Going, GoneChapter 6 free porn video

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The days passed. The families settled into something of a routine.

The children always had something to do outside the pods. They need only say what they wanted to do, and the AI would direct them to the right location. When they could not decide, the AI would ask questions, make suggestions, offer alternatives. They could play a number of team sports. There was not enough room to play baseball, but versions of soccer, basketball and football were available. They even played rugby -- girls, too. For many such games, the balls were made heavier to counter the reduced gravity. Paintball was available. A shooting range was established, without need of actual projectiles. They could play ping pong or foosball. Dodge ball was a favorite and there were sometimes games going on in multiple locations. The AI made a point of locating activities to encourage children to interact and get to know their peers from throughout the ship.

The eldest dependents and the younger concubines from Edgar, most of whom had participated in the CAP enhancement program, took the lead in similar activities aboard the ship. Reduced gravity made it easier to do handstands and back flips. Small groups would perform demonstrations and direct interested individuals to the training areas.

Adults who were trained in martial arts got their heads together and concocted a regimen that blended parts of their various styles. The instructors had the children spend most of their time learning how to safely fall on the mats. Some judo and aikido techniques were thrown in to maintain the level of interest.

Wrestling, boxing and the use of pugil sticks were taught to and practiced by older children and young concubines. Here, far more than elsewhere, teammates needed to aid each other to instill courage in the face of imminent pain, to manage anger and fear, and to encourage persistence.

There were twenty-two members of the Waters/Minter family, counting the children. Only Nicole's Kyle and Tiffany's Tyler and Vickie were too young to use the sleep trainer. There was so much for everyone to learn. For a time, the schedules of the entire family revolved around their time in the sleep trainers. Bob and Ellen finally had to request that two additional trainers be installed. That took some of the pressure off.

The AI was remarkably good at designing fun activities in aid of the concepts learned in the sleep trainers. Something of a science museum was created, with wonderful and interesting interactive displays. A labyrinth was created. Sometimes doors would block progress. The door would open only after the problem displayed on the door's window was solved. Video games and table games both had math problems or reading comprehension activities. The games were fast-paced and fun.

Teams were organized. In the morning, a child's teammates might all be the same age. Later in the day, the child might be among the youngest on the next team. Still later, the child would be among the oldest on still a third team. Always, the focus was on becoming a sponsor, and doing everything possible to see that teammates became sponsors, too.

Not that being a concubine was deemed unworthy. The children were constantly reminded that their moms, their co-moms and all the naked people in the colony were doing all they could to ensure the children's success. Not every Marine would be on a fire team. Not every sailor would be a gunner. Everyone's job was essential. Everyone's success was crucial. Honor, respect and devotion were every bit as much a part of being a sponsor as strength, speed and bravado.

Always, the Sa'arm were in evidence: posters on the walls, elements of video games, miniatures with the toy soldiers. The children knew that they were not all going to be sponsors. They knew that the sponsors among them were not all going to be at the pointy end of the spear. They knew that the humans would be as relentless as the Sa'arm themselves and, however long it took, that the humans would win.

The adults, sponsor and concubine, invested themselves in the children's activities. The ratio of adults to children was now lopsided in favor of adults. They knew that that tide would turn, that one day all too soon the adults would be awash in a sea of children. Great effort was devoted to teaching the children how to work together, to learn from their elders and to teach the younger.

The adults were encouraged to spend time being involved in varying activities of the children, which necessarily put them onto different decks of the colony transport. Not only were they exposed to a variety of activities, but they were also able to meet and get to know a lot of different people who would share their lives in the new colony.

As with the children themselves, there was time for the adults to relax, to interact with each other, to socialize. John Davis opened a bakery on deck ten, partly for the love of baking, partly in aid of the children's education and partly to provide a place for people to mingle. Soon it was a favorite hangout and a place to meet.

Bob saw Sarah Edwards periodically. She made it a point to greet him. She asked him about the token only once. She almost always wore dresses that flattered her figure, with the hem as high as modesty would permit. It was apparent that she did not wear a bra. A couple of times, when he found her sitting, she let him know she wore no panties.

The Sperm Bank was a success. There never was a line of waiting customers, but a steady stream of men visited. The unassigned concubines, including the rejects that Bob had acquired early on, all had their wombs planted. Some of the women could not bring themselves to participate in the glory hole and had to entice a visitor to a bedroom -- if Mona was not around. They quickly learned that Mona would take any man she could lure into her clutches, and keep him going at her until he pleaded for mercy.

"I want to thank you," Ellen told them, "for your active roles and leadership." She took in the smiling faces of the family's six youngest concubines and four oldest children. "It's only been a few weeks since our departure. You have pitched right in and helped everyone get involved."

"It's fun doing stuff with other kids," giggled Travis. "I like helping littler kids, and the bigger kids help me do my best."

"I like to pretend I'm a teacher," Morgan laughed, "for the little kids."

"It isn't pretend," Sandy said with a soft smile. "You really are their teacher." Morgan glowed with pride at that statement.

When the youngsters had run off to their next activities, Ellen was left with Laura and Kathy in the living room. "It's hard to think about us raising children and more children, all to be cannon fodder," Laura said sadly. "Raise them up to be barely teenagers, then send them off to die in the war. Lather, rinse and repeat."

Ellen considered Laura's remark -- and Laura herself -- for a time. "That would probably be the way to think of it if we expected to lose, Laura. I have no doubt that we will win this war. Yes, it will be a long war. Yes, there will be casualties. In some events, the casualties will be large. I don't expect the total casualties to be horrific, such as the Russians suffered in World War Two. I think we will choose the time and place for our battles. Most of the time, that is.

"A lot of the people on Earth will die. That's because they're not trained to fight, they're not properly equipped and there is too much human politics. They will not be able to choose the time and place for their battles. Humans in the Diaspora are pretty much not going to suffer those impairments. Our children may not come back here to live out their days when their part in the war is done, but not many will die in battle, either."

the AI said through his link as he walked along a corridor.

