Perchance To DreamChapter 3 free porn video

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The first half of this summer’s interns arrived in late May. We met them Monday morning, shaking hands as we moved through the much larger than normal group. The first half of the interns was more than we had in total last summer. Of course, we also had a lot more work to do. I noticed a timid-looking young Hispanic woman near the back of the group as we approached. When I neared her, she genuflected to one knee.

“Holy Shaman Parker,” she said reverently in Mayan, her voice quivering with emotion.

“I appreciate the honor, but I prefer Ray,” I answered in Mayan as I helped her back up. Her eyes widened as she stared at my hand touching hers. I vaguely remembered telling Ted to consider seriously the applicant from Mexico City. Itzel had told me later that she was both a top student and Mayan, but she only spoke Western Spanish and contemporary Mayan. Itzel moved in beside her to translate when I addressed the group.

“That takes brown-nosing to a whole new level,” one of the girls commented cattily behind me.

“I can see how someone who is ignorant of the facts could draw that conclusion,” I said to her sarcastically. “Do any of you speak contemporary Mayan fluently?” I asked. No volunteers. “Anyone speak Western Hemisphere Spanish?” I asked. About twenty people responded including an apparent friend of the commenter.

“Zafrina only speaks Spanish and Mayan. I would like you to translate my questions and comments and her answers into English for everyone else here,” I told the friend of the girl who made the remark.

“And if you would please correct any major translation errors, I would appreciate it,” I asked a guy several feet from the two girls who had also raised his hand. I saw that Itzel had been translating for Zafrina the entire time.

“Zafrina, would you please explain to the rest of the students why you bowed to me so that they may fully understand?” I asked in Spanish. She started nervously but gained confidence when I smiled at her answer.

“My father is the chief of our village. Last July there was something major going on, but he wouldn’t talk about it. All we knew was that one morning, he, and the shaman spent the day fasting and cleansing themselves for a ritual. That night they used herbs in a religious ceremony to help them reach the spirit plane. All night they remained until just before dawn. Much of the village kept vigil, worried. Nobody had ever seen anything this serious before. They emerged in the morning, soaked with sweat and exhausted but happy.

“They explained that a new, powerful shaman had spent the night doing battle with the face of evil. With the two women who fought by his side he managed to defeat the evil, saving many thousands and maybe even millions of lives. After the battle, he also destroyed the two gods who created the evil force. Every Maya chief and shaman, and most other elders were with him on the spirit plane during the battle so he could draw energy from them during the battle. Some were so weak afterwards it took them two days to recover.

“Word of this new shaman has spread throughout the Maya world and everyone knows his name. Every shaman and chief bows to him when they are in his presence. I applied to work here to have the honor of working with him and I bowed to him as is customary for a common person to do in the presence of someone so holy,” she explained. The girl translating managed to keep up and nobody questioned her translation.

“It’s just superstitious nonsense,” the first girl shot back.

“Maybe, maybe not; sleep on it tonight and we’ll see if you change your mind tomorrow,” I told her, smirking. I saw Zafrina’s eyes widen and my wives grinning knowingly.

Next, I launched into my usual “keep an open mind” discussion, one even more appropriate this year. I reminded them that even today with all of our modern technology we had no idea exactly how the Incas built their cities with stones sometimes weighing several tons or how they placed them so precisely that there was no gap between them whatsoever. We didn’t know how Peru’s famed Nazca Lines were created or why. There has been a succession of theories about how the pyramids of Egypt were built. How did such “ignorant” people accomplish these things?

Aristotle postulated as long ago as 350 BCE that the earth was round, and that the universe rotated around the earth. As long ago as the year 500 CE, Aryabhata, an Indian mathematician and astronomer, correctly calculated the circumference of the earth.

Columbus’s voyage of discovery has been hailed for centuries. The fact that Chinese explorers found their way more than twice as far to Africa some five hundred years earlier seems to have been lost on us. Even Columbus had to bow to the church at the time by stating that his trip was to prove the earth was flat. Why in God’s name would he want to sail off the edge of a flat earth to prove it so? Even if he did, who would remain to report the fact back to the authorities? Only when Magellan actually completed his circumnavigation of the globe did the church recant their belief that the earth was flat, accepting that it was a sphere. What the church finally accepted had been known to the “ancients” more than a thousand years earlier.

Less than four hundred years ago, Galileo’s support of Copernican theory that this round world was not the center of the universe ended up with him convicted of heresy and sentenced by the church to spend the last years of his life under house arrest. An interesting point is that “ancient” Indian astronomers beat Copernicus to the superstitious nonsense idea of a heliocentric universe by more than 2,500 years.

Darwin’s theory of evolution is practically taught as fact in our schools and yet, with all of our “modern” tools and technology, nobody has come remotely close to proving it correct. Rather than surmise that the lack of any evidence to support the theory means the theory isn’t valid, they lamely explain that it simply means we haven’t found the evidence yet.

“I’m not here to tell you what to believe or disbelieve in your personal life. All I’m trying to do is get you to keep an open mind about ancient cultures, their beliefs, and their way of life. Maybe their beliefs are superstitious nonsense or maybe they knew something forgotten in the ensuing centuries. If you go into this with preconceived notions, your conclusions will reflect those preconceived notions and not necessarily reality. Much of what is still taught about the cultures of Meso-America and South America came from the Spanish who misunderstood, purposely distorted, or simply lied about what they saw, allowing them to manufacture reasons to force their religion on the natives and to subjugate them for the enrichment of Spain.

The “historical accounts” from Spanish explorers and priests are so inaccurate, it would almost be better to toss them and start over--except that the Spanish destroyed as heretical any written records of the civilizations they conquered, just like the church labeled the works of Copernicus and Galileo as heresy. Hence, it falls to us to discover and correctly translate everything we can to help us better to understand these early cultures--and possibly even ourselves.”

