The Look in Her Eyes 1
- 4 years ago
- 69
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As November slowly passed, I became more and more concerned. I couldn’t remember the date of JFK’s assassination, other than late November, but I knew the place was Dallas. I scoured the newspapers at home for information but I had long realised there was nothing I could do and if I tried, I could well attract unwanted attention. I’d found nothing new that conflicted with my memories but Col sensed something bothering me. I passed it off as just my usual family angst, which seemed to leave Col unconvinced.
One day after tea, we were just settling down on the sofa to snuggle and read some more Under Milk Wood when the music Mutti Frida was listening to was interrupted.
“News has just come in that President Kennedy has been shot. There’s no news yet of his condition. It happened as the President was riding with his wife in an open car through the streets of Dallas, Texas. Several shots rang out and the President collapsed into the arms of his wife. One eyewitness said he saw blood on the President’s head. The Governor of Texas, Mr John Connally, who was with him, was also shot down. The President was rushed to hospital, where there’s still no word of his condition.”
Even though I was expecting this, it was still a shock. I looked up when I heard Mutti Frida gasp and saw tears flowing down her cheek.
Col threw off the blankets and was at her mother’s side in a moment. “Mutti! Mutti! Was ist los? What’s wrong?”
I disentangled myself from the blankets and stood at Mutti Frida’s other side.
After a while Mutti Frida sat up, reaching arms round the two of us. “He was a great man and I had such hopes after his Berlin speech.”
I think she meant his Ich bin ein Berliner speech when he firmly planted himself on the side of the encircled half-city of West Berlin and all of western Europe.
“Hopes?” Asked Col.
“That one day east Germany would be free, the Party and the Stasi broken and we could go home.”
I ached to comfort her with the knowledge that in twenty-five years that would happen – at least in my world – but all I could do was hug her. I don’t recall the assassination affecting me much in my previous life until I saw the picture of JFK’s small son saluting his father’s coffin as he stood with Jackie at the funeral.
We stood huddled over Mutti Frida for a minute or so and then she stood up. “I think we all need a cup of hot chocolate.” She busied herself in the kitchen whilst we sat at the table. In the background, the BBC was playing sombre music.
When the hot chocolate was ready, Mutti Frida sighed and chased us back on to the sofa and helped tuck the blankets around us. “Life goes on, children. Read your book.”
We sipped our hot chocolate and read more of Under Milkwood, but the zest had gone out of our reading and, eventually, we stopped. We sat there, just listening to the music and holding hands under the blanket.
After about an hour another announcement came on the Radio.
“The latest news from America is that President Kennedy has only been slightly injured and is recovering in hospital but the bullets meant for him have seriously injured the president’s wife. She is undergoing surgery and we wait for further announcements.”
A jolt ran through me as if I had been electrified – JFK was alive! I felt my stomach heave at the shock and tore myself out of the blankets, reaching the toilet just in time to deposit the hot chocolate and my tea. The solidity of the world I was in had been wrenched from beneath my feet. I grasped the bowl and vomited again as reality swirled around me. I half-heard Col’s anguished cry of “Willi!” before the world greyed out to darkness.
“No!” I tried to sit up but I was held down.
“It’s all right son, settle down.”
My eyes tried to understand the strange, moving environment and the thumping pain in my head. ‘
“You’re in an ambulance on the way to the ‘ospital, son. Seems like you ‘ad a nasty turn and fell down, giving your ‘ead a proper crack. I expect you’ll need some stitches.” The ambulance attendant looked down at a clipboard.
“It’s Will, isn’t it?”
Nodding seemed to be a bad idea, what with the pain in my head and fluttering in my stomach, so I whispered, “Yes.”
“Just lie there, Will. Let me know if you feel sick again.” My stomach twinged slightly as I recognised the acrid taste of vomit in my mouth.
“Could I have a drink of water please?”
“Hmm – just a sip, now and spit it out into this bowl.” He held a bottle with a straw in it to my lips. A small suck brought the sweet, cleansing taste of water. I swirled it round my mouth and swallowed. Before I could suck in some more the straw was withdrawn.
