Veiled SecretsChapter 5 free porn video

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Saturday morning arrived and so did the herd of people that Chad had told Philip about just a few hours ago. He'd walked in unannounced, waking both Philip and Tiara. Philip hadn't stopped thanking the heavens that they'd been sleeping and not doing other things. He was still embarrassed that his father had told Tiara to "just bring a few things over the next time she was planning on bunking up with his son."

Philip stood on the porch, the smell of roast duck cooking as well as hot dogs and burgers for the kids. Potatoes and other vegetables were also being prepared, they too were being cooked to perfection. His arm was wrapped around the one woman he wanted his siblings to like since he brought home the woman that would later be his ex.

"Phil," Matt said, extending his hand and shaking it firmly. He held Carolyn next to him. His arm protectively around her waist. "This is Carolyn. She's agreed to marry this old codger."

Philip's gaze rested lightly on the woman next to his brother. She had green eyes and red hair. Her smile was soft and shy. "Carolyn, it's a pleasure." He took her hand in his and raised it to his lips. A simple kiss was placed on her skin and then he released her. Philip's hand moved back to Tiara.

"Congratulations to you both," he said and then turned toward the woman that had claimed his heart and soul. "Matt and Carolyn, this is Tiara Able, the woman, whom I hope will stick around long enough for me to propose."

He smiled down at her and she up to him. "I think I can manage that." They missed the look of shock that registered on both Matt and Carolyn's faces, too lost in each other's eyes.

A cry of "Uncle Philip" broke the silence and the group turned to see one of the many children running toward them. Philip was swept into hugs and then teased into a quick game of tag, leaving Tiara alone on the porch with Matt and Carolyn. "Tiara?" Matt asked. "A unique name."

"Yes, it is, Tiara agreed.

Carolyn stared at the young woman for a long time. "I've only heard it once before."

"Oh? Well, I hope she grew up easier than I did," Tiara laughed. "Nothing like being a cap on a Princess' head while growing up."

Matt smirked. "Surely it wasn't all that bad."

"Oh no," she replied. "Mom and Dad made life very easy on me. I lacked for nothing." She grinned and nodded toward the car pulling up the drive. "I take it that is Janet and Steven."

Matt turned, as did Carolyn. "Looks like it." Another car approached and he laughed. "Looks like Dad's gonna have the whole crew this weekend." He turned back to Tiara. "You guys got room for all of them?"

"I think we'll open my house up for some of you."

"You live around here?" Carolyn asked.

"Yes, across the lake. I bought the place from the previous owners and have been living over there... well... until I met Philip." Tiara's gaze moved over to the man that was running up to greet his sister. Her eyes spoke volumes and for a moment no one else existed.

Philip brought Janie up to the porch and introduced her and her crew to Tiara. "Nice to meet you, Janie. It is okay to call you that, right?"

"Yes, Janie's fine. I'm Janet if I'm in trouble." The two women shook hands and eventually the adults moved into the house where more introductions were made.

By the time the lunch was brought out Tiara was wishing she'd bought name tags for everyone. She walked around refilling Kool-Aid and topping off coffee or tea, occasionally dropping off a fresh bottle of beer or a can of soda. By the time she was ready to relax, she had taken a count of twenty-two people, including herself, Philip and Chad. She leaned against one of the few available spaces that wasn't occupied by either a family memento or a family member and sighed. Philip found her there and pulled her toward him.

He took her place and then brought her back so she was leaning against him instead. His lips rested on her ear and he kissed her. "They are only staying till Sunday night."

She giggled and turned her head, just enough to kiss his lips. "I wasn't worried about that. I was just admiring the view."

"Oh? Is Matt strutting his stuff again?"

She rolled her eyes. "No. Your family. It is so large and so happy. I was an only child. I was happy, but I didn't have siblings."

Carolyn was rounding the corner and paused. "No brothers, or sisters?" she asked. "I'm sorry, I just over heard, no need to answer."

Tiara smiled. "Oh, it's okay. I didn't have any growing up. I do have one. A brother. But I don't know where he is. I was adopted and we were separated."

