Devlin's StoryChapter 47 free porn video

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"You wore a skirt today," Danny said as he knelt between Devlin's legs. "It's hot enough today I thought you'd wear shorts."

"I didn't want to wear shorts to class," Devlin replied. She grasped his cock and began rubbing it up and down her sex. "And it is 95° out there right now."

"With humidity to match. Tell me about it." He felt her position him at her entrance and pushed. He inhaled sharply as he slid into her depths. "Ah, that's good."

Devlin watched his face. She liked that fleeting moment of pleasure she saw on his face when he first entered her. She'd been looking forward to their get together all day, and she was wet enough he could sheath his length in her with his first thrust.

"Why a skirt and jeans?" he asked as he shifted his weight and braced himself on his hands.

"Because my jeans are in the wash."

"That makes sense?" He started moving, sliding his delicious hardness in and out of her while lifting slightly. It rubbed all of the sensitive nerves in the first couple of inches of her channel.

She closed her eyes, suddenly so aware of every touch down there. "Um, that's good," she murmured.

"Why a skirt and not shorts?"

"Huh? Oh... A skirt..." She swallowed. He'd stopped moving, waiting for her answer. She had to focus, remembering what the conversation was about. "Uh, air can get up between my legs in a skirt. That's not always the case with shorts." She began to push back against him. She could feel his balls rubbing against her bottom.

"Why not a dress?"

"Because a dress is more formal than a skirt, and I didn't feel like dressing up that much."

"You like things between your legs, don't you. Always have."

"Only some things, like what's there right now."

He said something else, but she wasn't listening. He'd started moving when she'd answered, and his last thrust had just brushed her cervix, jolting her. She lifted her legs so he could get deep enough to do it again.

"I thought you had a casual dress," he said after a few more thrusts.

"Uhhh. I... uh... skirts..." She paused as a wave of heat pushed out of her womb, filling her. It wasn't a climax, not quite, but it felt damned close.

"I do... uh... damn that's good... ah... but... ah, don't stop, keep doing that."




"You're talking too much."

He got the hint and applied himself. She kissed him, a hot, wild kiss that tried to go right through her, but was blocked from escaping by his cock.

He shifted, sending another jolt of feeling through her. She was close, so close, and it wasn't going to take much to send her over the top.

He began to make little noises, grunts of effort and sighs of pleasure. She matched him, her eyes closed, lost in the sheer pleasure of their joining. It was so much more fun when the guy sounded like he was enjoying himself.

He pulled out suddenly, breathing hard as he fought for control. Devlin smiled up at him, noting the beads of sweat along his hairline. She'd wanted him to continue, but it was nice he'd pulled out, too. That meant he wanted this to last longer.

His cock hovered over her tummy, dark red and covered with her wetness. The hole in the tip of his glans was dark with promise. She could almost picture his white jism spurting out of it.

He took himself in hand and plunged back into her, making her whole body quiver. Another thrust... he pulled all of the way out before going all of the way back in. Her body shook from the impact. Wave after wave of heat flashed through her as he kept doing this. Each one pushed her higher. Each one drew her out tighter and tighter. There was nothing now, except the raw energy rising up inside her, and his body stoking the flames.

She teetered on the edge, wanting it, not wanting it, trying to make it happen at the same time as she tried to fight it off. Danny was unrelenting, thrusting all of the way home, touching her cervix time after time, winding her up until it was too much and it all let loose in one incredible wave of pure feeling.

She soared, held in place by his arms and body, soared as every bit of energy flashed through her, soared as her whole body contracted around its welcome intruder.

She floated out, relaxing in his arms as the last of her urgency washed away. She was spent, drifting on the moment, totally relaxed.

Danny began to move faster, his body slapping against hers, his balls bouncing against her bottom, filling her, as he moved to his own peak. She felt him rise, stiffening, his cock incredibly hard as it levered her open with thrust after thrust. And then he was there, his whole body tense. She felt his tummy quake; as he stopped. She felt repeated feather light touches deep within her as his spurts filled her. He made a few little thrusts, more to keep the moment going than for anything else.

Finally he slumped, spent by his effort.

They nuzzled against each other, awash in the pleasures of the moment. They traded little kisses, minor touches as their hearts slowed in unison.

"That was just as good as always," Devlin murmured when she felt fully recovered. Oh, she knew she wasn't. He was still inside her, and she loved that feeling. There were times she playfully considered inserting her small dildo--it would fit entirely inside her--and walking around all day just for the pleasure of feeling it. She'd done that a few times with her Ben Wa balls; each time her panties got so soaked she'd gone to the store and bought new ones.

"I don't have time for another round," Danny said. He hadn't moved, which told her he was speaking the truth. He wanted to prolong their joining as much as he could.

"Sadly, neither do I. I'm picking Krissi and Steve up in a little while."

"Are you really going to drive all of the way to Des Moines? What about your Friday classes?"

"I've already cleared it with my professors and my project team." She grinned, running her hands over his shoulders and back. "The women instructors understood. I think the men did, too."

