RAKHI gar ki rand
- 2 years ago
- 26
- 0
Early the next morning I heard my bedroom door open. It is one of the few sounds that is guaranteed to wake me from even the deepest sleep. My eyes shot open and I was instantly wide awake. Even before it had fully opened, I’d worked out that there should be no-one in the house, Lyn had left and nobody was due this morning.
‘Black coffee, no sugar, right?’ I heard Petra say as she entered carrying said brew.
Seeing who it was relaxed me. A bit of clear thought reminded me that she still had a key. A quick look at my clock and her attire suggested that she was checking up on me on the way to work. Despite being startled awake, I liked that idea.
‘Please! So what do I owe this honour, and more to the point, can I expect it every morning?’ I asked grinning.
‘Just checking up on my favourite man and you of all people should know not to set your expectations so high.’ She said returning my grin.
She put the cup down and leaned over to give me a good morning kiss. I was only a little surprised at the intimacy as I’d become used to such greetings in hospital. With no one else around it quickly became more than just a greeting. Tongues became furiously involved and my hands began to roam her back as I pulled her closer. I was just about to start to move them to those firm orbs at her front when I came to my senses. I moved my hands away allowing Petra to pull back. She did, but not immediately, telling me that my actions were not entirely unwelcome.
She looked flustered yet still beautiful.
‘Sorry!’ I said
‘Don’t be, I’m not.’ She responded with a smile. ‘Though Lyn may be. Talking of who, where is she? Has she gone already?’
I was puzzled. ‘Lyn left yesterday, about an hour after you.’
‘But she was supposed to stay last night.’
‘Yes stay,’ Petra said as if talking to a moron. ‘We agreed that for the first week, one of us would always be with you. Obviously Lyn wanted to be first.’ Petra then blushed. ‘She wanted to show you how much you meant to her.’
I was more than a little confused. ‘Are you talking sex here?’
‘Yes,’ she answered softly.
‘Well that did happen.’ I said not willing to expand.
‘It did? So why didn’t she stay?’
‘Let’s just say that the post-coital talk didn’t match what went before it.’ I then thought back to what Petra had said earlier. ‘Wait! Did you just mean that you and Natasha planned to stay too? All night?’
‘Yes we did, though we have prepared your bedroom upstairs for us. I don’t know about Nat but I hoped I wouldn’t need it but that was going to be down to you ... and maybe Lyn too.’
Oh boy! That was something to dream about, sharing a bed with each of them. I shook my head. This wasn’t the time to think fantasies.
‘What did you talk about that made her leave? I hope you didn’t hurt her any more.’
‘Any more? When did I hurt her first?’
‘A few times apparently but worst is that she blames herself for your accident.’
‘How? Why? She wasn’t even there ... I don’t follow.’
‘She reckons that if she’d not dithered about and rang you earlier then you would have been with her that Saturday rather than out on your bike.’
Lyn had never even hinted at this before. I suddenly wondered if our lustful lovemaking the previous day had been nothing more than a quick fuck to salve her conscience. I didn’t know what to think.
‘David, I really should be getting to work. Will you be alright until lunchtime?’
‘Petra, I am not an invalid, close maybe but no more. I will be fine on my own. I really don’t need anyone mothering me.’ I looked and saw a touch of sadness so quickly added. ‘That doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate your help, nor does it mean that I’m stupid enough to turn down any help just because I don’t need it. So feel free to come as often as you want, although I’m not too sure I could survive if you stayed overnight.’
Her eyes lit up again melting my heart. ‘And why would that be?’ She asked with a giggle.
‘I’ve lusted after you for as long as I’ve known what lust is.’
‘Well maybe it’s time for us both to find out whether it was worth the wait.’
I daydreamed of just that for a few moments before reality kicked in. ‘I must be completely insane but I can’t ... at least not yet. I need to sort out what is happening with Lyn first. You’ve already told me that I’ve hurt her. I don’t want to do that again if I can help it. I hope you understand.’
I was surprised that she was smiling. ‘I understand completely. That is just one of the reasons that I love you. Now I need to get to work, you know what a monster my boss is.’ She said finishing with a giggle.
