Bleach sister revised
- 4 years ago
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Introduction: A lesbian incest affair This was edited by Nivek_88. All credit should go to him.
Hello. My name is Karin Kurosaki and I have problem.
Lately I have been having strange feelings for my twin sister, Yuzu. I dont know when it started, but since it did it wont go away. We are both 12 years old, about 410, black hair, blue eyes, and a chest that is just starting to form. It scares me, because every time I look at her now my heart skips a beat and I get these strange feelings between my legs, I dont understand it. Ive never felt this way before and Im not sure whats going on. I wanna put it out of my head, but this is something I cant avoid, and to be honest Im not even sure I want to.
It gets worse, not only am I constantly thinking Yuzu when Im awake, but as soon as I close my eyes to sleep there she is again. Every night I go to sleep, I have dreams about her, sexy dreams, erotic dreams, dreams a girl should not be having about her sister. They all involve the same thing, us naked and doing naughty stuff, like me kissing her little boobies, her running her hands all over my body, and our tongues dancing together as we kiss each other passionately while grinding our bodies together and caressing each others soft, smooth booty between our small, nimble fingers. I always lose it when she trails kisses down my body, past my belly button and directly on to my little pussy, kissing it and licking it and sucking it into her mouth like its the best thing shes ever tasted. They all end the same way, with me shaking under her until a surge shoots through my little body and out my pussy, tiring me out and dropping me into a great nights sleep. I wake up the next day feeling hot and sweaty and my panties are always wet and sticky. Even though I know Yuzu had nothing to do with it, I cant help but feel guilty about it. I cant even look her in the face anymore without blushing. This has been happening every night for a while now, so I wasnt surprised when it happened last night, but this time it felt different, almost real, little did I know how real things were going to get.
I woke up this morning after another naughty dream where instead of her licking me, I am licking her between her legs! This has never happened before, me pleasuring her, so naturally I didnt know what to think of it. The thought of me licking her sent a chill through my body, and as crazy as it sounds it made me a little wet. I tried to force these thoughts out of my head, but they just kept coming back more vivid and more frequently. I realized now that I had a serious problem, but decided Id try my best not to think about it and made my way to the bathroom and drowned my sorrows away under a nice hot shower, they always seem to help.
I put on my school uniform and washed my face and brushed my teeth after combing my hair, then make my way to the kitchen where Im sure everyone else is. Walking through the hallway and to the kitchen I can already hear my 15 year old brother, Ichigo, and our dad fighting at 6:30 in the morning, this is going to be a very long day.
Dammit dad! Why is it every fucking morning you come running into my room and attack me when Im just waking up?!
Dad has a shit-eating grin on his face. Its all a part of training son! I have to know my boy is strong!
This isnt a dojo! Its a fucking house! Keep doing that and Ill need a damn hospital!
Hey now you watch your language in front of your sister!
I rolled my eyes as I sat down at the table. Like I care what you guys say anyway, its too early in the morning for you guys to be acting stupid.
Dad gasps in horror and turns to a life size poster of our dead mother as tears run down his face. Honey, our sweet little girl has turned on her father!
Oh god dad will you take that stupid poster down already? And stop with the fake tears! I yelled.
I was about to keep on ranting and raving when I heard soft footsteps and saw the vision of an angel as my twin sister Yuzu walked into the kitchen, effectively silencing us with her angelic voice.
Now all of you stop fighting this minute or no one gets breakfast and I mean it!
Everyone obeys. Yuzu rules the kitchen. Without her none of us would eat. Ive gotten so obsessed with her I cant even bring myself to look at her, instead I look down blushing, thinking of every dream Ive had with her. Yuzu notices and looks at me with a worried expression.
Karin, are you ok? Your face is all red.
I-Im fine, just feeling a little weird today thats all, nothing big! I manage to stammer.
She looked at me as if she knew something was wrong, but didnt wanna push it, and perked up. Ok, well as long as youre ok, she said as she flashed that smile that makes you smile right back.
