A Well-Lived Life 3 - Book 1 - SuzanneChapter 17: An Anniversary And A Date free porn video

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June 3, 2000, Chicago, Illinois

“Sam, we absolutely need you to work on that Star Trek transporter.”

“Assuming I could make it work, the energy budget to disassemble, transport, and reassemble a body would be more than the total earth energy production for a year!”

“But I want an Oompa Loompa and I want one NOW!” I whined.

Everyone within earshot laughed hard. We were at Pheasant Run to celebrate NIKA’s 15th Anniversary, one of three regional gatherings.

“Ignore my brother,” Stephanie said. “He’s just whining because flights are too expensive to bring everyone to Chicago.”

“You do have to admit he has a legitimate point,” Dave said.

“Dave agreeing with Steve on a company morale issue?” Elyse asked. “What’s next? The Red Sox winning the World Series?”

“There’s WAY more of a chance of that happening than the Cubs winning it!” Dave declared. “The Sox last won in 1918 before Babe Ruth cursed them. The Cubs last won in 1908 before the Billy Goat curse! And even bringing an Orthodox priest to Wrigley Field didn’t help!”

“What are you doing over the summer, Dave?” Zo asked.

“Julia and I are taking the kids to Greece for a global Kallas family reunion. I have relatives in Australia, Argentina, and Greece, as well as here, obviously, and nearly everyone is going to be in Thessaloniki for a week this summer. We’ll do the tourist thing in Athens as well.”

“If you want a side trip to Constantinople, I’m sure Leila would be happy to arrange it.”

“Don’t you mean Istanbul?” Deborah asked.

“Ask Dave,” I grinned.

“We do refer to it by that name, mostly because that’s its Greek name, plus the fact that the Ecumenical Patriarch, the head of our church, has his cathedral there.”

“Living in the past, as always!” Cindi teased.

“There are quite a few things we can learn from the past,” Dave replied with a grin. “I suppose you’ve heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?”

“MORONS!” a dozen people responded in unison, causing even more people to laugh.

“You would have to figure anyone who works for Steve is a fan of The Princess Bride,” Elyse said.

“You do realize Dave said it that way on purpose, right?” Julia asked.

“Yes, of course!”

“Would everyone please take their seats?” Kimmy asked via a microphone at the front of the room.

Everyone moved to our assigned seats, though I went to stand at the podium next to Kimmy. Once everyone was seated, she spoke again.

“Welcome to NIKA’s Fifteenth Anniversary Celebration! If you’ll bear with me for a few minutes, I’m going to connect the videoconference to bring in the gatherings in Pittsburgh and Colorado Springs, as well as Lyudmila and her team from our sister company in Moscow”

I chuckled, because Lyudmila went by ‘Lucy’ when she was speaking English, but my ‘Russian fetish’ as she called it, meant we all called her by her Russian name. As for the others, most everyone had traveled to their regional headquarters for the parties. That much we’d managed to fit into our constrained budgets, though I’d had to lobby hard to make it happen. In the end, with only about two dozen people having to travel, I’d carried the day. Kimmy brought Moscow and the other two US gatherings online, then came back to the podium.

“Welcome Pittsburgh, Colorado Springs, and Moscow! We’re going to have a short presentation on the founding of NIKA and her «kami» by Steve, and then a few words from Joyce Tarrance, who chairs the Board of Directors. But before that, we’d like to greet several special guests. In Colorado Springs, we have Scott Bannerman, whose teaching and guidance led to the creation of the company you see today. Here in Chicago, we have Dave Kallas, one of the founders of NIKA who is now teaching at IIT and working on a PhD. We also have with us in Chicago Mr. Ben van Hoek and Ms. Jocelyn Mills, who along with Mr. Ben Jackson, who is in Colorado Springs, and Ned Jenkins, who is in Pittsburgh, are the core leadership of our User Group. Steve?”

I stepped up to the podium and took a single 3x5 notecard from my pocket and set it on the podium. It had just the key points I wanted to cover.

“In late 1983 and early 1984, a small group of IIT students, plus a student at UofC, discussed their plans after graduation, and the seeds were planted. Dave Kallas suggested a name in March of 1984, and it stuck. Later that year, and the following Spring, Don Joseph Grossi and my father, Ray Adams, agreed to put up the capital for those friends to start NIKA Consulting. And on June 3, 1985, immediately after graduation, NIKA Consulting was born. Dave and Julia Kallas, Cindi Spanos, Elyse Clarke, and I had our first meeting in what is now my study, but which was our study room while we were in college. What I called my ‘office’ is the nanny room.

