Perchance To Dom Ch. 05 free porn video

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"When did you learn about him?"

"Your father never lied to me."

"Where is he?" It was supper time.

"Father called him away."

"You were going to tell me."

Mother smiled. "I'm glad I didn't have to."

"How-?" It was the hardest question.

"You know about stem cells. They can become sperm cells."

"That's not legal."

"Not yet. The country where you were conceived was more like an enclave of mad scientists."

"You're getting too comic book on me, Mom."

She smiled again. I loved her smile. It was all too rare. "You were not an experiment. The procedure was proven safe several years before we paid to conceive you." Her smile waned. "I used to love comic books."

"Did father tell you to grow up?" He'd told me that, when I was thirteen.

"I still read them." She tapped her laptop. "But I don't love them as much."

"Do you really let him rule you?"

"Of course, Walter. I promised him."

"Because you love him?"

She quieted. "I love you. That was our deal."

"You wanted a child, and you wanted to be able to work."

"That's right." She ran a finger over her touchpad. An app launched, code editor. She was itching for it.

"No, Mother." I pulled her finger from the pad. "I have a million questions."

"There's only one question you need, and you have to answer it. Do you love your father?"

I released Mother's finger. "Yeah." All other questions were worthless.

"Wait. I can't help it. You gotta tell me. Is he really your sex partner?"

"That's private, Walter. I won't tell him you asked." She shook her shoulders and rubbed her neck." She wanted to get back to work.

"Is Grandfather your sex partner?"

"Walter. I'm not going to be patient with you."

I'd lost. I'd never know how my mother really felt about how the 'men' in her home could treat her. "Um- Am I your sex partner?" I felt like I was about to pee in my pants. I was terrified.

"Make yourself dinner, Walter." She examined her code.

Father arrived later that night. I was studying for a special exam that might merit a college subsidy. He passed my door.

"Good night, Walter."

"Good night, -" I started to cry.

I was wiping my eyes when Mother knocked. "Walter, your father is very upset."

"I'm sorry." I wanted to cry again.

"We'll talk in the morning."

I couldn't sleep. I went out for a midnight walk around the neighborhood, against Father's curfew. I didn't return until four in the morning. I stayed up, reading an online manual for submissives. It was shit. I woke up, head on my desk, at a knocking.

"Come to the breakfast table, Walter." Father called.

Bleary, weary, heartsick, and scared, I stumbled into the dining area.

"Walter, you'll leave for college next week. Your mother and I will pay for your housing."


"I can't be anyone but who I am, Walter. You need time and space to figure out how to process my birth sex."

"I can manage. I-I will manage, F-father."

He shook his head.

"Sweetheart, your father has decided."

I slammed my hand on the table. "I haven't."

Dad leaped up. "I can order you out of my house this minute, Son."

"You can. Father." I couldn't face him. "But then you'll lose Mother, too."

Three individuals struggled with individual thoughts.

"We have an agreement. You don't understand." Father began.

"I understand, if you don't let her love me, you break that agreement."

"I don't have to live with you, to love you, Son." Mother backed him.

"Try it, Mom. I'm not the one with something to lose." Both of them did.

"Emotional blackmail is the worst, Walter. I didn't think you capable."

"I didn't think I was a freak!" I broke down again. I slumped in my chair and bawled.

Arms quickly hugged me. "You don't believe that."

"I've thought I was a freak since I first wanted to fuck you."

Father exploded. "Out of my house! Out! Out! We'll send your things."

Mother could have calmed him. "Go, Son. I'll call your grandfather."

"I'm not going!" I threw off Mother's arms. I stood up to my dad. "I would go, if you loved me."

She shook her head. "I will drag you out."

"Ed!" Mother shot his name.

"I will fuck you!" I pointed at him. "I will rape you, until you break."

Mother cracked my plate over my head. The memory of warm eggs crawling down my face was my last.

My first was a warm lap. "That's a doozy of a hen's egg on your noggin, Walter."

"Grandpa, why do I have a cock?"

"The hell you ask?"

"If mom and dad are females, why do I have a prick?"