Carolyn's face paled, then she coughed, hoping to cover up the shock her facial expression had portrayed.

"Are you okay?" they both asked.

"Yes, fine." She took a deep breath. "I just breathed in wrong. So you have a brother, but you don't know where he is? What about your mom and dad... do they know?"

"My parents were killed in an automobile accident. My biological mom died shortly after Ethan and I were adop..."

Her words faded as Carolyn started to slip to the floor. Philip had seen it coming just as her eyes rolled back into their sockets. He'd quickly pushed Tiara out of the way, though she was already moving to grab the woman. Both caught her before she fell and Tiara screamed for Matt. He had been talking to his son, but turned when he heard the terror in another's voice. His gaze met Philip and Tiara's. He rushed to their side and took the fallen woman in his arms. "What happened?" he shouted.

Both stared at him, unsure what had happened. "We don't know. We were talking and she just fainted," Philip told him. "Here, take her to my room."

Matt hurried to the offered sanctuary, with Philip and Janie following. Tiara tried to calm the youngest children as well as herself. She'd seen the woman react to the name of her brother and she wanted to know why. Her excitement had to be contained for the time being though, an unconscious woman was help to no one.

Carolyn was laid down on the bed and Matt kneeled down on the floor. His eyes level with her face, willing her to wake up. Janie was there with a cold cloth and Philip was removing her shoes.

"Carrie babe, wake up Hon," Matt whispered as he covered her pale skin with the cool cloth. He watched her eyes flutter open and then closed. When she was able to focus on him, he relaxed. "Hey sexy."

She smiled, weakly and looked around. "What happened?"

Matt groaned. "We were hoping you'd tell us. Philip and Tiara said you..."

"Tiara I need to see her." Carolyn tried to leap from the bed, but Matt held her down.

"Calm sweetheart. She's outside and you can talk to her in a minute okay." Matt smoothed her brow and kissed her lips. "Please, for me. Just take a few. Philip will go get her."

Matt turned to his brother and Philip left the room. Janie touched Matt's shoulder and then looked at her future sister-in-law. "You're sure you're okay? You gave us quite a scare."

"I'm sure."

"Okay. I'm going to let you talk to Tiara. I'll let everyone know you're okay. Matt, I expect a full report on your lovely lady's health when she's done with you." Janie left the room, just as Tiara and Philip were entering.

"Philip, could I talk to Tiara alone," Carolyn asked.

Philip took a deep breath. He hadn't missed the reaction that Carolyn had and everything pointed to her knowing more of Tiara's past then even Tiara knew. He looked over to the woman that held a secret that could either hurt the one he loved or help her. "I'd rather stay."

Tiara touched his arm. "I'll be okay. If Carolyn knows something about me... then I want to know and I'll share it with you." She kissed his lips and whispered against them, "I love you."

He felt his world shift, a feeling that was becoming repetitive, but it still shook him. "I love you," he answered back. He left the room and grabbed a beer, wondering if Matt was about to be kicked out too. When it became apparent Matt was staying, he headed outside to enjoy the solitude as he waited on word from the woman he craved.

Carolyn watched Matt take a seat on the bed next to her and hold her hand. She thought of telling him to leave, but she remembered his words about secrets. "Tiara, have a seat please."

Tiara felt her pulse race as she slid into the chair that rested just a few feet away.

"First, I owe Matt an apology." She turned to him and squeezed his hand. "You told me in your office a few days ago that you didn't want secrets. I've carried one for a long time."

His expression hardened and he gazed back at her. His jaw became tight as he waited for her confession. Tiara didn't miss the anger, but she was too concerned with what secrets that Carolyn would have that would involve her and her brother, Ethan.

"When I was younger, I met a man. His name was Daniel and he was very handsome. A real charmer. He was passing through Minor Hill, a small town I lived in."

"I've heard of it," Matt stated.

"Yes, it is just a few miles from Pulaski. He was a dream, or so to a young girl he was. I dated him for a short spell. Things happened," she blushed and took a deep breath, "I was going to college in the fall, a scholarship that was going to get me out of the hills and into the city... but, I got pregnant."