We had four returning interns from last year who had been group leaders. Picking other interns that had been among the better workers last year I made them new group leaders, and then split the groups into four sections and put one of the returning group leaders in charge of each section. Once that was done, everyone had to suffer through my basic instructions and orientation. Then we handed out assignments to the groups. Still, by late morning, everything was organized, and their summer of tedium had begun. Itzel kept Zafrina nearby and had her scanning photos into the computer all day. The times I stopped poring over my computer screen long enough to take a drink or rub my eyes, Zafrina would be watching someone in the room like she was in a dream. She watched each of the girls poring over their computers, looked longingly at the babies, and on the occasions I caught her looking my way she would blush and look away quickly.

Our lunch arrived while Amanda and Itzel were feeding the babies. I paid a nearby catering company to bring in lunch for everyone the first day. They’d been bringing our family’s lunches in for most of the last semester. I figured that I’d put some of the money Amanda made from the drug dealers to good use to make our lives a little less complicated as well as making sure we were eating a little healthier than if we ate the cafeteria food or fast food. Zafrina was on cloud nine when they let her hold the babies for a few minutes. I was surprised when the girls brought her home after work, but they explained that she would feel more at home with us than with the other interns. I didn’t really much care either way and knew the girls frequently had their own agendas.

Among the many perks of dream sex is the fact that you can be as loud as you want even with company like Zafrina staying in your home. Before joining the ladies, though, I dropped in on Sandi’s dream, the girl that commented on Zafrina bowing to me. I guess I wasn’t too surprised with what I found, but still left a little surprise for her for tomorrow.

I was surprised when I dropped back into the dream with the ladies. Usually they would have started without me, but they were sitting around on the bed grinning. Seeing me, they pulled the covers back to reveal Zafrina in her bronze glory and nothing else. In the morning, she begged me to take her virginity for real, after taking her dream virginity last night. With the permission of my wives, I eagerly accommodated her. Aside from walking a little gingerly the rest of the morning, Zafrina was on cloud nine all day.

The laughter among the interns in the morning told me that Sandi had arrived. Still trying to figure out what everyone was laughing about she looked at me. “Aside from superstitious nonsense, can you think of any reason you’d have your pants and shirt on backwards?” I asked. It was difficult not to join everyone else in laughter, but I didn’t want to humiliate the girl completely. When I entered her dream last night, I discovered just how many difficulties she and her lover Sharon had to overcome to get this far together.

“You hypnotized me,” Sandi accused.

“When? I barely talked to you for two minutes yesterday right here in front of everyone. Oh, by the way, you and Sharon might want to trade shoes,” I suggested. My suggestion made them realize that each of them wore one of their own shoes and one of their partners’ shoes.

“You’re just being mean to us because we’re gay,” she accused, and then slapped her hand over her mouth when she realized that she’d just said it aloud in front of several other people.

I motioned Janice and Becky over. “Could you two convince Sandi that I have no problem with her being gay?” I asked. Several students gasped when they embraced and started a very passionate kiss. Sharon and Sandi just stared, open-mouthed.

They were startled when I closed their mouths for them, smiling. Sandi started to say something but I stopped her. “I have a proposal for you two. Come on into my office,” I said. I saw the nervousness in their eyes and the surprised excitement in Janice and Becky’s eyes.

“You’re not in any trouble. In fact, I have job offers for each of you,” I stated quickly before the girls had to agonize further. I let them stop in the women’s restroom and change before meeting me in the office. I also made sure my wives understood that I was only offering them a job--nothing further. Their playful grumbling ceased when Sandi knocked nervously on my open door.

“Sandi, as you are probably aware, we are very busy with translations,” I commented as I motioned around the room. “I understand how difficult it has been for the two of you to be regarded seriously but I would like to offer you a job working with us doing translations,” I told her.

The shocked look on her face quickly gave way to nervousness. “As much as I would love to take the offer, I don’t feel nearly qualified enough to accept the job,” she answered.

I picked up a printout of the glyphs on one of the stellae we had just translated yesterday and handed it to her. “What does that mean?” I asked.

Her eyes were moist when she looked back up at me. “I don’t know. A couple of the glyphs look familiar, but I have no clue what they mean,” she said sullenly.

Sandi watched nervously as I touched my right index finger to her forehead and my left to her temple. I set it up so the touches would unlock what she learned in her dream last night. “Look again,” I said softly.

She did, her sullen look slowly changing to one of incomprehension and finally excitement. “Oh, my God, I can understand it,” she squealed excitedly. Sharon quickly hugged her and they bounced up and down together like a couple of excited schoolgirls.

“Does that mean you accept my offer?” I asked, amused.

“Yes,” she exclaimed excitedly and quickly pulled me into her group hug with Sharon.

“You’ll get an assistant’s pay. In addition, our group receives a quarter of any money we make for the school, after expenses, and you will get a share of that. During the school year, you may work whatever hours fit into your class schedule, but your schoolwork takes priority. I expect a ten-year commitment and there is a very good chance that you will be working part-time as a professor once you get your PhD. We publish our findings frequently and you will get an equitable share of whatever we make from that. Any questions?” I asked.

“You said that you had a job for Sharon, too?” she asked nervously. I smiled knowing how important it was to her to share her good fortune with her lover.

“Sharon, I have a similar offer for you as a translator. I’ve been hoping to expand our services beyond just Mesoamerican cultures. I would like you to be our first translator in a new Mediterranean culture department.

“All I know is some of the basic Egyptian hieroglyphics,” she protested. I performed the same “ceremony” with her that I had with Sandi. In actuality I had left both of them in the capable hands of different ancestors last night and told them they would only remember what they learned when I touched their forehead and temple.

“Do you have something for me to try?” she asked hopefully.

“I have a better idea,” I said as I dialed the phone.

“Dan, how is my favorite professor?” I laughed when he answered.

