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Hope and Despair: Born at the Light of a New Day By: Tiffany Taylor The Judgment "Litl, my dearest brother, your accusations against my father and your step-father lack proof and are totally unfounded. I miss our mother as much as anyone else, but to accuse her loving husband of such treachery is negligent at best. You know to make such claims against anyone of the royal family without proof even from someone of your status is punishable by death. My hands are tied dear brother. You will be beheaded at sunrise tomorrow." Lilandra turned and began to walk away a tear running down her cheek. She couldn't believe her half brother could be so stupid to make an accusation like that. Even as the General of the Army and the eldest child of her mother there was nothing that could be done. To this day it was never revealed who his real father was. She knew she would miss her brother; they had been close at one time, but that was before the mistrust of her father had begun many years ago. She hated to be the one to send him to his death but the law is the law. If she didn't uphold the laws of her land with her own family then how could she expect her subjects to follow these very same laws? Litl watched his sister walk away with a pain in his heart. He took a look at her fair features as she passed him and left the chambers. Her straight golden hair framing a thin elven face, the icy gray in her eyes were enough to bring most men to their knees. She moved with feminine grace on her slender frame. Her purple gown was made of the finest materials money could buy. She stood tall for her race at five feet four inches tall. Her fair features were more her father's then her mother's but there was no denying that she was the former queen's daughter. Litl had known the risk he was taking when he made the accusations against his step father, but he thought his sister would at least listen to him and give him a chance to present his case before the high court. He had misjudged just how dutiful his sister was to her father even now that she was the queen. He had laid his sword at her feet and had pleaded with her to give him a chance but she would hear none of it as her father Ijiwaru, the evil bastard just scoffed at the young prince. Now he was sentenced to his death which he had always known was a possibility. Just before his sister left the room he managed to say loud enough for her to hear, "Very well Lilandra; I'll go peacefully." "Arrest the traitor and lock him in the dungeon until the morning where we will carry out his execution. Litl you ungrateful bastard even as I've taken you in as my own you've always had unwarranted suspicious of me. I hope your death will bring you some peace and you'll learn to trust people in your next life." Ijiwaru smirked as he watched the fate being sealed of the only obstacle in his way. Litl stood there with dignity as he watched the guards move towards him. Standing there with the confidence only one of royal blood could exude at a time like this. He tried to smile as he looked over to the woman he loved. "I love you he whispered," as the guards moved towards him. He was lean weighing 120 pounds at most, but there was little doubt to anyone in the room on the amount of strength and power this young elf possessed. His hair was cut short and it glistened like metallic silver. He was lean but well toned. His face was boyish with no trace of facial hair and his silver eyes spoke of strength and confidence that few could comprehend. He was dressed in a chain mail tunic and the royal tabard. The guards approached him apprehensively unsure if they were doing the right thing or not, but orders were orders and they did as they were told. Kigomae watched quietly as they took her fianc? away mouthing back to Litl "I love you too." She pulled her hood closed around her raven locks of hair and escaped the commotion quickly and quietly. She did not want to be bothered as she moved quickly to the tower of the grand wizard. As she was about to knock on the door it swung open and she heard a whisper in her ear "Kigomae hurry to my chambers we must work quickly if we are to save your love." She quickly rushed up the stairs and entered the wizard's personal chambers. Zephram smiled weakly at the young half elf as she entered his chambers. Standing next to him was someone Kigomae had never seen but had heard quite a deal about. The man couldn't be more than 3 and a half feet tall. The young woman greeted them both. "Grimble I assume." She said quickly before bowing before the old mage and his associate. Zephram's beard had grown long and raged as he had aged. His hair was now completely white. "Indeed Grimble I am, but tonight is not the time for long introductions or chatter, as much as that pains me." The gnome spoke quickly. "Zephram has a plan to disguise Litl and get him out of the kingdom he may never be able to return but he will at least have his life." "Kigomae sit down and we will go over this plan as quickly as we can because we have no time to spare." Zephram made a quick motion and pulled out a chair across the table from him for her to sit in and once she was seated he made the same motion and it pulled its way back in. "I have here a potion that is nearly finished that will disguise Litl, but there are a couple ingredients missing. Grimble's task is to sneak into Litl's cell and gather a small vial of his blood. Kigomae your task is to make it to your home and gather an item from his childhood something he received from his mother, preferably something small. Once you both return I'll reveal the rest of the plan to you." Zephram then motioned that it was time for them to leave. "Good luck." Kigomae was quickly to the home that Litl and she shared but had an uneasy feeling as she came upon the front door. She noticed that the door wasn't closed all the way. Her hand immediately went to the hilt of her sword, as she entered her home. While she wasn't as gifted as her full elven brethren in such circumstances her alertness would soon pay off. Since she was aware that danger could be nearby she was paying attention to the sounds in the home as well as allowing her eyes to focus in the darkness of the house. As she moved through the house everything seemed undisturbed until she moved closer to the study. A sideways glance revealed books and papers thrown all across the floor. She turned to go to the bedroom and retrieve the item she needed so she could escape quickly. She could deal with the intruder later. Before she could move she heard the sound of metal on metal and out of the corner of her eye she saw the motion. Moving quickly and instinctively her sword was drawn from its scabbard and parried the attack coming from the trespasser. The attacker continued the assault