Paradoxical ChauvinismChapter 3
- 3 years ago
- 22
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“You wished to see me?” Doctor Jameson asks as he steps into the lab.
Malcolm looks up from the computer and smiles. “Yes I did, Dr. Jameson.”
“Please, Malcolm,” the other man says, pulling out a chair from the opposite side of the desk. “Call me Rick.” He adds a smile as he sits down. “Just because I’m your boss and head of Star Genetics doesn’t mean we aren’t colleagues.”
“Alright,” Malcolm says. “I wanted to...”
“Let me hear you say it,” Rick interrupts.
“I’m sorry?” Malcolm asks, puzzled.
“My name,” the other says.
“Alright, Rick,” Malcolm says in a placating tone. “I...”
“Now was that so hard?” Rick asks, interrupting again.
“No...” Malcolm answers, not sure what the other doctor’s game is.
Rick busts out laughing. “I’m just fucking with you Malcolm. You’re too serious.”
Malcolm sighs audibly. “I kind of have to be.”
“How so?” Rick asks, sitting forward, intently waiting.
“It’s my girlfriend, Mio,” the man begins. “She’s getting tired of me working so damn much. Hell, I’m tired of working so much.”
“Then don’t,” Rick says. “Hell, take some time off if you need to.”
“Really?” Malcolm asks, his face lighting up.
“Yeah, yeah,” Rick answers with a smile and wave of his hand as he sits back into the chair. “Take all the time in the world that you need.”
“How soon can I take off?” Malcolm asks, sounding as hopeful as he did earlier this morning.
“As soon as you’d like to,” Rick says casually. “However, if you can’t dedicate the time then I’m going to have to pass the program to Dr. Winters.”
“Dr. Winters?” Malcolm exclaims. “Are you serious?”
“Very,” Rick says, relaxing more into the chair. “You’re my best, but I also need this program finished and successful.”
“We’ve got time,” Malcolm counters, sliding the chair back and standing up. “You can’t take me off this. I need this.” He runs his hand through his hair. “C’mon Dr. Jame ... Rick. We’ve got the market cornered here. Nobody is close to our work. I mean the closest has to be at least four years off.”
“Try six months,” Rick calmly says. “Six months.”
“I can’t take off,” Malcolm shakes his head. “And yet I can’t keep up this work load.”
“Look, Malcolm,” Rick says, standing up himself. The sound of the chair sliding back echoes through the lab and catches Malcolm’s attention. “I like you. I like the work you do. And I understand your personal relationships at home are important, but I am also here to make money. If some other company beats us to this then yes, we’ll still make money when we finish, but it won’t be as much. You will not be able to move upward either.”
“Well, what am I supposed to do, Rick?” Malcolm asks, borderline angry. “I’m never home to fuck my girlfriend. She has an incredible sex drive and she sure as hell isn’t getting it from me.”
“Then get it solved,” Rick offers. “Unlock it. Discover it. Fuck, find it.”
“What about clinical trials?” Malcolm asks, not backing down. “Are you going to hand that off to Dr. Winters if I want some time off?”
“That’s a bridge to cross later,” Rick says, His face is neutral betraying any emotion.
“At least cut me a break,” Malcolm says. “I’ve been busting my ass for over a year on this for you. Maybe if I had Dr. Conners’ notes I could have been finished.”
“And I told you her notes were lost or stolen,” Rick reminds him. “For all I know they were destroyed in the fire.”
“You’re not answering my question,” Malcolm redirects.
“I’ll tell you what, Malcolm,” Rick says, still neutral. “You get me a formula that works and I’ll worry about trials.”
“How are you planning that,” Malcolm asks, genuinely curious.
“I’ll simply have the progress at Tomorrow’s Genetics slowed down long enough for a standard level trial to take place,” Rick explains. “I should be able to get it slowed enough to the point that we will have our product on the market for at least a year before them.”
“C’mon, Rick,” Malcolm says unbelieving. “Unless you have an inside person you can’t manage that.”
“Oh, I definitely have an inside person,” Rick says, cracking a smile. “Believe me, I can ensure she will do as I ask.”
Malcolm throws up his hands. “I don’t want to even know.”
The smile on Rick’s face grows larger. “It’s probably best you don’t,” he says. “Plausible deniability and all.”
Malcolm drops his head and slowly shakes it. “You’re the boss.”
Rick laughs. “That I am. Now you follow through and I’ll take care of you. You have my word you can have all the time off in the world and you’ll be rich in the process.”
“Shake on it?” Malcolm asks, holding out his hand.
“You have my word,” Rick says, shaking Malcolm’s hand. “As soon as you have something, you make sure to come and see me.”
“You got it,” Malcolm says beaming with excitement.
Rick quickly takes his leave, umping onto his cell phone as he leaves. “Yeah, Bridget?” he says into the phone. “I’m going to need to see you at my office.” There is a pause both on the phone and at the door. “How soon? How about now?”
Rick steps through the door and his voice quickly fades, leaving Malcolm straining to hear anything else. When he realizes he is being overly noisy he says, “Fuck, Malcolm, mind your own business.” He grins. Fuck, I’m sitting here talking to myself now.”
Malcolm is sitting back in the chair, waiting for another round of results to complete when out of the corner of his eye he sees paper lying beneath the workstation on the far wall. “What the hell is that?” he asks aloud, but there isn’t anyone there to answer.
He shakes his head at the thought of talking to himself again and slips from behind the desk. Moving slowly, as if worried something strange is going to jump out from beneath the station, he drifts closer. Slowly, he reaches down and gathers up the set of papers and begins reading them. His eyes go wide as he takes in the words from the yellow, frayed papers.
