A Well-Lived Life 2 - Book 9 - KamiChapter 4: Molly Kraus free porn video

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August 13, 1995, Chicago, Illinois

“Hi, Molly!” I said when I walked into Ruth’s Chris Steak House where we were having lunch so I wouldn’t miss the usual family dinner which we had on Sunday nights.

“Hi!” she replied, giving me a quick hug.

We walked over to the maître d’ and were shown to our table, which I’d reserved earlier in the week.

“So, how did the conversation go?” I asked.

“About the way I expected,” she sighed. “He’s supremely pissed at me.”

“Can you really blame him? Hanging up on someone is a fairly grave insult. And that was on top of telling him that another sensei didn’t agree with his methods.”

“I know. It was a big mistake.”

“Did you apologize?”

“Yes. He accepted my apology, but I’m basically on probation. The crappy thing is, that means I can’t really make any changes and have to follow his lousy ideas and methods. I need a way to escape.”

“Did you try talking to him about your ideas?”

“He won’t listen because of how I went about it from the beginning.”

“Then all I can suggest is time. Give him a few months to calm down, then approach him in humility.”

“The man has NO idea what that means! He’s insanely arrogant. He’s nothing like you.”

“And if you make that comparison to him, you’ll NEVER find a solution.”

“Can I ask you something, totally off the record and unofficially?”

I knew what she was going to ask, and I knew how I had to answer it.

“Go on, but you know what I have to say.”

“I want you to help me figure out a way to escape, and for you to be my sensei.”

“I have to be VERY careful about how I’m involved. I can give you guidance about attitude, about personal growth, spirituality, and so on. But I can’t give you ANY advice about running your dojo nor can I do anything which would interfere with the relationship between you and your sensei. In the end, it’ll be up to him.”

“I just wish you could speak to him.”

“That’s one thing I certainly can’t do, at least not the way you mean. I’m also not sure it’s a good idea for me to meet him; at least not in the very near future.”

“So what do I do?”

“Focus on your interior life,” I said. “That is the most important place to start, and something I can certainly help you with.”

“Did you just say you wanted to be inside me?” she smirked.

I laughed, “That’s perhaps the most perverse interpretation of ‘interior life’ I’ve ever heard!”

“Sorry, but based on our last conversation, it just seemed like the thing to say! I was pretty sure you were OK with being goofy.”

“Very much so! I was just surprised because we were having a serious discussion.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to derail the conversation. Where do we start?”

“How’s your spirituality?”

“I’m not religious in any way. I haven’t been to church since I was in eighth grade.”

“I’m not talking about religion,” I said. “More about how happy you are with your personal answer to ‘Why am I here?’ and ‘What is my place in the world?’.”

“Truthfully? Not very. And I don’t think about it all that much. I just kind of go with the flow.”

“Really? Is that what you did with your sensei?”

“You know what they say about inertia, right? Well, you were the outside force. Everything was fine until the competition over Memorial Day weekend.”

“First lesson - it’s never events or people who are the issue, it’s always how we respond to what we encounter. The only thing we’re truly responsible for is our own actions and reactions.”

“Wait! You’re saying it’s my fault?”

“One of Sensei Jim’s most important ideas, and one with which I am in complete agreement, is that in any conflict there is blame to be placed on both sides. It may be terribly lopsided one way or the other, but in the end, there is fault to be found with everyone. In this case, it was your response to what you learned that created the major rift. There wasn’t one before, was there?”

“Not really. There were things I didn’t like, but there wasn’t an open conflict.”

“And you created one where one didn’t exist.”


“Then your first task is to examine yourself, your actions, and your motives. You can’t really know anyone or understand anyone until you know and understand yourself.”

“Do you? And I don’t mean that disrespectfully; I’m truly curious.”

“Yes and no; it’s a work in progress, but I believe I’d made very significant progress in the last two years.”

“What happened?”

“A pair of trips to Japan, a trip to Europe, the death of a very close friend, and a heck of a lot of self-analysis.”

“Who helped you?”

“Sensei Jim, several very close friends, Sensei Robert and Sensei Hiro when I was in Japan, and a Buddhist monk I met there as well.”

“Can you teach me?”

The waiter came to the table and took our orders.

“I can guide you, but in the end, you have to learn everything for yourself. Nobody can tell you who you are or why you’re here. And until you have at least preliminary answers to those questions, you can’t make any real progress.”

