Rock'n'Roll LifestyleChapter 9 free porn video

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The door at the rear of the meeting room was open, and Amanda followed Cindy and Corey into the living room.

"God, it's huge!" Amanda said, looking around the room. "I mean, you don't really get a feel for it from the diagrams, but this is really big!"

"Biggest prop-driven cargo job I could find." Corey stated proudly. "Aren't you glad I didn't go for some piss-ass little executive jet?"

"Am I ever!" Amanda took two quick steps into a cartwheel into a back handspring. "Lots of room! Let's see 'em do that in a Lear jet!" she laughed.

Cindy was walking around the room making notes in a little notebook. Facing the rear of the plane, the bar/kitchen/studio control booth was in the left rear corner, the bathroom projected into the room in the right rear corner, and the door to the bedroom was in the middle of the rear wall. There were two large windows, two feet high by four feet wide on the left wall, and a row of porthole windows on the right. Like the rest of the plane except the cargo area, the floor was covered with deep pile harvest gold carpet. The walls were cream white, the ceiling covered with acoustic tile of the same color.

"It'll take a while getting used to the curved side walls, but God it's so beautiful!" Amanda stated, looking out the window.

"I'm glad you like it." Corey said with obvious pride.

Amanda went through the door to the bedroom. It had the same windows as the living room, a small door in the left side of the rear wall that opened into the huge walk-in closet, and a matching small door in the right corner that led back to the cargo area. Unlike the living room there was no flat ceiling, the curve of the side walls continuing up and over in a high arch, following the plane's contours.

"It seems like destiny that I met you both just as it was ready." Corey said from behind her. His arms slid around her and clasped just under her breasts, his body snuggling against her back. "You didn't have much time to decide what you were going to do in here. Think you'll have to make any revisions?"

"No" she said, laying her hands over his. "I'm even more sure now that I've seen it. And it was destiny. I can't wait to make love with you in here."

She turned around in his embrace, reached up to lace her fingers around his neck, and lifted herself up to wrap her legs around his waist.

"God I love you so much." she said, her face two inches from his.

He wrapped one arm around her waist, the other under her bum, and kissed her lovingly.

They heard the quiet whine and throb as the first engine started, the sound and vibration building as the second, third and fourth engines ignited and turned over, settling into a low roar of fire with a high turbine whine.

"God, that turns me on." Amanda whispered in his ear. "So much power... it's exciting."

"Get off him, you little nympho!" Cindy teased as she hugged them, then slid her hands between their legs, caressing Corey's balls and Amanda's pussy through their jeans. "We'll be taking off in five minutes!"

"Please be sure that all doors are firmly latched, and all objects secured." Maggie's voice asked over the hidden intercom speakers. "We'll be taxi-ing in three minutes."

"Told ya." Cindy giggled.

"Then stop playing with me down there, ya big tease!" Amanda responded.

She slid down from Corey and they closed the doors behind them on the way to the cockpit. When they reached the meeting room Markus was pulling up the counter-weighted stairs by the support cables. They swung upward and closed, becoming the door, and Markus latched it with a large lever.

The girls were going to sit on the couch and buckle themselves in when Corey said:

"Just a sec." He turned a lever on the back of the couch and slid it forward to just behind the pilot's chairs, and the girls realized it was on recessed rails. "There. Now we can see out the windows." he said as he took the middle seat. Markus came around the couch and took the co-pilot's chair, strapping himself in and settling a headset over his ears.

"Mandy, it is Mandy, right?" Maggie asked as she turned around in her chair.

"Amanda." she corrected.

"Sorry, Amanda, at least I was close. And... Cindy right?"


"Okay. Anyway Amanda, you should give Cindy the window seat." Maggie said.

"Why?" Amanda asked as she buckled herself into the other one.

"So she can see out the side window, and you can't." Maggie told her with an evil grin. "The extra disorientation adds to the rush when you can only see out the front."

"Cool!" Amanda enthused.

Maggie keyed her mike. "Tower, this is seven three three niner tango zebra charlie, requesting clearance for a thirty minute shakedown, over."

The tower responded promptly: "Roger that, seven three three niner tango zebra charlie. You're cleared on runway four. Over."

"Roger on runway four, tower. Requesting airspace for aerobatic manoeuvres, over."

The tower man gave her a list of co-ordinates for open airspace and added: "Have fun, Maggie! Over."

"Thanks Joe, I'm sure we will, over." Maggie eased back on the throttles, and the plane slowly moved, rolling out of the hangar at walking speed.

"Wanna taxi it out, Markus?" Maggie asked as they cleared the hangar doors. "Get a feel for how he handles on the ground?"

"Thanks." Markus said as he took the handgrips in front of him.

"You know where you're goin'?" she asked. He gave her a intense smirk with a raised eyebrow. "Sorry, stupid question." she admitted with a grin, raising her hands in the air. "I guess I'm not used to men who have their shit together."

"He?" Cindy asked. "I thought planes were referred to as 'she'."

"Most planes are 'she'." Maggie agreed. "Some are as male as your man sitting beside you. Most fighter planes are 'he'. Attack helicopters are all 'he'. And this over-muscled bad boy," she affectionately patted the side of her chair, "is definitely a 'he'!"

"How do you know?" Amanda asked.

"It's a feel thing." Maggie stated. "The male ones, when you push 'em to their limit and you're a woman, you get a feeling like they're fucking you. Pardon my language. What do you think, Markus?"

"Oh yah. I flew a Corsair once. You know, World War Two aircraft carrier fighter plane? Very male plane. Felt like an extension of my dick."

"I believe it." Maggie agreed. "Would you believe this thing's faster than that Corsair?"

"Really? I'm impressed!" Markus replied.

"What'll we name him, Corey?" Amanda asked.

"Rex." Corey answered with no hesitation, leaning back and lacing his fingers behind his head. "Makes me feel like a king."

Everyone chuckled at that.

Markus turned them onto the runway and gently applied the brakes. "This is where you take over." he told Maggie.

"Okay." Maggie said, turning in her chair to address them all. "Little Amanda here wants me to freak her out. Any of you get airsick? No? Any motion sickness? Ever thrown up on one of the rides at the fair? No? Alright. If anyone starts to feel anything bad, let me know and I'll level it out. If I don't level it out fast enough, remember there's barf bags in a pocket under the front edge of the couch. Hold it tight to your mouth or you'll get stuff up your nose and stuff.

