Jake and Lindsey s Halloween Odyssey
- 4 years ago
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Present – Liz and others – at the cabin command center
After Jens dropped the bombshell about wanting to get married at the campsite tomorrow, I called together the team and we went to work. Unfortunately, Maria couldn't help because she had some medical issues with her pregnancy and we had an ambulance take her to the hospital in Denver.
With Maria out of action, I appointed Gretchen as my assistant and as a team we came up with a whiteboard list of what we needed to make the wedding happen then went to work crossing off the items on the list. I called up the station, gave them a list of things I needed done and told them to get Samantha on her way to cover the wedding. I called as many friends as I dared and called in more favors than I even knew I had. We had a working dinner which Mabel provided and she even offered to do all the catering for the wedding (that was a big item to cross off the white board).
I hang up the phone, and the team watches as I walk up to the whiteboard and cross off the last item – a white wedding dress. The room erupts in cheers! I hold up my hands and announce, "I'm proud of each and every one of you for the hard work you've done. Be aware that I know we will have problems tomorrow..."
One of the team interrupts, " ... You mean today."
I look at my watch, laugh and continue, "Thank you, yes we will have some problems with the wedding today but we should be proud of the amazing job we've done. Now let's get some sleep so we don't fall asleep at the wedding."
Present – Glen and Hammer – Looking for Evelyn
Ah hang up th' phain, swatch at hammer an' say, "I cannae believe it! Mah Jennifer is gettin' merrit tha' moorns nicht. We need tae gie tae th' airport an' fin' a flecht tae Montana."
Hammer smiles an' answers, "So she finally caught Ben. Ah guess 'er mission is gonnae better than oors. An' wa th' heel Montana?"
Damn, Ah hate tae say but he is correct, we've bin lookin' a' place fur Evelyn efter th' huir Megan took 'er ot ay th' mental hospital an' hud nae luck findin' 'er. It aye seemed loch they waur tois ur three steps aheid ay us.
Ah laughed an' answered, "Because that's whaur mah Jennifer finally cornered th' dobber. Ah was tauld she doesnae want tae waste time plannin' a big weddin', however Ah hink mah wee Jennifer is concerned th' dobber micht try tae skip it oan 'er again."
Hammer laughed at me lest comment an' questioned, "So is thes gonnae be a shotgin weddin'?"
We waur at th' airport an' Ah answered, "Heel, Ah was thinkin' Ah micht see if Ah can gie an abrams tenk..."
Hammer suggests, "We still hae uir claymores."
Ah ask, "What ur ye suggestin'?"
He laughs an' answers, "I suggest 'at if he leaves 'er thes time we use uir claymair tae change heem frae a rooster tae a hen."
We baith laugh as we donner up tae th' tickit coonter.
Present – Ira, Mira, Safia and Alexi – at the cabin
Ms. Morgan called us into the command center and informed us of her (and our, since we are her body guards) pending trip to Montana for Jennifer and Mira's Ben's nuptial ceremony. I was shocked that Mira didn't explode but when we return to our domicile I caution my sister Mira, "For your health do not become overly emotional."
Mira smiles, pats her abdomen and answers, "Do not worry my sister, I recognize this is only a temporary dalliance my Ben is having. When I present him with my gift, he will completely forget this trollop and we will finally be united."
The 'present' to which my sister infers is the fetus which has invaded her body! After Mira and Safia terminated the other women's fetuses which had invaded their bodies using Mira's Ben's male procreation component, she subjected herself to the torture of undergoing artificial insemination and was now carrying a dreaded fetus.
Safia and Alexi arrive in our domicile and Safia complains, "I do not feel well."
Mira laughs and informs her, "Safia, it was not wise for you and Alexi to engage in unprotected coitus. Now you must recompense the flautist for your foolish behavior."
Yes, your assumption is correct, unfortunately Safia is also carrying a dreaded fetus from our newly castigated Alexi. I am the only female within our family who is functional, not that I did not attempt to acquire a similar dysfunction with Todd. He has, however, very adeptly avoided my advances.
Alexi foolishly questions, "I do not understand why we must attend this wedding."
Safia (who wishes for a nuptial ceremony of her own) castigates, "Alexi, weddings are joyous occasions which should always be attended."
Mira glares at Safia and states, "Safia, the nuptial ceremony of my Ben to that trollop is not a joyous occasion. It is a mistake for which someday Ben will recompense me."
