Goings on in the Dorm
- 2 years ago
- 34
- 0
It's funny how the sounds of the night on Chaos were as acceptable to my brain as those of Earth. You would think they would be different somehow and that would have kept me awake. They didn't; what kept me awake was the thought of cutting my tongue out. I understand pain. The truth is that yes, it lets you know you're alive, but it damn well hurts too.
The second problem with my getting any rest was in the form of Mandy. She held me on the pedestal that I was use to women being on. There were no rock stars on Chaos. The life of a farmer or merchant was fine but she had a Hero. I was the biggest thing since sliced bread, if they had sliced bread.
The rules were crystal clear on any physical relationship with her. Time worked at different speeds between Chaos and Earth. She was a child in my mind and I was a man and not a damn bit of that mattered to her. So she was sleeping on the bed, with me looking out the window wondering how I could have two women who loved me that I couldn't be with, and the cheating backstabbing one I was stuck with on Earth.
False dawn was approaching and the farm was coming to life. These would be the quiet times before the storm. This was the time to convey my ideas in full before I went mute. I expected a fight as I told them my plan. It would be a leap of faith on their part to believe that my tongue would be restored.
I rubbed my hands over my face and put the palms to my eyes, turning them, trying to make sense of three different worlds. Mandy awoke as I looked out the window and came over behind me wrapping her arms around me as I stood there staring out the window.
The house started to come alive as we heard people moving about. It was a farm and things needed to be done before breakfast was served. I wasn't a farmer but the rest of them were so I got up and went with Mandy. It was a well-oiled machine with everyone going and doing what needed to be done. Sissy was responsible for setting the table, and since I was sitting there while she did it, we started to talk.
"So is the Damsel you're going to rescue as pretty as Vanessa?"
"She is very pretty from the picture I have seen of her."
"What's a picture?"
"A small painting," I replied.
"Oh," she said.
"So will you bring her back here with you?"
"I don't know. It depends"
"Why does it depend?"
"Well if she is hurt or I am, like with the crossbow bolt in my shoulder, then I won't come back because I'll need to get medical attention."
"So Glenn might shoot her or you like before?"
"I don't think he will, but we could be hurt other ways and need to get help."
"You go to that Crisscross roads and they can fix it all better?"
"It's called Crossroads and how do you know about it and the healing there?"
"I heard Chester telling Mama when they came back from taking you to the bank."
"That was a longtime ago."
"I know but I was worried so I remember they said you would be fine. That made me happy."
"Well you have to keep that a secret."
"I know, Chester said he would tell us, but only if we kept it secret. I won't tell no one."
"That's good to know."
"It's not a secret how Mandy feels about you," she said as Mandy was coming to the table with a platter of food.
Mandy didn't say anything but just smiled and went to go get something else. "Cathy smiles at Glenn like that too," Sissy said.
Well now I had independent confirmation of what I already knew. The others came in and I helped by taking dishes of food from their hands to the table. They all washed up and we sat down to eat.
When we were done, Chester, Glenn, Mandy, and I went out to the barn. There was a large assortment of weapons laid out there. I saw my old leather armor. There was a new top to replace the one that had my blood soaked into it from the shoulder wound. When we got over to them I stopped and looked them over. Someone had been very busy accumulating some well-made and nasty weapons.
I picked up what looked like a bolo. A set of three long braided leather pieces with weighted balls attached. In theory it could stop a horse if thrown at its legs or, I was certain by the weight of the balls, break a man's neck if thrown there.
There was an assortment of knives and swords of varying lengths and design, pikes and spears, archery bows and crossbows. They had been very busy indeed.
"Who wants to go first?" I asked no one in particular.
Glenn walked up and took the bow. He shot three arrows across the barn onto a target about thirty feet away. Then he picked up the crossbow and did the same. Mandy followed Glenn and almost duplicated his feat. Chester took the bolo and wound it up and tossed it at a wood post twenty feet away. It wrapped tight around it and then stopped with a thump as the balls came into play.
We could kill at a distance which was always a plus. Now what could we do up close was what I needed to know. I went over and put my old armor on while I watched Glenn and Chester do the same. Mandy was a woman and in her role seeing her in armor would cause some curiosity and we would lose the benefit of surprise.
There were some sparing sticks and I took turns with both of them, both with them attacking and defending. The forms that John had shown me gave me an added edge. I already had one just because of my years of training, but I could see where a fighter who was better versed with a sword would be a challenge to my all-out-attack style.
I pulled my strikes and was surprised when Glenn did get a hit in. I had dropped my defense when he fell and didn't watch close enough. It would have been a very painful wound if we had been using real weapons. We had worked up a sweat and Mandy came over with a pail of water and a ladle. She no more than put it down before she had a dagger at my throat.
There was nothing to do but surrender. I had let my guard down and it would have been fatal this time. Chester had trained them well and they were showing me just how much they had followed his tutelage. I looked over and saw him smiling.
I had simply underestimated what they could do because they were from Chaos and only had primitive weapons. I would be just as dead with them being primitive or not. I was learning that they were not the locals I had gone up against before. Three years of dedicated study had made them deadly.
"And other surprises?" I asked.
Chester grinned and looked over towards a corner in the barn. I followed his glance and there was a wagon that looked like a medicine wagon from those old western movies.
"So what is that?"
"It's a war wagon?" he said with a slight cackle in his voice.
"Hey, that is the same cackle I heard from Fred at the livery stable."
"That's how you know they are friends. The response when you ask about it is Stumpy."
"That's from some old John Wayne movie."
"Rio Lobo to be exact; he was the jailer."
"Ah, Okay, so what is with the war wagon?"
"Another idea from the movies I'm afraid." Mandy and Glenn were looking at us, not understanding what we were talking about. I was sure Chester had mentioned it but it likely didn't mean much without an example.
