Sperm Donation To My Sexy Teacher 5 Threesome
- 3 years ago
- 36
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Ann and I had our wedding planed for us by my mother and Anita. Danica was right in there pitching. I mean she was the one who brought us together and she was walking on air to think her father and mother were getting married within two weeks. This was to be the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Ann and I had a small ceremony with a justice of the peace. We worked the Monday and Tuesday and had the rest of the week off. Everyone wanted a big to do, but I knew Ann just wanted to be married as unceremoniously as possible. We had Thanksgiving with Patty and Matt.
Dad was taking the late day on the following Monday. Danica had a late afternoon class and wouldd pick him up when the store closed at 8:00. Danica stopped a few minutes to talk with a classmate before going to the back parking lot back of the store where she knew Dad would be waiting for her.
She drove into the parking lot and here was no light on except the one alongside the building coming in. She swung the Subaru around so the car lights would light the rear entrance. Gramp was standing there and waved. Danica drove up close and Gramp started for the car, crossing in front of the vehicle.
Suddenly a man grabbed Gamp and threw him to the ground. Danica’s door was wrenched open and she was dragged from the car by a different person. Always she had been told if attacked, to start screaming as loud as she could. The one holding Danica slapped her. “Shut up, bitch. You’re going back inside and get the money from the store safe. We knew you were coming to pick the old man up and we have you to make sure he does. Danica struggled, and was slapped again.
The first man got Gramp on his feet. He was searching Gramp for his keys. “Where’s your keys old man?”
“In my jacket pocket. Jesus man, I’m bleeding where I hit my head. I see my granddaughter has a nose bleed. I’ll get you for this.”
“Fat chance old man. Gimme the keys.”
“They must have fallen out, they’re gone.”
“Well find them. Get down and feel around for them.”
Gramp got down and felt around. “I can’t see anything and I can’t feel them.”
“Bitch, you got a flashlight in the car?” Danica didn’t answer. “Bitch, I’ll slap you again if you don’t get it.”
“In the glove box.”
“Get it and don’t try anything. We should have been gone by now.” He stopped suddenly as if listening. “Joe, do you hear anything?” Danica heard footsteps coming closer and began struggling.
“Nope, get that light and let’s find those damn keys. Old man, you better find them or your woman is going to get more than slapped. That’s why we waited for her just so if you got difficult we’d have a way to change your mind.”
The man that had Danica, pushed her in through the open driver’s door where she had to reach across to the seat to the glove box. Just then he grabbed his neck, screaming, “Ow, ow, I’ve been stung! He pulled away from the car holding onto his head. Danica pulled the rest of herself inside and slammed the car door, locking it. Suddenly the guy who had yelled was hit in the head with something. And fell to the ground, apparently unconscious.
Joe, the one that had Gramp, looked at what happened and took off running. Danica started the car and backed up. Her headlights picked up Joe and she put the car into forward gear and took after him with the car. She caught him before he got to the alley leading to the street. He cut for the other side of the parking lot. She fully intended to run him down.
The person who had hit the first man was waiting for him and Joe ran right into his arms. He duck-walked Joe up to Danica’s car window. “If you have a phone, would you call 911 and the police? Better have them bring an ambulance and have the old man looked at. You got slapped around some too.”
“Who are you?”
“Me, I’m your neighbor from the other side of the fence. Let’s go see to your old man.” By the time Danica had driven over to the store entrance, Gramp had gone inside and turned some lights on. He brought out a couple of portable lights and plugged them into an outside fixture. Just then a black and white police car pulled in slowly. They were confused about what was going on. They started asking questions. Everyone was talking at once.
“Shut up, one at a time. One of you tell me what’s going on?”
“Danica, you tell it.”
Danica laid it out just the way it happened. “This guy here rescued us. That man on the ground needs an ambulance. This guy clobbered him and he hasn’t moved yet.”
The cop observed, “You and Mr. Pierson are both bleeding.”
“Bloody nose. I got slapped a couple of times. Gramp, how bad are you?”
“Okay, I think. Scraped my face when I was knocked down. At least they didn’t get to rob us.”
“Gramp, where were the keys?”
“I slid them under the front of the car with my foot when that guy was slapping you the first time.” Gramp looked at his rescuer. Who’er you?”
“Name’s Jake Higgins. You two are crazy. You should have given them the money.”
“Danica, girl, did you want to give up the money?”
“Nope, Gramp, did you? Say, Jack how come you to take a hand?”
“Jake, not Jack. I was out looking at the moon and saw one parking light over here go out and pretty soon another one went out. When the last one went dark, I figured kids or someone was using a pellet gun, cause I couldn’t hear anything. I got here after the lady was pulled from the car. I hung around for a bit to watch the fun.”
“It wasn’t much fun.”
“Well, I had to find the air rifle to even things up. I’m not brave like you two.”
“We didn’t have that much choice, but I was working on something.”
“Like what something?”
“I keep a stun gun in my glove box. You saved that guy they’re loading into the ambulance from getting zapped. How is he, anyway?”
The EMT answered, “He’s got a pellet stuck in his neck and he may have a concussion. He’s breathing okay though. I’ve checked over the store owner and he just has a scrape. Little Miss red head here got slapped, causing the nose bleed, but she is okay. Both of you will be able to go home.”
A police detective drove in and Danica explained it all again. “And who are you, young man?”
“Jake Higgins of Higgins Kiln Dry. I own the lot the other side of the fence.”
“You live there?”
“If you can call sleeping on a couch in an unheated office, that’s where I’m living.”
“Look, it’s late. You people must want to get home. Come down to the Police office tomorrow and we’ll write it up. Have a good night.”
“Jake, are you hungry, I’m starved.”
Before he answered. Dan and her grandmother pulled in. Somebody had called Grace after hearing it on the police scanner. “Are you alright, George?”