Bob confirmed sub-vocally. The AI explained that the CAP test of a young man would be finished shortly. The man's parents were waiting for him in their pod on deck 14. Bob decided to meet the young man in the med bay and escort him home. On the way to the med bay, the AI supplied details about the young man.

Bob stood when he saw the young man shuffle into the waiting area, obviously still recovering from the test. "Congratulations, Matt. I'm Bob Minter, the Civil Service officer. Here is your new CAP card." Matt examined the card bearing his score of 6.6 and cracked a big smile. "You look like you could use a beverage and I need to visit with you for a bit. Will you join me?" Matt smiled and nodded. Off they went.

Sodas in hand, Bob and Matt found an empty table and chairs in a quiet part of the common area. "You are the first new sponsor since our departure," Bob told him. "On Earth, you can put your CAP card in your wallet and go back to your normal life. That isn't the case anymore."

"I realize that," Matt smiled. "I want to volunteer. I want to be in the Navy."

"Well, I'm glad to hear that. As you know, all of us are on our way to a breeder colony. Our job is to grow as many new sponsors as we can, as fast as we can. The downside is, every one of those new sponsors will be leaving us, going off to join the war effort in one capacity or another. It sounds like that is just what you want."

"It is," Matt confirmed. "Do you know how that's going to work?"

"I'm pretty sure you will not disembark when we reach Aphrodite. Instead, all of you who reach sponsor level on this journey will go back with the Capricorn Clipper." Matt nodded understanding and agreement. "In the meantime, there are some issues we need to attend to," Bob continued. "We need to figure out your housing. You have the right to choose two concubines..."

"Why only two?" asked Matt.

Bob smiled. "Each of the sponsors on this ship was authorized a supernumerary concubine because we are going to a breeder colony. Most sponsors going to military colonies get the regular allotment. Do you think you'll suffer with only two women at your beck and call?"

Matt chuckled and shook his head. "Two will be fine."

"The unassigned concubines are housed in the pod next door to my home on deck nine. Before we get to that, let's talk about housing. When you woke up this morning, you were a dependent. You had a sponsor. The AI informs me that his name is Jerry. You lived with your sponsor, your mother and all of the rest. Now, as a sponsor yourself, you are entitled to your own living unit. Regrettably, there are no empty living units for the time being. Do you have any thoughts on that?"

Matt blanched. "I'm pretty sure my sponsor -- my mom's sponsor, now -- won't be too happy about sharing his treasure with me. You said there are unassigned concubines for me to choose from. I don't know how he'll feel about me coming home with two concubines in tow either."

Bob nodded. "You can talk to him alone, or I will join you if you like. There are some options for you. Let's circle back around to concubines with your housing uncertainty and your deployment in mind."

"What do you mean?" asked Matt.

"The concubines who agree to your sponsorship will be going with you, leaving the rest of us behind on Aphrodite. Most of the unassigned concubines won't care -- one new place will be as good as any other. A few of them won't be very happy to leave their friends or family behind. There are mother-daughter pairs in the unassigned that might not want to be separated. Over a hundred of the sponsors aboard, including me, are all from the same little town. A few unassigned concubines are from our town. They may not be keen on the idea of leaving us."

"Oh," nodded Matt.

"So, bear in mind that you may not be completely welcome in Jerry's home. Bear in mind that this might be the first time that any of the unassigned concubines realize that their homes might not be on Aphrodite. You might need to spend quite a lot of time trying to select your two concubines. You may need to conduct a whole lot of test drives, if you get my meaning."

Matt beamed with understanding. "During Earth pickups, the selection time was very limited. Even on the moon, the selection time was stretched out but it wasn't all that elaborate. Finding out whether I like having sex with a concubine is one thing. I should probably find out if I like spending the whole night with the concubines before I choose, huh?"

"Now you're getting the picture. If it turns out that Jerry welcomes you and your harem into his home, fine. If he sends you the vibe that he's not completely comfortable, then you can hang out with the unassigned concubines in their pod."

"Good," smiled Matt.

"Now, another topic. There are thousands of youngsters aboard. Something like twenty-five of them reach age fourteen every month. Very few of those kids will achieve sponsor-level CAP scores the first time. We want as many as possible to become sponsors. While we were preparing to have our whole town extracted, we established a program that we thought would help the high school kids do better on their CAP scores. Nobody really knows if it worked, but the Confederacy wants us to keep doing that program in the colony. I would like you to make it your job during this transit to try to inspire the kids to work as hard as they can to improve their CAP scores."

"Could I still get my enhancements?"

"You have the right to your enhancements, and I won't stand in your way. However, you'll have the entire transit time back to wherever they take you to get the full complement of enhancements. I will tell you that the concubines you select will be anxious for enhancements for themselves -- they haven't had any yet. As for you, I think it might be best if you maintain your appearance more or less as it is. You definitely will get the implanted AI connection. You maybe should get the enhanced speed and strength. Are you a virgin?"

"Yes," Matt said, blushing.

"You can change the size of your male equipment, but don't forget that the unassigned concubines might not be able to handle you if you're too big. What you can get are what they call the 'male reproductive enhancements' that improve your sexual stamina and reduce the down time between erections -- although, at fourteen, that might not be a problem for you anyway."

Matt laughed. "I'll be careful. I'm sure they'll try to teach me to be a good lover. It wouldn't be fair to them to decide whether or not to go with me and then change the rules on them."

"I think that's wise. Ask the AI to give you whatever is normal these days for male sponsors. That way, you'll be likely to make the concubines happy. But let's go back to the kids. I think you would be a more effective role model if you still look fourteen. If you reflect your pride in your achievement of a good CAP score while being modest and supportive, you literally running circles around them should inspire them to work harder themselves."