"This little maneuver is called 'Evasive Short Runway Take Off', amongst other things. It's what you do when you're leavin' someplace where people in the area on the ground are gonna shoot at you." She pushed the throttles smoothly forward to their limit, and they could feel the big plane straining against the brakes without moving. When she released the brakes the plane lurched forward, then accelerated powerfully, pressing them back in their seats. She pulled back on the yoke and they leaped into the air, climbing at an incredibly steep angle.

"Jesus!" Corey exclaimed.

"Yup. Not too many cargo units'll climb at fifty five degrees." Maggie stated happily.

They soon leveled off, then she banked left hard enough to put the plane on it's side, then leveled out.

"Okay. We've got ten minutes till we get to where we can have some fun. You can unstrap and have a drink and a pee if you want." Maggie told them. She put the plane on auto-pilot and turned to Corey.

"So what made you decide to install 1407's in this thing?" she asked.

"I just told him I wanted the best engines that'd fit. He started asking me if I wanted Pratt and Whitney this or General Electric that, and I told him to use what he would use if it was his plane and price was no object. Which it wasn't."

"What kind are they?" Amanda asked.

"Rolls Royce." Maggie told her with a smile.

"Wow! We live in a Rolls Royce!" Amanda laughed.

"Not really." Maggie smiled. "Just the engines are Rolls. The old man really got off on building this thing. He wrenched on it himself for ten hours a day for over a month. His restorations have gotta be perfect to the original specs, and he doesn't get many custom jobs where he can just go nuts and give it the royal treatment."

"Who built it originally? What company I mean." Cindy asked.

"Hughes Aircraft. This thing's a classic. You'll never see another one like it. It was one of the biggest transports going at the time it was built."

"Hughes Aircraft? Like Howard Hughes?" Amanda asked.

"Like his dad, actually. Howard inherited the company, then sold it. Now it's Hughes Aerospace, and General Motors owns it."

"It's so beautiful." Cindy marveled, admiring the view.

"If you look over there, you can see the snowstorm over Seattle." Maggie pointed out.

Amanda unbuckled and looked out the window on the other side.

"How high up are we?" she asked.

"Seventeen thousand feet." Markus answered.

"Man, I bet I can see clear to Idaho." Amanda marveled.

They enjoyed the view till the alarm on the autopilot went off.

"Okay, everybody strap in. We're there." Maggie advised. "You want to take a few turns before I get started? Get a feel for how he handles?" she asked Markus.

"I'd love to." he replied, and put his hands on the yoke.

"All yours." She told him as she snapped off the auto-pilot. He took it through some gentle banking 'S' turns, then some up and downs like they were flying over low hills.

"Thanks." he said, and she resumed control.

"You'll do." She told him with a grin. "Good touch on the rudder in that cross gust back there."

"Thanks." he said, obviously proud and relieved at her judgment.

"Okay people, check your pockets for loose objects, and cinch those belts up tight, and I do mean tight. This baby'll do all the maneuvers an F-15 can do, it just takes a while longer to get through 'em!" Maggie advised.

"We're ready." Corey replied after a few moments.

"Then hang on to your ass!" Maggie told them, and immediately did a roll to the left all the way around, then another to the right, up into a complete loop, then nosed down into an outside loop that didn't go all the way back to level. Instead when the nose was pointed straight up she let it stall with a sickening feeling as the plane came to a stop in the air. She played with the throttles with her right hand and the plane pinwheeled in the air and dove straight down. She let it accelerate until they could hear the air screaming past the windows.

"Yeeeeeeeehhaaaaaaaa!!!!!" Amanda yelled, holding her arms up in the air like a roller coaster rider.

"This is max speed, almost Mach one." Maggie stated calmly, then slowly brought it out of the dive into a shallow climb to scrub off some speed. Then she did eleven consecutive barrel rolls to the left, the plane rolling faster and faster, then leveled it out completely upside down.

"We havin' fun yet?" she asked with a grin.

"Oh God yes!" Amanda told her. "And Cindy and Corey look pretty funny with their hair like that!"

"You too, princess!" Corey laughed.

Maggie brought them back upside right and lifted the nose up to climb at the steepest angle possible for what seemed like a long time, then leveled out again.

"This is our ceiling, as high as you go without pressure or oxygen." she told them. "Now you get to feel the wildest thing you can do in a plane like this." She tipped the nose forward into a dive, let the speed build again, then lifted it skyward again and closed the throttles a bit. "We're now in a parabolic arc. I can give you almost two minutes of zero gravity. If you don't look outside, the illusion of being in space is incredibly powerful."

Corey unzipped a pocket and brought out a stick of gum, unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth, rolled the wrapper into a ball and set it floating in front of him. Cindy and Amanda watched it turning lazily in the air in rapt fascination.

"I wish I could make love in only two minutes." Amanda said in wonderment as Corey tapped the wrapper slowly back and forth between his widespread hands.

They all laughed, and Cindy said:

"I swear Amanda, you have the most one track mind in the world!"

"Maybe I do," Amanda agreed, "But think about it! Sex in zero gravity! Wouldn't it be great?"

"Yes it would." Markus said quietly, smiling at Maggie. To his surprise, she blushed crimson.

"Okay, I'm pulling out." she said. "Grab that loose object." Corey caught it and zipped it back in his pocket.

Maggie took them through another long and exhilarating series of rolls, loops, and stalls, did one final high bank turn, then leveled out.

"Well, I'd better head back if I want to get you back when I said I would." she said. "You can un-buckle for about fifteen minutes."

Amanda ripped her seat belt buckle open, then reached over and did the same for Corey's. She stood up, grabbed him by the hands and pulled him out of his seat with surprising strength.

"C'mere. I've gotta talk to you right now!" she told him. She threw open the door, pulled him through the meeting room and the door to the living room, slamming it behind them.

"Uh, Markus, do you think I could talk to Cindy for a minute?" Maggie asked, setting the auto-pilot.

"Sure." he replied with an easy smile. He unbuckled and went into the meeting room, closing the door behind him.