“Yeah, great. Supper still warm? We’re all hungry. Dan, can you open up in the morning? I’m going to sleep until noon.”
“Pop, has Mom got enough supper for Jake? He’s hungry too.”
“Yeah Danica, we’ll feed him.” Dan realized his daughter and father had been rescued by this man and he wanted to know more about what happened. This wasn’t the place to ask questions. “Dad and you had better talk to him tomorrow and have him tell you all about the kiln drying business.”
Jake answered that, “Not much of a business and its down. I’m almost broke.”
“Well, Dad and Danica will figure out something to help you.” Dan drove his father and mother home. Jake got into the car with Danica.
“Where are you from when you aren’t there?”
“Michigan. My parents and two brothers have a business up there. Not room enough for me so Dad sent me down here to see if I could salvage anything of my grandfather’s estate. It’s mine to do what with. If I can’t I’ll have to go home and work for wages.”
“How old are you?”
“Twenty-six. I’ve been out of college three years. How old are you?”
“Just turned nineteen. My father has got me into the community college here taking business courses. I just found him and didn’t want to leave and go away to school.”
“What do you mean, you just found him?”
“My mother was a war bride and my father and mother got separated. My mother died and my Aunt raised me. My father searched for my mother, but he couldn’t find her. I had better luck and found him back in June of this year. He and my aunt just got married so I have two parents for the first time ever. I love them both. That was my grandfather with me tonight. I love him to pieces. He’s always doing good things for me.”
Danica slowed down and Jake asked, “This your home here?”
“Yeah, Pop, Mom and me. My other grandmother just moved out. She was living here, but she found a man and has moved in with him. We all work in the store except her. She is a shift operator at the truck stop and works the afternoon shift.”
The two went inside and Dan was telling Ann about what had happened when Danica came to pick up Gramp. “Mom, this is Jake Higgins. His family lives in Michigan and he is down here settling his grandfather’s estate. If he can salvage anything it’s his. Jake, you can call my mom, Ann. We are pretty informal around here. I hope you like pot roast. Mom is a good cook.”
“Hi, it has been a long time since I’ve had a home cooked meal. I’ve been shacking up in the office with a microwave.”
Ann asked, “I understand you saved Danica’s and her grandfather’s life.”
“I don’t know, maybe. I saw it happening and I certainly didn’t want it go any further so I stepped in. I didn’t do it all. Danica chased the other guy with the car and cornered him until I got there. She’s pretty damned brave, I know that.”
“He did more than that. He shot one guy with a pellet gun and then clobbered him with it. The police took it for evidence. I didn’t see the gun, but they may have bought it in our store. Jake’s the brave one.”
“The young are foolishly brave sometimes.”
“I’m just glad everything turned out okay. We’ll have supper and then I’ll make the bed upstairs I used before moving down with Dan.”
Danica said, “Mom and Dad have only been married since last week and she wants everyone to know her new status.”
Dan asked Jake a question, “So where do you stand with the kiln drying business and property? You said you were without funds.”
“Just about. There are some heavy back taxes on the property. I have enough to pay them, but no money to resurrect the business. It doesn’t look too profitable in this day and age here in the middle of farm land. It looks like I’ll have to sell the property, but I hate to, seeing as it was my Grandfather’s. I’ll just take the money and start something smaller somewhere else.”
Dan asked, “Jake, do you have to go to the police station with Dad and Danica in the morning?”
“Alright, why don’t you come back with Dad and Danica and tell us your story. You can use my office. I’d like to sit in on it. Danica and Dad were talking about expanding. Maybe we can come up with something that will be beneficial to all of us.”
Ann spoke up, “I want in on this too. That way Dan won’t have to repeat it to me.”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
Danica said to Jake. “My parents are in love. Can you tell?”
Jake didn’t want to stay and objected, “Jesus, I saved two people’s lives and then they kidnap me.” He said this with a smile, so his words didn’t mean anything.
Jake and Danica went up the stairs together. They stood in the hall together between her room and the one he would sleep in. “Jake, can I hug you for saving my life?”
“I’d be pleased.” He didn’t hold it over long, backing away saying, “Goodnight Danica, see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight, Jake.” She turned and went into her room.
The minute he heard someone moving in the morning, Jake went down. It was Ann who was making coffee. “Ma’am, you folks are treating me the best. I thank you.”
“Ann, please, I don’t answer to Ma’am. It is me that wants to thank you for watching out for Danica. I raised her as my daughter you know, when I’m really her aunt. Her mother was my sister married to Dan. They got separated and she had to come home when he was shipped out. Her mother died when she was two and I’ve been her mother ever since.”
“How did you and Dan get together?”
“Danica searched for him and finally tracked him down last June. Dan and I fell in love almost immediately after I arrived here. Danica now has two parents with her the first time in her life.”
“That’s wonderful. A real love story.”
“It is. Coffee is ready. I’ll pour you a cup.”
Danica drove her car with Gramp and Jake riding with her. They went right to the Police Precinct, not stopping at the store. They came back and were met with cheers when they came through the doors two hours later. The local news had picked up the story at the precinct and someone heard it and told everyone about it when they came to work.
My office was the largest and there was five us sitting soon talking. I asked, “How did it go? What did you find out about the two men?”
Danica answered, “They are two homeless men and have been in trouble before. Joe Fenner is the one who knocked Grampa down. The one who slapped me is named Richard Gold. They were in the store, two days ago and that’s when they got the pellet rifle. They said it was lying on the counter and they were really there to shoplift anything they could get a few bucks for. They slipped it off the counter and into an opening in Joe’s pants. Then they decided what to use it for.