I wanted to just sit there and stare at her all day, but I knew that was a bad idea, and I didnt wanna make anyone suspicious, so I tore my gaze away from her and looked at anything else I could focus my attention on. Yuzu made breakfast for us and we ate quickly with the usual table talk, the whole time me stealing glances at her. Whenever she caught me shed smile and go back to eating or talking to Ichigo or dad, who were now both calm as they exchanged conversation. I dont know how she does it, but Yuzu just has this way about her that calms everyone down, like she has a soothing effect on people. Maybe thats what is getting to me, making me see her as an object of desire, I hope I can figure it out soon because if I dont its gonna drive me crazy. We cleaned up our dishes and grabbed our bags as we headed out the door to school, yelling goodbye to dad and Ichigo as we left. Since we only lived about 5-10 minutes from school we always walked, and I managed to stay on my best behavior all the way there so no one would catch me eyeing my sister, it wasnt easy, but I pulled it off.
School was its usual boring boring self, classes were boring, lunch was boring, even the way guys were trying to talk to me seemed boring. The only time school was anything close to being good was when I ran into Yuzu in the hallway, the day instantly got better.
H-Hey Yuzu, boring day huh? I asked smiling trying to keep my eyes on hers.
Yeah, pretty boring, I got so much work, I didnt really get to eat anything, and guys wont stop hitting on me, but at least we get to go home soon, she perked up, like she always does.
Yeah Im with you, just two more classes and were outta here.
We made our way through the hall to her locker so she could change her books for the next class. As we were leaving these two guys came up to us and tried to flirt with us, but neither of us were interested, me for reasons Im sure were different than hers, but still not interested and let them down easy. We tried to walk past them but one of them grabbed Yuzus arm and turned her around to face them, which neither of us liked too much.
Hey! Let me go, youre hurting my arm!
Come on, we just wanted to talk, you dont have to be so prissy, one of the guys said.
Well I dont want to! Yuzu said as she yanked her arm from the guys grip.
I gave them a leave us alone or else stare and we turned to walk away, but as soon as Yuzu walked past them one of the guys grabbed her skirt and lifted it up, exposing her pink panty clad booty for everyone to see. Yuzu gasped in embarrassment and pushed her skirt down as the guys laughed at her. I was red with anger. I dropped my books and hit the guy in the nose as hard as I could. He fell back into the locker, blood pouring out of his broken nose as he tried to cover it up. The other guy looked at me and I stared back and held my ground, then he helped the guy up and walked him to the bathroom all the while getting laughed at by everyone they passed. I picked up my books and looked at Yuzu, who was still in shock over what just happened.
You ok? I ask.
Yeah Im fine, those guys deserved it, they were jerks, she said smiling at me.
We walked down the hall and separated to go to our classes with me watching her as she disappeared from view. It felt really good popping that guy in the nose, thats what he gets for putting his hands on my sister. I was glad I could stick up for her, but I had to admit the view of her tight little booty in her little pink panties made me wet, so wet I knew I would be playing with myself to that image later.
When school ended we met up and walked home as usual, with me having to make sure I didnt stare at her again. She thanked me again for defending her and I told her it was no big deal, it what sisters do, and she smiled at me, warming my heart as well as my panties the rest of the way home.
When we got home Yuzu dropped her stuff in our room and went to take a bath. Dad was busy on the computer so I decided not to bother him and went to the kitchen to get an apple. Just as I wondered where Ichigo was he came through the kitchen dressed in a black robe and carrying a huge sword. A few steps behind him was a short girl with black hair dressed the same as him. She saw me and winked as she followed Ichigo out to the back yard. Strange, I didnt know he was into cosplay.
I didnt have anything to do at that moment, so I figured Id get started on the laundry. I knocked on the bathroom door to tell Yuzu I was coming in to get the hamper and she said it was ok to come in. I opened the door and went to grab the clothes hamper when I saw those same pink panties shed been wearing today lying on top. Not only that, I look close and notice a big stain in the front. I couldnt control myself anymore. With all my will power gone I picked them up and quickly left the bathroom, telling Yuzu I wanted to gather more clothes. I close the bathroom door and look at pink underwear in my hands, they feel so soft and theyre sticky all over the front. Curiosity gets the best of me. I look around making sure no one is there and sniff them. OH GOD! It smells so good! I figure if it smells this good then it must taste even better. I bring the wet spot to my mouth and lick it, and my tongue shivers from the incredible sweet and tangy taste as I lick that spot over and over again. By now Im so consumed with lust I quickly run into our room, get on my bed and pull the blanket back, and pull down my skirt and soaked panties until theyre completely off my legs.