"Thanks." Maggie said, sounding relieved. "She's gonna fuck his brains out, isn't she? Amanda and Corey, I mean."

"Oh yah." Cindy agreed, laughing. She got up and took the co-pilot's chair.

"That's what I thought." Maggie said, nodding. "I thought you might want to join them, and I... well, the thought of being alone with Markus scared the hell out of me! I don't know what's got into me! I'm giddy as a school girl, and I'm not exactly a vestal virgin!"

"I can see it." Cindy said. "Markus is a hell of a man. If I weren't already in love with Corey, I'd be pretty attracted to him."

"You're in love with him? Aren't you jealous that they're back there fucking right now?"

"A bit." Cindy mused. "I wish she wanted me that bad."

Maggie looked flabbergasted, then grinned and nodded. "I see. You know you and Amanda look a lot alike, and you have the same last name. Are you cousins or something?"

"She's my sister." Cindy said, watching to see how Maggie would take that.

"Your sister? And you... Christ I'm sorry. I must sound like a prude."

"Yes, she's my sister, and my lover, since yesterday morning. But I've wanted her for a long time. And we're both in love with Corey. You think you can be comfortable with that?"

"Hell, I can be comfortable with anything that makes you happy: sisters, football teams, donkeys, whatever." Maggie laughed. "It just surprised the hell out of me for a second, that's all."

"Cool." Cindy replied. There was silence for a minute, as they were occupied with their thoughts.

"Hey, if you did want to join them, I'm sorry I kept you up here. Go ahead if you want." Maggie said.

"No, that's okay." Cindy laughed. "That roller coaster ride you gave us was a blast, but my stomach's still full of butterflies, so I'm not in the mood."

They shared another comfortable silence.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Maggie finally asked, wistfully.

Cindy laughed. "Hell, I was in love with Corey long before I ever met him! I believe in love before first sight!"

"Yah? How's that work?" Maggie asked.

"Well, Amanda started it. She was your typical obsessed fan. Masturbated to his videos for twelve hours a day, that kind of thing. I thought she was nuts. And him, I figured anyone that seemed that perfect must be an asshole underneath, so I figured if I could prove it to her, she'd get over it. So I investigated him thoroughly, and the more I found out about him, the more I found out how cool he really is. I fell in love with him and didn't tell Amanda, but I shared what I'd found out with her, and she went from being infatuated to loving him too. I snuck her into his dressing room night before last, but she didn't call to say she was okay and I got worried, so I broke in myself. Markus almost shot me, but that's his job, I guess. Anyway, we've been on this absolutely crazy joy ride ever since."

"Wow! That's pretty wild!" Maggie laughed.

"Isn't it though?" Cindy smiled, leaning back and sighing contentedly.

"You've only been together two days?" Maggie asked in amazement. "That's incredible! You guys act like you've been with each other for months!"

"I know. I feel like I've known him all my life. Of course, I have known Amanda all my life."

"So, you think I should go for Markus? I mean, do you think he likes me?" Maggie asked.

"Are you nuts? He's crazy about you!" Cindy laughed.

"Really? I mean you really think so?"

Cindy sat forward and put her hand on Maggie's shoulder. "Girl," she said, "You should grab that man with both hands and hang on tight. If you don't, you're being stupid as a post, and you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Trust me, I have a talent for these kinds of things."

"You're sure?" Maggie asked nervously.

"I'm sure." Cindy nodded confidently.

"Oh, thanks Cindy!" Maggie cried happily, and they hugged warmly.

Cindy leaned back and winked, and got up to go to the door.

"Oh shit! Give me a minute, okay?" Maggie said. She pulled her hair out of the ponytail holder and shook it out, letting her wavy, shoulder-length red tresses fall softly around her face. She stood up and kicked off her sneakers, unzipped the company coveralls, and stepped out of them to reveal tight jeans and an even tighter green T-shirt that read: U.S. ARMY. She put her sneakers back on, tossed the coveralls into the bathroom and shut the door. She turned to Cindy and asked: "How do I look?"

"Hmm. Bend down here a bit." Cindy said, and reached into an inside pocket for a tube of lipstick and some mascara. She applied them quickly and expertly, stepped back, and looked Maggie up and down. "Damn, woman, you're really beautiful. And you've got a body I'd kill for."

"Thanks." Maggie said, blushing. "I've never really been one for make-up. But then I've never felt like this about a guy before."

"I kinda figured." Cindy giggled, looking her up and down again. Maggie had bright green eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her firm breasts more than filled her C-cup bra, and her nipples showed plainly. Her torso tapered down to a slim waist, then flared out to medium-wide hips with a high and muscular ass.

"It's funny, I've spent my whole life wishing I looked like you and Amanda, all petite and cuddly." she said.

"The grass is always greener on the other side." Cindy said with a smile. "You know, I've never really thought this about another woman except Amanda, but if I wasn't already in love with her, I'd be really attracted to you."

"Oh God." Maggie said in embarrassment, blushing beet red and hiding her face in her hand.

"Alright, let's see some confidence there, soldier!" Cindy said in her command voice. Maggie took a deep breath, shook herself all over, and squared her shoulders. She gave her most confident smile and said: "Okay, I'm ready."

"That's my girl." Cindy said, and turned to open the door.

"Oh Markus, could we see you in here for a moment?" she asked sweetly.

"Sure." Markus said as he put his book back in his pocket and stood up. He walked through the doorway and stopped dead when he saw Maggie. His eyes opened wide in surprise and his cheeks puffed out in an appreciative exhale. Maggie smiled even wider, took two slow and sensuous steps over to him and held her body tight to his, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. For a second he just stood there in shocked surprise, then his arms went around her and he kissed her passionately.

Cindy let herself out of the cockpit and discreetly closed the door behind her.

When Amanda had dragged Corey into the living room and slammed the door she immediately kicked her shoes off and jumped up into his arms.

"Oh God Corey! I've never been this horny in my whole fucking life! That ride was incredible! Fuck me! Please say you'll fuck me!" she said as she showered his face with kisses and humped her crotch against him. "I know we've only got fifteen minutes, but I don't need any foreplay, I swear I don't! Just fuck me! Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me!!"

"Okay." Corey said with a grin.

