Reginald's FutureChapter 6 free porn video

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“Ooops. Sorry, Jessica. Mea culpa. Forgive me.”

“It is okay, my love; just steering you in a sensible direction. You have to remember to be less academic with social chit-chat, darling.”

“I am okay with that advice, Jessica. Point noted.”

The midwife was at the door shortly afterwards, and put Jessica in her car before driving to the hospital’s maternity section. Reg kissed her farewell.

After his quick lunch, Reg told everyone he was going to bed for another snooze, so he did not want female company in bed. knew his problems so accepted the plan as sensible.

“If Jessica gets back before I wake, I want to be up to get her news.”

Holly said, “I’ll keep everyone away from you, then; at least until your girls get home. If anyone phones, I will put them off until you are able to phone them back.”

After half an hour of fitful attempt at rest, he fell asleep, waking up with the noise of his wives banging around the house after arriving. Holly peeked her head in and found him with his eyes open.

“You are awake? I was afraid that was the case, darling. I forgot to tell your ladies to keep the noise down; sorry.”

“That’s okay, Holly What time is it?”

She told him and he grinned. “Thank goodness. I got a couple of hours sleep; I was needing it.”

“Oh, and there was a call from a Mrs Anwar. She wants to know what Jessica is proposing; says she is being pushed on it. I explained that Jessica was not here at present, but would phone back when she could. I spoke with your wives a few minutes ago – that would be the hiatus in the hubbub – and they are fine with bringing the rescue family here. Can Sidra phone Mrs Anwar back now, to speak in her own language, or should we wait for Jessica?

“Oh, yes: the Muslim lady and her girls. Yes, tell Sidra to go ahead and sort things out between Mrs Anwar and my wives. Ignore me; I’m going to sit down for a while. I’ll see the newcomers as and when they get here.”

Reg got himself up, showered and dressed, then stepped out of his bedroom. He soon encountered the rest of the family milling around downstairs in the living room.

Prudence was first to spot him. “Reg! You are up at last. How are you, love?”

“Felling a bit more ‘with it’ now. We had a busy time this morning, Jessica and I, and now Jessica is the main concern.”

“So we were hearing. Jessica proposed to bring the mother and her two daughters here, she said; something to do with overcrowding at the Women’s Aid shelter. I thought they could accommodate a woman’s children there?”

“Normally, yes. Jessica found that they were already full, so could not cope with more children; and anyway, they try to avoid having a woman living at a shelter in her own locality, as it would be too near to her abuser. It was only with her children being at the local school that they allowed her to stay temporarily.”

“Ah, so they want her out, and we are an external accommodation facility, unknown to the woman’s family, so fairly safe. Don’t the girls have school, though?”

Reg nodded. “That is a problem, so we will need to add them to our home schooling programme. At this rate, we will be running our own school shortly!”

“Doesn’t bother me, if they are anything like Elizabeth and Sidra. I think most schools are so focused on the school routine and class structure, and so forth, that the value of education itself gets lost in the bureaucratic melee.”

“We can have them here on a visit, to begin with, and then they can meet everyone and decide if we will fit with them. Being Muslim, they may not want to live with a houseful of Christians.”

“Good idea. I’ll get Jessica to fix it up with Maryam and the supervisor.”

Reg had another matter on his mind.

“When I woke up, I was thinking about that arson question. If we want to get paid for our expertise, we need to have our research and conclusions professionally put together to present to the client. We can do it ourselves, but I need to write a report, going over all the questions that we looked into until we came up with a general conception about what had happened, and our consultation with the police that produced the oddity that we were seeking.

Finally, we should recommend a further examination of the basement, looking for the residues left by the flare. I suspect that it bounced around the basement before going out, so there may be multiple small start points for the fire in the basement. That means the residues of the small flare will be few and scattered, so difficult to find and prove.

We need to present this report from our company, suggesting where to look for the evidence and asking them to get the fire investigators back again to do that. Even if the chemical evidence is lost, the insurance firm will be able to say there is enough circumstantial evidence to allow them to refuse a pay-out.

Finally, the bill. We state the basic fee - £50,000, to cover company oncosts, staff costs, research and expenses including fees to consultants, but where savings to the client are sufficiently large, the charge is five per cent of the net total of savings above the basic fee.”

The listening Holly’s eyes widened as she heard what Reg was saying. “£50,000 basic fee? Seriously?”

Reg nodded. “Yes, Holly. A company like ours has to be prepared for unexpected costs, Jessica. If we have to consult with a legal expert, his fee alone may amount to £5,000, and if we have to send staff considerable distances, multiple times, travel and accommodation costs can mount up, so we set a basic fee to allow for all eventualities, and a small profit margin to keep us in business. When we save the client a lot more, which is most of the time, they have that basic fee deducted from the savings before we apply the five per cent charge as the extra. The final figure really has to be above £50,000, and it almost always is so. That building that went up in smoke was insured for half a million or a million.

Five per cent of half a million minus £50,000, i.e. 450,000, is only £22,500, so in that case the fee is £50,000 plus £22,500 = £72,500. If the valuation is a million, then after deducting £50,000 from the million, the fee is five per cent of £950,00 - £47,500, with a total charge of £97,500. The client benefits whatever the valuation. They can save a million pounds for less than a hundred thousand to us for rescuing them. It makes good commercial sense.”

“When you put it that way, I suppose you are right. This one looks to be an easy reward, for it is mostly clever thinking and deduction, like Hercule Poirot.”

“On the face of it, yes, Holly. But all my girls, in the guise of company staff, had to read up all the documentation and then produce ideas that had to be considered as possible practical solutions, plus I had to consult with the police to collect more data. Once we have been paid, the company will make a donation to the local police force’s staff fund for recreational extras to the local bobbies, plus a contribution to the national Police Benevolent Fund. We show our appreciation in this way for the help we get from our police friends who are not allowed to benefit directly.”