I am lost in her scent as I breathe it in over and over and start rubbing myself silly. I probe myself with two fingers imagining that its Yuzus fingers and not mine thats getting me hot. I bring my fingers to my mouth and taste my own juices, I taste good, but nowhere near as good as Yuzu tastes. I work my fingers inside me faster and faster until I cry out in passion as my fingers constantly graze over my sensitive slit. I hold Yuzus wet panties to my face, licking them as I rub my pussy faster. My nipples are getting so hard I pull up my shirt and pinch them with my free hand while leaving her panties close to my nose. I feel my orgasm getting closer the more I rub my pussy and pinch my nipples, I know its only a matter of time. I feel the juice running down my legs as my breathing gets more labored while I furiously finger myself thinking of Yuzu while smelling her panties. The pressure gets to be too much for me when I lightly run my finger over my clit, making me arch my back as I start cumming. I cry out in a fit of passion as I squirt all over the lower part of my bed soaking it in my juices. I get so caught up in cumming I forgot where I was, and screamed out Yuzus name so loud that I know everyone in the house had to have heard it, but like I said, I was caught in the moment. When I finally calmed down, I look at the huge spot on my bed and lay back dazed from the most intense orgasm Ive ever had, but it was only short lived as I hear a knock at the door and Im startled out of my trance.
Karin? Karin are you ok?
Shit! Its Yuzu! She must have heard me from the bathroom, I knew I was too loud! Thinking quickly I grab my blanket and pull it over me covering myself and hide her panties under my pillow just as she came in dripping wet with a towel around her. Y-Yes? I stutter still breathing heavy.
Are you ok? Your face is flushed and your sweating. I think you have a fever, let me see.
NO! I mean Im fine Yuzu. Just fell asleep and had a bad dream, thats all.
Are you sure? I can check really quick, I mean its no big deal.
Yes Im fine, dont worry. I guess thatll teach me to nap in the middle of the day, I laughed.
Well ok, Ill just go get back in the tub then, she smiled as she left and closed the door.
I breathed in a sigh of relief and threw my head back into my pillow, that was a close one. If Im not more careful I could cause some real trouble for all of us, for something Im not even sure why Im doing. I get myself together and put on some around the house clothes as I go back to the bathroom to get the hamper to wash the clothes (for real this time) and go back to our room. I grab my uniform and her panties from under my pillow, smelling them one last time I put them in the hamper and head to the laundry room to wash the clothes. A bit of shame creeps through me as I go back into the kitchen passing Ichigo and his friend again who smiles at me as she passes me. I slump on the couch not really watching tv, but blankly looking in the screen as Im lost in thought on how I could be so caught up in all this, for which I couldnt come up with an answer. Later I sat through dinner as normal as I could, but Im sure everyone could sense something was wrong with me, but since Ichigo was busy talking to dad and dad was talking to Yuzu it just kind of passed by, to my delight.
With dinner over we sat around the tv while our brother disappeared with that girl again. We sat for a while watching tv show after tv show until we all decided to call it a night. I said goodnight to everyone and left so I could get in bed so I wouldnt have to face Yuzu and get this day behind me, but it turns out this day is far from over.
I woke up at around two in the morning after having yet another one of those dreams about Yuzu, and had the soiled panties to prove it. I finally came to terms on what Ive been fantasizing about, and berated myself for my dirty thoughts.
Shes my sister, my twin sister, not to mention a girl! Why am I thinking about a girl so much? Im not a l-lesbian. Why is this happening? I think to myself. I sigh in defeat and try to go back to sleep. I close my eyes and start drifting off, leaving my mind a confusing jumble of thoughts. Im awakened out of my sleep again when suddenly I hear my sister making strange moaning sounds in her sleep.
