CillaChapter 5 free porn video

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Ann and I had our wedding planed for us by my mother and Anita. Danica was right in there pitching. I mean she was the one who brought us together and she was walking on air to think her father and mother were getting married within two weeks. This was to be the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Ann and I had a small ceremony with a justice of the peace. We worked the Monday and Tuesday and had the rest of the week off. Everyone wanted a big to do, but I knew Ann just wanted to be married as unceremoniously as possible. We had Thanksgiving with Patty and Matt.

Dad was taking the late day on the following Monday. Danica had a late afternoon class and wouldd pick him up when the store closed at 8:00. Danica stopped a few minutes to talk with a classmate before going to the back parking lot back of the store where she knew Dad would be waiting for her.

She drove into the parking lot and here was no light on except the one alongside the building coming in. She swung the Subaru around so the car lights would light the rear entrance. Gramp was standing there and waved. Danica drove up close and Gramp started for the car, crossing in front of the vehicle.

Suddenly a man grabbed Gamp and threw him to the ground. Danica’s door was wrenched open and she was dragged from the car by a different person. Always she had been told if attacked, to start screaming as loud as she could. The one holding Danica slapped her. “Shut up, bitch. You’re going back inside and get the money from the store safe. We knew you were coming to pick the old man up and we have you to make sure he does. Danica struggled, and was slapped again.

The first man got Gramp on his feet. He was searching Gramp for his keys. “Where’s your keys old man?”

“In my jacket pocket. Jesus man, I’m bleeding where I hit my head. I see my granddaughter has a nose bleed. I’ll get you for this.”

“Fat chance old man. Gimme the keys.”

“They must have fallen out, they’re gone.”

“Well find them. Get down and feel around for them.”

Gramp got down and felt around. “I can’t see anything and I can’t feel them.”

“Bitch, you got a flashlight in the car?” Danica didn’t answer. “Bitch, I’ll slap you again if you don’t get it.”

“In the glove box.”

“Get it and don’t try anything. We should have been gone by now.” He stopped suddenly as if listening. “Joe, do you hear anything?” Danica heard footsteps coming closer and began struggling.

“Nope, get that light and let’s find those damn keys. Old man, you better find them or your woman is going to get more than slapped. That’s why we waited for her just so if you got difficult we’d have a way to change your mind.”

The man that had Danica, pushed her in through the open driver’s door where she had to reach across to the seat to the glove box. Just then he grabbed his neck, screaming, “Ow, ow, I’ve been stung! He pulled away from the car holding onto his head. Danica pulled the rest of herself inside and slammed the car door, locking it. Suddenly the guy who had yelled was hit in the head with something. And fell to the ground, apparently unconscious.

Joe, the one that had Gramp, looked at what happened and took off running. Danica started the car and backed up. Her headlights picked up Joe and she put the car into forward gear and took after him with the car. She caught him before he got to the alley leading to the street. He cut for the other side of the parking lot. She fully intended to run him down.

The person who had hit the first man was waiting for him and Joe ran right into his arms. He duck-walked Joe up to Danica’s car window. “If you have a phone, would you call 911 and the police? Better have them bring an ambulance and have the old man looked at. You got slapped around some too.”

“Who are you?”

“Me, I’m your neighbor from the other side of the fence. Let’s go see to your old man.” By the time Danica had driven over to the store entrance, Gramp had gone inside and turned some lights on. He brought out a couple of portable lights and plugged them into an outside fixture. Just then a black and white police car pulled in slowly. They were confused about what was going on. They started asking questions. Everyone was talking at once.

“Shut up, one at a time. One of you tell me what’s going on?”

“Danica, you tell it.”

Danica laid it out just the way it happened. “This guy here rescued us. That man on the ground needs an ambulance. This guy clobbered him and he hasn’t moved yet.”

The cop observed, “You and Mr. Pierson are both bleeding.”

“Bloody nose. I got slapped a couple of times. Gramp, how bad are you?”

“Okay, I think. Scraped my face when I was knocked down. At least they didn’t get to rob us.”

“Gramp, where were the keys?”

“I slid them under the front of the car with my foot when that guy was slapping you the first time.” Gramp looked at his rescuer. Who’er you?”

“Name’s Jake Higgins. You two are crazy. You should have given them the money.”

“Danica, girl, did you want to give up the money?”

“Nope, Gramp, did you? Say, Jack how come you to take a hand?”

“Jake, not Jack. I was out looking at the moon and saw one parking light over here go out and pretty soon another one went out. When the last one went dark, I figured kids or someone was using a pellet gun, cause I couldn’t hear anything. I got here after the lady was pulled from the car. I hung around for a bit to watch the fun.”

“It wasn’t much fun.”

“Well, I had to find the air rifle to even things up. I’m not brave like you two.”

“We didn’t have that much choice, but I was working on something.”

“Like what something?”

“I keep a stun gun in my glove box. You saved that guy they’re loading into the ambulance from getting zapped. How is he, anyway?”

The EMT answered, “He’s got a pellet stuck in his neck and he may have a concussion. He’s breathing okay though. I’ve checked over the store owner and he just has a scrape. Little Miss red head here got slapped, causing the nose bleed, but she is okay. Both of you will be able to go home.”

A police detective drove in and Danica explained it all again. “And who are you, young man?”

“Jake Higgins of Higgins Kiln Dry. I own the lot the other side of the fence.”

“You live there?”

“If you can call sleeping on a couch in an unheated office, that’s where I’m living.”

“Look, it’s late. You people must want to get home. Come down to the Police office tomorrow and we’ll write it up. Have a good night.”

“Jake, are you hungry, I’m starved.”

Before he answered. Dan and her grandmother pulled in. Somebody had called Grace after hearing it on the police scanner. “Are you alright, George?”

“Yeah, great. Supper still warm? We’re all hungry. Dan, can you open up in the morning? I’m going to sleep until noon.”

“Pop, has Mom got enough supper for Jake? He’s hungry too.”

