Beetlesmith’s Ch. 07 free porn video

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It was the evening of the dinner party, and Karen was doing her customary freak-out with these types of events. It was her behavior when stressed, consisting of her moods bouncing between a short-tempered, nervous anxiety to one of giddy playfulness. Fortunately, the caterers arrived, which gave her something to do other than worry about the upcoming frivolities. My only worry was that she was already hitting the sauce pretty hard, and was well into her second glass of wine. Anymore, and I was going to rethink administering the elixir to her, or even call the whole thing off.

‘How many does that make?’ I asked, tapping her glass as a mild rebuke.

‘Just my second,’ she said apologetically, and then added with minor irritation, ‘Don’t bug me about it, I’m nervous…Okay!’

‘All the same, slow down. You get anymore tipsy and even Jackie will start sounding coherent next to you…Okay!’

It wasn’t long thereafter before the guests started to arrive. Mark Cope was the first. He was a bit surprised at being invited, particularly because his divorce from his ex-wife, Linda, wasn’t very amicable and that she was still good friends with Karen. Karen assured him that he was still counted as friend, and that it wasn’t fair he should be ostracized from our group, even though Linda hated his guts.

Mark and I were always cordial with each other, but never what one would call friends. He was slightly shorter than me, muscular, with dirty blonde hair that always seemed to need barbering. He was prone to wearing golf shirts, always combined with v-neck sweaters and khakis, and had a typical ex-jock persona, who was now selling cars since hanging up his cleats. Cope wasn’t classically handsome, and it was obvious that any boyish good looks were not aging well. However, he had a roguish quality, particularly when he smiled, which he did freely and often. It was probably what Karen found most attractive about him, besides the rumors of his equipment, and as I studied him closer, I had to admit that he reminded me of a more or less harmless, lighter variety of Roger Kendall. That was probably another reason why Mark was on Karen’s mind of late, and gave me a little insight into her thinking and emotions that I hadn’t known before.

The Averys arrived next. They were about ten to fifteen years my senior. Both were tall and lean in build, and to use an old, yet apt cliché, they appeared to make a handsome couple. I say appeared, because as I would find out, their outward conformity in looks didn’t match their internal animosity toward each other.

By most anyone’s account, Jack was a brutally handsome man, and his good looks were matched only by his reputation with the ladies. His dalliances with female clients and the office secretarial pool were legendary in the company. Yet, unlike others so inclined, his peccadilloes never seemed to interfere with his business sense and rarely became a negative concern in his running a smooth operation. That is except one time, when it was rumored Denise walked in on him at the office after hours. It happened long before I became a project manager, and since that time I never heard of another incident with him at the office—although some the male business clientele still spoke of him with hushed reverence.

Standing in our foyer, Jack Avery was impeccably dressed as usual, wearing a well-tailored, dark suit that contrasted well with his whitened, full head of hair. I thought he wore too much gold, however. Many gold rings, a gold watch, and as I would find out, a heavy gold chain. All of which, when coupled with a deep tan he always possessed, made him appear as a lothario rather than a top-drawer executive. His one, overriding character was a loud and boisterous laugh, which could be heard and easily distinguished above even the noisiest settings. Some at the company remarked that if ever you were separated from the group at a crowded convention, just wait a few moments and you’ll hear Jack’s characteristic chortle. It worked better than a foghorn in a heavy mist.

In all of this, Denise was his exact opposite. Whereas Jack looked and acted vibrate and young for his age, the few times I’d seen Denise, she seemed to be carrying a heavy burden about her. Evidence of which was mostly expressed as the small, telltale lines that radiated out the corners of her eyes and mouth, and care lines that wrinkled her forehead. That’s not to say she was dour in spirit or prone to melancholy. Quite the contrary, she was always quick to smile and had a bright, infectious laugh.

To sum up her personality in line: she had a regal beauty, but a peasant’s love for life and people. What I found most enduring about her was that every time she smiled, two, deep creases formed, one on either cheek. These were not care lines, but natural creases that she probably had since birth, and when she smiled, it was as if they formed parentheses that accentuated her lovely mouth. Coupled with her narrowing eyes when she laughed, these features gave her face an impish quality that I found alluring. It was difficult for me not to become sexually excited whenever she smiled. However, I could tell she was self-conscious of her deep creases, for every time she caught herself in too gay a mood, she would quickly move a hand up to cover her mouth. All of that aside, even with her regal beauty and impish, infectious smile, I always got the impression she was some walking ‘Portrait of Dorian Gray,’ where each of Jack’s infidelities was expressed as a new wrinkle or care line on her lovely face.

