Veiled SecretsChapter 3 free porn video

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July 4, 2007

Tiara sipped her champagne and smiled at the man across from her. She was enjoying herself, much like she had been since her divorce over a year ago. Her Fourth of July Date was a handsome business associate and though she wasn't attracted to him, she was glad not to be stuck at home with her cat and her goldfish.

The first three months after her parents' death had been hard. The fact she didn't have to deal with Roger however, made it easier. He'd taken his million dollar check and disappeared. She'd felt the weight of the world lift from her shoulders and when she was finally able to morn her parents, she started healing. The stramgers that had been in the Lawyer's office that fateful day, had all become good friends. They helped her learn the ways of the stock market as well as eased her into taking over the workings of several of her father's business ventures.

By the time she was ending her sixth month as a new, wealthy divorcee, Tiara felt as if she were suddenly alive. A part of her that Roger had forced to hide, emerged. She became the woman she was before she met the striking man that she thought loved her. In fact he loved all the wealth that would have come to her after her parents passed, but when her parents' ultimatum had been heard, Roger had been quick to run.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Dominic asked.

Tiara blushed. "I'm sorry, just thinking of the past."

"Oh, that's a bad habit."

She laughed and sipped her drink. "Yes it is. But enough of that. The fireworks are starting."

Dominic placed his arm on his date's back and let it slide down to her hip. Her dress was open in the back; it shimmered in the light and he could smell the scent she'd chosen for the evening. He felt her stiffen and sighed to himself, but kept his hand resting on her figure. They watched the fireworks. The entire time he thought of how to get the older women into his bed. She was the President of the company he worked for, a title she held for only a short time, but one she wore with honor and prestige. He liked her, and wondered if maybe he couldn't convince her that though he was young, he wasn't the playboy that men his age were thought to be.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Tiara, I don't live too far from here, if you'd like to..." He let his breath finish his words, as he ran his lips over her neck.

Tiara shivered, the touch was one she'd not allowed another to do in several months. Her dates, she'd kept strictly professional or at least nice, never romantic. Now with champagne flowing, the music playing, the fireworks fading away, she knew she'd let this evening move farther than she'd expected. She turned in the young man's arms and stared up at him. It was there, a want to go back to his place and have sex, but in the back of her mind, he was there, Roger. She could hear him tell her she was worthless, ugly, a horrible bed partner. She saw the scars on her skin, felt the stinging slaps and blows of his hands or fists.

Dominic knew when her mind turned from "yes" to "no"; He'd seen it. He smiled and kissed her forehead. "You have a lot of demons don't you Misses Able."

She heard her name fall from his lips and sighed. "Yes, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Let me take you home. I'm sorry I brought out bad memories for you."

"It wasn't you. I was married and well... I'm just not ready yet."

Dominic nodded his head. "I had heard you changed your name from Collins to Able. Have you taken any time to yourself since your parents' death and the end of your marriage?"

She chuckled and asked, "When would I have had the time?"

He smirked and wove her back to the coat room, to retrieve her light jacket. "Agreed. But you should, you know."

"What? Take some time for me?"

"Yes," he helped her into her coat, "You seem to have come a long way since inheriting everything. I know I'm impressed, sure I'm a low man on the totem pole, but I still know you've made a name for yourself and the speed at which you've rebounded has impressed many. Taking some time for you would be a good thing."

She looped her arm through his and they walked toward the car that had been retrieved by the valet. "You know Tiara... I have a place in Tennessee. My parents go there during late Summer and early Winter. They haven't used it in several years though, because both are getting on in age. They are thinking of selling it. Now, I'm their only son and I could buy it, but I really don't enjoy nature."

They got in the car and Dominic continued his conversation. "Why don't you take a vacation and go down there? You may like it and find yourself again. I think there is a special woman inside you that is trying to come out, but she isn't sure how. I'll call down and have the place aired out and get you some groceries. There are several families that live down there that Mom and Dad are close with, so I'm sure you'll be easily taken care of."

