RepercussionsChapter 12 free porn video

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Reggie wasn't alone when she met me out in front of the school. Tank and Rosey were with her. I tried not to let my apprehension show. She always seems to treat me worse when there are boys around. What makes it worse is that those two boys are too well hung and they seem to think their cocks are meant to be used as weapons.

We went out to Tank's SUV. Reggie got in front with Tank. Rosey was happy to join me in the back. He was all over me as we sat there in the parking lot waiting for the traffic to thin out.

Rosey seemed even rougher than usual as he groped me. I thought he was going to tear my dress when he stuck his large hands in through the armholes to squeeze and pull on my nipples. I groaned in pain and looked to Reggie to maybe calm him down a little.

I suppose I knew better. Reggie just smiled and enjoyed watching me suffer. She told Tank and Rosey about giving me to the Janitors during gym class and how all the girls took turns sneaking in to watch for a minute or two. She even mentioned that after the janitors left she made me demonstrate to the entire class how good I'm becoming at eating pussy.

The guys found that all pretty amusing. Rosey found it so amusing he pulled my dress up around my neck and pulled my face down into his lap. I struggled to get his cock out and sucked on it while Tank finally started the SUV and slowly drove out of the parking lot. As we creeped along toward the highway in a long line of cars we passed dozens of kids on either side of the car, giving them ample time to look through the open windows and see my naked body and my head in Rosey's lap.

Even as I struggled with Rosey's oversized cock I was not so unaware of my surroundings that I didn't realize we turned left instead of right as we left the parking lot. My anxiety, my sense of foreboding increased dramatically when I realized we aren't heading for Reggie's house. But I was busy trying to keep Rosey from forcing his humongous cock down my throat and didn't have a lot of time to worry about where we're going.

Well, that isn't entirely true. I'm concentrating most of my energies on sucking Rosey's cock. But I can't help worrying about where we're going. Everywhere they take me I end up being humiliated, degraded and abused. Abused ... by that I mean raped.

Tank pulled off the road and brought the car to a stop. It was several more minutes before Rosey filled my mouth with cum and I was able to sit up and see where they've taken me.

While I've been busy sucking Rosey's cock, Tank drove us halfway across the county to the nearest Interstate exit. There's a truck stop just off of the highway. We've pulled in and parked on the side of the building where there are no windows and very little vehicle traffic.

I was allowed to pull my little dress back into place and we all got out. Reggie ordered me to remain by the car with Rosey. She and Tank started circulating through the dozens of big rigs parked in neat rows on the large back lot.

It didn't take a genius to figure out where this is going. I felt the tension building as I stood there wondering how many men Reggie is going to allow to have sex with me and what they'll be like. It wasn't long before I found out what the first one is like. The first two, actually.

I was staring down at the ground trying to keep my mind blank when Rosey grabbed my arm and said, "Come on, cunt. Let's go. It looks like you got your first customer."

He didn't have to sound so fucking happy about it!

Rosey guided me down past the cabs of a dozen or more huge trucks and steered me in between two of them. We found Reggie and Tank waiting there with two heavyset rednecks who appear to be in their early fifties. Their faces lit up when they saw me come around the corner. They watched me approach, exhibiting their eagerness by elbowing each other and commenting on my obvious youth.

As soon as I joined them, Reggie took my purse off my shoulder and dug through it. She pulled my wallet out and opened it to show the men my student I.D. card.

They looked at the card and they looked at me. One of them exclaimed, "I'll be damned! Sixteen years old! I ain't never fucked a girl that young. Let's see what she looks like."

Reggie didn't bother to order me to take my dress off. She nodded to Rosey and he bent down and grabbed the hem of my skirt. Like peeling a banana he whisked my dress up over my head and off, leaving me standing there naked in the parking lot.

The two men stared at my naked body for a moment. One of them smiled and said to the other, "Look at them tiny tits! And there ain't a hair on that little pussy! She looks like a fucking little girl!"

Unlike when I hear that comment from the boys at school it wasn't a complaint. It's obvious the only thing that could have made this creep happier would have been if I were six instead of sixteen! He pulled out his wallet and handed some money to Reggie. The other man exclaimed, "Fuck it! I ain't in the habit of paying for pussy. But I'll take some of that!"

He gave Reggie more money. Reggie told Rosey to wait by the truck until the men were through using me. She went off with Tank, to find more customers for me I assume.

The first man to purchase my services opened the door of the truck behind him and said, "Come on, little darlin'. Get on up there. Climb into the back and make yourself comfortable."

I climbed up into the truck with the help of his hand pushing on my ass. There was a delay while the men decided whether they wanted to fuck me one at a time or both at once. They decided on one at a time and the first old redneck climbed up into the little bedroom in the back of his truck with me.

He leered down at me as he slowly opened up his pants and pushed them down. While he was working his jockey shorts down he asked, "Yer the youngest lot-lizard I ever seen. Ain't you a little young to be out here hookin'?"

I didn't quite know how to answer that. Of course I am! But isn't that why he paid Reggie to fuck me, because I look like a young girl?!

He didn't wait for my answer. He dangled his cock in my face and said, "Come on, sweetheart. Get that thing nice and hard."

I wrapped my lips around his fat, uncircumcised cock and started sucking. As I allowed Reggie to whore me out again the despair seemed to gather around me like a dark cloud. I can hardly breathe and it has nothing to do with the unpleasant odor of at least one day's sweat and probably more coming from the unwashed crotch of the old man who's happily staring down at his cock disappearing into my mouth.

Can I really stand two fucking years of this?! And as horrible as this is, this isn't even the worst of it. The most degrading things I'm forced to do are those perverted acts she makes me perform in front of the kids who once were my friends, or even worse, the sex with animals.

And god knows what she has planned for those three weeks when school lets out and my parents think I'm going away to summer camp.

