RepercussionsChapter 8 free porn video

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After breakfast the next morning I went back upstairs to get ready to go to Reggie's house. She didn't say anything last night about what she wanted me to wear today. But I know how her mind works. It isn't hard to figure out what will take to please her. I assume it won't matter that much since I'll probably spend most of the day naked and being raped anyway. But I know that if I dress like anything other than a slut, Reggie will be unhappy and undoubtedly make me suffer for it.

I pulled out a miniskirt. Then I looked through my tops until I found something that goes with it and is sexy but not so slutty it will upset my parents. It's a midriff baring peasant blouse that emphasizes my nice shape without drawing undue attention to my small breasts.

I got ready to go and at the last minute, just to be on the safe side, I put a change of clothes in my knapsack and took it along. I told my mom I'm going to study for the finals with Reggie and two other girls.

Once again she seems concerned about the time I'm spending with an underachiever like Reggie. I told her I'm finding that tutoring them is helping to solidify the things I've learned in my own mind as well.

She accepted that explanation but not happily. I don't think there's any question she would have preferred I was helping someone other than Reggie. What can I say? My mother is a good judge of character.

I left a few minutes early. But I walked slowly, enjoying the nice morning and trying to calm down and clear my head. I walked up the sidewalk to Reggie's house one minute early and knocked on the door.

Tara let me in. Reggie, Steph and Mr. Kunkle were all in the living room. They looked up, smiling in anticipation when I walked in. It's obvious they already have plans for me. It comes as no surprise but I'm not anxious for my ordeal to start again.

Reggie looked me over and frowned. She obviously doesn't feel my outfit is revealing enough. She said, "We're going into town a little later. I'm pretty sure we can find some outfits for you that are more interesting than that."

Steph picked up the movie camera and I was ordered to strip. I'm still tired and sore from yesterday. But no one cares about that. When I showered this morning I examined my body closely for signs of damage. I was shocked to see that except for the absence of pubic hair I look no different. All three of my recently gang raped orifices are still sore, though. So, too, is the almost invisible red area on the side of my breast where Reggie touched off that fucking cattle prod. But the only visible sign of the trauma I experienced yesterday is my totally denuded pubic mound.

Reggie looked me over closely and seemed pleased. She even ran her hand over my tender mound and said, "Very nice! It's so smooth and soft. I wish I had the nerve to have it done."

Tara laughed and said, "If you want, we can tie you up and take care of it. I bet we could even get Brenda to do most of the work."

They all seemed to find that amusing. I didn't see the humor in it. And it isn't in my best interest to antagonize her. I've already learned that cruel lesson.

What happened next surprised the hell out of me. With everyone watching, including Mr. Kunkle, Tara stood up and began to take off her clothes. She's blushing furiously. But she's obviously determined to go through with it in order to please Mr. Kunkle. As soon as she was naked she sat back down and said, "Get your ass over here, bitch. Reggie's dad wants to watch you eating some pussy. I volunteered us."

I'm starting to think Tara has a crush on Reggie's dad. She was fascinated by his cock yesterday. And now she's voluntarily stripping in front of him and allowing him to enjoy the show we're about to put on. I think that it won't be long before he gets his dick in that. I hope I'm there to watch the sadistic little bitch learn what it's like to be on the other side, to be on the receiving end of the pain.

I crossed the room and dropped to my knees between her legs. Mr. Kunkle is only an arm's length away and his cock is obviously hard already. You can't hide an erection when it's that large.

Steph got into position with the camera and recorded every move I made. She's being careful to get it all in close-up. Only my face and Tara's midsection are in the frame. I leaned forward and began eating Tara's pussy. I can't see the cattle prod anywhere. But it's never far from my mind. So I performed my cunt eating duties just as enthusiastically as I possibly could in order to avoid getting zapped again. I sucked and slurped and licked until, after several loud orgasms Tara pushed my face away.

After watching us, Reggie and Steph both are in the mood to get a little relief, too. But neither is willing to do it in front of Mr. Kunkle. They took me to Reggie's bedroom and I spent the next half hour eating them out.

