Occasions that started to happen
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
I switched my bookbag from one hand to the other every half block, then every quarter block, then every couple of steps, because the drawstring was cutting my fingers. The walk home felt endless. The whole way all I thought about was sex. I hadn’t figured out much. Touching myself was bad, but nothing ever felt so good. Father Ransom said sex is only for marriage and babies. Then he made me put his penis in my mouth. Sister Margaret Gabriel said it’s her job to mold me into a good Christian woman. Then she kissed my feet and played with herself. Fuck is a bad word, but Sister said it. Then she said she was bad, but I don’t think she felt any real contrition.
When I passed the poster shop, I had to put my bag down and rest a few minutes. The palms of my hands were red, and there were white welts on my fingers. Who knew a grammar-school education could hurt so much? I stood in the blue shadow of the building and looked in the window. They had a new display there. It was a record album on a little tripod, surrounded by some crazy-looking brass pipes were so small they wouldn’t hold more than a crumb of tobacco. The album was called How to Strip for Your Husband. The cover showed a woman holding a long red veil under her chin. It hung down the middle of her body, between her legs. It hid everything, but you could tell she was naked behind it, because you could see the sides of her bare boobs and her bare hips, and, below them, the pale stripe where she’d taken off her bottom. The idea of taking off my clothes for a man made me light-headed. It would be OK if we were married, though. That’s why the album said stripping for your husband. I could take off my bra and panties, and my husband could watch me. Then he’d take his clothes off, and we’d kiss and — what?
I wanted to know what, and right there, across the street, on the corner of my block, stood the way out of my vincible ignorance.
The big regional library still felt new. It still smelled new. I was in second or third grade when it opened. They call it state-of-the-art, and it’s always made me think of the Space Age. It’s clean and modern, all gray planes and sharp angles, with two-story windows that rise from the sidewalk. I used to spend a lot of time downstairs in the children’s department. Now they let me upstairs because I got my adult card this year.
Time to use it.
The information wasn’t easy to find. Once I got inside, I went up to nonfiction on the top floor, put my bag down under a table in the reading area, and wandered through the stacks. I was too timid to ask for help, and I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for. So I wasted time, getting lost among the high shelves, like trying to find my way through a maze, hoping a title would jump out at me.
I was in the section on the Civil War when a voice behind me said, “May I help you, Miss?”
I felt like I’d been caught shoplifting. I knew the next question was going to be, “And what do you think you’re doing, young lady?”
But all the gray-haired lady said was, “You’ve been looking around awhile. Do you need help finding something?” She could have been my Aunt Betty, asking if I wanted a cookie, except this lady was Jewish. She was wearing a gold Hebrew letter around her neck.
“I, uh...”
“Take your time.”
“Do you have anything... ?”
“We have a lot of things.”
“On sex?”
“You mean sex education?”
“Yes, Ma’am. It’s for school.”
Which was kind of true.
“Back this way,” she said.
I saw now why I hadn’t found anything. The sex books were in a bookcase behind Aunt Betty’s desk. I guess they kept them there to prevent kids from sneaking peeks.
“You should find what you’re looking for here. If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to ask. There’s also the card catalog.”
She sat down with her back to me and let me look for myself. No questions. Nothing about sin, or the sanctity of marriage, or why a Catholic school would send one of their students to look up stuff about sex. Was that because she was a librarian, or because she wasn’t Catholic?
There were more titles than I expected, right out in the open. There was Sex Talk, and The Sexual Revolution, and Sex: Myths and Realities. There was The Anatomy of Sex and Sex: The Vital Force. Sex This and Sex That.
I picked one called The ABCs of Sex, by Dr. Judith I. Weisberg. It sounded basic, which was what I wanted, and I figured if it was written by a woman, she’d know what girls go through.
I took it back to my table. The reading area is a high balcony that overlooks the main level, with bright skylights overhead. I sat down facing out and started to read. The book was laid out like an encyclopedia, in alphabetical order. I looked up vagina, masturbation, and penis. There was even an entry on feet that said See fetishes.
What blew me away was that there was a word for everything. Everything I did, everything I felt in the past two days had a name. My button is my clitoris. Those incredible peaks are called orgasms, and having an orgasm is called getting off, or coming. When a man puts his penis in your mouth, it’s called is fellatio, or oral sex. It turns out there’s oral sex for women, too, which is called cunnilingus, a long word that I had to practice pronouncing. Cunnilingus, cunnilingus — just saying it to myself made me feel fluttery.
