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Karen came running out of her house when we pulled up. She threw her arms around me so I kissed her gently. "Is your dad around, Honey?" I asked her.

"Yeah, he's out in the barn smoking one of his stinky cigars."

"Okay, I need to talk to him for a bit. Patty will fill you in on everything that's going on."

Claud was indeed smoking one of his big cigars and whittling on a piece of wood. "Howdy, Ed," he said as I walked up.

"Howdy, Claude. So, you're banished to the barn when you want to smoke a cigar?"

He laughed. "No, I can smoke in the house if I want, but the misses makes such a big production out of opening windows and turning on fans that it's just a lot less hassle to smoke out here."

I got a chuckle out of that. "I have something I need to talk to you about... Dad has taken off. Evidently mom told him he had to have a job by a certain date or she was going to kick him out. He left a note saying he was going to California to look for work. He took all of his clothes and all of his personal possessions, so we don't think he's going to be coming back."

"I hate to say it, but you all might be better off if he didn't"

I just nodded.

"Are you guys okay for money?"

"Yeah, we're fine, Claude. What I wanted to talk to you about was the farm. We haven't been making use of it. Mom raises a big garden, but I can't ever remember dad planting any crops. We have a lot of equipment, but most of it hasn't been run in years. I'd like to plant some crops this summer, but I don't know where to start."

Claude had a big grin when he said, "Well, if you're serious about planting crops, I might be able to be of some help. I'll be happy to look over your equipment with you, sometime before spring. I'll even help you fix anything that needs fixing. I'd suggest that you start out very small though. Maybe just one field with one crop the first year unless you need the money."

"No, mom says we're okay on money for the foreseeable future. I think one crop would be a smart way to start."

We talked for a few minutes more about what crop would be the best to start off with then Claude stamped out his cigar and we walked back up to the house. It was dark and we couldn't see Patty and Karen sitting on the porch, but we could hear them giggling.

As we got closer we could see them sitting on the swing. When they saw us they moved apart, leaving me room to sit between them. "Would you guys like some iced tea?" Claude asked.

We all agreed we'd like some. Karen started to get up and go help, but Claude told her to stay where she was. He and Martha came back out in a few minutes with drinks for everyone. They sat in a couple of chairs and we all talked for a while.

I had my arm around Karen and Patty was leaning heavily against the other side of me. I was in heaven. When we finished our tea, Patty and I said we should be getting home to check on mom. We all agreed Patty and I would be over the next morning at the regular time and we'd wait for a call from Claude's attorney there.

Mom was still up when we got home, so we went into the living room to talk with her for a while.

"So, what did you need to talk to Claude about, if I'm not being too nosey?" she asked.

"I wanted to get his advice about planting some crops next spring," I told her.

"What did he have to say" she asked. I'll swear she was beaming.

"He said we should start small with only one crop next year and only one field of it."

"I'd be very pleased if we could start growing crops again. You did know this was my grandparents' farm, didn't you?"

"No, I don't think I knew that, Mom. They were dead not long after I was born. I know someone was farming it until about four years ago, but I don't think dad ever did anything with it."

"You weren't a baby when they died. You were around five years old. Your father never did do any farming. Your Uncle Jack farmed this place until he had his heart attack. Since then it's just lain fallow. I'd always thought that with your brain you'd want to be off doing something else, so I never had any hopes of it ever being productive again."

"I love this place, Mom. I always have and I always will. I just may end up staying here the rest of my life."

I had been in bed about a half an hour, thinking about all that was going on when Patty came in. She slapped me on the hip and told me to move over. She laid down beside me, me under the covers and her on top.

"So, are you really thinking about being a farmer?" she asked.

"I'm thinking about it, Sis. I've always enjoyed the work when I worked for the other farmers in the area. I know it's not high-tech or anything, but there's something about living on a farm that I really like."

