Pickup Number EighteenChapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 30
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Puffy stopped sputtering, having discerned that something had changed. "What happened?"
I looked up at her. "I tried to put off the rest of your life for a while -- just so I could finish my eggs. But you insisted..." I dipped my dry toast into the eggs and took another bite. "You'll find that there has only been a slight delay. Run along now, Honey. You know where to find me when it's decision time."
Bet glanced up at me. "We got a surprise at the last minute -- Tom Quarles -- I'm running the ID." She clicked for the update and read, "Gunsmith, ex-military, seven point three."
"Great," I replied, "We're up to six."
"Better get another bite in," Bet warned. "It's about over. People are discovering that their access to the outside world has been terminated."
I sucked in another bite and turned to watch the door. The quick-witted waitress was pointing at us in response to a question by some loudmouth. "So much for eggs," I muttered, putting the plate to the side. Keying an amplifier rig installed in my collarbone, I announced, "Congratulations, Ladies and Gentlemen, six of you have been selected to enter the service of the Confederacy."
Everybody froze and looked at me like I'd grown an additional head, then started looking around for the big winners.
"Will Dolly McIntyre please step forward?" I asked, deliberately naming the only female and causing mass confusion. Dolly, a thin brunette with eyeglasses and a very fearful expression, started trying to get out of the big horseshoe corner booth -- where she had two males on either side. I grinned and added, "The four gentlemen with her should be Martin Tompkins, Hugh McClintock, Jeff Higgins and Mike Ferreira. You have also been selected -- all four of you. And I believe Mr. Tom Quarles just arrived, did he not?" Tom Quarles was pushing sixty -- the look of surprise on his face was priceless. The others were staring at each other in amazement -- clearly they never assumed that they might ALL make it. Little did they know... "If you all would wander over here, we can move on to Phase Two, after which I can release the remainder of these fine people." Huh. Like they WANTED to be released...
Dolly was a seven point six, Martin was an eight point three, Hugh was a seven point three, Jeff was a seven point four and Mike was a six point nine. Tom's military experience put him at seven point six; he had tools they didn't when it came to military discipline and handling ones self in combat. They crossed the room to our table and stood around, looking shocky; I stood easy, in apparent control, but Bet behind me was warily watching the group that had suddenly become livestock -- and knew it. I turned casually to the others who shared this side of the restaurant with us and directed, "Ladies and Gentlemen, it would smooth the way if you interrupted your meals momentarily and joined the other diners over there..." A fat guy in the corner started to object -- plentiful good food cheap tends to draw those who enjoy it a lot -- but his significant other swatted him one and hissed at him and he shut up and got moving. Bet had pulled her stinger out -- it looked like a pair of brass knuckles with a point between the second and third fingers and a trigger button along the top of the first ring convenient for the thumb. I guess it looked threatening enough to convince laggards, despite its small size -- wisely, since you did NOT want to have your internal electrical system jolted the way a stinger did it!
Martin pushed up his eyeglasses and muttered, "Did I get..."
"Sorry, I know nothing about job assignments at this point -- although I can pretty well guess at Tom, here," I replied.
Tom scratched his thin, grey and white brush cut. "I dunno -- what use is an old soldier?"
"In a month, you'll be twenty-five again -- only you weren't that big or that strong or that fast the first time you were twenty-five," I told him. "Remember that during the next few minutes -- and remember that if something you're looking at isn't quite perfect, it can probably be fixed, too, as long as the problem doesn't exist between its ears."
"Twenty-five..." Tom looked dazed. "That was a rough year... You have no idea."
"Wanna bet?" said Bet, eyeballing her display. "Recon and Infiltration Group is gonna be thrilled to death!"
"The official records..." Tom shook his head.
Bet grinned at him. "We have the UNOFFICIAL records, too. We should have time on the trip for me to sit at the feet of the enlightened master..." She dimpled.
"Time to pick your household staffs," I intervened. "Let's see what we can scare up." I turned to Dolly -- such an odd name for a little mousy brunette -- and said, "You've got the toughest choice, probably -- theoretically, you can pick four guys." I shifted my glance to Bet, "Any mods in the sub-scores?"
"No, but if I was her, I wouldn't get carried away," Bet replied. "There are a lot of guys out there, you know, Honey? Four is a shitload, though, since you can only pump out babies for one at a time. You might want to substitute a woman for one so she can tend the kids while you work, for instance." She glanced at the record. "No kids, no husband. You're gonna be jumping into the deep end, probably."
Martin cleared his throat. "Um, if I may, I'd like to, uh, be considered..."
Dolly lit up like a Christmas tree. "Is that all right?"