"I don't see a turret or the machine gun," I said.
"Nope, but come on over and take a look at it." We walked over and as we got closer I could see where there were many additions to make it a rolling fort.
"So tell me what you did."
"Well it is a prairie schooner in some ways and a fortress in others. I gave it wide wheels to help keep it from getting stuck. The roof and the under carriage are wood covered in metal strips to keep fire out. The sides are wood but I cut a number of ports where you can fire from. There are a couple of ways to get out that are hidden."
"So how are we going to go around in it without attracting much attention?" I asked.
"Well I was thinking just the opposite. If we have a medicine show, sell some basic remedies, and have some kind of show to whoop up the crowd, we should be able to just keep going where we want."
I walked around thinking about it. It was do-able; a one-armed man selling the remedy, a woman there to help with the crowd, and Glenn as his apprentice. Me being the mute he took in to help was just a bonus. It gave us cover to move freely and would be seen more as an amusement than as a threat.
"I like the idea. Janice told me about many different plants that we could make either a remedy from or a poison out of."
"Who is Janice," Mandy asked.
"She is my Caretaker. The one who tells me about the missions and helps me when I return from them," There was more to it than that but I didn't want to open that can of worms at this point. She didn't ask anything more.
I wasn't worried about their ability to fight. We would be using deception to aide us, and strike like lightning when we needed to. I wanted to have a chain mail shirt though. Placing it inside the leather armor was the best.
"Do you remember the Clint Eastwood movie where he put that metal plate under his poncho?"
"'For a Few Dollars More'?" Chester said.
"That's it. I want to have one of those under the leather, but I want it to be chain mail."
"That is going to be heavy," Glenn said.
"I have been training with it. I might need to have something under that to keep it from scratching me. But it is hard to cut or poke a blade through it."
"It's going to be hot to wear it all the time."
"Discomfort or death," I said.
"Should we all have one?" Mandy asked.
"I'm not sure. I don't want to risk you getting hurt but our element of surprise is you not looking like a threat."
"So the three of you should have them then?" She asked.
"I think that is best. But it is going to cost a lot and take some time to get made," I said.
"We could find the shirts as we traveled and then put them together in the wagon as we traveled." Chester said.
"We need to work out the basics of how we are going to do all of this before we cut out my tongue." Both Mandy and Glenn took a deep gasp at that.
"Why are we cutting out your tongue?" she asked.
"Chester needs to lead this mission. His having only one arm would have them looking at me as the leader of it. But if I am a mute, the focus is not on me as the threat. Then we have an advantage."
"But you will never be able to talk again," Glenn said.
"Only until I get back to Crossroads. They have a healing chamber that will fix it just like it will Chester's arm."
"How can that be?" Mandy asked.
"As long as you're not dead, it will restore you to whole." I replied.
"But that doesn't make sense. You can't just grow a new arm or tongue," Glenn said.
"It is how this works." I didn't want to tell them this was a game and get into the Powers that Be.
"But you will grow back a tongue?" Mandy said, still in disbelief.
"Yes, that is what I understand."
"But what if you die?" She asked.
"Dead is dead and if I have a tongue or not that really doesn't matter then."
"But it is going to hurt," Glenn added.
"Yes and I am not looking forward to that but what has to be done, has to be done. I'll live with the pain. I won't like it but I'll do it to rescue her."
"What would happen to her if you didn't rescue her?" Mandy asked.
"She has been a prisoner for over five seasons. Janice thinks they will kill her soon."
"I heard about her and that is why I did all of this. I was going to ask the two of you to go with me if Willy didn't return soon." They both turned to Chester and looked at him with mouths opened.
"It is that serious," I added.
"When do we leave?" Glenn asked.
"The sooner the better. As soon as everything is ready, and we have finished what we need to do here," I said.
"Finished what we need to do?" Glenn asked
Chester answered. "I need to have your dad help me with his tongue."
Mandy looked at me and left the barn. Glenn looked over and then down at the ground. Hell, I didn't want to think about it but it had to be done.
"When do you want to do it?" Chester asked.
"I am going to need to be..." and I never finished the sentence.
I came to at some point later. I was lying in bed and my head was pounding. Mandy was sitting next to me, her eyes were red from crying no doubt. She put a cold rag on my forehead. My mouth was dry but I felt it was full of something. I spit it out and went to ask for water and a grunt came out.
Mandy took the rag I had spat out and put it in the bowl next to her and then back in my mouth. The coolness felt good. My mouth throbbed and I could not feel the rag with my tongue. It was obvious that it was gone.
"You have been asleep for two days Willy," Mandy said.
I nodded my understanding.
"Chester didn't want you to worry over it."
I nodded again.
"Are you mad at him?" She looked deep into my eyes.
I nodded my head no. I had thought of this and Chester took some compassion and just did what I wanted without me having to worry about it for all the days until it happened.
"This will help with the pain," and she put a spoon with something in it to my mouth. It soaked into the rag and I went slowly back to sleep.
I don't know when I woke again but it was light. Sissy was there now holding my hand.
"Hello Willy," she said.
I nodded to her and smiled.
"Are you mad at Chester for doing that?"
I nodded my head no.
"Daddy had to help him. You won't hurt them for doing what you wanted, will you?"
I nodded my head no.
"Would you like some water?"
I nodded my head yes. She pulled the rag out and put a little cup to my mouth. I wanted to grab it and drink it all but I let her pour just small amounts in.
"I'm sorry they did that to you, but Chester said you wanted to have it done so you could rescue the Damsel."
"Cathy thinks you're crazy; I heard her and Glenn fighting about it. Said you are going to get him killed and her baby won't have a Daddy."
I nodded my head no.