Karen got the two a drink and took them for a quick tour of the house.

Fashionably late as usual, Jackie was the last to arrive, and beautiful as ever. She was wearing a long black skirt that extended almost to the floor, complimented with a white, sleeveless blouse that did little to hide her ample cleavage. With her, she had brought one of the two women that I briefly met at her office.

‘William, you remember Cecilia, don’t you?’ Jackie said as she kissed me lightly on the cheek.

‘Hello, Mister Henry,’ Cecilia said nervously as she extended a hand.

‘Of course I do, welcome,’ I said taking her hand in both of mine, ‘And please call me Will.’

I didn’t recognize her at first, and then realized that she had changed her hair since I saw her last. At the DMV, she sported a short afro, but now her hair was long and straight. She was also stunning in a long, pale yellow, sleeveless dress, the color contrasting wonderfully with her deep ebony skin. Her most striking feature, however, were her light brown eyes, which sometimes radiated a deep amber color and other times a pale gold depending on how the light reflected off them.

I was about to offer them a drink and find Karen, when Karen came up beside me. I thought she was going to have an apoplexy, ‘Jackie, the party was for six! Can’t you count?’

Seeing the look on Karen’s face, Cecilia took a quick step behind Jackie, saying in almost a whisper, ‘Jackie, I don’t think this was such a good idea.’

I started to laugh, ‘Nonsense, you’re here and that’s all that matters. We’re both very happy to have you, and we have plenty of food and drink…Right dear?’ Karen grumbled an acknowledgement before I continued, ‘And this lovely person is my wife, Karen, and although you wouldn’t guess, she is really quite sweet and accommodating…Right dear?’

Karen softened when she realized her anger at Jackie was inadvertently making Cecilia uncomfortable, ‘Of course, please forgive me. I get nervous sometimes planning these parties.’ Then turning to me, she said while giving me an exasperated eye, ‘The more the merrier it would seem.’ Well, she hadn’t softened too much.

Seeing that I should separate Karen from Jackie before blows were landed, I said, ‘Karen, why don’t you take Cecilia and get her a glass of wine. Then she can help you set another place at the table.’

When Karen and Cecilia left us for the kitchen, I looked at
Jackie with my own exasperated expression.

Jackie started to defend herself with typical Jackie-babble, ‘I didn’t think you’d mind. I know you put a limit on the number of guys, but I didn’t think that included the ladies,’ she paused to give me an exaggerate wink. ‘Anyway, when I told those two nymphs at work I was coming here tonight, both of them were begging to tag along. I mean, I didn’t even say we were ‘doing’ anything tonight, so don’t worry about that…Well, maybe a little since I hinted about something to Cecilia on the way over. You know, nothing too obvious, just, ‘Robo-cock this’ and ‘Robo-cock that’ and maybe something about Karen and a strap…Anyway…You know, just to get the juices flowing,’ she winked again. ‘But really, all I said to them for sure was that I was invited to a small party of yours…Really, that was it…Anyway, before I knew it they had just about signed their pensions over to me as a…’

‘You mean she paid you?’ I asked, finally getting a word in edgewise.

She looked at me with slight indignation, ‘No! I’m just saying that I could almost make a small fortune doing this if I had a mind.’

‘Well, it sounds like if you lose your job with the DMV you can always try your hand as a pimp.’

‘Look who’s talking Mister, ‘hey Jackie, come over for a small party, wink, wink, nothin’s gonna happen but bring some lube just in case, nudge, nudge.’

Laughing, I said with mock incredulity, ‘I find that insulting, I would never tell you to bring your own lubricant. Just out of curiosity, is this the married one or the single one?’

‘She’s single!’ she said with renewed indignation, ‘What do you take me for?’ I was about to say, but she snapped, ‘Oh, shut up.’