“Hey – I said to spit it out! You’re not supposed to be drinking anything until the doctor sees you!”
I just closed my eyes and let the motion of the ambulance sway me around.
JFK was alive! This was a huge change from my world. Once again, I felt the solidity of my reality sliding and flowing. The ambulance man must have been watching closely as he had a bowl beside me as I retched several times.
“See, I told you not to swallow that water!” He said, gently as he wiped around my face with a moist cloth.
I lay there, trying not to think about anything – and then I realised that my collapse must have been really scary for Col and Mutti Frida.
“How are the people I was with?” I managed to ask.
“Them Germans?” I could hear the dislike in his voice – he was of an age to have experienced the war and all that entailed.
“Dunno,” he said, dismissively, “but the woman said she’d tried to phone your mum but there was no one there. What you doing, hanging around with some damn Jerries?”
The continued swaying of the ambulance was not helping to settle my stomach. I closed my eyes and ignored the question.
“Hey! Don’t you go to sleep on me! We’re just about there.” I felt him pick up my wrist to take my pulse.
The ambulance came to a halt and the rear doors were opened. With great efficiency, my stretcher was pulled out of the ambulance and I was wheeled through doors marked “Emergency”, the aroma of surgical spirit and strong disinfectant swept round me.
A pair of nurses helped transfer me to a curtained bed and I lay there, eyes closed and glad not to be moving. Outside, I heard the ambulance man speaking to the nurse. “He was with a pair of damn Germans and had a turn, fell over and cracked his head on the toilet.”
“Germans – is he German, then? Does he speak English?”
“Oh, he’s English all right, his name’s Will. He was speaking to me OK in the van. According to that German woman, his mum’s at work but she wasn’t able to get hold of ‘er so she rang the ambulance.”
A moment later a nurse bustled through the curtains and placed a plastic bucket by my bed.
“How are we feeling?”
I opened my eyes. “A bit woozy still.”
“Well, there’s a bucket if you feel sick again. We’re going to take a look at that head of yours in a minute when the doctor gets here. Just you lie still for the moment.”
After a few minutes, the doctor came and they unwrapped the bandage on my head, mused over the significant bump and gash and decided the latter needed a few stitches, which were duly applied under a local anaesthetic.
I was lying there quietly when I heard Mutti Frida’s voice. “But I am his friend’s mother – he was at my house when the accident happened. I wish to see him!” A door closed and I could not hear any more. But then the curtain rustled and Col was standing beside me, holding my hand fiercely in hers.
“You scared me, Willi! When I saw you lying on the floor in the toilet with blood all over the floor, I thought you were dead! What happened?” She was speaking softly to avoid alerting the staff she was with me, but I could hear the fear in her voice.
“I don’t know – I must have fainted.”
“You hit your head on the base of the toilet, there was blood everywhere. Oh God, Willi, I thought you were dead, but Mutti bandaged it. We tried to call your mother but there was no reply so we called the ambulance.” That all seemed to come out in a single breath and I could feel her hand fiercely squeezing mine.
“Please, don’t break my hand!”
“Sorry!” She relaxed the squeezing, not letting go. “I’ve been so scared!” She leaned down to kiss me but pulled back when she caught the whiff of vomit still on my breath.
“Ugh – you need to have a drink and clean your teeth!” She whispered, smiling to take the sting out of her words.
Just then a nurse came in with a clipboard. She looked askance at Col. “Are you supposed to be in here?”
“Sh ... Col’s my best friend. Please let him stay with me. I feel safer.” I gave the nurse my best puppy eyes, hoping she hadn’t noticed my near slip.
“Hmmm.” She looked at Col’s hand, which was still holding mine. “I need to take your pulse!” She gave me a pointed stare. I offered her my other hand.
She flounced round to the other side of the bed, produced a thermometer which she stuck under my tongue and then took my pulse, writing up the results on a clipboard at the end of the bed.
At that moment, my mother arrived.
The nurse looked up, clearly becoming annoyed at intrusions into her domain. “And who are you?” she asked, somewhat irritated.
My mother was not someone to be trifled with in a medical environment. “I am Dr Johnstone,” she stressed the doctor part. “This boy’s mother. Please tell me what is happening.”