The room was silent as Matt and Tiara absorbed her words. "I told Daniel, but he just laughed at me. Told me I should have been more careful, claimed it wasn't his and two days later he was gone. I had a friend though. A good friend, she had her own problems, but she had a home, a kid, living on welfare."

Carolyn glanced at Tiara. "Ruby Ann was a nice woman. She just had problems. When John left her, she fell into depression, but I couldn't keep a baby."

Tiara stared at Carolyn, her face ashen and her fingers cold. "You knew my mom?"

"Yes. I went to her. It was too late to get rid of... him."

"Ethan?" Tiara asked.

Matt shook his head. "Ethan?" he asked.

"My brother's name is Ethan." Tiara told him. She looked back to Carolyn. "I don't understand. Carolyn, please... go on."

Carolyn nodded her head. "I go by Carrie, but that isn't important. I stayed with Ruby Ann and you, her daughter, until Ethan was born. I had him there at her place. She sobered up long enough to deliver him. My parents wanted nothing to do with me, so I just kinda hid out at her place. When he was born, I went back to school and doubled up on lessons so I could graduate and go to college."

Matt said nothing, his mind trying to grasp at everything that was swirling around him. He listened though, promising to process it all later.

Tiara took a deep breath. "So, you left your son with my mother. But my search says she is our mother and our father's are unknown."

"I had no birth certificate. I went back... years later, but it was too late. She'd lost both of you to the state and she passed away. Drugs and alcohol had destroyed her. I asked the social worker in the area where you both were and she said, 'Misses Kingston's children were wards of the state and had been adopted.' I figure she told them she was Ethan's mom. After all... she had been caring for him. I knew that whatever life you both had was better than I could have provided. I didn't look for my son or for you. I left town, got a job, a career, and then married. We divorced and now I have Matt, or so I hope I do." She turned to him and tried to read his emotions.

Tiara sat back. "So you don't know where Ethan is either? I know he's not my brother, but..." She took a deep breath. "Do you know who my dad is?"

Carolyn turned back. "Your mom was married to John, but she screwed up. Ruby was out late with some area drunks and slept with several; your dad found out. He left her when he found out she was pregnant. I guess he couldn't have kids, so he knew you weren't his. I'm sorry."

Matt took a deep breath. "You had a son, have a son."

"Yes," Carolyn answered. "I don't know where he is, but he's out there. I was going to tell you. I just wanted to wait. You were so wrapped up in your search for..."

Matt rubbed his hands over his face. "Yes, I was," he said, stopping her before she finished her sentence. "Jesus Christ Carolyn, you should have told me."

"I know. I'm sorry."

Tiara rose from her seat. "I'll let you two discuss this. I need to go talk to Philip."

"No, don't leave." Matt told her.

She stopped and looked back at the couple. "Matt, I don't think this should involve me." "It already does. I know where Ethan is," he answered.

Tiara sat back down. Carolyn whimpered; her fist moved to her mouth. "No, Matt."

He closed his eyes, then slowly opened them, only to meet the stare of his fiancé. "I have the file in my car. I was going to let Janie look at it, if she wanted to. Ethan's name was changed to Philip when my parents adopted him. He was four. They didn't know he had a sister. I just found that out, but it looks like he's an only child too."

Carolyn's tears fell as Matt continued. "Tiara, mom and dad brought home this knobby kneed four-year-old. He had blonde hair and green eyes. I was sixteen. Janie was fourteen. We were told his name would be Philip, not Ethan. So we were to make sure we call him Philip until he answered to it all the time. We did. We were kids. We were told to keep it a secret. I wanted to tell him when I was eighteen. I wanted to tell him after Mom died... and I was going to tell him after Pop died. I paid detectives right and left, eventually one turned up some stuff after I made a few political phone calls."

"Something I couldn't do," Tiara whispered. "I tried to find him too... Ethan, but got nothing, and I know Philip doesn't know he's adopted."

