Perchance To DreamChapter 4 free porn video

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Sally was released from “sleep-jail” in time to join us for breakfast. The room was full of knowing smirks when she immediately claimed my lap, and she almost behaved herself with only one quick grope she claimed was an accident. She made no excuses for the kiss she gave me right before we left for work. She worked like a girl possessed all morning, again claiming my lap at lunch. That’s where her parents found her when they came by to get her. Sally looked very pleased with herself when they showed up in my office.

“Did you let Ray get any work done?” Meagan asked smirking.

“Yes, mother,” answered Sally. “I’ve been working hard all morning,” she added, hurrying over to hug her mother.

“And it looks like poor Ray will be working hard all afternoon,” Meagan chuckled noticing the prominent protrusion Sally left in my lap.

Totally unfazed by her mother’s jibe Sally retorted “I hope so; it will remind him how he’s making me suffer,” she pouted playfully.

“C’mon, we need to talk,” she said excitedly as she pulled her mother behind her.

“Dan,” Amanda hollered to catch his attention. She tossed him her car keys. “You and Mark might want to take a separate car,” she snickered. Dan rolled his eyes but he was smiling.

“So, what do we need to talk about so urgently?” Meagan asked Sally, trying hard not to let her mirth be noticed. After their tearful night of confessions to each other, she was glad to see her daughter in such a good mood and had a pretty good idea what the subject was going to be.

“Ray says that I have to convince you and then his wives and then think about what everyone told me before he’d let me try to convince him to make love to me,” she explained. “I think he’s just looking for excuses not to,” she admitted emotionally.

“Why do you think that?” Meagan asked.

“He spent all three nights holding me and never did anything. How could he do that if he really liked me? And how could he be interested in me compared to Amanda and Janice? My boobs will never be nearly as big as theirs are,” she whined.

Meagan smiled to herself. “Let’s look at this from his perspective for a minute. He left a bed full of naked, sexy, horny women for three nights just to hold you. I can’t imagine many men doing that if they didn’t care deeply about the person they held and comforted for those three nights,” she explained. Sally was quiet for several minutes while she digested her mother’s words but the trickle of tears started flowing slowly.

“I didn’t even think about how he felt,” she said quietly.

“Honey, I don’t mean this as a put-down, but you don’t really have any experience in a positive relationship with a man. There are so many things we all learn the hard way--like how important it is to take the feelings of your partner into consideration just as much as your own feelings. Sometimes you get what you want, sometimes he will get what he wants, and sometimes you will both need to compromise. It’s going to be much more difficult to do with five other women whose feelings also have to be taken into consideration. I can’t imagine anyone being able to manage that balancing act for long but if anyone could do it, it would be Ray,” she sighed.

“Does it help if the girls all enjoy sex with each other?” Sally asked.

“Probably, but that also adds the dynamics of even more relationships into the equation,” Meagan answered thoughtfully.

Sally snickered. “What?” Meagan asked.

“It’s going to be a cartoon moment,” Sally snickered.

“What do you mean?” her mom asked, her curiosity piqued.

“I’ll tell you in a minute,” Sally promised. When they stopped for the next stoplight Sally asked, “What’s it like having sex with a woman?”

“What?” Meagan choked, turning to stare at her daughter.

“Cartoon moment--imagine if you’d been driving,” Sally chuckled.

“Well thank you for waiting until I was stopped,” Meagan said while her mind raced.

“Why do you ask?” she replied.

“I told Ray I was horny this morning in my dream. He said he could get me something with batteries or I could ask his wives if they would take care of it for me,” Sally pouted. Meagan had to cough a couple of times to cover the laughter she couldn’t quite stifle.

“It’s a little different than with a man in more than the obvious way,” she started, her mind racing again. “A man who loves you takes his time to make sure you’re ready first and makes sure you’re satisfied, too. With a woman it’s ... softer is the only word that comes to mind. There’s more touching and teasing and they’re not usually in quite as big a hurry to finish as the guys are. In addition, a woman’s body is softer, too. Men’s muscles are harder and many of their bones don’t have as much flesh over them as women do. I enjoyed having sex with Carol, but I’d never trade it for sex with your father. I enjoy sex with a man much more,” she said, blushing.

“Even though it hurts?” Sally asked.

“My poor baby,” Meagan said emotionally as she reached over and stroked her daughter’s cheek. “Sex with a man who cares about you won’t hurt. He’ll make sure you’re ready, he’ll go slowly at first, and he’ll pay attention to your reactions to find out what you enjoy and what you don’t like. What you’ve experienced so far are just guys using you that don’t care about anything but getting their own enjoyment. If you ever find yourself with a guy like that again, leave and never go back. He doesn’t care about you regardless of what he tells you.”

“But how can Ray want me when he has Amanda and Janice?” Sally asked quietly.

“The others aren’t as big as Amanda and Janice and Ray was with Amanda first. If a guy is really interested in you, and not just your body, it doesn’t matter to him. That might be a good question for you to ask them, though,” she said.

“So you don’t think he’s trying to blow me off by making me jump through all of these hoops?” Sally asked.

“I think the fact that you could even consider that a possibility is one of the reasons he insists that you talk to each of the other women who know him. Once again, let’s look at this from his point of view. Ray is looking at a minefield that staggers the imagination. Your father is Ray’s best friend. Best friends don’t have sex with the other friend’s fourteen-year-old daughter. Even though he won’t ever admit it, I know your father is hurt that he couldn’t protect his princess. He knows that Ray is the best thing for you right now, but fathers want to think that their daughters are still virgins when they get married.

“Then there is the relationship Ray and I had. I know Ray would never consider trying to hurt me, even after what I did, but he doesn’t know that because we’ve never talked about it. He’s bending over backwards to make sure I know this isn’t his way of getting back at me.

“And at some point Ray will slip up and unthinkingly call you Meagan. I’ve called your father Ray several times. Fortunately, he loves me enough that he’s never said a word, always pretending not to hear when I screw up. Will you be able to do the same for Ray?

