Wolves And Dragons Of The Blood - Book 2: A Spartan's WarChapter 2 free porn video

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"It is truly beautiful here Martin." Tarifa spoke softly.

They walked along the garden path within the walls of Martin's villa above Sparta. The day was warm but a cool breeze through the mountains from the east was lazily blowing across the land. Tarifa wore a loose fitting ankle length gown of light blue with a seductive cut down the middle of her abdomen that highlighted her tanned skin and firm breasts. Walter had created the elves here on Earth to not be shy about their sexuality, especially the female elves, and it showed in their dress and their actions. Many of them tended to be very open about their desires and wants, and they were not afraid of trying new things. However, when they fell in love and married, they were very much like the Lycavorian people and they stayed with that person for the rest of their lives, no matter how long that was.

She had come to Sparta for the first time two days ago to begin a round of meetings and conferences with the leaders of almost every elf clan across the planet, as well as the vast majority of the human settlements that had not been cowed by the High Coven while they were in power. When she wasn't meeting with different leaders, she was touring the city with Martin or Kmyla, the elf mate of Martin's Captain. She had gone with Martin to pay her respects and honor to Julie's family and then to the small service they held for her. Sparta was not as she had imagined it to be. It was larger than she thought, and much more slowly paced than Eden City or the settlements in North America. Of course Sparta had been spared during the Battle for Earth as it was now referred to by many, while Eden City had been nearly destroyed despite their best attempts to the contrary. Tarifa had to admit though; things were rapidly coming together as more of the smaller elf clans from across the globe were asking to be moved lock, stock and barrel to Eden City or one of the closer High Elf cities. Governor Kadeem in Salina was happily reporting his population had nearly doubled with the influx of elves and men, and construction there was ramping up nicely.

Since their first times together she and Martin had drifted apart in a sexual way and grown far closer in another way. Tarifa was the oldest of her parent's six children, and Martin was now the big brother she had never had. Tarifa knew he would never refuse to see her, never deny her advice, and no matter what, if she called him for help he would come.

"Did you love him Tarifa?" Martin asked softly as they walked.

Tarifa looked at him as she stopped by the large patch of yellow and white lilies. "Yes." She answered without hesitation.

"But?" Martin said.

"Not as much as I love Nya Istel." Tarifa told him. "Does that make me a bad person Martin?"

"No ... it makes you an honest person." Martin replied. "Do you think he didn't know that? Do you think that mattered to him?"

"I'm sure he suspected." Tarifa answered. "Nessia and Narcissa were overjoyed to see me, and they told me they wished Nya Istel had come as well. Nessia said we would always be welcome in their home."

"And you will be." Martin said. "Tarifa ... Dekton was not a stupid man. He knew full well that he would never be able to separate you and Aihola. Hell ... everyone knew that within the first two months of you being together. He didn't want to do that. He loved you both equally but he knew you loved each other more. That is not something to be ashamed of."

"If only I can convince Nya Istel of that." Tarifa spoke softly. "She still believes she is responsible for his death."

"I saw the report from the field medic." Martin spoke surprising Tarifa. "Anja confirmed it only two days later."

"How did he die Martin?"

"He was hit by five of those plasma bolts." Martin said. "All of them center mass of his body. One severed his spine and fused the wound open. It nicked his heart so badly that he was bleeding out inside. There was nothing anyone could have done for him. The medic said Aihola got less than a pint of blood from him based on the condition of her wounds when they got her to the hospital. There was no more blood left in his body for her to take. She didn't kill him Tarifa."

"I knew that Martin." Tarifa spoke waving her hand dismissively. "How do I get her to realize that and let it go? She has nightmares, terrible nightmares. And she pulls away from my embraces now. She thinks I hate her for taking Dekton from us. I could never hate her. I could do nothing but love her more."

"I would talk to her for you but I think that may only do more damage than good." He said.

Tarifa nodded in agreement. "Thank you for that, but I think this is something she needs to work out on her own. I ... I don't want to lose her Martin. I couldn't live without her in my life."

Martin pulled her into his embrace and she hugged him tightly; a sister hugging her big brother. "Give her time Tarifa. Give her time and love. She will come around. You have to believe in her love for you." He felt Tarifa nod her head against his chest and then she pulled back and looked at him.