Another sweet kiss and she was gone, leaving me with my thoughts. The immediate one was her “I love you” statement. Was it said as if to a brother or a lover. I tried to analyse her tone but still wasn’t any of the wiser. Eventually I gave up. Petra hadn’t made a big deal out of it, so why should I?
I hobbled to the phone and called Lyn. Betty answered and when I asked for Lyn she said that she’d fetch her. She came back a few minutes later and told me that she’d forgotten that Lyn had gone into work. To me it sounded as if Lyn didn’t want to speak to me. I ended the call with a request for Lyn to call me as soon as she could. Equally suspicious I thought after putting the phone down was Betty not asking me how I was.
I spent the morning looking around the house, well downstairs at least. I tried getting up the stairs but it was too painful, both doing it normally and by sitting on a step and going up backwards. What I could see was immaculate. In the living room there were colour coordinated cushions and similar “designer” items. I know I was in the room the day before but I’m a man, I really hadn’t noticed. No obvious changes had been made in the kitchen other than a new barstool had appeared. Fridge and cupboards were well stocked, even if it did include food I disliked. I wondered about the barstool, but soon found it brilliant as I could use it to take most of my weight whilst I worked with both hands free.
My next step would be to find a job. I’d been told that it would be at least a month, more likely two, before I could be on my feet unaided. That meant a desk job or waiting until I was fitter. I was already bored out of my mind so decided to look for the former. I knew that wouldn’t be easy, as I’d found out the first time I’d had to look, and I was more versatile then. The only other option was to move out of the area but again that would be very difficult until I was properly back on my feet.
I was in my downstairs bedroom, busy searching the internet, when I heard the front door open. A quick glance to the bottom right of my screen revealed that it was already lunchtime so I assumed that it was Petra.
I was partly right. It was Petra but she had Natasha with her. I hobbled into the front room and was greeted with another scorcher of a kiss from Petra. Natasha’s wasn’t far behind in temperature either. I loved this new greeting but I still hadn’t got used to it. The giggle from the pair confirmed that I looked as embarrassed as I felt.
‘Get used to it,’ Petra told me.
‘I don’t think that will be such a hard task.’ I answered. A quick thought came. Petra was no longer subservient to her cousin, at least around me. She led the conversation as much as she followed it.
‘Now, what’s this I hear about you upsetting Lyn?’ Natasha asked.
‘If I did then I’m not sure how.’
‘Of course you did. Lyn is upset, you are male, ergo it’s your fault.’ Natasha explained, trying hard to keep a straight face.
Although I didn’t like talking about intimate details with a third party, I decided to tell the pair exactly what happened with Lyn. It was only after some probing questions from Natasha, who else, that I mentioned that part about kids and marriage.
‘That’s it!’ Natasha stated triumphantly. ‘Whatever you said or however you said it, Lyn saw it as a proposal.’
‘But from what she’s said to us, why would that cause problems? I would have expected just the opposite.’ Petra asked.
‘I don’t know, but I intend to find out. We need to have a chat with Miss Redmond, after work I think.’
Happy that they had gotten to the root of the problem, the cousins set about making some lunch for the three of us whilst chatting away.
Another random thought arrived. Stephen Kenny had all the industry periodicals delivered to his office. All decent jobs were always advertised in them first. I asked Petra if she could bring me those that they had finished with.
‘Why?’ She asked.
‘Jobs. They are the best place to look and I’m going to need a job pretty soon.’
Natasha looked at me strangely, a mixture of nervousness and excitement. ‘You old job is still available... ‘ She started, paused to take a deep breath and continued. ‘We both know why you left; me! I hope that is no longer a problem... ‘ Again she paused, looking at me for confirmation.
‘I never really had a problem with you professionally. It was only outside of work or when you let the two cross over. I don’t know what happened to that particular Natasha. It seems that she has disappeared. I certainly hope so because I love her replacement.’
She smiled at me again. ‘Thank you. Well we never replaced out Special Projects Manager so the position is still vacant if you want it.’
I hesitated as I thought about the offer.
I did notice Petra touch her cousin on the arm. ‘Be honest Nat!’ She said.