"Alright!" Amanda exclaimed. She slid off him and hurriedly peeled her pants and panties off at once, revealing that the whole crotch of her panties was shiny with her juices. He'd started to undo his pants as she threw her coat off, and she grabbed his waistband and hauled them down to his knees with his briefs. She stuffed half his cock in her mouth and sucked it frantically for a few seconds till she figured it was hard enough to go inside her, then jumped back up into his arms and started to impale herself on it.

"Hold it, let's get the rest of these clothes off or we'll get completely sweaty." he told her.

"Shit!" she cursed in frustration as she dropped to the ground, literally ripping her shirt off, tearing one seam from the bottom to the armpit. "Shit fuck shit!" She unlaced his boots so hard she hurt her fingers a bit as he threw his coat to the ground and started un-buttoning his shirt. She rubbed her sopping wet pussy with both hands and hopped from one foot to the other in impatience as he kicked his boots off.

"Spread my coat on the floor and lay back on it." he told her as he pulled his pants and socks off.

She did, and he went to his knees to crawl between her legs. She wrapped her hands around the back of her knees and pulled her legs high and wide apart to receive him, whining a little in frantic anticipation.

He stopped, captivated by the sight of her sex. Her nether region was flushed red, fading to dark pink over the rest of her torso and upper thighs, a little darker on her breasts. Her nipples were completely hard, her breasts swollen, and her vulva were completely plumped up from sexual excitement. Her little clitoris was more swollen with passion than any he'd ever seen, so full and firmly erect that the skin was tight. He leaned down and sucked it into his mouth, licking it frantically with the tip of his tongue, as he nursed it with his lips.

"Aah!" Amanda yelled in surprise, jumping an inch off the floor in surprise at the sudden, intense sensation. Then she grabbed his head and pushed it away from her. "Corey! We don't have time for that! Just fuck me!"

"Sorry." he grinned as he moved up to guide himself inside her. "You just looked so delicious, I couldn't help myself!"

"C'mon, c'mon, fuck me, please fuck me." she said breathlessly as she held her legs open for him again and he rubbed his head over her soaking wet little muffin till it was well coated. He centered himself and pushed, adding pressure till he penetrated her tightness. She groaned and shivered as he slid into her, and he gloried in the hot, moist squeeze her body gave him. He pushed the last of himself inside her and held a moment, savoring the sensation.

"Uhhh, oh God that's good, so good, your cock is so fuckin' big..." she marveled. "I've never been so ready, it almost didn't hurt that time, it's so good, aaah, so good..."

"You're so beautiful, you feel so beautiful Amanda, oh God this is great..." he breathed as her body adjusted to the huge maleness filling her. He could feel her tissues squirming around him as he stretched them.

"Fuck me Corey, fuck me hard, please fuck me hard."

she begged.

"Alright, but you have to keep your legs high and take it on your bum. No letting my hips hit you on the inside of your thighs like last night." he said.



"I promise, I'll do everything I can to not let you hurt me! Just fuck me, now, please! Please!" she begged.

"Alright." he said as he pulled and pushed for the first stroke. He pumped her steadily, hard enough to shake her beautiful breasts. She started coming almost immediately, and just kept on coming, her legs spasming open and closed a bit uncontrollably, her chin pulled down to her chest, her face strained with tension and release. He caressed her face and neck with one hand, smiling down at her.

"I love your facial expressions when you come, Amanda. The way your little pussy contractions squeeze me even tighter. Like you said to me, I love feeling you come, 'cuz I know I'm making you feel great right now. The pleasure you're showing is undeniable. I wonder if you can even hear me. Sweet Amanda. Soft, warm, firm, sexy little Amanda. Coming on my hard cock like it's the source of everything that makes you feel good."

His hand strayed down to her breast, simply to enjoy the feeling of it's soft, firm roundness in his hand, and the feeling of her breath rushing in and out of her little chest.

His knees were starting to get sore from rubbing against the carpet, but he ignored it until her climax started to subside, then he drew his knees up to a kneeling position. He slid his arms under her legs, the back of her knees tucking into the inside of his elbows, and slid his hands under her back. He rocked back and lifted her, stood up, and carried her over to the rear wall, between the bedroom door and the bar. He leaned her against it a bit and resumed his spirited thrusting.

"Oh, my man. My great big beautiful man." she marveled, her voice bouncing from his thrusts. "I feel like I won the lottery with four tickets in a row. How could anyone be as lucky as me? I love you, I really love you. And I could hear you, I just couldn't answer you. Thank you, this is so good, thank you so much..." She stopped speaking to concentrate on squeezing his cock with her vagina, caressing his face and chest and smiling radiantly at him as he began the long drive to orgasm. After a few minutes he found the position uncomfortable, and turned around to lean his own shoulders against the wall. He bounced her into the air a bit with his thrusts, her ass making a slapping sound as she contacted his upper thighs.

Cindy came in and closed the door behind her.

"Well, how we doin' in here?" she asked brightly.

"Excellent, but I'll be glad when we've got furniture in here." Corey replied with a smile. "Amanda's gonna have to pick up the pace of my workouts pretty soon, I'm not in good enough shape to do this as long as I'd like."

"I'm giving you a workout right now!" Amanda laughed.

"You sure are!" he agreed, then went "Mmmmm..." as Cindy's hand flowed around his balls, and Amanda went "Mmfff!" as the index finger of Cindy's other hand slid inside her bum. Cindy kissed Amanda's back sensuously as she caressed Corey's balls and pumped her finger into Amanda's bum in time with Corey's thrusts.

"Oh God Cindy, that's nice." Amanda smiled as her ass clenched Cindy's digit. "What took you so long, anyway?"

"You'll see when you're finished." Cindy giggled mysteriously. "Let's just say I did my good deed for the day."

"I've gotta sit down." Corey said, and carried Amanda over to the nearest low-backed barstool, perching his ass on the edge of it. Cindy kept pace with them, continuing her stimulations as they moved.

"Here, let me do the work for a while." Amanda said. She put her feet on the seat of the barstool behind Corey's ass, reached under his arms to grasp the back of it, and began pumping her pussy up and down on his cock.

"Damn, that looks so hot..." Corey said, looking down at his maleness disappearing into and re-appearing from within her body.