“Ray knows you don’t have much experience with good relationships with guys. He probably hopes that between his wives and me we can explain enough of the basics to keep the two of you from self-destructing. He knows that were that to happen, your father and I would have to take sides which means we either lose a daughter or a very close friend.”

“Jesus, this is getting complicated,” Sally noted.

“And now you know why Ray’s being so cautious,” Meagan said.

“Does he play chess?” Sally asked. Her mother laughed melodically.

“Yes, he does, and he was very good at it in college. He started teaching me before I got stupid. Afterwards I kept playing. I guess it was a way to hang on to some small part of him,” Meagan admitted emotionally.

“He loves you, too,” Sally replied.

“He said that?” Meagan asked.

“No, when I asked him he said he didn’t think you knew each other long enough to say that but he thought you were well on the way. I guess it wouldn’t be a good idea to tell me he loved you when you’re married to his best friend,” she said thoughtfully.

“See, you’re learning already,” her mom replied.

They made it to the first house the realtor had to show them--and the next three. They fell in love with the fourth house. Well, Mark fell in love with Denise, the 12-year-old girl next door. Sally rode home with her dad, apologizing for screwing up and for hurting him. Remembering her mother’s advice, she kept quiet about Ray. Mark was dropped off at his grandparent’s house and Dan brought the car and his daughter back to our house. No words were spoken between us as he hugged her, and then shook my hand. Both of us were a bit misty-eyed when he finally turned away and headed for the car Meagan was driving.

Sally claimed my lap again at dinner but was much quieter and contemplative than playful. “You okay?” I asked, lightly rubbing her back.

She leaned back and rested her head on my shoulder. “Yeah, mom gave me a lot to think about today. Could you teach me how to play chess?” she asked eagerly.

“What brought that on?” I asked.

“To help me learn to look ahead at the way things I do affect everyone else around me,” she said seriously. She perked up when I insisted on feeding dessert to her, and was practically purring when we finally left the table.

“Were you serious about one of your wives helping to ... uhh ... scratch my itch?” she asked blushing.

“You’re even cuter when you blush,” I teased which naturally caused her blush to darken considerably. “I didn’t really expect you to take me up on the offer but we can always ask. Is there anyone in particular you had in mind?” I asked. Biting her lower lip, she shook her head. “Is there one of them you feel closer to?” I asked.

“Probably Amanda and Itzel. They were there with me when I talked to my mother the first night,” she answered looking up at me. I could see in her eyes how vulnerable she felt right then.

“C’mon, I’ll talk to them for you,” I told her as I pulled her closer to me. As I expected, both ladies were more than willing to help Sally, promising to show her what they would be doing on each other first, giving her a chance to change her mind. I escorted them as far as the guest room door and Sally insisted on yet another of her very passionate kisses. If she didn’t chicken out I was sure the girls were going to love that talented tongue of hers.

Amanda came back out a couple of hours later to get the rest of the girls so they could all talk to Sally. She didn’t say anything, but the abundance of girl goo on her cheeks and the wet, matted pubic hair let me know they’d been busy. Her devious grin let me know they were up to something.

Not knowing how much longer they would be talking, I finally went to bed alone about 10:00. It was a strange feeling to be in the big bed all alone. Muffled giggles from the guest room told me everything in there was okay and I fell asleep hopeful that things would work out.

Sometime later, I was roused from my sleep when I heard the bedroom door open. Warm, soft, naked bodies began cuddling up to me and I was in Heaven again. “Wake up, you’ve got horny women to tend to,” Amanda cooed in my ear to a chorus of quiet giggles. Many hands helped turn me over so I was on my back and Amanda lowered her still-slick pussy to my mouth. I loved the idea of the strawberry flavor she had come up with for her already-sweet pussy. She also gave each of the other girls a distinctive flavor of their choice.

“We all talked with Sally. She has agreed to talk with one of us every day for the foreseeable future to avoid any complications. Itzel sees no upcoming problems. She will continue to watch for them as she does every day. We voted and it’s unanimous. We accept Sally as a wife with all of the privileges and responsibilities that go with the position and your newest wife wants you ... now,” she informed me like I was a third world dictator facing a coup d’état.

“I didn’t get to vote,” I protested.

“That’s because it was an official vote of the wives’ council. We could tell that you were stressing out about how many wives you had so we all agreed that any future wives had to have a good reason to be considered and had to get a unanimous vote of all current wives to be accepted. Zafrina met those criteria and so has Sally.

“What if I’m not ready?” I asked. Amanda raised her eyebrow and cocked her head questioningly. “I’m still worried about upsetting Dan or Meagan. This can’t be easy for them,” I answered emotionally.

Amanda yielded the floor to Itzel but not my tongue. “Ray, I promise there won’t be any problems and that you’ll know it to be a fact tomorrow,” Itzel promised as she gently stroked my chest.

Lying naked on my back with a strawberry-flavored pussy above my mouth wasn’t exactly a strong bargaining position. “Fine,” I huffed only to be buried beneath a mass of giddy, naked, female flesh. The celebration was short-lived, calming down to happy sighing within a couple of minutes.

“I guess we should get on with the main event before Sally starts physically dragging us off of you,” Amanda chuckled.

When the girls moved aside, Sally was standing there looking expectantly at me and biting her lower lip nervously. They had obviously spent some time getting her ready as her long brown hair cascaded around her shoulders in ringlets. The hair in front was strategically arranged to hide her nipples but to leave enough of her breasts exposed to pique my interest. “Wow!” I exclaimed eliciting a huge grin of relief.

“You like?” she asked happily, as she pirouetted slowly.

“I like,” I growled taking her hand and pulling her to me. She slipped into the bed next to me, looking expectantly.

Our lips met and her anaconda caught my tongue again. When she freed me, I began to slide down her body, kissing and tasting as I went until she stopped me. “We’ve got a lifetime for that,” she cooed, “which may be pretty short if you don’t fill me up,” she growled menacingly. There was a roomful of titters at her comment. The lust in her eyes burned brightly and expectantly as I climbed on top of her. Her left leg shifted to allow me access. Her right leg did the same once I’d cleared it.