“They decided to rob Gramp and me when they heard me promising to pick him up that night. They didn’t want to use the gun in a robbery in case they got caught. The only way they decided to make use of it was to shoot out the lights. Jake saw them kill the last one and they dropped it right there on the ground. Jake picked it up and brought it with him when he ran into the parking lot.”
Are you going to be charged with anything for shooting this RichardGold?”
“No, because he was slapping Danica at the time. Danica was the one who almost got into trouble.”
“How come?”
“Pop, I found out if you try to hit someone with a car, the car becomes a deadly weapon. Luckily I didn’t hit him although I did chase him. Anyway we will have to testify at their trial. They haven’t been charged yet. The cops warned Gramp he had better keep better track of the guns at that counter.”
“So you’re good until the trial?
“Okay, we’ll tighten up our security all over the store. A pellet rifle isn’t too dangerous, but it shouldn’t be left out where someone could snatch it. If anything is taken out of a locked cabinet they are to return it before they turn away. Now, Jake would you explain where you are at with your property next door. We might be able to help you.”
“Thanks. A little background about me and my family. I have a father and two brothers. I’m the youngest son. Granfather left a will of sorts. He did own a lot of property. All the will said, was his assets were to be divided equally between the four of us and he left descriptions of what he thought were about equal. Pa owns the saw mills in Michigan. My oldest brother got the hard wood lots. My other brother chose the lots that are nearly all softwood trees, and that left the property here to me.
“We are a pretty competitive family. Ma was upset about the way my family has treated me because they figured the kiln dry business wasn’t as much as the other properties, but I said I would accept what came to me. When I got here, I found out Grandfather hadn’t paid the taxes the last year he was alive and the two years they were in his estate. I am to have the money attributed to the business, but that will use up all of it when I pay the taxes. Most of the equipment here isn’t of much value, but the land is worth considerable. I suppose the drying sheds can be used for something different. Stacks of lumber were loaded into them with a forklift.
“Dry heat was pumped in when the doors were closed and the pallets of lumber stayed until they dried to a certain moisture level. They then could come out and lumber will be stable at that moisture level if covered adequately. I can’t think of another application for the equipment that generates the heat except for this one. So I’m back to the land value again.”
I asked, “Why don’t you start up the operation again? I’m sure the bank would lend you money on the land or does that have a lien another on it?”
“The only lien is the taxes. I can give a warrantee deed if I sell after I pay the taxes. If you want to look at the property, I’d be pleased to have you take a look around.”
“Dad and Danica can go over anytime. I have the store to look after. I could come over at 4:00 this afternoon.”
“That’s good, Pop, I have a class at 1:00 and I’ll wait until we can go together. Gramp can go anytime. Jake, what are you doing this evening? I’m still taking dance lessons with Pop’s ex-wife. She’s a lot of fun.”
“I’m not much on dancing.”
“You come with me and I’ll teach you. I’m getting pretty good.”
Ann spoke up, “Jake, when you get done showing Dan around, come for supper with him. You might as well bring a change of clothes and stay at the house until you decide what you are going to do.”
“Are you sure?”
Dad and Jake went out, heading for the next door property. Danica got her books out and went into Ann’s office to study. Ann stayed behind. She commented, “I like Jake, don’t you, Honey, do you have any ideas how to help him?”
“Ann, we’ll see. I think he is an honest young man.”
“Dan, it strikes me he is.”
Danica was back from school at 3:30. Jake hadn’t returned to the store. Gramp had told Dan about what he thought of Jakes business.”
“Do you think any of it could be used in a new business?”
“Certainly. Do remember when we thought about expanding into carrying building materials? All those sheds can be converted to lumber sheds. They are tight enough to house sheet rock and bags of cement. They are perfect. The whole area is paved. I think we should do a market study to see how big an operation we should go for.”
“What about Jake. Are we going to buy him out?”
“Dan, I’m thinking no. The land would be too expensive. Jake is young and smart. Make him the manager for this operation. Let him keep the land in his name but have him use what money he has now to pay the taxes and keep the land which would be his fall-back position. We’ll figure out how much the buildings and equipment is worth. We’ll match that as our part of the business for stocking inventory. That would be our initial outlay. From then on, we could use a line of credit using the hardware store and his land as collateral to buy the rest of what we stock. Jake would be in position to sign the credit line with us.”
“Have you said anything to Jake about this?”
“No, not yet. I want us all on board when we approach him with our thoughts.”
I answered, “You and Danica are going to be the ones in the day-to-day management. Ann and I are going to be having a baby in July. We can take over total management of the store here. We know this is a profitable business and that has to be protected at all cost, especially since I’m starting a family.”
“Dan, my thoughts exactly. It would be nice if we brought Jake into living with either me or you. That way we wouldn’t have to be making appointments to get together. We could do the planning in the evening.”
“I’ll talk it over with Ann. In fact he could use our cellar that used to be the rec-room when Sis and I were growing up. It wouldn’t take much to make it comfortable.”
“Okay, I’ll leave that up to you.”
Danica and Ann were with me when we drove over to see Jake that afternoon. We toured Jake’s property. It got dark before we had seen it all, but it was just as my father said. “Jake, come along home. My mother will have supper for everyone.”
“I can’t do that. I don’t impose on people.”
“You do however get them out of trouble. Actually, Dad and I want to discuss something about us going into business with you. It would be something like Home Depot. What scale it would become, is predicated on a market survey that we would need done to determine the size. The nearest one that I know of is more than twenty-five miles from here. If we can find out if home building will increase in this section, we think it would be profitable. Are you interested?”
“Yes, of course. I’ve been racking my brain to think of something that would at least save my inheritance. This means I would be selling the property to you, I take it?”
“Not necessarily. Dad was thinking you might keep that and there would be less risk for you if what we plan doesn’t pan out. You would, however, pay the back taxes before we went in together. What we would do is have the buildings and equipment appraised and we would put up that much cash to make going into the business equal.