"I like living on a farm too. I don't even mind doing the chores. We've been kind of isolated growing up, but I've never really minded that either. Karen is my best 'girl' friend, but I've always thought of you as my best friend."

"I know what you mean. I know we could have always gone to mom if anything was bothering us, but I've always talked to you instead. I was always afraid that if I talked to mom, it might get back to dad. I knew if I talked to you that no one else would ever know."

"That is a very nice compliment, Ed. I've always trusted you more than anyone else too. There were some things I talked to mom about rather than you because it would have embarrassed me to ask you about them, but for the most part it was always you."

I had to laugh. "I guess there are some things a girl wouldn't want to talk to her brother about."

Patty blushed, but she said, "I don't think it would bother me too much now."

Patty sat up then leaned over and kissed me goodnight. "Sleep tight, Ed," she said as she left the room.

Day 6 Wednesday, October 27

Mom had breakfast ready for us when we got downstairs. Mom was really opening up since dad wasn't around and we had a great time laughing and joking over breakfast.

Patty and I got our chores done and got ready for school. I asked mom if she'd like to ride over to Claude's with us, but she said she'd be over a little later.

Karen ran out to meet us when we pulled into their driveway. She blushed, but came into my arms when I held them out. "Good morning, Love," I said, then I gave her a gentle kiss.

Karen took my hand then we walked into the house. Claude and Martha were both smiling at us as we sat side by side at the table.

The call from Claude's attorney came in just after 9:00 AM. She said that everything had been taken care of and that we should go back to school. The three of us loaded into the car and took off. I was really kind of happy to be going back.

Our second period classes were nearly over when we got there so we just waited and went to our third period classes. I ran into Jerry Bostwick in the hall and he stopped me.

"So, you went to the police," he said. I couldn't tell if he was angry or not, so I just nodded.

"Well, I suppose you had to. I wanted to thank you for putting in a good word for me. They came to my house and questioned me last night, but they said you told them I didn't have much to do with it and that you thought I had learned my lesson. They gave me a warning and told me I'd have to testify against Shepard."

"I'm glad you're getting off with a warning," I told him. "I appreciate you giving me a heads up about what Shepard was planning."

"Not a problem, Ed. Are we straight then?"

I nodded so he stuck out his hand. We shook and he left smiling. So was I.

Karen and Patty sat with me at lunch. I told them about Jerry. Both of them were pleased and Karen was ecstatic. She hugged my arm and told me I'd get a big kiss later.

We talked as we ate and the subject of farming came up. "Patty tells me you're thinking of living on your farm after you get out of school," Karen said.

"I'm thinking about it. I like living on a farm and I like the work. Do you like farm life?"

"Yes, I do. Dad has kind of spoiled me and hasn't let me help much in the fields. I do have my chores though and I don't mind them. Everyone says being a farm wife is a hard life, but mom doesn't seem to mind it. I don't think I would mind it either."

I was a little startled by the farm wife comment, but I got over it quickly. Hell, if Karen wanted to be my wife, I was all for it.

As we were eating dinner that evening, I asked mom, "Have you heard anything from dad?"

"No, and I'm really glad I haven't. I've been doing a lot of thinking the last couple of days and I've reached some decisions. I guess now is as good of a time as any to tell you and Patty about them."

I looked over at Patty and she gave me a little smile. "Okay, Mom," I said.

"First off, I'm not going to let your dad come back. I've supported us for seventeen years and I think that is enough."

"I agree, Mom," Patty said.

"Secondly, I'm going to file for divorce. I talked to Claude's attorney while you were in school today and she says she'll file the suit for me."

I took mom's hand and gave it a squeeze. "I think you're doing the right thing, but I hope it isn't because of me."

"I'll admit it is partially because of you, but it is mainly because of me. Your dad hasn't physically abused me, but the mental abuse has been getting worse over the years. He has been accusing me of running around on him and has threatened me a few times."

"You've never had a chance to run around on him, Mom," Patty said. "You're always home."