"Oh." Grandfather wasn't much of a scientist. He'd earned his money the easy way, cheating stupid people.

"Your mother was raped, Walter, by your other grandfather."

Oh no.

"When your father began dating Lisa, she didn't know. He was already estranged from his parents. Ed doesn't like to admit his birth sex. He hates women."

"But he's a lesbian."

"Themz jus' werds."

"He didn't hide his sex. Lisa just assumed. Hell, I would have too." Grandfather hated to admit imperfection. "Lisa was a big nerd, at the time. A man who treated her like a woman was exciting. The other nerds treated her as if she didn't have tits or a cunt. They all wanted to fuck her, but she was more goddess than women to them."

"Mom and Dad dated, but didn't have sex."

"At first. When Ed came out to her as transgendered, Lisa freaked out."

"How did they get back together?"

"Lisa freaked out with curiosity. She took to sex with Ed like a lab rat to cocaine. It was Ed who was fooled. He even bragged to his parents, that he was more of a man than his father, who was then divorced.

"That piece of shit father came after Ed like a vengeful god. He ambushed him and my daughter." Grandpa paused. His fists clenched knuckles white. "He's still in prison, double counts of attempted murder.

"Ed wanted Lisa to abort."

"That's when Lisa offered her deal?"

"That's right. I told her she was foolish. She's no lesbian. I asked her to amend her deal."

"You wanted her to have sex with men." I gulped. "With you."

"I don't enjoy sex with your mother, Walter. It's not right. It is her only outlet."

"Don't lie." I smiled. "You love whipping her like your wife."

"Yes. I love that. She loves it too. So did Ursula. But when she begs me to fuck her, I don't get off. I might as well be a vibrator. If I haven't already cum, I go home and jerk off to a porno." I'd never seen my Grandfather embarrassed.

"How long was I out?"

"Long enough. Look around."

My things were heaped in Grandfather's study. He'd moved some of his out, to make room for them and a trundle bed. He was sitting on it. I lay across it with my head on his lap. "How long can I stay?"

"Until I'm sure you don't have a concussion. Never declare rape, in front of your mother."

"I was overwrought. How much of an apology do I owe?"

"To me? A big one. To your dad, nothing will pull that hurt out of him."


"She moved into my room."


"She's worried sick about you."

I tried to get up.

"She won't see you. Not yet."

Words left me. I hugged Grandfather's knee.

Eventually, I slept. It had been dark when I came to. It was light when I awoke, alone.

I patted my head and winced. Mom's stoneware must have been made of granite. Looking around, I made plans. I tackled the heap closest to me. Eventually, I found my cell phone. It was dead. Later, I found the charger. I finished sorting and stowing and left, phone plugged in. "Grandpa?"

"Here." He was in his apartment's living room. It was a two bedroom. The second was his study. Now it was a bedroom again, for an unknown time.

"Where's Mom?"

"She's at your dads."

"How are they?"

"Check the internet. How should I know?" He rattled his thin newspaper.

Grandfather lived several miles from home. If I left now, I might walk there by lunch. Maybe there was a bus. Grandfather rarely invited me to his home. We always hung out at my- I stopped for a teary moment.

"How's your head?"

"Still stupid."

"Good. I'll get my leeches out when you're feeling smart again."

"That may take a while."

"Why do I doubt that?"

"What can I make to eat?"

"Salad. It's already made, and shriveling in the refrigerator."

Mom's work, no doubt. Grandpop like hamburgers, buns, and mustard. He distrusted pickles because they were green, not because they weren't delicious, garlic ones at least.

I ate the whole bowl. "What's your wifi info?"

"Sorry!" I saved myself from his answer. The internet was worse than pickles, to Grandpa.

His cable had internet, but he'd asked the service tech to switch off the wifi. I searched my room for a data cord. Mother had packed my things, lumped together as they had been. There was a wire for every available standard, going back three generations of data connectors.

I hunkered into the living room, plopped down beside the cable box and plugged my netbook into porn paradise. Actually, I wanted to email work and half of the women I'd dominated successfully and otherwise. I claimed illness. They might not hear from me for the rest of summer. My parents were at odds, and I might have to move to college.