"No," Matt told her. He turned to Carolyn. "Carrie, Philip is Ethan. He's your son."

Her lips trembled. "I don't know what to do."

Matt pulled her into his arms. "We'll figure something out."

Tiara stared at them. "What do you mean? You've got to tell him. He needs to know this."

"We will tell him, but we can't just throw it at him."

Tiara agreed. "That is not the way to find anything out."

Matt slipped a kiss onto Carolyn's head. "I'll talk to Janie and Pop."

"Do you think that is a good idea? Your Dad seems to have good days and bad according to Philip and Tiara," Carolyn whispered. "I want to tell him. I want to explain myself, but I can wait."

"I can't leave this room and not tell him. I won't lie to him. Don't ask me to do that," Tiara told them both.

"Just give me an hour," Matt said.

Tiara chewed on her lip. "One hour Matt. I'll not speak to him until then."

"Thank you," both Matt and Carolyn answered. They watched her rise to go. "Tiara, would you have Janie and Pop come in here."

"Yes," she answered back and left the room. Her head pounding, yet there was a sense of closure slowly embracing her. She found Janie and Chad, both deep in a game of Scrabble. She told them that Matt and Carolyn wanted to see them. Janie asked if everything was okay, Chad repeated the question.

"You really just need to go talk to them. I'm going to take a bath." She had to find something to do that would keep her away from Philip. "An hour," she whispered as she made her way to the bathroom and locked herself inside.

Janie feared she knew what waited behind the door where her brother and his fiancé sat. She was wrong. Her eyes grew wide as did her Father's and for the first time in her life she wished he was having one of his "moments" so he wouldn't have to listen to Matt plead his case. She stared at Carolyn and shook her head trying to come to terms with everything. "So your Philip's Mom?"

Carolyn nodded her head. Her gaze however never left the man that had raised her son. "I'm his birth mom. Your Mom... Delilah, was his Mom. I gave him up. I have to answer to him for that."

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Big Tits Luna Mills came by and tells us she loves rough sex and that she’s heard I’m the best at face fucking. I start by slapping her and she tells me to slap her harder. I do and spit in her face. I begin roughly fucking her face and she begins to gag spit all over my cock. I continue roughly face fucking and slapping her big tits. I stand on the couch and fuck her face until she’s gagging spit all over me. I rip off her fishnet bodysuit and have her ride my dick… I...

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Tremendous Fucking

Most of time I spent watching xxx movies n and if got chance sex. I was not having great hype of reading sex stories then I taken interest in reading some of them make me hard on & masturbating inside my pant Cumming. Especially when it is written by female, Bhabhi sex, neighbor woman. This is my 1st time narrating my tremendous fucking with her which I enjoyed and got extreme sex pleasure. my name is Panuj not stud guy but have innocent look in my eyes female used compliment on me by saying am...

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Snowed In Part 3

She could hear him finishing up his shower. She had started the coffee and bacon when he got in so he could smell them when he was done. She had just pulled on her sweater. It was long and covered enough but she had no intention of letting him guess at what she had on underneath. It was still snowing and the national weather guy was camped at the nearest turnpike exit. That's never a good thing. Was saying it would snow until dark. The foot and a half that was down already was causing problems....

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Back home and boxing day

Back in Johannesburg after a great matric holiday in Plettenberg Bay my stepsister Amy arrived back a few days later, and the four of us spent a lovely Christmas day together, exchanged and opening presents and a lovely meal.The next day Boxing day our parents made plans to go see their friends leaving Amy and I alone together for the first time in 3 weeks. We had lots of catching up to do and knowing we had lots of time as our parents said they would be home late.Amy and I sat down together at...

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BurningAngel Cali Carter Toned and Boned

Cali Carter likes to stay fit and make gains and it shows. She definitely squats to keep her ass and thighs looking like the 8th wonder of the world! But our healthy blonde here likes to get a sexual workout in with her daily burn – and Xander dutifully abides! First, you have to eat ‘dat ass and work up a sweat, then you have to do some doggystyle thrusting reps followed by seriously intense cowgirl and a tittie fuck for good measure. The additional protein in a hot sticky load of...