“I’ll be damned,” he mutters.
About then the computer bings its results. Malcolm slips back over, his eyes never leaving the papers. When he looks up he isn’t surprised to see the test has resulted in a negative.
“No surprise there,” he says under his breath.
Then an idea hits him. He drops the papers to the desk and bends over it. His fingers set to work inputting data into the computer. When finished, he is about to hit ENTER when a thought occurs. He goes back into the data and makes a couple adjustments.
With the computer running the results Malcolm sits back into the chair to wait. These notes obviously belong to someone and from their age it has to be Doctor Conners. But the lab burned, so how would her notes still be here? “Obviously something is amiss, because she was close.”
“Ms. Rhodes will see you now,” the secretary says to Mio and Malcolm. The pair looks up at the woman and smile. Malcolm tosses his magazine back on the table. “Well, here goes nothing,” he grumbles. “It will work out,” Mio assures him. “She’ll go for our proposal.” “Which one?” he asks, sounding less confident than he did before coming here. “If not the first, then she will the second,” Mio whispers. “Regardless, you don’t need to worry. We got this in the bag.” “I’m glad you’re...
Light conversation fills the atmosphere. The lighting is dim, the tables are clean and the televisions behind the bar are filled with images of the news, stock market and horse racing. It is Malcolm’s element, his stomping grounds. There isn’t a crowd he has to shove his way through and by the time he reaches the bar, the bartender has his drink of choice waiting for him. “Put it on my tab, Charlie?” he asks the bartender. The woman nods. “Dr. Winters is waiting for you over there,” she...
Tori is kneeling on the floor between Rick Jameson’s legs, kissing his thighs, getting closer and closer to his balls. This is the third day she has skipped school to be here. And so far it has been mostly her and Rick, not that she really minds. Rick moans loudly when the girl puts one f his balls into her mouth. She swishes it around, then switches to the other while stroking his thighs with her hands. It hasn’t taken her long to learn exactly what pushes his buttons. He starts breathing...
Malcolm sits across the street in a SUV he rented early this morning. He sips on a cup of coffee, waiting. He looks at his watch for the fourth time since arriving and parking and sighs. He expected Mio to have left the house at least an hour ago, but it seems that she and the detective are still at their morning excursions. Then the door suddenly parts. He scoots down in his seat a little. “I’ve got to run into the city this morning,” Mio says, kissing Detective Lee. “But I will be back...
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After goodbyes at camp, Trip and I flew back to Franklin. I still had to drive back to Atlanta, so I packed the rest of my things, said goodbye to his family, and hit the road. I called Kendall when I got home, but the answering machine picked up. I left a message and called Wren next. “Hey,” I said. “What’re you up to?” “Packing for school. You?” “I’m about to start. I just called Kendall, but I got the machine.” “Did you ever get a chance to talk to her about ... things?” “Not really....
Caught by Satin Pantys I am out of town on business and I am ending what has been a long hectic stressful day. So one of my favorite ways of relaxing is spending money on things I like buying, and that is LINGERIE. So, I look up a local lingerie boutique and go and check out the merchandise. It just happens I am wearing a pair of coral satin hi-cut bikini panties from Victoria's Secret, a beige satin and lace camisole and thigh-hi stockings on under my suit today and I'm feeling...
Hi readers my name is Kevin and I hereby post the story of me fucking with aunt who is a distant relative. Let’s go to the story people. I am a 21 yr old fair looking guy who likes to appreciate all the women. This aunt Subha (name changed for privacy reason) is a distance relative. I used to go to her home once in a while. Her family consists of 4 members. Uncle Durai 48, aunt Subha 41, their two children a son Praveen 18 and a daughter Swathi 19. As I used to go to their home often her son...
IncestThe TV news announcer was telling the camera what a beautiful day it was going to be, with no thunderstorms in the forecast and great beach weather, if anyone could find a beach. Looking at the clock told me it was five in the morning. That was reasonable as it was six at home. I felt nasty having slept in my clothes with my leg strapped on all night. I stripped, hopped to the bathroom, and after covering my wounds with waterproof bandages, took a long shower, washing off the grime of the...
My sexy wife Christi is usually pretty reserved but sometimes after a few glasses of wine she lets herself loosen up a bit. I have always wanted to share her but haven't been able to get her to consent. Christi is very sexy. She has long brown hair, beautiful blue eyes and what I think is a smoking hot body. She is five foot six inches, weighs around 120 pounds, has nice firm 34b breasts and long sexy legs. This particular night she looked especially hot. She was wearing a short dress that went...
Wife LoversIntroduction: Authors Note: I hope you Enjoy the story. Feedback, and Comments, even Critisizam is much Appreciated. I will admit I am a Horrible Speller. This is a story I thought up, and it took me a few hours to put it down(about 6). Sorry, but being Single, and horney contributed to the story, but not getting any for years doesnt help as I was hard almost the entire time I took to write the story. Ive been on a business trip, and I was only supposed to get home the day after tomorrow. But I...
FMVGFA ;) My friend Al called round this morning. We'd been fuckbuddies off and on for a few years but the snatched hours we had had were always filled with quick, crazy, messy and dirty sex leaving little time for exploration of our fantasies. Now I'd split from my long term boyfriend, Al seized the opportunity to cheer me up a little. We'd never discussed anal sex in any great depth before but we both knew that arse fucking was something he had longed to do with me and vice versa. Last night...