on the dark haired heroine but his attacks were continually blocked as she assessed her opponent. She could tell her opponent continually left his defense open going for highly offensive but easily defended moves. She concluded that she could use his own offense against him without having to kill the intruder. She allowed his next attack to push her back pretending to fall to the floor. He went to bring his sword down on her. She moved out of the way with the reflexes of a trained fighter moved her hands chanting something quickly and watched as the intruder went to try and lift his sword after it crashed to the ground. He struggled to lift it which gave her enough time to motion her hands again this time chanting something a bit more slowly. As her hands moved colors began to emanate from her hands before bursting out all at once. The intruder soon fell to the floor out cold. The encounter had left Kigomae a bit tired and winded but she moved quickly to their room and went straight to their jewelry box. Pulling out a silver chain with a pendant on it she threw it in her pouch. Her task complete she became curious as to the purpose of the attempted burglary. She quickly found some rope and bound her assailant's hands together and then tied his feet as well. She didn't want to find out what would happen if he woke up anytime soon. She then quickly began to search him as well as the pack she found laying on the study's floor. She found some documents that had been in the pack that would not only implicate more crimes on Litl but would also frame her for crimes neither of them had committed. She also discovered that he had grabbed Litl's personal journal that even she had never read before. She stuffed these in her pack and exited in haste back to Zephram's. Kigomae was back at Zephram's in less than half an hour. She rushed through his door with a look of worry on her face. Zephram and Grimble were both standing there carrying on a conversation as they discussed plans to free Litl from his jail cell. She slumped in a chair and quickly explained her encounter to Zephram and Grimble. Grimble informed them that his task was no trouble at all and as usually he made it with being detected at all. Zephram then stood up tall and spoke with conviction in his voice. "While things are worse than even I suspected right now, we still have the element of surprise. We should be able to carry off this plan. While it is not without risks, I know in my heart that everything will work out for the better in the long run. While not even I can predict the future I can tell that each of you will face many trials together and that each of you will be made stronger for it. The blood has already been added to the potion and is now ready for Litl to drink. The locket you gathered must place around his neck within seconds of him drinking the potion. Grimble will get him out of prison and meet you right outside the stables. I will be there with you but once you all depart I'll no longer be able to assist you." Zephram paused and watched as Grimble departed. He then continued to discuss these things with the half- blood, "Take this and give it to your fianc?, He must not open it unless the seal turns a light blue. If he opens it before then the message inside will be destroyed and he will be on his own to discover its meaning. Now let's be on our way." The Escape Litl was lying in his cot in the cell that was provided for him. It was larger and more comfortable than most because of his status but it was still a prison cell. He knew he had done the right thing but that didn't stop him from second guessing his decision to go to his sister at this point in time. He knew in his heart that his step-father was behind his mother's death but he lacked the solid proof he needed to convince his sister. He sighed knowing that his pride and his trust in his sister had cost him his life. Rolling over in his cot he felt a sting in his left arm that he had felt for over an hour now. He pulled up his sleep and took a moment to examine the spot in his bicep where the sting originated in the low light of his cell. He noticed a small trickle of blood coming from his arm but could not remember doing anything to cause the wound that was on his arm. "Here let me get that for you." A voice said as he moved towards the cell. He raised his hand and slid a key into the lock. With a click it was open. A smile formed on the gnome's face that only Litl would ever see. He tossed a roll of brown bandages at his old friend. "Here wrap that wound I caused you quickly we don't have much time." "I would know that voice anywhere." Litl chuckled before he quickly wrapped the wound and moved to greet his old friend. "Why are you here? I have been sentenced to death. I don't want to put you or anyone else at risk. I have resigned myself to my fate." "Nonsense Litl, you have done nothing to deserve this fate. If you die at sunrise then your death will mean nothing and your family and the entire kingdom will come to ruin and you know it. Now take this and let's get out of here." Grimble handed Litl his long sword, that would only work like a short sword for the larger Litl but he knew that the elven prince could put it to better use then he could if it was needed. Litl took the sword and nodded. "Very well I'll trust your judgment since you've never lead me astray before. I don't like this though because it makes me look like a coward. If only my sister wasn't so blinded by her father none of this would be happening now." Grimble agreed, "If only you had been a girl none of this would have happened either, but we can't live off of ifs right now. Quiet down and let old Grimble get us out of here." Grimble trotted off out of the cell and to the left with Litl following quickly and quietly behind. Both made it a point to stay in the shadows as best they could so nothing but the most talented elves would be able to see them. While Litl was a prince and a soldier he was remarkably versed in keeping himself quiet on his feet. They soon exited the prison and Litl began to think that it was too easy. Unknown to both of them was that they had a tail on them. They moved quickly to the stables where they were met by Kigomae and someone that neither of them recognized right away. Litl ran up to his fianc? and embraced her in a passionate kiss and a hug that would have made anyone melt in his arms. He then looked at the aging man with the white hair and no beard and recognition came over him. "Zephram is that you. Of course it is. I should have known you wouldn't leave me to die at that bastard's hands." Zephram smiled as he handed him a bottle of a dark purple liquid. "No time to explain drink this and go." Just as he completed his sentence he felt one of his wards being tripped by someone that had pursued Grimble and