“That should put a lot of stock into the business and from there on we would be working with a line of credit to finish filling the inventory and to pay you for being manager until the day we have some profit. This way you would have a paid position, reserve the major part of your inheritance, and become an up and coming business owner. Now, will you come for supper?”
There was a happy grin on Jake’s face, “Yeah, I’d be foolish if I didn’t.”
Jake came for supper. Jake and Danica talked with one of her professors in the next few days asking how to go about taking a market survey. She decided she wasn’t up to doing it, but she did work with the company hired to finish her work. The market survey said this was a good prospect to build a profitable company and we set it up the way which was close to Dan and Gramp’s first thoughts. Work was done on the buildings during the winter.
There was a determination to be made about what to stock. Much of the tools and small equipment generally found in such a Home Store was sold in the Hardware store already. If one was out of an item the other store supplied it. Mainly what was stocked was construction material and bulk supplies.
Jake and Gramp aimed for opening day in June. Stock was being brought in all through May. Still there were many things that were undone, and the inventory was lacking in some areas. We were in contact with different suppliers and they said they would deliver on a few days notice. It seemed as if every segment of the country wanted to have a banner year and every business wanted to help another.
Jake had made a flying trip to Michigan, but Danica wasn’t able to go with him. Jake was putting in his order for a few hundred tons of pellets with his father who manufactured these. This was something that came up in the survey that pellets were cheaper to heat with than oil, gas, coal and electricity. Not as convenient as oil or electricity, but more so than wood or coal. The home center carried two different lines of pellet stoves. They did carry wood heaters, but here there wasn’t that many outfits close by that sold firewood.
Jake also made a deal to purchase dimension construction timbers and kiln dried lumber from his father’s mills as long as the price was right. When his father had passed on, Jake’s father had installed kilns of his own and was now selling finished wood products. The kilns here never would have been able to go back into business again.
When Jake came back after being there a week, he said, “My father and brothers tell me I’m being taken in by a crooked outfit when I started to tell them about what I was up to. It made me mad, so I kept a lot of the facts to myself that I was still sole owner of Gramp’s land, just not the business. I did tell my mother though. I didn’t tell them that I had a large stake in the business. How Mother laughed and told me to continue on and show them all up. It’s nice to have someone on their side that has faith in a person.”
“I have faith in you, Jake.” Danica opened her arms and hugged him. I thought for a minute that he was going to kiss her. Is it odd when someone with red hair has her face turn as red as her hair? Reflecting, I would have been okay if Jake had kissed her.
It took several months to get the new help up to speed and the inventory to where we weren’t always in a crisis mode. Danica and Gramp were the ones who concentrated in this area of the business. Gramp had been through this many years before when he set up the hardware store that Ann and I were now managing. Danica wasn’t bashful about asking her teachers at the community college to help solve some of the problems that invariably arose. They in turn used this as practical experience in some of their classes.
Our son, Kendall, arrived one unbearably hot day in August. He was two days early. Ann called me up to the office and told me her water had broken. I had Sarah, my secretary call Mom, Anita at home, and Danica over at the Home Store. I worried some because the birth seemed to take a long time, but the nurse said Ann was doing fine and the baby was almost ready to meet the world. I was there holding Ann’s hand when she struggled hard and then relaxed and said “Our baby just arrived. Tell me what we have?”
The Doctor answered, “It is a fine healthy boy. The nurse will clean and weigh him. Six pounds, I would guess.” The nurse came back and handed my son to me and I put him down beside Ann.
“Dan, you came through this very well.” And then she giggled.
Danica and Anita went in while I told Mom about how everything appeared okay. It wasn’t but a few minutes before Anita came out so Mom could go in. I went in and kissed Ann and she said to me. “Go back to work, Dan, women have been having babies for eons. I think he will have brown hair like yours. I don’t see any red, but it might be too early to tell. Kiss me and then go.”
On the way out, I said, “I’m so blessed.” Ann smiled, remembering that this was her sister, Cilla’s, most common saying.
Ann and Baby Kendal went home the next day. Mom was over with Ann most of every day. Sometimes she would just stare at Kendal with a little happy smile on her face. If asked by Ann she would give advice, but she could see Ann was a competent mother, so never interfered.
During the second week of October, Danica and Jake asked to be away before the stores got busy with the coming Christmas season. Jake wanted to have his family meet Danica. We decided that the last week of the month would be a good time. They would have nine days including the two weekends.
“Dad and Mom, we’ve been right out straight getting the home center organized. I’ll share with you this is for Jake to take me home to meet the mother visit. Jake and I have started a relationship. It is too late to ask you for permission, but I know you will approve.”
“Yeah, we approve.”
“Jake’s family hasn’t given him very much support. Well, his father and brothers anyway. I guess he tells his mother everything.”
“That’ll be good to meet them. I don’t know any man except Jake who has done as well as he has at his age.”
“I agree Pop, and we’ve given him a lot more than his own family has. Me, I’ve given him my all.”
“Yeah, you’ve put in some long hours along with keeping your classes up.”
“That too, Pop. And I’ve got so much help at the college. I’m glad I went this route and able to be here with the ones I love. Jake will be moving upstairs into the larger bedroom if it is okay with you guys. That way we can use the bathroom without travelling up two flights of stairs from the rec-room. We’ll double what Jake has been paying for the room down stairs. We don’t need to live on your dime.”
“Nice of you to think that way, but when you move together, your mother and I will consider Jake our son.”
“I don’t want to move out, because I want to see my little brother grow up. We will though if us being here creates any friction.”
“Good enough.”