Karin, oh yes Karin!
I sat upright when I heard her moan my name. She isnt, is she? About me? My mind thinks back to her panties and the wet spot on them, and some of my guilt washes away, but Im still concerned.
Maybe I should check on her, I say to myself. She might be having a nightmare.
I tip-toe over to her and as my eyes adjust to the dark I see her rubbing her little pussy between the sheets! Karin, yes right there! Oh that feels so good, she moans.
I cant believe it! She wants me too! If she wanted me like I found out I wanted her then there shouldnt be anything in the way to stop it should there? All the guilt from earlier had left me at that moment, I didnt care anymore that I had feelings for a girl, let alone my sister, all I knew was that we wanted each other and the only thing stopping that from happening was us. No longer scared of my feelings I pull the sheet off of her, startling her awake.
Karin! What are you… I mean how long have you…
I look down at her nearly naked body. Her shirt is pulled up over her small breasts and her hand is still inside her panties, and before she can say anything else I kiss her deeply. At first she is startled and just lets me kiss her, but after a while she slowly gives in kissing me back with as much passion as I kiss her with. I ease my tongue in her mouth twirling it around hers as we explore each others mouth for the first time. This is no dream, this is really happening! I finally have the girl Ive been fantasizing about all this time, and I plan to take full advantage of it. I pull her shirt over her head and quickly take off my clothes as I climb on top of her and suck on her budding breasts.
Oh Karin that feels soooo good! Suck my little titties!
Anything for you, Yuzu.
I moaned into her nipple as she arched her back pushing her chest into me. I switched to the other and gave it the same attention I gave the first one until she pulled me back up to her and kissed me again. While we were kissing she started rubbing her pussy against mine, wrapping her arms around me as she ground her lower half into mine as we humped each other. She broke the kiss and moaned into my neck and kissed it as we rubbed, ground, humped, and smashed our pussies together like we were really having sex with each other, and in our minds, we were. We kissed and humped away as we felt an orgasm approaching, running our hands over each others bodies and touching whatever body part we could. I knew we were close when we both moved faster on each other smashing our pussies together so hard we could hear the squishing sounds echo through the room, and a split second later our bodies stiffened up as we ran short of breath as both of our orgasms arrived. We didnt say a word as she locked her arms around my neck and mine around her back as we both jerked around on the other as a mini orgasm passed through our bodies. Our nipples rubbed against each other just like our pussies as we kept kissing and holding on to each other until we calm down. We looked into each others eyes and kissed, but I didnt wanna stop there, the spot on her panties tasted wonderful, but I want the real thing.
I wanna taste you, I whispered looking into her eyes.
I wanna taste you too, she whispered back.
I got up and turned around so that I was looking at her pussy and she was looking at mine. I admired it for a second, looking at how perfect it was glistening in the dark with her juices waiting for me to lick it all up. I snapped out of it when I felt her warm tongue touch my pussy for the first time and drag across my lips, I shuddered in excitement.
Oooooooh god Yuzu! Thats so good! Its my turn now!
I wasted no more time and lowered my head to her clean little pussy and licked across her lips just as I felt her do to me, licking up her juice as it came out of her.
Yes Karin lick my little pussy! Eat me, oh please eat my pussy please!
It turned me on so much hearing her talk dirty since she almost never swears, but yet it sounded so natural. I spread her lips apart with both hands and licked the inside of her pussy clean, running my tongue over everything that it was able to reach. I have never tasted anything so good, I didnt let a single drop of her juice get away from me as I sucked her lips into my mouth. She was really licking me good too as she stuck her tongue up my pussy, making me shudder at the penetration as I moaned into her. I decided to try that on her and shoved my tongue in her pussy as far as I could get it, making her moan into me just as I did.
Oh Karin, I love your tongue in me, make me cum please, and I promise Ill make you cum!