"I can do that," smiled Matt, "but won't I be the only fourteen-year-old in the group?"

"No," answered Bob, "there are a few fourteen-year-old guys that didn't get a high enough CAP score. They're still trying to improve their scores. There are a lot of fourteen- and fifteen-year-old concubines who are in the program, especially those from my home town. They will re-take the CAP test in the future."

"I understand. I'll do my best to be a good teacher and role model."

"Okay, then," said Bob, "do you want me to come with you to talk to Jerry?"

"No, I think I can handle it by myself."

"Don't forget to let your mom know you that will be saying goodbye to her when we reach Aphrodite. She may want to spend time with you before you are parted."

"I will."

"AI," Bob asked the ceiling, "will there be time today to get Matt into a med tube after he meets with Jerry?"

"Affirmative," came the reply.

"Please spend as much time as you can working with the kids. I know the unassigned concubines will give you all the incentives they have to keep you in bed with them. Talk to the AI about where and when you would be most useful as a motivation to the kids. Have fun, and choose your concubines wisely. I recommend you select at least one experienced mother. You can make her look young, but the experience will be very useful to you."

"Thanks," said Matt. They shook hands and went their own way.

(Author's warning: the remainder of this chapter contains violence that the author believes is necessary for the story plot.)

Finding her alone in the master bedroom, Nicole approached Ellen and enveloped her in an embrace. "You know how much I owe you for taking me into your family," Nicole said softly over Ellen's shoulder. Sensing that Nicole had something to say, Ellen silently nodded. "Me an' Tiffany ... and our babies ... we ain't never had it so good." The embrace, and the silence, stretched on for a time.

"You don't never stop bein' a 'biker babe, '" Nicole continued. "It's kinda like being a marine: 'once a marine, always a marine.' So I know stuff and I do stuff that you'd never know about. Bob's got a problem next door in them unassigned concubines, and it ain't gettin' any better. I felt I had to tell you beforehand that I'm gonna solve the problem. I talked to the AI about it. It ain't got a problem if you say it's alright. I did not talk to Bob. He'll be better off not knowing. I want to take Tiff and Julie with me. I want the rest of us concubines to keep the little ones from next door for a while. I'd like you to tell the AI to cooperate with me while I'm solving the problem."

While still embraced, Ellen pulled her face far enough away that she could see Nicole's face, a study in love, respect and determination. The moment stretched out. Just as Ellen was forming her first question, a smiling Nicole slowly shook her head. Ellen decided that Nicole deserved her faith and trust. "AI, please support Nicole in this little endeavor she has planned. Go along with whatever she has in mind. I don't want to know what she plans, and I don't think I'll want to know what she's done. I take responsibility for all of Nicole's actions."

"Acknowledged," intoned the AI.

"Thank you," Nicole beamed. Still enfolded in Ellen's embrace, she looked skyward and told the AI, "Please announce a meeting next door in, what, ten minutes. All the adults have to be present. I don't want the children to see or hear what goes on. AI, can you think of a way -- and a place -- to have the children supervised?"

"No sound will reach the upper level of the pod," the AI responded. "The lift can be disabled for the length of the meeting. One or more of your sister-concubines will be sufficient for supervision. The AI will ensure that the children are entertained."

"Okay," said Nicole. "Please ask... " she looked a question at Ellen, "Mickey... " and Ellen nodded, "to get ready to join us." She drew Ellen tightly into the embrace again. "Thank you," she whispered. "Thank you for your support. Thank you for your trust."

Mickey had greeted the women and excused herself to the upper level of the pod. The unassigned concubines had all settled themselves around the living room. Tiffany and Julie found places to lean with some comfort against the walls on opposite sides of the room. Nicole made her way around the room, greeting the women by name a few at a time. When she was done with her greetings, she strolled about casually, slowly, waiting for the women's attention to come to her. At last, she began to speak.

"Y'all ain't from Edgar, Washington, so you don't know Bob Minter very well at all. Bob's a good guy. He just about single-handedly started organizing the pickup that took pretty much our whole town, all at once. Most all the folks from Edgar think he's a hero, if not a saint. But, you know, they say 'no good deed goes unpunished.' You'd think Bob oughta get a cushy job on account of him bein' a hero and all. No, they didn't do that. They didn't even give Bob an average job, doing something he knows something about. Nope. They made Bob the Civil Service officer for the whole planet.

"Now, Bob Minter lived his whole life in itty-bitty Edgar, Washington. He married his high school sweetheart, Kathy. They're still crazy in love. Bob and Kathy have got big hearts. Bob weren't even a sponsor when he started his plan to get us extracted. He done all that work, he woulda kept on doin' all that work, he woulda said goodbye to his whole family. That's how much Bob loved his wife and kids. Ellen got him and Kathy to join her in a pre-pack. Bob didn't find out for quite a while that he could be a sponsor too.

"When Bob got his CAP score increased, he honored his commitment to Ellen and stayed with her. They made a joint household and just took in more concubines. Ellen told them she wanted to take in all the damaged goods she could find. Bob and Kathy just nodded 'yes.' They had no idea what they was lettin' themselves in for. They're troopers, though. They just pitch in and do what needs doing to make us into a family.

"Bob don't know what to do about women 'cept say 'yes' and try to give 'em what they say they need. That was always okay, 'cause Bob didn't hardly run into bitches. He damn sure didn't run into any whores in Edgar, Washington. So some of you whores got an unfair advantage over poor Bob. All he wants to do is make life easier for you and help you get by as comfortably as you can." Some of the women bristled and muttered complaints. Nicole did not miss a beat.

"I hope you've figured out by now that the purpose of this meeting is for me to get you to help Bob. He's your de facto sponsor until you find one permanent. He can't do his job if y'all make him act like he's trying to herd cats. What I need to tell you is gonna seem like a shaggy dog story. I'm sorry for that, but I don't know any other way to do it. My story has a point, but it's a long story and it's gonna take a while to get it told. I will tell you now to stay in your seats unless I say otherwise. Understand?" She waited until she had collected a nod from every one of them.