"I haven't seen Aricia, or Anja or Dysea. Why aren't they here with you?" She asked.

Martin forced a smile as his own problems came to him. "This thing with Yuri has them all very upset with me." He said.

"Martin ... what she did? It is really no different than rape." Tarifa spoke. "She used you! Lied to you and misled you. Would they prefer she had killed you and then it would not be an issue?"

Martin chuckled. "I don't think they want that. They are upset because I have a child out there somewhere, and it is not a child of theirs. I think it bothers Aricia most of all."

"You did not know what you were Martin." Tarifa said. "I have spoken to others at length about your time on EDEN with Yuri; Admiral Wallace most of all. She did nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that would have given you a hint as to your true nature."

"I can't really use the "she raped me" defense." Martin said with a smile. "That probably wouldn't fly."

"You know what I mean." Tarifa spoke poking him in the ribs.

"I think it will work out." He said finally. "I'm flying back in the morning. I'll pull them aside one at a time and try to explain myself. I'm not going to abandon a child of mine. I don't care if this daughter is half of the woman I most want to string up by her entrails. They will either understand it or they won't."

Tarifa laughed now herself. "String her up by her entrails?"

Martin shrugged. "First thing that came to mind."

Tarifa smiled feeling emotionally better than she had since the end of the war. Her time here had been so soothing and peaceful. And Martin could always put her at ease with his manner. "The ships start arriving tomorrow." She spoke. "Ambassador Legsim has offered to take me up in a STRIKER so that I can watch. It will truly be awe inspiring."

"I'm sure it will." He said.

"When do you leave for your new home?" Tarifa asked the question she had avoided until now.

"About a week, but I want you to know this Tarifa. Sparta is my home." Martin said. "It will always be my home. As will Eden City. That will not change no matter what I am. If there are people who don't like that they can line up and kiss my ass!"

Tarifa burst out the first real laughter she had experienced in the days since Dekton's death. "Will you walk me to my STRIKER?" Tarifa asked with a smile. "I sort of like having one of those machines all to myself."

Martin laughed and they began walking again, her arm around his waist and his arm over her shoulders.

Brother and sister.

Martin waved at the STRIKER as it lifted into the blue sky and he waited until it was gone before he turned to head back to the villa. Walter's father Panos had taken it upon himself to have a landing pad built just outside the villa's main defensive wall for ease of use and the comings and goings of the King and Queens. Outside the main defensive wall that surrounded the villa's estate was a huge ring of ground sensors that were constantly monitored by a Spartan Royal Guard from the new single story building that sat adjacent to the guest quarters south of the main building. The sensors swept around the villa for a mile in every direction as Panos knew of the propensity for his King and Queens to get out and run in the early morning hours in their wolf forms. Since their victory, the Spartan Senate led by Dilios had been very active in their doings, almost immediately naming Panos as the Governor of Sparta. Their second motion had been to grant honorary Senate seats to Tarifa, Aihola and even Selene for their times here during meetings and gatherings. It was a first in Sparta's history, non-Spartan individuals sitting on the Senate, but it was the biggest indication to Martin that old prejudices, while still felt and burning under the surface, those prejudices were slowly being removed.

Twenty thousand elves and humans had come to Sparta at the end of the war to help protect and shape it. Panos had sent nearly fifty thousand Spartan Centurions out across what used to be Europe and Middle Asia to help elves and humans to throw off the remnants of the High Cover rule, destroying the small vampire outposts that dotted the lands.

Martin had remained on the LEONIDAS I in orbit that first night, mainly because he knew his Queens wanted nothing to do with him after hearing he had a child, especially a half vampire child with the witch Yuri. He walked along the corridors of the ship marveling in its power and size, talking with dozens of crewmen, asking dozens of questions, and absorbing everything he could about the ship that bore his father's name. He didn't know that his mother had remained and given them a somewhat abbreviated course in Lycavorian history. He had kept his psychic shields locked down very tightly, denying even their gentlest of tapping against his shields since then. And they were tapping constantly. More than anything he had felt hurt that they would treat him in such a way. He knew and understood how angry they had to be, but to act as they had when they knew he could not have known any of the information they had heard that day hurt him.