“That is wonderful, Reg. I like the idea of giving back something in return.”

“To get back to the report, it has to be done on the computer and printed off to send to them, but I want to give them a ‘heads up’ on the next step, having them call back the fire investigator to re-examine the basement. With all the bouncing around of the flare, the result will be that the residues are going to be minimal in any one place, and the fire may have been initiated in several different spots within the basement, not just the assumed single starting point.”

Sidra realised there was another matter that she had to raise. “I didn’t talk to Mrs Anwar about the girls not going back to school this afternoon. I’ll ring the refuge now and sort out who tells the school that the girls will not be back this afternoon or tomorrow; and I can arrange the visit tomorrow, assuming Mum is back by then. How about we invite them to come for lunch and dinner? The daughters can meet me and Elizabeth, as nearest in age, and they can say hello to the twins and sort out the meal menus, and Hermione and Jemima can speak with them as well. Afterwards, we wait until the wives get back from university and they can see if the Anwar family will fit in with everyone. I hope they do.

Oh, Daddy, if they are going to stay with us for a while, can we have them adopting the Robertson surname for protective cover?”

Reg gave this careful consideration, then said, “If they want to protect themselves from Maryam’s husband, it might be better for them to have a different surname, and a Western name may put him off the scent. She might be best to adjust her first name to the Western version,’Miriam’, as another form of disguise. What are the names of her girls?”

“Ah ... Fatima and Sara. These are very common first names, so not much need to change them.”

“Which is which? The elder and younger,” he clarified.

“Fatima is the 16 year old and Sara is 14. Why?”

“So that I can address them correctly, Daddy! I don’t want to look stupid to them.”

“Oh ... yes, of course., Sidra. Can you phone Mrs Anwar now?”

She made the call, and Maryam was happy with the idea of a visit tomorrow, if a car could collect them from the refuge. She also agreed to phone the school and tell them that she was withdrawing the girls for the moment, ‘due to family problems’ and would get back to the head teacher later.

Sidra finished her call, then found that Reg had gone to work on his company’s report for the insurance company client, so she decided not to bother him and reported to Frances instead. Frances was pleased to hear what had been arranged, and said she would allow Jessica to be Mistress of Ceremonies tomorrow, if she was back safe and well. The other wives would be at university as normal during the day.

“If for any reason your mother is not back in time, would you do the honours, Sidra, as you might have to work in Urdu with Mrs Anwar?”

After a couple of hours intense work, Reg completed his company report, including the fire residue advice, and asked Frances and Fiona to cast their eyes over it for errors or omissions. They eventually pronounced it acceptable and Reg sent it to the Insurance company by email, promising an official printed copy in the post the next day. Frances was very complimentary to Reg about the report, telling him he must be starting to get back towards normal seeing his faculties were in such good condition.

Unfortunately, the effort seemed to have drained Reginald, as he opted for an early bedtime to try and sleep better tonight. There were a few long faces resulting from his announcement, but all recognised the need for his recovery to be as soon as possible.

He was allowed to sleep until he finally woke around nine a.m., and as he had his breakfast the ladies told him his wives had gone off to the university and wished him a pleasant day at home. Carol reminded him she would be collecting the Anwar family from the refuge later this morning, and he acknowledged that this was in his memory, as was what was happening with Jessica.

He phoned the mobile number he had for the midwife, and luckily caught her between clients.

“Oh, Mr Robertson, I forgot to phone you yesterday! Maternity ran some more tests, and Jessica was having a miscarriage, sorry. They saw that through to the end, and said they had to keep her overnight in case of any repercussions; not that they expected any. Miscarriages are not an uncommon event. Jessica should be fine, once she is fully recovered. Another baby is possible, I should think. Phone the hospital to find when she can be released.”

Ereg phoned immediately and when he got through to Maternity, he asked about his wife’s condition. The nurse was upbeat.

“She can ghet out later today, Mr Robertson, but leave it until late afternoon, to give her som more rest. We are looking after her well, sir. She is being looked by the other patients as an extra Mum to them, as most of them are much younger.”

Holly went off to the refuge to sort things out in plenty of time. Reg was reminded that she was still a teenager, so was aware of the vagaries of teenage girls and their unreliability at being ready on time, unless they are seeing a boyfriend.

The car was back at the front of the building at around half-past eleven, and she brought her passengers to the front door, where she rang the doorbell for formal admittance. Carol was there to welcome the visitors to the Robertson household.

“Please feel free to ask about anything that puzzles you, as we are not a very ordinary household. I and my twin sister are the cook and housekeeper, so anything of these matters you ask either of us. If it is to do with the organisation of the household and its members, please speak to Reginald about such matters. Hermione and Jemima Robson are staff of the company Recovery Enterprise Group, but they are also resident here. Fortunately this is a large building and can accommodate everyone.”

Holly took over and escorted the visitors on a tour of the building, showing them where each of the public rooms were located, and making a point of showing where the toilets and bathrooms were positioned. The doors of the bedrooms were merely pointed out, and there was no mention made of the hidden basement for now.

On the tour they encountered Sidra and Elizabeth, and Sidra chatted to the mother and girls in Urdu, while Elizabeth stood politely by, not understanding anything said. Sidra switched to English to introduce Elizabeth.

“This is my sister Elizabeth. She is Reginald’s adopted daughter. I became Reginald’s daughter when he married my mother, Jessica.”

The Anwar girls spoke politely, “Pleased to meet you, Elizabeth. It must be difficult, having a sister that speaks Urdu.”

Elizabeth dismissed this supposed snag. “Sidra always speaks to me in English, because she was brought up here. Urdu is the language she picked up from her mother, and I am learning some of it. We are true sisters now, and study together. We are home-schooled here. You could probably be the same, if you wanted to; your mother permitting, of course.”