Alexi blatantly offers, "I could make him regret it during the ceremony by eliminating Ms. Donaldson."
This was not the primary instance where Alexi had offered to eliminate Ms. Jennifer Donaldson. I counsel, "Alexi, even with your diplomatic passport, eliminating Ms. Donaldson at her nuptial ceremony would be unwise. There will be many military there who would not hesitate to eliminate your corporeal self in retaliation."
Safia strikes Alexi yet one more time (Mira and I disguise our mirth, with difficulty this time) and complains, "That's right bonehead! I don't want our baby growing up without a father."
Mira confers additional castigation, "Yes Alexi, I also do not wish my baby to age without you as his uncle."
Alexi throws up his hands and complains, "There is too much estrogen in this room, I am out of here! Do not disturb me because I am going to go play Grand Theft Auto."
He leaves, Safia laughs and informs us, "He won't be playing Grand Theft Auto for very long since I deleted all his saved games."
I verbally applaud, "Thank you our sister Safia for eliminating that vile game. I recall when Alexi attempted to impart to us expertise in that game..."
Mira giggles and interrupts, " ... I also remember that situation. You became so enraged you destroyed all the computers."
I defend myself, "Only after Alexi persuaded me to utilize my vile criminal construct to eliminate a prostitute who did not deserve such an act. And if remembrance is accurate, I only destroyed two computers; you my sister destroyed your computer."
Mira continues with her giggling and replies, "Well, it looked so enjoyable when you destroyed the other two computers I decided to try it my corporeal self. Therefore the blame is yours."
Rather than continue with the verbal sparring match I suggest, "We need to prepare our luggage for tomorrow's trip. We begin to pack our luggage for the dreaded trip to Ms. Donaldson and Mira's Ben's nuptial ceremony.
Mira holds up a dress and states, "This should be the perfect dress to wear at the nuptial ceremony. Safia and I begin to giggle and I suggest, "Safia, perhaps we have dresses which would match Mira's?"
Present – Thom, Inga and the TSIFFTS teams
I finish my phone call, collapse with exhaustion in my chair, look at Inga and complain, "I don't know about you but I'm worn out."
Inga grins at me while still looking fresh as a daisy and replies, "Not me. I am finally thankful we can do something for Jennifer Donaldson after all that she's done for the TSIFFTS. Getting TSIFFTS to provide transportation to her wedding in the middle of nowhere is an exhilarating experience and an excellent logistical exercise."
Yeah, we got a call from Jennifer's command center telling us all about the wedding that she was having to-fucking-morrow! They wondered if we could provide transportation, seeing as we had a few C-130s, helicopters and other means of transport. I called the higher ups, they agreed and of course put me in charge. So Inga and I worked like crazy to get everything lined up.
I glare at Inga and prepare the proper response when she makes the crazy-assed face at me that she loves to make (and which causes me to laugh). I begin to laugh and further complain, "Hey, cut that out!"
She gives me an innocent look and asks, "Cut what out, this?" Then she does the face again. I get out of the chair and begin to leave as Inga questions, "Hey where are you going?"
I answer, "Out of here."
She runs over beside me, takes my arm and says, "You're not getting away that easy - we need to get you some food."
As much as I dislike Inga's familiarity, there are many things about her which I enjoy and the way she takes care of me is one of them. Another is she smells much better than Byron. Hell, I could have only imagined what the old fart would have done if I had him help with Jennifer's wedding. He would probably have thrown such a big fit they would have heard him in Montana and promptly canceled the wedding.
Inga squeezes my arm and says...
I can tell that Thom is thinking about Byron again because he has that sad faraway look in his eyes. This used to happen several times a day but now it only happens about once a day. I squeeze Thom's arm and carefully mention, "I bet that Byron is looking down at us from heaven and is laughing his ass off about all the work we had to do for Jennifer's wedding."
Thom looks at me like a child that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and responds, "I think you might have the direction wrong."
I am puzzled so I ask, "What direction are you referring to?"
Thom laughs and replies, "Don't you know that when Marines die they go to hell and regroup."
I hit Thom's arm and complain, "Thom, that's not a nice thing to say about your friend."
Thom continues to laugh and answers, "You don't think I'm the one that thought that up do you? Byron told me that all the time. But I do bet you're right: Wherever Byron is, he's laughing his ass off at us. So what are you making me for dinner?"