"And you'll be back on Tuesday?"

"Late Monday night, actually. They have a day game on Monday, and we'll be leaving after the game. We should be back in town by 11:00 p, m."

"And you want to get together on Tuesday?"

"You'll be ready for me, and, frankly, I'll probably want it just as much as you."

"You and Evan aren't going to sleep together?"

She shook her head. "I think I made a mistake that way with Jeff. Let's see how this goes with Evan."

"You want to, though, don't you."

She nodded. "Most of my relations with guys have been in bed. I'm not saying that's good or bad." She clenched her tummy muscles and saw the reaction in his eyes. "There have definitely been some positives to doing it."

"You just like cock."

"Guilty as charged. Most women do. We're supposed to deny it, of course, but that's because of social pressure." She grimaced. "My roommate has discovered some group here in town that practices mindless sex."

"Orgies? Like at Tim and Emma's?"

"Not quite. She doesn't know the names of the guys. That's not the case at Emma and Tim's. One is just animal sex, the other is a lifestyle."

"Some might not see the distinction, though there is one." He shifted slightly and his cock slid out of her. He rolled off of her, pulling her in close to snuggle.

She sighted happily as his arms went about her. There was nothing quite like snuggling after sex.

"She came back Sunday morning," Devlin said after a moment. "She wanted me to join her."

"You women are always seeking validation for whatever you do."

"What can I say, it's a girl thing. I didn't tell her what I'd been up to the night before."

"Was there a party at Tim and Emma's?"

"Yup. And I'd rather she didn't know, either. Sunday night I heard a couple of girls just slamming her. She wasn't present, of course, and I don't think they knew I was there, either. But they were cutting her to pieces. Everything, grooming, study habits, clothes--they took repeated digs at the inserts she uses now--but most of all her morals. Alley cat and slut were the two nicest things they said."

"Women can be so vicious with each other."

She shrugged. "It's the way we are. More teenage girls would have sex, except for what the other girls would say about them. That can be a bigger deterrent than parents."

"It didn't stop you."

"Because I successfully kept my private life private. With your help, mind you."

"And Mrs. Witherspoon. She finally gave up trying to catch us."

Devlin nodded. "I hated it at the time, but in retrospect she helped my reputation more than I could imagine. I think she's convinced that our relationship was all proper and respectable."

"Instead of hot and sweaty."

"Yeah, real hot and sweaty."

"Thank God for air conditioning." He thought a bit. "Could we make it early on Tuesday? I have meetings starting at 9:00, and they'll run all day. I may even end up on the golf course with these people."

"I didn't know you played golf."

He grimaced. "I don't, but I bought a set of clubs and got some instruction. Too many of these corporate people do business on the golf course."

She rolled over and reached down to cup his ass. "Poor Danny. And what would you rather be doing?"

He fondled her breast. "Guess."

Laughing, she slapped his hand away. "It's nice to know some things don't change.

He caressed her while his mouth descended on her breasts. Her nipples, still tight from earlier, responded by standing up straight.

"It's too bad we don't have time to finish this," he said, dropping a kiss on her lips. "It feels like you're primed and ready to go again."

She pushed him away, but reluctantly. "I am, but it can wait." She sat up and ran her fingers through her hair. "A year ago I'd have said 'damn the consequences'."

"And I would have agreed with you." He sighed and swung his feet off the bed. "We'd better get cleaned up."

"What time Tuesday?" she asked. "How early?"

"I can be in town a little before 7:00. Say... here? 7:00?"

"Let's plan on it. Now hurry up and get that shower started."

They showered quickly, little more than a rinse to get rid of the smell of sex. As Devlin dressed she thought back to what Danny had said a little earlier.

"Why are you obsessing about skirts again?"

"What? Oh, it's hot outside and I saw a lot of skirts out there today." He stopped in front of the mirror to put on his tie. "Anyway," he continued as she opened her mouth to say something, "I got flashed."


"There's a gal at the office who works in the Loan Department. She was sitting at a table in the cafeteria this morning reading the paper. When she turned to get up I could see why she wasn't showing any visible panty line: she wasn't wearing any."

"You're sure?"

"I could see all the way up her skirt. She has dark brown pubic hair. She has blonde hair and eyebrows, by the way."

"I've gone without panties a few times," Devlin said. She'd pinned up her hair for the shower so it wouldn't get wet. Now she let it down and brushed it out. "Sometimes you don't want to ruin the line of the clothes, and if you don't own a thong, going without is the only alternative. You just have to be a little more careful."

"Don't you feel more... undressed when you do that?"

She nodded. "That's part of the excitement. Clothes can be more than a covering. It's a statement about who you are, and how you view yourself, and most girls will push the limits for the right look."

"In a few years my girls will be making some of those choices." He picked up his jacket and briefcase. "I'm not sure I'm ready for that."

"You can't stop it."

"I know. Ready?"

"Just about." She caught his eye and lifted the hem of her skirt.