This led to a discussion of what home-schooling was, and the two girls explained to their mother in Urdu what had been told to them, as their mother had trouble with some of the English words.

She seemed surprised at this conception of girls being taught at home in England by both mother and father. It was common in Pakistan for boys to get the priority in formal education, and so many girls were taught at home by their mothers as best they could. She was surprised at the high quality of education being provided by home schooling in this household.

Sidra told her, “If you are going to stay with us for some time, your girls can join us in our studies. We will make allowance for any gaps in their knowledge.” Holly had previously warned Maryam during the car journey that residence with the Robertsons would depend on their approval by the Robertson ladies who were at university.

Maryam wanted to know something.

“Who all teaches the girls? Just the parents, or are there a number of people who do the teaching, depending on the subject?”

Sidra laughed at the question. “Maryam, we girls are expected to teach ourselves by reading the textbooks we are given, supplemented by the family answering our questions. That means we are prepared for the exams which the state expects every child to sit, but we learn much more besides. We talk to the adults about anything that interests us, and they go into the subject in as much detail as we want. Often one subject will be connected to another subject, so that one discussion will range over many fields of interest. For example, a discussion about the Moon or the planets will cover astronomy, mathematics, physics and geology, for all are involved in exploring the planets and the moon. That way, we learn lots of useful information at the same time.”

“So the tuition is all books and discussion? You girls work by yourselves?”

“Not entirely. We are supervised by one of the adults to make sure we are not slacking off. We are encouraged to use the Internet to research any subject we are studying, but we are warned about being careful of what you find on the internet, as some may be opinion rather than fact. Some websites are more reliable than others, and part of the education is learning which you can trust, and which you take with a pinch of salt. Encountering phrases like this, we are encouraged to search out the origin of the phrase and add that to our knowledge. Some phrases may have several possible origins, and this one is a case in point. Even that phrase – a case in point, is interesting, meaning a relevant example.”

She was at last introduced to Reg, who had tidied himself up by now and as presentable.

“Maryam, allow me to introduce you to my esteemed father, Reginald Robertson. Reginald, This is Maryam Anwar, our guest for today, and possible resident, should your wives approve of her and her girls.”

Maryam let out a gasp. “Wives? He has more than one? This boy?”

Sidra smiled graciously. “Maryam, this BOY is a far better MAN than my real father ever was, in EVERY way you can think of. This ‘boy’ you talk of should be the father of six children within the year. He is a university student, as are most of his wives, but he is unwell at present, which is why he is at home to greet you.

“I am very proud of my father, I can tell you.”

Maryam was still staring at Reg, astonished that this young man could be what Sidra was declaring. Reg simply smiled back at her, and offered his handshake, which she took automatically.

“Maryam, I apologise for not being able to speak Urdu. It is one of many languages that I have not mastered. I only know a few words that I have picked up from my lovely Jessica and my daughter Sidra. Your daughters will LOVE Sidra. As you can see from meeting her just now, she is a clever young lady and a good role model for them to emulate. Her sister Elizabeth will vouch for that. Elizabeth’s birth parents died in a car crash a few years ago, but she has recovered well and is our wonderful daughter now.”

As he spoke, Reg’s phone sounded, and he apologised for having to break off to answer it.

“Reginald Robertson here.”

He listened, then,

“That is interesting, and supports the arson theory if he is trying to dispose of the evidence. If he has just cleared out the contents of the basement and brushed it, but not washed the walls, there is a good chance that chemical residue may remain on the walls if not on the floor. Ask the investigator to look for trace amounts of the residues of a flare from a flare gun bouncing around the basement. That may solve the problem, sir.”

As he concluded the call, Jessica told Maryam, “Reg also runs a company along with his family, and that was one of the clients on the phone. The company is quite successful at solving problems for organisations.”

“Ayayyy! What a wonderful man for a husband! But several wives? Didn’t you say you were a Naz?”*

(*In Pakistan, Christians are known by Muslims as Nazarenes: followers of the Nazarene)

“Yes, I am a Christian, Maryam, as was my family who fled from Pakistan through persecution. I will explain later about wives here. I don’t think either of us feels awkward about each other in England, do we?”

Maryam became quiet and said softly, “I have learned that it is the person’s behaviour that matters, not his belief. You are a true believer, Sidra. Allah has blessed you.”

“God has indeed blessed me, Maryam. He will bless you too, I am certain. Now, have a chat with our twins, and decide on what foods are acceptable to you and your girls.”

Maryam was taken to the kitchen and the twins took her in hand.

Reg switched his attention to her teenage girls.

“Well, girls, hello again. Did you enjoy your ride in the police car?”

They both nodded shyly, unsure of how to react to him. He told them, “Now that we don’t have to worry about who might hear us, my name is Reginald Robertson. You can call me Mr Robertson, outside, but if we are in private, you can call me Reginald, okay?”

They said, “Yes, sir, Mr Robertson.”

He added, “You will see other people calling me Reg, but that is just short for Reginald. They use that version because they know me well. If you and your Mum decide to stay with us, maybe you will come to call me Reg. My two teenage daughters both call me Reg.”

He noticed their surprise at him having teenage daughters, and clarified matters. “Sidra is Jessica’s daughter by her first marriage, so when I married Jessica, Sidra became my daughter too. Elizabeth’s maan and baap died in a car crash, but we have adopted her as our daughter and she is happy again. We like our girls to be happy, but at the same time we expect them to learn as much as they can. Education is an important factor for your future life, girls, and that is why we expect you to learn, in school and out of school. Are you okay with that?”

His insistence on education surprised the girls, as their father did not seem to care about them being educated; in fact, he did not seem to care about them at all. His son was his favourite. This man, Jessica’s younger husband, was so different!