"I know, Patty, but that didn't stop him from accusing me. I think a lot of it is jealousy over money. My grandparents were very wealthy. They never liked or trusted John, but they loved me. Before they died, they signed this farm over to me. They set it up in such a way that I could never sell it or mortgage it. It goes to you kids when I die. They set the trust fund up so that I could only take out so much a month until I reached the age of thirty. John knew all of this and it bothered him."

"In a way I could see why it bothered him. That could even be the reason he turned out the way he did," I said.

"No, Honey, he turned out the way he did because of himself. You were five years old when my grandparents died. Until then we had no idea about the farm or the trust. During those five years we practically starved. Your father would get a job and hold it for a couple of weeks, then he'd get fired for fighting. Some years he didn't even work enough to get unemployment insurance. When mom or my grandparents knew we were hurting, they'd slip me a little money for food."

"He wasn't a drunk or anything was he, Mom?" I asked.

"No. Just mean. He spent six months in jail one time when you were two years old. He hit a man with a shovel on one of the jobs he was on. Mom wanted me to divorce him then, but I kept hoping that someday he'd grow up. It just never happened."

I looked over at Patty then we both got up and hugged mom from either side. I was a little surprised that she wasn't a little more upset, but then I thought of everything dad had done to her.

After I had gone to bed, Patty came in and visited with me again. "So, what do you think about what mom said?" she asked after she had laid down on top of the covers again.

I turned over and put my arms around her. "The only thing I regret is that she didn't do this a long time ago," I said.

"Yeah. I feel sorry for mom. She's wasted her life on a loser. I guess she's still young enough to enjoy life though."

"She's only thirty-five. She has a lot of life left ahead of her. Maybe she'll even find another man."

"You don't think thirty-five is too old to have sex?" Patty asked.

"Honey, people have sex up into their eighty's or ninety's."

"Eewh, that sounds gross."

"It probably won't sound gross when you're eighty or ninety."

"I doubt that I'll ever have sex."

"Why's that, Sweety?"

"It would have to be just the perfect man. I know there is a perfect man for me, but I doubt he'd ever want to have sex with me."

"If he didn't there'd have to be something wrong with him," I told her. "You are a lovely young lady, Patty. Any man would want to make love to you."

She laid her head on my shoulder and we snuggled for a few minutes. Then she kissed me on the cheek and went off to bed.

Day 7 Thursday, October 28

Mom was in the best mood I'd ever seen her in the next morning. I gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek when I got myself a cup of coffee.

"What's up, Mom. You seem happy."

"I am happy. I've agonized for years over filing for divorce. I always thought I'd feel so lonesome. Now that I've done it, it's like I have a new chance at life."

"Good for you, Mom."

"Ed, you have no idea how happy you've made me by wanting to try your hand at farming."

"Well, Mom," I said as Patty came in and poured herself some coffee. "I don't know if I'll be able to make a go of it, but I certainly want to try."

"That's all anyone can do. Have you told Karen what you're planning to do?"

Patty giggled. "Karen said she wouldn't mind being a farm wife."

"Are you two that serious, Ed?" mom asked.

"Heck, we've only had one date, so I can't say we're that serious yet. We do see each other every day though and I do love her. Who knows. She may decide she doesn't like me in a month or two."

"That isn't going to happen," Patty said seriously. "Karen has been in love with you for years. If anything, it'll be you falling out of love with her."

I had to laugh. More from a feeling of contentment than because I thought anything was funny. "Little Sis, there's no way in the world I'm going to fall out of love with Karen. She's beautiful and smart. She's loving and caring and she even likes my bratty sister."

Mom had a big smile as she asked, "So can I plan on a wedding within the next two or three years?"

"I think that's a very good possibility, if she'll have me," I told her.

My sister really is a brat. She repeated the entire conversation to Karen as we were driving to school. I just sat there trying to think up some punishment that would be sufficiently bad to repay her for this.