"Doesn't it though?" Cindy agreed. "That's my baby, Amanda, fuck yourself nice and hard on him, that's a good girl." She'd had to remove her hand from Corey's balls to move around and see, so she played with Amanda's titties and kissed Corey's neck as she watched.

"Could you, put some, more fingers, in my, bum Cindy?" Amanda asked between impacts of her ass cheeks against his thighs, starting to breathe hard from her exertions. "I want, to be, able to, take Corey's, cock in-, side me, down there, some day."

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Taboo sex with aunty-2If you already read the first chapter you know that my Sharmila Aunty, and I have already had sex in the kitchen. After that day, outwardly, things looked the same between us but at least 3 nights a week we would spend the night in her bed fucking like rabbits and finding new ways to love each other. She taught me a lot and I was an eager student. Sharmila Aunty seemed happier than ever with more energy and always a smile on her face. After about a month and after a...

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The Pub

So the wife and I are out at a pub one evening. She's dressed in a nice knee length skirt and a tight jumper that just makes her huge boobs look even bigger (I of course picked the outfit out). We're just there together to relax and enjoy the night, nothing more planned. However she doesn't drink much usually so is already very relaxed and enjoying herself. I have caught nearly everyone checking her boobs out since we've been here and know we've caught the eye of a group of 4 men at the bar as...

2 years ago
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The Maintenance Man Book 1Chapter 9

Nissie and Sam were physical wrecks, Nissie had already been through this before with the attacks, explosions, threats and general terror. Sam had just gotten her brother back after years of him isolating him self from his family. To lose him this quickly was maddening to both women especially as good as Mark was. Coughing from the dust and smoke, neither woman saw the shadowy outline of a man walking through it all toward them. Neither saw when it stopped near by watching them both for a...

1 year ago
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Linda and God

Her parents were born again christians and went to church every Sunday. Linda loved GOD too and learned how to play with her cunt at the age of six. One time she got a cucumber and covered it with butter. She shoved it up her cunny hole breaking her hyman thinking that Jesus told her to do it. The feeling was painful and wonderful at the same time. She quivered and had her first pregnant. They left the church and walked into the most beautiful day GOD had made for them.

4 years ago
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Seamus a rough black stud

Home alone again; also getting bored and horny, after hubby four days’ absence. So, I was spending my time chatting in the net with some different men. But they also were liking boring to me…But I finally found Seamus, a black guy who was a real stud…Like mostly chats always did, it eventually turned to sex and he told me he was watching porn while we were chatting. I asked what kind and he answered a gangbang, where many niggers were enjoying a sexy redhead married bitch. He added, a one like...

2 years ago
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Some Things Are Meant To BeChapter 10

In spite of the fact that I told Colleen not to, she called to talk to the children Thursday evening. While I had her on the line I informed her of Bill's blowup at Audiomart and that he had now made her infamous in my circles as a cheating wife. I wasn't sure that he actually had, but I felt justified in my exaggeration. Speaking of Bill's blowup reminded me of her call the night before when she once again blasted me, so I told her that was never to happen again or I would hang up on her...

4 years ago
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The Perfect SolutionChapter 12 Thou Art Madness

Thou art that madness of supreme desire, which lacking, beauty is but dross and clay. Within thy veins is all the fire of day and all the stars divinity of fire. Thine are the lips and loins that never tire, and thine the bliss that makes my soul dismay. Upon thy breast what god at midnight lay, to make thy flesh the music of his lyre? Ah! Such alone should know thy loveliness! Ah! Such alone should know thy full caress, O goddess of intolerable delight! I beg of Fate the guerdon and the...

2 years ago
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An Unexpected Bonus Menage a trois

I feel like I’m in an episode of The Twilight Zone. The hotel room I shared with my boyfriend just last night has been invaded by his uncle and former aunt. Mere hours after Kyle left me to join the pro tennis circuit, I have fucked his uncle, and now his ex-aunt is putting the moves on me. Surreal doesn’t even begin to describe it. Leslie’s lips are tasting mine, her tongue has invaded my mouth and her hands are roaming: one has reached behind me to cup my ass and the other is fondling my...

2 years ago
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Kids go to the ravine

“Do me too”, his daughter called, as Cassie came into the kitchen of their little cottage. She stood in front of him as he smoothed it into her skin. She lifted her arms so he could get her sides. It made her ribs look especially boney, exposed like that. Her lithe body was all skin and bones, a testament to her youthful athleticism. Then she moved her feet apart so he could get all around the legs to the inner thighs, and carefully coat her pubic lips. “You can get someone else to...

2 years ago
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Sailing with my daughter and friend

If you're a guy and there's a beautiful woman trying to seduce you, sometimes our moral compass gets stuck. I am a pretty happily married 44 year old man. I married a wonderful woman 18 years ago and have a wonderful 17 year old daughter, April. As with most marriages, there are good days and bad days. Sometimes we feel neglected and other times the king of the world. Though, for the past several years, a certain area of my marriage has been diminishing, Sex. Though my wife and I...

3 years ago
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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 14 Real friends

Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 14 Real Friends. That evening as Ronnie's mother was making dinner, she had also been in deep thought about what Ronnie had told her. She was sitting at the kitchen table when her husband walked in from work, saw the look on her face, and had asked, "Maryann. Is something wrong?" "Ronnie told me something today," Maryann replied. "Is anything wrong?" "No. But, it's...

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My Sisters Visit Part 2

I guessed that seeing someone sniffing her well-worn panties was all part of her education as Nancy stood there like a statue watching me marvel in my naughty pleasure, something that Val was well aware of as she used to feed me hers all the time when we were growing up.“Have you seen his cock?” Val whispered in her ear loud enough so I could hear, Nancy looked at me saying “Briefly this morning” and giggled, Val took the laundry and put it in the chair before reaching out and pulling open my...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Ashley Adams Daddy Diddler

SCENE opens one evening as Rachel, an 18-year-old virgin, sits opposite her step-father at the dining room table. They are eating their meal in relative silence, with only the occasional exchange of pleasantries. Both dad and daughter are dressed modestly and use proper manners while eating. You get the feeling that it is a very conservative household. After he has finished, dad wipes his mouth with his napkin and offers to put the plates away. It’s time for Rachel to get ready for bed...