"It's not the same," he said, smiling. "I appreciate the view, but I've already seen them."

"And you've seen what they're covering."


"Anyway," she said as she dropped the hem, "it's the thought, something to look forward to next week."

"I will."

They rode down the elevator in silence. Devlin got out on the second floor. Danny would be going the rest of the way to the basement. He had some door he went out down there that let out into a parking garage that required a key card to enter.

She dropped a couple of things off in her cubicle before braving the heat. It felt like opening an oven, and she headed for the shade as fast as she could as the heat washed around her. This was one of the things about living in the Midwest that she didn't like. She'd looked up the temperature in Key West earlier in the day: expected high of 82°. She could get used to that.

She saw one of the girls from her economics class, and fell in step with her. Cheryl took a sniff. "What are you wearing, Devlin. It smells like you just took a shower."

"It's this body wash my mother found," Devlin said. She saw the car from the other night parked at the curb; there was a dark-haired woman sitting at the wheel reading a newspaper. "It keeps you smelling like you're fresh from a shower all day. I'll bring some to class."

"It smells great, and these days I'd love to smell like something other than grungy sweat."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." Devlin plucked at her blouse. "My clothes go splat when I drop them on the floor."

"I wonder what the cost benefit ratio between electricity for air conditioning and water usage from having to constantly wash your clothes is?" Cheryl asked.

"That sounds like one of those things that would take years to research fully," Devlin said. "Coal-fired power plants vs. water from rivers or lakes. And electricity for the washers and dryers."

"And don't forget pollution and legal costs," Cheryl said. "I was looking for a solo project. This might be it."

"Good luck," Devlin said, laughing. "I don't know how you're going to measure comfort levels."

"I don't either. Hmm, fresh clothes or dry skin. Now that's one of those choices I don't think anyone has the math to describe."

"Keep it simple," Devlin said. "I chose to wear a blouse today because it's looser than something like the tank you're wearing. How do you factor in that?"

"Market forces," Cheryl replied. "I've seen more tanks than blouses. A lot more people made the decision my way than your way, though your blouse does look cooler."

"Part of it is my figure," Devlin said. "A tank top emphasizes my bust, and a blouse doesn't."

"Okay," Cheryl said, nodding, "that would be hard to factor. I'd have to get average bust size from you..."

"36B," Devlin said. "It used to be 34B, but there's been an increase in size in the last 20 years. I haven't heard any complaints from guys about this, either."

"Nor would you." She whistled. "How did you arrive at this number?"

"Those are the sizes that sell," Devlin said. "We based this on the average bra for day-to-day wear, not the really fancy ones."

"The kind a woman wears for comfort," Cheryl said, "gotcha."

"We have a sales and licensing agreement with a company in Japan, and they've noticed the same thing. They attribute it to better nutrition. They say women's sizes have increased in the last 50 years, but it's not fat, it's all in proportion."

"I can see that. I may be hitting you up for some references."

"I'll see what I have. If nothing else I can give you our annual report on sales by sizes."

Cheryl smiled. "That must make interesting reading. The fashion industry probably ignores it."

"I think they ignore anything larger than 32AAA. They certainly do their best to ignore girls my size."

"And mine." She waved. "See you later."

They parted at the entrance to the dorm. Cheryl, Devlin knew, had a German class. She had to pick up her overnight bag.

Krissi opened the door at the first knock. She was already packed and had her sweater in hand. She was wearing her light blue floral 'granny dress', though she was also carrying a dress bag. After a quick hug she held Devlin at arm's length.

"I smell Danny on you."

"Really? I thought I cleaned up enough."

"I know you too well. How are we doing on time? I told Steve we'd pick him up about 10 minutes from now."

"Then what are we doing just standing here?"

Steve was waiting on the front porch of his apartment building. He tossed his stuff in the back and hopped in. As they were accelerating up the on-ramp of the freeway Devlin glanced behind her in the rearview mirror. That car that had been parked at the curb earlier that morning was behind them. She smiled and made an aggressive lane change.

"Whoa, girl, what's gotten into you?" Krissi asked as she grabbed at the door handle.

"Just making life difficult for someone who's following us," Devlin said. She didn't expect to lose that car, at least not right away. She wondered how much gas the woman had. Was she prepared for a trip to Des Moines? It was 300 miles, and she'd probably have to stop and gas up.

The car trailing them disappeared before they got to the Quad Cities. Devlin smiled. It felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Now she could just enjoy the day and the coming weekend.

Steve read, Krissi marked up a manuscript, and Devlin put her mind on automatic and just minded the traffic. They made much better time than anyone expected, and it was a little past 4:30 when they got to Des Moines. Steve had reserved their rooms at the Marriott--"it's where the teams stay"--and Devlin stopped just inside the door. The lobby was blessedly cool, and she was standing under a vent.

"Come on," Krissi said, tugging her toward the front desk. "You'll feel even better after a shower and a change."