When Patty finished, Karen hugged my arm and whispered in my ear, "I'll have you."

I know I was blushing, but I also felt ten feet tall. When I stopped the car at school, Karen and I kissed before we got out. It was a very loving kiss with a lot of promise. "I'm going to hold you to that," I said.

"I hope you do."

A couple of weird things happened that morning that almost blew my mind. The first was that Jill Benton stopped me in the hall and asked me if I was going to the Fall Festival. I told her I hadn't really thought about it. She was all smiles as she told me I really should think about going. She even touched me on the arm a few times as we were talking.

The second thing happened in English class. I had gotten there early and I was looking through my notes from last week. As she was walking by, Tiffany Sellars laid her hand on my right shoulder and trailed it across my back to my left shoulder. She stopped for a moment with her hand still on my shoulder and said, "Good morning, Ed." I told her good morning, then she walked on up the aisle. Her butt looked like two cats fighting in a paper sack as she sauntered away.

I told Patty and Karen about them at lunch.

"They were coming on to you, Big Brother," Patty said.

"I'm going to scratch their eyes out," Karen said.

"Karen, my love, you don't have a thing to worry about. I love you and I'm going steady with you. There's no one else I'm interested in."

"Awh, ain't that sweet," Patty said.

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I was rudely awoken by the sounds of heavy petting and sloppy kisses. I rolled over quickly to see Megan and Sam, drunk and making out right next to me. “Oh my God guys.” I said, flinging the covers off of me. Megan flipped the table lamp on and said laughing, “Leigh, I’m sorry.” She covered her mouth to stifle her giggles. “We thought you were on the couch.” I had never seen her that drunk before, so I couldn’t help but laugh too. “Got you some liquid courage huh Meg?” I asked in a sarcastic...

Straight Sex
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FilthyPOV Natalia Nix Showing My StepSis That I Don8217t Have a Small Cock

I can not believe my Ex is talking all this trash about me after we broke, it even got back to my step-sister that I have a small dick. My step-sister Natalia starts to make fun of me accusing me of having a small dick, I can not take this from my step-sister, I pull out my dick to prove it. She must have really liked what she saw cause she wanted to see it….. in her mouth. Natalia starts to suck me off and my dick just keeps getting harder in her mouth. I fuck her right in the backyard...

3 years ago
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Deceit Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The undertone in our house wasn't pretty. In fact, it was ugly, but all I could do was suffer the stares and snide remarks silently. To do otherwise would have caused a firestorm that I did not want, since I had already experienced that thrill when my dad walked in on me and found me completely dressed as a girl, complete with makeup and my hair brushed out. The short miniskirt and low cut blouse with the heels I had on didn't help...

2 years ago
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At the Summit Ch 11

Copyright 2005, All rights reserved Contributed by Richard Williams for the enjoyment of Literotica’s readers. This fictional story is copyrighted and may only be used for your personal pleasure. It may not be sold, distributed, or posted on another website. —————————————————- by Prof. Richard W. (formerly of the University of ____________) —————————————————- Part 11 – ‘Expense Account’ LATE IN 1997 It was the close of another day in Denver, and Sophia had joined me at what was becoming...

2 years ago
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The Loyalty GeneChapter 19

Yevgeny sneered. The little punk next door had grown into an annoying adult, just like his lawyer father. It was past time to find another place to live. He’d allowed his life to become too comfortable. After he finished this business with Grainer, Yevgeny would look for a new house. Perhaps back in West Virginia? The people there were uneducated boors, but they valued privacy. At his front door, Yevgeny gripped the doorknob and twisted. He’d take Natali and beat the truth out of her. Perhaps...

2 years ago
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It was my wifes turn to direct and watch

My wife and I have this on-going agreement. Each month one of us will set up an erotic encounter for the other. We do not disclose the details of the connection or even the time or date, but we agree that the one on the receiving side will go with whatever has been set and wait to give feedback after the adventure. When we first began to do this, we both sat and completed a form we received from a ther****t. It listed sexual fantasies, desires, goals, hard limits, and boundaries. We shared the...