After we all cleaned up in the bathroom and they got dressed again I followed them back out to the living room.

I don't think I was as surprised as the others when we returned to find Reggie's dad fucking Tara on the floor in front of the couch. We stood in the door to the living room and stared in awe at that massive cock penetrating her a lot more carefully than it invaded my body yesterday.

This is the first time I've witnessed a sex act in which I'm not a participant. It's not something I ever imagined I'd want to do. But there's something strangely compelling about it; perhaps due to the size of the massive cock with which he's happily skewering her.

She isn't being raped the way he raped me. Looking closely I can see that he's being careful not to penetrate her all the way. And she's going crazy on that thing! She's sobbing and raking his back with her fingernails. She's writhing around under him like an eel and grunting pleasurably with every stroke. Between grunts she's kissing his chest, licking him like a dog and urgently chanting, "Oh yeah! Fuck me! Oh god that's good!"

They didn't realize the three of us are watching until they finally climaxed and slowly untangled from each other. They looked up and saw us then. For some reason I found it amusing that Mr. Kunkle seems more embarrassed than Tara. I get the impression from the look on her face that Tara is very proud of what she just accomplished.

He helped her up. They grabbed their clothes and hurried down the hall to his bedroom and then to the bathroom to get cleaned up. When they came back out they looked like lovers. Reggie rolled her eyes but she obviously thinks the two of them are amusing. It doesn't bother her at all that she just caught her father and one of her best friends fucking.

I can only hope they'll develop some sort of fucked up relationship. If they do it seems like it would have to take some of the strain off of me and the wear and tear off my body.

There was a knock at the door. We already know who it is. We heard Tank's old SUV pull up in the driveway a minute before. I was sent to open the door for him. He smiled when he saw my naked body, obviously expecting to be treated to more of it.

When we entered the living room, Reggie said, "I left her naked in case you want a piece of ass or some head before we leave."

It surprised no one to learn that's an offer he can't refuse. He couldn't accept without comment, though. He grinned as he began to take his pants off. But as he undressed he said, "She isn't a bad fuck. But it would be a lot more fun if the bitch had some tits. And now that she ain't got any pussy hair she looks like a little fucking girl!"

Reggie shrugged and said, "I thought I was doing you a favor by offering. Don't fuck her if you don't want to."

He chuckled and said, "No. I'm gonna fuck her. But the next time you get a sex slave, would you mind finding one with tits?"

What the hell. I don't have any self esteem left anyway. After watching all my friends growing tits over the years while I just barely fit into an AA cup bra, and after hearing all the comments, not just from the boys but from the girls, too, I couldn't be any more self conscious about my breasts.

I was just starting to be able to deal with not having much in the way of tits when this crap all started. All this carping about how small my breasts are definitely isn't helping my self esteem.

Tank stepped out of his pants and bent me over the arm of a chair. While he was getting ready I spread my legs apart and since I know I'm not ready for a penetrating cock, much less one as large as his, I used some of my saliva to wet the opening to my vagina. It isn't the same as being lubricated. But it's better than being completely dry when he forces that damn thing into me.

The other four people in the room sat around and watched as Tank used me to masturbate into. Since it's not at all exciting for me I'm uncomfortably aware of everyone watching me get raped once more. Tank doesn't seem to mind or even notice. I find it to be incredibly humiliating.

He didn't last long. After only four or five minutes he erupted inside of me and pulled out of my abused pussy. I turned around, bent down and licked his cock and balls clean. Then I went to the bathroom to clean up again. When I returned I was finally allowed to dress.

Just before we left, Reggie handed me the studded dog collar to put back on. She smiled and said, "Just so you won't forget what you are."

Yeah. There's a huge chance that's gonna happen!

We all went out to Tank's beat up old Suburban. I sat between Tara and Steph on the bench seat in the back. He doesn't even have seat belts in it except for the driver's seat. And he doesn't use that one.