Nicole used the entire area as a stage, gliding slowly but smoothly from place to place as she spoke. Sometimes she would look across and take in a large group of women. Sometimes she would stand close, seeming to talk directly to the one or two women right in front of her. Her manner and her voice put the women at ease while holding their undivided attention.

"I guess I ought to tell you a little bit about me. I'm a biker babe. I don't ride motorcycles no more, but you don't never stop bein' a biker babe. One day in the town I grew up in, there was a carnival. Me and my sister was over there with our friends. Pretty soon, a bunch of bikers come rollin' into town. It was pretty loud, but Harleys are always loud. They wasn't tearing up the road, they just rolled up like they owned the place. Anyways, they parked their bikes and went in on the carnival grounds. After they went in, we got back to having our own fun. I wanted to follow the bikers but my sister wouldn't let us. She made sure we didn't go the same way they did.

"And we did have a lot of fun. We rode rides. We ate junk food. We played those stupid rigged games, trying to win a teddy bear. It was quite a while later we happened back to the place the bikes was parked. I was over there right up close, looking at one of them bikes. All of the sudden, the owner of the bike was standing right behind me. He startled me. He was huge! He didn't say nothin' to me. He just looked the clothes right off my body. My gawd, I felt a flood in my panties! Boys had looked at my body before, but nothin' like what he done to me, just with his eyes.

"I asked him could I have a ride on his bike. I swear I don't know where that came from! It just popped outa my mouth, I swear! He asked me how old I was. I told him I was ... I told him how old I was. I wasn't very old. He told me I wasn't old enough. So I strutted right up to him, and told him I was too old enough. He must have been a foot and a half taller than me, mighta weighed three times what I did. He musta liked my spunk. He just smiled and swept his hand towards his bike, inviting me for a ride. I didn't know what to do. He climbed on and patted the seat in front of him. I thought he was gonna have me sit behind him, but he wanted me in front. He started the bike and, when all his friends was ready, we took off. I waved bye-bye to my sister. You should have seen the look on her face!

"After we passed the last traffic light in town, he let go of the handle with one hand and brought it around my middle. His great big open hand covered most of my tummy. He musta felt the shudder that ran through my body.

"Another bike came up beside us. There was a girl in front of the biker, just like us, 'cept she was turned facing him, while I was facing forward. Then I saw she didn't have no pants or panties on! Then she lifted up and I saw she had his cock in her hand. Then she looked me right in the eyes while she jammed herself on his cock. She screamed and she musta had an orgasm right then and there.

"Then I realized I was pushing his fingers into my burnin' pussy. By then, there was a huge wet spot in my shorts. I know he must have felt it. All I could do was keep pressing his fingers into my aching pussy.

"The rest of the ride was a blur. When we came to a stop, we were in a park, at the edge of a big campsite. The guy parked his bike and scooped me up like I didn't weigh nothin'. He sat on a picnic bench with me on his lap. At the end of the table, a girl had her head resting on her arms. She was looking at me all dreamy-eyed while a guy fucked her from behind. Next to the table, a girl sat in a lawn chair and sucked two cocks at the same time. Behind her, a guy sat on a picnic bench, getting a blowjob from a girl while she got fucked from behind. All of this right out in the open! They all acted like that was the most ordinary thing to do!

"Pretty soon, he picked me up again and set me down on the other end of the picnic table. He didn't even kiss me. He didn't even go for my tiny tits. He didn't spend much time on the outside of my shorts, either, before he had the zipper down and his fingers in my snatch.

"'You're not old enough, ' he said to me. I told him I was. 'You're not big enough, ' he told me. I said I was. He stood up and just looked at me. I didn't know what he wanted me to do. 'I'll take you back, ' he said. I still didn't know what to do, but I came out of my shorts and panties in a heartbeat. He told me to open his pants, and I did. He didn't say nothin', but he kept watching me. Finally, I figured it out and pulled his pants down enough to loose his dick.

"My gawd! It was as long and as big around as my forearm! He told me again I wasn't big enough. I guess he knew I was stubborn and contrary. Twenty seconds after the first time I saw a man's cock, I was runnin' it up and down my slit, trying to get it lubricated.

"He was right. I was too young. I was too small. The PAIN was unbelievable! He buried himself balls-deep on the first push. I wouldn't cry out, even if I had been able to draw a breath. He was nice enough to hold still for the seemingly long time it took my pussy to stretch out to accommodate him. When he finally started pushing, I was in a fog. I don't remember the rest of my first fuck. Except I do remember that he had a clean handkerchief. He used it to wipe up my slit, and he wiped his cock with it. You could see the blood on it. He folded up the handkerchief and put it in his pocket. He guided my face down close to his dick. I looked at it for a while. I realized he wanted me to lick it clean, so I did. When he decided I'd done a good enough job, he stepped back, fixed his pants and walked away. We hadn't ever kissed. His sperm was swimming in my womb and I didn't even know his name.

"He came back in a couple of minutes, carrying two cans of beer. He handed one to me and sat down on the bench beside where I sat on the end of the picnic table. He opened his and drained about half of it in a single pull. In my whole life 'fore then, I might have had a total of a mouthful of beer. It was so bitter. I decided I was gonna drink that beer, and I did. I got a pretty good buzz going, too.

"There was a party atmosphere, loud music and everyone having fun. Somebody handed me a plate of food and I ate. A black-haired girl gave me some pills. I asked her what they were. She told me they were Advil. She said it wouldn't hurt so much when he fucked me again. I told her I wasn't planning on getting fucked again. She told me to take them anyway. I did. I don't think they were Advil. After while, I got really happy and energized. Some girls were dancing around the campfire and I joined them. I danced my ass off, laughing and whooping it up.