"You going to protect him too, aren't you?"
I nodded my head yes.
"Good, I have to get Chester. He wanted to talk to you when you woke up again."
It had really happened. I knew I needed to do it but the reality of having my tongue cut out was difficult to accept. Was I pissed at Chester for doing it without telling me? I thought about that as he was coming to the room. It was a lot less stressful than worrying about it.
"Hello Willy," Chester said as he entered the room.
I nodded at him.
"Are you all right?"
I lifted my hand and made the Okay sign.
"Would you like to use the facilities?"
I was sure I wanted to do that so I nodded my head fast enough that my head hurt a little. He helped me up and walked me out to them.
"If you want to know what we did, I will tell you; if you would rather not, I won't." I nodded my head no.
He took me into the kitchen and I sat down. I smelled and even I could tell it. Cathy brought some light type of broth over and I took a small amount of it. Martha brought out a glass of watered wine and I took small drinks of that. The broth made the place where my tongue had been smart. So I let it cool as I drank a little more.
"If you're hurting still, I have some medicine here we can use to help," Martha said.
I looked up at here and made the scrubbing motion on my skin. "You can bathe in the house or out in the creek a ways from here."
I thought about it and motioned to the outside. I wasn't used to just lying around even if I was recovering. It turned into a male bonding ritual as Martha decided that a bath in the creek for all the men wasn't such a bad idea, and what Martha thought in her house was quickly the rule.
Plus, no doubt, she wanted to make sure of my safety. So after lunch, she made sure the four of us were equipped with the necessary items and pushed out the door. The wagon was out there and the team hooked up to it. I got to sit next to Glenn as he drove. We could have walked but what the hell.
The soap was not Ivory, and it damn well burned your skin clean at times. But I did feel much better after that, and we changed into the new clothes that Martha had sent. Rather than head right back to the house, we sat under a tree and Chester explained what had been happening the last few days.
Using my shirt, they had scoured the nearby towns and found a chain mail shirt. When Mandy wasn't watching me, she was in the barn working on making it as I had suggested. They had been adding hiding places for the weapons that were easily accessible. I looked over at the wagon and saw the pikes now had little flags hanging from them. They were decorations that could be used to turn deadly at a moments notice.
Martha had been tasked with making the medicines for this show as well as the poisons, while Cathy was making sure that all the traveling necessities and food were inside the wagon. It would be a tight fit if we had to stay inside the wagon for any length of time, but most nights we would likely camp outside it.
Chester was an expert planner and seemed to have all the details worked out. It wasn't too surprising, since he had planned to go after her himself. He wanted to leave in a couple of days and I nodded my head in agreement.
John had been strangely silent for all of this. I looked at him and cocked my head hoping to have him put his feelings into words. "I've been a farmer all my life. Chester has been a welcome relief in protecting us all. I won't tell you that I'm not scared at your traveling and my two going with you. Glenn is a man and makes a man's choice. Mandy won't be with any but you and has said so." I put my hand on his shoulder.
He looked at my face and I just looked back into his eyes and then smiled. "I thought as much," he said to me in a low tone.
We got up and walked around the wagon. Chester and I were certain Glenn had taken a lot of time placing all kinds of nasty surprises well within reach under ledges and tucked behind places. They hid weapons in plain sight by adding little additions to them. It was indeed a war wagon for Chaos.
I could eat food closer to solid the next day. It hurt at times but I managed, and we made plans to head out. Mandy came to my room and slept with me, her body close, but I knew that we couldn't be more than just this. Since Chester didn't have a woman from Chaos as his wife, I deduced that he must have told her.
We were up early, fed, and said our goodbyes. I walked outside and everyone followed. There were two horses saddled along with the wagon and the four pulling it. I went up and got in the wagon with Mandy. She went to hand me the reins for the team and I nodded my head no and wouldn't take them. She smiled and we waited for Chester and Glenn to mount up. We waved good-bye as we headed down the road.
Chester was leading with Glenn next to him. We would make a slower journey with the wagon but the need to be hidden in plain sight made it necessary. Mandy would ask questions as we went along, and I would nod yes and no as she looked at me. We traded off the driving duties.
We stopped for lunch and Mandy went to the back of the wagon when we were finished. She came back holding my armor. She just stood there and watched me as I noticed Chester and Glenn move off to their mounts. Finally, I just took off my clothes and put these on. The pants were fine and the shirt, while it weighed a lot, was comfortable. The cloth that touched my skin was like flannel but when I pressed the outside of the shirt I couldn't feel the mail press into my skin. She had padded it.
Her smile was radiant at what she had done and I smiled back and then moved forward to kiss her cheek. She was having none of that, and when I got close enough, she lip-locked me, holding my head in place. I actually let the thought of pulling away flash across my brain but pulled her tighter to me instead. I heard a cough from Chester and we broke apart.
The rest of the trip had her sitting tight against me as we followed them down the road. We traveled that way for the next five weeks. We found some more chain mail and Mandy took the time to make the coverings for it for Chester and Glenn. It was a long process but she got them finished. That told me how many hours she had stayed busy, giving up sleep to work on mine.
We also stopped to resupply the food we needed as we went through the towns. At this point, I thought we were getting close to the Clan Lands and wrote that in the dirt one day to Chester.
"Yep, we should be about there now."
How do we find her? I wrote.
"Need to start doing our show and selling that snake oil," he snickered.
I nodded my head in agreement. And so at the next town, we started the process of doing that. Glenn tried hawking it and Chester tried and we didn't sell a bottle. People looked at us like we were fools and walked away.
We continued and I pointed to Mandy one day as we discussed over lunch what we needed to do to sell the medicine. The others looked at her, and I pointed at her again.
"I can't do that. I don't know what to say."
