Defeating my bully
- 4 years ago
- 23
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“I can’t believe we’re doing this!” Diane croaked. “Tell me that this is a joke or something!”
“It isn’t,” Audrey said blandly. “I’m going to party. You get to watch. If it gets bad, then you’ll be there – but it won’t. If you can work up the guts at some point, I’m sure one of the boys will make your night for you – right Ignacio?”
“Si.” Ignacio grinned at the dark-haired gringa. She was fat like the other one, but if her pussy and mouth worked as well as the other one’s, who cared?
“See?” Audrey smiled, spreading her hands. “It’s all going to be fine.”
“It’s not...”
“Why not?” Ignacio asked, his tone matter-of-fact. “Why would we get stupid? She wants to fuck. We want to fuck. What do we gain by doing stupid things? Heh, maybe she will come back for more again! This is about the sex. Maybe she can talk Jesse into something more afterward, but for the rest of us, it is about the sex. More is better – why would we do something to stop it?”
“I don’t know,” Diane retorted, “Who knows what goes on in your heads? You’re rapists!”
Ignacio wrinkled his nose. “You can’t rape the willing.”
“No, but you can dope someone up so she doesn’t know which end is up!”
Ignacio shrugged. “She was already that way when I first saw her. She was fucked up, but she wasn’t complaining. In fact, she never complained to me – not once!”
“Because...” Diane began hotly.
“ENOUGH!” Audrey cut her off. “I’m the one who should be complaining here and I’M NOT! LET IT GO!”
“Fine!” Diane snarled, “It’s YOUR funeral!”
“Lots of fire in that one!” Ignacio declared, grinning, waving at Diane.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Diane rasped.
“I like a little fire...” Ignacio leered at her.
“Oh, for God’s sake!” Diane looked away, embarrassed.
Ignacio went into the office with Audrey and witnessed her registering for the room and collecting the keys. Audrey used her credit card, having collected twenty dollars from each of the males. The desk clerk showed no interest at all in either of them. Audrey leaned into the van and gave Jesse the room number and they parked the van and Diane’s car side-by-side in the parking lot, then went on up to the second-floor room via an outside staircase.
Jesse arrived carrying a bag; as he settled it on the second bed and began removing equipment from it, Ramon said, “I think we should make a second movie – one that makes it clear that no one is drunk or being forced.”
Audrey nodded, eyeing him. “Okay, I get that. Diane sits by the door – and she can come and go as she pleases.”
Ignacio grunted. “She still doesn’t get it – she could cause trouble without asking you about it.”
“Diane...” Audrey admonished.
“FINE!” Diane rasped, “It’s your funeral! Make sure you scream or something so I know you’re in trouble!” She flounced over to where Ramon settled a straight chair by the door.
“I go first,” Ramon announced, throwing his shirt over his head.
“Fine.” Audrey glanced over at Jesse. “Jesse bats clean-up.”
“Fine.” Ramon was amused. Did the fat gringa REALLY think that Jesse was going to have anything to do with her after she’d pulled a train? Last time, it hadn’t been her fault, but this time – this time she would be proving what a slut she really was...
Diane held her peace, but her thoughts mirrored Ramon’s. Why would the guy think Audrey was anything but a slut after she took on three other guys? She shrugged, thinking, ‘Well, that’s Audrey’s problem... ‘ as she watched Audrey get out of her blouse and skirt.
“Pantyhose,” Ramon grunted. “Why would any woman who WANTS sex wear them?”
Audrey sat to remove hers. “Well, they make my legs look good...”
“ ... While they deny access to your pussy!” Ramon retorted. “They are the modern chastity belt, I think!”
Audrey was dumbfounded! “Really?”
“I’ll make a note,” Audrey muttered distractedly while she finished the removal. “Thigh-highs?”
“Stockings and a garter belt are sexier, but they are acceptable,” Ramon allowed.