“One quick taste?” I almost begged.

“It had better be very quick or it may be the last thing you ever taste,” she answered grinning lasciviously. She let me spend about ten seconds tasting her pink flesh and piquant oils before impatiently pulling me up until the swollen head of my cock brushed and then parted her engorged labia. Sally licked her own juices from my face while I slowly sheathed my sword in her hot, tight, welcoming sex. I chewed gently on the delicate, dark nipples I’d been pulled away from earlier and began pummeling her sex chute until both of us climaxed nearly simultaneously.

“What’s wrong?” I asked Sally when we finished. There were tears in her eyes. Amanda touched my shoulder and put a finger to her lips, shaking her head.

“Just hold her,” she mouthed. I tried to slide off but she refused to unlock her legs from behind me so I rested on top of her, holding my weight on my elbows.

“Everybody said it would be good but I had no idea ... I had no idea,” she whispered contentedly.

I tried again to roll off when I finally slipped out. “You’re not going anywhere, buddy. You’re mine ... ours,” she corrected, looking up sheepishly at the other ladies who were all smiling that special happy smile they shared so often. Sighing as she unlocked her ankles from behind me, she snickered, “I guess I should share.”

I was quickly forgotten as the ladies all sat around her gently stroking her face and hair. Each one of them gave her a gentle kiss. “Welcome to the family,” Amanda whispered emotionally.

“Speaking of which,” Amanda said as she once again took charge. I wasn’t sure exactly how it had happened or been decided but she seemed to be the de facto spokesperson for the group. As long as the rest of the women didn’t mind, I wasn’t going to stick my nose in. There were so many other places I could think of to put it.

“It will be less than a year before Nuk is ready to join us fully,” Amanda stated matter-of-factly.

“What?” I squeaked. I glanced at Sally, not sure how she would take the news but I could see that they covered a lot in their talk earlier.

“She enjoys the times she comes in and just sleeps with us but wants to participate a little bit more. She convinced all of us to let her,” Amanda said as she raised one eyebrow challenging me to dissent.

I thought about it--for about a nanosecond. “It shall be as you have decreed,” I said in ancient Mayan, bowing my head (hard to do when you’re on your back) and spreading my arms in submission as the ancient Maya did to their chiefs.

Their victorious grins turned to questioning looks when Sally gasped. “That wasn’t English,” she said. I started to explain but she cut me off. “But I knew exactly what he said,” she said in awe. “Cool,” she concluded happily.

Nuk moved over on the bed until she was next to me looking nervous and expectant. Her eyes were fixed on the again-stiff pole waving proudly. Even though we’d done this and everything else possible to imagine in our dreams she still reached out hesitantly before wrapping her small fingers around it. The second the fingers closed, I could see the look in her eyes change--she was home. Without any hesitation whatsoever her mouth descended and engulfed half of my cock. Her tongue slithered around it like so many pleasant dreams before as she licked Sally from me, savoring the delicate blend of our juices.

She turned, presenting her business end to me and I reciprocated. Not being able to watch her now, everything felt just like it usually did. What I was staring at wasn’t what I was used to, though. Her sex was more like an unopened flower than one in full bloom. It responded to my tongue, moistening and darkening in color, even parting slightly, but didn’t bloom like her older self. I had to catch myself, and realign my thoughts. This wasn’t for me, it was for Nuk. Whatever age her body was right now, she was the same person that shared our dreams with us. Closing my eyes I imagined the older version above me and went to town, doing almost all of the things, I knew so well that drove her insane.

Without being able to bury my fingers inside of her and touch all of the places that give her so much pleasure I still brought her off. After catching her breath, she climbed on top of me and straddled me, lowering herself until she was in exactly the same position she’d been in the first time we were together for the ceremony. Holding her narrow hips, I helped her rock back and forth, my cock sliding almost frictionless through her slick furrow. The far-away look returned to her face as she enjoyed herself, grinding her tiny clit down against the base of my cock with each stroke. When her brow furrowed and she lowered her head with her eyes closed I knew she was concentrating and nearly there.

Nuk’s movements became faster and less coordinated as she got closer. I held onto her hips to keep her centered but let go when I knew she was about to cum. My hands found her tiny, pointed nipples, and pinched and pulled on them the way she likes. Her mouth and eyes shot open in surprise and she squeaked as she came, pressing herself down against me one last time as her body convulsed and she collapsed on top of me.

It was as I held her and stroked her back that I realized she’d seated my glans in the opening to her sex and pushed it halfway in. “Nooooo,” she protested feebly when I started to pull out. “Mmmmm,” Nuk moaned dreamily a minute later as she rocked her hips side to side, enjoying the feel of having me part-ways inside of her. “Let’s go to sleep. I want to finish this in our dreams,” she sighed, laying her head on my chest.

It was a wild night in our dream. Sally and Nuk were practically insatiable. Earlier Amanda had offered to take Sally into dream sex and fuck her with a cock just like mine, but Sally refused because she wanted mine to be the first cock she made love to. She decided that what she experienced before didn’t qualify as making love. She let Amanda have at her that night though, even taking both of us at once. Amanda surprised her and entered her backside with a much smaller cock as Sally began her climax and drove her to her hardest climax yet.

At some point, we had all stopped momentarily, and found ourselves back in a Maya village. Since nobody seemed to know quite where we were, I led the way, following the pointed directions of villagers as they bowed reverently to us. I understood where we were when I recognized Chief Nachancan. I smiled appreciatively and returned the gesture when he bowed to me as an equal. After that, there was another wedding ceremony and celebration. It was only when we turned to the rest of the village that I saw Dan, Meagan, and Mark watching happily from the front of the throng. I still sucked at the dancing.

Before we could make our way through the crowd, we were back before the Tribunal. “You were troubled earlier this evening,” the leader commented.

“I am concerned about her parents being upset by our relationship at some point. I don’t want either of them hurt,” I explained.

“You have strong feelings for both of her parents,” the leader intoned, inviting me to expound.