I looked at her and pointing to me smiled and raised my eyebrows.
"I think he said you just looking pretty will sell it," Chester said for me. I nodded my head in agreement.
We ended selling four bottles and she got some rude comments from a couple of the men. I wanted to thrash them but didn't as it would blow the cover I had tried so hard to establish. Chester and Glenn handled it and we moved on.
Over dinner, Mandy was complaining about having to sell but when I pointed to Chester and Glenn and made a zero and pointed to her and held up four fingers the decision was made.
We were getting three pinches for a small container and five for a larger one. We weren't making that much but we weren't in this looking for sales. It was four days later that I overheard one man say to another.
"I wonder if that will help with the cock burner Reeves has."
I caught Chester's attention and he came over. We were behind them and I pointed to my dick and rubbed my hands together. Chester winked at me knowing what I meant. He asked loud enough for everyone to hear.
"Mandy, will that heal burns?"
"Why yes, Chester, it will," she replied.
The men turned around and looked at Chester and I. "This one here was burned by one of the cock burners. Lost his tongue to the man that came after her and took her away." I opened my mouth and showed the stub. "But our cure worked on his burns."
"Prove it," Chester looked at me and I dropped my pants.
"No burn."
They each bought a bottle and I watched as they went off laughing and slapping one another on the back. It was our first lead, and if I was right they would be heading off to find Reeves. I left Chester and Glenn to close up with Mandy and followed them at a distance. They eventually ended up at an inn for a while before they came out with another man and rode out of town to the north.
I made my way back to the wagon and my horse was there with weapons and food. I got on and took off after them. I knew the rest would follow, so I only had to mark where I was going. They had been taking a slow pace to Reeves because it only took about five minutes to catch up to them to where I could see them in the distance.
They didn't care about looking around for anyone behind them. I stopped and put three stones next to each other and then walked my horse for a while.
Something had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. It was like they were walking me into a trap. I had had that feeling more times that I liked to remember so I moved off the road and waited for the wagon to catch up.
The Damsel had to be close because they were in no hurry so late in the afternoon. I put three rocks on top of each other and headed off into the woods to wait. That was our stop sign, and I knew Chester would do just that. It was almost an hour later when they caught up, and I tossed a rock at a tree to lead them to me. We were deep enough in the woods to not easily be seen.
I had many hand signs with Chester as Glenn kept watch. What we couldn't communicate with that, I wrote out for him to read. We were close to her but the danger had me wired so I ended up not sleeping in the wagon with Mandy. Chester and I spent the night out in the woods but nothing came of it.
We had to waltz into their trap and there was no way around it. After we ate and got everything packed away, I got in the wagon with Mandy. We had to count on our ruse working if we were going to get close enough to rescue her. It's that go, no go decision point, and you face it every time you need to make a decision of importance.
We got back on the road and made our way forward. We were heading into the belly of their beast and it put me on edge. I scanned the woods as we moved forward. I hated being the bait rather than the hunter.
They let us in without contest until after we had stopped for lunch. We were on the ground when six men came riding in.
"What are you doing here?" One of them asked me.
I made a grunting sound, and he glared at me. Chester came over and said, "He lost his tongue. We're just passing through, selling our wares."
"You selling the woman, that's the ware I want to be having," one of them said. I had no doubt that Mandy was about ready to reach for the crossbow at her feet if she needed to.
"Not selling any women, slavery isn't legal." Chester said moving his hand to his sword.
"You're the one selling that cure for the cock burner?" The one who first had spoke said.
"We sold some for that yesterday." Chester replied.
"You will be able to sell all you can make then," he and the others laughed.
That told me things were not going well. They were using her before they dispatched her. My guts had me wanting to kill them and barge my way in. They were inferior to me and the abilities I possessed, but I didn't have a clue as to where they were keeping her.
Then there was the warning about them being Clan and the treachery they were known for, and I was sure there were a number of other surprises they would have for anyone coming to take her. Hell, I couldn't even ask them where she was.
"That one don't talk much," another of them said.
"Ain't got no tongue, got it cut out over one of them cock burners," Chester replied.
"Ain't much of a man to let someone cut out his tongue," another added.
"He works well enough but he has lost the will." Chester replied.
"So you won't sell the woman?" That one was back asking again.
"I don't own her. But I'm sure she would be willing to tell you herself if you made it over to her." I heard a tapping on metal and looked up to see Glenn sitting on top of the wagon with a crossbow in hand.
It caught the ear of the leader, and he glanced up. "You'll be dead before you get past me Tom," he said, no doubt to the one who had been asking.
Tom looked over at him and followed his eyes to Glenn. He didn't move and Glenn just sat there. We needed to balance a delicate line with them. That line was that we were willing to protect what we viewed as ours.
They asked about buying the medicine, and we sold three large containers of it. I had no doubt we would be playing this game for higher stakes the closer we got. I didn't know if it was a true remedy for the cock burning, but we were setting her up for more rapes. My hope was that we would get there in time before they killed her either for the hell of it or because our remedy didn't work.
They disappeared as we headed back on the road. I felt that we would be seeing them again. That one wanted Mandy, and if they were Clan, one would ask and the others would likely support him. That he promised to share her after he was done would be enough to get them to do it.
I wanted to find a cave for us to defend ourselves but that wasn't to be. The land had small hills and a couple of bluffs. We didn't have time to find a cave anyway, and we were in their woods. I was certain they would attack.
I wrote it all down for Chester to read, and he nodded his head in agreement. He wanted to stay out in the woods with me, but I needed to be the solo operator while he took care of protecting the wagon and the stock. They were watching us anyway, so we had a hot meal and then moved inside the wagon. Once it got dark, I exited through the bottom escape hatch and found a place to settle in.