3 years ago
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African godess

A couple of weeks ago I had the taste for a Rally’s burger, the drive thru line was very long and it was a nice day in the south so I parked and walked up to the window. I saw this nice looking thick African American black girl standing on a step stool pouring ice into the machine. She had the body of a goddess, caramel skin, nice d sized tits, slim waist, and a cute face. I was aw struck I had forgotten how hungry I was, the only thing that came out of my mouth was “Miss Lady you are sexy as...

4 years ago
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My 2nd Time

This isn't really the story of my 2nd time. I couldn't tell you every detail of every sexual encounter I have had. Instead, this is the story of the next big step in my sexual adventures after my 1st time. I'm just calling it "My 2nd Time" because I like the naming convention :PLast time I told you all how I had finally had sex for the first time. After it was over, while we just laid on the bed for a while, “B” suggested that I could come over more often. Spring was just beginning, and his...

1 year ago
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Fucking A Girl In Extreme Cold At Terrace

Hello ISS readers. Mera naam Rihan h. And I m from Lucknow and living in Delhi. Maine bohot saari ladkiyo k sath sex kiya h and ye kahani usme se hi ek ki h. So if any girl or aunty from delhi want to have sex with me then please mail me at Mai its gr noida se b.Tech karr raha hu. And times se cat ki preparation kar raha hu. Pehle mai apne baare me bata du. Meri hieght 5.11 h and mai 20years ka hu. Waise to log bolte h k mai bohot handsome hu but mjhe nai lagta. Maine ek yr pehle september me...

1 year ago
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The Cruise

As I walked up the gangway I thought to myself, ‘Tammy, you really need this.’ My husband, Ross and I hadn’t had a vacation in three years, work had been so pressing that we were just unable to get away. Now I was on board the luxury cruise ship for twelve days of relaxation and fun in the southern Caribbean. Our cabin was large with a separate bedroom and a small, private balcony. We looked around our accommodations as we unpacked and were very pleased that we had splurged for the suite rather...

3 years ago
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Alex and PeterChapter 16 Alex

I have to admit it; I am way more into Ballroom dance shit than I let on. I mean at first, I was just playing the guitar which was cool, 'cause I'm good enough to do it. But then they asked me to fill in for one of the guys and I kinda got stuck in his spot while he was out sick. Then Leigh joined the dance club and we started dancing together. It's not just dancing. I mean it's not just following the rules of what step to take and when. It's teamwork, totally. You an' your partner...

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An Offer I Couldnt Refuse Didnt Want to

In 1972 when I was twenty-five, I lived next door to a guy named Kenny who was single and in his forties. Kenny had two passions in his life, his motorcycle and the love of astronomy. I didn’t know much about motorcycles but astronomy was my hobby. Kenny was somewhat of a paradox in that he was clean-cut but enjoyed dressing like an “outlaw biker” when he rode his Harley. He had a degree in physics and an in-depth knowledge of the field of astronomy. We both owned telescopes and we dedicated...

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Me And Sneha In Dhaka

This story is from back in 2010, I just graduate from university and joined in a local construction firm as HR executive. My girlfriend back then, Sneha was in her 2nd year of BBA. With my job at one side, and her classes on the other, it was very hard for us to actually meet up. Usually I would go to her house, after office and meet her on the rooftop of her building. The story is about how we gave into our desire for each other. It was a Saturday. I picked her from her apartment for...

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Trust can be broken

A little bit about myself, I am 18 years old, a senior in high school, I am 6’5” tall and I weigh around 180lbs, I had muscle tone from playing baseball from the time I was a youngster. I am straight who had never had a gay tendency in my life. I had a girlfriend, who I have been dating since I was a junior. We did everything except actually having sex, which means I am a virgin still. The day went by as normal. During the day, I got invited by some of my friends to a BBQ at...

4 years ago
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Acting as a Cleaning Lady Chapter 11 The Tribunal

Acting as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim Chapter 11 - The Tribunal Dave returns to the bank face the music. Is this the end of his career as Maria, the cleaning lady? I showed up at the bank's headquarters that fateful Monday in my best suit, now a size or two too big for me, and with my dyed hair in a discreet low ponytail. I was smart enough but I guess I must have looked worn and haggard. Maybe I would get the sympathy vote. The first surprise was...

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What Do You Think HappenedChapter 13

It took us the better part of 48 hours to reach the coastal area northwest of Ft. Myers and to locate, via GPS information radioed from the Scott's boat, our waiting party of refugees. They had encountered no further trouble from their attackers from the city. Ingmar brought our much larger ship alongside the crowded boat Scott had taken from Captiva Island, and we all joined in to hoist the newcomers aboard. We now were overcrowded aboard our ship, the Apalachicola, but there was plenty of...

3 years ago
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The SmithChapter 36 Borisrsquos New Home

Friday afternoon, I found Cat and Boris out by the range arguing, as much as he was able to argue with his ‘Mother’. “I should accompany you, Mother.” “You are too big. It’s not like we can take you with us in the Car.” “Then make me a new body. Or make a new car.” “You say that too easily.” Sigh. “Give me time. I need to find a way to make a new power pack for you.” “Acknowledged, Mother.” “I’m giving you full access to the internet. I want you to watch some TV shows, news and a sample...

2 years ago
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Two Virgin Sister 8211 Part I

Hi friends and all hot and sexy bhabhi! This is my second post to this site and first one was fuck by chance and this time. I am going to tell you a hot story about how I got the chance to fuck two virgin sisters in their house. I have divided the story into four parts. I was in no hurry while finishing this story so I have included all the substantial and relevant events and incidences in the chronological order, my motive of writing was to write a sex exciting and arousing story and the story...

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Mummy Aur Sethji Ki Accidentally Chudai

Us din ke baad mummy kuch sambhal gayi thi aur 2-3 din to unhone massage bhi nahi karwayi. Lekin phir massage karwane ke liye teyar ho gayi par Meena ko aage se sawdhan rehane ke liye keh diya. Is tarah karib 2 mahine beet gaye the. Papa abhi bhi workload ke karan ghar bahut kam rehate the aur mummy ke sath time spend karna jaise bhool hi gaye the. Mummy bhi ghar baithe baithe bore ho rahi thi. Es liye unhone mujhe koi teacher ki job ke bare mein pta karne ke liye kaha. Jis area mein hum rehate...