A slight nod of acknowledgement from Natasha preceded her next words. ‘David, I want to assure you of two things. This offer is not made out of sympathy or even guilt, though I have both. The company has already benefited from some of your previous suggestions. Father has praised me for improvements that you made possible. So the offer is made for good commercial reasons.’
She sounded sincere enough so I believed her.
‘And the other reason?’ Petra asked for me.
‘I want you there. I know you’ve discussed this with Petra but I want you to know how big a part you have had in my rehabilitation.’
Seeing that Natasha was starting to get emotional, I tried to head it off. ‘Thank you Natasha. I accept, though I’m not sure when I’ll be fit enough to start.’
Petra also noting her cousin’s sentimental feelings said. ‘Good that’s sorted. You will need to run that past uncle K. but I don’t foresee any problems.’
The rest of their visit was spent discussing details. Again I was treated to kisses before they left. For the first time, I felt real feeling in Natasha’s.
With nothing else to do, I gave a lot of thought into my life since the accident. I wasn’t sure if my relationship with Lyn had in fact changed but that with Petra and Natasha had done so beyond recognition. Would it have done so without the accident was the only question. From what I’d heard then maybe some defrosting would have occurred regardless but we’d never have reached the point where I regarded Natasha as a close friend. I really liked the new, improved version and after months of close watching, it appeared permanent.
I discovered a slight problem with the new layout. Bathing was going to be difficult to begin with. I really enjoyed a long soak in a hot bath but that was upstairs and my earlier efforts had shown it would be a week or so, at best, before that was an option. The downstairs bathroom only had a shower. A very awkward and painful attempt to use that proved difficult too. I’d ended up sitting in the cubicle, not the best position to get clean. Getting back up was a bugger too, in fact, I was sweating so much by the time I was upright that I needed another shower!! Crutches on wet tiles proved fun too. I decided that I’d just have to stink for a few days.
Natasha and Petra, both appeared to have used up all their sympathy whilst I was in hospital, for when they called in straight from work and I’d explained my struggles, all they’d done was laugh.
‘Maybe we should help hold him up next time,’ Petra said with a twinkle.
‘It would need one either side.’ I stated with a smirk.
‘In your dreams pervert.’ Laughed Natasha.
‘Has been for ten years,’ I joked.
‘Pervert!’ Natasha repeated.
They then prepared me some tea, despite my protests, before rushing out with a promise that one or both would be back later.
It was less than an hour when Petra let herself in.
‘We’ve just been to see Lyn.’ she opened with. ‘She tried to explain what happened. The events seem just as you said, though her interpretation differs. She believes that you actually proposed whilst you were having sex. I don’t understand why, but she thought that was ... crass, unfeeling, insensitive and other such things. I can only assume that she was too emotional to think straight and now too stubborn to admit it.’
‘Well Lyn has had a tendency to jump the gun and I can definitely vouch for a stubborn streak ‘
‘Anyway! She wants to keep away for a while, to give me and Natasha a chance at you,’ she held her hand up when she saw me about to speak, ‘her words, not mine.’
I slumped at that news. Even allowing for the fact that I’d already reached that conclusion, it still hurt. I could not deny that I had strong feelings for Lyn. Equally, I had to accept that we just didn’t seem compatible.
‘I’m sorry David.’
‘It’s not your fault. I seem to have this great ability to rub women up the wrong way.’ I said with more than a touch of self-pity.
‘Not true! You’ve never rubbed me up the wrong way.’ She then looked at me with a twinkle and a giggle. ‘Nor the right way ... yet!’
‘Give me time!’ I responded still feeling sorry for myself.
‘As long as it’s the right way, you can take all the time in the world.’
I looked at my friend and was just about to tell her to stop kidding, when I saw that she wasn’t. ‘You mean it don’t you?’ I asked incredulously. I was obviously aware of all the flirting, to say nothing of the kisses, but had assumed that they were playful.
‘I’m very serious and I wouldn’t be surprised if Nat isn’t too.’ Petra said smiling at the look on my face. ‘I told you before the accident that I wanted you to be my first man. That hasn’t changed one iota.’