“Yeah Danica, we’ll feed him.” Dan realized his daughter and father had been rescued by this man and he wanted to know more about what happened. This wasn’t the place to ask questions. “Dad and you had better talk to him tomorrow and have him tell you all about the kiln drying business.”

Jake answered that, “Not much of a business and its down. I’m almost broke.”

“Well, Dad and Danica will figure out something to help you.” Dan drove his father and mother home. Jake got into the car with Danica.

“Where are you from when you aren’t there?”

“Michigan. My parents and two brothers have a business up there. Not room enough for me so Dad sent me down here to see if I could salvage anything of my grandfather’s estate. It’s mine to do what with. If I can’t I’ll have to go home and work for wages.”

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-six. I’ve been out of college three years. How old are you?”

“Just turned nineteen. My father has got me into the community college here taking business courses. I just found him and didn’t want to leave and go away to school.”

“What do you mean, you just found him?”

“My mother was a war bride and my father and mother got separated. My mother died and my Aunt raised me. My father searched for my mother, but he couldn’t find her. I had better luck and found him back in June of this year. He and my aunt just got married so I have two parents for the first time ever. I love them both. That was my grandfather with me tonight. I love him to pieces. He’s always doing good things for me.”

Danica slowed down and Jake asked, “This your home here?”

“Yeah, Pop, Mom and me. My other grandmother just moved out. She was living here, but she found a man and has moved in with him. We all work in the store except her. She is a shift operator at the truck stop and works the afternoon shift.”

The two went inside and Dan was telling Ann about what had happened when Danica came to pick up Gramp. “Mom, this is Jake Higgins. His family lives in Michigan and he is down here settling his grandfather’s estate. If he can salvage anything it’s his. Jake, you can call my mom, Ann. We are pretty informal around here. I hope you like pot roast. Mom is a good cook.”

“Hi, it has been a long time since I’ve had a home cooked meal. I’ve been shacking up in the office with a microwave.”

Ann asked, “I understand you saved Danica’s and her grandfather’s life.”

“I don’t know, maybe. I saw it happening and I certainly didn’t want it go any further so I stepped in. I didn’t do it all. Danica chased the other guy with the car and cornered him until I got there. She’s pretty damned brave, I know that.”

“He did more than that. He shot one guy with a pellet gun and then clobbered him with it. The police took it for evidence. I didn’t see the gun, but they may have bought it in our store. Jake’s the brave one.”

“The young are foolishly brave sometimes.”


“I’m just glad everything turned out okay. We’ll have supper and then I’ll make the bed upstairs I used before moving down with Dan.”

Danica said, “Mom and Dad have only been married since last week and she wants everyone to know her new status.”

Dan asked Jake a question, “So where do you stand with the kiln drying business and property? You said you were without funds.”

“Just about. There are some heavy back taxes on the property. I have enough to pay them, but no money to resurrect the business. It doesn’t look too profitable in this day and age here in the middle of farm land. It looks like I’ll have to sell the property, but I hate to, seeing as it was my Grandfather’s. I’ll just take the money and start something smaller somewhere else.”

Dan asked, “Jake, do you have to go to the police station with Dad and Danica in the morning?”


“Alright, why don’t you come back with Dad and Danica and tell us your story. You can use my office. I’d like to sit in on it. Danica and Dad were talking about expanding. Maybe we can come up with something that will be beneficial to all of us.”

Ann spoke up, “I want in on this too. That way Dan won’t have to repeat it to me.”

“Of course, sweetheart.”

Danica said to Jake. “My parents are in love. Can you tell?”

Jake didn’t want to stay and objected, “Jesus, I saved two people’s lives and then they kidnap me.” He said this with a smile, so his words didn’t mean anything.

Jake and Danica went up the stairs together. They stood in the hall together between her room and the one he would sleep in. “Jake, can I hug you for saving my life?”

“I’d be pleased.” He didn’t hold it over long, backing away saying, “Goodnight Danica, see you in the morning.”

“Goodnight, Jake.” She turned and went into her room.

The minute he heard someone moving in the morning, Jake went down. It was Ann who was making coffee. “Ma’am, you folks are treating me the best. I thank you.”

“Ann, please, I don’t answer to Ma’am. It is me that wants to thank you for watching out for Danica. I raised her as my daughter you know, when I’m really her aunt. Her mother was my sister married to Dan. They got separated and she had to come home when he was shipped out. Her mother died when she was two and I’ve been her mother ever since.”

“How did you and Dan get together?”

“Danica searched for him and finally tracked him down last June. Dan and I fell in love almost immediately after I arrived here. Danica now has two parents with her the first time in her life.”

“That’s wonderful. A real love story.”

“It is. Coffee is ready. I’ll pour you a cup.”

Danica drove her car with Gramp and Jake riding with her. They went right to the Police Precinct, not stopping at the store. They came back and were met with cheers when they came through the doors two hours later. The local news had picked up the story at the precinct and someone heard it and told everyone about it when they came to work.

My office was the largest and there was five us sitting soon talking. I asked, “How did it go? What did you find out about the two men?”

Danica answered, “They are two homeless men and have been in trouble before. Joe Fenner is the one who knocked Grampa down. The one who slapped me is named Richard Gold. They were in the store, two days ago and that’s when they got the pellet rifle. They said it was lying on the counter and they were really there to shoplift anything they could get a few bucks for. They slipped it off the counter and into an opening in Joe’s pants. Then they decided what to use it for.

“They decided to rob Gramp and me when they heard me promising to pick him up that night. They didn’t want to use the gun in a robbery in case they got caught. The only way they decided to make use of it was to shoot out the lights. Jake saw them kill the last one and they dropped it right there on the ground. Jake picked it up and brought it with him when he ran into the parking lot.”

Are you going to be charged with anything for shooting this RichardGold?”

“No, because he was slapping Danica at the time. Danica was the one who almost got into trouble.”

“How come?”