“Her mother and I were lovers and I still care deeply about her mother. Her father is a close friend. He also helped her mother when she was hurting and has been a wonderful husband to her, making her very happy and making me happy for both of them,” I answered honestly and fully.

“And yet it was your wish to make sure the women who chose to be in your life were happy. All you did tonight was make all of them happy, especially Sally and Nuk. We have still done nothing to facilitate that wish. Your heart, the natural bond between your wives, and your willingness to listen to them has made that possible. I think you have made Sally’s parents very happy tonight,” the leader said looking over my head and behind me. I turned and saw Dan and Meagan standing a level above us, watching, happy tears in both of their eyes.

And suddenly we were back in our dream sex. This time, though, we made love slowly and gently with each other. I hoped Dan and Meagan weren’t still watching from somewhere.

I’d barely gotten dressed in the morning when the doorbell rang. Since I was the only one decent, I answered it. Dan and Meagan stood there, once again teary eyed. They barely made it inside before both of them hugged me. Sally hurried in and slipped into the group embrace between her dad and me. It took a few minutes, but Dan was the first one to find his voice. “I thought dropping Sally off here yesterday was weird. What the hell happened last night?” he asked. A quick check showed no obvious signs of either of them being upset, just dumbfounded. I motioned to the living room figuring this might take awhile. Sally led her father by the hand and Meagan took mine, squeezing it lovingly.

All I could think to do was start at the beginning and tell them the whole story. Forty minutes later, they were both still silent, looking at me as if I had two heads. “So, was the wedding a dream?” Dan finally asked.

“No it was real. If we flew to the village, they would recognize us. Zafrina got a phone call from her parents the day after we got married congratulating her. I still haven’t figured out how we have a dawn ceremony while it’s still dark here. They’re an hour behind us. Every time we’re in front of the Tribunal I forget to ask--not that they’d necessarily tell me,” I explained.

“And what’s this Tribunal?” Dan asked.

I shrugged. “That’s just what I call them. I don’t know who they are but my instincts tell me that they are chosen from the leaders of the Maya that have passed away. I could be completely wrong,” I admitted.

“Well, last night was definitely one for the books,” Dan sighed. “I started out dreaming that I was in some Egyptian village. I finally recognized it as the one we finished excavating last year. It was as if I there again, but back when the village was still full of people and I was one of them. Even Meagan and Mark were with me. We were an ordinary family and spent just over a year starting just before the spring floods and ending the following year just after the floods. It was so realistic. I said something this morning and Meagan and Mark both had the same dream. It was a dream, wasn’t it?” he asked suddenly.

I grinned. “Yes and no. And I have a feeling Meagan and Mark will be joining you in your work translating everything,” I answered grinning.

“So, what about this dream sex thing?” Meagan asked, blushing.

“Oh, my God!” Sally exclaimed. “I mean, the regular sex was mind blowing but the dream sex...” she sighed as she used her hand to mimic a plane taking off. Dan coughed a couple of times while Meagan and Sally each blushed several shades of red.

Sally and her mother were snuggled against opposite sides of Dan. He reached down and tousled Sally’s hair. “I’m glad to know how happy you are Princess, but maybe you could leave out a few details in the future,” he chuckled. Sally blushed almost purple.

They stayed for breakfast and Dan and I talked about the new building, as well as why I wanted it so big. “There’s a lot more to the world than Mesoamerica, although I can’t understand why anyone would want to study any other part of the world,” I teased, poking fun at our friendly running feud over which of the two studies was more important.

“I’m hoping to have top professors from every major area of study here at the school to make it a world center for archaeology. I want top of the line modern equipment available to everyone here,” I explained.

“If they get “help” with their translations, too, even the new building won’t be big enough,” Dan laughed.

“I know. In two years, the shopping center on the north side of the school will be for sale. We can build three high-rise dorms there and then tear down the 40-year-old one across the street from our new building. Then we can build an annex twice the size of the new building there, complete with enclosed above-ground walkways.”

Dan just stared, open-mouthed. “I’m not even going to ask how you know,” he sighed.

We were more than an hour late getting to work. I stopped by Ted’s office and apologized. “Amanda called and said you were helping Dan deal with a minor family crisis,” he answered as he waved off my apology.

Sally was cute all day, making sure to remain a socially acceptable distance away from me even while her eyes were telling me exactly what she was wishing she could be doing to me right then. I also finally noticed what Amanda had been talking about when two of the interns came to the office to ask me a question, one obviously a ruse just to get my attention. “I know that you two have to know the answer to that already. I think you should talk to Amanda about what is really on your mind,” I suggested.

I caught the brief look of surprise on Amanda’s face before she stood and put an arm around each girl’s shoulders and walked out of the office with them. “Nicely handled,” Janice cooed in my ear after they left. “And I’m betting that both of them feel nicely handled by tomorrow morning,” she chuckled. Amanda didn’t say anything when she got back a few minutes later but her feral grin told all of us everything we needed to know. Shanti was an Indian goddess standing 5’ 6” with a voluptuous figure and breasts that seemed to defy gravity. Her lustrous black hair was usually pulled back and tied up but was hanging to her waist when the girls got to the house for dinner. Gisela was another Hispanic beauty, her hair as long and lustrous as Shanti’s but her more slender figure was a couple inches shorter than Shanti.

They kept looking around the table nervously while we ate dinner. “Ladies, you can relax,” I said to them. “You were invited here tonight by my wives. If they had any problem with anything that might happen tonight, they wouldn’t have invited you. You are both invited to spend the night and join us. You are also free to change your mind at any point and leave with no hard feelings. You’re here because you expressed a desire to be here, not because we want to push you into joining us.”

Amanda and Becky joined Shanti, Gisela, and me after dinner as we headed for the bedroom. The rest of the ladies stayed to clean up after dinner. The girls looked nervous when Amanda closed the bedroom door. The nervousness disappeared quickly as Amanda sat down quietly in one of the chairs and watched me undress Shanti. Becky sat in Amanda’s lap and they started kissing when I turned to Gisela and began removing her clothes. I went slowly with each girl, savoring the feel and taste of her body as I raised their arousal. Gisela gasped when I pushed Shanti back onto the bed and started stroking and licking the insides of her thighs. She was practically hovering over me watching as I dipped my tongue between Shanti’s labia, finally tasting her tangy female essence.