Tiara thought about how nice it would be to just relax. She'd been in a whirlwind, learning things and never really got a chance to just be Tiara. After she dealt with her loss, there wasn't time. Dominic had a point. Who was Tiara Able?

A few weeks passed and during that time Tiara had returning thoughts that drew her back to Dominic's idea. She'd not gone out with him again, but she knew the offer was still standing. She picked up her phone and buzzed his office, in ten minutes he was sitting at her desk, describing to her what the house looked like.

"It's a small cottage, three bedrooms, though we turned one into a Rec. Room. There's a pool table and wet bar in there. It has a boat dock and if memory serves me right, the canoe is still behind the house. The neighbors are nice. The lake is privately owned by my parents, the Traverse family, the O'Neils and I believe Myers' sold their lots to some young couple with a new baby." Tiara toyed with her pen and then took a deep breath. "It's livable?"

"Yes," he laughed, "livable and one call away from being aired out and fully stocked with food."

"Dominic, I'm thinking of buying it."


"Well, I want a long vacation. You mentioned they were willing to sell, or thinking about it. I'd like to buy it and then use it as my place to relax."

He grinned. "I'll give Mom and Dad a call. I'm sure they'll be thrilled."

She smiled back and watched him leave. In less than a month she owned some lake front property in the countryside of Pulaski, Tennessee. Tiara made several phone calls before she headed out to her new place of refuge. One was to Dominic, who assured her that he'd called Chad Traverse and he had assured him that a weeks worth of groceries would be at the house by the time Tiara arrived. She thanked him and began to tie up ends that were needed before she left for her trip. She was taking three months and during that time she'd be within easy reach by phone or email, but she stressed to her business partners as well as her Lawyer that only an emergency would rouse her from her self-induced vacation.

When August third appeared, she was picking up a rental car from Avis and heading out to see her new property for the first time.

August 10, 2007

Chad Traverse sat on his porch. The old rocker blew in the wind, easing him in his motions of moving it back and forth. He watched the figure across the lake, nothing but a small blur to his aged eyes. Philip had told him that he'd gone and filled the cottage with more then enough food and whoever had bought the place should be fine for quite a while.

"Philip," he called and heard his son come out onto the porch.

"Yeah?" Philip asked his father, walking over and taking a seat in the camp chair he'd purchased earlier in the week.

"Have you met the new owner?" He nodded his head toward the lake cottage.

Philip followed his gaze and watched the figure move. He couldn't make out the details of the person walking along the pier. "No, Pop. I opened up the place, aired it out, set out fresh linens, you know the ones. Mom kept them in the guest room."

"Aye, I know. Go on over and invite them to lunch. Just one I think, from what the young Henderson boy said."

"Yeah, Dominic said only one, a woman, some boss of his or something, looking for some alone time. I don't think that means us interfering in her vacation."

"Go on, you do as I tell ya. She doesn't have to say yes, but we'll not be inhospitable. It's been a week and I would like to know my new neighbor. Even if you don't wish too."

Philip sighed and got up. "You'll be all right?"

"Yes, think I'll go lay down and take a nap. You're a good lad Philip. Thanks for staying here with me."

Philip looked back at his father. He'd been staying with him for just over five months. The first two he admitted to himself were full of him taking pity on himself and then his father had fallen. It was then that he realized though his father was weak, he was anything but light. He grew to admire his mother for the time she took in caring for Chad Traverse. He had helped his father up, helped him strip and even helped take care of some of life's more personal needs for almost a week, before the pain had subsided and Chad was back to walking with his cane.

As weeks went by, he had watched his father have good days and bad. He gradually came to realize how much he'd taken for granted. Each day brought him something new. His father, on a good day, would share with him stories of his youth as well as stories of Phil's childhood escapades. Once Chad pulled out an old checker board and the two of them played checkers for most of the evenings. They'd gone fishing a number of times. Chad's eyes were too weak to tie the flies, so he did that for him. At those times he found himself lost in memories of how much he'd missed doing these things.

