Blooded. free porn video

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He'd been on the streets for two weeks, keeping to back alleys to minimize the chance that he'd run into another person, but there was no getting away from the scent of blood. He smelled it everywhere. The closer he was to that scent, the colder he felt, and the hungrier he became.

Two weeks now since it all started. Two weeks of fighting the urge. A third week wasn't in the cards. In a few more nights, it would all be over, one way or another.

He crouched in an alley, staring at his hands. The skin was so pale it was nearly transparent. His joints felt stiff, and his fingers had started to curl in. His nails looked like they might split. His stomach twisted and his veins screamed, and he knew exactly what would put a stop to it.

Just a little would help, he thought. I could take just a little without really hurting someone. But he knew it wasn't true. Once he started, he wouldn't be able to stop. If he closed his eyes, he could just imagine what it would taste like when it hit his tongue...

"You look lost."

A woman's voice made him jump. Someone had snuck up on him. He should have smelled her coming from fifty yards, but somehow she had no scent at all. She was completely blank, even now, while less than five feet away.

This strange, blank woman was on the short side, most of her form obscured by a heavy fur coat with a hood. He saw pale blue eyes and a few stray strands of brown hair. Her voice was soft but husky.

"You look lost," she said again.

"I know where I am." He hunched, ducking his head. His voice sounded like a sputtering engine.

"Are you sure about that?" She took down the hood of her coat, and Kyle saw her face; hard lines etched on pale skin. Too pale to be normal.

He scooted back on his knees. "I don't want any trouble. If this is your turf I'll leave. I didn't know." He tried to stand, but halfway up he stumbled and almost fell. The woman made a clucking noise with her tongue.

"You poor thing, just look at you. You're starving, aren't you?"

"Nothing to worry about," he said. It was hard to talk with his head pounding, and his words came out slurred. He had no idea who this woman was, but he wanted away from her, far away. The only thing that made him more uncomfortable than the thought of being around a normal human being was the thought of being around another person like him. Unfortunately, it appeared he wasn't in any shape to make a quick getaway.

The woman knelt next to him and touched his face with fingers that felt like glass. "You're new," she said. "You must be, or I'd recognize you. You're new and you don't know what to do. When did it happen?"

There was something strange about the way she talked. He realized that her breath wasn't clouding like it should on a cold night like this.

"When did what happen?"

"When did you die? That's always how it starts. You die and then for some reason you wake up again and things are never the same. Everyone has their story about how they died."

"Car accident," he muttered. "Two weeks ago." The faint smell of blood wafted by the other side of the alley. Someone must have walked by. Both of them darted their eyes in that direction.

"Two weeks," she repeated. "Just a baby. A poor, helpless baby."

"I'm not helpless," he said. He really wanted her to stop touching him. He tried to push her away, but his arms didn't want to move.

"The beginning is always the hardest. Let me help. I know where we can go."

He opened his mouth, but the only thing that came out was a gargling noise. She slid a skinny arm under his and lifted him as though he weighed nothing, like picking up an empty bag. He leaned on her, and she felt solid and rigid, like a post.

"I'm Erica," she said..


"Kyle? You don't look like you could be more than twenty years old."

"Twenty one."

"Were. You were twenty one. Now you're not anything. You'll get used to the idea." She was half-pulling, half-carrying him through the alley.

"Where're we going?"

"Somewhere we can get help."

"...rica," was all he managed, and at that point he must have blacked out, because the next thing he knew he was somewhere else.

It was still dark and cold, but the air smelt stale, and there was no more breeze, so he thought he must be inside. He was lying on his back on a mattress, and although it was pitch black he knew he wasn't alone, because he could hear voices, dozens of whispering voices.

One of them spoke up. It was Erica: "Kyle? Are you awake?"

"Yes," he said. It was almost all he could do now to talk. He felt like he'd swallowed his tongue. He tried to turn his head around, but couldn't. "Where are we?" he asked.

"Somewhere safe, which is the best you could hope for in your condition." Erica said. "You're lucky I found you, and that I'm the compassionate type. Drink this, it's fresh."

A scent filled his nostrils, raw and red. She was pressing a cup to his lips. He tried to turn away. "Drink!" she said again. "You need it. You're dying. You won't last until dawn."

"Don't...want," he said, with difficulty.

The voices in the dark laughed. Erica's reply was gentle but firm: "Don't be stubborn. You won't save anyone by turning it down."

"We won't let it go to waste," said one of the voices. There was more laughter, and Erica shushed them.

"Drink," she said, pushing the cup to his lips again, and although he wanted to turn away, he didn't have the strength. Blood flowed, thick and hot, into his mouth.

It didn't taste at all like he'd imagined; it was ripe and earthy, a taste that made him think of dark places underground, or of fruit that had grown soft underneath the peel. No sooner had he swallowed a mouthful than he felt it spreading through him, so hot that he thought it would burn him inside.

Feeling began to return to his extremities almost immediately, and the throbbing pain in his head faded into a distant ache. He sat up, but became dizzy as soon as he did.

"Careful! The first time is a lot to handle. Go slowly."

Kyle heard a splashing noise, and the cup was at his lips again. The longer he stared into the darkness, the easier it was for him to see, and he could now make out Erica's silhouette, a shadow somehow more substantial than those around it.

He drank, trying not to think about he was doing. When the cup was empty, he was able to sit up, and after a third he was strong enough to stand, but Erica chided him to relax, pushing him back down onto the mattress. It was only at this point that he realized he was naked.

"Feeling better already?" she said. "You've been through so much. Let me take care of you. You deserve to have someone to look after you, for a little while."

One of her hands was on his bare chest, and he flinched to feel how cold it was, so much colder than a moment ago. It's because now I'm warm again, he realized. Erica must have noticed his reaction, because he saw her raise the cup to her own lips, and as she drank her touch became first warm, then hot. Her cold skin grew smooth and soft, and now he could smell her, the aroma of blood mingling with her natural scent.