The trucker finally pulled his hard cock out of my mouth and pushed me down onto my back. He scrambled up on top of me and I helped him find the entrance to my vagina as he lay over me, resting that big stomach on my belly and staring down lustfully at my sad face with tears running down my cheeks.

I looked up at him and when our eyes met I saw how much it turns him on to know that I hate this so much. But I've encountered so many men and boys who are turned on by my pain and suffering that it doesn't even surprise me anymore.

If there was a plus to this most recent rape it can only be that it didn't last long. I doubt if he lasted five minutes. He ejaculated inside of me and rolled off. He lay panting beside me and I held my breath, hoping the old bastard would have a heart attack.

But of course I no longer get to have my dreams come true. I finally sat up. I saw him watching me and I knew Reggie must have told him what I would do next. Rather than risk pissing Reggie off I leaned down and sucked his cock clean.

When I was finished he pulled his pants back up and said, "Don't go away. My partner will be right up."

His partner scrambled up into the sleeper cab with me as soon as the first man climbed out. I experienced one of those déjà vu moments. He looks the same as the would-be pedophile who just used me and he smells the same. The two truck drivers could have been brothers. He wanted the same things from me and he had the same feral look of lust in his eyes as he groped me and then fucked me.

It was difficult and very unpleasant having those two fat men slamming their weight down onto me one right after the other. But their cocks weren't overly large and they didn't last very long. And thankfully they didn't require anything of me other than that I lie there and let them use my body.

The only difference was that after the second man fucked me, while he was getting his clothes back on, he was nice enough to toss me a box of tissue and let me wipe up the slime draining out of me. I wiped my pussy clean and tossed the tissue into a small waste can before anyone could suggest an alternative.

I looked around for my dress for a moment before I remembered Rosey took it from me outside. Then I followed my second customer of the afternoon back outside.

My stomach twisted up in a knot when I poked my head out of the cab and saw what's waiting for me. Reggie and Tank have returned with more than a dozen men of all descriptions. They watched in amusement as I climb out of the truck. As I carefully climbed down from the cab of the tall truck I couldn't avoid hearing my first customer enthusiastically describing to them how much he enjoyed fucking me and how tight my hairless pussy is.

The men looked me over and then all but one or two of them gathered around me as we moved on down the line of trucks. I was forced to remain naked. No one but me seemed concerned about that.

We stopped alongside a huge moving van. One of the men unlocked and opened a door in the center of the low riding cargo trailer and said, "Give me a minute, boys. I gotta make the bed for our little princess."

There was a spate of mild laughter as the man climbed inside. He moved a few things around and then invited us in. The truck is only half full. The load has been divided with half towards the front of the van and half to the rear. The driver had unfastened a mattress from some straps on the wall and now it was lying on the floor in a large empty space near the center of the truck. I heard one of the men near me chuckle and say, "It don't look like anyone's ever christened that mattress. Those folks are gonna be wondering about the stains we're about to deposit there for years to come."

The driver chuckled and replied, "This stuff belongs to some stuck-up bird Colonel who's going overseas for a year. It's going into storage until he gets back 'cause his wife is moving to a small apartment near the kid's college for a year. That broad like ta drove me crazy while we was loading their shit. I'm just sorry I won't be around to rub her fuckin' nose in it when they get their shit back."

We all climbed in and Reggie shoved me down on the mattress. She stepped back and said, "Okay, men. She's all yours. Anything goes as long as I don't see any blood. Remember, we have to leave at five. So you only have a little over an hour."

I was manhandled onto my hands and knees and the trucker whose truck we're using knelt behind me. He quickly plowed his cock into me but only to get it wet. He pulled it back out after only a few strokes and started to force it into my ass.

Even after all the times I've been fucked in the ass in the last week it was still very painful. I cried out. But my open mouth was just an invitation for another man to ram his cock between my lips and straight down my throat.

There seemed to be a sense of urgency to the constant rapes to which I was being subjected in the back of that truck. I assume that was due to the time constraints Reggie put on this little orgy. The men were very violent and very cruel. They didn't get to fuck me to their heart's content. I know that because of the grumbling when Reggie finally called a halt to their fun and games at the end of the hour. But they all got to fuck me and a couple of them even managed to go around twice.

They were all still watching when it was finally over and Reggie ordered me to get to my feet, squat down and eat the cum draining out of me. I've done worse things in the last few days. But not much worse and it's still an incredibly humiliating and disgusting thing to have to do.

I obeyed, of course. I always obey. It wasn't until I was sucking the accumulated cum from my fingers that I noticed she's filming me again. I suppose I should have been expecting it. But it doesn't really matter anymore. Nothing she makes me do from now on can be worse than what I've already done and been filmed doing.

When I finished scraping up and swallowing what I could from my thighs and my sore pussy she tossed me my dress and the crowd finally started to disperse. I heard some of the men suggesting to Reggie that she bring me back tomorrow. I perked up my ears, listening for her response. I have no desire to go through this again. But if she responded to the suggestion I didn't hear her.

We got into Tanks old Suburban and he drove around to the gas pumps. Reggie pulled out a fat wad of bills and handed him two twenties for gas. It looked like she probably has a couple hundred dollars more. It didn't seem like enough to make up for what I just went through. But then, she also had the pleasure of humiliating me and she'll undoubtedly make more when she sells the disk to the big black guy to whom she sold the others.

Tank filled his SUV up with gas and drove us to Reggie's house. I followed them inside expecting to be allowed to clean up and change clothes so I could go home. But Reggie's dad was home and first I had to let him fuck me. I've been fucked so much already today that his huge cock hardly hurt at all.

After he came I sucked his cock clean and took a quick shower. I rinsed out my mouth and went to Reggie's room to put my normal clothes back on. She let me go then and I managed to get home just ten minutes before my mother arrived.

I quickly changed out of my school clothes, or at least the clothes I wore to school before Reggie started dressing me like a slut. It wasn't until I was pulling on my shorts that I remembered I was supposed to wash the slut clothes I wear to school now. I'm going to have to wear another unwashed outfit tomorrow. Damn!