They are young and very powerful Alpha females, His mother had told him that night on the ship. They acted possessively and as any female wolf would act when confronted with the same situation. Give them time my son, like you this is all very new to them as well. Even Aricia who has been wolf all of her life.

How much time, Martin mused as he walked. He had not been near them in three days and he was beginning to show the signs of that. His blood burned to be with them, especially Aricia, and he wanted to lose himself within their auras and their scents. It was maddening not having them around him.

Martin's keen eyes caught the quick movement in the timber to his right and he stopped walking and turned. It was a flash really, a flash of hind quarters with dark fur. The wind was blowing into the timber, carrying his smell into the trees away from him so he could not detect any type of scent from whatever it was. But he had seen it.

There! Deeper into the timber this time, and it was definitely a wolf with black fur, and much closer than he first thought. Martin knew there was no way just any wolf could stroll onto the villa's estate and move around without a hundred Spartans descending upon them, and even though he could not smell her, given the color of her coat it could only be one person. Martin squatted on the path looked into the timber and lowered his shields to her alone.

[Mindvoice Shielded] Why are you skulking about the timber Aricia? Are you waiting for a good spot to attack me?

I could never attack you my love. You would not answer us when we called. We could not stand it anymore and we came here.

Martin closed his eyes when her soft voice filled his head and he felt the surge of desire for her sweep through him. When he opened them again they had changed to the yellow/gold color of the wolf within him.

I was under the impression you did not want my company.

Martin saw her clearly then, the muzzle of her snout poking out from behind the wide tree. Her black fur was every bit as dark as his own, and it rustled softly in the wind. Her azure blue eyes were two glowing points of light that pierced his soul.

I will always want your company. We will always want your company. You are our mate. Come to me Martin Leonidas.

Aricia ... this...

Martin saw her turn her body slightly and flip her luscious tail up in his direction making her intentions known in the universal wolf language and then she broke for the trees.

Anja and Dysea knew they did not have the experience and skill to get this close to you in wolf form. They asked me to find you. Come to me Martin my love. I burn for you. We burn for you.

In a flash of silver/white light Martin had changed. His fur was raven black, the muscles tightly bunched like cords of steel rippling along his back, haunches and chest. He was almost four feet tall at the shoulders and only five pounds shy of three hundred when in his wolf form. Yet for his massive size, the largest wolf to have lived since his father, Martin was blindingly fast. His huge paws, equipped with black razor like claws dug into the earth of the path and he exploded towards the timber as if shot from a gun.

Catch me if you can! Aricia's musical voice sounded in his head with a laugh.

Martin growled in his chest and dug his paws harder into the ground, propelling his body forward and quickly reaching the treeline. He could smell her now, where she had stood, and it caused a swell of desire to shudder through him as he continued to run. He had forgotten the joys of running in his wolf form, the scents that swarmed around him. It was something he had discovered when he was still very young, and there were times when he wished he could remain a wolf forever. He darted quickly through the trees, a blur of motion, using his tail to make blinding cuts and turns, his huge paws kicking up leaves and dirt as he planted them into the soft earth. His chest rumbled like a finely tuned engine as he moved, sensing the terrain all around him, the scents of several small animals scurrying to get away from the black monster that moved with such speed and agility. Martin could smell their fear in the air, but he ignored them. There was only one scent he wanted now. Aricia appeared to be following the small stream that ran through the villa's estate toward the ten foot high waterfall that sat in a shallow depression and Martin cut sharply east to try and beat her to where he knew she was going. He breathed evenly, and could feel her probing his mind trying to find out where he was and what he was doing.

That's cheating. He told her with a laugh, her scent still filling his flared nostrils and making happiness course through him.

No fair! She exclaimed though Martin could hear her playfulness in her words.