The caterers informed me it would be a while before dinner was ready, which gave me a little time to make my pitch to Jack for Kendall’s position on a more or less one-on-one basis. Once I formally introduced everyone, we seemed to break out into two natural groups, me with the Averys, while Karen spent most of her time in a corner rubbing up against Cope, and clinging to him like cat hair to a dark suit. Jackie tended to float between us. For the most part, Cecilia tagged along with Jackie probably out of fear of being left alone with Karen.

On one such grouping, the Averys and I were making small talk with Jackie and Cecilia, when Cecilia commented on the color of Denise’s lipstick and fragrance of perfume. Denise offered to let Cecilia try some, and off the two went to the bathroom. Jackie also took the opportunity to leave Jack and me alone, saying, ‘Well, I’ll leave you two to talk shop. Besides I better get over to your wife before she drools too much on Mr. Cope.’ With that, she kissed me hard on the lips while giving my ass a little pat and a long squeeze. Then she set off toward Karen. Jack noted the overt, affectionate display, and said as he watched Jackie strike up a conversation with Karen and Mark, ‘Excuse me Will, but didn’t you say she was your cousin?’

I guessed what he was thinking, and played ignorant, ‘Jackie? She’s really Karen’s step-cousin, but we just think of her as blood relations. She’s a very fun-loving person.’

I could see the wheels turning in his head, and thought maybe I should hint to him that Karen and I were developing an open marriage, beginning to explore other ‘facets’ of what that entails. In effect, get him primed for what was to follow. However, I decided discretion with the elixir was the better part of employment, and left the matter alone. Instead, I shifted gears.

He was still eying Jackie talking with the others, when I asked, ‘Most of us in the company are wondering what you’re going to do now that Kendall has resigned.’

He smiled affably, ‘Ah, doing a little politicking for the job, eh Will?’

I shrugged my shoulders, intimating humility. He continued to smile, ‘Oh, I don’t mind. I like to see that type of aggression in my executives.’ Then his mood became more serious, ‘And to be honest, you would have been a natural to take Kendall’s place, but I have to be candid with you. The last two or three personnel reports turned in by Kendall didn’t paint you in a good light. In fact, they were down-right discouraging.’

I knew it. I knew that asshole was fucking me over behind my back. All the while he was banging Karen he was slowly sticking the knife into my career.

‘Well, Roger and I rarely saw eye-to-eye on things, and quite frankly I didn’t like the direction he was taking the accounts. Now I clearly understand why. It’s obvious that Kendall was unstable in all facets of his life—business as well as personal. Moreover, it would seem much of his instability was being pushed my way with his evaluations of my work. Now, let me be candid with you, Jack, and in all sincerity, Kendall is insane. Flat out bonkers. I would really look at any of his recommendations with a dump truck load of salt, and based on what you’re telling me now, my only regret was not saying something sooner. I held back out of some naïve aspect of loyalty, to what turned out to be an unstable and volatile supervisor.’

Jack didn’t say anything, but nodded his head in agreement. I made my final pitch, ‘Before you make a decision, just do a review of all my past and present accounts. I think you’ll see that the ones I had before Kendall took me off them were doing much better than they are now, and most of the real dogs Kendall saddled me with are improved. If you do that, I know you’ll see that all of Kendall’s decisions concerning me, and the company, were politically motivated and not good business.’

A large smile crossed Avery’s face, ‘That’s an excellent idea Will, which is why I’ve already reviewed the accounts.’ He saw my look of surprise and started laughing, ‘What, you think just because the Board makes you the boss that they remove your brain first? Once I saw what was happening I started taking a closer interest in Kendall’s division. And you’re right he was really screwing you over, and in the process screwing the company.’ He took a step toward me and took my hand, saying, ‘If I didn’t think you could run the division I would’ve accepted your invitation for tonight. I was going to tell you on Monday and make it official, but now is as good a time as any—congratulations. We’ll still need approval from the Board, but really that’s just a formality.’

I was speechless. It was about this time Karen made her way over to us, and said, ‘The caterers tell me everything is ready. We can eat anytime you like.’


Throughout the meal, I kept thinking about the irony of the situation. All the planning I had done to get the opportunity for this one evening with the boss, alone and outside the office environment.