"I got tired and came over to sit down. He guided me onto his lap. He kept his hands on me, but not on my tits or my pussy. It was just gentle like ... affectionate. He nuzzled around my neck and my ear. It felt really good. I started gettin' horny again. Before I knew, I was on my knees in front of him. He had his dick out, and he guided my face to it. When I didn't open my mouth, he rubbed the tip along my lips. I opened my mouth a little and he gently pulled my face onto it. His eyes were locked onto mine. He used his hands to pull and push my face on his dick, letting me know what he wanted. He let go of my head and I kept going. I kept going and going and he kept our eyes locked together. He didn't say nothing, but he started breathing hard. I felt the head swell in my mouth but the shots of cum surprised me. He held my head so I couldn't back away. When he was done, he held my eyes and he nodded slightly. I swallowed. He smiled. He used his finger to scoop up the cum that escaped out of my lips and he fed it back into my mouth. He pulled me back to him and I cleaned him up. He petted my head like I was a dog. I felt really proud of myself.

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Going Deeper Part 3

Going Deeper - Part 3 Authors Note - Thank you to all of those who are sticking with this story and for those who've kindly left feedback. I do read it all! However, if you're wondering just where this story is going, or what might be in store for our hapless protagonist, then welcome to Chrissie's world! Allow yourselves to fall with 'her' into the unknown! ..."Oh my word," I somehow let out, knowing that my breathing was clearly audible, to the point of nearly panting!...

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Going to Night School0

Hi, my name is Vanessa. I was born in December 1975 and now have a 34AA–24–35 95-pound figure with blondish hair. In 1998 I quit my boring existence in a little town in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a middle-aged man in the East Midlands of England. It was a brave decision to make as I’d applied for the job after seeing the job advert in a BDSM magazine that someone had left in the hairdressers where I worked. I didn’t really know what I was letting myself in for, but I...

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Going Deeper Part 2

Going Deeper - Part 2 Note from Author - Thank you to all who have read Part 1 and for those who have taken the time to review it. Your comments are extremely encouraging and useful. I am new to this and clearly one or two minor grammatical errors, typos etc... may have slipped through! I can't promise there won't be one or two more here, but fingers crossed this instalment will be a little tidier. Please feel free to leave feedback if you enjoy this read and in this current climate,...

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Going Out With Amy

It had been almost five full weeks since Amy last visited Ted.  That was the fifth time she had left me at home alone while she met another man for sex.  Like the previous four times, when the sun rose on the day after her last visit, she acted as if it had never happened.  She again returned to being Miss Prim and Proper around me and around our friends.  No one would have ever suspected that this church-going, choir-singing, demure little housewife behaved like she did when she let her hair...

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Going Nova ch 12 Back to School

Suddenly the overhead light flicked on. Her dad was at it again. “Time to get up, kiddo,” he said with his usual morning cheeriness. Brie moaned and ducked her head under the cover to escape the cruel glare of the overhead light. As she breathed in, she was hit with the smell of sex permeating her sheets, and her night came flooding back to her. Had it really happened? she wondered. Did I really have sex with my dad last night? Her unclean bed answered her unequivocally. Slowly it came...

2 years ago
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Going Both WaysChapter 6

The three of us woke up hungry and hung over from the bus ride. We put on our workout clothes after a quick shower and headed to the cafeteria. After eating, we went to the weight room and worked for a solid forty five minutes. We signed out and walked back to the dorm feeling a lot better. I suggested, "How about doing our laundry now then getting some stuff and having a picnic out by the lake?" That was a great idea and they girls began gathering their clothes. I went and got mine and we...

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Going Nova ch 4 Dads Swimming Trunks

Brie blushed and looked down at her food, knowing that she was the cause of the wetness. But Elsie merely shrugged, flipped the skirt up behind her and over the seat, and sat with her panties and bare legs directly on the cool stool. They scarfed down their food, not saying much to each other while doing so. “So,” Elsie ventured a topic, “what does your dad think of all this?” Brie blushed again, “I don’t really know. I think he’s trying not to think about it. I mean, I don’t blame him. I’m...

4 years ago
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Going to WarChapter 2

War creates ripples in your life. When you let the ripples become waves, the challenges start. When they go from simple swells to towering heights, you stand little chance of overcoming them. The key is to stop them before they resonate so much that your life is changed. At this point, I was living a calm exterior life using the same control I had when I left the battlefield. Within me, the waves were crashing every minute of the day and night. There was no peace any longer as the waves...

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Going Nova ch 10 Hazel Goes Nova

Hazel enjoyed the company of Tyler, but did not hold as strong a relationship with him as her husband did, nor with Tyler’s wife. At one point early on, Warrick took the risk of inviting him into a threesome or foursome between the two couples, but Lindsay was not amused. Ever since then, even though Warrick and Tyler continued to carry on like normal, Hazel felt like she was something of an outsider. “How’s Dominic been doing?” Warrick asked. “Eh, you can see for yourself. Dominic!” Tyler...

3 years ago
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Going Back in Style

Chapter 1 My name is John Walters, and I am not the same person that I was a year ago. My new life started about a year ago, when I was fishing off the stern of my houseboat during a lighting storm. I know that I should have reeled in my line and went inside, but the fish were biting and I was a stubborn old fool. I had retired a couple of years before and was living on my social security, so living on my houseboat and going fishing was about the extent of what I could do for entertainment in...

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Going Nova ch 9 The Swimsuit Portion

She also wondered if her pussy, still hot and drooling from her first to walks down the runway, would be apparent to the people in the room when she changed. It did cross her mind that if she soaked her way through the swimsuit, at least it was a piece of clothing that was supposed to get wet. Michael pushed open the door to the room, and they were greeted by a team of three makeup artists. Two women and one man. The man’s presence made Brie self-conscious, and she crossed her arms in front...