“Are you saying you didn’t make any progress until about two years ago?”

“I was treading water and going in circles. You can ask pretty much anyone I know and they’ll confirm that everything changed after I went to Japan the first time.”

“Do you think you can help me?”

“That’s not what’s important,” I said. “It’s a question of whether or not YOU think I can help you, and if you’re willing to confront your own demons - your failings and weaknesses. Let me ask you, what are your goals in life?”

“You mean, like do I want to make 5th Dan or do I want to have kids or do I want to be successful?”

“Those are certainly potential goals.”

“What are yours?”

“To be the best man I can be and to do as little harm as possible.”

“Not do as much good?”

“No. There is too much evil in the world, and no amount of good seems to be able to drive it out. So I seek to add as little evil as possible.”

“That’s kind of the opposite of how most people look at it.”

“Most people are wrong, then. But fundamentally, until you sort out your own life, you aren’t in a position to tell others how to live theirs.”

“And you have?”

I laughed, “Not even close! Remember, I only promised to help you help yourself. I am in NO position to do anything other than offer guidance, which I have to admit is questionable.”

“If you question yourself, why should I trust you?”

“You shouldn’t trust anyone who doesn’t question himself or herself! The more sure someone is, the more likely they are to be wrong. Doubt is the seed of learning and progress. Think about this - if you are sure, beyond any shadow of doubt that you are correct, how can you grow, learn, or change?”

“Interesting. So you’re a skeptic?”

“More or less. And I’m actually fairly radical in my skepticism because I question everything, including my own ability to understand anything well enough to even know the right questions to ask!”

“Wow! But then how do you make decisions?”

I chuckled, “By assuming I know enough to do so and acting on the best information I have available. But I am always willing to consider alternatives and willing to reevaluate my decisions when necessary. One important way of dealing with it is to make decisions which CAN be changed, and which foreclose the fewest possibilities. Call it ‘wiggle room’, if you will.”

“So you’re skeptical of even your own decisions?”

“I have to be, to be true to myself. And I feel that’s very important because in my experience, there is no one more dangerous than a ‘True Believer’.”

Molly nodded, “I agree with you on that! So what about science?”

“I accept, provisionally, that which can be tested and shown to describe how the universe appears to work. But nothing is certain and everything is subject to revision. One way to look at it is to see the differences between Isaac Newton’s ‘Classical Mechanics’ and modern ‘Quantum Mechanics’. Newton’s ‘Laws’ work great on things like projectiles or orbits, but fall apart when dealing with things at the atomic and sub-atomic levels. So, was Newton wrong?”

“I suppose that depends on how you look at it, doesn’t it?”

“Yes. The best way I can think to put it is that his understanding was incomplete. And that’s true even with quantum mechanics. Current quantum field theory has trouble explaining one of the fundamental forces of the universe - gravity. In other words, our understanding is incomplete. It may well be that current quantum field theory is wrong; or it may be that our understanding of gravity, such as it is, is wrong. On the other hand, I know for sure that if I drop this knife,” I held it up, “it will hit the floor every single time.”

“I hadn’t thought about that. In science classes everything seemed so certain!”

“And if you think about the example I just gave, in our day-to-day lives, they are! We know gravity works. We know how to calculate trajectories for a spacecraft. We know, generally, how chemical reactions work. And so on. But that doesn’t mean we have complete understanding.”

“I get what you’re saying, but if you’re always skeptical, then how do you decide what to do each day?”

“By not allowing skepticism to lead to inaction. I make decisions based on the best information I have, then act on it, but leave myself as many ‘outs’ as possible. I guess you could say I operate on the assumption I can know, even though I’m not truly sure I can. It’s kind of like the ‘Free Will’ debate. I’m not sure we actually have it, but we have to act as if we do.”

“That’s a lot to swallow at one time!”

I smirked, “That’s what SHE said!”

“You brat!” Molly laughed.

“I figured the conversation had been heavy enough that a bit of levity was a good idea.”

“There’s that word again. ‘Heavy.’ Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth’s gravitational pull?”

I laughed, “Back to the Future is a fun movie.”

Our salads arrived and we began eating. The steaks arrived just as we finished our salads.

“Are we having dessert?” I asked when we finished our meal.

