Officer Matthews Part 8
- 4 years ago
- 38
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Tina's turn:
I'm not jealous, really. But here I am, this textbook open, and my laptop, and my notepad, and my precious step-daughter and her friend just stopped by and gave me a cookie because "You look like you're stressing, Tina."
I turned to gaze at her and Rachel. I knew that Terri would NEVER have to stress over any educational requirement accorded to the general population. For that matter, neither did I. My stress was because I was pushing hard so that I and my sisters would all graduate in less than two years from today.
"It's math," Terri said. "You know Nikki or Cindy will help you."
"I want to figure it out for myself if I can," I told my daughter. Yes, Terri IS my daughter, even though only ten years separate our ages. She's also my neat young friend, a diminutive bit of comfort, comic relief. It's easy to see her dad's genes in her.
"I know you do," Terri said.
"I do, too," Rachel injected. "But sometimes it's good to have somebody give you a little nudge when there are some sticky parts." She smiled sweetly. "Terri does that for me. It's a good thing."
Okay, these two munchkins just erased the self-pity that I was building up for myself. I bit into the offered cookie.
"It's a 'Cindy' cookie," I said.
"Me an' Rachel helped," Terri grinned. "Rachel said we'd add different dried fruit instead of raisins, and I told Cindy that one nut was as good as another nut, so it's got cashews, and you KNOW how Cindy is with that spice box." She smiled that little lopsided thing that she does when she's being a little snarky.
Rachel's head bobbed, nodding agreement. "Apple. Dried apple. Like in Mom's apple crunch. Do you like it?"
"Yes I do, Rache," I said. "Cindy's home?"
"Uh-huh," Rachel answered. "And she's got a physics book."
That's the latest development. The Physics Department and the Engineering Department cross their streams on the government railgun project, so the Sisterhood is known to the Physics bunch. I don't know that anyone has ever fought over me, academic or not. Well, if you don't count Alan in that parking lot incident, which I don't count.
But Nikki and Cindy are the subject of a nerdfight between the pure sciences bunch and the engineering bunch. And in Cindy's case, there are a couple of English profs who not so secretly hope she'll get disgusted and turn to literature instead.
"Cindy's got a physics book? That's new." I grabbed my phone. "Lemme call 'er." I woke Siri up and said "Cindy."
Two rings. "Hi!" in a voice so bright you can see the smile through the sound.
"Hi, yourself," I said. "Terri says you have a physics book."
"Yeah. Can I come over? We can talk. I'm bringing coffee."
"And cookies. More cookies." I looked up just in time to see Terri and Rachel hitting the front door.
"We're gonna help 'er.!"
"You got help coming," I said.
She giggled. "I need help!"
In a matter of minutes the front door opened again, Terri and Rachel tumbling in, giggling, followed by Cindy with her backpack over one shoulder and a thermal coffee carafe in hand. "Wanna mug?"
"Gotta mug right here," I said. I got up and diverted her into the kitchen where she topped off my mug, poured herself one, and we tended to the cream and sugar before returning to the desk in our home office/hobby room.
"So what's the deal with the physics text? I'm guessing it's not Physics for Jocks."
"No," she said, "it's not. Doctor Embert called me to her office yesterday and gave it to me. Said I'd be well-served to read through it and come talk to her."
I giggled. "She's gonna get you a physics major out of this, isn't she?"
Cindy smiled. "I am going to get an engineering degree."
I smiled back. "And a physics degree?"
"Maybe," she said. "I dunno. I was wading through this text. I see a lot of overlap."
"Yes," Cindy said. "I see where a lot of the engineering math comes from. Or went to."
"I talked about that with Alan," I said. "He says that a hundred and fifty years ago there weren't as many distinctions between pure and applied sciences."
"Yeah, like Doctor Embert smears the lines all the time."
"We all do, at least on that project. But are you thinking of changing majors?"
She shook that red head of hers. "Nope! Told my husband I wanted to be an engineer before I married 'im. And that's what I will be. Doesn't mean that I have to limit my horizons, though."
"Yeah, okay. You sing. You fly. You talked your way though most of college. And you're worried about limiting your horizons. Right..." and I tried sounding serious but who can stay serious too long when Cindy's smiling.
"You know what I mean," Cindy said. "It's all so unreal. Did you ever imagine you'd be where you are today?"
This was a frequent topic among us. I glow when I think about it. "You know the answer to that one."
"Yes I do," she said. "You KNOW how crazy it is."
I do know. In a year and a half I've gone from a high school dropout not sure she was going to live through another month to a high school honor graduate, college student, wife and mom. I cannot imagine what my expression might have been if somebody had suggested that path two summers ago.