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MomsTeachSex Rachael Cavalli Taking Care Of Mom

Kyle Mason has a thing for his bigtit stepmom Rachael Cavalli, but he would never dream of going for it. Instead, he does little things for her whenever he can. When Rachael comes home from a long day at work, Kyle greets her with a sandwich and an open ear to listen to whatever she wants to talk about. Eventually, Kyle offers to give his mom a massage. They relocate to the living room, where Kyle suggests she may be more comfortable with her shirt off. He reassures Rachael that there’s...

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PerfectFuckingStrangers Krissy Lynn 25965

I don’t think I’ve been that horny in a while. To just write on some random hot dude’s football my address and to meet me there … it’s not usually like me. But, fuck, I needed to get fucked really bad, and when I saw him at the park I just needed it. Luckily he got my note scribbled on his ball and he showed up. My pussy was drenched by the time he shoved his cock inside of it; it felt so fucking good. And I didn’t even mind that he left right afterward since his...

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Some Work in the Garage

This is a real short recap of a cute little situation my husband and I had a few weeks ago. It was during the week and my husband had a vacation week so he was home and doing a lot of fixit up stuff around the house all week. I, on the other hand, have been working some really long hours as it’s been incredibly demanding at work. So occasionally I come home and go back to work in the evening after a few minutes with the family. This evening everyone was out of the house although I new my...

Quickie Sex
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The Staircase

The Staircase By Michael Alexander The light from the window cascaded downward into a thousand glittering fragments,spilling out across the dark stained steps of the staircase. It was the light,and the knowledge that he was at work, that almost gave her the courage todescend into the half-lit darkness below. Her fingers tightened on the carvedbanister and her knuckles whitened under the pressure. What dark secret didhe possess so utterly that the very though of broaching the borders of...

1 year ago
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The night that I met Michelle wasn't quite typical. Nothing extraordinary about it. Looking back upon that night, it was fate that we met at all. She was not your typical beauty, however, very attractive. You know the type--pretty face, nice body, but not drop dead model material. The thing that I have come to love, but not fond of initially was her bow-legs. In any case, we met in the work place, the hospital. She was a nurse and I was one of the maintenance crew. Every now and then, when I...

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DaisyChapter 3

That night Daisy started reading one of the books Lilly had picked out for her. It was a funny kind of romance book. It was the story of a woman pining over her long lost lover. It was very cryptic. It used lots of strange terms and big words. Daisy got the dictionary and looked up each one she didn't know. Some of them still didn't make sense. On a whim she looked up Sappho. The closest she could find was Sapphic. It just related to anything like the poems of Sappho of Lesbos. She looked...

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My Stepmother Ch3

  I knew it was light outside before I opened my eyes. I blinked a couple of times and stretched. Suddenly I remembered the events of last night. I reached out and looked around. Lin wasn't there. She had come to my bed in the middle of the night. My Stepmother said she had to have me. We had some serious sex and then fell asleep. She must have woke up at some point and left my room. I wonder if she got back to my Dad's bed before he woke up. I went to take a shower. Standing in the hot...

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Three is not a crowd

I had been friends with Amy for a short while..she was pretty, petite, sexy and fond of telling me that she was night after being out..drinking..dancing..we started to walk home together..her hands kept brushing my arm...her fingers touching me, she asked if i wanted to come in her house for a we got in the front door she told me to go through and sit in the lounge...I sat down on the sofa, head back, eyes closed...suddenly i realised Amy was in front of me, she...

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A Helping Hand

I lay nude on the bed just as the note said. I put in the cock ring as you instructed. I stroke it slowly, just to feel the heightened hardness of my cock as I think about what might be coming. It feels so good, having it constrained like that and it makes it look even bigger and thicker than its usual 7 1/2 inches. I idly wonder what you have in store for me. You saunter in the room. The lust in your eyes shines through as you slide next to me, grabbing my wrists. You strap them in the...