Yes I had taken over preparing Thom's dinner. Hades, we were like a married couple but without all the benefits; not that I didn't still drop many hints about the missing benefits. I knew Thom needed some comfort food so I replied with a suggestion for one of his favorites, "How about SOS1?"
1 SOS – Shit On a Shingle – Meat in a cream sauce on top of toast.
Thom praises me which makes me feel great, "Even though you made that just the other night, I could eat your SOS daily and not get tired of it."
We walk into the TSIFFTS trailer, all heads turn toward us and we enthusiastically hear, "So we're having SOS tonight?"
Yes unfortunately, when the TSIFFTS trailer is close there is so much surveillance there is no privacy. I smile at the guys and answer, "I will make enough SOS for everyone, however I'm not doing the dishes."
That initiates the typical rapid fire game of rock, paper and scissors. James loses and complains, "Shit not me again! I lose every time and end up doing dishes." I don't have the heart to tell him it's because he's too fast and gets his choice of the rock, paper or scissor out before anyone else. They see his choice and are fast enough to alter their choice so he loses.
I begin to prepare the SOS...
Present – Jens – at Glacier Park
Well it might have been more comfortable sleeping in this tent last night than in Ben's tent the night before, but it wasn't nearly as much fun. And I make myself a promise to never ever sleep alone, that is without Ben, again. There's some noise outside of the tent which wakes me so I sit up, open the flap on the tent and I can't believe it: The whole camp had been overrun with wolves! I remember that I didn't ask Ben who his friends were yesterday and decide he meant the wolves. Seeing the wolves gives me an idea and I call Liz. She answers the phone with a very sleepy voice and I suddenly feel bad about calling her, "Hey Jens how are you doing?"
I ask her the most important question, "Liz, please tell me you were able to set up the wedding."
Liz yawns and answers, "Jens there's no way we would ever let you down. You're getting married today! The TSIFFTS C-130s are going to transport all the equipment to Glacier Park International airport, then helicopters will bring it in the rest of the way. I would be expecting your first arrivals soon."
I then tell Liz my idea but she doesn't understand until I explain it to her then she laughs and says, "Well this is going to be a wedding for the record books."
I giggle and answer, "You bet it is! Now don't tell anyone about this since I want it to be a surprise."
I see Ben walking my way holding a steaming cup of coffee and say, "Sorry Liz I need to get going. Ben is bringing me my coffee in bed."
Ben walks up and surprises me when he says, "I hate to wake you up so early, but we will have incoming choppers soon."
I listen but don't hear anything so I ask, "How do you know that?"
He smiles at me and gives me a strange answer, "Forest telegraph! Anyway, here's your coffee. I don't have fresh eggs or bacon for our breakfast but I should be able to whip together something to hold us over."
I look up at Ben and ask, "What the heck is forest telegraph? Is that Forrest Gump running through the woods to tell you things?"
Ben chuckles at my joke and explains, "Well, you've probably heard of jungle telegraph; forest telegraph is sort of like that but without the natives and the drums."
I laugh and confess, "Ben, I still don't know what you're talking about, but I do believe you."
Ben sets my coffee down on the ground, helps me out of the tent, gives me a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek. I complain, "Hey what sort of kiss was that?"
Ben laughs and explains, "That's the morning kiss you get before your teeth are brushed."
I move back, keeping my right arm around Ben, motion with my left arm and say, "I guess these wolves are the 'friends' you talked about yesterday?"
Ben laughs and answers, "Those are some of them, but Jens you've missed the best part, look over by the campfire."
I follow Ben's gaze and begin to giggle. Ben says, "I need to go and take care of things but don't go away because I will be right back."
Present – Jack and Linus – at Glacier Park
Damn did I ever sleep well! I was cold at first after the fire went out, then two of Ben's wolves came and slept on each side of me. It was great! I smell some coffee, open my eyes and blink several times. Then I look at Linus and softly call, "Hey Linus, wake up but do it very slowly."
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Hi friends i am sanket. mai ISS ka regular reader hun. main mumbai ke pass khopoli men job karta hun aur kanpur ka rahne wala hun, aur aaj main apni pahli story likh raha hun jo ki real bhi hai aur sirf do mahine purani hai. ab main aap logo ko jyada bor nahi karunga story pe aata hun.. baat do mahine purani hai jab main jammu men tha aur kisi kam se ludhiyana gaya tha, wahan se lautate waqt main ek train men chadha jo amritsar ja rahi thi, train men bahut bheed thi main gate pe khada tha aur...