He took a deep breath and shook off his memories. "Dad," he said, "thanks for letting me."

He watched his father make his way slowly to his bedroom, and then Philip headed down to the pier and untied the small motorboat that he and his father had been on earlier that morning. He maneuvered the craft toward their new neighbor and as he did his eyes began to focus on the figure slowly removing their clothes. His lips lifting in an admiring smile as he watched his view improve. "Well, I'll be damn." He whistled low, more to himself than anyone or anything as he slowly eased off on the engine and began a slow and quiet approach to the vision before him.

Tiara slipped her shorts off and pushed them to the side. She sat down on the pier and dipped her feet in the water. She kicked them, wondering if she should slide in or jump. She was debating that subject when she heard the approaching boat. Quickly she jumped up and spun around. No one really knows how it happened, whether it was her wet feet or her shock of seeing someone approaching, either way though Tiara was soon splaying her hands in the air and falling backwards into the Lake. She went under after a quick squeal. She thought she heard a "fuck" but she wasn't sure. Water rushed over her. She came back up and sputtered, spitting a mouthful of lake water out of her throat. She pushed her hair back and tread water for a few seconds, as she took in her surroundings. Finding the pier she grabbed the post and stared in irritation at the man, who seemed to be her age, staring down at her from his lofty position in the boat.

"Sorry, about that ma'am. You okay?" Philip asked.

Tiara blew water from her face and tucked her long strands back behind her. They clung to her and she stared back. "I'm fine."

"Good, do you need help? Or you gonna go ahead and swim now that you're all wet?" Philip took in her pink skin, noting it wasn't burnt, but could easily get that way if she wasn't careful. Her hair glistened in the sunlight and though she was now hidden under water, he had seen her luscious figure before she'd fell into the warm liquid.

"I guess I'll stay now."

He smirked. "I'm Philip Traverse. My Pop lives over there."

"Traverse?" She thought a moment and then said, "Oh that's right, you're the folks that opened up the place for me. Thanks." She swam the short distance to his boat and gripped the rim. Her hand came up and she gripped his, shaking it firmly. "I appreciate you doing that. The food too, it's ummm... hearty." She grinned.

He chuckled. "Well, Dominic told Dad, you weren't going to be too concerned about folks, so he wanted you well stocked, so you could stay away from people as long as you needed."

"So you're here after a week?"

He laughed. "I'm here because Pop sent me over, to invite his new neighbor to dinner."

"Oh, I see, otherwise you'd have stayed away?" She asked.

"Nay, eventually I'd have come over and checked on you. We were told there was a woman coming to stay and she'd be alone. Not saying you can't take care of yourself, but coming over to say hello would have just been the neighborly thing to do."

"Well Philip, or Phil?"

"Either works. Dad's Chad."

"What time is dinner?"


"Who's cooking?"

Philip grinned and winked. "I am. Dad's up in age, so I'm staying with him. Mom passed a few months back. I got Pop duty."

Tiara nodded her head. "I lost my parents last year in March. I'm sure he's still hurting, as are you."

He looked back at his Dad's cabin. "Yes, he is. He misses her a lot. Some days he's okay, others he seems really lost. We all miss her. She was a diamond."

"Well, I'd be honored. I'll do a few strokes out here and then finish up some work I'm doing inside. Who else will I have the pleasure of meeting?" Tiara found herself looking for reasons to continue treading water near his boat. She chalked it all up to being lonely for some company. The silence of the lake had lost its beauty on the fifth day. She loved the area, and the little house, even the solitude had its moments, but she finally admitted she wanted someone to talk to every once in a while.

"Just Dad and I, you're more than welcome to bring a guest." Philip really hoped she didn't.

"It's just me."

"Great," he quickly added, "we'll see you then."

Tiara started to turn away and then stopped. "Before you sail away, could you help me out?"

Philip's lips radiated a huge smirk and his answered "yes" came quick.

"I'm trying to get this old canoe that is behind the house off its rack. The rope is knotted pretty good and I'd rather not cut it."