“On that first day, Penny Penfield joined us as our first employee, albeit part-time while she was in High School. Not long after, we hired more people, and outgrew that small space. We moved to the attic room, where many of you have been for parties at my house. But as we continued to grow, and Mario Gage and Charlie Johnson came on board, we outgrew even that space, and moved to rented space in the Union Hall on Hyde Park Avenue. From there, we continued to grow until we had to take our own space not far from the Union Hall, and then, eventually into the building, now buildings, in the West Loop.

“Through it all, we’ve sought to preserve what we call the «kami» of NIKA Consulting. That’s a Japanese word which means ‘spirit’ or perhaps ‘ethos’, though it can be personalized as well. The values we hold have not changed since that first day we met in what is now my study, and it is my challenge to myself, and to all of you, to see that we maintain it. All of you are the Ekklesia, the assembly of the called ones. Yes, there is Christian religious meaning behind that term, but it was also used in ancient Greece for the assembly of citizens.

“Each and every one of you is called to further the mission and message of NIKA. I know that sounds religious in nature, and some have jokingly referred to NIKA as ‘The First Church of Steve’...”

There was laughter and a lot of knowing nods, and an expected frown from Bob Larson, which I ignored.

“ ... but all kidding aside, if we do not promote the message, the mission, and the «kami» of NIKA, we’ll be overwhelmed by the forces arrayed against us. We won’t involve ourselves in a race to the bottom. We won’t take actions which intentionally hurt our team or our customers. We will never, ever trade anything for quality. And that means that each of us has to work harder than the average person because we have to convince the world that there is value in treating our customers and our staff justly and equitably.

“We’re entering tough economic times and we need to navigate dangerous seas. To stick with that metaphor, we need all the oars pulling in the same direction. But the thing is, that has always been how NIKA has operated. Stay the course and we’ll all make it through this. I’m not going to go into details, but our finances are sound and our reserves are sufficient to meet the challenges. But we can’t slack off or let up. And I know we won’t, because we’ve made a point to only hire the best people and expect them to give their best. And you have.

“Before I turn the microphone over to Joyce, I have an announcement to make. And that is, each and every employee will receive, as of Monday, 100 shares of NIKA stock as a special bonus for our 15th Anniversary. Those shares will having a vesting period of a year, at which point you can choose to hold them, or convert them to cash at the exchange rate set by the board. The message you should take away from this is that I believe all of us own NIKA, and all of us are responsible for her success. Thank you.”

There was loud applause and a bit of cheering as I moved away from the podium to take my seat between Stephanie and my dad. Joyce went to the microphone and spoke briefly of her grandfather’s vision, and how she was sure he would be pleased with the results. She then handed out the service awards for fifteen, ten, and five years of service. With that complete, she turned the microphone back to Kimmy.

“We’re going to end the call now so that meals may be served. We wish you all a wonderful celebration!”

She disconnected the call, and a technician from Pheasant Run moved the video camera out of the way, then powered off the large screen where the call had been displayed for everyone in Chicago in ‘split screen’ fashion. A team of waiters and waitresses quickly served salads and then the main course, and finally dessert and coffee, while a string quartet provided soft music. When everyone finished eating, the bar was opened once again, and everyone circulated.

“Did you see Bob’s frown,” Elyse asked quietly.

“Let him. I guarantee you nobody will complain, including our Jewish, Muslim, Mormon, Buddhist, Hindu, atheist, or agnostic employees. If he can show me one scintilla of religious discrimination at NIKA, I’ll eat my computer. We went through this BS when Maddie complained about the Buddhist monk and Dave’s priest. It’s not discrimination to mention it. And if it makes people uncomfortable, well, tough shit. They shouldn’t be working for NIKA.”

“As you say, it’s his job, though I agree with you. I have $100 that says he doesn’t say a word.”

“No bet, because at this point, he knows better. I totally get his caution, and I want him to be cautious. But this doesn’t come close to crossing the line. If he can produce one person who is even mildly annoyed I said that, besides himself, I’d be shocked.”

