Family SagaChapter 15 free porn video

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Charity awoke, groggily, to find herself lying on a bed. The ceiling swam into focus, first, then gradually, the room began to take on substance and outline; finally, she could assess what her senses told her: She was nude on the bed. The four men, drivers and co-drivers of the two trucks were in the room with her. Jeff sat on the edge of the bed, nearest her, a glass in his hand, smiling, lewdly, down at her nakedness. Brad sat on the foot of the bed smoking a cigarette. Lounging at ease, just taking a long draught from his glass, Pete sat in a gaily upholstered chair. Matt sat on a straight chair leaned back against the wall.

"She's waking up!" Jeff warned.

"Christ! It's about time!" Matt commented.

Her eyes fluttered open wide, then, and she looked around the room, alarm and fear surging through her. All four men were watching her, avidly.

She struggled to sit up. "Wh-What... ?" she managed, a scream rising to her throat.

Jeff's hand went tight over her mouth. He hissed down at her. "Not a peep out of you!"

Rolling her head from side to side, she tried to escape his restraining hand; then, as she tried to use her hands to tug his hand away from her mouth, her wrists were seized in dual, stronghanded imprisonment.

"Hold her, tight!" Jeff grunted.

Charity heaved up against him, lashing out with a knee at the same time. Likewise, now, her ankles were grabbed and held in strong hands. She lay spread-eagle, held immobile by four men, Jeff's hand still clapped, tightly, over her mouth.

"Now, you little bitch!" Jeff panted. "We're not going to hurt you... unless we have to! We're just going to have us a little gang fuck... with you!"

She tried vainly to escape their tight handholds on her.

Jeff went on, "No use to try to get away! Now, all you have to do is cooperate! Make up your mind to that... and you'll be all right! You know what we want!?"

Charity stared in disbelief up at him, her eyes pleading for mercy. My God! F-Four of them!

"You understand what I'm saying?"

Her head wagged in the affirmative, and he added, "All four of us are going to gang fuck you... one way or another... and whether you cooperate or not!"

Desperately, she thrashed arms, legs and head, in another futile attempt to gain her freedom. They held her tight and let her struggle against them for several moments.

"Goddamn... we'll have to tie her and gag her!" she heard Matt say who was holding one of her legs.

"Okay! Bitch! You asked for it! Tie her up... and get something to gag her with!" Jeff ordered.

Pete's voice, now, louder than the others, gained their attention, "Christ! Fucking a woman that's tied up isn't much fun! You don't know yet whether she'll cooperate or not... ask her... then let her answer! She can't answer with your hand over her mouth!"

"Okay... go ahead, smart-ass... ask her, yourself!" Jeff grunted.

"Listen, Doll," Pete said, close to her ear, "you know what's going to happen to you, one way or another, don't you?"

Charity shook her head up and down, tears glistening in her eyes. She knew! The prospect frightened her, beyond all reason, but she didn't want to be tied up. That was even worse!

He went on, "If we don't tie you up... will you play ball with us... don't yell... or try to make a break for it!

It was a minuscule alternative. No matter what she did, what she agreed to do... or not do, she was going to be subjected to the sexual desires of all four of them... at the same time! My God... how could I ever do it? Four men... at the same time... i-it would k-kill me! Then, one of the men--it must have been Matt, she decided--ran his hand, gently and sinuously up her thighs, and, unerringly, drew a moist finger through the coral furrow of her loins, parting the lightly curling, auburn pubic hair to find the softly pulsing bud of her clitoris. The sensuous contact caused her to jerk her hips away and writhe them down into the soft mattress. Unwanted sex thrills flashed through her, instantly, and she knew the answer she must give. Her head moved up and down in the affirmative. If it has to happen, anyway... I don't want to be t-tied up and g-gagged...

"Take your hand off her mouth!" Pete told Jeff.

Her mouth was freed. She licked her lips and looked up at the circle of faces above her. It was then she discovered that they had prepared for this; the bed had been dismantled and the mattress lay directly on the floor.

"You do understand the conditions, don't you?" Pete asked.

"Y-Yes..." Her voice was dull.

"You want a drink... ?" Brad asked, pushing a water glass under her nose.

