ProeliatorChapter 10 free porn video

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Mithridates, Glaucia, Lazeez and I went through the countryside looking for more Romans the next day. Glaucia saw that no harm was coming to the Romans and helped us to the best of his abilities.

Lazeez had the instincts of a hunter and suggested where to go. He said he was working on the premise that the Romans would go where they thought we could hide easier. Mithridates took the Persian attitude that the young man was just sneaky.

We found isolated groups and we actually gathered them together to be handled more efficiently. One group was led by a dozen horsemen and a century of infantry. We could not lure the horsemen away very far away from their unit and we now looked for a large valley that would hold them all.

Glaucia pointed one out and in an hour we were entering this depression. There were some farms here and Mithridates and Glaucia rode through yelling to the inhabitants to flee. A battle was going to break out soon. I used one of my stingers and this seemed to help a lot.

Thirty minutes later the horsemen galloped into view and a few minutes later the infantry did too. Lazeez was at the other side of the valley and pretended to be me. It was too far away to be sure anyway. The horsemen lead the way and the tired infantry double timed it into our trap.

Mithridates and I had checked the wind carefully and at my signal shot his arrows with mace so the fine liquid would drift over the infantry. My first shot was more difficult because I had to hit the armour on the back of the lead horseman.

When the first arrow flew, the soldiers stopped and brought up their shields. Mithridates kept them busy while I raced after the horsemen. I had to watch the wind because I didn't want the mace affecting me either.

Everybody was suffering from the effects of the chemical but three horsemen were able to attack me. I brought out my katana and a short wooden staff to use as a club.

I raced in on foot and struck the horses when I could but my sword was used mainly for deflecting theirs. The men had the advantage of numbers and of being mounted. The mace was giving them a bit of a problem but not much.

One man fell from his horse and I greeted him with the club. The other two got in each others way and I was able to drop the club long enough to push the man's foot high enough for him to fall on the other side of his horse. Stirrups would have made this much more difficult. Before I could use the club again, I was pushed back by the last man attacking. As I traded blows with the sword, I tried to interface with the man. In half of a minute it was the horse that fell.

This was just in time because I had to now fight the second man on foot. Again I used my ability and the man fell asleep.

The fight was far from over but most of the men could not fight at all. Mithridates used clubs on those that made it to him while I used my ability. Neither of us dared to go close because there would be a lot of mace stirred up.

The Romans were healed if necessary and made too weak to fight. I had them strip and then use water from a well to flush the mace from their skin and eyes. The lungs would just have to wait.

The horses were even in worse shape. They just went to sleep to be washed.

In an hour and a half I had ninety six naked men sitting in a field. They were not able to run never mind fight.

With the soldiers attentive even if they could not do much else I said, "My name is Jón. If you count, you will see two of us. From my point of view I see ninety six Romans soldiers that were fully armed and ready to fight."

Some of the men had to hang their heads in shame. "You should not be worried about the odds though because I had not only Mithridates fighting with me but Woden and Thor." Mithridates simply smiled and stayed with his bow in his hand and an arrow notched.

"Could two men alone do what we had done to nearly a hundred men?" While the men were thinking on this I added, "You are soldiers that are told what to do. Your officers are told what to do by those above them. At the top is your Augustus."

The men didn't know what I was getting at. "Who do you think is more powerful, a man or a god?" This was a rhetorical question and more men looked at the ground. "A man was able to command some of your shield mates to come to my property. They killed my people, took many away as slaves and destroyed what we had worked so hard to build. He was not the Augustus but his orders were followed. I will tell you now that Woden is not pleased with him."

One man that could have been an officer, said, "We had to do what we are commanded. You should not stop us from doing our duty."

"The man that originally gave you those orders was a man that was financing the group of pirates I fought. Lucius Quinctius Flaminius may not even be the one at the top."

"That is a lie. That man is from a very respected family. He would never do such a thing."

"It would be nice if what you say were true but sadly men and families fall on hard times. Some men are born insane and some are made that way later. Do you think I would just kill the man for his crimes? He may deserve it but I think the best course to follows is to expose him to those he wishes to impress."

"That man's family is very strong and not facing any hard times. He would not do that."

"Are you a client of that man?"

The man said nothing so I guess that answered the question. I changed course in my talk and asked about the slaves that had come to the fort and those that had not. There was very little cooperation.