All that planning, and in the end it was unnecessary. So much so, that I was going to forgo administering the elixir. What was the point in using it now? I had the job. Visions of another Karen and Jackie catfight and how that could affect Avery’s decision ran through my mind—or worse, visions of a Jackie, or Karen, or Cecilia, with Denise catfight, or any combination of that nightmare was making me break out in a cold sweat. No, best to let the evening die uneventful, once dinner was finished.

However, I had another thought, or really an emotion. It was coming from that dark place within me, where all feelings that lead to hubris have their beginnings. It was an uncharacteristic feeling of ruthlessness that amounted to just two words, ‘Why not?’ I felt it once before, at Kendall’s health club right before I initiated his downward spiral. Why not? Really, who would care, and if they did, what could they do to me? Nothing. If a catfight did break out, or any number of disagreements, I’d just tell the offending party to stop it. Then I’d tell them to take a cock up the ass in punishment, and they would, gleefully. I felt if anything happened, I could control it, because the hypnotic effects of the elixir would give me the po
wer. Why not, indeed! At last, I smiled to myself, reassured that I was in command of my world.

Karen and I were seated at either end of our long dining room table. The Averys sat to my left with Jack closest to me, while the other three guests occupied the opposite side of the table across from the Averys. Cecilia was to my immediate right, while Mark sat closest to Karen. Once the initial serving was completed, the caterers had left, saying they would be back the next day to clean up and take back the platters and warming pans. In the kitchen, they left two pump dispensers filled with coffee and a large, New York-style cheesecake for dessert in the refrigerator.

As dinner wound down, Jack pushed back his plate, and asked, ‘Would anyone mind if I smoked a cigar? I always like to enjoy a good smoke after a wonderful meal.’

‘Oh Jack,’ Denise said with disfavor, ‘Not in their house.’

‘Don’t worry Denise,’ said Karen, ‘Will’s been know to smoke one now and then.’

Jack offered one for me, but I declined. He held the temptation out, saying, ‘It’s a Montecristo…Hard to resist.’

Suddenly, Jackie piped in, ‘If Will doesn’t smoke it, I will.’

‘A girl after my own heart,’ Jack opined, as he clipped the end for her.

Jackie seductively leaned over the table, giving Jack a good view of her cleavage as he held the lighter for her.

‘Will, isn’t there something incredibly erotic about a woman who enjoys a good smoke,’ Jack said with a smile and a wink at Jackie.

Jackie sat back in her chair and casually puffed on her cigar, sending wispy, grayish-blue clouds of smoke toward the ceiling.

‘Absolutely,’ I said in agreement, ‘All we have to do now is put a glass of scotch in her hand and we could sell the image as a male enhancement. We could put Viagra out of business.’

I saw Denise and Karen look at each other and roll their eyes in bemusement. Denise said to Jack, ‘If I’d know that’s all it took for your attention, I would have stopped the endless miles of jogging, yoga, and calisthenics and just bought a pack of Tiparillos.’

I took that as my cue to prepare the laced coffee for dessert, ‘Is everyone in the mood for coffee and cheesecake?’

All said they would, except for Mark, who would stick to the wine, and making my job easier in denying him the elixir.

‘Karen, want to help me with the dessert while I get everyone coffee?’

With Karen preoccupied with cutting the cheesecake and serving the pieces to the guests, I found it easy to doctor the coffee cups by putting an elixir soaked flimsy into each. They dissolved instantly when I introduced the coffee.

The small talk continued between the guests as I watched for the beginning effects of the elixir. So far, none of the more onerous side effects that I had witnessed the last time had manifested themselves, except for the slight tingle at the base of my skull followed by over-exuberance in the volume and nature of the dinner talk. I was still a bit worried that the pent-up sexual frustration, leading to verbal aggression might cause problems. Particularly given there was another male added to the sexual equation.

It was about ten minutes since ingesting the drug when I noticed Jackie, almost absentmindedly, spinning her butter knife on the table. Each time she allowed the cutlery to come almost to a full stop before repeating the action, and each time she set the knife spinning, a small smile would cross her lips as if it were a private joke. Soon, the small talk died away as each of the guests turned their amused attention toward her.

Finally, Karen voiced what was on everyone’s mind, ‘Jackie, what are you doing?’

Jackie disregarded Karen’s question, and seeing that this time the knife ended up pointing directly at Denise, asked, ‘Okay Denise, truth or dare?’