"Is that better?" she whispered, rubbing her hands down his chest. She was leaning against him, her body draped over his, and he wasn't surprised to find that she was naked too. The other voices were murmuring, to themselves or to each other, sounding excited.

Her lips touched his, and he tasted blood on them, and on her tongue. He'd read about "hungry" kisses, but this was the first time he realized what that meant, as Erica's mouth seemed intent on consuming him. Her tongue darted forward, then drew back. Her lips were soft, teasing, pressing down fully for only half a second before drifting away.

Her hands moved over him, and her fingertips had been dipped in the blood, tracing lines of it down his bare chest. She teased lower, then drew her hands back, giggling as he squirmed. The scent was everywhere, so heavy he thought it might suffocate him.

Kyle's head was swimming again now. Not the beleaguered misery of near-starvation that he had felt only an hour ago, but now a headiness and impulsiveness stemming from his recovery. His mind, his senses, and most notably his body, had been dying, slowly, over the course of days, but now they were all alive again, overwhelmingly alive, and he felt as though he'd been plunged into an ocean of sensations.

He wanted to feel the extreme most verge of everything: He wanted to wrap his arms around this woman and embrace her so hard she was crushed. He wanted to lick the very last drop of blood from her lips. He wanted to feel her fingers claw his body until the flesh was stripped.

He had stopped caring where he was, who she was, or what was going on. He had been exiled from the world, and now that he was back, mind and body craved stimulation to the exclusion of everything else.

Erica swung one leg over his hips, straddling him, then pinned his shoulders. Kyle wasn't sure if he was still weak or if she was just bizarrely strong, but he felt trapped. He wrapped his hands around her forearms, struggling, his attempts half serious and half playful. She seemed amused.

In one quick motion she leaned down and sank her teeth into the side of his neck. He gasped and moaned in response, and the voices in the darkness all laughed in concert.

"She's opened the poor dear up," said someone nearby. "Get him a refresher before she eats him up completely!"

Erica took his hand by the wrist, pressing it to the neck wound (it was steady, but she hadn't opened an artery), and soon his fingers and palm were coated with hot blood.

"Touch me," she said. "Here." She guided his wrist to the curve of her hip, letting him trace the slope of it. In the dark he could imagine the crimson smear on the white canvas of her skin.

"Touch me," she said again. "Touch me here," she pressed his hands to the hollow of her throat, her tongue darting out to lap a few red drops from his fingertips.

"And here," she pushed his hand lower. Her petite, perfectly formed breasts were tender and inviting, nipples swollen and alert. He imagined the bleeding stain he left behind crowning the tip of each.

"Touch me here," she said, and he did.

"Now here," she said, and he did.

"Touch me everywhere," she said, and he did.

"Do you feel it?"

"Feel what?" he said. His voice was shaking.

"The connection. Us. Our bodies. The blood. In you, in me, on you, on me. Before we were empty vessels, and now we're full, full of life, the same life in you and in me. The same life in two different bodies. Do you feel it?"

Whispers in the dark. The crowd, whoever they were, were very close now.

"Do you feel it?" she asked again.

"Yes," he said. And he did.

She threw herself down on top of him, lips bound together, and now she didn't draw away from his kiss. He held her so close that even he eventually forgot the line between her body and his. The entire night they were together, one thing, one being, sharing life, sharing their selves.

In the dark, the others whispered..


Kyle woke to find he was alone.

It was pitch black and he felt something on top of him. He put his hands up and they encountered crinkly plastic; a tarp. He pushed it aside, and winced at the tiny amount of light that was leaking through the windows overhead. It was just barely sundown.

He must have fallen asleep, and they had covered him with the tarp to keep him safe from the sun. But where were they? In the half light, he saw that he was, and apparently had been the whole time, on the floor of an empty warehouse. Other than the tarp and the mattress, there was nothing else here.

Where the hell are my clothes? he wondered.

His body felt sticky and it was uncomfortable to move. It took him a second to realize it was because he was still covered in blood! It had dried to a hard crust on skin, and the smell had turned sour. He gagged.

Get it together, he thought. First he would find his clothes, then he would get cleaned up, and after that he would start worrying about what the hell happened last night and who that woman was, who any of those people were. Right now just deal with the simple stuff.

He found his clothes neatly folded by the door. Although the warehouse was empty, it was apparently not abandoned, because he could see the remains of a new, expensive-looking lock nearby, broken into pieces.

And he saw something else too. A shape on the floor, in the corner furthest from the light...

Of course, he knew what it was before he even turned it over. The corpse's face was broad and fat, sallow flesh bunched up around the neck, with watery blue eyes and a pinched nose beneath a receding hairline. It was the kind of face that made Kyle think of substitute teachers in high school.

He stared at the dead man for a full ten seconds, wondering what to do, and then he checked the man's pockets, helping himself to the hundred and twenty dollars in his wallet while being careful not to look at the ID.

He left the warehouse through the broken door and found a gas station with a bathroom a few blocks away. There, with cold water and toilet paper, he cleaned the caked blood from his body. As he did, he remembered how the woman's hands (Erica, was that her name? It was so hard to remember anything now) had felt when she'd touched him, like her skin was made of fire, and so was his. Had that been real? What had actually happened?

He thought about the face of the man who was even now still lying on the filthy floor of that warehouse. He thought about that face and about the taste of the blood last night and he felt...


Nothing at all. Shouldn't he feel guilty? Remorseful? Horrified, at least? He had almost starved himself to death because he was sure that he wouldn't be able to deal with the reality of another person's death. But he didn't feel any different now that it was done. He only felt better. Someone else was dead, but, somehow, that didn't matter. He was alive. Not much else seemed important.