I was reading the same news online that Grandpa had folded an hour before. He was puttering in his bedroom. A key turned in the front door. Mother stepped in.

"Walter." She looked at me, worried clearly. About what, unclear. She walked past me, "Father?" She closed the bedroom door behind her.

My brain couldn't help but think they were in need of a hot session, but I knew better. They were talking about me and Father and what was to be done. I wished they had been fucking. That was easier for me to deal with.

An hour later, they emerged, Grandfather leading. "Walter, stand up. Your legs must be asleep." He was right. I wobbled to my feet. Insects flooded my calves and thighs. Mother stood beside him. It was time for a talk.

"I'll do whatever you suggest." I granted.

"Your Grandfather is going to rape you." Mother spoke.

I bit my lip. "Mom, I have never been more stupid-"

"Don't ever be that much, ever again!" She cried.

"Hate me. I deserve it."

"Walter, shut up." Grandfather calmed. "We're going to talk about your Father."

"Ed refuses to let you back home." Mother said. "I've asked him for a divorce."

"You're not a minor. So that won't take long." Grandpa added. "Money isn't a problem. Your Mom's savings will keep her in furs and slave boys until she's in the grave next to me. Your college fund will be doubled. Don't think that'll make it easy. Tuition climbs every year."

"H-how can this have happend? Why so fast? What's the hurry?" I felt increasingly frantic!


"This is serious, Walter. It wasn't just you. Ed has been too comfortable, too long. Your mother's deal prevented her from wising him up when it might have helped."

"You honestly stuck to that deal, for all of my life, like a knight in armor?" Who was the stupid one? "I thought it was a strong rule of thumb."

"This may come as a shock to you, Walter, but a sexual pact has to be followed to the letter. It's the ultimate negotiation."

"The problem with Ed was, he never allowed your mother to discuss adjusting their agreement to cope with the changes in their lives."

"...because a man doesn't suffer the conniving of women." I looked at Grandpa.

"I said it. I've spent my time in the stupid room, too." He exhaled through his snout like a tea kettle.

"Walter. What's important right now is, what do you want?" Mother implored.

I wanted to get off the merry-go-round. "I want to be with you." I stared. She had never looked more beautiful, free, powerful. "And Grandpa."

"Thanks." He snorted.

"Mom. What do you want?"

Finally, there was calm in Grandfather's apartment.

"I want to love you and work." She never relented, after all my years.

"And Grandpa?"

She laughed. "And Father."

"Idiots! In my house. The one thing you can't call pest control for."

That was the lightest moment. For the rest of the day and evening, we hashed out a new deal, not a sexual one. Mother and I would live with Anthony until the end of summer. I would move to the capital, to a dorm, and Mother would get her own apartment there. Grandpa would visit us when he could. Mother offered to buy him a train pass. He refused.

I imagined he would see more of Corrin. Maybe Cheryl would pick my college and continue our times together. She'd been hinting. For companionship, Mother was a heap of trouble and joy for anyone who met her. Just one dating website would keep her in hot hetrosex for the rest of her vagina's warrantee. There was a wide world of opportunity for everyone.

Father hired a divorce lawyer.

I ended up selling used cars. Grandfather lives in a convalescent home, strapped into his bed at night to keep him from spanking nurses. There is a court order preventing Mother from using a computer. We shared Grandpop's old apartment, impoverished by law.

I still love my Father. He raised me to be strong willed and fair minded. I like my job. I don't screw customers. They come to me after the internet tells them, my word is my bond. I hired Gina to make sure I never sold junk. She's became a partner, married and a mother of two.

I can't forgive my Father though. He answers my texts, sometimes, but won't answer our phone calls. He says no one is to blame. Apparently, he's already dating. I wondered if Bette knows. I won't tell her. I do blame, Father. He could have kept his dog leashed but didn't. His lawyer was certain that Mother had cheated her every penny from Ed, because she hated transexuals. At least that's how he sold her to the jury.

She'd used Father's identity to conduct her business, because he was the master of the house. It was a big crime, though. She avoided prison, but was banned from the work she loved.

