open up."

Krissi waved and disappeared into her room. Devlin dumped her things on the bed. She wanted to just relax under the vent. Then she saw the message light blinking on her phone. She punched in the number and settled back on the bed to listen.

"Devlin? Hi, it's Evan. I'm in Room 136. If it's after 3:30 I'm at the ballpark. I'm charting pitches tonight, so you can call me on my cell phone any time after 5:30. Talk to you in a bit."

She glanced at her watch. It wasn't quite 5:00. It was time for that shower. She hung up her dress bag and dumped the rest of her things on the bed. She should probably wash her hair. Evan might not notice, but she would feel better, and she knew that would carry over with whatever attitude she projected.

She was sitting in on the bed in her underwear when the digital clock next to the bed clicked over to 5:30. She put down the hair dryer, took a breath, and called Evan.

His phone rang and rang and rang, finally clicking over to voice mail. She left a message, and then decided to go to the ballpark. The game started just after 7, but the gates opened at 6.

She had a dress she'd been planning on wearing ever since the idea for this trip had come up. Now she practically jumped into it, brushed furiously at her hair because it didn't want to obey, and then finally pinned the errant locks back with a clip. A touch of perfume, her pearl earrings, and she was as ready as she could make herself. She had wanted to look perfect, and if she didn't it wasn't from lack of trying.

There was a line in front of the gates, but no line at Will Call. She had to show the woman her ID, and smiled at the obligatory "Enjoy the game." Clutching her ticket she got to the end of the line just as the gates opened.

"Section R, Row 8," the woman said when Devlin asked for directions. "That's to your right. There'll be a sign you can follow. Enjoy the game."

Devlin thanked her and let the crowd pull her along. She wondered if everyone was going to say 'Enjoy the game'. She saw the team store and marked that down for later. Instead she bought a program. She leafed through it; most of it was about the Iowa Cubs, but there was a section about the Sacramento players. She kept her place with her finger while she climbed the stairs and looked out over the seats. Again, an attendant helped her.

"Row 12, 11, 10, 9, 8," she counted to herself. Devlin read her ticket: Seat 9. She settled in and looked around. There were already half a dozen people there, all women, though two had young kids. A pregnant woman coming from the other direction sat next to her. She gave Devlin a smile as she dropped a water bottle in the cup holder in front of her.

"Hi there," the woman said. "Are you... Devlin McCabe?"

"Uh, yes," Devlin said, confused.

"Hi, I'm Trish Martin. My husband, Bo, rooms with Evan on road trips. I was supposed to look out for you." She was a brunette with short hair. She was wearing a white blouse and jeans, and paused while she tucked her purse against the seat in front of her.

"Evan didn't say anything about..."

"How like a man," Trish said. "They don't think about things like this. Bo plays left field. Have you two known each other for very long?"

"Since March. We met when he was home recuperating from appendicitis."

"That's right, I heard about that. Evan missed part of Spring Training."

"We met at a dance," Devlin said. "It was a moonlit night with a view of the ocean..." She smiled. "He swept me off my feet."

The woman sighed. "Umm, sounds romantic. When I talked to Evan yesterday I think you did some sweeping, too. Bo says Evan writes you every other day."

"I don't even want to look at my phone bill," Devlin laughed. "We talk at least twice a week, and we're always writing back and forth."

"It must be hard on the two of you."

"In a way, especially now that he's on the West Coast. I'm in college and I only got here because I practically moved Heaven and Earth to get away."

"I have the same problem. I live in the St. Louis with my parents, and just had to get out of town. I love my mother dearly, but she was driving me up the wall." She looked around the stadium. "I've got things worked out so I can make almost every one of their American Conference games. I won't be able to get to Omaha, but I've already got plane tickets for New Orleans, Memphis and Nashville. Are you coming out west when school is over?"

"I've thought about it. We'll see how that works with my summer job."

"Oh? What do you do?"

