Hope Ch. 02 free porn video

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The text on his computer screen kept blurring, as Michael stared at it in a zombie-like fashion. Eventually, he cursed and pushed the keyboard away. He returned to staring at his mobile instead. The house was blissfully silent, Hope was asleep upstairs and he was meant to be writing yet another report for tomorrow’s meeting. Instead, he sat at the table, unable to write the goddamned thing.

He knew he needed to talk to Ellie, but he didn’t know what he could say that would make things right. It wasn’t that he hadn’t enjoyed last night — he had — but the fact that she’d left in the middle of the night indicated to him that she saw it as a huge mistake. Now, he felt like a total bastard for taking advantage of her when she was drunk.

It had never been his intention to be anything other than friends with her. Despite the simmering attraction between them, he wasn’t ready for a relationship. There were too many complications in his life right now, not least of them Helen. He just hoped that he hadn’t blown things with Ellie completely. It was obvious how much she adored Hope.

He sighed. It was now or never. If he didn’t make some kind of effort to make amends, then he would lose his nerves and so would Ellie. Picking up his mobile, he dialled her home number.

It rang…and rang. Eventually, an answering service picked up the call and a disembodied voice told him to leave a message after the tone.

‘Hi, Ellie…it’s Michael. We need to talk about…stuff. Can you give me a ring, please?’ He hung up feeling like a love struck teenager. If she didn’t return his call, he was screwed

* * *

Ellie sat on her sofa listening to Michael’s voice on her answer machine. She exhaled shakily, when the machine clicked off as soon as the call ended. Just the simple act of listening to his voice made her grow warm and tingly. Oh, she had it bad!

But last night was a huge mistake. She’d realised that, when she awoke from a brief sleep, still wrapped in Michael’s arms. The alcohol had worn off and she felt lousy despite the way her body was still humming from the best sex she’d ever had.

She was lying beside him, swearing silently. Michael was Lisa’s man — that was an inescapable fact. Lisa might not be here any more, but Ellie still felt loyalty to her friend and sleeping with her man wasn’t right. No, she had to forget about Michael. It wasn’t going to be easy, but it was her only option.

She thumped the cushions with frustration. How could she have been so stupid! It was the last time she was ever going to drink wine. It was fortunate that Michael had stayed blissfully asleep when she prised herself from his arms in order to make a quick getaway. That had been the hardest thing to do. The way his arms felt around her had been wonderful. She had really wanted to stay there…but she couldn’t. She wouldn’t.

Once she’d retrieved her clothes, she carefully unlocked the door and let herself out into the cold night. She locked the door again and pushed the key through the letterbox. It was a long walk into town, but it felt like a deserved penance for her sin. By the time she waved down a passing taxi, it was ridiculously late and all she wanted to do was fall into bed.

Even then, sleep eluded Ellie. Not until the sun peeked over the line of trees behind her house did she finally drift off, but it wasn’t a particularly restful sleep as arousing images of their love making continued to haunt her dreams. By the time she awoke again, the sheets were tangled up and she felt like death. The only positive note was that it was Sunday and she didn’t have to go to work.

Not that she did anything useful all afternoon. Everywhere she turned, she was reminded of the disastrous evening with Michael. Her small carrier bag in the hallway had some cute baby clothes inside. The plan had been to take them over next time she saw Michael and Hope. But there was no chance of that happening now. The idea of never seeing Hope again almost reduced Ellie to tears.

In an attempt to distract herself from endless self-flagellation, Ellie flopped on the sofa and watched a mindless film. Or she had been watching it until Michael had interrupted with a message on her answer machine. Now all she could do was stew again. Damn him. Why couldn’t he have left her alone? DAMN HIM!

* * *

The street was teeming with pedestrians, but Michael barely noticed. His head was filled with work rubbish as he wandered past endless shops in the general direction of his bank. The day had dawned bright and sunny, but his mood had been a reflection of miserable winter, not optimistic spring.

He still hadn’t heard from Ellie, unfortunately. As the days passed, he felt more and more certain that she was not going to contact him. He had thought of ringing her again in the hope that she would answer this time. But, so far, he hadn’t. The truth was that he hoped she would ring him — that way, he would know she didn’t completely hate him.

Without realising it, Michael found himself outside the café where he had originally met Ellie after Lisa’s death. It made him catch his breath for a second, as he relived that awful moment when he heard the news. On an impulse, he swung in through the door as the spicy scent of coffee assailed his nostrils. He didn’t have much time, but he needed a break anyway. So, it may as well be in here.