"P-Please... I-I would like to have some water..."

"I'm talking about whiskey..." Brad said.

Whiskey! Perhaps it would help... at least it might dull things a little for her.

"All right... I'll have a drink!" Charity said with decision.

"It'll help..." It was Brad, again; he put an arm under her shoulders and lifted her to a sitting position. Thrusting the glass into her hand, he slopped cheap bourbon into it. "Sorry... no mixer... no ice... just drink it neat!"

She sipped. The fiery liquid burned her throat, and she made a wry face. "UUugh!"

"Come on... drink it down!" Jeff snapped. He took the glass from her, placed it to her lips and tilted it. "Drink it!" he commanded. The raw liquor spilled down her throat, and he would not allow her to stop drinking until the glass was empty.

Charity gasped for breath. It seemed as though her whole insides were seared, and the warmth was beginning to spread through her whole body.

"Ugh! That's h-horrible stuff!"

Pete moved in behind her, his hands going around, under her arms, to capture the fullness of a youthful breast in each callused palm. Purposefully, he kneaded and massaged the soft, smoothness of them, the satiny skin sliding through his hands sensuously. Then, she felt the hairiness of his chest pressed up against her back... and lower down, the hard warmth of his erect penis brushed the small of her back. He was naked! She decided that he must have been undressing while the whiskey was being forced down her... and now, he was squatting or kneeling behind her, fondling her breasts, with his cock, already hardened, shoved up against her warm flesh. She shuddered. It had begun!

Shakily, she asked, "C-Can I-I have another one... before you do it to me?"

"Okay..." Jeff said, dubiously, "but we don't want you to get too swacked to shake that hot little ass of yours, baby!"

The glass was put into her hand, again, an inch of bourbon in it. She raised it to her lips and took a large gulp.

"Take it easy, Baby!" Matt warned. "That's pretty powerful stuff... if you're not used to it."

Charity looked down at him where he sat, near her feet, his hands busy moving up and down the smooth, soft columns of her thighs. She said, "I-I need s-something strong..."

They watched her as she drank, sipping now, and letting the searing liquid slide down her throat. She hated it... but she wanted to be completely numb. When she finished the last drop, Jeff took the glass from her hand; Pete, behind her, laid her down on the soft mattress and slithered down beside her. Instantly, he sought for and captured her mouth with his, his tongue bursting through her lips to slide deeply into her throat. Strangely, and perhaps because of the helplessness of her position, she found herself responding to him, her own tongue lashing out to joust with his. One of his hands caressed her full-mounding breast, rolling the pink bud of her nipple between his fingers until it speared out hard, the areola puckering up at its base.

Then, Brad, who had rapidly stripped himself naked, stretched out on the other side of her, his warm body snuggling close, and she felt the hard rod of his prick press up tight against her smooth, white thigh. It seemed to be the twin, massive and long, of Pete's whose hardened cock pressed hard against the other thigh. Now, Brad's mouth was on her other breast, sucking and nibbling, voraciously, drawing the nipple and the areola completely into his mouth.

The liquor in her bloodstream began to spread its warmth through her body, the searing heat of it seeming to concentrate in her loins where tiny, tingling thrills of unwanted sexual excitation had begun to play a game of erotic leapfrog. An uncontrollable moan escaped her lips. She had to face the inevitable: Even though she was being subjected to these rapacious outrages against her body, she was helpless to stop them, in the first place, and in the second instance, she was responding to them, against her will. She had hoped that the alcohol would numb her to the point where she could go through with it... but not be a part of it. It was hopeless. Her body was responding just as it had with Gabe... and with her brother and his friend, Ray Donahue.

Matt's voice came to her, from a distance; she looked up to see him, standing near her feet, stepping out of his pants. His erection lanced out through the fly of his shorts. He stripped them off, and his lust-inflated member stood out at an acute angle from his hairy loins, the sperm-filled scrotum swinging, heavily, below. "Christ... I've got to get my mouth on that sweet little cunt!" he grunted, dropping to his knees.

Then, she watched, horrified, as he pulled her knees up, flexing them, his hands going down her soft, inner thighs, forcing them to splay apart. Briefly, she resisted him, trying to keep her knees together, but he growled, "Goddamn it! Open your legs, bitch! If I have to..."