“You don’t know everyone that well at this point.”

“No, but I know Zeke, Mario, and Barbara, and trust them. I met everyone during our tour and I can’t imagine any of them even thinking about what I said the way Bob did. You heard the laughter, and I personally saw our NIKA version of Elizabeth laughing just as hard as everyone!”

“John is pretty outspoken on thinking religion is BS.”

I chuckled, “Because most of it is, if you take it the way the most ardent believers do. Shall we mingle?”

“It’s too bad we can’t dance...” Elyse said with an evil grin.

“On that one, Bob was right. If we had spouses here, that would be one thing. Otherwise, it’s asking for trouble we don’t need, even if everything is on the up-and-up. Karl backed him 100%, as did Al Barton, and I really couldn’t disagree. My dad and Joyce were mellower about it, and you know Beth’s take.”

“Your guaranteed, absolute, sure vote on the Board. She has never, ever, once gone against you. Well, not without your permission, which is basically the same thing!”

“That is the usual lineup - Karl and Al versus Joyce and my Dad with Beth being my tiebreaker. But seriously, that’s mostly Stephanie’s issue. And you know I’ll dance with you anytime, Ms. Clarke!”

“Naked?” she teased.

“You remember what I said? I will never say ‘no’ to you. Ever.”

“Despite your belief that nobody can commit irrevocably to sex?”

“I could, in theory, change my mind, but short of Eduardo telling you not to ask, I can’t see it happening, and if he tells you not to ask, then I’m not going back on my commitment.”

“You know I can’t ask at this point. Not since he and I are living together.”

“Which is your choice, Belgium. One I respect.”

We left the head table and went to get drinks and talk with the staff. I spent a few minutes talking with my dad, but we’d have more time to spend together when he came up for the ceremony the guys had arranged at Great Lakes which was in just under two weeks.

“I’m glad your mom let you take the L with me”, I said as Kelly and I walked onto the platform in Hyde Park.

“I think she’s only worried, Jesse, if you and I are together alone!” Kelly replied. “Are we still seeing Mission: Impossible 2?”

“Yep. Ed Debevic’s for dinner, then the movie at Water Tower Place. We’ll get ice cream and be home by 11:00pm. Mom Two will pick us up at the L because it’ll be so late. I’ll call her with my cell phone when we get on the L after the movie.”

“Your dad was awesome being able to convince my mom it was OK for us to travel downtown together.”

“We’re fourteen! It’s not like we’re babies! And you took the self-defense class at my dad’s dojo last summer!”

“At least next year we don’t have to have moms and dads with us to get to school.”

“True, but when the weather is bad, we have to take the bus. I’ll probably meet you at the bus stop those days. We’ll have to figure it out with Rachel.”

“Are you going to keep taking Spanish?”

“We need two years for college, so yes. Dad took Spanish, but also German. They don’t offer German at school, just Spanish and French. Mom One took Latin, and Mom Two took French.”

“How did your moms meet?”

“At college in California. Mom One used to live in Ohio close to my dad, but her family moved to Seattle when she was a Senior. She was supposed to come to IIT with Dad, but a bunch of bad stuff happened and she decided to go to Stanford. That’s where she met Mom Two.”

“But your dad and Mom One...”

I laughed, “Obviously, or I wouldn’t be here! But Mom Two was there and helped!”

“Helped?” Kelly asked.

“Helped,” I grinned.

“Oh! Like the three of them...”


“But if they’re lesbians...”

“Mom Two is bisexual. Mom One was confused in High School because stupid people thought everyone should be straight, no matter what. She and Dad fell in love and even talked about getting married, but they always had problems. Mom One says it was because she was a lesbian but was fighting it. Despite that, they decided to have me. Mom Two was there, and then Mom One and Mom Two got married about a month after I was made.”

“But they can’t be married, right? I mean not like by a priest or judge.”

“Dad did the ceremony for them. Everyone who was there was naked, too!”

“What?!” Kelly gasped.

“They had a ‘sky clad’ wedding. And they don’t care what the Governor of Illinois thinks any more than Dad and Aunt Kara care what he thinks.”

“Your family is VERY strange!”

“Yes we are!” I said with pride. “And that’s a good thing, even if some stupid busybodies don’t agree.”

The L train came and we got on and found seats.

“Did you talk to Francesca today?”