Reg was still talking to them when Sidra and Elizabeth came back along, wanting to know what was happening but apprehensive about butting in. “Dad?”

“Ah, Sidra and Elizabeth: just the pair I was looking for. These two young ladies and their mother are possible future residents, as you heard earlier. Their mother is in the kitchen discussing meals, and I have been speaking of education with these two: Fatima and Sara. Would you mind taking our teenage visitors to your room and show them how you study and what you are currently learning?”

Sidra grabbed hold of Fatima, saying, “You must be about my age, Fatima. Are you preparing for your certificate exams?” She led off the older girl, leaving Elizabeth to chat with Sara.

Reg relaxed, now that all the visitors were distributed. He felt he could go back to his chair to sit and read for a while. That lasted until the flare gun came to his mind again, and he dialled for Sergeant Phillips. Fortunately he answered his phone, and Reg said, “Sergeant: that flare gun we talked about? It is probably evidence in an arson case, so could you ask for it to be impounded officially as evidence from a crime scene, and incidentally get his fingerprints from it, if possible?”

“Can do, Reg. No guarantee about the fingerprints, but we shall see what the experts come up with; even if it is only DNA linking him to the gun.”

“Thanks, Sergeant. We have these two teenagers and their mother visiting today. If they click with my family, we may invite them to stay with us. If so, we’ll pass on that info so you know what’s what in case of any awkwardness with their father.”

“That would be useful data to have on hand, Reg, thank you. Got to go now; something has come up.”

Reg closed the call, and returned to his book on seismology. He thought Sidra might like to read it, to bring her up to date on the problems of predicting earthquakes. In Turkey, the seismologists can say that there is a sequence of earthquakes heading for Istanbul, but cannot accurately predict the rate of movement or the time and place of the next quake in the line, nor the size of the next quake.

Carol came to inform him that the twins and Maryam had agreed a lunch menu, and Maryam was observing while the twins made it.

“They are getting on fine so far, Reg. I am pleased at that.”

At lunchtime it was an effort to drag the new teenagers away from Sidra’s room. “Ammi, we have been studying earthquakes, and it is great fun. Did you know that an earthquake can cause a tsunami if it happens at sea, and if it happens in the mountain, it can cause a landslide or a mudslide, or even a flood if it breaks a reservoir!” Fatima was excited by what she was learning.

Her mother was curious. “Why were you studying earthquakes, Fatima?”

“Sidra told us that her Dad, Reg, was studying seismology – which is the study of earthquakes – and that she wanted to look at the subject at a lower level of intensity. She called it ‘a bit lower on the Richter scale’, so we had to find out what the Richter Scale actually was and what it measured. The scale is measured on base-10 logarithmic progression,. That means that level 2 is ten times as strong as level one.”

Maryam goggled at her daughter. “That sounds terribly complicated, Fatima: logarithmic progression indeed!”

Fatima laughed, delightedly. “Not really, Mum; not once you understand it. Sidra explained it all, and it was a breeze from there. Even Sara understands it now.”

Sara was standing beside her elder sister, nodding in agreement. Maryam smiled at them both, and told them, “Lunch is ready, girls. Take your places at table. You can sit beside Sidra and Elizabeth, seeing you are getting on with them.”

The lunchtime meal was slightly different but interesting. Some of it, Jessica had already introduced into the household’s menus, but Maryam had added some extras from her own background. While a few items were a bit on the spicy side for some tastes, none was regarded as uneatable. Maryam explained that certain dishes could be adjusted in the seasoning to be milder for the western palate, and that caused a few sighs of relief, to her own relief. She had worried about how the Robertson household would react to the spicy dishes.

Surprisingly, Reginald was the one least affected. He enjoyed the spiciness, he said. “Each to his own taste,” he commented, saying that it was a translation of the French phrase ‘chacun a son gout’. The newly arrive teenagers assimilated the fact, but it just went over their mother’s head; she had enough of a challenge with English, never mind a translation from French.

Once the meal was over, Sidra and Elizabeth invited Fatima and Sara to visit the garden. Sidra apologised for its condition.

“We have only recently settled properly into this house, and Reginald has only managed to get a little of the garden tidying completed. Since the grass started growing, we have been mowing it every couple of weeks, so we have some half-decent grass to play games on. The trees have not been pruned as they should be, for they have been allowed to grow unchecked for some years. Dad keeps promising to prune them in the manner specified, but he wants to first of all cut out any dead or diseased wood, so he will then know how to proceed with pruning. Perhaps if we read up on tree pruning, we can give him some accurate advice. Cutting off branches that seem too big is not pruning; it is hacking at trees, and the end result looks horrible. There are some trees near here that were hacked that way, but to the extreme. The trees are left as trunks alone, so that small shoots grow out all over the tree in groups; hideous!”

Sara was puzzled. “What should they do instead, Sidra?”

“Basically, have patience; be prepared to allow several years for the pruning to work properly. The first year, a few branches get cut off at the base, but the other branches are only cut back slightly, so that the tree still has most of its branches, and looks normal. The second year, more severe pruning takes place on these branches, and one or two get lopped back completely. Meanwhile, new branches start growing from the trunk, and a few specific ones are allowed to grow further, while the rest of such new growth is cut off. The third year you do a similar prune, and from that time on, the pruning is minor, allowing the branches to develop into a tree shape that suits the species. It is all about not rushing to lop branches off.”

“Gosh! You seem to know an awful lot about so many things, Sidra,” Sara praised her new friend. Sidra looked surprised at such wonder.

“It is simply a matter of reading up on how a thing should be done properly, instead of dashing at it without thinking about the future. You don’t have to be clever to do that, Sara; just apply common sense to the problem. It is much the same with most subjects you study. Don’t look at the subject as a major difficulty for you. Treat it as a sequential problem to be studied, bit by bit, and it becomes much easier. Think of it as getting a new complicated toy. You start by reading the instructions, and if these are properly written, it should be simple to put together your equipment or game.”