“Aunt Lisa what are you doing here?” I said confused. “You mom invited me, it is a family vacation isn’t it?” Even though she knew about us I was still a little uneasy around her for some reason. Rita pulled the covers over us to hide our nakedness, but it was still a little dark in the room so I doubt she would have seen us anyway. “It’s a little late to be shy, after what I just seen I’m tempted to hop right in and join you!” “How is it you always end up in our room?” Rita asked. “How...
It was my Mother's birthday and the day was winding down to a close. Almost everyone left or at least it seemed. In actuality some people left but the rest went around back and quietly made their way into the back room and got ready. We had a quite a few people over and after the last one left I just collapsed on the couch. "Thanks for helping me with everything today John," my Mom said as she sat down next to me. "Oh no problem Mom," I started to get back up," there's one more thing I have...
IncestThis time of year seasonal cheer was in full swing, you also have those who aren't so happy. Case in point, the two white guys everyone refers to as Grumpy #1 and Grumpy #2. Both guys are in there 50's. They spend most of their time playing cribbage. Well with everyone, for the most part, going outside for yard time, Lil' Pig decided he was going to shower. When he got there Grumpy #1 was showering, with soap in Grumpy's face & his eyes closed it was the perfect time to take a peek. A...
Hi ISS readers. This is Leena, 30 year old Myself leena married and settled in Bangalore. I am fair with medium height and very traditional background with decent look. I would like to express the real story happened in my life. My husband always busy in his profession and where he is into lot of traveling.. we stay in outskirts of the city as my husband like greenery and plants a lot. We have a driver where he is 27 years old and recently married. He joined as a driver before his marriage....
I stretch quickly and start walking down my street. I need to get this done quickly, otherwise I’ll be late for school. It’s the first time my parents have let me out at such an early time and I’m grateful for it, even if it’s not what I first wanted. You can’t see the sunrise at twenty to seven in the morning, but you can at least feel the early morning chill. At the end of my street I start to sprint along the path. I feel uncoordinated for the first few seconds. Then my old knowledge starts...
FantasyBuffy The Vampire Slayer - 31 Days of Summers (part 4)22 August Dear Diary,I'm surprised Buffy hasn't said anything about new found interests in helping Giles with his books and picnicking with Willow and Kennedy. She probably thinks they're keeping me out of mischief, which as I could be cruising the streets and giving blow-jobs through holes in the walls of restrooms is probably true.Anyway today Willow and Kennedy invited me for another picnic and on the way I updated them (without giving...
The sound of the bins being emptied woke me with a start. I jolted upright, squinting as adjusted to my surroundings. Just then I heard a voice.“Fuck me that's loud!” I looked down at Jenny curled up on her side, her eyes forced closed and frowning. She was naked and I took in her generous frame for a moment. Her bosom was bunched up to her chin as she had one hand squeezed between her thighs and another on her stomach. I moved to cuddle up behind her and my boner poked her plump arse...
My name is Tom Walker. I grew up in a one-parent family in a small town in Georgia. I never met my Dad; he was killed in action as the war in Vietnam was winding down. My Mom was devastated, first by the fact that she had lost the man she loved, and then by the realization that she was pregnant with me. She knew that she was going to have to work to keep a roof over our heads, so she got a job in a supermarket, which paid the bills until she couldn't work anymore. After I was born and the...
Harmless wishes between friends by Fidget "What's this amazing thing you wanted to show me? Also, why aren't you dressed yet?" Katie asked as she burst through the front door of Blake's dorm room. The pair of twenty year-olds had just started their junior year in college and had become somewhat close over the past two years, though Katie still saw Blake as nothing more than a friend. "Katie, it's the craziest thing! I dreamed that I could make wishes about other people to change them...
"How is she?" They were the first words anyone had said since Jill and her father arrived. John was the one to ask the inevitable question. "She's in bad shape, John. I'm sure she'll pull through all right but I know my daughter and this is going to change her whole outlook on life. It's just not fair." "Unfortunately, life rarely is." He pulled her into his chest again. I could see her sigh as she closed her eyes. Jill spoke to me. "How are you holding up?" "I'm bored out...
Scene: two brunettes 22-25 sit in a car. Driver wears tight jeans, boots, a tight sweater. Passenger has come from work. Grey or brown skirt just below the knees and conservative blouse. Passenger says “Thanks again for giving me a ride home while my car’s being worked on. I sure appreciate it. I know it’s not really convenient for you.”“I’m happy to help. Besides, I’m not going anywhere tonight except home, so it wasn’t any kind of bother to me.”“Well, I’m still very appreciative. You say you...