Danica and Jake took off for Michigan early on Saturday morning. They didn’t plan to go the whole distance. They had made reservations to stop in the middle of the afternoon. Danica was laughing. “I’ll bet Mom and Pop think we are going to go to bed as soon as we stop. It couldn’t be further than the truth. We’ll wait until after dinner with your college buddy and his wife. Jake, I love you so. Do you think you’ll be laughed at for robbing the cradle?”
“Danica, you are twenty. That’s not young. Also when I tell them all about what you have done since finding your father, they’ll think I’ve got a prize. You so amaze me. You never get tired after working at the Home Center and then you grab your books and study for another hour or two.”
“I work no harder than you and Gramp. I wish he would slow down. Pop says he is in better shape than when I first arrived here, though. Is that possible?”
“In his case, I would say so. Everyone thinks it proves you two have the same genes.”
“I guess. I know one thing, I’m very sick of riding. I remember asking my mom a question when I was little?”
“What was that?”
“Mommy, are we almost there yet? She would tell me were, but it never came soon enough.”
“Only a few more miles and then I can kiss you. Not too many, we are going out tonight.
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Truth Telling The Fourth Sphere of Heaven is a glorious training ground. Sounds of virtuous battle ring joyfully throughout its verdant hills. High Legionnaire Dardihel is the Lord of this Sphere, by right of skill and loyalty.Alexander Morningstar's Celestial Matters -Alarial- With a wan smile, Master's beautiful dark countenance faded away. He took his dream with him. The bed of black silk gave way to expansive darkness. For a time I floated upon this sea of nothing ... adrift ......
Hey, I want me a story about sexual experiences, I first intercourse with Mama masi age 39 years (high 160/60kg BH 36B) and my aunt called Auntie April 30tahun new age (Bh high 162/55kg 36B) this story ... At that time my Dad a new service out of town for a week and adek my brother to go to grandpa's house for 5 days due to school holidays fit again, Mama said goodbye that afternoon would go gathering and he said he might come home late, I'm getting bored at home and I went to my friend's house...
Misti and Sam prepared the twins as the rest of the household prepared themselves for Mike's Retirement Ceremony. Mike had come in and set to giving his shoes and cap bill another coating of spit-shine. He wanted to give his absolute best for the Secretary of the Air Force, and his entourage. Especially because of the great honor of the award. It, to him, would be the same as getting an Oscar at the Academy Awards. For this reason, if for no other, it was paramount for him to look his best in...
Yren carefully lifted the long sword from the acid wash with hard metal tongs and looked at it with a critical eye. He rinsed it just as carefully, wiping it down with a clean, wool cloth before lifting and checking the heft and balance. Bringing it close to his face, he carefully drew his eyes down the blade, from top to bottom. He’d thought the patterns he’d made in the blade were flawless but he needed to make sure. He was a perfectionist at his craft and everything had to be exactly...
The evil taxman woke up slowly. He hadn't slept very well, and he suspected he knew why. His bed was just too convenient for trysts. It was out of the way; therefore the participants were unlikely to be interrupted. It was just the right height. It was sturdy, easily able to hold two bodies. And the lid was polished and smooth. No splinters. But they forget, or don't care that it was HIS bed! He got out of his coffin and got dressed. He shut the lid and looked at it with a sigh. Yup, someone...
Is kahani ki heroine ka naam rani (name changed) hai. Dekhne me bahut sundar to nai par pyar karne ke lie kafi hai. To dosto mai fir se apka sexstory teller lovedove hajir hu ek nai kahani le ke. Mai delhi me ek rented room m akele rahta hu. Koi bhi akeli ladki jise sex ki bhook tadpa rahi hai mujhe contact kar sakti hai, mera email id hai , ya fir kik app me bhi mujhe search kar sakti hai. Mera user id hai ‘love00dove’. To ab story me ate hai. Jaisa ki maine bataya aaj ki meri heroine hai rani...
Up rolled Sally's identical twin sister, except she wasn't quite identical. "This is Mirabelle," Sally announced proudly. While I could see the family resemblance in their identical model and year, and especially in the eyes, Mirabelle was flashier than Sally's restrained elegance. While she has the same clean lines, you just can't ignore her metallic candy apple red paint, aftermarket chrome wheels, and — dare I say — substantially enhanced pinstriping. Nor the slightly throatier...
Beca had left me with Master and Lady as she had to go back to work. I was told I would spend the night in the Castle and Beca would return the next morning. I looked at my hosts and thought I was probably in for a very interesting night. Master asked one of the attendants if dinner was ready and was told it was so we headed for the dining hall. I haven't said anything about the attendants. I had seen probably a dozen while I had been there, all ages and all races. But they all...
I still can't believe what happened to me during the last two weeks; Ashton Stone the super investigative reporter for the Bayfield Chronicle is infatuated with a fourteen year old teen, not only infatuated but has carnal knowledge of her as well, several times of the most enjoyable sex I have ever had in my lifetime, what a headline that would make! After living as close as we did for the past two weeks, I am hooked like one of her poor fish. The sad part of this story is I will likely...
Hi, My name is Rishab and I m average guy with good cock around 8 inches,, single working in multinational company as HR, Having good pay and luxurious life had many affairs with office colleagues but had not fucked them, Was looking for really sexiest lady who turned to be my relative Priya- my cousin’s wife. Now coming to story; this is my real story happened with my cousin’s wife and me, 4 years ago, her name is Priya; having sexy figure of 36 32 38, fair, short, and long hairs. I was crazy...
IncestZoe sat in the rather rundown waiting room and studied the other three women leafing through the selection of magazines to be found on the glass-topped table by the door. Her stomach was full of butterflies and she was aware that her breathing was slightly quicker and shallower that normal. My God she was nervous, but at the same time consumed with only what she could describe as a delicious sense of sexual excitement. She was aware that she had worn her tight grey dress, and it didn’t leave...