Cindy was flipping through the pages of that physics text, showing it to Terri when my phone rang. Dan 2.0's ringtone.
"Hi, Dan!" I answered. I don't know what I was expecting. Last time Nikki's Dan called me he was setting up some happy surprise for her.
"Tina! Need you to get hold of Cindy. Susan's in the hospital and Nikki's at the police station."
"Omigod!" I blurted. "Did you call Jason?"
"Is she okay?"
"Yeah. They're ... it's an investigation. I'm on my way there. Jason's an hour away. Go take care of Susan."
"Terri. Rachel. Go stay at Rachel's house. We got a situation."
Cindy was staring at me, surprised. I grabbed my car keys. "Come on," I told her. "Nikki's at the police station and Susan's in the hospital."
Cindy kept her thoughts to herself until Rachel and Terri were around the corner. When they were out of sight, she blurted "What's going on?"
"I just told you everything I know. Let's go see our sister."
She was on her phone when we got into the car. "Dan? Have you gotten there yet?" Pause. "No? D'ya want me to call my step-dad? The judge?" Pause. "No, I don't know anything you don't know. Just wanted to give him a heads up." Pause. "Okay. I'll do that. I'm with Tina, on the way to see Susan." Pause. "My Dan's headed that way? Great! Let us know what's happening. Love you and Nikki." Pause. "Yeah, thanks. Bye."
I drove. Cindy was on the phone with her step-dad giving him what little we knew, which was darned sketchy. She was stowing her phone when I pulled into the parking lot at the hospital emergency room.
We introduced ourselves at the desk as Susan's sisters and got access back into the emergency room. There were two policemen with her. One of them was familiar. He was part of the investigation of the robbery at the Desai restaurant.
"Officer Canfield, isn't it?" I said.
He turned. Susan squeaked "Tina! Cindy! Oh gosh..."
"She's gonna be just fine," the officer said. He turned to his partner. "Remember that shooting at that restaurant a couple of months back? This bunch is all over it."
Cindy was already holding Susan's hand.
"My husband," I said. "He's the..."
"Oh, yeah, I remember now," the other officer said. "Jack, we can let 'em have some privacy."
"Yeah," Canfield said. "Take a few minutes. We're gonna find some coffee. We still have a few more questions."
I stepped to Susan's bedside. She looked disheveled, her face red, obviously from crying. "Are you okay? What happened?"
"I got attacked."
"By Nikki? Why's she at the police?"
"Because there's a guy over at the other end of the hall with a BIC pen in his head."
"Whaa... ?" Cindy blurted.
"I was leaving my history class. Supposed to meet Nikki at the car, so I walked that way. I've got that shortcut, you know, around the back of the building. I expected Nikki was gonna meet me but I guess I was running ahead of schedule or she was running behind. Anyway, you know that shortcut?"
We knew. Saved some steps, but was off the well-traveled paths most students took, running past the shrubbery that hid the utilities behind the building. "This guy..." Her face did something I'd never seen Susan do. It contorted into a sob. "He stepped out, tried to stop me to talk. I told him I had to meet somebody. He grabbed me ... From behind. His arm was around my neck." She sucked in a deep breath and continued. "He said he was gonna have me alive or dead and still warm, and he dragged me to the bushes. He was pulling my blouse open and pulling my jeans down and we both just sort of launched onto the ground and he stopped moving." One more sob. "There was a BIC pen stuck in the side of his head and Nikki was calling 9-1-1."
"Nikki? OUR Nikki?" Cindy squeaked.
"She saved me from getting raped or more."
"You didn't get raped," I said.
"Nope. Nikki must've been half a minute behind me. The cops took her away. An ambulance brought me here. And the guy."
The privacy curtain moved. "Excuse me," came the disembodied voice of Officer Canfield. "Can we get a little time to close this report out?"
"Sure," Susan said. "Come on in. We're okay."
She answered some more questions.
"We sort of overheard your conversation," the other officer said. "Just want to get it first hand, you know, all official."
"What're they gonna do to Nikki?" Cindy asked.
"I dunno," Canfield said. "Give 'er a medal?"
"The guy..."
"Stopped breathing on the way over here. That's off the record," he said, lowering his voice. "I'm not supposed to tell you that."
Cindy stroked Susan's hair, putting some of it back in place. Cindy, without a smile. I guess I stared.
"He attacked our sister. There's a price for that."
Susan squeezed Cindy's hand. "You've been through this."
"And he didn't ... I don't think he had time to regret it."