Grandpa had a stroke, when he was seventy eight, three years after the trial. I worked as hard as I could to pay the bills. Corrin set up a trust for his convalescence. We wouldn't accept a dime from her, but she did it behind our backs. That was the turning point.

I was able to save enough to buy a small home on the other side of town. I had to move my business and buy out Gina. I struggled to re-establish my car lot, successfully.

I came home one night, tired but smiling. I'd paid off a bill. It was for a repair garage. I still owed more money on my home and business mortgages than I'd paid. That garage would double my revenue. I had my health and my mother's love.


"Yes, Mother." I found her typing on a mock typewriter keyboard. I hugged her shoulders.

"I'll make you something."

"Keep working, Mom." She was beautiful in the blue glow of the widescreen monitor. Fuck court orders. It's not like cops actually cared. Her parole officer stopped visiting after the first year. They had real shit to deal with. Still she used my identity when online. Unfortunately, that left only the sleaziest of dating sites, ones that didn't require ID verification, for her to find lovers who could satisfy her particular needs. She dated twice. I doubt she fucked either of them. She described one as a dom who tried to sound like Peter Lorre, and the other a gay man who needed to come the fuck out.

I opened the fridge. Everything was fresh and delicious looking. Our house was in order. Mom worked hard too. I shut the fridge and walked to my lounge chair. Sinking in, I worried I'd fall asleep. I heard Mother shut down her computer.

"Honey, I need your help."

"No, Mother, You don't."

"What can I do for you, to get you to help me?"

"You need to agree." I reminded her. She never would. The original was her lesson of a lifetime.


My heart stopped.

"I'll agree."

It restarted with a thump that could be heard around the room. I didn't ask her, why now after seven years. I clawed my way out of the deep chair and stood, head clear. "Okay."

Mother stood and walked over to me.

"On your knees, Mother. Tell me exactly what you agree to."

She kneeled slowly, smoothly. "I promise to obey you. I promise to give you everything that is mine."

"In return for your obedience and possessions, I will punish you physically whenever I desire and love you with all my heart." I didn't have to promise the last part. She knew.


I nodded. "Wait there." I wanted to run, but I marched into the bathroom and looked through her things. I found it, buried under her few cosmetics. I brought it to her.

"Next time, have this with you."


"No. I've changed my mind." I withheld the lipstick from her. "Stand and bend over the arm of my chair."

"Thank you."


"Thank you, Son." She leaned cautiously. We had never done this before. She had never begged, and I had never offered. I had wanted her full agreement.

"Mother. First, I'm going to punish you for making me wait."



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So, about a year ago, I had just gotten out of a relationship with a girl I'd been seeing for around six months. I was also living on my own in an apartment, I was twenty-one. I spent a lot of my time working. I really fucking cherished my weekends, where I was able to do what I wanted...which was usually nothing except drink a lot of alcohol, smoke a little weed and watch a lot of sports. Fantastic weekend.However, this on Friday, I was horny. I'd just spent the day scrubbing my apartment, I'd...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Domme vs Dom

Domme vs. Dom It started off with innocent flirting and escalated in to a gentleman’s/gentlewoman’s bet. Katherine and I have been friends for many years. We met at a mutual friend’s pool party one hot August night. I still remember how ravishing she looked in her skimpy white bikini. Her long auburn hair was tied back in a ponytail and draped over her left shoulder and rested between her ample double D breasts. She was deeply tanned and toned. Her bikini bottom clung to her shapely hips and...

3 years ago
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Bi sub used by bikers and Dom

I have a Dom guy named Dave that is always wanting to push my sexual limits and do crazy stuff. He told me he was taking me to a party out in the country for a group of guys he knew looking for a sub bottom. I had never really done more than two guys at once so I was very curious about it. I spent the whole week playing with dildos and getting nice and loose for the party. Dave came and picked me up in him truck and told me to get in a strip. I sucked him cock almost all the way there. When we...