The nurse deflated rapidly. “He had a turn and fell, hitting his head. He has three stitches and the doctor is worried about a concussion.”
My mother picked up the chart at the foot of the bed and looked at it, then addressed the nurse. “Please let Dr... , “ she looked back down at the clipboard. “ ... Fredericks know I am here so I can talk with him.”
The nurse stood there, unsure of what to do.
“Now, please nurse!” My mother’s voice was curt, used to lesser medical staff doing her bidding without question.
The nurse left and my mother turned to Col.
“What happened, Col?” she asked in a much more friendly voice.
I jumped in, worried that she thought Col had something to do with this. “Col had nothing to do with it – it was an accident! I just felt ill and fainted.”
My mother sat on the side of the bed, opposite Col. She looked at Col’s hand holding mine and then picked up my other one. “It’s all right, Will, rest easy. I just want to try and work out why you fainted all of a sudden.”
She looked across at Col. “Can you tell me what you were doing when this happened?”
Col looked at me and then back at my mother. “We’d had tea and were sitting reading when the news came on that President Kennedy had been shot. We read some more and then the news came that he had only been injured but his wife was in surgery. Suddenly Will got up, rushed into the bathroom and was sick. Mutti and I got there just in time to see him fall and hit his head.”
“What time did you have tea?”
“About six o’clock, I think. We all had the same – Gemütlichkeit – sort of a beef stew with noodles.”
I realised my mother was worried about food poisoning.
My mother leaned forward, looking at Col. “You feel fine?”
“Yes, Frau Doctor Johnstone.”
“Thank you, Col.” My mother looked around. “Where’s your mother?”
“She’s here somewhere. They wouldn’t let us in the ambulance so we walked round here straight away. She was trying to get in to see Willi, but they wouldn’t let her.”
My mother looked at Col, a half-smile playing on her lips. “So, you slipped in here when no-one was looking?”
Col didn’t say anything.
“It’s all right Col.” She leaned across and patted his hand. “You stay here and I’ll go and find Dr Fredericks and your mother.”
I was still feeling a bit woozy and had a splitting headache, so I lay with my eyes closed. I felt the bed shift and realised Col was lying down beside me.
Col’s voice whispered in my ear, “Well, we’re in bed together, but it’s not quite what I was expecting.”
I squeezed her hand. “Wicked girl!” I whispered back, smiling. Then we lay in silence.
After a while, I heard footsteps and the curtain swished back. The doctor and my mother came in, with Mutti Frida and the nurse behind them. My mother looked at Col lying beside me. Col sat up but kept hold of my hand.
“How are we feeling?” The doctor asked.
“My head hurts.”
He gave a wry smile. “I’m sure it does. Seeing as how you have a doctor in the house,” he looked across at my mother with a nod of acknowledgement, “I think we can let you go home.” Having delivered his verdict, he swept out.
“All right, Will, let’s get you out of here.” She looked at Mutti Frida. “Can I give you a lift home?”
“Thank you, Frau Doctor, but just to your house. We can walk from there.”
Supported between Mutti Frida and my mother, I was walked out to the car. I lay in the back with my head in Col’s lap. At home, I was walked up to bed.
Col and Mutti Frida said goodnight and set off for home as soon as I was safely upstairs. My mother fussed around me for a while but eventually left me in peace, leaving the bedroom door open so I could call for help.
I lay there, totally confused by what was happening, the pain in my head thudding with each heartbeat did not help. The world I knew was clearly not this world in a very big way and I had no idea what might happen as a result of this. It would certainly affect politics in the US, but JFK strode the world’s stage. What would this do to the balance of power in the world? Eventually, the painkillers did their stuff and my head calmed down enough and I slept.
I woke up to find my mother leaning over me, a hand on my forehead, morning light pushing through the curtains.
“How are you feeling, Will?”
“Sore – and thirsty.”
“I’ll get you some water.”
She was back in a minute with a glass of water which she put on my bedside table. “Here, let me help you sit up a bit.”
I levered myself up and my mother fluffed up my pillow and put a second one behind me. “How’s that?”
