A Benign SomethingChapter 3 free porn video

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She stopped at the front of my car, while I took the last few steps to the driver's side door. Then I carefully pushed the key into the lock and looked over at her. Gayle was standing there with her arms folded tightly against her chest, her bosom hardly visible, and a broad smile on her face. But it wasn't merely a smile, a simple display of politeness, rather a grin expressing a genuine happiness within. And, when I saw it, I couldn't help but feel the same way. Warmth suddenly filled me, and my stomach fluttered at seeing her standing there like that. I blushed and looked down at the door and slowly pulled up on the handle. The door gently popped loose, and I stepped back to open it.

"Well... Thanks again for inviting me," I said softly, not quite sure what more to say, but feeling as though those few words weren't nearly enough. And, when I gazed over at her, I giggled, as she stood there still wearing that precious grin for me.

"Thanks for coming," she replied with a little wave of the hand.

I fidgeted with my keys, smiled nervously, and, as I stepped down into the car, Gayle spoke.

"Oh... Um... Hey."

I quickly poked my head out the door and tried to stand.

Gayle held out her hand, saying, "I was, uh..." Then she chuckled and glanced down at her feet, playfully kicking one foot, adding, "I was wondering if, uh... if you'd like to go to lunch maybe... sometime... no, uh... no big deal." And then she snarled her lip for emphasis, giving a wave of the hand for more effect. Just a routine departing question, was what she seemed to be implying.

My eyes darted to the steering wheel, as my brain tried to register this sudden and unexpected request. It was beginning to feel more like a date.

"I, uh... Yeah, yeah... Um... Sure, you know, yeah. That'd be fine. Sure. I'd like that."

Gayle's smile returned and she shrugged, leaning from one foot to the other and asking if any particular day would work best for me. My eyes roamed the interior of the car once more, as I tried to think and make sense of all that was happening before me. Then I noticed my hands beginning to tremble.

"Any... Any time would, uh..."

I cleared my throat and tried to speak again.

"Any time's ok... with me," I stammered. "I, uh... Did... Did you have a certain day that'd, uh... work for you?"

She brushed a hand over her forehead and looked off for a moment, as if in thought. Then she slowly shook her head.

"Um... No, not really. Would, uh... Would tomorrow be ok? Would that work?"

My head jittered up and down.

"Yeah, sure. That'd be fine. So... Should I call you?" I asked.

Then I looked around the dashboard for a pen and paper to write on. When I finally found something, I turned back to Gayle, ready to take down her work number, but found that she had stepped over to the door. I looked up and blinked, as she stood there in front of me with her arms still folded. I went to place the small scrap of paper I'd found on the door to write, but saw that my hands were now visibly shaking, so I quickly pulled them down to my lap, placing the pen and paper on my thigh. I glanced up and nodded, and she gave me a number I could reach her at during the day.

So it was settled. I'd call her in the morning to arrange meeting her for lunch. We then parted with a few more quick, uneasy goodbyes, and, as I pulled out, I watched as Gayle slowly trudged back inside, staring down at the sidewalk, her arms folded and wrapped tightly around her chest. And in that instant, I felt sorry for her. I could empathize with her, and it ached my heart that someone like her, so alive and wonderful, would have to return to a darkened, desolate room to be left alone. But what made a tear come to my eye was the knowledge that I was now doing the same thing, what I'd been doing for the last several years, and I did so passionately hate it.

When I arrived home, I checked myself in the rearview mirror, to ensure Rachel wouldn't see that I'd been crying, and then I slowly followed the sidewalk to the front door and stepped inside.

As I lay in bed, once again alone in my own dreary tomb, I rolled over, and my eyes landed on the phone sitting on the nightstand. I wanted to call her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. In my heart, though, I knew if I did, she'd understand. So, instead, I turned away and faced the ceiling, wondering if Gayle was doing like me at that very moment, lying in bed wondering if there was any way out of this, if there was really any hope at all. Then I sighed and closed my eyes, drifting into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning, I awoke feeling hung over, weak and tired, and emotionally, if not physically, exhausted. Gayle's party had been a wakeup call for me. Something had to change in my life. What I was looking for, whatever it might be, wasn't going to come find me. I had to go get it myself. And, as I stood in the shower with my hands behind my back, letting the warm water splash over my body, long strands of wet hair dangling around my face like a curtain, I began thinking about Gayle, thinking about how this person whom I barely knew made me feel. There was just something about her, some unknown, intangible quality I couldn't quite define. My subconscious kept trying to regurgitate her being a lesbian, but I shook it out of my head.