He finished cleaning up. It was early in the evening and he wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to go somewhere with a crowd. He felt like he could be around people again, for a while. He had two hundred dollars, counting what he had taken from the dead man. Despite living on the streets, he didn't have a hard time keeping cash on hand anymore. There was less to spend it on.

He went into the first bar he found. The smell of so many warm human bodies in an enclosed space made him nervous, but he sat down anyway, ordering a beer he couldn't drink. The room was full, and he felt like people were staring. He supposed even after cleaning up he must look like a mess, still pale and shaking. They probably think I'm crashing on something, he thought.

He watched the crowd, flat faces and dull eyes under dim yellow lights. Their movements looked stiff and jerky, their flesh waxen, voices sounding scratched and hollow like an old record. For some reason, it didn't look like a room full of people at all. It was more like a room full of dolls.

There was a girl about twenty years old watching him from the end of the bar. Kyle shifted in his seat. Did he know her? Was she one of the ones from last night? He watched until he saw drink and swallow her beer, but even then he didn't relax.

He had just made up his mind to leave when she sat down across from him. She was pale (though not as pale as him), with chestnut hair down to her shoulders. She was a skinny thing, too small even to be called petite. She was pretty, but her smile showed too many teeth and there were the hints of bags under her eyes.

"Nice night," she said. "I'm almost empty, so I'll let you buy the next." Her laugh sounded like a firecracker. Kyle wanted to leave, but being this close to her transfixed him. He could see (or thought he could see) the patchwork of blue veins running just beneath the surface of her skin, and although he realized he was staring, he didn't look away.

The echo of her heartbeat sounded so loud inside her little chest that he thought it might burst at any second. He watched the pulse throbbing in her throat and wrists with horror and enchantment. For a second it seemed like every separate part of her was moving of its own accord. He found himself paying for her drink and introducing himself.

"Kyle, huh? I'm Tanya."

"That sounds like a working name." He said it before he even thought about it.

Her smile almost went away, but she recovered. "Yep, it is. You caught me. How did you know?"

He wasn't sure. The question had been out of his mouth before he even realized what it was.

Tanya looked self-conscious, but giggled. "Well, do you still want to talk to me?"

Kyle wasn't sure he had ever wanted to talk to her in the first place, but he said yes. He scrutinized her more closely; she must really be desperate to approach someone who looked like he did, but she didn't look like a junkie. Maybe she owed someone?

Tanya made small talk and he gave half answers for a few minutes. He couldn't believe how long it took her to catch on to his impatience. Or maybe she was just waiting until she had finished the drink he'd paid for? He tried not to stare at the gulping motion of her throat as she drained the glass.

"Look hon, it's been fun meeting you, but I have work to do. I have a place right around the corner if you're interested." She leaned in close, her voice a stage whisper. "What do you say? We could get to know each other?" This close, he could see the yellow from the lights mixing with the brown in her eyes.

Kyle hesitated. Nothing but trouble could come out of this. But it was the first time in two weeks that a person, a real, living person, had talked to him. He wanted more of her company. Not because he was interested in her, but because he wanted to know if he even could be around normal people again, having something like a normal life, if only for a few hours.

He licked his lips. "Well..."


Kyle pressed his mouth to Tanya's thigh, sticking out the tip of his tongue to tickle the bare flesh. She shrieked and laughed, swatting at him playfully. "Your lips are freezing, did anyone ever tell you that?"

"Just one person," he said. In the dark, in the tiny bedroom of her tiny apartment, he was enveloped in the scent of her body. Her naked skin radiated heat, like a blush he could see in the dark. As his lips moved across her, he imagined he could taste the blood saturating her flesh.

She was lying back on the bed, naked, splayed, her too-skinny form illuminated by the half-light from the streetlamps outside. He could see her cupping her breasts in her hands, stroking her dark, swollen nipples as she watched him, head cocked to one side, smiling in a lopsided way as he slid further up, tongue extended to trace the curve of her thighs, until he was a few breaths away from the place that they met.

"I'm not sure I expected quite this level of -OH!- enthusiasm..."

"I like to surprise people," Kyle said, flicking his tongue again. When she jumped, she flushed across her cheeks and breasts.

He hadn't spoken the entire time she was leading him to her apartment. He could tell by her body language that it was a cold night, so he made a show of shivering even though he couldn't feel it.

Her place had hardly any furniture and no decoration. They had gone through the awkward ritual of exchanging money, then she lead him to the bedroom, shedding her clothes into a single pile on the floor and beckoning him to the bed.

He lapped at the swollen outer lips of her sex, his mouth full of the warmth of her body. It wasn't what he really wanted to fill his mouth with, but maybe it was close enough. Maybe if he indulged in one thing, he would stop wanting the other. Most of the elements were the same; a body, warm flesh, being able to taste and, almost, consume another person.

He heard his pulse pounding in his ears as he pushed his mouth tight against her, her hips buck and squirming in response. Something about the way her body thrashed around seemed alive in an obscene way that both repelled and titillated him. She felt warm, soft, and fragile. The taste of her sex, achingly close to what he really needed, was sharp and wet. When she moaned, her whole body shook.

He thought back to last night and his preternatural encounter with Erica; the two women couldn't be more different. Erica had been an inferno, beautiful and alluring but terrible, and always changing. Tanya felt comforting, open, and, in a very strange, very human way, fixed, as though her body had been prepared expressly for him and was now receptive to his wants as a matter of kind.

The way she was splayed on the bed, and the ease with which she invited him in, combined with her relaxed, luxuriating pose as she stroked the curves of her naked body and panted at his every touch, made her seem like she had always been his. He was aware, of course, that this was probably nothing more than a professional talent on her part, but it still seemed no less credible, at least in the moment. When she whispered his name, his thrill was genuine. Her fingers knotting in his hair and the catch in her voice when she gasped told him that her physical reaction, if nothing else, was genuine as well.