The girl on the counter was a less abrasive version of the blonde from his previous visit. She smiled pleasantly as she took his order. Once the coffee was ready, he paid the girl and turned to carry his mug across to a window table.

Ellie lifted her head from her newspaper. She stared in horror just at the moment their eyes locked. For an infinitesimal few seconds, they both froze. Was it fate had brought them here all over again?

Well, Michael was not going to pretend he hadn’t seen her.

‘Hi,’ he said brightly, as he sat down opposite her.

‘What are you doing here?’ she asked bluntly.

‘Same as you probably – drinking coffee?’ This wasn’t going well. She seemed hostile and he wondered what he could possibly say that might help him make amends.

‘Sorry,’ he apologised eventually.

She jerked her head up in surprise. ‘What?’

‘I said ‘sorry’. I feel like I’ve screwed things up — and I never meant to do that.’

Ellie looked away and Michael felt his heart sink lower. It was blatantly obvious that she didn’t believe a word of his apology. In all honesty, who could blame her?

‘It wasn’t your fault,’ she said eventually. ‘I behaved badly too. I should have known better than to drink red wine.’

‘You didn’t behave badly!’ This was ridiculous. Why on earth was she blaming herself?

‘Yes I did. It should never have happened. Lisa is…’ Ellie corrected herself quickly, ‘…WAS my friend. It wouldn’t be right.’

Michael could see where she was coming from, but he felt she had it all wrong. ‘Lisa isn’t here anymore,’ he told her gently. God knew he was reminded of that every time he saw their daughter. ‘Blaming yourself for us getting together is daft. I accept that it probably shouldn’t have happened for OTHER reasons — and none of them are to do with you! But it did and we need to talk about it.

‘Friday night was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I enjoyed your company very much. As for what happened after, well, I didn’t expect that to happen, but it did. And if I’m honest, it was pretty amazing.’

Ellie stared at him intensely. She seemed to be trying to decide if he was lying, but eventually she allowed a wan smile to light up her eyes. ‘Amazing, huh?’ she said softly.

‘Amazing,’ he reiterated before reaching out and taking her hand in his. ‘I continue to blame myself for a lot of things,’ he said, ‘but that night with you is not one of those things. Irrespective of what happens next, I want us to remain friends.’

‘If you want,’ Ellie rep
lied nonchalantly.

He still wasn’t yet sure that everything was going to be okay, but, at least, she was talking to him now. It was a big improvement on the situation of an hour ago. He drank the rest of his coffee and glanced at his watch. ‘I gotta go — I have a meeting at two.’

‘Okay,’ she said.

‘I’ll call you,’ he promised as he left. ‘Hope wants to see you soon!’

‘And so do I,’ he added with a grin, as he jogged back down the street towards the bank.

* * *

Ellie tried to concentrate on her work, but it was impossible. All she could think about was Michael and what was going to happen between them. Sure, they could be friends as he suggested, but would that really work?

As she mulled it over, she found her thoughts drifting back to Lisa again. Obviously, she had cared about Michael very much. Even a brief glimpse of the letters she’d found told Ellie that much. The question was – how had Michael felt about Lisa? It was a subject they hadn’t talked about, so Ellie had no real idea of how serious he had been about Lisa.

For all Ellie knew, Michael was some kind of Casanova who routinely seduced women and cast them aside when he grew bored. She didn’t know him very well when all was said and done. How could she trust a word he said?

If they saw each other again — and Ellie knew she would have to see him for Hope’s sake — she was going to have to get him to talk about his relationship with Lisa. She needed to know how he had felt about her friend. It wasn’t as if she could sit down with Lisa over a cup of tea and discuss things. No, she’d never be able to do that again.

The figures on her spreadsheet blurred as tears formed. Ellie still missed Lisa so much. But she had to move on, as, indeed, they all did – Michael included. When her phone blipped from her bag, she jumped in surprise. Wondering who it could be, she reached down to retrieve it. It was a text message from Michael and she found herself smiling unwillingly, as she read it.

‘Thanks for listening. I meant what I said. How about dinner on Friday? – No wine this time!’

Ellie placed the phone on her desk and stared at it for a long time. She was torn. Dinner seemed too intimate and likely to lead to other things. But if she said no, he would take that as a sign that she was still upset and that she’d read more into their encounter than he had intended. Eventually, she tapped in a brusque reply. ‘Ok.’