“No. I called and the number was disconnected and didn’t have a new number. Dad said that means they changed their phone number to an unlisted one.”

“God, her mom is a bitch!”

“I know,” I sighed.

“My mom is strict, but she’s not crazy like that! Raven says she’s worried I’m going to do stuff she doesn’t want me to do!”

Raven was her older sister who was in college.

“Mom One and Dad both say most parents are like that.”

“But they aren’t. Why?”

“Because they think I’m my own person and should make my own decisions. They taught me how to be responsible and to make good choices.”

“So they’re OK with you, uhm, fooling around?”

“That’s my business not theirs, except if they think I’m in danger for some reason.”

“So have you? You know?”

“Yes. But that’s all I will say except to say my dad provided the condoms.”

“Oh, wow! My dad would go looking for the guy and shoot him! Well, if he had a gun!”

“I have an FOID card,” I said. “Which means I’m allowed to own or handle a gun. My dad has a permit to allow him to carry his gun everywhere.”


“Because some bad guys threatened him. Did I tell you about the girl he rescued from a pimp at Union Station?”

“No! What happened?”

“He saw a girl being lured by a pimp and helped her get away. Later that pimp pulled a knife on my dad. Dad says that during their encounter, the man was encouraged to drop his knife and broke his wrist. Dad walked away.”

“You mean your dad did that?”

“Dad just grabbed his wrist. The guy tried to get away and broke his own wrist and dropped the knife. The police talked to my dad and just let him go.”

“Wow! But he’s a karate master! Why carry a gun?”

“Because karate doesn’t work in every case.”

“You never took karate?”

“No. There was no way once I started learning to skate and playing hockey.”

“You’re pretty strong.”

“Thanks. But as Dad says, the most important thing is to avoid trouble in the first place and walk away if you can. If you can’t, then you disarm the person. If that doesn’t stop them, then you hurt them. If they still don’t stop, then you end it, permanently.”

“Like kill them?”

“If they’re trying to kill you, yes. Otherwise? No. But if they keep attacking you after you warned them and blocked them and disarmed them and hurt them, you have to guess they want to kill you.”

“Your dad is pretty cool. Well, all your parents are, and your aunts, too.”

“I think so, but if you tell my dad that, I’ll deny I ever said that!”


“Because I want to keep him off balance! He does the same thing to me and Birgit! But we teamed up, just like I did with my brothers, and now WE have the advantage!”

“You’re too funny!”

“You and your sister didn’t gang up on your parents?”

“No way! If I tried to talk to them the way you talk to your dad, I’d be grounded until I was infinity years old!”

“Dad thinks kids should have an equal say and be respected for their opinions and what they want. But he says that only works if you raise them to be responsible and to think for themselves from the time they’re little. That’s what he’s done with us.”

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Anniversary Surprise Chapter 4

1Evening Delights Dan and Pam nervously rode up the elevator to their suite. Outside their suite, Pam tore the note off the door and read it out loud, “Hello My Sluts. I am happy you were resourceful enough to secure help in gaining release from your bindings. Now, I should be back to visit after my dinner meeting is done. Until then, I found something to occupy you. Now put on your hoods and knock on the door and follow the instructions you are given.”Dan and Pam put on their hoods and Dan...

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Anniversary Surprise

As we were on our way to a four day romantic getaway at one of our areas five star hotels I couldn’t help but smile at my loving husband. It was our twentieth wedding anniversary and we were going to the same hotel we honeymooned years earlier and in the same wedding night suite as well. What a husband! Twenty years of marriage, wow it seemed like yesterday that I was marrying my high school sweetheart. There was David grinning from ear to ear as he watched me coming down the isle in my...

2 years ago
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My Wedding Anniversary

Hello again, Aditi is here with a new story, this is my fourth story, Everything in detail about me is written in my previous stories, to know me well I suggest to read all my previous stories by clicking on the link blow the story, ‘Find more submissions from this author’ also I request to rate all the stories after reading them as per the level of your liking and disliking. Am Aditi Sharma, 25 years married lady of Delhi living with father in law and two kids, husband is in Singapore. I am...