I shrugged. "Who you want to father your kids is up to you. Just because he's a selectee doesn't mean he's ineligible. Hell, that more or less guarantees that he's a good choice!"
"What about... ," she waved her hands,"... the numbers?"
"Meaning you get to ship four people off-world, and if you don't you're not doing your job?" I replied. "Well, in the first place, Martin doesn't count -- he has his own bunch to collect and he's out of here in his own right -- so you STILL have four bodies to pick through." I sighed. "I TOLD you this was a bitch for women. You have to remember that you have your work; whoever you pick is gonna keep the home fires burning, more than anything else. Four unruly males are more than you're gonna want to handle -- let alone fuck -- and if they cause trouble, you're responsible." Clearly, now that he'd opened his mouth, Martin had the inside track, anyway.
"I'm going to have to think about this," Dolly mused.
"Good plan," I approved. Why the equal rights jackasses insisted on burdening working women in this manner was beyond me... I turned to our extremely wary audience. "All right! Ladies! Volunteers should form a single line..." Women of all ages started shuffling here and there. A few went to the back and sat down; I figured that maybe I should give the standard briefing -- it seemed like even after over a year, some people didn't get the word... "A few notes before we get started, Ladies. First, if physical issues are constraining you from coming forward, don't let them -- Confederation medical teams can do incredible things. On the other hand, the final product is ultimately at the discretion of your sponsor. Second, risks and benefits -- the timeline for the Swarm's invasion has not changed, and may not at all, despite our best efforts -- that's the reason behind the Diaspora. But colonial life isn't a bed of roses, despite access to some pretty advanced technology -- and some of the freedoms you continue to have here, despite what the future holds, do not exist in the colonies at this point. Basically, you are answerable to your sponsor and your sponsor is answerable to others for your behavior -- and you won't be going before a judge for screwing up. Troublemakers are, well, replaced, basically -- I hope you get my meaning. Third, you're breeding stock for the continuation of the race -- if you want to keep your girlish figure and have no interest in children, why don't you hang out here and hope the Swarm doesn't eat you?" I grinned evilly. "Oops! Did I say that? Anyway, the point is, you'll be baby factories. The good news is we'll put you back together after each pregnancy to your sponsor's specifications, and you'll have the help of any other concubines your sponsor adopts -- but you'll still be hip deep in kids, and you don't get to pick the father, by and large. Today will probably be your first and only chance at that."
Some young blonde girl raised her hand and said angrily, "So, it's sex slavery, right?"
"Right," I agreed, smiling nastily, "just exactly." I TOLD you I was in a bad mood...
The blonde opened her mouth again, but the swarthy little brunette next to her said, "Shut up, Belinda. Just because you think you've got forever..." There were several rumbles in reply to this so I figured I'd better get a grip on things.
"Enough!" I yelled. "Look, I can lie to you or I can be honest. I choose to be honest. Take it or leave it."
An early thirties type raised her hand in the back. "What was that about not being able to choose?"
"Well, in the first place, your sponsor chooses you, not vice-versa," I pointed out. "Sometimes, you and your sponsor don't click, and so maybe he trades you to a new sponsor. You won't have picked him, either." I scratched my chin. "Oh, other issues. Married women: This is a quickie divorce -- sorry. On the other hand, we'll chase down your kids for you, under fourteen, at your request -- and they don't count against your sponsor's quota. Over fourteen, you have to convince your sponsor to take them on -- and do I have to tell you what THAT means?" I turned to Bet. "Did I miss anything?"
"Not sure," she said. "It was all out of order. A bit more brutal than the standard briefing, too." She grinned -- she knew what was up, anyway.
There was a rustle, and I noticed a big woman levering herself out of a booth on the left side. She'd been facing the other way, and, frankly, I wasn't sure I liked the change. You know the type -- big, filling out a sack-type sleeveless cotton housedress, sweaty, greasy, unhappy-looking. Arms like hams and legs -- let's not go there. She had that chubby-cheeked, down in the mouth look that babies tend to have -- only she was forty if she was a day. "What could they do for me?" she asked.
I glanced at Bet -- this woman had enough problems; I wasn't THAT mean, even on a bad day. Well, maybe I was, but... Bet responded, "I probably outweighed you -- but you've got to find somebody to take you on as a project."
"Oh." Hopes raised and dashed in three seconds, the woman settled back into the booth, sideways. The table moved.