‘Because you can ask why. Because you wouldn’t do anything behind Lyn’s back. Because of what you did for Nat. Because of who you are. I need to know who I am, what I am. I trust you to do what’s best for me, not just you. Don’t get me wrong, I sincerely hope it’s best for us both.’
I was floored. I’d gone from feeling crap about Lyn to thinking about making love to Petra, in almost an instant. What did that make me? I no longer doubted Petra, about her desires or about what Lyn had said to her. Did I want to do something about it? Hell yes. Should I do something and if so when was the right time?
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Hi everyone! This is raunak from bangalore. Mai 22 saal ka hu aur mera lund 6 inch 2 cm bada aur 2.3 inch mota hai jo meri gf ne hi measure kia apne hatho se. Yea kahani promise day ki hai jab maine apni gf ko chhoda.Jaisa ki aap logo ko pta hi hoga ki ye valentine week chal raha hai.To mai aur meri gf nikita (name changed) aksar outing kar rahe the.Wo dikhne me ek dum maal hai.Uski books balloon ki tarah hai aur uski chut to maano kisi ka bhi lund garam ho jaaye aur chhodne ko majbur ho...
I don’t remember being touched. I don’t remember being fondled. I don’t recall being ****d. I do recall having what a Psychologist might call an unhealthy interest in sex. It all started with my best friend Steven and I showing each other our dinky little dicks when we were young That lit a fire in my curiosity and, allow me to say it, pure perversion. Where it led from there was countless sexual encounters with countless other c***dren. The one that stands out the most is the time that I ****d...
Hello meri Pyari Bhabhio Hot Girls our mujhse chudwane wali sweet girls main aapka lucky fir aa gaya apni story lekar aapko to pata he hai ki main indore main rehne laga hu our mujhe yahan ki ladkiyan kuch jayada he pasand aane lagi hai so yahi reh raha hu our bina sex k reh nahi sakta mujhe mail mile our maine ghar jaker kai beauti our sweet girl ko satisfy bhi kiya to dosto yeh rahi meri story 6 month pehle ki baat hai main apni bike se gita bhavan jo indore ka main ilaka hai wahan se ja raha...
The following morning John's alarm clock went off and woke him up. He had set the alarm clock on his cellphone to wake them when it was still dark outside. He gently shook Alice, who was still asleep. For a moment she looked confused around her, it wasn't light yet and she still felt pretty sleepy. "Huh? What's going on?" Alice whispered, hearing how raindrops landed on the tent. "We wanted to get a head start from Ben and Marlene, right? I set the alarm clock on my cellphone to wake...
Don't go into a funhouse alone. Carnivals and Fairs, they move around from town to town. Does anyone ever really know who these people are? What I am about to tell you took place at one of these places years ago.It was mid October, And I was meeting someone at the pop up carnival. Please don't judge, but it was from an early free dating website. I was lonely and young and a little desperate for attention. I was talking to this man about the fair that just came to town, and he knew...
I woke up to soft kisses on my neck. I turned to greet Lisa's lips as she was kissing me with big tears streaming down her face. "What's the matter, Honey? Is there something wrong?" "No, Chuck, I'm just so happy to become a mother. This is something so special to me. I'll have a chance to love my children the way Mama Peaches loved me. You know, I think that Mama and my dad may have been more than just friends. Mama told me that she had comforted Dad for many years when my mother...
Copyright 2000, 2002, 2003 by Wanda Cunningham. All rights reserved. None By Wanda C. "God," he prayed. "My prayer is that you make me a better person, more willing to do the right thing and not ask for anything for myself." *** "Sister Mary Grace is one of our fine young nuns," said the Mother Superior. "It's so hard these days to find young women with a true vocation." They watched the sweet-faced if not exactly pretty young woman working with the children in their...
Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil kalluri kanaku teacher kanagavai eppadi usar seithu avargalai matter seithen enbathai indru tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Ashok, vayathu 20 aagugirathu, intha vayathile eppadi enaku kama aasai vanthathu endraal ellam kama kathaigalai padipathaal thaan. Kama padangalai paarpathai vida kama kathaigalai padithaal thaan innum kama veri pidikum, yaraiyaavathu oothu vida manam thavikum. Naan palli padikum varaiyil kama padangal paarthu kai...
