The Journal Of Jonathan Harker free porn video

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The Journal of Jonathan Harker By Robin O. My name is Jonathan Harker. I had been looking for employment since I graduated from college six months ago with a degree in Eastern European history. My resume and photo on the Internet had not garnered me any job offers. In fact, I hadn't even had an interview. Then, I received an e-mail from an employment agency working for a prospective employer in Romania offering me employment as a personal secretary. As a college exchange student, I had been to Poland and Czechoslovakia, but had not made it to Romania. I was excited by the prospect of spending time in an Eastern European country, and since I didn't have any other offers, I decided to accept. In only a matter of days, I was provided with a plane ticket and directions to a mansion where I was to be personal secretary to a Romanian count named Vlad Tepes Dracula, I arrived just before dusk, the final few miles in a horse-drawn carriage from the nearby village. The driver dropped me off about 500 yards from the entrance before dumping out my bags, turning the carriage around and whipping the horses away. When I got to the entrance, I used the huge knocker attached to a carved gargoyle on the door. Presently, the door opened, and I saw the largest man I had ever seen in my life. He was bald, with a coarse, brown/gray beard. He was at least 6-foot-8, and seemed as thick as he was tall. At 5-7 and only 135 pounds, I felt more than a bit intimidated. "Uh ...." I cleared my throat ..... "I'm Jonathan Harker. Are you Count Dracula, sir?" The giant gave a grim smile, took my bags from me and ushered me inside. "No sir," came a deep voice from the large man. "My name is Renfield, sir. I am Count Dracula's servant. The Count is expecting you, sir. Please wait here in the drawing room while I take your bags to your quarters." I looked around as I stood there, straightening my tie, and shaking out my longish blond hair. I looked for a mirror, but there was none in the room. I smiled to myself over being so uneasy. I came here for employment, and I had decided that I wouldn't be intimidated by being in a strange country. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't hear the Count. He seemed to materialize right next to me. He was a tall man, about 6-3, bony and gaunt. His jet-black hair slicked back, his face heavily lined, and when he spoke, it was in a rather teasing, thick Romanian accent. "Welcome, Mr. Harker," he said, and for some reason a chill went down my spine. He offered me his hand to shake. It was so very cold and clammy, and his fingers were so long that my small, slim hand was lost in his. "You must be hungry, Mr. Harker, after your long journey," he said. "Please come into the dining room. Renfield has prepared your supper. I have already dined, and will join you shortly." I sat and ate a very satisfactory chicken dinner along with a glass of red wine. When the Count returned, he stood by the table. I asked him if he would be having a glass of wine with me. "I never drink," said Dracula ..."wine." Another cold chill went through me. I stuttered a bit when I asked him about what my duties would be. He smiled, reminding me of a crocodile. "There will be plenty of time to discuss your duties tomorrow evening, Mr. Harker," he said. "You must be quite fatigued from your travels." I was suddenly quite tired, but managed to ask the Count why he said tomorrow evening. "I dislike the daytime," he said. "We will do all our work at night. Would that cause you terrible inconvenience, Mr. Harker?" "Uh ... no ... no sir," I replied. Dracula slowly looked me up and down and exhibited that crocodile smile again. "You look very much like your Internet picture, Mr. Harker. Renfield will take you to your quarters. I hope you will have pleasant dreams." Renfield appeared and led me upstairs to my room. The stairs creaked under his massive weight. He opened the door and let me in before respectfully backing out of the room. The door closed, and then I heard a key turning. I walked over and tried the door. It was locked! "Renfield," I called out. "Renfield! Why did you lock the door?" There was no answer. I decided to just go to sleep and worry about it in the morning. I slept fitfully, dreams of howling wolves and dark mists preventing me from feeling rested when I woke up. Renfield came in and told me I was expected downstairs. I asked him what time it was. He told me 6:30 p.m. It was already nighttime. I couldn't believe how long I had slept. I figured I must have been more tired than I thought from my journey. Not knowing how formal the Count was at meals, I put on my best suit and tie. I was about to go downstairs when Renfield came in again. "That will never do, sir," he said. Suddenly, the count appeared at the door. A foul, gray mist began to filter into my room as I saw him nod at Renfield just before I began feeling dizzy. Renfield's big hands picked me up as I passed out. The next thing I know, I'm seated at the table across from Count Dracula, who was wearing a black, high-collar tuxedo. I didn't know how I had gotten there ... and I didn't know how I came to be dressed the way I was. My body had been shaved of every trace of a hair, and I caught the scent of a subtle feminine perfume. It was coming from me! Renfield came over, carrying a large mirror. He put it in front of me. I couldn't believe what I saw. There I was in a lovely, light blue chiffon off-the-shoulders dress. My blonde hair was fashionably and expertly coifed atop my head. I looked at the Count in confusion. His face was stern, his eyes hypnotic. I was suddenly terrified. I wanted to get up and leave, but my mind had lost its will. "You are a lovely young lady, Mr. Harker," said Renfield. I wanted to scream, to get away, but instead, my bare shoulders slowly shimmied and my wine glass moved from my neck down to my small cleavage. "What?" I thought. "I ... I can't have cleavage." The count reached out and touched my chin with his long, cold fingers. Another chill went through me. "Yes, Mr. Harker," he said in his heavy Romanian accent. "Or perhaps I should say, Miss Harker? Your transformation is proceeding in a very satisfactory manner." My mind screamed, "My transformation! What?" But I heard myself in a soft feminine voice purr and say, "Thank you, Count Dracula." My hazel eyes were locked on his. They were purple and bloodshot ... and overpowering. "You have lovely shoulders," he said. "So slim and soft, and your neck.... You will want to go to bed now, won't you?" It was more a command than a question. It was also the last thing I heard before I passed out. When I awoke, I was in my bedroom, under a rich, red coverlet. I was wearing a sheer, white off-my-shoulders nightgown showing a good deal of my new cleavage. My blond hair was now down, cascading over my shoulders. I was feeling strangely