5 years ago
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egy kellemes este Imaacutedom

Megismertem egy lányt. Barna, hosszú, melírozott haja van. Szép, nagy, formás keblei. Szép arca, barna szeme, mosolygós szája. Puha, bársonyos bőre. Nagyjából 160cm magas. Kissé telt, így van mit fogni rajta. Épp az ilyet szeret(t)em. Nem, vagy csak nagyon szolidan sminkeli magát, illetve ékszereket se nagyon hord. Amolyan természetes szépség.Az első csókunk az albérlete ajtajában történt. Nagyon jó volt. Ahogy ajkaink összeértek, majd szétnyíltak. Nyelvem az ajkához ért, aztán találkozott a...

3 years ago
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Absolutely NO friend request accepted without a comment on the story.==============================================================================="WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" she yelled.I shrank back into the corner of her bedroom and hid my head between my knees. "Didn't I tell you to not wash my panties? You cost me thirty dollars you asshole." Linda was 5' 6". She had chestnut brown hair that fell to the middle of her back. Her round face was glowing with passion while her beautiful...

3 years ago
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My Mom The Dom

Back up list Back up list ??????????????? I had the house to myself. Mom and Dad were away for the weekend and my bratty little brother was spending the night on a boy scout camp out. It was raining, one of those long steady rainy nights that always make me feel romantic. I decided to have some fun all by myself.??????????????? I started by stripping naked, then I walked up to the ?great room?. That?s what we called the huge room at the top of the house. It could also could have...

3 years ago
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A Sub Boy Meets His Dom

A Sub Boy Meets His Dom By Datdagen Chapter 1 - Master D The day the third and final package arrived was easily the most long anticipated of Eric's life.  The package was about the size of a suitcase, quite a bit larger than the others had been.  He had no idea what it would contain, but he did know what its arrival meant.  Tonight he would finally meet Master D.  Tonight he would be dominated and ravaged in ways he had never known before.  Tonight he would feel the hot spray of his Master's...

4 years ago
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Dom the Dom Dommed

I shouldn't be here, especially not like this. I shouldn't be wearing a high collar that keeps me from looking down, and allows my mistress to lead me where she likes. Nor should my arms be fused together in a monoglove, elbows touching. Some would say a man's elbows can't touch, and while it took a bit over a month, she proved it could be done. A man doesn't normally wear a corset, especially one that gives him a hint of an hourglass figure.At least I still have all my ribs, thankfully...

3 years ago
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Waiting For Dominick

Things have gotten really strange at the house recently. My wife’s daughter has developed a little crush on me. When her mother isn’t around, she’s constantly teasing me and wearing very inappropriate outfits around the house. She knows I don’t appreciate her doing this to me. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. My wife had to go on a business trip suddenly. I was afraid what my stepdaughter would try and do. I try very hard not to pay her too much attention, because if I do, she might get...

3 years ago
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And There Came Two Angels to Sodom

And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; and he said, “Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant's house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways.” And they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.~“Momma?”“Yes,...

4 years ago
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Nylon Fem Doms

Nylon Fem Doms Sisters Deal with David's Stocking Fetish by BlkNYLONS ©BlkNYLONS 2006 This took place in 1964... A time when the fashion called for women too wear girdles, garters, and shiny ultra sheer reinforced heel and toe stockings, spike heel pumps/mules daily! A time when my fetish for nylons was young and in full bloom! A FANTASY...

2 years ago
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Looking at my e-mails one morning, I received an intriguing message that caught my attention. “BY SPECIAL INVITATION ONLY” was emphasized. “SexGoddess has requested your presence at a special reading of her new story.” The particulars were given, time and place. I was to let them know by replying online, if I would attend. I had written some fan mail to SexGoddess under the pseudonym HotGuy. Her erotic stories on the site I joined had always managed to make me hard. The location...

3 years ago
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Dominique was like some little gothic lolita who burst into my life and electrified every molecule of air around me. She was perfect. She was intelligent, beautiful, and cool as hell. In short, Dominique changed my life forever.Dominique was the new girl. No one knew where she came from, or when she started, or even where she lived. She came into class and was introduced and I sat up in my desk, every cell in my body alert and focused on her. It was as if time had stopped. I had never seen...