"Sure let me dock and I'll meet you on shore."

"Thanks," she answered and quickly swam back to the shore and then walked along the dock. He watched her as he puttered to the side of the pier and tossed her the rope, which she secured to the hook that had been screwed in years ago. "All set," she told him and stood upright, blushing having caught him staring at her round bosom.

Philip climbed out of the boat and onto the pier. He followed the bathing suit clad figure and enjoyed the round cheeks of her ass and sway of her hips. He felt his body react and for a moment he had an urge to try his charm on the lovely woman in front of him. "Dominic didn't give us a name."

Tiara paused and waited for him to catch up with her. "I'm sorry," she gave him her hand again, "Tiara Able."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too."

They walked together toward the back of the cabin. Philip noted she stood much shorter than him. Her hair was long and gold with red highlights. Her eyes, once he'd taken his time to gaze into them he discovered were a rich green. They reached the canoe and he began to work on the knots that looked as if they had been secured over twenty years ago.

Tiara watched him pull on the swollen cord and chose that time to admire his physic. His body was tone and firm. His skin tanned, unlike her pale complexion that screamed for color. His hair was a dirty blonde, his eyes emerald green. She really liked his eyes. They pulled her and those eyes were staring at her intently. "Oh, sorry," she blushed.

"No worries. I have your canoe free. I've got a lot of extra rope back at Pop's place and you're welcome to it. Do you want me to take this down to the shore for you?"

"That'd be great."

He eased the small craft off its rack and dragged it down to the water's edge. He pushed it in and then secured it to the pier on the opposite side of where his boat was. When he looked back, it was to see Tiara's eyes glued to his rump. He chuckled inwardly. "I best get back to Dad. We'll see you at six then?"

"Yes." Her eyes held his for a moment. "Thanks again, for everything."

"My pleasure." Tiara watched him leave and as she did she felt a wave of dizziness. She shook it off and headed back to the house, wondering if the heat hadn't gotten to her.

Philip set the boat back to the cabin; his gaze constantly looking back at the pier, the house and until she closed the door, the woman behind him. He felt a chill run up his spine and he gave himself a shake to ward off the tingling sensation. When he reached home, he quickly checked on his Father and then set about cleaning up the "bachelor" pad.

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Ashley set the last two bags of groceries on the kitchen counter and just stood for a moment. The weather forecaster had warned the elderly and infirm to find places of shelter today because of the impending heatwave, but she was a fit 20 year old college student. She lived alone in a cheap studio apartment that had no air conditioning. All she could do was bear it. It was 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and the mercury stood at 97 degrees, but the humidity made it far worse. Ashley was sweating...

4 years ago
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Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Part 1

Chastity with Ex as Keyholderbychastity_sissy©Several days off. I was looking forward to it. The days off had been meant for something else, but those plans fell through. Now, I had the weekend plus several extra days. I could barely contain myself as I was excited to try out the new toy I had recently purchased.As soon as I got to my apartment, I checked with the management building and sure enough, the package was there. Before I could do anything else, I had the package opened on my table...

4 years ago
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Wife turns

After doing this for about a month I started getting a bit careless and was forced to divulge my strange fetish when Cari walked into the kitchen and caught me. she didn't seem to angry but did say that I am no longer allowed to without her consent. I promised her that I would not and we went about our days as usual without mentioning it again. That night she pulled me between her legs as usual and made me bring her to several orgasms while telling me that I was very naughty today and would...

3 years ago
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Sex in the Caribbean Natalia Part 2

In a previous story, I narrated how a student of mine and I had gotten involved. I have been a university professor for many years, and at that moment, one of my students, Natalia, was in need of some money to help her family. I tried to give her a hand, just that helping her meant she had to pretend she was an escort so that my boss could have sex with her. Because of the power he has, I also had sex with Natalia that night, although it seems that what happened between us was something...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 2Chapter 43

As I ran, I thought about the coincidences that occurred during my life. I had met only two people named Chuck, and saw both of them on the same day on opposite coasts. There were two Karens that both preferred women, and two people who want to live and be with each other that don't have time for each other. I hope that Darcy is finding the satisfaction in her performances that she's looking to have. At this point in my life, time seemed to just flow by, and it was hard to keep up with it....