soft, frail, sensual. I shimmied my bare shoulders with my back against the pillow. My fingertips slowly worked their way down my taut, curvy body until they came to rest between my legs. I appeared in every other way to be a woman, but I still had my slim 5-inch, circumcised penis. My mind was a blur of confusion and feelings of unaccustomed femininity. My small breasts pushed against my flimsy nightgown and my nipples were aroused. My hands moved back up my body until they came to rest on either side of my head. Then I heard a voice inside my mind. It belonged to Count Dracula. I tried so hard to ignore it. I had never backed down from a fight or felt any man was superior to me, But Dracula's voice in my mind just went right through me. I closed my eyes and shook my head, but the voice was too strong. I rose from the bed, my back straight and my posture perfect. I walked out of the room, feeling sensual and pure, my blonde hair cascading over my slim, white, bare shoulders as I came to the head of the staircase. At the bottom of it stood Count Dracula, staring up at me with those penetrating purple eyes. Slowly, inexorably, he glided up the stairs. I was frightened out of my mind, but I couldn't move. Finally, he was right in front of me, looking down at me with a hideous, bloodless smile. He smelled like formaldehyde. His mind overpowering, I was only able to back away into the bedroom, one small step at a time, while he hovered over me, his eyes devouring me, until I was backed against the bed. His hands reached out and grasped my bare shoulders. His touch was cold, like a corpse's, slimy and foul against my pure, white skin. My skin crawled, even as I felt myself surrender to his will. He maneuvered me onto the bed. His hands, with his fingers so long and bony, remained on my shoulders as his face approached mine. That formaldehyde stench intensified as he opened his mouth to reveal to my silent horror, sharp fangs on either side. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. His tuxedo jacket and shirt pressed against my bare chest as his mouth captured mine. When I writhed and tried to get away, he smiled evilly and put his cold, slimy tongue into my mouth. I felt a combination of awful revulsion and irresistible desire as the last traces of my masculinity dissipated. I was terrified, yet I wanted the kiss to last for hours. For all I know, it did. Time lost all meaning to me. My mind was a helpless blur. I breathed heavily, my modest, tender breasts moving as Dracula's cold, bony hands kneaded them through my flimsy nightgown. His eyes bore into mine. My slender wrists seemed glued to the pillow on either side of my blonde head as my lovely shoulders slowly shimmied. Then slowly, Dracula's confident, grinning face descended. His hot, fetid breath repulsed me even as I opened my mouth to accept his serpentine tongue. Then, his hands caressing my shoulders, he ended the kiss, opened his mouth in an animalistic sneer and revealed his razor-sharp fangs. He could see the fear in my eyes, even as I stretched my head to one side, revealing more of my slim, regal neck in surrender. His evil smile grew more broad. My little hands impotently grabbed at his sleeves as his mouth descended upon my helpless neck. My slim, lithe body tensed. Then, as his fangs penetrated my soft, tender skin, I felt my slim penis explode in the most powerful orgasm of my young life. My world was awash in brilliant colors. I felt my back arch and heard myself cry out as I drifted off into oblivion. I had no idea how many hours I slept before awaking, feeling unusually fresh and vital, my senses alive as never before. I shook my head, figuring that the whole experience of the night had just been a nightmare. But it seemed that as I moved my head that my blonde hair was longer. I sat up, and I was in the same, white, off-my-shoulders nightgown. It was still clean and fresh-smelling, but my breasts had grown somewhat larger. They weren't huge by any means, but they were perky and prominent as they pressed against the silk nightgown. I rose and walked to the windows and the drawn curtains. My steps were sensual and feminine, my blonde hair halfway down my slim back. I moved the curtain aside with one hand and peered outside. It was nearly dusk. Almost mechanically, I moved to a dressing table where I found a hairbrush. As I brushed my hair, it came away from my neck. Looking in the small mirror, I noticed two tiny wounds, but when I ran my fingertips over them they disappeared. Perplexed, I bit my lower lip, wondering why I was looking at the reflection of a lovely girl instead of the slim young man who had arrived at Dracula's mansion. I walked to the closet, where I found only one garment. It was a formal, mid-thigh-length jet-black halter gown that seemed made for my slim, pantyless body, and I glided into it, revealing just a bit of cleavage. On the floor of the closet were matching black high-heeled shoes. Since I had never worn women's shoes before, I was surprised how well I could walk with them. Some of my long, straight hair fell over my slim, bare right arm and the cleavage of my right breast while the remainder rested on my bare neck and back. My posture perfect, I opened the now-unlocked door and moved to the stairway. "Good evening, Miss Harker. Allow me to accompany you down to the dining room." I was startled. Count Dracula had seemed to just materialize next to me. I femininely rested my hand on his tuxedoed arm as we walked downstairs. My mind was screaming "no," but his eyes controlled my fresh, young body. They seemed to be taunting me as if to pretend that last night never happened. When we got to the table, he kissed my hand. His cold lips made me shiver. Goosebumps appeared on my bare shoulders and my nipples pressed against the black halter. Dracula's eyes bored into mine as he smiled cruelly, revealing those awful fangs. He moved slowly toward me. My arms helplessly at my sides, my shoulders back, my breathing labored, making my breasts strain against my dress, Count Dracula arrogantly moved my hair aside with the back of his right hand, exposing my neck. He looked so tall, so masterful, so dominant. I tilted my head, and felt his fetid breath on my neck as I trembled. Then ... I heard Renfield's deep voice. "Master," he said, a bit fearfully. "I'm sorry, Master. The mayor of the village is here with the council members. They say they need to talk to you about the land in the cemetery you said you wanted. They are in your library, sir." Dracula hissed angrily, then smiled evilly. Guiding me with a firm hand against the small of my bare back, he led me out to the library. I was terrified, but perhaps I could appeal to the men to help me escape. But when we entered Dracula's library, all I could do was stand there, my small hands femininely holding on to the Count's crooked elbow. The old mayor and the three council members gasped when they saw me. They were undressing me