Devlin explained briefly, Trish nodding with one eye on the field. "Sounds a lot more interesting than clerking at Sears, which is what I do." She patted her tummy. "Of course with Bo Junior on the way I get to sit down a lot more."

"Bo Junior? You know it's a boy?"

Trish nodded. "I didn't want to wait until the delivery room to find out. I haven't told anyone, well, other than Bo, of course. And... oh, batting practice is about to start."

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They didn’t need to advertise the job for Santa’s helper. I already offered my services. Since I was fairly popular and I could provide my own costume, a skintight green catsuit, my copper wig and boots, my supervisor went for it. I must admit that my main motivation was that I would be paid to wear a skintight costume, and hopefully get a few curious glances at my ass and body in the shimmery material!The Santa for the job was some retired security guard called Alfred who used to work at our...

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"Would you soap my back?" she asked, looking over her shoulder at me, smiling. Standing in a communal shower, the sounds of other people laughing and bathing reduced to a backdrop of sound, a distant hum, I stared at her. I'd met Ann the evening before, soon after I'd arrived at this weekend workshop. Located in a hot-springs area in northern California, a clothing-optional community that found its roots in the hippie days of the 60's, it had enjoyed a renewal in this new-age decade. A...

3 years ago
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Awakenings Ch 27

I watched Jeanne dance with Marv. The Grand Ballroom of the Liberty Hotel was jammed with people, many of them also dancing, but I only saw my wife and her suitor. As Jeanne obscenely ground her hips against Marv I was certain she was enjoying the feel of his erection pressing into her stomach. Marv's hands were freely groping Jeanne, touching her in places only I should be touching her. Crazed with lust my breath caught as I contemplated the possibility that in a short while I might actually...

4 years ago
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The Morning After

The Morning After I had to admit I got turned on knowing one of my neighbors had seen my naked backside. When I walked in the house that morning I was surprised by a friend of my oldest son who was waiting for him in the living room. I don’t know if he had been part of my gangbang, but I’m sure he had seen the pictures from that night by the way he grinned at me. I said “hi” and turned to go upstairs to my bedroom. He said “Nice ass, come talk to me”. In my surprise to see him there I had...

Quickie Sex
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The Girl In The Rain Part 2

The day the strap-on arrived, I invited Julia for dinner. Being a Spaniard, she usually ate late, but since she had to work the following morning, we decided on seven in the evening. Before she arrived, I took a long shower and shaved my pussy. For some reason, it was important to me to look nice for her. I dressed in a short summer dress with flowers and sandals on my feet. I skipped the bra and the panties because they would be gone quite quickly anyway.The strap on I had bought was flesh...

4 years ago
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Sweet Sunday Loving

You asked about our sweet Sunday loving .....It begins with me arriving home to find you in the pool...lying on my Aqua Duck, eyes closed, just bobbing around on the water. You haven't heard me arrive...silently, I remove my clothing and slip into the water. Luckily you're in the shallow end and I can just walk up to you. Quietly, I take hold of the side of the Aqua Duck and push you into the water!!! You yell with surprise...almost a squeal! Surfacing, you look at me and that cheeky grin...

2 years ago
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In Need of Sex

Lisa walked into the house. She shouted out for Andy - knowing full well he wouldn't be home. He spent all his time with the new business, telling her it would get better - but it just seemed to get worse. She'd probably seen him for 2 hours in the last 3 days, there had hardly been any badly contact let alone love making. She had to admit the money from Andy's new venture was great. She had all the clothes she wanted, expensive perfumes and a new sports car. She didn't need to work, in fact...

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A Stylite in New York

The traveler made his way up the darkened stairwell, careful not to disturb the layers of dust and cobwebs that had built up over the years. The building had been abandoned for years, probably even decades in fact. He had never so much as set foot inside this building before, and yet, it was as if he somehow knew his way. And so he carried on, curious to know about the strange figure who sat motionless atop the skyscraper each morning. After what seemed like an eternity in the dark, with only...