“That depends,” Molly smirked.

“On what?”

“Whether you have a taste for USDA Prime Shaved Wisconsin Beaver!”

I laughed hard, and was very glad I hadn’t been drinking anything.

“Shaved?” I smirked.

“Smooth as can be! I’ve shaved ever since puberty. I never liked the way my pubic hair looked.”

“You actually had it USDA graded?” I deadpanned.

“No, of course not, you goofball! I just thought that would be a funny thing to say in a steak house.”

“It was! And how is it served?”

“Hot and juicy!” she laughed.

“So now it’s a Wendy’s hamburger?” I teased, recalling the commercial. “That’s a real step down!”

“You better hope I don’t quote Clara Peller!” she smirked.

“Where’s the beef?” I chuckled. “That might be ego-deflating!”

“Well, deflated it’s not much good, now is it?”

“No! And I haven’t had any complaints. You do remember the ground rules, right?”

“I do! And you do remember my promise not to boil your daughter’s bunny?”

“I do! Can we be serious for a moment?”


“What is it you want from me?”

“I thought that was blindingly obvious!” Molly exclaimed.

“So it’s purely physical?” I asked. “Nothing more?”

Molly looked confused.

“I thought that was what you wanted!” she protested.

“Then I’m afraid we haven’t been communicating properly.”

“Well, crap,” Molly sighed visibly deflating. “What did I miss?”

“Not you, us. Remember what I said before about both being at fault? That’s the situation here. Communication is tricky because there are at least four sides to every conversation between two people.”

“Four sides?”

“What I intended to say, what I actually said, what you actually heard, and what you thought you heard. The first and last are the ones that matter, and neither of us can know, with any kind of moral or philosophical or logical certainty what the other person thinks.”

“Skepticism again?”

“In a way, yes.”

“But I thought a relationship was out of the question. That it was just about sex.”

I smiled, “It’s never just about sex! My very first lover warned me that sex changes people and she’s been proven right time and time again. Without some kind of meaning beyond physical pleasure, sex is empty and unfulfilling. Or worse. The last time I had sex which was purely physical, it led to an existential crisis.”

“So what are you saying? You have me totally confused!”

“I suppose the best way to put it is that there’s a difference between intimacy and sex.”

Molly cocked her head, “They’re the same thing, aren’t they?”

I shook my head, “No, true intimacy is much deeper than sex. It’s truly getting to know a person for who they are, and bonding at the deepest level possible.”

“I thought that wasn’t possible in your mind!”

I smiled, “It’s not; and yet we operate as if it were possible. It’s the dichotomy I’ve raised with regard to several issues. You asked me to be your mentor and your guide. Do you think that’s possible without an intimate understanding of who you are?”

“Probably not.”

“Certainly not, I’d say. And here’s something to think about - a student needs to have an intimate relationship with her sensei. Again, not sexual; intimate. Otherwise, how can he properly guide her? And how can she trust his guidance?”

Molly’s eyes went wide and she nodded, “NOW I think I get it. And now I understand what’s wrong. And, it’s at least partly MY fault.”

“Good,” I smiled. “Why?”

“I kept my sensei in Milwaukee at arm’s length because I wanted to run my own dojo and do my own thing. That’s basically the opposite of what you and your sensei do. And why you refer to it as the ‘school’ of the «shihan» in Japan.”

“Very much so. We Americans tend to look down on protocol and formality, and we look askance at tradition. I’m as guilty of it as the next guy, but I question if that’s the right approach.”

“But shouldn’t we question those things?”

I smiled, “There’s the dichotomy again! Yes, we should question them, but we shouldn’t throw them out just because they’re old or because they come down to us from ‘dead white men’ or ‘the Church’ or some other thing which we don’t like. Japan is struggling with that now, with the formal, traditional ways doing battle with modernism. Personally, I think modernism is far too full of itself. It questions everything EXCEPT itself and its assumptions.”

“Which makes it dangerous, in your mind.”


The waiter came to the table and we ordered coffee, but no dessert. My body was still readjusting to my ketogenic diet, and I had to forgo even small amounts of carbohydrates during that time, which usually lasted about two weeks.

“So now what?” Molly asked when the waiter left.

“About what? Life? Karate? Your sensei? Our relationship? Sex?”

“I had meant the last one, but I’m not sure it’s on the menu at this point.”