1 year ago
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Happy Anniversary Darling

I couldn't wait to get home. This was the second anniversary of my wedding night. Our first anniversary wasn’t significant because I was still in college, working two jobs, and I had very little money. Tonight is going to be different. My wife had called a told me to hurry home. She said she had something extraordinary planned for that night. When I arrive home, there is an extra car in the drive. I walk through the garage door into the kitchen, and I find my sweet wife cooking a special...

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Fantasies Became Realities 8211 Part 18 Anniversary Party

Hello all, I hope you guys had a great time. I know it’s been a long time I didn’t come up with a new episode. But with all the feedback I still get, I am so thankful. So I came out of my sabbatical to make you guys happy again with an anniversary party. So as you guys must have read the last episode. There I was in doubt that my brother might smell something cooking between us. I bring you a new episode. So after that episode in the resort, it was a long break, and nothing special happened....

2 years ago
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Wand Book and Candle Part 5

Wand, Book and Candle, Part 5 By Elliot Reid A scorching plain of fine white mica lay beneath an obsidian sky. Above it hung the Moon, wreathed in flame. Before me hovered a figure I did not recognize, pale and cold. It looked nothing like my father and yet I knew it was him. "Why do feel these things?" I asked the specter. "Why do I want to mutilate my girlfriends?" "The wand asserts itself," the ghost said, its voice dry as a library. "The what?" "The wand. Your old...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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An Anniversary Party To Remember

The night of my parents' 30th wedding anniversary was definitely one that nobody in my family will ever forget. I can't think of any other way to begin this story than to begin when I arrived at their house for dinner. My brother and I had both been invited to Mum and Dad's house that Friday night with strict instructions to dress nicely, because Mum was going to be cooking us one of her roast lamb dinners to mark the anniversary. So yeah, at the very least we knew we were guaranteed a...

3 years ago
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BCS Black Cock Slut on my Anniversary

I' m a 29 year old woman who married right after college. My husband and I both landed good jobs earning well over 100K a year. We decided not to have c***dren right away to build our careers.I am an attractive woman Brunette, 5'7" tall, with a 36C-26-36 athletic build.Six and a half years into the marriage my husband and I decided it was time to start a family. We had substantial savings to cover my maternity leave. I went off the pill but try as we may it was not happening.A week before our...

2 years ago
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Anniversary Celebration

AnniversaryCelebrationby Honda  ©Copyright 2003 Honda-Matic, AllRights Reserved. This story may be reproduced only in its full, original,unedited and unmodified posting where: 1) full credit is given to itsauthor and, 2) no commercial gain of any sort is realized as a resultof its reproduction. No permission is granted, actual or implied, toreproduce a modified version of this story, in whole or in part, withoutthe express consent of the author.Warning: This story is intendedfor mature adults...

4 years ago
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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

3 years ago
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Mary Deannas Anniversary Fuck part 4

Sharon Learns It AllWe went to a restaurant that had secluded tables and she just said, "Spit it out girl!"I didn't know how to begin. Sharon said, "I know its hard. I KNOW what you are going through. Let me help you."I stared at her, with the implication of what she had just said going through my mind."You. You and Robert, too," I stammered?She nodded yes and said, "Robert has been Fucking me for two years. I was his first conquest after he started working here. Now, tell me how it happened."I...

2 years ago
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An anniversary to remember

Hello ISS Lovers! It was his anniversary with his conspicuous by her absence. Guess who eventually compensated for the excitement lost ? Let me have your impressions about this story at Anniversaries are not worth celebrating if you are alone. Mukesh sighed helplessly as he felt immensely aloof on his very first anniversary. Suchi, his wife had gone for her first delivery and the small flat in the suburbs of New Bombay had begun looking like a haunted house in her absence. He even cursed...

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My Anniversary Present Lesbian

My husband has always been fascinated by my desire to make love to a woman. I am relationship straight, but sexually bi-curious. I've always wanted to feel the soft lips of a woman against mine, the feel of smooth skin caressing my body, making her way to my soaking wet pussy. My husband fully supports my desires. He likes watching me make myself cum to videos of lesbians sliding their pussies across each other, fucking myself with my rabbit on full speed, cumming in time with them. We came up...

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Our wedding anniversary with BEST MAN Brett

Our anniversary with the BEST MAN BrettI was excited when Agness and I both were invited to Brett's for our anniversary. I wasn't sure if I was to be invited tonight. I know that Brett likes being alone with my wife Agness. Maybe my watching the Best Man take my wife and her making me clean and suck him on my wedding anniversary was why I got the invite. For whatever reason, I was grateful. There is nothing better than a night with Brett doing whatever he wishes with my wife and I.We had...