"Where are you guys off to?" Devlin asked after they'd checked in.

"We'll be at the ballgame tonight," Steve said. "Krissi has something, though."

"I'm doing two book signings tomorrow," Krissi said, "and I have another one on Sunday afternoon. I'm going to visit the bookstores before the game tonight. It never hurts to do some pressing of the flesh. It may get my books placed better in the store."

Devlin nodded. "Evan said he'd leave three tickets at Will Call. I'm going over there as soon as the gates open up."

Krissi waved and disappeared into her room. Devlin dumped her things on the bed. She wanted to just relax under the vent. Then she saw the message light blinking on her phone. She punched in the number and settled back on the bed to listen.

"Devlin? Hi, it's Evan. I'm in Room 136. If it's after 3:30 I'm at the ballpark. I'm charting pitches tonight, so you can call me on my cell phone any time after 5:30. Talk to you in a bit."

She glanced at her watch. It wasn't quite 5:00. It was time for that shower. She hung up her dress bag and dumped the rest of her things on the bed. She should probably wash her hair. Evan might not notice, but she would feel better, and she knew that would carry over with whatever attitude she projected.

She was sitting in on the bed in her underwear when the digital clock next to the bed clicked over to 5:30. She put down the hair dryer, took a breath, and called Evan.

His phone rang and rang and rang, finally clicking over to voice mail. She left a message, and then decided to go to the ballpark. The game started just after 7, but the gates opened at 6.

She had a dress she'd been planning on wearing ever since the idea for this trip had come up. Now she practically jumped into it, brushed furiously at her hair because it didn't want to obey, and then finally pinned the errant locks back with a clip. A touch of perfume, her pearl earrings, and she was as ready as she could make herself. She had wanted to look perfect, and if she didn't it wasn't from lack of trying.

There was a line in front of the gates, but no line at Will Call. She had to show the woman her ID, and smiled at the obligatory "Enjoy the game." Clutching her ticket she got to the end of the line just as the gates opened.

"Section R, Row 8," the woman said when Devlin asked for directions. "That's to your right. There'll be a sign you can follow. Enjoy the game."

Devlin thanked her and let the crowd pull her along. She wondered if everyone was going to say 'Enjoy the game'. She saw the team store and marked that down for later. Instead she bought a program. She leafed through it; most of it was about the Iowa Cubs, but there was a section about the Sacramento players. She kept her place with her finger while she climbed the stairs and looked out over the seats. Again, an attendant helped her.

"Row 12, 11, 10, 9, 8," she counted to herself. Devlin read her ticket: Seat 9. She settled in and looked around. There were already half a dozen people there, all women, though two had young kids. A pregnant woman coming from the other direction sat next to her. She gave Devlin a smile as she dropped a water bottle in the cup holder in front of her.

"Hi there," the woman said. "Are you... Devlin McCabe?"

"Uh, yes," Devlin said, confused.

"Hi, I'm Trish Martin. My husband, Bo, rooms with Evan on road trips. I was supposed to look out for you." She was a brunette with short hair. She was wearing a white blouse and jeans, and paused while she tucked her purse against the seat in front of her.

"Evan didn't say anything about..."

"How like a man," Trish said. "They don't think about things like this. Bo plays left field. Have you two known each other for very long?"

"Since March. We met when he was home recuperating from appendicitis."

"That's right, I heard about that. Evan missed part of Spring Training."

"We met at a dance," Devlin said. "It was a moonlit night with a view of the ocean..." She smiled. "He swept me off my feet."

The woman sighed. "Umm, sounds romantic. When I talked to Evan yesterday I think you did some sweeping, too. Bo says Evan writes you every other day."

"I don't even want to look at my phone bill," Devlin laughed. "We talk at least twice a week, and we're always writing back and forth."

"It must be hard on the two of you."

"In a way, especially now that he's on the West Coast. I'm in college and I only got here because I practically moved Heaven and Earth to get away."

"I have the same problem. I live in the St. Louis with my parents, and just had to get out of town. I love my mother dearly, but she was driving me up the wall." She looked around the stadium. "I've got things worked out so I can make almost every one of their American Conference games. I won't be able to get to Omaha, but I've already got plane tickets for New Orleans, Memphis and Nashville. Are you coming out west when school is over?"

"I've thought about it. We'll see how that works with my summer job."

"Oh? What do you do?"

Devlin explained briefly, Trish nodding with one eye on the field. "Sounds a lot more interesting than clerking at Sears, which is what I do." She patted her tummy. "Of course with Bo Junior on the way I get to sit down a lot more."

"Bo Junior? You know it's a boy?"

Trish nodded. "I didn't want to wait until the delivery room to find out. I haven't told anyone, well, other than Bo, of course. And... oh, batting practice is about to start."

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December 30, 2013 I had forgotten to bring over a change of clothes so when her alarm went off I quickly turned it off and quietly got dressed and only shook her awake to kiss her goodbye so I could go home and shower and change. I promised to call her at lunch. At 11:30 my phone rang and the main desk said I had a call being transferred in. I picked up and heard Kettie's voice, making my day. "I didn't want you calling my place and not finding me. I'm in your house. I finished my...