I don't know where we're going. But that's okay. I have a feeling I don't want to know and I'm not going to like it when I get there. As it turned out I was right.

Tank parked in front of a second hand clothing store. Reggie turned around in her seat and said, "We only have sixty dollars to spend on some new outfits for the bitch. But if the total comes to more than that I guess we can get more money somewhere. There must be someone around here that's horny enough to fuck her for a few bucks. You guys all know what kind of shit I have in mind for her, right?"

The others all nodded enthusiastically and we went inside to shop for used slut clothes. In response to Reggie's question I told them my sizes and they started going through the racks of women's clothing. I was surprised to see some pretty nice things for very reasonable prices. But of course "nice things" isn't what they're looking for.

Most of the clothes I watched them taking off the racks gave me the impression that this is where old prostitute's clothes come to die. Despite the awful selections they're making for me I was able to relax on one count. When I saw the prices of the clothes I wasn't as worried about having to fuck some stranger for money to pay for them. Most of the items I saw cost less than five dollars.

But the clothes! They're beyond awful! There are semi-sheer sundresses and impossibly short skirts. They selected sheer blouses and slutty tops of all descriptions. They picked up so many things that I began to worry that I might have to put out for a few more dollars after all.

I quietly explained to Reggie that my parents would never let me leave the house in the clothing they're selecting. She just grinned and said, "Don't worry about it. It won't be a problem. Your parents will never see these things ... probably."

I stood off to the side while the four of them ravaged the racks. They seem to be competing to see who can find the sluttiest outfit in my size or slightly smaller. In the next half hour or so they found a lot more than I would have imagined. I don't know where they think I'll be able to wear these things. Very few of the articles of clothing I've seen them pick up are things I can wear to school without getting sent to the Principal's office.

Since I spend most of my time at Reggie's house naked and the amount of time I can spend there without arousing further suspicion in my parents is limited this all seems like a waste of time and money to me.

My arms quickly filled up with their selections. When she realized it was necessary Reggie sent me to get a shopping cart and it was soon filled as well. I'm getting nervous about how much money they're spending all over again. Sixty dollars will go a long way in here. But they seem determined to exceed that figure.

Reggie finally made them stop looking. She looked around and spotted a changing room in the corner. I was ordered to push the cart over there and I waited while they used a handy empty rack to sort out the clothes.

We had to wait for a few minutes for one of the two booths to become available. A young man was trying on a suit in one and two young women are using the other to try on a couple of the items they selected.

While we were waiting, I tried to estimate the cost of the clothes they picked out for me to try on. If they decide to take everything they have on the rack I'm going to be in trouble. It looks like the total will be a lot closer to a hundred dollars than sixty.

The young man trying on the suit came out and Reggie handed me a sundress to try on. The young man started to walk away until he heard Reggie say, "Leave the curtain open. I want to see how everything fits."

I don't know why I'm so surprised. But I am. I gasped and looked into her eyes to make sure she wasn't kidding. I felt that sinking feeling in my stomach again when it became obvious she's totally serious.

I glanced around the large room. There's one woman working the cash register and it looks like there are two men working with merchandise. In addition to the three employees there are about half a dozen customers looking around the store.

The young man who was trying on the suit came to a sudden stop when he heard Reggie order me to leave the curtain open. He turned and watched us curiously.

Reggie quickly grew impatient when I didn't immediately step into the booth and begin to undress. She raised an eyebrow and the noise that cattle prod makes when she pulls the trigger jumped into my brain. I looked down at the floor, already feeling the public humiliation I know I'm about to experience. I slowly turned and entered the dressing room. I tried not to think about how this is going to turn into a scene quickly when someone sees me and runs to one of the employees to complain.

It took me far too little time to slip off my top and the tiny skirt I'm wearing. I'm so flustered I didn't even think to unbutton the dress I'm going to try on before I stripped. I was forced to stand there in the nude and unbutton the dress.