I believe everyone knew of, or even participated in that old parlor game from our youths, including Denise, but she assumed a tone of faint surprise and naïveté, ‘Truth or what?’

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I'm Nick, a married mid-30's professional. I'm 5'11", in shape, tan, brown eyes, black hair. I work out to stay in shape.I was working out one night and was running late, the owner of the gym said I could stay late and finish my work-out and that Steve and Butch would be staying late to clean up and lock up. I didn't see Steve or Butch while I finished up lifting weights, but when I got to the locker room and headed for the showers, I heard the water running and figured they were cleaning up...

3 years ago
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A Semester Abroad Part 3

A Semester Abroad- Part 3 By RogerGirl Soon, two weeks had past and Sasha was beginning to fall into a rhythm. Her classes were going well and she was making several new friends. Her style had also evolved and she began feeling more comfortable showing off her body and going out with the girls in sexy dresses and heels. She had even gone with them a few times to the beach in a bikini. With Susan's help, she now had a pretty expansive female wardrobe at the apartment. While she had...

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UPS Driver

When I was 23 years old I had just moved in with my girlfriend we had dated for over a year and decided to live together.We found this little one bedroom house that was in the middle of know where and it was secluded. The last house on this dead end road no body around closest house was like a quarter mile up the road. the little house had a back deck and it was nice to sit out there after work and relax. I was working a afternoon shift and she was working her day shift . I had the house...

4 years ago
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SnatchedChapter 12

I considered us through for the day, because I could tell that Denac had done enough in his condition, even if he didn't think so. He was all set to start chopping the big tree down but I knew that it would not do a thing good for his head. It wasn't too hard to convince him we needed to take the rest of the day off. When he looked around to grab a bag to take back he was puzzled for a few seconds, since there was only the last one remaining. Shaeta and Katia had hold of it together and...

2 years ago
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I Would Do Anything I Mean Anything

I Would Do Anything, I Mean Anything By Jennifer Allison When you want something so badly and can't afford it, you would do anything to get it. That?s what happened to me and this is the story on how I came to get what I wanted. As most of you know, you can find almost anything over the Internet. It took me three years to find what I was looking for, using the computers at the city library since I couldn't afford a computer of my own. I found a website that promised it...

1 year ago
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Dost Ke Saath Mile Ke Behan Ko Chod

By : Rocking_raka Hello friends this is Mahesh from Patna, Bihar I’m reading stories here on ISS for the last 5 years or so, I love the incest and virgin section of iss the most but the section which provokes me the most is the group sex stories. I always used to wonder how it woud feel like to have group sex Anyway, I know that it’s always feels good to study the story in our own language i.e. Hindi that is why I’m trying to write this story of mine in ‘hinglish’, will be wating positively for...

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Silent Love 2

Diane and Emma had spent the rest of the second day staring at each other and stealing touches when they could. But they had no real opportunity to be close until the afternoon of the third day. After lunch was their private time. Each person was to find a place on the island away from everyone else and spend the time in quiet reflection. Counselors would make rounds around the island checking on each one of the guests and would talk quietly if someone was troubled over something. As Diane made...

4 years ago
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Aunty Mrudula8217s Domination 8211 Part I

I finished my 12th exams. I went to my uncle’s house for vacation. My uncle got a sudden call for a business tour abroad. My parents wanted me to come back as they wanted me not be a burden to my aunt Mrudula. My aunt Mrudula , requested them for my stay there as she was alone. My parents agreed. So I had to spend 1 month with my aunt. Let me introduce you guys to my aunt. She is a 39 year old, fair, tall woman about 5 8″ and is on the slimmer side. She is a very good lady, very nice to...

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Step mom and son

Phoenix, Your dad had to go out of town again on business. So it will be just us this weekend. Sorry, I know you were looking forward to going camping. See you at 6.EnaI read and reread the note from my stepmom. I was pissed that my dad cancelled on me again. I didn't understand why he even promised anything anymore. I crumpled the paper and threw it in the trash. The only good thing was that I did like my new step mom. She was nice and always took care of me. How she ended up with my dad was...