“Pop, I found out if you try to hit someone with a car, the car becomes a deadly weapon. Luckily I didn’t hit him although I did chase him. Anyway we will have to testify at their trial. They haven’t been charged yet. The cops warned Gramp he had better keep better track of the guns at that counter.”

“So you’re good until the trial?


“Okay, we’ll tighten up our security all over the store. A pellet rifle isn’t too dangerous, but it shouldn’t be left out where someone could snatch it. If anything is taken out of a locked cabinet they are to return it before they turn away. Now, Jake would you explain where you are at with your property next door. We might be able to help you.”

“Thanks. A little background about me and my family. I have a father and two brothers. I’m the youngest son. Granfather left a will of sorts. He did own a lot of property. All the will said, was his assets were to be divided equally between the four of us and he left descriptions of what he thought were about equal. Pa owns the saw mills in Michigan. My oldest brother got the hard wood lots. My other brother chose the lots that are nearly all softwood trees, and that left the property here to me.

“We are a pretty competitive family. Ma was upset about the way my family has treated me because they figured the kiln dry business wasn’t as much as the other properties, but I said I would accept what came to me. When I got here, I found out Grandfather hadn’t paid the taxes the last year he was alive and the two years they were in his estate. I am to have the money attributed to the business, but that will use up all of it when I pay the taxes. Most of the equipment here isn’t of much value, but the land is worth considerable. I suppose the drying sheds can be used for something different. Stacks of lumber were loaded into them with a forklift.

“Dry heat was pumped in when the doors were closed and the pallets of lumber stayed until they dried to a certain moisture level. They then could come out and lumber will be stable at that moisture level if covered adequately. I can’t think of another application for the equipment that generates the heat except for this one. So I’m back to the land value again.”

I asked, “Why don’t you start up the operation again? I’m sure the bank would lend you money on the land or does that have a lien another on it?”

“The only lien is the taxes. I can give a warrantee deed if I sell after I pay the taxes. If you want to look at the property, I’d be pleased to have you take a look around.”

“Dad and Danica can go over anytime. I have the store to look after. I could come over at 4:00 this afternoon.”

“That’s good, Pop, I have a class at 1:00 and I’ll wait until we can go together. Gramp can go anytime. Jake, what are you doing this evening? I’m still taking dance lessons with Pop’s ex-wife. She’s a lot of fun.”

“I’m not much on dancing.”

“You come with me and I’ll teach you. I’m getting pretty good.”

Ann spoke up, “Jake, when you get done showing Dan around, come for supper with him. You might as well bring a change of clothes and stay at the house until you decide what you are going to do.”

“Are you sure?”


Dad and Jake went out, heading for the next door property. Danica got her books out and went into Ann’s office to study. Ann stayed behind. She commented, “I like Jake, don’t you, Honey, do you have any ideas how to help him?”

“Ann, we’ll see. I think he is an honest young man.”

“Dan, it strikes me he is.”

Danica was back from school at 3:30. Jake hadn’t returned to the store. Gramp had told Dan about what he thought of Jakes business.”

“Do you think any of it could be used in a new business?”

“Certainly. Do remember when we thought about expanding into carrying building materials? All those sheds can be converted to lumber sheds. They are tight enough to house sheet rock and bags of cement. They are perfect. The whole area is paved. I think we should do a market study to see how big an operation we should go for.”

“What about Jake. Are we going to buy him out?”

“Dan, I’m thinking no. The land would be too expensive. Jake is young and smart. Make him the manager for this operation. Let him keep the land in his name but have him use what money he has now to pay the taxes and keep the land which would be his fall-back position. We’ll figure out how much the buildings and equipment is worth. We’ll match that as our part of the business for stocking inventory. That would be our initial outlay. From then on, we could use a line of credit using the hardware store and his land as collateral to buy the rest of what we stock. Jake would be in position to sign the credit line with us.”

“Have you said anything to Jake about this?”

“No, not yet. I want us all on board when we approach him with our thoughts.”

I answered, “You and Danica are going to be the ones in the day-to-day management. Ann and I are going to be having a baby in July. We can take over total management of the store here. We know this is a profitable business and that has to be protected at all cost, especially since I’m starting a family.”

“Dan, my thoughts exactly. It would be nice if we brought Jake into living with either me or you. That way we wouldn’t have to be making appointments to get together. We could do the planning in the evening.”

“I’ll talk it over with Ann. In fact he could use our cellar that used to be the rec-room when Sis and I were growing up. It wouldn’t take much to make it comfortable.”

“Okay, I’ll leave that up to you.”

Danica and Ann were with me when we drove over to see Jake that afternoon. We toured Jake’s property. It got dark before we had seen it all, but it was just as my father said. “Jake, come along home. My mother will have supper for everyone.”

“I can’t do that. I don’t impose on people.”

“You do however get them out of trouble. Actually, Dad and I want to discuss something about us going into business with you. It would be something like Home Depot. What scale it would become, is predicated on a market survey that we would need done to determine the size. The nearest one that I know of is more than twenty-five miles from here. If we can find out if home building will increase in this section, we think it would be profitable. Are you interested?”

“Yes, of course. I’ve been racking my brain to think of something that would at least save my inheritance. This means I would be selling the property to you, I take it?”

“Not necessarily. Dad was thinking you might keep that and there would be less risk for you if what we plan doesn’t pan out. You would, however, pay the back taxes before we went in together. What we would do is have the buildings and equipment appraised and we would put up that much cash to make going into the business equal.

“That should put a lot of stock into the business and from there on we would be working with a line of credit to finish filling the inventory and to pay you for being manager until the day we have some profit. This way you would have a paid position, reserve the major part of your inheritance, and become an up and coming business owner. Now, will you come for supper?”

There was a happy grin on Jake’s face, “Yeah, I’d be foolish if I didn’t.”

