Perchance To DomChapter 3 free porn video

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I called off my date with Gina. I told her in person.

"Too bad. I was considering buying black fishnets for the occasion."

"On you, they might have turned into a fetish for me."

"Instead, you turned into a shit." Her shaking head underscored disapproval.

"Look. You're only interested in playing, pretending more than participating. I won't get what I need trying it with you.

"I would have made it worth your time and, ahem, effort." Her swallow following her words spoke truer. Gina didn't back down or apologize to anyone. That she would hold out a reconcilement...

"Gina, I-I didn't think." I reached to hug her.

She swatted my hands away. "I've got an engine to overhaul." She left me then. I retreated home.


"I'm trying to think."

I let her be. She found me in my room half-hour later. "Have you been crying?"

"Yep. But it's not related to what I wanted to ask you."

Mother seated herself on my desk chair. "Ask."

"What does love feel like?"

"I can't tell you, not the love I think you're asking about."

"I feel sad, powerful, stupid, horny-"

"You've taken a big chunk of love already. You'll get there."

"What would you do if you loved me with this kind of love?"

"I'd tear off my clothes and prostrate myself before you." Mom laughed, "What a question!"

"Silly answer noted." I looked at my feet.

"May I leave?"

"Okay." My swirling thoughts missed her clue, and my memory lost the chance to contemplate it later.

Ten days passed. I was looking at colleges again when Bette's email arrived. She said she had peeked into Father's work computer to get my address.

I wrote back, "There are misdemeanors, crimes, and governance in this world. Only the government can get away with illegalities without punishment." I told her I expected her in my room that night for governance.

"Bette, what a pleasant surprise." Mother greeted her at the door. "Did you forget something from the other night?"

"I came to see, Walter."

"Please come right in." Mother's voice lost some of its pleasure. "Walter, Bette Travers is here to see you."

"Thanks, Mom. Tell her to wait."

"Please wait for my son." Mother returned to her laptop in the kitchen.

Without an offer to sit, Bette waited standing.

I chose to meet her a few minutes later. "Hello, Bette."

"Ms. Travers, is more proper, Walter."

"Mom, she came to me. It's Bette."

Father had been sitting in his chair, the entire time, reading a wilderness survival guide. I thought, after dinner he had retired to his den. I thanked the gods that Bette hadn't said hello to him. Then I remembered, she'd worked with him for years. She knew.

"Come on." I told her.

She followed me to my room.

"Close the door." I waited for her to comply. "Did you bring it?"

"N-no, should I have?"

"I didn't specify it. It's not related to what you've done, not much. I left your email on the screen there."

She saw it.

"That is your email?"

"It is."

"You stole into my father's computer to learn my address. That's what it says."

"I did."

"Do you know how unbelievably stupid that is?"

"I'm not stupid!" She flared. I had said the wrong thing.

"W-wisdom and intelligence ... er, two sides of the same coin. Foolish, then." I waited.

She didn't lash back, nor replied.

"I asked you to consider the magnitude of your trespass and to drive slowly getting here. You tell me how many stripes you think you deserve. I tell you how they'll be applied."


"That's an intelligent number, a good number but they're going to be a very hard twenty. Espionage is not in the same league as a flirt."


"You've given your number." I printed the email. I leaned over the printer and unplugged the power cord from it. "Drop down to your knees and unplug this cord from the wall. Stay on your hands and knees."

She handed the cord to me.

I waded the printout and held it before her face. "Open." I placed it between her perfect rows of teeth. "Bite down, and close your eyes. Don't do anything else until I tell you. If you spit that out of your mouth before I'm through, you will leave and never contact me again."

I stood tall and weighed the power cord in my hand. It was a nasty tool. I had received it very sparingly from my father. There was a trick to using it as safely as possible, but it could never be considered a safe tool. Twenty were going to cause some damage, no matter how carefully applied.

I had told her to wear a skirt. I reached for it, pulled it over her ass, revealing nakedness.