Elizabeth interrupted, “I have seen some instructions that were really confusing, as they had been written in Korean or Chinese first, then translated into English. Foreign idioms don’t translate easily into colloquial English, and the translator’s style of English may be very stilted and awkward to comprehend.”

Sidra agreed with her. “Quite so, Elizabeth. Such translations should be passed to a native English speaker and adjusted to read as modern English. It can pay a company to go that bit extra to encourage the customer.”

Later, when they were off the subject of education, Sidra was chatting to Maryam in Urdu, comparing their knowledge of various districts of Pakistan. Sidra’s knowledge was second-hand, and her mother had left Pakistan before knowing much about the country. Maryam was a recent arrival, so she was better versed in modern Pakistan with all its terrorist groups and factions. It all terrified Maryam, so she had been happy to marry her husband and later come to England where he had been living for many years.

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ReginaldChapter 6

Frances concluded, “Right. Do what you want with him tonight, but I get him to myself tomorrow night. Goodnight to the three of you.” She slammed the door shut behind her as she left. Erika murmured, “Wow. She sounds peeved. Reg, was that a promise to fuck you tomorrow?” “I am not certain, darling. It may be, but I am not going to count on it. It might just be a cuddle like we are having now.” Erika disabused him of that notion. “No, Reg, not just a cuddle. Prepare for a lot more. I can...

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ReginaldChapter 7

“Well now, there are several things to decide on. One, can Reg help you with tutoring, and if so, can you assist him in picking up social skills? Second, if you get accepted as part of the study group, Beth gets rejected and we help you shaking loose from her. Is that it?” “More or less, Frances. I am not sure what you meant – IF Reg can help me with tutoring?” “Oh, that is simple. Reg has to decide if you are worth his effort. If he concludes that you are not picking things up as he...

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ReginaldChapter 8

“No, I have a good brain, but most people don’t see beyond my height. I am five foot nine, if you wanted to ask. Similar height to you, Reg?” “Should think so. Let’s check. Come and stand in front of me, Prudence, and we’ll see.” She and Reg moved to face each other, and sure enough, they were eye to eye. Reg smiled at her and moved forward to kiss her gently on the lips. She was startled at that familiarity, but reacted by kissing him in return, then stepped back. “Wow! Do you do that...

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ReginaldChapter 10

He hurried in, but she was not in the bedroom as he expected, so he tried the bathroom. Prudence was kneeling naked in the empty tub, with one arm resting on the side. She looked very appealing as the Venus of the bath, but she was truly frustrated. “Reg, I can’t get myself out of the bath! It is too slippery, and my balance is not good at the moment. Can you help me?” She turned her body to face him, again displaying her small breasts in front of him. He took a sharp breath, but...

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ReginaldChapter 11

Reg explained, “It was much later, when I observed other children, that I saw how they and their parents seemed to act differently towards each other than my parents were with me. I decided there was something wrong with me, and that was how I couldn’t be loved like other children. I turned my attention to the world around me, and started studying it. I found school a great revelation, for the teachers started explaining what things were, and how they reacted, like water will do magical...

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ReginaldChapter 12

“But Prudence is a university student. She won’t want to have a baby while at Uni.” Reg made a factual remark. “Frances, there are at least several female students who are expecting babies, as far as I have observed.” Frances retorted, “Yes, but all of them are married, so it is not such a problem for them.” Reg backed down. “Sorry, I didn’t know that. Sorry I spoke.” Frances patted his arm. “No, it is all right, Reg. Your observation was accurate, just not fully comprehensive. These...

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ReginaldChapter 17

Prudence told him, “For the moment, Reg, do nothing. I phoned your mother back, and explained a little to her about you, me and the girls, but I emphasised that you need a lot of time to adjust from being a loner to dealing with people at large. She said she was willing to wait. I believe her, Reg.” “Thank you, Prudence. I don’t think I could have done that myself. I couldn’t have told her about you girls. You are a wonderful, thoughtful girl. It is no wonder that I love you.” Still...

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ReginaldChapter 20

Reg sat in a chair facing the Dean, and waited. The Dean cleared his throat before declaring, “Mr Robertson, it has come to my notice that you have arranged for a commitment ceremony next week. Is that correct?” “Yes sir.” Reg was not offering anything. He had learned to be careful. “I understand this is not a simple cohabitation agreement, but something more complex.” “Yes, sir.” “You and four other students – girls - are proposing to live together as a family unit. Is that so?” “Yes,...

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Clothesline GameChapter 3

Desperately grasping the sides of her bed didn't seem to help Heather stop the room from spinning. On the ride home with Josh, the effects of too much alcohol took their sickly toll on her. On the one hand, she wanted to continue to impress Josh, but on the other, she simply wanted to crawl in a hole (or in her bed) and die. She was greatly relieved when she didn't further embarrass herself by throwing up in Josh' truck. With great effort, Heather kept up appearances until Josh had kissed...

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Mothers Day Surprise

by Phyl, Penney with Roger Boyfriend was gone for two weeks and step-children visiting their mom, including this special day: Mother’s Day. I was feeling lonely for him or for someone or for…(fill in the blanks because you know what some of us girls need for Mother’s Day. ) A special hug, a special feel, and just thinking about what I was missing was arousing me. We had a great sex life and I was missing him. I went to my veranda and looked in the yard. Several hawks were soaring in the...

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In Car Entertainment

In Car Entertainment Jack turned onto the motorway and put his foot down. They’d got a long way to go and the light was fading fast. Not that he minded driving in the dark. In some ways it helped him to concentrate. It was just that Jill usually fell asleep and he got bored. He put a disc into the CD player and turned the volume up. “Too loud,” Jill shouted and immediately turned the volume down again. “Spoil sport,” Jack responded. “And you’re driving too fast. Slow down.” Jack checked...