His reply was immediate. ‘I’ll call you later.’

Now, she was committed. But, it would be an opportunity to talk about stuff decided Ellie. There was no reason why they couldn’t be friends. Once she had that straight in her mind, she returned her attention to her work and pushed Michael out of her head. Friday was ages away and she had too much work to be worrying about a silly meal.

* * *

Her car was back on the road by Friday night, which gave her a cast iron reason not to drink any alcohol. By the time she pulled up outside Michael’s house, her nerve was on the verge of deserting her. A sudden heated memory of him touching her was almost her undoing. The whoosh of heat that flooded her body with arousal made her thighs tremble and her cheeks flame.

For ages, she sat in the dark, trying unsuccessfully to practice relaxation techniques. It was only when she saw the time that she forced her legs to ferry her out from the safety of the car. It was impolite to be late, and good manners were something her mother had drilled into her from an early age.

She had deliberately dressed down for this meal. Since it was simply a meal with a friend, Ellie had made no effort to look glam in any way. She wore faded jeans and an old tee shirt. There was no way she wanted Michael to think that seduction was on the cards. The only reason she had come tonight was to spend time with Hope. She was fully prepared to be friends with Michael, but nothing more.

‘Hey,’ Michael said when he opened the door. ‘You managed to avoid the rain tonight, I see,’ he teased her.

‘Ha ha!’ she grinned. ‘My car is out of hospital, so, I had a door-to-door service.’

‘You could have had that last time, if you weren’t so stubborn,’ he reminded her as she stepped past him and into the hall.

Ellie ignored that comment and went straight into the living room when she heard Hope making noises. The baby was lying on a colourful mat, kicking her legs in the air. She turned her head when she heard Ellie. Her pretty face lit up in a beaming smile.

‘Hello, gorgeous – look what Auntie Ellie has for you!’ Ellie reached into the bag she was carrying and pulled out a stretchy Barbie pink suit embroidered with cute bunnies. Hope waved her arms with enthusiasm and tried to grab the bag.

‘I knew you had excellent taste,’ laughed Ellie, as she quickly moved the crinkly bag firmly out of reach.

‘You shouldn’t have,’ commented Michael when he came back in the room, a tea towel thrown over his shoulder.

‘It’s only a little something I got in the sale.’ Ellie shrugged dismissively, before she turned her back on him and concentrated on tickling Hope’s toes. The tension between them was still there, simmering away in the background, like a keg of dynamite primed to explode. It seemed easier to focus her attention on Hope rather than deal with Michael.

Michael folded his arms. He could see that it wasn’t ‘only a little something’. The label quite clearly announced it had come from one of the expensive baby clothes boutiques in town. However, he wasn’t going to risk offending her by saying that, so he let it go.

‘Before I go and finish off the dinner — would you like a drink or anything?’ he asked. He had made a resolution, before Ellie arrived, not to say or do anything that might be construed as provocative in any way.

‘I’ll have a coke or some other cold drink, please,’ she said without looking up.

‘Okay, I’ll go and have a look and see what there is,’ he replied, before heading back into the sanctuary of the kitchen.

The trouble was, as soon as Ellie had arrived, Michael knew his resolve was going to be sorely tested. She looked incredibly sexy in her faded jeans and tight tee shirt. Her hair was scraped back in a ponytail and she wore no makeup. She looked adorable.

He could see that she felt uncomfortable being in his house again. It was written all over her face the second she stepped through the door. But, if they were going to be friends for Hope’s sake, then they needed to behave like adults and move past this awkward bit.

It was not that easy when the only thought he had, every time he looked at her, was how her mouth had tasted when he kissed her or the sounds she had made when he touched her. Tonight was going to be a whole lot more difficult than he had ever imagined.

Ellie heard the doorbell ring and wondered who might be calling on a Friday night. She was sitting in the armchair, with Hope on her knee. The sofa was better positioned for viewing the television, but Ellie could barely bring herself to look at it. The smooth leather surface reminded her of the way Michael’s body had felt beneath her fingertips. It was pure unadulterated torture.

Instead, she chose to sit in the chair and talk to Hope as she listened to the muted sound of voices from the hallway. After a few moments, the door shut and she heard Michael disappear into the kitchen. Curiosity was just about to propel her after him, when he reappeared in the living room with a tray of drinks and some garlic bread.

‘Need a hand?’ Ellie asked out of habitual politeness.