So he buried himself deeper into the cradle of her body, lips massaging while his tongue parted her, sliding up and down. It seemed he absorbed the heat from her body, until she was no longer complaining about the coldness of his touch, only insisting that it be faster, harder, deeper.

She was writhing now, and he increased his pace to match. In the dim light, he could just make out her face; eyes closed, biting her lip, brow pinched in concentration. During his two weeks in oblivion he had trained himself to concentrate on one sensation so intensely that it almost completely overrode all others, and he put that skill to use again now, shutting out everything except that one point of contact, deep, dark, and intimate.

She was thrashing wildly now, almost losing control. Her back contorted while her hips bucked again and again, mouth open in a noiseless gasp that was never quite audible. Her hands pushed down on the back of his head, never allowing him to break off for more than an instant.

"Godgodgodgodgodgodgodgod...!" she whispered, overflowing with the raw power of the feeling that was coursing through her, almost ready to burst.

Just as Kyle had compressed all of his thoughts and sensations down to one physical point, it seemed that the entire night had become this one instant for her, the one, solitary, fleeting moment of pure and absolute satisfaction and all-annihilating bliss. As she came down, Kyle watched her frame relax, like a fist unclenching one finger at a time.

After, she gave him some of the money back. He tried to refuse, but she insisted. "After all, you didn't even get to home," she said, laughing and giving him an indecipherable look. He stuffed the money back into his jacket pocket as he stood at the bottom of the apartment steps. There were still a lot of hours until dawn. He wondered what he should do.

The wind shifted, and Kyle stopped dead in his tracks. How did he feel now? In the moment, he had felt exactly how he had wanted to: connected, in a way that was more complex than words. But now, standing in the dark, looking back, it was just another memory, indistinguishable from all the others. The present was such a brief thing, and the past might as well never have happened.

He saw that the light in the apartment's one window had gone out. It's so easy, he thought, to just switch a light off.

Before he realized what he was doing, he was vaulting up the steps two at a time. He reached the front door just as she was coming out again.

She jumped, frightened, until she saw who it was. She grinned at him. "Came back for more?"

He touched the side of her neck. "Yes."


The hot water felt strange on his skin, like it wasn't quite touching him. He felt like he was wrapped in plastic. He stayed in the shower for a long time, almost an hour, watching the red drip off of him and pool at his feet. He'd meant to scrub himself, but instead he just stood and let the heat and the water pressure strip everything off of him.

After, he checked his reflection in the foggy mirror. He looked healthy for the first time in weeks. His eyes were still a bit hollow, but his skin was flushed and his features sharp. He wasn't shaking anymore either. He looked like a new man.

There was blood caked under his fingernails and he took a minute to scrub them. As soon as they were clean, he forgot they'd ever been dirty. He stepped out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around his waist while feeling ridiculous about modesty of it.

He was clean, but his clothes were ruined. Nothing gets out blood, he thought. The clock told him it was now a quarter past four in the morning; not much time to get situated before sunrise. Should he just stay here for the day? It probably wasn't smart to sleep at a crime scene, but where else could he go?

He glanced at the bedroom door, still open a crack. The carpet at the threshold was stained red. He had left the light on and he could see the crimsoned sheets and the unmoving form wrapped up in them. He decided that the living room would be the best place to sleep.

Somehow, he wasn't surprised to find Erica waiting for him when he got there. She sat in the easy chair, legs crossed. There was a dab of red on her chin, just below her mouth.

"I helped myself to some of the leftovers, " she said. "I hope you don't mind."

He shook his head, still standing in the doorway.

"You made a terrible mess, but that's normal. The first time always does hurt the most." Her smile looked like a painting She gestured to the seat across from her. He was still only wearing the towel, an he soaked the chair when he sat. She was dressed in a stunning blue evening dress, but if she noticed the difference in their attire, she didn't say anything.

A minute passed in silence.

"How do you feel?" she asked.

"Fine," was all he could think to say.

"What do you feel?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"You just murdered a woman. You must be having some feelings about that."

He shrugged. "How would you feel?"

"I don't know, I didn't do it."

"But you've done it."

"Well those were other people. They're not all the same. This one is yours. It's an experience no one else will ever have. So I'll ask again: what do you feel?"

He leaned forward. "I don't feel a thing. Is that what you want to hear?"

"It's what I expected to hear. It's how things are."

"How did you find me?" he asked.

"I followed you. It wasn't hard. I've been following you all week."


"Because I wanted to see what you would do. And because I like you. I'm so bored of all the others. I need someone new."

"Did you make me like this?"

"No honey, that's not the way it works. I couldn't make people like this even if I wanted to. It's just a thing that happens sometimes. Certain people, we don't die right, so we don't stay dead."

"That's all there is to it?"

"Well, everyone has their own idea about why it's certain people and not others. But no one knows, and it doesn't matter. This is who we are, and this is what we do, and now you know what it's like."

"I don't feel anything. I haven't all along. Will it always be like this?"

"Sometimes. Maybe. Why so many questions anyway?" she uncrossed and recrossed her legs.

"What is it you want to do with me?"

"Keep an eye on you. Help you. For as long as you keep amusing me."

"And after?"

She waved a hand. "After? Who knows about after? Who cares? Is there an after at all? You don't have to think about the future anymore. Tomorrow night and the next and the next will be just the same as this one. You don't have any future any more than you have a past. You're just present. Enjoy the moment. It's all there is."

She stood up, stretching like a cat. "It's almost morning. We should go somewhere with fewer windows. Take me to bed?"

"The bed is a mess."

"I adore bloodstained sheets. White and red are such a beautiful contrast." She brushed the hair away from his forehead with one fingertip. "Come along darling. Come hold me until it's night again. And tomorrow night, and tomorrow night, and tomorrow night."

"You said there is no tomorrow night?"

"Then it'll be tonight again. What do you say, dove? Do you want to come with me?"