I was just starting supper when mom came in. I apologized for not having supper ready. I told her I was studying and fell asleep at my desk.

She hugged me and said, "It's okay. Your dad called me at work. He has to work late. It's just going to be the two of us anyway. What were you going to have?"

We ended up having soup and salad. She said she was too tired to eat and I still have a belly full of thick, male slime from performing so many blowjobs I can't even remember them all.

After supper I went to my room and managed to study a little. It's a good thing I already know most of this stuff. If I had to rely on cramming for the exams I'd be shit out of luck. I can't concentrate worth a damn.

I read through my notes for Spanish class. That's the final I'm most worried about. I probably don't have to worry about passing after what I did for Mr. Perez today. But I don't want to have to rely on sex for a good grade.

My dad came in at a little after nine and said goodnight. I got up and kissed him goodnight. I fought back the tears as I imagined what he'd think of me if he were to find out what I have done with my mouth in the last week. I'm sure he'd never be able to kiss me again.

After he left I got undressed and went to bed. More than anything I want to go straight to sleep. I want to avoid thinking about the horrible things I did today. But I couldn't. I was forced to relive another horrible day of rape and almost constant humiliation. The only positive I could think of was that I didn't have to have sex with an animal, unless you count those truckers.

But as awful as the things Reggie made me do this afternoon were, I'm surprised to realize that it bothers me almost as much that I no longer have any friends. I'm now an outcast, an object of ridicule and disgust, especially among the girls who once were my friends. They aren't just offended by the way I behave now, the way I let myself be used and abused by the boys. It's more than that. They seem to feel betrayed.

My entire life is coming apart at the seams. I can never have a boyfriend now. There will never be a girl I can talk to and discuss the changes in my body and my feelings. I'll never be able to talk about boys with a girlfriend and try to figure them out. I won't be going to my prom and now I'm not entirely certain I'll even graduate.

My desperate thoughts had an obvious effect on my nightmares that night. They were too horrible to relate. Suffice it to say that they involved an incredible number of degrading sexual acts with all sorts of creatures, usually with a large audience of my ex-friends from school and my parents and grandparents, as well as any number of the people who live on my street and have known me since I was a toddler.

I awoke early. I know my parents haven't left for work yet. I can still hear them moving around in the kitchen. Far from waking up refreshed I'm exhausted from a night of terror. But my horrible night isn't over yet. I'm forced to lie in my bed in the dark, uncomfortably aware of my sweat soaked sheets, and contemplate those horrible dreams while I wait for my parents to leave for work.

I'm tempted to think that my life cannot possibly get any worse. But I know it not only can, but it most certainly will. There's an apparently bottomless pit of evil in Reggie's soul. She lives to torment me now that I'm helpless and totally under her control. I don't know how it'll get worse. But I trust her. I know she'll find a way.

I finally heard my parents leaving for work. I got up, showered and got dressed in what I might normally have worn to school. I grabbed my book bag and tried not to think about the long day of humiliation and abuse stretching out before me as I walked the short distance to Reggie's house.

I arrived a few minutes early but Reggie was already up. She was fresh from her shower and still in her robe. She let me in and led me back to her bedroom. She took off her robe and stretched out on her bed.

As soon as she was comfortable, without even looking at me she said, "I need an orgasm. I had a lot of fun pimping you out yesterday. It really turned me on. But I didn't get any relief last night."

Lesson learned. Don't arrive early in the future. I took off my blouse and skirt and got up on the bed between her long, thick, almost masculine legs. She could really use a trim. She has the most massive bush of pubic hair I've ever seen. But I'm certainly not foolish enough to suggest it to her.

I leaned forward and ate her pussy in a perfunctory manner. She didn't care much about style, though. She just wants to have an orgasm. She made me eat her pussy until she came several times. Then she pushed me away and stood up.

She pointed to the outfit she wants me to wear today. It's the off the shoulder dress, held in place above my breasts by an elastic band around the top. It's totally inappropriate for school. But of course, all the clothes I wear to school now are inappropriate. I still don't understand why I'm not being sent to the office by all but the two teachers who are raping me now. All the clothes I'm being forced to wear are clearly in violation of the school's dress code. I can only assume that with school so close to letting out none of the teachers want to bother with dress code violations.

We both got dressed in silence. She examined me before we left her bedroom and adjusted my dress, pulling the elastic holding up the top down so far that my small breasts were exposed almost down to my nipples. She ordered me to wear it that way. Normally going to school dressed the way I am now would be a sure ticket to the principal's office. There can be no doubt in anyone's mind when they see me like this that I'm not wearing a bra. But, at least until the boys start messing with it, it's no more revealing than anything else I've worn to school in the past week.

I'm beginning to wonder if the school's admittedly liberal dress code has been suspended and no one told me. Or, and this is an even scarier thought, could it be that Reggie has been talking to my teachers, convincing them that for whatever reason it might be a good idea to ignore me and the way I'm dressing for school now? She may even have enlisted the aid of Mr. Curry and Mr. Perez!

When Reggie was ready to leave for school I grabbed my book bag and carried it with a strap over one shoulder. I quickly learned that I have to be careful. The shoulder strap has a tendency to pull against the top of my dress and work it lower on my breast.

As soon as we neared the school the activity I dread and Reggie no doubt anticipates with glee began to occur. When the boys saw the top of my dress just an inch from revealing my nipples they couldn't resist correcting what they interpreted as an oversight on my part. Before long every boy I walked past seemed determined to pull my dress down to my waist, baring my breasts to everyone in the schoolyard.

Reggie allowed me to pull it back into place each time. But she, and once she joined them her friends too; all enjoyed watching the constant struggle. For the next fifteen minutes or so my breasts were uncovered more than they were covered.

