Devlin's StoryChapter 63B free porn video

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The changing room was on the way to the shower, so she decided to see who was calling. It probably wasn't her mother. She had seen her mother and baby sister the day before. It might be Evan, letting her know why he hadn't pitched the night before. She fumbled the cell phone out of her purse and accessed voicemail.

"What is it?" Emma asked moments later as she appeared in response to Devlin's shriek.

"It's Evan," Devlin bubbled happily. She waved the cell phone around the room. "He's going to pitch in the majors. He got called up last night. He's pitching in Chicago in..." She glanced at the clock and began pulling her clothes out of the closet. "He's pitching in three hours and he left a bunch of tickets for me at Will Call, and I've got to get dressed and..."

Emma put her hand on Devlin's shoulder. "Well, then we have to get you to Chicago, don't we?" Devlin was balancing on one foot and trying to pull on her panties at the same time. "Easy there, girl," Emma said. She grabbed Devlin's clothes out of her hand. "You need to get cleaned up, first. Tim will get your car, and Krissi or somebody will get you taken care of." She carefully pried the cell phone out of Devlin's hand and steered her towards the stairs.

"Marie, Krissi," she called when she saw the two gals. "Get Devlin cleaned up. Evan is pitching in the majors in Chicago this afternoon and she needs to get there so she can see him."

"I guess we'd better hurry," Krissi said. "Those afternoon games start at 1:00 or 1:30 or something like that, and it's just after 10 now."

"And we should stick some food in her," Marie added as she took Devlin's arm. "Poor thing would faint from lack of hunger about the time we got there, and she'd miss the whole thing."

"Good point," Krissi said. She spotted Rick. "Get some food for Devlin. We'll be downstairs in the shower."

"What's up?" he asked as he turned towards the kitchen.

"We're going to Chicago to see a ballgame. Evan's pitching in the Majors today." Rick nodded and disappeared into the kitchen.

Marie and Krissi gave her a rough but effective shower, showing little mercy as they scrubbed her vigorously. Marie concentrated mostly on her hair, while Krissi soaped and scrubbed the rest of her. At first Devlin tried to help, then gave it when she realized she was just getting in the way.

Then Marie helped her turn on Krissi. Together they made her squeal as they lathered her hair into a rich froth. And then it was time to gang up on Marie. Devlin lathered the girl all over, squeezing and cleaning with the wash sponge. Marie's breasts felt no different than her own, she decided. She'd wondered about that.

Finally they got through with all the cleaning, scrubbing, and fun in the shower. Devlin dried off and helped Marie and Krissi with their hair just as they helped her with hers. Finally, wrapped in big fluffy towels, they went back upstairs to the changing room.

"Why do you wear a skirt all the time?" Devlin asked Marie as they got dressed. She had pulled on white shorts and an ISU tee-shirt. She'd tucked and pinned her hair back and was rummaging through her overnight case for her watch and earrings when she noticed Marie holding up a skirt.

"Blame it on my upbringing," Marie said. She pulled on a faded denim miniskirt and smoothed it down. "It's the way I was brought up. A girl always wears a skirt or dress—no exceptions, even if it's freezing outside—it's part of being a lady. Pants are for boys. I heard that from my mother, my aunts, my grandmothers, my sisters, my teachers, everyone." She waved her hand, taking in relatives she hadn't mentioned. "I even heard it from my Dad. All of us girls in the family did. I must have heard it every single day of my life, and I guess it stuck." She laughed as she pulled on a white tanktop. "I'm not exactly a lady, but it's still a habit." She brushed out her hair and pinned it in place with a silver clasp.

"Besides, when I wear a skirt or dress I look less like the public 'me' than I do in jeans or shorts. And that's kind of important. If I get recognized, guys start hitting on me. Just because I fuck guys in the movies, they think I'll put out for anyone at any time. After all, we're all sluts, aren't we? And a slut will fuck anyone, right?"

"Reminds me of the difference between a Bitch and a Slut," Krissi said. "A Slut will fuck anyone. A Bitch will fuck anyone but the guy calling her that."

"I've always told people they call me a bitch like it's a bad thing," Marie replied. "I've never dared quite say that about the word slut."

