BethChapter 98 free porn video

November 30, 2017
Dear Ms. Diary,
[Written December 1]
I was woken by Liya and Heather climbing into the Monstrosity with us.
“How was it,” I asked quietly.
“Wonderful. We got him crazy turned on. He came three times,” exclaimed Liya.
“Yeah,” added Heather, “it was incredible. I got an idea that I want to try out at some point, as the idea didn’t come to me until we were nearly comatose. That was one of the most wonderful nights of my life. I’ve said this before, Beth, but I need to say it, again. Thanks for inviting me here that first time after practice. I have no idea how many orgasms I’ve had since then, but it’s orders of magnitude more than I had had previously. I bet I had had fewer than 30 orgasms, probably closer to 20, before that night. I had something like 15 on my first night with Charlie, so I’ve easily had more than two or three hundred since then. And I was so close to turning down your invitation.”
“But you didn’t, and you’re with us, now,” Liya said. “Don’t fret about it. You’re here and we all love you.”
Liya followed that with a deep kiss with Heather that woke Gracey, and then Rhee.
“Do I take this to mean that you two little girls had a good night while we big girls had to do without?”
Liya picked her face off Heather’s and turned to Gracey and grinned, then said, “You poor things. I’m so sorry, although we would not have traded. It was spectacular. We got fucked, we had sex. Mostly, though, we made wonderful love with Charlie. Beth was right. We need more lovemaking. Gracey, my love, I would really like the two of us to have a night with him. However, I think that I’d like to share him with each of you. We need to have all the two-girl permutations with him. It’s absolutely the best of both of our worlds.”
Dad and Shameka traded each other’s vehicle keys for the day, and they were working out something for the long-term need for transportation for 12 of us from school to the practice pitch. After school, Katie, Brett, Brit, and Cera joined Meka and the Go5 at the Sprinter. Civia could not join us today, so Meka drove straight to the practice pitch. We had put Brett in the front passenger seat so the rest of us could change into sweats after he promised not to look at us; he changed into sweats once we girls vacated the Sprinter. Meka had us do stretches, warmups, and a couple laps, after which we gathered at one of the goals and she explained her plan.
“Although we are planning on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday here, weather and various of our plans will certainly cause us to shift things around in some weeks. For the ... energetic portions of the week’s practices, I’d like to do two additional laps on the first practice, wind sprints on the second practice, and three or four additional laps on the third. We’ll call today the second day, so we’ll do wind sprints. Heather, Liya, would you each take a ball straight out from each goal post to about halfway between the penalty box and the centerline to use as our third line?” After they had done that and returned, she said, “We’ll do four distances: goal box, penalty box, the two balls, and the centerline. Brett, Brit, Cera, and Liya, do what you can. Don’t try to keep up with the rest of us through the entire set, because many of the team’s fastest members are here and Coach didn’t push you to do these. Once the rest of us have returned here to the endline and started back toward the penalty-box line, please start and do both of the first two round-trip sprints, to the goal-box line and the penalty-box line, as fast as you can. If you have to stop, please do so, but we want to get all three of you to where you can do those without stopping. Oh, and touch the ground each time you turn around: goal box, endline, penalty box, endline. The rest of us will do all four round-trip distances without stopping. We’ll all meet back here.”
It was no surprise that Meka beat us all back to the endline in the goal. Man, is she fast! However, all the team members were on the final leg at the time so were not that far behind. It was also not particularly surprising that Brit and Brett had to stop for breathers, but a bit of a surprise that Cera managed it without stopping, although she was not very fast.
After wind sprints, Meka asked Liya, “Do you remember your beginning dribbling practice?”
“Sure. You want me to teach our other team assistants?”
“Exactly. Cera and you can get the two Bs started, but we’ll all trade off on that task. Do just 20 minutes or so while the rest of us do rondo.” She looked quickly among the assistants and said, “We’re not trying to get you to where you can play soccer, although if you want to get to that point, I’m sure we can arrange it. The reason to do this now is that it develops coordination and balance, which helps in lots of everyday tasks, not just soccer. I know you’ll be jittery from the wind sprints for a while, but that’s okay. Do what you can but try to do your best.”
When Meka called an end to the 50 minutes of practice, we gathered the balls and met at the Sprinter.
“Brit,” Meka said, “you may think you did poorly at wind sprints, but I’ve seen worse, and it will get better for you if you stick with it.” At that point, Dad arrived with Meka’s Suburban, and they exchanged keys after which Meka said, “I’ll take everyone home that isn’t going to the Williams house. Beth, please tell Celeste that I’ll see her next Thursday.”