“Ray, how’s my second-favorite student?” he retorted. His wife had also been a student and was obviously his favorite student.

Laughing at our usual interplay, I asked, “Any chance you could use a little help with some translations?”

“What, you finally came to your senses and decided to drop the Mesoamerican research?” he laughed. Dan and I had kidded each other since before I graduated about our different interests.

“No, I still like doing important research,” I jibed back. “But I’ve got a young woman here who has quite an uncanny expertise with Egyptian hieroglyphics.”

“Is she anywhere near as good as your team is?” he asked. I could hear the interest in his voice.

“You tell me. Why don’t you email me something you just translated or something you haven’t translated yet,” I suggested.

“Hmmmmm,” he mused. I heard shuffling on the other end of the line and then heard him typing. “Okay, you should have it momentarily. Get back to me when she finishes,” he said.

“Why don’t you just hang on the phone a minute?” I asked motioning for someone to check the one computer we had hooked up to the internet. Amanda opened the email and printed the photo, then handed it to Sharon. She looked disappointed at first, and then started concentrating.

“I know you can do it,” Sandi whispered encouragingly. Suddenly Sharon’s eyes grew huge and she grabbed a sheet of scratch paper and began scribbling. Blushing, she handed it to me, and I read it to Dan.

“Holy shit, I’ve worked on that for two weeks now and hadn’t even gotten through the first column,” he gasped. “I’ll pay her plane fare and for a place for her to stay,” he offered eagerly.

“There’s a bit of a problem with that offer,” I said. “Her partner is working for me and I don’t think they want to be that far away from each other,” I explained.

“Partner?” he asked quizzically.

“Yeah, as in someone very special that she doesn’t want to be away from for any significant period of time,” I explained delicately.

“Aaaaahhhhh,” Dan answered, understanding both from what I said and what I didn’t say exactly what I meant.

“Any chance you have room there for another professor?” he asked out of the blue.

“What? I thought you liked Southern California,” I gasped.

“I love the weather. The politics suck. They still haven’t passed a budget and the University and all of the schools gave everyone pink slips. They have to give anyone they lay off a ninety-day notice, so they gave them to practically everyone until they see what the new budget looks like. I’m pretty sure my job is safe, but Meagan is worried about hers. We talked about the possibility of moving back closer to her parents last week and I was just putting the finishing touches on my resume to send out,” he explained.

“Don’t bother. If the school won’t hire you, I’ll pay your salary until you find something. There are enough colleges in the area that at least one of them will jump at the chance. Besides, we seem currently to have a pleasant surplus in the department budget. They’ve given me more than twice as many interns this summer.”

“I can’t imagine why,” he laughed. “Let me call Meagan. I’ll let you know tonight,” he concluded before hanging up.

“Who was that?” Sharon asked.

“Doctor Daniel Lorhan,” I commented offhandedly.

“What?” Sharon squealed.

“Who is he?” Sandi asked.

“One of the top Egyptologists in the world,” Sharon answered excitedly.

I called Ted to see if the department could afford another full time--albeit rather expensive--professor. He almost fell out of his chair when I told him who. “How did you manage that?” he gasped.

“Oh, and I just found three more assistants this morning. Two translate ancient Mayan dialects but one is strictly Egyptian hieroglyphics. Dan sent her something he’s been struggling with for two weeks and she translated it for him in minutes. He and his wife are tired of the games the state is playing with the state’s budget and want to move closer to her parents.”

“Where do her parents live?” Ted asked.

“About fifteen minutes from here,” I answered, smirking.

“Look, if the university can’t afford him right now, I’ll donate enough to cover his salary” I offered.

“No, that’s not the issue. The building is starting to get rather cramped suddenly,” he explained. I excused myself and found Amanda. She laughed at my question and the reason for it.

“Shit,” I whistled when she told me how much money she currently had in the offshore accounts. Evidently, she had a couple of large chalkboards in one of our spare bedrooms and tracked the smaller dealers that she made turn themselves in. Then she went after their suppliers, right up the chain of command. She also went back down the chain after getting names from the suppliers of each of their dealers. She had practically eliminated four major drug chains from the eastern seaboard. The higher up she went the more money they had available to “donate.”

Ten minutes later, I was in Ted’s office. “Now what?” he laughed good-naturedly.

“How much would it cost to build a new building four times this size with state-of-the-art equipment and three floors of underground climate-control vaults?” I asked.

“Ray, you saw what happened last year. The Chemistry department had the rug pulled out from under their construction plans at the last minute when the economy went south,” he sympathized.

“I know, how much?” I asked. Raising his eyebrows questioningly, he told me just north of $500 million.

“How about to have it done in time for classes next year?” I asked.

“Another 25% to 40% or so,” he estimated.

“And then to have this building gutted and remodeled for the chemistry department?” I asked.

“Probably $100 million or so,” he answered guardedly.

“Then you’d better get busy. I have a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, and who will underwrite the entire project. I can have a check for the first $500 million in your hands within a week,” I said.

“I’m going to assume that you’re serious,” he said warily.

“Do you even have to ask?” I commented as I got up to leave.

“Oh, I’m guessing you’d rather wait until tomorrow to talk to the three new assistants?” I asked.

“Yes,” he groaned as he picked up his phone.

“Phil, Ted. Are you sitting down?” was all I heard of his conversation as I left the office.

The architect was in my office the next morning when Ted rushed in. “You didn’t waste any time,” he gasped waving the check. Amanda had contacted the bank right away and arranged to have a courier fly out last night with the check.

The architect wasn’t too happy with me. He wanted to build a “masterpiece,” but I told him we just wanted a building to match what we had now. That way it would blend in with the rest of the campus. I wanted a four-story building four times as big with an additional three floors belowground for climate-controlled storage. I was pleased when both Phil and the Chancellor agreed with me.