"Speaking of such things," I took up the thread, "we come to just how you're going to attract a sponsor. CAP scores are important, so I'd fish out my IDs if I were you. Beyond that," I shrugged, "You're on your own. If you appear to be bothering a selectee unduly, my associate here, will use the device she's carrying to render you less than effective; on the other hand, if he appears to be enjoying himself, it's none of our business." I re-displayed my nasty grin. "Right about now, in my experience, a lot of those who think it will benefit them start displaying body parts usually kept under cover. By the way, is this a single line, or a double line? Let's have the first row move forward to give the ones behind a little room." I looked at the fat woman. "Get up, you -- you can't win if you don't play. Waddle over here and show me your ID." The woman looked REALLY surprised, but she got up.
I turned to the others. "I was pretty nasty, but you guys need to get through the veneer, here. We don't have all day, and this isn't a civilized activity. You'll thank me for my candor. I've covered the basics; if you have specific questions, we're here to respond. We're going to keep them in line, allowing you to deal with one supplicant at a time. No means no. Chivalry is dead. You're about to become slave-owners; if you don't believe in slavery, that's all well and good, but the reality is there, anyway." I glanced at Dolly apologetically, then turned my attention to the men. "At some point, some chickie is going to get down on her knees and open your pants and -- sorry, Dolly -- suck your cock or offer up a fuck. You are NOT obligated to accept the service -- and you are NOT obligated to take on the little bitch afterward if you do -- even if you try out everything she has to offer. They aren't selling, or trading -- they're begging. If it's good and you decide to keep it, fine -- if it isn't your cup of tea, but she thinks you owe her, we'll stun her as an example to others. No offense, Dolly."
"None taken," she husked. "If I was one of them and I had the guts to do it..."
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Cindy had been a casual pickup that became a hot one night stand for John, but after she was gone there was a real emptiness in his life. Then he had seen her again in the parade and found out she was the police chief’s 17 year old daughter and the empty feeling had been replaced with fear. Then out of the blue she had shown up at his place and told him she would be back in a couple of months when she turned 18. John could not get her out of his mind and he actually driven past the high...
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Pay and Pickup I posted a used paper shredder for sale on a local classifieds site a little while ago. I didn’t get any response and had to repost it a few times. I had just about given up on it, when a girl named, Sara asked about it. After a few exchanges, she said that she would take it and asked about arranging to pick it up and pay for it. I sent her my phone number and told her to give me a call. This was the first thing in the morning and I was in my bathrobe before my shower. I did my...
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Kat didn't take long to get around to the medical issues regarding them. Smoking was one obvious concern, as well as Karen's bladder, which had been weakened by her past pregnancies. Karen had an older daughter, but she wasn't in the bar and was over the age, plus Kat had already met her quota of concubines with Lyle and Karen. Lyle had some hearing loss as well, but it wasn't as serious as Karen's issue. Kat found out that she had some blood clots, mostly from smoking and Lyle had his...
Lyle didn't know just how long his sponsor, Kat, had been riding him in the reverse cowgirl position, but he certainly didn't object. Her warm cunt massaged his cock with its delicious heat and friction, the contact of his skin and the depths of her pussy driving him especially wild. He was soon ready to cum from the exquisite delights of being inside her, but she controlled the pace of the fucking, and she wasn't done with him just yet. Of course, since she wanted to have his babies at...
"Oh, fuck, Lyle, you're even better than you used to be! Just keep fucking me hard! We both need to cum fast, so that you can fill your two slots!" Mary urged her ex-boyfriend, Lyle McFadden, who used to be a concubine himself, but was just upgraded to a sponsor that morning. "Yeah, honey, I'm afraid that this will have to be a quickie, as much as you enjoy your reunion with Mary. We can have another romp for you to do her justice later tonight, though, I think," Kat assured her former...
Lyle McFadden had held off on actually selecting his second concubine until it was clear what would happen to Hortense, of course. For one thing, despite the illegality of the manner in which Hortense had been impregnated, she WAS pregnant now. He would have a girl of proven fertility and the next child would be his, he was sure of that. Lyle could wait a bit, and it was obvious that his fellow Civil Service officers agreed with him on that point. “Mother and both daughters ... yes, I would...
The mess was rather interesting for everyone, especially once a report came in of a recent Earth First terrorist cell being captured during a raid on a house, which just happened to belong to Lyle’s ex-wife, Madeline. The former Mrs. Lyle McFadden was not only the hostess, but the lover of the ringleader, a man named Samir al-Jaber, who was apparently a Kuwaiti national and very much anti-Confederacy because of their exclusion of the Middle East from extractions. Lyle was more stunned to...
Lyle awoke for the second and final time that morning to kisses all over his body, very feminine kisses in fact, and they were courtesy of Noelle, his former teacher, who wanted her ex-student and current sponsor to know just how much she adored him. Of course, she also wanted to make sure that they were able to get Hortense up in time for her CAP test at 0500 hours, but for now, at 0345 hours, she had some time to use her beloved master for all that he was worth. Noelle gave him several more...