I didnt argue and licked her faster as my hands kneaded her small butt cheeks. I was gonna make her cum just for the benefit of knowing I was the one that did it, and I knew she would gush some more of her amazing tasting juice out, which I couldnt wait to lick up. I reached up with one hand and pulled back the hood that covered her clit and licked it. The second I made contact with it she jumped and pushed her pussy in my face, and I knew thats how I would make her cum. I flicked at it as she kept pushing her pussy into my face feeding it to me, and then she did the same thing to me and licked my clit, making me push my pussy down on her face. It turned into a race to see who could make the other cum first as I sucked her clit into my mouth and ran it over my tongue at the same time while moaning from what she was doing to my clit. I felt her grab both my butt cheeks and push them down towards her as she sucked my clit, pulling on it and flicking at it. I was almost there but I didnt want to cum until she did, so I took it a step further and clamped down on her clit with my teeth and moved it back and forth between them. They way she moved around under me and pulled on my clit I knew I couldnt hold off cumming anymore, and I knew she was about to.
Im gonna cum Karin, Im gonna cum!
Me too Yuzu me too. Keep doing that, well come together!
We both rode each others faces until finally we came hard by squirting all over each others faces, which I wasted no time licking up, I was happy she was a squirter like me. I felt her licking me up like I was doing her and she seemed to enjoy it as much as I was. Even though I was extremely sensitive, I was willing to put up with it until I licked up all of her delicious juice I could, and when I finally did, I turned around and lay down next to her in her small bed as we wrapped our arms around each other and kissed, both of us tasting our own juices on the others mouth.
Wow! Yuzu said breaking the kiss.
I know. That was amazing. Ive never come so hard in my life!
Me either, she said as she cuddled up with me. I love you Karin.
I love you too Yuzu, I said as I cuddled right back with her.
As we lay there reliving the thoughts in our head and holding each other I notice for the first time since this whole thing started that we are being watched by a teenage looking girl with black hair. As I look closer I can see that its the same girl I saw running off with my brother. She is standing there pinching her nipples and rubbing her soaked pussy with her eyes closed in her own world, probably not aware that shes the one being watched now. What the hell is she doing here? I didnt know, but that is a story for another time.
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Lately I have been having strange feelings for my twin sister. Her name is Yuzu. We are both 11 years old. It scares me, cause everytime I look at her my heart skips a beat. I get these strange feelings between my legs. I don't understand it. It gets worse! Every night I go to sleep, I have dreams about her. We are naked and doing naughty stuff! I wake up feeling hot and my panties are wet and sticky. I can't even look at her in the face anymore without blushing. I woke up this...
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Something strange has happened to the world of Bleach. Instead of being an action-heavy shonen series, it has somehow transformed into over-the-top fanservice! And while the characters are not quite aware of such a development, they will soon. As they go about their daily lives, the female cast is in no way prepared for the levels of nudity they will experience. The story has been re-written, and no woman will make it to the end with their dignity intact!
You are a magical being - a perverted one, at that. You have always enjoyed taking control of other peoples bodies and then fucking others with them. This time, you are going into the Bleach world, where beautiful girls are in abundance.
Here's a revised form of my first story. Hope you enjoy! :) The Terrible Ts - Part 1 Talbot POV: The Terrible Ts. That’s what we’ve been called since we learned to walk. Whether it was meaningless pranks to blood-letting fights in the school hallways, nothing deterred us. We were determined to conquer the world, one way or another. Of course, we are still straight-A students and involved in all the sports our high school had to offer us. Our mother, Zona, drilled that into us...
I would like to say first that I appreciate your comments on my first version of this story. They helped me focus on a few things that needed attention which encouraged me to write this revised edition. If you have read the previous version, please read this one. I would like to know your take in a sort of "before and after" snapshot on whether the story flows better or not. By all means, keep the comments coming. Also, if you’d like, please send me a private message to discuss the...
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The author kindly advises that this story and its characters are entirely fictitious. It contains descriptions of exhibitionism, lesbian sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.The Apartment (revised)(A legal specialist performs exhibitionist lesbian acts for her client’s entertainment)Saturday evening 10pm. Driving rain lashed the dark floor-to-ceiling penthouse windows of an expensive apartment tower. A storm front had descended on downtown Boston. A...