For a second, Michael found himself remembering how she felt against his body and he almost lost the thread of what she had said to him. Then, he berated himself for the ten thousandth time and shook his head. ‘No, I’m all done,’ he said hurriedly, before going back to the kitchen.

‘Get a grip,’ he warned his reflection in the window, as he grabbed the food from
the worktop and carefully placed two plates on top of the boxes.

‘Pizza?’ Ellie raised an eyebrow, as Michael came back into the living room and placed the cardboard boxes on the coffee table.

‘Yeah, sorry, I exhausted my culinary skills last time you came over.’

She burst out laughing and they grinned at each other – the tension between them dissipating somewhat.

‘Now, can I tempt you with vegetable or meat feast?’

‘Bit of both, please.’ Ellie suddenly realised she was starving. She had hardly eaten anything all day, nerves about this evening had given her a queasy stomach for much of the afternoon.

Michael handed her a plate. They ate in companionable silence, while Hope kicked her legs on the floor and MTV played in the background. In time, Hope began to protest at not having anyone’s undivided attention. Small whimpers soon became loud wails and Michael put his plate down with a sigh.

‘I guess I didn’t do so badly,’ he said ruefully. ‘I managed to eat most of it!’

‘I’ve finished,’ said Ellie. ‘I’ll sort her out.’

Before Michael could protest, Ellie had scooped the baby up and he was left alone with a selection of eighties rock classics.

* * *

Hope was lying in her cot, silently staring at the butterfly mobile that spun in languid circles above her head. Her eyes were beginning to close, but still Ellie didn’t make a move to leave her. She knelt on the carpet stroking the baby’s arm soothingly, whilst wondering how long she could stay up here, safe and out of Michael’s way.

Although Hope had been more than ready for bed, Ellie had taken as long as humanly possible to change and feed her. Apart from the fact that she had been in no rush to go downstairs again, she really enjoyed spending the time alone with Hope. In a strange way, it felt like she was close to Lisa. She could almost imagine Lisa with her, watching her from the edge of the room.

She just hoped Lisa hadn’t been watching when she had seduced Michael the other night. That thought still made her feel incredibly guilty. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop a sharp pang of desire from igniting and she bit her lip painfully in an attempt to quell the unwanted feelings.

The mobile ceased twirling and Ellie saw regretfully that Hope was fast asleep. She knew she ought to go downstairs, before Michael came looking for her, so she stood carefully. Hope didn’t stir, as Ellie left the room, quietly pulling the door closed behind her.

When she entered the living room again, she saw that Michael was stretched out on the sofa watching a documentary. He turned when he heard her and said,

‘You were gone for ages — did she make a fuss?’

Ellie crossed her fingers behind her back and replied, ‘She didn’t want me to leave her, so I waited until she fell asleep.’ Strictly speaking, it wasn’t a lie — Hope was more than happy to have company, while she fell asleep.

He nodded. ‘Sit down and I’ll make us a coffee.’

Ellie hesitated and he noticed. ‘Don’t worry — I won’t bite,’ he said dryly.

She ignored the barb and sat down in the armchair again, anxious not be too close to him. When he returned with two mugs of coffee, she took one and said bluntly,

‘We need to talk.’

‘Wow — you don’t beat around the bush, do you?’ Michael said with a surprised look.

‘Not as a rule, no.’ She sipped the coffee and tried to sort out her chaotic thoughts. Michael stayed silent, evidently, he was waiting for her to make the first move.

Eventually, she spoke. ‘Tell me about Lisa. Did you love her?’

Michael flinched. For a moment, Ellie wished she had kept her mouth shut. But, then, she reasoned how would she know if their encounter was just another notch on his bedpost?

‘Yes,’ he replied simply. He sank back onto the sofa, his brow furrowed with pain.

‘I loved her very much.’

‘Then, why didn’t you make the effort to be with her when you had the chance?’

‘Because of Helen’s illness.’

Ellie hadn’t known this and she felt wrong footed. ‘What was wrong with her?’

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John Roberts was a pretty ordinary guy. In fact, you’d be hard pressed to find a more average, run-of-the-mill, blending-into-the-crowd kind of guy. A small-time accountant with a small-time bookkeeping firm, he was invisible even to the invisible.This ordinary guy was coming home from another day of crunching numbers. Coming home to his small, one bedroom basement apartment in his older and less than well-kept apartment building. He was facing another of the endless nights of frozen dinners...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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My Choice

At 14 1/2 years old I felt my life was totally boring. The few friends I had were girls; I never had a boyfriend even though I lived in the same neighborhood my entire life. Even with my girlfriends I felt awkward and out of place, I wasn't popular and never was the center of attention. My brother Tom was sixteen (1 1/2 years older than me) and just the opposite of me. He was amongst the most popular in school and completely ignored me. Even if I passed him in the school hallway he would...