Martin realized she had stopped moving and must have lost his scent when he changed direction. He slowed to a stop and lifted his large head, sniffing the air and her lavender coco scent washed over him like a blanket. There was something else too, faint and sweet, but barely there on the edge of his perception. He stepped around the large boulder and saw the natural waterfall to his right, the clear mountain water pouring over the edge ten feet above him. He saw her by the tree, crouched low to the clean mossy ground, her paws gathered under her ready to pounce at a moments notice. Her own corded muscles rose and fell beneath her black fur, and her flanks looked especially delicious since she had started using a Spartan training regime several months ago. There was not an ounce of fat remaining on her lithe body, all of it was firm, lush flesh, and that made her leaner and more beautiful in her wolf form as well.

Where are you my love? Have you lost interest in me so soon?

Martin stepped up behind her silently and allowed his eyes to wander over her body and he felt the familiar urge tug in his belly and loins. Not lost interest. He told her with a lustful growl. Found my prey.

Aricia's body tensed at his words and she spun around quickly, her azure blue eyes going wide as she saw how close he was. She shifted quickly, the silver/white light shimmering rapidly and then disappearing, leaving her back in her human form and gloriously naked. Martin stood there somewhat in shock and surprise, but also because he loved the view.

Her skin was perfect in every way, tanned to a light bronze color. Her legs were long and muscular, ending in the most perfectly shaped ass Martin had ever seen. Her raven black hair hung down to the middle of those gorgeous ass cheeks, surrounding her beautiful face and eyes. Her breasts were full and firm, topped by small but delicious nipples and quarter sized areolas. His eyes drifted down to her center and he saw the thin strip of black hair above her obviously excited opening and he could smell her arousal as it hung in the air heavily. Aricia had grown more confident and sure of herself these last months and she looked at him with lust in her eyes. He was the largest wolf she had ever seen in her hundred and eleven years of life, as black as night and so powerful. Looking at him, even in his wolf form caused her body to become heated with desire. He had possessed her that night so long ago, made her feel things she had never thought possible, making her his for eternity. He could be gentle and caring or he could be dominating and powerful, and that is what she so loved about him.

Not to mention that he was simply gorgeous and could make her body sing to the moon with his size and stamina. Is my husband and mate going to change so that he can have me? Or will you simply stare and leave me to shiver in the chill?

Aricia smiled when the silver/white flash signified his change and then he was there in front of her equally naked and so very aroused. She gazed at him hungrily; his engorged cock the largest she had ever seen, though he was the only one she had ever seen. The only one she ever wanted to see now. Desire and need flamed her body even more than normal. She had been more aroused than usual their last time together, and had prodded him for more even after they had been together twice. He had been more than willing to fulfill her needs as Anja and Dysea had lain there utterly exhausted in their bed.

I like staring at you. He told her.

Aricia couldn't contain herself any longer and she stepped up to him and crushed her lips upon his. They had been such fools to think he would deceive them. His thoughts were always open for them to explore, something she, Anja and Dysea had done on many occasions as they lay in their bed together. They knew each other's thoughts and desires and even their deepest secrets. They held nothing back from each other, yet they had allowed instinct to overrule their minds as Gorgo had said. When he had shut them from his mind for these last three days and nights, it had been the loneliest and most empty feeling any of them had experienced, and even lying wrapped together in their bed without him had not eased the ache. Aricia groaned in passion when his arms crushed her too him and they were suddenly rolling on the soft, mossy ground at their feet. His hands wandered her body, igniting small fires wherever they touched, increasing the burning desire for him to a fevered level. She needed him, and Aricia was not about to be denied.

She shifted her hips on top of him, feeling his enormous thickness between her thighs and she gasped when his hands grasped her firm ass cheeks and lifted her quickly. Aricia tore her lips from his and cried out in delight when she realized his need for her matched her own for him, and he lifted her hips, shifted under her and impaled her completely in a single, powerful stroke that sent her over the edge. Her head fell to the crook of his shoulder as her orgasm erupted throughout her heated body and every wonderfully thick portion of his huge cock throbbed deeply within her belly. Aricia gasped again when he rolled over on top of her and looked into her gorgeous eyes. She only smiled with passion clouded eyes as he poised to possess her, her arms going around his broad shoulders, her long legs curling up along his hips, her fangs extended in passion.

Take me my love! Take me now! She shouted into his mind.