with their eyes, a sensation I had never experienced. It was disturbing that part of me enjoyed the idea that these men found me attractive. "Good evening, gentlemen," said Dracula in that thick accent. "May I introduce Miss Harker, my new secretary?" My mind screamed, "MISS Harker! No, I'm MR. Harker!" But I just stood there demurely as the gentlemen bowed, and the mayor kissed my hand. He told Dracula how fortunate he was to have such a beautiful secretary, as the others nodded their approval. "Yes," said Dracula with a sly grin as he held me by my right hand and twirled me in front of them, my hair moving sensually as the men eyed my bare back and slim thighs. "I intend to enjoy her company." He paused. "For a very long time." He turned his attention to the mayor. "Miss Harker will excuse us as we go to the cemetery so I can complete the purchase of the land I desire. It is very gracious of you, Mayor, to accommodate my need to do this at night." He kissed my hand. "I shall return in a few hours, my dear," said Dracula. "We will resume ... our conversation ... when I return." They left, two of the councilmen stealing a last, lustful glance at me as they went out the door. I returned to the table, where Renfield brought me dinner. All I wanted was a little soup and a glass of wine. Renfield's eyes were all over me as I sat, my arms, my back, my crossed legs. He asked me several times if I had enough soup or wine or if I needed anything else. My mind was a blur, and I don't know how much time passed, but for a moment, my head cleared. By the way he was looking at me, Renfield obviously found me attractive. Perhaps he could help me escape. He was a giant, so strong, so powerful. Surely he wouldn't be afraid of Dracula. "I'm going to my room now, Renfield," I said. "Would you be so kind as to bring me a glass of wine in about 10 minutes?" The big man eager to please, and said he would bring me the wine. I gently touched his face with my right hand and went up to my room. I wanted to look as helpless and in need of a strong man as I could, so I oozed out of the halter dress and put on the white, off-my-shoulders nightgown. Soon there was a knock on the door. After I told him to come in, Renfield entered, carrying a tray containing an open carafe of wine and a glass. The big man saw me standing in the nightie in front of the bed with my arms demurely behind my back. This caused my half-revealed breasts to be more prominent and my bare shoulders to look even more vulnerable. I didn't plan the pose. It just, for some reason, came naturally. "Renfield," I whispered. "I must escape. I need your help. Please ... you must help me." The huge man's eyes grew big. He began to breathe heavily, his dull brain trying to process what was going on. "Help you?" he roared. "Help you?" I looked into his eyes and immediately became alarmed. "Help you?" he yelled. With one mighty arm, he threw the tray against the wall and ran over to me. "No!" I cried. "Here," he yelled, his eyes bugging out. "I'll help you!" He grabbed me in his massive arms, crushing me to him as his mouth engulfed mine. I was trapped in his arms as his tongue plunged violently into my little mouth. Effortlessly, he tossed me onto the bed. Lying on my back, I shuddered as I watched him tear off his shirt and remove his pants. His penis was uncut and by far the biggest one I had ever seen. His eyes were aglow with lust. He was no longer thinking. All he knew ... all he wanted to know ... was that he wanted me. "No!" I pleaded. "Please ... Renfield, no!" But the big man was not to be denied. Drool dripped down upon his heavy beard and he leaped onto the bed. His massive hands on my bare shoulders, he kissed me hard. His hard, muscular body pinned my slim one to the bed. His beard scratched my neck, and I could feel his penis up against my hip. Then his big left hand grabbed my hair and pulled me toward his huge, smelly organ. "You want to suck Renfield's cock, missy?" He was taunting me. I shook my head "no," sobbing softly, keeping my lips shut tight. "SUCK IT!" he commanded. I shook my head, pitifully. Renfield then slapped my face with his right hand. I saw stars. My pretty body went limp. The giant penis moved closer and closer. Renfield's hand in my hair hurt as he continued to taunt me. "You're so beautiful," he said derisively. "First, my pretty one, you're going to suck my big cock. Then I'm going to shove it up your pretty, virgin ass." His hand still in my hair, he bent down and kissed me like he owned me. When his tongue finally stopped its assault on my little mouth, I was crying, "Please, Renfield," I begged. "Please stop." Instead, he slapped my face with his huge penis. "Suck it!" he commanded, his beard wet, his massive, naked, sweaty body pressed against my nightgown. I didn't know whether my slim body could survive an anal assault from that giant sex organ. I pushed against his chest, but it was no use. Then I heard the angriest sound I've ever heard. More of a hiss than a voice, it belonged to Vlad Tepes Dracula, who appeared out of a mist at the bedroom door. "RENFIELD!" With one bony hand, Dracula lifted the giant off of the bed. With the other, Dracula began an assault that defied description. The huge man was no match for the count's ferocity. My hair all over my face and torso, my nightgown far off my shoulders, revealing one breast, I cowered femininely on the bed as Dracula continued his assault like an animal tearing open the body of its prey. Dracula's long fingernail slit open Renfield's jugular vein. Blood was everywhere, and it was over in seconds. Renfield was dead, and Dracula - his eyes now on mine -- disdainfully drank the big man's blood for a few moments. The ferocity of Dracula's assault had left me speechless. I looked at Renfield's lifeless body, his terrified eyes staring into space. Sated, Dracula slowly walked over to me, stroked my hair and adjusted my nightgown properly off my shoulders. His accented voice was amazingly tender, considering what he had just done to Renfield. "I did not bring you all this way to allow you to be with anyone else, my dear" he said. "You are mine. You will belong to me forever. Do you understand?" My mind was clear. From my feminine transformation to the horror of seeing what Dracula had just done to Renfield, I knew my life would be forever changed. I tossed my hair and nodded. Those dominant eyes sapped me of any resistance. Somehow, I knew what I must do. With one of my delicate hands, I reached out and unbuttoned the shirt of a man I now realized was a vampire. Dracula's chest was hairless, his skin cold like that of a corpse. With one fingernail, he made a vertical cut on his chest, causing a trickle of blood to appear. He placed his cold, bony hands gently on my bare shoulders, guiding rather than forcing my face to his chest. I moaned softly ... purely out of desire as I sexily shimmied my shoulders in his grasp. Slowly, sensually, I moved