For Hortense Lanier, the questioning didn’t drag on at all. She was fully engaged in it and it let her keep her mind off her pregnancy (still in the early phase, anyway), as well as keep her challenged and busy. It was a thrilling sort of thing, to be honest. She loved every minute of the experience, and when she emerged from her testing process at about 1200 hours, seven hours later and just in time for the mess, it felt as if time had just flown by her. Walking over to the testing center...
Lyle reveled in finally fucking Stacey as she needed drilled, and even though Dario had already pumped her pussy full of his cum, he had no hang-ups about following a male concubine inside a female one. If anything, it was extra lube and he could feel her own excitement growing, which fed his as he banged the single mother good and hard. He held onto her curls as he rammed her as well, much to her delight, even as Dario resumed driving balls deep inside Alex. Catching onto what worked with...
Lyle McFadden awoke the next day to Mary riding him while Stacey sucked his balls and Noelle sat on his face. It was one hell of a way to start his day for sure, and he got the distinct impression that there was a secret agenda, likely the work of his former sponsor, Kat. She was especially kind to him of late, even more than usual, and she had never been cruel to him in the first place. In any case, he wasn’t going to protest this improvement upon his already good fortune. He didn’t know...
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Author's note. Thank you all for all your encouraging reviews for my first attempt. I hope you will enjoy the complete story. And many thanks to Editor Sissy Kathy! Kathy, you did a great job turning my sleazy writing in a real story! Love you! ******************************* Test subject Number 4 It is not easy to be a foreign student. Especially when your family is poor and there is nobody who can provide financial support. Managing to enroll, getting a student loan,...
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Introduction: 10 years after the Gender War came the National Femal Culling Agency or NFC for short with this agency all women were forced to register for the National and state meat lotery and wait for there number to be called. Jessicas Number Story: #4 Copyright 2004 Written: December 14 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 2 of 4 – 10 Years...
This is a true story from our distant past. I hope you enjoy it!---------------------------Have you ever spoken to someone on the phone thinking they were someone else? I have. One day at work I thought I was calling my wife, but apparently I had dialed the wrong number. The woman who answered sounded just like my wife. We chatted for about 10 or 15 minutes before one of us finally asked a simple question that we both should have known the answer too but the the other one could not answer it....
Dear Reader, please be informed that English is not my first language and I apologies if my poor grammar offends you. I started to learn English late in life and did it on my own. One of the main reason to learn English was to read Fictionmania :) After visiting it for many years I would like to give something back and contribute if not by good language skills than by ideas. Feel free to use my ideas and rewrite the story as long as you mentioning me and profit is not involved...
Story: #4 Copyright ©2004 Written: December 14 2004 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed By: Ay-Wun Please send any comments about this story to([email protected]) ********************************************************************* Part 2 of 4 - 10 Years Later 10 years have passed Since the legalization of cannibalism in the United States and the institution of the National Female Culling Act of 2060 implemented by congress to solve the worlds meat shortage, by using the meat of...
Formula Number 9 A Fictional Story written by Reif DISCLAIMER: This is adult fiction with heavy transgender elements, if you find that in any way offensive, or you are under the age of majority then stop reading NOW. No character in this story is meant to resemble any actual person living or dead. This is a non commercial work of fiction. All rights are fully retained by the author excepting trademarks and other materials as noted. No poet sings because he must...
Have patience cause it’s gonna be lengthy. I can’t explain or narrate the story without the beginning of the event/incident. So please bear with me. So, this happened in Chennai while I was pursuing my Masters there. One afternoon, during my class hours, I was getting continuous calls from an unknown number. As my class was going on, I cut the call and messaged an automatic text saying I will call ’em back as soon as I get free. Later, I didn’t receive any calls and I called em back as soon as...
Summertime was always a tough time to keep occupied. I was away at college for most of the year and when I came home I found I’d lost contact with a lot of my friends. I worked long hours at the local store but on my days off I tended to just stay in bed wanking or walking around the local neighbourhood seeing what was going on. The rest of my family were at work through the day therefore I’d help out around the house doing the laundry and suchlike. Not very exciting I know but it...
MatureI'd only been home from the hospital for a couple of weeks. Divorced for over two years now, I lived alone ... in a home that was far bigger than what I needed. I knew, especially now ... that in time I'd probably need to sell it, find a different place to live. But I had enough on my plate already, there'd be time enough for that when I got used to everything. If I ever did. You see ... I'd been in a car accident, and had lost my right leg just below the knee because of it. I'd of course...