I walked toward the men and used my ability to release the chemicals into their blood. This was the best way of proving that they were dealing with a god or at least his 'Hand'.

When they recovered, most got on their knees as if I was the god. "Get up please. You may kneel to Woden if you wish but he does not require this. I am just his Hand. I am weak but perhaps still strong enough to do what he commands me to do."

The answers came easier now, especially when I asked one individual or another. The officer tried to stop the men from talking. I gave him pain from a distance of a metre and said, "Woden is a forgiving god. You have to learn that your parton is not the good man that you think he is." The man did not hear but the words were meant for his men anyway.

The officer fell over but could not move or even scream out. After fifteen seconds I stopped this and continued my questioning of the other men.

When I got as much as I could get, I began to heal the men of their ills and gave them back more of their strength as well as the complimentary jolt of joy.

"Get water and wash your armour and clothing. There is a substance on it that you know a lot about now. Woden was merciful and this does not kill."

I went to the horses and got them up and had the men wash them once more.

The officer was next and he had still not recovered from his few seconds of excruciating pain. When I got close he flinched noticeable. I said in a calm voice, "I will not hurt you more unless you do something to deserve it. I think loyalty is a very good attribute. You protected your patron's name and everybody heard that. I have loyalty as well to my clients and came here to rescue them. Loyalty is like faith. This is a good but it has to be tempered with rational thought."

It was difficult but the man got out, "He is not bad. He helped me."

"This kind of discussion I can tolerate. All men are a mixture of bad and good. You have seen me angry and you have suffered from it. I love my family and want to protect them. In fact, I want to help everybody that is alive today and will be born in centuries to come. Your patron may have some good qualities but the fact is that he sent men to attack me and they killed and enslaved my people."

"You must have threatened him somehow."

"I think that is the case too. Pirates attacked me and I protected myself. There were hundreds of pirates and many ships for just our small vessel. The pirates were not after any ship that passed but they were after me.

"I am offering the world a kinder religion and many new ideas. One or more of these concepts must have upset Lucius Quinctius.

"Quinctius shows his darker side when he works with pirates. We all know how pirates rob and kill. That makes the person that controls them as guilty as the men that do the acts.

"Quinctius may possibly be forced into this position. His commander may have ordered him to do this. Quinctius may himself be a client much like you, and forced this way into dealing with the pirates. Another possibility is that he may be blackmailed into doing this. The fact still remains that he has done as I said."

"He can't do that. He's a good man."

"Then you have to seek out the evidence and weigh it yourself. If he is guilty then you have to consider if you want him to be your patron or not."

When the clothing was done the men put it on to dry. They now had possession of their weapons but none of them even drew a knife.

"Six miles north east of here you will find more of your legion. They are weaker than you are now. Link up with them first then all of you can go back to the fort tomorrow. As of now I have killed none of you that came to capture me. That may change if you disobey." I looked at the officer and he eventually nodded his head in acceptance.

Mithridates and I rendezvoused with Glaucia and Lazeez. Both young men were excited. Glaucia said solemnly, "Thank you for not killing them. They are good men."

"They probably are. They just need to be commanded by another man that is good. One powerful man to take control of an army of good men can do a great deal of harm."

We searched the countryside again. There were a lot of men still out hunting us but they were in smaller groups. I had to smile because this left the fort nearly bare of defenders.

"I think we should pick up our weapons and go back to Koufonisi now."

The trip back to the city took much longer than it should because we had to avoid the patrols. I wanted them to continue searching us out in the countryside and not back in the city.

The city gates were shut when we got near. "Glaucia, do you know of an easier way in?"

"There is one gate that is hidden by a large building. If you can attack the men or put them to sleep then nobody will notice. You still have to get into the fort though."

"Lead us there please."

It took nearly twenty minutes. We had to go the long way around the walled town. There was nobody on the battlements at any place we looked. I got off my horse and shed some of the weapons I would not need. Here the wall was in poor shape. This made for more handgrips but it crumbled under my fingers. The wall was only ten metres high but it took a long time to gain the top.

I heard two people inside the wall and below exhale loudly. After listening more I knew that there was nobody near and I climbed over the parapet and crouched against the wall to hide my silhouette. The stairs were not close. I found men together and talking or sleeping when they should be on watch. I didn't disturb them.