my mouth to his wound. My hands tenderly up against his chest, I writhed submissively as I tasted the vampire's rancid blood. Dracula closed his eyes and his head moved back as I kissed his chest and licked his blood. My eyes peered over to the lifeless form of Renfield, but it seemed not at all strange to be doing what I was doing. After a long time, Dracula moved me back by my shoulders. His eyes on mine, he reached down and effortlessly scooped me up. I crossed my slim arms around his neck, and my straight blonde hair hung down as he carried me into the basement. There was an ornate bed and nearby, two coffins. Gently laying me down on the bed, he slowly removed his clothes. His body was repulsive, like some slowly decomposing animal's. His penis was long and thin and smelled of formaldehyde. Part of me wanted to run away, but some sort of perverted desire caused me to writhe sexily on the bed, shimmying my bare shoulders and making little feminine noises of pleasure. Dracula looked at my heaving breasts and my slim, curvy body. I could see the lust in his eyes as he moved his body over mine. His ice-cold hands caressed my soft shoulders as his mouth covered mine. His breath was terrible, but I didn't care. I moaned deep in the back of my throat as I kissed him for all I was worth, running my slim tongue over his fangs. His hands were all over me, pulling at my nightgown. The vampire was sexually turned on ... by me! He pulled his mouth away from mine, and for a moment, I thought he was going to plunge his fangs into my neck. But he wanted more. He pulled the elastic of my nightgown top down, revealing my breasts. His mouth went first to my left breast, then my right, biting, nipping, sucking. My little hands grabbed the coverlet as Count Dracula made my entire body tremble. His hands pulled the nightie off my body, and he kissed me again. I could feel the hunger in his kiss as I seductively wiggled under him. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, he broke off the kiss and looked into my eyes. I knew what he wanted without him saying anything. I moved my body down to his penis, moved my knees between his legs and took the cold, putrid member into my sweet mouth. It was the first penis I had ever tasted, and I surrendered myself to its power. "Yes, pretty girl," the vampire said in his Romanian accent as his right hand stroked my hair. This was preordained ever since I saw your picture on the Internet." I felt so feminine and submissive as his penis continued to grow in my moist mouth. I moaned and purred as it snaked down my throat. I wanted to gag, but I didn't. It was at once the most repulsive and sexy thing that has ever happened to me. My hair hung over my face as I found myself wiggling my slim body, trying so hard to please this demon I had just seen murder another man. His penis, covered in my saliva, popped out of my mouth. I couldn't believe how long it had become. He smiled at me and masterfully turned me over on my back. "No, please," I murmured, shaking my blonde hair. "It's too big. Please ... no." Dracula smiled cruelly and swiftly pinned my wrists over my head with one of his cold, bony hands. His right hand slowly, slowly played with my left breast, then ran over my slim, curvy torso again and again while his cold lips made love to my mouth, shoulders and neck. My body was on fire, my mind a blur, a reflection of Dracula's lust. With my body being so deliciously defiled, I didn't notice that he had maneuvered between my trim, milky thighs. His left hand still holding down my wrists, he moved a sharp-fingernailed finger into my anus, then another. Meanwhile, he nipped at my earlobe, collarbone and neck, making me tremble with desire. Slowly, he removed his fingers, and in a lightning move, plunged his snake-like penis inside me. I struggled, but it was no use. Immediately, he began pumping into me. His eyes captured mine, and I surrendered myself to him. I don't know when he released his grip on my wrists, but I soon found my arms crossed gently around his neck. Dracula looked down at me, triumphantly, as he continued to pump inside me and run his hands over my lovely body. He was my lover, my master, and I felt my small penis getting harder and harder. His penis seemed to reach all the way to my throat as I writhed and moaned under him. I don't know how long he was inside me, but I knew that dawn couldn't be far away. "Please, my darling," I whispered, not needing to explain what I wanted him to do. The foul-smelling vampire moved his hands to my soft, tender shoulders as he raised his head over my face. He kissed me tenderly, his tongue slowly thrusting to play with mine. I could feel both our orgasms building. He raised his head and I moved my head to expose my lovely neck. Dracula smiled at me one more time, then rapidly sank his fangs into my neck. He grunted as his penis exploded inside me. I shimmied my shoulders while he held them tight. I screamed, and my little penis released my puny load of cum. My breasts heaved as I tried to catch my breath. My body was limp, exhausted while Dracula drained my lifeblood. I gave it willingly as I grew faint and finally passed out. It seemed like years later when I awoke. I was back in my bedroom. No trace of the carnage done to Renfield remained, and I was once again wearing the lovely white nightgown. I felt a little dizzy as I moved my hair from my eyes. Then, as if out of a mist, appeared Count Dracula. I moved my hand immediately to where his fangs had punctured my neck. As I touched my wounds, they began to disappear. I looked up at Dracula. "Am I ....? " I asked. "Am I a ....a ...?" He laughed cruelly and smiled that crocodile smile. "Are you a vampire, my dear?" he said derisively. "No, I considered it, but I have decided that you are too lovely to make one of the undead. You will remain my secretary, my live, human, beautiful secretary." He ran his cold, bony right hand slowly from my bare left shoulder, over my collarbone, over my chest and to my right shoulder, which he caressed sensually. "You must eat and build up your strength, Mr. -- or rather - Miss Harker." He was laughing a sinister laugh now. "There is no doubt," he said with a sneer, "that I shall be in need of your services again. And again. And again." The vampire pulled me to him, caressing both my bare shoulders. He showed his fangs, then covered them with his lips. He moved his mouth over my neck. I could feel his hot, fetid breath, and although repulsed, I could not resist him. But he merely kissed my neck, gently scraping his fangs over it. "Have a pleasant day, Miss Harker," he said, before disappearing in a foul-smelling mist. I snuggled back down into the bed, feeling trapped, but more sensual than I ever felt as a man. Am I to remain Count Dracula's beautiful slave forever? Or will someone one day find this journal and rescue me from his foul clutches? If you are reading this, please help me. Please! The End