I was doubly pleased when Dan and Meagan strolled into the office just as everyone was packing up to leave. I performed the introductions to a very excited Phil and the equally excited Chancellor. Dan and Phil left to discuss a contract, and the Chancellor and the architect headed out to find the head of the chemistry department to discuss renovation plans.

“You’ve done well for yourself,” Meagan smirked. I introduced her to my now five wives (we didn’t discuss Nuk yet, and Zafrina was still unofficial). I also made sure the girls knew Meagan and I had dated in college. “Among other things,” Meagan said teasingly. She always loved to tease me.

“Ray has good taste in women,” Amanda retorted plainly checking Meagan out.

Meagan laughed her melodic laugh. “I think we are going to be very good friends,” she laughed as she hugged Amanda.

“Is it safe to ask what happened?” Becky asked.

“It just didn’t work out,” I answered quickly.

“Still the gentleman,” Meagan said quietly. “Can I tell them?” she asked emotionally. By now, my throat was tight enough thinking about what had happened so long ago that I just motioned for her to go ahead, unable to trust my voice.

“What Ray isn’t telling you is that I made a complete ass of myself and he saved me in spite of it. My parents were very conservative and as soon as I got to school, I went crazy and tried everything they wouldn’t let me do while I lived at home. Ray was the first thing I tried out. We dated for a couple of months and he gave me a little grief when I started smoking pot. My roommate Carol was another thing I tried. Carol was jealous of the time I spent with Ray, but I didn’t know it at the time. I also didn’t know until a year later that she purposely kissed me one day when Ray could see us. He never said anything about it to me.

“When that didn’t work to break us up, she talked me into going to a party with her saying she didn’t want to go alone. I broke my date with Ray that Friday night telling him I had to go home for the weekend. At the party, I had a couple of beers before Carol lit a joint. By the time we finished it I was totally buzzed. I still protested when she offered me something else, but I was in no shape to argue for long and I took the pill she gave me.

“We sat and laughed at the guys while they told dirty jokes for a while before I started feeling really weird--almost like I was watching the world through someone else’s eyes. My mind was so gone that when one of the guys kissed me, I kissed him back. I didn’t even care when he started groping me or taking my clothes off. When he climbed on top of me I was just thinking how good sex with Ray was and was looking forward to feeling that way. I was disappointed when he was done in such a short time. When a second guy took his place, I remember hoping he knew what he was doing. The next thing I remember was waking up in Ray’s bed the next morning.

“At first, I thought it had just been a bad dream. When I tried to get out of bed, I hurt everywhere. I could barely walk to the bathroom and when I got there I saw my hair. It looked like I used a case of hair gel on it and clumps of hair stuck out every which way. I had bite marks all over my breasts with something brownish covering every bite mark. I had to bite my hand to keep from screaming when I went to the bathroom and there were more bite marks on the inside of my thighs.

“I couldn’t figure out where Ray went but found a note on his chair. It said:


I couldn’t find your clothes last night--sorry. I’m pretty sure I got all of the pictures. They are in the grocery bag. I put iodine on all of the bite marks and left my sweats for you to wear home.


“The bag with the Polaroid pictures was under the sweats he left for me. He even pinned the legs of his sweats up so I wouldn’t trip on them. I threw up twice just looking through the pictures. There were pictures of fourteen different guys having sex with me, several of them choosing to use my backside. There were pictures of Carol and me going to town on each other and then more pictures of the guys using me again. The last pictures showed me covered in cum. Ray had obviously taken a lot of time cleaning me up after getting me to his place. I sat there and cried for hours thinking about what he must think about me and knowing that he took care of me anyway.

“When Ray hadn’t come back by lunch, I went back to my room. One of the girls I’d seen at the party told me I was lucky Ray carried me out when he did. I guess the cops showed up half an hour later and Carol and most of the guys ended up in jail for drugs. The college later kicked all of them out of school and they lost any scholarships they had.

“I couldn’t even imagine facing Ray after that and avoided him for weeks. He kept leaving notes asking me to call but I ignored them. I went so far as to drive home to stay every day after class. It was near the end of the semester when Dan taught a couple of days of my Cultural Anthropology class, covering for another teacher that was ill. I knew the moment I saw him that I wanted him. He made me talk to the department head before he’d discuss dating me, but we started dating before Christmas. I fell for him so hard I’m surprised I didn’t get a concussion. He asked me to marry him over Spring Break. For a second, I felt like I was in Heaven until I realized I had to tell him about what I’d done.

“I sobbed through the story, waiting for him to call me names or get up and storm out, disgusted with me. When I finally finished all he said was ‘But you still didn’t answer my question.’

“After screaming ‘Yes,’ hysterically Dan explained to me that one of the guys from the party had told him what happened shortly after we started dating. Dan got pissed but rather than take just one person’s word he asked Ray. Evidently, the guy told Dan that Ray stormed into the place like a squad of SEALs. When two guys tried to stop him, he put both of them halfway through the nearest wall. The next two guys that tried to stop him ended up with a broken arm and broken ribs. The guy on top of me at the time ended up with Ray drop-kicking his nuts. At that point, everyone cleared out of the room and Ray covered me with a blanket he picked up off the floor and carried me out of the house.

“When Dan asked him about it all Ray would tell him is, ‘When I can walk on water maybe I’ll criticize her for what she did. She screwed up and she knows it, but it looks to me like she has her act together now and that you make her very happy.’ Dan said that he felt like an absolute ass for being so upset with me after what Ray said.

“A year later, I saw Carol again and she apologized to me. She explained that she was jealous of the time I spent with Ray and wanted to break us up. When seeing her and I kissing didn’t do it she set up the whole thing at the party. She even had one of the guys call Ray to tell him I was there and what I was doing. That’s when he came and got me. Carol was sure he was going to kill her when she saw the look in his eyes, but all he did was offer to get her safely out of the house and take her home if she wanted. She was so shaken up she just stayed there and ended up being arrested.