I smiled at her and reached for the water.
“Remember, don’t drink it all at once!”
I had several sips and put the glass down.
My mother was looking at me, trying to summon the right words.
“What’s happening with you, Will?” She sat on the edge of the bed, searching my face. “About a year ago something happened and you ... changed.” She looked at me, silent for several seconds. “I know that things here at home needed to change and I’m so sorry I did nothing until that night with your father. But you aren’t that boy anymore – and you hide yourself from me so I don’t really know who you are now. Sometimes you are so adult I can scarcely believe it, but mostly I just don’t understand you.” She paused looking off to the side, trying to pull her thoughts together.
“Your faint last night doesn’t seem to have any physical cause. Talking to Col last night suggests to me that it was a shock reaction.” A puzzled look on her face, she paused again. “But why would you be shocked that President Kennedy was alive? I could understand it if you had that reaction to his death – but to him being alive? It’s almost as if you expected him to be dead.”
I stayed silent. My mother was a very intelligent lady and she was picking at the fabric close to a thread that she might try to untangle and follow. I was pretty sure, though, that what had happened to me was so inexplicable that even if her sharp mind led her to it, she would not be able to accept it.
“I know you’ve been taking the newspaper to read – and then bringing it back down again, so I know you are interested in what’s happening in the world. Being shocked at JFK’s death I could understand ... was it delayed shock?”
I shrugged, watching her face. “It must have been.”
She paused again and I could sense thoughts and emotions running through her. She took my hand in hers, squeezing gently as if physical contact would help open a deeper channel of communication between us.
“What’s happened to you, Will? Who are you?”
“I don’t know – I’m just me, growing up I suppose.”
My mother sighed, looking deeply into my eyes.
“I’ve had your school on the phone – they aren’t quite sure what to do with you either. The work you are doing is well past ‘O’ level and into the ‘A’ level curriculum. They want to push you up there. Would you like that?”
This was new to me – and probably dangerous in terms making me a target.
“If I’m already doing senior work now, what difference will moving up there make?” I was already sufficiently different, jumping me several more grades would make me stick out even more – and could restart the serious bullying.
My mother mused for a few seconds. “Nothing, I suppose – and the maturity of your reaction is one of the things I find so strange. You’re only 13 years old, Will, but I don’t understand your thinking most of the time.” Just then the phone rang and my mother went to answer it. I took a couple more sips of water and then leaned back and closed my eyes. I had been shutting my mother out, replacing her with Mutti Frida and her reaction to this was understandable. We hadn’t really connected since the Premium Bond incident.
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This story is intended for the entertainment of adults only. Copyright (C) 1998 by Maryann. All rights reserved. Permission Is hereby granted for non-commercial use of this complete and unaltered text. Electronic storage of unaltered copies for personal use is also permitted. Any other use of this text is a violation of copyright. No hardcopies may be made without written permission from the author. Through The Eyes Of A Woman By: Maryann Winning the science fair...
December rolled on towards Christmas. Frau Schmidt found a job in a dress shop in the High Street. Final term marks were posted on the classroom noticeboard for every subject and I had made top of the class in all but one subject – French. But then, I was competing with a native French speaker in Leurmet, whose father was a diplomat of some kind. The following day I had confirmation of what I had already guessed: I was top of my class overall, but I suppose I really should be, given what was...
Early to mid-December 1963 Gradually, December accelerated towards Christmas and school finished for the year. Col brought her school report home on the last day and she gave it to Mutti Frida that evening. When Mutti Frida opened it, there was an accompanying letter. After reading the report and smiling at Col, she unfolded the letter. After a while, she looked up. “You are doing so well, Col, that they want you to move to the grammar school, in Canterbury.” Col was astounded. I smiled....
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Our house was empty when I arrived, so I went up to my room, got out my schoolbooks and stared at them, lost in tortuous, circling thoughts that reached no conclusion. Col had believed my story – but her reaction had twisted in a completely unexpected and very scary direction. Eventually, I heard someone moving around downstairs and my mother put her head round my door. “Will! You’re back early. Is everything all right?” It definitely wasn’t, but I couldn’t talk about it with my...