While I stood nearby struggling to keep my nipples covered I overheard Kevin bitching to Reggie. He's still pissed at Marsha because she wouldn't let him fuck me when all the other boys were fucking me at her house. But neither will she let him have sex with her. He told Reggie that the next time she invites a bunch of boys over he wants to play, too. He doesn't want Marsha to be there to put a damper on his fun.

I was watching Reggie's face and I swear I could see the wheels turning in her nasty mind. She grinned and asked him, "How would you like it if I arrange it so you can fuck Marsha?"

Kevin didn't answer. He didn't have to. The answer is obvious to anyone watching them. It's the answer you might expect from a horny teenage boy who has just been offered sex. He has probably been trying to get into Marsha's pants since they started dating.

Reggie knows what she's doing. She saw the look on his face and knew just how to play him. She smiled conspiratorially and asked him if he loves Marsha.

Kevin struggled with the answer to that one. He's mad at her. And apparently her failure to provide him with sexual relief is a recurring problem. I thought that was strange considering the fantasies she revealed to me. I know she harbors some really warped fantasies and has a very dirty mind.

She waited for Kevin to answer. When he hesitated she explained why she asked. "Tara wants me to break Marsha so she can have a slave like my slut over there. If you go along with what we do to your frigid girlfriend I'll make sure Tara lets you fuck Marsha until you get a new girlfriend. All you have to do is stay back out of the way and don't object to anything that happens. It doesn't get any easier than that."

The answer Reggie was looking for was right there on Kevin's face. He thought that was a great idea. So much for true love!

He still didn't speak. He doesn't need to. Reggie has her answer. She smiled confidently and said, "Leave everything to me."

I probably should feel sorry for Marsha. I know all too well what she's going to go through as soon as Reggie can get her in her clutches. But she got a thrill from watching the things Reggie made me do, even after she became fully aware that I'm being blackmailed and forced to perform those perverse acts. So ... fuck her! Maybe it'll divert some of the abuse away from me if they have someone else to torment.

I won't bore you with a recital of the many times throughout the day that the struggle to keep my breasts covered was repeated. At least once between every class some boy or several boys managed to jerk my top down, baring my breasts as I made my way to my next class.

I spent my lunch hour under the bleachers again. I took off my dress and serviced half a dozen boys with an ever larger audience of my ex-friends and my classmates standing around taunting me.

Reggie allowed me to take gym instead of having sex with someone. I was permitted to enjoy the one luxury left to me, running ... running to forget. It's such a shame that I can't just keep on running.

After school I waited outside in the usual place for Reggie. She was accompanied by Tara and Steph. Unfortunately we were apparently waiting for someone. We didn't leave right away. I stood near them, pulling my top back up every time a boy went past and pulled it down; or in other words after every boy leaving the building went by.

Finally Reggie exclaimed in exasperation, "Oh for Christ's sake! Leave it the fuck down! Everyone has already seen your itty bitty titties by now anyway. You have nothing to hide."

Tara laughed and chimed in, "That's for damned sure! My tits were bigger than that when I was ten!"

I gave up and stood all alone staring down at the ground near my feet with my dress pulled down below my breasts. Well, I started out alone. It wasn't very long before I was surrounded by leering boys. Most of them were jostling for position to get a good angle to take my picture with their cell phones.

That soon devolved into boys standing behind me and playing with my tits while their friends took pictures which will no doubt end up being emailed to everyone in the school and posted on the internet before very long.

I stood there like that until Marsha came rushing out and joined Reggie and her two friends. She apologized to Reggie for making her wait. But most of her attention was focused on me and the abuse I'm being forced to permit. Even if Reggie wasn't so devious the silly bitch wouldn't have had a clue!

I thought we'd leave now that Marsha is here. I'm not looking forward to going to Reggie's house and getting raped some more. I'm just anxious to cover my breasts and get the hell out of here. But we continued to wait. We didn't leave until Kevin came out and joined them.

Marsha's expression changed as soon as she saw Kevin. She's just as upset with him as he is with her. I guess his attempts to get into her pants must have gotten pretty heated. I had to suppress a smile when I thought about how much more upset she's going to be when we get to Reggie's house and her kinky fantasies start coming to life.

Since Marsha isn't putting out for Kevin I assume that just like me last week she's still a virgin. I think Reggie must be developing a taste for tormenting virgins.

Kevin ignored Marsha. He greeted Reggie and her two friends and then joined the crowd of boys still gathered around molesting me. By this time a dozen boys have spent a minute or two posing with their hands on my tits while getting their picture taken.

Reggie told them they have to let me go now because she has to go home and she needs her slave.

The boys reluctantly stepped back and I was finally able to pull my top back into place over my breasts. As soon as I was ready, Reggie turned and started walking with Tara and Steph.

Marsha followed right behind, then me and Kevin. Kevin walked beside me with his hand under the back of my skirt and a firm grip on one of my ass cheeks. It has become so common place to see me with a boys hand up my skirt that we didn't even attract any attention.

We arrived at Reggie's house in about ten minutes. Tank and Ben were sitting on the porch waiting. Marsha's day is about to go downhill very quickly. But it appears that at least in one respect she's luckier than I was the day Reggie broke me. At least she won't have to deal with Rosey's huge cock.

Marsha is here this afternoon laboring under the mistaken impression she's going to be treated to another live sex show. She's here to watch me getting raped again because it turned her on so much watching me being abused the last time she was here. She entered Reggie's house eagerly. It wasn't until she stepped through the door and was grabbed by Tank and Ben that she discovered she's going to be more than a spectator this afternoon.

I watched from just inside the living room door as the two large boys easily forced Marsha down on the same vinyl hassock and held her down while Reggie handcuffed her and then attached the ropes to her neck and around her waist.

Marsha was too stunned to even struggle at first. Except for a few mousy little squeaks of surprise she didn't utter a sound until Reggie put the handcuffs on her wrists. It wasn't until that moment, when it was already much too late, that she started to struggle and curse and demand to be released. But of course she's already a lost cause. From the time she entered the front door her cause was lost. It's going to happen now and there's nothing she can do about it.