4 years ago
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Keeping Guard Ch 02

The rest of the day passed in a blur. After the doctors cleared me from the hospital I was given a ride home in the police escort Charles had arranged. By that time the news cameras had thinned out, but he still made sure to walk me through the front door with his arm securely around my waist just in case. Once we were inside I slumped on the couch, trying not to let the events of the day replay in my head while Charles got me a glass of water. Before he got back his phone started ringing...

1 year ago
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Sophmore high school cheerleaders in over their heads

Hailey and Amy were two popular 18 year old sophomore cheerleaders at their small midwest towns high school. They were both innocent and were always involved with school projects. Amy was a daddy's girl and Hailey had a boyfriend in the 9th grade. It was a game night and both girls were cheerleaders for the junior varsity football team. As seen at any small town football game; the cheerleaders were in their cheerleader outfits and they had their tiger cheek cheer fake tattoos on their face. Amy...

First Time
5 years ago
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Missy Day Five

Friday morning was uneventful, I got up and dressed as usual. Mommy was running a bit behind in schedule because Daddy had fucked her instead of getting a morning blowie. She was perky though, energized by the early morning endorphins from the orgasm. Looking pretty in an emerald green sun dress she ushered me into the car, worried about being late for school. We drove through the neighborhood, Mommy asking me about my day and if I had any exams. I didn’t but I was excited for Study Hall...

2 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 8

I was roused from my slumber by a buzzing noise in my ear that, in my state of semi-consciousness, I assumed was a fly or a bee and tried to swat away. When this didn't work and the buzzing sound persisted I opened my eyes fully to find a grinning Becky standing over me and gently caressing my cheek with her small, silver vibrator. "Say hello to my little friend," Becky said, in her very best Al Pacino impersonation. "What? Don't you like the vibrations against your cheek, sweetie?...

2 years ago
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A fantasy comes true

Keith had me get in his car and we got naked to fuck again. I had seen videotapes of us having sex at my home and in his car. He didn’t have to threaten me that he would tell his parents. He said, “If the cops find out they’ll believe when I show the tape.” I said, “Keith you don’t have to do that. I want you to fuck me.” He had me get on my back and said, “ I want to cum in your cunt.” I opened the car door and bent down to suck his young penis. He didn’t ejaculate until we got back in...

3 years ago
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Starting College Right

You wake up squinting as the light pours in from a nearby window. You lay in bed as you try to sort out your surroundings. You're in your new dorm room. You're starting your freshman year at college. It's Saturday morning. You arrived here last night in order to attend the freshman orientation weekend before classes start on Monday. You're not really interested in the orientation activities, but you're hoping you can meet some other guys and maybe even get laid. You're still relatively...

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B6 Chapter 10 Jordan Cleo Dejah Kristal

Chapter 10: Jordan, Cleo, Dejah, Kristal As soon as other girls began departing with partners for the evening, Jordan and Cleo immediately seized the moment, and each asked Dejah and Kristal if they would like to spend the night with them. The answer was an enthusiastic 'yes' from each girl. "Why don't the four of us go somewhere together for the night?" asked Dejah. "Great idea," responded Jordan. "But we'll need enough room for all of us." "Let me ask Tiffany," said Cleo. Tiffany and...

4 years ago
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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 20 Back at the Ranch

Kelly Dalton was not one of the community leaders of Silver Orb, Nevada, so when Lieutenant Lester Boron of the Capitallian Marshal Service requested a visit with her, Kelly turned to a slave for advice. Nancy was Hank Dalton's personal assistant and better-educated in the laws of Capitallia. Kelly was the citizen, though, and the decision had to be hers. Nancy could advise when her advice was requested--nothing more. Nancy recommended that Hank be notified and that Kelly ask Lieutenant...

4 years ago
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Business Trip With Seema 8211 My PA Part 2

I was shocked to know that Seem had a crush on me. But I decided not to waste any time as this was a once in a lifetime chance for us. I just pulled her and planted my lips on hers. She responded immediately. Soon we were kissing like two teenagers on their first date. Our hands hurriedly undressed each other. Once we got naked, she moaned as she got hold my 9” thick cock. I got hold of her 36 C cup boobs my fingers rolled on her dark erect nipples. She let out a muffled moan and her grip on my...

2 years ago
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Horny Housemates Part 1

The three girls, Lin, Leanne and Michelle, were all super nerdy, and I instantly got along well with them. I moved into a small spare room at the back of the house that had nominally been Michelle’s girlfriend’s, but they obviously slept together in Michelle’s room. When they broke it off, they needed someone else to help with the rent. This was where I came in. I settled in to my new den. I didn’t need much more than the single bed, desk, and a bit of storage anyway. I had similar interests...