2 years ago
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Christmas at Hawkwood

Dear readers, this story was written by me and my partner Midnitehawk. I hope you enjoy our story. I am sure our love and lust for each other shines thru into the story. Please write and let me know what you think and I will show all mail to Ian. We love to receive feedback on our stories. * * * * * The kitchen smelt of apple and blackberry pie. Heat, from the oven, pervaded the whole room. It felt like Fran had been cooking all day. A streak of white gashed her forehead, and she swept some...

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The Seventh Slave

The house was big and imposing, in fact she wouldn’t even call it a house, it was more like a mansion. The dark brick walls rose high up in the air, the shiny windows mirroring the swirling winter clouds, a drop of rain fell onto her cheek. She brushed it off and walked up the marble ramp, next to the stairs. A fluttering butterfly in her tummy as she stood in front of the big wooden doors. She rang the doorbell and a moment later both the heavy doors swung open and exposed a shiny marble...

3 years ago
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Lucky Jim 3 Cajun and GatorChapter 28

Friday March 11 As usual, I was up before sunrise. The problem was that there wasn’t any place to go, so I settled for the main deck where I went through my forms. I began jogging around the deck when I finished. Nearing the stern, I was surprised to find two of the crew fishing. “Would you like to join us?” one of them asked. “I’d love to fish, but not that way. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” I replied, and then made my way below to where the helicopter was housed. Our Security’s grav...

1 year ago
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Danis New Life Chap 2

It was the rich aroma of fresh coffee that brought Dani Evans back to consciousness early in the morning after her life-altering experience. The twenty-eight year-old corporate attorney stretched like one of her kittens, her muscles responding and her body waking to the smell of breakfast and the sound of soft conversation in the background. Opening her eyes, she saw Alan Jacobs, the new Director of Sales for the same company that employed Dani as their VP of Legal Affairs and in-house counsel,...

4 years ago
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You Cant Be Serious

Mildred sat in the corner of the bar, nursing a drink. She came here when her loneliness, and the inability of her fingers and dildo to satisfy her, reached a critical point. She’d been here before but had been pretty much ignored. She just had to try it again. Most women who are trying to get picked up will make a greater effort to look attractive than she did. She hadn’t got her hair fixed or worked very hard on her makeup or even worn a top that showed off rather nice breasts. Her natural...

2 years ago
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Sexual Encounter With A Maid In Mumbai

Hi readers, I am back with a new experience in Mumbai with a maid. For new readers and those who do not know me, I am sai. I am studying in NIT Trichy, 24 and doing massage as I like to give pleasure and have fun while doing it. I have explored many girls, aunties, and couples too and provided fun to them. I received many emails regarding my stories from many readers. Thanks to all of you. Now coming to the experience, I had to go to Mumbai for a project. So, I searched for accommodation and...

3 years ago
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Little Sisters Dilemma Part IV Conclusion

This is a work of fiction. I've done some research to get most of my facts correct. I've enjoyed both writing this series, and developing a plausible storyline. Any similarities between this story and persons alive or dead is purely coincidental. Mind you, if the opportunity ever arose . . . ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [b]Little Sister’s Dilemma - Part...

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First time in a dark parking lottrue story

First Parking lot experience Since it was warm, I put on my knee length buttons up front dress, sexy panties, no bra, thigh high black stockings and black pumps. We went to nice restaurant by the beach, had a few drinks and talked about what we were going to do. Rick said to me. “We came here to see how you feel about getting fucked by a stranger with me watching.” “Yes, I know. You know I have been fucked, sucked, I have given blowjobs, and been fucked up the ass a lot of times in my teens...

3 years ago
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Dark Encounter

Chapter 1 Elizabeth Morris waited patiently on the bus steps as the man in front fumbled for change. She wished she had brought her car. However difficult it was finding a parking place in the University staff car park it was better than this on a rainy November night. Slowly she moved with the other passengers along the aisle of the dimly lit crowded bus. She clutched one of the vertical metal bars as the driver let out the clutch and the bus lurched forward. 'Oh! I'm so sorry. I......

1 year ago
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Sorority Tutor part 4

Sorority Tutor, part 4, by Linda_C The sorority was having so much fun that they had another drawing the next night, and the choices were to wear bras all the time, to shave his body completely, or to wear a corset all the time. To him it was no contest - shave his body. He was not going to ever wear a bra, let alone a corset! Deep down he knew it was a matter of time, but he still hoped they'd tire of this. Maybe after the holiday break... He had to admit the sorority helped him out...