"I'm not a lesbian," I replied softly. "And so what, if she is? That doesn't mean anything."

But my mind kept dwelling on it, kept going back to her curious smile and the way she acted when we were sitting alone in her living room or standing outside by my car. My mind was working feverishly to convince me that her motives weren't as amiable as I thought, but I knew the impetus for this notion was purely conjectural.

"You're jumping to conclusions," I mumbled, and turned to rinse my face.

And then my subconscious slipped a thought into the light where I could see it.

"She's pretty."

I stopped rinsing the shampoo from my hair and let my hands slowly drift down over my mouth. Then I turned from the spray and opened my eyes, brushing the water from them.

Did I just think that?

My subconscious presented me with a myriad of mental images, as proof of the assertion - her smile, her slender fingers and lean legs; her flowing brown hair and the way her body moved. And then I began thinking of the details, the things I couldn't see, the things hidden under her clothes. I closed my eyes, trying to make sense of these sudden bizarre thoughts. Not once had I ever looked at another woman and admired her sexuality. And the less I attempted to thwart these thoughts, the more emboldened my subconscious became and began sending a flurry of them racing to the forefront of my mind.

Standing there in the shower, I thought about Gayle and how she acted towards me. When we talked, it was as if we were connecting on an emotional and intellectual level. In short, trying to become friends. And I was genuinely interested in getting to know her, and there seemed no doubt in my mind she felt the same toward me. You can tell, when someone's faking it, when their motives are transparent. Sometimes it's overt and at others merely a gut feeling that something isn't right, but I didn't sense any duplicity in Gayle's words or actions. And what difference did it make, if she was attracted to me? Was it such an awful thing? In fact, if she were, I'd almost be forced to take it as a compliment. Over the last few years, several men had made passes at me, though I wasn't all that interested in following through. Sure, they were nice, and I was even friends with one of them, a colleague at the school where I taught, but nothing ever transpired from it. We remained friends and nothing more, and that friendship didn't seem to suffer for it. It's entirely possible to be attracted to someone, yet still maintain a purely platonic relationship with no ill effect.

As I stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel off the shelf, I found myself actually becoming flattered that Gayle would be attracted to me. I smiled and giggled at the thought, as I dried myself: another woman attracted to me, of all people. The possibility had never even crossed my mind, not once in my life.

I used the towel to wipe the steam away from the mirror, and, just before I started brushing my hair, I stood staring at my reflection. My wet hair hung limp around my face, stopping just above my eyes in front and below my neck in back. Red and long, my husband always like it that way. Many years before, when Rachel was very young, I came home one day from the salon with a new hairstyle, much shorter than I'd ever had it before. My husband took one look and gasped, making me promise never to cut it that short again. And that evening, as we lay in bed, he kissed me and held me close, saying I was the most beautiful woman he'd ever known.

It'd been a long time since someone had said that to me.

After dressing, I walked downstairs to breakfast. Rachel was sitting at the table, and we ate together. She was reading the newspaper, as usual, and asked a few questions about the dinner party at Gayle's, but otherwise it was just a routine morning.

When I arrived at school, I made my way quickly to my classroom. Today I was going to give my first period students a pop quiz, something I really disliked doing, but it was a way to keep them on their toes and ensure they did the required reading. It would also afford me a good fifteen minutes to make a call to Gayle.

The bell rang, and the last of the stragglers slowly made their way into the room, taking their seats. I announced there was going to be a quiz, and then came the obligatory groans of protest, but I apologized, saying it was for their own good, and promised to be holistic in my grading.

Once my students were fully occupied, I quietly excused myself and quickly made my way down to the teacher's lounge, not far from my room. As I opened the door, another teacher was walking out, a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Mornin', Jess."

"Hey, Todd."

Then I dashed over to the phone, before anyone could walk in on me.

I pulled out the slip of paper with Gayle's phone number at work and dialed.

"Good morning. Physical therapy. How can I direct your call?"

"Um, yeah," I said softly, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was walking into the lounge. "Is Gayle in yet? Gayle Martin."

"Yes, she is. Can I tell her who's calling, please?"

I sat down on the couch next to the phone and squirmed.

"Uh, yeah, my name's Jess. Jessica. She's expecting my call."

"Ok, I'll let her know you're on hold. Just a moment, please."

But before I could thank her, that wretched music they always play came over the line. I glanced at the clock on the wall and grimaced.