“Uh,” Shanti gasped when my tongue found her pleasure button. Her hands wrapped in my hair and pulled my face tightly to her quim. “Oh, god” she gasped when my finger snaked inside of her and found her internal pleasure button, too. After that, she was off to the races as my tongue and fingers deftly drove her wild. Gisela was panting behind me as Shanti grabbed the sheets with her hands and whipped her head back and forth. Shanti’s panting had turned to total gasping, her mouth open wide in an “O” as she gasped and thrashed on the bed. Each time her smooth stomach muscles contracted, her shoulders were lifted off the bed momentarily. To the uninitiated, it might have looked like I was torturing her.

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PerchanceTo Dream

Two strangers, two lives, intertwined by the strangest of circumstances, chance perhaps, destiny certain. This is their tale… I’d lived in New York City all my life, the hustle, the bustle as much a part of me as the blood that ran through my veins. Mostly, I had let the city pass me by, content to observe rather than to partake, at least until now. I know not why I found myself in Central Park that day, only that the desire to do something, anything to keep my life from continuing down the...

1 year ago
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Perchance to Dream

Jenny was practically vibrating she was so excited. She’d been dating Eric for a little over a year. He was the one … She was sure of it. On the anniversary of their first date, he showed up at her office dressed in the exact clothes he had been wearing that night. They went to the same restaurant, ordered the same meal. Back at his place, he’d rented the movie they had gone to see. Everything was perfect. It was more than perfect, because this time they made love on the soft shag rug in...

3 years ago
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Perchance To Dream Part 4

(Three weeks later, and we find Jim has moved out to a hotel. He and Mel have been seeing each other for three Friday nights, and she stays over but goes back to Alice on Saturday. We catch them as she's leaving on a Saturday morning.) “Jim, I’ll see you in a few days. Okay? Honey?”“Yeah,” I responded to Mel. “Of course, babe. I was just… just missing you already!” I forced a smile and a small laugh.I watched Mel as she walked away from me towards the hotel elevator. She gave me a smile and a...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Perchance To Dream Pt 3

After a beautiful afternoon of lovemaking and some sodomy, Melanie has just revealed to our hero, me, that debonair and dapper gentlemen only twenty-some-odd years older than her, that she is sleeping with my daughter. And she told me this as I was cooking her dinner!I took the tongs and carefully placed the chicken breasts back into the bubbling sauce. As I ladled the sauce over the chicken, Melanie seemed to think I went deaf.“Did you hear me?” she asked.“Yeah, I did. That’s awesome. She’s a...

4 years ago
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Perchance To Dream Pt 2

Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife.Dressed in my skivvies, I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her clothes from last night and...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Perchance to Dream 2

Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife. I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her purse, shoes, and clothes from last night and we...

4 years ago
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Perchance to Dream

"You want us to watch Shannon until the fireworks are over, and then to bring her home?" Ryan Cameron didn't really have a question about what Rev. Powell wanted; he just needed a minute to consider the consequences. It was Saturday, July 4, and the fireworks were scheduled for later that night. "Oh could I, Mr. Cameron?" Shannon Powell begged. "I would appreciate it," Rev. Powell said. "I don't have to read my sermon from the pulpit, but I do have to write it down. And today I've...

2 years ago
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Perchance to Dream

She was driving home from the Doctor’s appointment; steering with her right hand while her left rested on her stomach. She was thinking of the future and her husband as she approached the intersection. The light was green her way and had been for a bit as the stopped traffic had cleared out. She was half way through the intersection when the street racer, who was trying to out run the police, hit her broadside. He awoke from the dream, covered in sweat and shaking. Scrubbing his hands over...

3 years ago
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Perchance to DomChapter 3

I called off my date with Gina. I told her in person. "Too bad. I was considering buying black fishnets for the occasion." "On you, they might have turned into a fetish for me." "Instead, you turned into a shit." Her shaking head underscored disapproval. "Look. You're only interested in playing, pretending more than participating. I won't get what I need trying it with you. "I would have made it worth your time and, ahem, effort." Her swallow following her words spoke truer....

1 year ago
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Perchance to DomChapter 4

I never saw Tamara again. She didn't respond to my one text congratulating her. After thinking about it, that probably wasn't what she wanted from me. Mother pouted. Dad had actually laughed in public. It was like she'd never known the man, and she blamed me. In a bizarre form of punishment, she started wearing lipstick. It was blatant. She applied a deep red pigment to her cumulus lips, weekdays while Father was at work. One day, her father caught her wearing it. I was given twenty...

1 year ago
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Perchance to DreamChapter 3

The first half of this summer’s interns arrived in late May. We met them Monday morning, shaking hands as we moved through the much larger than normal group. The first half of the interns was more than we had in total last summer. Of course, we also had a lot more work to do. I noticed a timid-looking young Hispanic woman near the back of the group as we approached. When I neared her, she genuflected to one knee. “Holy Shaman Parker,” she said reverently in Mayan, her voice quivering with...

1 year ago
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Putting up a sign that says “Top Nudes” is sure to attract eager perverts from all around, especially if you’re giving out those naked lady pics and dirty videos for free. It’s a common sort of claim around the Internet, where every porn site labels itself the biggest and best, the most naked and the sleaziest. I usually don’t get too wound up about the brags, as any pornographer worth his salt talks up his product even if he’s only shooting crackwhores and grannies. Based on their traffic,...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Fucking My Indian Aunty In Her Ass

Hi/Hello to all the ladies and hot chicks out there. I am Nihal Bhat from Bangalore. I am basically from coastal area of Karnataka. But after I got job I shifted to Bangalore. I am working in a MNC in Bangalore. I am 25 years old and still single. I am 6 feet tall and dusky shaded. I stay alone in an apartment in Bangalore. I am well built and my tool is big enough to satisfy all the hot chicks out there. I hit the gym regularly and play sports and trek regularly to keep myself fit. Chicks and...