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Ballad of Jonathan Part Deux

I am Jonathan Walker and this is my next tale about me and my love for Caroline Hartowski. After my Mom saw us kissing at my Dad's funeral, she told me to take Carrie back to the hotel. When we got there, we kissed again and began to take off our clothes. I saw her naked body and I was charmed by it. "You look beautiful naked, Carrie," I said and she blushed. Sticking out her tongue she said, "Thank you my dear Jonathan and you are quite the hunk!" I laughed, kissed her again and pulled her...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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The Journal of Samuel Samantha Waterman

Journal of Samuel (Samantha) Waterman January 1; I'm thirteen and thought I would start this journal. I ain't much at writing but I'll give it a try. I think it will be cool. I know boys don't keep a diary so I'm calling it a journal besides it sounds more grown up than a sissy diary. And this way when I tell my grandchildren my tales of youth, like grandpa does, I can say, "see its right here in my journal." Not much happened today, no school. So I thought I'd start this journal,...

2 years ago
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Journal of Desire Ch 01

The black stretch limousine bearing the plates of a U.S. senator eased around the traffic circle at the center of Temperance Hill. Sen. Helene Falkland picked up the limo’s intercom to buzz her chauffeur. ‘Use the bank president’s parking space,’ Helene said. ‘He’s expecting me.’ The chauffeur nodded, glancing in the rear view mirror. She was beautiful. The clean classic lines of a young Ingrid Bergman. The cool aloofness of a Greta Garbo. He turned off his thoughts. The parking space was...

4 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 3

I could feel someone shaking me. "Jonathan ... Jonathan ... wake up, you have got to wake up." The shaking continued. Why couldn't everyone just leave me in peace? Suddenly I felt an icy splash. I started to cough. Someone had just poured a glass of water on my head. I blearily cracked my eyes open. I was on the floor of my office, staring up at a little crack in the ceiling. I could see Jim's wispy blonde hair out of the corner of my eye. Jim was holding an empty glass, and wore an...

1 year ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 8

We picked at our food in silence. Sarah kept her head down, and her eyes focused on her food. She was idly playing with her fork, and randomly scraping it across her plate. She did it in the way that people do when they're either extremely bored or extremely tired. She had hardly touched her meal. The afternoon had turned overcast, and it was dark in the kitchen, however, neither of us made a move to turn the lights on. I cleared my throat. "So tell me about yourself Sarah," I said. I...

2 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 14

He wouldn't stop kicking me ... even though I had fallen down. "You think you're better than us wimp?" My attacker spat between kicks. He was big, I was small ... I was young, he was old. I curled up on my side. "You think just cause you're some kinda freak you can just act like you know everything?" The kicks kept coming ... one after another ... my stomach was in agony. Bret was a high school senior taking Pre-Calculus, I was a twelve year old, and I sat next to him ... I got a...

1 year ago
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Jessica and Jonathan losing their virginity

Jonathan is a nineteen-year-old in his second year at University. He is extremely good looking, 6 feet tall, dark hair, handsome features, brown eyes, having an appearance of being always tanned, slim fit body on which no matter what clothes he wore, they always looked good. He is in his second year at university, into sports, playing soccer and tennis especially. He oozes sex appeal, and female heads always turn when he is around. But Jonathan is still a virgin. It is not for want of...

First Time
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Lost Lambs Little Red Journal 3 Bisexual Urges

The first woman I ever found attractive was Catherine Zeta Jones and that crush has stood the test of time. Although I never copied it down in my journal, I remember watching The Haunting released 1999 in our exercise room. I sat on an exercise machine that felt like a piano bench cushion in the unfinished room. I watched the actress’s entrance up until this line:“So what about you? Husband, Boyfriend, Girlfriend?”Her last word was accompanied by a mischievous smile at the camera with her brown...

2 years ago
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My Journal

Journal Entry: November 14, 2014Today I again asked my wife for sex and as usual she made up some lame excuse. It's going on two months now and my masturbating is becoming more regular. Journal Entry: November 19, 2014I may have had a bit of a break through. I complained about the lack of sex and she promised to be more attentive. I think this week end will be really good. Journal Entry: November 25, 2014Another week has passed and still nothing in the sex department. My wife's promises fell...

1 year ago
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Fallen Angel Chapter 5 The Journal Entries

Chapter 5: The Journal Entries The jeep pulled up into the school parking lot, stopping just before it went over the curb onto the sidewalk. Shutting it off, Cal stepped out and hoisted his backpack up on his right shoulder and trudged along the sidewalk to the school building. School started at 7:15 AM sharp for him, and it quickly became a very tedious way of life. He never ate breakfast, mainly because his stomach couldn't really handle food at this ungodly hour in the...