A small guard house had three men that were talking and drinking. I did not want to alert the men on the wall of trouble so I could not burst in and fight the men. The door was open and so was an opening to let in more cooling air. The only solution would be to shed more of my weapons and go in as quick as I could.

My swords were laid gently on the stones and then all the rest except my k-bar and a short staff. I even removed my boots and put them to one side. I got back a few more metres and listened for any danger. I ran very quickly and almost flew through the open doorway. All of the men were facing the doorway to feel the cool breeze coming in. I was among them even before they could react.

The staff hit one man on the neck and my foot hit another in the chest. My shoulder took the third man in the chest too and all of them fell to the floor. My feet and staff struck at the points I had studied for many years when training to fight.

I was not even breathing hard. The men were not even soldiers but civilians. I guess the commander of the fort was saving his own men. We had made little noise. The men wore no armour and only had the usual short knife at their waist.

While healing the injuries I just inflicted, I listened for men that may have been alerted by the sound of our passage. After a few minutes I put the three in a comfortable position as if they had decided to sleep instead of stand watch.

After donning both boots and weapons I went to a small door in one of the main doors and used a key that was hanging on the wall of the guard house. The door squeaked at being opened and I got close and took some of the weight off the hinges and continued to open the door.

It was difficult to get a horse through the opening and we had to unpack the ones we wished to accompany us. Glaucia took the remainder of the horses away because I did not want him to be seen with us. It may all turn out alright but the young man could also be persecuted if not prosecuted for what he had done.

The two packhorses were loaded once more and the door shut. We had made noise, horses and packs had come in and still nobody had given the alarm. Lazeez whispered, "People always used to sneak certain things into the city at night. If you hear or see this you just look the other way."

I had to appraise Lazeez' education now in light of this new information. His people or traders in general had to be very conscious of how to get in and especially out of tight places.

There were few people out on the streets. The horses were unshod but still made a lot of noise. I expected the watch to find us but nobody did except a few drunks.

The fort was not so calm though. There were fires outside the walls and men on the battlements. They did not seem to be too worried and I had to guess that they were doing this only on orders of a worried officer.

I said in a whisper from an alley, "We need to get rid of the horses, hide our weapons and then I need a diversion."

Lazeez quickly said, "There are always many stables in a city this size. We can pay for the horses and store your things there."

"That sounds like a good idea."

Mithridates smiled and he added, "And I know where a stable is."

The two left with all the horses. My own weapons were nearby along with some mace and stingers. It was nearly an hour later that the two returned and I had started to worry that they had been caught after ten minutes.

Mithridates whispered, "We had to talk to the watch. I paid them to guide us to the stables so that we would not be robbed."

"Are the weapons safe?"

"As safe as anything I guess. I paid a stable hand to watch them but I didn't give much money or say how valuable they were. You have that wire lock on each of the cases and I just said I would castrate him if the boxes were opened."

"Coming from you, I think that would be enough."

Lazeez said, "We thought about two drunks fighting. When the watch comes they leave. You will have your diversion."

"That could work but find where you are going to run to before you actually have to run."

Lazeez smiled and said, "I have known that since I was very small."

"Was your father really just a trader?"

"He was a very good trader. His son has just learned a lot."

I found a fair place to scale the walls. There was even a small personnel door nearby which could be very useful. I just waited for a commotion. It took a while for the curious to venture near and I think it was the scream of fire in the distance that did it.

The brick here was not good either. It didn't crumble as much when I gripped it. Part way up the wall a brick crumbled and I had to hold on with one hand as the debris fall to the ground. The noise was loud and I was sure somebody would come and investigate.

My foot found purchase and then my other hand. I heard footsteps and hurried recklessly upward. Instead of pausing to look, I was over the edge and waited in the castellations.

I heard the footsteps pause below and waited for the alarm that somebody had seen me. At the same time footsteps were coming along the parapet. The man below moved and I threw myself over the edge and hung on. I was able to work my way down a few centimetres when the sentry above passed.

When I gained the top of the wall once more, I looked for the ladder or steps. I had a split second to make a decision and sprang from my perch toward the steps. I made it to a bend in the stairway that was in deeper shadow and listened as the sentries continued their rounds.

With my hearing at maximum, I peeked around the corner. One man came to a wall and turned around the way soldiers had done and will do for thousands of years. I hurried down the next flight of stairs then one more until I was in the shadows on the ground.