He didn't have to finish his threat. Charity knew--although she had not been mistreated, yet--that if she did resist, they would not hesitate to beat her, unmercifully. It was there in their powerful, hulking bodies... and in the fact they had carried out their planned rape... drugging her and bringing her to this motel room. She had no idea of where she was. The thing uppermost in her mind was to do what she must, without risking the possibility of being hurt, seriously. She allowed her legs, then, to be spread apart, slowly, and she heard his gasp and the wash of his warm breath over the sensitive flesh of her now widely exposed vaginal slit.

She could feel the moisture as it gathered there, exuding from the nearly aroused walls of her softly palpitating cunt. Then, his long, wet tongue taunted at the opening, at the tiny bearded mouth of her passage, for a long moment before he plunged it into her searing depths. Wildly, he moved it in and out, duplicating the motion of Pete's tongue in her mouth. She moaned, involuntarily, and sucked on the long lingual member that raced in and out of her throat so hungrily.

Shifting upward, then, Matt's lips nibbled their way through the searing, coraline flesh to find the tiny, erect miniature phallus, hiding in its folds of flesh, the sparse, pubic hair parting as his tongue pressured into it, tantalizingly.

Both Pete and Brad could feel the deep shock of it in her. The sparking are was grounded in her sensitive loins, the surge of it causing her to writhe her buttocks down and away from the erotic, super-charged sensations. In an instant, unconsciously, uncontrollably, her now fully aroused cunt moved, undulantly, up to Matt's plundering mouth.

"Oh... OOoohh... OOOooohhh!" she moaned into Pete's mouth.

Exquisite sensations multiplied themselves in her, and she could do nothing to stop them. The alcohol she had absorbed had not deadened the nerve ends of her body to them; if anything, she was more alive to their manipulations. She savored Pete's tongue in her mouth and his hand that roamed over her body, returning always to a breast, fondling and caressing it, the taut, smooth roundness of it satiny in his hand, the nipple spoked out pertly into his palm.

At the other breast, Brad still nibbled and sucked, unceasingly, at that nipple, his hand, too, smoothing down across her flat belly to caress the lesser mound just above Matt's licking, sucking mouth.

... And, now, Matt took the throbbing, erectile clitoris into his teeth, holding it, lightly, while his tongue danced in a circle directly on the tiny head of her throbbingly alive female bud.

The sensations generated in her aroused body was almost more than she could stand. Her naked, exposed genitals rose up to the tantalizing mouth, and she groped with both hands down to the center of her sexual being, searching for and finding Matt's head. She took hold of his hair and pulled his face tight up to her needful, sensation-filled cunt.

"Oh, Godddd!" she breathed into Pete's mouth.

"Okay, Matt! That's enough of that fancy stuff! It's time to do some plain ole fucking!" It was Jeff's voice.

Suddenly, Matt's mouth was jerked away from her seething loins. She looked down to see that Jeff had pulled him roughly away, and he now knelt between her widespread thighs, his hand grasping his huge, lust-inflated cock. She watched mesmerized as he drew the foreskin back to reveal the knob of its head, satiny smooth and fiery red, ready for action. She could see the clear viscous tear of moisture wetting its tip.

"You ready to be fucked?"

Charity hesitated for a moment, not answering. She was not going to beg in humiliation as she had with Gabe. The memory of it searing her once more.

"I-I don't have a choice... d-do I... ?" she moaned in abject acceptance.

"No! You sure as hell don't!" Jeff snapped and dropped his weight on her, his pelvis cradled between her open legs, but his upper body supported on brawny, work-hardened arms. On either side, Brad and Pete moved away, slightly, making room for Jeff as he guided his hardened cock into her with no further preliminary.

The blood-engorged cockhead entered her tender, warmly wet young pussy, and Jeff forced it all the way in with one forceful lunge, using all of his strength to shove his huge, tumescent rod deep into her quivering belly. The defensively lubricated sheath of her cuntal passage was clenched, the massive head pushing waves of her tight, vaginal walls ahead of it. It felt to her like a great, unpeeled log being shoved into her without mercy.