2 years ago
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To Inherit a Factory

Chapter 1 When Arthur Olsen and his beautiful wife were killed in an auto crash, quite a few people were sad but nobody was surprised. Arthur could best be described as a 'bon vivant' who had shown great skill and fortune, building and expanding a margarine factory. He was a very wealthy man. His love for pretty women and fast cars was well known, so only a few were surprised that he was killed in a crash. A few days after the funeral his two sons were called to the family lawyer's office...

3 years ago
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Breaking out of a Boring Life

This story isn’t about how I was a no lifer who lived with his parents for way too long though, this is the story of how it all changed. At the time of my writing this it is October, about halfway through the fall semester of the 15-16 school year, but this story starts last June. It was the middle of summer in South Carolina, which is hell. The average temperature for the month so far was 102 Fahrenheit, and it was so humid condensation would form on the outsides of windows and glass doors. I...

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Fuck It

“Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to Fuck It, the game show where our contestant has nothing to lose! Let’s meet this unfortunate soul!” A young man with brown hair is pushed out onto the stage, shielding his eyes from the dazzling lights. TV screens at the front of the stage show a close-up of his rather plain features. The unseen announcer continues, his voice echoing through the auditorium. “Meet Harold! Harold is a betting man, but hit a patch of bad luck and now owes one of our suppliers...

2 years ago
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My Beautiful Wife Priya 8211 Part 5

Hi guys! This is Nikhil again. Thank you again for the overwhelming response to my previous story. For those of you who don’t know me, I am a 29-year-old guy married to a beautiful 27-year-old girl named Priya. This is the continuation of my previous stories. That night I slept thinking about fucking her the next day. However next day in college, I did get an assignment to do, and I couldn’t make it to her house. I went to her class during break time and informed her the same. She looked a bit...

3 years ago
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New Threesome Experience With A Couple

Hi everyone, I am back to tell my threesome experience with couple I meet. I told u in my last post how I meet them and had threesome experience with them so I am telling about how we had threesome fun. If any couple or lady like to meet me or like to have fun with me means ping me at playboyhyd at yahoo.com or ping me at yahoo messager at playboyhyd is my id. Coming back to experience with couple hari and priya(name changed) in last post I told about them and how I message priya and then hari...

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The View From Their Bedroom

I watched the DVD of them, and loved it immediately. Rhonda leaned onto her back, and Gloria dove right into her pussy. I felt like cumming even before they began fucking, and I hadn't even touched my cock yet. "Holy shit, they are so hot," I moaned, as my hand found it's place on my cock. My hand stroked it very fast, as I moaned. Sweat immediately began to flow down my forehead. Rhonda put her hands onto Gloria's head. My lips departed, and motioned quickly, just as my head did. "Yes, you two...

1 year ago
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Football Studs Day Off

The name is Harry LaPierre. I’m a young black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I’ve got something to confess, folks. I am a self-admitted thrill addict. It doesn’t matter the nature of the thrill. Sex. Speeding. You name it, I do it. That’s okay, though. There are plenty of chicks and dudes in this town who wouldn’t mind hooking up with a six-foot-three, muscular and sexy black stud like myself. I guess it pays to be fine-looking. For real. Anyhow, I’ve been trying to get my...

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Banging my younger 18 year old sister

I have a nice sister who has black hair, a 5'6 height, now D cup tits, firm ass, and cute brace face. her name is corinne. So as a nice older brother i never looked at my younger sister as a hot girl or such, i defended and got mad when someone in school called her hot and talked about her. Once as a junior when she was only a 15 year old freshman a new k** in school said wow i would rail that little pussy, not knowing i was her 17 year old brother. i beat the shit out of him and got suspended....

2 years ago
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Carly MomChapter 16

Carly left her spontaneous encounter with Stephen feeling thrilled and satisfied. She had satisfied her sexual cravings for him, which she had been desperate to do. But she felt more than physical release. She had missed more than Stephen's hard-on inside her. She had missed just being with him in a way she never had before. Carly had embraced her son as her lover and she was feeling all the requisite emotions that go along with such a pairing. In addition, Carly felt like some walls in...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 55 A Serious Miscalculation

December 26, 1983, Boyne Mountain, Michigan I’d left home very early in the morning, happy to escape the war zone. Liz had been grounded for two weeks, including no phone calls and no visitors, and was seething. I had attempted to talk to my mom but she’d stopped me before I got five words out of my mouth and told me to mind my own business, and she had said it such a way that I knew any further attempts to persuade her to relax the punishment would be futile. Liz had said the unsayable...