2 years ago
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Friends for Life Part 2

To be continued . . .Who spoke first?  I pushed the door fully open now . . . It was Rick - smiling that devious smile from his bed, however, it was a very different look for him . . . and I liked it!   His brunette wig was classic, it was like a be-hive hairdo from the early '60's.  He had slightly smeared red lipstick, his eyes had a beautiful shade of shadow and was wearing see-through black bra that wrapped tightly around his chest. I could see his tits straining to get out.  I stood there...

2 years ago
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19 Vayathu Pennai Matter Adithen

Hai friends, vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar vasu vayathu 24 aagugirathu. En pakathu veetil oru pen puthithaaga kudi vanthu irunthaal. Aval peyar saranya, epai enaku avalin peyar theriya vanthathu endraal avalin amma oru murai avalai saranya endru thaan soli azhaithaargal. Muthal muthalil ithu pondru oru 19 vayathu pen en veetin arugil irukiraal enbathu endru theriyaamal irunthathu. En endraal enaku pengal methu athigam notam ilamal irunthathu. Naan matum en velai undu naan...

2 years ago
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My Hot Mother Malini And Me Part 8211 2

My mother Malini and me – II I woke up by hearing maa’s voice. “Orey Paddu get up. it is almost 11 and you are still sleeping… get up”. I pulled Maa on me and gave a wet kiss on her cheeks saying “Oh! Maa.. let me sleep for while.. there is no sleep in the night”. “Enduko? Antha spcial duty dora garu emi chesaro..?” (Why? What special duty this raja had done) she asked mischievously smiling at me and wiping her cheek where I kissed. “Emi special duty chesano neeku teleeda..?” (Don’t you know...

3 years ago
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Married Bliss 1

I would be a soccer mom to our twin boys – except that Jack likes me to stay home. I have not gone outside the house since Jack drove us home from our wedding. I am completely faithful to Jack, and I have zero interest in other men. When we have visitors to the house, I look down at my shoes and do not make eye contact with them. They do not address me directly. They talk to Jack, and in the unlikely event that I am the subject of discussion, Jack answers for me. Jack is a “hot husband”....

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Video Game Robosluts

Thank you for calling Video Game Robosluts! As you probably already know, we are the top selling robotic company of our class. We have provided top-notch robotic sex dolls for over 150 years and the considerable age of our company can only be attributed to a very important factor: our deep compromise to provide customers with the most faithful recreations of video game characters. Of course, customers reward good service and the constant growth of our company is a testament to that. However,...

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Earths CoreChapter 6 Stelero Mars

The Grand Abode was sanctification of anything related to Luminous Church in Ercas Mir and a bit of stuff connecting to the Holy Palace. Its rooms and halls held in glorious exhibition pictures, sculptures and scriptures of important figure to the church, holy places, interpretation, even of The Almighty. There were quotes, hymns, sayings and more to bask the spirit in. It had libraries of all sorts of literature, prayer rooms and absolution cells for the wicked who seek salvation. Zax, as...

1 year ago
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50000 Blowjobs for JoAnne PART I

Recently, JoAnne was in a pensive mood, having just returned from another night giving blowjobs to Johns at a downtown corner, as she has been doing for almost 7 years now. I could tell she was pensive, because she seemed distracted as she sucked my dick in the living room, as I watched early morning TV. She ALWAYS sucks me before heading off to bed. Anyway, I asked her what she was thinking of. “Hmmm?” she asked me, her mouth not leaving my cock. “You look distracted,” I told her. “Hmm hmm,”...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The Meeting

A meeting of the Sub-Committee on Bio-Technology in Modern Medicine into the Future There were seven people seated around the table, with several assistants behind them, ready to take notes, or fetch coffee or whatever such people do as a matter of course. A meeting of the sub-committee on bio-technology in modern medicine and into the future “Madam secretary, members (there being three senators, three house representatives / three are female, and three male, three democrats / three are...

1 year ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 75

It was after 6PM when we arrived back at the office. Wilson went to the office at the lands end of the pier and I went to the barge. My phone rang almost as soon as I stepped onto the boat. "Someone named Martin called said it was urgent," Wilson informed me. "I'll call him now," I said. I knew Wilson expected more since I called him my partner, but somethings he wasn't entitled to know. "He is kind of an agent." I hung up quickly and called Martin. "What you got for...

1 year ago
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Vacation! God how long has it been? This will be wonderful ... going to a romantic place with the man you love and - for a whole week - you don't have to cut up anyone else's meat ... no bedtime stories (unless you count the Penthouse Letters.) No hurt knees or feelings to soothe. Only you and Michael and your fantasies. You got lucky; the plane isn't crowded. You settle in - Michael by the window, you by the aisle and no one in between. The plane takes off and Michael lifts the armrests...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Camila Cano Camila Loves Cumming On That Cock

Sexy babe Camila Cano is looking hot in her tight blue lingerie slip and loves to be a tease with her legs encased in black stockings. She is joined by Alex Jett and can’t wait to get that cock out of his pants so she can ride it hard! Alex loves how her lips feel as she sucks him down getting a little sloppy with her blow job skills. He slides his hard cock in her slowly so she feels every inch before railing into her hard! Camila cries out loving that cock so much and is filled with joy...

1 year ago
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Long Hard Weekend a sissy story

Long Hard Weekend(A sissy story)I was tied to a chair. The chair had an open back and my ass wassticking out exposed. My ankles were tied to the legs and my waist tothe back of the chair. My hands were cuffed and the cuffs wereattached to a collar around My neck. As if this weren’t badenough I was wearing pink silk panties and stockings. I am a man(or Iused to be) 5’5" 135 long blond hair and blue eyes. I have never hadto shave and have a smooth almost hairless body. I have always beenteased,...