"That's a little too charged a word," Krissi said. She was wearing her long white sundress again. "Even if it does apply to me, at least around here."

"We could all claim that around here if we wanted to," Devlin said. "And, yeah, I heard that about skirts and dresses all the time from my relatives. That's one of the things that happens when you grow up in a family of all girls. My aunt was the most practical about it, though. She told me there are times when a skirt is a lot more comfortable than shorts. But I always thought dresses were dressed-up for some things."

"Which is why I don't wear that many," Marie said. "Oh, I do when I'm teaching, but that's different. That's work."

"It's just that people don't try to look up your jeans," Krissi said. She laughed. "I should talk. I'm wearing a sundress and no underwear, and if someone looked up my dress right now they'd see everything."

"And this is bad in what way?" Devlin asked, bending down and lifting the hem of Krissi's dress. Fortunately Rick appeared with the food right then, so Krissi didn't have to answer.

"Who all is going?" Devlin asked when she'd finished the ham and cheese croissant Rick had handed her. She wasn't feeling quite so light and fluttery as she had a few minutes before. She felt like she could do most anything, but she also felt a little tired. She hadn't slept much the night before, and was feeling it. She'd planned on getting a nap after she got back to Bloomington, but obviously that wasn't going to happen today. Instead she finished brushing out her hair, gave her face one last inspection, and decided she was ready.

"I just called Steve," Krissi said, "and he'll meet us there. "Are you and Rick coming, Marie?"

"Maybe," Marie said after a hesitation. "I've never really been to a baseball game before. Football, sure; we'd go down and watch the Chargers in San Diego, and I've been to a lot of basketball games. We were sort of expected to show up at Lakers games. I think we were supposed to go to a Dodgers game once, but something came up and we didn't. Let me check with Rick."

A couple of minutes later she was back. "Sure. Neither of us has to be anywhere until tomorrow morning. Rick doesn't have to be back in LA until next week, and I don't have any classes starting until Tuesday evening."

"Good," Krissi said. "Let's see. Emma, Tim, Steve, me, Marie, Rick." She counted slowly, looking at people. "I think that makes six of us, and Devlin. Have I got that right? How many tickets did he say he was leaving, Devlin?"

"He didn't say," she replied. "He just said he was leaving a bunch of tickets at Will Call."

"Count us out," Tim said. "We have to clean the place up. We'll have to catch some other game, okay? I may watch it on TV it I get a chance."

Krissi looked around. "Amnita? Up for a baseball game in Chicago? White Sox, not Cubs. Evan is pitching today."

Amnita glanced at her husband, and after a moment nodded. "Sure. We haven't been to a ballgame in ages. We'll have to go get the kids, though."

"Don't forget to get plenty of sunscreen," Emma warned. "It's supposed to be in the 80s today, and you might burn if you're not careful."

"I've got it," several gals said at once.

"Who's riding where?" Krissi asked.

"We could take our van," Marie said. "It has room for everyone."

"We'll go separately," Amnita said. "We'll pick up our kids and meet everyone at Will Call, okay?"

"Works for me," Devlin said. Krissi nodded. "Let me get some stuff." She threw a few essentials in her overnight bag. She didn't know if she'd spend the night in Chicago, or not. Summer school didn't start for another week, so right now she was free.

They'd just gotten on to the interstate when her phone began chirping. She dug through her purse, glanced at where they were, and pulled out the antenna.

"Devlin, it's Evan."

"Where are you?" she asked excitedly. "I got your message, talked to a few friends, and we're on our way to the game. What happened?"

He laughed. "First, how many tickets should I leave?"

"Six adults, two kids and me."

"Nine. If you want you can sit with the team wives."

"No, maybe next time. I-I'll want to meet them socially, first."

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea. That may be a bit. I'm just up for a cup of coffee."

"Okay," she said. She'd heard him use that phrase before. "What happened?"

"The big club played back to back extra-inning games. Last night's game went 17 innings. The night before it went 14. They were down to using a reserve shortstop as a pitcher last night. Their pitching is all shot, and so they dipped into Triple-A. I was next in the rotation, so I got the call-up. They said I'm only going to be up for this one start. The big club is flying back to Oakland after this game. I'll accompany them there, and then catch a commuter flight to Sacramento."

"I wish you could stay with them permanently."