There was a solid door here and I listened. Inside were many men breathing slowly. Some were snoring. The door I found was unlocked and I entered and closed it behind me.

The place stank of poor hygiene. I was going to just pass through when I thought better. I reached out and succeeded in getting the nearest soldier to stay asleep. In five minutes I got half of the men in the room. Slipping across the aisle I did the same thing again.

Some of the noncoms had rooms nearby and I managed to get them too without an alarm being sounded.

With this area clear, I went back outside and found the door that lead out of the fort. There was a large lock in the door and two oak beams for insurance.

Lockpicking was one of the courses I was taught as a child but this one would be a challenge. It was not in the lock's ingenuity but because it took so much force to turn the key even if it was the right one for the lock.

From the edge of my boot, I took out some tools. I had to use two of the tools after bending them a bit. They were hard steel too. I had to force the cylinders around the inside of the lock three full revolutions before the lock opened.

The beams were massive but I could pick them up with my improved body. I just didn't want to do this now when the beams displacement would be noted.

I put away the tools and kept in the shadows as much as I could until I got to officer country. There were two guards at one door but I could not take them because there were always people from the courtyard or the parapet that would hear or see the altercation. High above and in the dark was a barred opening.

With no better choice, I climbed the stone. This was better in that it did not crumble but the stones were large and I had to pull myself up with one hand then reach far overhead for the next grip.

I listened from the edge of the opening. There were men on the grounds still talking and footsteps but the room had only a few people breathing quietly. Glass was exceedingly rare and shutters were usually used to keep out the rain. I reached up and grasped one of the vertical bars and then another.

I gained the narrow ledge while standing on my knees. The iron was old but thick. I pulled apart and felt the rust break away from the metal and fall. There was a tinkling noise but it was not loud. Finally I could get it no more with the leverage I had. It was also not wide enough yet.

My foot came up and pushed gently on one bar while I adjusted my grip. In a moment my other foot joined my first and I was resting horizontally. I pulled and pushed as hard as I could and I heard the metal being pulled from the stonework.

I eased off quickly when the effort I needed got less. When I got back to my knees I saw a bar almost ready to pull free. There was also room enough now for me to get in. My swords and other weapons rested on the sill as I slipped through the bars. As I was getting through I figured that Lazeez would have done a better job than me no matter what he said.

When I stood on the floor, I listened once more for the sound of breathing but found one that was much more rapid. The heart rate was quicker too.

I left the weapons and ran for the bed. I saw a frightened woman looking my way and a sleeping man. I landed on top of the man and used my elbow to strike his sternum. My other hand pulled the neck of the woman close to the man and her mouth to his chest.

Both were struggling now but I held on until I could get both to loose complete control of their bodies. It was my nose that made me look a second time. I pulled the woman around so I could get a good look at her. She was one of my people taken from Berytus.

I whispered, "I'm Jón. I am going to let you speak now but you cannot yell or run around."

She could not even nod so I gave back her control. The first thing she did was wrap her arms around me and start to cry. I let her do this for a minute then said, "You have to let me go so I can rescue all of you." This still took a minute before the message sank in.

The woman had not stopped blubbering but I guess this was permissible in her case.

I wanted answers and I needed them now. The woman would help but she would not know what I wanted to know. I said, "Stay still now. I have to summon some of Woden's strength."

The woman stopped crying and I let the man feel pain like he had not felt before. After fifteen seconds I stopped and got the woman out of the bed and onto a small stool. "Sit here while the man recovers."

"What... what did you do?"

"He felt pain worse than any mortal man has ever felt before. I do not like doing this but it is better than killing outright."

"Kill him, kill all of them."

"That is for Woden to decide, not you."

The woman was suitably chastised and I went to the man. It took a long time until the man came back to his senses. I gave him control of his voice to a limited extent and I said, "If you did not hear me before, I am Jón of Germania. The pain you felt was for a quarter of a minute. Either you tell the truth when I ask or the pain doubles each time. Do you understand?"

The man just nodded. I asked, "Who is in charge of this fort?"

I got a weak and hesitant, "I am."

"That is fortunate. What is your name and rank?"

"Manius Dexius Aquilinus Teretina; I am the Legatus Legionis."

"Hello, Manius. I am currently trying to keep from killing a lot of Romans. You are one of those men. Lucius Quinctius, I hear, gives you orders. Tell me exactly what they were."