They came about three hours after dark. Walking slowly, there was one group of three close to me and another about a hundred yards away. Slowly, they all made their way up to the wagon. No doubt they were going to try to force entry, kill all the men, and just take Mandy. It would have been a good plan in normal circumstances.
The problem was the portholes in the wagon that could be used to fire the crossbow bolts through. This tail had a stinger, and they were going to die finding that out.
…I want to show you something,” Adele said as she unbuttoned her shorts and slid them off of her hips. She had a beautiful ass, not just for her age but for any age. She spread her ass and showed me her asshole. “No man has ever been in my ass. No man has ever eaten my ass. I’ve wanted to try it, and I hear that you love eating and fucking ass. So you’ll fuck my virgin ass?” she asked as she buttoned up her shorts again. “No. You’re going to have to watch me fuck one of the girls in...
?Going under cover?. Author’s note. This novel is just a product of my morbid imagination and it contains crude language and descriptions of sexual intercourses (if you are under the age of twenty-one years or you’re offended by such writings please don’t read further). FDI stands for Federal Defense Investigation, a paramilitary division of USE army, principally fighting terrorism and mafia. Events take place in the USE (United States of Europid) on a planet other than planet Earth. Probably,...
I was happy to leave a record-nasty winter in the northern US. When I boarded the plane in January at my tiny local airport, the temperature was -5F with a wind chill of -17. Eighteen inches of snow had fallen the day before. I walked across the tarmac in my Eddie Bauer subzero parka and gloves so thick they would put Neil Armstrong to shame. When I stepped off the plane in Brisbane into 90F temperature, I don’t think anyone had ever seen such garb in person. I got situated in the...
The characters, events and organisations in this story are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people or organisations is coincidental and unintended. Going Nova By Emma Smith Friday, 14 February 2003 Chapter 1 System Compromise I sweep through the airport arrivals lounge with my entourage behind me. I am in full flow, an unstoppable force. Network camera drones track and focus as I march forward. Some of them are...
Introduction: This started out as a short story and has somehow turned into a novel, or at the very least a novella. At the moment its about 17,000 words and only about half done. I write slow because Im very busy, so please dont expect a true ending anytime soon. A few people here on the forums helped me with descriptions for experiences I havent had and my thanks go out to them. I dont have an editor so I apologize for any mistakes or detail discrepancies that I have missed. Chapter 1 When I...
Going Deeper - Part 4 Authors Note - Thank you for your patience. Thank you to all of those who have read the first three instalments, I do appreciate you sticking with this story and I'm grateful to all those who have taken the time to leave feedback - I do read it all! If you're wondering just where this story is going, or what might be in store for our hapless protagonist, then welcome to Chrissie's world and allow yourselves to fall with 'her' into the unknown! Inevitably this...
Going Deeper - Part 3 Authors Note - Thank you to all of those who are sticking with this story and for those who've kindly left feedback. I do read it all! However, if you're wondering just where this story is going, or what might be in store for our hapless protagonist, then welcome to Chrissie's world! Allow yourselves to fall with 'her' into the unknown! ..."Oh my word," I somehow let out, knowing that my breathing was clearly audible, to the point of nearly panting!...
Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...
Going Deeper - Part 2 Note from Author - Thank you to all who have read Part 1 and for those who have taken the time to review it. Your comments are extremely encouraging and useful. I am new to this and clearly one or two minor grammatical errors, typos etc... may have slipped through! I can't promise there won't be one or two more here, but fingers crossed this instalment will be a little tidier. Please feel free to leave feedback if you enjoy this read and in this current climate,...
It had been almost five full weeks since Amy last visited Ted. That was the fifth time she had left me at home alone while she met another man for sex. Like the previous four times, when the sun rose on the day after her last visit, she acted as if it had never happened. She again returned to being Miss Prim and Proper around me and around our friends. No one would have ever suspected that this church-going, choir-singing, demure little housewife behaved like she did when she let her hair...
CuckoldSuddenly the overhead light flicked on. Her dad was at it again. “Time to get up, kiddo,” he said with his usual morning cheeriness. Brie moaned and ducked her head under the cover to escape the cruel glare of the overhead light. As she breathed in, she was hit with the smell of sex permeating her sheets, and her night came flooding back to her. Had it really happened? she wondered. Did I really have sex with my dad last night? Her unclean bed answered her unequivocally. Slowly it came...
The three of us woke up hungry and hung over from the bus ride. We put on our workout clothes after a quick shower and headed to the cafeteria. After eating, we went to the weight room and worked for a solid forty five minutes. We signed out and walked back to the dorm feeling a lot better. I suggested, "How about doing our laundry now then getting some stuff and having a picnic out by the lake?" That was a great idea and they girls began gathering their clothes. I went and got mine and we...
Brie blushed and looked down at her food, knowing that she was the cause of the wetness. But Elsie merely shrugged, flipped the skirt up behind her and over the seat, and sat with her panties and bare legs directly on the cool stool. They scarfed down their food, not saying much to each other while doing so. “So,” Elsie ventured a topic, “what does your dad think of all this?” Brie blushed again, “I don’t really know. I think he’s trying not to think about it. I mean, I don’t blame him. I’m...
War creates ripples in your life. When you let the ripples become waves, the challenges start. When they go from simple swells to towering heights, you stand little chance of overcoming them. The key is to stop them before they resonate so much that your life is changed. At this point, I was living a calm exterior life using the same control I had when I left the battlefield. Within me, the waves were crashing every minute of the day and night. There was no peace any longer as the waves...