I had been a crossdresser all my life but completely in the closet and hidden from all my friends and family. To ease my tensions, I often chatted with people on line, at first with females and other crossdressers but as I got braver with men as well. I loved to chat with them and their strong demeanour made me feel even more feminine.I had been chatting with John for a couple of weeks, about my fantasies. And let me get this straight, that's all they were fantasies. I mean I talked of having...
Linice’s boss wants more from her than her nine to five work output. Help comes from the past; the far, distant past. If you can hold on, the sexy part is not far ahead. Part I. His Little Brown Box Jed Maroni at 20 years old wasn’t like the other young men that grew up with him in Saintly Hallows. Whereas his neighbor friends had smart phones, iPods and video games, girlfriends and big plans for their future, Jed was happy with less. He was 18 when his parents died in a plane crash. Jed...
SupernaturalZane's Slavegirl: Part One - by: Obedient Boytoy Zane never gave any real indication of his truly incredible dominant side during the first two months he dated Derek only a couple years ago. It was during the third and final month of their short-lived but sexually fulfilling relationship that he let 30-year-old Derek see his true colors. Perhaps it was because Zane, at 28, became more comfortable in the relationship; perhaps Derek had sent off enough submissive vibes that Zane...
CUCK HUBBY IN CHASTITY by Throne Being locked in chastity can do plenty to a man. The longer he can't get free, the bigger the changes. "What do you think of these?" Bella wanted to know. "They're called Date Panties. 'Cheeky' style. Because they leave my butt cheeks showing." The curvaceous woman turned around so her husband could see the rear view. He opened and shut his mouth, throat so dry he couldn't speak. She was extremely sexy, with her long red-brown hair, generous bust,...
Dosto mujhe nafarat hai aise logo se jo dusro ki kahani ko chori karte hai aur fir apne naam se post karte hai aur ummeed karte hai ki sexy bhabhi ya ladkiya unse contact karengi aur unhe chodne ka mauka dengi. Lekin mai ye kehna chahunga ki aise log napunsak hote hai. Unhe dusron ke sex ki baton me maja ata hai aur ko kalpana karte hai ki kash aisa hi unke sath bhi ho aur fir wo isi kalpana me original writer ki kahani me apna naam ya e mail de kar khush hote hai. Lekin chor to chor hi hai na....
Ok so my man left the other day to work out of town for a week. I hate it when he goes out of town. I always get extremely horny while he is away. My man will be home tomorrow night sometime. All I want to do right now is suck his dick until he cums in my mouth. I how he tastes I almost can’t wait for him to come home. In some aspects I haven’t waited for him. I have these 3 dildos and vibrators that give me a little satisfaction while he is away. Sure the vibrators and dildos feel good and...
Hi indian sex stories dot net doston My name is Ravi and I am 37 yrs old. Yeh story mere dost ki biwi ko chodne ki hai. Mere dost ka naam abhishek hai aur uski wife ka naam ruchi hai. Ruchi 35 yrs ki sexy ladki hai. Usmein bohut zyada sex bhara hua hai. Uske boobs bohut bade hain and uska figure bhi 36 28 36 hai. Ruchi ki shaadi se pehle hum dono ek saath kaam karte the. Uss waqt hum bas dost the aur hum dono ek saath baith ke office mein hi blue film dekhte the air usko bada mazza aata tha....
You and your daughter have set forth on an expedition to discover new and interesting things in the galaxy. You are on The Silver Owl, A ship you designed specifically for this journey. The ship is controlled by an AI named Athena that you created. The ship is headed for an unknown star cluster and will take several days to arrive. You a currently in the med bay working on building Organic Reproducers, The machines will create biological copies of you and your daughter's bodies, to be used for...
A normal working day?ByClara High Eight o’clock in the morning. She entered her office. The secretary stood up to salute Her in the reception room. Good morning, Miss Siegel! Good Morning, Frida! Make a coffee for Me, please, and call all heads of sections on meeting at ten o’clock, please! Yes, Miss Siegel, immediately! – Frida rushed to prepare coffee. Miss Siegel passed in her working room. She took out Her long fur coat and remained in official dark blue costume and high heel...