4 years ago
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Time to Protect EarthChapter 7

I awoke refreshed, and ready for the day’s exertion. Not waking Sandy (as she slept soundly beside me); I showered, shaved, and dressed. Today, I would become a ‘spaceman’. Heading for the briefing room we had gathered in the previous day, I smiled happily at everyone I passed. I had put the revelation made to Sandy, the previous day, far behind me. Today was a new day, and I was learning a new skill. All to embrace my new life. I wasn’t doing a good job of convincing myself I was happy...

2 years ago
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Schlammschieben im Pornokino

Es war ein Scheisstag gewesen, von einem Kunden versetzt fuhr ich die A73 an Fürth und Erlangen vorbei. Ich wollte mich abreagieren und habe zuerst am Parkplatz zwischen Fürth und Erlangen gestoppt, aber dort war leider nichts los, also weiter gefahren ins Pornokino nach Erlangen. Dort angekommen bin ich erst mal eine Runde durch Kino geschlendert und habe einen Kaffee getrunken, in der GloryHole Kabine saß ein DWT und offerierte seinen Mund und Arsch wollte aber nicht aus der Kabine kommen und...

2 years ago
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HandsOnHardcore Marilyn Crystal MMF Magic With Blonde Stunner

DDF real estate agents Vince Karter and Erik Everhard double team Ukrainian sex-goddess Marilyn Crystal in a cum worthy hardcore MMF threesome event that is an absolute must-see. The blue-eyed and blonde glamour model is a real eyeful from every angle. Stroke it over ogling all of her incredible assets, especially her curvy ass and amazing medium tits bouncing around as the stunner gets plowed from both ends. This college cutie being crammed and double penetrated in cowgirl affirms that...

2 years ago
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If You Cant Join Em Watch Em Pt3

Nick not going unfortunately left me with a reservation for a fairly expensive hotel room to cover by myself. I tried to switch rooms, but the whole place was already booked by then—I was pretty much fucked, but we talked about it and he agreed to pay his half even if he wasn't going to be there. I didn't put up much of a fight. When our next “No Clothes Sunday” came up I told Char everything; I think she was more excited about it than I was. “Sweet! I can't wait to come up and share that...

3 years ago
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A Hard Days Night

Long, curly, dark brown hair. Her hair stopped just below her shoulders, shimmering in the dim light. I’m talking hair straight out of those hairgasm commercials on TV. Yes, that is what I remember most, the first time I saw her. I had been in meetings all day and was exhausted. Manual labor is tiring, but not the head pounding, wore out, limpness fatigue you get from mental strain. So I hit the first bar I saw after leaving the office. One drink, just one. You know, to relax. Nice bar, I...

3 years ago
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Nangi Bhabhi Aur Main

Hello friends, Indian sex stories dot net pe ye mera bhabhi k sat sex 1st story hai mera name sourabh hai or me 25yr k hu. My height 5.6ft hai or main job k lie andhra shift hua tha. Ye story 2yr ki bat hai jab me job kar kar k bahot bore ho gaya tha tab 1 din ye sab sudden hua. Bhabhi k name Sriya hai un k height 5.5 or figure 38-28-38 k sat ekdum gori body tha or un k upper wala ghar me rent pe alone rah ta hu. Sriya k husband baht bade dress businessman hai, wo month me ghar pe only 10-12...

2 years ago
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Brandon Part 3

Later that afternoon, Brandon and I were back in my room sitting on the bed together talking about what had happened between us the past 24 hours. I was still dressed in my plaid skirt white panties and nothing else. Brandon had his boxers and a t-shirt on.I gotta say, Taylor, your mouth is amazing. You know how to please a cock.Thank you, Brandon. I rubbed my hand over his bulge. The thought of your cock makes me so horny.Since your mouth is so good a pleasing my cock, maybe your ass is too.I...

4 years ago
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Training Cassiopeia Chapter 8

  “Bree! I don’t think I can do that. It’s private and besides – “ “Just how well do you know Sapphire Reynolds?” My question caught her off guard and I cursed my big mouth for putting myself in this hole I’d dug. Sapphire had a lot of kinks and pee was one of them but I must declare to my readers here that it is not one I shared. I just let her watch and it seemed to satisfy her needs, in that area at least. She turned bright red and stammered out some disjointed story about how ‘Sapphy’ liked...

5 years ago
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How to Talk to Girls Chapter 1 How to Talk to Girls

Chapter 1: Boys and Girls "I don't know man. I just don't know how to talk to girls. I get so nervous," Zach admitted. "C'mon dude. Girls are easy. I don't see how you can't talk to them. You go up to them, tell them they're pretty, and boom you got them hook line and sinker," Liam stated. "You just have to be more confident." Zach and Liam were hanging out at Zach's house on a lazy Saturday afternoon. The two were long time friends and fellow teammates on their school basketball...