1 year ago
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Who knew Physics could be Fun

Chapter 1 I’d been out of high school for 10 years when I finally decided to go back to school so I could get my degree and get out of this weird employment rut I seemed to be in. Being a 28 year old freshman didn’t make me the life of the college. I felt so old being around these kids in their late teens and early 20’s. It also didn’t help that I was also one of the shift supervisors in the security office of the college I attended. My experience happened during my spring semester of my...

3 years ago
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Miss Parker

It was parents' evening: only the second she'd done, but already a chore. Half the k**s were boring, the other half beyond saving - of course, you couldn't say that to the oh so loving, caring parents.She was already bored of the sound of her voice. "Thoughful c***d... improved effort... detailed knowledge of... blah blah blah."She couldn't stop her mind from wandering back to the previous night. Against common sense, her friend Karen had persuaded her to come out."It'll be wicked, Hels,...

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A Night at the Ambassador

While on business in Colorado Springs, I had the opportunity to visit one of the adult theaters that I had visited previously. Although the booth area was in full swing, the booths had no doors and there was no privacy what so ever. One could still have a good time if they were so inclined. The attendants were cool and they did not mind the actions of others as long as there were no complaints. On this late afternoon, I kept with my usual habit of dressing up in lingerie under my clothing and...

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I wasnt adopted My parents just tell peopl

I was named after my natural father Jonathan. My parents have been married for 19 years. I turned 18 just last week, the same day my mother turned 37. My parents have often told me I look almost exactly like my father except for the blue eyes my Mom gave me. I am taller than the man I call Dad (Charles) who is 6 feet tall while I am 6 feet four. He has very red wavy hair. Mine is curly enough to wear in a modified Afro I have had all my life. His pale skin is a sharp contrast to very pale...

4 years ago
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Learned And Took Virginity Of My Girlfriend

Hello ISS readers. This is Rakhi from Hyderabad, 26 years old working in MNC. I am basically from B’lore. I have girl friend yamu from b’lore only. Coming to the story, last January I visited b’lore and she invited to her home for 1st time when she is alone at home. I met after 3 months gap so both hugged and I kissed her cheeks and forehead and she too. Then had some snacks. Again I pulled towards me and she sat on my lap and my palm is at her waist and kissed her lips. She is very good...

3 years ago
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Desire and Despair Book 3 of Poachers ProgressChapter 19 Christmas and Other Festivities

I spent most of the Twelve Days of Christmas of 1818 in bed – and before you leap to conclusions I was not being gripped firmly between Caroline's thighs but in the equally firm grip of an ague. I had set out for Bearsted on a frigid and bitterly cold morning, the day before Christmas Eve. By the time I changed horses at Swanley I was as ice – and then the rain started. I reached Ashford House soaking wet and frozen to the marrow. A hot toddy, a seat by a roaring fire and Caroline drying me...

2 years ago
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The Best Friend

I don't know how I came up with this one. The Best Friend By Wolverine Joseph's jaw dropped as he took in what his mother told him. *** Pete Pontain strolled up to his best friend's, Joseph, house. The high school senior's best friend had called him over to tell him something important. Joseph had sounded pretty scared. Pete knocked on the door and he heard a quick running on the other side. Joseph opened the door. He looked sick, weak, and scared out of his wits. His dark...

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A Good Kind Of Trouble

A Good Kind of Trouble I was driving north on Interstate 35 as fast as the governor on the blue Mack would let me, the 8 inch dual open exhaust pipes snarling with the Cummins powered song in my ears as I crossed the south Texas prairie land trying to make San Antonio to stop for the night. The air conditioner was doing its best to keep me cool in the 100 plus degree late July evening, and failing at its task. I’m John Murphy, and I have made the Chicago to Laredo run once a week for the past...