Aricia tilted her head back and screamed as he began to plunge into her with dominating power and overwhelming need. Her orgasms came fast and furious and so very powerfully. Her belly clenched as each wave hit, her muscles threatening to rip through her skin, his mint scent filling her nostrils, enveloping her. He had never taken her like this before, and it was sending her into a world of breath stealing bliss she never wanted to leave. Her hands clutched at his powerful back as he stroked deeply into her, reaching places as yet untouched, her azure blue eyes open wide in wondrous sensations, her mouth open and fangs fully extended in breathless gasps. She could feel every throbbing vein on his cock, pulsing within her with burning heat, stretching her in a way only he could with his size. The muscles of his shoulders and back flexed and released in exertion, possessing her very essence. Her hands went to his clenching ass, gripping his cheeks tightly, urging him onward. Martin answered her urgings with steady, unrelenting power. A power of love and passion and desire unlike anything he had yet shown her, his aura flowing out through every pore of his body and flowing into her.

She gasped when he rolled over again and sat up quickly, causing her to sink even further on his thick shaft. When she felt his throbbing balls press against her pussy lips, searing her with their heat and fullness and anchoring her to him Aricia howled in lustful abandon. She pulled his head to her firm sweaty breasts, her cries increasing when he took her painfully hard nipple within his soft mouth, his tongue teasing the bud madly. Overcome by the lust and desire Aricia did something she had never done before; never even thought about before, but it was almost as if her very soul guided her in her actions.

She bent her head and sank her wolf fangs deeply into his shoulder.

Martin's yellow/gold eyes burst open in an exquisite combination of pain and unyielding pleasure and quite instinctively like Aricia, as if some hidden force was guiding him, he bit down as well, his fangs piercing Aricia's firm, supple breast just as deeply as hers bit into him. The moment they tasted each other's blood, it was as if the volcano within each of them erupted violently. Martin grew impossibly huge inside her and their bodies went almost painfully rigid. Aricia felt his essence rushing through the length of his deeply buried cock, her pussy muscles clamping down on his shaft as her orgasm hit her like a meteor striking the surface of the planet. Their heads came away from each other, their lips stained with each other's blood and they howled to the clouds above as his essence exploded into her depths, and her sweet liquids flooded from her like a bursting dam. Four times he convulsed ... five ... six times he erupted into her, each time more powerful than the last, until finally he was spent and he pulled her back to the soft earth on top of him their hearts hammering so loudly they could hear them even without their wolf acute senses.

They dropped all their psychic shields then, and they felt the heated auras of both Anja and Dysea wash over them like a warm blanket chasing the chill away. Anja's musical voice entered their minds and they smiled.

God you two ... what are you doing to each other? She spoke, the thick passion in her voice obvious to both of them. Dysea and I are going crazy here! Bring him back quickly Little Wolf! He still has two mates who need him just as badly.

Aricia chuckled and lifted her head from his chest, staring into Martin's face. I will Anja. He still has much to do tonight, to all of us.

Nauta Melme ... we burn for you. Dysea's soft passion filled voice spoke now.

Martin opened his eyes and looked into Aricia's face. He growled within their minds, a hungry passionate growl. I am going to nibble your elf ears until you are screaming Melda Min.

They felt Anja and Dysea pulse their auras to them strongly, reaching for them.

Hurry! We want both of you! Anja exclaimed.

Martin looked at Aricia and sat back up easily, even with her perched on his chest as she was. He traced the now healing puncture holes from his teeth on her perfect breast and licked the remaining blood from his fingertip.

Never with anyone else Aricia. This ... this only we will share.

Aricia took his face in her hands. I love you Martin Leonidas. With all that I am. I will never betray you, never hurt you. Nothing will ever come between us as long as I have your love.

You will always have my love Aricia. Nothing could ever change that.

Our mates wait for us my love. She said feeling Anja's aura tugging at her insistently. She and Anja had a very special relationship and it grew deeper as more time past and they shared each other with blissful abandon. And I for one will enjoy the flavor of Anja's essence tonight as excited as she is.

You'll have to beat me there.

Martin gently moved her off his hips and slid her to the ground and in a silver/white flash of light he was racing through timber towards the villa.

That is not fair! Aricia exclaimed as she too shifted and began sprinting after him.