“After Dan slipped the ring on my finger and we cried together, I asked him to please tell Ray I was sorry--I still hadn’t talked to Ray but realized that he and Dan were fairly good friends. Instead, Dan drove me over to Ray’s place. I was so nervous I wanted to throw up. Ray hugged me and all he said was that he was glad I was okay and that I was happy. Dan even asked Ray to be his best man at our wedding.

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Perchance To Dream Part 4

(Three weeks later, and we find Jim has moved out to a hotel. He and Mel have been seeing each other for three Friday nights, and she stays over but goes back to Alice on Saturday. We catch them as she's leaving on a Saturday morning.) “Jim, I’ll see you in a few days. Okay? Honey?”“Yeah,” I responded to Mel. “Of course, babe. I was just… just missing you already!” I forced a smile and a small laugh.I watched Mel as she walked away from me towards the hotel elevator. She gave me a smile and a...

Love Stories
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Perchance To Dream Pt 3

After a beautiful afternoon of lovemaking and some sodomy, Melanie has just revealed to our hero, me, that debonair and dapper gentlemen only twenty-some-odd years older than her, that she is sleeping with my daughter. And she told me this as I was cooking her dinner!I took the tongs and carefully placed the chicken breasts back into the bubbling sauce. As I ladled the sauce over the chicken, Melanie seemed to think I went deaf.“Did you hear me?” she asked.“Yeah, I did. That’s awesome. She’s a...

4 years ago
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Perchance To Dream Pt 2

Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife.Dressed in my skivvies, I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her clothes from last night and...

Love Stories
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Perchance to Dream 2

Melanie found some of my daughter Alice’s looser fitting clothes and struggled into them. The Uber driver was two minutes away. Maybe, I thought. Just maybe, we can get Melanie out of here without a major scene with my hungover wife. I creaked open Alice’s door and peered out into the hall. My bedroom door was shut, where my wife was still, hopefully, sleeping. I waved Melanie out and we raced downstairs to the laundry room. She picked up her purse, shoes, and clothes from last night and we...

4 years ago
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Perchance to Dream

"You want us to watch Shannon until the fireworks are over, and then to bring her home?" Ryan Cameron didn't really have a question about what Rev. Powell wanted; he just needed a minute to consider the consequences. It was Saturday, July 4, and the fireworks were scheduled for later that night. "Oh could I, Mr. Cameron?" Shannon Powell begged. "I would appreciate it," Rev. Powell said. "I don't have to read my sermon from the pulpit, but I do have to write it down. And today I've...

2 years ago
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Perchance to Dream

She was driving home from the Doctor’s appointment; steering with her right hand while her left rested on her stomach. She was thinking of the future and her husband as she approached the intersection. The light was green her way and had been for a bit as the stopped traffic had cleared out. She was half way through the intersection when the street racer, who was trying to out run the police, hit her broadside. He awoke from the dream, covered in sweat and shaking. Scrubbing his hands over...

3 years ago
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Perchance to DomChapter 3

I called off my date with Gina. I told her in person. "Too bad. I was considering buying black fishnets for the occasion." "On you, they might have turned into a fetish for me." "Instead, you turned into a shit." Her shaking head underscored disapproval. "Look. You're only interested in playing, pretending more than participating. I won't get what I need trying it with you. "I would have made it worth your time and, ahem, effort." Her swallow following her words spoke truer....

1 year ago
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Perchance to DomChapter 4

I never saw Tamara again. She didn't respond to my one text congratulating her. After thinking about it, that probably wasn't what she wanted from me. Mother pouted. Dad had actually laughed in public. It was like she'd never known the man, and she blamed me. In a bizarre form of punishment, she started wearing lipstick. It was blatant. She applied a deep red pigment to her cumulus lips, weekdays while Father was at work. One day, her father caught her wearing it. I was given twenty...

4 years ago
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Perchance to DreamChapter 4

Sally was released from “sleep-jail” in time to join us for breakfast. The room was full of knowing smirks when she immediately claimed my lap, and she almost behaved herself with only one quick grope she claimed was an accident. She made no excuses for the kiss she gave me right before we left for work. She worked like a girl possessed all morning, again claiming my lap at lunch. That’s where her parents found her when they came by to get her. Sally looked very pleased with herself when they...

1 year ago
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Her First Sensational HK Hot Massage

It was Em’s first solo business trip to Hong Kong. She knew the place well and had been there on business before, but always with a colleague, usually her boss, along for the ride. So she was no stranger to the Fragrant Harbour but a novice in terms of the delights it was said to offer. She was no stranger to hot massages either, having sampled them in various places around the world and now and then at home, when the opportunity arose. Sometimes these were at home, by the pool or on the...

Straight Sex
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I’m a fledgling actress with a few walk ons on a couple of TV shows and a couple of off Broadway plays and was asked to audition for a role in a movie being made in Hollywood. The role was that of the lesbian and co-conspirator of an Irish Republican Army Captain who commanded a small force of bomb makers during the 1950’s. The lead role was already taken by a rising young star in the entertainment world, which was a very sexy lady and I got the part I think because I fit the bill of what the...

2 years ago
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Desire Chapter 3

STANDARD LEGAL STUFF: *This is completely fictional, except as already noted persons, places, and events referred to in this story are completely fictional. *If it is illegal for you to be reading this, either because of age or some other factor, STOP READING NOW! *Lastly, if stories involving Transgender issues, young teens, sexuality, nudity, etc. are a turn off for you, STOP READING NOW! If none of this applies, sit back and enjoy. Feedback appreciated; send to...

3 years ago
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Good Deeds on Bad Days

Among the various pieces of wisdom that Bobby's grandfather handed out on a regular basis was, "No matter how bad you think your day is going, you can be sure that for somebody else out there, it's going ten times worse." There was nothing particularly profound about this idea, of course, but it did in most cases seem to be true. Tonight, for instance, as 16 year-old Bobby sat alone at home on a rainy Tuesday night in June, stressing about whether or not he'd get a call from his parents...