“Sure it is; this is foreplay!”

“What?!” Molly gasped.

“Your goal, if I recall correctly, was to have me curl your toes and make your eyes roll back in your head. True?”


“This is the path to get there.”

“You are a VERY strange guy!” she laughed.

“That seems to be a near-unanimous opinion!”

“Nobody has ever really talked to me this way. Not any of my friends; not my parents; not my teachers; not my sensei. How did you become the way you are?”

“A few people took serious interest in trying to help me. Sadly, the two most important aren’t available. One has a husband who doesn’t accept the kind of intimacy that it requires between her and me, and the other one was killed by a drunk driver a few years ago. I’ve also been helped by what we call Rap Sessions which we used to hold on Sundays with college students.”

“And you talk about stuff like this?”

“And more. But they’ve more or less died out.”


“A combination of reasons, really. Mostly it’s because we can’t find a way to get students interested in seeing alternative points of view. That’s happening in the country in general, where attitudes are becoming fixed and unwavering, and there isn’t true dialog. And it’s going to get worse.”

“So just when I find out the way forward, you tell me that society is going backwards?”

“Pretty much,” I said.

“So, what are you trying to tell me about us being together? I’m kind of confused because I know you’re married.”

“An adult affair means more than just sex. And, honestly, I think it’s just a matter of mindset for you. You felt it was just a physical thing, and that was the issue. Do you think that’s true now?”

“To tell you the truth, I’m not sure. You seem like you’re looking for a deep relationship, but you can’t be in one.”

“Which is not true, and which is why you’re confused. It’s entirely possible to have the kind of deep relationship we’re talking about without being romantically involved, if you will. It’s what should happen in a mentoring relationship; well, minus the sex.”

“Did you just say that if I want you as my mentor you won’t sleep with me?”

“We certainly couldn’t be lovers if I were to become your sensei. That’s the epitome of a bad ‘dual relationship’. You couldn’t trust me not to think about our relationship when it came to evaluating your progress, and pretty much anyone else would suspect I was playing favorites.”

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Molly Entertains I Dare You

Molly was pissed.   “How did I get talked into this?”   She thought as she pulled on her tight jeans and sucked in her breath so she could close the zipper.   As reluctant as she was to keep this appointment, it had taken her longer than normal to get going.   Now she was running very late and was fumbling around her bathroom in a half-hearted attempt to look presentable before she went out. Her vibrant and usually smiling features required little in the way of enhancement, a little lipstick...

4 years ago
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Molly Entertains I Dare You

Molly was pissed.   “How did I get talked into this?”   She thought as she pulled on her tight jeans and sucked in her breath so she could close the zipper.   As reluctant as she was to keep this appointment, it had taken her longer than normal to get going.   Now she was running very late and was fumbling around her bathroom in a half-hearted attempt to look presentable before she went out. Her vibrant and usually smiling features required little in the way of enhancement, a little...

Straight Sex
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The return of Dilema Tracey Molly moreedited

I have been rehabilitated and returned to work on light duties, Krystal has moved on, as has Mary ...which I will reflect upon at a later date. Fortunately Tracey still works at the hospital, but in a different ward she is now a manager - I hope that does not change her, I do have the fondest memories of our horny encounters. Mr Penis is ever alert to my reactions to the surrounding female population, even the mention of Tracey above causes him to stir - his memory of her sweet, moist, pussy...

2 years ago
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Groping Part 2 Molly

It had been a couple of days since my trip to the city and nothing much of note had happened, I had a quiet day planned as Lisa was out and had stayed over at a friend’s house so I had the house to myself, time to catch up on the dreaded housework. I sat drinking coffee in just my boxers as had no reason to dress and my phone pinged with an incoming message. It was from Cindy, “Morning Frank, need to get Molly a b/f, need your help, bunking off today can we visit? C xx” was the message and I...