When we walked into the kitchen from the garage, we greeted an aproned-but-otherwise-naked Inez, as Gracey slammed into her for a very intense hug.
“I’m so glad you’re back, Mom.”
“I am, too. I got tired of traveling on this jaunt, and I missed my daughter and her crazy family.”
After Gracey finally released her, Inez took off the apron saying, “You didn’t give me a chance to remove it before you assaulted me. Now I can hug the rest of your family in the correct fashion.
Rhee elevated her left eyebrow at me. I returned a cocked-head, eyebrows-raised, small shoulder shrug. “Yeah,” my answer said, “I agree: Interesting.”
We took turns hugging Inez; Dad went last.
After watching that hug, Gracey raised her eyebrows and rounded her eyes, but then said, “We’ve got a little homework, but we’ll come in and help after we finish.”
The five of us hit the bathroom, took a very quick shower, then got homework out of the way before dinner and our regular date with Celeste. Inez put us to work on various portions of the dinner, the main dish of which was her mother’s recipe for chilaquiles. She told us that chilaquiles is traditionally a breakfast/brunch dish, that her mother altered the recipe for dinner. It involves corn tortillas, ground meat of some sort, a variety of Mexican-style garnishes, and eggs over easy. When Inez asked if any of us was proficient at the eggs, Rhee volunteered me.
“Okay, Beth. That’s the last bit and, obviously, we save it until we’re ready to serve, preferably with most diners already seated.”
“That makes sense. What do we do until then?”
“With the salad done, cleanup, as we’re at the point where we need everyone at the table.”
Gracey and I dealt with cleaning pots, pans, and cooking utensils while the other girls moved both tables to the living room and rearranged furniture. We were just finishing up when the garage door activated, with both Moms walking in the back door shortly thereafter. Heather initiated the hugging. Dad and the Moms retreated to their room while we girls and Inez trundled upstairs to get dressed, as Celeste and Andressa were due in 15 minutes or so. As we already had our outfits laid out, we simply climbed into them, which included some of the new clothing we’d bought last week.
Heather wore a midi-sleeved loose deep green crop top that barely covered her breasts, extending not even two inches below them. She paired it with a tight, gray wraparound skirt that barely covered her butt; no undies, of course.
Liya wore her high-school away team jersey with a knot in the hem situated on her breastbone just below her breasts such that it showed off her tummy, along with her very short, gray, wraparound skirt.
Gracey wore the new shoulder-less beach cover she’d bought to use as a dress. It has a wavy pattern of pastel pink, two shades of purple, whitish, and Maya blue, with the same blue as trim and on the zipper, which ran from top to bottom hem. It hugged and completely covered her beautiful breasts – just barely on the top side but showed no cleavage. The hem was longest on the sides of her legs and gradually rose to the zipper that extended to just below crotch level. When Liya saw her in it in the store, she said, “I can’t wait to pull on that lo-onnnnng zipper.” She wore a brief pastel pink panty. The “dress” was translucent enough that her areolae and the G string were just visible. The Go5 was surprised when she picked it out – and then more so when she bought it, as, from behind, her ass was a bit more visible than were her areolae, hence the panty. She had originally chosen to wear the new G string the Moms had had made (one for each of us with our respective names printed in a somewhat elegant font) but Liya had pointed out that her ass cheeks were quite visible.
Rhee wore her new dress, a red-and-white sailor stripe dress with spaghetti straps. It showed some cleavage and the upper portions of her breasts and reached not quite to mid-thigh. It was form fitting; her breasts were very obvious.
I chose my Egyptian blue mini t-shirt dress with the scoops out of the hem on the sides that nearly reached my hips. It is tight enough to mold to my A-cup breasts. I wore no undies.
Although we did not see our parents’ outfits until later, I describe them here.
Inez [we were surprised when she wanted to play] wore a sailor stripe dress of light blue and white. Though similar in idea to Rhee’s, this one exposed most of each shoulder, with false spaghetti-strap ties over the cloth that just turned up and across the top of her shoulders. The top of the dress was cut straight across her chest just below shoulder level, so exposed no cleavage or breast, while the hem extended about four inches below her crotch.
Carol wore a baby blue crop-top strapped bustier [if that is not an oxymoron] and a black, low-rise, pleated miniskirt with a hem about as low as Inez’s. The bustier’s shoulder straps were about an inch wide and it had some internal support for her large breasts, but still managed to show off her large nipples It also had a deep V-cut that exposed a lot of cleavage. At one point, I noted that she had worn her family G string.