Don't worry Little Wolf. I intend to have you again tonight, many times if you'll allow me.

I'll always allow you. Aricia spoke happily as she raced after his huge black wolf form. But I want Anja first my love.

Aricia heard Martin chuckle in her head as he cut through the timber with graceful ease, slowing his loping gallop to allow her to catch up and run beside him.

And you shall have her first. I have a taste for platinum colored elf ears right now and the flavor of wildflowers.

You are so good to us my love.

Martin nipped at her flank playfully as they ran, his yellow/gold eyes glittering with delight and passion. You will always be first Aricia.

Aricia yipped back in a wolf voice as she cut for the villa wall. I know my love. But Anja and Dysea are in our blood as well. And I will beat you to them both this night.

Martin chuckled. I'm faster than you Aricia.

Perhaps Martin, She announced cheerfully. But you are also not watching where you are going either my love.

Martin turned his head quickly, slamming his paws into the dirt as the briar bush reared up in front of him. His yellow/gold eyes flared in surprise.

Too late he knew.

Oh shit ... this is going to hurt.

Aricia laughed hysterically as she leaped the villa's six foot wall easily, hearing the crashing sounds of a large body into the briar bush, and Martin's cussing reached her ears.

"I had forgotten how beautiful Sparta was." Gorgo said softly as she walked beside Riall towards the villa's entrance. She held his hand tightly and felt him squeeze her fingers gently, passing his love and warmth to her with a small portion of his aura. Gorgo looked at him with smiling dark eyes and gripped his hand tighter.

"We will make it a point to return here often if that is what you wish." Riall said. "This was the place of your birth Gorgo, and many years of happiness. Hopefully our victory here has washed away the pain of what you lost here."

Gorgo smiled. "It has Riall, of that I am sure. And I would love to come back with you and the children. They should know where I came from, and if they come here perhaps they will have a better understanding of who I am."

"You are their mother, and that is all that matters to them Gorgo." Riall spoke.

Gorgo squeezed his hand even tighter and leaned over to nuzzle her mate. She had once thought she would never find love again, yet he had been there from the beginning right in front of her. When she had finally discovered that, Gorgo had embraced it and never looked back. Their six children only reinforced that love to her.

Riall nuzzled her back showing his mate his love as any Alpha male would. He looked up and saw that they were approaching the main door, Andreus leading them by several meters. He stopped and turned to the others that accompanied them this day, gazing on them as they continued up to where he stood. There were six of them, the four men and two women. Three of the men and one of the women were the senior representatives of the four largest Engineering Corporations that had left Apo Prime to come here. They were dressed meticulously and very formally to greet their new King and Riall had no doubt they were in for a large shock. None of them were Lycavorian and therefore could not Mindvoice. Two of the men were Acamarian political appointees to their respective Corporations. Corant was a Senior Executive for the Acamarian Engineering Board, the second Acamarian was also a senior executive, but for Dynamic Engineering Systems, an Acamarian held company. The third man was a Senior Partner for the Terraijiin held Nodon Engineering Systems, the largest ship building corporation in the Union. The woman was a Folcani and the senior Haulta officer of the small but powerful Haulta Resource Management Corporation. The RMC dabbled in ship building but was mainly interested in resource gathering.

Same as Wolves and Dragons of the Blood - Book 2: A Spartan's War
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 26

EARTH EDEN CITY Aricia stood next to Thr'won and Selene as they watched Talco pace the secure room restlessly like a caged animal, which fit with his feline nature and that of his species. Admiral Joarl stood just behind them, his dark eyes watching Talco's every move through the reinforced one way glass. "He has recovered far quicker than we had anticipated and the drugs had no real lasting effects on him. Unfortunately." Selene spoke with a cruel grin as she looked at Aricia, her...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 24

ELEAR Vonis moved deftly through the crowds in the market, carrying the small bag he had retrieved from Va'nimia's home. He had stuffed several different sets of clothes in the bag, as well as more of the items she had in her bathing room. He had spent more time in her home on this trip, noticing how neat and meticulous she was. There was nothing out of place, all of her items in a certain spot. His intelligence teachers had told him you could learn a lot about an individual just by seeing...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 3