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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 6

"Quinn, Ted, Nadine, is anyone here?" I called out, walking in the door. "I'm here," she replied, strolling towards me. As soon as she got to me, she kissed me and wrapped her arms around me. "Whoa, whoa," I objected, pushing her off me slightly. "Are we the only ones here?" "Yes, I wouldn't just kiss you like that right in front of the door like that if I thought there was someone else here. If we come out, it shouldn't be someone catching us, don't you think?" "What are you talking about, you...

2 years ago
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Dusty 2 The Next MissionChapter 19

James expertly landed the ship in the massive cavern. The shallow bowl-shaped floor was a bit rocky but he was able to set the Gunna down softly. The cavern seemed to have been caused by a massive and very hot explosion sometime in the past. The mountain had withstood the test of time so far and the cavern’s melted and sealed roof and walls still held. The large crack to one side and halfway to the rear of the cavern may have happened as a result of the explosion but the side of the...

3 years ago
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My little sister gave me my first blowjob

Introduction: As per the rule,the youngest person in this story has to be 18. ,-) Saturday morning after breakfast I walked out of the kitchen and up to my little sister, held my finger in front of her face and told her, Taste this and tell me what you think. My kid sister and I get along well and she is very trusting. She thought it was something from the kitchen and that is what I wanted her to think. She opened her mouth and I put my finger in her mouth. On the end of it was a big glob of my...

1 year ago
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50PlusMilfs Trixie Dicksin Bigtitted Trixie Dicksin8217s ass is your playground

In a scene that’s shot mostly (but not entirely) from your point of view, 54-year-old cougar Trixie Dicksin sucks cock and takes it up the ass. Trixie getting ass-fucked comes as no surprise to us because when we asked her if she likes anal, she said, “Yes! On my back, legs up, taking a cock in my ass is so satisfying, but, of course, my body is your playground, so I would take your cock in my ass in any position you’d like.” This playground consists of big tits, a tight...

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A Boys LuckChapter 5

I could not forget that moment; my mother was standing completely naked... in front of me. I always knew that my mother was beautiful... but didn't know that she could be so beautiful. She was little fleshy at places, still I could see that she was in much better shape than I had expected... the additional flesh enhancing the beauty of her sensuous curves. Her waist appeared slim except for a fleshy hump below her belly button. Her boobs were large, contrary to those of Mansi's but they...

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Sacrifices Ultimate love and ultimate evil 2000 years ago. The Sun God was awake again. The top of His head was just visible over thehorizon at the far side of the bay and the first rays of His life-giving radiancemade the four poles on either side of the dying embers of last night's firecast long shadows towards Arn. A soft moan made him turn his head. Gro hungslumped in her bonds, apparently unconscious. Her hands, tied so high up thepole that she was forced on tiptoe, were blue and swollen...

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My wife takes a Black Lover

It all started one evening after my wife came home from work. She worked managing a local retail store. She came home with the usual stories from work about customers, with one exception. She told me how this one black guy flirted with her and said he wanted to make her dinner sometime. Even after indicating she was married, he still insisted, said she was very attractive, and he was sure her husband wouldn't mind. My wife is what you would describe as a BBW, not excessively overweight,...

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suchitra8217s Home

Hi this is Sandeep f; I am a 21y old fouth year engineering student living in a semi urban area. I would like to share my experience of having sex with my neighboring aunty and her step daughter. I am living in a housing colony which consists of 30 families, in our colony there is an aunty (I call her Valsala aunti) of 32 years of age; she is a lady of perfect figure of 42-30-40. Her husband is seeking job in Dubai. When ever I see her figure I used to excite and worked myself with my dick. She...

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Late Again

Susan retorted as tears flowed down her face; "You fucking pervert, what's the idea of spanking me?" "You call that a spanking?" David shouted back. David muttered to himself, as he paced the platform, “this was the third time this week she has kept me waiting.” We have only been together for three weeks, but this was going to be a special weekend away; our first alone. David glanced at his watch again it was 2.25. We had agreed to be here at 2pm, the train leaves at 2.30. The last...