I met Lydia while living in Florida. I had recently won a law suit and didn’t need to find employment for a while, so I spent the first three months partying. A good friend had sponsored my membership at a well known and popular yacht club. They had a public side and a members-only side; the members-only side had better bands and more folks.If you parked your yacht and paid the docking fees, admission to the members' side was free. Otherwise, admission was for members, or in the company of one,...
CrossdressingI did not write this story this is a real first time storyMy first lesbian experience was just last night. I had my friend Shannon over and we were sitting on my bed talkin, we were waiting for my boyfriend to come over. Shannon asked me if I had ever kissed a girl. I told her I had kissed a girl on a dare before.She asked if I liked it and I wasn't going to lie I told her I did like it. She leaned over and she kissed me. I was kind of surprised but I didn't mind. Then she asked me if I ever...
Sands wandered along the polarized glass atrium of the Department of Engineering Science within the University of New Arizona. A pretty receptionist directed him to a room on the second floor where the esteemed research professor, James Hawthorne, maintained his office. A lanky and greasy-haired undergraduate emerged from the doorway just as Sands approached, a scowl written indelibly across his face. Sands tapped gently against the open door to announce his arrival. "Come in," a neatly...
Mrs Margo Richmond relaxed in her bath-tub after a trying day at the university office; her head rested back; her eyes closed as she softly sponged her shapely breasts while her thoughts roamed freely. She’d had an important staff meeting with her underlings and at 39 she still enjoyed the lecherous admiration that emanated from male colleagues, for there was no doubt she was still a sexy looking vixen. That’s what had frustrated Margo; she could so easily have an affair; get some proper...
by Vanessa Evans Part 3 My alarm woke me and after quickly rubbing one out I went to the bathroom and did my thing before putting on a dress and shoes and leaving to go to work. After a quick stop at a coffee shop I was soon walking into the shop with half a cup of coffee in my hand. “Morning Sandra.” Lisa said. “Morning Lisa.” I replied. “You look a little tired Sandra, good night was it?” “Yes it was actually, I went to a party and got fucked by 3 guys.” “Lucky you, I just had one...
Because I was injured, I still had a few days before I'd need to try and attend school. That let me sleep in and work on the puzzle that was my new life. I woke up thinking about the email. I suspected that Colleen wouldn't be able to wait long before she and Rebecca turned up in Sanford. They would be here soon, especially since the trust could charter a jet at the drop of a hat. If our reunion was successful, I had a problem to overcome. Carol was David's mother, and like it or not, I...
That night, as Billy was about to go to sleep, Genie said to him, Master, you have to come to a decision. Just how much do you want me to augment your normal abilities while you are playing on the basketball team? I will do whatever you want, but I do feel that I should point out that you would be, in effect, cheating if I pushed you to your limits. I suggest that you allow me to adjust your capabilities to a level equal to the top 5% of players your age. That should make you good enough to...
I felt the warmth of sunlight on my face coming through the small porthole in our cabin. The moment I did I popped open my eyes sitting up. "Oh good! You're up! I was just coming to get you!" Bella said. She was standing in the doorway of the cabin ... naked. "What?" She then asked looking at me. She looked down at herself searching for something, then back at me again. "What?" She said again. "Jesus David, you look like you've seen a ghost! What's wrong?" "Nothing," I said...
OHGirl: I was lying on a massage table covered in oil as my two sexy masseuses rubbed my muscles and body, prepping me with a mixture of edible oils and sexual lubricant. They both wore scrub outfits and their massive erections outlined their long, stiff cocks through the material. My ex-lover and the father of my most recent c***d, Hondo, was playing the part of one of my ther****ts and my son and often time sex partner, James, was playing the other masseuse. I parted my legs slightly to let...
My little brother, Joey, can be such a pain in the ass sometimes and then, all of a sudden. he does something that really shows he cares. This was one of those times. I was in a bit of a snit because my breast pump broke. I know, I got it real cheap at the thrift shop, but shit, I was starting to see some results. You see, my body is really a freak show. I know I'm only sixteen, but really, did my tits have to come in all weird and all? I got stuck with two freakish nubs, each about the width...
The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Trilogy Series. Dark Side Of The Force, Ch. 01. Feedback and constructive criticism is very...