4 years ago
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Owned Fraternity Moms part 2 Spring Break

Chapter 1- The Dean's Wife Mark was facefucking Joyce as he talked on the phone with her daughter Cindy She'd be over later to join them he thought , right now the cheerleaders had got together for a social mixer. Eat it slut he yelled as he hung up the phone . Fuck you are a great cocksucker Joyce , too bad the Dean can't experience all the time like i do he smirked (knowing that she was mind-controlled ) she tried to say something but couldnt cause her mouth was full of wang. Mark...

2 years ago
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Learning Together 3Chapter 6

Ben placed the wand in the antique box. He turned to Henry and said “Chieftain, I present you to the Volva Meghan Patel. As you know, she is the wife of my son Kevin.” “One of his wives.” Meghan added. Ben gave a small nod to Meghan “Pardon me. One of Kevin’s wives. The other being Carly Patel. She’s the young lady you saw in the kitchen earlier.” The Chieftain offered an insincere smile as they shook hands. “We will see about that.” Meghan gave him a predatory smile that any lioness...

4 years ago
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My Summer With Emma

© Copyright My name is John Mills, I'm six foot and three inches tall. I guess I weigh around two hundred pounds. I have dark brown hair that's getting a lot of gray on the sides, I just turned 45 years old. Four months ago, I found out my 'soon to be' ex-wife had been taking birth control pills from the first day we had been married. One of my biggest dreams was, to have kids. Lots of them, her dreams didn't include them. I guess you could say I had one of the most boring lives on...

3 years ago
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The Agency

The Agency☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆Ladies,  are you different to other women ? Do you have a need within you that maybe you have never even admitted fully to yourself ? Maybe you have, but have never breathed a word of it to even your closest friends or partner for fear of misunderstanding, disbelief, ridicule, etc ?  Is this need so deviant, so abnormal, so against modern society that you may never have even heard it mentioned by anyone else ? Do you feel disgusted with yourself, do you...

2 years ago
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Excited wet dream

I went to see my male physiologist to talk about the wet dream I were having. Here, how I had explained the dream: 'I was playing a role as a sexy housewife to my husband, wearing nothing underneath my bathrobe. I’ve just finish taking a hot bubble bath, my pussy was still soaking and wet, and, my husband is lying on the bed watching TV with his dick stand out of his underpants. I took off my bathrobe, walk over to my husband, begin to suck on his hard rock dick, I suck his dick like a...

3 years ago
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Tales of Kiara8217s Adventures 8211 Part 3 Teachers8217 Feast

Hi guys, I’m Kiara. I’m a 44 years old single mother. I have 18 children of my own. I am a mixed-race woman. My father was an American diplomat, and my mother was Indian. I was born and raised in India. It wasn’t until I completed my education I moved to Australia. It was 9:30 at night. Our dinner was made, and boys were sent to the room where they were supposed to sleep. But for my sisters and me, there was no room. Principal sir held us back. The other 5 teachers who taught us other subjects...

4 years ago
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The Perfect Woman Plus Part III Happy Rear En

The 3rd and last part of the Perfect woman, plus story... Hope you enjoy it! When I got home from my second steamy assignation with Amber, the sultry blonde she-male “girl of my dreams,” I found out I’d won ten million dollars in a magazine contest! Of course, I didn’t believe it at first, but when I phoned the company to confirm, they said I was indeed the Grand Prize winner! My first thought was to call Amber and let her know my good fortune. I called the number she’d given me, but I got an...

1 year ago
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My Office Mate

Hi! I am Karan back writing to you about experiences I can never forget. I have been working in an office which has equal number of females as males. Most girls are from middle-class backgrounds, with a lot of “moralistic” shit ingrained into them. But, one girl, Manisha stands apart. She is pretty, slim (perhaps extra slim, except at places that matter), 5’3″ tall without heels, and has bazookas that defy gravity. Manisha, I found, even at the sweet age of 25, was intelligent and perceptive....