"Well, yeah, me, too. Anyway, we can't stay long after the game. I have about an hour before the bus leaves for the airport."

"Just enough for a hello-good-bye kiss," she said. She remembered something Bo's wife Trish had said. "Evan?"


"Trust your stuff, Evan, and throw what the catcher calls."

He chuckled. "You sound like my manager before I got on the plane last night."

"Well, he's right. Work fast, throw strikes, and keep the ball down."

He laughed. "Yeah, and fear is not an option. I remember."

"I'm serious about this, Evan. When you get to Des Moines in two weeks I'll drive over and we can have some time together."

"Sounds good to me. See you right after the game."

"See you. Love you."

"Love you," he replied, and hung up.

"Details," Krissi said at once. "What did he say?"

Devlin explained it briefly, and everyone nodded. "Makes sense," Rick added.

The parking lot wasn't that full, and Will Call had all the tickets. Steve was waiting for them, and folded Krissi into a hug and kiss. Devlin identified herself and got the tickets. She had just started distributing them when Amnita and Jack appeared with their kids in tow.

"Paul, Mary and John," Amnita said, putting her hands on them in turn. Paul, if she remembered, was 11, Mary 9 and John 8. Paul had his baseball glove with him and was wearing a Little League baseball cap. Mary had a smaller glove and was looking around uncertainly.

"Ever been to a major league baseball game?" Steve asked them as they went through the ticket turnstiles.

Mary shook her head. "We've seen them on TV," Paul added.

"Well, let's do what my Dad did for me when I went to my first game," Steve said. He led them up the main stairs and across the concourse. The field opened out in front of them.

"It's so green," Mary said in awe, taking in the field.

"It's like a temple to baseball," Steve said as everyone drank in the scene. Oakland was on the field taking batting practice. Balls were flying through the air, and guys were fielding them everywhere.

"Hey, kids, let's go to the outfield and see if we can get a souvenir," Jack said. He glanced back at Devlin and Krissi. "Shall we meet you guys at the team store?"

"Meet us at our seats," Devlin said. "I want to get a couple of those disposable cameras." Her regular camera had plenty of film in it, but that was back in their apartment and there hadn't been time go get it.

She bought six of the disposable cameras, with 24 shots each. She also bought a scorecard. She wanted a complete record of Evan's debut. The other gals were looking at the clothes. She glanced over everything, and decided that was for later.

"I'm going to go find our seats," she told Krissi. "I'll see you guys there."

"Sure," Krissi said, examining a tee-shirt. "See you later."

Devlin slowly worked her way along the concourse, looking at the food, looking at the people, and watching to see what was happening on the field. Finally, on the third base side, she saw her section. She glanced at the row numbers as she started down the steps.

"Hey! Devlin! Over here!"

She looked around, and saw Trish waving at her. She waved back and hurried down the steps. "Hi, Trish!"

"Good to see you," Trish said. Her hair was longer and she was balancing a baby on her hip. "I heard Evan was starting, so I was pretty sure I'd see you here today."

"So, how's Bo doing?" They edged out of the way of several kids who were running down the steps.

"He had a tough April, but his bat's coming around," Trish said. "I think he's going to stick, even if he is batting eighth."

"I hope so," Devlin said. "Evan says he has this one start and then he's going back to Sacramento."

"Um, well, if he does well, he'll get called up again," Trish said. "After a couple of trips he'll probably stay. Everybody needs good left-handed pitching. Have you two set a date?"

"After the season," Devlin said at once. "At first we thought it might be November, but I was thinking of some time in January, before Spring Training. He hasn't asked me yet, though."

"He will. When do you graduate?"

"December," Devlin said. "I just got the notice from my adviser." She grimaced. "Summer school starts next week."

Trish nodded. "Where are you sitting?"

Devlin looked at her ticket and then showed it to Trish. "Just a couple more rows down," she said. "There are 9 of us."

"Just behind the Team Wives Section," Trish said, pointing. She looked around. "It's a pretty sparse crowd today. Tell you what, after an inning or two, why don't you all come down and join us."

"Are we supposed to?" Devlin asked.

"Well, no, but they cut a lot of slack for the Team Wives and the guests, especially when there isn't much turnout." She looked around. "And it looks like there aren't going to be too many people here today, which is a shame. Chicago's playing pretty well right now."