Litl. "Drink it now, we will meet again. Remember my instructions Kigomae. I must be gone before I am discovered." Zephram then spoke softly and vanished from sight. Litl took the flask of purple liquid and lifted it to his lips taking in the aroma he was certain this wasn't going to taste good. He would have scoffed at drinking something that smelled that pungent if it was any other situation but he trusted Zephram and he knew that he had little or no time to spare. He tipped the flask up and tasted a strong taste that was a mix of something incredibly sour like lemons and incredibly disgusting like chalk as the think liquid began to trickle down his throat. Just as he felt the last of the liquid going down he made a gagging sound but was able to hold it down. At the exact same time he felt a cold metallic feel on his neck as he heard the clasp come together. "Sorry to put it on without asking you first but it was instrumental to the success of the potion according to Zephram. Now let's get our horses and get out of here." Kigomae hands lingered on Litl's shoulders. She then turned and headed inside the stables where Grimble had already saddled up his smaller horse. Once they were all on their horses they began to flee to the southwest. It would be several days before they could reach the boarder of the kingdom and traveling to the southwest was the easiest and probably the safest route to freedom. They would have to travel through a few towns and the mountains could be troublesome because they are seldom patrolled but they knew it was the best route for them to take. As they rode quickly out of Tadorar Toria the capital of Aelael Coyls kingdom of the elves, both Grimble and Kigomae noticed that Litl began to glow slightly. It was faint and if they didn't know what to look for they would never had noticed the faint aura emanating from his body. "So how are you feeling my love?" Concern could be heard in Kigomae's voice. "Today has been the worst day of my life. My beloved sister refused to even listen to me. She dismissed me as if I am some commoner. I got sentenced to death because I dared speak up about how evil a man her father is. I got some mysterious injury I didn't even notice how it happened but I assume it's your work Grimble. Oh I had to drink some horrible tasting potion and now my entire body is tingling. Now one of my best friends and my soon to be wife are fugitives with me. I appreciate the help and all but I am in a very bad mood. Ijiwaru, that bastard is going to pay for the lives he has ruined someday. I just hope it's by my own hands." Litl kept his voice down but the venom could be felt by the other two riding with him regardless. They continued to ride on mostly in silence but Grimble and Kigomae continued to look over at Litl. He seemed different but neither was sure what it was other then the faint glow that continued to emanate from his skin. Kigomae watched as Litl absently pushed a strand of his silver hair aside and behind his ear. He seemed oblivious to the action. She remained silent as she noticed his hair was growing much longer. A smile formed on her face as she realized that the potion was meant to change his appearance to make it easier for them to escape unnoticed. "Grimble, I think we may want to disguise ourselves. I don't think we will have to worry about anyone recognizing Litl much longer but what about us." Grimble looked over at Litl, and he noticed the longer hair as well as a slight change in his overall appearance although he was unable to place a finger on it. "I think you're right; there should be a clearing up ahead with a trail that leads into the woods. We can stop there and I can see what we can come up with for a disguise." "Huh what do you mean about not having to worry about me." Litl asked suspiciously. "I think that mysterious potion Zephram made you drink is changing your appearance dear. This should make it easier for us to escape out the area unnoticed." Kigomae spoke calmly as they came to the clearing and followed the trail off into the woods. Once they were sure they were out of sight from the main road they dismounted from their horses and Grimble began to search through his pack. While Grimble was searching through his pack Litl began to scratch his chest as it began to itch. He was amazed as skin and nipples seemed to be a bit more sensitive than usual. His hand quickly moved back from his chest as he lifted his shirt up and noticed that his nipples seemed a bit puffy. He then had to move the long hair out of his face again. That's when he noticed that he normally didn't have long hair but now his hair seemed to be shoulder length and still growing. "Ah there it is." Grimble paused before pulling out a regular looking brown box. "This should be exactly what we need." "Huh what is that?" Kigomae was broken from watching Litl. "In here should be the perfect disguises for both of us." Looking her directly in the eyes "Now come sit over here. Litl can you keep an eye on the area please. I'll need to concentrate to get this disguise just right." Litl nodded as his body continued to send distracting signals to his mind. He tried to ignore them as best he could as he kept watch on the surrounding area. He noticed someone coming up on the main road that ended up stopping right at the path and dismounting. The figure checked the area and then got back on the horse and headed on towards the southwest. Litl sighed with relief as the figure galloped off. He was in no mood to fight anyone right now. He was afraid of putting his friend and lover in more danger then they already were in. As he turned around to check to see how the process was coming along he noticed an odd shifting sensation on his chest. He looked down in surprise as he began to notice two small mounds pushing out his shirt. He also noticed that his clothes no longer seemed to be fitting right. His shirt seemed larger on him while his pants seemed to be lower on his hips instead of around his waist. The pants seemed to pool around his ankles even once he pulled them back up around his thinner waist. "Umm... What kind of disguise is this supposed to..." Litl grabbed his throat as he heard his voice come out not in the normal male tenor that he was used to but in something close to a contralto. At that exact moment Grimble had just finished working on Kigomae, making her look slightly older and changed the color of her hair to an almost chestnut brown. She looked up at Litl and what started as a smile soon turned to a gasp. She couldn't believe her eyes. She soon recovered from the shock and looked Litl directly in his eyes. "Honey don't panic. We will figure out what to do once we are safely away." Litl faked a smile as he plopped down on a log just off the pathway. He noticed as his ass felt like it had a bit more