She concentrated on the empty wall socket.

I heard Father and Mother passing my closed door. He took her into the master. I looked at the weapon in my hand. My cock stiffened. I needed this. I set down the cord and retrieved a belt from my closet.

I wailed twenty strokes against Bette's darkening ass. I was furious with myself and horny beyond belief. I wanted to plunge my cock into this willing hole and hit her with my fists. Instead, I hurled every stroke with all my pent up anguish and desire.

I feared my parents would hear Bette's cries barely muted by the wad of wet paper in her jaws. I shouted, "LEFT! RIGHT! RIGHT-RIGHT! LEFT-LEFT-LEFT!" and so on, to mask Bette's wailing.

Twenty strokes later found us emotionally exhausted. I helped her to lay face down on my bed. I sat on the edge beside her. My plan was to sit there until our tears had dried. Hers were far more and wetter.

Despite her pain, she reached to my trousers and felt for my erection. It seemed to reassure her, that some good had come out of her suffering. I opened my fly to her gentle knocks. "Go ahead." I said.

She took my cock into her soft hand and stroked me. "Left. Right. Left-Left-", and so on. Her humor surprised me.

I came upon her hand and my pant legs. I finished more exhausted and more alive. I sought to her needs.

"Pull your skirt up. I want to see your sorry behind."

Bette whimpered. "Mercy, please, Sir."

Damn if her submissiveness didn't make my satisfied prick harden a bit. I reached under my bed for some lube.

"Raise your ass. I don't want to get this stuff on my bed."

She obeyed and I spread the cool gel over her blushing patches. She had a wonderfully plump ass. When my hand reached between the back of her thighs, Bette cooed.

I was groping my toy's wet pussy when father knocked at my door. "Walt, what's going on in there?"

"I'm engaged in a private matter with Bette, Father."

"Finish up and tell her to see me in the living room."

That finished us, right then. I withdrew my hand from Bette's wet hole. I wiped with a tissue while she adjusted her skirt. We met Father a minute after his knock.

My worst fears were realized when I witnessed Father urge Bette to transfer to another department in their employer's company. He didn't want to see her around ever again.

I yelled at Father after Bette had driven away. He tore up my temporary driver's license. It was conditional on a parent's signature.

"You did nothing wrong until your outburst, Son. Ms. Travers was using you to coerce me into an act of infidelity." He handed the shreds of paper to me for disposing.

Something wasn't right. He'd had no problem with Bette going into my room. I clenched the paper bits in my hand. There was only one person who could have influenced Father. Had he been topped by his bottom?

I didn't seek out Mother until the next day. She sat in a posture more relaxed than I'd seen before. Her fingers seemed to dance upon the keyboard easily with few errors. Her cute little bulge of a few extra pounds wasn't thick enough to support the breadth of her chest. Her flowing auburn hair bent slightly from ends stuck in the middle-back of her wool sweater. Father kept the house at a cool 68F.

"I thought you didn't place conditions on Father's fidelity."

Mother stopped typing and sighed. "Father instructed you to not interrupt when I'm working." She pulled out the heavy firepower.

"It seems, Father's decrees aren't absolute in his house. What exception did you use to stop Bette from coming here again?"

"Your father has his own definitions for pride and honor. I asked him if he thought they were synonymous."

"Your saying that his honor to be faithful to you was endangered by his pride of me becoming a responsible adult."

"You're inferring a lot from a simple question. You're more wrong than I could convince you." Therefore it wasn't worth trying to convince me.

Mother's sly evasion was fuel for my passions. I remembered recent times when I yearned for this woman who had created me. She was strong and beautiful and a spirit few had the ability to own. I didn't, yet.

I put my hand on her shoulder. My grip startled her for a second. "You'll see Bette again, just not as often." She said.

"Did Father bring her here for me the first time?"

"That's not the sort of thing he tells me."