“Class, take out a piece of loose-leaf paper.” That’s what Sister says before a test. I took a piece out now and covered it, front and back. Then I started on another. I could have borrowed the book, but that would be harder to smuggle into the house, and if mom ever found it, she’d send me right back to Father Ransom for another blow job (new word).
The more I read, and wrote, the tighter my panties felt. I looked around. Aunt Betty’s desk was hidden around the corner of a bookcase, and there was no one else nearby. So I lifted my butt off the seat and reached under my skirt. It was a relief to peel the damp cotton off my crotch and feel the air between my legs. I sat down again and went back to my studies, scribbling with one hand and inching my underwear down my legs with the other, one side at a time.
I was jotting down the word “lesbian” when Lisa Della Robbia tapped me on the shoulder.
“Jeez Louise!”
“What, did I scare you?” she asked.
A shhhh flew over from the librarian’s desk.
“Sorry,” Lisa said in a whisper. “What are you reading?”
“Nothing,” I whispered back. I shut the book, with the back cover facing up, and folded my arms over it.
“No, come on, what?”
She tried to peek at the book, but all she could see through my arms were Dr. Weisberg’s face and the words “A complete, uncensored guide...”
“Nothing,” I repeated. “How come you’re here?”
“Looking for this...”
She laid a copy of The Diary of Anne Frank on the table.
“Sister Margaret confiscated my copy.”
I never read it, so I didn’t know what Sister thought was wrong with it, but it’s always a mistake to bring outside reading to school.
Not that I was surprised Lisa did. She’s the smartest girl in class, and one of the two smartest kids. She and Eddie Szywicki have been competing for grades since for as long as any of us can remember. One report card, his average is a point or two above hers. The next one, the standings are reversed. Both of them always have their hands up in class.
Lisa sat down next to me, still curious about The ABCs of Sex. She’s not pretty, really. She’s what grownups call striking. She has dark, deep-set eyes, heavy eyebrows and black hair that she parts down the middle and pins behind her ears with barrettes. Mostly what she has, though, is big tits. She was the first girl in our class to wear a bra, back in fifth grade. She was still wearing her uniform, like me, and she was wearing something else ― something I’d noticed before but never paid much attention to.
“Did Father Ransom give you that?” I asked.
We touched our medals at the same time. We didn’t say any more about them, but they became an instant bond between us. I wondered what she did to earn hers. Without a word, she slid the book out from under my arm, and I let her. Father Ransom’s Miraculous Medal Girls didn’t have any secrets.
“Why’re you looking at this?” she asked me, flipping it open.
“I don’t know anything.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Just what stuff is called.”
“Have you ever done anything?”
“You mean with a boy?”
“Or anything.”
“No,” I lied. I was very aware of my panties, which at the moment were wrapped around my knees. Very nonchalantly, while Lisa leafed through the book, I propped my chin on my hand, pretending I was looking at it too, and with my other hand under the table, I tried to work my panties down my legs, but they were too tangled up, and they wouldn’t drop.
Lisa had the book open to a drawing of a vagina that had all the parts labeled. She traced one finger around what was called the labia, and then down what was called the perineum to the anus and all around again. She pressed the clitoris like a buzzer, so hard the skin under her fingernail turned white.
“I’d never let a boy touch me there,” she said.
“You have to when you get married.”
“I’m not getting married.”
“How come?”
“I don’t like boys.”
“Why not?”
“Because they’re disgusting. All they do is talk about ... you know.”
“You mean your tits?”
The word sent us both into giggles.
“Shhh!” she said.
“Do boys like your tits?” I said.
“They like them too much.”
“At least you have tits.”
“Stop saying tits!”
We pressed our hands to my mouth. The laughs backed up and sputtered out our noses. It was fun, like we were five years old. Sister says bad words are a sin against the Second Commandment. But the Second Commandment says, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” What do tits have to do with God? And besides, she said “fuck,” so who cares?
Somewhere during our little fit, Lisa put her hand under the table and tapped my bare thigh. I don’t have to tell you what she felt down there. Her pinkie grazed the waistband. Then she moved down until her whole hand rested on the sweaty crotch. Her face went blank, and she pulled in her chin and screwed her eyes down. Then she smirked and plucked the elastic like a rubber band. It snapped against my leg.