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Tabassum Maam 8211 Part 2

Please read the first part to feel the essence. I reached her home after college and knocked on her door. I could hear her husband talking on the phone. I got tensed that she might have told her husband about it. I was so tensed that even my legs didn’t cooperate to run away as they trembled. As I prepared myself to run away, her husband opened the door and asked me who I was. I told him that I am ma’am’s student and he asked me to get in with a warm smile. He talked to me in a hurry and told...

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My HeavenMy Hell

I stopped my cart outside the office of the Director of Personnel for my employer; I work in the mail room and deliver to the various offices after the sorting is complete. Miss Lawrence, Carolyn Lawrence is the Director. She’s a tall thin woman of around forty-five. She’s attractive in a severe dark sinister way, her hair is coal black, there’s not a hint gray, it’s cut short in an masculine style. She wears no make up and always dresses in black, skirts or pants suits, her...

4 years ago
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A Guy and His 67 An end is near

Gen - Jakes first Jinn - sex Jinn Jinn - What the genies are called Tommy Sinclair - Friend of Jake’s and fellow worker Mary - Boss’s daughter Juno - Jakes big Boss and Mary’s Father Jinn Council - Council of major Jinns Yasmen - Gen’s mother Hakiem, Doctor - the Jinn doctor (aka Hime) Rasmir - Gen’s father Rosalinda - Jake’s second Jinn – Once called Dreama Rashala - Gen’s niece and Jake’s 3rd Jinn - elite Jinn Tankena - evil brother of Rasmir Sheeka - former evil female Jinn...

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HotwifeXXX Slimthick Vic Wife Slimthick Vic Is Bound For New Cock

His perfect blonde milf slut wife Slimthick Vic is tied up to a post as he revs her up for some new big hard cock to fuck her good little married pussy. Lover Ramon is patiently waiting for his cue to cum in and perform and her hands can not wait to handle his throbbing cock. Still blindfolded and tied up Ramon slips his cock inside her tight hot pussy before her husband gets her on her knees and sucking Ramon’s cock deep throat. Now free and on the bed she can take every inch deep inside...

2 years ago
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Prodigal SonChapter 4

After leaving Wilkins, Lt. Hobson rode next to Colonel Anderson. “Sir, I didn’t want to bring this up. In front of the civilians but we have already cut their trail. They did indeed head north out of town. But about 5 miles out, they tried to hide their tracks. From there, they turned due east and headed out at a gallop. When they turned south, our trackers broke off. Except for one rider. He will keep to their trail. I have a bad feeling that they may be headed for Mexico. We would play hell...

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Fantasy Came True

By : Shindy All I can say is this is one of the fascinating moment I had in my life and I am very happy to share all with our viewers it is my wildest dream that I should be a submissive slave to multiple partners and if my husband himself satisfied my fantasy should I consider my self lucky. Yes! I am very lucky it has been a rainy evening I and my husband were in a guest house of my husbands company in Ooty. It was our first stay away from our house after marriage couple of months back he...

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Chapter One The Seduction

The sensuous spurns of music filled the air at her entrance. They told a story of desire just as fast as they filled the room with lustful promises. Her appearance brought out the most raucous behavior; the leering grins of many men who stripped her naked in their minds, the gleam of arousal in the eyes of the rest. She stepped into the candlelight, her cream and ivory ensemble molding to her luscious figure and exaggerating her transparency. The sheer silk fabric accentuated her long toned...

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My Job in a Red Room

Chapter1: - The meeting - My name is Dimitri , 23 years old and I lived in a poor East European shit-country where most of the people must work only to survive. We live here poorly and like every young guy I also want to drive a nice car, to have a good smartphone, etc… Because of this, I always searched for ways to earn extra money. I have a simple job in an iron shop, live alone in a small apartment and my salary is just enough to survive. The only possibility we have to relax is movie,...

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Avatar Establishment Book 1Chapter 42

Ken had a laptop positioned on the table out by the pool. Bill had set up two new tools on the system that Ken really loved. The first let Ken access the program controlling the Tens unit attached to Jane from any computer in the house. The second ran a graphical representation of a person when the program ran; when the Tens unit applied electricity to an area of (in this case) Jane's body, the corresponding area on the graphic turned red. Bill had done a nice job. Ken glanced over at the...