There was some hesitation but this was not sensitive information, at least not from his viewpoint. "I was to arrest you. He charged you with stealing his gold, slaves, ships and other property."

Same as Proeliator
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So I got this opportunity to have sex with women of around 52 yrs of age. She is also like my aunty and her name is Nambana Khunur. She works in a bank as a clerk. Due to my banking transactions I need to visit bank and where I met and so to get the things done quickly I had made a pretty decent relationship with her. She is a divorcee her both sons are working abroad. So she feels lonely most of the times. She is around 5’4″ tall, fair complexioned and had the tightest of boobs. She also had...

3 years ago
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Bang Bang With Invisibility Gayab Incest Angle 8211 Part II

The tiger growled and I stared with heart thumping in my ribcage and my feet were glued to the spot. My mouth was suddenly dry and parched, I could not even shout.He took a stance as if to jump and then a booming voice said “Ram, it is okay, he means no harm” The Tiger had become a kitten. He went and sat under a tree and started licking paws as a domestic cat. “You can come in” The booming voice ordered me. With shaking feet I walked towards a cave completely hidden by vines and leaves. Even...

4 years ago
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9 Nights Intro

As he opened the door to her hotel room, John saw her just the way he had left her an hour earlier. Curled up on the bed, and sound asleep. He crept into the room, silently closing the door behind him, and setting down a bag of juice and snacks on the floor. As he walks up behind her, he thinks to himself, about how beautiful she really is. The light of the moon through the window caresses her face, as he tenderly sits by her side, placing his hand upon her shoulder lightly. She stirs...

3 years ago
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Is The Rumor True

"We're making out in the bathroom five minutes before the first class of the new semester, and you just suddenly remember something, Emma?" "Yes, smart-ass," she giggled, backing away a tad. "I heard a rumor about our teacher, Ms. Lewis; supposedly, she left her last teaching job in another district because she got busted for having sex with students. Female students, I might add." "No, shit? Well, that is worthy of breaking up our make-out session. How did you hear about...

2 years ago
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Farm LifeChapter 3

“Well, I didn’t think I would get through the summer without getting pregnant. I just didn’t think you’d knock me up the first day I was here, but I guess there’s not much difference between the first and last day to put my baby factory to work.” “Becky, if you’re not upset then I’m thrilled. Will your mom be more likely to let you stay if you’re pregnant?” “Oh yeah. Mom wouldn’t want me around her friends with a swollen belly. I’m yours to keep from now on, if you’ll have me. You know last...

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My First Experience With My Cousin 8211 Part II

Hi to all my name you can call SS . I am from Punjab or presently working in a Mnc Is site par maine kafi stories pari to maine socha ki mai bhi apni incident share krun.. This is about my cousin who came to our home as my Parents were to go to attend marriage in family. So my massi came along with my cousin to our home. This is about the incident of around 1999. I think I was in 10th standard at that time. She is 2 month elder to me. I like my cousin from my childhood .when I used to go in...

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Getting ByChapter 32

The voice of the translator faded as the speaker rose behind the podium, the hologram showing the last page of the diary still hovering above the stage. "Those were significant excerpts from the journals we found, ladies and gentlemen," the young lady told the packed auditorium. "I realize that the archaic language may be difficult to follow in places, but there are enough remnants of English in today's Spanglish that you should be able to get the gist of what was written. You will find...

3 years ago
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Summer Experiment Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Frankie sat in the hot bathtub, bubbles everyone, a neat bourbon in hand. He was trying to escape into a drunken stupor. As he drank, he was fascinated how his new breasts floated in the water. He toyed with the nipples, watching them grow hard and erect. Frankie wanted nothing more than to drink enough to fall sleep, but it wasn't happening. His mind kept racing, visions of Todd's face kept scaring him half to death. Using a washcloth to soap himself everywhere, he...

2 years ago
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The Sexy Black Panties

The Sexy Black Panties I walked into my office looking at the paper I had just received. It was the final approval to go ahead with the construction project. As I looked up my secretary was holding a pair of sexy black panties between her fingers. Pamela said, “Look what I found in your desk drawer.” I stuttered but managed to say, “I don’t know how they got there.” Pamela smiled and said, “Then I’ll just have to put them back on.” She had a terrific but twisted sense of...