I pulled it on and buttoned it up as quickly as possible. Then I looked out of the booth at Reggie for the first time. I felt the knot in the pit of my stomach grow when I saw that not only the man with the suit but the two girls who had been in the next booth and two young black men are now standing with Reggie and the others, watching my every move.

Reggie waved me out so she could examine the dress more closely. Without thinking I had buttoned it all the way up when I put it on. She glared at me and said, "You'll be punished for that."

She saw the confused look on my face and said, "What did I tell you about buttons?"

I looked down and remembered I'm not allowed to fasten any buttons above the button under my breasts. I was tempted to try to argue that her edict pertained to blouses. But it would have been pointless and I saw no sense in antagonizing her further.

I quickly unbuttoned the top four buttons. I put my arms down and waited for her to decide. She ordered me to turn around. When I was facing her again she said, "I think I like it. It's a little long. But we can fix that."

It most definitely is not a little long! It's very close to being illegally short. I am five foot, eight inches tall and a lot of that is in my legs. I knew when I was putting it on that she'd like this dress just because my nipples are so incredibly visible through the nearly sheer fabric. But even if that didn't sway her, the hem can't be more than two inches below my pussy. Where in the hell does she think I can wear something like this?!

But I bit my tongue. I've already incurred one punishment.

Reggie handed me another dress to try on. I stepped back into the booth and after checking to make sure there are no buttons or zippers to be undone I took off the dress I just tried on and started to drop it on the seat in the back of the booth.

I think everyone in the store must have been able to hear Reggie when she snarled, "Don't be a pig! Hang it back up, stupid!"

I felt my blush deepen. But I stood there in the nude, totally humiliated which I realize is exactly what she intended. I had to make a conscious effort to breathe as I turned and put the first dress I tried on back on its hangar. I hung it on a hook. At last I was able to pull the second dress over my head and let it fall into place.

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As sometimes happens in Japan, after a couple have been married for a while the husband is so busy with his career and trying to advance that he spends less and less time with his wife. Here we have such a scenario playing out. Ms Rina Kooda is still young at the age of twenty-seven years old. Her husband is thirty-two years old. She explains that her husband only makes love to her three times in a month. She had thought that maybe there was something wrong with him but now she is at the...

1 year ago
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The Lottery

The Lottery By: Melody Anne, aka Malissa Madison Sitting on the large wooden deck overlooking the Lake in the early Spring morning, a cup of Hazelnut Coffee on the glass top patio table she thought back over her past. She'd always been a troubled child. Always in trouble for one reason or another. Not because she was bad, but because she liked Dolls, and dresses and high heels, and anything else that society felt were reserved for little girls. Yes, she always knew in her...

4 years ago
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Betsy CarterChapter 12

Betsy stood atop the building looking down at the people below. Several people were looking up at her, thinking that she was going to jump. She smiled, backed up a few steps, and then ran forward and off of the roof. She spread her arms and legs wide while gravity made its presence known. The people below screamed thinking they were about to see her splatter on the sidewalk. She was only on a four story building, so it wouldn’t have been that great of a splatter, but people aren’t rational...

1 year ago
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KinkFeatures Cherry Torn Julia Ann Julia Ann Takes Down Cherry Torn With Corrective Discipline

Cherry Torn has been exposed as the dirty office slut she is, after photos of her banging the new designer make their way up the company chain all the way to the top. Head executive Julia Ann is not pleased that Cherry has been so sloppy. Fucking the staff is perfectly cool, just don’t get caught. Now she has to be properly disciplined. But Julia Ann isn’t the type of boss to scream and demean in such a common way. Instead she calmly and confidently demeans Cherry, humiliates her,...

2 years ago
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Letters from a Friend in Paris letters 10

Having left Louisa's bedroom and crept back to my own. At dawn, I was awakened by soft lips sweetly sucking mine. It was my darling Louisa. 'Harry, my love, you must surely have slept enough we are just going to have luncheon.' 'Indeed, is it so late?' said I returning her embrace. Her hand wandered beneath my clothes and encountered my lordly prick in all its glory. She squeezed it with her soft hand and I pulled her into bed with me, gently pushing her down upon it and lifting up her...