One day a few months back, my wife came home from work and said she had a bad day and just wanted to go for a run. I got excited because I love to smell her sweaty panties after her runs and that day was pretty hot so I was definitely going to get some really sweaty ones. She changed into some shorts and a sports bra and Tank top and told me she would be back soon. She had some lint on her sports bra and I brushed it off and playfully copped a feel on her titty. She said "Not now, I need some...
Eva Elfie’s Twitter profile is topped with a header image that implores visitors, “Let’s get naughty!” I feel like maybe I’m in a good position to really appreciate the hell out of the thing, because well, I’m always naughty. Then again, I bet this chick can turn the most wholesome, strait-laced dweebs into absolute perverts. I pity the no-fap nerds who stumble onto this growing archive of the pornstar’s posts, because I didn’t last more than a couple minutes before I had to whip my dick out...
Twitter Porn AccountsI have been writing a diary since I was a young boy; every day, I write in my journal explaining what I have achieved or just a random thought for the day. I always do the entries within thirty-six hours, no matter where I am. I never miss an entry. I have been writing them since I was ten years old, sometimes I would go to the big box under my bed where I stored the diaries & read through some of the c***dhood dilemmas I was having at the time. I put everything in those journals. Things...
Time traveler By Sylvia Wechsel Notes: * It is quite a while I wrote this and I sensed I could improve the story a bit (not only in the English). The plot is a bit more consistent now, especially concerning Helen?s behavior. So, enjoy! My name is Jason W. and I am a time traveler. More clearly, I traveled back 353 years to the past. I was born in year 2283 and my experiment took place in year 2312, so, if you make the calculation, you will conclude that I successfully...
As far back as he could remember, Savren Syrenasson always loved to watch his beautiful mother workout in the training hall. Nominally it was forbidden for those were not to take the oaths of the Dragon Kin to be present, but those who were of the blood were allowed to watch silently from darkened alcoves. The endless twirl and spin of his mother's spear cut a pattern through the air, leaving a trail of blurred silver as the spear's long silver blade sang its song of death. It was a perfect...
Nick was a virgin, as was I, but on that night we spent together you would have thought he’d had years of experience. I was a pretty young sophomore in high school, at the tender and sexually-peaking age of sixteen. He was a junior and seventeen. We’d been dating for several months and had spoken about sex a few times, agreeing we’d wait until we both felt ready for it. It was a Saturday night. We were sitting on his bed holding hands and watching a movie, and his parents were out for the...
HI All, This is Anu I am from Indore age 34 and presently living in Mumbai.I am 5.7 and with decent cock size of 6.5 inches though not to smart but has a lean figure. But I look to Young from my age that is the reason girls always get confuse about my age. This is my first story so please bare my mistake. This is a true incident which happened in my life when I was 31. I am from Indore and this happen in 2011 in Feb. month with my office colleague. Now come to the real story. My colleague name...
"You still with me, Ms. Davis?" Alicia blinked at Juan. She had been looking right through him. She had been thinking of HIM again. "What? Oh, I'm sorry, go on." "Well, as I was saying, we've run into a bit of a snag with the DNA sequencing for the phage. It seems that one of the genes we're using is patented by Kefler-Henley Biotech." Alicia chided herself for having let her thoughts wander. This was a critical matter. Her employer was only one of several companies attempting to develop a...
EroticAt this point we both had worked at least part of every day for the past 3 weeks. We were missing each other from being tired or just working different schedules for 3 weeks. We were talking about how we could get away from both of our offices where they couldn’t reach us. LOL When we came up with the idea of a primitive camping trip, way of the grid someplace where cell phones couldn’t find us. I had a commercial van I had used for deliveries on a...
The argument between the student and his teacher was certainly enough to severely annoy the teacher, as had the insults he’d thrown in her direction, accusing her of being nothing but an old slut in need of a good fuck, so much so, that the slap to the face the teacher had then given her student had been enough to send the previously rowdy classroom into a stunned silence. A silence which led to the teacher diverting her attention away from the stunned student she’d just slapped and toward...
This is the beginning of a narrative based on how my Wife and I feel our morning could go. Enjoy! =Part 1= The pillow molded itself to the contour of her neck. The blanket seemed alive as her feet rubbed against themselves. She brought the sole of her foot up to her calve and traced it back down. The fabric made some friction, the heat was nice, but the sound was much more soothing. It was rhythmic and subtle. It was something she could focus on, instead of the roaring fight for sound...
I loosened my tie, undid the top button of my shirt, and opened my trousers. I could feel my throbbing cock straining to be released from my underwear, even as she moved her body back and forth across me, barely touching. Again, she reached back, this time she rubbed against the cottony grain of my underwear. She carefully ran her fingers against the hardening silhouette, slowly, probingly at first. One finger, then two. Then she used her entire hand, back and forth, still slowly, but with more...
Meiersdottir, who had kept working steadily throughout Igwanda's tirade, turned to hand him the drink she'd prepared. "I take it mommy doesn't approve," she said with a wry smile. "The good sergeant makes himself far too busy about matters that do not concern him," Igwanda grumbled as he took a solid swig of whisky. "Is he?" she asked. He looked puzzled. "A good sergeant?" "No. He is in fact quite a poor sergeant. Ill-disciplined himself, but too much of a stickler with the...
hi friends, mera naam karan hai aur mai raipur me rahta hu. meri umar 21saal hai aur mai b.com final year ka student hu. abhi mai jo aap logo ko batane ja raha hu ye mera life ki pehli gatna hai, i hope aapko ye kahani pasand aayegi.. ye baat 2 mahine purani april2008 ki hai. uss samay mere exam khatam ho gaye the aur jo student bahar se aaye the vaapas apne ghar ja rahe the. 1 din mere mobile pe meri cousin sister ka phone aaya wo hostel mai rahti hai. usne mujhe kaha ki kal mujhe hostel se...