Jake came for supper. Jake and Danica talked with one of her professors in the next few days asking how to go about taking a market survey. She decided she wasn’t up to doing it, but she did work with the company hired to finish her work. The market survey said this was a good prospect to build a profitable company and we set it up the way which was close to Dan and Gramp’s first thoughts. Work was done on the buildings during the winter.

There was a determination to be made about what to stock. Much of the tools and small equipment generally found in such a Home Store was sold in the Hardware store already. If one was out of an item the other store supplied it. Mainly what was stocked was construction material and bulk supplies.

Jake and Gramp aimed for opening day in June. Stock was being brought in all through May. Still there were many things that were undone, and the inventory was lacking in some areas. We were in contact with different suppliers and they said they would deliver on a few days notice. It seemed as if every segment of the country wanted to have a banner year and every business wanted to help another.

Jake had made a flying trip to Michigan, but Danica wasn’t able to go with him. Jake was putting in his order for a few hundred tons of pellets with his father who manufactured these. This was something that came up in the survey that pellets were cheaper to heat with than oil, gas, coal and electricity. Not as convenient as oil or electricity, but more so than wood or coal. The home center carried two different lines of pellet stoves. They did carry wood heaters, but here there wasn’t that many outfits close by that sold firewood.

Jake also made a deal to purchase dimension construction timbers and kiln dried lumber from his father’s mills as long as the price was right. When his father had passed on, Jake’s father had installed kilns of his own and was now selling finished wood products. The kilns here never would have been able to go back into business again.

When Jake came back after being there a week, he said, “My father and brothers tell me I’m being taken in by a crooked outfit when I started to tell them about what I was up to. It made me mad, so I kept a lot of the facts to myself that I was still sole owner of Gramp’s land, just not the business. I did tell my mother though. I didn’t tell them that I had a large stake in the business. How Mother laughed and told me to continue on and show them all up. It’s nice to have someone on their side that has faith in a person.”

“I have faith in you, Jake.” Danica opened her arms and hugged him. I thought for a minute that he was going to kiss her. Is it odd when someone with red hair has her face turn as red as her hair? Reflecting, I would have been okay if Jake had kissed her.

It took several months to get the new help up to speed and the inventory to where we weren’t always in a crisis mode. Danica and Gramp were the ones who concentrated in this area of the business. Gramp had been through this many years before when he set up the hardware store that Ann and I were now managing. Danica wasn’t bashful about asking her teachers at the community college to help solve some of the problems that invariably arose. They in turn used this as practical experience in some of their classes.

Our son, Kendall, arrived one unbearably hot day in August. He was two days early. Ann called me up to the office and told me her water had broken. I had Sarah, my secretary call Mom, Anita at home, and Danica over at the Home Store. I worried some because the birth seemed to take a long time, but the nurse said Ann was doing fine and the baby was almost ready to meet the world. I was there holding Ann’s hand when she struggled hard and then relaxed and said “Our baby just arrived. Tell me what we have?”

The Doctor answered, “It is a fine healthy boy. The nurse will clean and weigh him. Six pounds, I would guess.” The nurse came back and handed my son to me and I put him down beside Ann.

“Dan, you came through this very well.” And then she giggled.

Danica and Anita went in while I told Mom about how everything appeared okay. It wasn’t but a few minutes before Anita came out so Mom could go in. I went in and kissed Ann and she said to me. “Go back to work, Dan, women have been having babies for eons. I think he will have brown hair like yours. I don’t see any red, but it might be too early to tell. Kiss me and then go.”

On the way out, I said, “I’m so blessed.” Ann smiled, remembering that this was her sister, Cilla’s, most common saying.

Ann and Baby Kendal went home the next day. Mom was over with Ann most of every day. Sometimes she would just stare at Kendal with a little happy smile on her face. If asked by Ann she would give advice, but she could see Ann was a competent mother, so never interfered.

During the second week of October, Danica and Jake asked to be away before the stores got busy with the coming Christmas season. Jake wanted to have his family meet Danica. We decided that the last week of the month would be a good time. They would have nine days including the two weekends.

“Dad and Mom, we’ve been right out straight getting the home center organized. I’ll share with you this is for Jake to take me home to meet the mother visit. Jake and I have started a relationship. It is too late to ask you for permission, but I know you will approve.”

“Yeah, we approve.”

“Jake’s family hasn’t given him very much support. Well, his father and brothers anyway. I guess he tells his mother everything.”

“That’ll be good to meet them. I don’t know any man except Jake who has done as well as he has at his age.”

“I agree Pop, and we’ve given him a lot more than his own family has. Me, I’ve given him my all.”

“Yeah, you’ve put in some long hours along with keeping your classes up.”

“That too, Pop. And I’ve got so much help at the college. I’m glad I went this route and able to be here with the ones I love. Jake will be moving upstairs into the larger bedroom if it is okay with you guys. That way we can use the bathroom without travelling up two flights of stairs from the rec-room. We’ll double what Jake has been paying for the room down stairs. We don’t need to live on your dime.”

“Nice of you to think that way, but when you move together, your mother and I will consider Jake our son.”

“I don’t want to move out, because I want to see my little brother grow up. We will though if us being here creates any friction.”

“Good enough.”

Danica and Jake took off for Michigan early on Saturday morning. They didn’t plan to go the whole distance. They had made reservations to stop in the middle of the afternoon. Danica was laughing. “I’ll bet Mom and Pop think we are going to go to bed as soon as we stop. It couldn’t be further than the truth. We’ll wait until after dinner with your college buddy and his wife. Jake, I love you so. Do you think you’ll be laughed at for robbing the cradle?”

“Danica, you are twenty. That’s not young. Also when I tell them all about what you have done since finding your father, they’ll think I’ve got a prize. You so amaze me. You never get tired after working at the Home Center and then you grab your books and study for another hour or two.”

“I work no harder than you and Gramp. I wish he would slow down. Pop says he is in better shape than when I first arrived here, though. Is that possible?”

“In his case, I would say so. Everyone thinks it proves you two have the same genes.”

“I guess. I know one thing, I’m very sick of riding. I remember asking my mom a question when I was little?”