The Great Shift: The Empty Place Inside by BlueshifTG Part 1 The straps were loosened on the black 1" heel shoes tumbled under the desk. One stockinged foot was on the floor, the other unsteadily balanced on the plastic trash can; the position pulled the leather skirt tight above the green-nailed fingers that absent-mindedly rubbed a spot on the outside of the right knee. The woman was leaning back in her chair, head...
Margaret Jeanette?s Sperm Count [Revised] With an alternative ending by Samantha Jay ? I like Margaret?s stories immensely, but I feel unsatisfied with some of her endings. As an author I write mainly for myself so I write the endings I want and I suspect that Margaret probably did too. When I read this story an alternative ending suggested itself, now I would normally ask the author?s permission to change a story, but since Margaret tragically died early February I am unable to do...
*Author’s note: This is the third time I’ve submitted this story. The first edition mysteriously disappeared. The second version got corrupted and garbled, rendering the story unreadable. Hopefully this latest attempt will be successful.Horny Niece Lets Uncle Help (Revised)By billy69boyMy sister-in-law and her two young daughters came to visit us for a week in the summer. They live out of state, and we only get to see them a few times a year. With each new visit, I am amazed to see how...
WARNING: Fictionmania Readers: This story has elements of forced feminization, s/m, b/d, that forces a man to become the bride of another man. This all takes a place in the realm of fantasy and no where else. There are scenes of sexual activity the take place beginning in chapter 5. This story has been posted here before, but it is much revised now. Dark Tales of Forced Feminization Presents "The Martin...
Dark Tales of Force Feminization Volume One "The Martin Hastings Saga" is a work of erotic fantasy/fiction in three distinct pieces and is not based on any beliefs/realities or are any of the characters based on person's alive or dead. This story contains elements of b/d, s/m, forced femininity, and some explicit scenes of gay sexual activity, some non conventual in nature. The story is meant to be a piece of erotic literature for entertainment purposes...
Devil's Due (Revised) By Daniel A. Wolfe (aka D.A.W.) Author's Note: This was originally posted on my website for Halloween. While not exactly new it's almost a complete rewrite of Devil's Due which was originally a Mixed Tape entry, and is more than double the length of the original. I'm finally going to bring this story into the official cannon for my open universe Tales from Meridian the rules of which can be found by visit the open universes page on my website. The original can...
Becoming a Daughter - Revised There were 60 seconds left in the football game. We were ahead 21 to 0 and going for another shutout. This shutout win would break the school's long-time record of shutouts. My dad, a big guy, was on the original team a number of years ago that set the school's shutout record. My twin brother Jack, 18, was big like our dad, while I, was much smaller like our mom. We were both on the current team. My brother was a very good athlete and he started at...
When Judge Carlson calls, I always know that the job is going to be interesting, and when he called me this time in the dead of night I just knew that this particular case is going to be 'unusual'. He had the talent for pulling the one 'odd ball' court filing out of a stack of about 100 other nearly identical ones, that seemed to have 'special features' of interest to him. The judge is a great guy and has given me a lot of business over the years and I've learned to trust his 'nose for...
(Revised) Edited by Richard Loving wives Brian and Jenny had been married for 7 years and they loved each other very much. Due to an unexpected windfall on the lotto they had decided to have a second honeymoon at the same place as the original one. They booked into the same hotel/pub and were able to secure the very same room. When they got there they had the same views of the seaside and the long stretches of beach but the Pub was a little run down and the area had fallen on hard...
Rach followed Lidia into the house while I extricated my bike from the jeep. As I parked it in the garage, I tried to will my painful hard-on down. The rock hard state I’d been in since the girls picked me up at the pool nearly 6 hours ago had, on the ride home with Lidia on my lap, gone from pleasurable pain, to near agony. I considered cranking one out right there in the garage, but one tentative grip confirmed my fear that I was too far down the road of blue-balls...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Twin Sisters' Incestuous Secret By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint's cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint's basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all...