Love Stories
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PublicBang Ariana Van X Fuckin8217 In The Junkyard

We are so close to 2021 that we thought, fuck it let’s go to a junkyard, bring one of the hottest chicks we’ve ever worked with, and lets fuck in public! We go to the junkyard with our boy Tommy and we see him struggling with fixing a car. Ariana Van X, a damsel in distress, walks in and starts scheming about ways to get Tommy to fuck her. She tells him that she’s lost and that it’s really hot outside. She takes off her overcoat before he can finish another sentence and...

2 years ago
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8 The Mayflies a

8 The Mayflies. [a] A story of the last 9 weeks of an i****tuous couples lives as like mayflies they have a brief but heady taste of life and of last devil may care sex as they play out their final fling and bucket list wishes The Mayflies’ Chapter A The tea trolley rattled loudly, the ward assistant clattering and banging the cups, indifferent to the feelings of the patients, slopping tea into cups she knew she would have to collect and wash later. Jane lay uncaring, no longer did the...

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The Institution

When Charlie volunteered to do community work he never thought it would be in one of the mental institutions, but that was where he now was. He had taken it on mainly to please his wife who was continuously on his back because she was involved in the council's social calendar. Such community work led to lunches and dinners, in which he had to go to; she had told him that she felt embarrassed as other husbands were also involved in community and social work. The hind was that to make her more...

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Courting Lydia

I had just mowed my lawn and was dragging a plastic trash can half-filled with grass clippings to the curb when I saw her. She was walking breezily on the sidewalk, approaching my yard, and looking every which way. I stood there and stared at her without really meaning to. I think it was just unusual to see a young woman dressed like she was in the middle of a weekday afternoon. I, on the other hand, was wearing an old pair of shorts and a torn sleeveless shirt. I had taken the day off from...

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Recluse and GhostChapter 27

When Frank came in from the garage, carrying a couple of bottles of beer, he said, "I put two cases in the garage fridge along with some Coke and Mountain Dew. There is both regular of each kind of soda and diet decaf of each. That ought to take care of it. Bill said he was picking up some bottles of tea mixes and some snacks." Frank gave me a fresh beer as he went into the kitchen, where I then heard Shirley squeal because he came back in with only two beers. He put one of them on the...

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The Older WomanChapter 6

Helen Firth married Geoffrey Billings on the first Saturday in February, Dulcie Chesterman officiating. The bride wore a royal blue gown, though under it were thermals in recognition of the time of year; the weather outside was clear, sunny, and bitterly cold and the church was difficult to heat effectively. Geoff was, for once, in a dark suit. The church was more than half full; friends and family from both sides (Edith Firth had tracked down school-friends of Helen’s with whom she’d lost...

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First Date With Lisa

Ever since that training shift where I met Lisa, we have been inseparable. Most nights, we just stay in her room or at my place because we can't seem to keep our hands off each other. The last time we went shopping was to get her some new yoga pants but seeing her modeling yoga pants was too much for me. We both ended up in the dressing room, with her pushed up against the wall and the yoga pants around her ankles. The worst part was when I came, and some of my cum got on them. Needless to say,...

2 years ago
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Neural Ports The Morning After

John was just starting to wake up, and his head was already pounding. He didn't even try opening his eyes; it felt like it would be too much effort with a hangover like his. He lay there with his eyes shut, breathing softly. He hadn't yet attempted to move, but in spite of that it gradually started dawning on him that his body wasn't his own. Since he'd had the neural port fitted into the back of his neck a few months ago, waking up as somebody else wasn't out of the ordinary for him,...

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Too tight

"What do you think about Southern Illinois," asked Miss Weston, "it's got a great communications department, one of the best in the nation." Sarah Foster looked intently at the brochure her guidance counselor had placed in front of her, it showed a beautiful campus full of stately trees intermingled several lakes. "I hadn't even considered SIU," Sarah replied, "but from the looks of the campus and it's highly rated communications program, maybe I should!" It was a lot of work trying to pick the...