1 year ago
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Demon GateChapter 5 Kiss From a Rose

“Are you feeling well, Satou?” his mother asked as he prodded at his food with his chopsticks. “You aren’t eating very much.” Her voice snapped him out of his daydream, and he resumed his meal. He couldn’t tell her that the reason that he had lost his appetite was because he had dined on venison during his time on the mountain of course. “I’m fine mother, I was just ... distracted.” “Those flowers that you picked,” his father said, gesturing to the bouquet that was now sitting in a vase in...

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The Alley

The night was getting dark and cold, it had been a good night though. Out drinking with my friends on a proper girly night out we had visited quite a number of pubs and clubs Many of my friends had ended up going off with a bunch of guys, I even got hit on by a fair few myself but I’ve always considered myself to be a faithful and loyal person and would never cheat of my husband no matter how tempting the offers had been. As soon as my best friend Kelly disappeared off with some fellow she knew...

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My husband spreading my legs

One Friday night after dinner and a few drinks in the kitchen with my husband. My daughter fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie. My husband soon became horny and decided he was going to strip my pants off and place me on the kitchen counter. He spread my legs and went down on me, muffing my pussy. He licked my pussy lips up and down, sticking his tongue in and out my pussy as well as stimulating my clit. I was soon moaning from the pleasure of the oral sex he was giving me and soon...

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My slutty sister

Hi I am Sunil from Delhi I have grown up with her and having spent so many hours together. I have always considered her beautiful, along with all other males who have laid eyes on her. She’s got a beautiful baby face with pouting lips and long blond hair and has developed a fantastic and sexy figure in the last year or so. When I left for college, I kissed my sweet “innocent” little sister good-bye. She was 18 then. I returned last spring, a little earlier than I was expected, and saw the real...

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Christmas Surprise

It was Christmas day, and my sister comes bounding into my room at like 10:30 am to wake me up.           “Merry Christmas Jake! Mom says to get up now.” She said.           “Uugghh!” I moaned, still tired from a party last night. It would’ve been torture waking up this early if it wasn’t my sister waking me up. My sister Rebecca is 16 a year younger than me, even though she doesn’t look it. She has luscious blonde hair with a perfect face and stunning blue eyes. Her blonde hair just barely...

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Destinys RoadChapter 42

The weekend dutifully rolled by. The beginning of the week following Christmas was the same as it had been, the previous week. Our test of the drone wasn't until Tuesday, and I didn't want to get in Marcus's way as he worked on the final touches for the demonstration. I did talk to Ted, briefly. He had been out to the range just before they shut down on Friday, and had watched some of the action. He said everything was looking right on track. Marcus had made a few more modifications, but...

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Girlybitch Part 3

Girlybitch Part 3 by Mellissa43 There has been a bit of a gap between part 3 and part 2 so it is probably worthwhile reading or rereading parts 1 and 2 first. I had to and I wrote it! Thanks for any comments - all gratefully received. "What have you done!" my wife exclaimed after showing the delivery men out and closing the door. I looked down between my legs where the pool had formed. I started to cry. "Don't add to your shame, its good your things have arrived and I did include...

4 years ago
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A Simpleton Becomes Business Women 13

Then she tried with her old boyfriend and then with Mr. Vijay Kumar to have a child but all her efforts were fruitless as ever. Then she went to Her sister who was blessed with a baby girl to assist her in raising her baby. In her quest to have her own child she visits an ashram to take a special treatment. In Part 12 you Read “ Zeenat got out of her sari, but was feeling very clumsy in that intense illumination, it was like bathing in open daylight. She unbuttoned her blouse and her...

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In the Ocean

The sun glistens off the water as I climb the ladder back onto the boat. It’s the most beautiful day of the year and it’s even more special because I’m with my lover Dante. I walk over to my chair and start to towel myself dry. “I like it when you’re wet baby,” he says walking up behind me. “I bet you do,” I smile. The heat on my skin is nothing compared to what I feel when he kisses the back of my neck. “I bet I can make you even wetter,” he says into my shoulder. “What are you gonna do? Toss...

Oral Sex
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First Time I Take My Slave

First Time I Take My SlaveBy: Fireman527We met on line and chatted for weeks before I convinced you that it was safe to exchange phone numbers. After that we talked for weeks and continued to chat on line as we got to know each other.? During this time we shared our deepest and darkest fantasies with each other and slowly you bent to my will and became my long distance slave, both pleasuring and punishing yourself at my command.? Eventually I convinced you that it was time we met in person to...

2 years ago
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SwapChapter 27

I sat back, sipped coffee, and listened to Dad tell his fiancée everything. I don't believe he left out even the smallest detail. I'd believed he was a taciturn man. What a joke! He also surprised me on another level. He was very well-spoken. And Maureen, what a woman! That she would become my fourth mother pleased me no end. She was tough and strong, like a lioness protecting her cubs, and Dad and I were her cubs. She was cheerful with a good sense of humor with a laugh that was...

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My Little sisters New Job Part 45

The Next Day Hayley shook me up from my sleep. I turn over and open my eyes to the beautiful sight of Hayley wearing my long sleeve shirt and nothing else. She smiles and leans in to give me a kiss on the cheek.“Get up, I made some breakfast.” she said.“Smells good from here, I’ll be right down.” “Okay.” She turns to leave, looking over her shoulder at me. Big beautiful smile on her face with an intentional bounce in her walk to show off her boobs and ass. I get up and look at my phone, It...

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Becoming a Sissy

Becoming a Construction Site Sissy for AllI was just a few months past 21 when I left Mom and our small country trailer to try out life on my own. By this point in time, not only Mom but just about everyone in the rural country knew how queer I loved to be and act. Yes I can’t begin to count the cocks I had orally serviced and pleasured since my early days. While I had loved it more than anything, I had paid a strict price for my dick addictions. Verbal assaults every waking day, sometimes even...