She screamed aloud with the sudden stretching pain. Every ridge of his hardened cock was evident to her, as he slammed into her, his pubic bone crashing into hers and his balls slapped up tight and hard into her naked, upturned buttocks.

"OOOoooOOOOoooooOO! Th-That hurts! Tears welled into her eyes.

"Shut up, bitch!" Jeff growled. "Another yell like that... and I'll knock your head off!"

Then, like an insane, unthinking automaton, he began to fuck in and out of her, completely oblivious of her groans of pain. He pulled almost all the way out, only to plunge back in, again, with punishing force. Faster and deeper he drove it into her, interested only in achieving his own satisfaction. She began to lubricate more after a few moments, and it became more bearable; however, there was nothing she could do. She couldn't move with him or against him. All she could do was lie there, on her back, and accept his buffeting cock into her young and tender cuntal passage that protested, painfully with each slamming stroke.

She could never have explained it, but suddenly, she began to feel it, herself; his pummeling cudgel wasn't hurting as much. The abraded passage adjusted to his vicious pounding, and before she knew it, she was fully aroused and wanting it.

Her hips began to move, countering his pile-driving thrusting hips, undulating them up to him, wantonly, as she took his massive cock deep up into her vaginal tunnel.

I didn't want it this way!

Suddenly, she knew that Jeff was driving for his ejaculation. He panted and groaned on top of her, his lustful prick soaring in and out like a runaway steam engine.

Jeff felt it, too. Then, it was there. He drove his cock deep in her gently clasping pussy, his balls slapping up against her full, white buttocks... and held himself there, unmoving, while his lewd, hot sperm hosed through him to splash, forcefully, against the back wall of her womb.

"AAAuuughh! Chriiiiiist!" he exploded.

Desperately, she bucked up against him, wanting him to continue, but his rapidly deflating penis could not function, now. He would have to have a period of rest. His frantic plungings into her had only served to arouse her, fully.

Jack Leonard stopped along the highway, several times, questioning cafe countermen, service station attendants and motel managers as to whether they had seen a runaway girl hitchhiking towards New Mexico. He had only a sketchy description of her and how she was dressed from Donnie, but he was dogged in his determination.

Many of these people knew him from long association.

One counterman told him, "Well Jack... I saw a girl who looked a little bit like that, but she was dressed in boy's clothes. She was in here with some of your drivers..."

"You sure they were my men?"

"Hell! Jack... I know your rigs when I see them!"

"All right... thanks..." he said, making sure to leave a dollar tip tucked under the saucer of his half-full coffee cup.

It was little enough to go on, but he decided it might be worthwhile to check some of his own trucks as he saw them along the highway. Let me see... there should be four or five East-bound rigs, today... Two from San Francisco... and three out of Los Angeles... and those two from 'Frisco are running together! That accounts for the counterman saying SOME of my drivers... and knowing my RIGS. Let's see... who'd they be... Jeff Riggs and Peter Dolan... and the other one's Bradley Dawson and Matt Richardson...

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Family Date Night 2

When their children went upstairs, Steve and Cindy went to their bedroom and stripped each other.  They began kissing while running their hands over one another’s naked bodies.  Then, dropping to her knees, Cindy took her husband’s cock into her mouth.  She cast her eyes up at his as she began bobbing her head.  Steve tangled his fingers in his wife’s hair, guiding her sucking mouth on his dick.  Cindy engulfed his cock, cupped his balls, and rubbed them against her chin.“I wonder if our...

1 year ago
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Family Orgy

"Are you looking forward to tonight Joe?" my girlfriend, Jenny, asked me. "Absolutely," I replied, "I've been looking forwards to it for ages!" "It'll take a while to get there," replied Jenny's father, driving the car we were in, "It's about forty-miles." "Bet you've got a hard on Joe," Jenny's mother, Susan, commented. "I sure have," I replied, "I've not cum all day. I've been saving it up." I was sitting in the back of the car, sandwiched between Jenny and her...