"So are the A's," Devlin said. "They aren't that far behind Seattle."

Trish sighed. "I don't know if we'll catch Seattle," she said. She looked around. "But don't tell anyone that. Bo thinks they'll catch 'em, and so do most of the guys on the team. Me, I'm not so sure." She sighed. "And then they'll have to beat the Yankees. That's a mighty tall order."

Devlin blinked, trying to shift gears. This was a whole different world. Trish was actually worrying about the performance of a team that everyone had heard about. The Yankees! She smiled uncertainly, and Trish laughed. "This is the big leagues, Devlin," she said, "and it takes some getting used to."

Someone called something and Trish glanced over her shoulder. "I've got to go," she said as she turned back. "We'll talk again in a few innings, okay?"

"Sure," Devlin said.

She found her seat, just a few rows behind Trish and the other wives. She settled in it uncertainly, looking around. The sheer size of the stadium was intimidating. She'd been in smaller ballparks, ones that seated 8-9,000. This place could hold nearly 50,000 people. There was a second deck, and another one above that. The field looked bigger, though she knew it wasn't. Everything about this place just seemed on a bigger scale.

Before she could feel dwarfed by things, the others began trickling in, Krissi first, with Marie and Rick. After a bit Amnita, Jack, Steve and Amnita's kids came down the steps, everyone carrying buckets of food. Amnita got them all settled. Devlin nervously checked her cameras, and then tried to balance her scorecard with the cameras. Finally Steve took the scorecard.

"I'll take care of scoring the game," he said.

"Bless you," she said. "I may be too nervous to do that."

"Are you going to take pictures of every pitch?" Krissi asked from beyond Steve.


She laughed. "How many to you have? Pictures, that is."

"144, I think." She thought for a moment, and then nodded. "Yeah, that many."

"That should be enough," Steve said.

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The Skate Park Midnight Skatin“Mom” ? “Yes honey”? “Who's that on the couch”? Well, that's your brother sweetie—you dont reconise him”? “umm, looks like he kinda growed up” “lol, well yes, I guess he has since you saw him last” “He's hairy as an ape---and damm what some feet” “yes, he's quite the man now. But don't wake him up honey, he had a rough night with your dad”. “He gonna be moving in with us now mom “? “I think probably so—your dad is going to Mexico” “That sux” As I lay there on...

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He had always been a leg man, and one of the few things he did know about her unexplored body, at this stage, was that she really did have exceptionally long and voluptuous thighs - ham thighs a well known art critic would have described them as. Milky smooth olive skin on them, he could fondly recall as he momentarily closed his eyes at traffic lights on his way to pick her up. He recalled his fingers tracing her thighs up to what was obviously an almost G string on their most recent parting....

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Shopping Adventures 4

Lynn refills her water glass in the kitchen and goes back to the bedroom. She stands at the foot of the bed. The sheets are rumpled and pillows askew from her and Chris’s exertions. She feels so wicked.While making up the bed, she notices a couple of wet spots. She doesn’t bother changing the sheets, that might make Mike suspicious. She leaves the damp ones in place. There’s time before Mike is due home, so she lays down for a short nap.She awakes from her nap all refreshed. She sits on the...

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A Playful Conversation

For some reason, Abby, my wife of seven years, had begun telling me about her girlfriend Kayla’s having a crush on me. Now, understand me here, I love my Abby. I’m very happy with her and always have been. And, while I’m as horny as the next guy in looking at other women, and yes, even envisioning them in bed with me, or us, I’ve never even thought about actually doing it. So imagine my surprise, when one night at a neighbor’s get-together, Abby brought up Kayla just as our hostess was opening...

Wife Lovers
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He Seduced His Little SisterChapter 9 Eighteen Years Old

When she'd gotten a little more used to the weird ways of Wesley McAlister, Maryon found herself amused by his cool attitude. He was the con man supreme, a super-pimp who was still ghetto-hustling, but with a scholastic cover and an acceptable, accepted image among writes that let him operate his stable of (with herself) five fillies with virtual impunity. Who would suspect him of running a string of high school call girls? From Glenville, no less? The girls very seldom met, and then only...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 761

These are compliments of Allan How to Maintain a Healthy Level of Insanity in RETIREMENT... At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on, point a hair dryer at passing cars and watch them slow down! On all your cheque stubs, write, “For Sexual Favors” Skip down the street rather than walk, and see how many looks you get. With a serious face, order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat. Sing along at The Opera. When the money comes out of the ATM, scream ‘I Won! I...