3 years ago
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Molly N In the Wet Wet Woods

Kiss, kiss Molly’s lipsKiss, kiss Molly’s lips— the VaselinesWe were on a bike ride. Originally, there were four of us — my daughter, her friend Ruth, her friend Molly and me. They were all home from college, energetic young women who had grown up together and were looking to relive some of the sights and activities of their c***dhood.That’s what led us to Gusse Woods, a large forest preserve criss-crossed with bike paths. About 10 years earlier, the four of us had been here on an ill-fated...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Eleven

We had just finished picking up Molly from her Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Neither of us knew if it had gone well or not – she refused to tell us anything about it, and the two of us mildly accepted that. If anything, I think the both of us were glad that she took my intervention so seriously and accepted the ultimatum that she needed to do something about her condition. A part of me wondered if she wanted to do this herself and was waiting for someone to tell her, ‘Hey, you’re seriously...

2 years ago
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Bigtitted Molly8217s first facial

It had been too long since John had last seen Molly in any real, special way. It had also been too long since he’d cum. The last meeting between the high school loner and the sexy mail carrier who was fast becoming as obsessed with him as he was with her had been over a week ago, on Halloween night. For weeks the two had teased and tested each other. John had jerked off in front of Molly twice, once on her large, bare breasts. And most recently John had went down on a woman for the first time,...

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A Jump With Molly

Jamie was like most men and could be talked into almost anything by a pretty girl.  That was never more evident than now—sitting in a small plane, looking at Molly with her beautiful, bushy brown hair sticking out under her helmet, blown in the fierce draft of the open door.  Her smiling features looked excited, not frightened, and her incredible body looked ready to go, as always.   In a few moments, she would jump out of this, perfectly functioning, plane, and he would follow her. ...

Straight Sex
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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 12

“Are you having a good time?” I almost nervously asked as Molly and I walked throughout the town. “Yeah. This is nice.” she replied politely with a small smile. “When you live so close to a place you kind of forget to check it out and play tourist from time to time.” “Yeah! This place is really cool. There’s a neat little ice cream place here too. I saw one last time I was here with D- with Diane.” I couldn’t let it slip that I was hanging out with Daisy behind Molly’s back – even if Molly...

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Indecent Proposal for Molly and Brian

Molly and her young husband, Brian, had gone to Las Vegas for a long weekend, and while they were there, something very exciting happened in their encounter with a rich man named Rod Pitney that would change their lives forever. Brian and Molly were playing games in the casino when they were at a table with a very rich-looking and distinguished older man, possibly twenty years older than they were. Molly especially noticed that Rod paid a lot of attention to her and on occasion, Molly thought...

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Summer With Molly

Im not a jock but I do love athletics. Im not a brainy nerd but I do love learning. I not a geek but I do love new technology and gadgets. Im not a sex fiend but I do love the thought of knowing what its all about and constantly fantasize about doing it with any girl who would let me. Now if I could just figure out what it truly means to do it then I would be ahead of my peers. Im a kid, a 13 year old suffering through hormonal and bodily changes and unlike the information out there being...

3 years ago
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Molly the Manager Part 6 Happy New Year 1983

these events actually happened. Names have been changed. Geographical locations have not, as it ads to context. The week after Christmas, 1982 up to New Year 1983. Those were some of the happiest years of my life up to that point. The week between Christmas and New Year was a busy one for both of us. Molly, being a manager spent, literally, opening and closing at the return/exchange booth. I on the other hand, was dropped to 25 hours. My saving grace is people that had purchased new...

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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 6

I gripped Holly’s hips with a strength that would have made her think I was being unsafe, had either of us been in the right state of mind. When I first came over that evening, maybe a few minutes after we agreed via text to meet, the clothes were off within seconds and I was attacking her neck and feeling up every inch of her body. It only took a few minutes for the foreplay to transition into the main act, and from then on in, the train had no brakes. It was hard to say how long the sex...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 16

Wednesday after dinner, Molly and Bert sat together monitoring one of the more popular chatrooms. It was a new and rather disturbing feeling for Molly to sit by her naked, hunky brother and try to do a normal activity. On the drive home, she had thought about him and had longed for just this chance. Now, sitting with her shorts-clad leg touching his bare one, his body seemed to scream for her attention. Raising her hand to the keyboard rather than letting it drop to his crotch became a test...

4 years ago
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Molly gets a creampie finally

I sampled a couple of beers and the bartender told me of an old pub down the road a little way. I figured, I want to go to a real pub and hang out so I went. I arrived already slightly buzzed. I sat down and after a short time a few younger women cam over and sat down. Now I'm not homely, I'm 6'3" 215 lbs and I sport about an 81/2" cock. I talked to the girls for awhile, as best as I could anyway. One young woman in particular struck my fancy. Molly was about 5'6" slightly chubby but...