2 years ago
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Jonathan Nikkis Unexpected BBC Cuckold

Jonathan & Nikki and their surprise BBC gangbangJonathan & Nikki had each always had a fascination with big black cocks. ... After it came up in their marriage and they discussed it, they agreed Nikki could try sucking one to completion. They searched for a big black dick on the internet, and after finding a massive one Nikki was very excited to try, they booked a hotel room & arranged a meeting.The night was finally upon them. It was going to happen! Nikki's first taste of big...

2 years ago
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Nikki Jonathans surprise Big Black Coc

Jonathan & Nikki and their surprise BBC gangbangJonathan & Nikki had each always had a fascination with big black cocks. ... After it came up in their marriage and they discussed it, they agreed Nikki could try sucking one to completion. They searched for a big black dick on the internet, and after finding a massive one Nikki was very excited to try, they booked a hotel room & arranged a meeting.The night was finally upon them. It was going to happen! Nikki's first taste of big...

3 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 15

The door closed with an audible click. We were silent for a beat. We both turned to look at each other, her question hung in the air. I smiled. "Alright my sweet, all rules are now in effect again," I said warmly. Sarah looked up at me and blushed. She gave a small smile and, shyly, she slowly unzipped her beige skirt and gracefully stepped out of it. I got a good look at her bare pussy as she did. She had already taken all my rules to heart and hadn't worn any underwear. Next she...

2 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 17

I remember the day I bought this house. I had just finished my training at the Academy and moving was difficult. I had grown used to Quantico Virginia's pleasant climate. I had also grown quite accustomed to the order and discipline of the Marine base. The day I graduated all the new Agents were given Bureau's to report to. These assignments were not given at random; they depended on your scores and your abilities. I was assigned the New York branch. Adjusting to New York had been ......

1 year ago
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My Journal Part Two

Journal Entry: January 21, 2015Things seem to be getting a bit better in the sex department. I got home today and she was in the kitchen making dinner wearing a nice short sundress. I snuck up behind her and started kissing her neck. I then lifted the sundress up from behind and lowered her panties to the floor. Unzipping my pants, my hard-on sprung out. She didn't resist at all as I pressed my cock between her legs. As I manoeuvred my cock around trying to gain entrance, I could feel some...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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The Journal of Mark Trewidden Final Part

20th July 2013 Human again, Jen has been telling me about Julien. I did not realise that they have been in almost daily contact. He was busy completing his research until just recently, now he has finished and he is looking for his next target. Jen is fairly sure that he will go for a doctorate. Jen will soon finish her Masters and she is talking about further specialising in European Law. Strangely enough, it is best studied at the Sorbonne. Julien is coming over in two days time....

3 years ago
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The Journal

My name is Kelly and I’m eighteen. I’m wild and love to have fun. When my friends and I go out, we’d always drink and act crazy. I've had a lot of boyfriends and even girlfriends. I’m an attractive girl. I’m about five feet six inches tall. I’m about a hundred and ten pounds. I have green eyes. I have a 34 C cup. Guys have always been interested in my breasts. I've been sexually active since I was sixteen. I’m responsible and take birth control. I always would have my boyfriend’s wear...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Lady Charlotte s Journal Page Five

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Tuesday July 7th 0800hrsDear Journal: I awoke still feeling relaxed with no sign of any aches or pains, as I stretched there was a knock on the door,“Come in!” I called the waiter pushed in a trolley with breakfasts on it, the reason I say breakfasts as there were three of everything on it....

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Lady Charlottes Journal Page Three

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Page three:Sunday July 5th    0500hrs

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The Journal of Sanjuro Tanaka

This is a side story to Gregg Sharp's "Happi Days" fic, which was authorized by him. Mr. Sharp can be reached for comment at [email protected] , but the main story you'll have to search for separately, since his web page went down. A knowledge of the Ranma 1/2 series is helpful, but I've included a little glossary/character guide at the bottom. [Editor's Note: As part of understanding the nature of the Bishoujo Brides of Fuurinkan incident, we believe it is helpful to...

2 years ago
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The Nude Journal

This is my entry into the Nude Day contest, so I would appreciate your comments and votes. It is a romance and coming of age story, and does not have any graphic sex scenes, so be forewarned. Enjoy!! * Prologue. New York, early this morning. In the early morning light, Danielle’s sleeping body was beautiful. Since the first time I saw her naked, 8 months ago, I never tired of just looking at her body. I’m sure that an objective viewer might argue that her breasts were a bit small, or her...

3 years ago
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The Devils Journal

Amber's eyes widened as she saw the small book. It was perfect! She raced to her father at the counter and placed it on the conveyor at the cash register, right next to the beer and chips he was buying. "This one Daddy, I want this one!" She squealed, excitement in her eyes. "Alright honey, how much is it... three dollars? Fine". Her father eyed the book. Hot pink and covered in little flowers, everything about it screamed that despite her age, she still had the taste of a prepubescent girl. He...

Mind Control
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Lost Lambs Little Red Journal 1

I know when I had my first wet dream. That was when my journal transformed from occasional scribbles to compact cursive handwriting. The spine of the simple book broke from overuse. It is hard looking through the contents to find contents that are not erotic after that point. It began with the dreams. Strange dreams.11/14/---aI had a dream about sex this morning. A prisoner, I was supposed to be afraid of the “general” who would kill me if I didn’t do something. Instead I found myself enjoying...