1 year ago
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Cum bar

One Sunday night, about 7 years ago, I was to meet a few friends at a bar in Washington D.C., called BADLANDS. My one buddy Sean showed up with a friend visiting from New York. To better set this up, I am a rather small guy with a nice body and very nice butt. OK, there were a total of five of us running around this bar for the T-dance, and having a blast. Sean's friend Tom was about 22 years old, natural blonde, 6'2", extremely handsome and hard as a ROCK. His thighs were like tree trunks. 2...

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Queen Aromas Festive Party

Chapter 1:The Invitation"Oh look at that, we got an invite to Queen Aroma's annual festive party!"My gorgeous brunette queen Hannah tells me with a grin.She's standing in the kitchen, going through her mail as I'm knelt behind her, my head tucked away out of sight under her pink fluffy dressing gown, sniffing her delightful bare ass.It's early in the morning, a week before Christmas, and she's still not fully awake just yet, yawning as she sips her coffee, and places her invitation carefully...

1 year ago
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My Mom and I have an experience

100% fiction! I am 18 years old and still living at home. My mom has remarried three times and I've went through a lot with her, which brought us closer. But, I have walked in on my Mom changing many of times and seeing her sexy 35 year old body, amazing D size boobs, and perfect nipples just got me going. Also, when she takes showers the door is cracked so I would often masturbate to her showering. Almost every time I masturbated I was thinking of her. And there was a few times that she almost...

2 years ago
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The Wimp and the DebChapter 36

Marjory I was a bit shocked by Becky's revelations about her and Rory's sex life. Perhaps I should not have been surprised, because they have been living together for over a year and I have a feeling they are both quite venturesome and go ahead. Vanilla sex probably would not cut it for them. I kind of knew about the idea of getting your boyfriend off before giving him your virginity, but without her challenging me like that I doubt I would have thought of doing it, especially the bit...

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I fucked my step sister in the arse whilst she was

So here is the deal: I was nineteen and my stepsister was 24.She had a very hot body but was not the sharpest pencil in the packet.So one day when my parents went out for a weekend and left us in charge at home I went and bought some Marijuana, some beer and some wine.My step sister and i then sat chatting about life and what we wanted to do with ours....I took out a couple of beers and offered her one, she told me that she hardly ever drank alcohol as she did not like the taste or how it made...

4 years ago
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Zero G

I'm sure I've been MORE nervous in my life, I just couldn't recall WHEN at the moment the countdown reached eight. I heard the ratcheting clank of the hoses separating from the external fuel tank of the shuttle, hoses which had just finished pumping in liquid oxygen to supply the oxidizer for the main engine burn. The main engines themselves were ignited a moment later, shuddering our compartment. The main engines would not actually be fired until launch of course but the shudder was the...

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It Started With a Cup of CoffeeChapter 15

Bonnie felt sick all morning and couldn't seem to concentrate on anything but how empty she felt inside. She really didn't feel much like meeting her friends for lunch either and called Shelly from the lady's room. "Hi Shelly, I don't think I'm going to make lunch with you guys today. I'm really not feeling that well." "Why? What's wrong?" She could hear it in Bonnie's voice that something was wrong with her and knew it wasn't from being sick either. "Has that little dick-wad...

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Nothing Better

Just like every morning these days, I'm woken by the cat running across my stomach. Usually not uncomfortable, but with the baby getting bigger these days, it causes him to wiggle at the sudden impact. Opening my eyes, I push her off the bed, then reach over to my nightstand to check the time on my phone. Through my sleep fog, I see the clock reads 8:30 am. Half an hour before my alarm, but I know there's no getting back to sleep at this point. I hoist myself out of bed to pee and return to...