padding then usual and let out a weak groan. He looked down at his arms as he noticed they were a bit more slender as well as his hands and fingers. The changes weren't drastic due to his elven blood but they were definitely noticeable. He continued to stare at his hands before he felt a churning in his gut and a shifting around his groin. He just sat there for a couple minutes in shock until the feeling stopped. He stood up sliding his hand down past the waistband of his now loose pants. A shriek escaped his lips as he was unable to find his normal male organs. His hand continued to search for it as he found a very feminine slit. He didn't even have a chance to process the significance of it as he fell over and fainted. "Wake up Litl wake up honey." Kigomae cried out to her fianc?. "Please wake up." Lilt's eyes slowly opened as she groaned. Hearing her groan was enough to bring everything that had just occurred back to her and she frowned. "So it wasn't a dream." She could feel her body still tingling and new that her body was still changing but she forced herself to sit up feeling the unfamiliar shift of weight on her chest. "This is strange." She grimaced as she heard her voice yet again. "You're not kidding. You look almost like yourself but what you would have looked like as a woman. We need to get to safety while you're like this. After that we can just wait for the spell to wear off." Kigomae smiled down at Litl and offered her hand to help him stand up. Litl took her hand and forced a smile. "Girls, it's not going to be as easy as we thought now. I have some gold so we will have to stop in a small village tomorrow and get some more appropriate clothing for our former prince. Kigomae you'll probably want to get yourself some extra clothing as well. The journey will be long and treacherous especially with two women as beautiful as both of you. As it is I appear as nothing more than a young child now so I won't serve as a deterrent to opportunity seeking bandits." Grimble then moved up closer to his old friend looking up into her eyes. "Things will be tough but we will get through..." Just as Grimble was completing his sentence, "Well, well, what do we have here? Prince Litl or is it Princess Litl now?" Standing before the group was two men. The speaker stood taller than any elf any of them had ever seen. He was slim and looked gangly but stood with a confidence that said he isn't one to mess with. The other had to be human with his broad shoulders and bulging muscles. Very few humans lived in their kingdom but it wasn't uncommon for human mercenaries. "No matter you don't have to answer that. You'll be dead before dawn anyway." Each of them pulled their swords and moved in on the young women. Litl grabbed the sword from the ground that Grimble had given her earlier and noticed that it seemed slightly heavier than it had before. While her body movements seemed different and awkward it was clear her skill with a blade was still formidable. Kigomae drew her own long sword quickly and was already engaging the tall elven opponent. Soon there was clang of swords clashing together. Grimble used the distraction to sneak into the shadows as he slowly moved around assessing the situation. Litl still quite unsure about the movements of her new body was on the defensive. She was having a harder time than usual deflecting the blade of her opponent. It was clear that she had lost some of her strength and while her movements felt awkward to her she soon realized she was a bit quicker on her feet and just a bit more nimble than usual. She began to gain a bit more confidence in her movements as she began to return some of the blows. As she began her own offensive movements though her opponent thought he saw an opening in her defense. He went for it as princess Lit missed with her own attack. He lunged for the opening in her gut that he had noticed and the attack would have hit her dead on piercing her stomach had she not gained just a little bit of speed from the transformation. She was able to get her sword back to block just in time to deflect the blow enough to leave her with just a small cut on her side. Regardless if her skill was enough to defeat this opponent or not the unfamiliarity from her body and taking the blow to her side began to eat at her confidence. She soon seemed to be only on the defensive again and the fear was beginning to overwhelm her. She looked over and Kigomae was already taking the upper hand with her opponent while sustaining very minor cuts herself her opponent had a gaping wound on his offhand forearm and seemed to be wincing in pain each time he swung. Grimble was now over in the shadows and began to load his crossbow as he watched his old friend falling back against a tree. He began to aim it at the back of the head of the human male. Just as he prepared to release the trigger Kigomae yelled at. "Just because you're a girl now doesn't mean you have to be some damn push over for a man. Get it together already Litl and feel sorry for yourself after your safe if you have to feel sorry for yourself." Grimble held his aim but didn't release the arrow. He decided he needed to let things play out just a bit more. Kigomae's outburst seemed to have an effect on Litl as she steeled her resolve at just the last nanosecond and was able to deflect what might have been a fatal blow to the head from her opponent's sword. In a moment of new confidence she felt an inner fire begin to grow inside her that she hadn't felt since she was a young boy. "Sorry Kigomae I almost forgot who I was there for a second." As she completed her comment to the person she loved, her borrowed long sword began to glow a bright red. This confused the elven maiden slightly but shrugged it off as she decided to worry about it later. She kicked her opponent in the abdomen to catch him off guard and then slashed her blade down cutting him through the shoulder severing his arm and dropping him to the ground instantly. Taking the hilt of her blade she knocked him unconscious. Just as Litl's blow had connected with her unnamed opponent Kigomae's rival was in enough shock at the glowing blade and watching his ally fall that he left himself open for a finishing blow from Kigomae. Kigomae being the opportunist that she is thrust her blade into the chest of her opponent piercing the heart and watched as he slumped to the ground. It always bothered both Litl and Kigomae to see someone die but they both realized that the world would be a much better place without these two mercenary thugs. Grimble quickly searched the area and when he was certain there was no one nearby he returned to camp. "The coast seems to be clear." Kigomae and Litl both began to relax and then the events that had just occurred began to overwhelm Litl. She slumped to her knees and began to cry.