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Masturbating with Son

vRaj ignored his mother and didn’t look up for a few seconds when she walked into the living room; he had been enthralled in his new video game and was too busy to pay his mother any attention. However, when he did glance up he was forced to do a quick double take. ‘Wow, Mum,’ he whistled when he saw the short hemline of his mother’s skirt. ‘You look great.’ He had never taken any notice in the past, but today he finally appreciated what a fantastic pair of legs his mother had. It had been...

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The Other Side of Me Part Thirteen

The Other Side of Me - Chapter 13 by Limbo's Mistress On the ride home from the mall, Katie repeatedly attempted to talk to me about my sudden foul mood. Each time, I refused to even look in her direction. Instead, I merely stared straight ahead at the road and mumbled, "I don't want to discuss it." What was there to discuss really? Apparently, my sexual attraction to members of the male persuasion continued to increase the longer I remained trapped in this feminine body. Which...

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Delight Of Gay Professor

Delight Of Gay ProfessorBy: Londebaaz Chohan This was the first job for Sir Jonathan at the Social Sciences University as a teacher and he was so glad for his success although he had to move quite far away from home but it was well worth it. The only difficulty was the handy availability of sex. He loved the pussy play and had been almost happy the way his sex life was going. Only lately his girlfriend helped him discover that as much he loved fucking a pussy, he also enjoyed to get fucked. He...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 3 There is an I in MI6

I was met by Kelly in the hallway. “Hi,” she said, leaning in for a kiss. A chaste one, on the cheek. More than enough for me, thanks. Although admittedly I’d have been disappointed with less than that. “Hello, gorgeous. I think you might have come at an awkward...” “Oh, I know. I was summoned. Caroline has been here all afternoon. She even had a lie down, because of a headache. Mel and Kate know everything.” It was ominously quiet on the other side of the door that led to the living...

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Life in My Little Hometown

Introduction: Chapter 22 In this chapter I have to come to terms with myself over some issues I have mostly over turning John into an super star in our hometown. I turn to some one I can trust that being daddy In my last chapter I left you with Kim having moved in with John and I. DeRonda, Gina had met Kim, and they both instantly liked her. The four of us had so much fun during the rest of the summer. Gina had to return to Italy near the end of August. However, she was coming back as she...

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Five Go WildChapter 1

Ann's father stood before the grand fireside of Mountfast Hall. He spoke sporadically while lighting his pipe. "Well your brother Julian has gained his leadership badge at cadet camp, so you won't be — puff- entirely unsupervised -puff- at Cherry Cottage. But the question is can he cope with your tantrums Ann?." "Oh Quentin dear, soothed his wife Emily as she continued to knit in the old fireside chair, we've discussed all of this; Ann is growing up now, she more self controlled...

3 years ago
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Blood Diaries Ch 03

Chapter Three: The Angel of Death I had no fear for my life, if he had wanted to kill me he would have already. I realized that the warm feeling I had been getting was him feeding on me, but I was confident in my assessment that he wouldn’t make me his next victim. He wanted me to panic, to flee and leave him, but I couldn’t. instead I leaned forward and embraced him. He became very shocked at my reaction. ‘Who made you the way you are?’ I asked. ‘I have never told this story before,’ he...

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MyPervyFamily Armani Black Mystery VDay Present

Getting stood up sucks, especially on Valentine’s Day – ESPECIALLY by your partner. When Parker Ambrose’s girlfriend bails on him to hang out with her friends, he is left feeling pretty down. He’s got presents to give and nobody to give them too! Turns out his sexy stepmom Armani Blace is in a similar situation too, with her man abandoning her on this of all days! But busty Armani seems to perk up when she notices the gift bag intended for Parker’s girlfriend. She...

2 years ago
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Blindfold Surprise

My wife had died of cancer and I was left with three teenage triplet daughters to raise. Dana, Debbie and Diana were 15 going on 25. They were all three built like the well known brick buildings with every brick in the right place. They were an open minded family and they grew up going nude inside the house. They knew they couldn't go nude outside or even in the pool because the next door neighbors could see into the pool area. Up to now there had been no sex and the girls were all still...

4 years ago
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A New Day Dawns for Susan Pt 02

‘And she was drifting through the back yard. And she was taking off her dress. And she was moving very slowly. Rising up above the Earth.’ -Talking Heads, ‘And She Was’ ‘Not the way I usually expect to be greeted by the two most gorgeous women in the world dressed like Spy vs Spy’s hot sisters, but ok,’ Troy said as he set down his briefcase (Yeah, he really carries one. What a dork! I love him.) and took off his shoes and socks. Julie took his hand and gently guided him to his usual spot on...

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