Oral Sex
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NubileFilms Gina Gerson Young Lust

Gina Gerson has been waiting for her lover Nick Ross to wake up, but this impatient little hottie can’t wait another moment. Joining Nick in the best, the young beauty uses gentle caresses to wake him. Nick is instantly ready to rumble, pressing Gina onto her back beside him so he can worship her small breasts with his mouth while sliding her sheer panties aside to caress her bare twat with his big hands. Sliding one finger deep into Gina’s horny snatch, Nick waits a moment before...

2 years ago
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Breast friends

Sue was nervous. She was about to meet the woman who twenty years ago had left an indelible image in her mind. It had all began during their final year in a private girl’s school in rural England. Sue and 3 of her closest friends all aged 17 had gone to sit at the far end of the games field as they always did during their break before prep. Two of Sue’ s friends, Charmaine and Lizzie had already developed 36C breasts. Sue and Peggy still had 34B breasts. All the girls were still virgins. As...

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Caught Stealing and Paying the PriceChapter 2

Tony had already shot over two hours of tape of Jan. Today he parked in a much nicer spot for what was going to happen. He parked so that when both car doors were open, it was easy to see that students walking around in front of the school. The place he was yesterday was ok and you could see the school in the background, but today the car was in the perfect spot to get a lot of background action. It was still far enough away that probably nobody would see what was happening, but it was close...

3 years ago
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The Sexy Secretary Gives at the Office

Working as a tranny escort is my favorite way to earn money and get lots of cock, at the same time. I love to put on sexy panties and show off my body to men, so it is a job I enjoy doing the most. The fact that lots of men really like me and call me back again and again makes me feel wonderful, as well.I have long hair that makes me look like a woman from behind and my breasts are big for a man's and they get played with and sucked on like a woman's. In fact, most of my clients tell me I'm...

4 years ago
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My unknown submissive side

We met at a friends birthday party. He was about 61 average looking with short brown hair and in his late 20s from what I could tell. To be honest, Im not much of a model either at just past 30 years old, standing at 56 and a bit overweight with 36Cs and short brunette hair. Anyway, we got along from the start, he was polite and charming and seemed very mature for his age. I was immediately drawn to him since I had a few bad relationships recently and was in desperate need to have a grown up...

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Night on the WardsChapter 20

When I opened my eyes next, I was laying on my chest and there was soft sand beneath me, an incredible pressure against my back and a burning sensation in my mouth. I coughed and spluttered before vomiting up some salt water. The pressure on my back eased as a voice I knew said, "She coming round. You stop now." I coughed again and more salt water dribbled out of my mouth and nose. "You okay, Nurse Smith?" asked another voice almost identical to the first but with just the slightest...

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SLUT 4 U Part IV

Disclaimer: All characters are entirely fictional and all resemblances to anyone in real life is entirely coincidental. If you are under 18 or offended by sexual material, don’t say I didn’t warn you. SLUT 4 U by Sinistra Part IV Darius’ supplier was apparently operating in Iraq as an ex-CIA agent, which is why he had his hands on such devastating malware. Aided with a visual focus, the digital signal could emit a frequency so potent it could permanently change the structure of the...

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Dancing Teens Ch 02

Picking up where we left off..."Mmmm... show's not over yet, Daddy," Kelly said with a smile, her eyes locked hotly to mine. I swear, her gaze seemed to smolder. Then for a moment her gaze dropped to my lap and I knew my daughter was watching me jerk off, but it only turned me on more. Before she looked away she smiled a little broader – then she started to dance again.At this point, just when I thought things were about to settle down to a couple girls just dancing nude, since they had nothing...

4 years ago
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Two Lives

Two Lives By Vanessa Adler Hey there, welcome to my home. My name is Gavin Wilson. I'm married to my college girlfriend and am the father of a baby boy. I work on Wall Street as a financial analyst. Growing up I played high school and college football and high school basketball. I'm pretty much just a regular guy. I like watching sports with my friends at the sports bar, I enjoy action movies and fast cars, and I would think of myself as pretty well built and good looking. At least...

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Lo Baphomet I Cult As Fuck

Naked, on top of a crumbling castle tower, gazing down on leafless winter woodland, with another’s hand around my throat – this was not how I had envisaged the night ending.“Choose, Christian,” he urged. His words drifted past my face like smoke in the frozen air, blood pounding in my ears. I knew what I would say.But this isn’t a good time or place to begin. A better time is four hours earlier, down below. In the pit.Sweaty male bodies crashed into mine, knocking me off balance. A rough shove...

1 year ago
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PremonitionsSnark                        pre?mo?ni?tion:                        1. a feeling of anticipation of or anxiety                           over a future event;                        2. a forewarning.        It was around 11:00 am on a Monday when Carol noticed the e-mail alert icon in the bottom right corner of her computer monitor. When she opened it, she noted that it came from the VP of Sales and Marketing, the subject line "The Show".  Her hands trembled a bit as she opened the...

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Best of Enemies 67 Start with a Split Personality

Best of Enemies 6-7: Start with a Split Personality By Ron Dow75 6: How Do You Trump a Supergirl? The teen who'd started the day alone in the woods with a father who was determined to, finally, make a man of him, now found herself looking up into the face of a neighbor who held her up off the floor in her strong arms. "Curr... Curry, what are you doing?" the teen said in a voice so gentle, she had to remember to put power into it. "What you think I'm doing." Curry Nestor's...