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I went to the house and as Olga smiled at me she told me about her morning preparations, "My breasts were pumped a little this morning, but there is so much milk that remained only for you. I put the rest in the fridge, so when you're thirsty you could drink it later. Yesterday I ate a lot of chili so my milk would be extra tasty for you." She told me, as this would be an everyday activity. My cock took over control in my brain. She stood a short distance from me I could see her whole...

3 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter Three

About 4:30pm Allison arrived back, she was visibly annoyed and upset. She nodded to me and tore into Hayley about being so selfish and not travelling over to Rotorua with her. We both tried to calm her down and after a while she told us why she was so upset. It had all been a set-up, Uncle Fred leaving his wallet behind; he had her meet him at their home, and he took her to lunch in his car. Once there he tried to get her drunk, by ordering lots of wine and having her drink with him...

2 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter two

I at last have the time to write about some of the more erotic happenings in my long time passion of chasing the female sex. The stories are all as factual as I can make them. But obviously you forget the actual dialog and also in the telling over the years, things get juiced up a little. But they are definitely based on actual happenings. Chapter two. We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much older guy, Allison quizzing me about what teenagers got up to...

2 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter One

It was summer 65 and a bunch of my mates and I travelled down to Ohope Beach, on the east coast of North Island NZ, for a boozy camping holiday. We descended on the town on our motorbikes, having ridden down from Auckland. One of the fathers had delivered a tent and some camping gear for us, as he drove through to Opotiki, where they had a holiday Bach. This was the main reason we had chosen Ohope Beach as our summer destination, and the fact it was meant to have dozens of girls there and no...

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Ohope Beach Chapter One

It was the summer of ’65 and a bunch of my mates and I traveled down to Ohope Beach, on the east coast of North Island New Zealand, for a boozy camping holiday. We descended on the town on our motorbikes, having ridden down from Auckland. One of the fathers had delivered a tent and some camping gear for us, as he drove through to Opotiki, where they had a holiday bach. This was the main reason we had chosen Ohope Beach as our summer destination, and the fact it was meant to have dozens of...

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Ohope Beach Chapter Three

About 4:30 p.m. Allison arrived back, she was visibly annoyed and upset. She nodded to me and tore into Hayley about being so selfish and not travelling over to Rotorua with her. We both tried to calm her down and after a while she told us why she was so upset. It had all been a set-up, Uncle Fred leaving his wallet behind. He had her meet him at their home and he took her to lunch in his car. Once there he tried to get her drunk by ordering lots of wine and having her drink with him glass for...

4 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter Three

Introduction: The final in my summer adventure. Ohope Beach Chapter Three About 4:30pm Allison arrived back, she was visibly annoyed and upset. She nodded to me and tore into Hayley about being so selfish and not travelling over to Rotorua with her. We both tried to calm her down and after a while she told us why she was so upset. It had all been a set-up, Uncle Fred leaving his wallet behind, he had her meet him at their home, and he took her to lunch in his car. Once there he tried to get...

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Ohope Beach Chapter Two

We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much older guy, Allison quizzing me about what teenagers got up to nowadays. She seemed to think there was a lot more sex happening, than really was the case. I certainly knew plenty of guys that had not yet slept with a female. Anyway, after about 15 minutes, Allison wriggled down and took me into her mouth. I tried to stop her, as my dick was still wet and slimy from her own juices. But she just pushed my hands away and sucked and...

4 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter two

Introduction: More on the summer holiday adventures Ohope Beach, Chapter two I at last have the time to write about some of the more erotic happenings in my long time passion of chasing the female sex. The stories are all as factual as I can make them. But obviously you forget the actual dialog and also in the telling over the years, things get juiced up a little. But they are definitely based on actual happenings. Chapter two. We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much...