“Yeah, okay. I get that.” Audrey popped the catches on her bra and was nude. Ramon was right behind her, stepping out of his jeans. Turning to look at Levi and Ignacio, she said blandly, “Don’t be bashful.” She gave Jesse a look that said, ‘You, too, ‘ without actually saying it.
“Give me the camera,” Ramon told Jesse. “I will video her giving me a blowjob while you get undressed.” He turned to Audrey to see how she would take this – but Audrey merely waved him forward.
“You know, I’d never done deep-throat before that night,” she murmured, giving Ramon’s cock a lollipop lick. “I got pretty good at it, I guess.” With that, she sucked him in.
Diane sat watching, dazed, as her best friend more or less proved to her that she was totally insane! Audrey sat on the bed, naked, leaning up and sucking the leader of the gang – Ramon – while the black man – Levi – undressed and came forward to present HIS cock for her attention. Audrey just reached out and started jacking him...
“See?” Ignacio murmured to Diane, “If she is happy doing this, what is the problem?”
Diane, eyeing Ignacio’s cock sidelong, muttered, “Until one of you gets pushy...”
Ramon looked up from where Audrey was doing a creditable job of cock sucking. “Why would we do that?”
“Come on!” Diane snorted, “Guys always do! You want to know what you can get away with...”
Ramon palmed the back of Audrey’s head – more for show than anything else. “In this case, we did that on the front end – didn’t we, Mamacita? I know you like deep throat – and I know that if you gag a little, it’s okay. We know that if we plan for it a little, you’ll even take it up the ass. What do we need to push for? We even checked you for airtight once...” Audrey just gazed up at him, sucking away, clearly unfazed.
“Airtight?” Diane blinked.
“All three holes, simultaneously,” Ignacio supplied. “Triple penetration. That one, she’s a party animal – when she’s high, at least. Eh, from what I’m seeing...” He grinned, leering.
“You can talk until you’re blue in the face...”
“A picture is worth a thousand words, eh?” Ramon broke in. “Come on – get up on the bed,” he told Audrey. “You can suck some black cock while I fuck you.”
“Sounds good...” Audrey backed off his cock and got up on the bed. “How? Doggie?”
“On your back, I think,” Ramon replied, musing. “That way you won’t bounce around so much and can suck Levi better.”
“Okay.” Audrey fished the pillows from the head of the bed and settled herself near the center with her head and neck supported, and her knees spread, her feet flat on the mattress. “Okay, bring it!”
“Audrey! Gawd!” Diane howled, “You sound like a total slut!”
Audrey turned to gaze at Diane, smiling crookedly. “I’ve seen me on video – with these guys. Why should ANY of us expect anything less?”
“You were stoned out of your mind!” Diane objected.
Audrey looked up at Ramon. “Maybe I’ll be a better fuck, conscious...”
Ramon cocked his head, grinning. “Maybe,” he chuckled. “Let’s find out, eh?” He pushed her knees to her shoulders and pressed his cock into her opening.
“Mmmmm! Ooooohhh! Yesssss!” Audrey gasped, as Ramon sank himself to the root in her depths.
Levi knee-walked up on her right and presented his cock, slapping it against her cheek. “Don’t forget me, Slut!”
Ramon turned to him, puffing. “Do you call all of your women slut?”
“All right!” Levi waved it off. “Suck!” He reached in and started tuning Audrey’s right nipple.
“Ooohhmmmm!” Audrey wrapped her lips around Levi’s glans in mid-moan, wrapping her hand around his shaft and jacking him.
“I think maybe she’s hurting pretty bad, eh?” Ignacio teased, poker-faced, then broke into a chuckle.
“Well...” Diane argued, waving at Levi, who as far as she was concerned had vindicated HER position...