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FamilyXXX Macy Meadows Macy Shows Chad How Little Step Sis Squirts

Curious older brother Chad has been trying to find out why his step sister Macy takes so many showers a day and when he finds her squirting in the shower he finally understood why! Now enamored by her abilities, Chad has a million questions for Macy and her technique and needs her to show him again how she squirts. Macy not bothered hops back in the shower and shows him her massive squirting as he stroked his cock watching. Invited in Chad quickly rubs his hard throbbing cock between her pussy...

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UpgradeChapter 15 Mystery Brother Reese Gets Pregnant

Darby and I first found Jon with Pam and Mike with Trish in the living room. Jon was balls deep in Pam, and they were enjoying a hard fuck as Trish kissed her and played with Pam’s breasts while Mike fucked her from behind. Pam was on her back on the arm of the sofa, and that brought her pussy to just the right height for Jon to piston his cock into the gorgeous blonde who was my girlfriend. Darby whispered, “Wow,” next to me. “I’ve never watched someone else fucking except on the Internet....

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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 6 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

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Church helper

I was in my local church last Sunday and after the congregation had gone home I was helping to put all the books away, when Caroline a regular in church since the year dot, asked me if I'd help her sort out for a Christening later that day. As we were the only people in church I said I would. Caroline was 72, 5'5", long dark hair, slim,she was wearing a white top with black pants.We continued to clear up when she asked me if I wanted a cup of tea, "Yes" I replied, so she locked up and we went...

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14yo Girls Gone Wild

14yo Girls Gone Wild I was suckered into chaperoning a field trip with Miss Amore. She was the Earth Science teacher and it was her idea to take just the girls off into the woods for a full day of exploration. I was the teacher adviser of the Photography Club and Miss Amore told me to come prepared to take some nature pictures. Miss Amore had requisitioned a small bus for the trip that would hold the nineteen girls and her along with the driver, I was to be the bus driver too. She...

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Second ChanceChapter 11

Angela met me as I pulled up in front of her condo. It took me a very long day to reach River Falls, but I couldn’t wait to hold her in my arms when she came running down the sidewalk and launched herself at me. How DID we recognize each other in other bodies?? The universe does what the universe wishes, I suppose. In her new body she was very ... ordinary. It would be hard for a witness to describe her to a crime sketch artist because there is so little that is memorable about her face....

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BangBros18 Dixie Lynn Secret Shower

Dixie Lynn is trying to enjoy a shower, but when her stepdad, Danny, gets a call from wor, he’s gotta jump in. He interrupts her shower and runs in naked to wash off. She can’t keep her eyes off his dick, she pokes it, which freaks Danny out at first, but she promises she won’t say anything to her mom. He throat fucks her just the way she likes it, and then they begin to have some hot, steamy, shower sex. He fucks her hard in multiple positions until he busts out a huge load...

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Mayors Young Chief of Staff

I whispered in her ear. She shook her head side to side. "Ok but if you do scream I will gag you," I said as I uncovered her mouth. She drew in a deep breath, I reached up and grabbed her right breast through her blouse and bra. " Mmmm April, you have nice supple titties, let's have a look at ' em shall we," I said. I slid my hands inside her blouse, between the buttons, and ripped her blouse open, exposing her bra. Then I grabbed her bra and ripped it apart, her breasts falling free,...

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The CameraChapter 18

“Mom – Bobby Joe, look who’s here, we’ve been waiting for you, and I was showing Mr. Muller all of the photographs we have made.” “Not all of them, Kori, I hope,” Margaret laughed as she hugged the older man and said her hello’s. “Hi, Mr. Muller good to see you again,” Bobby Joe said as he shook his hand. “Yes, Momma, I showed him your pictures too. Mr. Muller likes your fat pussy lips.” “Kori, you shouldn’t do that I am embarrassed now.” “Very nice Ms. Margaret very nice indeed.” “Well...