A nurse stuck her head through the curtain. "The ER doc is ready to look at you, Miss Susan," she said.
Susan asked for us to stay. The doctor asked questions, poked, probed. "Did he..."
"Nope," Susan said. "He was tryin' to get me on the ground and get my pants down when Nikki got there."
"So we don't need a rape kit, then."
She shook her head. "Nope."
"Then you're fortunate. Looks like you're going to have some bruises, but that's about it." He sort of smiled. "Do you want me to prescribe some sedative for the next couple of days?"
I recognized a male voice up the hall. So did Susan. "No, thank you. I think my sedative just showed up."
The curtain pulled aside and a very worried-looking Jason popped in. We stood aside as he said, "Baby..."
"Come 'ere, you," Susan said. "I'm fine." She held her arms open for him.
The boy broke down. When they finally separated, he had tears tracking down his cheeks. "Baby ... I ... I left everything at the substation. Dropped it all. Told the client that I had an emergency and I'd get back there in a day or two. Or somebody would."
"I love you, Jason. And we're okay. And you REALLY owe Nikki big time."
The next head that appeared was my Alan. "Hi, Susan. Hi, gang."
"She's okay," I said. "Any word on Nikki?"
"Nikki's still at the station. Talking with the DA. Her Dan's there with her."
"The guy ... He's dead," Susan said. "At least that's what we heard."
"Oh, that's a development," Alan said.
"We had Officer Canfield here. You remember him?" I asked.
"Yes, I do. He stopped by for coffee a week or so ago," my husband replied.
"He said this one's pretty much open and shut. Nikki's okay."
"Except maybe for the part where she stuck a ballpoint pen in the side of a guy's skull."
"Nikki'll be just fine," Cindy said assuredly. "She did a good thing."
"Anyway, I brought you some clothes. I hope they're okay."
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My oldest daughter, Tammy, basically seduced me. Well, she was fourteen at the time, really coming into her womanhood with a beautiful body and the self-assuredness to use it. I'll never forget the night that she and I were the only ones home and, after I'd been asleep for a while, she came in my room and asked if she could get in bed with me. Not thinking much about it, I said she could, then, under the covers, as I gave her a hug, it was impossible to miss the fact that she was naked. She...
It's funny where you will find inspiration. I was driving down the street and happened to spy a young woman working in her flower garden. She wore tiny, tight short-shorts and was down on her hands and knees. She was displaying a fine little butt pointed at the street. Clearly, she was not aware of the little show she was providing to passers-by, or maybe she was... I could plainly see her panty lines and the idea for this story was born. This is loooong, longer than I normally write for one...
I arrived on campus that Saturday morning, wide eyed and ready for the world. Even though I was in the car with my parents, I felt like I was truly moving on, and ahead in my life. High school was just a distant memory at this point, and I couldn't be happier about that. Don't get me wrong, I look back on those years fondly, now. But, at the time, it was four years of awkwardness, thick glasses, and braces. I was always involved in sports, yet never the team superstar. I always did well in...
Hello Everyone. First of all, sorry if there are any grammatical mistakes. This is my first story and not the first experience. I would like to describe both the characters in this story. Me. 5.10 athletic built, regular gym guy. Longbeard, muscular body types and 6 inches of tool 3 inches in diameter. Baby. 5.4 height. Fair. 34c long hair. So this is a story between me and one of my friend. Let’s call her baby. So I and baby use to talk a lot. We hardly use to meet because of her family being...
My story begins as I was traveling for business. I arrived at my location and was to be stuck in a hotel for two weeks. My wife made sure we planned our times so neither got too lonely... The second night in this area I went to a fast food joint to get some unhealthy food. I was waiting on by a petite little thing who's name tag read "Elizabeth". Elizabeth was about 5 feet tall, maybe weighing 110 lbs with small but pert breasts and her tight black pants hugged a very sexy ass, perfectly...
Hi, guys, this is Vishal I am 19 years old and this is a story of how I seduced my sexy aunt and fucked her like a dog…. Let me tell something about us I am 6 feet tall well-built body nice round ass and 5.8′ dick. My aunt, on the other hand, is 28 one sexy lady 5.8 feet tall white complexion 38-26-36 with cup size D. I always fantasized her. Masturbated with her bra and panty. Our building had two apartments she lived in the one below ours with her husband. Her husband’s often out of town for...