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Finding Karen

( A Les Lumens story ) Nebraska – Winter, Late 1800s The wind cut across the prairie, every snowflake like a tiny razor cutting into her skin. She stumbled forward, not knowing what else to do, unable to remember how she had come to be out in this storm. Her mind was nearly as blank and impenetrable as the blinding gales of snow that kept her from seeing more than a few feet in front of her, as she slogged through the calf-deep drifts. Is that a light? Is that a house? She stared with eyes that...

Love Stories
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Futa Oneshots

“Welcome to tonights episode of the worlds first omnipotent television show, Sex Watch!” A suited woman exclaimed. “For our first time viewers, the simple explanation of our program goes like this. We here in the studio carefully look through all the live sex happening right now, and decide on which one is the hottest, and then show it to you, our loving audience, as if you were actually experiencing the sex! While the sex is relatively live, we do have a delay, so you can start from the juicy...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 2

For the next week, we fucked like bunnies. When little Junior was too tired to stand, Virginia and Suzie would play together. Of course I'd be there to supervise and in the process Junior would have a miraculous recovery. And so it continued. All too quickly the time allotted for their visit came to an end. Reluctantly, I put my two beauties on the plane in Midland as it was closer and they had already toured El Paso. I waited as their plane took off. I waved, knowing that they couldn't see...

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Multiverse Lucy

Disclaimer: this story should never be thought of as Bikini-Beach canon in any shape or form. It's less of a story and more of a thought exercise, telling the first day's transformations of Luke and Peter in "A Bikini Beach Summer" using a suggested Multiverse view of Bikini-Beach reality shifts, and imagining how things would have to work. As usual, the characters who say things about Bikini Beach, or whose thoughts about BB we are privy to, may get things wrong. The Bikini Beach...

3 years ago
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True Story helped Wife get a new fuck buddy at w

My wife has been telling me about a married flirty guy at work. He is from another site and travels in periodically. I told her to flirt back and see if what he's willing to do. She said she has joked about finding out where he was staying, and he told her to come on over if she wanted to. She said, "aren't you married?" He replied smiling, "well, aren't you". On Monday, she said he was in town again. I told her she could play if she wanted to, and she said she didn't think it would happen,...

3 years ago
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Kadwahat ki mithaas

First of all i would like to say hello to u all readers. Main jo story aap sab ke samne likh rahi hu ise story kahna mujhe jara ajeeb sa lag raha hai kyonki ye mere liye ek bahut badi sachhai hai jise main apne se chaah ke bhi alag nahin kar sakti. Main engineering ke liye select ho gayee thi aur mujhe jis college me admission mila tha wo dusre shahar me tha. Mere Papa ke ek bahut khaas dost the jo usi shahar me rahte the. Mere parents ne unhe mera local gurdian appoing kiya aur main unke ghar...

2 years ago
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Renegades Revenge Dark Love 2

Renegade's Revenge DARK LOVE 2 By: V.L. Marquette Lightly edited by; Ravyn (Author's Note) Okay, this time I do believe I am going to get it all outfirst so I don't have to keep going back and repeating myself. *****NO ONE, and I do mean NO ONE.***** Underthe age of eighteen or who lives in area's where this sort of reading materialis considered illegal should read ant farter. Now having said that, if you are still with me, the material within thesepages is Fiction. Thus saying, anything any...

1 year ago
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Tim the Teenage Part XXI

Tim, the Teenage Part Twenty-One By: Rass Senip +++ Chapter VI: 9th Grade, Summer 1986 - Summer Camp Campers Part 2 - The Girl's Showers (mc, mf, ff) By Tuesday, I was sick of not having a girl of my own. After that Saturday afternoon, Scooter, Paul, and Gina were constantly disappearing to have three way sex. I was still a little sore from that experience and I simply didn't have any interest in joining them. The others were taking things slow. This was fine with me, but nobody was...

3 years ago
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Living for Master

I was a green cocky kid, 18 and legal. I had no idea what I was doing really but knew i liked cock in my ass and via someone I had met in a cottage was invited to my first?and last sex party.  I was so out of my depth but was having a great time.  There were all manner of fetishist there. My eyes were opened and I liked what I saw. The leather men, all in tight shiny leather, shades and usually with a leatherboy at their boots; mistresses with slaves, male and female, often in the shiniest of...

4 years ago
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Tears of Love

The wedding itself was small and intimate, just immediate family and a few mutual college friends who lived within easy driving distance, held in the gazebo of the main park at the center of town with its small scenic lake providing a beautiful backdrop. Yet I was not focused upon the beauty of Nature or the aesthetics of the wedding. I was focused instead upon my bride, her radiance making the third-hand homemade wedding dress appear like a brand-new designer dress. During the entire...

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Frat Boys Next Door

DECEMBER 5, 2006 Sandy and I were drying each other off, after taking a post-sex shower. We'd spent most of the morning swimming and sunbathing naked. We were so lucky to live in a warm weather climate. We spent the afternoon in bed together, pleasing each other in just about every way one women could please another, except we didn't use the dildos today. Sandy was still amazed at my story. "That was fascinating. The things I missed not joining a sorority." "We took some pretty...

2 years ago
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Mama Pen Anitha

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil en vaazhvil nadantha unmai sambavathai pagira pogiren. En peyar Ramesh vayathu 23 aagugirathu, en udambu parka oliyaaga irukum aanal sunni perithaaga 7″ irukum. Enaku oru mama pen irunthaal, avaluku ennai paarthaal eerpu athigamaaga irukum. Eppadi avaludan sex seithen enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren, vaarungal kathai kul sellalam. Eppozhuthu mama veetirku sendru varuven, en mama pen peyar thamarai vayathu 20 aagi irunthathu. Mama irukum...