"C'mon," I mumbled.

"Hey, Jess."

Startled by those sudden words, I shot upright and grinned.

"Gayle? Hey, uh... So, I, uh, don't have a lot of time here."

I glanced at the clock again, then to my watch.

"Ok," she said. "Yeah, a client just showed up here, so we better keep it short. Thought I'd grab the phone quick, when they told me it was you."

I held the phone to my ear with both hands and felt my face turning red.

"So, um..."

"Ya know, you have a really pretty phone voice," she said with a chuckle.

I giggled in reply, and she added, "Well, and off the phone, too. I'm just saying..."

"I don't have much time," I laughed. "I gave 'em a pop quiz a few minutes ago, and they're probably done by now."

Gayle laughed, saying, "Ugh. God, those sucked. Ok, what time? When and where?"

"I, uh..."

"Want me to come over and meet you?" she asked.

My arms began trembling.

"Yeah," I whispered. "Um... You know where, right?"

"Uh huh. What time?"

"Lemme think here," I said, closing my eyes and rubbing my fingers against my forehead.

"Hurry up," she laughed.

"I'm trying!" I exclaimed with a snicker. "You're making me nervous."

Gayle laughed again.

"Sorry," she said.

"Geesh... Um, would twelve-thirty be ok? I only have a little over an hour, but if we waited till tomorrow, I'd have..."

"No," she replied quickly. "Today's fine. So, ok then, I'll meet you at twelve-thirty. By the front doors?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that'd work."

"Ok," she said. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"All right," I whispered. "Bye."

"See ya then... Oh, and Jess?"


Gayle was quiet for a moment, and I glanced at the clock once more, but smiled.

"Thanks for calling," she said. "Kinda made my morning."

"You're too much," I giggled nervously, staring down at the floor. "See ya later."

As I walked back to my classroom, I had bells on my toes. I felt so good, in fact, that when I got back to the room and saw all the quizzes sitting on my desk, I told my students they were off the hook. I wasn't going to grade them, to which they sighed in relief.

From twelve to twelve-thirty, I had to sit in the hallway down near the cafeteria with another teacher, as we worked the hall monitor shift. No one was supposed to get by us without a written pass. Her name was Gloria and was on the verge of retiring, which I think many students wished she had opted for many years before. She could be nice enough, but she did have a tendency to be cranky and play favorites with the students. As a result, whenever one of them wanted to go to their locker during lunch, they invariably came to me, if I was sitting out there with her.

When Rachel was still in high school, she told me how Gloria had a nickname with the kids. They called her "The Gestapo", because, just as how in every movie set during World War Two there was always a Gestapo agent at a train station checking papers and passports, so too did Gloria with the same fervent demeanor.

"Pay-pahs, pleez," was how Rachel verbalized it, using an exaggerated German accent.

I, on the other hand, was referred to as "Mother Theresa", for the mercy I tended to hand out freely to everyone with even a mediocre sob story.

So, as I sat on one side of the hallway and Gloria the other, where she sat reading, I tried to wave the kids over to me, as they approached, partly to help them and partly to kill thirty minutes.

At twenty after twelve, a young girl from the main office came walking down the hall. I was talking to a student, when she stopped next to me.

"Mrs. Clarke, you have a visitor at the office."

I glanced at my watch.

"Already?" I mumbled, but with a broad smile.

Gloria looked up from her book.

"Yeah, go on," she said. "Only a few more minutes left."

"Thanks," I replied happily and jumped up from my chair.

As I made my way quickly to the office, I passed two boys walking toward Gloria. When they saw me leaving, they stopped in their tracks and frowned.

"Sorry," I whispered, as I zipped past them.

The main office was far on the other side of the building, so by the time I reached it, I was nearly sprinting and out of breath. But, when I turned the corner, there she was. Gayle was sitting on a bench in the hall with one leg crossed over the other, twirling her sunglasses in her hand. I came to a screeching halt, just as she turned to see what the commotion was. And, when she smiled at me, mine grew wider. Then she stood and picked up a plastic bag next to her, along with two large sodas in a cardboard holder.

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A Lifes Lesson

A Life's Lesson Daniel became aware of the darkness first, a void with no light, no sound, no feeling. Slowly his senses began to return to him. He became aware of pain, terrible pain all over his body and a cold hard table beneath him. Sound began to assault his ears; a cacophony of voices yelling over each other to a point he could understand nothing being said. Finally his sight began to return and he saw the ceiling and realized there were doctors and nurses crowded all around...