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Best RegardsChapter 7

Her heart sinks but she doesn't let him see it while thinking, "Get it over with, scumbag. Tell me to suck you and then let me leave." His demeanor gets serious as he says menacingly, "I am into Bdsm and love things like percussion instruments, humiliation, bondage, control and raw sweaty heart pounding fucking in every hole that you have!" Her expression doesn't changes as he continues, "Now your make-up is totally unacceptable now get that gorgeous ass into your car and drive where...

2 years ago
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Edinburgh Tattoo

I was toying with the idea of getting a tattoo, not one of those full arm jobs that seem popular with merchant sailors and hairy bikers but something discreet, somewhere discreet, if you know what I mean. I had mentioned it to my girlfriend and she didn’t object to the idea and so it was one Thursday afternoon that I pushed open the door of the tattoo parlour and walked nervously up to the empty counter. I heard a female voice call from the back of the shop “I’ll be with you in a minute.” “No...

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Roy and June take Doris again

We had taken Doris to these same people, Roy and June, a few weeks earlier and Jack had promised to bring her back. They in turn had promised Jack he would love what they planned to do with her. We set off for the "party", with Doris looking gorgeous and sexy in a low cut halter neck dress and stiletto heels. I could see no trace of a bra, but her firm little tits really didn't need one. The last time we had been to Roy and June, Doris had been wearing stockings and she looks so sexy...

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redpuppys godmother watched him stroke his c

There was family at home yesterday. There was also my godmother. They all went to Euro Disney, but my godmother stayed home. I was on Xhamster and I was watching your vid when it happened. This one (you're fucking hot btw). It was around noon, I was in my bedroom jerking off before going to work, I like to do that. Suddenly my godmother (she is 38 and from Brazil, she is a widow and lives alone) knocks to...

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FamilyHookups Alyce Anderson Fucks her hot stepdad while mom is away

Alyce Anderson is busted. Her stepdad found a condom in her laundry and now he knows what a little teenage whore she is. He confronts her about it and she just confronts him right back, she’s seen him peeking on her in the shower and jerking off! He tries to deny it but Ayce admits that she actually loved it and wouldn’t mind taking things a bit further. Mom hasn’t been around for awhile so he must want it bad, right? How are you supposed to turn down such a perfect teen body?...

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Author's note: This story is part of my continuing effort to expand the horizons of Fictionmania. It's a bit of an avant-garde piece that may not be everyone's cup of tea. The format is a tad different from most every story that you might read in that it has much more of a play-script type appearance. It is supposed to be a written transcript of the news magazine "Dateline: NBC." The story is based on the concept introduced in the now classic story "For A Girl" by O2bxx, and even...

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Friends with lots of benefits

This story will be as accurate as I can make it. It is the events of last night, with my fuck buddy Joss.  It’s 10:00PM and I’ve just arrived home from work. It’s not even midnight yet and I’ve got no plans for the night. I take out my phone and text Joss. Me: Busy? Joss: Horny? Me: Yes. Joss: Then no. 5 mins.  I smile, satisfied at his reply and kick off my shoes, relaxing on the sofa and patiently waiting for Joss to come over. 5 minutes later, there’s a soft knock on the front door of...

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Forever in the Underworld chapter I

“Be careful, boy. There are things in the forest that would scare any man out of his wits. I would not wish for you to experience everything I have been through. It may have been over a century ago, but the creatures of the forest do not fade like humans. It’s the same with their hatred towards the daywalkers.” “You want to know what happened to me? I’ll tell you if you promise to leave as soon as the day breaks, and never come back to this place until I come for you. And I trust you’ll never...

1 year ago
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ManuelFerrara Kenna James Kenna James Is A Sex Machine

Svelte blonde Kenna James donates her chassis to Manuel’s masturbatory mechanical masterpiece “Sex Machines #2”. We open with James outdoors and poolside, decked out in magenta lingerie. The sexy starlet teases the camera and spins, displaying her ample cheeks. She wanders indoors and sits on a stool, arching her back as her twat protrudes. The activity brings Manuel to the scene. Our horny Frenchman hops on the sofa and starts strumming Kenna’s pussy. He then gives her...

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Great Shift The Origin

* Warning, this story uses the events that happened on Sept. 11, 2001 as a loose model in trying to give a feel of the carnage that'd happens during a massive calamity. If you feel this depiction is too traumatizing in bringing up memories, or if you have PTSD issues, you may not want to read ths story.* The Great Shift (Origins) I like many have enjoyed many a story of the fun and mayhem of that fateful day that the world was turned on it's ear, and many a men had to learn...

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Marys StoryChapter 2

Mary sat in silence as Daniel walked away. He was right, even through all the problems they had prior to the divorce, Daniel had never lied to her. She had accused him of many things, some of which were true, some weren't. The things that were true, he admitted to, the things that weren't he denied. She had realized even then that he had always been honest with her. Her eyes sought him out now, she didn't want to die, but could she do this? She knew deep down he was a gentle man, and...

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A Golfers Dream Book I The Dream BeginsChapter 19 Roadtrip

Dave and Jennifer's father Ron were headed for Charlestown where Dave had a golf date with Ann's father. Neither were saying much. Dave stared at the hypnotizing wipers moving back and forth across Ron's windshield. Dave hoped the rain would stop before they reached Charlestown. They had been driving for thirty minutes and were nearing the bridge. The six o'clock start was slightly earlier than Dave was used to so he was slightly tired even without the wipers making him more drowsy. For...

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House of Cthulhu Ch 01

~First Night~ The Woman on the Roof The considerable height above ground, combined with the first harbingers of autumn storms, made this rooftop not a nice place to be. The woman in black pulled her heavy leather coat tighter around her body, shielding herself from coldness, wind and night. She leant forwards again to get a clear view through the telescopic sight of her precision rifle, with her body and weapon still in the relative protection of the weathered cistern wall. Thanks to the...