2 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter Three

About 4:30 p.m. Allison arrived back, she was visibly annoyed and upset. She nodded to me and tore into Hayley about being so selfish and not travelling over to Rotorua with her. We both tried to calm her down and after a while she told us why she was so upset. It had all been a set-up, Uncle Fred leaving his wallet behind. He had her meet him at their home and he took her to lunch in his car. Once there he tried to get her drunk by ordering lots of wine and having her drink with him glass for...

Wife Lovers
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Ohope Beach Chapter Two

We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much older guy, Allison quizzing me about what teenagers got up to nowadays. She seemed to think there was a lot more sex happening, than really was the case. I certainly knew plenty of guys that had not yet slept with a female. Anyway, after about 15 minutes, Allison wriggled down and took me into her mouth. I tried to stop her, as my dick was still wet and slimy from her own juices. But she just pushed my hands away and sucked and...

3 years ago
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Ohope Beach Chapter One

It was the summer of '65 and a bunch of my mates and I traveled down to Ohope Beach, on the east coast of North Island New Zealand, for a boozy camping holiday. We descended on the town on our motorbikes, having ridden down from Auckland. One of the fathers had delivered a tent and some camping gear for us, as he drove through to Opotiki, where they had a holiday bach. This was the main reason we had chosen Ohope Beach as our summer destination, and the fact it was meant to have dozens of girls...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Barbara and the couple two short chapters

Barbara gets piercings Seth watched Barbara again from a distance. This time they were in the middle of the city and the red headed girl was looking for adresses. Seth had send her only a adress and a time. So far she has not seen him yet but she had followed every command that he had given. She was sturdy and ready for anything. Wondering if he should try to have her be a piss slut once, he saw that the girl had found the adress. She had arrived at a tattoo and piercing parlor. Seth...

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It's nothing new to me. I've been having same dream ever since my 18th birthday. At first it was only happening once a week, but now it’s happening every night. “Shit! I’m going to be late.” I shouted after looking at the time on my IPhone. You see today is the first day of the 19 years I've spent on this planet that I will be living alone. Well with my best friend. “Jaden, come downstairs right now.” My mom shouted from down stairs. “I'm coming mom.” I said in a nonchalant tone. You...

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Cupids curse The first 4 chapters

As I get off the bed to come to her I feel the same sharp pain in my eyes. I never stop moving as almost if my body was possessed. Drawling me closer to this mysterious women with every step. When I finally reach the sofa my heart starts thumping wildly like a horse on a open field. Again she signals me to sit down by her. The mysterious women does nothing more nor nothing less. And in reply to her soundless motion I take my seat next to her. As I sit down next to her she let's off a odd...

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Alicias Lesson CAW8 entrant All 5 Chapters

An XNXX exclusive. ***** This runs about 13,000 words so be warned. Check the tags and enjoy. Introduction: Bryan falls in love with Alicia, a coworker. As their relationship advances, two women he works with show their interest in him. One Alicia invites to have a little fun, and the other Bryan hints that he likes. Jealousy breeds a taste for revenge, but who is the killer? ***** Alicia drove to work, cruising at a leisurely pace with plenty of time to spare. She would make it...

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Abigail three chapters

It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

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The Truth About Bethie The First Part Chapters

9. Bethie's wishWe cuddled and pecked and necked for a good little while after that. Not worrying about pictures, just enjoying ourselves. I was by then completely in her spell, so comforted from my earlier anxiety about Lizvette, and guilt-free about Bethie. She was very much in command and very obviously enjoying her status as lady of the house and love of my life.She was curious to see the pictures, and eager to secure them. At her request, we moved to the den. There, at my desk, she sat in...

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True Stories Winter At Beech Mountain Chapters

It was mid-winter here in Western N.C. --- and I had cabin fever. Looking at the same places- same faces - had given me the 'itch' to travel.. My income also suffered now because of the Christmas season. People would rather buy presents than have a massage.I had watched the discovery channel lately, and hit on an idea. In winter, caribou would migrate south to their winter grazing areas and be near a water supply. In summer, they moved back north to stay cool and be near food and water. I would...

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Amber and Jake An Altered Fates Story Final Chapters

Amber and Jake - An Altered Fates Story By Eric Edits by SteveZ Part 6 Jake awoke the next morning feeling wonderful; she kissed her lover Bob gently as he began to stir. It was great to feel so sexy. She padded over to the mirror and looked admiringly at her - at Amber's body. 'Well, in many ways it was tempting to see if Amber would be willing to trade bodies and lives,' she thought, 'but I love most of my own life too! I'm rich, have a great job, my income from all sources is...

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Love Me til Dawn The Final Chapters

It was not for another four months before Alice had Lorraine alone to herself again and in a position to discuss it with her.Upon their return from San Monique she had begun an intensive management course designed to give her the basic knowledge she needed. She would never need to do any bookkeeping but it was vital that she could interpret the accounts. Alice had some experience in her previous job as a clerk that helped her understand the accounts sufficiently. She was taught the different...