I released her shoulder when I saw her hand reach for mine. Its warmth would have melted my coldness, my feeble technique to resist falling completely for her. "Thank you, Mother."

In only a few weeks, I would be graduating from high school with honors, but my grades were not the best. A girl, Tamary Benton, enlisted me and a few others from our honors writing class, to critique her valedictorian speech. I agreed half-heartedly. I'd never really paid her much attention. I knew she was one of the smartest girls in school, but like most boys I concentrated my gaze on more attractive girls.

Tamary was not obese. She was fat, but because she was short, it belied her athletic interior. She was second string on the softball team, and she had handed my ass to me when our PE class covered tennis. Her typical student smiling mask, shaded by a clean and brushed mop of un-styled hair, no doubt hid some sadness. Her clothes were nice enough but again without style. I think she dated but not often nor for long with the same guy. I did hear that she had dated a girl on the softball team. Funny how most guys who considered themselves tolerant of homosexuals thought that most girls who dated other girls were "just experimenting".

We met in the school's smaller theater which doubled as the drama classroom. I was lost in thought. I nearly forgot to show up. My ex-boss from the car dealership had called to ask if I would consider a salesman's job for the summer. Did I really want to deal with Gina again? Seeing Cheryl regularly would be a plus - I'd been thinking seriously of starting up with her again, but my pride didn't like that I would backpedal on a decision that had affected others.

I looked up, when Tamary said, " ... affects the nations of a school's community." She was talking about sub cultures, and she was carefully maintaining a very dignified posture. My imagination brought me to erection in the next sixty seconds.

She called on me third, after concluding. "Walter, how did it sound to you?"

"I'm still thinking about my notes." I hadn't taken any. I knew what I wanted to say. "I'll tell you after we're done here." I heard a few obvious hums intended to embarrass. Tamary paused, couldn't see if she blushed. That hair! To be kind, it wasn't that mopish, and she'd already said she'd made a salon appointment before graduation. She even showed the dress she planned to wear. The other girls loved it, mostly because no matter what she wore Tamary wasn't in their league of sexual competition.

I would find out that no other girl in the school was able to be in her league.

"Okay, Wally dearest." She winked. I laughed with the rest of her critics. That made it easy to approach her later.

"Wally? Even joking, if a guy called me that I'd have to punch him out just to prevent anyone from taking it seriously." I grinned.

She looked serious. "Do you really have something to say? I saw you spacing out. It's not as if the lights were off in the seats and on in my eyes."

"First of all, you shouldn't start your speech with a joke." I returned. "I know that seems counter to convention, but in your case humor will distract the students from what you say next."

"How could that be? That's a good joke and everyone else said it came off well. Did you even hear it?"

"You wanted a critique, and I say this without malice. A joke won't work for you because you're not beautiful." Her reaction would be critical to what happened between us later.

My words angered her, visibly, but she spoke carefully. "How does that even matter?"

"Because a joke from a fat girl is not respected in this world, especially not by social-status shitheads like high school students. You need to start with something vicious. You need to sound like a threat. They'll pay attention, and when you do make a joke, they'll relax without dismissing what you say." I stepped closer.

"You're, th-the shithead." She stepped back.

I nodded and stood straight. "I'm sorry to be rude. I do respect you, Tamary. You've got a lot of pluck and resilience and smarts. But am I wrong?"

"Maybe. I don't know, right now. I have to weigh what the others said."

"Do you want to talk about something else?"

"Is that your whole critique, not to start with a joke?"

"There's a lot more of the same rudeness, but I sincerely want you give a great speech."

She stood her ground. "Okay."

I called her "fat" a few more times and said "ugly" but not about her looks, and few other rude things carefully wrapped in genuine, helpful suggestions. I didn't look at her much, trying not to emphasize the insults. I just wanted her to hear me say them. I discovered a good word when I said, "Poser."

"I've heard enough." She stopped me. "Do you think I'm stupid enough to let your insults bound around the auditorium?"

"I thought you'd stop me before I said five sentences."