“What was that?”

“Mommy, are we almost there yet? She would tell me were, but it never came soon enough.”

“Only a few more miles and then I can kiss you. Not too many, we are going out tonight.

Same as Cilla
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I am so tired of all the bullshit about vampires. Yes… we do exist, so that’s not a myth, but all the rest… well, the crap people think they know about us is mostly nonsense. Firstly, we do not live thousands of years long. Around two hundred years is as good as it gets for us. Fortunately, we do not age and all mature vampires look like they are in their mid-twenties. This, of course, is a great advantage and sets us apart from boring humans. In addition, unlike humans, Vampires are also...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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The Alchemist

The Alchemist was getting ready to close his tattoo shop when the bells on his door chimed. He turned and there she was, a shattered angel. She stood paused, frozen in his doorway, neither in nor out, motionless on the threshold, undecided. The setting sun bled over the rooftops from across the street, staining her hair and cheek with the illusion of mortal wounds. The empty hunger in the crushed blue of her eyes screamed of lethal injuries hemorrhaging but invisible on the surface of her skin....

3 years ago
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Candy for Candy

I’m way too old to be doing this, Candy thought as she finished putting on her costume. The thought sent a thrill of naughty excitement through her sexy young body. Candy was a high school senior, 18 years old, with long black hair, full red lips and a body that wouldn’t quit. She was also probably the oldest person that would be out trick or treating tonight, not that she was worried about getting her fair share of candy. In this costume, she could have all the candy if she wanted it. White...

2 years ago
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A Train Ride to LoveChapter 9

(Discussions and Decisions) The cramping in Sarah's stomach the following morning reassured her that she was indeed NOT pregnant. But along with the sense of relief also came the irritability. The quote she and Maggie had pulled together for Sam's firm had been well received by the company; and Mr. Conrad himself had called Maggie, to confirm their meeting for the following day. Now they sat going over costings, and estimated time factors; preparing for that meeting. "What IS up with...

1 year ago
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My Wife Uunknowingly Helped Me

Note : This story is completely fictional! I am a 35 years guy from Nepal. I live in a joint family with my father, mother and elder brother. My brother is married with two children. He is 18 years elder than me. My sister in law, Anjali, is 45 years old, just two years younger than my brother. They have a son of age 22 and daughter of age16. My brother married when I was 13. Anjali is 5.3” fair looking lady. Even at the age of 45, she looks attractive and sexy. I always fantasize about having...

3 years ago
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Code Lyoko Alls Fair in Love and War

"Aelita, are you coming?" Anais Fiquet called, knocking on the door. We weren't close friends, but she had helped me several times in my time at Kadic. "I'll be right—" A pain shot through my chest, cutting me off. I inhaled sharply, trying not to scream. The pain went as quickly as it came, and I straightened up, looking at myself in the mirror. My face was pale, but I looked fine. I quickly brushed my hair, though I knew it wouldn't do much good, and grabbed my bag, racing to...

2 years ago
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My mother turned me into a cum slut Pt 3

Part 3Mom can we talk. Sure Megan about what? (as if I didn't know)It's about our weekends. Yes Megan what about it. I'm so horny all the time, all I want to do is fuck.That's understandable. You're in your early 20's your hormones are still raging. True but I don't want to just fuck anyone they may be selfish, not like the weekend group.That's why we go there. You may remember I mentioned it's safe & everyone there wants you to get off as much as they do.It's hard not to diddle myself...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Helen

The phone call was hoped for, but not totally expected. I had figured that the soonest I would hear from them, if they took the deal, would be at least two weeks away. But at eleven-thirty the phone rang and Mortenson said, "We are going with you Bruce. I've signed the papers and a copy is being faxed to you. You should have the originals by FedEx in the morning. Looking forward to doing business with you guys. Talk to you later." I walked over to the fax machine just as the document...

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Bree 9 Wifes Unexpected Encounter in the Garden

by rodeotexas April 2012 Genre: wife, 1st time, dog, donkeys, girlfriends In telling a story as complex as this and to do so in a timely manner, I had to use the first person, second person and third person to adequately describe the events. My wife Lydia and I met while in the university in Colorado working on our undergraduate then graduate degrees. We have been married for four years now and we live near a mountainous tourist/resort town not far from where we went to...

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Granny Susan Finally Gets Laid

I love grannies, short ones, tall ones, skinny ones and especially those with silver gray hair. I’m a 52 year old guy who loves his GILF’s over 60. I belong to a Senior Single’s Group in Oro Valley, Arizona outside Tucson. There are over 100 women in the group and only 35 men and most of them are over 70. So I have my pick of the best looking GILF’s in the club. These women have one thing in common, they don’t get fucked anymore!!!! That’s where I come in, at any one time I am screwing three...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 465

Delightful chuckle Two young boys walked into a pharmacy one day, picked out a box of tampons and proceeded to the checkout counter. The pharmacist at the counter asked the older boy, ‘Son, how old are you?’ ‘Eight’, the boy replied. The man continued, ‘Do you know what these are used for?’ The boy replied, ‘Not exactly, but they aren’t for me. They’re for him. He’s my brother. He’s four.” “Oh, really?” the pharmacist replied with a grin. “Yes.” the boy said. “We saw on TV that if you...

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Wife Does DogsChapter 4

Tommy had gotten turned on by, of all things, a catfish. The boy had been walking along beside the slow running stream behind the cabin, bored and restless and wishing he was back in town so he could call his girlfriend and, if he was lucky, get her to give him a handjob. He and Vicky had been doing a lot of necking and petting in the last few months and, although she wouldn't suck or fuck, the girl was usually willing to jerk him off while he played with her tits. She seemed to enjoy...

2 years ago
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Its Midnight and Im LostChapter 3

The stool legs were still in good condition and near enough to the right size to be used for batons. That evening I started training Martino on using the cudgel. He was strong and agile enough that even at the age of 42 he had the potential of becoming quite skilled with it. The main thing that he had to learn was not to try to make every blow start with an overhand swing. Beyond that, all he really needed was practice, practice, practice. That was one of the main reasons for the popularity...