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The Good The Bad and the Molly Chapter Fourteen

Eventually, we got home and Chris shut the car off. I turned around to face Molly. “Let us know if you need anything from either of us.” I told her. “We’re here for you.” Molly politely smiled and hopped out of the car, shutting the door behind her. I turned to Chris. “Didn’t mean to speak for you.” I piped up. “Nah, it’s cool.” Chris shrugged. “Do you still feel anything about her? Like, do you still care?” I asked him. “Yeah, probably.” he answered. “I mean, if I didn’t, like, why...

4 years ago
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Molly Chapter One

Chapter 1 I was still learning the layout of the school on the first day and was grateful that my first class was my free period. I was wandering the halls in search of the teachers’ lounge, and more importantly a cup of coffee, when a gorgeous, petite blonde ran into me as I rounded the corner. I staggered back briefly and instinctively wrapped my arms around the energetic woman. We both stared at each other for a moment; then she blushed brightly. I followed the crimson wave as it...

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Me and Molly

This is a work of fiction featuring Male on Shemale sex... enjoy! I considered myself straight all my life. I say that because I recently had some experiences that changed my inner definition of myself. I met a girl at a local coffee shop. Actually, I saw her there every morning when I stopped in for my morning cup. I'd always admired her figure and beauty from afar, she was a very pretty redhead with a killer body and great taste in clothes. She was always wearing some kind of...

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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 8

When I was of sound mind and a clear head, I liked to pride myself as a rational person, someone who knew the best thing to do. I would have known what the best course of action would be. I would have known whether it was wiser to wake Molly up and explain everything to her immediately, or wait under the following night when the household was just getting settled for the night. I couldn’t be labeled ‘of sound mind’ from the moment Chris caught me. Once he gave me the twenty-four hour...

4 years ago
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Episode 120 Rachael Mollys Dirty Wee

Saturday MorningRachael and Molly have been at sixth-form college for a week now, when Molly’s mum Justine gets the call to spend the weekend on her knees submitting to Sam, her new Dom.Rachael and Molly are mostly studying different subjects now, so have swapped touching each other up in class for sending nude selfies and planning their next sexual encounters.Rachael arrived early on Saturday morning, Justine opened the front door in just a bathrobe: “Hi love - Molly’s just getting dressed -...

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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 9

For a guy that enjoyed having casual sex with several women a week if I was lucky, I wasn’t much of a partier. I was more into talking to people one-on-one, and seeing where things went from there. Even if I was looking for someone to share a bed with for the night, trying to put the moves on someone in any kind of public setting felt weirdly wrong. Almost disrespectful. It was super clear that a party wasn’t my type of atmosphere, even before I wound up going with Molly. Well, ‘going with...

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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 11

I gazed back from the passenger’s side of the car to look at Molly, who was sitting in the back seat. Her eyes met mine and she gave a small, polite smile and a shrug. The two of us sighed almost in sync as my head turned back around to look at the road. Chris said nothing as he drove. We had just finished picking up Molly from her Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Neither of us knew if it had gone well or not – she refused to tell us anything about it, and the two of us mildly accepted that. If...

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Molly Comes To Find Us Part Two

I love scents. People undervalue our sense of smell. As John and I sat for breakfast that morning - inside this time as it had started raining - the delightful aroma of our croissants and coffee blended with the gorgeous scent of Tom’s cum wafting up from my tits while we ate. I kept closing my eyes to replay what had just happened; rubbing some of the cum into my skin.“God, what a beautiful cock he has!” I said to John, as if he needed reminding, having just watched me devour it. “The way he...

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Molly And Kellys Delightful Ipanema Rendezvous

Since surviving the terrible erotic activities, Molly had been tricked into participating in that night on the Island off the Brazilian Coast; the unpleasant memories had eventually faded with the passing of time. Molly was still happy she had done it for Antonio. However after—both knew they never wanted to attend any other of the Group's harsh and cruel activities. Molly, greatly relieved, had settled back into her comfortable familiar routine. She thought happily to herself, I love Rio de...