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COVID Drives Workplace Change for the Wife Pt 2

Brian continued to put his dick inside my wife at he office for the next three weeks as I watched on from home. Cherry was only too happy to oblige given the havoc that COVID had wreaked at her office. We were relying on her income since my work had dried up and keeping her boss happy was worth it for both of us. Not that we minded of course, Cherry loved new cock and I was able to watch on via her laptop camera at work and our on camera's that Cherry had started to take in each Wednesday. I...

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My friends dad 16

“Well, we just got some more news to share with you two,” Jeanette said in a sad tone. My mind went straight to the worst, what if they were breaking up or something bad happened? “OK what?” John asked. Then Jeanette and Christina both held their hands up and they both had rings on. “We're getting married,” They both replied in happy tones. Immediately both John and I got up and went over to them. We both gave them hugs and everything else. I don't think either one of us saw...

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DDFBusty Emma Butt Titty Fuck XXXtreme

Emma Butt has an enormous cleavage. The brunette bombshell from England is blessed with absolutely impressive 36F / 80H tits which leads to turning heads wherever she goes. The curvy Queen of hardcore fucking stars in today’s Busty premium XXX porn scene by DDF Network alongside stud Marc Rose. During a chat at her place, she notices a hard-on inside his pants when he grabs her big titties! Emma Butt is very upset and surprised at first, but immediately sees the advantage of the situation...

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Chitra Anni Pundaiyil Sunni

Vanakam, enathu peyar Vikram, vayathu 22 naan kalluriyil padithu varugiren. Salem maavatathil vaazhnthu varugirom engalin veetil amma appa matrum anni irupaargal. Anniyin kanavan iranthu vittan athanaal aval engalin veetil thaan 2 varudangalaaga irukiraal. Enathu thanthai veli uuril vellai seithu varugiraar. Athanaal eppozhuthu veetirku varuvaaro appozhuthu ellam amma engaludan paduthu thungaamal avarin padukai araiyil thunguvaargal. Naanum anniyiin hallil paduthu uranguvom, anni enmeethu...

1 year ago
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PreludeToday, I'm having breakfast with a very special friend. Despite a thorough shower this morning, I am very much aware of the fact that no matter how much you scrub, there are just some things that only time can remove. Normally, I would worry about being in such close company with another man after my lustful sex last night, but this morning, it's just breakfast....I know her better than she thinks I do, but I let her think that she's in control. She's so in touch with herself, her...

2 years ago
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First Base

It was getting pathetic. Sydney had crushes on random boys every fifteen minutes but they were like chewing bubble gum: after a while they lost their flavor and her attention.  For Sydney crushes didn’t mean hooking up, or even necessarily speaking to the temporary target of her affection. For Sydney senior year was as much about romantic notions as it was about the actual pursuit of romantic relationships. Her head filled with Shakespeare and Jane Austen, Rhianna and Adele, she was happy to...

2 years ago
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Nurse Mom Chapter 3 Mom makes her move0

The next morning I came downstairs to start my morning routine. I was usually out of the house before Mom woke up since she is at work so late. This morning was another story. I stepped into the kitchen to the smell of pancakes on the stove. Mom greeted me and said that she had woken up early so she decided to treat me. We sat down and had a pleasant breakfast, completely avoiding the topic of last night. I started to pick up the dishes and take them to the sink. Mom finally broke down and...

4 years ago
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My One and Only AffairChapter 4

The next day was Wednesday and I waited for Mark to pick me up for work. I had on a baby blue silk blouse that buttoned down the front and a skirt that came just above my knees. And today I had stockings and a garter belt with baby blue panties instead of pant hoses. I tried to look better than usual and while deep down inside later on as I look back now I knew why I was dressing nicer today. I told myself I didn’t know why back then but I knew and I knew it was going to lead to trouble. I...