This is a story that happened with one of my ISS readers. She liked my story to the extent where she happened to come to my flat just to let out her unfulfilled desires and experience the wildest of the wild erotic BDSM. Telling a bit about myself, I live in Noida alone in a flat and this should make it easier for the girls out there to approach me. I am not one of those tall, gym built on protein and especially bearded. I am like SRK, not to lie to you as this has been what girls have told me....
The ship creaked eerily against the docks, the haunting sounds echoing deep within. Morgan sat hunched over her table, drowning in merchant papers and tariffs as the candlelight glowed and flickered golden around her and the cabin. She was staring at the numbers willing her brain to function, but her wandering mind wouldn’t comply. Instead, Morgan was far off in another place, reliving a very different scene. One that had led a merry chase, and left her here to wait out in hiding on the...
This is a Earth Day contest story. Please vote. * Here are some informative facts about our planet Earth and about Earth Day. Ah, Earth, one of four terrestrial planets is composed of rock and metal, and for those of you who think that the planet was named after the popular TV show, the Third Rock From the Sun, the Earth, the third planet from the Sun, was actually here first. In its annual journey around the Sun, the planet will rotate about its axis once and it’s been doing that...
Paige and I have been friends since middle school. We remained friends throughout high school, when she came out as being bi-sexual, and when she graduated early and left for college it was kind of weird. We finally really got back together one night at our friends house. Some people were over, we were drinking and having an all-around good time. Our friend had a pool and we decided to go swimming. It was just us and then we decided to skinny dip. Both of us being comfortable with our bodies...
Shelly’s First All Girl PartyThere she was, sitting on the other side of the backyard. They told me that they had invited her but since we didn’t know each other very well, I didn’t think she was going to come. If I wasn’t freaking out earlier, I sure as hell am now. We had seen each other once before when I had seen her out at out to the club we both had attended with our swinger friends but nothing happened between us; that was going to change today. I couldn’t help but stare at her, she was...
Christy Love has some important news to tell her young fuck buddy. When they first started hooking up, she was lonely and her husband was not around. But things seem to be changing quickly. Now, her husband wants a family, and this stud is going to be left out in the cold. You cannot help but feel a little sorry for this sucker as she ends things with him. He puts on the puppy dog eyes while asking for one last farewell fuck, and Christy falls for it. They make it to her room and he pulls down...
xmoviesforyouHi friends ! Mera naame Sajid hai aur main Hyderabad (ap) meain rahta hoon.Main ek sharmila ladka hoon aur main apni feelings kisi se share nahin karta hoon. Darr lagta hai kahin koi bura na samajh baithe aur jab maine yeh website dekhi to yahan apni feelings ko share karne ko soncha. Yeh mera pahla experiance tha jab mujhe kisi ko chodne ka mouqa mila tha, sex ki chahat har kisi mein hoti hai koi batata hai aur koi nahin batata hai. Main interior designing ka kaam karta hoon aur office 2 floor...
Aidan was puzzled when his news about Julie wiped the smile from Vicky’s face. “Come with me,” she said seriously. “There’s something I want you to see.” Vicky took Aidan to her office, sat him in front of her desk and called up her email server, found the correspondence and turned the screen towards him. “I got a surprise last night at home,” she said grimly. “Read these.” He read, his brow furrowing as the import of what was written became clear. “Sam? She’s in London? Working in...
Greetings to all readers who now enjoy a good read to excite their moments, whether fantasy or real. I already knew from my experience earlier in the square and there you will find more precisely like me. All my experiences are real life and little by little I will share with you.This story occurred on January 1 10 years ago, I was at the time 24 years and worked at a movie rental store. The previous day was spent with my immediate family for the arrival of the new year. I was drinking whiskey...
Sara was at the truck stop with just a tube top covering her huge tits. She was waiting for a trucker to notice her. She loved to come here and fuck the traveling men. Just as she stood a man came up to her and said "Well hello baby. That is a nice set of hooters you have." He then pulled down her top and began rubbing across her tits then lifting her big mounds. Then he bent down and sucked a nipple in his mouth. "Want to come to my truck and be naughty? I have a nice big cock for those big...
Hi everybody… I am Karthik from TN… I am a 20 years young guy. Everyone said that I am very handsome and sexy… I am very happy about myself… Ok let us go to what happens in my life… My family is very luxurious and so my home is a big bungalow which is situated outside the city. In my area, only two houses are there. One is mine and the rest is my Dream Girl’s home… Her name is Fathima, 18 years young. I will prove that she is so sexy than any other girl in the world. She is white, hairy, and...
Kay finalized her plans in her own mind as she prepared breakfast the next morning. She greeted her son with a smile and a good morning kiss as he entered the room and seated himself at the table. He was dressed only in a pair of thin boxers. She admired the firm muscles in his arms as if seeing them for the first time and she could feel the tiny bud of her clit begin to swell again. "Want to go to the cabin this weekend son?" she asked him as he took a bite of toast. "We haven't had a...
Before coming to James’ room Jessy had been for a bath and changed into some short grey robes that reached down far enough to just barely cover past her lower regions. In her own room she’d worked herself up into quite a fit of an anger, until at last she couldn’t handle it and had to give him a piece of her mind. Before James could even register what was happening or employ his spirit energy she’d launched herself across the room and grappled him to floor. During her grappling him to the...
This is a fiction story, not fantasy and while there is a lot of passion and some very erotic action in later parts and in book two if you are looking for raw action then I am sorry but this isn't the book for you. Chapter Five Deception We leave the bar, and go down the steps, turning left towards the exit for the toilets, downhill to the toilets and I tell her once she has changed, to go out the door at the end and find us in the marquee, Jenny goes into the ladies with her...