2 years ago
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Julies Journal Day One and Two

I had no idea that my holiday would be anything other than that. It was my first time abroad and my friends and I had decided we would try Trinidad during the carnival season. Oh best introduce myself and my friends. I’m Julie, at 18 I am the youngest of my friends, well work mates. The other 3 women are Georgina we call her Gina for short is the eldest and sort of mother to us though she is only 28. I think she is the best looking, standing almost 6ft tall she has really long slim legs a...

1 year ago
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Actions Have Consequences Vol 3 Marcis Journal

Marci's Journal By Sarah Goodwoman Day 1 My name is Doug, and I lost a bet to my wife, Helen, which means I am to be her house slave for the next 30 days. At the stroke of midnight, she woke me up to inform me it had started. I am now a sissy house slave named Marci, and she is Mistress. She said the next time I am allowed to call her Helen, and she calls me Doug, I will not be her sissy slave anymore. To make this journal easier to write, I will not be including the...

1 year ago
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Summer of 1992Chapter 4 Kelleys journal part three

Sammy It was no accident that we met that night in August of 1991. My mother arranged for us to be seated next to the Oldham table. And while I complained about my parents pushing us together, I was secretly thrilled. The challenge of laying the groundwork, setting the trap and watching Sammy take the bait dominated my thoughts. I liked what I saw. Yes, he needed work, but he was malleable and I decided I could mold him into the man I wanted him to be. Sammy pursued me and I liked the way...

2 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 2

I was sitting in my office with the lights off. I was doing my usual victory ritual. The ritual involved closing the blinds and telling my exploits to a bottle of scotch. It was four in the morning. I could hear people milling about the bullpen. They were making calls, getting calls and dealing with lawyers. As expected, all the rich individuals were no longer sitting in our interrogation rooms. The little lawyer bees had already stormed in. They were ready with claims that their client had...

4 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 4

I reluctantly spooned my eggs into the trash can. Looks like I would be eating granola for breakfast. I grabbed a bar of the stuff from my pantry, and ran out the door. It was only after I saw my street side parking space empty, did I remember my car was still at the office. Shit. I scrabbled through my pockets for my cell phone ... then realized I had left it on my kitchen counter, and ran back into the house. It was five minutes until I found my phone, and another twenty until the taxi...

2 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 5

She was as beautiful as I remembered. Jim was listening intently to Dr. Thompson read things off of a clipboard. But that didn't matter. Their conversation was lost to me. My entire consciousness was focused on the red haired angel tied to the gurney positioned in the middle of the room. She was sleeping quietly. Her stomach rose and fell in a calm rhythmic manner. Her eyelids would occasionally flutter, and her slim pale face looked slightly pinched, as if her dreams were not gentle...

3 years ago
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Jonathan CreedChapter 6

Jones wasn't speaking. I couldn't tell if the ability of speech had simply deserted him, or if he was thinking of something particularly scathing to say. Suffice it to say, he didn't take my news well. "Let me get this straight Agent Creed. Not only did you activate this girl's brain chip ... thingy, but now you tell me that she has refused witness protection and is insisting on living with you?" I wanted to disappear. "That's about the size of it sir." Jones exhaled ......

2 years ago
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Jonathan Dominates MelissaChapter 4 Little Words

Melissa Brandon was sure that Jonathan would be livid when he got back. She had tried to do what he told her, but she hadn’t tried hard enough. He’d told her to pay up her Visa Gold. She’d almost paid it up by the time the December statement had arrived. And then, knowing that the next check would be the last one, she’d neglected to mail in the payment until nearly the deadline. Caught in the Christmas mail rush, that payment hadn’t got there. She still owed $7.32 on the card as of the...

3 years ago
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The Journal of Mark Trewidden

All the events and people in this story are fictional and bear no relationship to any people, living or dead. Journal of Mark Trewidden October 7th 2012 I have decided to start this journal because of the worries that I have about my health. I am not 100% sure when the problems started, but I am fairly sure that it all could be linked to the dig. I went on the dig with Jen on Tean in the Scilly Isles. It was back in June, we spent two weeks working as volunteers on a dig, that was...

4 years ago
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The Professors Exploits Journal Entries November 8th 11th

Dear Journal, Last night I may have had a few too many scotches sans rocks at the bar, and as a result I felt a little worse for the wear when I woke up today. That is why I spent the better part of one of my morning classes questioning whether a persistent vibrational hum I kept hearing was coming from my hungover head or from some other source. I was trying to give a lecture, yet behind my words was a curious, somewhat annoying buzzing sound emitting from some mysterious source in the...

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Lady Charlottes Journal Page Two

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Saturday July 4th 0115hrs I lay in my panties under the duvet, my pussy still yearning for its orgasm. Laying and playing slowly as much as I was horny I was so tired I must have dropped off. I awoke but did not open my eyes when I felt the softest touch of fingers on my forearm. I knew it was...

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Elises Journal

Elise's Journal © 2003 by Nom de Plume Wednesday November 25 My parent teacher conference must have gone well. Mom was over the moon about my grades. It's easy to be a good student when you don't have a life. Mom said Sister Delano suggested that I begin writing a daily journal of my personal experiences, so here goes. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I have much to be thankful for: I have to put on a dress every day and go to a Catholic school. I am counting the days until my...

4 years ago
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Julies Journal Day Two Continued Arrivin

Day Two continued: - The flight was smooth, being honest journal I slept all the way. I think it was the exertions of the previous night. That’s assuming it wasn’t a dream and if it was, well I would love for it to happen real. Must have been a dream though as Gina always seems to go with guys. Landing at the airport and going through customs would have been okay except we were routinely stopped at the customs bar and told we were to be searched. I admit I was really terrified; these big...