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The Anniversary

Reverend and Mrs. Lowell Cantcatch had been with the First Church of Abbentville for the past 10 years and were dearly loved by their congregation. As a token of their esteem for their attending to the spiritual and physical welfare of the community, the whole body had decided to give them an all expense paid anniversary trip where they would be able to celebrate both their 10th year with the Church and also their 15th wedding anniversary.The small South Georgia community of Abbentville had...

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Anniversary Proposal

Chapter OneI’m walking along the beach at 4am. It’s quiet except for the sound of the waves softly crashing at my feet. I left my new lover’s room about an hour ago. I couldn’t go back to my suite yet and to my husband. We’re here on this Caribbean Island for our anniversary but it hasn’t gone like we planned. Don’t get me wrong, it has been hot, full of sensual nights and days. I don’t know where to start telling you the story. So I guess I will start at the beginning.My name is Jen. I’ve been...

4 years ago
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Happy Anniversary

Lauren was always the pretty girl in school. Brilliant natural red hair running just past her shoulder blades, flawless lightly tanned skin and perky B cup breasts. She stood at just over 5 feet and 3 inches tall, shorter than everyone else she knew and most of her height was in her legs, which she took advantage of all the time. If it was warm enough to wear a skirt she did, and it always was accompanied by thigh high socks. She didn’t mind what top she wore, so long as it wasn’t practically...

Straight Sex
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Anniversary Presents

Copyright © 2002 by the author It was coming up on our first anniversary when my wife and I proceeded beyond our usual passionate but essentially mundane love-making and began sharing sexual fantasies with each other, and sometimes even play-acting them with each other. Not that there was anything wrong with our sex life--to the contrary! We had still been in the throes of our "newlywed bliss" and experimentation hadn't been necessary. Love-making had been almost always missionary...

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Tales of Lotus Island The first anniversary

Lisa and Alex were surprised when they arrived for dinner with her parents to find Alex’s parent had been invited and even more interesting their house keeper Stella particularly as they had a ménage a trois with Stella.“Hello darling would you like an aperitif.” Said her mother Sophie. Notching that her daughter was looking at Stella for once modestly dressed in a cocktail dress. “Did you think we didn’t know about Stella? Well to be fair we didn’t but Stu and Fliss quickly worked it out and...

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It is just the beginning of summer and high school vacation is finally here. My parents’ anniversary is just a day away. But in the afternoon, my parents had a big fight about the fact that my dad’s co-worker who supposes to be on a business trip to a convention is on a sick leave and my dad had to take his place in this short notice. Tomorrow will be my parents’ big night out to celebrate, but now my dad has to be out of town. Mom was so furious she slammed the door on dad as he leaves the...

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mom Anniversary Fuck From Son

visit on www.papahaxx.com website to see more top rated stories like theseIt is just the beginning of summer and high school vacation is finally here. My parents’ anniversary is just a day away. But in the afternoon, my parents had a big fight about the fact that my dad’s co-worker who supposes to be on a business trip to a convention is on a sick leave and my dad had to take his place in this short notice. Tomorrow will be my parents’ big night out to celebrate, but now my dad has to be out of...

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Moms Anniversary Fuck From Son

It is just the beginning of summer and high school vacation is finally here. My parents’ anniversary is just a day away. But in the afternoon, my parents had a big fight about the fact that my dad’s co-worker who supposes to be on a business trip to a convention is on a sick leave and my dad had to take his place in this short notice. Tomorrow will be my parents’ big night out to celebrate, but now my dad has to be out of town. Mom was so furious she slammed the door on dad as he leaves the...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 6 The Don and His Granddaughter

July 1980, Colerain Township, Ohio “What’s going on with you and Jennifer?” Larry asked. “She’s upset, but she won’t tell me what happened.” “We’re in a pretty bad place,” I said. “I’m not sure there’s really any future between us at this point.” “Why? You guys managed for a year while you were in Sweden. You can manage another year before college.” “Maybe if she had told me about it right away. Maybe if we had talked about it. But she knew in March and I only found out when her mom...