Hi, all. After I posted the first version of this story, a lot of feedback was about how many holes had been left in the thing. Or if there was some hidden conspiracy to force Jack into becoming Jacqueline, why hadn't it been at least shown even briefly? This revision, in several installments, will hopefully fill the holes, and give explanations as needed or desired. I guess it won't be giving much away to tell everyone that there is indeed a conspiracy to completely...
Chapter 01 Please take note! Adults Only LiteratureThe text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story now.This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwise is purely coincidental, etc.Email [email protected] with your comments.Copyright 2006 Chapter 1? ? Abu...
Hermaphrodite: male or female with both sex organs Shemale: a female or male with the appearance of the other sex(guy looks like girl. girl looks like guy) All right people I know all of my other stories I created and copied off of were complete and total crap. I am not the best writer and this is where that will change. This is my try hard story if it is bad sorry the only thing you will see abused in grammar is a lot of run on sentences, but I will try to do better with...
This is a revision of my first story. I hope you will enjoy it.I was in town for a comic book convention. I was promoting a new title created by me. I was sketching and signing autographs when I heard a familiar voice. I looked up and saw a woman I haven't seen in years. Her name was Pamela and she was my high school gym teacher. I had a serious crush on her. I used to daydream about her. "I'm your biggest fan Tony." she said. I didn't think she liked comic books. Boy was I wrong. She invited...
Thanks to DragonsWeb, OldFart, RastaDevil, WanderingScot and Sweet Sue for their innumerable edits to this gentle revision of an older story! I knew now that she was the one and only true love of my life. I'd fondly remembered Linda Monroe throughout the years, but it wasn't until I unexpectedly saw her again nearly twenty years later at a wedding reception that my heart reminded me with a loud thump just exactly what I had been missing. Mercifully, it wasn't her wedding, or even mine....
Thanks to my original Editors for this story — Zaffan, Gandalf4217 & Duffiedawg, and also to Dragonsweb & Sue who offered their suggestions for this revision! I admit that I made a terrible mistake when I married Cynthia, and it was mostly my own fault. I had been terribly lonely that winter and, when I was introduced to her at a holiday party, I allowed myself to be smitten by her. She was a bit too young for me, being still in her early twenties while I was nearly twice that age,...
Note: This story is told from two different views. The girl's view will be in standard character, the guy's view in italic. I could hear the familiar sonorous roar of Ryan's convertible Camaro. The first time my elder sister Amy had brought him home, I had immediately recognized what a great man he was. He was twenty-eight, around six feet tall, athletic, smart, funny – and he had a hell of a car. The wet dream of the teenage girl I was. Of course Amy couldn't stop rhapsodizing about her...
TabooA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Baby Sister's Sweet Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister's pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The eighteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy,...
Expect grammar mistakes, is this is not my native tongue, but I hoe you like it. X - X - X - X - X One morning at the Kurosaki house, Ichigo finds himself looking at some bills from the clinic when the doorbell rings. Thinking that Orihime had forgotten her house keys, again, the shinigami is pleasantly surprised to see his friend Chad at the door when he opens it. "Chad, it's good to see you." The orange-headed man gave Sado his hand and a one-armed hug, which he greets back with a...
To start off pick who you are. As a side note all people are over the age of 18 in this story other details of the characters have not changed.
Your name is John Doe. Since birth, you have been trained by my family to retake some of your kinds lost pride. You are a Quincy, far away from the land of Japan, which was the only place the Shinigami seemed to attack. Thus, all over the world, there still existed more of you, but you were all carefully hidden. You were never allowed to go outside and play with others, constantly training and working to make sure that the same fate would not come to you as it did to the Quincy of ages...
Introduction: (afin de ne pas amener d'histoire erotique avec des mineurs ,l'histoire se deroule 2 ans apres le livre) "theeuuu theuu theuu ,Quelle poussière "toussa ishida. Il venait enfin de décider de fouiller son grenier mais il n'imaginais pas l'ampleur de la tache. près de 4 générations de quincy y avait entreposer arc ,artefacts et souvenir.le tout ranger de manière tellement anarchique que le grenier ressemblais a un labyrinthe . cela faisait plusieurs heures qu'il cherchait mais il...