I picked up my cell phone and answered it without looking at the display. A sobbing, female voice said, “Daddy?” Being that I had no children, I responded, “I’m not your Dad. I think you have the wrong number.” “Sorry,” she sobbed. “Pardon me, I’ll try again.” A few moments later, my phone rang again. A considerably calmer voice replied to my ‘Hello?’ with, “Oh, no. Did I misdial again?” I said, “That’s OK. You misdialed twice now and got me both times. It bothers me to hear a girl cry. You’re...
Straight SexThe reservations had been made at Mattalio's, and the place was buzzing. Jessica got lusty stares from the men, and envy and hate from the women as she strutted back to their table. As they ordered and ate, Jessica enjoyed glancing around and catching the many eyes staring at her. The waiter seemed to hover over her shoulder and she caught him several times looking down the top of her dress. As men walked by and looked at her, she would shyly drop her eyes and stare at their crotches. She...
There is not much to be said about number 5. In this case you could talk about 'provincial' and 'boring', or maybe I just do not know what has been going on earlier. Today it is occupied by an old couple in their eighties, and all the years I lived in the street there was no hanky panky with them. A retired fisherman he is a stout and weather-beaten man, and she is your archetype grandmother and great grandmother. Solid, kind, always busy and taking care of a lot of things. But number 7...
Theodore F Walker was back in Vienna. Passers-by would have seen a slim man in his early fifties strolling in the early spring evening, apparently with no fixed objective. In that they would have been mistaken. Theo was early for his appointment by design: it gave him time to make a small detour. At the narrow entrance to Auergasse he paused briefly. The door to Number Seventeen was hidden from view beyond a shallow bend. Ten years ago, when his tour of duty ended, it had been painted dark...
I'd been using a telephone dating service for a few months now. I've talked to many women on the line. Never really exchanged numbers with any of them. Most of these women are being cautious sometimes too cautious. Not really ready to open up to anyone. Maybe if they listen to my posted greeting they might just open up a little bit. Two days ago a lady named Marisol sent me a message along with her phone number. I called the number. "may I speak to Marisol?" I asked. "I'm sorry but you have the...
I'd been using a telephone dating service for a few months now. I've talked to many women on the line. Never really exchanged numbers with any of them. Most of these women are being cautious sometimes too cautious. Not really ready to open up to anyone. Maybe if they listen to my posted greeting they might just open up a little bit. Two days ago a lady named Marisol sent me a message along with her phone number. I called the number. "may I speak to Marisol?" I asked. "I'm sorry but you have the...
I'd been using a telephone dating service for a few months now. I've talked to many women on the line. Never really exchanged numbers with any of them. Most of these women are being cautious sometimes too cautious. Not really ready to open up to anyone. Maybe if they listen to my posted greeting they might just open up a little bit. Two days ago a lady named Marisol sent me a message along with her phone number. I called the number. "may I speak to Marisol?" I asked. "I'm sorry but you have the...
Everyone has had the experience standing line at the convenience store, usually holding 7 items because there wasn't a lousy basket to put them in, waiting for some jerk to decide on his magic numbers in the lottery. These idiots are convinced they will hit that one number and their lives will suddenly change and they will start over with everything they ever wanted. You see the same ones every week because the magic number still eludes them. Today Harry hit his magic number...
I was separated and in the process of divorce so I had plenty of freedom to explore my need to suck cock. I hadn't seen Jack in almosts two years when I sent him a text message expressing my insatiable need to clean out his pipes again. Jack wasn't black and only had an average cock but at least I knew he was clean. After a while without a reply, I wondered if Jack had text message service on his phone. I was horny to feel him ejaculate in my mouth and get a good taste of his seed before...
Theodore F Walker was back in Vienna. Passers-by would have seen a slim man in his early fifties strolling in the early spring evening, apparently with no fixed objective. In that they would have been mistaken. Theo was early for his appointment by design: it gave him time to make a small detour. At the narrow entrance to Auergasse he paused briefly. The door to Number Seventeen was hidden from view beyond a shallow bend. Ten years ago, when his tour of duty ended, it had been painted...
Group SexThis story is based on true events, names of course changed. I answered my cell phone and heard a sweet voice say: “ Sally?” There was no one named Sally in my life, but I decided to mess with her and her sexy voice. In my most breathless sexy voice I could muster, I half whispered: “Sally, oh my god is this Sara?” She said, “No, this is Connie, why has something happened to Sally?” I said, “Connie, I had to dump Sally, she just couldn’t fulfill my needs. There was a pause, then she...