The grey of morning was starting to creep along the streets outside. He felt his body contract away from the window

"We could do that," he said. very slowly and deliberately.

"Could we?"

"We could." He watched the shadows on the floor get longer. "Or we could do something even more romantic."

"And what's that?"

He looked into her eyes. "We could watch the sunrise."


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I was a freshman in college, a virgin, and as luck would have it sharing the dormitory floor with more females than males. In fact there were two beauties just across the hall from my room that I shared with Kevin Morris, a very religious kid who was penciled in as next year's starting quarterback. It was during the second week of the semester that I first noticed the girls across the hall had a habit of leaving their door ajar. Naturally, I began to do everything but poke my nose in the...

2 years ago
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A Nerds First Time

There first born was a girl, April. April was a perfect baby. She was in tumbling, ballet and eventually grew up into a beautiful woman. Two years later, Mom became pregnant again. Mom and Dad hoped that this child would be the boy to carry on the family name, unfortunately it was another girl, Beth. Then there was Charolette. In one last ditch effort, Mom and Dad tried again. Mom and Dad were ecstatic to find out early in the pregnancy that they were going to have twins. They were...

1 year ago
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Jaq Has Photo Session

Many members will know all about Jaq. Jaq is my wife and a very sexy lady. A few years back, Jaq was asked to do some modelling work for her employer; this was just to show off some of the products that the company had for sale. The company sold many products that are used in the building trade. The idea was to have a member of staff demonstrating the products in a provocative manner, something that Jaq was more than capable of doing.The day of the photo shoot arrived and Jaq certainly looked...

Wife Lovers
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Maanvi Bhi Chud Gayi

Hi friends this is Jagdish again with anew story As u all know I am Jagdish from bhilai chhattisgarh doing my engineering this is my fourth story here In iss. Any bhabhi or girl who needs sexual pleasure can mail me it will be totally confidential. My id is Ab mai story par aata hu aap to jante hi hai ki maine kis tarah sunita bhabhi to unke ghar me choda tha chudai karne ke baad maine dekha ki unki beti maanvi unse bhi badi maal hai kya chuchiya thi uski ekdum tane hue gol gol aisa lag raha...

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Erotic journey

Dear Readers, after receiving an overwhelmingly positive response to “Start of an erotic journey”, this story continues where the last one left off. This story is more of a narrative. Please as before feel free to contact her through me at Well, after using the strap on and other toys on Mehek, I really got into being the dominant one in our relationship. I was hooked on to the rush of power that I got when I wore a strap-on. The orgasms were also more intense when I was fucking Mehek, than...

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Primus PilumChapter 5

Lady Emogen stood in the accused's box facing the Judicator. Her chin was held high, but her eyes betrayed the anger and resentment she felt. The Praetor sat in the high throne, watching the proceedings, not speaking. His eyes ever moved over the assembled crowd. They were here to witness the trial, to see a noble brought low. Such was great entertainment for the commoners. Even if that noble was one very popular with most folk, always some few wished to see someone else's...

3 years ago
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Getting What I Asked For

"It figures I have no kid for the weekend and all I wanted to do was get laid and drunk and Ed can't even be home.." I mumbled as I went around the house picking up the miscellaneous toys that my daughter had left out. "Screw it I might as well get dressed to kill and maybe when Ed gets here I might get a little" I stated out loud to no one in particular. So I get in the shower and get all cleaned up, get dressed and wait for over an hour, at this point I was beyond pissed off so...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 348

Landfall Space Academy – Selina and Diana's Mission Astonishing herself, Diana slept soundly for her allotted two hours. When Selina shook her awake, she smiled at her commander. "My cycle," Selina said. "We are still in warp. Breakout in approximately four hours as planned." "Yes, Commander," Diana returned, yawning, as she stretched and vacated the bunk. "I hope you rest as well as I did." "I did not sleep at all well last shift. Instead, I worried about this...

3 years ago
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Fresh Batteries Ripe Tomatoes

"... and the Stratham's cancelled. Well, actually I do have an idea. I found something while I was cleaning... stop guessing, it's a surprise. No, I'm not telling you." BEEP. "Darn, the battery's low. Oh, any preferences for dinner. You're hopeless... I love you anyway, bye." Virginia set the phone down in its charger and looked at the old shoebox with an anxious smile. She turned the box over dumping its contents on the bed: Velcro handcuffs, nipple clamps, vibrating dildo, ben-wa...

2 years ago
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The Wonderfully Naughty Wizard of Oz Ch6P2

Leandra slide her mouth away from Kaliko cock. Stood up and began removing her clothing. Sliding her black gown over her head. She watched as Dorothy opened her mouth, sucking up and down his slim curved cock. "Your body looks amazing my dear Leandra." "I hate you for this Kaliko."He laughed as his fingers slide through Dorothy hair. "You know you could stop. But the spell in the wine has heighten your deepest desires. Why can't you be like your friend Dorothy. She's enjoying herself." Dorothy...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 5 Junes First Look

As they watched the movie, Roger couldn’t help but feel June’s body squirming during many of the sex scenes He glanced quickly at June and noticed that both of her hands were on her lap with the finger tips at the point where her legs met her body. Her mouth was slightly open and her eyes glassy. She was obviously tremendously turned on by the scenes of the poor secretary being dominated by her supervisor. Likewise, June glanced over at Roger once and saw the bulge in his pants. She wondered...

1 year ago
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Sophia impatiently brushed her hair back out of her face as the train lurched forward. She reached down and wrenched her biology textbook out of her messenger bag. Instead of dutifully turning to ‘Childhood Diseases and Infections,’ she stared out the window at the passing apartment buildings, leaving the textbook open on her lap. She had wanted to get in some studying on the train from work back to school, but the soft smell of spring that hung in the air today, even on the train, was making...