Audrey felt that she was totally free to enjoy this encounter – after all, she had nothing to prove to any of these guys EXCEPT the fact that maybe she was a better fuck wide awake than she was doped up! THAT was an incentive to go all out, actually, which was a situation that was unlikely to occur during any NORMAL outing with a guy ... Certainly, she wanted to have a shot at dating Jesse – but he understood that this was necessary to allay the suspicions and fears of the other men and earn that opportunity. Besides, there was this pecking order in the group – and Ramon, at least, wanted his piece as the leader. Since that was how the gang operated, then Jesse would be the first to understand and not hold this against her...
That feeling of freedom led to enthusiasm. These guys had provided her with huge quantities of pleasure once already – but she’d been in no position to participate properly, or even remember it directly. THIS time, by God, she was going to enjoy every minute! As a result, getting that first peak took VERY little time...
“Mmmmm! Mmmmm! MMMMM! OHMMMM! OGOD! YES! FUCK ME! YEEEEESSSSS!! UUHHHUUUUUGGGHHHH!!” Lightning flashed and thunder roared and Audrey crossed her ankles over the saddle of Ramon’s back and humped herself up to get that fine Latino cock deep inside her while the shock waves of her first climax rolled over her, momentarily unable to spare Levi any attention!
“CHINGAAAAARRR!!” Ramon howled, taken totally by surprise. The short blowjob he’d gotten hadn’t drained off his first load, so his ability to control himself fled in the face of the contractions of Audrey’s milking pussy, pulling the pin on his own explosive eruption! Waves of pleasure rushed over him while his cock gushed seed into the porky gringa again and again!
Ramon was still pulsing, dry-firing, moving slowly in Audrey’s cum-soaked cunt when she relaxed and fell back. Withdrawing his cum-slimed cock from her hole, he handed off to Levi. “Get you some. It’s good shit!”
Levi grunted. “It was before!”
“Not like this!” Ramon argued.
“She forgets to suck when she’s getting off,” Levi complained.
“You’re hard,” Audrey interjected, tugging on Levi’s cock. “Don’t you want to fuck, anyway?”
Levi grunted. “I want it ALL!”
“We’ll come back to it, then,” Audrey replied. “Come on...” She realized that if she got too pushy, Levi would balk on general principles, so she phrased it gently, instead of yelling “Fuck me!” – which is what she REALLY wanted to do!
Levi repositioned, letting Audrey handle her own leg positions as he crawled up and draped himself over her and pressed his cock home. White goo foamed around their juncture; Levi popped up and rasped, “DAMN, Ramon! You fucking flooded the bitch!”
“Heh! See if YOU don’t!” Ramon retorted, offering Audrey his gooey cock. Audrey sucked it in, noisily, moaning around it as Levi dropped back down and started humping, rocking his ass up and down, driving his length deep into her hot, wet hole. Audrey deliberately bore down on him, clenching her floor muscles, knowing that Levi would bitch about her being loose and sloppy if he could – besides, it made it all better...
Ramon enjoyed Audrey’s oral ministrations for a minute or so, until his cock was relatively clean and Audrey was showing signs of climbing again to a peak, then he withdrew, leaving her able to concentrate her attention fully on Levi’s animal, humping stroke – and the MASSIVE climax it generated!
“OMIGAAAWD! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!” Audrey howled, bucking under him, wrapping her legs around his and humping up into his stroke.
“JEEZUS! JEEZUS! FUCK!” Levi hung on by the skin of his teeth, barely able to control himself in the face of Audrey’s manic undulations. When she came down, though, he had his chance...
Ramon was all about giving him shit because the porky bitch was being cooperative – but Levi wanted his piece of her head. Resuming his pounding hump, he leaned up and whispered, “You be a fucking slut! Jesse won’t want your shit after he watches you take us all on, you know – he’s too much of a pussy! Last time, you was fucked up, so it wasn’t your fault that you was giving it up, but this time, that ain’t the way it is. He’ll get his dick wet, but you can forget dating him – he can’t handle that shit. What you gonna do then, huh, Bitch?”
The taunt hit it’s mark – ‘He could be right!’ went through Audrey’s head. The possibility had always been out there, in fact, but she’d accepted it on the front end. It stung some, but there was too much going on – too much GOOD stuff!