4 years ago
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Farzana ke zindagi

My story start in (1990) when i am 14year’s i saw my parent’s from Key hole my dad fuck my mom but that time i don’t know chudai may Kiya maza my family i have my dad bussnesman my mom housewife My brother nasir with dad business and myself farzana 2nd year Student from lahore pakistan. At collage time i am 18year’s best friend is shazia.we are in Same collage same standard and she is also my neighbor. I know her From two year’s we are like sister’s. One day we are study at my...

2 years ago
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Fear of Flying

Preface- I am the editor/co-author on this story. Notlooking5 was the creator of the story and other author. It was her brain child. Credit where credit is due. I was flattered that she asked me to assist her on writing this erotic literary work of fiction dealing with FemDom and other realted topics. It is rather lengthy, so hope you have the patience to read it throuhly. Please enjoy! I can’t believe this is happening to me! How did I get in this humiliating position? After my arrival at JFK...

1 year ago
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A Taste of Honey

The cold Artic wind blew with a fierceness that almost led one to believe it was alive. Paul Rubbins stepped off the plane feeling the bitter tempest trying to remove every piece of clothing and skin he had. Walking to the terminal he only had a vague idea from a few pictures what this place looked like. Damn it's cold he thought, I haven't been this cold since that week it was -30 in Philadelphia. Carefully he scanned the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman he'd been taking to on...

2 years ago
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Mom and Me and Claire and Cindy Part two

We got out of the shower and dried each other off then got dressed. Cindy put on shorts and a V-neck tank top and Claire put her tank top and short shorts. We looked at the stained spread. “We’re screwed. They’ll know what happened,” Cindy said. Cindy rummaged in a cupboard and found some carpet shampoo and cleaned the spread. “There maybe that will work.” We left the house and Cindy and Claire went through the field to Claire’s house. I cut through the neighbor’s yard to my house. I went in...

1 year ago
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Spizoo Ashley Lane Up Close And Personal

Ashley Lane is a beautiful, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, dream girl. From the first moments, you can see how genuinely and passionately horny this beautiful girl is. Her outer layer is soft-spoken and shy, but this sexy babe unleashes her sexuality in an aggressive, loud, wet way as she moans and squirts like crazy. This scene is filled with powerful orgasms and lust. Do not miss this!! Look this beautiful Blonde wearing suggestive black lingerie touching herself and inviting her man to join and...

4 years ago
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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 1 The Honeymoon WeekChapter 20 Shared Resources

"So, listen," Lana said, "As long as we have the computer connected to that giant screen, why don't we watch something?" As she said this, she pulled the disk Hannah had made from the pocket of her skirt, (It was actually amazing that there was room on that skirt for a pocket, not to mention enough room to keep a disk hidden up to now). "What's that?" John asked. "I guess you could call it our first music video." Lana said. "Jason gave me a recording he made last night of one of...

2 years ago
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A Camping Affair

As we watched the embers of the fire die, Shannon and I grew quiet. Neither of us knew how to broach the subject of what we agreed would happen this weekend. The other adults had already gone to their tents for the night. This was the first time Shannon and I had were all alone since we became more than casual acquaintances. Well well alone if you didn’t count the 12 other adults and the 35 scouts we were camping with at the local scout camp for the weekend. 8========D< Shannon and I...

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Island MineChapter 10

Freehold The Truong brothers helped their mother down the airplane's stairs, followed closely by Arman's wife Rava. The family gathered at the foot of the stairs, waiting for Waylon. The new arrivals looked around at the different buildings. The combination field tower and reception building wasn't very elaborate. It was about the size of a modest house and the 'tower' portion was only two stories tall. They could see the large hangars at the other end of the airfield, but little else...

3 years ago
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A Momentous Day on Mount Olympus

Born deep in the forest, far from the prying eyes of mortal men, a small creature flitted ceaselessly 'round the perilous rack and fen. It searched for a bit of Magic to keep its Age Olde Race intact, snooping in the Neverlands, Stealthy Fugitive from Truth and Fact. A raptor plummets from the sky, cruel talons spread... Shrill Scream of Pain ... THE ANCIENT TRIBE IS DEAD! Forest Giants tremble, they moan their sad refrain, "We'll never see their like again, dancing naked in the...

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