1 year ago
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My affair with Dominic

My name is Angie and I had been married for nearly 5 years when the opportunity arose for me to have an adulerous affair with a married man. My husband worked away a lot, sometimes for up to 4 months at a time. Besides my main day job I worked in a bar at night to pass the time. From early February two guys came to the bar every night and I got to know them and what they drunk. Ray was pretty quiet, but Dominic was a lot more chatty. I found out he was married at 17 because he got his pregnant....

4 years ago
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Dominique By Ayanna Jamiliah It was just another day in the miserable life of Dominick. His boss had chewed him out in front of the whole department because the monthly reports were three days late. It had been raining heavily with a steady wind blowing the entire day. When Dominick headed for the subway after work the wind tore his little umbrella to shreds. By the time he reached the subway he was completely soaked. To make matter worse, some stoned looking kid bumped into...

3 years ago
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How My Wife Became My Dom

This Friday was our tenth wedding anniversary and I thought if I did something special for her we might put some of the fire back into our marriage and sex life. “Julie, I thought we could do something special for our anniversary. Something you want to do.” Her eyes lit up and a little smile came across her face. “I want to stay in. I want you to make dinner and then I want us to spend the evening together doing what I want.” “You’re on.” I eagerly accepted hoping the evening would be...

3 years ago
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Dio the Dom

Dio was not looking forward to his classes today. The dean had it out for him. The professors had it out for him. It seemed like the only people who liked him were on the baseball team with him. But it was what it was. Much to his dismay, when the loud speaker came on halfway through his favorite class, it was his name he heard. "Diomar Desen the Dean expects you in her office at 5pm sharp." Hastily looking at his schedule he was disappointed to see that he'd miss practice today....

4 years ago
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A young submissive female in search of her true Fem Dom

It was a warm spring day. I had just finished work and I was driving down the highway, when I spotted a gorgeous cream-colored Benz. It was very clean and shiny like it was new. Inside of this vehicle sat a slender woman with brunette hair. As I passed her on the highway our eyes met. Her blue eyes went through my entire body, like the cold steel of a dagger. For the past two years I had been in search of someone who was just like me, what am I? Kinky, and very much into consensual slavery, or...

4 years ago
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A Mouthy Morning with my Dom

My baby blue eyes softly flutter open to the sunlight pouring in from the slits of the blinds. I yawn lazily and stretch out my arms and legs. Everything is so sore, deliciously sore, a sense of contentment and pleasure washes over me. Master worked me hard last night in the most wickedly sinful ways. When I pass my hands over my round butt cheeks, I can still feel the small pink welts from his leather belt. I smile at the memory of him pinning me down over his lap, making me count out and...

2 years ago
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Unleashing Her Inner Dom

Jack had a rough month, first he had to fire half of hisdepartment, then his car got towed, he lost his house key, and to top it all off he was coming down with a cold. Lauren knew it had been rough and tried her best to comfort him, never going further than hugs and kisses because he ‘just wasn’t in the mood’. His lover was starting to get frustrated at their lack of intercourse, he wasn’t the only one in the house with needs. It had been three weeks since they had done anything and her...

2 years ago
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Daniel My First Dom

Daniel I had just left university, and in a job I despised, when I first met Daniel. I walked down the hill from my house to meet him at his car. Our conversation flowed easily. He was a man I hoped would strip me and spank my bare bottom. He was my first spanking partner. I began fantasising about spanking play when I first got a pornographic magazine. Among the usual thirty-something women with ample curves and pretty faces, dressed up as teenagers, was a picture of a man playfully smacking a...

4 years ago
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First meeting with married dom

I had met a few guys off various chat sites as I started to finally explore my bi side. Most of them were married guys like me. Those sessions were over all too soon, nothing more than fumbles and the occasional suck which usually ended when I made the other man cum. I was looking for more, a fuller experience, one that would include getting naked with a man, maybe a man that was a bit more dominant than the nervous, tentative guys I had met previously. I started chatting online with an...

3 years ago
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The Taming Of The Dom

He lay naked on the bed, on his back, his arms above his head, wrists handcuffed to the headboard, eyes blindfolded, completely at her mercy.He had never been in this position with her before, hell, he had never been in this position before period. He really couldn't imagine how she had talked him into this. Where would she take this, how far would she go? She had access to any and every toy imaginable. She could make the next hour heaven or hell. Would she torture him? Torment him or...