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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 5

I wish I could say I slept fitfully. The night had been utterly restless for me. After what I did to Molly, or what we did together, or whatever I decided to think of it in the moment, I didn’t dare touch her in my sleep. From when I had woken up, around 6:30 or so, until whenever she woke up, I had just been staring at the ceiling, almost dizzy with the number of possibilities swirling in my head. She knew. Even the possibility of her knowing was just a branching path. Did she hate it? Did...

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Molly the Manager Part Five

This is a long and true story. Names have been changed. Geographical locations such as buildings, towns, defunct department stores are true. These events happened from November 1982 to about March 1984. [Sunday Morning After Solstice. After not necessarily a marathon session, complete with clapping and cheers from the DINK (Dual Income no k**s) neighbors, I awoke with the aroma of fresh coffee and Molly sitting on the bed. "Rise and shine, sleepyhead. We are going to Church. It's about...

2 years ago
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Molly Grows Up

Molly Grows Up A Short Story By Maryanne Peters Mark had never been to the officers of Albert Setter, Head of Security. It was on the ground floor of their large office block in Durham Street. When he entered he was surprised how large it was - he had expected a small office suited to a man who dished out the pass cards. In fact, the office was well appointed with bookshelves, a lounge area and a large old style desk, behind which sat the heavy set Albert Setter. "See here my...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 14

Later in the afternoon, Molly was up and looking somewhat rested. She found Curt at his computer. Putting her hands on his shoulders, she looked at his screen and asked "Talking to someone?" "No, just adding to the 'Surviving' website. Look at this." He showed her what he had gotten from Kendra. "I made it into a suggestion for kids at any school to try. Your brother's idea is another one I put up." Molly pulled up a chair next to him. What she really wanted to do was sit right on...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 2

"Come on, I'll go with you. The women are all here right now." At the entrance to the kitchen, Bert backed away, and Molly had to talk hard to him. She was losing, but Erma, the cook, just happened to come out where they were. It was questionable who was the most shocked, but they got through the explanation, and the fifty-year-old Erma was able to joke around and tease Bert in her usual fashion, calming him a little. Erma was a wonderful cook and had been with them for twelve years. She...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 4

"But ... but ... the whole point is that we're against the Naked In School Program!" Curt pointed out. "She's right, Curt," Molly said. "I'm not against it on the basis of nudity being wrong. I don't like showing my body to strangers, but the problems with the Program go way beyond that. We've both said that it's a matter of human rights. If we go on TV naked, it would destroy the prude argument. Where would that leave them?" "They would have to fall back on the psycho-babble...

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Molly Curt Naked In SchoolChapter 17

"You know what Penny and Bert are doing, don't you?" Lisa asked Molly as they and Cassie relaxed in loungers by the pool. "No ... you mean!?" At Lisa's nod, Molly asked "Does that make you sad?" "Sad?" Lisa asked in puzzlement. "Oh, you mean am I jealous? I couldn't expect Bert to feel that way about me. I'm happy for Penny. She's had a rough time at home, too." Molly, like everyone else, could not help but be impressed by the sweetness of Lisa. How anyone could put her...

4 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 140 Mollyrsquos Run

What the heck did the mystery machine do last night and what is in the slot that opened? When I went over and looked into the slot I saw there were multiple smart card IDs like my top-secret badges. One just had Smith on it, my picture, and three QR codes instead of letters. On the back it had a huge set of different types of digital patterns. One looked like the one on the back of my Dad’s insurance card. The rest I couldn’t even guess at. There was another one with Smith on it that had...

2 years ago
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Molly Alyssa and Me

There is no sex in this story, if that is what you want I suggest you go elsewhere. This is a story about an older man and two much younger women, the relationship they form and his ultimate reward. I'm not sure how to categorize this story. I guess its best just to say it's a story. This is a little different tale than I have written before. I hope you enjoy it. Appreciate the comments, both good and bad. It is the only way a writer knows if his work is worthwhile. On with the story. The...

5 years ago
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The Good the Bad and the MollyChapter 7

“I think that just about does it.” I confidently stated as I inspected my work. I prodded the wooden frame staring down at me and nodded. “Yup, we’re good. I think the mattress can go back on now.” “Are you sure?” Molly asked me, arms close to her chest in hesitation. I rolled my eyes, wiggling out from under the bed so I can stand up. “I haven’t let you down yet, have I?” I gestured back to the bed. “It’s just as I suspected. The thing just came loose. You’re honestly good to go at this...

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