2 years ago
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Family ReunionChapter 10

Carrie was hopeful that she was making the right impression. She had worn the most matronly clothes she owned, a conservative deep blue two piece suit. As she stood at the head of the table, she tried to surmise the effects of the speech she had just made. The members of her family sat quietly enough, and she felt that she had won them over. At the beginning of the lunch in the spacious private dining-room of the big house, both her son and daughter had declared their intentions of leaving...

1 year ago
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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 12

My Chapter 17 Wendy was awakened by her husband telling her it was time to get moving to start the day. She was really wanting to stay in bed all day and just do nothing, but she knew that wasn't a possibility. Last night had been an interesting one in many ways, and the ending of the night with the ceremony for stars and her sister being there were only part of it. She had went to bed with her husband. That wasn't so unusual in itself. She had been doing so all week, but this time it...

3 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 12

Truth is the daughter of time. Saint Lisbon has a very long history, and an uncertain future. The people keep to themselves, and they hold many secrets. Families hide behind lies, and breed their own version of the truth. My family isn’t any different. It’s Saturday morning at the mayor’s house. My sisters don’t have school, and we don’t have any plans for the day. I hope to sleep until noon, and I look forward to a good morning kiss from Emma, Amber and Payton. The four of us remain quite...

3 years ago
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Family Home

Family Home By Morpheus ([email protected]) The four college students looked around the dusty living room of their new house, with mixed emotions. Bill Walters, the tall, slender, English major snorted. "It looks like a pig sty." He ran his hand through his dark blonde hair, then wiped a finger alongside the table next to the door, picking up a thick layer of dust on his finger. He shook his head in disgust. Carl Sutton laughed. "You ought to feel right at home...

2 years ago
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Family Girl Part 15

Family Girl Copyright (c) 2011 by Cody Although many elements of this story are fiction, much of it is based on my real-life experiences coming of age in the mid- to late-70's. Disclaimer: this story contains subjects that are not suitable for all audiences, such as underage sex, homosexuality, references to incest, and drug use. If such things are illegal in your area, stop reading now. If such things offend you, I can't help but to wonder: what were you were thinking when you...

3 years ago
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Family Reunion

This is nice story, Family reunion? You got to be kidding me! was my outburst. The thought of a four day weekend wasted with my family was not my idea of a fun time. My family was a feud from the inside out. That’s why I moved away, far away. But you have been away for ten years and I think that Thanksgiving weekend would be a great opportunity for you to see everyone and by the way, mend some fences. explained Sheila. My sister was right about that. “Some fences” I spent my entire young life...

3 years ago
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Family Movie Day

As always, comments, criticisms and kudos always welcome and encouraged. Family Movie Day Family movie day, what a joke, all that meant was, I got dragged to a movie that my bratty little sister wanted to see. Spoiled little brat always got anything she wanted. The funny thing is my older brother was just as excited to see the same lame animated Disney movie. What a dork. I tried my best to get out of it, but my mom insisted. I was hoping to have a little alone time, and maybe even sneak...

3 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 10

My parents had a clear vision for Saint Lisbon. The clinic brought new life to the women who lost their husbands in the mine disaster, and Dad secured his own legacy. I have been handed the torch, and I accept my role as Dad’s successor. A birthright that allows me to breed with my many sisters, and begin the next generation of our loving family. Mom is proud to carry three of my babies. She wants every able bodied girl to have at least one baby, and that includes all of my sisters. My role...

1 year ago
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Family Reunion

Note : This story is completely fictional! “Family reunion? You gotta be kidding me!” was my outburst. The thought of a four day weekend wasted with my family was not my idea of a fun time. My family was a feud from the inside out. That’s why I moved away, far away. “But you have been away for ten years and I think that Thanksgiving weekend would be a great opportunity for you to see everyone and by the way, mend some fences.” explained Sheila. My sister was right about that. “Some fences” I...

3 years ago
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Family Curse

Family Curse By Julie O Edited By Robert Arnold & Barry G. Chapter 1 Alyssa Strasburg poured herself another drink as she glanced at the clock. It was just a few minutes before midnight. She nervously took a sip of...