"Why are you doing this? A last make fun of the fat chick before graduation? Here we are on stage, and yet you wasted a brilliant dissing before empty seats." She snorted. "Shithead".

"I've been called worse." I grinned.

"Yeah, what?"

"Creep, for one thing. It really hurt. I have a lot of pride in my respect for people. Tamary, I'm not here to make fun of you. I'm here because I'd like to make myself available to you."

"What, to hear you call me 'fat?'"

"Or 'impostor', or whatever you-"

Tears flooded her eyes, and she ran off the stage.

I knew I'd made the wrong call. Tamary could handle insults, but that's not how she wanted to submit. I took a different tack the next day. It was a last chance effort.

I waited for her outside our writing class. When she saw me she turned her head away. I stepped between her and the door. "I just want to say, next time I'll tie you up so you can't run away." I turned and walked to my seat.

She didn't look at me again the next day, except for two very curious peeks. I didn't confront her. I'd said what I had to say. After the weekend, I went to class with my writing assignment, confident in its prose. We always read our work aloud. Mine was short and everyone hated it, even though it got some laughs. Tamary didn't laugh. Instead, I saw her suddenly look down at the floor after the opening paragraph.

"Macy T got caught by a carbon fiber ribbon painted red. It cut into her arms and sucked at her wounds. It tore her dance outfit and wrenched her arms together behind her back. It wrapped her ankles and pulled her to her knees. And all the while the stage manager's eyeballs rolled along the ribbon, peeking into skin crevices and sneaking between ripped sequins. She dreamt of the contract she had willingly signed."

My two page 'work' used bondage imagery to tell of a woman rapper's shame for having to sign a one-sided contract with a gatekeeper, not for fame but just a steady job.

Problem was, I don't know shit about rap music, I just thought rap was transgressive, admired by the youths of today. Apparently it's old hat. I didn't account for my class of mostly rich, workaholic, white shitheads. Rap ignorance was the first thing my classmates pounced on. The second was about blatant (and therefore base) eroticism. At one point I said aloud, "Yeah, I don't know crap about rap. I admit it. I just wanted to write something that turned me on. If more of us revealed our desires, more of us might get them satisfied." School was nearing its end, and I didn't give a shit about my reputation.

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I don’t know why, but I’ve always been attracted to older men. Not all, of course, but some are just so appealing. His name was James, and we had the same theater class. I was always with the theater crowd, and despite his age, he was always with us. James was a good ten years older than me, but I could tell there were moments when our interest in one another was apparent. I wouldn’t dare tell anyone about the crush I had for him. And that’s all it really was, a crush. I never thought my dumb...

3 years ago
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My StepSon Fucked Me In The Office

Wearing a white shirt and black skirt along with high heels, I was sitting in my office. After the death of my husband five years ago, I took care of our company and I was doing a pretty good job. In an hour I had a meeting and I was just preparing myself for the presentation. “Hey Mom,” suddenly my step-son, Drake, entered in the room. “Hi, what are you doing here?” I replied because he supposed to be in the college. Drake was nineteen years-old. He was a very good looking guy. He was tall,...

1 year ago
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Property Inspections

I arrived at my business appointment at two in theafternoon, as scheduled. It was a hot summer day and I had to inspect an apartment complex for an insurance carrier. I waited for the manager in the ornate lobby of the property management company.  Finally, just a few minutes after two, Alisa showed up. She was dressed in a stylish blue blazer, a satin white blouse and a beige just-above-the-knee-length skirt with a small slit in the side. Her dark hair was streaked with light brown and red...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Seeing Her Shave Pussy

I am back again Vishal from Hyderabad, Her name is Jyothi she is 25 yrs old with a nice body with a stat of 32-26-32 Jyothi is very sexy. my story starts now, Jyothi came to live opposite flat after getting married about 6 months before, about 5 months after her marriage her husband got jod in USA & he left her alone due to some problems. Jyothi was Mba & was expecting to join her husband & getting a job in USA, after about 1 month her mother-in-law came to me & asked me to allow Jyothi to use...