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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 51 Jeffs Three Nurses

"Well I don't know about anyone else, but I'm up for a game of volleyball," Kari said. "What?" asked Gwen. "We just showered." "And some of us are already a little dirty," she replied. "Besides, the water's been off long enough that there should be enough hot water again." "Well, I for one refuse to get back into my sweaty clothes," Rebecca said, and the rest of the girls agreed with her. "Who said anything about clothes?" asked Kari with a wicked grin. Everyone's eyes...

4 years ago
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We meet at our favorite spot.   The days are still long, but are now starting to get shorter.   And the weather is still warm by day – even hot – but the evenings are getting cooler.  We are both tired from our busy work days.   But as we see each other approaching from afar, the tension and fatigue melt away, and our hearts beat just a little bit faster in anticipation.   We meet, we touch, we smile.   And then you take my hand and we turn together to head down the path leading to the...

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Pumping Heat

Nothing makes me happier than saving money and energy. Let me rephrase that--besides sex, nothing makes me happier than saving money and energy. So I'm going green by having an energy-efficient heat pump system installed in my house. My son-in-law, Mark, works for a local Cincinnati HVAC (Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning) company. He's worked there for several years and his specialty is geothermal heat pump systems. He says the energy savings of such a system can pay for itself in...

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Peach RosesChapter 14

Tay was home, it had been about a week since the accident and since Dee had walked out. Tay had still been in the hospital when he performed at the store. She knew from Jess's phone call that it had been a success. They had made tons of sales and got a lot of compliments from the customers that had come in. She hadn't left her house in four days, she couldn't bring herself to leave and face the outside world, she was too sad and lonely. Dee hadn't tried to talk to her or contact her at...

3 years ago
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The LandlordChapter 5 A Mothers Love

"Oh, my God," I thought. "Shut the fuck up already." One of the (many) downsides of being a landlord is dealing with the tenants. Sometimes, you get one who just calls and calls and calls for every little thing. I had been on the phone with this lady for hours, but now I had run out of patience. Finally, I just hung up on her. Then, to make my day perfect, I get stuck in traffic. I didn't look at the time when I got to Jenny's place, but I was sure it was too late. I knocked on the...

1 year ago
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Rich old man and my wife

by aceRICH OLD MAN AND MY WIFEThe first time I met him was at a staff party; everyone waspretty shocked when he turned up, he was a billionaire media mogul after all,and we were just a small newspaper he'd obtained when he bought a bigger outfitin Chicago thatowned us.But there he was, in the flesh, right in our grimy littleoffice.He spent most of the evening talking to my wife.Now Joyce was never a woman who stopped traffic, she wasn'tin the same league as the models he was normally associated...

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Master P C Alexs OdysseyChapter 5 Expanding Horizons

(Four years ago) By August of the following year, Alex had finished her Ph.D. The University Trustees, the President of the University, the Chair of the Computer Science Department, one R.J. Ambuster, and all the faculty of the CS department agreed that she didn't need to submit a disertation, her body of work would be enough. Only eight months from start to finish was an amazingly short time for a Ph.D., but she was exceptional. Nobody knew why exactly, but they were convinced that she...

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In The Booth

After many months of nothing happening in my marital bedroom, I began to feel an intense urge to be sexually desired. I thought of looking around my small hometown for satisfaction, but frankly I knew I wouldn’t trust anyone to keep quiet about the indiscretion I was hoping for. Instead, I continued with my own toys to please myself. That can only last so long before you long for the feel of skin. For years, I kept in contact with a beneficial friend from my past. In my single days, we spent a...

Straight Sex
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Lets Pretend

By Tikiman Based loosely on true events. More fiction than fact. ******************** Chad and I had been messing around for about a year. It started as masturbating together, and progressed to wanking each other, sucking, until finally I let Chad ass fuck me twice. To this day, Chad easily had the longest cock I've ever seen. We never measured it, but if I had to guess, I'd guess around nine inches. Chad was swarthy, and when his circumcised cock got erect, you could...

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Moving on With Life

“Please, Maven, what have I been telling you for an entire year?” said a beautiful and long haired girl name Trixie Woodlands to her friend, a brown haired female named Maven, who had been her close acquaintance for some years, at a table in a diner. “I know, I know, but it is so hard to forget him” The glassed female, with formal working suit replied, with a monotonous tone of voice, implying a lack of enthusiasm for the conversation. “Darling, you had broken up with Jonah one year ago and...