MondayI was woken up briefly around seven in the morning on Monday by the sound of the back door banging. Realizing that it was just Sue and Jake heading over to their own place on the other side of the street, to get ready for work, I turned over and went back to sleep. Melanie and I had taken the day off work to spend it with our guests; it was going to be their last full day with us. They were flying back to Calgary on Tuesday morning. After that, no one stirred until gone one in the...
Group SexEleanor and I continued our Journey towards Thetford, almost in complete silence although Eleanor was sat with her skirt up around her waist and legs wide apart. Her shaved cunt glistened in the shine of the road lamps; her juices making her lips appear even more swollen. Every so often, I would place my hand on her thigh and stroke it lightly, always so close but never actually touching her cunt. In this way I kept Eleanor bubbling just short of boiling point and kept her appetite for sex...
Note to readers: If anyone is interested, take a look at the chain story Paperback Romance: in which you can find chapter 3.5 of My Life in a Year. It is Stephanie’s day of this day below (make sense?). Enjoy and keep the feedback coming. * January 7th, 2005 Dylan was sitting in the breakfast room the following morning, going over the menu, even though he already knew what he wanted. He glanced around a few times looking for Stephanie, but he hadn’t seen her yet. He choose the same place...
As the two well-wrapped figures made their way quickly through the quiet streets on an increasingly stormy Sunday afternoon, it was clear that the forecasters had been extremely accurate in predicting a dramatic change in the weather over a 24-hour period, as a band of heavy rain, with storm-force winds, came hurtling in from the Atlantic Ocean. The temperature was plummeting, the wind was gaining strength rapidly, and the skies were darkening unusually early for the time of year.The early...
Love StoriesAlan made it out of Glory's class at the end of fifth period without anyone suspecting. By the end of the class, Glory had fully regained her wits. She rushed her students out the door, pretending that she wanted to be alone to call her "pregnant best friend" again. She checked to see if the coast was clear in the hallway and then hustled Alan out at the right moment. They only spoke briefly, as both knew they'd have plenty of time to talk later. She just whispered to him as she guided...
The scar really scared me. It was on her face – from the bottom of her ear out onto her cheek. A deep cut – almost like somebody had done it slowly. Wounding her and making a point of it, like they’d marked her. Amanna’s face was a mask of set stone, as she sat on the horse, riding into our village. My sister. Wearing tattered clothes that still had stains of blood and grime on them. She… and her companions and the escort from our own village that accompanied them back from the far side of...
Part 1I rolled my eyes as I stopped in my daughter's door, a little shocked, but wanting to laugh at the same time. I leaned against the door frame, watching as she masturbated with her left hand. Her eyes were closed and her hand was moving furiously, flat as if trying to scrub herself, with an expression of frustration on her face. Of course she chose that exact moment to open her eyes and saw me standing there.I sighed as she screamed, "Mom!" Then turned and covered her face with a pillow....
so its been a while, but we had a visit from Peggy..... who is now divorced. I had nothing to do with it. So this time she was down for a baby shower or engagement party or some BS that I really dont care about. Fun started one morning when she was showering. and I was off from work but had to bring k**s to school. Went upstairs hoping to catch a sneak peek of her in shower, going to shower or coming out of shower.... i dont know guess i am a horny mofo. By the way Peggy is working out again...
Out in the hall Hank looked down at Jenee, "was this all a silly giggle or are you serious?" Jenee looked up at Hank trying not to giggle "I'm serious, Nedra said I had to get rid of my monsters, she was right I do, I can't spend the rest of my life being afraid especially of you. I don't know about the idea of a threesome, that's a rather embarrassing thought." Hank wanted to grab Jenee and twirl her around, he knew nothing could keep his Jenee down for long. Hank nodded as he led...
Want to check our some Asian Idols at a JAV database like Jav Library? Believe it or not, not every porn site actually provides you directly with porn. There are many types of porn sites out there: porn tube sites, porn aggregator sites, porn archive sites, purely informational sites, and porn libraries. Each kind of site, of course, has its own special features, strengths, and drawbacks. What type you end up choosing depends entirely on your own goals.If you just want to have immediate, free...
Pornstar DatabasesEvery time I stopped to change set arrangements or light positions I couldn't help but look at either her eyes ...or her nipples. Something drew me to both like a moth to a flame. It took all my will power not to touch her, I was doing everything I could to be a gentleman and a proffessional. I thik it was about 15 minutes into the session with barely a word between wither of us that she asked "Do you have anything to drink in this place? As lovely as it is...I'm really quite thirsty and...
Note to reader: this is more of a story with sex in it than sex with some story in it. CHAPTER 1—Basement Antics ‘Mom I’m headed over to Nicole’s house,’ I shouted up the stairs. ‘Alright, see ya.’ ‘We might be by to swim later if that’s ok.’ ‘Ok. Make sure you are safe with just two of you here. I don’t want somebody to hit their head and go underwater. I’m going to leave to pick up your dad and head to the airport in a couple hours, so we’ll see you in a few days.’ ‘Alright. Bye!’ I...
She had dinner on the table when Gary and David got home and when they were clearing the dishes from the table Gary asked: "We didn't have anything planned for tomorrow night, did we?" "Just an evening of mad, passionate love since David will be gone and we will have the house to ourselves." She saw him wince and he said, "Ouch!" "What means this "ouch?" I have to work late tomorrow night. It will probably be two in the morning before I get home." "Then I guess you will just...
My first time with a girl was intoxicating. My friends and I all decided that it was time for a girl’s night. We chose to hit the local night club X-Hale. It had the normal loud hip-hop music and the same locals from around town, but it also had hot guy’s there as well. So of course we were all in. Devon came to pick me up and we poured a glass of wine and had a drink while we waited for Dawn to come. I was still adding the finishing touches to my outfit, which was a tight pair of black jeans...