4 years ago
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The Mask

She couldn’t believe she had let her sister talk her into this. She was the older one, the one who was suppose to know better, but did she take that into consideration as Carrie-Anne dared her? Nope. ‘This way,’ a harsh whisper said as a window was slowly opened. ‘It’s not even locked, come on Randy.’ the whisper giggled. ‘Don’t call me Randy,’ she whispered back as she followed her sister into the window. The room was dark, except for a light glow coming from what she assumed was a fire...

2 years ago
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A Storm of Emotions

Slow magenta clouds roll over the land of Tourend as a strong breeze whips up dust and scattered leaves from the ground. In a small village along the east coast parents called out for their children to come inside. This was the second storm of this week. The effects of the last storm were barely over. Hell! Eobard is probably still weeping in the loft of The Fat Leaf . The innkeeper is going to kick him out soon if he doesn't start doing his job of entertaining his guests again. An inn with no...

4 years ago
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A Saint and A Sinner Ch 14

They’re putting together a task force, he thought as he rubbed his hands together, almost giggling in delight. A task force in his honor. It was almost like getting an academy award. He did giggle then, thinking about standing at a podium, Nick Saint handing him the head of a dead girl as a trophy. Too delicious. He was down in his laboratory, what he called the underground room where he kept his research. His latest case file was open in front of him letting him relive every glorious moment,...

1 year ago
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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 33

We went off to bed and Tuesday morning came way too soon for Beck and I both. Her welts looked angrier the next day as the bruising set in, but she was bright-eyed and bounded into the shower, squirming as I gently washed her back and butt. At breakfast, she was a little hoarse, but I’d half expected her to sound like a pack-a-day smoker with how hard I’d fucked her throat the night before. Patty and Mom looked like they were going to corner me to talk seriously about what I’d done to Beck,...

2 years ago
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A grotesque display I

 “Come in here,” she smiled beneath her perfectly coiffed blonde hair, “we’ll have at least an hour and a half.” She opened the door to the meeting room, pulled me in, and locked the door behind us. I pulled her to me, soft as a dream beneath the sliding swish of her blue cotton dress, intoxicated by the hair curling under at shoulder height like a dream from a golden age of movies. She looked up as I leaned in, her perfume light and seductive on her neck and wafting out from between her creamy...

1 year ago
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After hours 3

Kate, Tina and I left the club with Kate's new friend Fiona and headed back to my place.Fiona was a bubbly blonde, about the same age as me and Kate, the three of us about ten years older than Tina. But the fact that she was the youngest didn't mean that Tina was the most innocent of our little group. Quite the opposite, in fact: she was skilled and practised in the ways of lesbian sex that quite overshadowed the rest of us. Like when we finally reached my house, we all flopped down on the...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Lacy Lennon Give Me That Shower Creampie

Lacy Lennon just can not stop herself from having some good hot sex! As she is getting ready she sees Quintons hard cock in the shower and decides maybe going out can wait! She strips from her lingerie and joins in the shower already wet before the water even hits her. She sucks on his cock while the water falls down upon her and gets her feet wrapped around his shaft giving Quinton one sexy footjob! She wants that large cock in her pussy though and soon is bouncing up and down like a wild...

2 years ago
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An even better haircut

It had been the longest month of my life. Waiting for my hair to grow enough for a return trip to see Ashley had been excruciating. The day had finally arrived and I was heading there in a hurry. I arrived just as Ashley opens the shop. She smiled at me as I opened the door and strode in. “Welcome back Honey, come have a seat.” Ashley said, patting her chair. She walked back to the door and locked it. My heart skipped a beat. Ashley was stunning. Her long dark hair was falling around her face...