Sandy wore a medium gray, plush crop-top with full shoulders. It was tight, conforming to her breasts and was cropped a couple inches below them. She paired it with a medium green, very low-rise, pleated miniskirt. If she was commando, and I would bet on it, she was feeling every breeze on her girl parts.
The Moms dressed Dad in a loose, silky button-down of which only the lower four buttons were buttoned, exposing some of his chest, and with the tails untucked and extending to the level of his crotch. In fact, and I have no doubt that the Moms intended this, the tails effectively framed his cock in the stretchy pale gray shorts he was wearing. The shorts were of medium rise, but sported very short legs, showing off his delectable thighs. I could detect the outline of his family thong that, given the tightness of the shorts, showed off his ass to best effect.
“Wow,” exclaimed Dad when we all met in the kitchen. “I am frequently gobsmacked by the number and variety of attractive women I see in this house. Today is certainly one of those days. You’re all quite lovely ... in a casual sort of way.”
“And there’ll be two more lovely young ladies here shortly,” Carol replied.
We stayed in the kitchen to await Celeste and Andressa, as we had told Celeste last week to park by the garage and come in the back door anytime she was expected. She and Andressa did just that a few minutes after Carol’s remark.
I was closest, so asked, “May I take your coats and your pack,” while pointing my chin at the backpack that Celeste was holding.
Because I took the coats and pack to the foyer closet, I missed Gracey introducing her mother to Andressa. I was also the last to get in on the round of hugs. Probably because Andressa was here, all the hugs I saw were short, not the long, sensual hugs of last week.
Celeste wore a dark gray, satiny, slightly translucent top with a spaghetti strap around her neck and another around the back; her back was otherwise bare. The top hung free, ending halfway from underboob to belly button. The strap around her back pulled the material enough on her sides that there was no sideboob visible. Below, she rocked a long, patterned dark fuchsia wraparound skirt with two large buttons buttoned in front. It hung low on her hips leaving acres of bare belly. The right side of the skirt covered that leg down to mid-calf, but the left side swept around her thigh to the side of her leg, leaving the left leg bare in front up to within three inches or so of her crotch and permitted occasional flashes of a dark gray panty.
Andressa had a really cool outfit. The top was a shawl of bright, banana yellow with a subtle silver pattern and extended down her arms to her elbows, but the hem curled up a bit in front to just cover her breasts, which seemed about the size of Liya’s, but covered only the upper quarter of her back. During the evening, it became obvious that Andressa was not wearing a bra. She wore a pair of medium gray, low-rise, shorts that extended only a few inches below her crotch.
Celeste said, “I explained to Andressa about our ... somewhat tongue-in-cheek clothing competition. Obviously, she was fine with that.”
There was much chuckling.
“I’ll say. You make that outfit look very sexy, Andressa. It helps that you have those long, soccer legs.”
“Thank you, Carol. I didn’t know what to think about this, but Celeste told me that it was mainly because your ... girls and she thought it would be fun. Since I like fun, I decided to play, too.”
“We’re glad you did,” Sandy responded. “Our girls come up with some ideas that make our lives more interesting and more fun. Even though Charlie, Sandy, and I are old ... er, we still like to have fun. It’s been enjoyable to see what everyone comes up with. You seem to have hit the mark dead on: casual but daring.”
Celeste then asked, “Is Meka not joining us today?”
“No, she needed to visit her dad. Since that usually depresses her, she said that she didn’t want to inflict her mood on the gathering.” Mom turned to Andressa and added, “She was upset that she was going to miss you being here, but he’s having some procedure done tomorrow, so she had to go tonight.”
We had to explain about Jim, after which Andressa said, “Please give her a ... consolation from me. When I miss my dad, I can just get on a plane for DC. I don’t know that I would do as well with that as she apparently is.”
Inez got everyone seated and then she and I cooked the 22 eggs over easy. Amazingly, we broke the yolk on only one, and that was one of mine. Heather and Gracey served the dishes, and we sat to eat yet another Inez-cooked dinner that caused a lot of food-enjoyment sounds.
“Inez, this is spectacular,” Celeste exclaimed. “I’d not even heard of chilaquiles. Thanks for making them.”
“You’re more than welcome. I enjoy cooking, but I had gotten away from it for a while. Staying here when I’m in town has enabled me to cook some of my favorites. I’m leaving on Wednesday, so I’m hoping to cook a bunch before then. Unfortunately, I’ll miss the next Thursday thing.”
We stayed at the table for at least a half-hour after the last of us was finished, talking about a myriad of topics, including Andressa’s winter-break plans and collegiate-level soccer.
Eventually, Sandy asked, “Did you two bring suits for the hot tub?” When she got affirmatives, she said, “Then let’s suit up.”

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