IncestBlue-eyed blonde Slimthick Vic is ready to get RAW with Manuel Ferrara. The curvy stunner has “thick” in her name for a reason. Ferrara is able to put that thickness in motion and in his patented POV, hotel style. Vic is thick but she also vocalizes her passion with sexy high notes that Manuel draws out of her. She really lets loose when Ferrara finger-churns her pussy. Telling her “give me, give me, give me…”. You can hear the results as Manuel happens to be in a wide shot at moment of impact....
xmoviesforyouExciting wedding Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Well yes, I suppose I can ask him do that.... I'll let you know." She turned to look at me, with that look on her face. "Janice wants you to be her sons bride! I told her that I would ask, but really, after all that dressing up you think you do in private, I would think that you would jump at the chance to be a bride!" "Just why would he need me to be his bride?! I mean, he does have a reputation with the ladies, so...
I met Mary a little over three years ago at a sex party so we both knew that the other fucks around. It was a pretty big party with probably 20 guys and a dozen women. Both couples and singles from early 20's to early 50's. After the group warm up with introductions, jokes and prizes there was a sex card game where the high male card and low female card had to get up and the guy had to take off an article of her clothes and then had 30 seconds to do whatever he wanted with her. The...
Monday 9.00pm She was going to have to do something about this. Maybe it was because he was foreign, or the fact that he was so calm, or that he looked amused by everything. He'd listened patiently and his eyes had changed just enough that she'd believed him when he'd said that he'd help. Her friends had come back, curious and excited, and were gabbling on about nothing, and she was trying to join in, but the fluttery feeling stopped her from concentrating. She couldn't really describe...
There was a knock on the cabin door. Nora rose and walked over and opened it. A junior officer stood to attention. "The Captain requests the pleasure of your company in her cabin for dinner." Nora glanced back over her shoulder as Varna rose and walked over to her. "All right, Lieutenant, please lead on." As the officer turned away, Varna whispered to Nora, "Don't forget, let me do most of the talking." "Okay," Nora replied with a slight dip of her chin. They followed the...
100% fiction! I was at my wits end, 6 months ago my wife left me and my 18 year old daughter Lea for a black man, my daughter started dating a black man herself a month ago and I was horny as hell with nobody to fuck. Lea's a pretty girl with short brown hair and brown eyes and she wears glasses that make her look oh so innocent. She's 5' 6" tall and a little plump with a nice ass and big tits. She loves to flirt and tease men. Her new boyfriend is named Terrence and he's a 25 year old, big,...
IncestI'm probably going to end up divorced, but right now I just don't care. I'm having the time of my life cheating on my husband and I don't intend to stop. I'm doing it right under Ben's (my husband) nose and he doesn't suspect a thing. He was even the one who helped set me up with my lover. It started twenty years ago on our honeymoon; at least that is when the seed was planted. I had gone to my marriage bed a twenty-one year old virgin. I had promised my mother that I would walk down...
Eliza has recently been having a pen-pal affair with an inmate from a state correctional facility. Her husband loves to share his hot wife with other men and gets off when she reads the sexual acts the felon would like to do to her if he ever gets out of prison. One fateful day that is exactly what happens as Eddie and his cellmate Musa break out of prison and make a beeline over to Eliza’s house. Surprised at first that the prisoners have come to her house, Eliza is also worried they may...
xmoviesforyou--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is adult oriented fiction of a strong sexual nature. If you are under 18 years of age or easily offended by such material, then click your browser's back button now. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give you the rights to post this on any website. You must obtain the author's permission prior to...
A month ago Lilly and Penny came back to their parents house after finishing their studies at their grandpas house. Lilly and Penny were twin sisters, they were not identical twins, but still looked quite similar in body measurements, hair and eyes color. They both had 34C size boobs and blonde hair. Lilly and Penny were sexually involved with each other. At their grandpas house they shared same room, and their grandpa was quite old and had a little hearing problem, so the sisters had no...
IncestThis incident happened about 2 years back. There was a woman employee in our office named Sneha, she was 26 years old and a figure to envy. Her stats were 32-28-38. The most enviable part of her body was her ass. She used to wear tight jeans and tops to the office and her ass would juggle like anything. I would ask her to come to my chamber on some pretext or the other just to see her ass juggle. Some info about me. I am raj and from Assam, 48 years old and have a good physique and amply...
Isabelle just wanted to get her Husband a motorcycle for his birthday and his wimpy ass is afraid of it. He doesn’t deserve her love or her pussy for that matter. Thankfully Small Hands delivers more than the bike whipping out his large cock and giving Isabelle Deltore a ride she will not forget. She loves being bent over and fucked hard while her worthless husband watches like the pathetic man he is. Maybe he’ll decide to try the bike out once she witnesses Small Hands cum all over...