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Caroline and Me

About an hour into the party, she had somehow pissed off her boyfriend enough to almost ruin the night for Caroline. He started yelling at her and ended up slapping her in the face. He left the party, along with Caroline crying; her friends tried to comfort her, but she kept pushing them away. She covered her face and left the party; I took this opportunity to follow her outside. I saw her walking under a street light, when I caught up to her. I asked. “Hey Caroline, are you alright?” She...

1 year ago
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Abenteuer in Russland German

Abenteuer in Russland Als die Ferien begannen war Manuela geflüchtet. Sie hatte schon Tagevorher gepackt, alles war am ersten Ferientag bereit gewesen. Sie wollte vonniemanden mehr etwas wissen, nur noch hinaus aus der Stadt in die Natur. Niemandsollte sie belästigen und sie hatte niemanden ein Wort gesagt. Sie hatteschon immer die Wildnis Russlands kennenlernen wollen. Ihr Russisch war sehrgut, da sie die Sprache studiert hatte. Sie hatte auch 2 Semester in Moskauverbracht. Diesmal wollte sie...

3 years ago
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RejuvenatedChapter 2

"Just go out with him once," June urged. "What can it hurt? It's been three years since you threw David out. You need to go on with your life." Abby perched on a stool at her kitchen island. Her neighbor, June Talbot, sat opposite her. The two women were emptying a coffee pot, one mug at a time. Abby's spacious kitchen was bright, in contrast to her mood. "I know you're right, but I just can't. I'm not ready." "If Carl isn't the right one, maybe Sam Ross is," she pushed on....

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Resident Futa

Sheva’s gun went click at the worst possible time. Of all the blasted! Why now?! Something big with a large number of appendages was bearing down on her. One of the bioweapons many arms reached out to grab her. Skillfully, she rolled to the side, narrowly escaping its grasp. She came up from her roll hitting the eject button on her gun; the empty magazine came out just as she popped a fresh one in. Not a moment too soon as the...whatever...had turned to face her and steadily advanced as she...

1 year ago
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A Fortunate Rescue 2 The Return Match

After our evening with Peter and Samantha my wife had been a changed person. She would rub up against me in the garage while I was cleaning the car, she wore nothing to bed and was more than willing to initiate sex. The overall effect of her experience with Peter seemed to have been overwhelmingly positive. I, on the other hand, was a little dismayed to see the effect he had on her. Okay, his dick was a truly unique monster but I am well endowed and I knew that our lovemaking had, up to...

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The Dare Book 2Chapter 11

Ten minutes later, she heard Peter’s door open and close quietly, as he got in the car and just sat there, quiet. “Are you ok?” he finally asked, breaking the silence, the crinkle of a paper bag the only other sound in the car apart from her sniffles. “Yes” she said weakly, sniffling a little. She’d been crying, and now she was embarrassed about that on top of being embarrassed about running out, about being unable to do the dare. “Too much?” “Yes. I mean no. I mean, I don’t know. It was...

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New to Eternity Marriage Counceling

New to Eternity: Marriage Counseling I was sleeping in bed with June that night, having strange dreams. I don't remember what they were about, but I know they were bad enough that I made myself wake up from them. As I laid in bed, I was overcome by the feeling that I was being watched. I sat up slowly, chastising myself for being so easily scared, and reached for the chain on my nightstand lamp. As the light clicked on, I gasped in surprise. Standing at the foot of my bed was a...

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Techno CultivatorChapter 18 Fatty gets abducted again

Ascension Star is a planet with a circumference of nearly 300,000 km. For reference, the Earth sits at a comfortable little 40,000 km, and Saturn is about 380,000 km. To help you realise just how big that is, the surface area of earth is about 510 million km2. The surface area of Ascension blows it out of the water at a whopping 28.6 billion km2. Now for a new comparison, take New Zealand. It’s got a surface area of 260,000 km2. If the surface of the earth was covered in New Zealand’s, it...

4 years ago
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Exchanged Chapter 33

Just a reminder for anyone new this story you definitely want to go back and re-read from Chapter 1 for this to make sense! If diapers, bottles, and all that entails for babies doesn't interest you, this story will not be for you. This work is set in the 'DiaperDimension' that was created by PrincessPottyPants on some of the ABDL boards. Several other authors have taken their own spins on the dimension and I encourage you to read them if you like this work! Chapter 33: RIGHT...

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Deputy PorterChapter 36

I slept pretty good all in all. I attributed it to exhaustion as much as anything. 5AM came early on the last day of my day shift. I still had to force myself to run, even thought it was just a few degrees warmer, which make me feel a little better. Spring was on the way, thank god. It could not get here soon enough for me. It had been a dismal winter. I didn't stop in the cafe again that morning. It was time to give some though to breakfast again. I had already started to lose the weight I...

2 years ago
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Himura BattousaiChapter 84 Master and Student of the Sword

Hiko: Well, now that you've had the gall to actually show your face here, what is it you want with me? Kenshin (looking at the shelves around him): It seems that Niitsu Kakunoshin is a rising new name in the world of ceramics. Why pottery again? Hiko: I didn't really care, pottery, whatever. It was just the easiest way to make a living without having to deal with a lot of people. Kenshin: That's easy for you to say. Hiko: Well, you know. My genius shows in whatever I do. Kenshin...

1 year ago
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Daddys Cream

Note : This story is completely fictional! They were just playing pretend - it wasn’t supposed to happen Rashmi had just turned 18 and her mom was once again inter-state on business and had even forgotten to phone on her birthday. Daddy on the other hand had taken her to the mall and allowed her to buy the most expensive new outfit she could find. He had then allowed her to have the best ever birthday party by booking out a local restaurant with about 30 of her friends and had hired a live...