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Anniversary Presents

He had desperately wanted this present more than anything she could ever give him. This Anniversary he would be getting it, she just didn’t know it yet. He lit the wicks on the slim tapers, fat pillars, and quietly colored votive candles resting around the bathroom. He smiled when he heard the car door slam, then tested the temperature of the softly scented water one last time. Perfect. There was nothing worse than working on an Anniversary, bosses had no sense of proportion about these...

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Annie Says Maybe Ch 12 The AnniversarySpiced

Ch. 1: The AnniversaryOn their tenth anniversary Sam and Annie held hands under a candle-lit dinner table. Their lives together had accumulated an embarrassment of riches; deep, abiding love and respect for one another, two darling and mischievous little kids pittering and pattering all over their condo, and a shiny new SUV, all counted among their crown jewels.Date nights on the other hand, were rarer treasures. The happy couple basked in their moment together, even as they struggled here and...

Straight Sex
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Best Anniversary Gift Ever

"Oh, babe, I'm gonna cum," he muttered, leaning his head back. I quickly got off him, got onto my knees and put my face within a couple inches of his johnson. "Give it to your wife, Rex, every last drop," I commanded him, glaring at his member. My eyes stayed wide open until the very second his load blasted right out. I quickly closed them. "Oh, you still got my eyes, you horny bastard," I giggled. After a few more seconds of him covering my face with his seed, I rose up with him and just let...

Group Sex
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Break in turns into anniversary cucking

Lindsey and Ron had been married for five years. Lindsey had recently delivered the couple’s first c***d but had managed to keep her body in great shape. She had already lost all of the weight she had put on during the pregnancy and her breasts had blossomed to a size 36C. Ron loved to feel Lindsey’s tits, as they were still very firm. Ron’s only disappointment with​​ Lindsey was the lack of exploration in their sex life. Lindsey had grown up in a very conservative household. Her father was a...

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Anniversary Trip ch5 The Party

This is the fifth and final installment of the story of our Tenth Wedding Anniversary. Earlier installments are Tenth Wedding Anniversary, Stripper, Paula's Turn, an Paula's Bi Interlude.At the end of our week in Vegas, I gave Paula her anniversary present, a diamond and blue sapphire dinner ring. The 14 diamonds were inherited from my grandmother, but even with that, the gold setting and sapphires brought the cost of ring to over $1000. Needless to say, Paula was elated with the gift. That...

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Anniversary Trip ch2 Sex Slave Stripper

Anniversary Trip (II) - Sex Slave StripperThis is the second installment of our trip to Las Vegas on the occasion of our 10th wedding anniversary. See the story "Tenth Wedding Anniversary" for the first part of the story. By the time we arrived in Vegas, it was very late, almost midnight. We were both too tired to do anything but check into our hotel, get a late snack in one of the open restaurants in the hotel and go to bed.At 8:00 AM, I awoke with my usual morning hard-on. Paula is usually...

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An Anniversary I Didnt Expect

On the eve of my Master's and my sixth anniversary we laid in bed talking. We talked about everything from how we met, and how things went from friendship, to dating to our Master – pet life. Neither of us had truly been in the lifestyle before each other, but it appealed to the both of us. When it became clear that he was extremely dominant and I was so submissive we did some searching and began our life in the lifestyle. We haven’t looked back. It took us a year of dating to get to the point...

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Mom Ko Mila Anniversary Surprise

Yeh meri kamukta story ka 9th part hai. ye thodi lambi kahani hai lekin puri kahani padh kar aap sab ko bahut hi maza aayega. jin logo ne meri aage ki story nahi padhi wo log niche diye gaye link se meri aage ki story padh lijiye aur apna feedback jaroor bheje. Iss storty ke samjneke liye aage ki story jaroor padhe… Iss story ke sare character ke bare mai aage ki stories mai bata chuka hoo to jyada samay na lete huye sidhe story pe hi aata hoo…. Aaj ka din special hai. aaj meri mom-dad ki...

1 year ago
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Anniversary Present

Brad knew he had to work quickly to get Jerri into a new phase of life before she got too settled. He had a simple theory. Being the good girl wife that Jerri was, she would never succumb to the fantasy if she were given time to think about it. It would have to be a surprise. Some conniving would have to take place. Brad knew what he had to do.Little did Jerri know that he had searched the net long and hard and handpicked a handful of black men for Jerri. He told them all about his wife in...

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