4 years ago
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Sebastian was a 20-year-old boy who commonly spent most of his days alone. He didn't have many friends, if any, and he preferred to spend his days alone and quietly. It was usually part of his live routine to go check he's aunt's house, which gave him some bills to see that the property was intact since she did not live there but with her partner at the other end of the city. Well, let's see if something has changed Sebastian said, but when he put the key in the lock, a lightning was heard...

1 year ago
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Malachars CurseChapter 11 A Frosty Reception

Monday, July 24th, 2006, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada “You look so handsome today, JJ! And you smell yummy! Now, aren’t you glad that you let us take you shopping yesterday!” Heather gushed at me with a huge smile on her pretty face. “Thanks, I kno—” “Yes, he does look super hot now! And he’d better smell good, Giorgio Armani’s Acqua Di Gio makes almost any man smell sexy!” Abby agreed enthusiastically. “Si, Hermana! He does! What a change! You look mucho handsome now, mi Gato!” Maria...

3 years ago
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In Praise of Older Women Part 5 Emancipation

Meg’s Tale      Both my lovers, Jack and Kate, had returned to their normal lives. My decisions now were made. I had decided to sell my house in the suburbs and move downtown into a condo.This would be another life change for me. Meg the suburbanite had resolved to become Meg the follower of new lifestyles which could not occur in the suburbs. I had spent my marriage in this house and the years where I had rebuilt myself into a new woman here. I was now ready to face the world and new...

2 years ago
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In Publicoutdoors FunChapter 4

I was now making full eye contact with one of the young lads, my legs spread wide. My sopping knickers easily visible up my tiny, flared out mini skirt. I looked up to see Frank and Bill staring at me, along with the other young shop worker. The 4 of them stood transfixed for a few seconds as I wantonly displayed myself to them... Frank was the one who broke the silence. "Lovely set of legs she has eh lads?" They both looked at him, then back at me, they blushed as they...

4 years ago
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My Seduction Part I

Hi friends my name is Nikitha Shetty I am 22 years and I’m basically from AP and living in Mumbai. My figure is 36B 24 36 and height is 5.7 you can imagine it naa. I look more like a Punjabi kudi than a South Girl, fair complexioned and slim with good looking assets. I am regular reader of ISS and now want to share my experience. I am from a village in AP and I was brought up in a very conservative family Our family was rich and well known family of our village. I studied in my village up to...

3 years ago
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Fantasies Coming True With My Bhabi

Hi friends! I am a regular visitor of ISS and I love reading Incest Stories. So I thought I will share my real story here mixed with few fantasies. This story is about my sex goddess, my Bhabi(my elder brother’s wife). She has got an amazing figure of 34 28 36. And I am a young 25 year guy with a gymnastic body and a pretty 6 inch dick.So let’s go to the story. It all started when I was in my 2nd year of My brother marriage got fixed to her long time girl friend ruby. She is a very...

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My Cousin

When I was younger I had an older cousin I found really hot. Anytime she came around she would ask me how she looked and pose a bit, turning so I could see her ass or pushing her tits out a little. I had hormones raging through me but was too stupid to do anything about it. One day after she had slept over at my parents house she was getting ready to go out and had on a miniskirt, heels and tight top. That alone was driving me crazy but she did her poses as usual then sat on my lap! Right away...

3 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 65

Verity Ferrari-Stone woke in a tangle of limbs feeling warm and loved in a way she’d never really felt before. She hadn’t meant to take things as far as she had last night, but there was a point where she’d just chosen to let go, let things happen, and deal with the consequences tomorrow. Tomorrow had come and the consequences were probably right outside the window, but they weren’t here in this room with them now. Last night had been a moment of weakness, but the weakness had been so...

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Dream MasterChapter 30 New Years Pt 2

Allison Damn, sometimes I hate being right. And I know it drives Jimmy nuts. It was not even three months since Christine came into Jimmy's life – roughly ten weeks with him full time – and the change was complete, or seemed to be. Ten weeks ago, when she first found herself in the deep end of our little pool, she had been aghast at discovering that twenty-two year old 'David' was really sixteen year old Jimmy. She was so upset about it that she asked him to hide the knowledge from the...

2 years ago
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Girls Night Out

A few years ago, a friend of mine was going through a divorce and we decided to have a ladies night out to cheer her up. We weren’t looking to go clubbing so we found a neighborhood bar/pub with lots of dark wood and leather. We put two tables together so we could all chat and tell war stories about dating. Every once in a while a guy would come up and want to join us but we made it clear that it was girls only that night. The drinks were flowing and the dating stories were getting more and...

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The Princess and Her pig

It's been nearly six months since Michael had become a slave. During that time, his life had literally flipped upside down. His wife had left him, his family has disowned him and even his friends have abandoned him. He was forced to quit his high-paying job and now can barely make ends meet. He lives in a one bedroom, 800 square foot apartment and doesn't even own a car. Instead he rides a bike everywhere, a little pink bike that he pulled out of some random person's trash. His life has...

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Living With Erectile Dysfunction

I had flown half way across the country to see my lover. We had not been together in three years; each home with our respective primary partners. Our relationship was open. It was very sexual. When one of us arrived and we were initially together, G was normally a little nervous. Once in our room, we would take our clothes off. We would hug and kiss reasonably briefly, and with a little sexual touch, I would be quite aroused. G would relax as my cock entered her and we would have a...

1 year ago
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My best firends girlfriend and sister

My name is Brian. This story took place lat week and it is an event I will never forget. It all started when i came home from college for the weekend and decided to visit my best friend from back home. When I lived at home we would always just walk into each other's houses without knocking on the door or anything, but this time I'm especially glad i did not knock. I drove over to my friends house to sureprise him because he had no clue i was comming home for the weekend. When I pulled up to his...