3 years ago
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Going on Display

       It is the same as I have been telling you the last few times – I am your master and you my slave.  Although you are just one young girl of my large harem (for I have made my career out of raising you slaves as whores for amusement as well as livelihood) you have a special position – you are my favorite, and I keep you for myself exclusively.  You share my bed nightly and I only allow you to couple with other men on very special occasions – for visiting kings and the like – and always I...

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Going to WarChapter 9

It's funny how the sounds of the night on Chaos were as acceptable to my brain as those of Earth. You would think they would be different somehow and that would have kept me awake. They didn't; what kept me awake was the thought of cutting my tongue out. I understand pain. The truth is that yes, it lets you know you're alive, but it damn well hurts too. The second problem with my getting any rest was in the form of Mandy. She held me on the pedestal that I was use to women being on. There...

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Going bi

“I’ll make it very special” she said her blonde hair tickling my stomach as she brought my cock to her mouth. “Well it will have to last me three weeks at least” I replied. “Yeah I bet, boys away on business” she replied licking the length of my full and very hard erection. I didn’t reply for my wife knew me very well, but not as well as she thinks I smiled loving the warmth of her tongue on me. “Just don’t bring anything home” she mumbled as she took the bulbous end of my uncut cock into...

4 years ago
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Going to Hell

I had just finished the 6th grade and I was at an age when my hormones were just kicking in. I was just starting to take a real interest in girls. And my best friend Dan's little sister Mandy had a crush on me. Dan and I had been best friends since the 1st grade and his sister who I'd always thought of as pest suddenly seemed a lot more interesting. Then one day it happened. She and I were caught by her Mom playing Doctor and patient. We were both naked because I had dared her to strip...

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Going Home

Although this story may stand alone, you might want to read The Return Trip parts 1 & 2 to see how April and Jimmy got to this place in their life Going Home Horse and April had just had the best weekend of their life. Jack and Peggy had shown them so much and brought out their own perversions. Ones they had fantasized about concerning each other. But now their thoughts were on better things waiting at home. Still being summer made their plan even better and hopefully easier to pull...

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Going to WarChapter 10

We had been on Chaos for quite a while and I was a mess from the point of needing to shave off the beard. Janice wasn't there to cut my hair, and it took me a longtime to scrub out the dirt that was almost embedded into my skin. Slowly, I started to look and feel better about my appearance. I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed into the bedroom. Alice was on the bed in a red teddy that left nothing to the imagination. She didn't want to wait and my biological response was exactly...

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Going Down Once Again

"Wait! Hold the elevator!" My heels clattered against the floor as I made a run for it. I couldn't afford to be late. I was on my way to a business dinner with my boss and a prospective client for the architectural firm where I was employed. It was an important client, and we really needed the contract. I hadn't met Mr. Grant face to face yet, and I wanted to make a good impression so I took a little extra time with my appearance, hence the rush. I was in a little black number that hugged every...

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Going GoneChapter 2

"Settle down, please," boomed the voice of the man on the podium. "Welcome to Copernicus Base. I am Jeff Keiser of the Fleet Auxiliary. It sounds like you had a very nice farewell party yesterday. Yes, it was only yesterday that you said goodbye to your friends and neighbors. I hope you will get over the time change very soon. There are a hundred and sixteen of you sponsors. Tomorrow, you will be boarding the Kilo Class transport Capricorn Clipper. It is intended that all of the sponsors...

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Going Nova ch 7 Sex and Secrets

Hazle chuckled sleepily and her voice rasped out, “Honey, it can’t be Elsie, she stayed over last night, remember?” Warrick suddenly remembered and his cheeks went flush. He remembered, very vividly, deflowering his daughter’s best friend while his wife was upstairs, in fact. He rolled away from Hazel as the phone continued to ring. “Anyway, it’s yours. Answer it.” Hazel grabbed it off the nightstand. “Oh, it’s Ivy!” Warrick turned slightly with some interest. Ivy was a friend of theirs,...

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Going Down

“Perfectly healthy.” I remember the very words that my doctor spoke like it was yesterday. How wrong she was! Here I am, nearing thirty years old, now the smallest man that the world has ever known...  It started a few months back when I filled a temporary position working for a environmental clean-upcrew, trying to help make ends meet until one of my job applications for a managerial position in retail came through. I was delighted to be finishing my last day of manual labor on the land fill...

4 years ago
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Going through the door The next step

GOING THROUGH THE DOOR THE NEXT STEP By Betty Noone CHAPTER ONE A CONVERSATION WITH JEAN WHAT ARE THE ODDS? I called my best friend Jean at 8:45 P.M. on a Sunday night. I knew it was late but, to me at least, it was important. "Jean, can you meet me for lunch tomorrow? And if you can, do you think you can take a two hour lunch?" "What's up? Sounds important." "I really need to talk and you are the only one that I can talk to. Yes. It is important." Jean is a...

2 years ago
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Going Home

Going Home By Julie O Chapter One Nick Griffin let out a long and audible sigh while he turned off the car's ignition. Finally parked outside his sister's condo, he felt mixed emotions. While he was happy to see his twin sister, Sherri, he wished it were under better circumstances. A week earlier he had been on the fast track to management, and then in a flash, he was unemployed. He kept trying to convince himself that it wasn't his fault, but deep down he knew that it...

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Going to WarChapter 7

I grabbed a drink and headed to the couch. The instructions weren't long but I needed a better understanding of a few parts. The first question that came to mind after I had read them was where to place the portal. While you needed the ring to pass through, having it seen as a doorway somewhere was going to raise suspicions. And the way I had people traipsing through the house, that was a concern. It needed to be in a frame which was large enough for me to pass through. I'm 6' and 200...