My reality was a blur. Where am I? I lifted my head and looked around. God the room is spinning. Don't look around again. Who is that sitting next to me? Bailey? No. That's old timer Grimsley from the pipe shop. When did he get here? My face, I can't feel my face. I reached up with my hand and started to pull on my lower lip. It was attached, but I couldn't feel it. Grimsley saw me sitting there pulling on my lower lip. He waved his hand in front of my eyes, looking to see if I could...
I watched lesbians on Adult Time all morning, and I had a great time despite all the other Starbuck’s customers trying to sneak a peek over my shoulder. Hey, I’m all for sharing, but the baristas already hassle me without some other wanker pulling his pud and causing a real scene. Subtlety is the key to enjoying porno in public, but maybe that’s a lesson for another day. Today, I want to chat about those lesbians I mentioned.If you’re a regular consumer of premium pornography, there’s a good...
Premium Lesbian Porn SitesHi, my name is Freddie. This is my first story of how I lost my virginity. I am an engineer by profession working in a reputed company in Delhi NCR. This story happened about 2 years back when I was still a bachelor. Being a bachelor I had a lot of desire for sex. I am average built, shy guy around 5 feet 9 inches with a manhood of 6 inches long and 1.5 inch wide. I used to stay in the apartment allotted by my employee. As I was alone I used to stay with one of my colleague who had his own...
With Jason and Stephanie on the road and safe for the moment, Alfred checked his message queue. The Charlie avatar stationed at the Grainer mansion had posted an update. Representatives of the Saudi Arabian prince were due to arrive today. Alfred did not want to miss watching Grainer admit he no longer had Miss Stephanie. If things went well, the prince might have Grainer murdered, and that would be lovely. With a flick of concentration, Alfred spawned an avatar to keep an eye on his...
I quickly snapped myself out my daydream, and realized a bead of drool had rolled out the corner of my mouth, along with a drop of precum from my once more rigid dick. Why waste my time fantasizing when the real thing was within spitting distance in any direction? I'd gotten myself worked up again, and my cock throbbed angrily. There wasn't the same feverish need to rut as there had been in Beth's classroom. This time I felt a calmer, but somewhat crueler drive. I wanted to hurt someone....
Hi! I’m new comer to this Indian sex stories community as an author. Hope you will enjoy my true life scenarios with strangers or one time sex encounters. This is the first of many to come. I’m 28 years old average built with nor or less fat with a tool which pleased many and still willing to serve others as well. This had happened to me more recently while I was travelling in a very crowded bus in famous 138 route in Sri Lanka. It was the morning rush hour, I squeezed into the bus which was...
Dear friends, this is bobby here again with a very new refreshing experience with 2 ladies. For the people who don’t know me i am 36/m from india and have posted many stories here at iss. Coming to this experience, through my friend ranjana i met 2 twin sisters nearly a month back. They are ranjana neighbours. Their names are veena and priya. Ranjana introduced me to them and later they got in touch with me through phone. Veena called me once and wanted to meet me. I called her at my office as...
Basically the problem is your god is a jealous woman.Think about it I went on as we lay side by side together both as naked as the day we were born Together in my large comfortable, cosy bed. For the first time ever like two people who just made love. I really wasn't sure where I was going with this, it was completely uncharted territory. I'd had onky the most minor bi encounters in my life before this and they were years ago. Gay or bi sex wasn't even on my horizon when i'd first encountered...
As I again became alert, I discovered that I was lying on the floor in complete darkness. I couldn't understand what had happened. It was only Noon, so why was it so dark? I must have hit my head when I fell. Am I now blind? Must I live out the remainder of my days as a burden to my family? I felt a cold, numbing sensation in my back, and I tried to feel around me as I lay there. Instead of the carpet that I expected to find, I found the cold smooth feel of floor tile. Then I saw a bright...
My girl and I had a rather vanilla sex life which was okay for a while. But one night we decided to do a little role playing. Normally I was the dominate partner, She rarely ever initiated sex, that was something I would usually do. But that night was special. Cindy was the most beautiful woman I had ever known. She is short, only a couple of inches over five feet tall with long, curly red hair and pale, freckled skin. That particular evening she came to bed wearing a little teddy that could...