4 years ago
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The Couple Part 2

Tammy lay on the bed, fingers playing with her pussy, watching as Jake pounded my ass. His hands on my hips, pulling me into him, his cock deep in my ass. He surprised me, and excited me, when he pulled my hair, pulling my head back, and said "are you our little fuck toy slut?" "yes" I moaned.He put his other hand on my throat, squeezing slightly. "I liked fucking your throat, slut! You will do that again! You want it, don't you?" His thrusts growing more violent as he spoke. "Yes, I do" I...

2 years ago
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Job Well Done

"Hey, boss," Lance interrupted as she watched her group mingling and celebrating. "Just wanted to say thanks, for all this." 'Boss' was how they all addressed her, even Lance, although she knew they referred to her as Gina behind her back. She didn’t like 'Ms. Thornton' because it irritated her, a constant reminder her of her failed marriage and the fact that she'd been alone these fifteen years since. She kept herself fit and she dressed well, but she'd never started socializing...

Group Sex
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Trina and the Biker Challenge

Trina sat on the crude framework of bent metal pipes, her hands bound overhead, her legs spread wide and lashed to the bars that comprised the seat of the fixture.  Her feet dangled above the ground so that she was only supported by the 4-inch pipes under her legs. She was naked and surrounded by a crowd of cheering bikers. Next to her, the blonde-haired companion of the rival biker gang’s leader was being fastened to an identical seat, wrists locked high over her head.  She had been forcibly...

3 years ago
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Trick Or Treat With Uncle BobChapter 3

While Betty was hiding in the bathroom Bob went into the kitchen and made coffee while the girls tried not to quiz him about what had happened last night. Alice tried to talk about something else by saying “Where’s our presents?” Bob winced. He’d brought in the bag with the costumes inside it, but had left it in the living room, on the floor beside the couch. He hadn’t had time to show them to Betty yet. “Um ... I need you to be patient for just a little longer” he said. Alice clouded up...

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A Clockwork Orange

How many times have you heard the saying, ‘ What goes around comes around’? That saying is the basis of my story. My life has had a very eventful and chequered past, one that has come back to haunt me. I am a male and 46 years old at the time of writing my memoires. As a youth growing up, I was always very shy with other girls, whether they be classmates at a co-ed high school or neighbours who live in the same street. I always hung around with my best friends and rarely went...

4 years ago
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Woman In The Next Window pt 1

This is my first story here, hope you like it. PS! English is not my first language I rise my eyes from the computer screen to rest them. It's getting dark, the offices are closing down. Our eyes have met before, when we both look outside of our windows. Guess she's working late as well. I smile politely and she answers me with a smile of her own. I don't want to stare too long, so I get back to work. At least this is what it should look like. I have a peek from the corner of my eye and see...

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The Summer Ill Never Forget 44 The Auction 2

Steph didn’t have to go too far before someone stopped her, “I take it you have already danced?” She looked Step up and down, “And from the looks of it we had some fun out there?” Steph just nodded with a sly smirk to the lady asking the questions. The lady just shook her head with a smile, “Here let me take you to where you can drop these off,” pointing her chin to the contents in Steph’s arms, “and pick up your things. Plus sign in for your whoever won you to pick you up.” Steph just...

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I told this story to a friend last night. I had forgotten all about it. On my way home it all came flooding back into my head. I have to tell this story. It happened in Great Neck, Long Island, New York in the summer of 1962. These were pre-disease days. I was 30. Her name is Sarah Weingold. She was 22. I was working for a credit card company and our office building was next to what today would be called a Strip Mall. There were only five or six businesses in this mall. Sarah’s father had a...

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Breaking Point Chapters 3640

36. A Woman Scorned? One man scorned and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world will be better for this. Miguel de Cervantes ***** Using the birthday party as a deadline, Reeves contacted Rodriguez to try and push the negotiations along. He also had LaRue's new information as a carrot to dangle in front of the security Colonel. A meeting was agreed, but for the day after the party, which worried him...

2 years ago
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Dinner with a Dominant

Dinner with a Dominant, by Pamela PleasesJoe called from his cell phone to get final directions to my apartment.  It was kind of nerve-racking as I waited for him to approach my street.  I had rushed around, following the instructions he had given me, writing a quick note at the office around 4:30 when he had first called to give me instructions for the evening.  The note was the first command. Then, I was to lie out all of my "toys" on the bed when I got home.  I was supposed to go to an...

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Masturbation with Aunt

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi, I am 22 years old and I have got 6.5 dick in height and about 3 inch in diameter as I will not tell a lie that mine is 9 or 10 inch as other people usually do. I am the taller one and iam holding average body type. I also have a habit to clean my Private Parts hair and even legs both from front and back. So for this purpose I often use Hair removing cream for my legs and back, whereas razor for rest. Actually, the reason behind this habit is that,...

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Mirando Las Olas

I have to profoundly thank my editor for breathing life into this story. Dpond2k2 did such a great job on it it is profound. i hope reading this story you enjoy it as much as i did writing it. As usual feel free to comment on the story and vote as your mind dictates. Please make comments constructive. Again enjoy the show! * As the cell door shut behind me, I knew I had fucked up good. I was in a holding cell with thirty other guys, and this was not where I wanted to be at all. I found a...

3 years ago
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The Beach BumChapter 3

Donata Cerconi is an absolutely beautiful girl, just fifteen years old, whose facial beauty makes people stop what they are doing and look at her in amazement. She is tall, almost five feet nine inches, but she is gorgeously slender without being skinny. Her hips are slightly rounded, her breasts developed to a full B cup, but what adds to her beauty is her coal black, shoulder length hair that highlights her face and her equally coal black eyes. Her complexion is a natural light olive tone,...