4 years ago
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The ClubChapter 2

Eva and I returned to the bar after the stage show. My cum was still dribbling down her inner thighs, and my cock was still rock hard and very sticky with our combined cum juices. "Thank you ... that was a wonderful fuck" she commented slipping her arm around me as we sipped on our wine. Within a few minutes we were joined by the black beauty from the stage show. "Hi ... my name is Sin" she told us as she first embraced Eva kissing her on the lips before she turned to me. She hugged...

3 years ago
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The Glory King Part 2

The Glory King returnsIt had been months since my encounter with the man I only know as shlm_glory_king. I have no idea what his real name is, heck, now that I think about it, I don’t even know the man. I only know his cock; the cock that was presented to be through a glory hole and I gladly sucked and was fucked by. I had often thought of that night and longed for more but for some reason I never had the nerve to reach out and contact him again. I suppose I had done something I never thought I...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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First Time With Neighobour Aunty

Hi, In continuation from my last sex story from hotmalluraj ID. I am Raj and back after my first move. We moved to a new house, it was a big colony and we got introduced to many people. One of them was Mrs. Sharma, she was a nice homely lady, divorced with two kids, elder daughter use to stay with her and son used to say with her husband. Mrs. Sharma being a homely lady used to wear sarees at home, I used to bunk my college classes and come at sit at her house chatting with her. Her daughter...

4 years ago
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Latex Futa Nuns From Hell Chapter 1 The Gift

Jessica ran the cold water and splashed some on her face before gazing into the mirror. What stared back was an image she'd grown tired of. A woman quickly approaching mid-life as the first creases and wrinkles of age began forming on her lovely bronze skin. Flowing locks of beautiful brunette hair that were hidden under a veil day by day. Piercing reddish-brown eyes that brimmed with curiosity and intellect, but also betrayed an unfathomable sadness. Full, pouty lips that had not known the...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 262 Additions and Subtractions

Friday night, we celebrated Pam's birthday in the studio. Her parents and little brother, Brett, came down for the weekend. Her brother wasn't really that little. He was sixteen and I could understand why he'd be interested if Pam was showing off too much skin around home. I'd probably have gotten out a hose, like her mother had last year. The thing was, I didn't think Pam was really full-grown yet. She had that kind of cute, coltish look that I associated with Cassie before she'd...

2 years ago
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Modern Family Mannys PillsChapter 10

The Dunphys all walked very uncomfortably through the mall the following Sunday afternoon, mostly from being spanked, but in Claire’s and Phil’s cases ... it was also from getting sodomized. Claire had taken it up the butt for Phil again, but once that was over, she made sure to peg him and both of them loved it probably more than most would. They had skipped church, but now they had a chance to get out of the house for a bit. The trip to the mall seemed mostly normal, even if Phil still...

2 years ago
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Defloration sex education in OlsztynPL st3

When Irene and her boyfriend left the barn, it was sure that they had to do it again as soon as possible. In public though, they had to behave as ‘normal neighbors c***dren’ to prevent people talking about.When they kissed goodbye, they made an appointment for the next day to meet in the old barn right after school. Not a single minute should be wasted.[pic: Irene besamte Pussy im Heu.jpg]Next day, when Irene came into the barn, she was already highly aroused and longing for her boyfriend. All...

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The Lesbian Lifestyle of Linda Lonnigan

Little Linda Lonnigan was a happy child. She was the youngest daughter of Jack and Ethel Lonnigan who were both pillars of the community and reputed to be of original Colonial stock. No hint of lack of moral fiber or shady dealings was ever connected to either of them and that is why it was shocking to find out the hidden truth about their lovely daughter Linda. The Lonnigans only had the one child and they doted on her. They felt that they were fortunate to have a child of such beauty and...

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Hands of a HealerChapter 3 Learning to Heal

One of the patients that Grant had literally fallen in love with was a beautiful little nine year old named Melissa. She was strickened with cancer and was going through all the different treatments that her young body could withstand but she didn't let it get her down. She was always bubbling over with laughter, talking with all the other children and so full of life at every visit. It was hard to keep her in her bed as she always ran to greet him when he visited. A big hug and a kiss on...

1 year ago
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Aunt Rachael and I get a Shocking Surprise

Well First let me explain about my Aunt Rachael, she has short blond hair, gray eyes ,huge 36D tits(very firm ones), always wears these large hoop ear rings, small nose and a pouty lipped cute mouth. Oh by the way at this time she hated my guts, but then she hated all men since her husband and her two sick/twisted sons treated her like crap and she responded in kind. I never did anything to promote her hatred of me and I never returned that hatred since I knew why she treated me like that. At...

2 years ago
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Lightning Does Strike TwiceChapter 8

I awoke bright and early on Sunday morning. I figured the alarm clock would be the device to wake me up. I found that my nose worked better. I went into the kitchen to find my son Robbie making breakfast. "Morning Robbie. That smells good. What are making?" "Sausage gravy and biscuits with omelets. Erin is coming over for breakfast. I figured I better make enough for the whole family." "Smart move." "We're then going over to her house to watch the game with her folks." "You...

1 year ago
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Out for a drink

This lady had not been out in a while and wanted to have fun. She remembered when she did have fun she was drunk she wanted a few things but knew she had to get one man in her life so she could get the rest of what she wanted. We will call her Annette she has long black hair and a nice figure. She was wearing a dress with nothing underneath. She walks into the bar sits next to a man who was looking at her up and down checking her out like men do . Hi my name is Jim what is yours? He said. She...

3 years ago
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A Day in September

                                                               A Day in September     I was 40 and my marriage of twenty two years was officially over.  I say officially over because, as marriages go, mine had actually been over for the last two years, but it had happened so gradually that Bryan nor I  had  noticed.   All of my personal things were packed and ready to go. Since the house and what it contained obviously meant more to Bryan than I did, it was all his.  Our three children were all...