2 years ago
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TRUE STORY My wife cheated on me so I blackmai

this is a true story . and she still has never said a thing about any of it We are a avg couple been together for 19 years married for 12 . we have plain old boring sex that long time couple come to have . we have the family thing going we both work have a mortgage doing the grow old together thing . I have always had a fantasy of her banging another guy maybe i join in for the MFM , I told her about it one time during sex . I figured she had some thing like this fantasy or while I am fucking...

1 year ago
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Sex Education Single Parents Part 3

This is part 3 of a story of taboo sex being discovered by some and encouraged by others. Stop here if that is a problem if not enjoy. Here are links to the earlier parts next day Ron picked Elly up from school. Neither of them had talked much since their mutual masturbation episode. Ron felt like he could no longer trust himself around her. In his...

2 years ago
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Missy Day Nine After School

“This way ladies,” Jessica called over her shoulder as she walked down the dimly lit hallway. I adjusted the tie on my robe as I walked, tightening it around my waist. The Spa’s lounge had a couple of women in it, all in various states of undress. One woman was walking back into the lounge as we were walking out, her gait awkward and a little bow legged. “She must have had a session with Michael,” Hannah whispered in my ear. “Michael?” I whispered back. I looked back at her to see her...

3 years ago
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Anal Adventures at Glendale High

Anal Adventures at Glendale HighWritten by TrueRoyaltyChapter 1I was always attracted to her. The way her wavy brown hair shined, the way her eyes glimmered. And the way her tank top would expose her smooth breasts. She has a great body and a small tight ass that I always found cute whenever she bended over.Today is Friday and I planned on surprising her by visiting her at her locker. I walked down the halls of Glendale High walking by everyone who passed. Even my friends who had stopped to say...

1 year ago
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ThisGirlSucks Nikole Nash Innocence

Sweet and innocent Nikole Nash has an undeniable girlish charm as she sits on her bunk bed. Her pretty blue eyes are filled with excitement as she announces that she’s here to suck some dick. She crawls onto her hands and knees and sticks our stud’s girthy dick between her lips, kissing his shaft sensually as it gets rock hard on her tongue. She gives him a wet rimjob and even sticks a finger inside for a little prostate massage. And when she gets a splash of cum on her chin, it’s obvious that...

2 years ago
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With wife and sister in law

That Friday night, I was feeling a bit down and hence decided to take off of Saturday. I told my wife so. She, however, insisted that I should go to work, since I would be requiring some holiday the next month. I had mentally decided to take off and that night, since my son was out of town, I enjoyed the usual sex with my wife and slept peacefully. Next day morning, when I got up, I found my wife besides me, staring at me. I smiled and started fondling with my member. I asked her to suck me,...

3 years ago
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Wife Enjoying Sex With Other

Yae story mere wife anita aur ek ladke ki hai.hamare saadi ko 11saal hogae hai hamare 2 son hai.iske bawajud anita ekdam fit hai. Anita gori hai uska figure 39-36-38 hai mae usse roj sex karta tha lakin kuch mahine se mae office k kam mae busy rahata tha.mae anita ko karib ek mahina se usse thik se deaka tak nahi tha. Phir kuch din baad muje kisi kam se out of station jana tha.muje karib 6mahine tak bahar rahana tha.jis din muje jana tha us din mae puri time sota raha aur karib raat k 8 baje...

4 years ago
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husband contest 1

My name is Jon and I'm a 35 year old investment banker. I have been married to Suzan for 8 years. She is a very attractive, slender with long blonde hair and almost clear blue eyes and somewhat creative mate but I recently had an experience that will stick with me forever. Every week or two Suzan meets up with some of the women in our community for drinks. They are all married and everyone makes pretty good money. They also have a lot of time to kill as most of them don't work. ...