1 year ago
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My long term partner Jane is quite a few years older than me, sexually she has had far more partners, earns more money than me, intellectually I can not rival her, in short she is an Alpha female. When she was 17 years old she had a c***d, the father was married at the time would not leave his wife but did provide financially. Jane's mother looked after her grand-daughter allowing Jane to continue to study and attend University. When Jane left and got a job her mother continued to look after...

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Dee and Claire have more fun by the river

Claire and Dee finished off the photo shoot sitting on a bench near to where all the action had taken place earlier. Traces of cum had dried across their bodies as they now posed naked in front of me. Their back’s to the bridge behind them was in clear view and people were walking over it. Occasionally someone would spy that they might be naked and stop to look over the pa****t. If I saw them I would indicate to the girls that someone was watching and they would turn and wave, giving them a...

2 years ago
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Nayi Nayi Padosan Gunjan Ko Choda

Hi all iss readers mera naam shaan(sanjeev in this story) hai aur main visakhpatnam mein rehta hoon. Mera lund 9inch lamba aur 3 inch mota hai. Meri height 5.8″ hai aur rang gora hai. Aj se pehle maine kabhi sex nahi kiya tha. Lekin itni sari kahani aur blue films dekhne ke baad mujh me sex karne ki aag dino din badne lagi. Ab main jis ladki ya aunty ko dekhta tha gandi nazar se dekhta tha. Unko dekhte hi unke sath sex karne ke barein mein sochne lagta tha. To humare ghar ke baju mein nayi nayi...

2 years ago
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Girls night out

This is a true story of how our lives changed.David and I had been married eight months, we were both virgins when we married.  David was working out of town for two weeks and I was feeling left out.  Our neighbor, Carla asked me if I wanted to go out with her and Susan for a Friday girls night out.  I was open to it after being alone and at home for two weeks so I agreed.She told me to dress sexy; we were going out to eat and then to a club to dance.  I asked her if Paul would mind her going...

First Time
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Amy 7 Amy in Bunny Hoppin

Amy 7: Amy in "Bunny Hoppin'!" by Amy Komori The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2010 Amy Komori. All rights reserved. Chapter One: In the Grand Tetons I'd been a girl for almost a year. Well, not really a girl per se. One thing I'd learned since this whole bizarro transformation deal was how physical sex and gender weren't always the same. Well, in...

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Paid in FullChapter 7

After Dawn got me out, I said to Andie, "Baby, please let me come in, I promise I will not look, but I need to touch you. She said, "Alright, but you have to keep your temper." Dawn rolled me back inside. I got out of the wheelchair and into the bed with Andie. I kissed her deeply and said, "The kisses you sent with Sammy and Dawn were nice, but I need you." We hugged gently and Dawn came and hugged with us. I felt so good I went to sleep. Andie shook me awake, "Baby, you can't lie...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Foot Fetishist

It was a hot summer’s day. I left the office for my lunchtime break, sweating like a pig and feeling hornier than a dog in heat. I unfastened the top three buttons of my worktop in an attempt to release some heat from my torso. Jesus, the heat was stifling; I’m not used to the hot weather, being from the north of England, but I was going to make the most of it before the day was out. I made a quick visit to the kebab shop across the road and ordered a large donor kebab and bottle of cherry...

2 years ago
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Acting as a sissy cuckold for my wife

My sweet wife had asked me to pick up her after office.I waited outside her building and, after a long while, she appeared in sight, followed by a very huge muscled black man.I got out of my car and Anita kissed me in front of the black guy.She introduced his friend to me:“Honey, this is Curtiss and he will come over tonight to fuck me…”Curtiss shook hands with me, saying I was such a lucky husband, having such a slutty wife like Anita; with her nice cunt available for me every night and day…I...