4 years ago
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There and BackChapter 156 Success and Failure

When I finally met with Rolan, Anders, and Solona, it was even more difficult to explain everything than I’d expected. The first hurdle was that Rolan and I had never discussed my origin or knowledge. He’d been told by others, of course, but had never had the opportunity to ask me questions. He wanted to know what I knew about him from the game. I lied. For the first time since coming to Thedas, I looked straight into someone’s eyes and lied. I didn’t think I could explain his relationship...

2 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 14 Girl Talk

"Hi, gang," Kathy chirped as she climbed into the shiny new convertible. "Hi, Kathy," Mia, Christi, and Julie chimed back. "Wow, cool car, Mia." "Isn't this great," Mia exclaimed. "Dad helped me buy it this afternoon." "Wow, I'll say. You're the first girl in our class to get one," Kathy settled into the back seat. "You're so lucky, Daddy won't let me work after school. He says I'd lose my amateur status if the school found out I was getting paid." "Hey, your going...

4 years ago
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Housewife Shalini 8211 Part 2 New Hope

Hello friends, your Shalini is back with another encounter. you know what happened in part 1 now I was sleeping on bed with only bra and by body is covered with bed sheet when I open my eyes I saw Kiran is sitting opposite to me and said what a pussy is yours it was so awesome can I do it again. I was angry and said Me: today is yours last day kiran go pack your things in office. Kiran: oh look at your lips madam. He came near me held my shoulder in his both hands & I closed my lips tightly...

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Black Balls Overfull with Spunk

So there we are my BIG HUNK-Bruno is still in the prison as he was a naughty boy and got locked up. The crime he did need his huge frame and muscle power, he was the right man for that!I wish the open day was every day and I could have a nice filling of my pussy so often as I need it....mmmm.All the prisoners between 18 and 40 had their medical done, this included a full sexual check up and sperm count. They said it was so that the medics could understand the urges and some sex crimes of the...

2 years ago
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NIS Pieces of SamChapter 10 Monday Tuesday

"Hey!" Jody smiled as I slid into the passenger seat of her little red sports car. "Hi!" I smiled back, unzipping my army coat because she had the heater turned up and it was warm in there. "Where's my skirt?" she frowned at the jeans I wore and I giggled and shrugged, and then she was leaning into me for a kiss and I mostly melted in her mouth. "I forgot it," I told her a breathless half-minute later. "But I got your thong." "I should make you go back and get it!" "No!...

3 years ago
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Young girl in the supermarket

This happened about 8 years ago.Donna and I were doing our weekly shop at one of the big supermarkets in our town, as she was looking at some stuff I was on the end of an aisle just waiting and looking around, there was a young blonde girl kept staring at me, when I looked at her she'd look away. As we moved round the store we'd bump into this girl who was with her friend, and she'd be watching me.As we neared the end of our shop, Donna went to the toilet and this girl was waiting at the...

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Sharing my wife with black lover

A few years back, before she became my ex-wife, Peggy and I were new to swinging, and she told me she wanted to experiment with fucking a black guy one time. We made the plans while I was at a convention, and mapped out our ‘story’. She was to ‘accidentally’ run into me as an old college friend, while I was talking to a black guy at the lounge in the hotel, and go from there. We checked in on a Thursday, and went to our ‘separate’ rooms, so no one would think we were together. Our rooms were...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 369 Returning Home Part One It Wasnt Easy

Saturday, June 9, 2007 After my one and a half hours sleep, I extracted myself from my tightly clinging wives and went for an enjoyable walk in the woods. Partly to make sure we were alone, but mostly just for the pleasure of it. We were in a very natural area so surrounded by lots of good quality flora and fauna. I'd learned a great deal about Oregon's natural life as a result of Ron and Ava's mini-National Park on the west side of our property. Where I was now was higher and with a much...

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Ms Behaved Ch 01

I have been using Literotica for many years and for the most part it has been casual online fun. A few steamy messages here, a few naked pictures snapped there… and if we really hit it off we would take the encounter to Skype for video chatting. These off the grid encounters have been some of the fondest and heart racing memories. I can’t explain being face to face on camera (whose identity would normally remain a mystery on Lit) with an intelligent woman and watching them react as you trade...