*All characters mentioned are from a work of fiction, and I do not claim ownership over these characters. Characters were created and belonge to Tite Kubo.Attack on KisukeLocation: Urahara Shoten"I hope this plan of yours works, Sosuke. It certainly isn't promising from where I'm laying." Soi Fon, and her secret love, Sosuke Aizen, both shared a deep-seated resentment towards Kisuke Urahara( though for different reasons). For years, the two plotted for their ultimate revenge for Kisuke....
A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Slut Sister's Anal Punishment By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister's eighteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the Twenty-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father,...
Introduction: Lalala Waiting isnt an easy thing to do I think to myself as I sit across the table from my date. I look at him and inspect his features. Strong shoulders, newly shaven face, and a wonderful sexy smile, like a little boy just wanting to be spanked. My eyes slowly travel down his arm, to look at the table where our hands are joined together. I very lightly begin to trace my finger across the palm of his hand, and I write out three words explaining what is going on in my head I want...
----------------------------------------------------- Except from the end of Part-3 - ... I squeezed my first ejaculation forcefully into Susan’s hand. Then a second, and a third, and several more before the semen finally dribbled down my hand onto my pubic hair. It all happened so quick. My orgasm was over. I was totally spent, my heart pounding, and my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. She lay her head on my chest, and we talked quietly as a deep feeling of fatigue descended...
When I awoke, Barb had already taken the car and gone to work. Classes had ended for me. Having just graduated with a degree in Physics, I was preparing to teach a course in Computer Programming during the summer session before starting graduate school in the fall. The course didn't start for two weeks, so I was still planning my lectures and preparing materials for the students. I glanced over at Barbara's night-table. The silver tray had been cleaned and put away. I was thinking about how...
After my retirement from the police department and the passing of my wife, I moved into a Retirement Village out in the Southwest. If you think old people don't enjoy sex, you are mistaken. I’m currently single. My most recent romantic relationship was Katelyn, my deceased wife who was the same age as me. She's been gone three years, and I miss her very much. My best friend is a retired municipal judge named Howard Cook. We get on well most of the time when we are not arguing politics. I...
This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams to help salvage their marriage. Ted Harrington and his wife Katie had been married 18 years. They live in a small city in Kansas and Ted owns the local Volvo Dealership. Ted is 38 and Katie 36. They are your average mid-western couple. He’s 5’11” 180 lbs with light brown hair and Katie’s 5’2” 108 lbs....
The wagon finally pulls up to the shop, Grayson immediately jumps down and embraces his family in a huge hug, exclaiming “How I’ve missed you!” as he kisses his wife quickly and hugs each of his kids. Turning, he motions towards Sasha. Sasha then turns to the girl, and says “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” As the girl is waiting next to the back of the wagon, Sasha walks over to Grayson and he introduces her to his family. “This is Sasha, she’s the knight who escorted me all the way here.”...
It was on the edge of a beautiful lake, crystal clear and deep. As she hoisted her pack higher on her shoulders she walks into the town. It was very seedy and run down. It only had a few rundown, small stone and mud houses, and a couple stables, some shops and one inn. It had one very huge, grand looking stone house in the distance. It looked like a small castle. In front of the inn was a big notice board with wanted posters, and job postings and such. That was the first place to stop when...
Sasha grabs some armor, leggings, boots and gauntlets for Winter and heads up to the front of the store and sets them on the counter and told the shopkeeper, “I want to buy these, a one-handed sword, and if you could, could you repair my armor and boots? We’re leaving sometime tomorrow.” The shopkeeper says “Would you like to sell your old armor and weapons? I can repair your things, and here is your bow, arrows, sword and armor. Give me until later tonight to repair your stuff, come back...
(Man, I’m beat…. Working 13 hours on your feet all day, and dealing with rude ass customers and their kids is a living hell; especially when the parents aren’t paying attention to their kids, and the kids are running around and screaming like little monsters…) 25-year-old Carrie said to herself after she got off her shift at the diner at 9 PM. She clocks out in the back of the diner near the kitchen, swiping her keycard, and says good bye to her coworkers and best friend Kristie. After...