“Worst case?” she whispered back, “I can keep doing THIS! As long as I offer this, you guys will keep coming back – and eventually, ONE of you won’t leave...” Then she shifted so she could pull his head down and kiss him!
This took Levi by surprise! She went all out, too, for about three seconds before they broke it off!
Levi eyed her for a moment, then leaned in to whisper, “You won’t get ME, Bitch!”
“No?” Audrey whispered back, “Who are you kidding, Levi? You KNOW you want your own white slut! Everything you do and say puts it out there! And you know and I know I can do it the way you want it done...”
“Crazy fucking bitch...” Levi doubled up on her, instinctively trying to dominate her with his cock. It worked, too, after a fashion – Audrey rose to her third peak of the session in mere moments – but it backfired, too, because as she wailed in completion her pussy’s rolling clutch, added to the additional stimulation provided by Levi’s faster stroke, sucked the seed from his balls! “Fucking crazy bitch!” he roared, “Take my jizz! YAAAAAH!”
Ramon wandered over and murmured, “Heh! You were saying, there, Levi? I think maybe she got a pretty good load from you...”
“Yeah, yeah,” Levi croaked, still dealing with the aftershocks. “I always SAID it was good pussy...”
Audrey lay there panting, eyeing him. “You like my ass, too!”
“You... !” Levi waved a finger at her. Lurching up, he circled around to get to her face. “Shut up and suck!” Audrey did so, smiling, knowing she’d set the needle in the big black.
Ramon turned to the spectators, “Next!”
Ignacio sucked his teeth for a moment and said, “I’ll wait,” waving Jesse forward.
Audrey turned to look at him, surprised. “Why?”
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xmoviesforyouIt’s your anniversary night, and your wife, Olive Glass, has waltzed into the room. The delicate white lingerie you bought is caressing her in all of the right places. She’s just dying to strip for you, and suck that juicy cock of yours. It’s so big she can barely fit it in her mouth, but she’s prepared to take it all in her dripping wet pussy. What a lucky wifey she is. Since it’s a special occasion, she rides your dick and you fuck her every way you’ve always wanted. She especially loves it...
xmoviesforyouI went back into the cave, wondering what the idea about two sets of orders was. I had a hunch that Preacher and I were being used to weed out some of the bad apples in the Armed Forces. If I found out this was true, the crap was going to hit the fan big time. I didn't like being used any more than the next person. I stood there and waited until Preacher set the shifts up with Zeke and his people with the Troopers, then followed him into the office he had found. When I got my first look at...
Merlin Gwendydd - sister Morgenau - brother Morial - brother Morien - brother Mordaf - brother - Naci’s father New Council Members Pikon Corth Groton Tydeth Docal Clondal - female Lyndeth - female Creton It had been two days since all three of us had returned. Rigal and Naci were still out of it. The healing, plus pain had obviously been far more than both could take. I needed both of them up when we started to plan what we were to do next. I just hoped that Ukobach didn’t have...
Once more I wriggled out of bed leaving Suki bundled in her cocoon, still asleep. Of course, that wasn’t surprising, seeing as it was before five am and still night outside. The full kettle which had been on the stove all night wasn’t actually boiling and wouldn’t until I stirred up the fire a lot. I knew it would take perhaps half an hour to come to the boil as the stove heated up, so I started things off and used about half the warm water in the tank on the flue to wash. I topped it off,...
I was 19 at the time when i first lost my verginity. I was living on my own for a couple of years now, my family decided to move from ny to maine and I dident want to go so i stayed. They dident have the money to take everything but the things that they needed, so my mother asked me to clean out the appt they were living in. I went there The following day n started making phone calls to get most of the furniture out without throwing it away. On the second day i went n started...
Abel Langston was first and foremost a politician. He loved the trappings of power, the sense of control and most of all the limelight that his electoral successes had brought him in steadily growing measure. And he was determined that his new post on the five-member SES Board of Administrators would be neither his last nor his highest in his chosen field. Thus, almost as soon as he took his seat he followed the time-honored approach of all ambitious politicians and began casting about for...