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Across the BorderChapter 10

After their morning fuck, Lisa and Josh once again met Steven at the stairs. Only today, there would be no food by the pool. Instead, Steven asked Josh if he wanted to go horseback riding. “Can we, Mom?” Josh was clearly excited. “Your mom and I have work. But you’ll have lots of fun without us.” Lisa wasn’t keen on her son going without her. “I don’t know? What if something should happen?” “They will be fine. It’s not like he will be going alone.” Steven leaned in to Lisa and in a low...

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Busty Mom watched by son

I'm 19 had horny for my 44 year old mother. On a warm summer evening my mother was sitting in a shorts and t-shirt on the back patio, enjoying the good weather. She sat facing our my room. Our house was a ranch in the shape of a U. I sat down briefly with my mother and we talked. I quickly noticed that she's not wherein a bra and i could see her nipples through the fabric. After a lengthy conversation about my sister who was away at collage i leaned in for a hug , I could feel her large...

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Office Sex

My name is Ashley. I am 28, 5”11, white blonde, shoulder length fair hair, sexy blue eyes, good ass to die for and smooth skin, this is because I use sea salt in my baths. I work as an executive assistant in Nissan Corp. let me start from the fact that I have laid my eyes on my boss ever since I first came to the company. He is handsome and he is so hot. His name is Andrea. He is 6”8, black, short hair cut, very athletic body and his age is 29. I’ve so many day dreams about sleeping with him...

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A Reasonable Deal Pt 7

Chapter 1 Danielle was glad to be home from her friend's house. There were not that many even semi-attractive members of the lesbian community in town, and this particular one, a Korean-American musician, enjoyed watching, for god knows what reason, reality TV. Reality TV mixed with marijuana and alcohol, all of which the high school teacher had both tried and grown bored with. Sex, history and art were the only things that really interested her anymore. Danielle had made a few...

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The Restaurant Part 5

The Restaurant Part Five Publishing date - - about 270 years in your future. (In the past few chapters) We have learned that The Restaurant always delivers satisfaction, happiness, and fulfillment. But, those goals are just the first rung of ladder, a very tall ladder. The Restaurant always strives to go another rung higher, no matter how many rungs you have already reached. (In the past fews weeks) Jack's whole body (except his brain and most of the nerve cells in...

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A Cuckold By Choice Chapter 3

 Walking in the street without panties was another first for me, it felt really sexy and I wondered if my daughter did anything like that with her lover.As we walked I told Charlie about her.“Yeah, I think a lot of people are into this sort of thing, you girls seem to get sexier as you get older.”“Thanks, I think.”“Well just think about it, when you were first married would you have done this?”“No,” I laughed, “Although I might have been tempted if you’d been around.”“Yeah, I wish I had been...

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The Anniversary Party Ch 1

The Story is written by lohengren99 at literotica.comMy mom had sounded very disappointed when I told her I wouldn't be able to make it to their home for their 30th wedding anniversary."But, Richard, your brother can't be there either.""Sorry, mom, but I can't get out of the trip I've got scheduled. And I'm not responsible for Ross's life. What about Marie? Will she be there?""I haven't talked to your sister yet so I'm not sure" I could hear the hurt in her voice and it was hard to keep the...

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Verna sopruga i majka

Bidejki soprugot bese so obvrski od rabota se dogovorivme da odime jas i kerkami sami pa ako se oslobodi vo megu vreme ke ni se prikluci ili podocna ke odime site zaedno.Resivme da ne odime daleku vo slucaj Toni da treba da dojde pa taka otidovme vo Ohrid.Se smestivme vo eden stan na nekoi prijateli na Toni od rabota.Koga stignavme Kerka mi gi frli torbite i odma izleze da se vidi so d**garkite koi 'slucajno' bas toj period bea tuka.Jas ostanav pa prvo sto napraviv si svariv kafe i pocnav da...

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The Sleepover Pt5

A few days later, I find out how right I am about my sister's intentions with Kristina. Apparently, after I dropped her off at home, mom came into her room and they talked late into the night. According to my sister part of the conversation went like this."Mom, I want to know how you and dad and the Andrews did this," Lauren asks."What do you mean?" Mom says sounding fairly perplexed."I mean were you in separate bedrooms, were all four of you together, did you spend the entire time with Mr....