3 years ago
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Cucks She had been home from her travels for a couple of weeks and I was lying on her bed. Absent-mindedly turning the pages of my magazine, she walked in, reached in one of her draws and retrieved a tube of lubricant. My heart pounded as she applied generous amounts to both of her hands, page 41 of the health section instantly forgotten. She smiled that wicked smile she sometimes has, slow, curving, dangerous and deliberate. Honey, I have some stories to tell you of some naughty things that...

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We met at a "parents without partners" meeting. Technically, I was not really a parent without a partner because, although I had been divorced for five years, my 19-year-old daughter was away at school and my 23-year-old married son was in business with me. The only reason I was there was to meet someone, anyone, and I picked out Judith. Judith was a very small person, almost petite but very good-looking. I guessed her to be about ten or 12 years younger than my 47, say 35 or so, five foot...

2 years ago
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Hosed on the Street

Dashing out of the strip club with $1200 in hand after five hours in the champagne room, I was ready for a night out with Gibson. I called him on my drive home to make sure he was ready to go clubbing. My sexy man was getting dressed when I entered the master bath. He was wearing jeans and a trendy, untucked dress shirt I recently picked up for him at Buckle. I quickly changed into my skinny jeans, a black lace bra, my favorite black blouse that is two sizes too small, and 5" platfrom heels....

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African Safari

Africa Safari My wife Vicki and I arrived in Uppington South Africa the day before ourSafari was supposed to start. After checking into our hotel and getting ourluggage sent up to our room Vicki fell to her knees in front of me and proceededto give me a blow job. I was surprised by her boldness and quickly came inher mouth as she cupped my balls in her fingers and swallowed every drop ofmy jism. I started to reach for her breasts but she got up and said "Save itfor later I'm hungry for some...

1 year ago
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MyFriends Mom

Hi! My name is Rahul, 21 years old from Bangalore now in Chennai. It all happened some time ago, when I was having a very close friend whose name was Sunil. We were very close to each other and studied in the same college. We use to get along very well. We used to study, play, watch movies and do all naughty stuffs that boys do. We were so close that we don't like any other boy to get between us, we tend to live and enjoy life with each other and our life was quite within both of us. Our houses...

4 years ago
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Girlfriend Cheated and I Caught Her pt 2

True story of what happened between me and Sara when she fessed up from around a month or two ago. Continued from “Girlfriend Cheated And I Caught Her.”She admitted to me that she cheated a few weeks ago…Sara was coming over. We were going to hang out like we always did after she got off work. I was so horny, I wanted her so bad. It had been a few weeks since the incident where I caught her with Nick.She came into my house without knocking as she usually does. Wearing a short yellow...

3 years ago
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Wet dreams

I've just woken from the wettest dream in ages and I'm currently lying naked covered in cum writing this.I don't normally have such vivid sex dreams but this was amazing- helped i think by a message i got yesterday! I was with 6 men whilst two kept watch on the door, making sure we weren't interrupted.From the camouflage covered bodies I was dreaming about soldiers!! I was riding one of them, who was topless but had only freed his cock from his trousers. whilst he slowly circled my clit and...

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A DaemonHorn BladeChapter 4

It was the sixth of Lagufæ, the late-mid summer month of the Goddess of the Sea, before Rowan had regained much of his strength once again and realized probably for the first time that his old life here in this village was now over for good. His master's-piece done, his relationship with his old master Gorge was now rather different; not strained, but things were indeed now a bit different between the two men. Sitting here and sharing a pint of beer at the Goblin's Head with him at the same...

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InBetween Chapters 5457

You will want to read this story in order for it to make sense. As much as I don't wish to send readers away, I do want you to know that if diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story most likely will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this...

5 years ago
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Guidelines for Other Hotwives

By Evangelina Vargas {Several months ago, I posted "Guidelines for Happily Married Hotwives." Here is my advice for the rest of you.} OK, many of you have heard about "hot wives," married white women who take lovers, generally hunky young black studs. It sounds sexy but a little scary, too. You have lots of questions and uncertainties and many of you have written to my brother, Homer Vargas for advice. Well, he has asked me to respond because this is something better handled between us...

2 years ago
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First Night With Bala The Maid 8211 Part II

I was staying at Yashoda aunty’s house at night in my room I had all the things and a door would open at back yard garden as it was nearly a 7 pm. I saw bala maid of Yashoda aunt she was hardly 25 with a kid as she came to clean backyard while she was sweeping the garden her full cleavage was on show. I was watching it curiously she looked me and came close for sweep asking what’s up sir in hindi I said kuch nahin then she smiled I asked why are you smiling so she reverted reply saying yashoda...

3 years ago
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Wilhan Dragonslayer a Ring Sword SagaChapter 5

Wilhan and his two brides had the use of a private townhouse for a few days; neither woman wanted her honeymoon to be in Lorgar's house. The house in question belonged to a cousin of Marin's whom she barely knew. It was to there they went soon after Grunden was removed from the party. Marin was eager to find out if what Ethanda said was true. Henna, on the other hand, was resigned to her fate; she could do without a man rutting in her and causing her pain again, but she had agreed to the...