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Nathan returned to camp the next day around noon without any girls to my surprise. He had left with two, and I had expected him to come back with probably four or more to have another lesbian orgy he had been talking about. As it happens, Nathan was bored just like I had been the day before. Once we admitted we were tired of all the girls and fucking, we agreed it was time to pack things up and move on. We spent the next three days traveling around in that shitty car before it broke down...

4 years ago
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Fairy Gobblers Pt 03

The two set up camp at the site where Vince has spent so many evenings enjoying his fairy friends. It was still early, so there were no fairy’s around to distract them or entertain them as they set up camp. “Where are the fairies, stupid Vince?” Thomas goaded. “Be patient, we have a few hours. Let’s set up camp, eat and go for a swim.” Vince replied. “I don’t want to swim, I want to fuck a fairy. I want to fuck a hot one and make her have half human half fairy babies.” “That’s not...

2 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 22

At eight on the dot, he carried a laughing Jennie into an instantly quiet kitchen. Still in his arms, Jennie kissed him. Turning to the other wives, she gave the proclamation, "I'm full of come," then followed with, "but ... I'm broken." That started the usual scramble, but they had the pussy cream in the kitchen this time, and Jeff insisted that he carry her to the hot tub. He kissed her tenderly, then was shooed away by Diana, who kissed him and whispered. "That glow on her face...

4 years ago
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Medbh Ch 02

Medbh heard the kitchen door slam to, and through the open window the girls’ voices disappeared into the distance. They sounded quite excited, but she couldn’t hear what they said. She broke their kiss. ‘You’re really good with the girls,’ she said. ‘It’s as if I’ve known Josie for years,’ Ted said. ‘And they are much easier to deal with than grown-ups. Maybe it’s because I can appreciate what they want from me, grown-ups far too often have a hidden agenda. And besides, we just like each...

3 years ago
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How David Happened

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is NOT an erotic story. *** Catriona Hamsun blinks and screws her eyes tight. Chrissake. It’s morning, maybe even afternoon, and the sun is shining through a broken pane of glass up there in the roof – right into her eyes, a Gestapo desk-lamp. She should feel good about this. Isn’t sunlight supposed to cheer you up? Catriona is fairly sure she read about this in some magazine, somewhere. Something to do with vitamins, wasn’t it? Whatever. At this moment in time there is...

4 years ago
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Gillian leaves Lil bro a gift

Ben was a regular senior high lad, who had an older sister Gillian. Gillian was tall around 5”9, slim with a lovely curvy body 34c breasts, strawberry blonde hair that flowed half way down her back and piecing blue eyes. Ben would often lie in bed at night fantasising about his older sister while he jacked himself off, Ben was still a virgin and would fantasise about his sister being the one he lost it to. Ben came home from school one day following his normal route chucked his bag in the hall...

2 years ago
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15 Minute Ki kahani

Hi dosto mera nam hai Rahul age 24, aur ye ek short kahani hai, pichale mahine me mere gharwalo ke sath jaypur gaya tha, jane se pahle mene pure aane jaane ka aur waha hotal me rehne ka reservation kiya tha Magar waha jane ke bad jab hum hotal me gaye to waha pata chala ke kisi karan wo hotal kal rat se band hai, aur unhone humara kisi dusre hotal me bandobast kia tha, to hum us dusre hotal gaye, Wo ek bahot purana hotal tha, ke jaha purane type ke ek building ko unhone hotal banaya tha, lekin...

3 years ago
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Patricia was in her favorite bar one night just relaxing and having a few drinks it had been a long week and she needed to unwind a little her boss had been a bigger prick than usual and pissed off though she was she needed the job it payed well and was close to where she lived she would deal with the asshole in her own way in good time she planned to seduce him and then leave him crushed and broken in the end...At least that was how it turned out in her fantasies...The bar was kind of slow...

3 years ago
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Shirley JeanChapter 2

I tapped the alarm clock into silence shortly after noon and slowly came awake. The house was quiet and all seemed normal. I put on my robe and walked to the kitchen. Connie was sitting in one of the chairs, cautiously sipping coffee. I got my own cup and sat down across from her. "Hi," I said. "I'm Shirley Jean. My friends call me Jean." She produced a wan smile and said, "I'm Connie." Softly I asked, "How do you feel?" "Okay, I guess." "Do you want some breakfast?" "I...

1 year ago
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27 JAGed PillsChapter 3

Jerry and I returned home late that night. I didn’t ask him about Caroline. I did tell him, he had better fuck Lana for a week, for breaking his promise. I don’t think he hated his punishment. “Okay.” He said. He went to bed. I looked in on Rory. I sighed at the sight. The bed frame sagged under her. She wheezed unconsciously. I blew her a kiss and whispered, “Sleep well.” I crawled into my bed and ran down two sets of batteries. “Rory was still sick the next morning. I was walking to her...

1 year ago
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The Sweetest Revenge

"Oh Sawyer..." I said sweetly, dragging myself along the wall of Ashton Sawyer's apartment. I still clutched the silver revolver I used to cap that traitorous, rapist, half-a-bitch, Kendra. After she'd forced that baby dick of hers up my ass, fucked me, and bust her nut, she tried to finish me. When she eased her dick out, I popped up and broke her jaw. Then she pulled the heat. BANG! Bitch didn't know what she was doing. I knocked her down, snatched the burner, and educated her. BANG!...

2 years ago
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A Reunion Trip For Real

“What every man want is a lady by the day and a sexual goddess by the night.” Hi, hardy here those who haven’t read my previous story and don’t know about me click on my user name and check em out.Here is my brief introduction I am 20, and a college student in mumbai, regular to gym and wheatish complexion. Do write your reviews on specially all the beautiful ladies, aunties,milf or sexy girls if anyone in mumbai wanna party hard and get fucked harder please do write for a secret...