1 year ago
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New Career1862Chapter 2

"Oh, My Lord, John! What have you done to me!?! I will be your slave for life if you can keep doing that! Never in my life have I felt such ecstasy while fucking. Always before, it has been a case of pain that might get less as the man did his thing, but I never felt such feelings as that. Please give it to me again whenever you can and feel like it!" "Mary, I am not sure that I can even come close to that every time, but you can be assured that I will try. It was just as good for me as...

2 years ago
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Bhabhi Ki Javani 8211 Part II

Hi friends once again pantherforuall will continue from previous session Bhabhi Ki Javani will now continue15 minutes baad meybhi jaad gaya uske chut me puravirya chod diya jeevan ke sab such ekjagepe aur auratka chut ka shukh ek jagephe. Hum 5 min ek dushrepe soye rahe phir bhabhi utkar bathroom nikal gayi, Thode baad me ake so gayi. Usraat bhabhi se pyar ki shurarat ho chuki thi uske baad maine apne kapde Barabar pehenke bathroom fresh hone gaya toilet me jake dekha tho pura samaan...

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The Notebook

A notebook has fallen to planet earth with the ability to change reality. Whatever is written inside changes reality. You can travel through time, change people's fetishes, change laws and rules, change societal norms. Anything you want to become reality can become so. Who will be the lucky person to find this notebook? What will they use it for? They can fulfill their wildest fantasies by just writing in a notebook. They can relive any moment in their life the way they want to live it. The...

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The Promise

THE PROMISE by J R D It was a little before 2 on a Tuesday when he got the call. He answered with his usual, "Parker residence." The voice on the other end of the line said, "Mister Shawn Parker, this is officer James of the city police. There's been an accident. Your wife has been seriously injured. You need to come down to Mercy General. Now." He almost missed the cradle returning the phone to its base. He didn't even shut off the computer where he was coding a...

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jerking off for myra

Myra is an old friend who is just shy of 79. Her husband died about 5 years ago and she worked from home and did art work for ads and marking. I've done business with Myra for about 15 years. We would flirt from time to time saying things like didn't your mom tell ya never let strangers in your house and things like that. Hey I was doing yard work and going to take a shower, and I would respond I'll be right over and she she would say sorry I'm too old for you. I am now 46 so almost a 30 year...

2 years ago
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Summer job

I am teen girl and get a summer job with my black neighbor, and he and other black fuck me.The bad economy over the past several years has been devastating to many families. It has also made it hard for high school students to get decent summer jobs. My father told me that he would buy me a good, used car, but I needed to work to pay for the insurance and upkeep. I started looking for a job in March, hoping to be able to start at the beginning of June.My name is Katy, and I live with my parents...

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Jimmy P9

So i was just coming downstairs on a good looking sunny morning, when my mother started yelling my name."Jimmy! Jimmy!" she cried out from the kitchen."What? What?" i yelled back as i entered the kitchen.My mother stood there in the kitchen, in a blue bikini top, holding in her big saggy mature tits, and a matching sarong, busy cooking breakfast, and replied "Don't disappear this morning! i need you to go get me bits for the BBQ today!""When did i become your personnel gopher?" i asked...

3 years ago
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Football or Sex

Introduction: Brandon Hall is dying to watch his favorite Spanish soccer league while his wife, Mila, is intent on tricking him to bed. As the rain slumped down on the window, Mila stood upright, clinging both hands to the bleak, lucid glass before her. A countless contemplations were rushing through her mind. Was it best to fall asleep alone tonight? Or to lure her husband, Brandon, from watching his most loved soccer league and make love to her preferably. Of course! She would attempt to...

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Dreams of Jeannie Ch 03

‘Whew. That was good stuff,’ Joe said. Dave raised his eyebrows and nodded vigorously. Jeannie smiled demurely. ‘Say Jeannie, why don’t you go freshen up and then go to mall for a little bit?’ Joe said. Jeannie smiled and nodded and left the room to shower the cum off of her pussy and ass. Joe looked at Dave. ‘Another benefit of the hypnosis,’ Joe said, ‘Is I finally convinced her to go to the mall alone.’ Dave laughed. ‘I think I could use some of that suggestion with my wife,’ Dave...

1 year ago
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My Cousin My Lover

MY COUSIN. MY LOVER. This is the first time ever true story written by my cousin. This is also her first posting .Please be kind. As far back as I can remember, I have had a huge crush on my 2nd cousin. I should say that he is 13 years older than me. When I was 14, my Mom, sister and I were all out at his families house for the annual 4th of July BBQ. I had gone downstairs by myself to use the restroom and saw him changing into his bathing suit through a crack in the door of the downstairs...