1 year ago
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The Bet

Annie parked her car outside Pete’s house. She was not looking forward to this, she’d come to pick up Jeff from yet another one of his boozy poker nights. She stopped to gather herself before heading up Pete’s driveway, sometimes he just weirded her out. She was trying to look cool and laid back but it was just too damn hot that night. The muffled sound of drunken banter greeted Annie as she knocked on the front door. “Come on in,” said Pete as he opened the door, “Though I gotta warn ya,...

2 years ago
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Choti Behen Ko Choda

Hi friends, this is my real incident and chudai story that happened to me when I was was 19 years old and have a cousin sister who was of 18 at that time. So first I must tell you how we knew about sex. I always talked to my friends about sex and porn and all that stuff because it was very exciting for us that time.And it was a usual day I had a joint family and we all cousins used to play together in one room. We usually played ludo, cards , etc. We were 2 brothers and 2 sisters one sister was...

2 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 118

Melinda arrived back at the house while I was in the middle of my two o’clock exercises. She popped into the room, waved a big bag at me, smiled and departed. Ciera gave me a questioning look but I ignored her. The last thing I wanted to do was get into my personal situation with someone as young as Ciera Goodman. Besides, I had to focus on my exercises. “Very good,” Ciera told me with a nod. “Maybe we should try to have our sessions somewhere with fewer distractions. You seem really...

2 years ago
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Renaissance Faire

Kennedy waited in hungry anticipation. She felt the sweat on her back mixing with the cool air of the air conditioner. She could only hear the soft movements around her, the roar of the air conditioner, or the hum of the butterfly clit stimulator buzz when Lorne pushed the button. Each time bringing her close to an orgasm, but always stopping early. She would fruitlessly hump the air until she felt the sting of the whip across her bare ass, causing her to yelp and whimper. Her wrists were tied...

2 years ago
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Meri Maa Ki Uncontrol Jawani

Eh story tab ki hai jab mai 10sal ka tha meri maa 30 ki papa 38 ke aur mare uncle 22ke mare uncle bahut chote thae mare papa se mare papa uncle ko apna bhai nahi apna beta mante thae mare papa ki transferable job thi jab mai 10sal ka hua to papa ka transfer ho gaya to ghar me mai aur meri maa alone ho gaye to papa ne uncle ko hamare ghar pe bula liya papa mujhe aur mummy ko sath nahi le gaye meri study ke chalte.Ab mai meri maa aur mare uncle sath me rehane lage. Meri mummy 30sal ki ek sexy...

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Obsession I can still remember the first time. A cousin who lived close was visiting when he whispered that his older brother had magazines with pictures of naked women in them. As I had never seen a naked women, I was curious, but I scoffed, so he snuck them over. Sure enough, some of the women were naked, although some were wearing stockings or heels. But even as I have said I hadn't seen a naked woman before, I could see that these had something different about...

4 years ago
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Daddys Girls Chapter 15 A Natural

“Mm-hmm.” Becky stopped stroking her dad’s cock to grasp his left hand, pulling his wrist until his fingers made their way under the waistband of her silky panties. She pushed his hand into her sopping gash and heard him gasp as soon as his fingers made contact with the downy fur atop her soaked slit. “Touch me, Daddy… See? Can you feel how wet you made me?”Bill rolled further toward his daughter, sticking his rough fingers into her dripping pussy. “Oh, Rebecca, baby, you ARE wet.”“I get wet...

1 year ago
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Getting kinky while shooting a porno Orgasm from script Part 2

Joanne has made me cum just by using her mouth and I couldn’t imagine what I would get once I fucked her. Jofre was very happy with my performance and was waiting eagerly for the proper shooting to start. He had shared the script and it was completely in detail. Every time I had to touch her, the place I had to touch her – pinching, biting and caressing, everything was in the details. While reading the script I began to imagine it and instantly my dick got hard. Actually, anyone can get an...