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Going Once Going Twice Sold

Cloud stood in the kitchen the next morning, her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. Strands of hair had managed to escape their restraint during her early morning jog and they framed her face as she watched the sausages she was making for her husband sizzle in the pan. Kira walked into the kitchen with a yawn, “Too early…” She plopped down into a chair. “Or too late.” “It’s not that early…” Cloud watched, amused while Pocket herded her four kittens into the kitchen. “Kittens!” One of...

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Going GoneChapter 4

The Edgar folks were still suffering from a kind of 'jet lag, ' their bodies not yet accustomed to Greenwich Mean Time. The AI succeeded in prodding the sponsors to get themselves up and about. In most pods, there was enough time for morning ablutions and a leisurely breakfast. Some opted for more vigorous exercise -- there were babies to be made, after all! The embarkation itself was routine. The Edgar sponsors and their families allowed themselves to be led to their new living quarters...

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Going Nova ch 11 All of Brie

“Elsie’s on my phone on the couch. Brie’s asleep in her bed. She passed out on stage.” “Passed out?” Warrick asked, concerned. “She’s okay.” Ivy reassured him. “She didn’t have a big fall, but she had a, well… a dramatic experience, you could say.” Ivy turned to Hazel, “Did you tell him what I told you?” Hazel shook her head, “Not fully, but I’ve prepared him.” “Damn, you’re gonna make me say it again?” “I thought it would be best that it not come from me second-hand. You were the one who...

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going underground

Going undergroundCHAPTER 1This story is about a young Mom named Becky and her Son Tommy,Becky was now 36 and she had devoted her life to her son when her partner left her when she became pregnant,She always made sure that tommy would never loose out with not having a Dad,Tommy became a bit of a mommy’s boy as he got older Becky knew she would always have to protect him,The k**s at school always thought he was a bit of geek and would tease him about him being a mommy’s boy,As Tommy got older he...

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Going Down UnderChapter 4

“Feels lovely, Kate,” I said with a smile. “But you emptied me out. I shot all of my load across your body.” “I know. Those bitches back there licked it all up and I didn’t get any. I want to taste your cum before we get to Frasier.” “Please try, I win either way. But those tits got a lot out of me.” Kate has an amazing mouth. She sucked and licked my balls and ran her tongue and fingers the length of my shaft. She coaxed my cock to full erection, which was an accomplishment in...

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Going Dogging

(Mature lady takes on two)As I went to get us a nightcap I saw the barman glance across to Eileen and smile. I followed his gaze to see that Eileen had apparently carelessly allowed her skirt to ride up over her stocking tops and as she uncrossed her legs was giving him and I a good stretch of creamy thigh and a flash of her newly shaven pussy. She smiled when she saw us glancing across and slowly crossed her legs to leave her short tight black skirt still a good few inches short of her lace...

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Going Rogue Ch 04

The chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...

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Going Nova ch 8 The Modeling Gig

Elsie shrugged. “I guess they’ve already gotten started.” They made their way toward the boutique and as they approached, the surrounding hustle and bustle grew quickly. There were people seemingly everywhere. Most of them appeared to be fans or otherwise guests of the event, but as they neared the entrance there was a flurry of activity from workers plying their trade. Set builders cranked wrenches on scaffolding and lights flashed on and off as men and women walked around examining each...

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Going Green

Sam Green finished setting up his new auction account, wondering if he had the balls to go all the way. The idea had come to him when he’d received yet another new toy that he’d ordered on the internet. The flashlight was hardly a technical marvel, but the novelty of only having to shake it for light, never having to worry about batteries, was enough to make Sam click the buy button. As soon as he shook the flashlight and turned it on for the first time, the idea lit up in his head along with...

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Going Green

Sam Green finished setting up his new auction account, wondering if he had the balls to go all the way. The idea had come to him when he’d received yet another new toy that he’d ordered on the internet. The flashlight was hardly a technical marvel, but the novelty of only having to shake it for light, never having to worry about batteries, was enough to make Sam click the buy button. As soon as he shook the flashlight and turned it on for the first time, the idea lit up in his head along with...

Straight Sex
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Going GoneChapter 3

The excitement had wound down and the town folk ate their lunches. Marcie joined her best friend Kathy at the lunch table. Marcie's children were swept into the cabal of the Waters/Minter youngsters, their earlier fright seemingly forgotten. While they ate, Bob paused and had a far-away look on his face. He shook that off and turned to Kathy. "The AI just told me that five other women will be joining us shortly. Four of them are -- were -- the supernumerary concubines of the guys who...

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Going Deeper Part 1

Going Deeper - by Helen Newton. The heading on her profile simply read: - 'Convincing submissive she- male, sissy, cross dressing secretary required' It all began when I had advertised myself as a submissive transvestite on an online bdsm contact web site some months earlier and noticed the above advert / profile. In truth joining the site was more just for fantasy for me and in truth I hadn't considered or expected anything realistic to ever come of it. Besides I doubted that I...

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Going for the Triple

In the past one of the more delightful times I had as a younger, perhaps slightly more active man than now, was to end up bedding three members of the same family and then a family friend as well. Even though it sounds like incest, in fact as I wasn't related to them it wasn't. The best thing about it all was that they all knew about the others - so it was the choice of all worlds, no jealousy, no bitching, nothing. I think the worst remark I heard in all the time I was with them was, "Hey,...

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Going for the Record

1Going for the Record By The TechnicianBDSM, S/M, Clothpins, Public Nudity, Public Bondage, Public Orgasm = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = A pain slut is taken to the club to "go for the record." = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental....

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Going GoingChapter 19

"Mom, Dad," Katie said as she engaged them with her eyes, "there is planning that needs to happen, and we'd like to talk to you about it." The four were in the middle of dinner, and the 'how was your day' niceties had been dispensed with. "I don't suppose this has anything to do with the coming extraction, does it?" asked George, their dad, with a knowing smile. Karen, their mother, also smiled at them. "Well, of course, it does," allowed Kevin. "And you're starting to think...