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Kidnapped and Collared

The bell rang, and the students filed out into the corridors, blissfully unaware that their beloved school was being watched   The bell rang, and the students filed out into the corridors, blissfully unaware that their beloved school was being watched. You see, one student was quite different; she was the daughter of an Arabian oil tycoon. She strolled down the corridors, with her two best friends blabbing away about the day?s events, as she felt a shiver run down her neck. Aurora was...

2 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 10 Road Trip EastChapter 24 Alabama

Ashley’s bus pulled up to the Birmingham Convention Center at two o’clock on Saturday afternoon. Ashley, Kyle, Marina, Dave, and everyone else that had been in the Wednesday rehearsal got off the bus. Behind the bus, a two-axle truck also pulled up and stopped. A few minutes later, a dozen ‘roadies’ from the BCC were unloading the truck and carrying the band’s musical instruments into the large arena. Ashley took Dave’s hand and led him into the large theater. She explained, “I’ve sung here...

2 years ago
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Sshhh Caught By My Boss Ch 1

I can't believe that I was so stupid! It was just a stupid dare and bet. Something that I would never have done if we hadn't been drinking that night. But all of you know that alcohol is never a good thing when you end up doing something that you shouldn't. And because I was drinking, because my friends dared me and even bet me a month's rent on my apartment if I would do it I ended up in the fix that I am in now.If only my boss wasn't so bitchy. Oh God, please don't tell her that! She'll kill...

1 year ago
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Lady in Red Ch 14

Ted was sitting at the kitchen table having a cup of coffee when Gwen came through the door. ‘Sweetheart! I’m so sorry you had to experience such tragedy yesterday. But, I’m extremely proud of the way you handled the situation. I would’ve come to the hospital with Paula and Lisa, but Kate was here with some of her friends. They were all pretty shook up and your mom and I felt it was important that one of us be here for them. She was very worried about you and Steve and feels terrible about the...

1 year ago
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Bla Book 4 TimewalkerChapter 3

It was daylight. Tabatha woke up itching and scratching. The ants had found her during the night. Her whole body was inflamed with their biting. She rose and began to brush the tiny red monsters off her, then saw the thousands that were parading in a foot-wide line in toward where she slept. "K-rap on this!" she cried. She ran out of Béla's Ruins (That's what she'd named her new home, since Béla had once lived there and that's where she found Béla's Praetor) and toward the river –...

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Roger and Cynthia Naked in SchoolChapter 11

They entered the room where the class was meeting. It was filled with mats arranged in a circle ringing a mat in the center and many pillows were strewn around, covering the mats. There was a fireplace with a fire going and the room was comfortably warm; there were numerous candles flickering around the room and the scent of incense filled the air. A gentle oriental melody completed the room’s ambience. Four more couples arrived; they were in their forties, the kids figured. Then another...

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Spanking session part II

Continued------ I have seen her face. She was looking beautiful. She asked me, am I ready for spanking? I replied, “Yes.” "OK, then." Alysia pointed to the wall where paddles and straps hung. "Please get me the light paddle at the end" she told me, pointing to the wall. I did as she ordered and went to her right side and handed her the paddle. She ordered me to lie over her lap. I lay over Alysia's lap, my cock against her bare thigh. The erotic feeling of Alysia's bare thigh against my cock...

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Maddie and Drew Chapter Two

The next time I wake, my first thoughts go to the familiar hangover that is still lingering, but I figure that it is a safe bet that this is the type that could be persuaded to dissipate with a stomach full of food. My second thoughts go to a persistent itchy spot on my face, an itch which, upon further investigation with my fingertips, my mind is sharp enough to recognize as dried cum. That realization reminds me of Drew, which makes the warm body behind me and the arm draped over my waist...

Oral Sex
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Revenge is best served blonde Prt 3 Secrets

This night just kept getting more and more screwed up as it went on, and to top it all off, when I had my doubts and guilt about the whole situation Ali told me that Sara came home with a hickey on a night that I was not with her... “That bitch was cheating on you!?” Ali said, seemingly almost more angry than I was. “Yeah I think she is.” I said quietly. “Like for sure? She is for sure cheating on you? There is no way you gave her a hickey on that day?” Ali asked desperately. “No, on...