4 years ago
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Unleashing Her Inner Dom

Jack had a rough month, first he had to fire half of hisdepartment, then his car got towed, he lost his house key, and to top it all off he was coming down with a cold. Lauren knew it had been rough and tried her best to comfort him, never going further than hugs and kisses because he ‘just wasn’t in the mood’. His lover was starting to get frustrated at their lack of intercourse; he wasn’t the only one in the house with needs. It had been three weeks since they had done anything and her...

3 years ago
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I wouldn't want you to get the wrong idea. My wife and I are not always getting up to 'unusual activities' but we decided when we first got married that we should work hard to keep some sparkle in our sex life... hence the 'games'. About 4 or 5 times a year (it used to be more often) we act out our fantasies and really go to town. This particular event happened about 18 months ago and to the best of my recollections what happened was this... I'd got home from work about 7:00 and usual sat down...

4 years ago
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Daniel My First Dom

DanielI had just left university, and in a job I despised, when I first met Daniel. I walked down the hill from my house to meet him at his car. Our conversation flowed easily. He was a man I hoped would strip me and spank my bare bottom. He was my first spanking partner.I began fantasising about spanking play when I first got a pornographic magazine. Among the usual thirty-something women with ample curves and pretty faces, dressed up as teenagers, was a picture of a man playfully smacking a...

3 years ago
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Adventures in Swinging Ch 09 Carpooling With Dominic

His name was Dominic. Although he wasn’t technically a co-worker of Kathleen’s, he worked on the security team within the same building. He was in his late-fifties – sixteen years older than my wife. Kathleen’s job at the time required her to spend a good deal of time with the security team. As the team was comprised almost entirely of men, she attracted quite a bit of their attention.It wasn’t merely her stunning good looks or the way she filled out her uniform. Her quick wit and dirty banter...

Wife Lovers
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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

4 years ago
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God Bless the Dominican

After 30 years of ups and downs as a married couple, my wife Anne and I had decided that we deserved a special vacation to celebrate our anniversary. After weeks of talk and research we finally settled on the Dominican Republic as our destination and we found the perfect resort on the eastern shore of the island. The hotel we picked was the flagship of a four hotel complex that offered a wide array of restaurants and night life, all available for our use at an all inclusive price. Best...

3 years ago
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Sarah Carerra 222 Stardom

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: December 27, 2010) Chapter 22 - Stardom Waking up Monday morning meant donning the wig again and returning to the life of Sarah Carerra. The weekend had been exactly what I needed and had given me a chance to take a break from all...

2 years ago
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Reddit Femdom, aka r/Femdom! Who knew that there is such a big interest for femdom content on Reddit? I get it that some dudes are pussies and can’t be the dominant ones in the relationship, but does that really mean that things have to swing the opposite direction? I guess so. Well, I won’t be the one being dominated by a woman, but if you’re into that kind of shit, then you’ll feel right at home with /r/Femdom. This Reddit community is all about sharing experiences about BDSM, where the woman...

Reddit NSFW List
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Gangbanged in Dominica

My sweet wife suggested we could go this time to Dominica on vacation. I agreed with Anita; sunny days, sandy beaches, a nice resort… We could not ask for more…During the second night there, after a wild hard fuck session, my sweet wife confessed she needed much more than my cock.I had made her cum twice before I could fill her cunt with my warm semen, but Anita insisted she wanted more and more…She added that we could find a huge and hard black cock there…She convinced me next evening we...

2 years ago
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The Blind Domme

The Blind Domme My fingers moved quickly across the last of the raised dots. "Allison" myfingers read "I've been looking all over town for you! You have companyat home. A young man all the way from New York." My fingers dropped off the page, and I closed "Peyton Place", myfirst "naughty" book I'd ordered surreptitiously as a girl, yearsago,hiding it under "Little Women" when I'd gotten it in the mailfrom Jennie, my roommate at Perkins. "It is such a sexy book, Kyra!" she'dsaid to me over the...

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