4 years ago
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Raped Degraded DaughterChapter 7

Jim Simmons needed a coffee break badly. He was pretty well fucked out by his daughter's young and vibrant pussy. His old cock wasn't accustomed to such energy and vitality in a cunt. He was used to his wife's dormant, almost corpse-like fucking, unresponsive and unwilling. Linda's pussy was not only inviting and eager, but lively and active, a tight, clenching cunt that literally sucked the jism out of his balls! Linda was relieved when her father released her from sexual bondage long...

2 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 48 References and Glossary

1. Chapter 12. This is a highly-abbreviated spiritual counseling process Mr. Hubbard developed. Glossary Note: The term Gaelic is usually used to refer to Scottish Gaelic, or Gaidhlig. Although Irish Gaelic, or Gaelige is also a Gaelic language, it's usually referred to as simply Irish or called "The Irish Language". In Sorcerer, it's called Irish, Gaelic or Irish Gaelic. "English" is the U.K. English. "American" is the U.S. "Irish slang" is the English-language slang used in...

4 years ago
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Pool Sex With A Brown Milf

I was deeply saddened to know that my visit in Aleppey, Kerala will be extended for two more days. My boss informed me about the two more unexpected meeting I have to attend via email. Since the meeting was in the evening I decided to check out the gym and swimming pool of this hotel. Its been 2 days since I have reached this beautiful place but still didn’t explore half of it. After putting on my sports shoes and gym wear, I locked my door and walked towards the lift which was on the other...

4 years ago
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Zanu PF Fuckpig pt 11

ZANU PF War veterans, again, she noted, ever since Mugabe started using food as a weapon they had been trying to leave but the poor fuel, heating oil not diesel had destroyed their injection pump and delayed them, the Food Aid Charity needed the Land Cruiser for South Africa so they were trying to repatriate it. They rolled to a halt and she got out, the Guards looked even more menacing than usual, "All out" they shouted. The guys followed her to a table where an officer was waiting, she...

3 years ago
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Roomies Beginnings

"Hey, are you as busy as I am?" Kim McCall looked up and grinned at the tousled brown head poked in her door. "If you're asking if I have a date this evening, then the answer is 'No'. Its just me and my math books. How about you?" Pam Maguire shook her head ruefully as she came into the room and flopped on the bed belonging to Kim's roommate. Taller than Kim's five feet four by nearly four inches, Pam was slender and long-legged, the perfect shape for a runner. Her light brown hair...

4 years ago
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Wolf WivesChapter 7

Karen pulled up in front of the Wells house and shut off the ignition and lights. She patted her hair into place as she opened the door and stepped out of the car. She couldn't imagine what it was that Professor Wells wanted to speak to her about, unless it had something to do with Pagan. He had said that it was important and that he couldn't discuss it on the phone. Well, she'd be finding out in a minute. The phone call from Professor Wells had disconcerted her, particularly since it had...

3 years ago
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Ghost of Kareema 8211 An Erotic Sex Tale

This is gonna be a different type of a sex tale from your long silenced favourite sex story writer, Qamar. So, dear viewers, sir back and enjoy. Disclaimer : if your heart is easily troubled, don’t read alone, in the dark, or in dead silence. I’m gonna start this in the third person. Hope you all will enjoy. Qamar, the usual erotic experience publisher, once decided to do something different, something special for his audience. As the Buddhist he is, he believed in afterlife. How do I combine...

1 year ago
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The Booth

The Fall was my least favorite season. It was supposed to be when things got colder, cool enough that hoodies were back in style and nobody would be foolish enough to wear flip flops out. But not this year. It was still summer weather well into October at this point. Beer country was close enough to the coast to get the nice coastal breezes, but far in enough that we didn’t have to worry about the risks that came along with living directly on the pacific ocean. But that’s what I get for...


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