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The Good YearsChapter 48

The week with Dale and Eddie in Birmingham was filled with many different kinds of feelings for me. First, it was busy. There was so much to do, and it seemed like every waking moment had multiple claims on it for my attention, It was fun too. In spite of her earlier misgivings, Cindy, Dale, Eddie and I spent most of our evenings out, eating in one restaurant or another. We got some looks, and turned some heads, but, for the most part, we were all lost in ourselves anyway. We paid very...

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CHAPTER 47: KAYCEE AND HELENWe have strongly believed that proper training of dogs to mate comfortably and confidently with human females takes time and dedication. Yes, we know that many people approach it differently, but we feel strongly that the effort put into training, both for the dog and the woman, reflects in the ultimate relationship of the two. We have promoted the attitude of a mutual bonding and commitment to each other that takes into account the well-being and safety of each. It...

2 years ago
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The Lost Tribe Part 4

--- The Lost Tribe, Part 4 (mf, 1st, cons, impreg?, reluc, m-solo, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- "Look what I caught!" announced Rodney as he herded Tina and Dylan into the boys' camp at spear point. A couple of the other young men looked up from preparing clams for tonight's dinner, staring at the voluptuous girl in her ratty school uniform. Rodney marched them to the center of the camp, to George's hut. The boys' huts were ramshackle affairs, made with driftwood, vines, and...

4 years ago
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My New Hot Neighbour

Hi, I am Kiran from the IT capital of INDIA Bangalore city. I have always been explosively active in my sex life. I have had a couple of girlfriends with whom I used to smooch regularly.. Please send me your honest replies to Females from Bangalore,if you interested in having a secret sexual relationship then Please do contact me at Well, let me begin and share with you my memorable experience. This incident had happened almost a year back and this monsoon has made me nostalgic and prompted...

2 years ago
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Big Blue EyesChapter 5

“Wow Carol. That was hot. You had yours – now how about, I have mine?” “Sure thing, bro. What do you want me to do for you?” “I’ll stand up and you can get on your knees?” “I know exactly where you are going with this. Oh, it looks like Big Rann is ready for me.” “Yes, he is. Take it and see how much of him you can get in your mouth? Oh. Oh. That’s good C. You got almost half of it. Now use your tongue and suck on it like it’s a Popsicle. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Careful. That – feels – good,...

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In Rileys Arms Part 1

Introduction: <,i>,Thank you to everyone who read and commented on my previous series. Sorry this one took so long to start getting up. School started and this got crazy! Again, there is a lot of build up, and there is no sex yet in this part. If thats all that youre looking for, save yourself some time and look elsewhere. Everyone else: enjoy!<,/i>, Jon, whos the chick? I gave my older brother the same look I had given him before we even left the house. Before I could tell him, once...

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My Wife My Mistress

This story that you are about to read is in the words of my lover my wife and my Mistress her name is Kara. I am only typing this one as she is telling me what to type; I am sitting here with a cock ring on and a butt-plug up my asshole. I am completely naked and Kara my wife is dressed up in a black leather mini skirt and high heels her lover Dave is sitting in another chair next to me. He is completely naked too except he has a leather g-string on and is stroking his cock. From this point on...

1 year ago
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Big Sister Little Sister

Little Sister, Big Sister BY: Melissa Atimes When I was very young my older sister loved to dress me in her clothes. We were too young to think there was anything wrong with this but instinctively knew our parents wouldn't approve so we kept this activity secret. Even as my sister outgrew something she would save it until it would no longer fit me. Our mother would complain, "Why are you saving that. It doesn't fit you anymore." When I entered my early teens, with my sister's...

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Dating leads to Fun with neighbour

Hello Guys and Girls I’m Naren 23 years old from Chennai. I am a student. Well I don't like to praise my own personality by my own words but my friends opinion about my personality is that Dude, you can impress any female of this world whether married or unmarried, whether sound character or unsound by your personality with in no time.I am here to narrate the best encounter of my life. I am eagerly waiting for the response and suggestions of my story readers and readers post your feedback or If...

1 year ago
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StopwatchChapter 7 The Hook

In the middle of the night, the phone rang. My hometown still had crank phones in 1954, but it was nothing for our phone to ring at odd hours. Father was, after all, the County Prosecutor, the Sheriff often called him in the middle of the night. This call, however, was for Wendy. Daddy slipped up the stairs, found Wendy and me in a puppy pile, and woke us both. "It's Mr. Medawar. Wendy, he'd like to speak to you," relayed Dad. "Wendy, the phone is in the living room. It's long...

4 years ago
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My slutty wife and a couple blacks

That night Ana had convinced me to celebrate our anniversary going to have some drinks outside.My sensual wife’s outfit was great. She was wearing a white tight blouse, a very short red skirt and a pair of killer red heels…After dancing for a while and having drinks; my wife went to the ladies room. Another great looking girl came and stood next to me: so she started talking with me. I saw Anita was watching me from the other side of the bar.When the girl suddenly left; Ana returned and she...

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DevilsFilm Harley King Sia Lust Cum Swap Cuties

Harley King and Sia Lust are close friends. As they relax in Sia’s beautiful hot tub, they recall the sexy fun they recently had with their neighbor, Charles Dera… It all started when they invited Charles to hang out with them in the hot tub, and he asked them about their friendship. Harley told him that she and Sia love to swap huge loads of cum. Naturally, Charles became curious, and asked them if they would be able to get a big load out of him. Harley asked if he’s sure he...

2 years ago
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Cynthia MartinChapter 49

Ken closed the door to the suite and looked at his bride. Cathy was looking hesitant ... and, he suddenly realized, fearful. She stood with her back straight and her head up, just looking at him. Ken thought she was the most beautiful bride who had ever lived as she stood there in her bridal gown. In a break with common practice, the bridal parties had not changed into street clothes before leaving the wedding reception. Since they were all spending their wedding night in suites in nearby...

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