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Family MeetingChapter 2

From the look on Dad's face, I could tell that he was in no mood to talk. After all, he had just caught me in a lie when I told him earlier that day that he and my brothers and grandfather were the only men that I had fucked since I left home for college. The truth was that I had become another family's sex toy and the proof was standing right in front of him. "I asked you, Girl, who in the hell are these people, and why did this man have his hand on what belongs to me?" "Dad, please....

4 years ago
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Family gets involved in daughter8217s web cam

Ted Rodgers was enjoying the new state of the art computer that his sister had just bought for him. Ted was fourteen and enjoyed working with computers. Along with the computer, Amy also purchased for him an Internet access account, which he was just getting up and running. Amy Rodgers was Ted’s older sister. She was a pretty girl with an ample vivacious body. Amy had graduated with a degree in computer science and Art. She lived at home with their parents Frank and Carol. Frank was a...

1 year ago
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Family Exposure

Adam's younger sister Emily also went to the same school. Emily however had long blonde hair. She did gymnastics so also had quite a slim toned body. Emily was also quite tanned from being outside a lot. They were both excited to finish for the summer. As they walked home together they talked and laughed about everything they would get up to over summer. They lived in a large house and their parents were quite wealthy. Their Dad John had a successful business and their Mom Katie helped...

2 years ago
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Family Date Night

The Porters were a typical upper-middle-class family.  Steve Porter was a successful attorney and a partner in his father’s firm.  Steve’s wife, Cindy, worked as a receptionist in the same office.  The two met at a party while Cindy was in high school, and Steve was in his first year of college.  She was smitten with the tall, handsome man, and soon they were dating.It wasn’t long after they met before their kissing turned to petting, then to oral sex.  The two virgins developed their...

2 years ago
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Family ReunionChapter 4

The family sat assembled around the immense dining-room table, and the low conversational tone of their voices punctuated and mingled with a comforting sound of spoons clinking against china plates. They were at the soup course, and John sat at the head of the table watching as the maid, Bonnie filled the soup bowls of his family. "They're all mine!" he thought... even his daughter's husband and his son's wife came under the heading of "his" family! He was getting older, and the idea...

3 years ago
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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 6 Black Friday Part 5

Bill called a cab and the Taylor's decided that they had spent enough time sitting in the ER. They went outside to wait for its arrival. This was when they got the first call from family. It was from Bill's mom. She was spitting and sputtering so much that Bill really couldn't understand much that she said. He tried to tell her that the photos were a fake done by someone with a grudge against the family, but he didn't think that she was really listening. She was too busy blaming...

3 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 6

There is nothing more important than family. This is what I have learned, and I am forever grateful. I don’t regret losing my virginity to my Mom, and I plan to make it a family tradition. Each of my sons will experience the same honor, and they will be raised to love their sisters and mothers. Just like me, and just like my Dad. Incest has deep roots in Saint Lisbon. Mom has a list of other families that can be trusted, and she promises to show me when the time is right. We make love for...

4 years ago
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Family Services A Dental Care Sequel

nature and may involve non-consensual sexual acts between underage partners. Any resemblance to persons either alive or dead is purely coincidental. This story is intended for ADULTS only. If you are under the legal age of consent in your local jurisdiction, or if you are easily offended, kindly STOP READING NOW. Family Services - A Dental Care Sequel - by - The StoryMaster Chapter One "Uhhgg! Oh, my goodness gracious me, my child!" Dr. Martin Greeley commented huskily. ...

4 years ago
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Familys progression

See I had it all. I had great stable income, nice house, car, few other toys and the what is most important a family to be proud of. However there was something that my life was lacking. I did get usual action. A couple of actions few times a week with my wonderful wife. A few times not because she was denying me, but because as usually happens after marriage novelty slowly erodes. I knew we were bored, and I also knew if something didn’t change soon, one of us might be tempted to do something...

3 years ago
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Family Raiders

THE HUNT: The vehicle they had just stolen fit perfectly into the suburb neighborhood of Carsonville, A old nonde*********** gray four -door Ford which matched dozens of others in this middle income community. Don't need to stand out now thought Cutter as he drove slowly down one road after another looking carefully at each well kept home they passed. Not sure what he was looking for but knowing that his safety and that of the three men with him depended on finding a place to hide and finding...