SPARTA "Handmaiden?" Anja snapped. "I don't need a babysitter! I've gotten along quite well these last few years without a nursemaid. I'm not going to stop now! You didn't say anything about this at breakfast two days Tezu!" Tezu nodded his head slowly. "Given what was happening, it didn't seem appropriate." "I'm sorry ... what was happening? We were having breakfast!" Anja spoke as she leaned forward on the couch. "Everyone has breakfast!" This morning had not begun well...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 7

ENURRUA DAY EIGHT She ached badly. Her whole body ached like it had never ached before; like she had fallen down the side of a very tall mountain, rolling the entire way, gaining bruises and bumps as she went. The insides of her thighs felt raw and battered the most, and her sensitive ass stung badly. What was wrong with her? She reached out with her mind in search of the warmth and the staggering aura of the one she so loved. He could always sooth her just by embracing her with his...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 9

JUMP GATE THREE FIVE LEONIDAS II-CLASS STRIKE CRUISER MJOLNIR'S HAND The cavernous landing bay of the United Lycavorian Union's Flagship was a beehive of chaotic activity that many would think to be quite insane. Very neat rows of T9E TEMPTEST Fighter Interceptors and the M4B DEVASTATOR Fighter/Bombers lined the bay as the dozens of ground crewmembers went about their duties with barely a pause. They were the crème de le crème of the Lycavorian Union Fleet; they knew it and it showed in...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 11

HADARIA DAY TWENTY-SEVEN Seanna sat to one side of the room in the palace and watched as Anja practiced calling for the healing pulses within her. She was practicing on the broken pieces of fruit and repairing the cellular damage made by knives and dropping the separate fruits onto the floor. She had a habit of lifting the pieces of fruit off the floor with her Mindvoice talents, frustrating her instructors who were telling her to focus on the healing pulses and try not to use both gifts...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 15

DAY THIRTY-SEVEN APO PRIME OFFICE OF PRIME MINISTER DEIA Deia insured the door was locked behind her and then turned to look at the men who had just entered her office. They had come in through a little used entrance of the main government building, further deserted by the hour of the evening. She had just spent the last five hours with Gorgo and Dasha in the sub-basement of the University sifting through mountains of scrolls and data pads and even some hand written documents dating...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood True BeginningsChapter 6

GALLAIS'S LODGE Tesand lowered the portable sensor device and turned to Aikiro and Yuri who stood by the doors onto the balcony looking through the glass out onto the city of Sparta. "Well, unless they have developed something our instruments can't detect, which based on what we've seen so far is entirely possible, the rooms are clean of anything we can pick up." Aikiro nodded slowly. "They were able to intercept our communications somehow. And we did not detect their shrouded ships...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 32

EARTH SPARTA Gorgo remembered nothing from her ride on Torma as they spirited her away from that prison on Lycavore. This ride however she would remember for the rest of her life. The moment they had climbed into the sky, Martin had slipped his hand under hers as she held a death grip on the two, eight inch long spikes protruding from his shoulders. Her eyes were tightly shut, and for the first few seconds she could feel the air whipping against her skin. The moment her son slid his hand...

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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 3 DiscoveryChapter 30

EARTH FOUR KILOMETERS WEST OF WICHITA The convoy of three large Heavy Lifters and half a dozen armored Lifters moved slowly along the transit path. This early in the morning and in this part of the country, other Lifter traffic was almost non-existent. Even though the reconstruction of Earth was proceeding better than anyone had expected, they had yet to reach out into the Wastes yet, mainly concentrating on rebuilding the many cities that had sprouted up, as well as building the defensive...

3 years ago
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Wolves and Dragons of the Blood Book 2 A Spartans WarChapter 13

SPARTA DAY THIRTY-FIVE Admiral Jamerl sat with Dilios and Panos in the Senate library, the stacks of data pads and scrolls piled high on the table around them. They had been here for thirty six hours now, going through the mounds of information pertaining to disappearances of individuals from Sparta over the years. Several pitchers of water, tea and coffee dotted the table as well as half empty mugs and empty plates of food. Jamerl leaned back in his chair and rubbed his tanned face with...

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