“Getting warm down there?” she whispered.
I had no answer to that.
“Do you touch yourself?”
I had no answer to that, either.
“Come on,” she said. “I won’t laugh.”
“Only a couple times,” I said, like that made a difference. “What about you?”
“Were you gonna do it here?”
“Uh-uh. They were just uncomfortable.”
“How’re you gonna get ‘em back on?”
I could see that would be a challenge. There was no way to stand up and pull them over my hips without exposing my bare butt to the reading room — and while we’d been talking, an old guy had sat down behind us with a magazine. So I did the next best thing: I reached down and slid them all the way off. It was a struggle to get my clunky shoes through the leg holes, and I thought I heard the cloth rip, but finally I managed to pull them free and stuff them in my pocket.
“There!” I said.
“You take chances,” Lisa said.
I was smoothing my skirt just as the librarian came around the corner.
“Are you girls all right?” she said. It wasn’t a question. “This is a place for study, and I’ll have to ask you two to keep it down.”
“Sorry, ma’am,” I said.
“We should go,” Lisa said.
I folded up my notes and put The ABCs of Sex in the re-shelving bin while Lisa picked up our bags from the floor. As I passed the old guy, I noticed the magazine he had was Playboy, which they have, but you have to ask for it. I was afraid to look at what he was doing under his table.
What is it with everybody and sex?
Lisa and I went downstairs with Aunt Betty giving us a smile and a nod. Lisa checked out her book, and we were hardly out the glass doors when she said to me, “You gonna put them back on?”
“Out here? Besides, who’s gonna see?”
“How’s it feel?”
“Why don’t you try it for yourself?”
“Nowhere to do it.”
Two days later I got my period, and that’s the first time I realized I could have gotten pregnant. I swear, it never entered my head until then. I was in the bathroom, putting the pad in my underwear, when I suddenly went cold all over. I was so relieved, but I was scared, too — scared because if I let a boy put his thing in me again, I could in big trouble. And I wanted a boy to put his thing in me again. I went to my room and, taking my rosary beads out of my top drawer, I knelt down...
I want a basement just like Eddie’s — only maybe without the pictures from the space program and the Patton and 2001 posters. Eddie said he and his dad did it together as a way to get closer after his mom passed away. They paneled the walls with white pine and put in a drop ceiling. He’s got an old mahogany desk, a red, ‘50s-style couch with skinny wooden legs and a kidney-shaped coffee table in front of it, and a chocolate-colored rug. He can watch TV if he wants, even though it’s just an...
I was naked, except for a pair of white socks and a thick charm bracelet around my waist. The bracelet had a Miraculous Medal the size of a throw pillow hanging from one side, I remember, and a pink plastic horse hanging from the other. I was leaning on Sister Margaret’s arm, and she walked me slowly up and down the aisles. The kids all had their hands folded and their eyes on the front of the room. They didn’t look at me. Sister warned them there’d be trouble if they did. Nobody said...
Nothing happened to me this time. No questions, no whipping. Mr. Szywicki told us kids to get dressed, again. We waited in the hall while he talked to Father and Sister with the door closed. Then he drove me and Lisa home and went off with Eddie. He didn’t say anything the whole time we were in the car. Nothing happened to Sister, either. Next day, we were all back in class as though nothing had happened, though she barely looked at us the whole last couple weeks of school. But Father...
I looked at my sister in startled amazement. She had, sort of, in round about words, just offered to have sex with me. I think. I stared at her. She blushed slightly and dropped her gaze to the floor. "I'll see you tomorrow then," she whispered. "Uh. Okay, yeah tomorrow." I managed to say. I turned and left, walking down the garden path towards my car, not seeing anything around me, just hearing her words over and over again in my mind. "Okay then, why not tomorrow," she had...
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Hi friend mera naam`Rohit sharma h,me south delhi me rehta hu ,me b.a 2nd year me hu or me iss ka fan hu me 3month se iss ka readers hu,aaj me apni asli story likhne ja rha hu qki mene iss par kai jano apni kahani likhi to me b likh rha hu,ye meri pehli story hor mera first time h likhne ka to mistake ho to najarandaj krdena,or kisi b delhi ki ladki ,bhabhi or aunty ko mere sath sex karna ho to muje email kare , ye sab baate hamare bich me hi top secret rahegi. Ye story meri girl frnd or meri...