After her ballet rehearsal, Melody and her friend decided to go eat, while they were leaving, Melody could not resist seeing Vlad, he had a huge bulge under his pants, the girls could not believe her eyes, nobody can have a dick that big, they were making fun of it, Melody felt the need to know for sure if that huge giant dick was real, Vlad overheard them and challenge Melody to check for herself and clear any doubts, Melody was fascinated but her friend got embarrassed and left them alone, so...
xmoviesforyouMera Boss Sudhir Main Mridula apni dusri kahani le kar hazir hoon. Meri pehli kahani Raksha Bandhan ka Tohfa pasand karne ke liye bahut shukriya.Uss se pehle jo kuchh mere saath hua vo main batane wali hoon. Ab main apni kahani apni zubani sunati hoon. Meri job Delhi ki ek travel company mein lag gayi thi. Mere boss ka naam Sudhir tha jo ki bahut hi handsome ladka tha. Meri umar uss wakt koi 19 saal ki thi aur Sudhir 28 saal ka tha. Main dikhne mein sexy lagti thi aur kapde bhi modern pehnti...
Jeff tippe zweimal kurz auf die Hupe, nachdem er neben dem Mehrfamilienhaus geparkt hatte. Er war an diesem Montagmorgen pünktlich auf die Minute bei seiner Arbeitskollegin vorgefahren, um sie mit zur Arbeit zu nehmen, da ihr Wagen kaputt war. Er wartete mit laufendem Motor auf die hübsche Blondine, die seit einigen Monaten auf der gleichen Büroetage arbeitete wie er. Verlegen wischte er noch mal über die Sitzfläche des Beifahrersitzes. Sein Auto war nicht ungepflegt, aber er wollte nicht...
I had met a girl online and got to chatting with her for probably a few months. She lived in a different part of L.A. We enjoyed talking about everything but it was usually ending up being about sex. She was single, she knew I wasn't, but didn't seem to mind the secrecy of it all. Eventually we agreed to meet at my office for a little fun. I was nervous as hell, as she was too. I've been with many girls, but this was the first online meeting I've ever been apart of. I didn't know what to...
Hi all I am back on ISS platform with the second part of my story “Cousin’s Attraction”. I am sorry for the delay in second part but now without delay I am starting, and must tell you that in my last story I tried to have sex with my cousin when she was sleeping and she sucked my cock while sleeping and I cummed in her mouth with my sperm, she did not like it and went away. So now I am going to tell you next part in hindi with my original feelings. Us rat ke bad mai ek hafte tak uske pas nai...
Dr. Elaine Sullivan, head emergency doctor, looked at her watch. It had been a long night at Yorkview Hospital. She was relieved that she was finally off-duty. Depressed at the thought of going home to her empty apartment, she pondered her options. Quickly deciding on taking a walk, Elaine changed to her street clothes and headed for the door to exit the emergency unit. It was then that she met Corey Franklyn. Corey was rushing into emergency; his mother held onto him for support. ...
Penelope smiles as she shifts around in the comfortable bed. Her pussy feels wet and she feels as if she just had the most incredible dream. And it had to be a dream because the brute she was fucking in it would have stretched her beyond belief and her pussy wouldn’t be feeling this good right now if it had. Wake up, stupid. We did fuck Knut. Somehow our pussy is fixed. “Fixed?” she mumbles, slowly opening her eyes. “What happened?” “Oh good, your awake,” the voice says. Oh, it’s that guy...
"Ahhhhhhh!" A black haired woman with green eyes clouded with lust moaned loudly, the sound echoing in her Master's ears. "Mhm, go on Sarai, be a good kitty and moan some more." A man with brown hair and grey eyes said, his face buried in the woman's pussy, the scent intoxicating him. "M-moreee Master Eric!" Sarai begged thrusting her pussy in Eric's face. Eric smirked at the title and her begging. Then he swirled his tongue around the walls of his pet's dripping pussy.Sarai moaned some more...