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such a whore

I finnaly made this happen a few days ago !i have been crossdressing for as long as i can remember.I still remember when i snathed a pair of my cousins panties when i was young i dont know theres is just something about womens clothes that just intrigies me . Any way growing up i always masterbated wearing panties and lingere and watching porn ,I always consider my self differnt han other people but i didnt know why , which ended up me turning in to a loner , never really enjoying sex with...

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Shutter ReleaseChapter 37 The Levers of My Heart

The post-concert went by in a rush. People came and went, to greet us, share their joy and emotions. The twins and Lara in particular were mobbed, which was fine with me. I’ve had just about as much excitement as I can take... After hugging the people closest to me, I slipped back up to the stage again, grateful for the banality of winding cables, collapsing mic stands, and the opportunity to help the sound and lighting crews get their work done just a little faster. They’d been amazing...

1 year ago
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NeighborAffair Elena Koshka 23753

What are neighbors for? Alex stops by his nextdoor neighbor’s house to give him a set of his house keys because he’s always locking himself out, plus his wife is out of town on business for the week. But he doesn’t find his neighbor home…he finds his neighbor’s college-going daughter, Elena Koshka. She’s apparently home from university on a short break, and her nobody else is currently at the house. But Elena’s more than happy to take Alex’s keys and pass his message onto her dad. And while...

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sex with aunt Lakshmi

Hi to all. This is Anand. am here to tell you about my sex experience with my aunt named Lakshmi. We are living together in a joint family. Her figures are 36-30-36. The incident happened when I was 21 years old and she is 35. I was so crazy about her. So I decided to have her. Once we both went to the swimming pool. Nothing happened there. On our way we went to a nearby park. The park was almost empty. Only 10-15 people were there. But it is a big park. At the end of...

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First Love

This is the second published story in a series I'm writing, based on events taken from my own life. Chronologically, however the events described herein took place well before the episode described in my first story, "Laundromat Love." Like it, the following story is basically true. As always seems to be the case, "real life" stories are never quite as tidy and cohesive as their fictional counterparts, so I have exercised a certain amount of creative license here and modified some of...

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A pleasant awakening at early morning

I awoke early that morning, as usual. I stepped into the shower, enjoying the warm water. Then I turned the temperature to cold and I faced the stream of ice cold water, directing the refreshing spray to my hardened cock.By the time I had finished my cock was at full arousal.I returned to the main bedroom and stood there enjoying the vision that greeted me: my sexy wife was lying on her side with legs apart…I moved around the bed to get a better view of her sweet pussy. Ana had shaved her...

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Sister Sarahs mom Alec and Others

She was suddenly smiling and also in a mood where she felt…revitalized…as if she was a new woman who had needs she’d never known before in her life. Thank you Alec, she thought. She pictured his face and also his body too as she sat recalling how he laid there with her while stirring up hormones she hadn’t felt in ages. She felt like a woman should feel again. At least that’s how it felt to her. She stood there, in the bathroom once Sarah and Alec left, and she was cleaning off cum from her...

4 years ago
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Virgin Girl

Introduction: The old pervert is back, after a few months of being way too busy… Heres the start of the story of a man who finds himself alone with a young, virgin girl…. Want more – let me know. Leave a comment, a PM,! I suppose the only excuse Ive got is that I was horny. I cant say what it was that day that made me so hot. I swear I had a hard-on all day. I even jacked-off that morning, twice, once before getting out of bed and again in the shower. I was so horny that even though she wasnt...

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Ways to Womanhood Celines Interview

Ways to Womanhood: Celine's Interview Christel: Thank you for coming, Celine, you are a very busy woman and you live stealth; so I admire your courage to speak. Celine: (she laughs). The stealth aspect is getting every day more difficult as your past follows you and today I think it is much better to be transparent about it. We do a much better job for our sisters showing that transsexuals can really be women, able to build as strong and beautiful partnerships as every other...

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The OutsiderChapter 7

Brock did his best to ignore the constant pounding on his front door but finally gave up and answered. “Well, I knew it would be one of you,” he said when he saw Leslie standing outside. “I had a bet with myself as to who it would be. My left side lost and has to do the dishes tonight.” Leslie didn’t laugh even though Brock thought he was hilarious. “Jenny has been in her room crying for the last three hours,” Leslie said. “I’d like for you to come and talk to her.” “No.” “No, what?”...

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Were not triplets

We are not triplets, Shauna and I are twins, Cally was adopted, but by coincidence she has the same birthday as me and my sister. For that reason we were raised as triplets and most people presumed we were all siblings.Our parents did their best for us all, we grew up in a 2 bedroom apartment, which meant I always shared with the 2 girls. To us this was never a problem and as we matured we just got used to each other’s ways. Living in such close quarters, a certain amount of nudity was never an...

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General Train Ka Safar

Dotson sbse pehle m apne baare m btaa du.Mera name yash hai.Age 25 hai’and colour ekdum fair n height 5.11 foot hai and 6 inch lund ka size hai’ to ab m sida story par aata hu Baat aaj se 4 month pehle ki hai, jab m train m safar kr raha tha ye safar night ka hota h n m delhi se hometown ja raha tha .Lagbag 500km ka safar h jisme puri night lg jaati hai’..Jab train new delhi pahuchi to bahut jyada bhid thi aap andaza lga skte h ki general k dbbe m kitni bhid hoti h’ to jaise taise krke dbbe m...

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Simply Hentai

SimplyHentai! Hentai is a wonderful world where your sickest and most perverted thoughts come to life through pen and paper. While real-world 3D women can be annoying with their constant nagging, fishy smells, and questionable monthly discharges, these beautiful 2D ladies are designed to be high is a playground where you get access to thousands of videos, comics, and animated GIFs that feature all kinds of cartoon bitches. Women of all hair colors, sizes, and ages...

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