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Sylvias Revenge Part 2

Sylvia's Revenge Part 2 I struggled for awhile with the bondage that Sylvia had so effectively applied but it was immediately apparent that she had done her homework. I could barely move any part of my body. After a time I gave up and shortly thereafter I fell into a restless sleep. When I awoke Sylvia had returned and was watching me from the foot of the bed. "It's time to move you to our little hideaway," she said. I hoped that there would be a chance to overpower her...

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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 20

I awoke with a warm body snuggled up against me, judging by the angle of the sun in the window, it was just past noon. I nudged Kirsten. Only it wasn't Kirsten. At some point Samantha had joined me and Kirsten had left. "You're awake," she noted, "how are you feeling?" "Much better. That was the most mental manipulating I have ever done at one time and I had no idea how draining it would be." There was still a bit of lethargy, but I saw no need to worry her. "You probably...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 85 ldquoItrsquos not that simplerdquo

December 19, 2000, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota “Given the conversation we just had, and my judgment of your personality,” Doctor Chin said when I finished, “I believe it’s OK to be direct. May I?” “Always,” I replied. “I do have to say, before you speak, that you did a very, very good job of not reacting to some of the revelations.” “My first year of Residency was working with abused boys, ages six to sixteen. I opted to specialize in adults after that.” “I think I can understand...

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ASSWAS Sex Bracelets 1

The following is true and written to the best of my recollection:My addiction to "Anonymous and Spontaneous Sex With Any Stranger(s) (ASSWAS)" began with a successful hookup through Craigslist. After a few emails, I met the guy in a parking lot and gave him head in my car. It was exhilarating, but I was hoping for something more spontaneous as well as even more anonymous.The next experience was in an adult video store at the glory hole. It wasn't as satisfying as I expected having to wait for a...

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Aji having sex with elder sister Latha

Sex is a fantastic experience. Being wthout sex is like being without food or water to drink. When you are aroused sifficiently you forget the relationship or the circumstances. Long ago while studying in the school I, Aji was in the XII standard and my elder sister, Latha was in the second year degree.During exam time we used to sit in one room and study so that we need put on one light and one fan and save on electricity. Our parents never bothered about these things and they go to bed early....

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2 Different Women 2 Different Cities 1 Wonderful Day part one

I had met Julie at a bar. She was a nice girl. Not exactly a superstar model, but more of a “plain Jane”. After a few weeks of dating I discovered her true talent. She was wicked in the bedroom. A few of “firsts” for me, especially some light bondage. But this story focus is on one day I will not forget. It started mid morning with a phone call. “Brian, its Peggy.” After a small pause, I replied. “Hello, what do you want?” “I need to see you. Can we meet someplace?” she asked. My...

4 years ago
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Hawk Chapter 19

Their trip to Italy had been an enjoyable experience. On the flight home, they discussed where they might go next, Elizabeth saying she’d like to visit Ireland, while Tommy suggested a European river cruise. They talked for hours about different possibilities and places they wanted to see.But something about their relationship had changed. They both felt it, but neither of them mentioned it. The night in Rome at the rooftop bar had made a serious impact on them. While they had many wildly...

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A Visit to a Swinger Party

Hi, this happened last Thursday. Hopefully it will give reader an idea of what really happens in a swinger house.THE PROPOSALSo my good friend Camila invited me to attend a swinger party that she visits before and I accept her invite. She is 24 and a very beautiful woman. I meet her through other friends that I had relations. She also has this secret slut life like me. The party was free for single women. Couples paid a fee and alone males were only by invite.THE CLOTHINGI decided to wear...

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Sam was fifty four years old and his fuck buddy was twenty two year old Amy. He loved young petite Amy with the huge tits and great ass as she loved fucking his long thick cock. Today he grabbed her and shoved her against the wall and ripped open her blouse making the buttons fly across the room. He unsnapped her bra and grabbed her huge rack. He rubbed his hands all over her tits and pulled on the nipples as he tongue kissed her shoving his tongue deep in her mouth. Then he moved his mouth to...

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The Dog Ate Suzies HomeworkChapter 3

Mr. and Mrs. Griffin invited Suzie to their beach cottage for the weekend. She would be babysitting for them on Saturday night and would have a bedroom all to herself with a private bathroom. It was the prospect of some interesting nighttime activities that made her agree to the proposal more than the opportunity to make extra cash. She had become very attached to Mr. Griffin's cock after he used it to batter open her pussy and deprive her of her pretty little cherry. His follow-up...

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