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Spread sex into chapters

A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor… A Russian, mature aunt just loves to play pranks with an experienced, hormonally excited, strong male - this is exactly the name you can give to this story, which tells how my neighbor friend loves to masturbate experienced guys. She loves to give a blowjob, and we are happy to show everyone who wants to...

2 years ago
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Hopes day off

I feel so bored. I have nothing to do so I decide maybe I should buy a ticket and go to homecoming. But, I have no one to go with. I could ask hope. Actually I should go ask hope, I just wish I don’t get a boner seeing her. I have a major crush on her. You know what; maybe if I go we could go to the mosh pit and grind a bit. So I text hope “Hey is it okay if I go to homecoming with you.” She replies “oh yeah sure.” Yes! Okay so 2 weeks have passed and you guys got inside the mosh pit.

5 years ago
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Hopelessly Devoted

                                                 Hopelessly Devoted        She kneeled on the floor in front of her laptop and watched the words flicker on the screen in complete awe. After years of searching, of being let down, of STD fears from one "Master" to the next, she may have finally found what she was indeed looking for.  And she was scared to death.        She had fist met him nearly three months earlier, a charming, quiet sort of man with a sense of humor and, from what she could...

4 years ago
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HOPEFUL by Crazy Baron NOTIFICATIONS AND DISCLAIMERS This work may be distributed to forums where it can be read free of charge, provided that the author gives his explicit permission and that the text is not altered. Please note that this story is intended for mature readers only. The people and incidents depicted herein are completely fictional. THE STORY The society circles of the town of Northboro were admittedly small in size, like the town itself, but even in a much...

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I can't begin to tell you what Hope means to me. My mother died when I was very young, so young in fact, that I hardly remember her. She is a faded image in my mind, and only old photographs remind me of what she once looked like. She was very pretty my mother, and I guess I miss her. That may sound a little cold and callous, but I never really knew her. Hope, on the other hand, was another story. Hope is my best friend's mother, and I have had a crush on her for as long as I've known what...

2 years ago
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Hope I

“Stop,” I commanded with an authority I'd never before exercised with her. She stopped and looked at me. I got up from the futon and walked past her to the door as she watched me, locking it when I got there. “Where do you think you're going?” Hope smiled bashfully at me, a smile I'd seen only once before, but would see frequently in the days that followed. I first met Hope in my English 101 class. I was thirty-four years old when I decided to go to college, and thirty-five when...

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HopeChapter 2

The sun was struggling to peek through the grey clouds, as Ellie strolled down the concrete path towards the bandstand. She was rather looking forward to spending some time with Hope - Michael too, if she was brutally honest. She could well understand what Lisa saw in him. Had seen, she mentally corrected herself. He was attractive in a gruff kind of way, but what did it for Ellie was the quiet way he spoke and acted. Of course, this was just a friendship, nothing more. If it meant she also...

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HopeChapter 3

The text on his computer screen kept blurring, as Michael stared at it in a zombie-like fashion. Eventually, he cursed and pushed the keyboard away. He returned to staring at his mobile instead. The house was blissfully silent; Hope was asleep upstairs and he was meant to be writing yet another report for tomorrow's meeting. Instead, he sat at the table, unable to write the goddamned thing. He knew he needed to talk to Ellie, but he didn't know what he could say that would make things...

4 years ago
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Hope Ch 02

The text on his computer screen kept blurring, as Michael stared at it in a zombie-like fashion. Eventually, he cursed and pushed the keyboard away. He returned to staring at his mobile instead. The house was blissfully silent, Hope was asleep upstairs and he was meant to be writing yet another report for tomorrow’s meeting. Instead, he sat at the table, unable to write the goddamned thing. He knew he needed to talk to Ellie, but he didn’t know what he could say that would make things right....

4 years ago
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Hope and Faith

Kyle waited for his sister's to arrive. He hadn't seen them in over three months since he was caught with them both in bed. Kyle sat there as the guards of the prison brought in his beautiful sisters Hope and Faith. They walked in smiling immediately as they saw their brother. He still looked sexy as ever with his dark brown hair slightly covering his blue eyes. He was wearing his orange prison suit and his hands were handcuffed. They saw one of the guards uncut him so he could pick up the...

2 years ago
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Hopelessly Addicted

He was up way too early for a Saturday, but he had a pick up to make. He stopped at Starbucks for a coffee before pointing his BMW south and commencing to drive. He glanced in the rearview mirror to check the traffic behind him and then caught sight of his own blue eyes."You're a weakling," he said to himself as he drove.He cursed himself along with the firm he worked for.as they were partially to blame for this situation."If only they had kept to their regular routine I wouldn't be in this...

4 years ago
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Hope Is In The Lounge Part 1

Talk about a gorgeous fall night on the Gulf Coast that quickly turned erotic!She was dancing in front of the bandstand to almost every song. A very attractive face with a slender body and a nice rack that had a lot of single guys drooling. I found myself watching and wondering if she was staying at the inn or just in with friends for the music and dancing. As a good three-piece band, we usually packed the place on weekends.She looked very sexy and supple as she wiggled and shook that pair of...