Hazel enjoyed the company of Tyler, but did not hold as strong a relationship with him as her husband did, nor with Tyler’s wife. At one point early on, Warrick took the risk of inviting him into a threesome or foursome between the two couples, but Lindsay was not amused. Ever since then, even though Warrick and Tyler continued to carry on like normal, Hazel felt like she was something of an outsider. “How’s Dominic been doing?” Warrick asked. “Eh, you can see for yourself. Dominic!” Tyler...
Chapter 1 My name is John Walters, and I am not the same person that I was a year ago. My new life started about a year ago, when I was fishing off the stern of my houseboat during a lighting storm. I know that I should have reeled in my line and went inside, but the fish were biting and I was a stubborn old fool. I had retired a couple of years before and was living on my social security, so living on my houseboat and going fishing was about the extent of what I could do for entertainment in...
She also wondered if her pussy, still hot and drooling from her first to walks down the runway, would be apparent to the people in the room when she changed. It did cross her mind that if she soaked her way through the swimsuit, at least it was a piece of clothing that was supposed to get wet. Michael pushed open the door to the room, and they were greeted by a team of three makeup artists. Two women and one man. The man’s presence made Brie self-conscious, and she crossed her arms in front...
It is the same as I have been telling you the last few times – I am your master and you my slave. Although you are just one young girl of my large harem (for I have made my career out of raising you slaves as whores for amusement as well as livelihood) you have a special position – you are my favorite, and I keep you for myself exclusively. You share my bed nightly and I only allow you to couple with other men on very special occasions – for visiting kings and the like – and always I...
“I’ll make it very special” she said her blonde hair tickling my stomach as she brought my cock to her mouth. “Well it will have to last me three weeks at least” I replied. “Yeah I bet, boys away on business” she replied licking the length of my full and very hard erection. I didn’t reply for my wife knew me very well, but not as well as she thinks I smiled loving the warmth of her tongue on me. “Just don’t bring anything home” she mumbled as she took the bulbous end of my uncut cock into...
BisexualI had just finished the 6th grade and I was at an age when my hormones were just kicking in. I was just starting to take a real interest in girls. And my best friend Dan's little sister Mandy had a crush on me. Dan and I had been best friends since the 1st grade and his sister who I'd always thought of as pest suddenly seemed a lot more interesting. Then one day it happened. She and I were caught by her Mom playing Doctor and patient. We were both naked because I had dared her to strip...
Although this story may stand alone, you might want to read The Return Trip parts 1 & 2 to see how April and Jimmy got to this place in their life Going Home Horse and April had just had the best weekend of their life. Jack and Peggy had shown them so much and brought out their own perversions. Ones they had fantasized about concerning each other. But now their thoughts were on better things waiting at home. Still being summer made their plan even better and hopefully easier to pull...
IncestWe had been on Chaos for quite a while and I was a mess from the point of needing to shave off the beard. Janice wasn't there to cut my hair, and it took me a longtime to scrub out the dirt that was almost embedded into my skin. Slowly, I started to look and feel better about my appearance. I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed into the bedroom. Alice was on the bed in a red teddy that left nothing to the imagination. She didn't want to wait and my biological response was exactly...
"Wait! Hold the elevator!" My heels clattered against the floor as I made a run for it. I couldn't afford to be late. I was on my way to a business dinner with my boss and a prospective client for the architectural firm where I was employed. It was an important client, and we really needed the contract. I hadn't met Mr. Grant face to face yet, and I wanted to make a good impression so I took a little extra time with my appearance, hence the rush. I was in a little black number that hugged every...
"Settle down, please," boomed the voice of the man on the podium. "Welcome to Copernicus Base. I am Jeff Keiser of the Fleet Auxiliary. It sounds like you had a very nice farewell party yesterday. Yes, it was only yesterday that you said goodbye to your friends and neighbors. I hope you will get over the time change very soon. There are a hundred and sixteen of you sponsors. Tomorrow, you will be boarding the Kilo Class transport Capricorn Clipper. It is intended that all of the sponsors...
Hazle chuckled sleepily and her voice rasped out, “Honey, it can’t be Elsie, she stayed over last night, remember?” Warrick suddenly remembered and his cheeks went flush. He remembered, very vividly, deflowering his daughter’s best friend while his wife was upstairs, in fact. He rolled away from Hazel as the phone continued to ring. “Anyway, it’s yours. Answer it.” Hazel grabbed it off the nightstand. “Oh, it’s Ivy!” Warrick turned slightly with some interest. Ivy was a friend of theirs,...
“Perfectly healthy.” I remember the very words that my doctor spoke like it was yesterday. How wrong she was! Here I am, nearing thirty years old, now the smallest man that the world has ever known... It started a few months back when I filled a temporary position working for a environmental clean-upcrew, trying to help make ends meet until one of my job applications for a managerial position in retail came through. I was delighted to be finishing my last day of manual labor on the land fill...
GOING THROUGH THE DOOR THE NEXT STEP By Betty Noone CHAPTER ONE A CONVERSATION WITH JEAN WHAT ARE THE ODDS? I called my best friend Jean at 8:45 P.M. on a Sunday night. I knew it was late but, to me at least, it was important. "Jean, can you meet me for lunch tomorrow? And if you can, do you think you can take a two hour lunch?" "What's up? Sounds important." "I really need to talk and you are the only one that I can talk to. Yes. It is important." Jean is a...
Going Home By Julie O Chapter One Nick Griffin let out a long and audible sigh while he turned off the car's ignition. Finally parked outside his sister's condo, he felt mixed emotions. While he was happy to see his twin sister, Sherri, he wished it were under better circumstances. A week earlier he had been on the fast track to management, and then in a flash, he was unemployed. He kept trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault, but deep down he knew that it...
I grabbed a drink and headed to the couch. The instructions weren't long but I needed a better understanding of a few parts. The first question that came to mind after I had read them was where to place the portal. While you needed the ring to pass through, having it seen as a doorway somewhere was going to raise suspicions. And the way I had people traipsing through the house, that was a concern. It needed to be in a frame which was large enough for me to pass through. I'm 6' and 200...