4 years ago
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Teacher seduced by two school girls and their

Teacher seduced by lesbian schoolgirls,... and their mother's Over the next couple of days I hardly saw the girls, and I didn't have any lessons with them. Partly I was relieved as I didn't really know how I would handle the situation, but mostly I was disappointed. My frequent masturbation had almost totally been stimulated by thoughts of their sexy young bodies, and I have to admit I was desperate to repeat the performance, but maybe with this time the two of them spending time on my own...

2 years ago
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Only Incest Porn! While most of us can get off to a wide variety of smut, we usually have a few personal favorite subgenres and sex acts. For a while, my masturbatory diet consisted of only incest porn. My fantasies have really expanded since moving out of my mom’s place, but I’ll probably always have a soft spot for that family stuff. Did I say ‘soft’? Sorry, I meant I’ll always have a raging hard spot for that family is one of those free tubes that just explodes right...

Incest Porn Sites
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Back Room Ch 02

When she got home that night there was a message waiting on her machine. The two spent the night on the phone. When she’d seen him in the crowd something sparked within her. He had been bored, that much was clear. When she got on stage his eyes lit up, but not with the same base lust as everyone else she’d seen. There was an honest wonder in his eyes. He’d inspired her to dance rather then just strip that night, in fact she was afraid he’d think less of her if she’d removed anything. When her...

4 years ago
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Futanari Magic

We were out on a mission, nothing unusual. They're was a man kidnapping woman and we were sent to rescue them and bring the guy to the council. He was a pushover in the end. He had no magic, only a couple of gadgets that caused us a tiny bit of trouble. But we finally had him backed into a corner with nothing left. Or so we thought. Just as Natsu grabbed him he slid his hand into his pocket pulling out a capsule. Natsu immediately smacked it out of his hand. But Natsu's small mind didn't take...

3 years ago
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My Moms Friends

My Moms Friends I got hit really hard by puberty at the ripe old age of thirteen. I thought that I was a constant embarrassment to my mother. As with most teenage boys I had a constant erection and all of her girlfriends knew it too. I though that they came over just to stare at me but mom kept trying to assure me that they were just dropping by to see her. My mother was almost thirty-three years old at the time. She really was a very good-looking woman. Some of her girlfriends were...

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War Diary

I found this diary when I was clearing out a box of thing from my Dad’s. This appeared to be written by my uncle. It might be of interest [Sept 10 1939] – I’ve got my wings! It was obvious a while back we were heading for a fight so I joined up to avoid being called up. The RAF seemed the best option. Father had been in the 14-18 shout in the RNAS until he got shot down and made prisoner. It sounded exciting flying a plane held together by string and glue. [Sept 30] – posted to _. Not allowed...

2 years ago
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A hot July 4th

Only story I have written from the female perspective. Enjoy The day was starting off perfectly, I thought as I scrubbed the soap into my muscles. The sun was hot, the sky blue, and I was extremely aroused. I leaned my head against the shower wall and closed my eyes. The steam wafted up around me in a haze as I climbed from the shower and softly padded my body with the lush terrycloth towel. Checking myself in the mirror I took the extra time to fix myself perfectly, eyebrows plucked, shiny...

4 years ago
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The Incident Took Place While Commencing A Green Field Project

Hello readers, hope everyone is enjoying reading the stories here like me. I am Rahul again, sharing another real incident happened to me a few years back with all the readers of ISS. I am working in an internationally reputed engineering firm for last few years. By the way, I am 25 now. I joined this company as a management trainee and thereafter getting a couple of promotion, I became a project head which has been a decent rise in career. Before coming to the story, I would like to mention...

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Caught out

Following my wife’s confession I found that I was getting suspicious of everyone. Looking back now I realize that I was not coping and was probably on the verge of a nervous breakdown. I even suspected my dad and my brother and my long term friend who just happened to be my cousin.None of it made any sense any more but I found that after a few drinks I felt a lot better about life and my troubles and concerns just disappeared.To make matters worse it was around this time that I caught my wife...

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Expelled From MankindChapter 5

“So, what was the nature of your relationship with the respondent?” Amy Tolliver now asked Kyra Vogel, which more than terrified Allen. “I raped him while in college. I’m a serial rapist, targeting people of both sexes. I do it for control and because it turns me on to have my way with my victims. He got me hooked on it. He was my first victim. It was part of my sorority pledge week, to take a male student against his will. I had to do it and get away with it, of course. Which I did with...

4 years ago
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Over The Top Threeway At Work

In 1990, I was working as an accounting supervisor at a large hotel in Flagstaff, Arizona. I was twenty-nine and in the prime of my life. My hair was cut in a pixie style and was dyed a light red and blond mix. I had 32DD breasts, weighed 110 pounds, with a 24-inch waist, 28-inch hips, and a tight, round ass.At work, I had to dress in a tailored blue skirt that hit just above my knee; I wore a fitted white blouse, and the company’s tailored blue jacket. The uniform fit me like a glove. When the...


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