Quickie Sex
4 years ago
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Hope I

As she hits the soft sand, she bites her lip- the dunes digging into her naked back. Her cream skin shines against the white grains- her smile flashing as he falls down beside her, his nakedness mirroring her own, his arms trailing over her chest. She squirms- her eyes shimmering- and rolls onto his body. Her musk matches his own, and as she embraces his hardness with her warm slit, they share a moan of passion. The empty beach, lit by starlight, seems to rock as they make love. Hope cannot...

3 years ago
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Hope and Sally Best Butties Part 1

Hope and Sally develop a bound that will bring their friendship closer than ever. Hope is my best friend, my opposite, my balance, and my soon to be lover. She’s tall, dark skin, brunette hair. She is a clever, loud, unapologetic, and a flirt. After a summer apart we have our first back to school sleep over. Hope’s house was so big we had a whole floor to ourselves. She gets right to telling me what her older cousin showed her over the summer. Just like my cousin Lea had used my holes,...

3 years ago
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Hope Springs Eternal

Disclaimer: The story Hope Springs Eternal is a work of fiction as are the characters. Any semblance to persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Hope Springs Eternal Nobody in this world is perfect, least of all, me. I have done things in the past I should not have done and done things I regret. If I could go back in time, there are things I would have done differently. I am a non-judgemental person and I wonder how people will judge me as I tell a portion of my life. When I...

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Lust is said to be that which you should never have. Sex is said to be merger of two souls. Strangely, I have found that to be untrue. I traveled to Sweden of all places for a convention. I was naturally eager to see if the people had the unbelievable characteristics that movies always say that they have. Of course, not everyone was as beautiful as one might have hoped, but still, the sexy were bountiful. Did I forget to mention? My name is Hope, I'm about 5'6" and around 125 lbs....

3 years ago
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Hope Your Hungry White Boy Cuckold

I had known Brienne since 1st Grade. She was always moving in and out of my school district, and we were always friends when she was here. She played softball and had sexy, thick, muscular legs and an ass that went for days. She was maybe 5' 6" and weighed around 150 pounds. She wasn't a big girl at all. She was thick in all the right ways. Her blonde hair looked beautiful no matter if she let it down or wore it in a bun or ponytail. I once peaked in on her after school and saw her changing. I...

2 years ago
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Hope Ch 01

Thanks, Lily, for editing! * * * Savage pains tore across Lisa’s mid section and she sank to the floor in agony, desperately trying to breathe rhythmically through the contractions. Eventually, the pain faded away again and she reached for the telephone to dial Ellie’s number. She didn’t think she had much time now and the hospital was a good half hour drive away. ‘It’s coming,’ she managed to gasp when Ellie finally answered the call. ‘Don’t panic, I’ll be round straight away,’ her friend...

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Hope and BetrayalChapter 18

Kevin Colby, my boss, actually fronted me the geld to get me into the cheapest apartment in Phoenix: the Cantwell, room 202, $350 a month including basic utilities. I finally had running water and a bed not made of concrete and smelling of gasoline or oil. I was livin’ the dream! Well, dream might be a slight exaggeration. I was driving again. Well, driving is prominent on my work resume. I was kind of out of shape, but loading my truck every day was kinda fixing that. One good thing about...

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Debbie was restless with anticipation. She knew what was about to happen and was so excited that she could hardly contain herself. She was about to experience pleasure that she'd never known before. Her date had been kissing her very passionately. Her pants, blouse and bra were lying on the couch beside her. As he worked his way downward, kissing her neck and moving downwards toward her breasts, she could only hope that the downward trek would continue. She hoped beyond hope that the trek...

2 years ago
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Hope and BetrayalChapter 21

A bearded guy came up to the bar and ordered a beer. Mattie served the guy and he headed outside to the patio area. It was Mattie and Hellen handling the early shift. I knew the schedule. I was coming in three or four times a week now. Mattie and Hellen were full timers. Sarah, was only part time and worked mostly nights. They were the whole crew except for Parker, the only guy; he was the manager. He’d taken over when Sam died a couple of years back as I heard when I got out, again. Pearl...

3 years ago
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Hope and BetrayalChapter 10

“Yes, Mom, Anna’s started her new job. Yes, she’s got herself a new place. And yes, she’s coming by later and bringing dinner with her. And no, I am not taking Mister Hanson up on his job offer,” said Lea. “Well, okay, but if he’s offering twice as much as you’re making now...” started Cecilia. “Yes, and what would he want in return, Mom. He picks up to young women in a diner and offers them fancy jobs and fancy dinners at the Waterbury. What’s in it for him. Mom, I was a whore. You know...

4 years ago
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Hope and BetrayalChapter 16

She cried all the way home, every last yard of the 230 miles back home. And he still might die! Jesus! She had to talk to her husband, and she had to do so immediately. She pulled into the five-car garage, got out, and marched with a wet face into the house. His briefcase was gone. He was at his office in Phoenix. She had not called ahead. She called him now. He answered immediately. Well, he did have one of those caller ID thingys that had just come on the market, well, as far as she knew...

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