3 years ago
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Job Training And Sex Training

Hi all ISS authors and readers. For the first time I put my hand on the keyboard to share my experience so for any mistakes please excuse me and give me feedback to Coming to my sex goddess, she is 38 and 5’2 height and milky white and with huge asserts of 38-32-36 which I measured with a tape. She has the beautiful and smiling face which can attract any men towards her. Particularly when she wears red sare and walks her ass will oscillates and will come in resonance to my heart which makes me...

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Donnas Halloween

Donna Anne's Halloween by Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to those of real persons or situations is purely coincidence. This is a work of fiction. ********************************************************** I had done it! I had won the costume contest at my school. It had been wonderful and I was very happy when I had gone to sleep last night. Now it was morning and I woke up in my bed holding on to Raggedy Ann. Today...

4 years ago
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My first mature

I love matures, MILFs and as it looks like, I'm starting to enjoy even older women. Got this one beautiful experience with woman 12 years older than me and the chemistry in this relationship was amazing. We knew each other from one online game and soon started chatting and found mutual sympathy. She was divorced, got 3 c***dren. I was 25 years old at that time, studying my last year at university, she was 37 and not from my country, but neighbouring one. I was magically attracted to her. Never...

4 years ago
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BurrChapter 62 Passing up Dessert

I went for a run after talking to Cindy, partly because I needed some exercise but mainly because I needed to sort things out. We had been together most of Saturday but we hadn't talked. We had been in the company of others most of the day. And the rest of the time we didn't talk about anything more important than which position we wanted to try next. The one serious conversation we had was about the taking of Jeannie's virginity. Why had I agreed to be the one to take it? There were so...

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BangbrosClips Riley Reid Cherie Deville Stepmom Meets and Fucks Daughters Boyfriend

Meeting your girlfriend’s step mother can be intimidating. Unless her mom happens to be into you. Riley Reid invited her stepmom Cherie Deville over for dinner to meet her boy friend, Ricky, for the first time. Cherie was DTF since the moment she laid eyes on Ricky. Riley had to step out for a few minutes, this i when Cherie went all in. She pulled out his cock and began to choke on it, and just when she was about to start riding him, Riley returned and discovered them. This is when Cherie...

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Pantyhose cousins house not what u think

Well it started out like allot of pantyhose wearers first times.  It was when I was young I first tried on my mom's pantyhose.  I went into the bathroom and found a pair of my mom's pantyhose in the trash can.  They were some tan colored pair of hose.  I took my pajama's bottoms off and slipped the hose on over my underwear.  They felt so good going on.  I went into the living room and sat on the couch and was watching some cartoons rubbing my legs loving how the nylon felt on my legs.  After a...

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my x mas bonus

One of my customers I deliver to always gives me a Christmas tip every year. The owner a guy in his 60's usually gives me a gift card to somewhere. this year his daaughter came out to meet me with a envelope. Dawn is about 40, tall, sexy and a total stunner!! She looks about 30, she is in perfect shape with a great tan, long legs and long light brown hair. Every time I see her I flirt with her some, its definatly the high point of my day. Dawn is also married to a older...

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Heavy Traffic Ch 18

As the crow flies, Jun Kim’s house on Woodlake Drive was probably less than ten miles from Stephan Mota’s own house, but due to the shape of Lake Lanier along its southern shoreline and the congestion caused by mid-afternoon traffic, it took Mota more than an hour to drive there. Exchanging nothing beyond the standard pleasantries until they had boarded Kim’s twenty-five foot pontoon boat and had reached a distance from the shore that would render parabolic microphones ineffective, the two men...

2 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 66

“You look almost disappointed that she didn’t kill you, babe,” I told Nydia while now screwing Shelby. “Maybe a little ... none of us can wait forever to be yours. Your Undead lovers ... for eternity. One by one, we all want this. Sooner or later, trust me, Master,” Nydia assured me, even as I plowed one of my many daughters. “Speaking of eternity ... what’s to be done with these little prisoners, eh?” I smiled at the others, even as Mike Dunne bravely sliced open his own throat in front of...