Oral SexBack when I was relatively young, eighteen or so, but still thought I knew more or less everything , an old boyfriend of mine invited me to go to his parents’ house near Perpignan in France. The house was on the coast there and sounded adorable. Despite my arrogance, I wasn’t stupid and soon checked out that we weren’t going to go on our own but with three more friends, two girls and a guy. I wasn’t even the youngest, the youngest was a partial friend of mine who was only seventeen then. It...
We got back to the hotel eventually. I was tired, but too horny to sleep. "Greedy, come here and take care of this for me." I ordered him. "Yes, Boss." Greedy dropped to his knees happily and began opening my pants. In seconds, he had my cock in his mouth and was sucking ardently. It felt like a minute later when I burst into his mouth, growling. I held his face still and shot five or six spurts. Greedy moaned, but didn't swallow. When I finished, I pulled him up and took a quick...
The anteroom was noisy and reeked of desperation, but Sean endured it because his political future depended on it. He'd arrived early for his nine am appointment. It was already five past. He tapped his foot like a tweaked up junkie, still hyper from his early morning meeting with fellow competitor Heather to discuss the latest scandalous photos of their car park tryst. Discuss. Yeah. The scent of her flowing arousal was still fresh beneath his nostrils and he could swear she broke skin where...
HardcoreIt was the middle of summer when Mary left her home in Manchester England to go visit her long time friend and former class mate Nicole in the ‘New World”, the colonies as America is so often called by proper British folk. Her visit had been timed well, South Carolina would be steaming hot for the Brit, and she could enjoy warming in the sun on a daily basis while visiting about old times and recent events with Nicole. She arrived at the Atlanta airport and went through customs with no...
“This is Charlene,” I heard the horny voice of Ronnie’s mother. At least now I knew her first name. “Where are you?” she asked. “In the schoolyard,” I tried to say as offhandedly as possible, which wasn’t really easy for me since I was very nervous. “Is Ronnie near you?” I could tell from her tone of voice that the idea that her son was in my close proximity, aroused her in some weird way. “He was a moment ago, but I walked away. He thinks I’m arguing with my father, but he can’t hear me...
Lori Connors walked through the greenhouse of her nursery and spoke to several of the customers looking for plants and flowers. After purchasing the greenhouse and nursery several years earlier, Lori used her business and horticultural skills to increase sales while offering the public and landscapers a variety of plants and trees. In an attempt to foster more business, she allowed her blonde hair to grow to her waist. She often greeted the landscaping contractors early in the morning dressed...
Doc and I were wrong; Mickey McKenna had not had his sex drive adjusted downward. Even as he went about his daily duties as a Daytown Detective, he was in fact a human embodiment of a satyr. His sex drive had become insatiable, his allure irresistible to women. It made for a long day. Jacy did not hesitate to climb onto his erection in a reverse cowgirl simply to be allowed to eat her bowl of cereal for breakfast. As Mickey neared climax, he pushed his daughter off and came into bowl....
Sir Philip dishes out some more punishment to his slut when she misbehaves... Chapter 7 The sound penetrated her ears like someone turning headphones as full as they could go. She was startled, starting to uncurl from the fetal position she had been asleep in. Without thinking she was kneeling, wary of what was happening. Disorientated at first, before her mind recalled the unbelievable, highly exciting and downright filthy events of the day before. She had no idea what the time was. She...
BDSMThe morning smelled of the soft pine that stood at the edge of the yard. The slight scent of dew stood out among the pine. Mixed with the pine and dew also was the dominate smell of a woman, who stood at the steps of her home. Her build was one of a large, hefty woman. She had been called, by those not so tactful, a mountain of unmovable flesh. Her brow just slightly connected and her lips were thin against such a large face. She bore green eyes that shone, these were though very blank. Above...