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ElenaMy Love Part 3

I decided to be patient and see what she was about to do. Elena made a right turn and entered a motel named Paradise motel.“I'll be right back." She said, getting out of the car. She went into the office where there was an older guy, probably in his early forties, standing at the reception desk. I don't know what happened, but the guy winked at Elena as he handed the keys to her. Elena came running out and got into the car. Instead of putting the car in reverse, she drove forward into the...

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Expo Summer Part 04 Friends Will be Friends

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between this story and any actual person, living or dead, is coincidental. Besides, if you were in this story, would you want to cop to it publicly? The story contains mature subject matter. It may contain adult situations and/or language. If you're not old enough to legally read this (and you know who you are), then get out of here before it's too late. You've been warned. Permission is granted to archive or re-post this story as...

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John Watsons Insane Story

"Damn!"John Watson, popular young college professor, groaned as an errant ribbon of cum arched over the safety net of toilet tissue in his lap and landed directly on the mouth of a big-breasted Penthouse magazine model whose picture had been the focus of his fantasy. More and more of late, John found himself stroking his own cock in attempt to satiate his horniness. His almost perpetual state of arousal was taking a toll on his mental health.It started with the daily parade of lithe young...

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My Aunt Jessie had been threatening for several weeks to call me over to her house for me to give her another massage after I'd massaged both her and Mom with baby oil in our back yard one afternoon and she finally did it. I got home from work and was showering in the mud room when, as usual, I heard Mom call out, "That you, Hut?"Like always when I looked toward the door, there was Mom with a light robe on today - she must not have been hot enough in the house to strip down like she often did -...

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The Island Chpt 6 Part 1

Chapter 6 Mr. Rabin let go one of his finer sighs. ‘Is most difficult c***d,’ he pronounced, and moved back into the fray. Pettie Corbin’s legs were becoming lividly bruised. The cane upon the leg is quite wicked. She would have fared better naked. The pursuer got in another pair of stingers before. the fleeing girl considered the wisdom of an armistice. Backing away and furiously tugging at her handcuffs she kept a frightened eye on the quivering cane and demanded sulkily: ‘Alright then,...

2 years ago
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Sunita was from an upper middle class Indian American family. Her family was well respected in the community, as many of her relatives had been working in good positions in the local administration and business. This made her dreams of higher studies a little easier to achieve, as there were many of her own relatives would give her better opportunities to satisfy her requirements. Since she had completed schooling, she became interested in law and dreamt of becoming an attorney someday. But...

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MilfBody Sofie Marie Spying On Some Thighs

Sophie Marie is a banging hot MILF stepmom, so you can not really blame her stepson for being a horndog when she is around. He sneaks over to her room to peek in and spy on her while she is getting dressed. Then, when she makes her way down to the gym, he watches her work her body from a distance. The way her long legs move, her huge tits, her fat ass, all make him go crazy. Finally, when she is all sweaty and glistening, she lets him know she is aware of his spying. He comes out, and she...

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Archaeology Research Yields Ch 01

Chapter 1: The Tome is found I was doing my internship for archaeology on a couple of islands on the Pacific rim. While it wasn’t the most glorious or lucrative of career choices, it was something that I did get simple pleasure of. Finding artifacts and piecing together the lives of people many generations past did interest me and give me satisfaction. It would also afford me the ability to travel the world and see many things most people would only dream of seeing in one lifetime, such as the...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 102

From dorsetmike‎ short and sweet. Seen on a nun’s gravestone: Returned unopened An April Fool Day contribution by mixerman478‎ Defense Attorney: Will you please state your age? Little Old Lady: I am 86 years old. Defense Attorney: Will you tell us, in your own words, what happened the night of April 1st? Little Old Lady: There I was, sitting there in my swing on my front porch on a warm spring evening, when a young man comes creeping up on the porch and sat down beside me. Defense...

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A question

I have come up with a little challenge and would like to see some answers take a minute to read this and answer The challenge is below This is listed in several languages here:1. EnglishThis is a little fantasy of mineIf I give myself to you for a full 24 hrs what would you do?Use your imagination nothing is to taboo ( keep,in mind it's a male)Please people answer in comments (everyone's view points welcomed I look forward to reading answers)I now challenge people to post the same and see what...