4 years ago
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The people involved in tonight’s tale are, Anne, her god-parent Audrey, and myself. A few weeks ago, Anne told me about her god-parent Audrey getting ripped off by the guy that was living with her. Apparently he’s been seeing someone else after moving in with Audrey for a year or so. During that time he’s persuaded her to buy a bigger house and get a mortgage to do so. Then things started going wrong and he’s claiming half of the house and other bits and pieces. It’s usually the woman that...

1 year ago
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Tormented My First Time

This is a one part story. It replaces a two part version. I believe it is better as a one part piece because the set up is somewhat empty without the story’s conclusion. This story is no fairy tale, it is no sweet romance, it is a tale of tawdry revenge and its consequences. Its a tale of torment and tragic sexual experience and wanting more. So if you want a cheap thrill filled with love and happy endings you may wish to read something else. If you read the story make a comment. Complain...

4 years ago
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Cousin Ki Seal Todi

Hi everyone on indian sex stories dot net  , I am sam from gujarat and happily married.This is my second story on iss, before starting my story, I tell about my self I m 38 years old my height is 5’7″ & weight is 68 kgs & my dick size 7″ Lamba 2.5″ mota hai. And I have good athletic build, now I tell my story that happens between me & my cousin sister, her name is harshda with height of 4’6″ fair complex & curly hair (name change), this story started before 23 years on that time we both are in...

2 years ago
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The Potting Shed 2

So that’s the background to my love life with Sally – pretty much non-existent apart from the odd knee trembler in one of the beach huts on Ayr shore, or perhaps a quick hand job at the cinema. Something had to give, but in the end it was my work as a gardener that saved the day, and much closer to home than we could have hoped for. Sally’s parents had a flat in a large detached Victorian villa, one of many in Racecourse Road. The neighbouring property was a bit run down and the large garden...

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Chapter 6 of Wifes Story

Chapter 6 of Wife’s StoryReuben and JC got on the road at a good time after rush hour and were making good progress hoping to be home in the early afternoon. Reuben and Lem certainly gave JC a lot to reflect on; how will this affect her marriage, what about her pregnancy desires, and what happens if she is currently pregnant. It’s been 3 weeks since Reuben first fucked her and he may not have gotten all the way out of her, like he promised he would, but left enough of his sperm in her to make...

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Olyas Indian Adventure

Olya was excited; for the first 18 years of her life, she had been restricted to the cold confines of Russia. While she had experienced the odd holiday with her family, they had always chosen another northern country that offered her none of the escape that she actually craved… here she was, just weeks after her 19th birthday , on a charter flight travelling from Moscow to Goa, India. Olya was done with the snow, the bitter cold and the monotony of her otherwise comfortable life in Russia....

3 years ago
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Unexpected Consequences 6

Saturday morning began with me waking to a slight sensation in my left nipple and I sleepily scratched at it. The feeling moved to the right nipple and I brushed that one too. I heard a giggle and opened my eyes to see Claire up on one elbow in the act of scraping her fingernail over my left nipple again through my satin gown. I reached up and pulled her into my arms. We cuddled for a few minutes and murmured our love for each other. Mention of Sue was made and we both looked over to...

3 years ago
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Professor Prick 9

Nikki is Born We left the caf? and walked hand in hand back to the party. "Where have you two lovebirds been for the last hour my?" mother said with a smirk. "Oh just chatting," I said. "Can I see you for a minute Mum?" as I walked back towards the foyer with her following me. Once outside she said, "What Happened?" "I think you probably have a fair idea," I said peeling of my glove and pushing my hand towards her. "Oh my god, he asked you to marry him." "No, not r...

3 years ago
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Abenteuer auf dem Reiterhof

Caroline Wismar saß gelangweilt auf einer kleinen Bank vor einer der Pferdeställe und blätterte lustlos in dem Modemagazin, welches sie sich in weiser Voraussicht mitgenommen hatte. Pferde und Reiten war nie ihr Ding gewesen und sie konnte daher die Faszination die viele Menschen, insbesondere Frauen für den Reitsport hatten nicht teilen. Im Gegenteil, die großen prächtigen Pferde machten ihr auf der einen Seite Angst, auf der anderen Seite bedauerte sie die Tiere, da sie als Sklaven für die...

1 year ago
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My Singing Valentine

It was the day before Valentines Day and it was always the beginning of one of the funnest events of the year. Every year for two days we would have a fundraiser for the Student Council called singing valentines. Students and faculties would the week before purchase a song to have performed for someone. During the two days participants would interrupt classes in order to perform these songs. You could send them anonymously if you wanted to. This particular year one of the hottest girls in the...

2 years ago
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Stuart Celibate

Stu recalled Donnie cutting the longelectrical cord of Stu?s bedside lamp,peeling back the insulation from the bare wires ?N STUART, CELIBATE Stuart had to talk to that kid?he had to get the CAGE? off?the tight rings locked around his penis were driving him crazy. Which was worse? ?Taffy?s confusion over Stu not being able to take off his pants? Or the fact that whenever Stu got an erection looking at?mostly men, but that hopefully was a phase, whenever his dick got hard, it was unable...

4 years ago
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The Landlords ProtgChapter 17

Susan was thinking all the time she was driving and when she got back to the flat, with Gail chatting away and getting absent noises from her mother. Gail went off to play with Carl and she thought some more. The sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach did not go away. She reprised her relationship with Victor in the light of what she had heard. She had been so angry to see him in the office with George, and wondered about it, but he had been cold and distant in his replies, and she...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 32

Over the next week things seemed to fall into place for me. Eddie and I ran every morning and Kathy and Brad ran with us. Between school, homework and the things I had to do around the house, there wasn't time for anything else. Brad and I talked on the phone every night. On Wednesday Brad and Kathy came to my house after school and we all made our final plans for the trip. Kathy, Eddie, Brad and I sat in the backyard at the patio table on Wednesday afternoon drinking soda and talking about...