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 3 PiaChapter 11 End of Summer Part III

August 1979 — Hovås, Sweden It was the final week before I’d start school. Monday morning, after my jogging and golf, I went with Patrick to the store to buy notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, and other supplies I’d need for school. I’d brought my TI-30 calculator with me, so I didn’t need to buy one. I also bought a small zippered gym bag to carry my homework back and forth to school. I managed to make all my purchases without speaking a word of English, but it had been fairly simple...

3 years ago
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A New Perspective

A new perspective. By Madcow4321/Pinkman100 Tim came home from college annoyed that the administration wouldn't let him live there over winter break. He wasn't a big fan of his home life. It was simple enough when Tim was growing up however when his sister Cassie was born it started to go downhill. His family had always been supportive of Tim's activities, his after school baseball, and social clubs. They had always bought him the best toys and he had the run of the house. However...

2 years ago
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Teasing Pleasing FamilyChapter 9

"See, Jake, I told you I'd be back this way," Christy said to her country cousin as he and she stood beside the creek running through the same clearing in the woods where they'd lost their cherries to each other a couple of weeks before. "How'd you talk your folks into it?" Jake asked. "Last time you were here they acted like they couldn't wait to leave." "Oh, I've been talking them into lots of things lately." Christy chuckled. "Fact is, thanks to me, we've stopped...

2 years ago
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Eric Olafson First Journeys Vol 2Chapter 1 Longnight

Longnight had once again descended upon Nilfeheim, the second planet in the Solken system. Nilfeheim was a water planet with with very little dry land. During Longnight, the winter period that could last up to seven standard years, the oceans froze over, except for a region called the Uhim grounds. Hot vents and underwater volcanoes kept the water temperature above freezing. Nilfeheim had been settled by colonists from Earth almost 3000 years ago. The settlers, belonging to the Viking...

1 year ago
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Alien Halloween

They didn't want to go to the party. He had been out of the hospital for just two days, and really didn't feel like partying. His release coincided with the annual Halloween party his family threw every year, and as the whole family was going to be there anyway, they turned it into a welcome home celebration. So costumes were improvised, and Jaime, with Beth beside him, became the center of attention. There were hugs, tears, and back slaps galore, But Jaime especially appreciated the...

2 years ago
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A Cuckolding Husband

Hi, this is 25th story written under the pen name of Sultana Sinha. My real name is Aloke a 36 yrs old, married Male from Patna Bihar. Many readers mail me thinking I am female. My reader with a request, to get it published on ISS forwards this story. If you like the story, please say so via mail or I am Raj a business from Delhi. I have to visit many cities as a routine work. I am married to Vidya. I have been married for 5 years. Vidya and I are 33 and try to keep us in good shape. I am...

4 years ago
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Hi Mom, Tamala called as she came in the front door. In here her Mother called from the kitchen, how was your day? Oh fine I saw Troy's Mom at the mall and I spent the afternoon with her. thats nice. Tamala's Mom, Irene suspected her daughter was sexually involved with Troy. She would have been astounde had she known that her beautiful Daughter also had sex with her cousin Ross and Troy's Mom, Lucy Often all together. Tam, you know Mrs, Pickens my friend at work? Yeah. nice lady. Well...

2 years ago
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Euphorica Vacancy Chapter 2

Please read Euphorica: Vacancy, Chapter 1 first. This is the final chapter of this particular encounter with Valarie. Hope you enjoy! The moment that I had first seen Valarie, I knew she was going to change my life dramatically. That is why I couldn’t wait for her to return from the concierge’s desk of the hotel. The moment she had left the room I jumped in excitement, it had been a while since I met someone as intriguing as Valarie. I pounced off the bed and replaced the sheets with clean...