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Shift Happens Hannah and Tom

Shift Happens: Hannah and Tom by Kaitlyn Autofield ****An hour before the Great Shift**** "Nice place you got here," Tom began flattering Silvia as they walked into her apartment, "You'll have to forgive Jake. ?He just got out of a relationship." "Well," said Silvia, "he certainly has taken Kiara's fancy." "Kiara seems to take every man's fancy," Hannah muttered trying to get Tom's attention, "And I wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple women in the mix." "Hannah!"...

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Karens Birthday Surprise

Karen had been divorced for six months and in that time, apart from work and shopping, she hadn't been out. As it was soon to be Karen's birthday, her daughter Gemma decided it was time she did.Gemma took Karen shopping to buy a new dress, underwear, et cetera. Although Karen was very reluctant, when she got dressed on the night, she did feel quite sexy.The doorbell rang. It was Gemma and her boyfriend in a taxi come to pick her up. The night consisted of moving from bar to bar, drinking...

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Early RetirementChapter 13

Ruth and I came together with my hot cum flooding her rectum. She remained mounted while we watched. Harold turned around on Gina making her moan from the friction. They remained together tied by his knot in her butt. Finally, after trying at different times, it popped out. He walked off to a corner and began to lick his cock and balls. Gina lay on the ottoman worn from her harsh butt fucking by the big dog. James went over to Carol who was sucking on Rob's cock after it had shot a load into...

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TMKOC 8211 Goa Ka Trip 8211 Part 2 Daya ka sarke pallu Bagha ne usse choda

Pichli mein aapne padha, ki kaise Jethalal aur Madhavi ne train ke luggage compartment mein maze se chudai kari. Ab thoda peeche chalte hai flashback mein. Sab log gaadiyon mein baith kar station ke liye nikalne waale the. Daya ne aaj yellow saree pehni thi, uske sath blouse bhi yellow hi tha. Uska blouse deep-cut tha, to uski mastani cleavage dikh rahi thi. Cleavage mein uska latakta hua mangalsutra dekh kar to kisi ka bhi mann dol sakta tha. Jab Jethalal client se milne chala gaya, to...

2 years ago
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Sleeping Sean

"Seven!!" I yelled, laughing and waving as I climbed onto my bus. I sat down in my usual seat and put in my headphones. I was looking forward to going over to Ashley's house tonight. It had been a particularly stressful week with school and I really needed some fun. And as an added bonus, Ashley had a brother two years older than us that was super hot! Sean was always really nice and I never thought of him sexually until I accidentally walked in on him as he was getting out of the shower....

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I watched Toby sleep. My sixteen-year-old son slept naked these days and was only half-covered by a sheet and the bedspread, his bare back and one leg exposed. He lay on his tummy, his head on the pillow, his mouth open a quarter inch as he breathed. It reminded me of when I was his age, asleep in my room, dreaming sixteen-year-old girl dreams.That’s now twenty-one years ago. I remembered it like this:“Daddy?” I mumbled. My head was foggy with sleep. He had just, barely, woken me up.“Hey, baby...

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Sin BravelyChapter 5

"Breaking Up!" I giggled. "With an exclamation point even. Wow." "You shouldn't read that stuff," Sofia said, shaking her head at me. "Where did you find it?" "In the restroom," I told her. "Listen ... An unnamed source close to Broken Window frontman Jessie Robbins confirmed that the rocker and longtime gal-pal Cindy are having difficulties and may have called their romance quits ... A gal-pal? Is that what I am? God!" "Cindy..." Sofia rolled her eyes. She really tried hard...

4 years ago
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Forgiveness DeniedChapter 2

I tried, really tried, to write frequently and send little 3 inch audio tapes at regular intervals. However, on January 21 ‘68 Khe Sanh started the six month siege and on January 30th the Tet Offensive began. The main offensive lasted two months, but so-called mini Tets were also launched in May and August. We were flying 18 hours a day and remained on station off the coast of Viet Nam for 60 day line periods separated by five days in Cubi Point for R and R. The sailors called it S and F for...

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