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Family PlanningChapter 7

It must have been a dream. I had sex with the most beautiful cheerleader in my school, and she begged me to cum in her tight teen pussy. We made love in one position after another, and we revealed our true emotions. A magical night that ended in my bed, and where we made love one more time. The most beautiful girl in the world, and the love of my life. A girl who also happens to be my twin sister. Emma is nowhere to be seen when I open my eyes. I’m alone, and I can’t help but wonder if the...

4 years ago
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Family PlanningChapter 13

Reputation is life or death in high school. Students are labeled by their extracurricular activities, and judged by their relations. A name can open doors, and it can set you on your path in life. Or it can take you down the wrong road, and lead you to your fate. My sisters understand the importance of social order, and they accept their place in our little town. Probably better than me. It’s been ten weeks since I left the hospital. Emma and Payton are well into their second trimester, and...

1 year ago
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Family Dynamic

Family Dynamic Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I was just sitting there enjoying the sunshine while I was dressed up. I wore a very nice sundress, with a big floppy hat and modest makeup. I gave no thought to the idea that someone might see me, or decide that they wanted to meet me. After all, I was facing the lake, which was quite wide. Earlier that day I had walked the shoreline in my shorts and a blouse that I tied at the waist, just happy to be outside. My folks had let...

2 years ago
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Family Celebrations

We as a family always organised a day or two a month when we could all meet up and enjoy eachothers company. Our family is rather large so getting everyone together is a hell of a big deal.I was 23 at the time and as one of the youngsters in the family get older it becomes our responsibilty to organise the family day and all the associated organising. This particular family day was my baby. I had gone all out to have a massive barbeque, with everyone one of the family members present. My job...

3 years ago
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Family Feud I

                                       The Family Feud  Blu-Ray Edition – Now with extended bonus content!The story is not about being perfect people. It is about imperfect people. Perfect people would have never tied up their husband and son, wife or daughter in the first place.This story is a journey. Along the way, mistakes will be made. Mistakes are not the end of the journey.Mistakes are nature’s way of providing you consequences, so that you will learn to adapt. This story is an...

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Family Celebrations

We as a family always organised a day or two a month when we could all meet up and enjoy eachothers company. Our family is rather large so getting everyone together is a hell of a big deal.As the youngsters in the family get older it becomes our responsibilty to organise the family day and all the associated organising. This particular family day was my baby. I had gone all out to have a massive barbeque, with everyone one of the family members present. My job was made easier by the fact that...

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Family Fun

Your name is Pierce Don and you been at the bottom of the food chain in your family for as long as you can remember, you been always been talked down by your older brother and your older sister has made sure you have at least a few pieces of humiliating info on everyone including you. Your twin sisters remained cute and kind even as teens, but in truth are like demons in disguise as they always ruin your things and say it was an accident or pin the blame on you for things they did. Dad always...

4 years ago
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Family of Tomorrow Part 2

The smell of pancakes wafted into every room of the house that morning in S. Backdoor Rd No. 19. Jeanne, or "Jane" breathed a sigh of relief after she had slid them onto the different plates on the table. Markus, or rather, "Mac" hadn't come downstairs yet, "Andrew" had stayed behind in their bed and the new girl, Alice, was up and writing out some paperwork. Jane had some time to herself. For the moment, she sat down and leaned back, her mind going back to the events of the previous...

2 years ago
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Family Tradition0

Family Tradition I was a fifteen-year-old boy at the time and a horny son-of-a-bitch according to my fourteen-year-old sister Bianca. I had been fucking her twice a day for a few months. I would fuck her before school and after school. If I got a chance I would also fuck her at bedtime but that was dangerous because our parents were home then. Sure enough we got caught one night. Mom came into Bianca’s room and there I was just about to cum in my sister. We were both in the throws of...

1 year ago
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Family Feud II

The Family Feud IIThe story is not about being perfect people. It is about imperfect people. Perfect people would have never tied up their husband and son, wife or daughter in the first place.This story is a journey. Along the way, mistakes will be made. Mistakes are not the end of the journey.Mistakes are nature’s way of providing you consequences, so that you will learn to adapt. This story is an evolution.An evolution of an imperfect family of four people, who don't yet know how perfectly...

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