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Surfside chapter five

At ten fifty five, and right on time, Judy Callen showed up for work. Judy was a yound blonde of nineteen. She was very pretty, with short cropped hair and a cute body. She had a small, round, heart shaped ass and small tight breasts. She seldom wore a brassiere since she simply didn't need one. Her breasts were firm enough to hold themselves up and they were usually topped with an erect nipple straining against the fabric of her blouse. She passed Kevin in the back room as he was...

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190 AVIS AND HER DAUGHTER I left Joe and headed on down to my daughter Carol’s home for a visit and upon reaching there was greeted by Carol warmly. I had told her of what had been going on with my black lover Jerry and she invited me down to help me out. As we kissed at the front door in greeting, I whispered to Carol, “I need a black cock”. She said she’d have her husband pick up the k**s and take them out, leaving us with most of the day to ourselves. We moved over to the sofa and...

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Night Interruption

It was so cold outside another freezing January night in the UK. I was so glad I didn’t have to go outside. Dinner was in the oven, I’d had a lovely relaxing bath and had settled down with a glass of wine and my laptop for a bit of chatting. I had just started chatting to one of my favourite people and was feeling quite horny when there was a knock at the door. I debated ignoring it intent on my chat but as I considered my options there was another knock. I typed a quick bye to my friend and...

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Finding HomeChapter 03

When we walk into the main room Dad looks surprised to see three meals being laid out by the Room Service people, until he spots Sharon walking from my room. He smiles at me while the staff do a double-take on spotting Sharon. They’re quick to hide their surprise, and they smile at us while they set the food out for our breakfast. While we eat the eggs and toast Dad says, “I’ve already got a reply from Jackie about the question last night. Care to take a guess about the name of the guy your...

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Zombie Leza9 Walking Among the Deceased

Taylor scanned the assembled zombies as they approached, Phillip flexed his fingers, ready to leap into action, but Jefferson calmly surveyed those ahead of them. Leza’s song kept her undead humming, but none of the humans knew what to expect. Leza’s history with human volunteers wasn’t entirely reassuring. The human volunteers could follow Leza’s lyrics, a mixture of reassurances and simple instructions. The zombies seemed unsure of the humans, but as neither reacted negatively, they grew...

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Mere beta ne mujhe maa banaya

Hi friends I am Manjula im a 30 yrs old house wife, & my measurement’s are 34-26-38(i proud about my measure’s),very fair complexion,& long black silky hairs. I married in my 14yrs of age so now im 30 and my hubby was 40yrs & he addicted to alcohal & smooking while he doing sex with me may be monthly once. Just last year this story was start.when my only son came back from res-school after exams,he want spent holidays in home. And he complete his 12 standard.he was 17yrs young, & he is looking...

3 years ago
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Trying out Tinder

Melissa sighed and rolled her eyes. She was bored yet again. She had been trying her best to tell herself that life was going great, but deep down she knew she was lying to herself. Melissa grabbed her iphone checking the time seeing it wasn't even 3PM yet. It would be at least another 3 hours until her boyfriend Greg would be home. Melissa and Greg were high school sweethearts. They met after being put together to work on a group project in one of their classes, which led to a few years of...

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Toms AdventuresChapter 26

It was late afternoon when they rode into the fort. They could see the surprised looks from the troopers. He also saw more than a few smiles and snickers. They stopped at the Orderly room and Fighting Hawk cut the rope holding the lieutenant to the horse. With a forceful push he once again landed unceremoniously on his ass. Fighting Hawk nodded to Big Owl and Big Cloud as they stood waiting. They nodded back and went to pick up the lieutenant as Fighting Hawk lightly slipped from his horse....

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The Librarian

I'm in my mid 50s and I find myself saying more often; "they were different times", when I talk about past decades. When I think back to "Mrs G" the librarian, when I was at university in Adelaide, it becomes poignant again.I studied at a university in Adelaide in the mid 1980s. I spent a lot of time in the library. It wasn't all about study. A lot of it was about Mrs G; the librarian. In 1985, I was 22 and Mrs G was about twenty years older. Nowadays, she would be called a "chunky BBW mature...

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