3 years ago
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Little Cousin Sarah

It started like any other night, my parents had gone out for the evening with my aunt and uncle leaving me, a good looking nineteen year old guy to look after my little 12 year old cousin. Her name was Sarah, she was small, about 4'8, very slim, having shed her baby fat and having not yet filled out as she would in her teenage years. She had sandy hair which went most of the way down her back when she left it down, which she did often. Her face was small and cute, the same as her body which...

1 year ago
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After Party

.It was Friday night. I got home from work and my girlfriend told me we were having people over for a small party. So people started to show up around 7pm. Everyone was starting to get drunk around 12am and starting to leave except for John and his girlfriend Kacy. They were going to spend the night because they didn't have a ride and they were hammered. So they went to the guest room and I was going to get in the shower but my girlfriend wanted to have sex really bad so I held off on the...

Drunk sex
3 years ago
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Her Week At Mountain MansionChapter 5

An hour and a half late, Cleophas and Cherie entered the conference room while all those present stared silently at them. Diane's face reflected utter hate and loathing for Cherie and her black lover and sitting there under the reproachful glare of the boss and her beloved Ron Wolter while Cleophas shot her intermittent leers of lust and triumph was almost more than she could bare. But Cherie controlled her reactions well enough not to go running out of the conference room, controlled...

1 year ago
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Cat The Businessman 2

Cat trailed her fingers along Trina's heated skin, marvelling at its softness. Somehow it was even better lying down. Trina had guided the smaller girl to her ridiculously huge and feather-soft bed, pushing her down gently but firmly. Cat made sure to carry out her plan of putting her lips everywhere on Trina, starting with soft kisses that traced the older girl's jaw, moving down her neck. Cat liked the feeling of Trina's pulse throbbing against her lips, it made her feel alive, excited her,...

1 year ago
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MyFamilyPies Callie Jacobs Mind Fucked By My Step Sister

Callie Jacobs and her stepbrother Jay Romero have gotten together in the biblical sense before, but Callie is prickly about when and where Jay can fuck her. When Jay comes into her room and starts creeping on her, Callie isn’t in the mood. Later, though, Callie puts on a short miniskirt and a bright red thong. When Jay comes in and asks what she’s doing, she makes sure he gets a good look at all the goods before she tells Jay she thinks that she lost her phone under the couch. When...

3 years ago
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Alexis and Justin

Alexis and her boyfriend had decided that they wanted some excitement. Alexis decided to confide in Justin one of her darkest secrets. She had stumbled upon the book almost a year ago. It was really an accident. She just happened to have tucked the sheets under the mattress of her parent’s bed when her hand felt something. She tugged and out came a tattered book, complete with illustrations. She flipped through it and was astonished by what she read and saw. The book had been read many times....

3 years ago
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Hampsted Village Part 3

Chapter 10Katie was speeding like crazy to get home and nearly ran into an old man as she was darting onto Winthrop Lane. Every nerve in her body was tingling, her beautiful pussy throbbed with every beat of her heart. Her tires squealed as she pulled into her long driveway and again when she sk**ded to a halt in front. She grabbed a brown paper bag and as she jumped out her beautiful breasts bounced violently while she ran for the privacy of her door. Kat tried to wave as she was walking...

3 years ago
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Creative Writing Class1

I should have known the day had something in store for me. It was dull dreary and damp as I made my way from the car park to the Adult Education Centre for my Creative Writing Class. Being the only male I liked to get there early and choose my seat. This was not a strategic place to observe eye candy but more of a defensive position. At 52yrs old I was the third youngest in the class and if I did not get my protected position I would end up surrounded by single ladies of indeterminable age who...

2 years ago
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The consult

( This is my 1st attempt to start a story, Hope you like the Idea. Feel free to add chapter whenever you want.) You are a counsellor that is hired to help families deal with issues. The job has taken you all around the country plus the pay a month is more than most make in a year. You left high school in Year 12 to go to TAFE early and finished the course in 2 years. That was 5 years ago, making you 25 years old. "It's time to settle down for awhile", You think to yourself. " The next family I...

1 year ago
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My night with Morgan

I went to high school with a girl named Morgan. Back then, we didn't really run in the same circles. She dated one of my close friends, and we were acquaintances, but I would hardly say I knew her. We didn't have any of the same classes, we didn't really talk or hang out, we just knew of each other. But since we both graduated college, which was a few years ago, we've become closer friends. We still sort of run in difference circles - but the circles overlap a lot more and we see each other...

3 years ago
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Out of the Blue

Hi guys, Happy New Year! Welcome to our January story. This year my goal is to try to do a story at least once a month. I was barely able to get this one in on the last God damned day of the month. I honestly have to blame my tardiness on my idea train and a certain tiny blond woman. I kept starting over because there was always an idea for another story that I thought would be better. And even when I’d committed to finishing this one, someone decided that we needed to take a weekend getaway,...

3 years ago
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The Wonderland

Hi, all thank you for your great support by liking my previous story. I decided to do something different this time and make you all horny. For my introduction I am Rocky 23 years old, stand about 5.6 ft tall and with an athletic body. Have a nice shaped and big cock that would satisfy any women and I totally love oral sex before the main course. Well the story I am going to narrate now is not a real one, but one instruction to all the readers, put yourself in the position of the characters in...

2 years ago
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We got my friends pregnant

Never shared this till now About 2 1/2 years ago one of my closest friends (f29) and her wife announced they have decided to have a baby. Around this time my wife and I also started "trying". While having one of our regular couples dinners and drinks (lots of drinks) they confided in us that trying to find a sperm donor was very hard and expensive. They had set aside a hefty budget for iui, shots and other fertility treatments because insurance will not cover everything. However after some time...

3 years ago
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Dream Sex With Sonal 8211 Part 6 Sex While On Call

We got up from the bathtub after a good couple of hours. We both had a nice shower, scrubbing each other of our cum and sweat-soaked bodies. Sonal covered herself in an extra-large towel. I could just see the top of her boobs poking out. It’s interesting how Sonal looks even sexier semi-naked. I couldn’t take my eyes away from her. Sonal: What are you looking at so intensely? Find anything interesting? Me: Yes, everything about you is interesting. Sonal: Why do I get the...