Cloud stood in the kitchen the next morning, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. Strands of hair had managed to escape their restraint during her early morning jog and they framed her face as she watched the sausages she was making for her husband sizzle in the pan. Kira walked into the kitchen with a yawn, “Too early…” She plopped down into a chair. “Or too late.” “It’s not that early…” Cloud watched, amused while Pocket herded her four kittens into the kitchen. “Kittens!” One of...
The Edgar folks were still suffering from a kind of 'jet lag, ' their bodies not yet accustomed to Greenwich Mean Time. The AI succeeded in prodding the sponsors to get themselves up and about. In most pods, there was enough time for morning ablutions and a leisurely breakfast. Some opted for more vigorous exercise -- there were babies to be made, after all! The embarkation itself was routine. The Edgar sponsors and their families allowed themselves to be led to their new living quarters...
“Elsie’s on my phone on the couch. Brie’s asleep in her bed. She passed out on stage.” “Passed out?” Warrick asked, concerned. “She’s okay.” Ivy reassured him. “She didn’t have a big fall, but she had a, well… a dramatic experience, you could say.” Ivy turned to Hazel, “Did you tell him what I told you?” Hazel shook her head, “Not fully, but I’ve prepared him.” “Damn, you’re gonna make me say it again?” “I thought it would be best that it not come from me second-hand. You were the one who...
Going undergroundCHAPTER 1This story is about a young Mom named Becky and her Son Tommy,Becky was now 36 and she had devoted her life to her son when her partner left her when she became pregnant,She always made sure that tommy would never loose out with not having a Dad,Tommy became a bit of a mommy’s boy as he got older Becky knew she would always have to protect him,The k**s at school always thought he was a bit of geek and would tease him about him being a mommy’s boy,As Tommy got older he...
“Feels lovely, Kate,” I said with a smile. “But you emptied me out. I shot all of my load across your body.” “I know. Those bitches back there licked it all up and I didn’t get any. I want to taste your cum before we get to Frasier.” “Please try, I win either way. But those tits got a lot out of me.” Kate has an amazing mouth. She sucked and licked my balls and ran her tongue and fingers the length of my shaft. She coaxed my cock to full erection, which was an accomplishment in...
(Mature lady takes on two)As I went to get us a nightcap I saw the barman glance across to Eileen and smile. I followed his gaze to see that Eileen had apparently carelessly allowed her skirt to ride up over her stocking tops and as she uncrossed her legs was giving him and I a good stretch of creamy thigh and a flash of her newly shaven pussy. She smiled when she saw us glancing across and slowly crossed her legs to leave her short tight black skirt still a good few inches short of her lace...
The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Elsie shrugged. “I guess they’ve already gotten started.” They made their way toward the boutique and as they approached, the surrounding hustle and bustle grew quickly. There were people seemingly everywhere. Most of them appeared to be fans or otherwise guests of the event, but as they neared the entrance there was a flurry of activity from workers plying their trade. Set builders cranked wrenches on scaffolding and lights flashed on and off as men and women walked around examining each...
Sam Green finished setting up his new auction account, wondering if he had the balls to go all the way. The idea had come to him when he’d received yet another new toy that he’d ordered on the internet. The flashlight was hardly a technical marvel, but the novelty of only having to shake it for light, never having to worry about batteries, was enough to make Sam click the buy button. As soon as he shook the flashlight and turned it on for the first time, the idea lit up in his head along with...
Sam Green finished setting up his new auction account, wondering if he had the balls to go all the way. The idea had come to him when he’d received yet another new toy that he’d ordered on the internet. The flashlight was hardly a technical marvel, but the novelty of only having to shake it for light, never having to worry about batteries, was enough to make Sam click the buy button. As soon as he shook the flashlight and turned it on for the first time, the idea lit up in his head along with...
Straight SexThe excitement had wound down and the town folk ate their lunches. Marcie joined her best friend Kathy at the lunch table. Marcie's children were swept into the cabal of the Waters/Minter youngsters, their earlier fright seemingly forgotten. While they ate, Bob paused and had a far-away look on his face. He shook that off and turned to Kathy. "The AI just told me that five other women will be joining us shortly. Four of them are -- were -- the supernumerary concubines of the guys who...
Going Deeper - by Helen Newton. The heading on her profile simply read: - 'Convincing submissive she- male, sissy, cross dressing secretary required' It all began when I had advertised myself as a submissive transvestite on an online bdsm contact web site some months earlier and noticed the above advert / profile. In truth joining the site was more just for fantasy for me and in truth I hadn't considered or expected anything realistic to ever come of it. Besides I doubted that I...
In the past one of the more delightful times I had as a younger, perhaps slightly more active man than now, was to end up bedding three members of the same family and then a family friend as well. Even though it sounds like incest, in fact as I wasn't related to them it wasn't. The best thing about it all was that they all knew about the others - so it was the choice of all worlds, no jealousy, no bitching, nothing. I think the worst remark I heard in all the time I was with them was, "Hey,...
CheatingThe days passed. The families settled into something of a routine. The children always had something to do outside the pods. They need only say what they wanted to do, and the AI would direct them to the right location. When they could not decide, the AI would ask questions, make suggestions, offer alternatives. They could play a number of team sports. There was not enough room to play baseball, but versions of soccer, basketball and football were available. They even played rugby -- girls,...
1Going for the Record By The TechnicianBDSM, S/M, Clothpins, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Public Orgasm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A pain slut is taken to the club to "go for the record." = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental....