2 years ago
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Party Of Two

A few nights ago, I found myself thinking about that party atKurt and Rachel's last summer. If you remember, we showed upafter eight. The invitation was for seven, but due to severalthoroughly avoidable delays, we arrived unfashionably late.For some reason, you waited until the moment we were supposeto leave home to re-sculpt your hair. Then you changed clothestwice and after that you picked a fight with me over what Iwas wearing, so then I had to change. Slowing us down furtherwas that little...

2 years ago
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My long lost lustfinally found

Tina was thirty-two and just as hot as when we first met as teenagers working at a shopping mall. Who would have thought that fifteen years later, we would meet again and soon be wrapped around each other enjoying sexual pleasures beyond our wildest dreams? As my semi-erect cock slipped from her pussy, my jizz dripped from her swollen labia onto the sheets. After three marathon sessions that night, the bed was soaked from her pleasure juices and my cum. “So was it worth the wait?” she asked? I...

2 years ago
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I enjoyed watching my husband eating my friend

It all happened like this, my husband always worked a lot during these 6 years that we are together, and I decided to open a shop to help him. As I worked with c***dren's products, most of the clients were women obviously ... the business was going well, like everything that starts and I met Vanessa, a 19 year old girl who called herself a perigone, she was very beautiful, she went out with several guys, he would take her to her house and have sex with them, then he would tell his colleagues… I...

3 years ago
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Special Soiree

“Amanda” was fully dressed when “she” opened the door. She almost shyly greeted her close friend “Suzette.” “Hi Suzette. It’s been a while,” Amanda said.Suzette had an unhappy expression on her face. “I know, too long.” Then she looked around clearly nervous.Amanda knew that sensation, and opened the door wider. “Please, come in.”“Thank you, Amanda,” Suzette said her confidence returning immediately. She strolled past Amanda into an apartment she had visited a few times in the past. Amanda...

1 year ago
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Todos los personajes de la historia son mayores de 18 años. 100% ficción....... CLARO. Felicitaciones, acabas de descubrir que eres un metahumano en el universo DC, tus poderes son tan ridículos y convenientes que parecen sacados de un hentai. 1) Tu cuerpo emite poderosas feromonas que solo afectan al sexo femenino de manera devastadora, por más poderosa o invulnerable que sea tu víctima, oler un poco de tu esencia sentirá una terrible atracción sexual hacia ti y hará cualquier cosa por...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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My Trpo to Sauna pt 3

"Down," he said and pushed me face down to the mat. I could feel him moving behind me, lowering myself so he can reach my tight hole with his cockhead, all the while I could hear other people walking behind our closed door and miffled moaning from other stalls."Relax" Master commanded and so I did. Shifting a little toget closer to him, exposing me like a trained whore. God I was horny! Master smiled (at least I hope) and I could feel his fingeres covered in lube, feeling my ass and hole. One...

3 years ago
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The Casting Couch

For as long as Allison could remember, she'd wanted to get into acting. But coming from a strict, religious family, she was discouraged from pursuing it as a career.When she was 21, she married her high school sweetheart, who wrote part-time at the local newspaper and freelanced for magazines. She worked at a temp agency and made a good living. They were happy together and had decided to wait a few years before trying for a family. Three years after the wedding, her husband Michael decided they...

2 years ago
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Crush Ki Chudai Peheli Baar

Mera nam Jay hai aur meri umar hai 20 saal. Us wakt ma 12th standard me tha aur 18 saal ka tha. School me ek lakdi thi jiske ka naam Mary tha. Wo ek dum maal thi dik ne ma. Uski umar 18 saal thi. Muje wo bohat pasand thi aur muje us p crush tha. Sara school ki ladkda us p maar the t. Uski ki figure thi 36-24-36 (Meri nazar me). Gaand uski ek dum mast dhik thi t. Sunny Leone jasi gol gand thi uski. Tits us k perfect tha is umar me. Chara us k ek dum beautiful tha aur us k badan ek dum sexy tha....

1 year ago
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The Babysitter My Wife and the BiGirls

“So, all you have to do,” Danielle said to me over her shoulder, “is get rid of the k** for the night, get yourself some beers and make sure it’s Kim who answers the door.”“Do you need her to be wearing anything special?” I asked, gripping her hips tightly. “Or do you want it to be a surprise?”“Don’t tell her a thing,” replied the babysitter, breathlessly. “Me and my friends are gonna be a bit of a shock to her.”I pulled out of her tight teenaged cunt and shot all over her pert little bum, “Oh,...

3 years ago
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Orbital AcademyChapter 18

****Part 1 - General of Academy **** Lieutenant James pulled himself across the dirt, trying to ignore the trail of blood he was dragging behind him. The trail would make him trivial to track, of course, but if one of the Terrans got close enough to track him, he was as good as dead anyways. "You should just give up, Jimmy." He said, his voice breaking as he moved another arm's-length. "Where are you even going Jimmy? Get to that clump of trees, and then what Jimmy?" Is it normal to...

3 years ago
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Marie the Pinay Slut WifeChapter 30

Brad smiled as he saw that Marie was now totally under his control. He knew that he did not have to say anything about what had happened in this room in order to make Marie do whatever he wanted. But he also knew that he needed to degrade Marie even more by showing her daughter the depths that she had sunk to before explaining his plans for her to star in the special movies that Hiroshi’s father produced and sold to a select audience in Japan and abroad. As Marie watched, horrified, Brad...

4 years ago
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Body art 3 this time her daughter

She was sitting on Jack's sofa where she had been for almost all of the last three hours. She was lying back, totally naked, her legs spread wide, all her femininity exposed. In her 35 years she had never contemplated being so uninhibited. Now with a man 12 years her junior, who totally dominated her, she wanted for nothing else. This was one of Jack's "Worship the body of Frances evenings". It was justtified. Although 35, Frances had a body the envy of most 16 year olds. Jack marvelled...