3 years ago
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Carol and 1 No 5

Story 5Chapter 1 There was a knock on the door just as Carol was settling down for a relaxing afternoon with a book. She had just showered and was relaxed in casual gear and was going to ignore the door. The bell rang again so she put the book down and went to see who it was. She was not expecting anybody and the girls were away again for the weekend. Under her breath she cursed the caller as Carol was looking forward to peace and quiet. Rudeolph had decided he was fed up and wanted to spend...

2 years ago
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Fucked my sister by accident2

Caroline thought it would be a great idea and so we packed the car Friday and took off, planning to get a hotel on the way. Everywhere we stopped, there were no vacancies, until finally we found a hotel that had one room, but it just had one bed, a king size bed. We decided that would work as Jen and Caroline were both rather petite, about 5’4, 120 pounds and Dwayne was 5’8” and 140 pounds and I was even 6’ and 170 pounds. We all had a great dinner, talked some, then went to the room...

1 year ago
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My Master Has Gone

Lost My MasterA couple of years ago I was frequenting various gay saunas in my home city. One day I came across this guy, Steve. We got on and after a grope, headed up to a playroom. Unfortunately, there was a bit of bother, nothing serious, with a punter, and we split up while avoiding the rumpus. I lost Steve and by the time we caught up, I had to leave. For months I hoped I would bump into him but to no avail. Then when walking in my village he passed me. Our eyes met and though I was 99% it...

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Educating Jamie

Jamie sat on the couch, his jeans and undies around his knees, stroking his cock watching a girl suck a big cock. A person dressed in black wearing a balaclava grabbed a fistful of Jamie's curly hair and pushed his open mouth down towards his big fat hard cock. A female voice issued instructions."Stick out your tongue. Lick the head of that big cock" Jamie obeyed his tormentor. Jamie stuck out his long tongue and the tip flicked across the head of his swollen circumcised head. The fist on the...

2 years ago
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Mikes girlfriend Sal

I’d been sharing a flat with Mike for about three years and we’d both had our fair share of girlfriends in that time. Some only lasted a few weeks others months – neither of us were ready to settle into a relationship. We were having too much fun! I didn’t get to know many of Mike’s girls that well as they seem to come and go quite frequently. Things turned out a little different with one of his girlfriends, Sal. I’d only met her a few times with Mike down the pub and had I heard them hard at...

2 years ago
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Surprise Melody Flintkote Part TwoChapter 10

I know the family has money ... wouldn’t have been able to buy a hundred foot catamaran without it ... the same pile of cash would buy a hundred fifty foot monohull. Dinner out? Sure. Many times. Posh places? Uh huh. Sailing the world put me in exotic restaurants wherever we went. Our nanny would pick up a phone book ... find something interesting, and call for reservations. “Party of four,” she would say. “Flintkote ... yes, 8:30.” She always included a credit card number...”In case we...

2 years ago
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Strangers in the NightChapter 15

"What?" "The second son is everything the asshole isn't." "Explain?" "The kid is kindhearted, honest, doesn't waste his money, I like him ... even if he is just 14." Dal muttered a few words. "That's Russian," I said. "You and Wendy are not the only transferees in this household," he said. Imagine my shock. He opened his luggage. The longest case held an interesting rifle. It was long, with camo paint and there was a long bag of camouflage cloth and assorted streamers...

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LauraChapter 1                Laura's boyfriend Derek used to be a loving guy. Derek could instantly remember how hard his dick got when he first saw her in his psychology class last semester. She was 5' 2 with shoulder length chocolate colored hair and hazel eyes. He remembered how on the first day she tried to hide her giant 36 EE breasts under a thick sweater, but anyone could tell by just a glance that there were some massive knockers under there. Being the smooth talker that he was, he...

3 years ago
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Escape challenge the snowy ladder

Escape challenge: the snowy ladder**********************************(c) 2009, by Aur?lie Catena & Jennie CostaAuthor's email: Aurelie(dot)Catena(at)gmail(dot)comIntroduction************This story is the result of an escapology challenge. Jennie sent me the description of a bondage predicament (sentences written at the 2nd person) and I had to described how I would escape from it (sentences written at the 1st person). Both types of sentence are interspersed, at least at the beginning.------ It is a...