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GirlsWay Skylar Snow Jada Kai Market Research

Jada Kai and Skylar Snow, two programmers, are in a meeting with Mona Azar. Mona wants them to design a new app dedicated to lesbian hookups, and wants it to be really different from all the other apps out there. She thinks that Jada and Skylar will be perfect for the job since they’re lesbians like her. Several busy weeks later, the programmers are at home and almost finished making the lesbian hookup app, but need to put in the ‘turn-ons’ section. The programmers are...

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Women with money

Without references its nearly impossible to get a decent job, and after being in the forces i liked and needed hard work. At 22 6'2" and still well toned; if i didn't start work soon i'd end up looking like rosanne barr(not a good look for a man). So i was willing to take pretty much anything on offer. On the way into the EO i'd noticed a black merc parked outside with a stunning older woman with jet black hair inside; about 40 i'd thought. As i came out the car door opened and what i...

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High School Whore

It's hard trying to explain to a child that you don't know who their father is. It's already hard enough when they get old enough to start wondering things like why they were starting school just after you had graduated high school. The mere 14 year age gap starts becoming obvious to them after a while, and by the time my son was in high school and I hadn't even hit 30 it was impossible to get around questions. So, I had to explain it all to them. The problem was that pretty much any guy...

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Cousin Sister Leads To Aunt

My name is Anmol (name changed) 19 yrs old muscular built as I go to gym regularly. With a dick size of 6 inch and 2.5inch width , enough to satisfy any ladies And heroin of my story my cousin sister who live in Mohali and is one year elder to me now let me describe her she is very fair in color with a slim body and 36c boobs which add to her beauty and her big ass which sways when she walks…. Any man would love to fuck her after seeing her ass swaying….. Lets come to story now….. This...

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AllGirlMassage Luna Star Yhivi Well Oiled Friends Part Two

Previously on All Girl Massage, Luna Star and Yhivi had quite the lesbian experience as Luna massaged her lesbian lover’s sore back, pussy and much more and today, Yhivi returns the favor by surprising Luna with her own special massage oil. Her oil consists of very special ingredients, stimulating aphrodisiacs making their pussy juices flow very quickly. The lesbian lovers embrace and begin touching each other’s boobs determined to please their sexual appetite. Yhivi opens her legs...

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A Little R and R 2 Alyss in Wondercute Land

A Little R&R 2: Alyss in Wondercute Land By Morpheus Part 1 Saturday morning, Sept 22nd, 2007 Roulette: Study Hall. Technically, I wasn't in study hall, but the Saturday morning Power Lab class. There were only fifteen students in the class, a mixture of freshmen and sophomores, and it was less of a classroom with lectures, and more of a free period where we each did our own thing. The only requirement was that we had to practice with our powers, or at least, do...

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PandoraChapter 15

Take Alabama Interstate 20 to University Boulevard, then to Colonial Drive, then to Magnolia Drive until you arrive at quaint historical Lane Hall House. Home of Kappa Omega Chi Sorority, or better known as the KOC girls. Lane Hall House is a sprawling three story red brick building spread out over an entire block within walking distance of anything on campus. Four massive Grecian carved marble columns frame it’s large white entrance doors. Chi Omega and Kappa Alpha Theta might have more...

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The Club Chapter 8

Chapter 8 The party group reassembled in the parking lot with Jenny giving instructions to her home.Charlie was the only one who was familiar with the location of her home. “She lives in a new high-rise apartment complex near town. The place is super expensive. Lovely Jenny must be rich as hell.”They watched as Jenny and Steve got into a shiny new Mercedes, with Jenny behind the wheel. None of them missed Jenny’s excellent body as she moved into the car.“Jenny is one hot woman,” Lexi said...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 40

We returned to Hickory Hill much earlier today than we had yesterday, and took care of our horses ourselves, but allowed the stablemen to take care of the pack horse. After cleaning up, we went to look for Mark and Seamus. Sererena and Gwyn were already here. We finally got everyone together in the den. “What’s so important?” Seamus asked. “There are things that we need to discuss,” I told them. “It couldn’t wait until after dinner?” Gwyn asked. “No, we’re going to need to make an...

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