I stood in the doorway watching him. He was sitting in his office, feet on the desk drinking coffee and finishing the last of his bagel with hungry bites. It was a little past 7 in the morning, and the rest of the English building was quiet. The newspaper sat unread on his desk, he preferred to gaze out the window. I smiled to myself as I realized that he was busy watching the female students walking by. His eyes were out on stalks as an extremely attractive brunette strolled past the window...
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Meri makan malkin jyoti ek bahut sexy aurat thi par moti thi.Uski umra 35 saal hai.Uska size 40″34″40″ hai. Uske pati smart aur handsome hain aur ek factory mein officer hain.Main aur meri biwi sugandha ek saal pehle unke yahan rahne aaye the. Meri biwi ek nihayat hi khubsurat aur masum aurat hai.Uski umra 26 saal ki hai.Lekin wo dikhti bis se jyada ki nahin hai.Uski size 34″28″34″ hai.Rasile hoth,kasi chuchiyan aur ubhare hue gaand ,masum nigahen ,madmast chaal,dilkash awaj kisi ka bhi land...
I pulled my cock out of her cunt and slapped her ass cheek, barely noticing my cum sliding out of her used hole to join the pool between her knees. I motioned with my chin to one of the guys waiting and he knelt behind her where I had been. I grabbed a towel and cast a passing glance at his cock as he slipped inside her, forcing out the rest of my load with his fat cock. I heard her groan around the guy fucking her mouth and snorted a laugh as I wiped myself off. Her moan was cut off by a...
Well it has been a few months since Jason and I first started fooling around. It has been great swapping hand jobs and blow jobs whenever we feel the need. It usually happens when we are watching the game in his basement. A few beers in we usually start with stroking then taking turns blowing each other. When I was curious, I had a feeling I would really love having a cock in my mouth, but to actually have one is one hundred times better.One of my favorite things to do is getting started before...
If Kacie had known her husband would become so damn irritating, she definitely would have stayed single. Its the same thing every day. All he talks about is work and its one complaint after another after another. You’d think she was a therapist, not a wife, the way he expects her to always say the right things to make him feel better. And its funny that he always expects her to listen to him when he never listens to her or attends to her needs. Kacie hasn’t been properly fucked in...
xmoviesforyouNote to readers: I might have named my female lead ‘Jillian’, but I like the look of the alternative ‘Gillian’ and its separation from its male form Julian. The pronunciation is the same, just as with the word, ‘ginger,’ and the name of American actress Gillian Anderson. The familiar form, ‘Gilly’ is similarly pronounced like ‘Jilly.’ Please enjoy, as you are able. ***** Gillian gives me her most precious gift. Chapter 02, Part 1 of 2: Gilly (Gillian) became a mystery to me after our...
Dedicated to fellow writer Clarise. Dear reader, this non-erotic short story is my first attempt at writing humor. If you want a little chuckle read on and then leave a comment to let me know what you think of my effort. If you are looking for something a little more sexually salacious, you might want to look at another offering and then come back when you are in the mood for humor. In support and in solidarity, I dedicate this story to my friend and fellow writer, Clarise, who recently had...
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⁃ Yoga... My name is Padma. Actually it's a much longer name but most Americans can't pronounce it, and when they can they want to follow it by telling me about how their aunt is Indian, or how they like Indian food, or their latest trip to India, so I just prefer not to go there. I'm twenty seven years old. I was born in England. My parents were born in the South of India. They moved to England so they could make more money. That's where I was born. I'm English....
This story is fictional and this is my first story. enjoy I was really nervous about tonight. My boyfriend and I were going to make love for the first time tonight. He had had sex before, but I was a virgin. I am 18 and he is 18 years old. He is Aussie, blonde and a surfer with a tanned, toned body. We have been dating for about 6-7 months now and asked my a few days ago that he would like to have sex with me. We organized it for tonight at his apartment, and I am already on the pill so we do...
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xmoviesforyouChapter One Lexi squealed, hardly containing her excitement. She grabbed my arm and gave it a light squeeze. ‘Oh my gosh, Olivia! I am, like, so excited! What are your resolutions for this vacation?’ She peered at me over her sunglasses, even though we were inside the airplane already. ‘Hmm… my plans are to fuck at least 3 guys in this whole vacations,’ I calmly stated. I looked at Lexi to see her bored expression. ‘What? Oh c’mon, you perfectly know that I’m gonna change my mind anyways.’ ...