2 years ago
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Disciplined at Work

David’s Secretary, Susan, came in to his office, obviously very angry, flashing her Bank Statement. “David. Someone has taken £100 from my account. I spoke to the Bank and they said it was taken out by my cash card.” She took one look at him and went in to a rage. He was blushing. She raged “How could you? I stood at the cash machine with my Mum and she saw the Bank reject giving me any cash. She had to wait with me and was getting more and more annoyed with me! Now I find out you stole my...

2 years ago
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Master and Apprentice E1 Introduction WoW Gnome

Self-entitled Mistress Glitchcog eagerly awaits her newest apprentice, Triss Blastbolt.All of this was done in /e and /s.Glitchcog-MoonGuard smiles brightly, looking up to the new gnome with wide eyes. She stood up straight, hands on her hips and showing off her borderline-nude body, with an obvious bulge potruding out of her spandex panties. "So!" She'd exclaim, "You must be the apprentice I was assigned>"Blastboltrix-MoonGuard nodded her head, bowing before her new teacher, taking note of...

2 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 2 Allans Surprise

Allan’s night ended a little differently. He watched Darla doing the rounds of the ballroom. She seemed a lot chirpier since Lee had come to visit. She had certainly been attentive during the tours during the day, and she sent him several loving looks as the evening wore on. Allan finished up talking to Zak again towards the end of the evening. Somehow, their conversation ended up back on the discussion they had left the night before. “So how are the auditions going?” Zak asked, looking at...

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sex in school part 1

Many school activities last well into the night after school has let out. One particular night our schools drama club had been rehearsing for the upcoming play. Students were wrapping their night up and people were heading to their cars. I had the second shift and was the sole custodian in the school. I was heading down the hall way turning off the lights when I noticed the stage floor light was still on. Somebody had forgot to kill the lights. As I headed for the switch in the front of the...

2 years ago
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Taste Of Village Maid Shanti

Hi it’s Somar from North Bengal. It was during the summer when I passed my MBA and selected in a pharmaceutical company in Marketing and between the time of leaving my college and joining the company, I was on a Vacation or a preparatory leave at my village. My village is a joyous place, I have been ever gone through. Large paddy fields, good number of canals, ponds and lots fruit or vegetable garden lying across the road. As I was the only son of my family I was pretty naughty, elder sister...

3 years ago
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Love With Tiffin Wali Aunty Part 4

Hello folks!! This is Pankaj back again with fourth part of my story. Hope you guys have read first three parts First of all I am really sorry for delay… And thanks I really got too many mails.. Sorry if I didn’t reply to all.. Actually mujhe laga main usko dhoka deraha hu. Uske piche yeh story publish karke..Isliye one day I planned to visit her(now I am not staying in that society. I left 6 months ago). So last month main uske ghar gaya..Asusual wo akeli thi.. Wo kaafi khush hogayi..Then...

1 year ago
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Cock Teasing MomChapter 4

"Maybe next time." The phrase sat in the back of my mind all the next day. What did mom mean by that? Was there to be a next time? And if there were would I fuck Monica if I had the chance? Silly question -of course I would - in a heartbeat! I had fantasies of mom, Monica and me on the same bed. Mom blond and tanned; Monica light skinned, freckled and with her long red hair - it would be a great contrast. But it was only fantasy and I knew it. My affair with my mother was not without an...

3 years ago
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My Uncles Wife

Uncle Dave was only 6 years older than I. His wife (my Aunt Betty) was only 3 yrs. my senior. We had always been a very close family and the 50's seemed a slow and easier time. It was that closeness that led to my very first "Piece of ass." Even more fantastic was the fact; I lost my 'Cherry' with the girl of my dreams; Aunt Betty!David was in the Coast Guard and stationed in San Francisco. They had only been married 6 months and she was now living with my parents while he finished his tour of...

2 years ago
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The Gang Bang of Rikka

Rikka was like any other student. She was shy never talk that much to boy. She was a nerd playing video games reading manga and comics. On Friday morning the blonde girl ad a surprise at her window. A note.“If you want to have a lot of fun. Come to our football field tonight. Kiss.” At first Rikka thought this was a joke. Until she arrived to her school this morning. A firm and tight hand on her right shoulder. The hand forced her to go to the bathroom. She was going to be late, she did not...

2 years ago
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Journey of a Tgirl Act One

When did I start feeling the need to dress in women's clothing?I am sure it is similar to most people. It started early on when I found a pair of my mother's panties on the bathroom floor. I had just stepped out of the shower, and I slipped them on. They were sheer silk black panties. They felt cool to my skin, and I immediately became erect. I heard my mother coming, so I quickly took them off and threw them back onto the floor, but that day was etched in my memory forever.I couldn't stop...

1 year ago
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Return to me

I was out of bondage finally or so I thought.I had not seen my Mistress in months and had thought it was over with her when she told me our last meeting was our last meeting!I was off from work recovering from a operated shoulder just laying around watching tv when I got the call.Be here in an hour and dont be late! I knew at once it was my Mistress voice and I shouldn't do anything to piss her off.I asked her if she remembered what she said to me my last visit there and she said that she did...

1 year ago
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Kya kar rahe ho papa

It was almost midnight and I was in my bedroom lying naked on my bed watching a hot gay porno of Papa-Beta duos. I was feeling hot and extremely horny. I was slowly stroking my dick with my hand gripping it firmly upside down. I closed my eyes after watching a Papa inserting his prick into a Beta’s ass. The youth was pushing his ass back wanting his Papa’s hot cock up his ass and the Beta was sporting a hardon rapidly fisting it. The Beta whined insisting his Papa fuck him hard. The Beta...