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How I went from a Cocksucker to a Total sissy Sub

I was living in Las Vegas in the 70's. I used to get high and go to an ABS and suck cock. After going there a few nights a week for few months a black guy(which was rare) came in. He opened my booth and asked if I wanted company. I was scared but I said yes. He was about 5'11 220 and dark. We were watching a movie when he took my hand and put it on his crotch. It felt so big. He then told me to get on my knees and I did. He said undo my pants so you can get what you want and need. I unzipped...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Judy Jolie Fresh Anal Talent

Raven-haired honey Judy Jolie is new to porn-style buttfucking, but she likes it! Judy spreads her long legs and massages her wet cunt. She kneels to give top stud Mick Blue a delicious blowjob. He fucks her tight pussy, and she shoves her manicured fingers inside her pulsing asshole. Mick fills her sphincter with a clear toy as she masturbates. Replacing the toy with his throbbing, big cock, Mick delivers a profound anal plowing. Judy’s tight asshole gapes! She sucks his dick...

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The ExhibitionChapter 2

Sammy assumed that the show had ended. It'd been a long time since someone had poked or prodded her. She could feel herself slightly swaying on the frame, and began to wonder if she'd signed up for something more than she could handle. Sure, the orgasm that had hit her had been fun, but she couldn't quite figure out why she'd had it. She hadn't been able to get the ben wa balls to trigger one, but having someone grope her and knowing that they were doing it in front of a crowd seriously...

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Finally I get Gemmas mum

I have known Gemma for around 13 years now having gone to college with her. Her mum Maureen is in her late 50's blonde and very busty. When I first saw Maureen all those years ago I thought that she was Gemma's sister. Maureen married her partner Alan a few years ago and they live in South London around 20 minutes from me.I have always flirted with Maureen any time I saw her but she always rebuffed my advances due to her being married.Long story short after a few days of relentless flirting she...

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Freshman Year Part 25

As I lay there in my post-orgasm bliss, my cock still wet from Cam's mouth. I realize that I never returned the favor. The least I could have done was give him a handjob, but he left so quickly that I didn’t even have time to think. Determined to not leave Cam wanting, I stand up, wrap a towel around myself, and head down the hall to the showers.As I walk into the bathroom, I notice a problem with my plan; more than one shower is being occupied. Pondering for a minute, I decide to risk it and...

3 years ago
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My sister and I

For years I had talked to my sister and made it very clear that I wanted to pick up where we left off just before we both moved out of our parents’ home. She knows I wear panties, knows that anytime I visit her home she comes up at least one pair of panties short. She would even ask for copies of my sexcapade tapes that I shot most of my sexual encounters. She even wanted tapes of me masturbating. I always filled her request, but she would never fill mine and even told me she would never finish...

4 years ago
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River RatChapter 27

The normal procedure when returning from a trip was to unload the gear right away, clean what needed to be cleaned and repair what needed to be repaired before heading to the Burro for a beer and a bar burger, then to a hot shower and a real bed. But on this one trip, the last of the year, they did it a little differently. There was no real rush, and the unloading, cleaning, and repairing was much more serious, and would go on for several days -- Dave and Mary and a couple members of their...

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Amys Fuck Toy Part 1

Amy's "fuck toy", part 1 i struggled furiously to grab for anything to steady myself, but the bondage mittens secured to my wrists wouldn't allow it. Even being securely bound to the bench I thought I'd fall off after every thrust. Tears and drool were pooling up on my cheeks where the straps from my gag held it deep on my wide-open mouth. My jaw ached, as did my feet in the 7" heels amy put me in, but not nearly as bad as my virgin ass. He pounded me furiously as she watched from a...

1 year ago
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Exxxtrasmall Mickey Reise Small Girl Problems

Shes just a small girl living in a huge world. From the second Mickey wakes up her tininess plagues her. Shes scared to get out of bed because the drop might kill her, she can barely see herself in the mirror as she prepares to get ready, and getting the last piece of laundry from the bottom of the tub means possible taking a ride on the spin cycle! It doesnt end there. She can barely reach her plates to make breakfast. Good thing a maintenance worker sees her and offers her a lift! Mickey was...

2 years ago
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The Masseur

The Masseur My wife Lisa and I arrived at Phil’s apartment early on Sunday afternoon for her massage. Our arrival was the culmination of much prior planning and pre-meeting activity. Phil had responded to our contact magazine advertisement for a masseur. His response stood out amongst a number of replies we had received. He included a photo and phone number, and was happy to meet us first on neutral territory. Our initial meeting with him confirmed his claim of respect, good manners, maturity...

1 year ago
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Best Night of My Life Part 4

Disclaimer: if I spell stuff wrong, sorry. I usually do fine though. When I woke up alex was still asleep with his face inches from mine. Sara was not there but I noticed a sticky note in my hair. It read "Hey sexy sorry I had to bolt out I had to go to church with my family. I'll see you guys at school! ;). Next Part will be a four way, taking place next week. I will do a recap of the week, but it was mostly me staying at Alex's and us fucking as usual. I'm kinda down...

2 years ago
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Total control

Samantha's heart was pounding in her chest as the car pulled off the main road and down the quiet lane. It wasn't like she didn't know what the plan was, she had thought it all up herself. The car pulled up in a the entrance to a field and the guy driving turned off the engine. "Well Samantha, this is it, your last chance to back out and I will totally understand if you do!". Samantha thought for a second and knew if she did back out she would regret it forever afterwards. She told her helper...

3 years ago
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BlizzardChapter 6

The girls were talking but I wasn’t processing a word. I walked straight up to Sam. She was sitting on the coffee table in front of my old armchair. I knelt down. I picked up her foot. I yanked the zipper down, pulled the boot off, and threw it into the closet. “I assumed you wouldn’t mind and--” She stopped when I looked at her. She slid back on the table and frowned and turned her eyes away. “Fuck!” I muttered in frustration. I cleared my throat and looked over my shoulder right into...

2 years ago
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How I And My Friends Became Call Girls 8211 Part III

Continuing from – Interview for Personal secretary position _II After fucking boss number two for four hours where he poured his cum into my, I was just getting used to the pounding I have to undergo for next six months. Boss number three came from the bathroom and asked my enter it. I went inside and he said. Kneel down babe…and suck…I sucked his cock again and he then pissed on my. Baby drink this and poured his piss into mouth. I drank as much possible and poured on tits. He took a glass...

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