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The Man Eating Lions of Tsavo

They are the two most famous man-eating lions in history. Hollywood made a movie about them and there have been numerous books written about them, but lions normally don’t consider humans a food source. The name Tsavo means “place of slaughter,” and it’s a semi-arid region, a tough place to scratch out a living for either man or beast. And although today it’s a National Park in Kenya, it hasn’t changed that much since the days of the man-eating lions. In the early part of the 20th century,...

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Futa Virus

CTV News Channel, News at 7 am "Good morning, this is Amanda reporting for Channel 5 CTV news, Weather for today will be a high of 31 degrees and sunny, good news for allergy suffers as pollen count is low" said the red haired news woman sitting at the news desk. "Umbrella Corp is reporting there new health cream, will be available next month after being delayed by testing problems" "In other news, the Toronto Blue jays will be playing the Boston next week after the power problems at the sky...

4 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 51 Guardians

"Hot!" "How hot?" "Too damned hot!" "Can't argue with that!" "A cold beer would sure help." "Too bad we're flying" "Yep." "Ever tell you about my Grampa, who flew a crop duster?" "Can't remember if you did. Where was this?" "Apple country. Wenatchee, Yakima, Leavenworth ... north central Washington." "Nice country." "Yep. Anyway, when things were slow, he'd take passengers up for sight-seeing. It helped to keep the business going." "Good plan. How'd...

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Bob Dresses for Halloween

© 1995, 1999 LaffWithMe Press Bob was trembling as he walked through the women's section of the large department store. There were very few people in the store this morning, yet he was certain that each of them was watching him. Seeing his wife should have calmed him but it didn't. "See, Bob, I told you the floor would be empty this morning. Come back to the fitting rooms, I think I've got some great outfits for you to look at." "Jesus Casey, I don't know if this is really...

1 year ago
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ChangesChapter 13

'Okay, everything is in place. The room at the top of the stairs is the one that is reserved for him.' Dana said giving Misty a hug. 'You be careful, ' she added giving her a kiss. Misty made her way through the crowd of people until she stood next to the governor. She leaned to his ear. 'I'm ready to find out what's down your pants, Sir, ' she whispered and gave him a seductive look. 'Oh Lord yes!' He yelled out as he slapped his hands together. 'You all will have to excuse me,...

2 years ago
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Down at the beach

Follow the stories of different characters on the beach. Author's note: This wants to be a collection of summer stories, all revolving around the beach. More in general the episodes will be centered on the feelings, situations and palces that usually make a vacation. Feel free to add your own contribution. Disclaimer: The different nationalities of the character are just a narrative tool, by no means they have any discriminatory connotation whatsoever.

3 years ago
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Messed it up with mates girlfriend

So, for the last two years I've been seeing my mates girlfriend, on and off, purely for sex. The truth of the matter is that I'm in love with her and have been for a long time. I have expressed this but she just can't see past my mate and never will.I've been mates with Jason for most of my life. He's always been a bit of a lad, a good looking guy, very popular with the ladies and unable to keep it in his pants. For the most part I've been Jason's wing man and I've spent a lot of my time...

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Please Dont Make Me Do It

Copyright © Chapter One Carol was alternating between despair and furious anger. After 30 years of marriage. How could he, the absolute mean-hearted, two timing, treacherous devious bastard how could he? She was aged 22 years and freshly out of University when she met him. She quickly fell in love and he equally quickly bedded and wedded her. Now she was 52 and he was the only man she had 'known' since that time. Oh yes, of course there had been clumsy fumblings as a young teenager,...

2 years ago
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School is Out but Learning Continues

Chapter 1 David Parker had just finished his first year of college and he was looking forward to coming home for the summer break. David was satisfied that his first time away from home had been well spent. College provided him with many opportunities and experiences needed to grow academically. Also, through a group of trusted friends he made at school, he had been introduced and initiated into a realm of extraordinary extracurricular activities that helped him to blossom socially....

4 years ago
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Time MachineChapter 19

While I had been at the hospital keeping Nina company and giving consolation, Anita had slipped over to Die Freude in our machine and told them our good news. Of course, they all wanted to come and visit Nina in the maternity ward but concluded that it might raise some unsettling questions if they all showed up. One man and that many women, obviously attached to each other, could cause a lot of suspicion, bearing in mind that they would visit the sixties, and the town being small, news would...

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3 am mature anal

At 3 am, I'm just getting out of a 24 hour gym. I get a text message from Susan. "Come over" is all it says. As soon as I got that message, my fat cock throbs and comes to life. It hangings low and full, blood gorging to my manhood. I respond with "I'll be there in a few minutes." I head for the off ramp and into Susan's neighborhood. The security guards wave me pass as Susan calls ahead to let me right in. I pull up to her house and into the garage, park next to her long roll of Corvettes,...

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Where the Mountain RisesChapter 7 Seeking Answers

May 30, 2027 Several days passed and before the end of the month, Clark returned to plant the corn, as well as replant some sunflowers that didn’t germinate or, despite Sir Normand and Sir Sutherland, the crows got to the tender sprouts. On the morning of the next day after a quick breakfast of jerky and some canned pickles from the cellar, he fashioned a harrow from a six-foot chain-link gate and weighed it down with cinder blocks. He dragged it twice over the plowed area reserved for...

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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 8

She was naked and lying on the mattress, partially covered by a blanket, her lower half being exposed to the guy sitting with her. She was aware of the sound of voices and the clinking of glasses and plates coming from the kitchen as her eyes focused on July enjoying coitus with two white guys on the sofa. She propped herself up, resting on her elbow, “Good Morning” her mattress mate greeted her. “Morning?” she questioned. “Yeah, it’s just after two thirty…………….most people have gone...

4 years ago
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The Bath

The Bath            Walking upstairs to the bathroom the fantasy was already running through my mind. It turned me on so much to think he could want to do that to me, to fulfil my every desire and need. I leaned over the bath, my breasts trying to escape the prison of my bra, whilst I turned the taps on and watched the water run, hot and steamy. The room quickly misted up, feeling like I was in a sauna. I wanted to feel the heat, let the water condensate off my hard nipples.   I shut the...

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