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Going white for the first time

The wife and I have been married for just over four years. We were one of the original people to have moved into this apartment complex. “Have you seen the new lady in the next building?” she asked. Alexis my wife, was the neighborhood watch dog. She had recently been asked to notify the community leaders of any rule breaking that happened. Little did they know she would take that bone and run with it.  “No I haven't,” I sighed. She always found something she wanted to complain about. It...

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Going for a drive

“Hey I’m getting my license tomorrow.” “Yeah?” “Yeah, Ik we haven’t really seen each other a lot but would like to go for a ride with me and hang out for awhile after I get it?” “Sure but I can’t do anything until around 7.” “Ok” The next day his mom takes Michael to get his license. When his dad gets home he asks, “dad can I take my truck out tonight to go driving?” “Sure but you need to drive safe and be home by midnight.” What are your plans?” “I’m going to meet a friend around 7 and...

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Going South 3 Sue tells all

Going South 3 Sue tells all It was a week later after dinner and Sue and I were in the living room watching television. She was sitting across from me and I could tell she was not interested in the show. She was slowly opening and closing her legs giving me a view of her pussy. After ten minutes of teasing me she gets up and comes over to me. She straddled my legs facing me and put her arms around my neck. Looking me in the eye she said baby I need dessert, you know something hot and delicious...

3 years ago
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Going to be a good year 2

Daytona had been a blast, if your any kind of NASCAR fan you just have to do it at least once. Going to the Daytona 500 is like a pilgrimage to Mecca, except for rednecks instead of Muslims. The sights and sounds of the race are like nothing else, the only problem is the size of the track, even from the good seats that I had, high above the start/finish line, it's hard to keep track of the cars when they're in the corners. It's actually easier to watch it on TV, but still it's all about the...

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Going Both WaysChapter 2

When the alarm went off I sat up. The first thing I noticed was no roomie, oh well. I put the towel back around me and headed for the shower with my toothbrush. After a couple big glasses of water, I did the shit, shower, and shaved the few whiskers I had. Back in the room I dressed quickly, straightened the room, grabbed my backpack and headed for the stairs. Dan and Jake were waiting for me with another guy they introduced as Jim. He was also on both the football and wrestling teams. As...

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Going Both WaysChapter 4

When the alarm went off, I discovered we had not moved all night long. Both girls groaned and moved to get out of bed. Mary sat up as she was on the outside and Jill pushed me to get up so she could get up too. Jill handed me a towel as she and Betty wrapped one around their bodies. I grabbed my toothbrush and we headed to the bathrooms and showers. I was the only guy in the shower this morning with a dozen or so girls. They were all whistling and cutting up the whole time I was washing. I...

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Going Nova ch 2 Elsie

She slowly sat up. Her head felt like it was full of gauze, but not in the same way it had before; this time it was not delirious pleasure, just dreamy confusion. She groaned and began to sit up in bed, adjusting the lumpy, foreign pillow behind her. She looked around. This was not her bedroom. I’m in a hospital? she thought. Why am I in a hospital? Brie vaguely remembered the sensations she had felt, and that the world had gone dark around her. So, it must not have been a dream. Her cheeks...

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Going GoingChapter 16

Katherine Adams was a Brain. Without doubt the smartest student in the school, she was afflicted with the shyness that often goes hand in hand with great intelligence. Now a senior, she had never dated. She wore baggy clothes, her hair in an unattractive cut, and ugly glasses. She spent little time with her few friends. No nicknames for her, she was simply Katherine. She had been invisible except in the girls' locker room. Her female classmates knew she was hiding an incredible body. They...

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Going Both WaysChapter 5

The day was what one would expect. Classes and baseball or in Jill and Mary's case, Softball. After practice and supper we were all busy studying, typing, and turning in papers for Thursday, Friday, and Monday. We had to turn in Monday's papers as we had a home game in afternoon on Monday and Tuesday. Thursday morning was busy as we all had to eat, pack and be at the bus by eight thirty. We loaded onto the buses and took off for the far off destination. We actually studied and compared...

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Going to WarChapter 3

Hello, I am William Wilkerson." I had no idea what this was about or who she was other than she was gorgeous. "My name is Jasmine Caretaker and I am from Cassandra." "Cassandra? I don't understand. Where are we?" "At the moment, we are on Crossroads. It is a planet between Earth, Cassandra and Chaos." "What is Chaos?" "As the name implies, it is a world where the basis of might makes right prevails in most cases." "I still don't understand." "It is the place where 'The...

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Going Both WaysChapter 1

Who woulda thunk it? I really like dick. I mean I like to play with them, lick them, suck them, be fucked my them and just about anything else having to do with dick. Oh yeah, I love pussy too. The juicier the better. But then I'm a guy, I should love pussy. You know, I could be a true sex addict as I do love sex of almost any kind. My body demands some form of sexual release at least daily. If I don't have a playmate, I'll use my hand or any other means available to release gob after gob...

3 years ago
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Going Away Gift from Becky

"OK, guys, I'll see you over at the pizza joint," I said as I left the electronics store for the final time. I was moving halfway across the state next week to go to college, and today was my last day. I didn't go to college out of high school, so I was going to be a twenty year old freshman. Anyway, the bosses liked me, so one of the shift managers and a couple of my co-workers decided to give me an unofficial going away party. As I said, the bosses liked me and were sorry to see me go. My...

First Time
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Going Out With a Bang Revised

So, I sit here staring at my Italian sub while the food court teems with people. It's funny, how one tenth of a percent can change your whole life. I mean, it's such a small thing, not even a half, less than a quarter. A measly one tenth. That's what stands between me and getting off this damn rock. Hey, I may be a born loser, but I am not stupid. I've got the IQ to prove it too. I'm going to be here when the damn Swarm show up and they'll probably go, "HEY, there's a nice fat one, lets...

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