Hi…Mera naam hai altaf meri age abhi 23 saal hi hai aur mein mumbai ka rehna wala hu….aaj mein aap ko ek saachi kahani batane jaa raha hu jo mere saath hoyi ….Mera body description hai … meri height 5’5 aur mera Lund karib 6’8 Inch kaa hai. Meri Ammi ki Age abhi 42 hai…aur mere Dad ki Age 51 hai aur woh Dock mein kaam karte hai … is liye woh zyaadtar din ghar ke bahar ki rehte hain .. Meri Ammi ka Figure hai 39-30-42 … gora badan …. aur woh hamesh Saari hi pehnti hai ….Mein bachpan se hi bahut...
Evening of Friday 15th June 2018 The pretty forty-something dancer gave me a smile that immediately set my heart running. There was something about the mix of coy nervousness and the knowing wantonness of her profession that I found intoxicating and hypnotic. At that moment my chest and my cock were filled with desire for this intriguing Latina, so much older than most of the other dancers and yet still maybe five or ten years my junior.I felt guilty staring at her body, but the way her...
Wife LoversIt was a Friday….I was working in my home-office, when the phone rang. It was Wayne calling to tell me he’d just landed a big new client and he wanted to celebrate. “Keri….I had a fantastic day….Jack and I just landed a huge client….we’re thinking we’d like go out and bask in our success for a while….wanna come with?” Jack was Wayne’s business partner, and the two of them usually teamed up when it came to pursuing new clients. “Hon, that’s wonderful! Sure, what did you have in mind?” He...
Valerie's head jerked around in surprise but she was not the sort of woman who was easily embarrassed and, seeing that Wood was grinning and that he had a big cock-bulge in his crotch, she shrugged. Cindy was mortified at having been caught sucking a cunt and the girl blushed deeply as she looked at the game warden across one of Valerie's head-embracing thighs. Still, she didn't know him, nor he her, and it wasn't as awful as if she had been caught by someone she knew. And she too...
Chapter Four – Unfaithful Once Again During her morning shower, Laura realized she had a problem. 'Today is Thursday,' she thought out loud, and then added silently, I promised Greg lunch. Even worse, I promised to wear those sexy things for him. I don’t really want to do lunch with Greg today, Dan seems so vulnerable. How do I get out of here today wearing those things? I can’t let Dan see them. Greg will want to see them, I know he will. I’ll be lucky to get away with a simple blow job under...
CuckoldTHE ESCORT A multi Chapter Story Signing with an exclusive escort service, almost immediately afterwards offered an extended three month tour arranged for cruise ships specializing in wealthy clients in the Middle East, Amy eagerly accepts? With visions of wealth in her head. Transportation arranged as part of the initial agreement binding her to the contract, immediately upon arrival her unexpectedly short, harried training regiment takes on a darker, sinister cast as she’s forced...
Jon watched his neighbor girl in her tight shirt with the huge tits. He wanted her so bad. He loved big tits a lot and remembered his first seduction by his mom's friend when he was just fifteen. He had gone to her house to take back some books for his mom and she was wearing a low cut top with no bra and her huge tits straining against the material. She saw him staring at her tits and she grabbed him and put his hand inside her top over one of the huge globes. He rubbed and gripped and played...
“I really need new shoes? These are falling totally apart.” I told my husband.“Why don’t you go looked for some new ones?” he said.“You are right! I hadn’t bought a new pair of shoes in two years. It is very hard to teach my aerobics class with this pair.” I said.I had the day off so I decided to go to the mall to look for some new shoes. I had figured their was several shoe stores in the mall and I was sure I would find a pair. I put on my summer dress since it was a very hot day outside and...
Quickie SexFrom behind me, another voice chipped in, it was Jackie “It’s all good, Brigit. Ol’ Monster Dick here did exactly what Crystal wanted, and ended up having to carry her to a bath because she couldn’t walk when she was done. She told me she asked for what she got, and wanted a lot more than she could take.” Jackie was laughing and leaned against me from behind, her arms around my neck and her chin on my shoulder, she was standing on a higher step, so she could comfortably lean against my...