2 years ago
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Driven to DepravityChapter 3

"Judy? How'd it go?" Even though she had been expecting her husband's question, Judy hesitated for a split second. She had never lied to Mark before. "Oh, all right. I got the listing, just as I expected." But not the way I expected, she added silently to herself. She suddenly noticed the faint gleam of sweat on her husband's face. So soon? Was it starting again so soon? "How are you, darling?" she asked softly, bending over to give him a kiss. She caught his faint, distinctive...

3 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 7

Not even casting a glance at her to make sure she was securely fastened, Casanova stretched Fran out the same way. Renee felt even more frightened as she realized that the straps were already attached to the bed, just shoved under the thin mattress. All he had to do was pull them out and fasten them around her wrists. As if he did this sort of thing all the time. "What is it you're doing to us?" Renee asked shakily, scared, sick, ashamed of what she'd just done with this man who had...

2 years ago
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Shady and Restful

The gray skies were fitting for the occasion. Light mist sprayed the people as they walked from the graveyard. The entire town had turned out for Joe's funeral. Sam Drucker, Fred Ziffle and Arnold, Oliver and Lisa Douglas, Floyd Smoot and the volunteer fire department. The Bradley girls walked away from the grave site toward the little train which would carry them back home to the shady rest. Anyone from outside the community would consider Joe as a lazy bum constantly trying one get rich...

3 years ago
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My feet beat a faster tempo as I move into my last lap around the track. The red rubber material felt like it is rising to meet each foot as I push myself harder. While the evening wind sliped past my ears, thoughts of how my life has changed over the last few weeks cling to the wrinkles in my grey matter. Three weeks ago I had a normal life of a divorced thirty-something professional. A good job, nice house, kicking car, and a few friends to do things with on the weekend. But then things...

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A Visit to Tripps ClubChapter 11

Back at my room I sat down in the comfortable Herman Miller designed chair and clicked the mouse. The twenty seven inch LCD monitor lit up with 'the Club' in a large ornate font. I clicked on the 'Start Here' button. The next screen used facial recognition for authentication. A small camera embedded in the monitor's bezel scanned my face and granted access. The screen came to life with a photo realistic image of a beautiful woman wearing a flowing semi-transparent gown. She spoke......

4 years ago
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The Things in the ClosetChapter 8

It took Lynette almost an hour to detail every occurrence regarding the ghosts and their assaults on her since that first fateful day. As she had expected, Cherie and Marissa were incredulous. "I know this whole thing sounds unbelievable but I'm not crazy." "No one thinks you're crazy, Lynette." "So you see, that's why I've agreed to let Cherie stay with you, at least until I can find a way to escape the power of Simon and Sarah. I don't want either of you near that house, ever...

4 years ago
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UniversityChapter 46

Al phoned on Sunday morning. First to thank us again for the cheque, second to pump his sister for every possible bit of data about Cait. I let them chat. After lunch we showered, dressed and drove off to meet Alf at Summer Salt in Cronulla. "He's really interested," Rachel said. "Hunh?" "Al's really struck by Cait." "So I'd gathered." "He said he'd sent her an email about his math and about moving north to Macquarie." "That should fascinate her. I can hear him: 'After...

3 years ago
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The Second Year and AfterChapter 82

The Easter break had finally arrived, and with it the big occasion of my parents throwing me a 21st Birthday celebration ‘do’ at home. (In those days, 21 was your real coming of age, despite it no longer being a legal mark for anything other than becoming a Member of Parliament; the voting age had been lowered from 21 to 18 in 1969, and of course the really important benchmark of being able to legally buy alcohol had been 18 in Britain since the Great War, when soldiers had pointed out that...

1 year ago
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A Charming ChoiceChapter 3

Jason So the next day we all piled into the family SUV and drove out to the farm. There was a long lunch while the grownups caught up with one another, and then my part of the family left for home. Thad was a year older than I, although I was just as tall as he was. April was two years older and she had really blossomed since I had seen her the previous summer, not nearly as much as Maddie of course, but April was filling out nicely. She was pretty and wore her dirty blonde hair straight...

2 years ago
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A Contract on Aunt Doris Part 2 Betrayal

She was quite dead. In fact, she had been dead for some time. I had just finished fucking her for the second time this evening. The first time she had been very much alive. Well, for most of it. Her husband David was nearby, hanging from the rafters on the end of a noose, tied with stout rope from the garage. The rope appeared to have been out there for some time by the look and feel of it. Hemp, I think. David, too, was now quite dead. I had been watching their vacation house...

1 year ago
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Hollywood DreamsChapter 28

I had showered and slept for about two hours when I wandered over to mother's room to finalize our seduction of Jennifer plans for the evening. Caroline presented quite a sight. She was sitting on the loveseat in front of her large-screen digital monitor, her white silk dressing gown open to her waist and her marvelous breasts fully exposed. Her white-nylon covered legs splayed wide. The stockings and matching garter belt made a wonderful contrast to the tan of her slim legs. White pumps...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 31 Progress Report Meeting

Saturday, April 9, 2005 Saturday morning I woke up feeling energetic and decided that I wanted to go for a run. It felt like I wanted to burn off some energy, although it seemed that I could run without using ANY energy. Despite the impossible physics, not playing soccer while my arm was healing meant I didn't get enough running around, and I felt like it this morning. It was about the time we normally get up for school, so I lightly tapped on the girls' door in case they were asleep....

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Lady Dee School Girl Caught Masturbating

School girl teen Lady D. has a big dildo that she can’t wait to try out. She peels off her school uniform miniskirt and lays down on the bed with her thighs spread so she can work her cock hungry bald pussy. When Michael Fly finds her, Lady invites him to join her. She starts seducing him by stroking his hard dick and sucking the tip like her favorite candy. Then she gets naked and draws him close. Spreading her thighs, Lady guides Michael’s stiffie until he’s seated in her...


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