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Tesco Tart Part Two

Tesco Tart. - Part Two. Chapter Four - In for a penny... "Bit tight on top maybe" David unconsciously said out loud as he felt the fabric and cut of the Checkout Supervisor's smart navy blue suit. After a quick check of his watch and, seeing that he still had at least forty minutes alone in the store before his night shift colleagues returned from their outside 'lunch' break he set about fulfilling his perverted sissy ambition. He still couldn't believe the luck of his...

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Seeing It Spurt

A lot of people write the story about the first time they had sex or the first threesome they ever had; you know, things like that. Well, this is about a first, too, but it was the first time I watched the semen shoot out of a boy's dick. Well, maybe not a life-changing event, but, for me, close to it at age sixteen. It all started when I was over at a friend's house. Taylor was about six months older than me so while we were in the same grade she turned sixteen well before I did. She also was...

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my brother in law

I have changed the names to protect my family; otherwise this is a truestory. I am posting it to this board in the sincere hope that someone whoreads it may have some advice to help me through a difficult situation.My father is a minister in the local church in small suburb outside ofTulsa. I have an older sister who studies ancient languages at a universityabout two hours away, and I am a senior in high school. Our mother died ofcancer three and a half years ago, after a two-year struggle....

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Brown Lust Chapter 2 Part 2

A hot day at the swimming pool turns hotter when Vick's baby sister tries to seduce him. Meanwhile, Vick's got his lustful eye on his beautiful mother and older sister. It's a day of bikinis, lingerie, sweltering heat and incestuous seductions with the whole family involved! Author's Note: Since Chapter 2 is so long it had to be split up into 2 parts. This continues right from where Part 1 left off. It was 10: 30 at night and everyone had gathered in the sitting room watching television....

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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 28 Moving in the Right Direction

“Mr. Prentiss, this is your friend from Houston. I believe the possible threat to you and your community has passed. Just so you know, the opposition visited about thirty other gated communities in your county. Vigilance is always recommended, but whatever their mission, they seemed unsuccessful. The two men we’d tracked went back to Colombia two days ago, and seem to have assumed their old jobs. We have reason to believe they convinced themselves that your friend is dead or that erasure is...

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JanetChapter 8

It seemed like a month later when the agreed day arrived for us to start. The plan was for Cathy to help John produce his sample and then she would bring it to us in the next room. We had planned on doing this on three consecutive nights. Mandy had been to the doctors to have a cap fitted to try and keep the little wigglers in the right place after they were fired up her and we were ready. We waited nervously in the room for Cathy, it seemed like it was an hour later when she came in with a...

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My first lesbian experience

My first lesbian experienceI am a bisexual TV. A man who dresses as a girl. I cannot therefore, however much I want to, have a lesbian relationship with a a real girl. I can dress with other men and we can fuck each other, but that is pretend. I can dress up as a girl and suck and fuck a real girl, but that again is pretend lesbian.I keep most of my clothes at a friend’s house. A girl friend. Sophie knows that i need somewhere to store my dresses and skirts, my uniforms and my undies, all my...

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Punked By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Myers "He is so fucking dead," said Donnie as he opened his locker at the gym. "No fucking way," screamed Dean. "He's way out of control now. We've got to think of something good to get him back." "I think we're better off just leaving here in our towels," said Donnie, holding up a shirt. "You'll lose your membership, and they're not letting you out of here like that," said Dean, taking the clothes from the locker. "Just walk out...

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Seduced by my black friend

I just had started a new job at a car factory. I was assigned to Darren which was a cool black guy and also my supervisor. He was really kind and goofy instantly with me, which was cool because I had the same personality. After about a month and a half later we had became good friends on the job. We would always make gay remarks just joking like guys do ignorantly. And would always talk smack about our dick sizes to taunt each other just goofing off. Well one day I was on my knees cleaning up a...

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Hired Gun From Santa FeChapter 24

(Conclusion) Back in town, Sam made the decision to stay in the reasonably stable relationship with Nettie and their nocturnal playmate called Maria with her submissive attitude. His loss of Sue and the stress of chasing Geronimo to his ultimate capture made him closer to Nettie and now he had the young ones to consider. The sixteen year old “Birdie” was just beginning to feel the surge of womanhood deep inside her feminine folds. He knew she was prime poking potential but he hesitated...

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