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A Fetish Indian Sex Stories Reader Part 1

Hello, friends what’s up, Rahul here with another indian sex story of mine. I am 25 yrs old, fair, athletic and an adventure lover. And I really thank you all for such a good response for my previous story. My email id is Aunties, bhabhis and married women in Visakhapatnam, if anyone interested, then please do email me. So coming to this encounter, my this sex experience was no less than a surprise as well as shock. The lady was an iss reader who liked my stories to the core. And the kind of...

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SandcastlesChapter 33

While I had been busy finding and setting up the sting for Gary, Sally and Janey had also been busy. I should have known better than to leave the two of them alone with my sister. Although it still isn't clear what part Marion played in all of this, I suspect it is far greater than any of the three of them have ever admitted to me, especially considering what happened as a result. To begin with, Janey had recognized the girl at the opera as a student from her school. From there it was a...

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A Rainy Night in Paris Ch 01

Preface It had been raining all day. It was a grey, steady, depressing rain that seemed to wash all the colours from the city, reminding you just how much of the city was built of stone, solid gray and unyielding. Paris had survived the rule of Louis XIV, had watched her citizens rebel in the French Revolution. She had been witness to the German tanks on the Champs Elysées, the very same streets that Napoleon had marched on. But today she was shrouded in rain, bearing witness to beginnings and...

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Fucking my girlfriend sister

This is Sanjay Jain again, mail me at Sunita my girlfriend usually invited me to her house when her parents were away so that we could fuck, when I got a call I reached her house and rang the door bell, her sister Natasha opened the door. Natasha is around 19 years and as sexy as her sister and knows of our affair. Today she was wearing a really short skirt and a small top without any bra which made her nipples to be clearly seen through the top. She gave me a smile and as I went forward to...

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XVideos Hentai

XVideos Hentai requires no introduction. For over a decade, millions of men all over the world have busted all kinds of nuts to their videos. Xvideos has an absurd number of clips, great reliability, and minimal bullshit ads.Xvideos is known for serving real-life porn, but their hentai is great as well. Xvideos has thousands of hentai clips where you can watch these babes sucking and fucking in all their 2D glory.As a tube site, Xvideos is good at bringing you tons of little clips, but it’s not...

Hentai Streaming Sites
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Private Hanna Ray Light Fairy Birthday Anal

Hanna Ray joins Light Fairy today in Private Specials, Two Girlfriends are Better Than One and what better way to celebrate her 19th birthday and first scene on than with an anal threesome! This is one party that doesn’t take long to get started as both girls get on their knees ready to share a nice sloppy blowjob as they warm up their man Mark Crow for the main event… An intense anal pounding for this dream teen duo that has them both moaning and screaming with pleasure until...

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Susie and the Boys Part 2

"I was at first, furious in fact. But then everything changed. When I realized that they were all going to have their way with me, I just relaxed and let it happen. I thought, fuck it. If this is what he wants, then fine, I may as well enjoy myself." Susie revealed. "And did you? Enjoy it I mean." "Oh yeah. More than I ever thought I could." "Is that why you invited Toby and his cousin over?" "That, and he told me he wished his cousin had been along because he was still a virgin....

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Island for ThreeChapter 3 Salvage

The vessel was capsized, and he could see a gash near the keel deep below the waterline. Staring at that maw of splintered wood, he could see now why it had sunk so quickly. The storm had dragged it across the sharp rocks, pretty much tearing out the bottom. He had never seen such extensive damage to a boat before. There was no chance of getting it seaworthy again, but that didn't mean it couldn't be useful. It lay heeled almost completely over, caught on the reef. "The tide and the storm...

1 year ago
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An Evening Surprise

CHAPTER 1: Innocent Love The pulsing beat through the open night club doors dispersed pleasantly into the quiet, Denver night. Two gorgeous blondes and their handsome boyfriends walked lazily, hand-in-hand up the empty street. Winter break had been a time of celebration for the well-groomed teenagers. No exams, no fuss — just good, easy fun. Not that a few decent fake IDs hadn’t helped. Caylee peeked over at Tracie and gave her a smirk plus a wink. ‘Nice going, girl. You had the moves going...

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Sugar for Coffee

I'd managed to snag a pretty good life. Even with a college degree, all I really wanted to do was paint my crazy paintings. Which of course paid nothing. But then I'd stumbled into this situation where I was making really good money. Despite the digital age. I could rip out the cover for a bodice-ripper in just days. There was that selection of recent gay literature that went platinum? I'd like to think it was my painting of a centaur horse-handling one of those hairy goat boys that punched...

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