Mid - late April 1963 I had breakfast with my mother who sent me off with an admonition not to overstay my welcome at Lili’s house. I packed Ring of Bright Water and Tarka the Otter in my duffel bag, along with Under Milk Wood, which I was hoping we could read out loud together – a third voice would make some scenes much easier. It was a typical English spring day with a stiff breeze and showers about. I could hear my mother’s rhyme in my head: March winds and April showers bring forth May...
The weather after Christmas continued wet, cold and miserable. There wasn’t even a decent storm we could watch crash on to the beach from the cliffs, listening to the roar of the shingle as the retreating waves sucked the pebbles back down the beach. It was dark until about 8 o’clock in the morning and was dark again by 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Col and I spent much time reading to each other from the same book, snuggled under blankets. Mutti Frida somehow acquired a copy of a slim book of...
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Her Monday Day Two It is hot; steam swirling around my body like moist silk fabric. I lie there, my body stripped of any covering, as my arms remain held over my head by some invisible force; my legs spread, my womanhood open and wanton. Yet, as I lie here, I am without fear; I feel a hunger, an emptiness, a need to be filled. He is there, in the dark. I can feel his presence, and I try to find him, the mist and darkness obscure my view. At last I see him, his eyes, staring at me, taking...
VoyeurI was woken during the night by the windows in my room rattling. My old brain knew that this was caused by Russian Migs breaking the sound barrier over west Berlin – just part of the continuous intimidation against this western enclave in the Soviet empire. I drifted off to sleep wondering what it must be like to live every day with the fear of Soviet forces appearing in your city. That unease must have worked on my brain as I woke up in a fright. What had I been thinking, bringing...
I arrived at Col’s house as large snowflakes started to drift down in the still air. I could catch them on my coat-sleeve and see the individual crystals glisten in the streetlights, showing their six-pointed star structure. I knocked on the door. Col answered it and I grabbed his hand. “Look. It’s snowing.” I laughed. “Grab your coat and come outside.” Whilst he was getting his coat, I dropped my school satchel in the hall and then we were off outside. Those first few enormous flakes had...
In the morning when we joined Lili on the bus, she was practically jumping out of her skin with the need to know what was going on. Col and I had talked about this as we walked to the bus and decided that Col would tell her in the playground at their school where there was little chance of them being overheard in the general hubub. Lili frowned when Col told her she had to wait, but I hope she understood why we felt it necessary. I was a bit distracted at school and received a few frowns...
I pulled out the dictionary and looked up ‘irony’ this evening, but after examining the definitions, I don’t think that my situation is precisely ‘ironic’, even though that is the word that most folks would use. Let me back up for a minute. My wife and I have been married for seven years, one of those couples that tied the knot in June following their college graduation. Little models of Ron and Laurie Smith stood on the top of the cake. In case you missed my subtle hint: I’m Ron and my wife...
My eyes flicked open and I sighed: my childhood bedroom. My old brain was wondering how I had survived the continuous tension of my life here. At least my father would have left early to catch a train to work in London and so I did not have to face him on weekday mornings. My young brain got me ready for school and after breakfast, I walked up the road to catch a number 7 bus. Passing a pair of new houses, I realised that the wall Col had been sitting on was the garden wall of my Colin’s...
Mistress Crystal is middle aged, attractive, very experienced and knows what she wants out of life and those that serve her. Ferrari is mysterious. Not much is known about her at this stage except she is young, sumptuous and finding her place in the world. Gimp was lucky to have the Mistress that owned Him. Mistress Crystal was powerful yet demanding with a hint of slutty naughtiness and Gimp aimed to be a good boy, obey Her every command and please her. This was his only goal in...
Late April - September 1963 The following morning, I rang Col and told him I would be a bit late as I had an errand to run. After I packed the necessary books into my duffel bag, I walked into Beltinge and deposited the cheque into my Post Office savings account. The teller gave me a surreptitious smile when they saw it was a Premium Bond winning and advised me that it would take about a week for the cheque to clear before I could access the money. That didn’t bother me as I wasn’t looking...