4 years ago
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my wife thw slut chapter 1 the honeymoon

What I am about to tell you are about my dream wife some incidences are true but most are made up.About me and my wife we have been married for over 25 very happy and exciting years we were both very young Bev being only 19 and I had only just turned 21. We met at work were I had just finished my apprenticeship and she was an unskilled worker on the shop floor. I was amazed when she agreed to go out with me as she was the most gorgeous girls I had ever met Brunette petite only 5’ 1” tall firm...

1 year ago
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SKIN DEEP Urban Legend Chapter Nine The Way Of Things

SKIN DEEP - Urban Legend - Chapter Nine: The Way of Things by Mark McDonald That embrace in front of my old home was the last time I was that close to the life I had been born to and I felt a profound sadness leaving it behind. It was more than being forced to go forward in life wearing someone else's body. It was a separation from the place where I had started my independent life. It was the point in time where my journey into male adulthood had begun and, it seemed, had...

1 year ago
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Sex in dressing room

Friday night my wife and I decided to join friends at a rugby club as one of her collogues were playing in a friendly game for the club. We went and sat on the pavilion next to our friends and I went to the bar to get us something to drink. I saw my wife walked to the field to talk to her collogue who was taking a 5min break. As she was walking there, the guys from the dressing room were making comments to her and whistled at her and telling her how sexy she looked. I returned with the drinks...

Group Sex
1 year ago
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Her first year into the degree was a bit rocky; having to adapt to her new surroundings while trying to push down her longings for her family and friends. The school work was extremely interesting however and it kept her busy and distracted for most of the time, especially since she made it her first and most important priority. She was intent on finishing the degree in four years and it seemed like she was on the right track. It helped keep her mind off of those she missed but it also kept...

3 years ago
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The Story Of My Ex And Sex Part 1

Hello, friend, this is Humraaj here with a brand new storyline. This is a story about a normal guy who got lucky enough to make the most of the situation that came in front of him. This would be a new series and I hope you guys love it. In case you want to contact me, you can mail me at It was a very routine day of my life. I was in my work and in between was checking my phone as usual and chatting with a few friends. Suddenly a pop up appeared with a message of ‘HI’ and it was from an unknown...

2 years ago
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Morning LightChapter 14

Jennifer kept her promise and called Shelly at 4:30 the following day. She had not been able to get the pretty teenager out of her mind. While she knew this relationship was crazy, she couldn't seem to help herself. Shelly seemed to be a combination of a vamp, daughter, and girlfriend. All day she would have flashbacks of the young girl's sweet breasts and hairless little vagina. She could practically taste her on her lips. "Hi sweetie," Jennifer said. "Hi Jennifer," Shelly said, her...

4 years ago
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A Second ChanceChapter 23

We dickered. I decided to start at double the amount his Captain would be 'one hell-of-a bargain.' "Million." "Write you a check?" "Sure." 'What? You think I'm crazy? Of COURSE I took it!! If I'd started higher ... look ... it's not my fault. I had no idea that seventy years later that damn boat would bring nearly 25 million at an auto auction ... fer christ sake ... I had no idea it would last 10 years. It was the last example of the kind of workmanship that was available in...

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Mary And Marks Anniversary

September 20th was going to be a very special day for Mary and her husband Mark. It was their first wedding anniversary. It was fortunate that the day would come on a Sunday, as that would give Mary time to visit all the local malls so that she could decide on a gift that would both please and surprise him. This would be a hard job for her. Even though they had been married for nearly a year, she did not really know that much about what kind of gift he might like. It didn't really matter...

4 years ago
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Herstory 8211 Chapter 2a 8211 Movie

Sunlight shines under the door like a ghoul’s grin, yet gives the shutters a halo of golden rays. That’s the new morning, sinner and saint, just like her. Sleep drags her backward until a new thought can penetrate – she has the chance to achieve more than yesterday if she moves now. The bed was warm. Curtains drawn. Cool breeze coming in her room, ‘their room’. Opening her eyes with a wide smile of satisfaction that yesterday she was fucked by a man who is ‘her husband’. “From today a new life...

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Demigod of WarChapter 74

Day 263/264: Mokul kept John awake for several hours as the man from Earth described his adventures. He avoided giving too much detail about Earth and his life before becoming trapped on this world. But otherwise, he saw no reason to lie about anything he’d experienced since coming through the portals. Dulgan knew almost all of it anyway, and John knew all too well how impossible it was for that one to keep a secret. The Dwimar Huntmaster listened intently throughout, though many of his...

2 years ago
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Since I do not have any set hours for work I started coming in later and leaving later. One night I worked until midnight and decided to give the gym a try again. To my surprise there was no one there, not even one of the trainers. I changed then went to the free weight section and began to do some stretches before hitting the weights. About half way through my stretching a woman came out of the changing room. I figure she was in her late thirties. She wasn't one of those women that ate...

3 years ago
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The Salon Assistant Part 1

I'd been sitting in the waiting area of the hairdresser's for almost three hours but despite that my leg still hadn't stopped twitching nervously. I'd spent most of that time staring at the floor or my grubby Converse, although every now and again I couldn't help raising my gaze when a new customer came in just in time to catch their quizzical expressions or bemused stares. Can't say that I really blamed them for that though as I wasn't the type of sight that they'd normally see in an...

3 years ago
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Schoolgirl Fantasy III

It was the sun streaming into Sarah’s bedroom that woke me up. As I wiped sleep from my eyes, I could feel the dampness of my panties. Sarah’s attention to me was still fresh in my mind. But it was even more than that: it was the first time I ever felt wanted. It was not the cheap feel that the boys were after – something only for their pleasure with nothing for me. All those times I was never asked to dance melted into history. My night with Sarah changed all that. She wanted me for what I was...

3 years ago
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WARNING ... this story is of a adult nature and has a scene of RAPE in it. This scene is not to glorify this disgusting act and in no way condones such a deed, which by its very nature makes the perpetrator a very sick individual indeed, and if anyone it thinking of committing it I recommend they get immediate help from a qualified medical person. Having said that, it is included in this story because it was just something I had to get out of my system, the character in the story...

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