"Mom, Dad," Katie said as she engaged them with her eyes, "there is planning that needs to happen, and we'd like to talk to you about it." The four were in the middle of dinner, and the 'how was your day' niceties had been dispensed with. "I don't suppose this has anything to do with the coming extraction, does it?" asked George, their dad, with a knowing smile. Karen, their mother, also smiled at them. "Well, of course, it does," allowed Kevin. "And you're starting to think...
The wife and I have been married for just over four years. We were one of the original people to have moved into this apartment complex. “Have you seen the new lady in the next building?” she asked. Alexis my wife, was the neighborhood watch dog. She had recently been asked to notify the community leaders of any rule breaking that happened. Little did they know she would take that bone and run with it. “No I haven't,” I sighed. She always found something she wanted to complain about. It...
Interracial“Hey I’m getting my license tomorrow.” “Yeah?” “Yeah, Ik we haven’t really seen each other a lot but would like to go for a ride with me and hang out for awhile after I get it?” “Sure but I can’t do anything until around 7.” “Ok” The next day his mom takes Michael to get his license. When his dad gets home he asks, “dad can I take my truck out tonight to go driving?” “Sure but you need to drive safe and be home by midnight.” What are your plans?” “I’m going to meet a friend around 7 and...
Going South 3 Sue tells all It was a week later after dinner and Sue and I were in the living room watching television. She was sitting across from me and I could tell she was not interested in the show. She was slowly opening and closing her legs giving me a view of her pussy. After ten minutes of teasing me she gets up and comes over to me. She straddled my legs facing me and put her arms around my neck. Looking me in the eye she said baby I need dessert, you know something hot and delicious...
Daytona had been a blast, if your any kind of NASCAR fan you just have to do it at least once. Going to the Daytona 500 is like a pilgrimage to Mecca, except for rednecks instead of Muslims. The sights and sounds of the race are like nothing else, the only problem is the size of the track, even from the good seats that I had, high above the start/finish line, it's hard to keep track of the cars when they're in the corners. It's actually easier to watch it on TV, but still it's all about the...
When the alarm went off I sat up. The first thing I noticed was no roomie, oh well. I put the towel back around me and headed for the shower with my toothbrush. After a couple big glasses of water, I did the shit, shower, and shaved the few whiskers I had. Back in the room I dressed quickly, straightened the room, grabbed my backpack and headed for the stairs. Dan and Jake were waiting for me with another guy they introduced as Jim. He was also on both the football and wrestling teams. As...
When the alarm went off, I discovered we had not moved all night long. Both girls groaned and moved to get out of bed. Mary sat up as she was on the outside and Jill pushed me to get up so she could get up too. Jill handed me a towel as she and Betty wrapped one around their bodies. I grabbed my toothbrush and we headed to the bathrooms and showers. I was the only guy in the shower this morning with a dozen or so girls. They were all whistling and cutting up the whole time I was washing. I...
She slowly sat up. Her head felt like it was full of gauze, but not in the same way it had before; this time it was not delirious pleasure, just dreamy confusion. She groaned and began to sit up in bed, adjusting the lumpy, foreign pillow behind her. She looked around. This was not her bedroom. I’m in a hospital? she thought. Why am I in a hospital? Brie vaguely remembered the sensations she had felt, and that the world had gone dark around her. So, it must not have been a dream. Her cheeks...
Katherine Adams was a Brain. Without doubt the smartest student in the school, she was afflicted with the shyness that often goes hand in hand with great intelligence. Now a senior, she had never dated. She wore baggy clothes, her hair in an unattractive cut, and ugly glasses. She spent little time with her few friends. No nicknames for her, she was simply Katherine. She had been invisible except in the girls' locker room. Her female classmates knew she was hiding an incredible body. They...
The day was what one would expect. Classes and baseball or in Jill and Mary's case, Softball. After practice and supper we were all busy studying, typing, and turning in papers for Thursday, Friday, and Monday. We had to turn in Monday's papers as we had a home game in afternoon on Monday and Tuesday. Thursday morning was busy as we all had to eat, pack and be at the bus by eight thirty. We loaded onto the buses and took off for the far off destination. We actually studied and compared...
Hello, I am William Wilkerson." I had no idea what this was about or who she was other than she was gorgeous. "My name is Jasmine Caretaker and I am from Cassandra." "Cassandra? I don't understand. Where are we?" "At the moment, we are on Crossroads. It is a planet between Earth, Cassandra and Chaos." "What is Chaos?" "As the name implies, it is a world where the basis of might makes right prevails in most cases." "I still don't understand." "It is the place where 'The...
Who woulda thunk it? I really like dick. I mean I like to play with them, lick them, suck them, be fucked my them and just about anything else having to do with dick. Oh yeah, I love pussy too. The juicier the better. But then I'm a guy, I should love pussy. You know, I could be a true sex addict as I do love sex of almost any kind. My body demands some form of sexual release at least daily. If I don't have a playmate, I'll use my hand or any other means available to release gob after gob...
"OK, guys, I'll see you over at the pizza joint," I said as I left the electronics store for the final time. I was moving halfway across the state next week to go to college, and today was my last day. I didn't go to college out of high school, so I was going to be a twenty year old freshman. Anyway, the bosses liked me, so one of the shift managers and a couple of my co-workers decided to give me an unofficial going away party. As I said, the bosses liked me and were sorry to see me go. My...
First TimeSo, I sit here staring at my Italian sub while the food court teems with people. It's funny, how one tenth of a percent can change your whole life. I mean, it's such a small thing, not even a half, less than a quarter. A measly one tenth. That's what stands between me and getting off this damn rock. Hey, I may be a born loser, but I am not stupid. I've got the IQ to prove it too. I'm going to be here when the damn Swarm show up and they'll probably go, "HEY, there's a nice fat one, lets...