3 years ago
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Teachers NightmareChapter 5

I lay on my side with my knees pulled up and my face sunk into the foam pillow. A position I usually slept in when not thrashing about during a recurring nightmare. I was comfortable, but someone kept shaking my shoulder. I shrugged and snuggled under the cover, but it didn't stop. Why is Mom waking me? That's what my sleep-filled muddled brain demanded to know. I wasn't ready to wake up. But the shaking persisted. My left eye, the one not buried in the pillow, squinted open. The light...

1 year ago
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A good sister 8211 2

She awoke the next morning and looked at the clock. It read 7:57. Perfect timing. She petted her bare cunt in anticipation. Naked, beginning to moisten between her legs, she peeked out of her room. Seeing the coast was clear, she tiptoed through the hallway and into her brother’s room. He was still asleep, naked, with no sheet or cover. She stared longingly at his half-erect cock. She wanted to play with it some more, put it in her mouth, but she knew that she wouldn’t dare with him still fast...

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Fucking Married Part 3

The next few weeks are the closest I have ever had to a relationship. Not because exclusivity had been promised, but because between work, and fucking Paul, and fucking Tam, and sleep I had no time for anyone else. Paul and Tam led very independent lives and so they each had plenty of time for me separately…. But I wanted both of them at the same time… I wanted my delicious lady love, and my hard fucking cock at the same time. These two had me obsessed.One lazy afternoon, while Tam and I lay in...

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KimberlyChapter 10

Early Saturday morning, the young couple got into Kim’s car for the drive down to the Christians. Because the directions to reach their place were very complex, once they exited the freeway Kim gave Brad the job of navigating. By this time, Brad realized they were about 30 miles southeast of LA, but in the valley, not on the coast. Although it was supposed to be farming country, the land looked parched. Then Brad remembered something he had read awhile back. There had been water problems...

1 year ago
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First Sex With Hot Padose Aunty

Hi, I am Suresh from mumbai, mai ek company me plant head hu. Mera age 31. Fair good looking average fit body 5.5 height.7 inch ka lund hai. Agar kisikoo sex chat karana ya secreat sex karana hai tho mail kijiye Story start karata hu abi. Ye 1 saal pehele ka hai, last year barish ka time hai. Mai ek flat pe reheta hu bhai ke saath sab log gav gaye the mai akela flat pe reheta tha mera baju ke flat me ek family rehete the husband wife(seema) aur ek beta 4 saal ka. Ek din evening seema ayi o...

3 years ago
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Mister GabeChapter 6

David and Jennifer's Anniversary... September was a terrible month. Erin was gone, although she called me every couple of nights and it was fun hearing about all of the new things in her life at college. She had a new roommate who she was struggling to get along with, and she had a couple of bouts of homesickness, but overall things were going well for her while I was at home missing her at least as much. Sara was also back at school, and Brock back to work with his dad's company. Having...

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Keris FamilyChapter 12

Keri stood behind Chris on the patio watching the others around her. She had showered and changed into another bathing suit, another skimpy bikini, just moments before her dad and Susan got home. Her dad had looked at her and raised his eyebrows when the two of them were alone in the kitchen for a moment and she had smiled and nodded her head. "They're good, Daddy," she whispered, coming up to him and kissing him, one hand going down to gently squeeze his massive cock. "But not as good...

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Wives and Daughters Swap ClubChapter 21

Mark was sitting on the sofa and Tim’s wife, Amanda, was standing in front of him in her altered state as he said, “You don’t know how many times you made my dick hard when we were in high school, and how many times that I wanted to fuck you. Many a night, I laid in bed jacking off thinking about you.” “I will admit, I was kind of a snob back then, but I was also innocent; and, believe it or not, I was insecure. Even though a lot of boys tried to get between my legs, I never let them. I was...

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