My mother closed the door behind us. “Go and unpack your bags, Will. Bring your dirty washing down and we’ll get it done tomorrow.” “OK. Can I ring Col to let him know I’m home safely?” “Of course.” I talked with Col for a few minutes and arranged to go round in the morning. She told me that my postcard from West Berlin had arrived safely and she’d been seeing Lili most days of the holiday. Once in my room, I unpacked my case. The blue and yellow FDJ poster was slightly wrinkled and I...
Her Tuesday Day Three My eyes opened, feeling the warm sun playing on the bed. My dreams had been empty, but I suddenly remembered the previous nights dream. Being held down, my nude body so wanton for him, his eyes ravishing me, I was surprised to realize how much I missed him. ‘Missed him? How could I miss a stranger in a dream? Or, was I missing my handsome neighbor… were they the same?’ Rising quickly, I entered the bath and let the shower’s water heat to a misty steam before entering....
I pulled out the dictionary and looked up 'irony' this evening, but after examining the definitions, I don't think that my situation is precisely 'ironic', even though that is the word that most folks would use. Let me back up for a minute. My wife and I have been married for seven years, one of those couples that tied the knot in June following their college graduation. Little models of Ron and Laurie Smith stood on the top of the cake. In case you missed my subtle hint: I'm Ron and my...
Through the Mirror: A Father Son Story Author's Note: Been a while and this came to me, at least the idea. We'll see where it leads Tim sat at his desk, his history book open, pen poised above the paper as he scanned the page looking for the answer to the questions listed. He wasn't a fan of eighth grade history, didn't really understand what difference it made if he knew who did what when. "Hey, son." His father stuck his head in the door. "I need to run a quick errand, about an...
Through the Mirror Author's Note: A foray into magical transformation. Meteor Strike wasn't really magical so this is a first attempt. Rarely do I start and finish a story on the same day. I hope this one satisfies. Martin Christi woke up Saturday morning. He took a deep breath and tried to let the previous week of stress and turmoil go away. Today he had time for himself. He extracted himself from the bed and as he stood up his nightgown dropped down into place. He strolled to the...
Through the Gate By Morpheus Donovan Parks stood amid the clutter of his garage and smiled proudly. Though boxes of old clothing and items that belonged in a long needed garage sale were scattered about in no particular fashion, it was the jumble of metal, wire, cables and computer components that was in the back of the garage that took his full attention. At first glance, the jumble looked much like the rest of the families discarded junk that filled the garage, though in truth,...
This newly posted story has some old attributes "but" is there a whole new beginning about to occur? Read carefully and see:: Nothing had changed much since Little Momma's summoned Satanic Beast fucking. Our life together was pretty much as always though I could tell after that fucking she got in that evil room she sure as hell didn't want much more sex or even fooled with for some time afterwards. Now sure we continued to have our wild parties as had in the past though I guarantee you...
I had the whole story written up and wanted to post it all at once, but unfortunately, people do not like long stories, as I have found out with previous stories. So I am posting this story in separate parts, sorry for the wait. *** How had I been so stupid. There had been so many countless indicators, her smaller size, her scared eyes, her different scent and taste, her shaved pubs, her tight pussy, hell even the orientation and feel of the room had been off. It was not Desma I had raped in...
I don’t know what made me look up that first night. I never had before. Every night at exactly seven-thirty I walked the same streets, music in my ears, eyes fixed straight ahead. Maybe it was a flash of movement. Maybe a subconscious tug of my attention. But I did look, glancing right at the house I was passing. It was a cute little brownstone, not much different than the others along this street packed in like anchovies. The curtains were thrown open, and I could see what looked like a living...
LesbianIntroduction: This story was written for the fourth calling all writer competition. Through the looking glass ALICES daddy didnt notice her sleeping in the back of the home theater room when he entered. Assuming that she had gone shopping with her mother that evening. He selected a porn DVD to watch. Plopping down on the couch and getting himself ready for a really goood wanking. Alice had fallen asleep watching cartoons after dinner. Her dreaming was interrupted by the sound of people in...