An original story by Starrynight. Despite petty attempts to keep me from posting further, methodically negatively rating my long time high rated stories (no speculation here, I received very clear responses and messages), here is the next chapter. Thanks to all those you continue to read my stories, rate them, and a special thanks to all who take the time to comment. I hope you enjoy. The bedroom was warm and stuffy as the late morning sun shone in through the windows. Lisa stirred in...
As I massaged her shoulders I was telling her how much I liked touching her, and apologizing with humorous insincerity for my inability to keep my hands to myself. She accepted my apologies with laughing graciousness and did nothing to discourage me. Even though it was fairly dark, there were other people not too far off so I pointed at the silhouette of some trees near the shore and said I wanted to go over there. She agreed and laughed a little nervously when I picked her up in my arms...
THE SLAVE WHISPERER By Latex ConservativeDISCLAIMER: the use of names and references here is strictly coincidental. Written July 15, 2009THE SLAVE WHISPERER: PROLOGUE - Pilot EpisodeIt may have been night, and the town car may have been black, but anyone that had spotted it would have noted right away it did not belong in this quiet, suburban neighborhood of single floor and two story houses. It appeared to be a Cadillac, but it was not: it was rather unique, designed by somebody, built by...
Have you ever thought back to an event in your life and wished you had changed the outcome? Recently, I did just that. When I was much, much younger, I took a job at a major research university in the Midwest. One of the first things I had to do after taking the job was to hire an Administrative Assistant.Margaret was a feisty redhead, in her mid-thirties, with two small kids, and in the process of getting divorced from an abusive husband. She appeared competent. Not the best-qualified person...
Office SexI am Kevin (name changed but rest all name are real). I am 26 years old living in uk, but i spent most of my life in india as my parents had a business there. I am originally from a town in gujarat. I am 5’11”, well athletic built though i don’t have 6 abs, brown eyes (friends says i have amazing eyes), black navy cut hairs and a 6 inch penis. My friends think abt me that i am not that handsome but a good charmer and can get girls with my talks, well i have never believed this though. The story...
Whe I first got my liscense my parents told me that if I got a speeding ticket they would have my liscense until 18. So when I was going a good 15 over, and those blue lights came on in my rear view mirror, I freaked out so bad I almost wrecked. When the officer came to my window, I began crying, saying I could not get a ticket, or my parents would ground me from driving, and begged and begged, saying I would do anything to just get out of the ticket, and never go over the limit again! He said...
First Fuck After French Exam***This is a true story and is as much as I can remember, but seeing as it was more than 15 years ago, I might have missed out a few details***My friend John and I had just finished our written French exam. It was barely 12.30 in the afternoon and we had no reason to remain at the school. We began walking home together as we shared part of the route and got to talking about our girlfriends. I had recently split from this dumb, fugly girl who I had only been with...
I lived near a big city and heard about a street at the edge of town that was business and a lot of apartment buildings and a lot of gay men hung out there and one day I decided to see if it was true. I took the bus to the end of the line. It was still light out and I walked around for a long time and saw nothing to make me believe there was any truth to the stories I heard. Soon it became dark and I noticed several men walking kind of slow like and retracing their steps. I walked past one of...
I awoke the next morning at sunrise, finding my woody already up and standing over me, waiting impatiently while letting go a strand of drool from its lips. As I gave it a few loving strokes, I said, “Damn. I guess you miss the twins, don’t you fella.” It responded by throbbing a few times, and I was tempted to continue. I sighed, “Nope. Don’t have any love juice to waste. Sorry boy, but you’ll thank me later.” “Finally,” Joey said from the bottom bunk. “It’s about time you woke up. I’m...
Introduction: A lesbian incest affair This was edited by Nivek_88. All credit should go to him. Hello. My name is Karin Kurosaki and I have problem. Lately I have been having strange feelings for my twin sister, Yuzu. I dont know when it started, but since it did it wont go away. We are both 12 years old, about 410, black hair, blue eyes, and a chest that is just starting to form. It scares me, because every time I look at her now my heart skips a beat and I get these strange feelings between...
AVN’s Best New Starlet Jill Kassidy returns to JJV to get double teamed by Jules & Jessy. Fresh off her win, Jill is here to show us why she beat out all the other new whores to wear the crown as Best New Starlet. She’s teasing us in her baby blue lingerie with matching stockings and high heels as she waits on the bed for her horny cocksmen. Jules & Jessy show up and start to fondle and rub her all over as they show off her assets to the camera. Jill pulls out both of their...