3 years ago
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Shower show

We had just been released from final formation for the weekend. It had been a long week, not unlike any other. We had spent the first few days in the field, then ended the week in the motor pool cleaning all of our gear, getting everything ready for inspection, and then put away to do it all again on Monday. All I had on my mind was get back to the barracks, shower, and kick back with a few beers. If we were adventurous, maybe we’d head into Savannah. We got back to the room, Josh and I, and no...

1 year ago
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Moving into a new life Part 2

Chapter 2 Later that night. Mark retreated into his bedroom on the second floor and stared out the window at the lights of the houses. He contemplated the evenings events. He had to admit some kind of love for Valentina. It couldn't be romantic,though. They had different places in life. There was no way that could work. It definitely was her choice he admitted to himself. He pondered his own actions and knew that he had not tried to influence her, seduce her, or manipulate...

2 years ago
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Journey to JanusChapter 3

We arrived at So’ Bermmun’s Junkyard a couple of hours before sunset. The junkyard was typical of all junkyards in the galaxy. A high fence all around so as not to offend the neighbors. Piles of household appliances, broken robots, rusty scrap metal, wrecked scooters, personal atmosphere flyers and hover crafts supplied by local speed demons and unlucky drunks. There was a section dedicated to space crafts. Some antiques sold for scrap, a few relatively new and old military ships too shot up...

4 years ago
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Miss Foster

Miss Foster was my home room teacher in the seventh grade, and she also taught English. She was twenty seven years old and was unmarried, although I'm sure that she had received many proposals, because she was slender and beautiful. She had dark hair, and at school she always dressed conservatively. Still, one could see her bare calves and lower arms, which were so perfectly shaped that one could imagine, as I did, that she was perfect all over. She had modest breasts, and when she wore a...

1 year ago
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The Magic Bus

Warning this story contains vivid sexual content. I have tried to make this all as authentic as possible. Enjoy! The "Magic Bus" BY DEMONN James, Borel and Mckay were all good friends. They had been friends for many years and each had contributed much to one another. Mckay, being the far more confident of the three, had often 'taught' the others how to deal with things in general. Naturally, being the more confident of the three, he lost his virginity first at the young age...

1 year ago
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What the fuck is Mast Tram? I’ll be honest; Google translate didn’t help me out much when I was trying to decipher the site’s name. I know it’s Hindi, because the site is in both English and Hindi, but I can’t figure out exactly what it means. Maybe it’s not all that important, because I can tell what the site’s all about even if I can’t understand the title. is a bilingual site full of Indian porn comics and was registered at the very end of August 2023, and...

Porn Comics Sites
2 years ago
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I Masochist 01 Performance Art

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...

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Vampire Chronicles Pt 4

Oddly enough the sun did not seem to be draining him very badly. He figured he was still very high on energy because of the feeding he had done the night before. He got up to go take a shower, and he he almost tripped over Tiffany's dead body. He felt nauseous. He was curious why he did not smell anything though, as he had always understood that dead bodies were suppose to give off quite an unpleasant aroma. He then realized he couldn't think of one time in the month he...

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Accidental Dick Magic

Matt’s heart almost beat backwards. He was in his living room illuminated only by the TV, his girlfriend draped over him softly. It wasn’t that he really cared for Lucy that had him so anxious, though that played a part. Tonight was special. Matt has just turned 18 a few weeks ago, before he and Lucy has started going out, and she was one of the older kids in their soon-to-be-graduating class and had been 18 since last summer we. His sisters were all in college and his parents had gone away for...

3 years ago
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Paul his Mum

Chapter 1- Sonia meets Paul's newest wench Sonia was ballgagged , collared, leashed & tied to the bedposts when Paul brought his latest sex slave, Jackie lived down the street , the 52 year old cumslut & married slut was collared & leashed , she was wearing a lime green thong bikini & spiked heels . Her cuckold husband Jason drove her over . Master Paul had met Jackie at the door & french-kissed her , just as Jason pulled away in his old car. Jackie & Sonia had known each other for years...

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