Manoeuvring the ladders past the garage and down to the garden at the back of the house, I thought I saw movement in the bedroom window. I stepped back but didn’t see anything. I was certain I saw someone near the bedroom door but maybe it was just shadows. It’s a single story home and I only needed the ladders to clean the window of the bedroom from the lower garden. I continued down the steps and placed the ladders in position under the window. After setting the ladders, I climbed up to clean...
VoyeurManoeuvring the ladders past the garage and down to the garden at the back of the house, I thought I saw movement in the bedroom window. I stepped back but didn’t see anything. I was certain I saw someone near the bedroom door but maybe it was just shadows.It’s a single story home and I only needed the ladders to clean the window of the bedroom from the lower garden. I continued down the steps and placed the ladders in position under the window.After setting the ladders, I climbed up to clean...
THROUGH NIGHT TO LIGHT (Part 1) By Sailor 861 Isabel Metcalfe felt older than 35 as she drove her 1974 Austin MiniMinor home that cool, summer night years ago on the Scottish west coast.She was a free woman but a single, mysterious event during that driveinto the countryside in June 1975 changed all that. Today, 28years later, she has lived with chained ankles every day, coming and goingin public and private with confidence and the illusion that long dressesafford her quirky love for steel...
Scott was scrawling away when the bell on the cafe door jangled. He was surprised to see the girl from the stationery shop step in. She scanned the room as her eyes adjusted from the summer brightness outside. The moment she saw him, her face lit up and she strode to his table.“Eager to get started, huh?” She hovered, clasping her forearms. “I love a man who gets straight to things.”“Uh, yes, miss. Just ducked in here to get out of the heat and get the hang of this pen.”Scott rose and offered...
OutdoorTHROUGH THE BLACK DOOR OF EVIL:: CHAPTER 2 The 1st chapter has just ended with Little Momma just having gotten another potion injection right on each side of her cunt lips at the joining of the mound. She lay there writhing and twisting and churning with hot fire this one gave her even more of and caused her pussy as before to flower out and stretch open loosening to take what soon was to come for her. All the while our new "Guest" had...
1blue eyes: a story of a Matriarchal society “Going once; going twice; sold! ... to the Lady in the blue suit,” the auctioneer’s voice sang out, punctuated by the sharp rap of the gavel and the beginning of a polite round of applause from the several hundred Womyn seated in the auditorium. i barely had time to take in the fact that my display on the auction block had ended when my leash was sharply pulled by the Womyn who had identified Herself only as my “handler” and i was led back...
ALICE’S daddy didn’t notice her sleeping in the back of the home theater room when he entered. Assuming that she had gone shopping with her mother that evening. He selected a porn DVD to watch. Plopping down on the couch and getting himself ready for a really goood wanking. Alice had fallen asleep watching cartoons after dinner. Her dreaming was interrupted by the sound of people in distress, a woman seemed to be screaming ‘Oh god, oh god, OH GOD! ’ Suddenly the sound...
Through the wormhole Part II By Janice In our last episode, we found that our hero Jack has a secret: he likes to dress up in women's clothes. He had dreamed of finding a woman with whom he could share his passion, but thanks to a physics experiment on a distant planet gone awry he found a whole world of Amazons who love it when he wears something sexy. Dresses, pumps and lace are now his everyday wardrobe and while the women enjoy seeing him dressed that way, they are always trying...
Spanish Eyes I turned the bottle upside down and watched its last contents spill into the glass before me. The golden brown liquid swirled around the expensive Bacarat crystal before settling down onto its leaded glass bottom. I raised the glass and focused my unsteady gaze on the whisky sloshing around, my final remnants of earthly pleasure. The liquor spoke, calling me into oblivion. The edges of the room grew fuzzy as my eyes narrowed on the singular point of focus. The rest of...
Through The Looking Glass Eileen was eighteen and her life was far from perfect. In her view, her only small perfection was her body. It was absolutely stunning. Her face was beautiful but she was terribly shy and she always looked down or away whenever anyone admired her looks. Her two guilty pleasures in life were that she loved seeing herself naked in the mirror and she loved to masturbate in the early morning hours naked on her bed. What she did not know is that others outside...