3 years ago
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Why I Met Your Mother Chapter 91

Chapter Nine The morning was wet, and the sky a portentous shade of dismal grey. The temperature was surprisingly low for the middle of spring, and Phil already knew that today they would make very slow progress on the site, meaning yet more delays and stress. Right now though, he was jittery for quite another reason. Why had Terry specifically asked him early into work this morning? He would never have done this if it weren’t something very important. Was this going to be his marching...

1 year ago
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Babysitting Amanda

Every night after my first experience with Amanda, I found myself jacking off to memories of her. She was the first person I had ever done anything sexual with, and I was desperate to see her again and allow things between us to continue. Let me introduce myself. My name Jake and I am 16 years old. I was your classic horny teenage guy. My hair is dark black, which goes well with my brown eyes. Ive always been slightly fit, never working out yet somehow keeping myself in shape through basic...

2 years ago
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Lebanese Haifa Wehbe Fucked In An Elevator

The name's Frankie. I'm a cab driver in Boston.Louie, a buddy of mine got a job in Dubai. He was working in the Media Center building where they make a lot of their local TV programs. Every time he wrote to me he went on and on about this hot Lebanese singer called Haifa Wehbe. She does sound hot, but there's no frigging way any woman could be anywhere near as gorgeous as he kept saying. He wrote pages and pages about her big, brown, baby-deer eyes, her full lips, her long silky hair, her long...

3 years ago
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Finding My Way Home Ch 04

Part IV From Parts I – III: I returned from Afghanistan, having been shot in the shoulder and having two surgeries to repair it. I got out of the Army to help my mother who had bladder cancer and ran into the high school girl on whom I had had a crush. I found out she was a single mother of a young daughter and tried to ask her out, only to have her accuse me of treating her like someone who I thought couldn’t take care of herself and needed to be saved. She realized her mistake and we dated...

3 years ago
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CFNM for my sisters

Introduction: Sister forces me to show her Hi everyone, my name is Steve, I am currently 20 year old and the following story is my introduction to CFNM by my sister when I was only 11 years old. I didnt call it CFNM back then, I just knew it as being naked in front of my sister. My parents were very modest about nudity around the house, except when it came to me being naked. I hadnt seen anyone naked since I was a toddler but both my mom, dad and sister seen me almost daily whenever I took a...

2 years ago
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Her first massage

I go at least once a week, sometimes twice. He makesme feel so . . . beautiful. His hands slowly andfirmly molding over my entire body often brushingintimate areas. When I arrived for my first visit, hetold me “take off your panties, I won’t be able toreach under them.” I knew I had checked full bodymassage, but I was certainly raising my eye brows overthat comment. He always starts by running his smooth dry hands overmy back and neck. I’m immediately reassured afterwaiting naked under the thin...

1 year ago
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It started of as a handjob

I had these feelings, these urges, even when I was very young. I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to touch another boys cock, made even to lick and suck it. I would lay awake at night, dreaming of it, wondering what it would feel like in my hand. Before falling asleep, I would always stroke myself off to amazing orgasms. It wasn’t too long before I got the courage to try it. An almost uncontrollable fascination for cock lead me to make a move on my best friend. I was so nervous....

3 years ago
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The Following Week

Sally Lawrence, aged in her mid fifties, had had a wonderful Friday night and most of Saturday. Since the Friday evening, she had rekindled and possibly ignited her lesbian affair with old school friend Gina Meadows, been fucked by Gina's seventeen-year-old son Ryan, and received six strokes of the cane across her large arse.She was now back at home on Saturday evening and looking at her cane marked backside in a mirror as she fingered her cunt and thought back over the previous twenty-four...

2 years ago
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The PiperChapter 25

I grabbed my flute, and sent Kasey a text - that I was on my way. When I arrived, I was out of my truck, about to walk to the front door, when she ran from the door and right up in front of me, with her face inches from my face. Carol had told me Kasey could be one of my most beautiful models, if I would give her a pair of titties like Marti’s. Now, I know why she told me that. “Hi, Kasey. I love your long hair.” “Hi, Lucien. I’m so thrilled that we get to meet. I hope we see some of my...

3 years ago
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Next Door Neighbors 4Chapter 6

I stepped into my bathroom to pee while they threw their dresses in a pile inside my room. I was shaking my cock when they came back into the bathroom. “We need to pee too, Derek. Don’t flush or your mom and dad will hear it,” Elinor told me. Loni was already sitting on the pot when Elinor spoke. I could hear her piss splashing in the water and my cock got harder. She reached out and patted it, then leaned over and kissed the swelling head. “I don’t know that I’ll ever get this monster...

3 years ago
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moms boyfriend trey

One Saturday night, I heard my Mom and Trey come in real late about 04:30am. They were real loud and I could tell they had been drinking a lot. My Mom actually sounded worse than Trey (she could never handle her alcohol very well) as she was slurring her words loudly and stumbling around. Things became quiet pretty quick and I wondered if they had fallen asleep. I rose from my bed and peeked out my bedroom door which I always kept slightly cracked. I peered out just in time to see Trey carrying...

3 years ago
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Lotus Flower StewChapter 6

Fumiko, while playing the role of a dutiful, submissive, Japanese wife, was not stupid. She had married Hiroto when she was seventeen, and he was twenty-five. She had Suki ten months later. She was also quite beautiful, and Hiroto didn’t like her going out in public without him. As a result, she spent almost every waking minute taking care of Suki, exercising and doing yoga to keep fit, or doing whatever her husband required of her. Since she didn’t go out with friends, like many American...

2 years ago
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Sisterly Crush

Chapter 1 Hi my name is Sandra; I am 20 and live in a big city where I work. I originally come from a small town where I used to live with my parents and my younger sister. This story is about what happened when I went to revisit my family back home after two years of not seeing each other. My memory of my sister was really old and I still thought of her as my baby sister who is 15. I went to visit them as a surprise for her birthday. I arrived home and after hugging and chatting with all our...

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