2 years ago
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Journal of an Enhanced Puberty

Throughout the first few years of middle school just about everyone spent a lot of time debating what choice they'd make for their Enhanced Puberty. There were about a dozen possible choices, but the majority of kids tended to stick to the big two named "Cheerleadest" and "Footballest", mostly down gender lines. (There's no restriction actually, and some kids do swap genders with Enhanced Puberty.) I couldn't decide; just about all the options had some appeal of some sort. Of course,...

1 year ago
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My Journal Part I

I am writing down all that I can remember, I had not started this journal until several months have passed since I first awoke, and therefore not all memories will be 100%. Once I am caught up, I will be trying my very best to keep my journal current. Hopefully there may one day be a time that I can remember who I am, and where I came from! For some reason, whatever memory I have, which isn’t eidetic, anyway; so, I am only human, but ... I am not able to go back before the EVENT, I don’t even...

1 year ago
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my slave journal

I have always fancied having a kept journal for the things that happen to me but I never committed to writing one. This time I will do something different, I will write a journal about my days as a pussy slave. In my definition a pussy slave is the one that can't get enough from her mistress, either enough pussy or punishment that doesn't matter, and I think I have met this definition and I will let you be the judge of this through the story. Part I I told my mistress about my idea for a...

4 years ago
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The Journal of Darin TaylorChapter 1

My name is Darin Taylor. I started a journal shortly after I turned twelve. The journal itself is just a collection of bits and pieces of my thoughts and ideas about things that have happened to me and my mom. I have kept the journal secret, but perhaps one day someone else my age may use what I have learned, so I have rewritten it as a continuous narrative. I just turned seventeen a few days ago. I received a scholarship to the university and will be starting college in a few weeks. This...

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The Journal of a filthy mother Do you want a little Sister

Your sister has always been a bit wild, but she seemed to settle down when she got married. Now however, she’s been divorced and left alone to raise her son. Things seemed rough but now, now something isn’t right. And so you’ve found yourself poking around her place while her son and her went on a trip to NYC, looking to see if your haunch was right. when you found her journal. With shaking hands you open the journal to the start and look at the date, it seems like she started writing a few...

3 years ago
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Little Red Journal 6 First Boyfriend Flirtations

So you probably missed, buried among the musings on my crush EK, this line:Day after birthday/---CWhy do I want him I spent the evening socializing with other choir people. I thought of a new way to do what? I lost my train of thought.It seems innocuous enough nestled among the hormone-driven sexual cravings of a teenage mind. An evening with choir people could mean one of two things.  Either I was on a bus trip to watch an opera or I was at a collaborative retreat with some choirs from...

2 years ago
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My Sex Journal

This morning my best friend, Cindy and I were talking. She asked me if I kept a journal, I told her I didn't. She told me her mother had kept one as a girl, and had started her on one when she was young. I asked her what she wrote in it.Cindy told me she wrote all of her special activities and stuff like that. She told me I should start one too. So when I got home from school, I got out this big notebook and decided, since I had recently discovered the joys of sex, that I wanted to start a...

3 years ago
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Lady Charlottes Journal Page Six

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Page Six:Tuesday July 8th 0800HrsDear Journal: I had had the weirdest of dreams during the night and like a lot of dreams couldn’t remember it completely. The knock on the door brought the dishy steward in with the breakfast trolley and while he laid out the breakfasts we all took our time...

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Lady Charlottes Journal Page One

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)Page One: I received this journal in a parcel my mum sent me but have never written in it till now. I am going to try to keep a memoire of all the things that happen to me, I don’t expect anyone to read this private view into my life.Friday July 3rd 1230hrsDear Journal, just a quick entry as...

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Fast forward several years to when I found moms journal in a box in attic, as soon as I started reading it I remembered the "managers conference" she was taken too a few weeks after being asked by the black manager who was organising it. I glanced thru journal seeing there were several times mom was gang fucked that I didn't know about, finally came to entry a few days after mom and Patty had fucked several older black men, the one that asked if he could call mom did the Thursday after, told...

2 years ago
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My First Time From the Journal of the Serial Killer Thomas Riley

From the Journal of the Serial Killer Thomas Riley by Millie Dynamite Copyright © 2019, by Millie Dynamite From the Journal of Thomas Riley — July 10, 20— Doctor Peters suggested I write things down, my daily happenings, feelings, the events that run wild in my life, and depress me. I figured it couldn’t hurt. That’s the reason for this book, journal, dear diary, and all that bullshit. He doesn’t say it, not in so many words, but he’s worried I’ll act out some of the fantasies I have...

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Candies Journal

CANDIE'S JOURNAL By Southern Candie ENTRY 1 Hi I am Andy, but my stepbrother calls me Candie when he makes me dress up for him. I decided to keep a journal of all the things that happened to me since that faithful day. The day my stepbrother caught me all dressed up in my Mom's lingerie and decided to blackmail me into being his sex toy. First though let me give you some background information that lead up to that day. I do not really remember my Dad, he...

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Cindys Journal 1

Thursday. Intake This woman named Helen said I should start a Journal about my time here, so that I could make some sense of it all. That it would help me to put things into perspective. It's really hard to do that, but I'll try, for this week at least. Last week I was picked in the PCB lottery (Population Control Board). My first time eligible, and I was picked and notified. My mom freaked out, and everyone in the family got upset. My sister Heather cried like a baby, and told mom that she...

2 years ago
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The Secret Confessions Of Bella Journal One

Journal One 7/7/16 It's a funny thing, really. I used to be one of those shy and reserved girls during my freshman and sophomore years in high school. I had a close group of friends and everything, but I was never known as the most outgoing or the most popular. I usually avoided going to school dances because it was just so far from my comfort zone (having the entire school watch me dance? no thanks), and I would hesitate talking about anything sexual in front of my friends because, well, I...

First Time

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